March 15 - 21, 2020: Issue 442
The Bona - Classic Wooden Yacht

Yachting, Sydney Harbour, ca. 1900-1910, Image No.: a116598, courtesy State Library of NSW.
The Bona - Classic Wooden Yacht
“For masterpieces are not single and solitary births; they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common, of thinking by the body of the people, so that the experience of the mass is behind the single voice.” Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own
Made from indestructible kauri wood, which was ‘seasoned’ in salt water for at least two years prior to being shaped into a sleek 'linear' yacht designed and built by famous New Zealand boat designer and craftsman Charles Bailey Jun. the Bona (Meaning ‘good’ in Italian – fem.) disappeared from the racing circuits in Brisbane in 1953 after her then owner-skipper, Len Field, and his wife Emily had their second child and he placed an advertisement to rent a place – to come off the sea.
A year after running that original Bona Classic yacht History page in 2014 a wonderful gentleman from Lovett Bay, intent on finding out what happened to her, tracked Len's son to the South Coast of NSW and found out the yacht had been sold to people who, to enable collecting her steel parts to sell, burnt her to the ground. Thank you for finding out her fate sir! A sad end to a wonderful yacht.
Then in late 2019 a relative of the original owner, John Chinnery, who also enjoyed that original page, contacted Pittwater Online to share a great early painting of the Bona and some family research on Mr. Chinnery:
Thanks for the reply Alison, sorry to hear about the final fate of the Bona. I don't know a lot about John Chinnery's sailing life but my father gave me some notes he had recorded regarding John Chinnery. These are as follows:
He was the eldest son of William and Margaret Chinnery, and lived in the Anchorage, the house he built in Wolesley Rd, Double Bay. He also at this time either owned or leased a piece of land on the Rose Bay side of Point Piper. The land had a large flat area near the water's edge and there was a stone boathouse and wooden jetty attached to the land. he moored the Bona off this area and the flat area was used to dry sails.
John Chinnery was well known in Sydney as the owner of the first specialist sea food restaurant in the city. It was located in Hunter St opposite the present entrance to Wynyard Station. John Chinnery raced an eighteen foot sailing skiff on Sydney Harbour, and it was kept in about shed at the Point Piper end of Double Bay beach.My father had been there as young boy.
At one time he was wealthy man, having real estate investments in the Double Bay and Rose Bay areas, interests in fishing boats and the restaurant.In the late 1920's his fortunes declined and all property was eventually lost except for the house in Rose Bay. He had married a widow Elizabeth Price nee Dunn who had 3 children. Susan, Alice and Charles. Charles had disappeared and the house was left to Alice and Susan who ran it as boarding house in the 1930's.
John Chinnery died in Lidcombe hospital in the mid 1930's.
My great great grandfather was was the younger brother of John, and at one time was in business with John. He later opened his own fish shop in Newtown. He had married Elizabeth Dunn's younger sister Annie.
I remember as a young child going to get the picture of The Bona. An elderly lady had died, who I now think was either Susan or Alice, And my Father and his brother had been sent to catch her cats which gone feral. When we arrived at the house large amounts of furnishings pictures etc had been burnt and destroyed in the back yard probably by the old lady. The picture of the Bona for some reason survived.
There is an interesting article about John Chinnery,s charges against two police which gives a feeling of the times. It is available at Http:// newspaper/article/15552132.
I have attached copy of the painting. The technique used was to paint over a photo. The size is 83 by 57 cm. It is dated 1902 and bears the photo studio name but is unreadable.
Once again thanks for the story of the Bona
Regards Tony Chinnery
Thank you too Tony - that painting:
The Bona’s long and wending and winning song of owners, skippers and events, including frequent visits to Pittwater, begins many years prior to 1953. Woven through her stories are a lot of firsts, not just races won, but changing to Bermuda rigging (1928), a practice many classic yachts of that time then followed, or spurring one of her owners to commission one of the first cruisers for Sydney and Australia itself, which he also named ‘Bona’. Her owners and skippers were among the premier men of her times, among them founding members of both our own Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club and Royal Motor Yacht Club.
But it all began in 1899 in the beautiful port of Auckland where two families, masters at their trades for generations, vied with each other to design, build and launch the fastest vessels in the southern hemisphere:
YACHTING AND SAILING. There is scarcely a part along the whole Australian coastline where sailing for pleasure is not an attractive feature The larger coastal cities have their yacht and sailing clubs, while at the smaller towns if there are no clubs there are enthusiastic yachtsmen, who combine the delights of sailing and sea fishing. From the foundation of the mother colony, Port Jackson asserted its claims as a yachting centre, and the Anniversary Regatta is an older institution than the Constitution. To the north and south of Sydney are attractive spots for sailing, fishing, and bathing, such as Broken Bay, Port Stephens, Port Hacking, and Jervis and Twofold Bays.
In the other colonies the sport is carried on with enthusiasm. Melbourne has her Royal Yacht Club, as well as other junior clubs ; while at Adelaide, Hobart, and Brisbane there is much racing and cruising. Tasmania offers many inducements to pleasure sailing, as her harbours are many and convenient, and her scenery is world famed.
The development of the yacht to the present stage has followed pretty closely the traditions of the mother country. More than 40 years ago Mr. B.Harnett, discarding the cod bow and mackerel tail ofthe day, designed the Australian on the principle of segments of a circle, thus anticipating the English model of some 30 years later. But limited sail area and small displacements have altogether altered thetype of our yachts, and now we are quite up-to-date with the latest designs of Fife, Somers and Payne, &c., and boats built by Logan and Bailey, of New Zealand.
The open and half-decked boats vary in the different colonies according to the nature of the waters sailed on. The open boat sailing of Port Jackson has always been the wonder and admiration of visiting yachtsman, who marvel at the huge sail-spread and the line of " live ballast " on the weather gunwale. Keen interest has been taken in the inter- change of matches between the Sydney and Brisbane half-deckers, and several of our yachts and sailing boats have visited Melbourne.
In 1887 Sir William Clarke, owner of the Janet(Royal Melbourne Yacht Club) suggested the inauguration of an Intercolonial Cup. This was taken up by the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, and Mr. A. Milson's Waitangi was the winner, beating the Janet and the Magic. This race, unfortunately, was not followed up by other visits of yachts from the other colonies.
In honour of the centenary of the colony the New South Wales Government presented a cup of the value of £500, to be won twice in succession by the same yacht. This was raced for at the Anniversary Regatta, 1888, when Mr. A. Milson's 40-rater Era was successful, beating Magic, Mistral, and Waitangi. Next year Mr. W. P. Smairl's Volunteer won the race, and in 1890 she sailed over the courts and so became winner of the cup. In 1888 an intercolonial regatta was held on Port Phillip during the Melbourne Exhibition. Era won the principal race for a prize of £400 and a gold anchor of the value of £100 presented by Sir William Clarke, beating yachts from Victoria, South Australia, and New Zealand.
Since then the sport has gone steadily on. The new rating rules have made the old boats out of date. The new era is represented by such boats as White Wings and Bona (36 linear rating), and Heather, Petrel, Magic, and Fleetwing (30 linear rating). The coming regattas on the 4th and 26th will attract special interest, as these and other new boats from the latest designs will meet. In addition to this it is intended to hold a conference of representatives of the yacht clubs, with a view to promoting interstate racing. YACHTING AND SAILING. (1901, January 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
PRINCE ALFRED YACHT CLUB. The commodore (Mr. S. Hordern) presided at the monthly meeting of the Prince Alfred Yacht Club on Thursday evening, held at the clubroom, Hotel Australia. Mr. Read and Messrs. W. Longworth and J. E. Chinnery were elected members. YACHTING. (1899, April 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Please note that some sources spell the the first owner's name 'Chinney'
A few further particulars of Mr. J. E. Chinnerey's new 36- footer, building by Mr. Charles Bailey, jun., of Auckland, New Zealand, will, no doubt, prove of great interest to local yachtsmen. -Roughly the measurements' of the new craft are:— L.o.a.,50ft.; 1.w.l. , 32ft.; beam, 9ft and draught; 7ft. She is built on the frame principle, the framing being of pohutakaiwa, and the planking of 1 ½ in. Kauri in full lengths. The New Zealanders are of opinion that the new production is one of the handsomest and best designed boats that Mr. Bailey has yet turned out. This is saying much, for it must be remembered that the famous 30 footer Meteor, now in Sydney, was designed and built by the same Bailey. Few people have forgotten how easily Meteor vanquished not only Bronzewing, but some of her 10- ton rivals, a couple of seasons ago in Sydney waters. The new craft is expected to be finished about the middle of October. Prior to leaving for Sydney she is to be given a trial in Auckland harbor. SAILING NOTES. (1899, August 30). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 6. Retrieved from
ARRIVAL OF A NEW CRAFT. Mr. J. E. Chinnery's 36-footer, Bona, recently launched from Bailey's yard, Auckland, is expected to arrive early this morning by the steamship Elingamite. From a description the Bona is somewhat like the Meteor, but, of course, larger. Her principal dimensions are approximately :-L.o.a., 52ft. ; l.w.l. 36ft. ; beam, 9ft., with a shallow draught. She carries a fair spread of canvas, and in good hands White Wings should find a very worthy opponent in the new comer. The Bona will probably curry a racing flag on Saturday next in the P. A.Y.C. race. ARRIVAL OF A NEW CRAFT. (1899, December 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
The yacht race should prove an interesting item, as all the leading racing yachts are entered, including the two New Zealand built yachts, Aoma and Bona, the latter of which has not yet made her bow before the yacht racing patrons. The following are the ...Wings (S. Hordern) and Bona (J. E. Chinnery); scr; Isea (W. M. Marks), 9min; Aoma(C. T. Brockhoff) , and Meteor (Dr. J.F. . Elliott), - min .Actaea- (F. G. Waley) and Jess ' (Jas. Cox),- 14min;and Sapphire... The course is from Clark Island, round Fort Denison, Watson's Bay Pile- Light; Shark Island, Fort Denison, Watson's Bay Pile-Light, Shark Island, and finishing at Clark Island. The two 30-footers Aoma and Meteor blight to again provide a good race between themselves, and possibly the winner. Bona can hardly be expected to show her true form yet, but it will be an interesting sight should the two scratch boats face the starter. The race for raters is another event that has induced a fair entry. The handicaps are as follow: Waimea (H. M. Shelley), 12min; Eva (W. R.Crane), 5min; Bronzewing IV. (S. Hordern, jun.)-; and Bronzewing III. (H. L. Lister), 6min; Bunyip (A. E. Cutler), Quadratic (W.E. Adams), and Topaz (H. A. Jones),3min; Laurel (A. W. Crane), scr. Waimea should be able to keep ahead of the fleet from the word 'go,' though there are some fliers behind her. Amongst the open and half-decked class the 'event that will have the most interest for the public will be the best-and-best race for boats 18ft and over, and the entrants include all the cream of the harbor. Following are the' handicaps: — Ente (N. Johnson), scr; Plover (W.Read), 1min; Southern Cross (J. J. Macken) and Keriki (O. Taylor), Australian (Chris Webb), 6min; Kyeewa (Geo. Ellis) and Donnelly(Geo. Holmes), 6%min. The intercolonial champion is giving away time to all the boats, and will find the task too difficult. Keriki, Australian, and Plover look like providing a close finish, with the two 22's in front. The limited sails race has an entry of 23 boats, amongst which are some craft that would make a decent showing in the best-and-best races.
