Pittwater Parks Much The Poorer After Concrete Paths Have Been Cut Through Their Green Hearts
Trafalgar Park Newport: Erosion, Soil Runoff Post Concrete Path Installation
Newport resident Penny Auburn has forwarded photos to show what is now in place in historic Trafalgar Park. Below these images run those taken by PON staff prior to the works in 2021. The project was delivered as part of the Transport for NSW Active Transport 2020/21 grant funding program. The council webpage on this project states that finishing touches will be added soon.

Catalpa Reserve - post concrete path Installation:
the concrete stairs that will provide 'easier access' for people in wheelchairs or those pushing prams
the erosion on either side of this installed concrete path
Catalpa Reserve - post path installation:
the concrete stairs that will provide easier access for people in wheelchairs or those pushing prams
view east towards Toongarrie Reserve and Avalon Beach end
runoff of soil into area being regenerated
This new concrete path was installed by the Northern Beaches Council after feedback ['have your say' September 11 to October 11 2020] that on the whole, rejected the use of this material in this space and pointed out that council's reason for doing so, 'to allow greater accessibility for prams and wheelchairs' does not reconcile with the 15 steps that connect to the Appian Way and that this path would exacerbate water run off and the deterioration of the surfaces alongside it.
Others responded that concrete is needed to fix the crumbling footpaths within Avalon retail centre where elders are regularly being tripped up by broken cement first and they would prefer green spaces to be left as they are. Council went ahead with the concrete ('eco-concrete') path and installed sandstone blocks at the entrance as well.
Trafalgar Park - After: