Whale Beach Ocean Reserve: 'The Strand' - some history on another great Protected pittwater reserve
Above: [Livintonia Australis ] Whale Beach, Pitt Water, N.S.W. by A. J. Vogan (Arthur James), 1859-1948, photographer. [ca. 1910 - ca. 1918] - courtesy State Library of Victoria - Image No.: 0_306842
East-facing oceanfront Whale Beach is a pretty 650-yard strip of golden sand that's sandwiched between two verdant headlands, fringed by trees, and backed by steep slopes.
In 1900 the Basset-Darley Estate of Barrenjoey, Nappers Grant, offered for sale, was passed in at £1 per acre. Some time between then and 1911 a James Channon, Manufacturer, bought the parcel of Lots 1 to 18 from Barrenjoey to Whale Beach and Careel Bay. Charles John Edward Forssberg also purchased over 30 acres of the original Napier Grant fronting Pittwater from the then Wentworth Estate on the 23rd of August 1900. His wife, Catherine, had spent much time on the Hawkesbury and would have known of the beauty of this place.

In June 1911 James Channon agreed to sell it to Ernest Trevor-Jones for £1200 but no conveyance took place.
In 1911 the Barrenjoey Company was registered:
Barrenjoey Company, Ltd, has been registered with a capital of £6000, In 120 shares of £50 each, the object being to purchase 410 acres of the Bassett Darley subdivision. The first directors are Messrs H. Wolstenholme, E T Jones, J T Ralston, J Young, and H R Nolan. NOTES AND COMMENTS. (1911, June 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15239859
When the Barranjoey Land Company was formally registered in June 1911 the first directors were named as Harry Wolstenholme, Ernest Trevor Jones, John Thompson Ralston, James Young, and Herbert Russell Nolan. Many of these partners were either students together at Newington College, the well-known Wesleyan School at Stanmore, or related through marriages - James Young, for instance, was the solicitor for Ada Blanche Wolstenholme, the widow of James Wolstenholme, grandfather to Harry Wolstenholme. James Young was also another in generations of Youngs who had tended to the legal matters of the Wolstenholme family - as shown when James Wolstenholme (the youngers') will is ratified in 1911 and assets in real estate placed under Blanche and a new Trustee:
In July 1911 and October 1911, Ernest Trevor-Jones, solicitor, and the wife of Harry Wolstenholme, Edith Lucy, bought the parcel of land and conveyed this to the then just registered Barrenjoey Company. The bulk of this, including the whole of Palm Beach and most of Whale Beach, including over the hills to Careel Bay, became that owned by the Barrenjoey Company - although the Trevor-Jones family held onto Block 19, at the southern end of the beach and ranging over the hill to Careel Bay, with this placed in the name of Margaret Trevor-Jones, the wife of Ernest.
Transactions from HRLV: Book 939-800 and 944-259(Lot 1 and 19) provide:
In December 1912 the first land releases were advertised for sale – Book 956-Volume 82 shows that a James A Ramsay and David B Ramsay loaned £1500 on Lots 2-18, the Palm Beach-Whale Beach sections, to facilitate these sales.
How many of the Sydney folk have heard of Palm Beach, situated on the neck of land ad-joining the Barrenjoey Lighthouse reserve and Pittwater Harbor ? One of those most glorious spots, given by Nature to the Sydneyites, where rest from the weary toils of the week may be enjoyed. As a comparative stranger in your midst, I would never, perhaps, have feasted on its exceptional beauty and the environs surrounding it had I not chanced upon a small red booklet, circulated on account of a land sale held there on Friday afternoon.
I took the trip, at a cost of 2/6 return — cheap enough in all conscience ! — and on arrival at the pretty little jetty on the estate was so charmed with the natural beauties and picturesqueness of the scene that I feel it a duty to enlighten others of this most charming spot. A glorious day, one of happy Sydney's best, and the beauty of the scene at Palm Beach will long live in my memory. The harbor, with its beach of sand, hard and white, its clear and placid waters for the children, the wild, natural scenery of the hills, the living fragrance of the bush and the beautiful Palm Beach for the surfers, with its ever sounding ocean roar, contrasting strangely with the harbor's peace, and calm, the stately palms in the numerous gullies, and the whole scene clothed with a sea and sky, of exquisite blue. From the hills cape after cape comes into view, both north and south, and to the west we see the Pittwater Harbor, with its numerous bays, "The Basin," Kuringai Chase, the majestic and awe-inspiring Lion island, Ettalong, and several other points of interest. If you have never been to Palm Beach, go. It would be difficult for me to express the treat in store. There is nothing I have seen on your coast to approach it, and it is a matter of much wonder to me that with a splendid service of cars from Manly, and subsidised by a regular launch service (1 1/2 hour from Manly), it has not been availed of ere this.
The opening up of the estate will probably attract the populace, and I am informed Palm Beach is an ideal surfing one, and with all its other natural attractions should bring many an advocate to the shrine of its temple. The land facing the beach has been dedicated to the Council as a reserve for a public park. I understand that every lot was sold at satisfactory prices, including the pretty little bungalow residence recently erected, and the vendors must be highly complimented on opening up such a beauty spot for the permanent use of the people. BEAUTIFUL PALM BEACH, BARRENJOEY. (1912, January 28). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126060685
Bringing the holding under the Real Property Act shows Mrs. Margaret Trevor-Jones held on to Lot 19:
Barrenjoey - Palm Beach Estate - Pittwater - Barranjoey Rd 1912. Item c052700030, courtesy State Library of NSW - H. Wolstenholme, solicitor to the estate.
In 1914 a Dr. Herbert Nolan, one of the original Directors of the Barrenjoey Land Company, brought the almost 180 acres of land at the Careel Bay end of Whale Beach under the Real Property Act:
No. 19,218. APPLICANT :—Herbert Russell Nolan, Sydney. LAND:—County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, shire Warringah, 179 acres 3 roods, on Careel Bay, at the South Head of Broken Bay, and on the road from Manly to Barrenjoey—lots 2 to 6 and blocks 1 and 2, north division, Pittwater Estate, and part 280 acres (portion 49, parish), granted to John Joseph Therry, exclusive of three roads each 1 chain wide, and land within the 100 feet reservation in the abovementioned grant the areas of which are not included in the above-mentioned area, 179 acres 3 roods ; adjoining properties of E. Trevor-Jones, H. Mackenzie, and Mrs. K. M. Roche
No. 19,248. APPLICANT .—Mabel Daisy Black, Annandale. LAND: County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, shire Warringah,—8 acres 20 perches, at Pittwater, on Bay View road and a road 30 links wide,—being part 40 acres (portion 43. of parish), granted to George Weller; adjoining properties of F. J. S. Young, S. R. Mitchell, P. T. Taylor, Dr. J. Isbister, and G. Leslie. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1914, August 19). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 5039. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article227674898
Dr. Herbert 'Russell' Nolan, known for performing the first appendectomy in Australia, served in the Boer War where he contracted typhoid fever, from which he never really recovered. He passed away in February 1915. His estate, when valued, showed the bulk of his assets were investments in real estate. His illness and passing may account for the delay between bringing these parcels of land under the Real Property Act and the first 'Whale Beach' subdivision at the Careel Head Road-Whale Beach Road end.
It should also be noted that 'Careel Bay' on earlier maps, and through the 1920's, was described as stretching from the Dark Gully and MacKays Reserve at Palm Beach end of the Pittwater estuary down to what we today call Careel Bay.
HRLV provides:
These lots of land were put on sale first as they had access to already established roads, or the sandy tracks of then that passed for local roads:
Whale Beach Estate 1918 April 1st c053460074, showing Careel Head Road, Burrowong Road (now spelled Burrawong) and Whale Beach Road - from and courtesy State Library of NSW Pittwater Subdivisions folder.
A burrawong is a large attractive palm-like evergreen cycad of New South Wales. Individual specimens take 10–20 years to mature and may live for up to 120 years. Also a name for the poisonous nut of the burrawang, which becomes edible after prolonged soaking.
Hardie and Gorman Proprietary, Limited, in conjunction with Mr. E de Gyulay, conducted the opening sale of the Whale Beach Estate, Pittwater, yesterday afternoon, on the ground. There was a large attendance, and the sale was very successful, 52 allotments out of 72 being sold, at prices ranging from 6/6 to 12/ a foot. Total of sale, £1584/2/. PROPERTY SALES. (1918, April 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15766139
A few days later a change in the sold £ total:
Messrs. Hardie and Gorman had a fairly busy week in their now rooms. They sold a pair of houses, Nundarra and Yarama, Moonbie-street, Summer Hill, for £1650; 52 allotments in the Whale Beach Estate, Pittwater, from 6s 6d to 12s per foot (£1574); REAL ESTATE. (1918, April 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15770535
Warringah Shire Council records show that on January 17th, 1919 James T. Ralston was submitting plans of proposed subdivision of Lot 19, Palm Beach Estate. These were referred to the Deputy Engineer for a report.
By April 22nd 1919 the Barrenjoey Co Ltd were agreeing to the dedication of Palm Beach Reserve to the Council. As they had already dedicated the beach reserve at Palm Beach to Council in 1912, this would appear to be the 100 foot dedication of land called 'The Strand' at the Whale Beach oceanfront reserve being placed in Council's hands to provide permanent beach access for the public. Although, given how long some of these handovers took to be ratified, it may also seem that this is that original section of Palm Beach oceanfront Reserve; however, the Council is asking for confirmation of that section in 1922. Council Resolved; - That the Reserve Solicitor be Instructed to make out the necessary dedication deeds - and so in April 1919, the Whale Beach Ocean front Reserve was dedicated to the Council's care for the public.
At the Meeting of June 16th 1919 the Lands Department, (11/6/19) were stating the methods by which the reserve at Palm Beach may be dedicated to the public. Council Resolved; - That the matter be placed in the hands of the Council’s Solicitors for the purpose of effecting a Conveyance or Transfer of the reserve to the Council. At the same meeting: E. P. M. Sheedy, 14/6/19, asking Council's attention to several improvements necessary on Barrenjoey Road and Palm Beach Road; Referred to the Engineer for report. P. T. Taylor, 11/6/19,re a drainage trouble at Bayview. Referred to the Engineer for report .
In August 1919 the Barrenjoey Company, Ltd., 19/9/19, were asking for certificate that Florida Road has been taken over by the Council.
A letter and documents from Warringah Shire Council Solicitors of then, Maund & Christie, (24/ 10/19), were submitting for execution by the Council, a Memorandum of Transfer from Barrenjoey Co., of the beach reserve at Palm Beach. Council Resolved; - That the Seal of the Council be affixed to the transfer.
Around the same time the isthmus and tombola between Barrenjoey headland and the Sunrise Hill, now known as Governor Phillip Park, became one of those discussed for the purposes of public recreation :
There It a narrow neck of land at Palm Beach, between the road and the ocean, which would make an ideal reserve.
The Warringah Shire Council heard that the land is to be offered for sale, and sent a deputation to the Minister for Lands. (Mr. Wearne), who was asked to take steps for the resumption of the land as a public reserve. With the deputation were Messrs. Weaver, Scott Fell, Murphy and Dr. Arthur. M.L.A.
Mr. Wearne, in reply, said that, where possible, it was the policy of the Government to extend to the people privileges to enable them to enjoy the pleasures of life, not only in the metropolis and suburbs, but throughout the State. He could not promise the resumption of the area. But he would Inspect it, and see whether It was suitable for the purpose desired. AT PALM BEACH (1922, April 29). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article118868181
The Council Meeting held January 5th, 1920 shows Leibus, Black & Way 18/12/19, submitting plan of proposed re-subdivision of Lots 1-2-3 Palm Beach Estate, which was Approved.
At the Meeting held February 9th, 1920: Henry A Wiltshire (letter dated 27/1/20), is stating what is being done with life-line and belt supplied for Palm Beach by Council. This gives the placement of this lifeline and belt at around the same place the current Wiltshire Park at Palm Beach is. In the same Meeting The Royal Life Saving Society, 27/1/20, is making a suggestion for installing lifeline and belt at Palm Beach.
Meeting of March 22nd, 1920: Whale Beach Road – that the Engineer report to the next meeting in regard to the crossing of the roadway at the intersection of Whale Beach Road and Palm Beach Road and the removal of the cul-de-sac.
At the 18th of April, 1920 Meeting a letter from the Council's Solicitors, Maund & Christie regarding transfer of Palm Beach Reserve to the Council, was read, Resolved, - (Crs. Quirk & Cavill) That the Clerk get into communication with Hardy & Busby: Surveyors, and ascertain what they will prepare a plan of the Reserve for,
In May 1920 the Barrenjoey Co., (letter dated 31/5/1920), is intimating that the Company does not desire a local rate levied at Palm Beach. This request was 'Received.' In the same Meeting the Barrenjoey Co. , (31/5/20) is asking that steps be taken to prevent the removal of sand from Beach Road, Palm Beach. Council Resolved - (per Crs. Quirk and Lodge) That Mr. Peters be informed of the Company's report, and that he be notified to desist. The Barrenjoey Co., 31/5/20, were also drawing attention to washaway on Florida Road. This was; Referred to Engineer.
During the Meeting held January 10th, 1921: J W Maund & Christse,4/1/1921 Re transfer of Palm Beach Reserves to Council, and stating Registrar General’s requirement’s re surveys; Resolved,- (Crs. Quirk & Hitchcock) That the Council agree to survey expenses up to £3;3/6/ 6d. At the same meeting: Yewen’s Estate: That A. G. Yewen be reminded of his promise to give land, at Bungan Beach for public recreation purposes, and he be informed of the names of the Council's Solicitors, who will act in the matter. H. Rainaud, 4/1/21, requesting permission to erect a fingerboard on road directing to "La Corniche," Mona Vale Council Resolved; - (per Cr.'s, Quirk & Hitchcock) That permission be granted.
At the Meeting held April 18th, 1921 – Re: Palm Beach Reserve; A letter from the Council's Solicitors, Maund & Christie regarding transfer of Palm Beach Reserve to the Council, was read. Council Resolved, - (Crs. Quirk & Cavill) That the Clerk get into communication with Hardy & Busby, Surveyors, and ascertain what they will prepare a plan of the Reserve for. The same meeting shows men returned from WWI are camping here.
Carl Gow, whose brother and father were then stationed at Barranjoey Lighthouse, along with his mate who also served in WWI Reg. Howlett and whose father had had a shop at Mona Vale, were just some of the men who found the peace and green openness of Palm Beach a place they could return to after the horrific carnage of WWI. They had a shop together and then had separate businesses in Palm Beach.
The same Meeting shows a Mr. Hutchinson, Attorney for Mr. Frankenburg, owner of the land on which Canvas structures at Queenscliff stand, waited on the Council, by invitation, in company with Mr. De Wilde, a returned soldier tenant of one of the camps, and explained the position fully to the Council. Later, members of the Queenscliff Progress Association addressed the Council on the same matter.
Men who served were found camping out along our beaches and around the lagoons and estuary from then on until well after WWII.
At the Meeting of May 20th, 1921 the Council Resolved, - (per Crs. Quirk & Hitchcock) That the Council's Solicitors be authorised to instruct Messrs Hardy & Busby-to compile the survey plan of Palm Beach reserve as required by the Registrar General.
At the Meeting of September 19, 1921: The Palm Beach Progress Association's letter, 2/9/21, Re: Sheds. urging erection of dressing shed at Palm Beach, and offering to arrange for cost of erection, if Council provide the material, was read in conjunction with the report. Council Resolved; - (per Crs. Hitchcock, Quirk) 'That the proposal be approved, £45 to be voted for the supply of the necessary material, - the (Vote) sheds to be in accordance with the plan submitted by Mr. Kerr, and to be completed to the Council' s satisfaction.'
At that same Meeting the Southern Beach Subdivision No 128, for Whale Beach, was examined and Council Resolved, - (Crs. quirk, Campbell) That the Seal of the Council be affixed to the plan of Southern Beach Subdivision No. 1, on the direction of the President, when the Engineer reports that the road construction has been satisfactorily completed. And that; 'in regard to Whale Beach the Barrenjoey Company's and the Whale beach Estate's request for erection of bathing sheds at Whale beach, the Council.. (vote) agree to the erection of two sheds similar to those proposed to. be erected at Palm Beach, at an estimated cost of £75, (contribution) subject to a contribution in the same proportion as was made to the sheds on Clareville Beach.'
At the Meeting held October 10th, 1921: Item 15 shows the Barrenjoey Co. Ltd.17/9/21, requesting Council to accept dedication of way of access from Florida Road to Ocean Road, Beach Reserves. Palm Beach Council Resolved - (per Crs. Quirk, Hitchcock) That the Council accept dedication, with a recommendation that the width be 66 ft. .
The Barrenjoey Company, Limited, 29/ 11/1921, further to proposed Way of access from Florida Road to Ocean Road, Palm Beach, and agreeing to widen same to 66 ft., if Council will resume filling in Ocean Road, near Wollstenholme's. Council Resolved that; the Engineer was to Furnish Estimate for the cost of such work.
This reads like a description of the Palm Beach Reserve and way of access we today call 'Wiltshire Reserve'. It should also be noted that bringing what we today call Governor Phillip Park under the care of the commonwealth, state and local government was no easy task - although the Barrenjoey Land Company owners were clearly of the same mind as the Council, in that they were prepared to dedicated access ways and beach reserves for public access and recreation, they still needed to make sales on larger lots which we today find are public parks for residents and visitors:
Palm Beach Tries Again
The Minister tor Lands has refused an application from Warringah Shire Council for financial assistance in resuming land at Palm Beach for the creation of a public reserve. Council last night decided to ask all progress associations interested In the matter to co-operate in an endeavor to Induce the Minister to receive a deputation. GOVT. AID REFUSED (1926, May 11). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article117289097
Governor Phillip Park consists of an amalgamation of three Crown Reserves owned by the Department of Land and Water Conservation which are as follows: R. 56217 (10.8235 hectares), notified in the Government Gazette of 22 June 1923. R56219 (Lot 7007 DP 752046) comprising 3,035m2 of former Police Purposes land was revoked on 22 February 1999, and added to R56217 and reserved by the Crown for the purpose of Public Recreation, R. 61140 (5.67 hectares), notified in the Government Gazette of 29 March 1934 and reserved by the Crown for the purpose of Public Recreation and R.64483 (8.1362 hectares), notified in the Government Gazette of 17 May 1929 and reserved by the Crown for the purpose of Public Recreation. All three reserves within the park are reserved by the Crown for the public purpose of Public Recreation. The total area of Governor Phillip Park is 24.63 hectares.
The Council decided to try and raise the funds required for the lands they deemed worthy of making public reserves via a loan, which, as per was the practice, would be levied on the owners of land of 'A Riding' - or Pittwater along the boundaries that constituted Pittwater Councils':
Proposed Special Loan of £21,000
NOTICE is hereby given that it is the intention of the Warringah Shire Council to. apply for authority, under section 180, Local Government Act, 1919, to borrow the sum of £21,000 for the purpose of acquiring certain lands for public recreation purposes in "A" Riding of the Shire, in the localities mentioned hereunder, and for defraying expenses incidental to the effecting of such acquisitions, and to the raising of the loan.
The reserves proposed to/be established, and the estimated value of the lands to be acquired, are— £
(a) Ocean Beach Reserve at Newport ... 8,970
(b) Reserve for Recreation, and for Access to Pittwater at Newport 1,820
(c) Ocean Beach Reserve at Mona Vale .. 2,638
(d) Reserve on Pittwater foreshores at Palm Beach 4,042
(e) Reserve at Careel Bay, Pittwater 1,270
(f) Extension of existing Reserve on northern side of Narrabeen Lake 1,526
Total £20,266
Allowance for forced resumptions and for contingencies 3,400
Total £23,666 Less contribution promised by Government 2,666
Amount proposed to be raised by loan .... £21,000
The interest payable on such loan shall not exceed six per cent. (6%) per annum, and it is proposed to arrange the loan on terms which shall provide for the repayment of principal and the payment of interest, combined, in half-yearly instalments extending over a period of twenty-five years. The amount of each such instalment, if the interest be 6%, will be £816 3s. 6d.
To provide the sum necessary for such instalments, it is proposed to levy a, loan rate of one farthing (1d.) in the £ on the unimproved capital value of all ratable land in "A'' Riding. Should such rate not provide sufficient for the purpose, the balance will be paid from the General Fund of the Shire. The total unimproved capital value of all ratable lands in "A" Riding is £1,335,415.
A report on the proposal,' giving detailed descriptions and valuations of the lands to be acquired, may be inspected at the Shire Hall, Brookvale, during office hours.
Within one month of the publication of this notice, any number not less than 25 per cent, of the ratepayers for "A" Riding may petition the Council to take a poll of ratepayers either as to whether such ratepayers approve of the loan, or whether the loan rate should lie on the unimproved value or on the improved value, or on both questions. The number of ratepayers -enrolled for "A'' Riding is 4,418.
Shire Hall, Brookvale, 'Shire Clerk.
1st December, 1926. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH. (1926, December 3). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 5193. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article223000695
The 'Beach Reserves' and 'access ways' dedicated to the public by the Barrenjoey Company clearly saved the Council thousands of pounds. That Warringah Shire Council record on that original 1912 Palm Beach oceanfront section dedicated to the public shows that at the August 18th, 1922 Meeting Council is recording: That the Barrenjoey Co. be written to and, asked to fulfil the promise made in 1912 to dedicate Lot 92 of Palm Beach Estate to the public
That same year, 1922, the Council were also asking:
Meeting of May 1st, 1922: Re: Forssberg . The President verbally reported regarding a deputation to the Minister for Lands on 27th April, with the object of obtaining Government assistance in acquiring, for the public, portion of Forssberg' s Estate, Palm Beach; and also that the Minister of Lands had made an Inspection of the locality on the following day, and had promised that the matter should, be given the fullest consideration. Also at that Meeting: That the Vendors of Bilgola Estate be asked to dedicate the beach reserve to the Council by proper legal method.