Mr. J. C. Chinnery's yacht Bona was not long in getting her name in an entry list, as although she only arrived on Saturday morning the 36-footer is entered for the yacht race at the Hellings Memorial Regatta tomorrow, and Mr. Chinnery is making every effort to get her ready, and he finds plenty to do in that respect. The newly-arrived yacht was much admired last Saturday on her maiden spin on the waters of Port Jackson, Mr. Chinnery having a party of friends on board, who were fortunate in getting to the moorings in Double Bay before the nor'-wester reached them. The yacht was out again on Wednesday afternoon, when there was a fair north-easter blowing, and she showed she had plenty of stability, and went through the water in a very clean manner, and is like a dingey in stays. Mr. Charles Bailey, jun., Bona's designer and builder, who brought her over from New Zealand, is superintending the fitting out of the yacht. Mr. Chinnery and Mr.Bailey on Wednesday got into a skiff in orderthat they might have a look at the new flier sailing, and were very pleased with her appearance. Bona is not intended altogether as a racer, as Mr. Chinnery proposes to use her as a cruiser as well, and a very comfortable and handy cruiser she will make. The cabin is about 16ft long, and as there is no centreboard case to hamper one's movements the full width of the yacht is available. Mr. Chinery was out in the Bona yesterday afternoon, and did not relish the unpleasant experience of being caught in the fog which enveloped the harbor for a short time. The Bona will be hauled up at Rose Bay at full tide to-day, but will be floated off on the next tide. AQUATICS. (1899, December 8). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
The Yacht Bona. (See illustration on page 26.) This yacht, which arrived in Sydney on December 2; has created- an immense amount of interest in yachting circles, and when she makes her Yachting debut in the P.A.Y.G. Race on January 6 her performance will be watched with keen eyes by all lovers of aquatics. Our artist has depicted her as she lay on Mr. Chinnery's slip at Rose Bay, and from it one can get some idea of the shape of the hull beneath the water. As will be seen Bona has a long overhang both for'ard and aft, the latter being especially clean. Bona was out last Sunday, and had a spin with one or two of our older yachts, in which she acquitted herself in a manner thoroughly satisfactory to both her owner and her builder and designer (Mr. Chas.Bailey, jun.). The sails are now setting fairly well, and Bona is sailing, better each time she goes out. The new 36-footer is undoubtedly fast, and very stiff. The new yacht's length overall is 53ft; l.w.l., 33ft; beam, 9ft 3in; draught, 6ft 5in. She is planked with kauri pine (Dummara australis), and the decking is also of the same wood, and as all the planks run the full length, it adds greatly to her appearance. The frames are of pohutu kawa (Meterosideros tomentosa) and hickory, and the deck fittings are teak. The saloon is about 16ft long, and is finished in a very handsome manner, being fitted with polished mottled kauri, rimu, and rewa rewa, with mirrors on the bulkheads at either end. Two lounges run the full length of the saloon, and are upholstered with the finest maroon Utrecht - velvet. The top of the saloon is painted with white enamel paint, and the mouldings are picked out with gold. There is about 5ft head room, with nearly 6ftwider the skylight. The saloon is centered by a short companion-way from the cockpit. All the spars are of Oregon pine, and a pole mast is used, the usual standing topmast being dispensed with, so as to get the largest possible area in the lower sails. The rigging is rather heavier than is usual with our yachts, the stays being of galvanised iron wire. The sails are from the loft of Lapthorne and Ratsey. Unlike White Wings, Bona is a deep-keeler, and is a 36-footer under the new rules. Under the old water line and sail area measurements she would be a 6-rater.
Mr. Bailey is returning to Auckland by the Westralia, which left on December 20. Mr. Bailey is the builder and designer of some fast raters and footers, so that it will not be a new experience for him to turn out a fast craft. Dr. Elliott's 30-footer Meteor is one of his build, as is the rater Laurel. The 5-rater Uira is another of Mr. Bailey's creation, and she worthily upholds the builder in Melbourne waters. Mr. S. S. Bannister, of Dunedin, also owns one of Bailey's, the 2 1/2-rater Thelma, and she was only defeated on two occasions during the last four years. Zanita, of Auckland, is also from the same builder, and out of eleven starts in the principal races the last season scored five firsts, three seconds, and three thirds. Taking a line from these and others that cannot be thought of at present, Mr. Chinnery has some cause to anticipate a successful season when he gets his yacht into proper trim. Mr. J. E. Chinnery's Yacht Bona. The Bona is a 36-footer, and was built in New Zealand by Mr. Charles Bailey, jun., to the order of Mr. Chinnery, of Sydney. (Photo, by G. A. Hills, King-street, Sydney.) (For letterpress see ''Yachting" in sporting pages.) The Yacht Bona. (1899, December 23). Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 52. Retrieved from
Her first win is some small indication of the years to come when she was, with Len Patrick as skipper, unbeatable for seasons in a row:
For instance, Mr. J. E. Chinnery's Bona was a competitor for the first time. The Alfreds were the organising club, and the race was to have been sailed over a partly outside course, but for some unknown reason the committee during the week altered the venue to once round the Manly and Watson's Bay Pile light, starting and finishing at the Royal Arthur's buoy. There were seven entrants, these, together with their respective skippers and handicaps, being: Bona (Mr. J. Chinnery) scratch, Isea (Mr.W. M. Maries) lOmtn, Meteor (Dr. F. J. Elliott) 15min, Aoma (Mr. C. T. Brockhoff)17min, Herreshoff (Mr. James Cox) 19min, Sapphire (Mr. H. A. Jones) 28min, and Liahloo (Mr. W. H. Murrell) 42min. Of these Aoma was the only absentee. Much disappointment was occasioned over the non-entry of Mr. Sam Hordern's White Wings for the race, especially as Bona was practically built to race the Fife boat. Commodore Hordern, however, I understand, was away at Broken Bay in his S.Y. Bronzewing. This possibly might have prevented White Wings being entered for the race. Judging by the way the now 36-footer sailed in the light wind, she is a veritable Sandy Hook champion, and Mr. Chinnery needs must feel thoroughly satisfied by his boat's fine showing In Saturday's race. Starting away about; half-an-hour later than she should have, owing to the lightness of the wind, Bona one after another gathered in her opponents, and eventually finished an easy winner from her older, but smaller sister, Meteor, 10min 30sec separating the pair at the finish, which took place at 8h 20mine 30sec. The successful New Zealand built boat started away in a faint southerly air, with her leading jib. At Bradley’s Head she substituted this for a spinnaker, under which she ran down to the Manly buoy. The times here were Meteor 4h 29mln, Sapphire -In 30min 25sec, Herreshoff 4h 38min, LaMoo 4h 41min, Isea 4h52ndn 20sec, and Bona- 4h 58min 20sec.With the tide running out the scratch beat worked the return trip along the western shore in short tacks. Soon she was seen to gain considerably on her immediate rivals, and at Shark Island had worked into second position, the times taken rounding the buoy being: Meteor 5h 57min, Bona 6h12min 30sec, Isea 6h 20min. Thus, after comparing times, it will be seen that Bona, whilst overhauling all the others on the thrash back, gained upwards of 14min on the Intercolonial champion Meteor. On the short lead to Fort Denison the new 36 footer gained no less than 7min 50sec more on the 30-footer, and eventually won the race as previously stated. SAILING NOTES. (1900, January 10). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 10. Retrieved from
Then, as now, the sailing season officially commenced in Spring:
Notes. While the weather conditions which prevailed on Saturday cannot be described as favorable for yachting manoeuvres, still it will be admitted that the Prince Alfred Yacht Club's official opening was highly successful. Commodore Hordern, on board his pretty little Bronzewing, arrived in Farm Cove shortly after 2.30 p.m., and soon after the squadron had formed, and was following his lead down the harbor. The wind blew hot and strong from the north-west, and the yachts carried the breeze to Bradley's, when it suddenly fell to a dead calm. Meanwhile the Bronzewing had found an anchorage in Taylor Bay. The squadron was lying outside almost motionless, but' the Bronzewing got under weigh again, and, in emulation of Captain Spinks, the commodore set out on a towing expedition. The-majority of the boats, however, got in on their own. The anchorage had scarcely been made when a strong southerly puff accompanied by some big drops of rain and a few hailstones was experienced.Outside the bay, the southern shore was simply hidden from view by the shower; the squadron, however, was quite snug, and escaped. The weather from this out became pleasant, and all the boats, following the commodore’s dressed ship, with the result that a prettier view cannot be imagined. The club steamer Bunya Bunya in charge of Mr. Arthur Jowett, the Prince Alfred secretary, was well, patronised, having on board quite a large number of ladies and gentlemen, who evinced considerable inter-est in the whole of the proceedings. The scene was in every sense picturesque, and, like the Royal's opening, probably was one of the best held for years past. The Bronzewing's dressing was complete in every detail, but this is characteristic of the genial commodore. Among the guests on board the vessel there were Messrs.. J. S. Wylie (vice-commodore,. Brisbane Y.C.), W. J. Wylie (Brisbane), Dr. Knaggs, Captain W. W. Watson, R. S. Gillitt, J. H. Harrte, H.. Austin Goddard (San Francisco)Geo. Gaden, W Moir, J. B. Brereton, E. J. Gray, E. C V. Broughton, W. Marks, and others; The Bronzewing was also utilised as the finishing boat for the races which were indulged in during the day and the "12-pounder" for’ard did quite a heap of "booming" as the boats finished. The yachts participating in the display were as follows: Bronzewing (S. Hordern, commodore), having onboard Messrs. W. Marks (vice-commodore) and C. T. Brockhoff (rear-commodore) yachts in line; White Wings (S. Hordern, jun.), Fleetwings (C.T. Brockhoff), Magic (J. O. Fairfax), Petrel (S. M. Dempster), Isea (Dr. Nathan), Heather (Dr. Gordon Craig), Bona (J. E. Chinnery), Aoma (A. Dixon), Cooya (A. Crane), Cronélla (A. Marks), Colarmi (E. M. Muston), Fairlie(S. H. Fairland), Lahloo (J. Stewart), Doris (J. Mackenzie), Bur Bur (G. Barker); Myee (F. Adams), Canarsie (J.Lyons), Dragon (G. George), Astreá (C. Marshall), Pleidès (Captain Evans), Ada (S. Josephson), Valeria (G. J. Jackson).
Late in the afternoon the commodore of the Royals (Mr. T. A. Dibbs), in the handsome new yacht Ena, steamed into Taylor Bay, and dipped his Ensign to the Bronzewing. Cheers from the latter vessel, called for by Mr. Hordern, were enthusiastically given for the commodore of the Royals.
The results of the races were as follow: Members Race: M. Mackenzie (Doris) and J. E. Chinnery(Bona)dead heat. All-comers Race: M. Mackenzie (Doris). Rescue Race: S. Stevens(Aoma). Yachts All Hands Race: W. Stannard (Bronzewing). The company broke, up shortly before 5 p.m and cleared Taylor Bay In time to see the R.M.S, Sierra entering the Heads from San Francisco via ports. To Mr. Jewett is due a lot of praise for the completeness of the arrangements for the day.
The members of the Prince Alfred Yacht Club held the annual mess dinner to celebrate the opening of the season at Aarons's Exchange Hotel on October 24, under the presidency of the commodore, Mr. S. Hordern. The company which numbered about 200 included Sir James Graham (Mayor), Drs. Marshall, Gordon Craig, Rea, and Burne, Captain W. W. Watson, Messrs: T. A. Dibbs (commodore of the Royal Yacht Squadron), Rear-commodore Brockhoff, Vice commodore Marks, E. C. V. Broughton/M.L.A., S. Hordern, Jun;; O. Phillips; P; Peters; E. Rabbitts, T. S;'Tillock, K. Giltinan, W. Arnott; J. vj.Rouse, J. Smith (Australia Hotel), C. Fleming, A.C: Jewett,, W. M. Calvert, F. J. Jackson, Max Rowan,' F.' Tèasdel, J. A.. Minnet, A. J. Langan/ -J.Brocklehurst, S. H. Stark, J. Macintosh, D. Solo-mon; S.'. Dempster, and Grey.: The chairman pro-posed/' ..the "'toasts' of "The King" and "Our Patrons."-their ' Excellencies; the 'Duke of York, Lord Hopetoun” and the Admiral-which were duly honored; after which the company was invited to pledge the health of "The Mayor". Sir James Graham, in responding, said he knew little-about yachting, but he knew something about its phraseology. He knew, for example, what terms "trimming, one's sail" and "setting a jib" meant.(Laughter.) The only sea he had ever sailed on was a sea of trouble-as a Mayor. The aldermen had had a lot of clouds around them, but he was happy to say they were now getting into smooth, water.
