Wesley Taylor Narrabeen to close – will be sold to Developers: multiple closures of local aged care facilities in past 2 years may see some residents having to move away from family members + a few history insights into the 93 year run of this home for the elderly

CEO and Superintendent, Rev. Stuart Cameron said in a statement that several factors drove the decision.
“The Aged Care sector is experiencing challenges to workforce and flow-on impacts from the national reforms to Aged Care. Wesley Mission supports these once-in-a-generation reforms, improving quality for all care users,” Mr Cameron stated
“It is, however, a challenging environment to be a smaller provider. With just three aged care locations, our offering in this area is small compared to the large and diverse range of community services we provide around NSW and across Australia.”
Wesley Aged Care has appointed business MyCarePath to support residents in choosing a new home.
“At this stage, we anticipate closing our centres at the end of May 2023, and before then, we will be doing all we can to support residents in choosing a new home that meets their needs. We will also be supporting affected staff to find a new role, or with assistance to find a role at a different provider,” Mr. Cameron said.
An April 2023 released report by StewartBrown ‘Aged Care Financial Performance Survey (December 2022)’ states ‘’ The average operating results for residential aged care homes in all geographic sectors was an operating loss of $15.98 per bed day (Dec-21 $10.31 pbd loss) for mature homes (which exclude the outliers). This represents a loss of $5,295 per bed per annum, and a continuation of losses for over 5 successive years. Extrapolating the deficit per bed represents a residential sector loss in excess of $575 million for the six month period.’’
The federal government has conceded the sector is still thousands short of the staff required to meet the 24/7 RN requirement, and says only 5% are likely to qualify for exemptions.
However, at the recent Leaders Summit, Aged Care Minister Anika Wells said the government won’t close homes and will work with providers who are doing their best to comply but have been unable to meet the target.
Located alongside, Wesley Taylor Village, Wesley Taylor Narrabeen is an ageing-in-place residency with 74 rooms.
Wesley Taylor Narrabeen lists its prices on its website for and to June 2023. These show for a single room bedsit with ensuite a Refundable accommodation deposit (RAD) of $450,000.00 or a daily accommodation payment(DAP) of $91.97 is required – alternatively, a 50/50 option of $225,000 RAD and $45.99 DAP.
For a large one bedroom with ensuite a Refundable accommodation deposit (RAD) of $550,000.00 or a daily accommodation payment (DAP) of $112.41 is required or alternatively the 50/50 option is a Refundable accommodation deposit (RAD) of $275,000.00 and a daily accommodation payment (DAP) of $56.21 is required.
Wesley Mission recently released its 2023 Strategic Plan with the moniker ‘Soft hearts Sharp minds Hard feet Open hands’ where in the church states it ‘seeks to address the following significant social issues in a changing environment; • Government funding impacts in the areas of mental health and suicide prevention, out-of-home care, domestic violence and housing. • Greater focus on measuring and reporting client outcomes, to demonstrate meaningful change and impact. • Increasing requirement for aged care and disability services to maintain quality and regulatory standards. • Continued need for innovative housing solutions and sector partnerships, to meaningfully shift the dial on homelessness’.
The Plan also states; ‘’Over the next two years, we seek to extend our influence and impact, invest in targeted growth opportunities and strengthen our regional presence.’’
And; ‘’ We achieved a $2.3 million net financial improvement in 2022/23. Business plan actions: • integrated end-to-end support for our major lines of business to operate at or above industry benchmarks • targeted investment in properties, streamlining processes, systems and generating untied revenue.’’
“Wesley Mission’s support for older people in NSW continues, focusing on providing in-home care and retirement living to help people stay in their homes for longer,” said Rev. Cameron.
Wesley Mission closed its Wesley Tebbutt Dundas home in Ermington, 21km north-west of Sydney’s CBD in 2022.
Wesley Narrabeen residents received a letter on April 11th, informing them of the decision. One relative of a resident stated; ‘’ My mum has only been there for a few months - they were very willing to make it all look good and take the cash and now shut the show down and tell her you have just over a month. We would not have gone there if this had been made clear. Decisions like this take months to be put into place not just over night or even weeks.
What really sucks about this situation is that the board members that have apparently made this unfortunate decision have all gone missing. No contact details, no turning up to the announcement. Just ‘this is what we are doing, see you later’.
Watch this space there will be multi million dollar units on the land in no time.’’
The remarks are salient given Wesley has confirmed the property will be sold to developers.
The 3 centres are on very pricey and desirable land; 5.6 hectares on Port Hacking Rd Sylvania (Wesley Mission Frank Vickery Village) and a massive site in Carlingford that runs off Mobbs Lane and the site opposite the beach at Narrabeen.
The closure makes this the 8th aged care centre on Northern Beaches to close in the past 2 years; 4 hostels closed in Narrabeen (2 closed around 2021 and then 2 more closed in past 12 months) Tobruk/ Wirraway/ Catalina/ Milne Bay, Seabeach Gardens Nursing Home in Mona Vale has also closed. Brian Cutler Lodge closed last year and Plateau View Aged Care closed in 2021.
Bayview Gardens closed last year, effective March 15, 2022. Calvary Bayview Gardens Aged Care Home at 90 Annam was bought by Japara. Aveo leased the nursing home to Calvary who was taken over by Japara who decided to not renew the lease.
Given Pittwater Online's recent report recording the growing homelessness among our Seniors and the lack of measures to address this, the most vulnerable in our community are being put at risk, and, at best, stress during a time in their lives when this could seriously impact on their health.
One relative was overseas when the news broke, stating, ''My mother-in-law is 95 and we are terrified that the stress of it all will be awful for her health. And to add to the issues we are overseas. Our wonderful daughters are doing all the initial heavy lifting for us on relocation.
