References And Extras

- 1. TROVE - National Library of Australia digitisation of Australian records
- 2. Mona Vale stories. compiled by Guy Jennings and Joan Jennings. Newport Beach, N.S.W. : Arcadia Publishing 2007
- 147 p
- 3. Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways; Mona Vale's Village Greens A Map Of The Historic Crown Lands Ethos Realised - Pittwater Online News, October 2015
- 4. Mona Vale Public School 1906 To 2012 - Pittwater Online News, May 2016
- Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Mona Vale, Bongin Bongin, Turimetta And Rock Lily
- Remembrance Day 2016: War Memorials - Mona Vale, November 14, 1926
- Sales plan of the village of Turimetta, now part of Mona Vale, bounded by Mona Street, Waratah Street, Wangara Street, Vesper Street, Dygal Street, Narrabeen Street, Bungan Street, Pittwater Street and Bilgola Street. " ... J.F. Truscott, temporary sald. surveyor." In upper left margin: No. of lith. T.91.38. "L.B.91.1275Sy. 2nd June." 1891
Cemetery At Turrimetta (Beeby Park)
Department of Lands,
Sydney, 12th June, 1901.
IT is hereby notified, for public information, that in accordance with the provisions of the 100th section of the Crown Lands Act of 1884, His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of the undermentioned gentlemen as Trustees respectively of the portions of land hereinafter particularised, namely:—
The portion of the General Cemetery at Turrimetta, parish of Narrabeen, dedicated 11th November, 1891, set apart for Unsectarian Burial Ground :—
Messrs. Henry Boulton, Joseph Baker, Stuart Greig, Henry Ball, James Joseph Roche, James Symonds. [Ms. 1901-3,772 Ind.]Government Gazette Appointments and Employment (
1901, June 12).
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4597. Retrieved from
NOTICE is hereby given that the gentlemen whose names are hereunder given have been duly elected, and appointed Trustees for thePresbyterian Cemetery at Turrimetta, viz.:—
John Woods, gentleman, Manly
Frederick Trenchard Smith, architect, Manly;
Alexander Ralston, dairyman, Manly;
Hector Campbell, builder, Manly;
to act with the ex-officio Trustees, viz., the Minister of the Parish and the Moderator and Clerk of Assembly for the time being.
JAMES CAMERON, D.D., Moderator,
Presbyterian Church of New South Wales. Sydney, 15th July, 1901. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NEW SOUTH WALES. (
1901, July 19).
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 5617. Retrieved from
Department of Lands,
Sydney, 2nd November, 1901.
IT if hereby notified, for public information, that in accordance with the provisions of the 106th section of the Crown Lands Act of 1884, His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of the undermentioned gentlemen as Trustees respectively of the portions of land hereinafter particularised, namely :—
The portion of the General Cemetery at Turrimetta (Narrabeen), dedicated 11th November, 1891, set apart for Presbyterian Burial Ground :—
Messrs. John Woods, Frederick Trenchard Smith, Alexander Ralston, Hector Campbell, together with the Moderator and the Clerk of the Presbyterian General Assembly and the Minister of the congregation for the time being.
[Ms. 1901-8,025 Ind.]
The portion of the General Cemetery at Turrimetta (Narrabeen), dedicated 11th November, 1891, set apart for Wesleyan Burial Ground :—
The Reverend Thomas Frederick Potts. Messrs. Samuel Morrison, James Symonds, Edward Edget Baylis. Richard John Wild.
[Ms. 1901 8,025 Ind ] W. P. CRICK. Government Gazette Appointments and Employment (
1901, November 2).
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 8508. Retrieved from
Department of Lands,
Sydney, 10th October, 1906.
IT is hereby notified, for public information, that, in accordance with the provisions of the 100th section of the Crown Lands Act of 1KH4, His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to approve of the appointment of the undermentioned gentlemen as Trustees respectively of the portions of land hereinafter particularised, namely:—
The portion of the General Cemetery at Turrimetta, dedicated 18th October, 1905, set apart for Unsectarian Burial Ground:—
Messrs. George Powell. Isaac Larkin. James Seggi Russell. George Byles. Albert Heaton.
. [Ms. 1906-17,093] Government Gazette Appointments and Employment (
1906, October 10).
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 5624. Retrieved from
For Public Recreation.
Metropolitan Land District, and Warringah Shire.
No 45,2(4. County of Cumberland, parish of Narrabeen, at Turrimetta, containing an area of 63 acres 1 rood 14 perches. The Crown Lands within the following boundaries : Commencing on the high-water mark of the South Pacific Ocean at the south-western corner of Robert Campbell's grant of 700 acres, portion 17 ; and bounded thence by that grant north-westerly to the north-eastern corner of section II, village of Turrimetta ; thence by a line partly forming the south-eastern boundary of sections 11 and 12 south-westerly to its intersection with the southwesterly side of a street forming the south-western boundary of the latter section ; thence by that street north-westerly to recreation reserve 15,057 ; by that reserve south-westerly and north-westerly to the Pittwater-road ; thence by that road south-westerly to the north-eastern boundary of portion; thence by portions 53. 10, and 13, south-easterly to the high-water mark of the South Pacific Ocean before-mentioned ; and thence by that high-water mark northerly to the point of commencement,— as shown on plan C. 40 2,030.
Note —In lieu of part of reserve 4 for recreation and camping, and part of reserve 23c for defence and other public purposes, revoked this day. I Ms. 1910-2,886] RESERVES FROM SALE. (
1910, May 18).
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2703. Retrieved from
IN accordance with the provisions of the Public Trusts Act, 1897, I, Sir Kenneth Whistler Street, Lieutenant-Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, do, by this notice, appoint The Council of the Shire of Warringah as Trustee of the Turrimetta General Cemetery (excluding Roman Catholic portion), parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland, dedicated 18th October, 1905, in the place of F. W. Bohm, L. B. Wigney, W. J. Hodge, N. G. Stanton, F. E. Whittaker and E. W. Harvey, removed. P. 56-3,771.
Signed and sealed at Sydney, this 16th day of October, 1956.
K. W. STREET, Lieutenant-Governor. , By His Excellency's Command,
ROGER NOTT, Minister for Lands. (779) GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!
1956, October 19).
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3046. Retrieved from
The Navigation Department was notified this morning that two ship's boats were adrift off Adams's Beach, near Mona Vale, and about five miles out to sea. A message was sent to the pilot master through the signal station, and the Captain Cook proceeded north to investigate. SHIP'S BOATS SIGHTED (
1919, April 2).
The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 6 (FINAL RACING). Retrieved from
Turrimetta beach from air photo: MARCH of EVENTS HOWS and BOOKS (1934, February 25). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 37. Retrieved from
The president's minute.
At the last meeting of the Warringah Shire Council, the president (Cr. Quirk) submitted his annual minute. The finances of the shire were in a very sound condition, the total income amounting to £8391 as against £5552 for the previous year. As the outlook was most promising, the current year would probably give a corresponding increase. Surf bathing was one of the shire a principal assets, and the pastime had received every attention from the council, accommodation being established at Newport and Narrabeen during the year. Towards the expenditure on the new enclosures the Government department had contributed £ for £, while the local residents subscribed one-third of the amount. The roads throughout the shire had been improved considerably. The principal amount spent was on Gordon-road, viz., £500. That thoroughfare was being made trafficable for the purpose of providing a new and direct route to the seaside for northern suburbs residents. An excellent business transaction resulted in the handing over of the whole of the Newport beach frontage— about six acres— to the shire. The transfer was effected through the payment of £150 by the Lands Department. The extension of the tram to Brookvale was most satisfactory, and made all the more pleasing by reason of the Minister's promise for an ultimate extension to Narrabeen. During the year 130 new dwellings had been erected within the urea. Turimetta Reserve had been improved, and a splendid site secured for the Brookvale Park. Oueenscliff and Freshwater had been lighted for the first time, the water supply of those places being also carried out by means of mains from Manly. The health of the shire was good, not one case of infectious disease having occurred during the year. Cr. Quirk hoped for the continued success of the council under the new presidency of Cr. Ralston. WARRINGAH SHIRE COUNCIL (
1911, March 1).
The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 13. Retrieved from Department of Lands,
Sydney, 26th July, 1911.
HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, directs it to be notified that, in pursuance of the provisions of the 20th section of the "Public Roads Act, 1902," the part of road hereunder described, which is no longer required, is hereby closed, and the land comprised therein freed and discharged from any rights of the public or any person to the same as a highway.
NIEL NIELSEN. Description.
That part of road (lane), 31 links wide, separating allotments 1, 2, and 3 from allotments 6, 7, and 8, of section 4. village of Turimetta, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland Warringah Shire No. 131. [Roads 1911-115-4] NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF UNNECESSARY PART OF ROAD. (
1911, July 26).
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4003. Retrieved from

1901, August 17).
The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), p. 33. Retrieved from
Swiss Studios (Melbourne, Vic.). ([190-?]). [Portrait of Dugald Thomson] Retrieved from
On their way to England at the same time will be Messrs. R. Harper and Dugald Thomson, M.H R.'s. whose lives have been curiously crossed. Mr. Thomson began life as a youth in Messrs. R. Harper and Co.'s office, and ultimately became their Sydney representative, and then dropped out. Years afterwards they met. in the House of Representatives, pitted against each other as commercial experts—Mr. Thomson for Freetrade, Mr. Harper for Protection. Another ex-Victorian compositor has trot into politics in New Zealand, Sir Joseph Ward having made Mr. J. T. Paul a member of the Legislative Council. And Mr. J. R. Hislop, one of the Maorihind delegates to the Navigation Conference, is also a Victorian. COMPETITORS FOR FANCY DRESS AND DIVING COMPETITION. (
1907, February 14).
Punch (Melbourne, Vic. : 1900 - 1918; 1925), p. 15. Retrieved from
Probate has been granted of the will of the late Mr. Dugald Thomson, of Sydney, formerly a member of the House of Representatives. The estate was sworn for purposes of probate at £67,305. The testator made bequests (based on certain proportions of the corpus) to the Royal North Shore Hospital, the Manly Cottage Hospital, the North Sydney Benevolent Society, the Presbyterian Church(N.S.W.), Sydney and Prince Alfred hospitals, the City Mission of Sydney, the Industrial Blind Institute, the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Institute (Darlington), the Burnside Homes, Parramatta (Endowment Fund). To the Highland Society of N.S.W. testator bequeathed certain of its debentures (£310) held by him. After directing payment of legacies up to £100 to certain employees, these to be based on length of service, and making bequests to near relatives and friends, the testator devised the residue of his estate to Duncan Gillies Thomson and Ninian Alan Thomson, his nephews, and Mary Isabel Evans, Jeane Miller Thomson, Thelma Stewart Lawrence, Catherine Airini Thomson, Lillie Aitken Thomson, and Nancy Jeannie Thomson, his nieces, the beneficiaries to share equally. PROBATE OF WILLS. (
1923, January 18).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Alderman E. W. Quirk is about the best-known man at Manly Beach, and his election for Warringah caused great joy in the marine village. Mr. Quirk was born at Wentworth, near Orange, 33 years ago; but spent his boyhood in Forbes. He has been a resident of Manly for eighteen years, and has been in every political fight for the last twelve years, and always on the side of freetrade. When Sir Henry Parkes beat Sir George Dibbs for St. Leonards, Mr. Quirk was among those who worked for Sir Henry. He entered the municipal council five years ago, as the representative of Steyne Ward, and last February was chosen unanimously as Mayor. As a councillor, he. has proved very hard-working and painstaking, and no Mayor ever sat in the chair who was more energetic or more fully alive to the wants of the municipality. The new member has always taken a great interest in the Manly Fire Brigade, and for the last ten years has been its secretary. It is mainly due to his influence that the brigade has reached its present high state of efficiency. In the recent Federal elections, Mr. Quirk was a strong anti-billite.
Tram from Manly to Pittwater.
The scheme of a tramline between Manly and Pitt water has for some years been the object aimed at by the progress associations of Manly and district. The State Minister for Works (the Hon. E. W. O'Sullivan) has had the project before him ever since he took office, and so long ago as Jauuary, 1900, at a banquet at Pittwater, promised that while he was Minister he would not lose sight of it. On Saturday the Minister took the first step towards the realisation of the work by turning the first sod of the section from Manly to Narrabeen.
Mr. O'Sullivan was conveyed to Manly in the launch Premier, which arrived at its destination shortly before 2 o'clock. He was accompanied by Mrs. and Miss O'Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Curran, Mr. Dugald Thomson, M.P., Mr. B. Sleath, M.L.A.., and Mr. J. H.. Purves. The Minister was received by the Mayor of Manly (Mr. E. W. Quirk), and was conducted to the foot of the Corso, where he at once tussad the first sod and declared it well and truly turned.
Cheers were given for the King and also for the success of the tramline, after which the Minister, the Mayor, and Mr. Dugald Thomson mounted a temporary platform. Mr. Dugald Thomson then, on behalf of Manly and the Tramway League, presented to Mr. O'Sullivan a gold-mounted., inscribed spade, with the hope that it would be cherished as a memento. Mr. Thomson said that it was of solid and genuine gold because those who gave it believed the project now initiated was of a solid and genuine character; and for himself he was satisfied that, us the enormous number of one and a half million of people yearly visited Manly, the undertaking was one which would bring revenue to and not deplete the Treasury. Mr. O'Sullivan accepted with pleasure the handsome gift, which would he handed down in his family for centuries, he honed. He said he was glad to take the initial step in this particular tramline, for he had strong faith in reproductive works, and considered no work more likely to be reproductive than thin, because it served a popular watering-place, to which there came no less than 1,600,000 visitors last year. Assuming that that number would be maintained year by year, and knowing how much more readily people would pay a penny train fare than walk even for such a short distance as from the pier to the ocean beach, he was confident that the line would pay from its inception. It was intended eventually to run the line right out to Pittwater, with a branch line at Bayview, thus Opening up one of the most picturesque regions of the State. The trip would be possible, by its cheapness to the poorest, and thus not doubt would the work bring in revenue, but also it would promote the welfare, health, and happiness of the people. He looked upon Manly as one of the beauty spots and recreation grounds of the federation, add he would endeavour to do for all seaside resorts what he was now doing for Manly. So soon as the sleepers could be made ready, and other preparations made the work would go on. He knew that there were a lot of Doubting Thomases in Manly, as elsewhere, but in this case, granted that all appliances were ready, he would have a start made in a few weeks. It those appliances were not ready there might be a delay of three months, but there should be no stone left unturned in the Works Department in the endeavour to make a commencement of this line, which would convenience not only Manly, but all the people who visited this part of New South Wales.

Mr. Ellison Wentworth Quirk, who died on Wednesday at Manly, was a figure in the public life of the district for nearly half a century. Elected to the Manly Council in 1895, he was an alderman until 1928, occupying the mayoral chair for six consecutive terms. He was also a councillor of the Warringah Shire for a number of years, and served as president. In 1901 he was elected for Warringah in the Legislative Assembly. He was also a member of the Kuring-gai Chase Trust. In his young days he was a noted cyclist.
Mr. Quirk, who was 72, Is survived by Mrs. Quirk, two sons, and two daughters. The funeral at the Manly Cemetery yester day was attended by many representative citizens This followed a service at St. Mat-thew's Church, conducted by the Rev. A. R Ebbs, assisted by the Rev. I. J. Harris.
The chief mourners were Mrs. Quirk (widow). Mr. Ellison Quirk (son), and Mrs. Ellison Quirk, Mrs McAteer (daughter), and Mr. McAteer, and Mr. Wentworth Brown (nephew). MR. E. W. QUIRK. (1938, November 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from
Three young women in light dresses holding tennis racquets. Phillips Glass Plate Negative Collection, Powerhouse Museum. Gift of the Estate of Raymond W Phillips, 2008
Cricket for Women: The Sydney Team.
ATHLET1CS for girls 50 years ago would have been looked upon with horror by grandmamma, whose rule in this direction produced a meek, mild, submissive miss. The Australian girl has become noted for her independence, self-reliance, and splendid physique — qualities which go to the making of a nation, and which are only gained by love of outdoor exercise. We have the tennis girl, the golf girl and the croquet girl, and now there breaks upon us — the cricket girl in all her glory.