''Aquatics," coupled with the name of Mr T.. A. Dibbs, was the next toast proposed, and it was drunk with enthusiasm. Mr. Dibbs made a suitable acknowledgment, and Sir James Graham then gave the toast of "The Prince Alfred Yacht Club.” In doing so he congratulated the members upon the high position they held, in the community as a club, and said they ought to feel proud in having such a public-spirited man as Mr. Hordern as their commodore. He trusted, now that Sir Thomas Lipton had stated that he did not intend to again compete for the America Cup, their commodore would next year take up the running. Mr. Hordern responded. He really did think of competing for the America Cup, but on second thoughts he considered that it would be better to pay the rent to the Mayor for the Exhibition Building. Vice-commodore Starks and Rear-commodore Brockhoff also replied. Other toasts followed. Notes. (1901, November 2). Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 52. Retrieved from
PRINCE ALFRED YACHT CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP. BONA WINS BY 21 SEC. AFTER AN EXCITING CONTEST. SAILING NOTES. (1902, February 5). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 4. Retrieved from
An early recorded visit to Pittwater
EASTER CAMP AT THE HAWKESBURY. The Prince Alfred Yacht Club's annual Easter camp commenced at the Hawkesbury on Friday last. The following yachts were moored in the basin on Saturday :-Meteor, Ariel, Culwulla, Bona, Cooya, Petrel, Vitshti, Volante, and Euone. SAILING. (1902, March 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
SAILING. PRINCE ALFRED YACHT CLUB. A smoke concert was held by the Prince Alfred Yacht Club in the clubrooms last Friday evening, when the prizes won during the past season, together with the various trophies given in connection with the Easter camp sports, and also for the tournaments held in the clubrooms, were presented to the successful competitors. The concert proved most enjoy-able, and was thoroughly appreciated by the large gathering of members and their friends who were present, numbering some 220 in nil. An excellent programme of songs, roitations, and instrumental pieces was gone through, every item being good. Those who contributed to the evening's amusement were Messrs 0. S. Mosely, AV. Allen. E. B Mac-kenzie, S. Vnce, E M. Mackenzie, AV. Wyley, H.Plulbps W. E Sullivan, E. S Mackenzie, B. Boll,S H. Stevens, and (with Mr. H. Rickards' permis-sion) T. VVoottwell Mr. A. 3. Erwin officiated as accompanist . At the close of the musical entertainment the vice-commodore (Mr. W M Marks) presented the prices to the various winners, addressing a few suitable words to each recipient. Bona (Mr.J. E. Chinnery) headed the list with an amount of £47 5s to her credit, besides winning the championship trophy, donated by the vice-commodore, and the trophy given for the ocean race by the rear commodore (Mr. C. T. Brockhoff). She alto tieswith fleetwing aud Petrel foi Commodore Horderu's trophy for the yacht gaining the gieatestnumber of points in handicap events. Petrel (Mr.S. M. Dempster) was well up in the list with £43 la;then came Fleetwing (Mr. C. T. Brockhoff), £34Ids, together with the light of holding the commo-dore's 100-guinea cup for the ensuing season. Thenext in order avcre Culwulla (Mr W. M. Mnrks),£30 9s, Heather (Dr. Gordon Craig), £27 6s,Aoma (Mr. A. Dixson), £21 , Enoun (Messrs, A.ft Marks and Ü. Reading), £6 da , Cooya (Mr. AW. Crane), £1 4s ; Janet (Mr. J. A. Muston), £33s , laen (Dr. A. 0 Nathan), £3 3s ; Sunbeam (Mr.A VV. Crane), £3 3s It will he seen from theabove figures that the total amount of prize money,exclusive of trophies, was £223 13s, Following the presentation of the prizes won by the yachts came tho mving of the trophies which were donated by the vice-commodore for the sports held during the Easter camp. Tho successful competitors wore -Mr. J.AVilhatnsou, 100 yards club handicap ; Mr. S.Gullick, 100 yards open handicap , VV. Allen and L. Joues, three-legged race ; C. Fleming and AV.Adams, wheelbarrow race, A. Bowden, potato scramble. The prizes won at the club tournaments were next presented, Mr. L. A. Mansfield being the successful bilbardist, with Mr. 8. H. Fuirland second , Mr. A. It. Marks secured the trophy for the best broak (41), with Mr. G P. Stevens as runner-up(32). Tho result of the ping-pong contest was Mr F B Taylor first, and Mr. A. W. Orano second. At the conclusion of the prize giving a presentation was made by the yacht owners of the P.A.Y.C. to Gib, of the Electra, and Drew, of the Oithona, as a practical form of appreciation of their having been instrumental in catching the men who had been stealing from several of the yachts. SAILING. (1902, June 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
BALMAIN CORONATION REGATTA. Splendid Weather, Excellent Racing, and a Large Attendance—Bona Wins the Chief Event of the Day. A great day for sailing, and just the day for the winner of the All Yachts' Race, Mr. Chinnery's fine rater, Bona. SAILING NOTES. (1902, November 12). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 4. Retrieved from
Yachting in Sydney Harbour -The Race for the Championship of the Prince Alfred Yacht Club. 1.-Manoeuvring for position at the start. 2.-A long stretch down the Harbour. 3.-Petrel (third) and Heather running back from the buoy at Manly. 4.-Mr. J. H. Chinnery's Bona (second). 5.--Mr. W. M. Marks' Culwulla (the winner). 6.-Crossing Taylor Bay. 7.--The Start. Results. (1903, February 4). Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 38. Retrieved from
The race Bona is most associated with, and is named in decades afterwards, despite her long list of record wins, is what became the 'Sayonara Cup'. This is where contention between the Logan yacht building fratenrity and the Bailey fraternity stems from. Mr Logan built a yacht named 'Rawhiti' which he later stated should have raced in the first of what were to be dubebd 'Australia's America Cup'. The Bona won the second of these three races but the Victorian yacht Sayonara triumphed in the other two:
INTERSTATE YACHT RACE. Although Mr. J.E. Chinnery's yacht Bona has not yet been definitely nominated as the defender to Mr Gollin's challenge, it is practically assured that she will be this State's representative, as no other aspirants for the honour have come forward in response to the managing committee's invitation. Mr. J. Morns, who usually sails her, will have charge of her. Messrs. W. M. Marks, W. Moore, W. K. Dawson, W. Creagh. W. Bennett, S Stevens, with Jack Evans and Tom Ellis representing the two professional hands allowed, will probably constitute the crew. INTERSTATE YACHT RACE. (1903, December 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
THE YACHT BONA. Mr. J. E. Chinnery, has just disposed of his yacht Bona to Mr. B. Binnie. It is understood that Mr. Dempster will now have charge of her in the coming inter State races. THE YACHT BONA. (1903, December 21). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
INTERSTATE RACE. Mr Herbert Binnie is going to leave no stone unturned to have his newly acquired yacht (Bona) in perfect racing trim for the interstate matches. A thorough inspection of the gear and hull bus been made and a very large number of minor additions and alterations are to be carried out which will add very materially to the working of the yacht to the best advantage. Some new light sails are also to be supplied by Dominey of Careening Cove. Mr Dempster her skipper intends having Bona out several days, commencing on New Years Day for trial spins at sea over the actual course route as near as may be This will prove the crew a thorough drilling and also help in getting the boat in trim. Mr Walter Reeks will be on board on these occasions aiding with his valuable advice in tie tuning up process. Mr Dominey will also sail on the yacht in these trials. SAILING. (1903, December 23). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Interstate Yacht Race of 1904: FIRST RACE. (See illustrations on pages 21 and 22.) The first of the series of races between the Sydney yacht. Bona and the Victorian craft Sayonara took place on Saturday over a course 10 miles north-east of Sydney Heads. The race was started at 1 p.m., particulars of the competing vessels being as follow: -
Yacht, Sayonara (Victoria); owner, A. Collin; skipper, W. Robb; rating, 42.4; time allowance, scratch; racing Hag, black, yellow und green bars.
Yacht, Bona (N.S.W.); owner, H. Binnie; skipper, S. M. Dempster (right); rating, 40.2; time allowance, 2min GS sec; racing flag, blue, with White maltese cross.
At the Heads a steady north-east breeze was blowing, while a fairly decent slop of a sea was running in. Prior to the start, the two boats sailed over the line, and spectators on board the Cobar which followed the race were given a fair idea as to what the result would be. The visitor displayed a perfect outfit, and rode every sea with ease. Bona did not appear to such advantage. Although well handled, it seemed that she did not relish anything in shape of a "lump," and she was tender. Sayonara v. Bona. (1904, January 13). Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 21. Retrieved from
Mr. Wallace, the well-known tug owner, is evidently not satisfied that the Sayonara is superior to the Sydney yacht Bona. He offers to provide a £100 trophy for three races between the two boats, providing the owner of Sayonara does the same, and if successful, will donate… towards a cup to be competed for annually. Mr. Wallace only makes one stipulation. He wants the Bona to be sailed by either Messrs. Nick Johnson, Geo. Ellis, or Fred Doran. SAILING. (1904, January 16). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 5. Retrieved from
SYDNEY AMATEUR SAILING CLUB. Mr. H. C. Doran resided at the general monthly of this club, hold on Tuesday evening at Aarons' Exchange Hotel. Mr. H. Binnie, owner of the half-rater Gnome, was elected a member. The motion, of which notice had been given by Mr. Crane, referring to the size and position of distinguishing racing colours caused a deal of discussion, and eventually the rule guiding this matter was added to by the following words :-" But the committee may approve of colours being carried in different positions, and of a different size und design if they see fit." The original rule required colours to be carried on the peak or the mainsail. SYDNEY AMATEUR SAILING CLUB. (1898, October 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
ROYAL SYDNEY YACHT SQUADRON. CARLETON CUP. BONA SUCCESSFUL. What promised to be a splendid contest was unfortunately robbed of a good deal of interest by untoward accidents to two out of the three competitors on Saturday. The race was for the Carleton Cup presented to the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron by the late Mr. T H Kelly to be raced for annually. A more favourable day for an ocean race could hardly be devised and although Bona won fairly comfortably, it must be admitted that both Electra and Oithona would have made an excellent showing but for the former losing her bowsprit and having to retire and Oithona carrying away her topmast (both misfortunes happening early In the race), consequently Mr Soutars craft had to complete the course without the advantage of a topsail, jlb topsail, and spinnaker. Labouring under these disadvantages her performance was most meritorious, in as much as she finished within four minutes of the winner. Additional Interest attached to the race as two of the competitors were the old style of craft and the modern bo it Particulars of the racing art - Bona (H Binnie), scratch £19 , Iothone (A J Soutar), scratch 2 Electra (T H Kelly) scratch, was the only other stater. The race was open to yachts of 10 tons and upwards. The course was from Neutral Bay to North Head of Botany and back to starling line a distance of about 25 miles. SAILING. (1905, January 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
In 1905 The Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron's Carleton and Rawson cups together with £20, were secured by Mr H Binnies Bona. Meanwhile, the squall that had been quietly brewing, began to head to closer and illustrates how the skills of skippers tip the balance in all yacht racing, especially those built for speed:
BONA V. RAWHITI. A GREAT YACHT RACE. A yacht race in which there was centred more than ordinary interest, was sailed in Sydney on Saturday, the contestants being Mr. H. Binnie's Bona and Mr. A. T. Pittar's Rawhiti. Particulars of the yachts are as follows:— Bona, 40.5 rating; Rawhiti, 40.9 rating. -The difference was in Bona's favour, and she was conceded 35sec. Mr. Alfred Milson was starter and judge, and sent the boats away to a beautiful start, Bona having an advantage, due to Mr. Fred. Doran's superior skill over his opponent, Mr. Pittar, who was sailing his own boat. Bona crossed the line 5sec ahead of the Rawhiti, the times being Bona 2h Omin 5sec; Rawhiti, 2h Omin10Sec. BONA V. RAWHITI. (1906, February 26). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from
Mr Pittar may have had something else on his mind if a letter published the day prior to this match is read:
CHALLENGE ,£1000. The Sydney 'Sportsman's' issue of 14th inst, in referring to a race arranged to take place shortly between the yachts 'BONA' and 'RAWHITI', stated that 'It is as yet undecided whether the time allowance will be according to the legitimate or 'Rainbow' systems of rating-.' As this remark can only be regarded as implying that I did not sail the 'RAINBOW' legitimately and fairly, and knowing that reflections of a similar nature have been made from other sources, which are alike unsportsmanlike and untrue, I have decided to give these people an opportunity of proving their statements. I challenge anybody to prove that I have ever sailed unfairly during the whole of my yachting career, either with the 'RAINBOW' or any other yacht. If this can be proved, I undertake to forfeit ONE THOUSAND POUNDS to any charitable institution, say, the Sydney Hospital, and I shall also, forfeit the sum of £50 to anyone who can furnish such proof as will enable me to obtain a conviction against the individuals making the damaging statements referred to. ARTHUR T. PITTAR. CHALLENGE, £1000. (1906, February 25). Sunday Times(Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 3. Retrieved from
They had a rematch on March 10th – which Rawhiti won - this time sailed by one of Sydney's most famous sailors:
RAWHITI v BONA. .PRIVATE MATCH. Mr. A. T. Pittar and Mr. H. Binnie have arranged a private match between their two yachts, Rawhiti and Bona. The conditions arc to sail on rating time allowance over a harbour course on the 24th instant. Given a good day this should be one of the yachting events of the year. Although nothing is said, or even suggested, the issue may nave some bearing on interstate yacht racing, as when Mr. Logan was here a few days ago he stated that when he designed Rawhiti he had ocean interstate racing in view. Mr. Pittar will sail his own boat, while the name of a prominent erstwhile yachtowner is mentioned as the likely skipper of Bona. RAWHITI v BONA. (1906, February 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
THE COMPETING BOATS. MR. BINNIES BONA, SAILED BY FRED. DORAN. (Photo by Hall and Co., Hunter-street, City.) MR. PITTAR'S RAWHITI, SAILED BY WALTER MARKS,{Photo by Hall and Co.) _PHOTOS- TO-DAY'S OCEAN YACHT RACE. (1906, March 10). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 6. Retrieved from
Great Interest was manifested in the second meeting of Bona and Rawhiti last Saturday. The race was contested over an ocean course, and resulted in a very decisive victory for Rawhiti. The start took place, in Neutral Bay, and, as may well be imagined, the vicinity was alive with craft of all description. The Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron had a steamer following, whilst the steamer Newcastle, crowded with spectators, also followed the race. Mr. Alfred Milson again officiated as starter, umpire, and Judge, and in the matter of selecting a course that gentleman went to no end of trouble. The sea mark was let go six miles to windward of Sydney Heads, about 23 miles east of Long Reef, and lay just 5-6th miles north of outer North Head.