Another said, ''As a family who is affected by this situation, it’s extremely stressful for all those involved. The poor residents who are being forced to move out of what they call home now to another place, is very unnerving for them. Shame and disappointing that it’s come to this. Shame that our loved ones are being treated like this at their time in their lives. ''
Narrabeen residents who work or have family members state staff and managers did not have any idea about this outcome either.
Wesley has stated that around 249 staff will be moved into new roles within the organisation or with other providers.
One resident/worker has explained, regarding Wesley Narrabeen, ‘’ The independent living section is separate to the high care nursing home. They are in limbo right now and incredibly stressed. Once the sale of the land goes through they will see if they are 'thrown out' (not my words) or can stay if someone buys it to run as it is now (unlikely). The initial investment/purchase price paid for a unit, if given back in full is nowhere near enough to buy a comparable unit elsewhere now. They feel like Wesley does not care (to put it politely) and that they will be thrown out with nowhere to go. No communication, re the financial side and support, just a generic letter received yesterday.’’
The Wesley Taylor Village, 156 Ocean Street, is a 101 lot (DP775997) apartment building built in 1992 in Narrabeen. Wesley Taylor Village comprises 24 units situated opposite Narrabeen Beach. The Wesley Taylor Village listed a 2 bedroom unit for $495,000 in March 2023, with prices going up to $750,00. Compare this to the ANZAC Village atop Collaroy-Narrabeen where prices start at $550,00 for a one bedroom and range from $765,000 to $950,000 for a 2 bedroom unit.
Wesley Taylor Village Narrabeen’s information package states costs involved are ‘’Deferred Management Fees*, payable when exiting the village. It’s calculated when you arrive, up to a total of 30 per cent of the unit’s cost. ‘’ and ‘’Fortnightly recurrent charges, which cover the operational costs of the village. These are payable from the date of occupancy and can only be varied once in a 12-month period.’’ Along with ‘’ Ingoing Contributions, to secure the new home. The amount depends on the size and location of your new place, including a five per cent non-refundable component and 95 per cent licence agreement. Part of this contribution will be refunded when you decide to leave.’’ And ‘’Other Costs, including phone, internet and gas services, insurances, and garage deposit fees.’’ And ‘’ The unit is granted to you personally and cannot be sold or assigned to another, because it remains the property of the Property Trust.’’
As part of Wesley Mission’s five-year strategic plan, the organisation states it has committed to making significant capital investment to update and grow existing properties. Two major property projects are currently underway, Wesley Edward Eagar Centre (Wesley Edward Eagar Lodge) at Surry Hills, a $12 million development with $7.5 million pledged so far and Wesley RJ Williams in Glebe, where the new design includes 42 dwellings with 79 bedrooms across one-; two- and three-bedroom configurations that can accommodate singles, couples and family groups. All apartments will have at least one balcony and an internal laundry. Construction is scheduled to commence in August 2023.
Wesley Taylor Narrabeen, at 156 Ocean Street, is Wesley Mission’s longest running aged care facility, opening its doors in late 1929 as ‘The Outlook’, a home for aged men, and expanding to become the W. G. Taylor Memorial Home in 1935. Wesley Taylor Narrabeen takes its name from the Rev. William George Taylor, who became Wesley Mission’s first Superintendent in 1884.
Dr Sophie Scamps, MP for Mackellar, has urged residents and families of residents to contact her office for help.
''I, like many others in our community, was deeply disappointed to find out through the media of Wesley Mission's decision to close its Narrabeen aged care facility - Wesley Taylor Aged Care - and to sell Wesley Taylor Retirement Village. Wesley Mission failed to notify both myself and the government in advance of this announcement, despite meeting with the government only weeks ago.'' Dr Scamps said
''The Wesley Mission CEO has stated that this decision to cease operations is a business one. However the facility did not seek available financial support from the Government or advice from the Aged Care Department, nor did they provide an opportunity for another aged care provider to take over the facility.
''Wesley Mission has cited various issues, including the cost of capital works and difficulties in retaining and attracting staff. This is a disappointing given this announcement has come only months before the Commonwealth funded 15% wage increase is set to be introduced - a move that will help to attract more staff to the sector.
''Over the last two days, I have had meetings with the Office of the Minister for Aged Care - Annika Wells, Wesley Mission and some residents impacted by the closure. The immediate priority is to ensure all those directly impacted by the closure - residents, their families and employees - are fully informed, supported and have their rights upheld.
I will provide regular updates to the community through my newsletter and social media about the situation. As it currently stands:
- Wesley Mission has confirmed that no resident will be forced to leave until appropriate relocation, that meets their requirements, has been found. They have engaged contractors to assist with this and I will work with them and the Department to ensure this happens and that during the transition all resident rights are met - particularly around service of care and release of their Refundable Accommodation Deposit.
- I have organised weekly meetings with Wesley Mission and MyCarePath regarding the transition and its progress.
- I will invite the Minister for Aged Care - the Hon. Anika Wells MP, and Wesley Mission CEO to answer our community’s questions - we need to ensure this situation does not occur again.
- My team is on-hand to provide support for anyone who needs it. Please contact my office at Sophie.Scamps.MP@aph.gov.au or call 9913 9566 during business hours and one of my community liaison officers will provide assistance.
''Please notify my office if anyone feels their rights have been infringed, and we will make representations to the Minister on your behalf.
Despite the current dire state of aged care in Australia being 10 years in the making, the current Federal Government needs to do more to ensure we don't face more closures whilst ensuring older Australians have the level of service they require.
Implementing the recommendations of the Royal Commission are absolutely crucial but must be implemented in such a way that they don't have adverse short term impacts.''
Below are a few insights into the history of the William George Taylor Memorial Home at Narrabeen.
The W. G. Taylor Memorial Home at Narrabeen: Some History
As stated above Wesley Taylor Narrabeen is Wesley Mission’s longest running aged care facility, opening its doors in 1929 as ‘The Outlook’, a home for aged men, and expanding to become the WG Taylor Memorial Home in 1935.
Named to honour the Rev William George Taylor who became the first Superintendent of Wesley Mission in 1884 and was regarded as essentially an evangelist.
''Revival followed him wherever he went and ailing Methodist causes were renewed in spiritual power, as well as in numbers and financial security. Taylor was a man of vision with the executive and administrative ability to implement his ideals. Able to inspire extraordinary loyalty in others who willingly co-operated in his plans, he combined the traditional spiritual life of the Church with Christian humanitarianism.'' Don Wright states in his biography on the man.
The Wesley Methodists' came into possession of the site at Narrabeen after the premature death of then owner Lebbeus Hordern (31 May, 1891 to 10 September, 1928) after he took too much of a sleeping powder he had used to deal with ongoing insomnia.
One of many Obituaries for him reads:
Mr. Lebbeus Hordern, son of the late Mr. Samuel Hordern, died suddenly at his home at Darling Point on Sunday night. For some time Mr. Hordern had suffered from insomnia and it is thought that an overdose of the sleeping draught, which he had been accustomed to take, was the cause of his death. He was found dead in bed yesterday morning.
Mr. Hordern was widely known in Sydney as a man of varied interests. For a time he was one of the directors of Anthony Hordern and Sons, although he was never directly concerned with the business. He was also one of the trustees appointed in his father's will, but it was in the field of aviation that he was best known. He was one of the first civilians to fly over Sydney and in his early exploits in the air was associated with M. Guillaux, the French aviator, who taught him to fly. Mr. Hordern is credited with having brought seaplanes into Australian waters. With one of these he undertook survey work in New Guinea. He brought to Australia the yacht Adelle, which he intended to use as base for aerial survey work.
Mr. Hordern was also a keen motor yachtsman.
He was born in Sydney 37 years ago and received much of his early education in England. He returned when about 19 years old and later became associated with the old firm of Anthony Hordern and Sons, and for a time occupied a seat on the board of directors.
At the outbreak of war he went to England and enlisted with an English regiment, with which he sought service in France. He was gassed in action and was finally invalided home to Australia in 1917.
Apart from his interest in the city, he was for a time the owner of the stations Touree and Casslin and also purchased a country home at Bowral. He is survived by Mrs. Hordern and one son.
Maurice Farman Hydro-Aeroplane (Hydroplane) imported by Lebbeus Hordern, flown by Guillaux, 1914. Item FL3623144 courtesy NSW State Records and Archives
His interest in aviation persisted - just months before he passed away:
£20,106 FOR FLIERS - Mr. Lebbeus Hordern Gives £5000
With the opening of the Sydney Aero Club's fund by Mr Lebbeus Hordern's gift of 5000, the donations to the filers now total £20,106/8/9. This sum includes the Commonwealth Government's grant of £5000, the gift of £4000 by Mr Marcus Oldham, the Victorian pastoralist, and the New South Wales Government's grant of £2500. General subscriptions total £3006/11/9. £20,106 FOR FLIERS (1928, June 13). The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article243951219
He had married twice, his first union ending in divorce, although this union produced his son, also named Lebbeus:
Horderns Believe in Education.
Mrs. Olga Hordern, first wife of the late Lebbeus Hordern, has returned to Sydney on business connected with the estate, and is staying at 52 Macleay Street. Mrs. Monle, her mother, who has been through great trials, having lost two sons at the war, and her husband soon after, is very glad to have her elder daughter back. Young Lebbeus is being educated in Paris, and like his cousin Samuel (only son of Sir Samuel), he Is destined to absorb as much culture as possible. Anthony Hordern's only son, young Anthony, is also being brought np on the same lines. Sydney’s Social Sids. (1928, November 24). Leader (Orange, NSW : 1899 - 1945), p. 3 (The Leader Sporting Weekly Edition). Retrieved, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article254505112
More charming than ever. Madame de Romero (formerly Mrs. Lebbeus 'Hordern), after an absence of three years, is back in Sydney.
The reason of her visit? "It's Just private," she said, when giving "The. Sun" her first Interview. "I'd much rather not talk about it."
Madame de Romero refused to be drawn as to why she has hurried to Australia, but it is known that her visit concerns the £250,000 estate of her late husband, the assets of which are said to have recently depreciated as a result of Australia's economic condition. Neither she nor her solicitor will discuss the situation at present — but Madame Is anxious to get back to her beautiful Madrid home.
Christmas With Son
Madame de Romero yesterday spent two hours with her solicitor, Mr. C. P. White, at his office In the Manchester Unity Buildings, "I've only had the one solicitor in my affairs, and I came straight from Paris to see him," said Madame, who before her marriage to the late Mr. Lebbeus Hordern, was Miss Olga Monie. of Concord.
Madame de Romero is staying with her mother at Narrabeen, but she Is anxious to hurry back to her son, Lebbeus, now almost 18 years of age, who will be holidaying with his stepfather In the South of France at Christmas. "I want to spend the festive season with Libby, who is now quite a man," she said.
