February 3 - 9, 2019: Issue 392
Woody Point Yacht Club's Gentleman's Launch And Putt Putt Regatta 2019

Sunday January 27th dawned brilliantly clear and warm to shine on the Woody Point Yacht Club's annual Gentleman's Launch and Putt Putt Regatta Races, a chance for members and their friends to dress their boats and themselves up and do a lap around Scotland Island.
For many this annual regatta epitomises what a Summer 'messing about in boats' on Pittwater is really about, an ethos described in the original charter of the WPYC itself;
Activities:Founding Members of the Woody Point Yacht Club were a dedicated group of social drinkers with a boating problem. Their motivation was and is the enjoyment of the Pittwater and its inhabitants, largely facilitated by craft giving access to the remote foreshores and to the water itself. Suitable craft included tinnies, yachts, putt-putts, work boats, in fact anything that floats - and even some vessels whose buoyancy is questionable.These craft provide a platform for the many and varied pastimes enjoyed by Members, including fishing, yachting, putt-putt regattas, picnics, parties, breakfasts, etc.The Club does not favour a particular past time so long as a boat is involved either as a means to an end (ie. transport, fishing) or an end in itself (ie. sailing, cruising, just messing).The Club has a penchant for all things traditional - timber boats in particular - and prefers the simple family orientated atmosphere inherent in our unique community.Constitution:A Commodore shall be elected by popular vote at the Annual General Meeting together with other office bearers as required. A Committee of five Members shall be responsible for organising all functions during the year. The camaraderie shared by Members is such that 'rules' in the normal sense are inappropriate and any semblance of formality is purely for the entertainment such pomp and ceremony usually provides.However, to maintain a friendly and intimate atmosphere, club membership shall be limited to 100 persons in any year on a first come first served basis. The club does not discriminate, even ladies and Kiwis are eligible to join. Senior citizens (capable of pulling beer) may also join and hold office.
The club has a more formal Constitution of course and operates under Yachting Australia rules for its other sailing activities over the Summer and Winter calendar of races. Next Sunday February 10th, Part II in the Two Island Race (Lion Island and Scotland Island), Part I running in December, means some wonderful sailing and a great sight for those who happened to be out on the water at the same time.
The club has a large fleet of beautiful yachts - all classics - crewed and skippered by some of the best sailors in Australia. So while the focus is on fun and not taking themselves too seriously, when it comes to this estuary and those boats, Woody Pointers are second to none.
For this year's Putt Putts classic launches such as Karoo and Kialoa 2, or ferries, the MV Reliance (which celebrates 100 years afloat in 2019), and those wonderful little open wooden 'putt putt's brought a smile to many a face as they vied to get back first to Scotty aboard the Laurel May or claim a prize from current Commodore, Tracy Smith.
WPYC Commodore, Tracy Smith
The Best Dressed Boat was awarded to Hawthorn, 'Victoria Bogans' - the Wytons - you can possibly figure out just by looking which is the boat shown below that matches that description.
Mick Cardiff won the putt putt's.
The 'crew' aboard Major Perseverance. Photo courtesy Tracy Smith
Some of this year's fun runs below - Photos by Adrian Matthews, Tracy Smith and Jools Farrell