Prior to the start Mr. Walter Marks and his crew spent the morning in getting Rawhiti into sea-going order, and as a consequence when Rawhiti came to the line of start she wore a totally different appearance to that when she previously met Bona. Excitement ran high as the two yachts manoeuvred for the start. They were sent away under the five-flag system, in a fluky breeze from the north-west. Mr.Doran had Bona nicely placed at the fall of the last flag, and she crossed the line18 seconds before Rawhiti, her balloon Jib filling out gaily in the light breeze. Rawhiti also carried her balloon jib. It was soon evident, as they reached along to Bradley's Head with the wind on the quarter, that Rawhiti was sailing the faster, and off Cremorne Point the new yacht just simply walked past her rival to windward. Both hugged Bradley's Head, Bona keeping in a little too close to the headland and touching bottom. She howover lost no ground, for no sooner did she bump than she was off Into deepwater again. Rawhiti nevertheless had better luck under the lee, as she got the wind sooner, and cleared out from Bona. As they hauled their wind round the headland it was seen that while Bona held a better wind, Rawhiti was sailing faster. Both yachts stood across the Harbor to the eastern shore, Rawhiti keeping on Bona's weather all the time. Off Shark Beach the outward bound New Zealand steamer Warrimoo caused both yachts to go about. After this Bona tried to escape from Rawhiti's lee, but each time Bona was put about Rawhiti followed suit. It was here noticeable that Bona was the smarter in stays. The latter eventually got clear of Rawhiti, which stood in towards Watson's Bay, and picking up a nice little slant of wind, she was enabled to widen the gap. Up till this only a few lengths separated the pair. At South Reef Rawhiti had a load of 1min 42sec, but in a freshening breeze between the heads Bona pulled up to within a couple of lengths of her rival. When the wind fell light again, however, Rawhiti opened out again, and eventually rounded the sea mark with slightly checked sheets, Mr. Marks having stood a little too far to clear the mark, this enabled Bona to reduce the gap somewhat. Easing away for home, Rawhiti had 4min4sec to spare from Bona. Both yachts carried spinnakers for the run back, and over this portion of the course Rawhiti opened out her lead until crossing the finishing line, where she had 6min 48secto spare from Bona. After deducting the latter's allowance of 32sec, she was found to have won by 6min 16sec.A third match in a slightly stronger breeze than that which prevailed on Saturday would prove of great interest, as Bona showed fine pace when the breeze was freshest on Saturday. SAILING. (1906, March 14). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 9. Retrieved from
SAILING. ROYAL SYDNEY YACHT SQUADRON. RAWSON CUP. - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Saturday 3 March 1906 p 16 Article - ... SAILING. ROYAL SYDNEY YACHT SQUADRON. RAWSON CUP. The annual competition for the Rawson Cup, presented to the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron by his Excellency Sir Harry Rawson, will take place this ...Bona is the present holder, her predecessor in this session being Heather and Scotia.
YACHTING IN VICTORIA. RAWHITI V. SAYOMARA. There was much interest in the interstate yachting races in Victoria for the La Carabine Cup, but more will be taken in the series of events to begin to-morrow between the Rawhiti and the Sayonara. They are to compete for the Sayonara Cup, which was won in 1904 by the Victorian yacht Sayonara, after three races with the Sydney craft Bona, in Port Jackson. It was for the Sayonara fixtures that Rawhiti was specially sailed round to the Southern State. Rawhiti beat Sayonara in the La Carabine Cup races, but the Victorian boat was made lighter in order to reduce her water line. The experiment proved a failure, and Sayonara has now been put back into her old trim. A trial spin gave every satisfaction, and Victorians now expect that even if she is beaten, she will give Rawhiti a close fight. The course for tomorrow's race will be from off Point Gellibrand to 10 miles to windward, and back. The second race on Saturday will be over a triangular course of 20 miles. Should a third contest be necessary, it will take place on Monday. The Sayonara was built in 1896 by M’Farland, of Adelaide from the design of Fife, of Fairlie, on the Clyde, the celebrated yacht architect. She was designed as a fast cruiser, and is a full-bodied boat of the V type, with a fair amount of body under water. She was built to the order of Mr. Garrard, of the Royal Yacht Club of Victoria, and came to Melbourne as a yawl. Subsequently Mr. Alfred Gollin, who became her owner, converted her into a cutter, took her to Sydney, and there won the cup with her. She was then sold to Messrs. Robb and Newbigin, of Melbourne, who now own her. Fife was so pleased with Sayonara that he built another boat on the same design, and that vessel became the basis upon which the English Association has formed the new rule for yacht measurement. The Rawhiti was designed and built by Logan, of Auckland, comparatively recently, with the object of beating everything in Australian waters. She is owned by Mr. C. T. Brockhoff, of Sydney, and has beaten Bona, the yacht which Sayonara beat when she won the cup in Sydney. Rawhiti is quite a different type from Sayonara, being flat-bottomed. She has very little body under water, and consequently her inside accommodation is not nearly as good as that of the latter. YACHTING IN VICTORIA. (1907, January 17). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
No, the Rawhiti did not win - but the races were reported as some of the fastest ever seen.
ROYAL SYDNEY YACHT SQUADRON. BONA WINS THE RAWSON CUP ABSOLUTELY. CULWULLA SQUADRON CHAMPION. Rounding the Manly buoy Awinui had nearly a minute's lead, but it was soon apparent that she had too much head sail, and before her owner got the fool of his craft under totally new conditions. Bona, under the skilful pilotage of Mr F Doran, and secured the lead Culwulla and Scotia had both done well so far Culwulla abandoned her jib sail, and Scotia dispensed with her jib Both yachts were overburdened with sail, Scotia eventually retiring into North Harbour, coming up under shortened canvas later on Culwulla stuck to her far right through Awani did better under Quarantine, hut shortly after opening up the Heads something parted, and the mast went over the bows like a whip bl io was brought into the wind and the jib doused, mida course shaped for the shelter of Middle Harbour, and thus what gave every evidence of a fine contest was ruined . From this out Bona simply raced round the course a winner, and having won the two previous years contests for the Cup, she now takes it absolutely. Bona, 40 5, II Binnie, lm 34s, £7 1. SAILING. (1907, March 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
ROYAL SYDNEY YACHT SQUADRON. RAWSON CUP. The second Cup presented by Sir Harry Rawson. Governor of New South Wales, to the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron was raced for yesterday afternoon, over the Manly-Fort Denison-Watsons Bay course. The first Cup given the Squadron by his Excellency was won outright by Mr. H. Binnie with his yacht Bona. The conditions are that the Cup must be won three times by a yacht-owner before it can be absolutely claimed. ROYAL SYDNEY YACHT SQUADRON. (1908, March 15).Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 10. Retrieved from
1909_ SAYONARA CUP. THE AMERICA CUP OF AUSTRALIA. TODAY'S CONTEST. SAYONARA CUP. THE AMERICA CUP OF AUSTRALIA. (1909, February 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
Not confusing Bona the Motor Yacht with Bona the 90 foot auxiliary schooner of Victorian waters that still pleases many on Sydney Harbour today, or even another Bona that was over in Western Australia during these years and had been a Thames legend that won many races prior to being sold to a gentleman who struck rich in the gold fields, buying her in 1899 and taking possession in 1900 too, and then promptly struck it poor soon after, two Bonas were appearing on the harbour and in Pittwater during the course of the years 1909 to 1914, with a way of determining whether she was either seen only through the names beside these listings at Regattas and Season openings.
Ex-goldfielder Howard Taylor handling a locomotive-coupling patent ... He has gone through the pile he made at Coolgardie years ago. In his heyday he paid away a princely sum for the Duke o’ Abruzzi's yacht Bona, but nowadays said he is glad enough to get a shilling feed, washed down by a pewter of beer. Still he has "bright hope” of making another rise. Of such is the legion of battlers. PEEPS AT PEPLE. (1905, March 5). Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from
The First World War did not stop recreational sailing but it was felt to be in poor taste to indulge in this luxurious sport while others were in peril. Australia's Navy was in its fledgling stage during this conflict, and many vessels took on wartime duties here and overseas.
See: From Colonial Navy Brigades in Second Hand Ships to Where the Australian Navy was Born – The Practical Verses of William Rooke Cresswell’s Charter - International Fleet Review 2013 precursors - Article II
August 1914 – War Declared WAR DECLARED. (1914, August 6). The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), p. 7. Retrieved from
AN INCIDENT. ARTIST ARRESTED AS A SPY. An artist who was sketching a yacht at the Port Adelaide River a few days ago, with a view to her offer for sale, discovered that in these times of war the following of an artistic bent is a dangerous proceeding, liable to be misconstrued (says the "Advertiser"). A wide-awake naval guard on duty near Jervois Bridge espied the sketcher at work with paper and pencil, placed him under arrest as a suspected spy, and informed the police. Inquiries were instituted, and a detective identified the artist as a Swede who has lived in the State for many years and who painted one of the Cyclorama pictures that years ago attracted much attention in Adelaide. A rigid interrogation satisfied the officer and the Naval Department of the man's bona fides, and he was given his freedom. AN INCIDENT. (1915, January 22). Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
In April 1915: CHAMPION YACHT ‘BONA’ FOR SALE – 40.5 RATING. First-class order. H Binnie. 524 Kent-street. Advertising. (1915, April 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Binnie was still advertising her in September 1915 and then:
FOR SALE, the well-known 10-metre Yacht BONA, complete, with all racing, cruising, and storm gear. The Bona is metalled, and noted for her stanchness. The whole in perfect order, and just recommissioned. Or will accept Auxiliary Coachhouse Cruiser in part payment. Full parties., A. C. COOKE, 4 Dalley-Street. Advertising. (1917, November 17). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
1915 to 1919. racing suspended : SAILING SAYONARA AND BON A MEET AFTER YEARS Prince Alfred Yacht Club's Open Handicap : Won by Sayonara :Cruise to Torres Straits By WEATHER-EYE In the fresh south-east wind that prevailed, some exceptionally smart racing was witnessed on Saturday. The chief event was the open handicap of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, and this attracted an entry of no fewer than thirteen of the best-known local yachts. Of these, Stormy Petrel and Culwulla IV. were absentees. Early in the afternoon the race resolved itself into a match between the ex-Victorian champion, Sayonara, and the New Zealand-built Bona, and these two gave as fine an exhibition as one could wish to see. This pair had not met since the memorable Interstate ocean match forthe Sayonara Cup, sailed off . Sydney Heads in 1904, when Sayonara, after conceding Bona a rating allowance, won two out of the three races sailed. With the aid of her start, Bona, in charge of Mr. Len Patrick, led her rival round the long-distance mark off South Reef, round Shark Island and Fort Denison, but on the second trip down the harbor Sayonara overhauled her off Clark Island. From this on until the finish, the pair were never separated by more than a few seconds, Sayonara leading by 25secat South Reef, and finishing exactly that distance ahead at Fort Denison. Bona secured second place by . 6min25sec from Aoma. The latter was on the15min mark, with Hermione, Yeulba and Magic, but in the very capable hands of Mr. Stan Stevens, she proved too much for any of her immediate rivals, and secured third place from the limit boat, Athene (35min), by 35sec.The times were : Sayonara 4 hours 25minutes 15 seconds; Bona, 4.25.40; Aoma,4.32.5; Athene, 4.32.40; Magic, 4.35.2 ;Hermione, 4.37.32; Yeulba and Eunna Mara, 4.38.6; Fleetwing, 4.40.35; and Nanoya, 4.44.25. SAILING. (1919, March 19). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 9. Retrieved from
Under the burgee of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron three races were managed for yachts over 8metres, the 8 metre class, and the Northcote Cup class. There were only two entries for the yachts over 8 metres, viz, Bona (Messrs. Bradley and Towse) and…SAILING. (1919, November 10). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
Please note that some sources spell the surname of the second gentleman who sailed the Bona during these years as 'Towsel'.