The June 27th 1922 Meeting records: Campbell & Rowe 15/6/22, forwarding Memorandum of Dedication of Messrs. Arthur Rickard & Co. of Lot27,Flood's Peninsula Estate embracing sandy beach. Cpouncil Resolved - (Crs. quirk, -Hewitt) That the dedication by Arthur Rickard of Lot 27 of Flood's Peninsula Estate, be accepted by the Council, ..
In March 1923: MacGregor & Palmer, 27/3/23 submitting plan for transfer of land at Whale Beach - was referred to engineer. In November 1923 J. T. Ralston & Son. 19/11/23, submitting, for acceptance Palm Beach to the Council, Memorandum of Transfer of Lot 92, 2nd. Subdivision Reserves. Palm Beach Estate : Resolved, - (Crs. Hewitt, Hitchcock) That the Council accept the transfer and affix its seal to the document.
And yet again, in 1924 Warringah Shire Council records show: Councillor Rayner raised the question as to whether, certain reserves at Palm Beach, promised by the Barrenioey Company had actually been dedicated to the Council, and it its resolved, - (Crs. Campbell and Rayner) That the Shire Solicitors be asked to make sure whether Lot 92 has actually been transferred as arranged, also the adjacent right- of-way between lots 83 and 84 running from Ocean Road to Florida Road, also the reserve between Ocean Road and Florida Road adjoining Lots 88 and 89 between them and Lot 177 and that if these have not been dedicated, they lodge a caveat against any dealings with the land. Council Resolved, - (per Crs. Rayner, Hewitt) That the Barrenjoey Co. be written to pointing out that it has always been understood to have been the Company's intention to dedicate Lot. 84 as a public reserve, that they kindly have the matter completed.
Meanwhile, the selling of suburban sized lots continued alongside the giving access to these Barrenjoey road:
Pittwater — Forming and Ballasting, etc., of about 80 1/2 chains of Road, in the Second Subdivision, Whale Beach Estate - November 23— A. D. Craig, 350 George Street. Advertising (1918, November 18). Construction and Local Government Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1913 - 1930), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article109675197
Whale Beach Estate 1919 Item No.: c053460079 - showing Careel Head Road and Barrenjoey Road, from and courtesy State Library of NSW Pittwater Subdivisions folder
APPLICATIONS having been made to bring the lands hereunder described under the provisions of the Real Property Act, Certificates of Indefensible Title will issue, unless Caveats been lodged in accordance with the Third Schedule to the said Act on or before THE 20TH SEPTEMBER, 1919: —
No. 20.950. APPLICANTS:—Emily Darvall, Moss Vale, and Florence Maud Callaghan, Sydney. LAND : — Shire Warringah, 8 acres 0 roods 24, perches,—lot 9 of the North Division of the Pittwater Estate, at the junction of the roads from Manly to Careel Bay, and to Barrenjoey, about 17 chains northerly from Central-road. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1919, August 8). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4425. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222512530
There was also at this time another group formed to sell lands with the name of The Whale Beach Estate Limited with James Young among those involved:
The Whale Beach Estate, Limited.— Registered on 20/11/19 with a capital of £5000 in 200 shares of £25 each. Objects : To acquire by agreement any lands, or property, whether in the vicinity of Barrenjoey or elsewhere in N.S.W. , &c. The signatories to the memorandum are : J. Young, R. J. Browning, A. M. Scott, S. Jamieson, G. O'Brien, E. E. Way (by his attorney), S A. Beehag and F. S. Boyce. First directors : J. Young, B. Jardine. Browning, and A. McKinlie Scott. Registered office, Sydney , or such other place as the directors may determine. New Companies (1919, December 7). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article123217797
Whale Beach Estate, January 26th 1921 pamphlet (produced by E B Studios), and enlarged sections from. Item No.: c053460081, from and courtesy State Library of NSW Pittwater Subdivisions folder. Whale Beach estate [cartographic material] 1921. MAP Folder 129, LFSP 2039. Above Part 1. Below Part 2 - courtesy National Library of Australia and State Library of NSW ( Whale Beach Estate c053460080) - shows 100 foot reserve right along coast.
Stonemason, John (Jack) Webster, was employed to build roads through the area, as shown in earlier panoramas when the first lots were about to be put up for sale by the Barrenjoey Land Company. Notes from Warringah Shire Records show some of these 'tracks' were also built by Council employees. Some of these are clearly watercourses and creeks when there's a decent rain - it is also easy to spot cows grazing. These also show the difference between the 'roads' constructed by the council employees for the sections to the southern end owned by the Whale Beach Pty Ltd syndicate and those constructed from Surf road north by the Barrenjoey Company.
Bryan Webster, a descendant of this Whale Beach family, shared the following during his 2014 Profile interview:
What was your grandfather’s first name?
He was John, but everyone knew him as ‘Pop’ – Pop Webster. My father’s name was also John but they called him Jack. My eldest brother was called John – it ran in the family I suppose.
My grandfather was given the job of organising the infrastructure for Whale Beach. This consisted of a crushed rock road. He had a gang of men who lived on the flat, on the dairy land at Careel Bay/North Avalon, some of them in tents.
They would come around, and Pop had a horse and dray and they would go around building this crushed rock road. This went along Bungalow road, from north to south Whale Beach – and this was joined up to Surf View Road, which came over the hill, to join on to Barrenjoey Road.
However, Surf View Road was shortened to ‘Surf Road’, and Bungalow Road, when it was finally joined up through North Avalon and around to Palm Beach, was renamed ‘Whale Beach Road’.
There’s many a trick where Surf Road leaves Whale Beach Road, it goes up in a series of dog legs or ‘s’ bends, that zigzags up the hill. My plans actually show it coming up at right angles (I live at the corer of one of these ‘s’ bends), and going straight up the hill.
What they forgot was that my grandfather only had a horse and dray, and a horse and dray couldn’t go up that steep incline, so he built the road as a series of ‘s’ bends that finally went up the hill and along up to Bynya Road.
I was brought up in Whale Beach. My father lived in Whale Beach with his parents and he bought three blocks of land for a hundred pounds each over in Palm Beach, over the hill from Whale Beach. We ended up living on one of those blocks in a stone house, my father was a stonemason, as was his father.
My grandfather was the first permanent resident of Whale Beach – some say 1921, others say 1923, I don’t have the records to ascertain which it is.
There’s a lot of history of Whale Beach in the family – I’m the last of the Websters, the rest have died out now.
I love the place, I feel at home in Whale Beach. It’s a great place to bring up kids and grandchildren as well as it turns out.
EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panoramic view of Whale Beach, New South Wales, ca. 1917 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162046998
Panorama of Whale Beach no. 4 - (and blown up section from below), New South Wales between 1918 and 1920. Part of Enemark collection of panoramic photographs by EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). Image No.: nla.pic-vn6152465, courtesy National Library of Australia, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162400294 - shows cows and excavations for home in what will become Malo Road, Whale Beach

EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Whale Beach, New South Wales, 1 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162398255 - and enlarged sections from to show details.

The Warringah Shire Meeting held 29th of July 1918 records the Whale beach Syndicate complaining of harsh requirements re road construction in Whale beach Estate, and requesting return of £200 of the guarantee deposit, on account of work already done, 17/7/18 and 24/7/18. (Dealt with in Works Committee Meeting of this date.)
The October 29th, 1918 Meeting records the Whale beach Syndicate, 20/10/ 18, submitting plan and Sub. No. 2. levels of second subdivision at Whale beach. This was Referred to the Engineer for report to next meeting. This Meeting also records H. Monckton and Russel C. Roxburgh, 17/10/18, re notice to W. H. and Dr. Elliott to remove fence from road at Careel Bay. Consideration was deferred until next meeting By
In November 1918 the Whale beach Syndicate, (8/11/18 Whale beach Estate No.1), were agreeing to Council's proposal re completion of roads Received. However Connor, 11/11/18, submitting plan of proposed Subdivision Whale beach Syndicate 27/3/19, re balance due on sub-division roads. Council Resolved;- That if the balance due be not paid by Saturday next, the work on the subdivision roads' be discontinued.
In July 1919 the Barrenjoey Co Ltd. (1/7/19), were stating proposal for constructing concrete tracks for motor-cars along Whale beach Road. This was Referred to the Engineer to interview the representative of the Company.
By March 1920 an A D Craig (2/3/20) was submitting plans, section at Whale Beach of the 3rd 'Whale beach Estate specification for extension subdivision. This was Referred to the Engineer for report to next meeting.
At the same Meeting the Barrenjoey Co, (2/3/20), was asking if Council accepts the Whale beach improvements carried out by the Company on the Whale beach Road. Council Resolved;- That the Company be informed the Council accepts same.
Worth noting from the Meeting held on April 19th 1920: is that the proposed subdivision of Mr. Trevor-Jones land at Newport was approved, subject to the conditions recommended in the report, and that ''Mr. Trevor-Jones be asked to dedicate the portion of the land fronting Newport Lagoon to the Council as a public reserve.'' Regarding the proposals for improvements to the Whale Beach road and the Palm Beach Road, it was Resolved;- That the Representatives of Riding A for consideration.
By April A. Donald Craig (7/4/20), was submitting amended, proposals re subdivision of Whale Beach Estate No. 3. This was Referred to the Engineer for a report.
In May 1920 A. D. Craig (26/5/20), was submitting an amended specification for construction of new road in Whale beach Estate No. 3 Subdivision. Council Resolved, - That the Subdividers be required to adhere to the original specification.
At the beginning of 1921 The Whale beach Co's letter of 17/2/21. was read in conjunction with the report. It was Resolved; -That the President be authorised to affix the Seal to the plan of Whale beach Subdivision No. 3, when the Engineer certifies that the road work thereon is fully completed.
In August E. Kenny 4/8/21 submitting final plans of Beach Barrenjoey Co. s Southern Beach No, 1 subdivision Estate. Referred to the Engineer 15. A, D, Craig, 18/8/21, submitting plans showing proposed slight alteration in Whale Beach Road, Whale Beach Estate No; 3, wherein Council finally Resolved That the plan be approved, and the Seal of the Council be affixed thereto
E Kenny: Advertising (1921, October 1). Smith's Weekly (Sydney, NSW : 1919 - 1950), p. 20. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article234273997
Advertising (1921, October 1). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article239719424
The first sales brochure shows the first house or the kiosk built at Whale Beach between these original panoramas, at the corner of Surf Road and Whale Beach Road, and the sales listing for 1921, called then the 'Palm Beach Southern Beach Subdivision.' It also shows the completion of roads between that May 1921 Council Meeting requiring that and the sales day for these first lots at Whale Beach:
Whale Beach Estate 1921, showing The Strand, Surf road, Bungalow where now is Whale Beach road, and Bynya Road and Morella roads as simply 'proposed' and using one of the Enemark panoramas Item No.: c053460112, from and courtesy State Library of NSW Pittwater Subdivisions folder
The lithograph shows double blocks on the southern end of the beach for lots 1 to 21and excludes the Whale Beach oceanfront end of Lot 19 of the Basset-Darley Estate then owned by Mrs. M M Trevor-Jones. At the northern end of the beachfront larger single lots are available down to the sands' edge.
Of the 74 lots available, 60 were snapped up immediately and some were bought after the initial sale auction:
Messrs. Raine and Horne cleared some 60 allotments at Whale Beach for a total of over £5800. REAL ESTATE (1921, October 8). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article239711383
Messrs. Raine and Horne had a crowded room at their fortnightly indoor auction on Thursday. … three lots, Southern Beach subdivision. Whale Beach, No. 1 Palm Beach. £200; REAL ESTATE. (1921, October 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15985271
A young visitor to the area:
From Mollie Hawkes (13, Norton street, Ashfield, N.S.W.),'- "Dear 'Patience;' - For my last holidays I went to Palm Beach. Some friends of mine have, just had a lovely house-built, down there, and they invited me to go with them. I had a beautiful time, and we went -in , for two ' or; three swims, "and on warm days they were lovely. One day we climbed over the rocks to Whale Beach for a picnic and swim. The-boys speared crabs, and we girls collected starfish, and put' them all in one pool, where they looked so pretty;' We wished we had taken more lunch - with us as we were so hungry after our swim, but we had a good dinner when we got home. Another day we took the motor-launch to Lovett's Bay. It is such a pretty spot; part of Kuringai Chase. There was a freshwater spring where we got the water for the billy. We went right up to the top of the hill, where there was a beautiful view of Newport and Church Point, and all around, it was a good pull up. Before we-left we gathered some oysters, and they were very nice. It was great fun returning home-in the launch, as there was rather a swell coming from the sea. We had a few hits on the golf links, where the older boys and girls were always practising. There are some lovely sandhills at the end of the beach, and it is lovely to roll down them. We took our afternoon tea along, and spent the afternoon there once. We will be having our annual sports day next month at school, so we are looking forward to it. Dad took mom and me to 'The Maid of the Mountains' the other night and we enjoyed it very much. With love from your Interested pen-friend. Mollie." - How lucky you were, Mollie, to get such a delightful invitation for the holidays, and I can see that you thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the time at Palm Beach, it must have been very jolly to have a large party of boys and girls in the house, and to take your lunch out on various expeditions. I hope your school sports day will be' a great success. Love from "Patience," THE YOUNG FOLK (1921, October 15). The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), p. 52 (METROPOLITAN EDITION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article140177728
This item shows people were working at Whale Beach:
Two elderly men, who had been fishing off Manly in a sailing boat yesterday, found it impossible to return to Manly on account of the tempestuous conditions, and in trying to land on Whale Beach, near Barranjoey, their boat overturned. Their calls for help were quickly responded to by several workmen who were at Whale Beach, and who courageously rushed into the strong sea that was running and saved the two men, who had a narrow escape from drowning. The fishermen were taken to Palm Beach, where they were attended to. CASUALTIES. (1921, November 22 – Tuesday). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15968443
Houses were now being built at Whale Beach, one of them for James Young:
Tenders Accepted
Whale Beach— Residence 1 . Wilshire and Day. Tender of L. Nilsen. Whale Beach, accepted.
Whale Beach— Residence for Mr. Young - Wilshire and Day. Tender of L. Nilsen, Whale Beach, accepted. Advertising (1921, December 21). Construction and Local Government Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1913 - 1930), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article108985893
In January 1922 sections along the main road and Whale Beach road were offered, as well as those lots along the beachfront from the surf road tend to the north end of the beach:
Whale Beach Estate January 26th, 1922, showing 2nd and 3rd subdivision - names Barranjoey Road with an 'a', Mr de Gyulay is still secretary but this is named as 'The Whale Beach Estate Limited' subdivision. Item No.: c053460088, from and courtesy State Library of NSW Pittwater Subdivisions folder.
Whale Beach Estate c053460080, flipside or variation of flyer/pamphlet and enlarged sections to show where park was to be dedicated and Enemark pano for, from and courtesy State Library of NSW Pittwater Subdivisions folder.
Flyer/pamphlet Whale Beach Estate January 1922, and section from showing new Enemark panorama used. Item: c053460089, from and courtesy State Library of NSW Pittwater Subdivisions folder.
Warringah Shire Council records show that the Barrenjoey Company 18/9/23, is submitting plans showing dedication, by Mrs. Trevor Jones, of Lot 19 Bassett Darley Estate, for road or Reserve. Council Resolved, - That the Company be informed that the Council will be pleased to accept dedication of the whole of the land as a Reserve, but not portion of it as a road.
Later records show Mrs. Trevor Jones still owned this portion.
On December 27th 1923 John Thomson Ralston passed away. John Thompson Ralston, a native-born solicitor, and his wife Henrietta Marrianne, (née Orr, who came from Ireland), had three children, Edith Marion Ralston M.B.E. (1894-1967), headmistress of the Wenona school, and John Malbon Ralston (born 1899), of which a little has already been run as one of Palm Beach's first surfers, and Jean (born 1904).

Having achieved its objectives, and disposing of what land had not been sold to the Palm Beach Land Company, the Barrenjoey (Land) Company was wound up as the Palm Beach Lands Limited commenced:
AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above named Company, duly convened and held at 92b Pitt street, Sydney, on the nineteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, the following Resolution was duly passed, and at a 'subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the said Company, also duly convened and held at the same place', on Monday, the seventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, the same Resolution was duly confirmed, as a Special Resolution, viz.: —
That as a result of the recent disposal of substantially the whole of the Company's land, it is advisable to wind-up the Company and accordingly that the Company be wound up voluntarily; and at such last-mentioned Meeting the following Extraordinary Resolutions were passed: —
1. That George Mason Allard, John Malbon Ralston, Ernest Ebenezer Way, and Harry Wolstenholme, be appointed Liquidators for the purpose of such winding-up.
2. That their salary be fixed at one hundred and eighty pounds among them for the first year.
3. That, as regards Mr. J. M. Ralston, he shall be entitled, in addition to his remuneration as a Liquidator, to be paid all usual Solicitor's Profit Costs and Disbursements in connection with any legal work which he may be instructed to do by the Liquidators in his capacity as solicitor.
Dated at Sydney, this 17th day of July, 1924.
Witness,—E. E. G. de Gyulay. £1 12s.
IN THE MATTER OF THE BARRENJOEY COMPANY, LIMITED. (1924, July 18). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3572. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222025488
Notice of General Meeting.
NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of section 141 of the Companies Act, 1899, that a General Meeting of the Members of the abovenamed Company will be held at the registered office, 92b Pitt-street, Sydney, on Tuesday, the 14th day of May, 1929, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of having an account laid before them showing the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of the Company disposed of, and of hearing any explanation that may be given by the Liquidators; and also determining by Extraordinary Resolution the manner in which the books, accounts and documents of the Company and the Liquidators thereof shall be disposed of.
Dated the tenth day of April, 1929.
H. WOLSTENHOLME, E. E. WAY, J. M. RALSTON, ) Liquidators. 3281 £1 2s. THE BARRENJOEY COMPANY LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION). (1929, April 12). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1670. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article223026442
Palm Beach Lands Ltd. - First directors: R. T. M'Kay, E. B. Harkness, and A. M. K. Scott:
Palm Beach Lands, Ltd., has effected registration with an authorised capital of £15,000, In £1 shares. To traffic in land, house, and other property is the aim of the new company. First directors: R. R. M'Kay, E. B. Harkness, and A. M. K. Scott. COMPANY NEWS. (1924, July 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16177971
The above has a mistake in that R T McKay was Chairman of this new company, not R R McKay.
The Wonderland of the North
SYDNEY has, been well-endowed by 'Nature with glorious ocean beaches. All are beautiful, but some are more beautiful than others, and under this latter category may be included Palm Beach. Here, may be seen a Vista of loveliness that probably is unequalled anywhere else in the world. The position of Palm Beach is unique. Upon reaching the higher portion of the locality, and looking north, a wonderful panorama of sea, harbor and landscape, lies at the spectator's feet. Straight in front Is the narrow Isthmus which loins the headland of Barrenjoey to the 'mainland. To the right are the broad blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, rolling on to the ocean beach, providing a wonderful surf. To the left lies the placid Pittwater, a paradise for the yachtsman, while in the distance may be seen Ettalong Beach, and the entrance to the well-known Hawkesbury River. In the foreground, to the left, may be seen Lion Island, rearing Its shaggy head, lying like a guardian of the Pittwater Basin. Then, again. In the distance the rugged mountainous country of Kuring-gai Chase Is to be seen, providing a fitting background to the scene of grandeur that places Palm Beach in the front rank of beautiful sea-side resorts. On every hand may be seen the tall plantation palms from which the locality derives its name, and they lend a touch of tropical color to the landscape that only adds to its charm. Close to Palm Beach Is the great garden of the public, Kuring-gai Chase, which, it will be remembered, was set aside as a reserve for the people, by the Government some time ago, following upon an agitation by "The Sun."
Thus a vast stretch of country rivalling the Blue Mountains in beautiful rugged scenery may be added to the attractions of Palm Beach. , It will be seen therefore, that the residents of Sydney are Indeed, fortunate, as Palm Beach is within 20 miles of the city, and may be reached by car, within an hour. The traffic bridges at the Spit and Roseville have lowered the travelling time, and it Is only natural to expect that the North Shore Bridge will also be most beneficial In this respect.
The approach to Palm Beach lies through wonderful scenic country, such as the heights of Balmoral, the Narrabeen Lake district, past the Lagoon at Dec Why, past Newport, down through the Vale of Avalon. and thence along the banks of the Pittwater, until the destination is reached. Other attractions include boating, fishing, swimming, surfing; tennis, and golfing. There is a nine-hole golf course, on the peninsula, while tennis courts face the ocean beach.
It is noteworthy that most of the homes at Palm Beach are built of stone that abounds there. In some cases the homes have been partially built of stone from the allotment on which they stand. In addition timber (Australian mahogany) can be procured cheaper at Palm Beach than at Sydney. Thus building costs would not be formidable.
Palm Beach Lands
The average citizen of Sydney has in the past been under the impression that land was practically unprocurable at Palm Beach. For many years this was the case, and until Palm Beach Lands Limited, acquired all the available country that was for sale the public were unable to obtain an allotment there, unless they could produce special recommendations. Even now it is the desire of the present vendors to keep Palm Beach exclusive. This company is, however, offering a number of allotments for private sale at reasonable prices on easy terms, through the medium of their selling agents, Moffitt and Watts, of Manchester Unity Building, Castlereagh street, Sydney.
Means of Access
For those who do not enjoy motor car ownership, regular motor 'bus services run right Into the estate from Manly, Narrabeen and Newport. The tram runs to Narrabeen. In addition, a regular steamer service also connects Hawkesbury River railway station with the wharf of the estate, providing a delightful trip on a most picturesque waterway.
During the Easter holidays free cars will run from the office of the Manchester Unity Building (Castlereagh-street entrance), for the benefit of prospective purchasers. Arrangements may be made for a seat in these cars through Moffit and Watts, whose office will be open on Good Friday for that purpose. The cars will leave from 5 10 to 10.30 a.m. Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, and special trips will be made on Easter Sunday by appointment only.
Palm Beach, showing the fine stretches of ocean beach, with Barren joey and Lion Island in the background. PALM BEACH (1925, April 9). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 19 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224048275
The Warringah Shire Council Meeting of November 16th, 1925: That H. J. Aspinal and Sons' plan of subdivision of Lot 43, Whale beach Estate, be approved, provided natural watercourses are shown.
Over the hill - the Careel Bay Park Extension is recorded in the Meeting of November 22nd 1925: That the 12 lots in the Whale Beach Extension Estate, offered by F.T. Jeffery Extension. on behalf of the owners, for £600, be purchased, a small deposit to.be paid, and the balance of the money - to be paid from the A. .Riding Resumptions Loan, and interest at a reasonable rate to be allowed on balance.
On November 8th, 1926: 21. Donald F. Milnes. 19.10.26. submitting A/c removed from his land at Whale Beach, and asking land be re-surveyed, as the survey pegs have been pulled out Referred to the Engineer.
Minutes of Meeting of 6th December, 1926 record Alex Newlands. 30,11.26. requesting that the Council bear half-the extra cost of the construction of Whale Beach Rock Bath; (2) erect a notice at the baths inviting contributions; - (3) place a chain round the baths; (4) and erect a notice requesting campers and other visitors to burn or bury all Reserve, rubbish: Resolved, - (Crs. Simpson; Hitchcock) That the Inspector erect temporary sanitary 'conveniences on the beach; Ditto Rock Bath.
Council resolved that Mr. Newlands be informed the Council will subsidise the estimate cost of the bath £. for £ ; that the chain will be erected as requested on the same basis, and he will be informed of the cost when the work is done; that two rubbish receptacles be placed on the beach, and the Inspector arrange with Mr. Webster to empty them. He also be informed that if he wishes to erect a notice inviting Subscriptions towards the bath he may.
In April 1927, J T Ralston and Son 12/4/27 is Submitting a proposal for dedication of part of Lot 48, Surf Road, Whale Beach, to the Council. Consideration was deferred until the necessary plan is received.
Meetings records show that at that held on May 2nd 1927 an Alex Newlands.,27/4/27 is inquiring when the public conveniences are likely to be erected at Whale Beach, and requesting the Council to consider the resumption of the flat area adjoining the 100 ft. reservation at Whale Beach Council Resolved; - He be informed of the progress of the public conveniences, and that the Council cannot see its way to do anything further in the way of resumptions this year.
This response to Mr. Newlands request is further illuminated through this article:
During the past five years the ratepayers of Warringah Shire have paid £50,790 of the £68,956 authorised for the purchase of fore-shores and reserves.
The principal resumptions and their costs are:- Newport Beach reserve, £9600; Newport reserve, for access to Pittwater, £2200; Mona Vale Beach, £2800; Palm Beach, £4500; Lake Park extension, Narrabeen, £1900; Collaroy Beach reserve, £18,050, Deewhy Beach reserve extension, £2000; district park, £9500, Manly Municipal Council contributing a similar amount in respect of the last-mentioned purchase.
The matter was referred to the council meeting by the shire clerk (Mr. R. G. Jamie-son), who stated that probably no other council in New South Wales could show such a fine record.
The president (Councillor Corkery) said that they could not be expected to go on burdening the ratepayers in that way indefinitely. The beaches were used by people who came in their thousands from all parts, and the acquisition of places of access, in his opinion, should be a national work. THE FORESHORES. (1929, August 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16574253
Mr. Newlands and Mr. Milnes were not the only resident of Whale Beach - the Webster family were either the first or the second to build a home here:
Missing, since the 16th instant, from his home, Whale Beach, via Newport,—JAMES McCAULEY, 63 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, medium build, fair complexion and hair, blue eyes, grey moustache, right eye has been injured, hearing is defective; dressed in a faded blue serge suit, soft shirt, old dark-grey felt hat, and blucher boots. Information to H. Webster, at the above address. Missing Friends. (1927, August 31). New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (Sydney : 1860 - 1930), p. 502. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article252093860
At the Meeting held on July 25th 1927: Memorandum re - ln Beach Est. J T Ralston submitting for execution Dedication of 10 perches of Lot,48, D.P. 11067 for road widening purpose, Surf Road Whale Beach. Council Resolved; - That the Council accept dedication of the land and that its Seal be affixed to the Memorandum of Transfer and the plan attached thereto. At the same Meeting Creagh and Creagh. 13/7/27. Forwarding, for affixing of Council's Seal the plan of new proposed right-of-way across Lots 38, 40 and 42, D.P. 8932 Palm Beach. Council Resolved; That the plan be approved and the Council's' Seal affixed thereto
September 5th, 1927: Resolved (Crs. Hitchcock, Hope) - That as recommended the Careel Bay owners of Lots 80 and 81B, Whale Beach, Estate re-subdivision, Park Careel Bay, be asked to state the lowest price at which they will sell, and that if their offers are not satisfactory, the two lots be resumed. It was also Resolved at this Meeting (per Crs. Simpson, Hitchcock) – That as recommended, formal application be now made, under Seal of the Council for the resumption of (1) Lots 8,9 and 10 and prt,7,'Sec A Newport Township Estate, (2) Lots 36 to 41, and 44 to 54. 'Sec A, Brock's Surf Beach Estate, Mona Vale, and (3) Lots 20' to 45; 'Collins' Estate, No. 1 Narrabeen Lake, in accord with the provisions of the Loan proposal.
More can be read about the Careel Bay reserves and playing fields in: Careel Bay Playing Fields Reserve - Including Hitchcock Park: Birds, Boots & Beauty
The Meeting held on 31st October 1927 shows that, as recommended, G. Lipscombe of Careel Bay, would be given the work of attending to Public Conveniences on Governor Phillip Park at Palm Beach, at Whale Beach, Avalon and Newport, at a remuneration of 1/- per closet per week.
On 14th November 1927: M. L. Cooper. 5/11/27 is drawing attention to the almost impassable condition of Surf Road, Whale Beach, and to an insanitary pool of water on The Strand. Palm Beach Resumptions – same Meeting date: At this juncture, a deputation of five ratepayers from Palm Beach waited upon the Council to urge, firstly, that the Ocean Road frontages from Mr. Peters’ property to Gallagher's at Palm Beach be resumed for the public and that, failing this, that the eastern slopes of Palm Beach be declared a residential area. Messrs Weldon, McKay, Hinds and Bell each addressed the Council in turn, advocating these two proposals. President in reply promised the deputation that the request would receive the Council's serious consideration. On the deputation retiring it was resolved;- That the members of the deputation be written to, asking if they will give an undertaking to finance the resumption of the blocks occupied by business premises, fronting Ocean Road, consequent on an area to be defined: being declared a residential area, and that the Councillors for A. Riding be requested to call a public meeting for the purpose of getting an expression of opinion from the people of the district.
May 1928 shows Professor A. S. Hook 28/5/28. Requesting to be furnished with an estimate or the cost of giving access to his block in Barrenjoey and Whale Beach Roads, Palm Beach. Referred to the. Overseer for report.. Palm Beach lands Ltd. 31/1/28. Agreeing to the Council's requisition in regard to the subdivision and naming Morella Road and Bungalow Road, Whale Beach and submitting D.P. - for affixing of Seal. Council Resolved; that the Council’s Seal be affixed to the Deposited plan when the Council's requirements have been fulfilled.
As stated above, in 1924 the bulk of the land held by the Barrenjoey Company became the property of the Palm Beach Lands Company. Notices stating the Barrenjoey Company was going to be wound up due to this land sale show among the names of the liquidators some of surviving original directors as well as Mr. Ralston's son and others. The Directors of Palm Beach Lands Ltd., NB: R T McKay was Chairman of this new company, not R R McKay.
Palm Beach Lands, Ltd,, has effected registration with an authorised capital of £15,000, In £1 shares. To traffic in land, house, and other property is the aim of the new company. First directors: R. R. M'Kay, E. B. Harkness, and A. M. K. Scott. COMPANY NEWS. (1924, July 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16177971
The first Whale Beach land sales were shown as, with those marked red already sold:
Palm Beach Estate - Whale Beach Subdivision - Bynya Rd, Barrenjoey Road, Morella Rd, Bungalow Rd, February 18th, 1928, Palm Beach Lands Limited, Norma Road still 'proposed' - from Palm Beach subdivision plans. Item No.: c052700001, courtesy State Library of NSW
Set in the contours which curve around to the northern corner of Whale Beach, a new subdivision of Palm Beach Estate will be offered for sale, by auction, next Saturday. '
Messrs. Raine and Home will be the auctioneers, in conjunction with Mr. A. Vernon Allen. Whale Beach is separated from Palm Bench by a broad headland, but Palm Beach Estate links the two beaches, and the road which it is proposed to build around the headland will form a new link and provide a fine marine drive. Bounded on one side by a park and on the other by a reserve, which extends to high water mark on the beach, the new subdivision contains 94 allotments. It extends from the northern end of the beach almost to the store. Allotments have frontages of from 50 to 60 feet, and depths of around 180 feet. The high backbone of hill which' runs along the Barrenjoey peninsula protects the estate from westerly winds, while it faces eastward to the ocean. 'Bus services connect with. Manly, and a constantly improving motor road gives quick access to the city. Terms of sale will be: Ten per cent, deposit and the balance in five years. REAL ESTATE (1928, February 15). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 16 (LAST RACE EDITION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224217995
Palm Beach Estate - Bynya Rd, Morella Rd, Bungalow Rd,Palm Beach subdivision plans]. Item c052700006, courtesy State Library of NSW
Postponed from last Saturday because of the weather, Whale Bench subdivision of Palm Beach Estate will be sold by auction next Saturday by Messrs. Raine and Horne, in conjunction with Mr. A. Vernon Allen. Separated from the beach by a permanent reserve, the estate Is a long strip of land, sheltered under the, westward bill, and facing the sea. It is in the northern end and centre of the amphitheatre which circles the beach. A proposal to continue the present road system around the headland to Palm Beach will provide an alternate — and better scenic — route from Manly. At present, Whale Beach is not very well known to tourists, because Palm Beach is the line, and the notice board pointing the way from the main road is not very conspicuous. It is attractive and natural, and boasts safe surfing. REAL ESTATE (1928, February 22). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 2 (SPECIAL EDITION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224229500
The sales were still going on a year later:
Advertising (1929, March 15). The Farmer and Settler (Sydney, NSW : 1906 - 1955), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article117042803
One of the land sales that took place above Whale Beach was the purchase of three blocks of land by Mrs. Sealy Vidal in 1928 for £750. The building, which would become known as 'Jonah's' was constructed by Palm Beach builder Albert Verrills.
WORK IN HAND AND CONTEMPLATED. In the office of Gilbert Hughes and Molony plans are being prepared for a residence at Whale Beach. Advertising. (1928, October 10). Construction and Local Government Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1913 - 1930), p. 5. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article109728384
Tenders Accepted: Whale Beach — Residence. — Gilbert Hughes and Molony; Brown Bros., Garden Street, Maroubra. Advertising. (1928, December 12). Construction and Local Government Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1913 - 1930), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article109729057
Sydney is wanting in the right sort of place to go to when out on a motor run. Of course the Log Cabin at Penrith is delightful, but it is a very long run; then there is the Green Frog, at Church Point., but the newest and most delightful jaunt will be to Jonahs at Whale Beach, on the way to Palm Beach. Jonah's is being built for Mrs. Vidol and her daughter. Miss Vidol visited her sister, Mrs. Geoffrey Hughes, of Cranbrook-road. On her return to England her father, who was a clergyman, died, and then the widow and her daughter made up their minds to this new venture, and have built Jonahs, which is sure to become very popular. From the HARBOUR CITY (1929, April 7).Sunday Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1926 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article97685030
And for the grounds at the front of Jonah's:
For the erection of a terrace and retaining wall at Whale Beach, Architects Gilbert Hughes and Molony have accepted the tender of Mr. Garner of Palm Beach. OPPORTUNITY REPORT. (1929, May 8). Construction and Local Government Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1913 - 1930), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article109637505
A Notice in early Warringah Shire Council Meeting records this business is open:
Warringah Shire Council received a letter from Mrs. M. S. Vidal. 23/5/29, requesting permission to erect two notice boards on the road indicating the way to her business premises at Whale Beach. Application refused.
ROAD maps are generally such dull and uninteresting documents with just long black lines marked with dots and names of places. But not so the map issued to those who wish to visit Jonah's, a fascinating road-house on the heights above Whale Beach, near Pittwater. There is a long green road marked on the cream map, and it shows St. Ives, beside which is sketched the man of the rhyme and his seven wives. Ye Broad Highway passes Manly, "ye habitat of ye sand sheiks," Narrabeen, Avalon, where a golfer is wielding his iron, and on to the beach where a whale is sporting. The sign which swings outside shows Jonah balancing on one leg on a whale's back, with an umbrella up to keep off the water coming from the animal's spout. PEOPLE You Know and People You've Heard About (1929, December 15). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), , p. 4 (SUPPLEMENT TO THE SUN SUNDAY). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article225159229
Whale Beach, NSW: Photographed by Lisle Lewis-Hughes; L to R: H K Lewis-Hughes, Jean Starkey, Marjorie Taylor, J H Lewis-Hughes, Joyce Starkey Image No: bcp_06093, courtesy State Library of NSW - the 'Pacific Tea Room' can just be seen to right of picture.
The year 1929 was also when a group of residents formed themselves into a life saving team for the beach and did weekend patrols:
A surf life-saving club has been formed at Whale Beach, near Palm Beach, and already the club has about 30 active members. The club will he affiliated with the Surf Association which will send instructors to coach the members of the new club. In conjunction with the Warringah Shire Council, life saving equipment is being provided for the beach.
The following officers have been elected: -President, Mr James Young; vice-presidents Messrs. L. Mort and Dubois; honorary secretary, Mr A Newlands; assistant honorary secretary, Mr Ronald F C Young; honorary treasurer, Mr. A. Cooper. SURF LIFE-SAVING. (1929, January 21). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16525141
Warringah Shire Council records provide February 4th, 1929: Jas. Young. 18/1/29. (1) Requesting that a dangerous hole in the road near his house at Whale Beach be covered in immediately, 2) respecting the insanitary condition of the public conveniences at Whale Beach, and (3) requesting that a rough timber bridge be placed over the excavation on the road leading to his garage. The first request was referred to the Overseer for attention, and the third to A Riding Councillors for consideration.
An S. C. Calderwood. 15/3/29. Submitting plan of proposed subdivision of Lot 9, D.P. 10782, Whale Beach Road. Sub Council Resolved (Crc. Ross, Austin) - That, as recommended by the Engineer, the plan be approved provided an existing drainage easement be shown thereon.
And at the Meeting held on November 4th, 1929: Mrs. Trevor-Jones, 15/10/29, is replying that she does not desire the proposed drainage work in the vicinity of her land at Whale Beach carried out, and requesting a refund of the £10 contribution paid by her towards the cost of a culvert. It was Resolved; - that the £10 be refunded.
Houses were now being built at Whale Beach:
Houses dotted on the hillside around Whale Beach, Sydney, circa. 1930 - Part of Fairfax archive of glass plate negatives. Image No.: nla.pic-vn6328733, courtesy National Library of Australia - and enlarged sections from to show details such as the two windmills on the beach and fences extending down in some cases to cover the front and back blocks of beach frontage. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162862835
As can be seen from the above images the shop and kiosk on the beach frontage is in place. A Travis Evans Murphine was then operating this as the 'Pacific'. Mr. Murphine was born in Manchester U.K., grew up in Shanghai, according to some records he shared during his lifetime, ended up at Ourimbah on the Central Coast, married a western Sydney suburbs girl and was living at Parramatta in 1928, shortly before relocating to Whale Beach. He would later retire, to Manly, and passed away while living there.
A few notices from newspapers show the Murphine's called the place 'Pacific':
Rexona competition results: Mrs. T. E. Murphine, " Pacific," Whale Beach, via Palm Beach. Advertising (1931, February 18). Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1915 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article195208352
A very pretty wedding took place on the 14th instant at St. Michael's Church of England, Newport, the contracting parties being Miss Doris Jaques and Mr. Laurie George Bridge, both of Ourimbah, The bride was given away by her father, Mr. A. R. Murphine, and the groom's family was represented by his mother and sister. Breakfast was partaken of at the residence of the bride's brother, at the ultra-fashionable Whale Beach, near Palm Beach. The affair was Intentionally quiet owing to the illness of the groom's father, Mr. Labian Bridge. WEDDING. (1932, December 22). The Gosford Times and Wyong District Advocate (NSW : 1906 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article167859257
At the Meeting held on the 8th of September 1930 T. E. Murphine, letter dated 22/8/30, is requesting that some of the sand be removed from the Whale Beach rock bath in order that he may open the sluice valve; (a) suggesting that rubbish receptacles be placed at each end of The Strand, Whale Beach, he being prepared .to attend to them and to assist the Council in keeping the beach and surroundings clean; and (3) drawing attention to the dangerous condition of the southern end of The Strand and to the washaway there. Resolved, - That a rubbish receptacle be placed at each end of The Strand, as requested, provided he look after them, and he be informed the second matter will have consideration by the A. Riding Councillors in connection with the proposed loan for A. Riding.
By the Meeting held on 12th January 1931: Camping on Ocean Front at Palm Beach: Resolved (per Crs. Hitchcock, Corkery) - That no camping be allowed on the beach front at Palm Beach except on application by the owner of the land, this to commence from the end of January. Resolved (Crs. Rose, Hitchcock) . - That two notice boards be erected at Palm Beach warning persons against camping on the Ocean front. At Whale Beach: The suggestion that the repaired 20000 gallon tank taken from Mr. Hinds' be placed at Whale Beach to provide a better water supply, was adopted.
March 29th, 1931: T. E. Murphine. 27/2/31. (1) Requesting that some improvements be effected to the entrances from the main road to the road to Whale Beach, Surf Road and Careel Head Road, (2) stating that if Council will provide quick-growing shade trees, he will undertake to plant them along The Strand, Whale Beach; (3) reporting that the latrines are still giving trouble and complaints are numerous, (4) stating that the washed-out portions of Surf Road and The Strand are still in a dangerous condition. Council's replies were: (1) overseer's report on the matter to be referred to the Shire Engineer for reports (2) That approval to the planting of trees be planted, two dozen Norfolk Island Pines to be obtained for the purpose, and the planting done under the Engineer’s supervision. (3) To be informed that this matter is at present receiving consideration. (4) Referred ' to the Engineer for report.
If those shade trees went in as Norfolk Pines something must have happened to them as none other than those Cabbage Tree Palms seen in the earlier Vogan picture and in those made for lithographs for earliest land sales appear. One report in March 1940 shows a Mr. Gehde, also spelled 'Geddes', a butcher who had a place at Palm Beach, was complaining about campers on Whale Beach citing among other reasons that they cut down the trees on or adjacent to the beach for their fires.
In February 1953 the proprietors of the 'Pacific Tea Rooms' on the beachfront, a Mr. Aleksei Hendrikson by then, is asking for trees to be installed in the new parking area then being prepared, and by mid 1956 the forerunner of today's Palm Beach-Whale Beach Association is thanking the Council for trees installed along the beachfront, dating those taller ones among the 14 Norfolk Pines now at Whale Beach from that year, along with remnants of the original Cabbage Tree Palms. In this photo you can also see a quick expansion of those camping at the north end of The Strand as well as a few towards the south end:
Whale Beach in 1930-31 - the View from Jonahs - photo courtesy State Library of NSW - with enlarged section to show position of Cabbage Tree Palms
Whale Beach in August 28, 2021 showing Cabbage Tree Palms - photo by author.
Whale Beach - view south from north end of beach, Enlarged section from FL348013 showing rear view of 'Pacific Tea Rooms' and only two remaining Cabbage Tree Palms were there had been six a decade before, courtesy NSW State Records and Archives circa 1940-1945
The stone boathouse, built by members of Whale Beach SLSC with materials provided by Warringah Shire Council can be seen on the beachfront. Providing this was frst discussed in November 1940. Warringah Shire Council records provide: Whale Beach S.L.S.Club, 18/3/41, inviting Councillors to the official opening of the Surf Boat-house at Whale Beach at 2 p.m. on Sandy, 6th April. Resolved, - The Club be thanked for the invitation.
The kiosk and former 'tea rooms' on the beach on February 28th, 2015 - author's photo
The kiosk and former 'tea rooms' on the beach on December 3rd, 2015 - author's photo
Kiosk and restaurant during 2016 BL's Blast Off, photo taken August 26, 2016 - author's photo
Mr. Hendrikson had come to Australia in 1929 and in 1934 took Australian citizenship:
I, ALEKSEI HENDRIKSON. of Esthonian nationality, born at Esthonia, and resident 5 years In Australia, now residing at 308 Bourke Street, Sydney, intend to apply for Naturalisation under the Nationality Act 1920-30. Advertising (1934, February 27). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article248965801
He and a partner took over the Tea Rooms in 1945. He had a business, 'Esto Products Pty. Ltd.' which he voluntarily liquidated in 1949, seemingly to concentrate on the Whale Beach community. Council records show:
Meeting held 10/4/1945: W. A. Macqueen & A. Hendrikson, 22/3/45, stating they are interested in the future development of Whale Beach, and desire to convert the present Tea Room into a first-class rendezvous, with high-class chef and management, involving the re-modelling of the building, and suggesting they be authorised to convene a meeting of Whale Beach property owners, with one of the Councilors as Chairman, so that the meeting could be informed of the intention to develop the locality attractively, and to prepare suggestions, stating that if there is something decided upon, they would call on the Councillor concerned and discuss the matter. This was; Referred to the Parks & Reserves Committee.
Meeting held 24/4/1945: A letter from Messrs. Mcqueen & Hendrikson, informing Council of a proposal to form a Progress Association at Whale Beach, and requesting Council's permission to cull a Public Meeting for the purpose, was read. Resolved, - That they be informed the Council favours the proposal, and that there is no necessity to obtain permission to call the Public Meeting; also that Cr. Forester has indicated his willingness to act as Chairman of the meeting, but in his private capacity, not as a Councillor. Regarding the letters protesting against the statement which appeared in "Truth" (camping on Whale Beach), it was resolved, - That the writers be informed of the Council's proposals in regard to Whale Beach.