"Libby," who, at the age of 18, will be a millionaire under his grandfather's will, is an ardent golfer, tennis player and motorist, and he is passionately devoted to his fond mother. 'Madame Is very proud of her son, who has passed his test examination In engineering with honors. He will enter Pembroke College, Cambridge, when he is 18, a few months hence. He will return to Australia when he is of age. RUSH TRIP (1931, November 10). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 13 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224283920
The home, for the time being, of Senora dc Ramera, first wife of the late Lebbeus Hordern, She is staying with her mother in this cottage at Lagoon-street, Narrabeen. Senora Romera's Present Home (1931, November 10). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 8 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224283871
with his second wife in 1926
Interestingly another section of his lands on Lagoon street at Narrabeen sold to Artist Sydney Long after he passed away with Mr. Long holding onto his block until 1937 - HRLV provides:
Boy Scout Camp, Narrabeen - by Sydney Long, circa post 1928 - Oil on wood panel

Lebbeus Hordern was not the only Sydney retailer of BIG shops who bought lands from the former Narrabeen to Collaroy Ramsay estate. As part of the 'gift surprise' for many Profilees, a few insights into the Hon. Jim Macken's grandmothers' holdings a little further down the road were found, along with a photo - which delighted Jim - 'how did you find that?' he asked when laying eyes on his final page and this photo:
The first Macken Summer shack at Collaroy - Looking north to Narrabeen, From Scenes of Narrabeen album, circa. 1900-1927 Sydney & Ashfield : Broadhurst Post Card, Images No.: a106058h and below; a105160h courtesy State Library of NSW
Alice Macken, like The Hon. James J. Macken (Jim), was a Foy - who were also HUGE in retail. Alice Macken, later Ward when she remarried after her husband's untimely death, had two blocks along the Collaroy beachfront, while a third was also purchased by the family;
''We owned a house on the beach at Collaroy which is now the site of those two idiot towers – that was the family home, we owned the two blocks of land there. When my grandmother died it had to be sold for State Duty so we had to move away from Collaroy to Vaucluse and I went to a free school up there.'' Jim explained when he was sent through his very own 'some extra stuff just for you'.
Mrs. Alice Ward, wife of Mr. E. G Ward, of Narri, Collaroy, and widow of the late Mr. J.J. Macken, died at her residence, Collaroy, on Friday morning. The funeral took place on Saturday at the Manly Cemetery after a Requiem Mass held at the Roman Catholic Church Manly at which Father Morris of Collaroy and Father McDonald, of Manly officiated.
Mrs Ward was a sister of Mr H V Foy and Mr Mark Foy and was 68 years of age. She is survived by her husband and seven children of her previous marriage. Her eldest daughter is the wife of Mr H H Mason of Darling Point and her youngest daughter is married to Dr Howard Bullock of Macquarie street. Her sons are Messrs J V and H M Macken of Mark Foy s Ltd and Messrs N M, N A and J C Macken. Another son Mr E S Macken, was killed in action in France in 1916. MRS. E. G. WARD. (1931, June 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16788198
Returning to the Lebbeus Hordern land and building bought ‘The Outlook’ as part of the Wesley Methodist works, this was officially opened on Saturday December 7th 1929. The block ran and runs from 79 Lagoon Street through to Ocean Street Narrabeen - records in newspapers of the past provide insights as well as stating the site was over 3 acres in size initially and was opened months before the Wall street crash that led to a world wide economic depression, including the collapse of the Australian economy:
The Sydney Central Methodist Mission committee has purchased a property at Narrabeen at a cost of £2900, with a view to establishing an old men's home. THE CHURCHES. (1929, February 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16531654
Set in spacious grounds extending from Lagoon to Ocean streets, Narrabeen, "The Outlook" aged men's home, the former beach residence of the late Mr. Lebbeus Hordern, was opened on Saturday afternoon by the Minister for Health (Dr. Arthur).
The Minister congratulated the Central Methodist Mission on Its enterprise.
It is the second home of the kind the mission has established during the last few weeks. The other Is "Sunset Lodge," at Burwood.
Dr. Arthur said he had felt for a long time that there should be a policy of decentralisation. The old people should be kept in the country among their friends. He was pleased to see religious denominations doing work of this kind, and he felt it could be more effectively carried out than In State Institutions.
The home has a frontage of 150ft, and is only a minute or two from the surf. For the land and the house the mission paid £3000. "THE OUTLOOK." (1929, December 9 - Monday). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16608508
William George Taylor died at his Lindfield home on September 24th 1934 and was buried in the Methodist section of Gore Hill cemetery. He was survived by his wife, three sons and five daughters. When a new wing was opened in November 1935 the men's home was renamed to honour him:
Narrabeen Home Extensions
The new wing of the Mission's Home for Aged Men at Narrabeen, which is now to be known as the 'W. G. Taylor Memorial Home,' is nearing completion. The official opening will take place on Saturday, 9th November at 3 o'clock. The additions will accommodate fourteen more men in single rooms, and provide for a commodious new dining room. Those, who out of regard for the Rev. W. G. Taylor's memory, would like to be associated with this memorial to his name, are invited to contribute to the furnishing fund. About £250 will be needed. Fifteen pounds will furnish a bedroom. Subscriptions of any size will be gratefully acknowledged. Mrs. Blenkin has promised the cost of one room. There are five men waiting to come in, and the superintendent will be glad to have the whole cost of furnishing covered by the date of opening. Will you kindly send your donation while the matter is before your mind? Narrabeen Home Extensions (1935, October 19). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155306015
A cordial invitation is extended to all to the official opening of the additions to the C.M.M. Home for Aged Men at Narrabeen this Saturday at three o'clock. The key will be turned by the Rev. T. M. Taylor, B.A., son of the late Rev. W. G. Taylor. The home is situated in a lovely spot adjacent to the ocean and the lake, and a visit to the property will make a pleasant outing.
THE LATE REV. W. G. TAYLOR, Founder of the C.M.M.
Buses from Manly wharf pass the back entrance of the home, and Narrabeen trams come to within easy reach of the address, 79 Lagoon Street. Afternoon tea will be served. Five of the fourteen new rooms, are booked already, and other applications are pending. A collection will be taken during the opening ceremony toward the cost of furnishing the new wing. THE NARRABEEN HOME (1935, November 9). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155309589
A record of the opening ceremony:
(1) The W. G. Taylor Memorial Home
Another memorable day found its place in the records of the C.M.M. on Saturday last, when the new wing of the Narrabeen Home for Aged Men was opened and the Home renamed 'The W. G. Taylor Memorial Home.'
