September 15 - 21, 2013: Issue 128
A Week In Pittwater - September, 2013
Barking Owl by John Taylor

Local photographer, John Taylor, of Pittwater Camera Club, photographed a Barking Owl near Narrabeen Lagoon. The owl is a very rare visitor to our area and local wildlife authorities are hoping he will find a mate and make a permanent home here. If you are in the lake area and hear what sounds like a dog barking, have a good look, it may just be our rare and endangered visitor.
The Barking Owl (Ninox connivens), also known as the Barking Boobook or Winking Owl, is a nocturnalbird species native to mainland Australia and parts of Papua New Guinea and the Moluccas. They are a medium-sized brown owl and have an extremely characteristic voice that can range from a barking dog noise to a shrill woman-like scream of great intensity. Barking owls are often said to be the source to the myths andlegends surrounding the Bunyip. Barking Owl. (2013, August 31). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
Brian Friend OAM - Presentation at Government House by Fez Photos

A photo with my three boys at Government House yesterday (11.9.2013) . What a great day finished off with my four girls at the Lowenbrau Restaurant in the Argyle Cut at the Rocks.
Also ran into an old bloke I have met a few times at Touch footy where his grand kids play at Hitchcock Park, Avalon Beach. Sir Nicholas Shehadie, that formidable Wallaby forward. Plus, two wonderful people from the Manly Warringah Netball Association, Les and Vera Wiltshire. Friendly.

Pittwater Natural Heritage Association - Standing Up for Pittwater outside Hon. B Hazzard's Office - 11th of September

Pittwater Natural Heritage Association is a member of the Better Planning Network. We believe the proposed planning law does not respect our natural environment, so we want the draft law rewritten to recognise the principle of environmental sustainability. The law should ensure that the community can respond to individual development proposals as they are made, not just at the strategic level. The Pittwater community has worked with the Council to formulate our planning guidelines over many years. We do not this partnership over-ridden by the State Government. Michale Mannington photo.
The Mermaids of Palm Beach - A long way from home, by Esa Thomas. 2013 Bash Pictorialand words HERE

Put Your Foot Down for the Avener Nahmani Pancreatic Cancer Foundation 2013, by Michael Mannington, full report HERE

Birdfeast by A J Guesdon.

Birdfeast too by A J Guesdon.

Bottlebrush, by A J Guesdon.
Photos by as credited, 2013.