Many Whale Beach people of today would know Chris Hendrikson, born in 1946, who grew up, literally, on Whale Beach and has been a long-term supporter of the Whale Beach SLSC. This photo from 2020 shows three long-term residents and families of Whale Beach in the Hendrikson, Webster and Ferguson men:
Above and below - The restaurant site on August 28, 2021; all structures demolished - author's photo
At the meeting held on December 18th, 1931 the records show That Council's reel at Whale Beach be taken away until a Club is formed, indicating that group formed in 1929 had lapsed. This meeting also records Building Works and the application of D.F. Milnes for the erection of a caretaker's dwelling at Whale Beach Road, this was referred to the Works Committee for report.
At the March 27th, 1933 Meeting T.E, Murphine, 12/3/33, is pointing out that the washaway in front of his store at Whale Beach, at the junction of Surf Road and The Strand is gradually getting worse and more dangerous to the public particularly at night. Council Resolved; - He be informed the Engineer will get out full particulars, and the work will be gone on with at the first opportunity; that the spare pipes at Newport Beach be taken to Whale Beach for this job.
In July 1933 a tragedy for all those living here:
Son Sacrificed His Life
Bare Platform Lures the Unsuspecting Fisherman — Suddenly Comes The Wave That Sweeps Him Away
By November 1933 Council records state the Whale Beach Rockbath Committee, 3/11/33, is forwarding cheque for £15.15.0 towards improvements to the rockbath, and pointing out that the beach is a dangerous one, and the Council has had no expense in connection with surf shade, Rockbath, life savers, etc., and therefore requesting Council to use every endeavour to provide an adequate rock pool for the swimming season.' The council then Resolved; - That the Engineer furnish an estimate for these rockbaths, for inclusion in the request for an advance for the drainage scheme in the Palm Beach reserves'.

Land for a Whale Beach Ocean Front Reserve
At the Meeting held on Tuesday March 10th, 1936: - Item 61 reads ''Shire Solicitors letter dated 9/3/1936, submitting, for affixing of Council’s Seal, Transfers (3) from Mrs. P. M. Darling to the Council of (a) lots 1-11, DP10529, (b) Lot B Whale Beach for extension to The Strand, and (c) Lot C, Whale Beach, for extension of ocean beach reserve.
Council Resolved; that the Seal of Council be affixed to the transfers and accompanying… Whale Beach and that £250 be voted for maintenance and for widening dangerous corners on Whale Beach Road when funds are available. That the old premises of the Palm Beach Surf Club (which was moved to Whale Beach for use) be divided into two parts, one for ladies and one for men, that the existing showers and lavatories be nailed up and the surf bathing fittings removed to the depot, and that an entrance to the Ladies' section be made on a different side of the building to the entrance to the men's.''
Mrs. P. M. Darling was Patricia, the daughter of Mrs. Trevor-Jones who had passed away on July 20th, 1935, her father Ernest had passed away in 1925. Her then husband, Roy Darling, whom she had married October 5th, 1931 at St. Matthews', Manly, had already a series of bankrupts and court visits wing to getting money from people by alleged fraud means for film productions that never happened and ended up serving time in prison for unpaid tax debts. There are also a report of a Boxing Day assault between him and Patricia's elderly uncle in 1937 which made the papers as well as a court appearance at Manly followed.
They divorced in 1939 Patricia citing 'habitual drunkenness and cruelty', although he remains active in the area.
In 1941 he is contracting to buy Lot 50 of the old Rock Lily Estate from the council, which had been using it as a waste depot. Sates to the council he is thinking of purchasing 10 acres at Taylors Point in 1942 and will they be building a road from there to Newport anytime soon, and in 1945 is asking what their thoughts are on renting Brookvale Park to him so he may hold greyhound races there - this last letter was merely 'received'.
However, before the marriage disintegrated he kept acting on her and her mother's behalf in the real estate Margaret Trevor Jones brought under the Real Property Act, sometimes these holdings seeming to coincide with his bankruptcies or Patricia's marriage to him.
The Meeting held on 26th of January 1937: records; That the Engineer mark out the boundaries of the land at Whale Beach recently acquired for the purpose of extending the ocean beach reserve and The Strand, in order that a site for the proposed dressing sheds may be decided upon. Also: On necessity for water supply to the W.C's at Whale Beach: Resolved, - That £16, the amount of the Inspector's estimate, be voted for the extension of the water service to Public conveniences. And the Whale Beach Improvement League, 19/1/37, (a) re: proposed erection of surf sheds at Whale Beach stating most suitable site is at the southern end of the beach, close to the existing lavatories; (b) 'requesting that when the surf sheds are both erected the existing lavatories &c be connected with to city water supply.
At the February 9th, 1937 Meeting: Water Supply at Whale Beach, submitting two tenders: it was Resolved That the recommendation that W. Smith's tender of £15.1O.O for installing the water service to the public lavatories at Whale Beach be accepted, be adopted.
February 23rd, 1937: The following questions, submitted by the Councillors named without notice were answered by the President in the affirmative unless otherwise stated ; by Cr, Hewitt - Could the. Council's Inspector furnish a report to next meeting regarding the erection of dressing bathing sheds for Whale Beach - By Cr.Hewitt; - Could tenders be called immediately for the removal of the old Clubhouse at Palm Beach and the re- erection of it as a dressing shed at Whale Beach, as previously decided upon?
In the Meeting held on March 9th, 1937: By Cr. Hewitt That in lieu of removing the old surf club-house from Palm Beach to Whale Beach, the Council call for tenders for the purchase and removal of the building;, . and that a plan be prepared for the erection of entirely new dressing sheds at Whale Beach. The President ruled the motion to be out of order, as a previous resolution to move the old surf Club-house to Whale Beach had not been rescinded. Cr. Campbell moved that to protect the interests of both the Council and tenderers, all tenders called for by the Council be dealt with in Committee. Cr. Nicholas seconded. The motion was carried on division by six votes to two, the minority consisting of....
At the March 23rd 1937 Meeting it was Proposed that the removal of the old surf building at Palm Beach to Whale Beach as a dressing shed now happen; reporting cost of removal Surf Sheds building and cleaning up site at Palm Beach would be £5, and the placing of foundation at Whale Beach £5: A letter from Messrs. Field and Hallamore, Whale Beach, 16/3/37, quoting £54 for the dismantling of the old Surf clubhouse at Palm Beach and erecting same at Whale Beach, the Council's staff to dismantle the building and place the foundations was read. The Council Resolved;- That the offer be accepted, and £54 be voted accordingly; that the Overseer's estimates totalling £20, for the works mentioned in his report, be also voted.
At the Meeting held on April 6th, 1937: by Cr. Hewitt - On the hill going up to Whale Beach there are several bad pot holes which should be filled in with tar metal. Could this be attended to pending the carrying out of the loan work on this road? Again by Cr. Hewitt - Could an estimate be furnished for putting a couple more pipes onto the culvert in front of Mr. Clay's refreshment room at Whale Beach? By Cr. Hewitt — There is an old mill and tank at Whale Beach Reserve; Would you direct that it be removed?
On April 20th, 1937: P. S. Nott, Surveyor-7/4/37, on behalf of Mrs. P. M. Darling, plan of proposed subdivision of Lot 19 between Bungalow Road and Barrenjoey Road, Whale Beach, involving a short section of Surf Road. This was referred to the Engineer for report.
On May 4th, 1937: by P. Sydney Nott, Surveyor, on behalf of Mrs. P. M. Darling, is submitting for approval the proposed subdivision of Lot 19 between Bungalow Road and Barrenjoey Road, Whale Beach, including a short extension of Surf Road. Council Resolved; - That the proposal as submitted be not approved, and the applicant be informed the Council will require the road to be 66. ft wide, that a section of the road be submitted, showing proposed grades, and the road construction to be to the Council’s standard specification, with provision for a turning point, and for drainage at the southern end.
Although the above sounds reasonable, the 'tone' between January 1937 and May 1937 has clearly changed. Council records show £5000 was wanted for these 11 beach frontage Lots as well as Lot B and Lot C, an astronomical amount, but also the same amount that had been spent on a bridge and approaches at Harbord in 1933 and what was allocated to tar roads in the shire in January 1939, although not at Whale Beach - surf road remained a dirt and dust road up to 1980.
A the June 1st, 1937 Meeting Thos. F. Field, 17/5/37, is offering to pay a small rental for the surf building at Whale Beach, he to be given the right to make a charge for the use of the shed, and to undertake to keep the shed and lavatories in a clean condition, and effect minor repairs. Council Resolved;- That his request be granted, provided (a) that he pay a rental of 5/- per week for seven months commencing 1st October next; (b) that from now until the end of the seven months' period he maintain the surf building and the public lavatories in a clean and tidy condition; and effect whatever minor repairs to them that may be necessary; and (c) that he be allowed to make a charge of 3d- per person for the use of the dressing accommodation.
At the same meeting: J. Webster, 18/5/37, submitting quote, of retaining wall, and for work incidental thereon, in front of the surf building at Whale Beach. Council Resolved; - That the quote Reserve of £30 be accepted, provided that the Shire Engineer is satisfied.
Royston Darling, 1/6/37, is inquiring whether the Council intends to build another lavatory north of the surf building at Whale Beach, pointing out that when the Council contracted to buy the land it was to be used for the purposes of a road - The Strand. Resolved, — He be furnished with a copy of the Engineer's report on the matter.
At the June 15th, 1937 Meeting Crs. Ross and Batho were recommending the expenditure of £3.12.0 on further work on the Whale Beach surf building: Council Resolved, - That the amount mentioned be voted. Crs. Hewitt and Hitchcock were Reporting that Messrs. Field & Hallamore have quoted £28 Building for painting the inside and outside of the Whale Beach surf building. Council Resolved, - That the quote be accepted, but that paint of stone colour be used on the outside instead of Bungalow brown.
During the same Meeting the Palm Beach Progress Assoc., 8/6/37, replying that for a long period camps have been standing on Mrs. Wolstenholme's land at Whale Beach unknown to her, and that there are other similar cases at Whale Beach. Council Resolved;- That the Inspector notify the campers to leave Mrs. Wolstenholme's land immediately. Same, 8/6/37 regarding the damage and disfigurement being caused on Governor Phillip Park camping area by the removal of large quantities of sand from the section near the public lavatories, and suggesting the Works Committee make an inspection. Council Resolved, - That the Engineer arrange that in Park future the sand shall be taken from a position further north, and he also make suitable arrangements with the Main Roads Department's Engineer. At the same Meeting and by Cr. Hewitt - Several months ago, permission was given for the placing of two or three loads of metal in front of Mr. Laws store at The Strand Whale Beach, and extending the culvert. Could this work be expedited?
During the Meeting held on June 29th, 1937 the Palm Beach Lands Ltd., 17/6/37, are advising that name "Careel Road" given the new road on their subdivision at Palm Beach Estate now been altered to "Thyra Road". The Main Roads Department, 16/6/37, were forwarding for Council's information, a copy of the plan showing the portion of Hitchcock Park Careel Bay resumed for main road purposes. Council Resolved, That the Department be asked to beautify the small three-cornered piece severed from the park by the deviation of the road.
Worth noting in July 1937 is the Proposal for subdivision of Mrs. P.M. Darling's land at Bungalow Road, Whale Beach, submitted by A.J. Reynolds and Company, Solicitors, 1/7/37 was approved. A J Reynolds and company would remain in charge of Patricia Darlings land dealings from then on.
At the Meeting held on August 10th, 1937: Submitting estimated by Messrs. Hallamore & Field, £5.4.0, 1, for providing seats in the Whale Beach Surf Building. Council Resolved.- That the quote be accepted. The Whale Beach Improvement League,31/7/37, were requesting, the Council treat as a matter of extreme urgency the question of providing proper lavatory accommodation a' Whale Beach, and that the decision of the last meeting be reconsidered; pointing out that the septic tank is quite incapable of meeting the demands made upon it, and that an abominable nuisance consequently created. Cr. Hewitt moved that £189, the amount of the estimate submitted to last meeting by the Inspector, be voted for the installation of a new septic tank and the erection of W.C's fitted with 1d-in-the-slot machines. The motion lapsed for lack of a seconder, and the matter was referred back to the Inspector for report as to whether the W.C’s would be on the road or the reserve.
During the August 24th, 1937 Council staff was Recommending that Col. L. S. Hurley be granted permission to construct an entrance diagonally across the footpath to his property in Whale Beach Road. It was Resolved, - That permission be granted, as recommended. And also Re Proposal for erection of sanitary conveniences at Whale Beach surf sheds: Council Resolved, - That the Overseer report in writing whether the proposed building would be on the street or on the reserve.
Lionel James Hurley:
Lieut-Colonel L. J. Hurley,- C.M.G.
Lieutenant-Colonel Lionel J. Hurley, who has been made a C.M.G., is the second son of the late Mr. John Hurley, for many years member for Hartley in the New South Wales Legislative Assembly. When the war broke out he was Trade Commissioner for New South Wales in the Agent-General's Office in London. He was sent to France in charge of the first seven ambulances given by the New South Wales Government, and was accompanied by Mr. Percy. Hunter, who was then the State Director of Immigration. After some months Mr. Hurley transferred to the Army Service Division, which he entered with the rank of lieutenant. Later he was sent to the War Office, with the rank of captain, and subsequently was given, with promotion to major, a position at Woolwich Dockyard. Soon afterwards he was appointed to Tidworth as Deputy-Assistant Director of Ordnance Stores, and in that capacity was promoted lieutenant-colonel. His brother, Private Norman Hurley, enlisted in the A.I.F in Sydney, and was killed in action at Bullecourt in May last. Lieut-Colonel L. J. Hurley,- C.M.G. Lieut-Colonel L.J. Hurley,C.M.G. (1918, January 9). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article263627028
By the September 21st, 1937: Re: Whale Beach Lavatories it was Resolved; - That it be left in the hands of Cr. Hitchcock and the Inspector to finalise a site for the lavatories.
The October 19th, 1937 records: Re Sanitary accommodation for Whale Beach, recommending (a)that the portable earth closets at Governor Philip Park be removed to Whale Beach, some of them to be erected at the end of the existing W.C's., and the remainder placed on private land at the northern side of Mr. Laws' premises; and (b) that the Attorney for the owner of the land be written to requesting confirmation of his verbal permission: Resolved, - That the recommendations be adopted. (Crs. Campbell, Green) Also submitting estimate, £7, for providing a dozen cubicles in the surf-bathing sheds at Whale Beach: Council Resolved, - That £14 be voted for the cubicles, plus doors with brass hinges.
Also during this Meeting: the Whale Beach SL.S. Club, 4/10/37, (a) advising Council of the formation of the Club; (b) requesting the use of the small room between the ladies' and men's rooms in the dressing sheds as a temporary room and for storage purposes; alternatively, that a portion of the men's dressing shed be partitioned for them (c) requesting that the Council life line and box be handed over to the Club (a) requesting permission to place posters in the bus waiting shed at the Whale Beach turn-off, with a view of advertising the Presence of a Life Saving Club, at the beach.! Council's decisions were:..(a), "received", (b) request approved, (c) that the life line and box be handed over to the Club, (Crs. Hewitt, Green)
A surf life saving club will be formed this season at Whale Beach, a resort near Palm Beach, which is becoming increasingly popular.
Those Interested are Invited to attend a meeting at 11 a.m. on Sunday at the Pacific Refreshment Rooms, Whale Beach. The acting secretary is Mr. Keith Webster, 112 Mount Street, Coogee. SURF CLUB PLANS FOR WHALE BEACH (1937, September 28). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247236242
J. Webster, who represented Palm Beach for eight years, was yesterday elected captain of the newly-formed Whale Beach Surf Life Saving Club. The executive officers elected were: — President, Mr. P. Timms; secretary, Mr. S Bacon; treasurer, Mr. A. Barrell. Twenty-three active members have joined up and co-operated with the Palm Beach club in practice swims over the weekend. Intending members are asked to phone Mr. Bacon, X5231. ACTIVITY IN NEW SURF CLUB (1937, October 19). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247233038
HARRY DISMORR, who recently gained his bronze, is very keen on patrol duty. Some say that it is club spirit, others declare that it is the hope that a fair damsel by the name of Nell will be carried out.
MEMBERS complain that if Noel Greenfield does not stop his strong-man displays with the girls, there will be none on the beach soon. Someone suggested that his head be shaved.
ADRIAN CURLEWIS, and the member for Warringah, Mr. P. C. Spender, were present to see the first squad from Whale Beach stand for the Bronze Medallion. Both complimented the team on their ability.
JOHNNIE WEBSTER, has the honor of being the first captain, chief instructor, and the first Bronze holder of Whale Beach. Johnnie was a member of Palm Beach at one time, and knows the ropes. Snaps About Surfers from North and South (1938, January 20). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 19. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article127499039
At the November 2nd, 1937: E. H. Laws, 18/10/37, regarding considerable erosion of the bank on Surf Road, Whale Beach, in front of Clifford Peacock's property, suggesting the Council supply the stone for a footing 5 or 6 ft. high., Mr. Peacock to bear the cost of construction; alternatively, Mr. Peacock is prepared to consider any proposal the Council has to offer. Referred to the Works Committee for report.
Also that Meeting - Whale Beach S.L.S.Club, 26/10/37, stating Mr. Mort has presented the club with a bell to use as a "shark alarm", requesting the Council to re-erect the old tank tower lying on the beach in a position about the centre of the beach, that the Club may attach the alarm bell thereto, and use the tower as a look-out for sharks. Council's decision was; - That the Club be informed the tank stand referred to has been sold, but if they so desire, they may take down the stand situated behind the lavatories and re-erect it for their purposes.
You beauty! A Clubhouse - well... shed! Circa 1937-38 - image courtesy WBSLSC
Worth noting in relation to above, this temporary shed was where members stored their gear, and:
Because of the lack of a casualty room at Whale Beach, two men rescued from drowning lay on the rocks for more than an hour until an ambulance arrived.
This was stated by Mr. S. H. Bacon, secretary of the Whale' Beach Surf Club at the Warringah Shire Council last night. He was speaking at a conference between the Council and delegates from surf clubs of the Warringah Shire to consider a proposal that Council should not charge rentals for club houses. Whale Beach Club House, said Mr. Bacon, consisted of an old tank stand with sheets of galvanised iron nailed to the uprights, and for this the Council proposed to charge £15 a year. Council unanimously rejected the proposal to charge the surf clubs rents. SURF CLUBS TO BE RENT FREE (1938, October 28). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247353903
This reads like one of the Webster men - possibly Keith:
Sir, — I wish to make a plea for support of the recently-formed Surf Life-saving Club at Whale Beach. Unlike the National Park Trust, which provided a fine residential club-house for the Garie Club (where there are no permanent residents), and show their appreciation of the voluntary work done by the S.L.S.A. by practical support, the Warringah Council provided the Whale Beach club with an iron frame which, at the expense of £15, the club converted into a shed 6ft x 6ft x 8ft, into which their scant gear is crammed. It also serves as dressing accommodation for about 20 members. The boat is sheltered in a trench dug beneath the public dressing shed, and covered by canvas donated by the campers.
Members travel 30 miles from Sydney to do their patrols, and the increasing popularity of this beautiful spot is ample evidence of the confidence the public places in the manner in which their lives are safeguarded by the representatives of this great movement.
Manly Council has built Queenscliff a new clubhouse. The old clubhouse now in disuse, and situated in Warringah Shire, would be most acceptable to Whale Beach club. The council estimates that it would cost £500 to demolish, transport, and rebuild this weatherboard structure at Whale Beach. This estimate does not include cost of land for the site of the building, and therefore the Council deems the proposal not worthy of the expense.
I am, etc., NORTH BONDI. Willoughby, July 4. WHALE BEACH SURF CLUB. (1939, July 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17602068
The by then 'Sir' Percy Spender also chimed in hoping that Council would take a loan out to support the surf club with a clubhouse in 1938, once again provding advice on how to proceed.
Sir Percy Spender's house at Whale Beach, ca. 1949-1950 / photographs by Max Dupain. Item SLNSW_FL16291131, courtesy State Library of NSW
Percy Spender as Minister for the Navy in 1940 - photo courtesy AWM
Sir Percy Claude Spender KCVO KBE QC (5 October 1897 – 3 May 1985) was an Australian politician, diplomat, and judge. He served in the House of Representatives from 1937 to 1951, including as a cabinet minister under Robert Menzies, effectively doing the Treasurer work, and Arthur Fadden. He was later Ambassador to the United States (1951–1958) and a member of the International Court of Justice (1958–1967), including as president of the court from 1964 to 1967.
A month later, during the Meeting held on December 14th, 1937: The Council's Engineer was reporting that regarding the erosion of the banks of the cutting in front of Mr. Clifford Peacock's property at Surf Road, Whale Beach, the Councils' responsibility would be covered by the construction of 90 lineal feet of kerb and gutter at Surf Road at a cost of £25: Council Resolved; - That £25 be voted for the carrying out of this work.
Also at this Meeting Crs, Hitchcock and Campbell were Reporting that to provide a lower road under the wall supporting formation at the southern and of Forssberg Estate, Palm Beach, the footpath would be eliminated or combined with the motor entrance, requiring the grading of 4 chains and ballasting at a cost of £70(Barrenjoey Road): Council Resolved; - That £70 be voted for the carrying out of this work.
The Whale Beach front Reserve was noted in the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 15th February 1938 records: Re Suggestion submitted by Mr. P. C. Spender, M.P. that the land along the beach front at Whale Beach be resumed for the public. The Council Resolved; - That the report be adopted, and the Government be urged to resume Lots 1 to 10 and part Lot 19, extending along The Strand from Surf Road on the north to the dead-end of The Strand on the south.
However, it was too late to resume them as one block. At the same meeting: W.T. McBride, 9/2/38, is contending that damage has been done to his land, Lot 9, The Strand, Whale Beach owing to the outlet of the Council's stormwater pipe being placed in such a position that flooding of the land is inevitable; requesting Council to make good the damage done with the ample stone and clay available on the spot. This was referred to the Works Committee for report.