Although the skies were overcast some 200 people journeyed out to the Home, and on all sides were expressions of surprise and satisfaction at the splendid result achieved, and the evident restfulness and comfort of the Home for those for whom the more active years of life have gone. The grounds were spick and span, bright with their garden plots, and restful- with their trees and lawns, and might well have been a charming corner of some public garden. In close proximity to both ocean and lake the Home breathes health, refreshment, and contentment, and something of its spirit was caught by all the visitors.
The W. G. Taylor Memorial Home.
Representatives of all branches of the Mission's life were present, and included in the assembly were several ministers of the Church.
Seating accommodation was fully taxed when, at 3 p.m., the opening ceremony began. After the singing of a hymn, the Rev. A. L. Cannon, of Dee Why, who is associate pastor of the Home, led in prayer. The superintendent of the mission, the Rev. R. J. Williams, then outlined the history of the Home. In the course of his introductory statement, Mr. Williams said the property was purchased and the Home begun during the superintendency of the Rev. H. G. Foreman, M.A., who sent his greetings to the assembly.
Under the capable management of Mr. Hamilton during the past two years, with the devoted service of Mrs, Hamilton as honorary matron, there had been a steady increase in the number of inmates, and for some months past the Home had been full. The comfort and delightful atmosphere of home that prevailed, made them a very happy family. Though there was a debt on the building of £1,800, it was realised the accommodation must be increased if that could be done without adding to the debt. The way opened, and Mr. J. C. Mills was instructed to prepare plans, and in due course the tender of Mr. Wise was accepted.
The extensions provided fourteen new single rooms, a commodious dining hall, and two extra bathrooms. The cost was about £900. It had been decided to rename the home as a memorial to that great philanthropist, the late Rev. W. G. Taylor, and it was hoped that the cost of furnishing, which, was about £250; would be subscribed as a tribute to Mr. Taylor by those who had been blessed through his wonderful ministry. Mr. Williams announced that two bedrooms had been furnished by members of Mr. Taylor's family, one by Mrs. G. H. Blenkin, two by the' Maori Choir, and another through the efforts of Mrs. Hamilton. Six men were waiting to come in, and he expected the other eight rooms would soon be needed. He appealed for subscriptions that the whole cost might be met at once. Fifteen pounds would cover the cost of bedroom, and £50 would furnish the dining hall, but any sum would be gratefully acknowledged.
The superintendent paid a warm tribute to Mr. P. N. Slade, hon. sec. of the Mission, for his part in the enterprise. The Rev. T. M. Taylor, BA., son of the late Rev. W. G. Taylor, was then called upon to rename and open the Home. 'All who enter here,' said Mr. Taylor, 'will find, in every sense of the word, a Christian home. There is, has been, and will be manifested in this place a very fine spirit of Christian service, and la very fine devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ. I need not remind you that my late honoured father, who lived to a very ripe old age, had sympathies that went out to all who, like himself, felt the burden of increasing years, and anything done to ease the burden of such appealed to his heart very thoroughly. Had he lived, nothing would have given him more delight than to know that here an increasing number will find attention, comfort, and happiness. I firmly believe that the last days, as they come, Will be the happiest for some who come to this place. Here, surely, under the ministry of those who minister here, it will not be difficult for aged folk to learn and experience a real trust and, as they look to the westering sun, have a complete confidence that it .is ushering in a better day of* abiding peace. With a very deep sense of appreciation of the honour conferred upon me, I rename this Home 'The W. G. Taylor Memorial Home,' and, to the glory of God. the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I declare this new wing open.’’
Acknowledgments were made by the Hon. H.M. Hawkins, M.L.C., and Mr. P. N. Slade.
As a memento of the occasion, the Hon. H. M. Hawkins, on behalf of the Committee, presented a morocco bound copy of the Methodist Tune Book to the Rev. T. M. Taylor. In acknowledging it; Mr. Taylor said: 'If those who have presented me with this gift will permit me to do so, I should very much like to pass it on to one who is deserving of it more than any other. He then passed over to where his sister, Miss Gertrude Taylor, was seated, and asked her acceptance of the memento. Inspection of the new wing followed, the visitors being delighted with the provision made for the happiness and comfort of the men of the Home. The Institution is one of which Methodism, as a whole, 'might well be proud. A bountiful afternoon tea, provided by Mrs. Hamilton and her many friends of the Mission and district, brought a happy afternoon to a close.
(2) Memorial Window
Many old members and friends of the C.M.M. attended the service at Wesley Chapel on Sunday morning, the congregation overflowing into the gallery. The occasion marked the unveiling of a memorial window in honour of the late Rev. W. G, Taylor. founder of the Mission. The service was conducted by the Rev. R. J. Williams, who was assisted by the Revs. T. M. Taylor, B.A., and C. J. Wells. .....unveiling the memorial window, which is a reproduction of Axel Ender's 'The Morning of the Resurrection,' Mr. Williams said it was the gift of the Lyceum Trust, and would, with the other window in the Chapel, which bore the name of the Hon. Ebenezer Vickery, M.L.C., link the names of two men who had worked together for many years, and wrought great things for the relief of suffering humanity. The Rev. W. G. Taylor had been one of God's greatest gifts to Australasian Methodism. His ministry had been marvellously owned of God in the conversion of men and women, and his organising gifts- had built up a great social enterprise, which was his true memorial. :-
For the text of his sermon, Mr. Williams went to Psalm 71:16. He said,' over fifty years ago the N.S.W. Conference was faced with a grave problem in the condition of things at the old York Street Chapel. The grand old sanctuary was almost empty, and the building also was in a sad state of disrepair. The Rev. W. G- Taylor was then in the midst of a very successful ministry at the Glebe: 'When the Conference decided to lay its hands upon him and appoint him to York Street, he was at first greatly perturbed, but one Aoit wTiilo 'hd was in mental conflict Over the prospect of leaving a work where a great revival was going forward, for what was regarded as a forlorn hope, he turned, to the Scriptures for guidance and comfort, and his eyes lighted upon the words of the text, 'I will go, in the strength of the Lord God.' He felt it was a message of God to him, and a blessed calm filled his spirit. From the' beginning of his work at York Street, it was abundantly manifest that God was with him, and at the end of the first year the chapel would not hold the crowds that came. Mr. Williams said, he turned to this verse as a basis of his message for the occasion, because; of the connection with Mr. Taylor's ministry, referred to, and because it revealed the spirit of enterprise, courage, and daring, that should characterise our spiritual life, and laid bare the secret of the zeal that never flags, and the power that leads oh to victory. R. L. Stevenson said: 'Life is , an affair of cavalry, to be dashingly used and cheerfully hazarded.' And there was a great call for that spirit in the religious and social situation that faced us to-day. TWO MEMORABLE EVENTS (1935, November 16). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155308031
The W. G. Taylor Home
On Saturday afternoon, December 5, at three o'clock, the anniversary of the W. G. Taylor Home for aged men, will be celebrated at the home, Lagoon Street, Narrabeen. A programme of music by well known artists will be presented in the large dining hall, and at the close, refreshments will be served. An open invitation is extended. Visitors are kindly asked to bring a gift for the home from among the following: Towels, tea towels, kitchenware, cups and saucers. The Home is pleasantly situated between the lake and the sea, and will well repay a visit. The W. G. Taylor Home (1936, November 28). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155286256
At the W. G. Taylor Home
The superintendent of the Dee Why Qircuit acts as local chaplain to the W. G. Taylor Memorial Home for Aged Men at Narrabeen. The Rev. A. L. Cannon, during his five years in the district, has won the s. esteem and the affection of ail the men. He has given -them' many illustrated lectures, and, with Mrs. Cannon, has arranged pleasant musical evenings, doing much to brighten their lives.
Recently he and Mrs. Cannon took tea with our large family at the home, and after tea a number of the men expressed appreciation of what their guests had done for them. They presented to Mrs. Cannon a basket of flowers, and to Mr. Cannon, a beautiful little silver alarm clock. Mr. Cannon said they were deeply touched by what had been said and done, and they would cherish the memory of their loving act, and of the many happy times they had enjoyed together.
The grounds are bright with flowers and shrubs, and trees recently planted are growing well. The vegetable patch, which, like the flower beds, is tended by the residents of the home, has yielded a splendid crop for the home tables, notably of tomatoes. When he visited the home for service last week, Mr. Williams expressed delight with what he saw. "At the W. G. Taylor Home" (1937, April 24). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155288226
On this page in last week's issue we referred to the Mission's work amongst the aged, and presented a block of 'Sunset Lodge,' Burwood. To-day we give below a photograph of the 'W. G. Taylor' Home ?for Aged Men at Narrabeen, situated pleasantly between the lake and, the sea.
Rev. W. G. Taylor Home, 79 Lagoon Street, Narrabeen.
The picture shows the bungalow, in which the work began, and the two-storey additions at the rear, which provided a large dining hall on the ground floor, and fourteen extra bedrooms upstairs, which look out over the ocean. It is a very happy family which is housed here. It would be surprising were it otherwise, for every reasonable comfort is provided, the surroundings are delightful, and most devoted care is bestowed on every member by those in charge. Certain of the men of the house interest themselves in the garden and lawns, and take a just pride in their work. The manager and his wife, to whom their work is a vocation, will always be happy to receive a call from interested friends who are passing by. THE "W. G. TAYLOR HOME" (1937, June 26). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155288864
W. G. Taylor Memorial Home at Narrabeen
A Narrabeen Farewell
A happy function took place last week at the W. G. Taylor Memorial Home at Narrabeen, when farewell words were expressed to Rev. R. J. and Mrs. Williams, and Rev. C. J. and Mrs. Wells. A delightful luncheon had been arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, at the close of which Mr. Hamilton spoke in appreciative terms of the interest taken in the Home by both ministers, and the regret that all felt at their departure. On behalf of the staff and residents, presentations were made and suitably acknowledged. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Wells were also the recipients of gifts. The singing of 'Auld Lang Syne' brought the proceedings, to a close. \ Prior to the evening service in the Lyceum on Sunday, Rev. R. J. Williams was presented with a parcel of books by the -members of the C.M.M. Choir. The main farewell gathering, which will be briefly reported in the next issue, was held in the Social Hall on Tuesday night. A Narrabeen Farewell (1938, April 16). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155353317
The W. G. Taylor Aged Men's Home - New Church Hall at Narrabeen
The 'Home' is situated amidst delightful surroundings at Narrabeen, between the lagoon and the sea. A happy spirit of fellowship and co-operation prevails among those in residence, under the excellent supervision of the managers, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. The popularity of the Home may be gauged by the waiting list of men anxious to gain admission.
A new church hall is at present under construction on the spacious grounds, and the addition will add considerably to the religious and social facilities of the Home. Notice will later be given on this page of the opening ceremony. The W. G. Taylor Aged Men's Home (1939, July 29). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155350920
A description of the new church on the grounds:
The new Chapel on the grounds of the Aged Men's Home, Narrabeen, was opened last Saturday. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. T. M. Taylor, B.A., who, in expressing appreciation of the privilege, paid tribute to the memory of his father, the Rev. W. G. Taylor. A prayer or thanksgiving and dedication was offered by the Rev. H. C. Foreman.
The seating accommodation of the Church (130) was insufficient for the large number who wished to attend the service that followed the opening ceremony. The Rev. F. H. Ray ward (C.M.M. Superintendent) gave an explanation of the purpose of the building — a Chapel for the Home, a Social Hall, and a Church for the use of Dee Why Circuit. Prayer was then offered by the Rev. W. J. Harper and the Rev. A. L. Cannon, formerly superintendent of the Dee Why Circuit, read the 73rd Psalm. The solo, 'Bless This House,' was beautifully sung by Miss E. Waller. The President of the Conference (Rev. E. E. Hynes) gave an excellent message on the witness of the House of God in the community and the ministry of God to the I spiritual in man. Following a brief account of the building by the architect, Mr. N. W. McPherson, Mr. P. N. Slade (C.M.M. Hon. Treasurer) moved a vote of thanks to the architect and the builder for the splendid results of their work, and to the congregation and visiting ministers for their presence. This was seconded by Mr. R. E. Tebbutt, of the C.M.M. Executive.