We have expected this in the natural course of events, considering what slavish supporters all Australians are to the king of games. Exercise in the open air in canvas shoes and a loose costume is calculated to preserve the mobility of form, a bright, and clear eye, and besides promoting good health develops the frame and provides a 'natural colour.' Despite the elderly sister's 'unladylike, tomboyish, my dear,' cricket, even with the sun at 100 in the shade, is preferable to dancing in a hot ballroom in tight shoes and other disabilities. Not to be outdone by their English cousins — whose lady cricketers have actually toured — our girls have formed themselves into several clubs, of which the most notable is the Sydney Ladies' Team. (Continued in Cricket Columns, Page 951.)
L. WILLIS. 'Slogger'' of the Team.
ALICE BRANSBY. Fast overarm Bowler.
L Briot. G. Galliinore. G. Lawkins. G. Lawkins. M .Gallimore. L. Jay. Mrs. A. Hardwicke. L- Willis. A. Bransby. L. Gallimore.
LARUE BRIOT, Whose Forte is 'Cutting' and Wicketkeeping.
Cricket for Women(See Illustrations, Page 931.)
The Sydney ladies' team will be remembered by its success in the match played against Mr. J. C. Williamson's team on the Sydney Cricket Ground last year. Mrs. Harry Dolman, a member of Australia's greatest cricketing family — the Gregorys makes a most fitting captain and coach Her vast experience kindly manner and interest have endeared her to every youthful member of her team. Mrs. Donnan's fame as a wielder of the willow is well known to all enthusiasts, she, as a girl, often holding her own with her brothers, Syd. and Charles Gregory, two strong representatives of. New South Wales. Mrs. Donnan has an able lieutenant in Miss Laure Briot, whose innings of 43 (retired) against Her Majesty's team's total of 33 will long be remembered by her comrades. Her wicketkeeping has often called forth admiration from old warriors and notable performers alike, and the courageous little lady's 'Hows that?' often proves very destructive to the opposing side.
The Misses Gallimore are three strong supporters of the team. Miss L. Gallimore is a dreaded under-arm bowler and a grand field bat, while Miss M. Gallimore is known for her marvellous 'slogging' and fielding abilities Doubtless the best overarm bowler of her sex in Australia, or probably the world, is Miss Alice Bransby, who hails from Randwick. This young lady, who bowls very fast and can break each side of the wicket, has found it no grave task lo dismiss eight well-performed opponents for 30 runs, and seldom relies on her comrades for help in dismissals— except to find the bails. Miss Lilian Willis, also from Randwick, is characterised by her hard hitting and careless regard of bowler and everything concerned with her wicket. Her fast running and throwing-in are the main points of her fielding. Mrs. Hardwicke is a very reliable bat, and liar leg hits would do credit to a first-grade performer; she is also a smart fielder. The services of the Misses Lawkins are invaluable to their side, while Miss L. Jay is a tantalising 'stonewaller.'
This team met the Bathurst ladies last month, and were badly defeated. This, however, is not so bad as it sounds, for the game was played with a lacrosse ball, with which the orthodox cricketers were all at sea. However, despite the contrariness of the ball, Miss Alice Bransby managed to secure five wickets in the first innings and eight in the second. The ladies meet every week and practice, while several matches have been arranged to be played this summer under the leadership of Mrs Donnan, who will doubtless end the season with another large match, in aid of charity, against Her Majesty's team.
Would great grandmamma (whose most violent exercise was the graceful stalk of the minuet) be shocked could she see the girl of to-day, with hair curling in the wind, dancing eyes, and supple movements, chasing the leather across the level green?
Good Sports: Mona Vale - Newport Connections
A team from the newly formed Mossman's Bay Club journeyed to Newport on Saturday, to play the Newport C.C. The ground is about 300 yards from the ocean beach, and with very little trouble could be made into a splendid ground. Matting was laid upon it, but the long grass prevented it from setting evenly, and this made the ball cut many capers. Mr. Forester captained Newport, and Mr. Jackson the Mossman's Bay team. Newport won the toss, and went in to bat, but through the excellent bowling of Jackson and Oatley weredisposed of for 21, Jackson securing six wickets for 9 runs, and Oatley three for 11. Mossman's Bay replied with 115 (Jackson 62 and Clarke 25), W. Boulton and J. Boulton being the most successful bowlers. In their second attempt the Newport fared very little better as they were all disposed of for 34 (J. Boulton 14 not out), Oatley and Clarke bowling throughout this innings, the former securing seven wickets and thelatter three, Mossman's Bay thus won by an innings and 60 runs. CRICKET. (1892, May 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
The North Steyne Surf Club journeyed from Manly to Mona Vale on December 12, and gave life-saving exhibitions on the beach, which proved interesting, as well as instructive. In the evening, the visitors were entertained at dinner by the Mona Vale Surf Club and residents. The repast was laid at Brock's Mansions. President A. Ralston (of the Warringah Shire) presided, and thanked the visiting life-savers for their beach display. He said the local club bad been doing good work, and would now be better able to cope with acci-dents. The other speakers included Councillor Powell, Mr. C. D. Paterson (captain North Stayne Surf Club), Mr. S.A. Rigney (secretary N.S.S.C.), Rev. F. R. Ford. Councillor Quirk, and Mr. E. Lincoln. SOCIAL ITEMS. (1908, December 19). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 14. Retrieved from
What would Test cricket be like if these elongated stumps, used in a match at Mona Vale, were adopted?"
Mona Vale Golf Club has acquired a 10 years' lease of a reclaimed area of the Black Swamp from the Warringah Shire Council. This will enable the club to fulfil its ambition—to possess the longest nine-hole course in Australia. It is expected that the newly acquired area will be ready for play by the end of this year. CRICKET NOTES (1931, February 10). Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from
MARBLES expert Eric Tingle of Newport, knuckles down in a game of "big ring" at Newport Hotel while local enthusiasts cheer him on.
Hotel manager Alec Drysdales said yesterday: "Marbles is the new craze. It's sweeping the peninsula from Manly to Palm Beach. We're building a ring for the customers."
The game began its new popularity a few weeks ago when someone started a "big ring" game during a Newport - Mona Vale picnic cricket match. Play was abandoned to watch the marbles experts. Since then a championship has been arranged, and the finals will be played today at Bay view Country Club at 3 pm.
George Johnson was born at the family house of 1891 Pittwater Road. His grandfather, Mr Arter, was a Lithgow businessman who came to live in the house near Waterview Street in the early-1890s with his family . Georges mother Mary had looked after the house and heryounger siblings when her mother passed away.
Mr Arter had built three cottages in the area of Bayview Road (now Pittwater Road) which were named Esbank, Lithgow and Bowenfields. After the three cottages were built Mr Arter continued to work as a bricklayer in the district working on the Rock Lily as well as Austin's
On the other side of the family George's paternal grandfather married Louisa Oliver of the pioneering Pittwater family. George recalls how he and his brother would leave Mona Vale at 4.00am and walk behind their grandfather's horse and cart which carried wood for the bakery's oven or building materials for building at Manly. After lunch of half a loaf of bread and cheese each, the boys would ride the cart back home with the groceries.
When George was 4 years old he attended Mona Vale Public School, which was held in a cottage in Park Street. He was six when the school moved to it's new building in 1912 and he recalled a fire in 1918 in which the school had to temporarily locate to La Corniche while the school was being repaired.
George's father, George E. worked as a labourer in the Mona Vale area and is also named as a carter in the Sands directory between 1926 and 1933. On his property in Pittwater Road he also grew flowers which he sold to the local florist at Manly Wharf. He was the first
labourer on the Maintenance Department of the Warringah Shire Council. As the shire extended as far as St. Ives, he would travel there by sulky and camped overnight filling the potholes in the dirt road with a shovel and a wheelbarrow. He also cut the sandstone that was used by James Booth to build St. John's Church at 1624 Pittwater Road. The 'Glenroy' house is opposite St. Johns Church on Pittwater Road.
Pittwater Council Mona Vale Heritage Inventory, Study Number B71 - 16/07/2014.
School Sports day at Kitchener Park, 1912 - photos courtesy Olga Johnson.

James Booth
James Booth, the son of a Camden mason Aaron and his wife Eliza, was a carpenter and stonemason by trade himself. He left a lasting legacy of wonderful buildings from Manly to Palm Beach.
He was born in Camden in 1862 and grew up there and on the Hawkesbury river prior to moving to Church Point around 1890.
Charles Swancott recalls that it was built for ‘Signor Stefani, artist and teacher of music.