The next month Meeting of March 29th, 1938 records: Mr. McBride 7/3/381 further re damage to his property, Lot 9, The Strand, Whale Beach, by stormwater, contending that he has evidence that the damage was done by the flow of water from the Council's drainage pipes but if the Council takes steps to avoid the possibility of damage in the future, and will use some of the filling to put in the hollows on his land, he will be quite satisfied. Council Resolved; - That the approved work be expedited, and the engineer submit an estimate in order that the necessary money may be voted.
The stormwater outlet at this spot on the beach still causes a bankup of sand around it:
At the Meeting held on June 7th, 1938: The Lands Dept., 25/5/38, is offering Council a Permissive Occupancy of the site of the new wharf at Palm Beach at an annual rental of £1, and submitting, for completion by the Council under its Seal, the formal agreement respecting the occupancy. Council Resolved, - That the offer be accepted, and the Occupancy be completed under Seal of the Council. Also from the same, 30/5/38, advising that Council's request for a grant for the purpose of acquiring land along The Strand, Reserve Whale Beach, will be given consideration after the passing of the Estimates for the next financial year, when it will be known what funds are available for such purposes. Resolved,- That the Department be thanked for the consideration it has given the Council's requests.
Then at the Meeting held March 7th, 1939: Lands Dept.,17/2/39, re Council's request that the Government acquire for the public certain lands at Whale Beach for the purpose of enlarging the Ocean Beach Reserve, stating that consideration will be given the Council's request when the Estimates for the next year are passed. The Council decided to write to A.E. Reid MLA and the Secretary to P. C. Spender, M.H.R. Conveying the same information from the Department. Referred to the Works Committee. also from the Lands Dept., 21/2/39, inquiring whether, pending the dedication of a new road from Church Point to McCarr's Creek and its passing to the Council's control, the Council has any objection to the construction of approved ramps for access purposes to the new Permissive Occupancies of Dr. D. Frazer and Mr. J. Watson at Church Point.
The May 16th, 1939 Meeting records David L. Cohen, 8/5/39, is reporting that water has been diverted on to his land, Lot 4, The Strand, Whale Beach, damaging it, and requesting that the matter be given immediate attention. This was Referred to Works Committee for report. This also shows that Lot 4 was also now in private ownership and that when it rains, the creeks naturally formed by the slope and channels of this hill will flow.
Meanwhile, at Newport: A. J. Reynolds & Pilling, Solicitors., 18/7/39, on behalf of Mrs. P.M Darling, re further subdivision of Hollywood Estate, Hollywood Newport, stating Mrs. Darling agrees to the whole of the conditions laid down by the Council with the exception of the condition requiring the extension of Trevor Road and Hollywood Road to Barrenjoey Road when the land to the west of the sub-division is being subdivided, and requesting Council to waive this requirement. Referred to the Engineer for report.
At the March 5th, 1940 Meeting A. Beehag, 15/2/40, is offering to dedicate to the Council portion of his land in Malo Avenue, Whale Beach, The Strand for the purpose of making a road to join The Strand with Malo Road, subject to the following conditions - (i) that the mortgagees of the property give their consent; (ii) that the Council erect a fence on the new alignment; (iii) that the Council fill up, grade and level to the proposed road the portion of his land adjoining it; and (iv) that the Council pay any legal costs for alteration of deeds, &c. The Council Resolved; - That the offer be accepted with thanks under the conditions set out in the letter, and that £25, as estimated by the engineer, be voted for the erection of the fence on the new alignment, and for filling up, grading and levelling Mr. Beehag's land to the level of the proposed road.
By July the Shire Solicitors, 19/7/40, were submitting for execution by Council, under its Seal, the Memorandum of Transfer by Aubrey Beehag to Council of part of Lot 109, D.P. 10782, Whale Beach, for purposes of a public road. It was resolved that the Seal of the Council be affixed to the document.
Aubrey Beehag was among those who were a part of the Whale Beach Land Company selling lots from Malo road and south. He was born at Rockdale on March 26th, 1907 – he enlisted in the Army in WWII on January 16th, 1942 – discharged November 27th, 1945. His brothers, Leslie George and Noel Alwyn also enlisted.
The Council Meeting held on July 27th, 1940 records S.W. Maund &Kelynack, Shire Solicitors, 19/7/40, submitting for execution by Council, under its Seal, Memorandum of Transfer of The Strand Extension by Aubrey Beehag to Council of part of Lot 109, D.P. 10782, Whale Beach, for purposes of a public road. Council Resolved; - That the Seal of the Council be affixed to the document.
That was it for WWII - numerous articles and items appear regarding camping at the beach, which continued despite the fears around invasion, but no more could be done in the way of resumptions or buying lots of beachfront land until after hostilities ended and money could be directed in other directions other than the defence of life, liberty and Australia.
Whale Beach circa 1940-1943 - paintings by Clareville Artist Robert Johnson
Whale Beach, 1945 - oil painting by Adrian Feint (1894-1971) Catalogue states is Palm Beach but is clearly Whale Beach. Citation: 'The southern end of Whale Beach and ocean baths are depicted, with a camping area, tents, and caravans visible in the foreground. Little Head and Bangalley Head are visible in the background.' State Library of NSW: On display – Paintings from the Collection, Room 1, West Wall, no. 55, online Item FL8955911
At Whale Beach during the last months of the war was Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, KG, KT, KP, GCB, GCMG, GCVO, PC (Henry William Frederick Albert; 31 March 1900 – 10 June 1974) the third son and fourth child of King George V and Queen Mary. He went swimming. He served as Governor-General of Australia from 1945 to 1947, the only member of the British royal family to hold the post. The Gloucesters arrived in Australia on January 28th, 1945 and the Duke was sworn in at Canberra two days later. They left Sydney on January 17trh, 1947, having served two years in the post.
The Duke of Gloucester motored to Whale Beach yesterday morning and surfed for more than half ah hour.
Whale Beach, which lies between Newport and Palm Beach, is a secluded spot some distance from the main highway. There were few surfers on the beach at the time the Duke arrived. Two of them recognised him. The Duke was accompanied by Inspector W. H. Arnold and Superintendent Frank Matthews, his police escort.' On Saturday morning the Duke surfed at North Bondi Beach for nearly hour.
Though thousands of surfers thronged the beach at the time, very few persons knew he was there.
The honorary publicity officer of the Surf Life Saving Association (Mr." Jack-Dillon) said last night: . "It is wonderful the way the Duke manages to keep secret his visits to Sydney beaches. "I hear he is an ardent surf enthusiast, and hope he will consent to qualify for the association's bronze medallion as a life-saver." DUKE'S SECOND PRIVATE TRIP TO SURF BEACH (1945, March 13). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247666463

Whale Beach, 12/1946, Government Printing Office 1 – 36499. Item: SLNSW_FL1969570 Courtesy State Library of NSW
Whale Beach Circa 1946
It was also during this post-war period that the name 'Whale Beach Road' was applied officially to the length of road that stretches from North Avalon to Palm Beach:
Bungalow-road, Morella-road (north of its junction with Bungalow-road) and Scott-road, Whale Beach—Whale Beach road; WARRINGAH SHIRE COUNCIL.—NAMING AND RE-NAMING OF STREETS.—Present Name and Situation and New Name:— (1947, February 21). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 461. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224766434
Whale Beach circa 1941-1945, view from south (Malo Road) looking north. Item: FL281320, courtesy NSW State Records and Archives - and section from to show detail of surf boat shed with shark lookout atop from a converted old windmill. There had been two at the beach at one time. Council records show July 25th 1939: Submitting an offer by Vandeifield & Reid Ltd. of £5 for the Council's old windmill at Whale Beach: Referred to the Works Committee for report.
Whale Beach circa 1940-1949, view from north looking south. Item FL348013, courtesy NSW State Records and Archives circa 1940, and section from to show details with the surf bathing sheds and lavatory facilities of then:
Warringah Shire Council resumed its pre-war programme and this required a loan the repayment of that would be met by income derived from parking fees and those fees paid by people who would contract to run the change sheds and toilet facilities - others would also rent a place on the beachfront to sell food or hot water from kiosks:
SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—The Council of the Shire of Warringah hereby notifies, in pursuance of section 180 of the Local Government Act, 1919, that:—
(1) The Council proposes to raise a special loan of twenty-fire thousand pounds (£25,000) for the following purposes in connection with parks and reserves of the Shire, viz.:—
Palm Beach—Improvements along ocean front and provision of parking area, £3,500; Whale Beach—Resumption of land along ocean foreshore, £2,000; Newport Sports Ground—Finalising of resumptions and draining and levelling. £4.000; Lake Park—Resumption of land and road work, £5,000; Narrabeen Lake—Resumption of land at lake front, Narrabeen terminus, £1,000; Narrabeen Peninsula— Resumption of land south of Malcolm-street, £1,000; Collaroy Beach—Estimated contribution towards cost of resumption of land by Lands Department, £700; Collaroy—Resumption of land and improvements to reserve above rock baths, £1,300; Griffith Park South—Provision of parking and picnic area, £1,000; Deewhy Oval—Completion of raising, levelling and draining, £1,000; Deewhy Rock Baths—Improvements, £1.800; North Curl Curl—Replacement of rock baths, £1,200; Pickering Point, Sen forth—Resumption of land, £400; Warringah-Manly Memorial Park—Improvements, £1,100; total £25,000.
Whale Beach circa 1948 Postcode from the collection of Mr. Lebovici, courtesy National Museum of Australia
(2) The rate of interest on the proposed loan will not exceed 3 ½ per cent, per annum, and the securities will be issued at par.
(3) It is proposed to repay the loan over a period of twenty years by forty (40) equal half-yearly instalments of principal and interest combined, each amounting to £874 6s.
(4) The Council does not propose to levy a loan rate for the purpose of providing for the payment of the abovementioned instalments. It is intended that the instalments shall be paid from income received from parks and reserves.
(5) Further particulars of the loan proposal may be obtained at the Council's office during ordinary office hours.
(6) A period of one month from the date of the publication of this notice is allowed in which any number, not less than- 25 per cent., of the ratepayers may petition the Council to take a poll of ratepayers on the question as to whether the ratepayers approve of the loan. The number of ratepayers on the roll is 21,344. W. U. GORS, Shire Clerk, Shire Hall, Brookvale, 11th December, 1947. 2—£1 19s. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—The Council of the Shire of Warringah hereby notifies, in pursuance of section 180 of the (1948, January 2). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article225373818
At the March 30th 1948: Para, 2. £25,000 PARKS AND RESERVES LOAN. The recommendation was adopted, Cr. Forster recording his vote against the adoption of 2a, i.e resumptions at Whale Beach --- Whale Beach S L S Club - Resolved - That the Club be informed that Council intends to resume their land but will provide a site for the erection of surf buildings if the resumptions are finalized. ---- The records show that a Mrs. M. Ranken, 20/3/48, is protesting strongly against any resumption of land along the sea front at Whale Beach. Her letter was "Received."
An August 31st, 1948 records the SHIRE CLERK'S REPORT (1)Parks and Reserves Loan - Submitting alternative suggestion for Resumption or at Whale Beach and Narrabeen Terminus: Resolved - That as recommended, (a) the Feviods proposal to resume land at The rear of Bryson's Fish Shop at Narrabeen, be abandoned and instead the Council proceed to acquire or resume Lots 8/15, D.P. .116004 .Pittwater Road, to Narrabeen and the loan proposal be varied accordingly; (B) that in lieu of acquiring Lots 1/2 and 7/10, D.P. 11067, The Strand, Whale Beach the Council proceed to acquire or resume Lots 1/10, D.P 11067 The Strand, Whale Beach, and suggest ask if the Whale Beach Surf Club that if it will transfer its Lot 8 to the Council free of cost The Council will allow the Club the use of the existing public dressing shed as new dressing- sheds can be erected; and that the loan proposal be varied accordingly.
The November 9th 1948 shows the Council has decided on the Lots 1/10 D.P. 11067, the Strand, Whale Beach option and that they have resolved that the Whale Beach Surf Club to be informed that if it will transfer its Lot 8 free of cost to the Council, the Council will allow it the use the public dressing sheds as soon as new dressing sheds can be erected.
Whale Beach SLSC records state that the club actually had Lot 8 and then bought Lot 14, directly behind this and back one, going up the slope of the hill, possibly soon after they handed their beachfront flat lot to the Council. Others have stated the club had the two blocks to begin with, the back Lot from the earlier land sales, and acquired Lot 8 from the Trevor-Jones/Darling holding 1945-47.
At the Meeting held on March 22nd 1949: Re: Whale Beach Resumptions - That 9 Paras. to Solicitor L. W. Jones be instructed to withhold action regarding proposed resumptions at Whale Beach pending further advice from the Council and the plan submitted to the Council in respect of these plans be forwarded to the Cumberland County Council with a request for their inclusion in the Parks & Open Space Area. Council Resolved; - That Mr. F. T. Jeffery be paid £10.10.0 in payment for valuation fees.
The Meeting held on May 11th, 1948 shows; Reporting that the building contractor has been advised to carry out further repairs to The Strand, Whale Beach, to the satisfaction of Council: "Received"
Early the next year a G. S. Cooper, 7/3/49 is requesting kerbing and guttering along the frontage of his property at The Strand, Whale Beach which should remedy the trouble and inconvenience caused through vehicles being frequently bogged, and preclude the possibility of damage to his fence by keeping vehicles away from it. Council resolved that this be referred to the Engineer for report.
At the Meeting held on April 4th 1950: L. W. Jones 29/3/49 is forwarding documentation for completion under the Council's Reserves Seal a Memorandum of Transfer in connection with acquisition of Lot 6, The Strand, Whale Beach and requesting payment of the sum of £5.5.0, Mrs. Wearne's costs. Council Resolved; - That the documents be completed under Seal, and Mr. Jones sent a cheque for £5.5.0, as requested; the Council to also pay the cost of a new Certificate.
At the April 18th, 1950 Meeting Plans for proposed Clubhouse at Whale Beach were received. Council Resolved; - That the report be adopted, with the addition of the words "but the Council give consideration to any proposal for financing the scheme which may be submitted by the Club".
By the April 18th 1950 the Records show; The Strand, Whale Beach - Acquisition from Mrs. Wearne: Resolved, - That Lot A, as shown on plan of subdivision approved and covered by Council Clerk's Certificate No. 2331 dated 11th November, 1949, and fronting The Strand, Whale Beach, which is the subject of Memorandum of Transfer dated 29th March, 1950, to the Council from Mrs. Henrietta Alice Wearne, be and the same is hereby dedicated to the public for the purposes of public recreation, and shall be held by the Council accordingly.
H. A. Wearne was the wife of William Loutit Wearne (October 5, 1882- November 25, 1970), a son of James Teare Wearne (1840-1914, born in Cornwall UK, emigrated as an 8 year old) by his second wife Margaret Loutit (1846-1894 born at Ebenezer, NSW - her father was a 'William'). His father and mother had married the death of his first wife passed away. William was one of 16 children his father had, all of them devout Weslyans. The James T. Wearne family were famous for establishing the first flour mill (1881) and first saw mill (1883) at Bingara. His sister Christina May Wearne, a nurse (Sister) during WWI, aged 33 1/2 when enlisting on 14/5/1917, lists him as her next of kin in her enlistment papers, giving his address as 24 Marlborough street, Drummoyne. She had been born at Bingara in 1884.
His elder brother by his father's first wife, The Hon. Walter Ernest Wearne (1867 - 1931), served in the Legislative Assembly of NSW from 1917 and was Secretary for Lands and Minister for Forests from 1922-1925. An uncle and brother of his father, Joseph Wearne, was also a Member of the Legislative Assembly.
Mr. W. E Wearne.
Mr. W. E. Wearne, former M.L.A. and Minister for Lands, in two Ministries, died in a private hospital in Darlinghurst on Saturday night. Born in Sydney In 1868. Mr. Wearne was educated at the Cleveland-street Superintendent Superior Public School and at the public school in Bingara. A prominent member of the Farmers and Settlers' Association and its vice-president for many years, he helped to form and became leader of the Progressive Party, with Mr. A. E. Buttenshaw, its present leader, as secretary. In 1917 he entered Parliament for the Namoi seat, which subsequently became Barwon by redistribution. In the crisis in 1921, Mr. Wearne threw in his lot with the Nationalists, forming a coalition Government and becoming deputy leader of Sir George Fuller. This action, though it was in the best interests of the country constituents Mr. Wearne represented and the nation, brought him into some unpopularity with those members of the Progressive Party who disassociated themselves from the the coalition ; but Mr. Wearne worthily upheld country interests in the coalition, becoming Minister for Lands and Forests from 1922 to 1925. Mr. W. E Wearne. (1931, January 23). The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (NSW : 1868 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article123453545
William Loutit Wearne passed away in 1970 at Mona Vale hospital, aged 88, his occupation listed as 'Company Director'. Henrietta Alice had passed away May 5th 1961.
At the August 8th 1950 Meeting L. W. Jones, 2/8/50, is forwarding, for completion under Whole Seal, Contract of Sale and Memorandum of Transfer in connection with the acquisition of Lot 10, The Strand, Whale Beach, and requesting payment of £60 deposit and £547.5.0 for balance of purchase money, fees, Stamp Duty, etc. Council Resolved; - That the Seal be affixed to the documents, and the cheques sent. At the same Meeting Higgins, de Greenlaw & Co., 27/7/50, on behalf of A. & M. Weinberg, stating that the concrete retaining wall at their clients' property at Bungalow Road, Whale Beach, has collapsed into the Council's drain, and that the septic tank is in danger of being undermined; and asking that immediate action be taken to prevent further damage and to rectify the damage already done. Resolved, - That this be referred to the Engineer for inspection and report. An N. B. A. Hines, 8/2/51, is again complaining of damage to his property at Malo Road, Whale Beach, due to a pipe culvert across Whale Beach flooding his land, stating that work for which £120 Drainage was voted in 1949 has not yet been carried out, although it was promised to be done as a matter of urgency. Resolved, - He be informed that this work will be carried out as a matter of urgency.
The transfer of Lot 10 The Strand Whale Beach was completed in 1951. The October 29th 1951 records: The DEPUTY SHIRE CLERK'S ADDITIONAL REPORT, stating that the Cumberland County Council has now agreed that if the Council will conclude the proposed purchases of Lot 10, The Strand, Whale Beach, and the 70 acres at North Narrabeen owned by the Salvation Army, the County Council will reimburse the Council. Council Resolved; - That the Council complete the purchase of Lot 10, The Strand, Whale Beach, on which the full purchase money has been paid, but request the Cumberland County Council to finalise the purchase of the Salvation Army's 70 acres at North Narrabeen, from the County Council's own funds. (Crs. McKay, Berry)
A Provisional Certificate of Title for Vol. 4373 Fol. 235 Evelyn Marguerite Dodd lot 10 D.P. 11067 Whale Beach will be issued after 16th November 1951. REAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICE. (1951, November 2). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3239. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220108406
HRLV online provides:
Lot 10 is the corner one - as shown here, August 28, 2021, with Lot 9 beside it and Lot 8, as it once was, in front of the Whale Beach SLSC - author photos
Whale Beach SLSC Members commenced holding annual balls to raise funds:
Generous Surf girl
Three generous supporters of Whale Beach Surf Club are paying the entire cost of a ball to aid the club's contribution to the Australian Surf Girl Contest. " The ball will be held at Paddingtpn Town Hall on Monday night when "Miss Whale Beach" will be selected from a number of surf girl entrants. Double tickets are 10/6. Bookings may be made by ringing WA2231 or UA3753 after business hours. Generous aid for Surf girl (1948, March 19). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 6 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article228994299
Whale Beach Surf Club will hold its annual ball at the Grace Auditorium on Friday night. SURF CLUB BALL (1948, September 22). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 15 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231145522
They sold hot water to campers, sold sandwiches, organised raffles and ran social functions. An annual ball made a profit of £150. The funds slowly mounted up and the Club obtained a loan from the Rural Bank, enabling, in 1950, the purchase of Lot 14, then valued at £675.
In 1951 the Club received a donation of £1,000 pounds from Newland Bros Pty Ltd whose Managing Director, Steve F. Newland, was a relative of the Timms family. The next year the same gentleman gave another £500. An architect volunteered his skills, many building materials were donated and members committed to giving volunteer labour for one day per month. Over a two-year period, members worked to clear the land, dig foundations and build a sizeable brick structure.
On December 20th 1953, the two level clubhouse was officially opened. The Club members were faced with paying back a mortgage of over £5,000. There were more fundraising events and a number of sizeable donations that quickly reduced that mortgage. New funding and an extended mortgage enabled the building of the third story of the clubhouse, which opened in 1958.
Whale Beach SLSC clubhouse Opening Day 1953. Courtesy Whale Beach SLSC.
Later on WWII Army veteran George McRobert, Whale Beach SLSC stalwart and Club Captain for seven years, then President for 16 consecutive years, established the Moby Dick Surfers Club. This was in the third or top floor of the clubhouse, officially opened in 1958, and was one of the places to see great live music, including David Bowie during his Tin Machine era in November 1989.
In the Summer of 1952-1953 Mr A. Hendrikson, 24/2/53, is expressing appreciation to the Council of the improvements now being effected on the foreshore at Whale Beach, but suggesting that consideration be given to the kerbing and guttering of the northern end of the beach, and repeating his offer to pay the usual proportion of the cost of such work as regards his premises; also suggesting that Reserve the parking space now being prepared be planted with trees and the footpath grassed. 24. Council Resolved, - That this be referred to the Shire Engineer for report to the Works Committee.
At the Meeting held on August 30th 1954 an Estimate of £600 for improvements to the beach and provision of additional parking area at Whale Beach was presented. The Council Resolved; That this matter be considered in connection with the preparation of the 1955 Estimates.
At an Ordinary Meeting held on July 18th 1955 Re; PUBLIC CONVENIENCES - WHALE BEACH. Letter of protest from Whale Beach Surf Club: Re site of Public Lavatories: MOVED Councillor Hewitt seconded Councillor Jones 'that the - Surf Club be invited to send representatives along to next F. & G.P. Committee Meeting to enable Council to discuss the matter with them. An Amendment was moved by Councillor Simmonds seconded Councillor Quinlan that the erection of the Whale Beach Public Lavatories proceed on the site decided. This Amendment was LOST. A further Amendment was moved by Councillor Fisher seconded Councillor Miffay that the erection of the public lavatories at Whale Beach be deferred until such time as land is acquired in accordance with the County Plan, to the south of the site previously selected, and lying to the lee of the hill. The further Amendment moved by Councillor Fisher was then put and carried, and on becoming the motion was again carried.
