April 26 - May 2, 2020: Issue 447
The Link Community Food Care Programs: CareHamper, LunchBox and Food Care

At Pittwater RSL, from left Glenn Wysman, with Wade Orth, Scotty Norris, Nick Laforest, Kirsty Bryant. Photo by Michael Mannington of Community Photography
Website: www.linkcommunityfoodcare.org.au
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/linkcommunitycare
Ph: 9999 0475
Email: info@link.org.au
The Pittwater RSL have begun a partnership between them and The Link Church, North Narrabeen, with a foodcare program to help those in most need in our area during this challenging time. The program is called ‘CAREHAMPER’ and provides people with staple groceries, bread and a cooked meal professionally prepared by Pittwater RSL chefs. The ‘CAREHAMPER’ has a value of over $60+ and is being made available for a $10 service and handling fee.
The program is provided as a drive-through service to adhere to social distancing protocols and will be available Monday to Friday from 2pm to 5pm. The ‘CAREHAMPER’ can be collected from Pittwater RSL, 82 Mona Vale Road, Mona Vale (Enter via the lower carpark entry).
A free home delivery service is available for those unable to leave their home.
The program commenced on Wednesday 22nd April.
Pittwater Online spoke with Glenn Wysman, Lead Pastor at The Link who explained
“We started the Food Care program 8 years ago and these two programs, the Lunchbox and CareHamper, are an expansion of this and our response to needs in the community due to Covid-19.”
“The Link Community Care has a consistent and strong history of helping and serving those on the Northern Beaches in most need. Now because of Covid-19, the need for our services has grown exponentially.
“The Lunch Box initiative was started on Wednesday March 15th with thanks to a community donation of 5 thousand dollars. The Pittwater RSL has made a seed donation to commence the Care Hamper initiative and we began that on Wednesday April 22nd.” Mr. Wysman explained. “In addition, the Pittwater RSL team are busy cooking lots of yummy meals for each days' collection.”
Glenn Wysman, Director/Lead Pastor of The Link with Pittwater CEO, Jason Manning at the launch of the Carehamper program, Wednesday 22 April
The Link church will need the community’s help to keep this going though as, with so many recently losing employment, the demand could easily outstrip supply. If you would like to support these programs please see information below on ways to donate and volunteer. Larger organisations and grocers are asked to contact Glenn directly, details above – they do have capacity to store food at a warehouse in Warriewood, so please contact them if you can help.
The 3 programs that are currently active to assist individuals and families within our community and how to access these programs, along with locations and times, are listed below.
Need help with the kid’s lunches during school holidays or while schooling from home? What about your own lunch? Maybe an elderly relative or neighbour?
The Link is partnering with Pittwater Sport Centre and the businesses within the Centre, to help those in most need on the Northern Beaches during this challenging time. The program is called ‘LUNCHBOX’ and provides people with a sandwich, a drink, a piece of fruit and a snack. The ‘LUNCHBOX’ is provided free, although a gold coin donation would be appreciated but not essential.
The program is provided as a drive-through service to adhere to social distancing protocols and will be available Monday to Friday from 11am to 2pm. The ‘LUNCHBOX’ can be collected from Pittwater Sports Centre, 1525 Pittwater Road, North Narrabeen.
Need help with a hamper of staple groceries and a cooked meal, what about a family member or friend? Maybe an elderly relative or neighbour?
The Link is partnering with Pittwater RSL to help those in most need on the Northern Beaches during this challenging time. The program is called ‘CAREHAMPER’ and provides people staple groceries, bread and a cooked meal professionally prepared by Pittwater RSL chefs. The ‘CAREHAMPER’ has a value of over $60 and is being made available for a $10 service and handling fee.
The program is provided as a drive-through service to adhere to social distancing protocols and will be available Monday to Friday from 2pm to 5pm. The ‘CAREHAMPER’ can be collected from Pittwater RSL, 82 Mona Vale Road, Mona Vale (Enter via Foley St).
