March 1 - 31, 2025: Issue 640
The Zonta Club of the Northern Beaches: Celebrating 50 years of Action in 2025
The Zonta Northern Beaches Annual Women's Day Breakfast
Photos by Michael Mannington, OAM, Community Photography and Zonta Club of Northern Beaches, and others!
The Zonta Club of the Northern Beaches was formed in January 1975 as the Zonta Club of Warringah, which means this year the club has been serving the community for 50 years.
The Club was charted as the Zonta Club of Warringah in 1975 with 14 Charter Members when Maggie Vaile, a member of Sydney Zonta Club and career journalist who lived in Rayner Road at Whale Beach, invited local business women to join her in a local Club. Sydney Zonta Club became the new club’s sponsor, organiser and mentor. Maggie Vaile was the first President, and the Guest of Honour at the Charter was Lady Helen Cutler, the wife of the then Governor of NSW.
The Club’s first fundraiser was held at Avalon Cinema Theatre in 1975 to support the victims of Cyclone Tracy. Since then, the Club has long term ongoing projects including its October Advocacy Dinner, an International Women’s Day Breakfast, and Australia Day Breakfast. All events are widely supported by the community.
In June 2003 the Club changed its name to its current name, the Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc. The Club charted the Mackellar Girls Campus Z-Club in 2014 and in 2024 Mater Maria Catholic College also became involved, helping with the Mater Maria Birthing Kits Packing Day, with 600 kits packed by the students.
On Wednesday March 5th 2025 the club hosted its annual Women’s Day Breakfast.
‘’Many thanks to our guest speaker, Dr Anna Williams for your wonderful address this morning, at our IWD Breakfast.
And congratulations to Lizbeth Lawsen, a very well deserved recipient of the Pittwater Woman of the Year award.
Great to see so many of our ZClub members, past and present, and their teachers attend our event this morning. Thank you to everyone who attended for your ongoing support. ‘’ the club stated after the breakfast
Squadron Leader Dr Anna Williams, co-author of the recently published Changing Altitudes: Stories of Australian Air Force Women, shared insights into this new book which captures the unique experiences of Air Force women who have served over the decades.
Anna Williams is a museum curator, educator and social historian. She holds a Master of Arts – Museum Studies and a Doctorate of Philosophy from The University of Sydney. Her multidisciplinary thesis, awarded in 2022, sought to understand the disparities between the artefactual, archival, and written histories of Air Force training in Australia during the Second World War. Anna was appointed as a squadron leader (specialist capability officer) in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in December 2021. She currently works as a curator for the Royal Australian Navy and holds a reserve position with History and Heritage – Air Force. As an extracurricular activity, Anna enjoys singing for and with military veterans, transporting them to yesteryear with the sweet harmonies of the Second World War-era and beyond with her band Company B.
Attendees found her insights inspiring and empowering.
Squadron Leader Dr Anna Williams. Photo by Michael Mannington OAM, Community Photography
Lisbeth Lawsen was honoured for her work as a leading force behind the Northern Beaches Women’s Shelter, which has recently opened a new crisis accommodation, safe, secure and supported by professional teams 24/7 for women with their children on the Northern Beaches, amongst other achievements.
Presenting the award, Pittwater MP Ms Scruby said it was an absolute privilege to recognise Ms Lawsen’s ‘dedication, passion, and leadership’.
‘Beth’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. It is one of compassion, advocacy, and unwavering commitment to making the world a better place for those most in need. While her career spans decades of important work, it is her tireless efforts with the Northern Beaches Women's Shelter (NBWS) that have truly transformed the lives of many in our community.’
Ms Lawsen joined the board of NBWS in 2018, bringing with her a wealth of knowledge and ‘a heart full of compassion and a deep commitment to improving the lives of those who are most vulnerable’ and driving the incredible expansion of the Shelter’s services.
Lisbeth, or 'Beth', had been at Manly Council since 1990, becoming one of their Deputy General Managers in 2012.
Beth’s personal interest is being involved and contributing to the well-being of community generally and, in particular, within a role which cares, supports and contributes to the future personal development of women. As a retired woman, mother of three adult daughters, a grandmother, and a Barrenjoey peninsula resident for more than 50 years, Beth is frequently made aware of the many challenges faced by women across the community.
‘She understands that change doesn’t happen in isolation. She leads with a heart full of energy and a spirit of optimism. She is a beacon of hope and strength,’ who has ‘created a lasting legacy for future generations of women and children.’ Pittwater MP Jacqui Scruby said on Wednesday
Ms Lawsen responded with Margaret Mead’s mantra, ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.’
She thanked Zonta as ‘wonderful women doing wonderful things’, as well as her colleagues and husband. Addressing students from Mater Maria School at the breakfast directly, noting she was an old girl, she described the importance of values that create dedicated and giving people.
‘If we all give just a tiny bit, it makes a world of difference to so many people,’ she said.