YACHTING. ROYAL SYDNEY YACHT SQUADRON. THELMA PLATE. The first ocean race since 1914, and the only one for this season under the auspices of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, is listed for to morrow afternoon This will be the third contest for the Thelma Plate presented by Mr C Lloyd Jones to be raced for as a perpetual trophy, the previous events were -1912-13 .won by Mr H J Muston in Whitewings and 1913-14, won by Mr Walter M Marks in Culwulla III. The handicaps and starting flags are: Bona (Messrs. Bradley and Towse), scratch, black flag. YACHTING. (1920, November 19). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
This Christmas quite a large number of yachts have found their way to Broken Bay and the Hawkesbury. Next Saturday (New. Year's Day) the much looked-forward-to regatta will be held at Pittwater, and among the yachts and cruisers that will take part in it are: Bona, Aoma, Scotia, Magic, Nanoya, Ithra, Albacore, Athene, Frolic, Brolga, Seabird, Rana, Olive, Mischief, .Seabelle, Senorita, Thalossa, Triton, Winji Winji,Wanderer, and Winifred. Northcote Cup—Killara. (1920, December 29). Referee(Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 14. Retrieved from
Scotia on Sydney Harbour, near Neutral Bay, ANMM William Hall Photo, 00011196, courtesy Australian National Maritime Museum
ACCIDENT WHILE SAILING. - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Monday 23 January 1922 p 10 Article - While sailing In the yacht Bona at 6.45 p.m. on Saturday, Mr. R. L. Patrick (right), of Carabella street, Btreet, North Sydney, was struck on the chest by a falling mast. He was conveyed by the Civil Ambulance to his home, suffering from fractured ribs.
BIG YACHT RACE. Bona Wins Basin Cup. The Blue Ribbon of Ocean Races – from Farm Cove to Broken Bay, around Lion Island and back to starting line – a race of 50 miles. – BIG YACHT RACE. (1923, February 4). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 2. Retrieved from
ROYAL PRINCE ALFRED YACHT CLUB. Jenny and Clarke Trophies. Yachts will compete on Saturday under the burgee of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club for the Jenny and Clarke Trophies and the Club is also promising a race for the Cadet Dinghies. The race for the trophy presented by Mr. A. Jenny will be a general handicap. For this prize, which has to be won twice by the same owner in his own yacht, the following have a win to their credit,1920-21, Messrs. Bradley and Towse ("Bona"); 1921-22, Mr. A. Crane ("Sunbeam"); 1922-23, Mr. J, S. Brunton ("Oenone."). YACHTING. (1924, January 16). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
PITTWATER REGATTA. GOVERNOR-GENERAL'S SUCCESS. SYDNEY, December 28. Notwithstanding the mixture of a sunshine and rain on Saturday one of the most successful regattas yet held was carried out at Pittwater- The breeze was of varying strengths. .Among the popular wins were those for the all yachts and the 21ft. restricted class. In the former the president of the regatta, Mr. Oscar Curtis, steered his yacht Bona for the first time in a race and secured a victory in the competition for the cup which he had presented to the regatta, and which he is representing for next season's regatta. Two races were held for the restricted class and each was won by Lord Forster's Corolla, skippered by Mr. Don Taylor. Details of the above-mentioned events are as follows: PITTWATER REGATTA. (1924, December 29). The Mercury(Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
A YACHT WITH A GREAT RECORD. Mr. Oscar Curtis' yacht, Bona, this season has won the Rawhiti Cup, the Fairfax Cup, the Morna Cup, and the Pittwater Trophy. She was first at Manly Regatta third in the Rawson Cup race, and second in the Jenny Trophy. THE SURFERS. (1925, March 13). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 12. Retrieved from
YACHT, BONA, for Sale, with racing and cruising sails, new, ready to use- BEDFORD YACHTAG1.NC). Lombard Court. 107 Pitt-street. Advertising. (1925, July 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
COSTLY TO BONA. Bona tore her sails last Saturday whilst attempting to gybe at the South Reef buoy. Skipper Patrick took the turn rather fine, and, in addition to hitting the buoy, helped to swell the coffers of the sail-makers. Oscar Curtis, however, is a good sport, and did not mind paying for the damage. Yachtsmen will be pleased to learn that Jack Roche has got over his recent illness and was an interested spectator at last Saturday's R.S.Y.S. race. He attended the meeting of the committee of the Pittwater Regatta, and received a warm welcome from President Oscar Curtis. Wal Dalgarno, Sid Wenborn, and F. J. S. Young. H. J. Fitzpatrick, Stan Spain, G. Travers Black, and F. L Ernest Walker are doing a great bulk of the organizing work for the Pittwater Regatta in order to allow John Roche to regain his health. C. A. Le Maistre Walker and F. J. S. Young are becoming hon treasurers of the Pittwater Regatta. COSTLY TO BONA. (1925, November 6). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 12. Retrieved from
YACHTING. Bona Wins Fairfax Cup. Bona (Mr. Oscar Curtis), 10 minutes . Sunbeam (Mr. A. W. Crane), 16 minutes .... Brand V. (Mr. J. Palmer), …The officials were Messrs. E. Hungerford, J. M. D. Goddard, and Rt. Marshall. YACHTING. (1925, November 23). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from
PITTWATER YACHTSMEN'SPARADISE TO-MORROWS GREAT AQUATIC CARNIVAL Record Entries : Increased Prize Money and Trophies :New Prince Class Starts By 'TOPMAST HAND.') Broken Bay, with its. Picturesque inlets, sloping bills, and towering. trees, with splendidly-laid-out' courses for all aquatic events, will be the Mecca of yachtsmen, open boating sailing enthusiasts, motor; boats, and amateur and professional rowers to-morrow. The occasion will be the annual Pittwater Regatta. FOR 19 years the Pittwater gala has grown with remarkable rapidity, and from a modest beginning, in which less than £G0 prize money was paid away, Pittwater now enjoys the distinction of being one of the loading regattas in Australia. For to-morrow's carnival, over £170 in cash will be divided among the successful competitors, in addition to trophies valued at £80. This prize list constitutes a record, and it speaks volumes for the perfect organization, which depends solely on subscriptions from enthusiasts to make the regatta the success that it richly deserves. A year ago the Newcastle, with Captain T. W. Banks as officer in charge, proved a perfect flagship, hut, unfortunately, owing to the heavy tourist traffic, that vessel is not available tomorrow/Captain Banks, however, will be at the helm, and his flagship will be the s.s. Archer. The craft has been undergoing a complete overhaul, and the Newcastle and Hunter River Co. hasgone to big expense to make the tramp a comfortable packet for the occasion. John Roche, who has been secretary since the inception of the regatta, is still on deck, and has perfected the organization, backed up by a band of enthusiastic workers, including H. J. Fitzpatrick, Stanley Spain, Travers Black, and F. H. Ernest Walker as assistant secretaries. Mr. Roche enjoys the distinction of being one of the best promoters in the sport. He has an excellent knowledge of the requirements needed to make a carnival a success, and he should have been a professional showman. W. D. M. Taylor was one of the founders of the regatta, and, with Johnnie Roche, served on every executive committee up till 1924. Pressure of business, however, has kept him off the committee this year, but his enthusiasm is as keen as ever, and his name figures in the long list of vice-presidents. Though the Governor-General's yacht, Corella, is out of commission, Don Taylor can be relied upon to be seen at Pittwater. One of the keenest supporters of the carnival is Fred J. S. Young, whose country home overlooks the placid waters from Church Point He has filled many posts, and believes in having a change of position annually. He has served as president, succeeding the late J. J. Smith. A year ago he stood down for Mr. Oscar Curtis, and served as senior vice-president, while this year he is acting as assistant treasurer to anew hon. treasurer, Mr. C. A. LeMaistre Walker, who will be better remembered for his work in connection with the War Chest Fund. Fred Young, who is a son of 'the father of bowls,' the late John Young, is a sportsman to the finger tips. He has been president of the Burwood Bowling Club, and is a motor boat enthusiast. Next year he hopes to figure prominently in yachting, having ordered one of the new Prince type of boats.
The fair sex has played a good part in the success of the regatta. Mrs. E. G.Greig ('M' to her many friends) boasts with pride of her many years' association with the sport, and was at one time a prominent assistant secretary. She is a good organizer, and one who knows how to rake in the subscriptions from the local people, who look on the regatta as Pittwater's own. Mrs. Grcig still occupies a sent on the executive committee, and her colleague is Mrs. C. A. Notting, who has retired from the rowing racing arena, where she proved herself a clever manipulator of£ the sculls. Mrs. Greig and Mrs. Notting are well represented in the races this year by their daughters. Miss D. Greig figures on scratch in the Gladstone skiff race, while Miss P. Notting is on the limit mark of 15sec.
Oscar Curtis has rendered yeoman service us president. This is his secondyear of office, and he has shown by hisexcellent business methods that even thosmnllest detail has not been left untouched. Though he will figure as commodore of the day, Mr. Curtis will sail his own yacht Bona, in the race for the cup bearing the name of the yacht. A year ago the rear-commodore of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht won his own trophy, and is putting up the cup for competition again to-morrow. W. R. ('Billy') Alexander, the silent worker is vice-commodore, a position that he should fill with success, owing to his long association with the waterfront industry. He is an 'old-time' yachtsman. Mr. Alexander is also the senior vice president and in association with Capt. Banks, there will be no need for anybody to call out 'ship ahoy.' Harry J. Fitzpatrick has rendered splendid all-round service as assistant secretary. It is his first year of office, and he proved such a good organizer on the committee last year that he was prevailed upon to take up the secretarial duties at a time when Mr. Roche was not enjoying the best of health. Fitz is the new rear-commodore. He has entered his yacht, Lowanna, for the Scotland Island Cup, a trophy valued at £15/15/, presented by Mr. Fitzpatrick. The donor will not sail his own yacht leaving that important part to young Jack Backhouse, a .son of that clever general, Oscar Backhouse, the owner of the Dawn. Mr. C. P. Cohen still occupies a seat on the committee, and finds time to devote to the regatta. though a particularly busy business man. His long suit is motor boating. He is the judge, and his colleague will be Cecil F. Norris, who makes a first appearance at Broken Bay, officiating as starter and timekeeper. C.P.C. will also carry out the duties of judge to the ocean race for motorboats, which starts at 6a.m. from Rose Bay. The genial one will be on the lookout early for the speedsters, and is sure to go to the famous watering-place the night before.
Jack Gray, secretary of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, and who, at the end of the year, retires from that office, will be the chief starter. He is an excellent official for the post, but, in order to relieve the monotony from 10a.m. to 2.30 p.m.. he will have an army of assistants, including F. de Josselin, Jack McEneany, and S. H. P. Burns. The latter is the hon. secretary of the Balmain regatta, and a good 'hand' to have in a rowing skiff, as his experiences are sufficient to keep ' any colleague amused from daylight to dark. The Pittwater regatta would not be complete without the services of Allan Davis, who, like John Roche, has had a great run, having been an official since the kick-off in 1006. He is a businessman from the city, who feels rejuvenated when he has been at Newport for even half an hour, and is one of the most popular officials who has ever acted as a starter in the rowing events. Arthur Cooke (umpire), Oscar Lind(judge), and Ernie Higgs (timekeeper)have been associated together for many years as officials, but Mat Maund, the record keeper, will be marked absent. His place will be taken by A. Travers Black, who sailed the E.O.J. into second place in the 'Old-Timers*' yacht race, being beaten by only 15 sec by Nettle.
The all-yachts race for the Bona Cup will be the attraction, and the entry of Arthur Muston's Windward is an addition to the nominations. This craft won at Manly, but does not compete under the burgees of either the Royal Sydney Squadron, Royal Prince Alfred Club, or the Sydney Amateurs, which is to be greatly regretted. Tomorrow, Windward figures on 21min from Rawhiti over a course of 16miles. It is hard to understand the handicaps. Last year Andrew Wilson's Eunna-Mara figured on 40min, and, though unplaced, has had her time allowance reduced to 36min.