At the Meeting held on 29th of August 1955 ORDERS OF THE DAY. 21. Siting of Whale Beach Public Conveniences: (Council having previously decided to place them upon Lot 7, The Strand, to be acquired by Cumberland County Council in connection with its Open Space zoning), The Shire Clerk reported that he had been advised just prior to the meeting that apart from having referred the matter of acquiring Lot 7 to its valuer for negotiation purposes no further action had been taken. Resolved - That the Cumberland County Council be especially asked to expedite acquisition of Lot 7.
At the same Meeting H. G. Johnson 19/8/55 - was replying that he is prepared to omit the Whale Beach conveniences from his contract subject to the following conditions - (a) any out of pocket expenses to be met by Council; and (b) that he be absolved from maintenance work with the other two conveniences and that no retention sum be held against the above maintenance work, Resolved - That Council agree to pay Mr. G. Johnson's out-of-pocket expenses not exceeding £10, but that it is not prepared to agree to absolving him from obligations in connection with the defects liability period.
The September 9th, 1955 Meeting records; Cumberland County Council, stating that preliminary steps have been taken towards the acquisition of Lot 7 The Strand, Whale Beach and consideration will be given to the question of permitting the erection of public lavatories on this land when it has been acquired. "Received"
At an October 1955 Meeting a J Laffin 10/10/1955 is inquiring whether the Council would rent to him the small shack at Whale Beach, as he is a writer, and would like to make a studio of it. Council Resolved, - That he be informed the Council cannot see its way to agree to this request, and the Engineer be instructed to demolish this building.
On November 7th 1955 meeting: A Report by Deputy Shire Clerk - (a) Stating that a name is required for a new subdivision road curving westerly from Whale Beach Road, and that the subdividers (J.T. Stapleton, Pty. Ltd.) have submitted four names, viz; Fisher or John Fisher Drives, Whale Beach Heights Drive, and Beauty Drive. Council Resolved, - That this road be named "Beauty Drive"
That same month, 11/11/1955, W L Wearne was forwarding £10 on behalf of his wife towards installing additional taps on Whale Beach.
At the Ordinary Meeting held on November 21st 1955 an L.J. Thompson is lodging an objection to the proposed erection of public conveniences in close proximity to his property overlooking The Strand, Whale Beach, pointing out that at this point there are two food stores and a picnic area, and that there would be a considerable nuisance from fences filth, flies and odour, and contending that ratepayers should be given preference over casual visitors. Council Resolved; - He be informed that these buildings are to be placed as far away from dwellings as is possible.
Hurley, Frank. (). Whale Beach, Sydney, New South Wales, approximately 1955-59 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-2495711827 and sections from to show details:
At the December 13th Meeting of 1955, was dealt with as follows- Item I – Whale Beach - Request by Mr. Wearne for permission to construct, at his own expense, an incinerator on a 20-ft. strip of land adjacent to his property and the Beach Reserve, for the purpose of destroying rubbish, etc, from the reserve. A motion by Cr. McKay, seconded by Cr. Hewitt, that the application be refused, was LOST, and the recommendation of the Committee that approval be given subject to the site being determined by the Engineer, and the Council reserving the right to remove the structure at its pleasure, was adopted.
At the Meeting held on March 5th1956 the Council stated that the £11588 outstanding in Loan No. 77 be allocated to the construction of a kerb and gutter on Whale Beach Road and £1,1180 be voted from the A. Riding Improvement Fund towards this work.
Records from the Meeting held on March 19th 1956 show, Re: Whale Beach Reserve - Stating that the Parks & Reserves Supervisor had accompanied members of the Committee of the Whale Beach Surf Club on an inspection of the Whale Beach Reserve to examine matters associated with the Club conducting a Carnival on Easter Sunday, and that the Club had requested the Beach Council's assistance in regard to the carrying out of certain Reserve work on the reserve. Resolved - That the Council (a) agree to carry out grading work on the beach and remove logs etc (b) inform the Club it cannot agree to carry out the filling In with sand of the large hole on the beach at the exit to the drain; (c) that no action be taken at this stage in regard to the request for filling marshy parts of the reserve in front of the Clubhouse to provide extra parking space; (d) that the matter of the control button on the shark tower be left to the Club; and (e) that the Council agree to the closing of the beach to public bathing during the operations of the Surf Carnival.
The Meeting held on April 16th, 1956 shows: ?? is stating that on 21/3/56 the Parks & Reserves Supervisor observed two caravans on land acquired by the Cumberland County Council for Open Space purposes at The Strand Whale Beach, such land not having yet been transferred to this Council; pointing out that notices were forwarded by the Cumberland County Council to be served on the owner or occupier of the caravans requiring them to remove the caravans and to discontinue trespassing or using the land for any purpose whatsoever, and stating that in the event of failure to comply the Cumberland County Council will take action; and drawing attention to the fact that the two caravans are still on the subject land. Council Resolved; - That the Council recommend prosecution of Ada Whitford, of 21 Hopwood Street, North Sydney; and William Graber, of 240 Princess Avenue, Arncliffe, and forward this recommendation to the Cumberland County Council for appropriate action.
At the October 2nd, 1956: re; tree-planting at Whale Beach a Letter of thanks from Palm Beach Citizens Association. Council Resolved;- That it be recorded that the contents of this letter have been noted.
Whale Beach - 1950's postcard - fronds from Norfolk pine can be seen at right of image - courtesy National Museum of Australia
By the next Meeting the Cumberland County 11/10/56 re transfer of Lot 240, D.P.16362 Whale Beach Road, Palm Beach, and requesting completion under Seal of the relevant documents. Warringah Shire Council resolved;- That the Council agree to accept the transfer by direction, that the Declaration of Trust, and the relevant Transfer when received, be executed under Seal.
In November W. L Wearne, 9/11/56 is suggesting the installation on the Beach reserve at Whale Beach of three receptacles for broken glass, and stating he is prepared to pay for one and to approach others to pay for the other two, and if unsuccessful, to pay for the three himself. Council Resolved; — That Mr. Wearne be thanked and informed the Council will supply the three suggested recept1es for broken glass.
The next month the Cumberland County Council, 14/12/56, were forwarding for completion under Seal Declaration of Trust in respect to transfer of Part Lot 159 off Whale Beach Road to the Council, and the Cumberland Council, again, forwarding for completion under Seal, Declaration of Trust in respect of Part Lot 161, off Whale Beach Road. The Council's Seal was affixed to both these documents.
By Cr. Berry: Would the Engineer give maintenance attention to Whale Beach Road near Mr. Sands' residence and around to Florida Road, and also have the bushes at the side of the road cut back? Yes. By Cr. Berry: Would the Engineer give maintenance attention to Plateau Road, Avalon? Yes. Would the Engineer prepare an estimate for a bus shelter shed at the junction of Garden Street and Pittwater Road, Narrabeen North, for consideration by the Works Committee? The President replied that this would be referred to the Engineer for attention. By Cr. Reynolds: Could steps be taken to fill with ballast the depression on the western side at the intersection of Plateau Road and Old Barrenjoey Road, as the corner is narrow and visibility poor? Yes. By Cr.Reynolds: In view of the unsightly appearance of Whale Beach dressing sheds, will you give instructions for the re- painting of same and will you also take steps for the provision of septic tanks there?
Cumberland County Council: Proposed Resumption of Land at Whale Beach.
HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of the Local Government Act, 1919, has approved of the Cumberland County Council's causing a notice of resumption of the land described in the Schedule hereto, together with a description of such land, to be published in the Government Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area in which the land is located, such land being required by the Cumberland County Council for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the County of Cumberland' Planning Scheme. (S. 56-3,657)
J. B. RENSHAW, Minister for Local Government. Department of Local Government, Sydney, 18th January, 1957.
All that piece or parcel of land situate in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen and county of Cumberland, having a frontage to Whale Beach road, Whale Beach, being Lot 255, Deposited Plan 16,362 and being the whole of the land comprised in Certificate of Title, Registered Volume 5,706, folio 39, and shown on plan with the Department of Local Government, Sydney. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1919. (1957, January 18). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 107. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220349641
From NSW HRLV Volume 5,706, folio 39
In December 1957 the Whale Beach S.L.S. Club, 11/12/57, were requesting permission to erect a marquee during the Xmas period for approximately one week, immediately in front of the Clubhouse, to run several functions; also seeking permission to erect a small stall immediately in front of the Clubhouse on a Sunday in an endeavour to obtain funds. The Council Resolved; that permission be granted.
Transfers (2) releasing Easement to Ernest Albert Verrills and Frederick Leonard Verrills (tenants in common) with respect to Drainage Easement in favour of the Council affecting Lot 42 D.P. 17189 Whale Beach Road, North Avalon.
17/3/1958; Grant of Easement from Russell Keeling with respect to subdivision in Barrenjoey Road, Whale Beach (Chafloy Pty. Ltd).
COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND PLANNING SCHEME ORDINANCE (AS AMENDED), CLAUSE 12.—Local Government (Amendment) Act, 1951.—Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with the provisions of clause 12 of the County of Cumberland Planning Scheme Ordinance (as amended) the Cumberland County Council, being of opinion—
(a) that the development which has taken place in the immediate vicinity of the parcel of land referred to in the Schedule hereto renders that parcel unsuitable for the purpose of parks and recreation area (for which purpose it was reserved by the said Ordinance (as amended)), and
(b) that such purpose will not be substantially prejudiced by the erection of a building on such parcel has approved the erection of a building on such parcel.
2. It is also notified that such parcel is not required for parks and recreation area being the purpose for which it was reserved under the County of Cumberland Planning Scheme Ordinance (as amended) and that upon publication of this notice such parcel shall cease to be reserved for the purpose of parks and recreation area.
3. It is further notified that such parcel shall be deemed to be included in the zone specified in this notice and the provisions of the said Ordinance (as amended) relating to land included in such a zone shall upon publication of this notice, apply thereto.
Lot 242, d.p. 16,362, Whale Beach road, Palm Beach— Living Area Zone—(7-45D-1949) Shire of Warringah. F. D. BOLIN, County Clerk. 3804—£2 5s. COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND PLANNING SCHEME ORDINANCE (AS AMENDED), CLAUSE 12.—Local (1958, May 16). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1517. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220274302
During the Meeting held on June 9th, 1958 an application to use the Recreation Reserve at Morella Road Whale Beach, was submitted by M. Belot for permission to construct septic tank effluent disposal trenches on reserve adjacent to "Jonahs", 'Binya' Road, Whale Beach. The Council Resolved; - That this matter be referred to the Chief Health & Building Inspector and the Shire Engineer to report on the feasibility of whether it is possible to pipe the effluent from "Jonahs" under the reserve/road to the beach.
At this same Meeting it was noted that the N.S.W. Police Department, 28/5/58, re traffic conditions in Whale Beach Road, Whale Beach - advising that continuous observations were taken over the summer months as a result of which the Police Authorities are of opinion that the introduction of any parking restrictions in this locality would not be warranted.
A month later the Cumberland County Council, 15/7/58, were forwarding for completion under Seal Declaration of Trust in respect of Lot 7, The Strand, Whale Beach (Audrey Swain). Council Resolved; That authority be given for the affixing of the Council's-Seal For this document.
T. de Burgh, 24/9/58, notifying the approval of the Water Board to watermain extensions at Beauty Drive, Whale Beach. Whale Beach Surf Club 13/9/58, expressing appreciation for the Council's donation towards the Clubhouse Building Fund. Both of these were "Received".
By the end of the year the Palm Beach Citizens' Association, 27/11/58, were drawing attention to erection of sub-standard homes in the areas Surf and Bynya Roads and Whale Beach Road near junction of Norma Road, contending that some of the houses recently built do not enhance the natural beauty of the landscape. It was Moved by Cr. Jones, seconded by Cr. Corkery, that this matter be referred to the Chief Health & Building Inspector for report to the Health & Building Committee. An amendment was moved by Cr. Fisher, seconded by Cr. Job, that the Association be informed that Council pays attention to all aspects of building applications, and that the Chief Health & Building Inspector list for the next meeting of the Health & Building Committee, any sub-standard homes built in Surf and Bynya Roads and Whale Beach Road near junction of Norma Road. The amendment was CARRIED, and upon being submitted as the motion was again CARRIED.
Whale Beach resident Norman J. Murray, 14/1/59 (278 Whale Beach Road), is extending his congratulations to Council on its enterprise in providing a full-time Beach Inspector at Whale Beach during the holiday period. This was "Received" .
A month later the Parks & Playgrounds Movement, 10/2/59; is expressing appreciation of the improvements made at Whale Beach over the past two or three years, but suggesting that pedestrian access to the beach and pool from Whale Beach Road be facilitated by clearing and grading of the 20 -ft. strip reserved for this purpose. Council Resolved - that this matter be referred to the Engineer for maintenance attention. (Crs. Jones/Job.)
Also - By Cr, Reynolds: Will you have urgent maintenance attention given to the potholes at the junction of Surf and Morella Roads and also in Whale Beach Road from the shops south to the top of the hill? The President replied that he would refer it to the Engineer.
During the Winter of 1959 a P. King, 14/7/59, is stating that a petition is being prepared in protest against the proposed building of flats at Lot 79 or 108 Whale Beach Road near Rayner Road, and will shortly be presented to Council.
During Spring an E. G. Ashby, 24/10/59, is stating that whilst holidaying at Manly recently from Melbourne, he called at Whale Beach, and was very much impressed with the facilities provided there for tourists. Council Resolved, - That he be thanked for, his letter.
Ordinary Meeting 18/1/1960. MATTER OF URGENCY INTRODUCED BY THE PRESIDENT - ACUTE WATER SHORTAGES: The President referred to water shortages which had been experienced by residents in various parts of the Shire during recent warm weather, where at was resolved that Mr. de Burgh and the Board's Chief Engineer and other staff members meet Council at the earliest possible date to discuss crises which exist at Newport, Avalon, Whale Beach and Palm Beach.
In May 1960 the Whale Beach Surf Life Saving Club, 17/5/1960, addressed to the President, re improvement to swimming bath facilities at Whale Beach - stating the Club understands a plan put before Council recently in this regard has been deferred and pointing out it is highly desirable to have suitable facilities available to active members of the Club to ensure greater efficiency and also that the Club intends to promote a "Learn to Swim" Campaign when they have the necessary facilities. Council Resolved, - That the Club be advised that Council cannot see its way clear to effect improvements to swimming bath facilities at Whale Beach at the present time.
During that same month the Cumberland County Council, 25/5/1960, re Lot 230, D.P. 16362, Whale Beach Road, Whale Beach - Owner Horace Bristol - advising that this land is reserved by the County of Cumberland Planning Scheme for Parks and Recreation purposes and that negotiations for the purchase of the land have been completed. Asking if Council will accept a transfer of the land and forwarding Declaration of Trust for execution under Seal. Council Resolved, - That the Declaration of Trust be completed under Seal and that authority be given for the covering Memorandum of Transfer when received also to be completed under Seal.
In June a G.C. Coburn, 7/6/1960, re previous requests by Whale Beach Surf Club and himself for improvements to the bathing pool at Whale Beach - traversing previous correspondence in the matter and stating that as there was no indication of activity in connection with improvements to the pool he would like to know whether financial prevision has been made for it and if not when something is going to be done. Council Resolved; - That the writer be informed that this Council have made no provision for financial coverage for work at Whale Beach this year but will consider it in the 1961 programme.
That same month a M.B. Floyd of 4 Rayner Road, Whale Beach and 31 others from Whale Beach, are requesting the completion of right-of-way leading from Careel Head Road to Whale Beach Road, by way of Dolphin Crescent, by constructing a concrete Path and handrail in continuation from the steps, as the grade is difficult and when it rains the slippery condition of the existing pathway makes it almost unusable and dangerous.
In October James Gillberg & Co., 243 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, 24/10/60 - re activities of Mr. W. L. Wearne at Whale Beach. (Precis supplied to each Councillor containing details.) Council Resolved, - That a letter be sent to Mr. W.L. Wearne in appreciation of his voluntary service at Whale Beach. (Crs. Jones/Brown.) The Council was also hearing from the Cumberland County Council, 24/10/60, in response to Council's representations regarding Plateau Park - advising that the County Council has now approved of action being taken to resume the above-mentioned land and that further advice will be forwarded when such has been completed. Council Resolved, - That this Council expresses its gratitude to the Cumberland County Council for its co-operation in the matter and further ask that the acquisition 4f Plateau Park be treated as one of extreme urgency, and that the Collaroy Plateau Progress Association and Collaroy Plateau Garden Club be notified.
Even a short look through the lists of lots and reserves turned over to Warringah Shire Council under the Cumberland County Council scheme will show that some lots were actually acreage and created current day assets like Davidson Park and additions to Manly Dam as well as the Whale Beach Ocean Reserve. The Dictionary of Sydney provides:
The County of Cumberland Planning Scheme was arguably New South Wales's first attempt at a comprehensive and coordinated town plan for metropolitan Sydney, and, after a short and troubled history, it was ultimately a failure.
Aware that postwar growth would put pressure on Sydney's existing footprint, in July 1944 the Labor Premier William McKell announced that he intended to introduce legislation concerning both
the extension of the boundaries of the City of Sydney, and the Union of Areas in the County of Cumberland.
The second proposal was a most radical innovation in metropolitan governance, in that it created a tier of government intermediate between local and state governments – the Cumberland County Council – to oversee preparation and implementation of metropolitan Sydney's first statutory plan. The Cumberland County Council was established under the provisions of the Local Government (Town and Country Planning) Amendment Act 1945, which enabled local councils to prepare comprehensive local planning schemes for the first time. The process was overseen by a new Town Planning Branch in the Department of Local Government, with another new creation, the Town and Country Planning Advisory Committee, providing high-level ministerial advice.
You... and the County Plan, 1945, courtesy City of Sydney Archives [SRC vertical files, 'County of Cumberland Scheme']
Released in 1948 but not legally gazetted until 1951, the County of Cumberland Planning Scheme has been described as the most definitive expression of a public policy on the form and content of an Australian metropolitan area ever attempted.
It drew inspiration from the London plans of Patrick Abercrombie, and introduced land use zoning, suburban employment zones, open space acquisitions, and the idea of a 'green belt' for greater Sydney. The Main Roads Department supplied plans for an expressway network. The scheme tied in with the Commonwealth Government's strategy to prepare for predicted rapid post-war growth, and in June 1947 the Cumberland County Council was inaugurated by state parliament, to prepare 'for the guidance and control of growth in the County' – ultimately the future direction of growth for metropolitan Sydney.
Opposition to the plan
The cornerstone of the Cumberland County Council Scheme was a 'green belt' around the existing urban footprint, designed to restrict urban sprawl, while satellite towns beyond the belt would take care of future growth. But from the outset, the Cumberland County Council was in a precarious position, particularly with its constituent councils, which were uneasy about its new powers: only four suburban municipalities had worked to develop comprehensive town planning schemes by the time of the Cumberland County Council's formal demise. It also faced hostility from more entrenched state government agencies, such as the Sydney Water Board and the Department of Housing. It met strenuous opposition from property owners, and by the mid-1950s had 22,000 claims against it for 'injurious affectation' arising from county zoning. A further blow came when anticipated Commonwealth funding never eventuated.
The green belt to prevent sprawl was the most contentious element, and it was continually attacked by developers, who saw it as an impediment to future profits. In response to these mounting pressures, the Cumberland County Council was dissolved on 19 December 1963 and replaced by a State Planning Authority, in accordance with the State Planning Authority Act, 1963. With the advent of the conservative Askin state government in 1965, the Cumberland County Council Plan's grand objectives were finally put to rest, with the result that thousands of hectares of farmland were 'released' for housing, incrementally whittling the green belt away to accommodate ongoing population increases from both immigration and the long term results of the post-war 'baby boom'. The pressure of increasing demand for land also affected the Department of Main Roads' proposed 'County Roads': the state government requested that the Department eliminate the least necessary road reservations within the county. Thus raw new suburbs sprang up, devoid of vital infrastructure. An eventual compromise led to developers making contributions to help fund infrastructure in new release areas.
At a Warringah Shire Council Meeting held at the beginning of 1961 the Whale Beach Surf Life Saving Club, 3/1/1961, is thanking Council for its recent decision to financially assist the Club on a £ for £ basis, maximum subsidy being £1,000, and advising acceptance thereof.
Some of the haphazard buildings constructed in the post-war scarcity of materials and tradespeople or even surveyors also began to show up during this decade. In a letter from Russell Grahame Duncan & Co. addressed to the President, 30/3/61 re 242 Whale Beach Road, Whale Beach, owned by Mrs. P.D. Duncan - they are asking for Council's formal consent to permitting the continued encroachment upon the road of a garage and outlining the circumstances. The President asked that this matter be placed before the next meeting of the Health and Building Committee so as it can be dealt with again in the light of new evidence and photographs.
In another, an N. Brandon, Lot Pt. 11 (8), D.P.11067, Whale Beach Road. Whale Beach. (W/8/60) is that this brick dwelling erected on site not strictly in accordance with plan, in that the projection room area in the. basement is now a self-contained flat. Council Resolved; - That no further action be taken until the case now before the Court is completed.