Pittwater MP Jacqui Scruby and Beth Lawsen at the Zonta Women's Day Breakfast, held Wednesday March 5, 2025. Photo by Michael Mannington OAM, Community Photography and Pittwater Online News
Ms Scruby also proudly recognised the contribution of Simone Allan, founder of The Women's Resilience Centre in Mona Vale, with her Pittwater Woman of the Year 2025 award at a breakfast event in the city the following day.
Simone founded The Women’s Resilience Centre in Mona Vale in 2020, creating an innovative recovery service for women and families who have experienced or witnessed domestic violence. The centre focuses on mental health support, counselling, and resilience building programs, offering group workshops and positive psychology initiatives. Programs include employment readiness, caring conversations, peer-to-peer mentoring and free legal consultation. They work to build the confidence and skills women need to move onto the next part of their life. At the end of 2024 they also opened a retail shop in Mona Vale.
‘The key focus of The Resilience Centre’s work is supporting survivors of domestic violence to rebuild their confidence, independence, and emotional well-being. Simone and her team provide crucial support for those affected by domestic and family violence, empowering them to move forward with strength and thrive,’ Jacqui Scruby said
Pittwater MP Jacqui Scruby and Simone Allan. Photo supplied
Every year since their Charter was formalised, the Zonta Northern Beaches club has advocated for the advancement of the status of women through numerous fundraising and advocacy events.
The Club has raised money to buy a Guide Dog; and funded a Water well in Sri Lanka; provided overseas financial support to a school in Kenya and currently to two school girls in the Solomon Islands.
Service projects have addressed the Zonta priorities of health, education and economic self-sufficiency of women and girls. Some of the service projects include sewing over 2,500 Breast care Cushions, fundraising and packing over 58,000 Birthing Kits, providing Kitchen Starter Kits for women moving to new units at the refuge.
Next Saturday, March 15, is the Zonta Club of the Northern Beaches 2025 Birthing Kit Packing Day at Barrenjoey High School, 2- 5pm.
The Club supports women and girls through education and work skills grants under the motto:
“Educate a woman and you educate her Family. If you educate a girl, you educate the future”.
The Club has an active campaign to encourage applicants for the Zonta Young Indigenous Achievement Award and the Zonta Young Women in Public Affairs Award.
In 2015 representatives of the Club joined the Northern Beaches Domestic Violence Network and they are now the Secretary for the Network.
In addition, the club supports Zonta International service projects by sending a proportion of funds raised to Zonta International to support self-help programs worldwide, in partnership with organisations like UNIFEM and UNICEF.
In 2019 the Club was honoured to be awarded the International Women’s Day Pittwater Women of the Year Award by the Hon. Rob Stokes, for the Club’s ongoing commitment to the community.
''As part of Zonta District 24, we advocate for women's rights and gender equality at both the district and national levels. District 24 actively collaborates with the NSW and ACT Governments and, through its membership in the National Women's Alliance Economic Security4Women, amplifies its voice to the Australian Government. Our advocacy efforts also extend through Zonta Australia, contributing to the advancement of women on a national scale.'' the club states
Our history is marked by milestones of service and advocacy, from supporting local initiatives like the Northern Beaches Domestic Violence Network, Northern Beaches Womens Shelter and Women & Children First, to global efforts such as the packing and distributing birthing kits through the Birthing Kit Foundation to under resourced countries. With unwavering commitment, we continue to work towards advancing the status of women in every way possible.'
'In 2025 we celebrate 50 years of action.
In 2025, our club will be proudly celebrating 50 years of ‘Building a better world for women and girls ‘.
The easiest way to get involved is to join one of their upcoming events or monthly meetings, which are held on the fourth Monday of every month at the Sands Hotel in Narrabeen. Please contact them for more information.
Find out more at:
A few insights from the past
Long term members of the Zonta Club of the Northern Beaches include Jenny Cole-Clark who remained an active member from 1975 to 2007, 32 years, and the Club’s longest serving member Ana Deleon who had been a member since 1977, 44 years!
Margaret Collett Vaile MBE (1920- December 16, 1991) was generous, inspiring and fierce with a cause. She called her MBE Maggie’s Best Effort.
Margaret Vaile was Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald women’s pages in the 1960s, being one of the last to edit a separate women’s section in a newspaper. She oversaw the evolution from reports solely on fashion, parties and charity work to features covering women in business and politics.
Margaret was the daughter of Hugh Strafford Vaile, a milliner of Neutral Bay and his wife Anne Marion (nee Burke). After education at Loretto Convent, Margaret worked at Perpetual Trustees.
She joined the WRANS in 1943 and worked on press liaison as a second officer at HMAS Kuttabul naval base, and was promoted to Second-Officer in February 1945. Margaret’s younger brother also served in WW2, George Strafford Anthony Vaile (1923-2006) NX166663/N236011.
Informal portrait of Second Officer Margaret Collett Vaile of the Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service (WRANS), Press Censorship Liaison Officer, checking naval publicity at Naval Base Headquarters. Photo courtesy Australian War Museum.