Around 1905 Mr. Speechly of Speechly and Bennet, engineers, bought the property and renamed it ‘Wyandra’.
The sales notice states this property had good baths, a wharf, boatshed, and tennis court. An Italian balustrade flanked the stone steps leading down to grassy lawns. The dining room had windows right along its front, all facing the bay.
This property is now called ‘Trincomalee’.
Mr. Booth’s wife Ellen operated a store at Church Point where the Pasadena now stands while James had a boatshed with rowing boats for hire as well as a sailing boat named the ‘Amateur’. He also built two larger yachts, the ‘Menina’ and the ‘Clarabel’. These were used to take family groups for trip son the Pittwater for excursions and fishing.
He sold the store business to Mr. Simpson in 1909, that gentleman taking possession on February 6th, 1909. [2.]
Mona Vale buildings constructed by Mr. Booth include St Johns (1907) and the
Mona Vale Public School (1912), Pittwater Hall (opened 1912) as well as
the War Memorialat the entrance to the Village Park. The original hall and school have since been demolished although some of the original sandstone blocks were retained in the entrance at Waratah street. He was also the gentleman who erected the stone gates for the Mona Vale cemetery, built Booth's store at Palm Beach and other schools further south on the peninsula.
In September 1902 he opened a hall for dancing parties at Mona vale on the corner of Darley street and Pittwater road. The opening night was a gay affair, people coming from miles away and all directions in coaches and by foot.
He subsequently resided in Park Street, Mona vale before retiring and moving west again, to Liverpool.
James and Ellen had seven children; Jim, Joe, Jack, Burton, Muriel, Myrtle and Rosie.
He passed away on the 20th of June, 1941 and Ellen on September 22nd, 1945.
He had a great love of history and there are pages filled with his insights or letters written to editors of the Sydney Morning Herald on everything under the sun. He also was generous to the Manly Warringah and Pittwater Historical Society's endavours to place landmarks at historic places the length of the peninsula, supplying and erecting these:
The days when a fleet of as many as 72 vessels, instead of less than half a dozen as at present, plied between Sydney and the Hawkesbury River were recalled by Mr James Booth when lecturing to the members of the Manly and Warringah Shire Historical Society
From about the year 1840 and up to 1875, said Mr. Booth, a number of small sailing vessels, of from about 15 to 40 tons burden, known along the coast as the "Mosquito Fleet," plied between the Hawkesbury River and Sydney from the estuary of Pittwater they carried mostly shells, which were burned for lime at the old Lime-street wharf, Sydney, and from the Hawkesbury River their cargo consisted principally of farm produce, corn, pumpkins, potatoes, and hay. From Brisbane Water the principal cargoes were sawn timber.
These craft could sail with a fair wind only, as their boating qualities were very poor, and a wait of three or four days was quite common until they got a fair start, when a great number of them would sail away together. Many times they reached North Head, only to be chased back all the way to Pittwater by a "southerly buster," and although they only had a sea journey of 20 miles it often required all their skippers' skill to save the little vessels. Some of these craft were run single-handed, some with a crew of two or three, four being regarded as a fairly large crew.
As there were no roads in those days the transportation of produce and travellers depended on these vessels. Some were built along the banks of the Hawkesbury by the Peat family, who were first-class shipwrights(Peats Ferry still bears their name), a few were built in Pittwater, but the greater number were built at Blackwall, Brisbane Water, by the Davis Brothers, Davis Town being named after the family.
About 1875 the farmers on the Hawkesbury formed themselves into a company, and had a steamer, which they named the Hawkesbury, built at Drakes yard, Balmain. She proved a great boon to the farmers carrying an "outside" passengers' ticket, running the mails, and making two trips a week for about30 years. In 1882 a steamer called the Florrie was subsidised by the Government to run the North Coast mails from Gosford to Newport, Pittwater. From Newport, passengers and mails were taken on to Manly by Boltons line of coaches, these being the first coaches that ran to what was then but a fishing village.
As there was no bridge across the Narrabeen Lagoon the coaches were driven through the water, with the passengers' feet up on the seat and the horses almost swimming. Sometimes a boat was used, a coach being kept on each side of the lagoon. As the roads were only bush tracks it took four or five horses to pull these coaches and as on occasion sporting passengers would tip one driver half a sovereign to beat the other, some of the trips were exciting. The fare was 4/ single and 6/ return. About 1888a boat called the General Gordon plied across the Hawkesbury River, carrying the mails and passengers to the two ends of the Newcastle railway until the Hawkesbury Bridge was completed, a change of direction that closed the careers of both the steamer Florrie and Bolton's line of coaches.
THE "MOSQUITO FLEET.". (1930, April 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Parents marriage
BOOTH.— December 26, at the residence of his brother, William Henry, the youngest son of Aaron and Eliza Booth, aged 7 years. Family Notices (
1882, January 14).
The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 52. Retrieved from
Father’s death
BOOTH.—September 9, at his residence, Edmund-street, Waverley, Aaron Booth, mason, aged 60. Deeply regretted. Family Notices (1883, September 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Mothers Death
BOOTH ELIZA J 3432/1891 Parents: JAMES MARGARET Death registered at: BEGA
BOOTH.—June 20, 1941, at Liverpool, James Booth, late of Mona Vale, husband of Ellen and father of James, Joseph, John, Muriel (Mrs. Sharpe), Rose, and Myrtle, and grandfather of Walter, aged 70 years.
BOOTH. — The Relatives and Friends of the late JAMES BOOTH are invited to attend his Funeral; to take place TO-MORROW, TUESDAY, at 11 a.m., at the Church of England Cemetery Wilton. Family Notices (1941, June 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
I ran across a sad little incident the other day that would make the angels weep. I was looking after a sand pit for a Sydney firm when, one morning, to my surprise, one of my customers drove in carrying a baby in his anus. He laid the little thing down, filled his cart, carried her out again till he got on the level, scraped a little hole in the top of the sand, laid her in it; jumped up and drove away. Sometimes this happened two or three times a week, and as I got a bit familiar with him I said to him one morning. Its a bit rough on you, young fellow, lugging that baby round like that, and I don't think it's too good for it, either.' 'Well, look here, old man,' he said, 'it's like this — I'm sorry to say, it's like this. My missus gets on the shikker — neglects the poor little thing — so it's the only thing I can do.'
I missed him for a few days, and then one morning he drove in without his baby. I could see something was wrong, so I helped him to load. Then I said to him, 'How's the baby?' He sat on the sand and cried. It's hard to see a man cry, but that man did cry, and between his heartbroken sobs he said, 'I was carting bricks over Balmain way. I had her packed round with some loose bricks, my coat and feed hag, when one of the bricks fell off, chocked the wheel, and jolted her off on to the pavement. I picked her up and ran to n doctor, but it was no go.' 'What are you going to do now?' I' said. 'I don't know— I don't know. I'm scraping enough money together to I put a little tombstone over her — then I think I'll go away.' I helped him with the tombstone, and I know he did not go away. Sometimes I visit that little churchyard, and I also know that a big-souled, broken-hearted man and a sorrow stricken woman weep over that little tombstone with its tiny inscription, 'To My Baby.' —
James Booth,
Mona Vale.
AS far back as 1873 there, lived and worked on the homestead of Moreton Park the most cantankerous, quarrelsome old fellow ever it was anyone's lot lo meet, named Mick Lyoris. Mick's duties were to yard up the milkers and look after the cattle and sheep, and, strange to say, both he and his dog Bluey did his will the greatest and tenderest care. On Saturday afternoons Mick and a few other cronies would be off to Camden on a night's drinking bout. Now, Mick sober was bad enough; but Mick drunk was something to be reckoned, with, and many a row and quarrel the old fellow got into, but let anyone lay a hand on him and Bluey would he at him like an infuriated snarley-yow. Many a time,...on by his master. Sunday morning would find Mick asleep by the roadside a few miles out of the town, with Bluey watching over him, and if the pony had strayed too far away he would round him back, then take up his vigil again. One Monday morning the milkman who brought the milk to the kitchen said that Bluey had yarded up the milkers as usual, and was sitting at the rails keeping them in: but as soon as the rails were fast he was off like a shot to Mick's camp. Also, it was noticed, the pony was running about the stockyard, and Mick's saddle and bridle were still in the rack. All thought, of breakfast was forgotten, and a helter-skelter race took place from the homestead. The first that reached Mick's camp were two whom Bluey hated most. At them he went, biting and tearing. As they made their way back to the oncoming crowd for protection they shouted for Mick: but Mick was dead. Then they tried every way they knew to coax the dog away, but there he sat, like a …in front of the humpy door. The sergeant of police was sent for, and to him fell the unenviable, task of shooting' poor Bluey. They dug a grave not far from the humpy, near the old cattle-tank where, for many years, old Mick had watered the stock. Then, just as twilight began to fall, they laid old Mick to rest, and wrapped Bluey in an old overcoat — the one he had snuggled under on many a cold night as he kept watch over his sleeping master. —
James Booth,
Mona Vale.