A delightful afternoon tea was served by Mrs. Hamilton and the ladies of the Dee Why Circuit.
All who have seen the new Church have been very favourably impressed by its beauty, and by its suitability for the purposes for which it was built. Behind the sanctuary two rooms are provided with access direct from the auditorium. One is fitted up as a kitchen and the other as a vestry. The auditorium itself provides space for the accommodation of 150 people, and is approached by a central porch under the main roof, flanked by two lateral entries. Behind the platform is a recess containing communion table and communion rails, enclosed by sliding doors.
Much of the pleasure of the afternoon was due to the excellent organization of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton, who have charge of the Home. GALA DAY AT NARRABEEN (1939, September 9). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155356397
function at the 'Old Mens Home Narrabeen'
A Unique Entertainment
A concert of a very high order was held in the new hall belonging to the W. G. Taylor Memorial Home, Narrabeen, by the pupils of Mr. Sam White, on Thursday evening last. The company comprised a choir of 20 members and 10 orchestral performers. Miss Joan Priddle (Narrabeen) capably acted as accompanist.
Aged Men's Home, Narrabeen.
Choral numbers were excellently rendered and several numbers, notably 'Danny Boy,' 'The Viking Song' and 'The Changing of the Guard,' were sung and won hearty applause. The orchestral numbers were much appreciated and displayed the teaching of a finished master.
Mrs. Hamilton, supported by a happy band of workers, provided a dainty supper. After votes of thanks by the manager, and with the singing of 'Land of Hope and Glory,' 'Auld Lang Syne,' and the National Anthem, brought a happy evening to a close. A Unique Entertainment (1940, April 27). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155464934
The W. G. Taylor Memorial Home for Aged Men
'Men shut their doors against the setting sun,' said Shakespeare, when he observed the loneliness that commonly attends old age. In every community there are many in their advanced years neglected and forgotten. It was to assist in mitigating the effects of this neglect in the lives of lonely men that the C.M.M. Home at Narrabeen was opened in 1929. It has proved to be one of the most popular institutions of its kind. Always there is a list of applicants waiting for admission, so that for several years its accommodation has been fully occupied. This popularity is due in no small measure to the excellent supervision of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton, whose wise administration, affectionate interest in the comfort of the men, and untiring solicitude for their spiritual welfare, have endeared them to those under their care.
The property is well situated — a three-acre block between the sea and the lake at Narrabeen. The original building was named 'The Outlook,' and had accommodation for ten men, and seven were lodged in a- nearby cottage. This arrangement proved unsatisfactory. Extensive additions were made to the main building, including the construction of a number of comfortable cubicles.
New Church Hall, Narrabeen
The ground was cleared of scrub and trees, gardens and lawns transformed the property into a place of beauty and peace. The essentials of a real Home include comfort, contentment, and community of interest. These are the considerations that make this C.M.M. institution an attractive place of rest and fellowship to many an aged and feeble man. It is a centre of happy comradeship, where folks of varying dispositions and educational standards unite together as one family. This cause has many friends. The people of the Dee Why Circuit take a particular interest in the welfare of the Home, and have been generous in their provision of social and musical events.
Last year an attractively constructed and well-furnished church hall was opened for the purpose of providing a place of worship and a building suitable for concerts and other gatherings. It also provides a preaching place for the Dee Why Circuit, whose minister, the Rev. B. Willis, conducts services for the men weekly. A C.M.M. minister holds a service once a month. A fine spiritual work is being done by Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. Many men have found their way to the love of God in Christ through the witness of their lives and the sincerity of their affection. The officers of the Mission look forward hopefully to the possibility of extending the work of this fine institution, so that it might be of still greater service to the aged and lonely. THE MISSION AT WORK (1940, July 13). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155464405
A Visitor at Narrabeen
I have been spending two weeks at Dee Why, and on Wednesday, 16th July, Rev. B. and Mrs. Willis, of Dee Why, invited me to take a run with them in their car to the Rev. W. G. Taylor Memorial Rest Home for men at Narrabeen. Although I had heard many times about the Rest Home, it was an eye-opener when I saw it. A fine home built in the centre of huge grounds in which there are fine national trees, also a well-kept garden. The day was perfect, and the birds gave us fine music from the trees. Cocky in his cage also gave us a word of welcome. At the rear of the grounds, and overlooking the ocean, is erected the beautiful Rev. W. G. Taylor Memorial Church. At 10 a.m. I preached to 25 or 30 men, and how did they sing the grand old Methodist hymns! The courteous and efficient Manager introduced me to each of the men. As a layman I have preached in many churches, but this one stands out all on its own. To any visitors to Manly or Dee Why I say don't miss seeing this wonderful place which is part of the great C.M.M. work. — H. Laverty. A Visitor at Narrabeen (1941, July 26). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155467090
An insight into the passing of one of those who called this place 'home' and a tribute for him from those looking after him:
The Passing of William Sampson
The W. G. Taylor Memorial Home at Narrabeen will not seem quite the same again now, for one of its .most beloved residents, Mr. William Sampson, has passed to his Great Reward. A devout Christian, Brother Sampson met life with a smile. In spite of his years, (he was well past the 'allotted span'), he was a regular attendant at the Class Meetings as well as the Sunday Prayer Meeting.
A few days before the call came this dear old Christian recited a poem he had composed, and handed a copy to the Manager of the Home, Mr. Hamilton. It was the testimony of one who had proved his faith and had found it true.. Feeling that many who knew him would like to hear this word, we print part of the poem here. The critic will find fault with the metre and the rhyme here and there, perhaps, but the meaning and the spirit of the man who wrote it live through the lines.
'I have found a Friend in Jesus,
He is so good and kind,
He keeps me and protects me,
And will save me from all harm.
If you will come to Jesus
He'll be just as kind and true,
And what He has done for others
He will surely do for you.
If you come to trouble, and you don't know what to do,
Just put your trust in Jesus, and He will help you through.
He will take away your troubles, and hear your grief and pain,
He will bless you and forgive you,
And you'll be born again.
So come, my friends, to Jesus, and ask Him to forgive,
And He will stand beside you as long as you may live.
And when the Trumpet's sounding, and He calls you from this shore,
He prepares a Home in Heaven, where we meet to part no more.'
Farewell, Brother Sampson, many will miss your cheery smile and your radiant faith. But we will see you again, in the presence of Him you loved and served 'even unto the end.' The Passing of William Sampson (1944, July 22). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155478710
The June 1949 records shared by The Methodist state more extensions have been completed at Narrabeen:
.... When he came to the Mission eleven years ago there were seven subsidiary institutions — there are now twelve. The institutions added include the Lottie Stewart Memorial Hospital, Waddell House(Hospital for Epileptics), the Wesley Hostel, Sylvania Settlement for Aged Couples, and a Foot Clinic for Pensioners. The capital value of these institutions represents a contribution of £106,000 toward the furtherance of Christian work and witness. All of these institutions are free of debt.
Further property improvements include additions to Sunset Lodge, the purchase of a cottage and extensions to the W. G. Taylor Memorial Home at Narrabeen, 30 acres of land at Dalmar Children's Homes and an additional house, the purchase of two cottages adjoining the Francis Street Men's Hostel, parsonage, development, and the reconstruction of the Lyceum, at a cost of £16,000. All of these additions are free of debt. When Dr. Rayward came to the Mission in 1938, there were 186 names on the membership roll. There are now 980. This in itself is indicative of the personality and consecrated zeal that characterises the man. .... A SALUTE TO THE SUPERINTENDENT (1949, June 11). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155482164
Illness of the Manager
It was with regret that we learned of the serious illness of Mr. W. Hamilton, the manager of the W. G. Taylor Memorial Home at Narrabeen. Since their appointment as Manager and Matron respectively in 1933, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton have rendered excellent service. Recently, Mr. Hamilton suffered a cerebral haemorrhage and, although his condition is slightly improved, the opinion of his doctor is that he will be unable to continue in his work at Narrabeen.
During their time of residence, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton have seen this institution grow from humble beginnings to its present dimensions which now include a Chapel and social hall and the first wing for the accommodation of other aged men, in addition to the 30 who are at present in the Home. Mrs. Hamilton has been a great helpmeet to her husband and an angel of mercy to the men in residence. To them she has been not merely a matron, but a mother in spirit. Mr. Hamilton's enforced retirement throws upon us the necessity of appointing a new manager and matron. Applications are invited ftom any Christian couples who would feel the desire and have the capacity to fill the position. W. G. TAYLOR MEMORIAL HOME (1950, February 25). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155611647
Following on the retirement of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton as Manager and Matron respectively of our Aged Men's Home at Narrabeen, the offices have now fallen into the hands of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Stephenson, who will commence duties on the 15th April.
Mr. Stephenson comes to us as one who has had considerable experience in England during the war, catering for and entertaining men of the Naval services at Portsmouth. Mrs. Stephenson brings to her position as Matron the qualifications of a trained nurse. Since coming to Australia in recent times, Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson have been associated with the Aboriginal Mission Board, but have decided to transfer the services they are able to render in the land of their adoption, to this branch of Church activity. The position is available at the W. G. Taylor Memorial Home at Narrabeen for a young woman who would be prepared to accept the position of Assistant in the Home. The duties would be to help with the domestic arrangements of the Institution. The position would carry the opportunity for the applicant to live in and occupy her own room. W. G. TAYLOR MEMORIAL HOME NEW APPOINTMENTS (1950, April 8). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155614439
The Opening of the W. G. Taylor Memorial Home in 1929
The W. G. Taylor Memorial Home for v Aged men,- at Narrabeen, was opened in 1929, as a memorial to the founder of the C.M.M. It is situated between a lake and the sea and overlooked by the adjacent hills. The Home provides an ideal setting for the 30 men who are able to enjoy the 'Pipe of Peace' and a quiet chat as the pleasant days pass.
At the moment, extensions to the Home are being carried out. A cottage adjoining the main property and owned by the Mission, is being repaired and furnished to take a further five men. This cottage, in addition to bedrooms, has a commodious lounge room and excellent facilities. The. men in both the Home and the annex, will have their meals together in the main building. The recently appointed Manager and Matron, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Stephenson, are to be congratulated on the splendid work they are doing despite shortages of staff and other difficulties with which they have to contend. The grounds are well cared for, and a number of the guests make a contribution in this regard by taking an interest in both the flower and vegetable gardens. At the moment, there are vacancies for four men in the Home, and when the improvements to the adjoining cottage are completed, accommodation will be provided for an additional four, and the home will then be serving the needs of 39 men. Living conditions are excellent for the moderate charge made for board. Most of the guests are in receipt of the Old Age Pension.
Our appreciation of human values, inculcated in our minds by the spirit of the Master Himself, would prompt us to say that surely peace and comfort are tlie right of all who are nearing the end of life's journey! For this reason, those who comprise the fellowship of the C.M.M. are thankful to God that he has placed in our hands the privilege and the responsibility of bringing security and contentment to those who would otherwise be exposed to loneliness in the closing years of their lives. "THE BOYS OF THE OLD BRIGADE" (1950, July 29). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155611830
And so it began and went forward, and now ends, 6 years shy of a 100th anniversary of looking after the elderly in this place.