FOODCARE provides affordable groceries, fruit and vegetables at a low recovery fee. Services can be accessed by any holder of a Centrelink benefit card – registration is conducted at the location and secondary identification (eg. drivers licence) will be required.
Cromer Community Centre
150 Fisher Road North, Cromer (next to James Morgan Reserve)
Open every Friday (except public holidays), 10am-1pm
Mobile Food Care Service
We have a refrigerated van that takes our service to people that can't get to us. It's on the road now - head to the Link Community Care Facebook page to see where our Mobile Food Care service will be, and for all the latest updates.
Also, to help them to help you, and whether you want home delivery or drive through, they will take orders for Carehampers. They can send you a link via email or can process the order over the phone. Ordering is not essential for drive through, it is just an option to help you access your Carehamper.
This service will be available for as long as it is needed. Pittwater RSL want you to be back enjoying all the facilities in the club as soon as possible, but until then allow them to come to you!
You can pre-order here to reserve a LUNCHBOX OR CAREHAMPER (and assist our chefs) to be ready for PICKUP. We can also DELIVER to the most vulnerable or to those unable to leave their home.
Contents of a hamper, included 2 X Pork sausages ready cooked meals. Photo by Michael Mannington
The Link Community Care would greatly welcome your support during this challenging time to help them deliver their foodcare programs to those in most need. Your assistance can be financial (tax deductible for all donations over $10), the gifting of non-perishable products, or your time. The goal is to provide a daily service, Monday to Friday, where members of our community can access the ‘CAREHAMPER’. This will be a labour intensive program, but if shared around it will be very manageable.
While we rely heavily on our valued volunteers to run these programs, our services are being stretched to unprecedented levels. It’s vital we maintain this service as the need on the Northern Beaches is greater than ever, this will necessitate the raising of funds every week over the coming months to support the daily running of these programs.
We know from our 10-year experience of running the food programs that your support in funding this project will be a blessing to those on the Northern Beaches who’ve been affected by Covid-19.
We would greatly appreciate your financial support during this challenging time to help us deliver these programs to those members of the Northern Beaches Community in most need. All donations over $10 are tax deductible. Click the "Donate" button, or by Direct Debit:
Or via direct debit:
The Link Community Care Gift Fund | BSB 06 2205 | Account 1041 1111.
The donating of staples (non perishable groceries) would assist greatly in order to fill our CAREHAMPERS. Next time you at the shops you could purchase an item or two extra and drop our either of our locations at Pittwater Sports Centre between 11am-2pm or Pittwater RSL between 2pm-5pm Monday to Friday.
Staples needed are those like spreads e.g jam, pasta, rice, cereals, canned tomatoes, baked beans and the like.
It’s one thing to initiate programs to help our community, but none of it happens without the support of people like you. Volunteers are vital to the success of these program and the team at The Link Community Care is very grateful for the time you can devote.
The core values at The Link Community Care are focused on providing direct relief from poverty, suffering, misfortune and distress to those on the Northern Beaches. Your decision to contact us with a view to volunteering ensures we continue to work towards fulfilling those values.
To sign up and volunteer at any of their community programs: LUNCHBOX, CAREHAMPER, and FOODCARE please click on the SignUp form HERE.
Important criteria
Slowing the spread of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) is our top priority and that means it is more important than ever that we follow health guidelines. In the interest of everyone’s health and safety the following individuals we are unable to accept as volunteers:
- aged over 70
- aged over 60 with an existing health condition
- Indigenous Australians aged over 50 with an existing health condition.
All volunteers must also be:
- aged over 16
- willing to undergo a period of training
- willing to provide personal identification and/or driver’s licence to be kept on record
- willing to undergo a Criminal Record Check
- willing to follow strict hygiene and social distancing practices to protect the safety of clients
- patient and understanding with others and with strict procedures.
When attending our sites please wear enclosed shoes. We will provide vests, gloves, masks and sanitiser.