Sir,-I, for one, do appreciate the little paragraphs about the old churches, and, per-haps this little one of mine will prove interesting. I wish to point out that in very many cases the old ideas have been completely altered. Take the Campbelltown church, the windows were originally heavy wooden frames, and sashes hung with leaden weights. These were replaced by memorial windows in 1876. They still have the same circular beads, with the addition of stone. Gothic, stained glass lights; the furniture was also renewed at this time from heavy black-looking pews to seats, also, with Gothic' ends. The whole of the floor was flagged with stone cubes, similar to what is in the porch to this day. I know one case, where we turned a square church door into a Gothic, and it would be hard to convince a casual observer that the work was not done when the church was built. So, perhaps, something of this sort has happened at Denham Court. The only little bit of Ionio I remember was done In corbels in ( the church at Camden to carry the principals [ of the roof; but In the original design of these old churches I take It they would be classed as early English.
Mona Vale. Jan. 10.
Slr,-I was very pleased to road Mr. Griffin's letter in praise of Mr. Keele, as I think it is nearly time this almost pioneer engineer of the Sydney water supply got a- little of his own back.| I personally know it was his intention to build the Cordeaux dam as soon as the Nepean tunnels were pierced nearly 40 years ago, but for some unaccountable reason this was not done. Some years later the Cataract dam was built, and here again the man was subjected to some awful treatment, and this scheme of his, which has saved Sydney for many years, and is, saving it to-day, was subjected to unfair ridicule and abuse. Mr. Keele never submitted wild-cat schemes; what he submitted he bore out by facts. The man could see a long way ahead, had great ability, and clover brains, and he gave both unstintingly to make the Sydney water supply what It is.
I am, etc,
Mona Vale, April 7.
A suggestion for the opening of a motor car ferry service from Bayview, Pittwater, to Gosford, Brisbane Water, is put forward by Mr. James Booth, of Mona Vale, in a letter to the Editor. "A service of this sort to link up the roads to Newcastle," writes Mr, Booth, "would be quite practicable. The Journey from Sydney to Bayview by car Is about an hour's run, and tho trip, by water to Gosford -about 16 miles-would take, say, an hour and a half. This would land one at Gosford within three hours, the direct distance being 30 miles, while though present route along almost impassable roads Is about 100 miles."
Sir,-I have been wondering whether the following suggestion would be a solution of the day labour trouble. As nu employee I would not like to see Saturday taken from tho workers, Tho half-dAy Saturday has always been looked upon as the Worst day in the week. A great number of workmen have to travel five or six miles to work, the same back, which altogether spoils their Saturday afternoon, Then again many a worker Is building up a place of his own, and Saturday Is the only day he can look forward to push along a bit. Then from an employer's point of view the half-day Is not much good to him, as after 10 everyone is anxiously watching the clock. What I wish to suggest is that ft five day week of nine hours be worked from the first of October until the first of April; then the winter months to lholiide the Saturday afternoon as now asked for by the timber trade employers. This would cut out three hours of the hot weather, and as people do not knock about so much In the winter the Saturday morning would not be taken so seriously.
I am, etc,
Mona Vale, March 13.
Sir, — As this old historical burial ground is in a sadly neglected condition I would like to ask through the medium of your paper whether those who have friends or relations buried there could not lend a little assistance in trying to renovate the church yard. There is a beautiful stone church there with a number of expensive vaults and monuments erected to the memory of great men and women who helped to make Australian history. A few pounds each would save these; if let go much longer these monuments will be totally ruined. The poor people who were drowned in the Dunbar are buried there and their burial place is carefully preserved by the trustees who do the best they can with the small means at their disposal. Just now the grass has got such a hold that it is really a menace to the locality, in fact it is so bad that breaks are being cut through, and the fire brigade's assistance is necessary to help burn the grass which anyone naturally can understand does a lot of harm to the tomb-stones. I know this sort of thing does not appeal to everyone, but still I am pleased to say that there are many to whom it does appeal. So if a number of these were to come along even with a little voluntary assistance it would be a great help. One of the workmen in the cemetery is keeping one grave in order just for the sentimental reason that the inscription on the tomb-stone is the same name as himself. So let the interested people come and lend a hand, just to show that Australians do not forget their dead. I am, etc.,
Mona Vale,
March 10.
Sir,-As a great number of people seem Interested in these drawings, why not form a little society for their protection. Shire councils, historical societies, and various other bodies are doing what they can, but, all the same, a recognised body, given the power of direct action, could do a lot more. As years go on these crude drawings are becoming more and more interesting. And as they are about the only traces of his existence the aboriginal has left us, we should do all we can to save them. The position of these drawings could be marked on a road or shire map, which would help strangers to locate them. Unfortunately a great number have been quarried out, through road making, un-avoidable perhaps, but where they can be saved every effort should be made to save
I am, etc.,
JAMES BOOTH. Mona Vale, November 20.
44. J. Booth and 14 other ratepayers of Park Street Mona Vale, respecting the deplorable state of that road, and requesting (e) that the watercourse at the back of Mr. Johnson's property be filled in, a watertable made at end of street, or concrete pipes installed, and the Street levelled; -(b) that the road on top of the hill be lowered two or three feet,-and the spoil used for making a footpath on the eastern Park Street side; (c). that with regard to the lack of an entrance to Mr. Haygarth's dairy; a culvert be installed and continued to Maxwell Street; i(d):that the scoured-out road Way be filled in and the road either gravelled-or metalled and Scatted. Resolved, - That a few loads of, gravel be put on the hill on-this road each way from the top. (Crs. Austin, Hughes) .45. Mona Vale Progress Assoc., 15/7/33, submitting following requests.- (a)that the trees in Pittwater Road near the Narrabeen bridge be not cut down; (b) that application be made to the Government for a grant to construct a road from Sheep Station Hill along Mona Vale Beach to Bassett Street; (c) that application be made for a grant of £1000 to erect dressing sheds and Surf Clubhouse at Mona Vale Beach; and (a) that the Health Inspector inspect the building next to Bayview, erected for a boat shed, but being used for living purposes. Council's decisions:- (a) "Received", (b) consideration deferred for time being; dealt with in meeting; (d) referred to Inspector for further earlier report.

Park Street, Mona Vale, circa 1920
Brocks Mansions.
(To the Editor.)
I read with deep regret the pathetic story of how the loss of £25,000 brought the writer, G. T. Brock, into financial difficulties, if not financial disaster, and as you ask for comments on this great loss, I would like to point out what I consider were the big mistakes made in the construction of these mansions. The first part of the work was good, filling in the swamp, erecting fences, the racecourse, polo grounds, stables and dwelling-house deserve every praise, as it turned an almost useless piece of land into what it is now, one of the most charming little spots on the N.S.W. coast. What Mr. Brock’s intentions were for constructing such a large place, I do not know, or anything about tram promises made to him by Mr. Sullivan. I am dealing with the buildings, simply from a mechanics standpoint, and I can only concur with you as you say in “Building” that the want of an architect was severely felt, and it does seem almost incredible that a man with Mr. Brock’s great intellectual attainments, and practical knowledge on so many diverse subjects, ever attempted to carry on such a big work without professional assistance. These buildings are not a common or ordinary structure by any means; their construction required the skill of nearly every class of artisan, and nearly every known design of work, from Ionic masonry to lath and plaster, and naturally called for a man that was well up to all the little niceties of modern architecture. The tradesmen employed were good enough, their work speaks for itself; and the marvel is that they did so well, handicapped, as they were, for want of details. Being a stonemason myself, there are two blunders in the work that show out very conspicuously, and points badly to the want of someone who could use intersecting lines, or had knowledge of geometry. First, is the scroll work at the entrance gates. It is all out of rythm, and seems to have been scratched on in a “here’s luck” sort of way, without any attempt at practical drawing at all. The second is the joints of the elipses arches, which are all wrong; instead of being struck from a centre of three segments, they are struck from the centre of an ordinary half-circle, so you can see in these two things alone, for want of a draughtsman, what is otherwise a fairly good piece of masonry, is spoilt. I also consider Mr. Brock tried to do too much at once; if he had finished something, got something going, he would have been there to-day; but great slabs of work were started all over the estate, half done, then something else gone on with, till the whole thing was in a perfect state of chaos, from which nothing but disaster could be expected. The site is a good one, and the Government have done well to purchase it; but the buildings themselves will try the skill of their architectural staff to complete them to suit the requirements of a Government institution.
Everyone here is really sorry for Mr. Brock. He spent a lot of money, gave Mona Vale a real good start, and now both him and his fortnightly pay is sadly missed.
JAMES BOOTH, Stonemason.
Mona Vale.
28 Park Street,
Mona vale
NSW Heritage Register information:
Dungarvon house at 28 Park St, Mona Vale is of local significance as one of the earliest surviving houses in the locality, associated with local identities. It is also aesthetically and architecturally significant due to its highly individual character in the context of Pittwater and the Northern Beaches. Eclectic in style, the house combines Victorian and Edwardian period features, from the Italianate and Queen Anne / Federation styles.
Builder/Maker: James Booth (stonemason) Samuel Stringer (carpenter)
Construction years: 1904-1904
Dungarvon soon after construction was completed
Physical description: Stone house in Federation picturesque style, with corrugated iron roof built in 1904. Eclectic blend of Queen Anne (ornamental cast iron brackets, bay windows), Federation (square tower room with window on each aspect) and Arts and Crafts (hip and gable roof and tall chimneys).
Single storey dwelling with attic rooms and a central observation tower. Constructed of ashlar sandstone blocks with a rusticated finish. The façade features two symmetrically placed projecting bays. Notable for its interesting combination of roof forms and decorative external timber detailing. The dwelling is located within landscaped grounds and is well screened. (City Plan Heritage 2009).
Samuel Stringer arrived to Australia from England in 1859 with his parents Samuel Snr and Jane and his five siblings. They arrived aboard the ship
Parsee. He married Sarah Anne Potter in 20/11/1872 and they had nine children. He became a carpenter and was contracted by George Brock in 1902 to build the stables, the ballroom and the Oaks villa on the
Brock Folly Estate.
Stringer bought 6 adjoining blocks of land in Park Street, Mona Vale for 125 pounds, which formed section 1 of the Mona Vale Estate. The vendor was Hon. Louis Francis Heydon and the sale was transacted on 21/07/1902. On 23/10/1903 Stringer borrowed 200 pounds from Heydon for the purpose of building on the land. Building is thought to have commenced in 1904.
Stringer also built the imitation sandstone cottage next to Dungarvon, No. 26 Park Street. In 1922 Stringer was over 70 years old and sold up in Mona Vale and moved to Hurstville. He died in 1931. (Source: Guy & Joan Jennings - Mona Vale Stories (2007))
James Booth local stonemason probably helped build the house, although other sources (Jennings 2007) suggest that French stonemasons from Brock's Folly did the stone work. Dungarvon was built on land 2 doors down from the church and the ashlar sandstone may have come from Brock's Folly.
Later residents of the house included Harold and Mabel Squire. From 1957 the house deteriorated until it was sold in 1978 and has since been gradually restored.
A deputation Introduced by Dr. Arthur, M.L.A., yesterday urged upon the Minister for Public Instruction the necessity of opening a Public school at Mona Vale. It was suggested that either a new school building should be erected or the school at Church Point should be transferred to Mona Vale. The Importance of the place was rapidly growing owing to the subdivision of estates for residential purposes.
Mr. O'Conor said It appeared to him that the trend of the population was still unsettled. In addition to that the establishment of small schools was a great expense, and he was quite opposed to any material increase in the number of small schools. He would have a report made on the subject, but he reminded the deputation that the duty of parents did not cease on merely sending their children to school. He would arrange with the district inspector to confer with the parents to see it some satisfactory arrangement could not be come to. MONA VALE SCHOOL. (1906, May 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 10. Retrieved from
By Spring 1906 (some sources state July, 1906) the school at Bayview was closed, Mr. Morrison transferred to Mona Vale teaching temporarily in a premises owned by Samuel Stringer, of Park Street, with an assistant teacher in a Miss Selman helping him. The Morrison family moved to Manly at this time and Mr. Morrison travels by horse-drawn sulky to and from Mona Vale until he is transferred to Freshwater school in 1912 when that opened in September, or Spring, 1912..
Mr Stringer's daughter had begun teaching in Mona Vale around 1904. Samuel was a carpenter contracted by George Brock to build the stables, the ballroom and the Oaks villa on the Brock Folly Estate in 1902. A few Stringer Family Notes;
DISTRICT COURT. (Before Judge Heydon.)
DISPUTE AS TO BRICKS. Moore v Stringer.
Mr. H. C. G. Moss appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Carter Smith for the defendant. This was an action brought by Ellen Moore, of Manly Vale, Manly, wife of James Arthur Moore, against Samuel Stringer, sen., of Mona Vale, near Manly, to recover the value of 7050 bricks, alleged to have been used by the defendant without plaintiff's authority. The defence was that the plaintiff's husband had been paid for the bricks, and had given defendant a receipt, but plaintiff contended that her husband had no authority in the matter. His Honor said It was quite clear that the bricks were the property of Mrs. Moore, and not of her husband. Verdict for plaintiff, £10, but no order made as to costs.DISTRICT COURT. (1905, February 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
STRINGER.-Killed in action in France, September 2, 1918, Corporal Frederick Stringer, 55th Battalion, after 2 years and 10 months' active service abroad, dearly loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stringer, Mona Vale, and brother to William, Henry, Sam, Lily, Nell, and Annie, he gave his life for his country. Family Notices. (1918, September 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. from
Samuel George Stringer
STRINGER-The Relatives and Friends of Mrs MATILDA M STRINGER and FAMILY of 99 High street Carlton and Mr H STRINGER are Invited to attend the Funeral of her late beloved HUSBAND and their loving FATHER and BROTHER Samuel George Stringer, Junior which will leave the Private Mortuary Chapel of Mr Charles Kinsela. of 143 Oxford street Sydney THIS WEDNESDAY at 1 p m for the Baptist Cemetery Woronora, via Central Station Funeral train leaves Central at 1.46 p m and Carlton at 2 p m
CHARLES KINSELA Phone FL413S 7 B_Hurstville
STRINGER-LOYAL CARLTON N I O O F (Oddfellows) -Officers and Members of the above Lodge are requested to attend the Funeral of our late Bro .SAMUEL G STRINCER which will take place at Woronora Cemetery THIS DAY (See family notice ) F WILLIAMS N G _W SUGGATE Secretary. Family Notices. (1932, December 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
STRINGER.-In loving memory of my dear husband and our father. Samuel stringer Junr., who passed away December 5, 1932, Peacefully sleeping, free from pain, In God's own time we will meet again, Family Notices. (1936, December 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from
Samuel Stringer senr.
STRINGER.-January 3. 1933. at Hurstville. Samuel Stringer (senior), late Mona Vale, beloved father of William. Henry. Lily. Nell, and Annie
STRINGER-The Relatives and Friends of Mr and Mrs W STRINGER Mr and Mrs H STRINGER, Mr and Mrs F OLIVER Mr and Mrs T ELLIS Mr and Mrs J CLIFFORD and FAMILIES are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved FATHER and GRANDFATHER Samuel Stringer which will leave his late residence 62 Lily street Hurstville THIS THURSDAY at 145 n m for the Methodist Cemetery Manly CHARLES KINSELA Family Notices. (1933, January 5). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from

Bay View PS students 1906, Image No.: 15051_a047_000882, courtesy State Records NSW
Transfers and Appointments - Teachers: Mr. S. Morrison, from Newport to Mona Vale;SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL TEACHERS. (1906, September 5). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), , p. 626. Retrieved from
Mr. S. Morrison, who for 22 years has keen in charge of the Bayview Public School, but who on the closing of the school was promoted to the new school recently established at Mona Vale, was presented on Wednesday with a handsome marble timepiece in appreciation of his services, and In recognition of his Interest in the pupils. The presentation was made by an old pupil, Mr. W. Austin. Mrs. Morrison was presented with a silver mounted hall set. PERSONAL. (1906, November 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 6. Retrieved from
Samuel Stringer arrived to Australia from England in 1859 with his parents Samuel Snr and Jane and his five siblings. They arrived aboard the ship Parsee. He married Sarah Anne Potter (born 1853) on the 20th of November, 1872 at Kelso, Bathurst. They had nine children.