Second-Officer Margaret Vaile, W.R.A.N.S., R.A.N. Press liaison officer, with Second-Officer Mary Bromiley (centre) and Third-Officer Peggy Seale, Wren officers who have come to join R.N. Press liaison in Australia. Peggy is South Australian girl, but has lived in England for some years. Before joining Service she was secretary to managing editor of London "Daily Sketch." On and Off Duty. (1945, June 9). The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 21. Retrieved from
At the end of the war, she worked in Sydney on The Sun women’s pages along with being Treasurer at Loretto. In 1948 she went to work in London for the Australian High Commission where she became the first official hostess at Australia House.
MARGARET VAILE is going to England this month to visit her father's family in London. Margaret will be away for more than a year. A farewell luncheon was given for her at Romeo’s on Monday by ex-students of the Loretto convent, where she has been treasurer for the past year. OVERSEAS TRIPPERS (1948, January 11). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 25. Retrieved from
So many Australians, are going abroad that Australia House in London has installed a special hostess-guide to help them. She is Miss Margaret Vaile, who was well-known in Sydney during the war as a Public Relations Officer for the R.A.N. at Garden Island. Sydney Topics FUEL AND POWER SHORTAGES HERALD BLEAK WINTER (1950, April 19). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
In 1951 she was in Hobart:
Wrans Enjoyed Reception
Happy picture of Third Officer Margaret Vaile and W.O. Blair Bowden, members of the W.R.A.N.S., in Hobart yesterday. They were attending the Royal Empire Society reception at Wrest Pt. to celebrate the Commonwealth Jubilee and the visit of the Combined Commonwealth Fleet. Wrans Enjoyed Reception (1951, March 16). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Later that year she resigned from her commission:
Resignation.—The resignation of Margaret Collett Vaile of her appointment as Third Officer is accepted, dated 2nd October, 1951.—(Ex. Min. No. 79—Approved 11th December,1951.) NAVAL FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. (1951, December 20). Commonwealth of Australia Gazette (National : 1901 - 1973), p. 3220. Retrieved from
In 1953 Margaret returned to Sydney and joined The Sydney Morning Herald where, in 1962, she became women’s editor for both The Herald and The Sun-Herald.
In 1979 Margaret received an MBE 'for services to women and the community' and that same year retired to her home in Rayner road Whale Beach, a place she had built in 1952.
Margaret was a member of the Zonta Club of Sydney from 1967 - 1974 and became the Inaugural President of the Zonta Club of Northern Beaches in 1975, remaining a member until 1985. Her mother, who died in 1971, is buried in the same grave at Mona Vale Cemetery.
The August 16 ,1978 Minutes of the Warringah Shire Council Meeting listings for those nominated for CERTIFICATES OF OUTSTANDING SERVICE records:
PATCH, Gwendolyn Rose: Has been actively involved in many community and charitable organisations for some 15 years, these organisations include: the Girl Guides Association, the Barrenjoey High School Committee, Spastic Centre of N.S.W., Avalon Beach & District Chamber of Commerce, Charter Member and former Director Zonta International Service Organisation. Fund raising and promotions for Royal Far West Children's Home and Aboriginal Children's Welfare and Children's Refuge Centre, Terrey Hills. She has been a continual help and has cared for senior citizens and many others in needy circumstances in the Avalon area.
Another outstanding early member was Stella Elizabeth Law of Beacon Hill who was nominated for a Certificate of Community Service by Warringah Shire Council in September 1979 by the then Zonta Club of Warringah area.
In listing her volunteer work, the Zonta Club of Warringah stated Stella had been alternate Secretary/Treasurer from 1945 to 1950 of both the Panorama Progress Association and the Brookvale School P. & C. Association. She was the Inaugural Secretary of the 1st Brookvale Scouts and ten years with Beacon Hill Scouts. Stella served as President/Secretary/Treasurer of the Crippled Childrens' Society, was a Lions Lady for 17 years, Executive for 4 years in North Shore Lapidary Club, Vice President of Business and Professional Womens' Association of Warringah and Chairman of Service - 1978 with Zonta Club of Warringah Area. From: Minutes Ordinary Meeting, Warringah Shire Council, 24th September, 1979
Among their numerous speakers are a number of other leading women, a tradition that also goes back to their founding event:
Rabbi at the club
TEMPLE Emanuel Rabbi Jacqueline Ninio was guest speaker at a function organised by the Zonta Club of Warringah. The second female rabbi in the history of NSW, Rabbi Ninio was presented the club’s biennial study grant, which assists women who would otherwise not have the means to continue studying. Rabbi Ninio spoke about her life and why she chose to become a rabbi. - Australian Jewish News (Sydney, NSW : 1990 - 2008), Friday 29 October 1999, page 31
At Zonta Northern Beaches, the mission is aligned with that of Zonta International: to improve the legal, political, economic, educational, health, and professional status of women through service and advocacy.
''We strive for a world where no woman lives in fear of violence, and where gender equality is a reality.''
Some photos from the 2025 Zonta Club of the Northern Beaches International Women's Day breakfast run below.