The Ordinary Meeting of May 1st 1961 has an "A" Riding list is as follows:- Avalon Car Park Completion 300 Macpherson Street Replace timber bridge with 48" culvert 500 Collins Street Kerb and gutter and pipelines 1,000 Whale Beach Road Concrete path and steps at northern end of beach 200 - this would be those that wend down through that triangle of reserve tucked into the corner that allows access to the north end of the beach and brings you out just opposite The Wedge - Berry Avenue Temporary kerb on both sides from Pittwater Road to end of existing kerb 100 Newport Beach Drain 200 North Avalon Road Kerb and gutter, widening and pipelines on north side only 3,000 Gladstone Street Concrete path north side - Barrenjoey Road to Kalinya St. 3,000 Barrenjoey Road, Mona Vale Temporary path east side 200: Darley Street Pipeline through and adjacent to Lot 20 154 Elanora Road Temporary formed path 200 Windsor Parade Kerbing and guttering and widening 1,000 Burrawong Ave., and Pipelines - Lot 7 and Lot B - Albert Road Owners to contribute £150 and £165 respectively 550 Careel Bay Public Wharf Attention to wharf and approaches 575
And also: Mrs. P. Duncan, re garage 242 Whale Beach Road, Whale Beach stating that they bought their house and garage in good faith and feel that if it is demolished, as requested, the foundations of the house may be undermined; asking for re-consideration. The Council Resolved; - That Mrs. Duncan be asked to submit plans for the present garage subject to their complying with the Health and. Building Inspector's requirements as far as the building is concerned- that this Council give approval during Council's pleasure for the structure to remain subject to a satisfactory legal agreement being entered into absolving the Council from the payment of compensation in regard to road widening, and that a Caveat be registered in respect of such agreement at the owner's expense.
Ordinary Meeting 13.6.61. Resolved, - that the Writer be informed that it is the policy of the Council is to make no allocations in this area, that its full use is being considered by Council and that Council recommends that there Clubs other than those ordinarily constituted in a similar fashion to the majority of surf lifesaving clubs, such clubs should be on private laud in similar fashion to those operated at Whale Beach and Palm Beach.
Cumberland County Council, 25/8/1961 - forwarding Memorandum of Transfer, Cumberland County Council to Warringah Council and Declaration of Trusts in respect of the following properties:- Lot Deposited Plan Street 2b7 16362 Whale Beach Rd. Whale Beach 32 13620 - Barrenjoey Road, Avalon. B in plan with Transfer No. G579793 off Stirgess Avenue, Harbord pt.30 13620 Barrenjoey Rd.; Avalon 3,in plan with Transfer No. D486262 Devitt Street, Narrabeen. 13. 20825 Molong St,, North Curl-Curl, 8 16385 Narrabeen St., Narrabeen. 479, 480 & 481 20204 McKay Road, Palm Beach. C M.P.S.(R.P. No; 31190 Wellington St., Narrabeen 2 Section 9 5234 Pittwater Rd.,Collaroy 3A 9606 Pittwater Rd„ Bayview C'...7.• 5A . 11186 Pittwater Rd., Bayview - Also Conveyance in respect of Lots,13/16 Section G, Pitt Street, Manly Vale. Asking that 'these documents be completed under seal. Council Resolved; - That these documents be executed under seal.
In October: Cumberland County, Council, 19/10/61 - re Lot 5 D.P. 1067 The Strand, Whale Beach forwarding Declaration of Trust for completion under Seal. Adding that the purchase of the land has been completed.
In September 1962 the Whale Beach Surf Life Saving Club, 26.9.62 - Requesting that arrangements be made for a deputation from the Club to meet representatives of Council to discuss matters considered of vital importance to the Club and perhaps of concern to Council. Adding the Club would be pleased if the meeting could be arranged prior to the forthcoming Council elections. Council Resolved, - That the Club be informed that Council will be prepared to receive a deputation from it at the earliest time possible but prior to that the Club forward a short precis of its requests to the Council. (Crs. Fisher/Wade).
In October 1962 the Whale Beach Surf Life. Saving Club, 18/10/62.- Advising that the matters on which the Club would like a discussion with Council are:- (1) Enlarging of the rock pool, as previously promised (2) excess water rates as a result of taps on the beach for the use of the residents and general public being connected to the water meter of the club ( 3) financial assistance to the Club on basis comparable with cost to Council of other Surf Clubs in the Shire (4)Speeding of Young Motorists on The Strand.
That same year: Eric N. Rowley & Co., Solicitors - re William James Goddard Release of Easement Lot 43, D.2.17189 Whale Beach Road, North Avalon. Forwarding Memorandum of Transfer for execution under seal. Council Resolved, - That the seal be affixed to the Transfer.
And finally, in mid 1963 the Cumberland County Council, 29.7.63.- re Lot 4 D.P. 11067, The Strand, Whale Beach - forwarding Declaration of Trust to be executed under seal. Resolved,- that the document be executed under seal, and only months prior to the County Cumberland council being cancelled.
Whale Beach in late 1960's - photo by and courtesy Chris Hendrikson. Note that the surf boat shed is still on the beach - this was destroyed by a big storm in May 1974
Whale Beach SLSC Surf Boatshed and Members, circa 1973 - image courtesy Whale Beach SLSC
Pam Burridge on Whale Beach as a teenager, photo has been dated circa 1978
As well as:
Notification Placing Land Under Care, Control and Management of the Council of the Shire of Warringah
THE Minister administering the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, pursuant to section 11 of that Act by this notice places the land described in the Schedule hereto under the care, control and management of the Council of the Shire of Warringah for use as a public park, public reserve or public recreation area for passive recreational purposes: Provided that the Council—
(a) shall not erect or permit to be erected on the land any building or structure without the prior consent of the Minister; and
(b) shall demolish any existing improvements on the land at the earliest possible date hereafter.
Dated at Sydney, this 19th day of July, 1984.
R. L. PINCINI, Secretary,
Department of Environment and Planning.
All that piece or parcel of land situate at Whale Beach, in the Shire of Warringah, Parish of Narrabeen, and County of Cumberland, being lot 1, D.P. 515486, comprising an area of 455.3 square metres or thereabouts and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title, volume 10187, folio 180. File No.: 7/45 IA 191 (6837). ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT ACT, 1979 (1984, July 27). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3906. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231533182
Notification Placing Land Under Care, Control and Management of the Council of the Shire of Warringah
THE Minister Administering the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, pursuant to section 11 of that Act by this notice places the land described in the Schedule hereto under the care, control and management of the Council of the Shire of Warringah for use as a public park, public reserve or public recreation area for passive recreational purposes: Provided that the Council—
(a) shall not erect or permit to be erected on the land any building or structure without the prior consent of the Minister; and
(b) shall demolish any existing improvements on the land at the earliest possible date hereafter.
Dated at Sydney, this 10th day of January, 1986.
R. L. PINCINI, Secretary,
Department of Environment and Planning.
All that piece or parcel of land situate at Whale Beach in the Parish of Narrabeen, County of Cumberland and Shire of Warringah, being lot 2 in Deposited Plan 703459, having an area of 163.9 metres2, or thereabouts and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title, Identifier 2/703459. File No.: 82/11571. (7658) ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT ACT, 1979 (1986, January 10). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 149. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231536808
Notification Placing Land Under Care, Control and Management of the Council of the Shire of Warringah
THE Minister Administering The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, pursuant to section 11 of the Act, by this notice places the land described in the Schedule hereto under the care, control and management of the Council of the Shire of Warringah for use as a public park, public reserve or public recreation area for passive recreational purposes: Provided that the Council—
(a) Shall not erect or permit to be erected on the land any building or structure without the prior consent of the Minister.
Dated at Sydney, this 3rd day of October, 1986.
R. L. PINCINI, Secretary,
Department of Environment and Planning.
All that piece or parcel of land situate at Whale Beach Road, Whale Beach, in the Shire of Warringah, Parish of Narrabeen, County of Cumberland, being lot 254 in Deposited Plan 16362, comprising an area of 701.9 square metres or thereabouts, and being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title, volume 10588, folio 10. File No.: 7/45A432 (3354) ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT ACT 1979 (1986, October 3). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4875. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231527163
Next time you're enjoying the great access you have to those fresh salty breezes off Whale Beach's part of the Pacific Ocean, consider how long it took to acquire that access, how much it cost, how much was given for free just so others could enjoy that space and how, if the County of Cumberland Council and all its schemes didn't exist, it could have happened otherwise.
More recent pictures of whale beach ocean reserve; The strand
Whale Beach SLSC 75th celebrations in 2013 - The Hon. Bronwyn Bishop gets and honorary cap - Author's photo
Whale Beach - storm about to descend on BL's Blast Off session, 2014; we all ran for the surf club! - Author's photo
BL, Barton Lynch and daughter Tamarin AT a BL's Blast Off (Day 4 at Whaley in 2015) at Whale Beach (BL's dad started the Big Swim, and BL 'likes' surfing at The Wedge - so a long history, no pun intended, of being a Whale Beachian) - Author's photo - few more:
View over the beach from Beauty Drive west facing home, December 2016 - Author's photo
View south from north end of Beach on January 25th, 216 - The Big Swim - Author's photo
View towards Dolphin Bay and south - author's photo
View from Careel House, December 2012 - which is on that headland in above photo - Author's photo
View from a mates Place, 2018 - Author's photo
E (Ted) J 'pop' Timms., 1937 Foundation Member of Whale Beach SLSC - was President, had a place in Morella road and a boat named for him:
(by Walrus) .
Last Wednesday the club took delivery of a second hand boat, purchased from the Whale Beach club. This craft, 'P. J. Timms' has been damaged, but with a few repairs will serve our club, until we take delivery of our new boat. We appreciate the gesture of the Whale Beach club for making the boat available at a very small figure.
The bronze squad is taking shape and we hope to have at least three members ready for examination in December. In the near future we hope to be in the position to have a report of surfing ^conditions at
Warilla Beach, included in broadcasts over 2WL.
No competition has been commenced, as yet, because all members are- busily engaged in building the new club house and training. Surfing (1952, November 20). South Coast Times and Wollongong Argus (NSW : 1900 - 1954), , p. 29. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article143095555
Keith Webster - Foundation Member
Noel Greenfield - Foundation Member
Keith Webster was re-elected captain at the Whale Beach Surf Club's annual meeting yesterday. Sergt. Noel Greenfield was elected boat captain. Other officials are: President, F. J. Timms; secretary, H. E. Heath; treasurer, P. Heath. WHALE BEACH SURF CAPTAIN RE-ELECTED (1941, September 29). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247622775
Hal Bailey - Life Member, after whom a Reserve at south end of beach an atop Whale Beach road hill going south is named for Hal - you will find it at 189A Whale Beach Road:
Swam To Health.
Eighteen months ago when Hal Bailey came back to Australia he faced the prospect of never walking again. A bullet wound received in the Middle East seriously injured his spine. After specialists had given up hope of his recovery, Bailey, defying medical orders, started to swim his way back to health. He joined the Whale Beach Surf Life-saving Club and gradually gained physical fitness. Recently he finished the surf season with a win in the club's senior surf race. Before the war Bailey broke 60 seconds for 100 yards in still water and, as a member of the North Bondi Surf Life-saving Club, excelled in rescue and resuscitation work and in the surf events. TALKING OF SPORT. (1945, May 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17939859
Carols at the Beach in 2013 - author's photo
Pausing for half a minute to allow photographer to 'let's get this shot this way' before going back to patrolling the beach during Summer of 2015 - author's photo
BIG SWIM finish line, 2015
The Strand along Whale Beach Ocean Reserve on August 28, 2021
north towards The Wedge
South - and the rockpool
references and extras
- Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Whale Beach
- Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Palm Beach
- Light Keepers of Barrenjoey Lightstation
- Palm Beach Link With 1817 and 1917 Set to Disappear in 2017: Beach Road Rendezvous
- Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways Hordern and Wiltshire Parks To McKay Reserve – From Beach To Estuary
- Pittwater Restaurants You Could Stay At Jonah's Road House – Whale Beach
- Harry Wolstenholme (June 21, 1868 - October 14, 1930) Ornithologist Of Palm Beach, Bird Man Of Wahroonga
- Dictionary of Sydney staff writer, County of Cumberland Planning Scheme, Dictionary of Sydney, 2008, http://dictionaryofsydney.org/entry/county_of_cumberland_planning_scheme
St. Michael's Arch 1867 - The storm that turned an arch into a pedestal, shows the name 'Whale Beach' was already being used:
June 24 – We have had tremendous weather, but, as far as Pitt Water is concerned, no damage has been done with the exception to one of our picturesque curiosities, St. Michael’s Arch. It has at length to the too mighty elements and the destroying influence of time, that which was the admiration of all who have beheld it is now almost baseless fabric-there is only about one half of the outer support left, looking at it at a distance it has the resemblance of a coloured pillar. In its fall it carried a large portion of the overhanging rock with it, a thousand tons of gigantic boulders, and in such masses that I think it will stop the ingress from that part to the cave, but at yet we have had no close inspection for the rollers are dashing to the height of the stupendous rocks. The only idea I can give of the gale is that the froth of (not spray) the sea came over Mount St. Joseph, opposite the house, half a foot in size, and spread itself down to the dam, at times shading the heights of the mountain,-its resemblance was that of an overwhelming snow storm.
The sea at Barranjoey washed away the flower garden in front of the Chinamen's huts, taking soil and all, so that the beach comes close up to their door. There must have been awful havoc in the Hawkesbury, for all the beaches from Barranjoey to the Long Beach are strewn with fragments of houses, boxes, chairs, door frames, dead pigs, hay, wheat, broken bedsteads, weather-board sides of houses, oranges with large branches, pumpkins, melons, corn cobs, and other debris, that scarcely any portion of the beaches can be seen. Mr. Conolly picked up a workbox, in which was contained a number of receipts and letters directed to Mr. Moss, Windsor. The beaches on which are the debris is Barrenjoey, Whale Beach, Collins's Beach, Mick's Hollow Beach, Farrell's Beach, Mona Beach, and Long Beach, so it may be imagined the great extent of destruction. BROKEN BAY. (1867, June 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13144304
At the last meeting of the Warringah Shire Council Councillor Quirk moved— "That application be made for the following powers:— The care and management of parks and recreation grounds, public reserves and commons, the care of which is not by or under any statute vested in other bodies or persons; the establishment, maintenance, or subsidising of local bands or orchestras," Councillor M'Intosh seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. It was also unanimously resolved, on the motion of Councillor Quirk, seconded by Councillor Powell— "That the finance committee consider the best means of encouraging the establishment of local bands."
Mr. S. Stringer's tenders were accepted for erecting dressing-sheds as follows:— For Curl Curl beach, £25; for Freshwater beach, £100; for Newport beach, £24. Mr. G. Riddle's tender, £17 10s, for clearing and forming Seagull-road, was accepted. AT THE COUNCIL BOARD. (1909, December 10). The Star (Sydney, NSW : 1909 - 1910), p. 7 (LATEST EDITION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230496683
The paragraph of section 107, under which the particular power may be acquired, and the power which is conferred, are set out hereunder: —
Paragraph. Function.
v. The care and management of parks and recreation grounds, public reserves, and commons, the care of which is not by or under any statute vested in other bodies or persons.
The paragraph of section 109, under which the particular power may be acquired, and the powers which are conferred, arc set out hereunder: —
Paragraph. Function.
xxvi. The establishment, maintenance, and management of places of public recreation or improvement.
xxxii. The establishment, maintenance, or subsidising of public bands or orchestras. PROCLAMATION (1910, May 11). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2489. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article226904980
Barrenjoey Company, Ltd, has been registered with a capital of £6000, In 120 shares of £50 each, the object being to purchase 410 acres of the Bassett Darley subdivision. The first directors are Messrs H. Wolstenholme, E T Jones, J T Ralston, J Young, and H R Nolan. NOTES AND COMMENTS. (1911, June 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15239859
Advertisement for above stating 'harbour side wharf': Advertising. (1912, January 6). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 21. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15300293
Barrenjoey - Palm Beach Estate - Pittwater - Barranjoey Rd 1912 - part of brochure. Item: c052700024, courtesy State Library of NSW
Barrenjoey - Palm Beach Estate - Pittwater - Barranjoey Rd 1912 - part of brochure. Item: c052700025, courtesy State Library of NSW
As a rule in commercial circles a public holiday tends to make a broken week and restrict the usual volume of business. Last week's transactions in the estate market were no exception, few sales being noted either by auction or private contract. During the next few weeks several important sales of city properties and well-known suburban estates (in subdivision) will come under the hammer.
Messrs. Batt, Rodd, and Purves, Limited, at their rooms on Tuesday, offered, under instructions from the surviving trustee of the Bassett-Darley Estate and the administratrix of the late Benjamin Wentworth Darley, a marine site, comprising 400 acres of land at Pittwater, on the main road and close to the lighthouse at Barranjoey. This estate embraces on the ocean side the well-known Cabbage Tree Boat Harbor, and in Pittwater the much valued camping ground in Careel Bay. The property was offered, in subdivisions, the lots ranging from one acre to 74 acres, the first buyer having the option of picking his lots. Bidding was started by Mr. C. Forssberg at £5 per acre. Then bids, after considerable animation, rose quickly to £12 per acre, at which figure Mr. Forsberg took 13 lots, altogether about 30 acres. This land was described as having a sandy frontage to Pittwater and Careel Bay. The first lot on entering the estate from Manly, 4 acres 3 roods 16 perches through from the ocean side to Careel Bay, went to Mr. Trevor Jones at £10 per acre, and the end lot on the beach, a block of a little over 4 acres, at £9 10s per acre.
On the Pittwater Estate a block of land, 21 ¼ acres, near the Hole in the Wall and Bilgola Head, with large frontage to the main road, was passed in at £1 17s 6d per. acre. THE PROPERTY MARKET. (1900, January 31). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article117039706
There It a narrow neck of land at Palm Beach, between the road and the ocean, which would make an ideal reserve.
The Warringah Shire Council heard that the land is to be offered for sale, and sent a deputation to the Minister for Lands. (Mr. Wearne), who was asked to take steps for the resumption of the land as a public reserve. With the deputation were Messrs. Weaver, Scott Fell, Murphy and Dr. Arthur. M.L.A.
Mr. Wearne, in reply, said that, where possible, it was the policy of the Government to extend to the people privileges to enable them to enjoy the pleasures of life, not only in the metropolis and suburbs, but throughout the State. He could not promise the resumption of the area. But he would Inspect it, and see whether It was suitable for the purpose desired. AT PALM BEACH (1922, April 29). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article118868181
The Minister for Lands informed Warringah Shire Council last night that steps will be taken immediately to resume that portion of the Forssberg Estate Palm Beach, which Council desires to acquire for public recreation purposes. PALM BEACH RESERVE (1926, November 9). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article117326255
The Palm Beach Surf Club's hut is to be removed from its present situation in a valuable public reserve to a more suitable site, near the centre of the beach. The Warringah Shire council will erect the new hut, which will cost £300. PALM BEACH SURF CLUB HUT. (1929, August 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16579961
Warringah Shire Council has decided that the Palm Beach Surf Club's club-house must be pulled down and that any new structure must be erected on a more suitable site.
The existing club-house, a plain erection on a public reserve, has been the subject of an offer by Mr. J. A. Hordern, who has expressed his willingness to lend the council £100 for improvements to the reserve, and to assist the club financially towards the erection of a new building.
It has been stated that the members of the surf club did not want to move, and Councillor Corkery said that if they would not go, the club should be disbanded and a paid life-saver put on the beach. It would never do to allow the council to be dictated to by the club, which was on the beach for the purpose of life-saving only.
The council will have a meeting with Mr. Hordern and the members of the surf club, to discuss the question of finance. PALM BEACH. (1929, July 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16546792
Pittwater. — Allotments, Simpson's Gardens Estate and -Whale Beach Estate, £252. - Raine & Horne. Real Estate (1922, March 15). Construction and Local Government Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1913 - 1930), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article109641726
May 7th, 1928 - Construction journal advertiosing
Palm Beach. — Two Allotments, Whale Beach Subdivision, £175 and £184.— Raine 'and Horne, Ltd.. in conjunction with J. Vernon Allen. Real Estate (1928, March 21). Construction and Local Government Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1913 - 1930), p. 19. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article109729296
Sydney, 28th May, 1976.
IN pursuance of the provisions of section 28, Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913, I declare that the Crown lands hereunder described shall be reserved from sale for the public purposes hereinafter specified and are thereby reserved accordingly.
W. F. CRABTREE, Minister for Lands.
Land District—Metropolitan; Shire—Warringah
No. 89815, Parish Narrabeen, County Cumberland, area about 820 square metres, being part of portion 49 and adjoining reclaimed land, bounded on the southwest by Careel Bay, on the northwest by portion 220 and part of portion 18 and on the east by Barrenjoey Road. (R. 1477-1603). Pks 76-435. RESERVES FROM SALE (1976, May 28). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2282. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220198072
Trevor-Jones Family
Ernest Trevor-Jones June 1st 1865 – December 27th, 1925 aged 61
Patricia May Darling, nee Trevor-Jones
Parents: Ernest Trevor-Jones and Margaret May
TREVOR-JONES.—April 14, at Ermelo Private Hospital, the wife of Ernest Trevor-Jones, of a daughter. Family Notices (1911, April 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15233468
Brother was losing a son same year:
TREVOR-JONES.-November 18, 1911, infant son of Noel and Isabel Trevor-Jones. Family Notices (1911, November 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15289003
Hollywood Road, Newport - named after the movie capital by Royston Darling and later kept by Patricia Meadows (nee Trevor-Jones) when she subdivided the land. Patricia was married twice - her address when first married being 'Mandalay', Palm Road, Newport
Palm Road, Newport - named by Mr. Trevor-Jones after a large Cabbage Tree Palm reputed to be 110 years old which grew half way down the road.
Trevor Road, Newport - named to honour solicitor and local resident Mr. Ernest Trevor-Jones by his daughter Patricia when she subdivided the land to sell.