[Builder Samuel ?] Stringer and his wife [Sarah, nee Potter ?] circa 1870 -1875. Image No.: a2823823, courtesy State Library of NSW
Children of Sarah Ann Potter and Samuel Stringer are: William Charles Stringer, b. 1873, Hill End, John Henry Stringer, b. 1875, Pyrmont,Samuel G. Stringer, b. 1877, Sydney, Arthur Frederick Stringer, b. 1879, Pyrmont, Eva Annie J. Stringer, b. 1880, Pyrmont, Lilian May Stringer, b. 1882, Pyrmont, Eleanor "Nell" Mary Stringer, b. 1884, Pyrmont, Edith Annie Stringer, b. 1887, Pyrmont, Sydney, Lydia E. F. Stringer, b. 1888, Pyrmont.
"Mr. Stringer bought 6 adjoining blocks of land in Park Street Mona Vale for 125 pounds, which formed section 1 of the Mona Vale Estate. The vendor was Hon. Louis Francis Heydon and the sale was transacted on 21/07/1902. On 23/10/1903 Stringer borrowed 200 pounds from Heydon “for the purpose of building on the land”. Building is thought to have commenced in 1904. He also built the imitation sandstone cottage next to Dungarvon, No. 26 Park Street. In 1922 Stringer was over 70 years old and sold up Mona Vale and moved to Hurstville. He died in 1931." - Guy & Joan Jennings – Mona Vale Stories (2007)
TO BRICKLAYERS-Wanted, PRICE per thousand. Particulars by letter or personally from S. STRINGER, Mona Vale, via Manly.Advertising. (1904, March 16). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
This school was located in Park Street, Mona Vale:

Mona Vale School in Stringers cottage, Park St, Mona Vale
“..Mona Vale had a population that demanded a Public School. Miss Stringer had opened a private school. There were too many children to convey to Bayview by coach, so the Department decided to close Bayview Public School and open one at Mona Vale. Two rooms of a new cottage belonging to Mr. Stringer were, with little difficulty converted into fairly comfortable schoolrooms.” - Samuel Morrison.
Mr. Hogue, Minister for Education, and Mrs. Hogue visited the Newport Public School on Saturday afternoon, and Mrs. Hogue unfurled the ling which the school has received from Newport, In the Isle of Wight, In exchange for one sent there some months ago. The flag, which is a Union Jack in large dimensions, is beautifully worked in silk, and bears the Newport arms in its centre. There was a large gathering of residents from the surrounding districts, and the children from the Newport, Narrabeen, and Mona Vale attended.
Mrs. Hogue broke the flag. As she did so the Kuringai Shire Band, which was in Attendance, struck up the National Anthem, and then three cheers were given for the flag. The children sang a number of patriotic songs, and appropriate speeches were made by Mr. Hogue and several others. SCHOOL FLAG UNFURLED. (1910, June 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 10. Retrieved from
Visit: The Newport School 1888 to 2016
MONA VALE.-Empire Day celebrations commenced by the unfurling of a large Union Jack, presented by Mrs. F. Anderson. The children sang patriotic songs, and addresses were delivered by Mrs. Anderson, Messrs. Powell, Nichol, and Caton. After the distribution of prizes, refreshments were served to the children, who engaged in sports. EMPIRE DAY. (1911, May 27). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
On the 9th of March 1911 Mr. James Booth, the local stonemason, submitted a successful tender for the construction of a tiled two room schoolhouse. In the wonderful book compiled by Beverly Lewis for 100th Celebrations 'Mona Vale Public School - celebrating 100 years...' the rooms are described as "22' x 21'6, designed to accommodate 40 primary and 44 infants. A covered verandah, two fireplaces and grounds heavily covered in timber."
In October 1912 the school left the Stringer premises to the new schoolhouse in Narrabeen Street - a few Mona Vale schoolchildren insights from that time showing the children were kept aware of the world around them and also what was happening locally - such as the opening of the tram line to Narrabeen:
The Lord Mayor acknowledges the receipt of the following additional contributions to the fund established to relive the distress of starving women and children in Great Britain: Amount already acknowledged. £1418 3 0 "The Bulletin" .'.. 100 0 0
Children Mona Vale Public School, 13/ . 2 3 0 DISTRESS IN ENGLAND. (1912, April 8).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 10. Retrieved from
Children attending the Narrabeen, Mona Vale, and Newport Public School, at the Invitation of the tram opening celebration committee, wrote essays on 'The Pleasure to be Derived to the District.' The adjudicator, the editor of the 'Town and Country Journal,' has awarded the prizes as follows:— Narrabeen: Gertrude Hirsch. 1; Heather Thackery 2, Clement Snow, 3; Iris Lillington, 4. Mona Vale: Harold Hewitt, 1 : Ruby Kuhlmorgan. 3; Walter Peterson, 3; Richard Blackford, 4. Newport: Isabel Hastie. 1: Vera Russell, 1; John Williams, 3; Vera Lewis, 4. Sixteen competitors sent essays from Narrabeen, 17 from Mona Vale and 19 from Newport. The school masters, Messrs. Thompson (Narrabeen), Morrison (Mona Vale), and Harper (Newport) gave every assistance to the committee, and were complimented on the work of their pupils. NARRABEEN TRAM. (1912, July 19).Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), , p. 2. Retrieved from
A growing younger population required a bigger school with bigger grounds:
IT is hereby notified and declared by His Excellency the Governor, acting with the advice of the Executive Council, that be much of the land hereunder described as is Crown land has been appropriated, and so much thereof as is private property has been resumed, under the Public Works Act, 1912, for the following public purpose, namely, a Public School at MONA VALE, and is vested in the Minister of Public Instruction on behalf of His Majesty the King for the purposes of the Public Instruction Act of 1880.
Dated the thirtieth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven.
J. NORTHCOTT, Governor. By His Excellency's Command,
R. J. HEFFRON, Minister of Public Instruction.
Description of Land referred to.
All that piece or parcel of land situate in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland and State of New South Wales, being allotment 10 of section 7 in the village of Turimetta,—having an area of 1 rood and 37h perches or thereabouts, and said to be in the possession of Thomas Dudley Leafe (administrator of the estate of Thomas Leafe, deceased).
Also, all that piece or parcel of land situate as above, being allotment 11 of section 7 in the village of Turimetta,—having an area of 1 rood and 32 perches or thereabouts, and said to be in the possession of Hugh Rusden Oilman.
Also, all that piece or parcel of land situate as above, being allotment 12 of section 7 in the village of Turimetta, and also being the land comprised in Conditional Purchase No. 44-53 (Metropolitan Land District),—having an area of 1 rood and 32 perches or thereabouts, and said to be in the possession of Rudolph Frederick William Edward Wilkinson. NOTIFICATION OF RESUMPTION OF LAND UNDER THE PUBLIC WORKS ACT, 1912. (1947, May 16). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1148. Retrieved from
Mona Vale Public School had and has a very strong environmental ethos - lead by some of the best early proponents of tree and natural environment conservation - a sample of these from Miss Collin's era and beyond her time as a student and decades as a teacher:
Mona Vale Public School Tree Planters: Students from the Village Green become those who are Greening the Village
ARBOR DAY. School Celebrations.
Arbor Day was celebrated yesterday In schools under the Education Department, most of-which planted trees in honour of the Coro-nation of the King and Queen. Trees were also planted in honour of Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose.
A party representing the Education Department and the Australian Forest League visited schools in the Warringah Shire. At Harbord public school the headmaster announced that all the children were tree wardens and they repented in unison their promise "not wilfully to destroy but to protect daily our trees and wild flowers."
