Teenagers Swap Bush For Beach On Northern Beaches Exchange

Teenagers swap bush for beach on Northern Beaches exchange
From Northern Beaches Council
Four teenagers from Brewarrina in far west NSW have spent a week enjoying life in on the Beaches as part of the Northern Beaches Council Youth Exchange Program.
Council CEO Mark Ferguson said the program, now in its seventeenth year, aims to promote friendship and understanding between beach and bush communities.
The four young Aboriginal people, aged 13 to 15, travelled more than 800 kilometres and enjoyed a packed itinerary: learning to surf, meeting lifeguards, visiting Luna Park, riding the Manly ferry, visiting Koori Radio station and shopping up a storm.
The visitors at the PCYC in Dee Why with young locals who did the exchange to Brewarrina last year.
On the ferry!
“This is a fantastic partnership with Brewarrina Shire Council which gives four to six young people a taste of a different kind of life for a week,” Mr Ferguson said.
“For some of the teenagers on this trip, it was their first time on a plane, first time on a ferry and first time in a city the size of Sydney.
“Programs like this are a great way to promote respect and understanding across different cultures and ways of life.
“They have all had an incredible week and I know they will have many stories to share with friends and families back home.”
Mr Ferguson said Northern Beaches teenagers would soon have the opportunity to apply be part of the exchange to Brewarrina in April as part of 2018 National Youth Week celebrations.

NSW YOUTH WEEK 2018: 13 - 22 APRIL
Youth Week began as a NSW Government initiative in 1989, and has since grown to be a celebration of young people in every state and territory across the country.
It is organised by young people, for young people, in communities across NSW and Australia. Following the success of the NSW Youth Week program, Youth Week became a National event in 2000. National Youth Week is jointly supported by the Australian Government, State and Territory Governments and Local Governments.
National Youth Week is an opportunity for young people to:
- share ideas
- attend live events
- have their voices heard on issues of concern to them
- showcase their talents
- celebrate their contribution to the community
- take part in competitions
- have fun!
Find out more and register for updates at: www.youthweek.nsw.gov.au