Brand V. has been a failure in this year's harbour racing: off 15min and15imin. At Pittwater a year ago, she was not successful off 16 ½ . To-morrow she has been allowed only 15min, which is most unfair, particularly when it is remembered that Bona won a year ago off 11min, and this season has had three wins, the latest being last Saturday off 10min. To-morrow, Bona figures again on 10min. Picture: MR. JOHN ROCHE. Hon. secretary of the Pittwater Regatta since its inception in1906. At the helm again tomorrow. HANDICAPS CRITICISED. (1925, December 25). Arrow(Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 12. Retrieved from
BONA AGAIN. Rear-Commodore. Oscar Curtis' Bona, with Len Patrick at the helm, has been the most successful yacht on Port Jackson this season. She scored her fifth win- of the year on Saturday at Sydney Hospital Regatta by annexing the All Yachts race, defeating the scratch craft, Rawhiti, by 1min 15sec.The fresh breeze from the south and ebb tide suited Bona admirably, and she never gave Mr. Albert's flyer a chance. Bona this year has won the Fairfax Cup, the Manly regatta trophy, the R.P.A.Y.C. general handicap, and the Sydney Amateur race. ( She has;registered two seconds, vis., in the Rawhiti Cup, and at Pittwater. THE YACHTSMEN. (1926, January 13). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 14. Retrieved from
To date Brand V. has won the Bona Cup, at Pittwater; the Anniversary Pennant, at the Anniversary Regatta, (R.P.A.Y.C.) the Gascoigne Cup ocean race (R.S.Y.Squadron) and the King Edward VII.trophy. She needs to capture the Home and Albert Gold Gups to win the season's record. ROYAL' PRINCE. ALFRED CLUB. ALL YACHTS.KING EDWARD VII. TROPHY. Brand V. (J. R. Palmer), 13mln. 1; Rawhiti (F. Albert), scr. 2; Bona (Oscar Curtis), 3. Finishing times: Brand V. 4h58mln Slsec, Rawhiti 4.59.85. Bona 5.2.0, Sunbeam 6.2.82. Aoma B.2.55 THE YACHTSMEN. (1926, February 17). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 16. Retrieved from
BONA CHANGES HANDS. The sale of the New Zealand-built yacht Bona was arranged on Saturday afternoon, the purchaser, being Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick, of Pittwater. The Bona raced as far back as 1904, when she represented New South Wales against the Victorian yacht Sayonara for the cup which is now the interstate trophy, Sayonara Cup, and it is Mr. Fitzpatrick's intention to continue to race this craft, which was built by Bailey of Auckland. BONA CHANGES HANDS. (1926, March 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
YACHTING. FAMOUS YACHT SOLD BONA FINDS NEW OWNER. BY JIB HALYARD. THE famous yacht, Bona, built by Bailey of Auckland, and which has been racing for a quarter of a century on the N.S.W. coast, has changed hands, the new owner being Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick, of Scotland Island, Broken Bay, and better known as the assistant secretary to the Pittwater Regatta. Mr. Fitzpatrick is to take delivery of the big boat after Easter, and intends to retain the present crew, which Includes L. R. Patrick, skipper, F. G. Pring, Travers Black, which did so well in the season just ending. Bona lost the premiership by only 2 points to Frank Albert's Rawhiti. The present owner of the Bona is Mr. Oscar Curtis, rear commodore of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, who, it is stated, is retiring from the sport of Port Jackson, and intends to settle in Brisbane.
The deal is said to be a most interesting one, and In addition to getting a cash consideration, Mr. Curtis also take over Mr. Fitzpatrick’s Lowanna, a cruiser of the A class on the register of the Sydney amateur. This craft is to be shipped to Brisbane. Mr. Curtis, in addition to his magnificent service to the 'Alfreds,' was president for two years of the Pittwater Regatta, and last year served as chairman of the sub-sailing committee of the historic Anniversary regatta. Previous owners or the Bona Included J. C Chinnery and Bradley and Towns, all of whom gained prizes with the craft. YACHTING. (1926, March 30). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
BONA HANDED OVER. Bona, which for the last three years has been raced with success by Rear Commodore Oscar Curtis, of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, has been officially handed over to her new owner, Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick, of Pittwater. In the Winter time the ancient ex-New Zealand yacht will be given a thorough overhaul, and should be spick and span for another year of racing. As far back as 1904 Bona sailed as a N.S.W. representative against Victoria in the Sayonara Cup, and is as lively as ever. THE YACHTSMEN. (1926, April 7). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 14. Retrieved from
THE YACHT, BONA, WINNER OF THE MARSHALL PLATE. Bona, sailed by its new owner, Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick, won the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club's race for the Marshall Plate on Saturday. YACHTING AND SAILING ON SYDNEY HARBOUR ON SATURDAY. (1926, November 8). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from
Yachtsmen of Port Jackson had an exceptionally busy time afloat last Saturday. The Royal Prince Alfred Club catered for - four distinct classes, and the Sydney Amateurs held events for A and B cruisers of the coach house, and tuck boat types. The ancient Bona won the Marshall Plate, and the Gumleaf emerged after an absence of two years to win the 21ft restricted class race. To win the first race of the season for deep-keelers was a meritorious performance by Bona, one of the oldest racing yachts on Port Jackson, having been built 32 years ago by Bailey, at Auckland, N.Z. She has passed through the hands of many owners during that period. It was a popular win as it was the first time she carried racing gear for her new owner, Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick, assistant hon. secretary of the Pittwater Regatta, and a member of the committee of the R.P.A.Y.C. Since Bona was purchased last April from Mr. Oscar Curtis, now a resident of Brisbane, she has undergone many structural alterations, the chief being the stepping of the mast back to its original position — further for'ard. Sailed by her old skipper, Mr. L. R. Patrick, Bona did better than usual. She was exceptionally fast off a wind, and on a thrash appeared as lively as a two year old. Over the major portion of the course Bona was in third place. She was 4min 40sec astern of Utiekah II., a Victorian craft, which did all the early fading, at Shark Island on the return from Manly, at the pile ;light off Watson's Bay, the gap was reduced to Train 17sec.Utiekah here rounded at 4hr 18min 30sec,followed by Aoma at 4.19.30 ; Bona, at 4.19.47 ; Brand V, at 4.22.50 : Rawhiti, at 4.23.40; and Sunbeam at 4.24.30. With the aid of a larger spread of canvas running free to the finish, Bona soon headed the fleet, and won the Marshall Plate by 1min 57sec from Aoma. which defeated Rawhiti by 31sec. Utiekah finished fourth, followed by Brand V and Sunbeam. White Wings also started, but was not sighted after rounding the Manly mark.
AN EX-CHAMPION SURPRISES*After being out of racing for more than two years, the original Australian 21ft champion, Gumleaf, re-appeared and created a big surprise by gaining the iday by 2min 8sec off a handicap of 21 min. Since the introduction of class racing, the boats have participated in scratch events, and last Saturday was the first occasion that starting allowances were permitted. The move proved in the right direction, as it created more enthusiasm among the younger generation. Three new skippers made their initial appearance, including J. M. Hordern (Gumleaf),G. Lloyd (Cherry Too), and H. P. Weymouth (Inez). The race ended in a triumph for Hordern, who has yet to attain his majority. For two years he was the champion of the 12ft dinghy class. He studied Yachting originally under W. D. M. Taylor in Corella.- Gumleaf has not lost her speed, despite her long lay-off; in fact, she sailed like a champion. Lenralla, the Jubilee Cup winner in West Australia last February, did remarkably well. She started late, goingoff with the scratch boats, E.O.J^ Nettle, and Wattle. Phil Andreas showed that he is a much-improved skipper, and, to defeat all with the exception of Gumleaf, was an excellent performance.Percy S. Arnott steered his own boat, Wattle, into third place. It was an achievement to outclass such a recognizedflyer as E.O.J. II., in charge of J. L. Milson, and expert crew, comprising the three Goddards, Max, Neville and Jack. E.O.J. sailed much below form. The Prince one-design class ended in a great battle between two members of the medical profession — Dr. Cyril Shepherd (Scarab) and Dr. Hamilton Kirkland (Riawena). After a neck and neck struggle, Scarab won by 28sec. The performance pf Prince Alfred (E. P. Andreas) was below expectations ; and, after getting the best of the start, she finished 11min behind the winner. Another member of the Hordern family, Alwyn, scored his second win of the season with Monsoon. Leading from start to finish Monsoon completed the course with 6min 52sec. On board the club steamer, Lady Carrington, was Mr. Diddims, a member of the Royal N.Z.Y.S. He was impressed by the wonderful display by all classes. He declared that Port Jackson has, a magnificent collection of all varieties of boats not to be seen in any other part of the world. THE YACHTSMEN. (1926, November 10). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 16. Retrieved from
SNAPPED AT PITTWATER REGATTA. Left: Bona (in charge of A. J. Wilson), winner of the John Roche Handicap for all yachts(nominated skippers). Right: Mr. C A. Le Maistre Walker, the (president), and the Governor-General (Lord Stonehaven) watch the sailing with happy interest. Centre: Mr. Stuart F. Doyle, commodore of the Royal Motor Yacht Club of N.S.W., was also an interested spectator. Mr. Doyle was winner of Sydney's' Ugly Man' competition,, which raised thousands of pounds for limbless soldiers. SNAPPED AT PITTWATER REGATTA. (1928, January 4).Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 17. Retrieved from
AN OLD FAVORITE'S FATE. The loss of the 22-footer Mischief in last Sunday's, southerly gale whilst returning from the Pittwater regatta was a severe blow to Capt. Stanley Spain, particularly as he took a great pride in the boat. Mischief was one of the veterans of the harbor, and on three occasions she won the Kelly Cup and Championship of the Sydney Amateurs. Mischief was one of the best-kept boats on the harbor, and a favorite with all who had watched her performances among the Amateurs. Since the boat was smashed up, Capt. Spain has rot enjoyed the best of health. He received a severe shaking, but is expected to be about next week. Noel Toohey is none the worse for his wild experience on being landed on Lion Island. He has been inundated with congratulations on his good fortune, in being rescued after spending a miserable time on a lonely, snake infested island. Captain Spain has for years-been one of the hardest workers for the Pittwater Regatta, and, with Harold J. Fitzpatrick, had filled the post of assistant hon secretary to John Roche. AN OLD FAVORITE'S FATE. (1928, January 6). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 14. Retrieved from
There seems to be some confusion in reports between Herbert James Fitzpatrick and Harold Joseph Fiztpatrick, Herbert being a builder and developer on a large scale in Pittwater during these same years and attributed in Warringah Shire Council records as the gentleman responsible for building a road to and other works around the Royal Motor Yacht Club, Broken Bay, prior to the construction of the first RMYC clubhouse at Newport. We will save this for our First Scotland Island Cup history page.