At Brookvale school the Director of Education (Mr. G. R. Thomas)announced that next year for the 150th anniversary, he would invite all schools to plant three , wattle trees one in honour of Captain Cook, one for Governor Phillip,, and one symbolical of "Peace."
At Mona Vale, Western Australian flowering gums were planted by two pupils, while the other children danced round in a circle.
Many of the trees planted yesterday were supplied by the State nursery at Gosford, and a feature of this year's planting was the setting of more varieties of native trees than on any previous Arbor Day. Help was given by municipal and shire councils. ARBOR DAY. (1937, July 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 14. Retrieved from
Mona Vale Public School Plants 140 Trees In Three Streets
ONE hundred and forty Bottle Brush trees were planted at Mona Vale on August 11, when Arbor Day was celebrated at Mona Vale School.
The trees were planted in Narrabeen, Waratah and Park streets, which surround the school, at which 148 students have become tree wardens.
The tree planting was arranged by the schoolmaster, Mr. Daly with the co-operation of the Parents and Citizens' Association. ;
- The P. &. C. and school children bought most of the treelings from the Forestry Department, the Department giving the remainder.
Mr. Daly addressed the gathering of children, parents and visitors, after which Mr., Austin, inspector of schools, Mr. Asian; M.L.A., and Mr. Watson, of the Naturalist: Society, addressed the large gathering.
All spoke of the great value of trees to the individual, the community, and the nation, and urged the growing, care, and protection of trees.
Trees were living things of beauty and great usefulness, and every effort should be made to save them from damage and destruction, the speakers said.
The young trees were distributed among the visitors, children and members of the Parents and Citizens' Association who moved to positions in the three streets where the treelings were planted.
Other visitors included members of the N.S.W. Town Planning Association (Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ford), the president of Warringah Shire Council(Mr. R. Kent),- a member of the Forestry Advisory Committee (Mr.Turner), the secretary of Pittwater R.S.L. (Mr. Bimsan), Mrs. Ingleton, representing the Mona Vale Community League, and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Collins.
The president of the P. and C. Association (Mrs. K. Batten) assisted by the secretary (Mrs. O. Anderson)entertained the visitors at lunch, while the school children provided a bright concert programme, which included Master Ted Budge's vocal solo, "Trees."
Visitors paid tributes to the school staff, P. and C. members, and all who assisted in the tree planting and entertainment. MONA VALVE SCHOOL PLANTS 140 TREES IN 3 STREETS. (1950, August 25). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from
Schools Celebrate Arbor Day In The Rain: Children’s Enthusiasm
By Our Special Representative.
'THE growing interest among school children in the planting and protection of trees was demonstrated last Friday at Arbor Day ceremonies at public schools in seaside resorts north of Sydney.
To celebrate Jubilee year and in support of the Festival of Trees special ceremonies had been arranged at Avalon, Newport and Mona Vale. These districts are well known surf and holiday resorts, but with increased building development they axe rapidly becoming suburban residential areas.
This part of our northern coastline is well endowed with trees and the undulating country sweeping down to the sea provides many picturesque vistas. With the change to suburbia., however, many of the tree clad hills are showing the effects of the axe and the five stick. As land is subdivided and building blocks cleared trees have to come down to make way for progress.
People Tree Conscious
A tour of the district last Friday during the school Arbor Day ceremonies revealed that many of the local public bodies and residents are tree conscious and are anxious to preserve as much as possible of the district's natural beauty.
The schools at Avalon, Newport and Mona Vale, therefore, received generous support in their tree planting programmes from their own parents and citizens' associations and other local organisations.
Be cause of continuous heavy rain Arbor Day was celebrated at the three schools with only token plantings of trees.
The extremely wet conditions, however, appeared to act as a spur to the enthusiasm of the youngsters and their parents and friends. Programmes of songs, physical culture exercises, verse speaking and tableaus were performed indoors or in the open in those few brief moments when the rain eased.
R.S.L. Support
The first ceremony was at Avalon, where the local sub-branch of the R.S.L. had provided the trees for a planting programme in the school grounds.
This is a comparatively new school. Only temporary buildings have been erected so far I and there is plenty of scope for tree planting in the four acres of grounds.
The headmaster, Mr. T. E. L. McGuire, explained that a master plan had been prepared on the advice of a nurseryman for laying out and planting the school grounds with trees and shrubs. The plan provides for windbreak and shade trees, an agricultural section and a properly equipped playground.
After the children had given several items short addresses on the value of trees and the need for their protection were delivered by Mrs. A. Wyatt, a vice-president of the Forestry Advisory Council and a member of the Kuring-gai 'Tree Lovers' Civic League, and Mr. E. Breakwell, former organiser of Junior Farmers' Clubs, and representing the Australian Forest League.
Mr. Breakwell, who is well known throughout New South Wales for his work in the interests of school agriculture and tree planting, is now residing at Newport. He continues to take a moist active interest in the local schools and is particularly keen on the development of a tree consciousness among school children and the public generally.

LEFT (above): MR. BREAKWELL, former organiser of Junior Farmer Clubs throughout N.S.W. and representing the Australian Forest League, took a prominent part in the tree-planting ceremony at Avalon Public School, The headmaster, MR. T. E. L. McGUIRE, is also in the picture.
With due ceremony a Norfolk Island Pine, one of many to be planted on the southern boundary, was "planted" in a large pot indoors, while the children recited the tree warden's pledge.
At Newport the headmaster, Mr. N. R. Sanderson, had organised a splendid programme which was performed despite the rain. Here again, however, it was impossible to carry out the tree planting'portion of the programme.
But: the singing of "Trees" by the school choir, the clear young voices ringing out in the rain-washed air amid a lovely setting of trees, was ample compensation for those who braved the wintry weather to attend.
Cavalcade of History
The highlight of the day's events, however, was at Mona Vale, where a most elaborate and well organised programme had been arranged to celebrate Jubilee Year and Arbor Day.
The school children, in full costume and with scenery and effects, took part in what was really a cavalcade of Australian history.
The headmaster, Mr. G. B. A. Daly, was responsible for the arrangement of- the performance and': had valuable assistance and co-operation from his teaching staff and members of the Parents and, Citizens' Association.
Providence was kind at this stage. The rain ceased and fitful sunlight shone out as Capt. , Cook landed from the Endeavor and was greeted by a large band of aborigines, to be followed by colorful scenes from Australia's past, with Redcoats marching to the beat of a vigorous drummer, pioneers pushing out to conquer the outback, statesmen telling of the development of a hation and the three arms of the present-day services marching proudly across the parade ground.
The programme ended with a salute to "Australia" and "Britannia."
Performance Praised
The performance was excellent and won high praise from, Mr. J. N. Harrison, the district inspector of schools, who described it as one of the most outstanding Jubilee Year events he had witnessed.
Three of the "actors" then planted a tree in the school ground to mark the Jubilee Year Arbor Day. It had been intended that 80 advanced trees would be planted but, owing to the rain, this major planting had to be postponed.
(Continued on page 10)

SALUTE TO "AUSTRALIA" "Australia" and her attendants made ct colorful picture In the final tableau of the Jubilee Year performance given by Mona Vale schoolchildren last Friday. The performance was given as part of the Arbor Day ceremony at the school.

THE "PIONEER" WOMEN and the lamb were undaunted by the dreary conditions when Mona Vale school children gave a special Jubilee year performance as part of the Arbor Day ceremonies last Friday.

JUBILEE TREE PLANTING at Mona Vale Public School. MASTERS HOGAN (centre). WILLIAMS and TORA plant a tree in the school ground after pupils had given a Jubilee year performance in costume
Schools Celebrate Arbor Day (Continued from page 8) Schools Celebrate Arbor Day In The Rain; Children's Enthusiasm (1951, July 6).The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), , p. 8. Retrieved from
From Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings:
PURSUANT to section 88 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Crown Lands specified in Column 1 of the Schedules hereunder are added to the reserved lands specified opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedules.
Minister for Land and Water Conservation.
Land District: Metropolitan.
Local Government Area; Pittwater.
Parish: Narrabeen.
County: Cumberland.
Village: Turimetta.
Lot 7101, D.P. 752046.
Area: 3400 square metres.
Torrens Tide Identifier: 7101/752046.
File No.: MN80 R 187.
Crown Land reserved for the public purpose of public recreation, by notification in the Government Gazette of 23 January 1892, asReserve No. R. 15057.