The Initial “Ride For Aboriginal Peoples”

The initial “Ride for Aboriginal Peoples”
On Friday 26 January, Australia Day/Survival Day, a group of non-Aboriginal cyclists rode from Manly to Church Point to honour the Aboriginal clans of the Northern Beaches. They met at 7am at the plaque near Manly Wharf where Wil-Le-Me-Ring, a Garigal man, speared Governor Captain Arthur Phillip, wounding him. This is the first event of this kind on the Northern Beaches and is welcomed as a gesture of reconciliation.
They rode through Manly, Queenscliff, Freshwater, Curl Curl, Dee Why, Collaroy, Ocean Parade, Narrabeen, Mona Vale, and Church Point then back to Manly.
The group were met at Church Point by local Garigal man Uncle Neil Evers with a Welcome to Country and a thank you to the riders. Aunty Clair Jackson gave a small talk about Australia Day and how the large midden on Church Point was saved by the erection of the first church and cemetery on it in 1872, leading to the local name of Church Point.
We hope this cycle ride will become an annual event.
For all those interested in joining the ride in 2019 please contact Colin Hutton Neil Evers
Bikalabarley Murraring Walla Giballee Yaddung Guringai Wanangini Wahroong Yennieubu
Let us walk together in Guringai Country as one