Some members of the North Steyne Life-saving Club, under Captain Merritt, visited Newport, and gave a demonstration on the beach in land drill and rescue work to the entertainment of a good number of spectators. After the exhibition the party adjourned to a banquet at Scott's Hotel, where they were received by the president, Mr Trevor Jones and Councillors Quirk and Pomell, who made reference to good work performed by the North Steyne Club. NEWPORT LIFE-SAVING CLUB. (1910, February 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15150562

Fathers death- Sunday 27th December 1925
TREVOR-JONES.-The Funeral of the late Mr. ERNEST TREVOR-JONES, Solicitor, will leave Wood Coffill's Funeral Parlours, 40 Mount-street, North Sydney, TOMORROW (Tuesday) MORNING, at »8o'clock, for Church of England Cemetery, Northern Suburbs. WOOD c(jmLl) LIMITED, Funeral Directors. Family Notices (1925, December 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16275736
TREVOR JONES.—Ernest Trevor Jones (solicitor), aged 61 years, beloved husband of Margaret, and father of Patricia. Family Notices (1925, December 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16272905
Mr. Ernest Trevor-Jones, solicitor, who died on Sunday, was born at Richmond, Victoria, on June 1, 1865. He was a son of the late John Trevor-Jones, who was for many years in the service of the Water Board. Mr. Trevor-Jones was educated in Sydney, and practised in the city for a number of years until forced by ill-health to retire. In his younger days he took an active part in sport, and was captain of the Sydney Lacrosse Club. He is survived by a widow, one daughter (Miss Patricia Trevor-Jones), three brothers, Messrs. Noel Trevor-Jones, solicitor, Wagga, Lesley Trevor-Jones, Sugar Refilling Co., Fiji, and Newcombe Trevor- Jones, C.E., Dora Creek,' and one sister, Miss Lilian Trevor-Jones, who is In England. The funeral was held in the Church of England section of the Northern Suburbs Cemetery yesterday, and was attended by ninny old friends, Including leading representatives of the Masonic Order. OBITUARY (1925, December 30). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article245058921
Ernest Trevor-Jones
The death occurred at Sydney, on Sunday, at the age of 60 of Mr. Ernest Trevor-Jones, solicitor, brother of Mr. Noel Trevor- Jones, solicitor, of Fox-street, Wagga- For 10 years after receiving a severe stroke - about 15 years ago, the late Mr. Trevor-Jones was in indifferent health but five years ago his health improved, and since then has been fairly good. The deceased gentleman always took an active interest in sport, and was a keen lacrosse player until the age of 42, and was for some time' captain of the Sydney Lacrosse Club. He was the son of the late John Trevor-Jones, who was the first engineer engaged by the Sydney Water and Sewerage Board, and was employed by the Board for many years. The late Mr. Trevor-Jones was educated in Sydney, and practised there as a solicitor until his ill-health forced his retirement from active work. He is survived by a widow and one daughter, Miss Patricia Trevor-Jones; three brothers, Messrs. Noel Trevor-Jones, Wagga; L. Trevor- Jones, Fiji; and Newcombe Trevor-Jones, of Dora Creek, near Newcastle, N.S-W. and one 'sister, Miss Lilian Trevor-Jones,, who lives in England. Mr. Noel Trevor-Jones, who is suffering from ill-health., was not able to journey to Sydney order to be present at his brother's funeral. The funeral was hold in the Church of England section of the Northern Suburbs Cemetery yesterday, and was attended by many old friends, Including leading representatives of the Masonic Order. OBITUARY (1926, January 1). Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article145268706
No. 22,702. APPLICANT:—Ernest Trevor Jones, Newport. LAND :—shire Warringah, 10 acres 1 rood 11 ¾ perches, fronting south-eastern side Barrenjoey road, opposite Gladstone-street. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1920, September 17). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 5456. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224611658
John Trevor Jones b. 1830
Artist (Printmaker), Artist (Painter)
A lithographer, painter, engineer, and a civil servant, Jones worked for a number of government bureaus. He exhibited eight watercolours and one oil painting with the Victorian Academy of Arts in 1875, 1876 and 1878.
He was born in Ruthin, Denbighshire, Wales, son of Daniel Jones, a builder, and his wife, Mary. Trained in the provinces, Jones gained knowledge of surveying, engineering, and drafting plans, particularly railway sections. After coming to Melbourne he was employed for a time by Thomas Ham as a lithographer. Early in 1853 he did some lithographic work for the Department of Public Lands and in June was placed in charge of the lithographic branch of the Surveyor General’s Department. Difficulties arose with the supervision of older and more experienced staff, and Jones was dismissed in October 1857 for a breach of discipline following an exchange of blows with a staff member. He then acted as a freelance draughtsman and was briefly in an architectural partnership with John O’Flanagan at 49 Collins Street West, until appointed lithographic draughtsman in the Railways Department in January 1859. He transferred to the Water Supply Department in December 1865.
In 1870 Jones spent a short time in Fiji before returning to Melbourne. In the early 1870s he attended lectures in engineering at Melbourne University and passed the examinations for municipal surveyor. He returned to the Railways Department as a draughtsman in January 1872, a position he held until his appointment as city engineer to the City of Sydney in February 1879. This period with the Sydney City Council was unhappy; he was suspended in October 1886, reinstated in December and suspended again in March 1888. Since he had just gained the appointment of engineer with the Metropolitan Board of Works, he then resigned from the council staff. At the end of 1893 Jones resigned from this last position too, owing to failing eyesight; he had lost the sight of one eye some years earlier. He had married Harriet, eldest daughter of James Goldie, at Richmond, Victoria, on 11 April 1861. She predeceased him on 17 January 1900 and he is believed to have died at North Sydney a short time later.
Little is known of Jones as an artist. His earliest recorded work is a lithograph dated 1858 of the District Survey Office, Taradale. His sojourn in Fiji resulted in the publication of at least one lithographic view of the island of Ovalau (Mitchell Library) annotated 'sketched on board the Jas. Patterson, Str 1870’ and 'Printed for private distribution only, 22 April 1875’. In November 1875 two of his watercolours of the Victorian waterworks at Clunes were sent to the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition and he lithographed the accompanying plans. That March he had been elected a member of the Victorian Academy of Arts. At the academy’s exhibitions of 1875, 1876 and 1878 he exhibited a total of eight watercolours and one oil painting, mostly of rural scenery. He resigned his membership in July 1879 following his move to Sydney. Throughout the 1870s he gave lectures on behalf of worthy causes and illustrated them with extempore drawings. At Sydney in 1884 'some spirited sketches’ by Mr Trevor Jones were exhibited at the gallery of John Sands, the printer.
Writers: Thomas A. Darragh, Thomas A. Date written:1992 Last updated:2011 from Design and Art Australia Online at: https://www.daao.org.au/bio/john-trevor-jones/biography/
WINDLASS and shaft already on the property of Mrs. Trevor Jones, Newport, where Miss Trevor Jones (second from left) discovered a nugget. Her mother is on extreme right. THAT NEWPORT "GOLD" RUSH -- DUNN SHIELD HEATS (1930, December 5). Daily Pictorial (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1931), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article246189810
Fairfax Corporation. (1920). Gold discovery, Newport, New South Wales, ca. 1920 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-157551748
Fairfax Corporation. (1930). Miners relax in front of their tent on the site of the Newport gold discovery, Newport, 5 December 1930Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162459095
Newport "Strike" May be .Rainbow Gold
All sorts of rumors are afloat at Newport since the report that gold was found there and local people, - most ' of whom are- sceptical, are beginning to get nervy at the influx of fortune seekers. Yesterday it was rumored that 100 unemployed, with tents and equipment for prospecting, were to invade the district to-day, but the police denied it. Everyone is waiting for an authentic report of the assay of the- samples taken away. PLENTY OF SCEPTICS (1930, December 5). Daily Pictorial (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article246189666
Does Not Want Place Knocked About
ALTHOUGH gold searchers are at work on Mrs. Trevor Jones' property within 30ft. of her back door, at Newport, she is not so thrilled about it. "It is a great nuisance," she told the "Pictorial" yesterday, "and I do not want my week-ender knocked about, even if there is gold on the place." Nevertheless she is one of a syndicate of three which possesses the only miner's right on the field. CASUAL ABOUT GOLD (1930, December 4). Daily Pictorial (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1931), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article246189193
DARLING—TREVOR-JONES.—October 5, 1931, at St. Matthew's Church, Manly, by the Rev. Ebbs, Patricia, only daughter of the late Ernest Trevor-Jones, solicitor, and Mrs. Trevor-Jones, of Mosman and Newport, to Royston Frederick Darling, of Cornwall, England. Family Notices (1931, December 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16813212
Real Property Act:
No. 31,022. Margaret May Trevor-Jones, 3 r. 36 p., lot 1, Sec. G, cor. Gladstone-st. and Barrenjoey-rd., township of Newport. No. 31,023. Margaret May Trevor-Jones, 4 a. 3 r. 31 p., lot 19, Bassett-Darley Estate, on Barrenjoey-rd., Careel Bay and Pacific Ocean, Pittwater. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1931, June 12). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2064. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article219918134
DARLING (nee Patricia Trevor Jones) -July 27, at Lauriston private hospital Mosman to Mr. and Mrs. Royston Darling of Mosman-a daughter. Family Notices (1932, July 30). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16912266
Re Royston Darling, of Mandalay, Palm road Newport ex parte Motor and Cash Orders, Ltd (in liquidation). IN BANKRUPTCY. (1934, April 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17049809
Blue Bird Pictures is the name of a new local film-making firm, and Roy Darling is its producer! But what's in a name, anyhow? The title of their first play is "A Boy of the Dardanelles," which should be allowed to speak for itself until Its release in Sydney at any early date. SCREENFLASHES (1923, October 12). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 10 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222672376
Man With Money Tells Story of Deals in Movies
THE story of an alleged conspiracy in the local movie world was presented to C.S.M. Gates at the Central Court last week when Roy Darling, described as a picture producer, was charged with having conspired to defraud Edward Berry Kidd of large sums of money.
DARLING was defended by Mr. Ken U White, who had his lines from the scenario of Solicitor J. L. Maguire. The name of Stephen Harold Perry also figured in the charge-sheet with that of Darling's, but Perry dramatically cut himself out of the proceedings by committing suicide about three days after his arrest. Playing the role .of victim, Edward Berry Kidd, small, rather thin and of very serious mien, recited a lengthy tale of his business associations with Darling and Perry. If all started when he saw an advertisement that took him along to Darling with the Idea of entering a movie -business with him,
SAID TO HAVE talked Kidd out of his money. — Roy Darling.
A Mr. Frost Introduced him to Darling at Kembla Buildings, in Margaret-street, In October last, and there, he said, Darling stated that he was the owner of nine films. He proposed to release these films to movie houses, and £100 was required from, Kidd (or a half share ln those pictures. A further £160 was to be put Into the partnership by Kidd slip for working expenses. An agreement was drawn up to this effect, and Kidd said that he paid over his £100. Than they set up an office at 100 Pitt-street, but failed to open a Joint account with the £160,' ne the Commonwealth would not countenance it until the partnership was duly named and registered. So, Kidd said, Darling agreed that he. should keep the £160 In his own private account. Kidd also paid £39 2s 9d for office furniture, and by October 28, he said, Darling arrived at the office, announcing that he had released two pictures- - to Hoyts Ltd. at £60 a week. 'I asked him -for the contract forms, but he said that he would not be able to give, them to me until Hoytt decided which of the tecoBd pictures they would take, but the releases never materialised, 'Later I gave him £18 for a comic and two gazettes, as he said that It would be necessary to supply one of these with a longer picture, but I never saw the films or- the receipt for the money^ 'r
Just-about ' this time Terry edges into, the story, Darling Introduced him with Kidd at the Commonwealth as the managing director of the Australian Film Association, and, Kidd said, It wasn't long before the Kidd-Darling partnership and the Australian Film Association amalgamated. Then Darling told him about forty British films that he said he could buy for £800 cash, Kidd went on. Kidd said he wasn't Inclined to take such a risk, hut when they talked It over with Terry he said that It was a good proposition, and he was prepared to borrow £400 ln order to take over half of It. Darling guaranteed the other £400, but the next day came to Kidd, and said that he could only get £810, and persuaded him to lend him the other £90. Darling, stated that he completed the deal and that he had given the receipt fflP thft £SAfl fn Mr. Ppiw. A Amir also later he borrowed £11 from Kidd, and followed that up with five other loans of £3 each. .'I was suspicious of things at this time,' said Kidd, 'and wanted to go into matters. I saw Mr. Perry and he said to me, 'It is a strange thing, but the cheque for £400 that I gave to Darling hat never been presented at the bank.'' 'Did you not sign a statement relieving Darling of all liability ?' asked Mr. 'White. 'Yes, I did that because Darling was in an excited state at the time.' Other questions regarding a transfer of the office furniture to Mr. Darling, and the matter of £60 that, was put into the company funds by a Mr. Jacobs were also asked. Mr. Gates said that he desired to look into the evidence, and remanded Darling until February 31, on his own bond. WAS IT CONSPIRACY? (1929, February 17). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169317286
Former Director Tells
Royston Darling, once a film director. but now an unemployed law clerk, told the Registrar in Bankruptcy, to-day, how he produced two Australian films — "Boys of the Dardanelles" and 'Daughter of the East" — both of which were "flops" because in 1921 the public did not like locally-made films. Darling said he arrived In Sydney, from England, in 1921 with £700, and secured employment with the Blue Bird and Oceanic film companies. "I made nothing out of the films I directed, as I was on a percentage basis. The examination was concluded. PICTURES FAILED (1934, June 18). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 8 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article229215482
Roy Darling (1884–1956) was an English-born Australian film director and producer who worked in the silent era. Before moving to Australia, he made several films in South Africa, and directed a documentary in India called Beasts in the Jungle (1918). He moved to Australia in 1922 and lost several hundred pounds of his own money investing in his own film, The Lust for Gold (1922). He made a second feature Daughter of the East then mainly worked on documentaries and commercials. In 1947 he directed a few scenes for a proposed feature The Intimate Stranger which was never completed.
- The Lust for Gold (1922)
- Daughter of the East (1924)
- The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (1942) – short
- He Chased a Chicken (1946) – short
- The Intimate Stranger (1947) – abandoned feature
Jelal (Roy) Akmal Akmal Darling
Also Known As: "Reay Edwards", "Roy Darling"
Birthdate: between circa 1880 and circa 1898
Birthplace: England, United Kingdom
Death: circa 1956 (49-84)
Immediate Family: Son of Mirza Ziaduddin Akmal and Rose Isabella Reay Beg
Husband of Dorothy Patricia Darling
Brother of Yasmin Amelia Reay Khan; Zarina Akmal; Zenobia Lewis; Anwar Akmal; Hunsia Lewis and 1 other
Occupation: Film Director, Musical Composer, Song Writer
Mother’s death:
TREVOR-JONES July 20th, 1935. at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Royston Darling, '"Stone-Holme," Queen's-parade, Newport. Margaret May, widow of the late Ernest Thelwell Trevor-Jones (solicitor), and loving mother of Patricia May Darling. Aged 63 years.
TREVOR-JONES.— The Funeral of the late Mrs. MARGARET MAY TREVOR-JONES will leave St. Matthew's Church. The Corso, Manly, TO-MORROW. MONDAY AFTERNOON. after service commencing at 3 p.m., for Northern Suburbs Cemetery. WOOD COFFILL, Funeral Directors.
TREVOR-JONES.— The Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. ROYSTON DARLING, of "Stone-Holme," Queen's-parade, Newport, are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their late dearly-loved Mother, MARGARET MAY TREVOR-JONES, to leave St. Mathew's Church. The Corso, Manly, TO-MORROW. MONDAY AFTERNOON, after service commencing at 3 p.m.. for Northern Suburbs Cemetery. WOOD ….. Family Notices (1935, July 21). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231285601
TREVOR-JONES.— Mrs. ROYSTON DARLING and FAMILY, of Mosman and Newport, desire to convey their sincere THANKS to relatives and friends for kindness, sympathy, cards, and floral tributes In the sad loss of her dear mother (Mrs. Margaret May Trevor-Jones). Family Notices (1935, August 18). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231284768
Boxing Day Scuffle At Newport
CLASSICAL Newport was chosen as location for a real human drama in which a film actor, Royston Darling, and his wife's uncle played leading roles. Act One was played on Boxing Day at Newport, and the second and final stanza was heard at Manly Police Court during the week, when Newcombe Trevor-Jones summoned Darling for assault. Darling retaliated with a cross-summons. Mr. R. C. Atkinson heard the story and convicted Trevor-Jones, whose age was given as 74, and bound him over self in £10, to keep the peace for six months, and ordered him to pay £3 12s costs within one month.
Trevor-Jones said that at 8.45 p.m. on Boxing Day, Darling called at his house and struck him on the temple. Trevor-Jones described a scuffle in which Darling attacked Trevor-Jones with an iron bar while he, Trevor-Jones, picked up a piece of wood and threw it at Darling.
Royston Darling said his registered name is Frederick Raymond Edwards, and he had been a film actor for the past 15 years. He went to see Trevor-Jones on Boxing Day to tell him to discontinue pestering him and talking about him. On entering Trevor-Jones' house, the film actor said that he was rushed at by Trevor- Jones, who was brandishing a knife.
'I pushed him away and he fell over a chair,' he added. He denied punching Trevor-Jones at any time.
'Curtain' was called on a very dejected old man, who did not realise the S.M.'s decision. Tears were streaming down his face as he was led away by a constable to enter into his recognisance. FILM-ACTOR WINS ASSAULT CASE (1937, January 10). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169595272
Royston Frederick Darling (42), investor, convicted at Darlinghurst Quarter Sessions to-day of having obtained money by false pretences, was bound over for two years and was ordered to pay £185 to two persons who had lost money as a result of transactions with him. RELEASED ON BOND (1939, September 27). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231214373
Judge Curlewis, in the Quarter Sessions Appeals Court yesterday, sentenced Frederick Royston Darling to a total of 12 months' imprisonment on three charges of having failed to pay to the Taxation Department instalments deducted from employees' wages.
Darling, formerly proprietor of the Tatler Theatre, was fined £500 on each charge by Mr. C. F. Denton, S.M., in Central Court on May 2. Judge Curlewis varied the penalties imposed by the magistrate to sentences of six months' imprisonment on the first two charges, the terms to be concurrent. On the third charge he sentenced Darling to six months' imprisonment, to be cumulative on the sentence imposed on the first charge. THEATRE MAN SENTENCED (1950, August 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18177157
Real Property Act:
No. 31,022. Margaret May Trevor-Jones, 3 r. 36 p., lot 1, Sec. G, cor. Gladstone-st. and Barrenjoey-rd., township of Newport.
No. 31,023. Margaret May Trevor-Jones, 4 a. 3 r. 31 p., lot 19, Bassett-Darley Estate, on Barrenjoey-rd., Careel Bay and Pacific Ocean, Pittwater. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1931, June 12). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2064. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article219918134
Woodland's Estate. Looking north to the beach from Queens Parade in mid 1920's - area owned by Patricia Darling (nee Trevor-Jones, later Meadows) - sold at Auction April 18th, 1927 at 3 pm. Advertised as 'land at sunny Newport by the sea under its blue sky, comprising 18 choice building blocks facing Bulgola road and Queens Parade, surrounded by houses of refinement with magnificent views of the ocean and under stately gums'. Photograph mid 1920's courtesy Albert Durst.
Newport - Beach - Hollywood Estate - Barrenjoey Rd, The Boulevarde, Myola Rd, Queen's Pde East, January 4th 1936. Item No.: c050400017, courtesy State Library of NSW
NB: The 'Boulevarde Estate' was also a Trevor-Jones subdivision.
Queensland - Department of Labour and National Service. Appointment - Typist (Female), Fourth Division.—Patricia Mary Meadows. APPOINTMENTS AND RETIREMENTS. (1961, August 31). Commonwealth of Australia Gazette (National : 1901 - 1973), p. 3243. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article240890376
Real Property Act
Vol. 3,548, Fol. 127. Registered proprietor: Helen Jane Hull Land: lot 1, deposited plan 11,909, at Whale Beach.
PROVISIONAL Certificates of Title for the lands above described will be issued after twenty-one days from the date hereof.
T. WELLS, Registrar-General. 6th February, 1948. PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1948, February 6). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 325. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article225374880
Vol. 3,548, Fol. 127 - Helen Hull Transfer
Not required due to structures that have been built thereon making it unsuitable- Lot 241, d.p. 16,362, Whale Beach road, Narrabeen—Shire of Warringah. LOCAL Government (Amendment) Act, 1951.—COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND PLANNING SCHEME ORDINANCE. (1954, July 9). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2038. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220291341
IN the District Court of the Metropolitan District, holden at Sydney.—No. of plaint, 3,433 of 1955; No. of writ, 901 of 1955.—Between Ralph Symonds Limited, plaintiff, and C. L. Garraway (a male), defendant.—Notice of Sale.—On Wednesday, the 28th day of September, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five, at 4.15 o'clock in the afternoon, unless the writ of fieri facias issued herein is previously satisfied, the Registrar will sell by public auction at the No. 3 Court, Courthouse, Queen's-square, Sydney, all the right, title and interest (if any) of the abovenamed defendant, C. L. Garraway, of, in, and to, all that piece or parcel of land situated at Whale Beach, in the parish of Narrabeen, Municipality of Warringah, county of Cumberland, having a frontage of 77 feet Of inch to Bynyah-road by a depth, of irregular depth to Surf-road, being lot D in plan annexed to transfer No. G187583 contained in Certificate of Title, registered volume 6,982, folio 190. Terms, cash. C. E. CHAPMAN, Registrar of the Court. - Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), Friday 12 August 1955 (No.82), page 2367
2387—£1 10s.
Order Under Section Six
WHEREAS in subsection two of section six of the Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act, 1948-1958, it is provided that the Governor may, by order published in the Gazette, declare that any premises, or the premises included in any class of premises, shall be excluded from the operation of the said Act or of such of the provisions of the said Act as are specified in that order and thereupon those premises, or premises of that class, shall be excluded accordingly: Now, therefore, I, Lieutenant-General Sir Eric Winslow Woodward, Governor of the State of New South Wales and its Dependencies, in the Commonwealth of Australia, with the advice of the Executive Council, pursuant to the provisions of subsection two of section six of the said Act, by this Order declare that the undermentioned premises shall be excluded from the operation of Parts II, DOE, IV and V of the said Act:—
Premises comprising three lock-up shops known as numbers 1, 2 and 3, 231 Whale Beach road, Whale Beach.
Given under my Hand and Seal this sixteenth day of September, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine, and in the eighth year of Her Majesty's reign.
(L.S.) E. W. WOODWARD, Governor. By His Excellency's Command, (2552) R. R. ^OWNING. - Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), Friday 25 September 1959 (No.108), page 2914