Some sources state that it was during 1928 that Bona seems to have been modified and had a Bermuda rigging by Halvorsen and created much interest with this new rigging - so much so, that with her list of wins growing, others converted to the Bermuda rigging (also called marconi). The November 26 1926 article seems to state H J Fitzpatrick made changes too, particularly the larger spread of sails. At some stage she was also lengthened from 36 feet to 54 feet. Her picture in the article below seems to indicate that this is the case:
Among Others on Quarter Deck - AFTER Mr. E. F. Simpson's Mastrd, the yacht which attracted most attraction was Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick's Bona. She had been changed from the cutter to the Bermuda or Marconi rig, and carried her 30 years much In the Joyous fashion as Mr. Carmentt his 84 seasons. Mr. Len Patrick, Bona's, skipper, a former Interstate hockey player, was rushed with congratulations when he came up ashore to wet the new sails. Among others who paced the quarter-deck of the lawn were Commodore R. H. C. Down, of the Sydney Amateur Club, which Is 57 years old; Mr. Bertie Black, just back from London; Mr. John Roche, the soul of Pittwater Regatta; and officials, Mr. Hungerford, Mr. Bartholomew, Mr. 'Waterman, Mr. Bremner, Mr. Murray, and Mr. Meyer. TO-DAY'S DIARY OF A MAN ABOUT TOWN. (1928, October 15).Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 8. Retrieved from
Sydney Activities. Racing under the auspices of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club last week-end, for the Perpetual Trophy in memory of the late King Edward, Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick’s yacht, Bona, beat Mrs. P. S. Arnotts Vanessa by the narrow margin of.12 seconds YACHTING. (1929, February 14). Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), p. 25. Retrieved from
AT PITTWATER Brilliant Scenes at Regatta NORN'S CUP. Aquatic men joined hands on Saturday to make a brilliant success of the 23rd annual Pittwater regatta. The 'southern arm of Broken Bay presented, an animated scene 'of great beauty, hundreds of craft of almost every conceivable description gracing the waters. Among a host of attractions, the most important was the Pittwater Cup for the big yachts. This was won by Norn by a narrow margin from Bona. In the morning race for . all yachts with the T. L. Mulhall trophy at stake. Rawhiti was the winner, thus completing a treble at Pittwater, she having won both races last year. Conditions were near ideal. The breeze came from the nor'-east early, but later shifted to nor'-west, and blew stronger, providing excellent racing with keeu finishes. The rowing 'competitors were favored with a following wind, while at the same time the speed boats were well sheltered. The well-known and successful skipper, S. Barnett, out sailed all comers in the juil skih, jjuo wiiy, auu ny winning both the morning and afternoon- races in this class was the only one to win a double. MISCHIEF MEMORIAL. The Mischief Memorial Handicap for S.A.S.C. boats, was so named as a tribute to one of the committee's hardest workers, Stanley Spain, who lost his yacht Mischief, while en route- from the regatta to Sydney Harbor two years ago. The event, which was for nominated skippers, was won by Niobe (E. Goldsmith), off omin. from Lapwing (Miss Stevens).Niobe just missed a double, running second to Apache (G. Aikmau) in the Scotland Island trophy. AT PITTWATER. (1930, January 1). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 15. Retrieved from
Pittwater Regatta President MR. A. C. COOKE, newly-elected President of the Pittwater Regatta, is the ideal principal flag-officer for a function requiring status in the yachting world, and personal qualities that distinguish the happy part. Mr. Cooke started out aquatically in 1912 in the 16ft. skiffs. He competed in those for several years, and in 1916 purchased the 30ft racing yacht, Yeulba. Disposing of it in 1917, he acquired the Bona and utilized that well-known yacht for cruising. Mr. Cooke became interested in motor boating in 1919. After owning several motor boats, including the raised-deck cruiser, Albatross, he acquired his present motor cruiser, Modwena, in 1925. THROUGHOUT the past ten years the permanent moorings for Mr. Cooke's various boats have been In Pittwater, Broken Bay, which he regards as the ideal Rendezvous of yachtsmen. Mr. Cooke was one of the foundation members of the Broken Bay Branch Club of the Royal Motor Yacht Club of NSW. He was elected as the first commodore In 1928, and held that office until 1929.
Monument to Enterprise. The modern club house of Broken Bay branch, with its faculties for handling all classes of motor boats, is, and will always remain, a monument to the energy and practical Interest taken In the club by Mr. Cooke. He and his wife spend nearly every week-end throughout the year aboard the Modwena cruising In Broken Bay. To-day's Diary. (1930, November 15). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 4. Retrieved from
TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS TO GET AN OUTRIGHT WINNER - Ancient Yacht Bona Wins Marshall Plate (by FOR’ARD HAND') It has taken 27 years to find an outright winner for the Marshall Plate— one of the historic trophies put up for competition among the deep-keelers by the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club of N.S. Wales. And strangely enough the big silver tray has been won outright by the oldest racing yacht in the State— H. J. Fitzpatrick's Bona.
This ancient craft fulfilled the deed of gift last Saturday by scoring her fourth victory. In all her successes the former New Zealand was steered by R(‘Len’)Patrick. Bona's victories were recorded In seasons 1926-27, 1928-29, 1930-3.1, and 1931-32. Actually It was Bona's fifth win all told, as she won in 1921-22 when owned by Mr. Oscar. Curtis; on that occasion she Was also handled by her present skipper.
There Is no doubt Bona has proved an asset to N.S.Wales yachting. It has raced with outstanding successes since arriving from. New Zealand 35years ago. Age seems to be no bar to tho bout; In fact the older she becomes tho greater her victories. Though now a resident in the backblocks of the State, owner H.J. Fitzpatrick, is still a keen enthusiast, and in R. L. Patrick possesses a reliable deputy who has achieved a name for himself as a skipper. Nobody will begrudge Bona’s victory, and the loss of Marshall Plate from further competition.
The light east-sou'-east breeze suited Bona better than any other craft in the contest, but she has always been regarded as a flyer In the breeze that does not carry much weight, and calls for only a minimum amount of work. There was an occasion when it looked as if Bona would be beaten, and this was when the old boat rounded the Watson’s Bay pile light with a bare 30 seconds to spare from Norn. It was the smart work in the manipulation of the extras that enabled Patrick's charge to romp away and win by 3min. In acknowledging the ovation tendered him as he crossed the line, Patrick accidentally released his hold on the tiller and Bona ended up on the “hard” off Kirribilli. It took a launch to tow the old champion undamaged to a haven of safety. It was one of the poorest starts witnessed for many years. Harold Nossiter In Utiekah II, was over-anxious to get going. The owner-skipper, his eyes firmly glued on tho premiership after losing the the last season by two points to Rawhiti, anticipated the starting flag, and had to re-cross the line losing more than a minute. H. M. Stephen in Eu-na-Mara II, J. M. Hardie with Windward, a stay-sail schooner, and R.C. Packer at the helm of Morna, under a second suit of sails, all started late.
ALEXIS ALBERT was at the helm of the eight-metre Norn, which emerged from retirement after having been on the slips for almost 18 months. More than ordinary interest centred in the doings of this craft which was formerly owned by Lord Forster In England, as she has been chosen to defend the Sayonara Cup against Victoria next January. Though not yet tuned to concert pitch, Norn showed rare speed when on a wind between Fort Denison to Watson's Bay pile light, and over that Journey sailed faster than any other competitor. She clipped about 3min off Bona's lend. Running free, however, Norn was sluggish, and will need a lot of sharpening up if she is to hold her own against Vanessa in the interstate event. Another noticeable, weakness was the slowness with which Norn's for'ard hands manipulated the spinnaker and ballooner. Eun-na-Mara under a now Bermuda rig, set on a huge mast of 72 foot, was as sluggish as a log of wood. Tho display showed that the ex-Victorian is not at all comfortable under the sail and would probably have done better had the gaff mainsail been retained. The craft was always in the rear, despite a start of 23 minutes, and skipper, R. M. Stephen, appeared to lose heart at tho boat's performance: he failed to finish. It was far too light for tho ex-Tasmanian Windward, but Rear Commodore J. M. Hardie should do better in a blow. Still the craft finished in fourth place, finishing 10min 5sec behind the winner, Bona. TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS TO GET AN OUTRIGHT WINNER. (1931, November 4). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 20. Retrieved from
YACHTING. P.E.Y.C's Final Race. EUN-NA-MARA AGAIN. On Saturday Eun Na Mara registered her third win in her last four starts when she defeated Utiekah II by 87 seconds In the last Prince Edward Yacht Club race of the current season. Bona sailing her last race under the ownership of Mr HJ Fitzpatrick-she has been sold to Mr W A Dettman-was third 73 seconds further astern. YACHTING. (1932, March 7). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from
Up Against Disaster Before. IT was not the first time that disaster, or near It, overtook Mr. W. A. Dettman, the Sydney builder, when the Otranto struck off the coast of Greece. He was dangerously in the vicinity of Wall-street, New York, some years ago when a bomb outrage wrought havoc to life and property. Previous to that, Mr. Dettman was shot at point blank range In his own Rose Bay home after a terrific struggle In the darkness with a burglar. The bullet remains In Mr. Dettman's body to this day but his assailant was brought to Justice by a strange stroke of Fate. Up Against Disaster Before. (1926, May 21). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 8. Retrieved from - William Albert Dettman
Close of Yachting Season. AFTER a long run of bad luck and sturdy battling against all sorts of adversities during the yachting season, which closed, with the Bridge Regatta on Saturday last, the good ship Windward, which Is a schooner captained by J. M.Hardie, won the: Big Class Handicap, sailed under the rules of the Sydney Yacht Racing Association. A stiff nor'-east breeze suited the schooner, and she was nicely handled to beat : Eun-na-Mara, on which she had 3min start. E. M. Dettman sailed Bona into third place. WINDWARD SCORES AT LAST. (1932, March 23). Referee(Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 18. Retrieved from
REGATTA DAY AT PITTWATER. Regatta Day at Pittwater is a day of picnic parties onboard launches and yachts. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Doyle were among those who entertained, their yacht, Miramar, having a full complement of guests, who spent the day watching the sailing events. Some of the party are seen above, enjoying a picnic lunch. From left to right are, Mrs. Gordon Glassford, Mrs. H. W. Lloyd, Mrs. F. W. Wheatley, Miss June Lloyd, Mrs. Stuart Doyle, Mrs. A. C. Berk, and Mrs. W. A. Dettman. FOR WOMEN. (1934, December 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
What became of Her? She disappeared for over a decade until this advertisement pops up, showing her modified, again:
BERMUDA RIGGED Yacht Bona offered for Sale length 54feet beam 9feet 6in draft 7ftFitted with 4 cly 12 hp Clae marine engine. All gear. For Inspection and further details ring XF-1357. Advertising. (1946, August 3). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
SELL for £ 975 or best offer Bermuda Rigged Yacht BONA length 54ft beam3ft Bin draft 7 feet fitted Clae Marine Enginec 4 cvl 12 h p flush deck Admirably suited for day hire or private use. Ring Mr Bell XF1357 a m Saturday a m Sunday. Advertising. (1946, August 10). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
She is offered for sale again in 1947 – for higher price, one of these stating she is a ‘gift’ at this price and this is a ‘necessary but reluctant sale’: AUXILIARY Yacht Bona 54ft perf. Cond. all necess gear £1100 XU1563. Advertising. (1947, June 28). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
And then she is taken north
GLADSTONE Interesting Yacht.— The 54ft racing yacht, Bona. now owned by Mr. L. E. Field, formerly of Sydney, is at present at Gladstone. The Bona was built in Auckland about 50 years ago, and up to the end of 1933 had more than 40 victories, including winning both the Fairfax Cup and Marshall Plate five times in succession. Her skipper at that time was Len. Patrick, of Sydney. Mr. Field is refitting the yacht, which probably will take part in the next Brisbane to Gladstone yacht race. NANANGO'S SPECTACULAR CENTENARY PROGRAMME. (1949, August 23). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
THE CONVERTED 54ft, yacht Bona under repairs in Breakfast Creek yesterday. SAILED OLD YACHT ALONE IN BIG SEA
A YOUNG English ex-serviceman, Len Fields, sailed the 49-year-old yacht Bona single handed from Sydney to Gladstone in heavy weather. He was bound for Thursday Island, but was forced back by storms north of Gladstone and he returned to Brisbane to refit the yacht. Until he makes for Thursday Island again, Fields is living with his wife and small son (who came to Brisbane before he left Sydney) at Breakfast Creek in their yacht. Between Sydney and Gladstone, and until forced back, Fields covered 1150 miles in a week. He was forced to shelter at Coffs Harbour for a day between Sydney and Brisbane. Field's wife and son joined him in Gladstone. He said yesterday that weather was so bad that he would not try to do the trip by himself again. He would sign on two or three men here for the remainder of the trip north.
Baled and steered
The Bona's Cabin was half full of water at times and he had to bale with a bucket and steer with, one hand when the motor pump failed. She was a wonderful sea boat. She took everything on the way up and despite her fine lines is no roller,'' he continued. He bought the Bona, a 54ft.Flush-decked racing yacht in Sydney where she had been a winner of championship events for many years. He had converted her for trading in Torres Strait waters.
For trading run
Before coming south to buy the yacht, the Fields ran a trading store at Thursday Island. They are taking back electric torches, radios, clothing, and miscellaneous items to establish a trading run with headquarters at Thursday Island. “With record prices for pearl shell the Torres Strait islanders have plenty of money to spend, and insist on the best quality in everything they buy.” Fields said yesterday.
Built in New Zealand In 1900 of kauri timber, the Bona is made for speed. With a normal set of sails she can outdistance most racing yachts. She has an auxiliary motor. Her keel is solid kauri, 2ft, 6in. thick. UNTIL NOW 1-MAN POWER. (1949, December 1). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
ON THE BONA. . . To celebrate the 50th birthday of their 54ft. yacht, Bona, Englishman Leonard Fields and his wife Emily, are having a party on board this afternoon. The sleek lines of the Bona, which was launched in New Zealand in 1900, have become familiar to Brisbane yachting enthusiasts, as she has been moored next to Newstead Park. Guests at the party will include Mr. and Mrs. J. Kitchener, who sailed to England in a windjammer last year. Going gay. (1950, January 5). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
And then - she was racing again:
Refits racing sloop SPENT£1000 ON JOB By Keith Brown.- MORE than £1000 has been spent on the 51-year-old racing sloop Bona to refit her for the Brisbane-Gladstone ocean race starting on March 23.The sides of the sloop, owned' Brisbane yachtsman, Len Fields, have been raised a foot, new deck and interior fitted, the stern remodelled and the hull strengthened and retightened. Shipwrights and the owner have been working on her for the last eight months. The Bona was re-launched from the Millcraft Yards at Bulimba yesterday afternoon, Emily Fields, wife of the owner-skipper, cracked a bottle of champagne on the bows. Built for speed The yacht was built in New Zealand in 1900 of kauri, and with her rakish lines and 70ft. mast, is built for speed. At one stage of her career she won 40 races in succession. Englishman Fields bought her in Sydney in 1949 and has spent nearly £3000 putting her back in first-class condition. He sailed her to Brisbane single-handed, intending to take her to Thursday Island, but has decided to stay in Brisbane. The Bona will be one of the backmarkers in the Gladstone race as she will be one of the largest yachts competing. She's fast and sails like a 'witch’. Her skipper says she is sure to win. He'll sail her 'under the water' to do it, and I think he will.12 Entries to date Entries accepted last night were: Cetonia, 52ft. yawl (skip3er Joe Manahan) : Sara Marais[I, 33ft. sloop (Hugh Manahan); Hoana, 33ft. sloop(George Pickers); Sea Tang.30ft. 6in. double-ended cutler(Doug Drouyn) ; Norseman,37ft. 6in. sloop (Alec Wilson);Cimba, 28ft. ketch (Trevor Early); Sea Prince, 28ft. cutter(Harry Renton); Sirius, 33ft.eaff rigged saloon (Norman Wright, sen.); Quest, 33ft.double-ended sloop (VcrnKenna); Bona. 50ft. sloop (LsnFields) ; Snow Goose, 28ft.ketch (G. Watson, jun.): Tauranga, 41ft. sloop (Bill Morgan).No southern entries have been received, but a late entry is expected from the Hawaiian sloop, Whitewings. Last year's entries totalled 17. Refits racing sloop. (1951, February 22). The Courier-Mail(Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
YACHT RACE ENTRANT The Bona, owned by Mr L Fields and registered with the Port Curtis Sailing Club, will be an entrant In the Easter, Brisbane to Gladstone, yacht race. This craft, which has under-gone extensive repairs since last Easter, when it was refused entry due to her decking being in disrepair, should do well under the conditions which can be expected this coming Easter - easterly to south-easterly winds. The club's colours have been forwarded to Mr Fields. YACHT RACE ENTRANT. (1951, February 24). Morning Bulletin(Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
On the Gladstone Yacht Club website: - The Port Curtis Sailing Club (PCSC) was originally founded in March 1941 as the “Port Curtis Aquatic Club” with all activities evolving around competition aquatic events. However, over time its focus shifted predominantly to sailing and became the “Port Curtis Sailing Club”. PCSC is the host destination for the annual Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race.
GLADSTONE RACE JUST A START - He wants to see the world— under sail by KEITH BROWN- TWENTY-EIGHT-YEAR-OLD Englishman Len Field, who will start his Bermudan cutter Bona in the Brisbane-Gladstone yacht race on Friday has big ambitions
He wants to race the 52ft. 52-year-old Bona in all the great ocean races throughout the world. He values his yacht, on which he has worked for over two years to rebuild, at £6000. Wherever he goes Field will take his wife Emily and three year old son Leon with him. Lying in the Brisbane River off Norman Wright's yards at Bulimba the 52-year-old Bona looks spanking new.
The aircraft route
FOR his world trip Field plans to follow the aircraft route from Sydney across the Pacific, past Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands to Suva on the first long leg. Then north to Canton Island and Honolulu before making the last difficult cruise to San Francisco. From here he will be able to enter for the 2300-mile Frisco-Honolulu race. The nose of the Bona will then be turned eastward again, through the Panama Canal, and north towards the mecca of American yachtsmen, Florida and the Bermudan Island. After the Bermuda race Len will sail his yacht across the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, and if all goes well, back to Australia via the Indian Ocean.
Field has a crew for the Brisbane-Gladstone race, but for his voyage overseas he is looking for adventurous young men. He needs a first-rate navigator and two or three deck hands.
Well fitted
TO fit the Bona for the task ahead Len has worked long and hard. Her hull has been raised 18 inches, she has a powerful 40 h.p. auxiliary engine, eleven bunks have been fitted, and the cream and blue pantry and breakfast nook would do credit to a modern home. The galley is fitted with a huge ice chest and a kerosene stove. Tanks supply plenty of fresh water, and at sea -salt water can be treated and used for cooking.
Dimensions of the sleek yacht are length 52ft., beam 9 ft. 7in., draught 7ft. 4in. The deep knife-like keel is fitted with four tons of lead to maintain balance. A mizzen mast, just forward of the wheel and compass house is yet to be fitted.
Beached hull
A MEMBER of a well-to-do English family, Field has been looking for adventure since he left home when still in his teens. After serving with the Army during the last war he finished up in Thursday Island, where he ran a store for some time. On a holiday trip to Sydney he was looking for a boat when he found the discarded hull of the Bona beached on the foreshore. Waterfront people told him he'd be mad to buy the yacht, then 50 years it old, and that she would sink the first time he put to sea, but Len had already set his heart on her beautiful lines. He sailed her to Brisbane single-handed through a cyclone and started the job of returning the Bona, a former champion racer, to her earlier glory.
'Rainy day' farm
LEN has no qualms on the voyage he plans ahead, but he wants to have something to come back to when his roving days are over. For this rainy day he, has just bought a farm at Mt. Tamborine. GLADSTONE RACE JUST A START. (1952, April 9). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
CUTTER BONA IN YACHT RACE TO GLADSTONE. CRAFT WELL BUNCHED. BRISBANE, April 11. The 52ft. reconditioned Bermudan cutter, Bona-the oldest yacht in the race at aa met to-day led the Brisbane to Gladstone ocean race field.
By nightfall the 15 vessels were strung out over 10 miles in calm seas. Bona had a quarter of a mile lead over Tauringa,' with Alvis close behind third. At dusk the Norseman and Southern Maid, 300 yards apart, were three-quarters of a mile behind the three leaders. Bunched together were Sari Marais IL Sea Tang, Pronto Too, Hoana and Snow Goose in that order.
Two miles further back came Joy Bird, Sea Prince, Rapide and Natoonda all spaced out. Trailing the field is the 28ft.6in. sloop Quest.
To-night late the yachts were scattered along the coast heading for Caloundra. An estimated 15,000 people went to Woody Point to see the start of the 320-mile race. The first yacht is expected to reach Gladstone on Sunday morning.
The 43 foot Bermudan cutter Alvis was In the lead to-night. Yachts were nosing their way up the coast toward Noosa. They were strung out over 10miles with a 10 to 15 –knot south-easterly giving them an almost perfect tall wind. A quarter of a mile behind Alvis came last year's winner, Norseman. They were closely followed by Tauringa, Southern Maid and Bona.
Bunched together and well behind the leading boats were Sari Marais II. Sea Tang, Pronto Too, Hoana and Snow Goose. Two miles further back came Joy Bird, Sea Prince, Rapid and Natoodna. Trailing the field lithe sloop Quest. CUTTER BONA LEADS FIELD. (1952, April 12). Cairns Post(Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Although we found records for the Bona sailing in the 1953 Brisbane to Gladstone, she never repeated her southern wins. Later in 1952 - trouble!
BONA AFLOAT TONIGHT? DOZENS of oil drums will be used as buoys in a bid to refloat the grounded yacht Bona this evening. The 52-fnnt Bona and the 22-foot launch Sunrock, were swept on to Moreton Island beach near Tangalooma, by heavy seas and wind on Sunday. The Sunrock. Badly damaged by an all-night pounding in the surf, was refloated yesterday afternoon and will be towed back to the mainland later this week. The Sunrock had to be completely stripped of inside fittings and surplus weight before a team of men from Tangalooma whaling station could lever it from the beach back into the water. Owner-skipper of the 52year-old Bona, Mr. Len Field, 28, said yesterday: 'Bona has stood up to it remarkably well and should be able to get back to the mainland under her own power. 'When we pumped her out we found there was practically no structural or interior damage.' Mr. Field said he would try today to refloat the stricken ship by fixing empty 44-gallon drums to the hull. The plan was that it should float with the high tide at 5.15 pm. The other 21 people who were on board the Bona returned to Brisbane yesterday afternoon on the launch Norman II.Wright. THEY had their share of fishermen's luck. Smiling passengers from the shipwrecked cutter Bona landing from the rescue launch at Brisbane yesterday afternoon. They were accommodated at Tangalooma whaling station on Sunday night. The Bona, owned by Mr. Len Field, is valued at £8000.It has taken part in two Brisbane-Gladstone yacht races. BONA AFLOAT TONIGHT?. (1952, October 14). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
PHOTOGRAPHED by a staff cameraman from a Courier-Mail plane flying at 500 feet — yesterday's aerial picture of the two stricken craft in the boiling surf at Tangalooma. The camera plane reached Tangalooma in record time, but headwinds slowed its return speed to 35 miles an hour. Little ships wrecked in howling westerly. (1952, October 13).The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
SKIPPER of the wrecked cutter Bona, Mr. Len Field. In the two years since he bought the Bona. Mr. Field has transformed it from a hulk to a modernly-equipped, fast moving yacht. Field, member of a well-to-do English family, came to Australia after service in the British Army. He went first to Thursday Island, where for a time he ran a store. On a holiday visit to Sydney Field saw the one-time champion racing yacht lying rotting on the mudflats of Sydney Harbour. But Field was taken with its beautiful lines, and decided to buy it. As she lay helpless on the beach at Tangalooma yesterday, whaling factory manager, Mr. David Jones, commented: 'The Bona is surprising us all. She's taking a terrific pounding—and standing up to It. While he fought to save his ship from the sea yesterday morning, Field's wife was in a Beenleigh private hospital, expecting their second child. THE SKIPPER. (1952, October 13). The Courier-Mail(Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Bona returns. The 52ft yacht Bona, aground on Moreton Island for nearly a week, was towed to Brisbane for repairs yesterday. It was refloated at 9 pm on Saturday. Bona returns. (1952, October 20). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Wanted - unfurnished house. Must have yard. Any suburb, careful tenants. Write L. Field, Yacht Bona, Byron St., Bullmba. Advertising. (1953, July 7). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
ALVIS CLAIMS EARLYYACHT RACE LEAD Bermudan rigged sloop, Alvis (FredMarkwell), established a handy lead in the first stage of the 280-mile ocean race yesterday. Six cruising yachts were dispatched from the starting point off Woody Point yesterday morning At 10 o'clock for the event to Caloundra, down to Burleigh Heads down to Caloundra, and finish at the mouth of the river. Argo (Tom Cuneo) was first away, but Alvis relished the 12 to 15 mile easterly breeze, and in the first two hours established a one mile leaa irom uiue nose kui.Ellis Murphy).Biggest competitor of the fleet, 52 feet Bona (Les Field), sailed In close company with Blue Nose. Hoana 6th. The lightly canvassed Argo - had dropped back to fifth place at this point just behind of Hoana (George Pickers), with the 48-feetBermudan ketch, Laurabada( J. Holm), bringing up the rear, Tauranga (W. Morgan)and Sea Tang (D. Drouyn) did not start. ALVIS CLAIMS EARLY YACHT RACE LEAD. (1953, December 27). Sunday Mail (Brisbane) (Qld. : 1926 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
Fred Markwell, owner an-skipper of Alvis, was first and fastest in the 280-mile ocean yacht race from Woody Point to Burleigh Heads and back. A strong ebb tide... spelled disaster for Markwell in the closing stages of the contest yesterday morning. When two miles from the finishing line near the pile light Alvis encountered the ebb tide, and in the light breeze it took three hours to complete the final two miles. Alvis eventually finished at 5.37 am, Bona at 8.33 am, and Laurabada at 10.56 am. After allowing for the time correction factors the result was: —Alvis (F. Markwell). 51hrs 10min 42sec: Laurabada (I. Holm). 51hrs 8min 42sec: Bona (L. Field). 58hrs 1min 34sec. NSW skiff takes interstate race. (1953, December 30). The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
A sad end for a beautiful yacht!
Also available:
The First Scotland Island Cup, Trophy and Race and the Gentleman who loved Elvina Bay