July 13 - 19, 2014: Issue 171
Avalon Active Seniors Art Group Exhibition 2014

Avalon Active Seniors Art Group Ladies.
Avalon Active Seniors Art Group Exhibition 2014
The 7th Annual Avalon Active Seniors Art Exhibition was open in Avalon Recreation Centre on Saturday 12th of July. The works on display were in a variety of mediums and addressed many subjects that caught the creator’s imagination. We saw wonderful works of all descriptions and techniques and a huge improvement in the work of artists from last year, even though 2013’s works were great too.
We spoke to those present about their year’s work and what is good about getting out and getting involved in the Art Group of Avalon Active Seniors.
What have you been painting this year?
I’ve been away for quite a few months and come back inspired and have finished three or four in the last month or so. I like doing Landscapes. These are always of Australian places – anything that takes my fancy.
What is the best thing about being part of the Avalon Active Seniors Art Group?
It’s fun! I’ve been doing this for quite a few years.
Gen with some of her works.
What have you been painting this year?
I haven’t been so much painting wise but have been getting back into it doing Landscapes, which I love, and flowers. Like Jen, I love Australian Landscapes.
What is the best thing about being part of the Avalon Active Seniors Art Group?
They make a mean cup of tea – they’re a great group, friendly, always happy.
Have you learnt anything this year or seen an advancement in your technique?
Yes, by continually painting you do improve.
Nan with some of her works.
What have you been painting this year?
Since my husband passed away I got back into my art. I’m enjoying it. It’s taking a while to pick it all back up again but I’m getting there. I do a lot of flowers – and I did that pelican one this year, I’ve done quite a few birds and flowers over the years, won some prizes and all sorts of things, sold a lot too.
What’s the best thing for you about being part of the Avalon Active Seniors Art Group?
I think it’s a great social day to be with everybody, and being able to paint together – I think that’s great. You get more inspired.
Have you learnt anything this year or seen an advancement in your technique?
I think you learn every time you pick up the paintbrush. You’re challenged and think ‘I’ve got to do that somehow or other and you work out how to and get it done.
Muriel with some of her works.
Margaret, you’re here again this year - what have you been painting this year?
Yes, I’m enjoying it, I think this might be my last Exhibition but when you see the final result you think ‘I’ve got to keep going’. This year I’ve done some Landscapes and flowers.
Can you see an improvement in your work?
Not really (laughs).
Other ladies state: she’s being modest and is already very good.
What’s the best thing for you about being part of the Avalon Active Seniors Art Group?
Being with friends and having a good time and enjoying it.
Margaret with some of her works
Barbara T:
What have you been painting this year?
Well I haven’t been painting Landscapes. I went on a trip to Italy and it really inspired me so I’ve been doing pictures from there and have also been making things up out of my own head – so I’m always doing something different all the time. I don’t really stick to one theme.
What’s the best thing for you about being part of the Avalon Active Seniors Art Group?
I love it, the people are great, and although we don’t have a tutor we just ask each other ‘what should I have done there?’ and some will say ‘put more shadows in’ or something else – so we do have tutors, we’re all tutors. We’re all learning all the time, so it’s fantastic for that.
Have you seen an improvement in your work this year?
I used to do watercolours, which I loved, but it’s quite expensive and quite exacting, so I’ve gone on to acrylics this year and I’m enjoying that and think I’m getting better at it.
Barbara T with some of her works
What have you been doing this year?
Lots of painting and coming to class. I like doing Seascapes but I do other things as well, flowers, bits and pieces.
Can you see an improvement in your work since last year?
All the time – I’m still learning. 15 years down the track, I’m going to learn one day. I’ll get there.
What’s the best thing for you about being part of the Avalon Active Seniors Art Group?
Good friends and the company and they put up with me.
Put up with you? Are you the rapscallion of the group?
So they tell me.
June with some of her works
What have you been doing this year?
I went back and did a second eight week’s course with Stephanie Brown. It was a smaller class this time and I think I learnt more this year – I’ve done a portrait which doesn’t look anything like the subject but I fell now that I’m able to keep trying and perhaps get some likeness.
Can you see an improvement in your work since last year?
In my confidence to keep trying, yes. I am getting better at eyes. This year I have here acrylics in the Exhibition and even a watercolour this time.
I had some paint left over, that I’d already mixed for the portrait that I did, so I painted a lion’s head with oils, so I’ll probably fiddle aro8nd a bit with oils soon too.
What’s the best thing for you about being part of the Avalon Active Seniors Art Group?
The company is wonderful, and it’s really exciting as well. We’ve had Owen with us for a while, but then this year we got two Johns and then a Bill turned up the other day, and they all do very good work, all their painting is beautiful. Owen is probably our star.
Andree and some of her works.
Now Owen, the ladies tell me you’re the star of the group…
Oh dear, (laughs) now how can I be modest about that?
What have you been painting this year?
Mostly figures this year. I use mostly acrylics, partly because my son can’t tolerate my watercolours and oils are too slow. I have done a bit of work with pastels in the past, so I have a couple of acrylics here and a couple of pastels here as well this year.
How long have you been painting?
Years – I’ve got an OBE now and I have to try and cope with that.
‘Over Bloody Eighty’.
Oh goodness – I thought I was talking to an esteemed individual there for a moment...
You are, you are….(laughs). This is what I enjoy about the Group. The ladies look after me and spoil me – I don’t deserve it, but I enjoy it just the same.
But I hear that two Johns and a Bill have joined in this year – so you have some competition now.
Oh yes, but they don’t stay for long – they soon know who’s boss. (Laughs).
What’s the best thing for you about being part of the Avalon Active Seniors Art Group?
It’s the companionship really. We all have similar interests and it’s great fun. It’s a hobby that’s very enjoyable.
Do you help each other learn more?
Oh yes we do. We go around and comment and are quite truthful with each other; ‘don’t you think you ought to do this’ sort of thing. And people says ‘yes’ and don’t. (laughs).
Owen with some of his works.
Barbara S:
What have you painted this year?
I’ve painted a couple of things thus year but haven’t spent as much time at it this year as I would have liked.
Have you seen an improvement in your work?
Yes, I hope so.
Barbara S with some of her works.
Shirley with some of her works.
Avalon Active Seniors Group Inc
The Avalon Active Seniors Group (AASG) is a social and educational group for older people living in the Pittwater area. For further information you can contact Judi Wilson at The Avalon Recreation Centre on 9970 1273 or the Group President, Colleen Sheerin, (9997 3953). If you would like to become a member of the Avalon Active Seniors, please complete an application form and send it along with your $10 annual membership fee to the Treasurer.

John and Barbara Seaton with Owen and Bob Grace, Pittwater Councilor.
Report and Pictures by A J Guesdon, 2014.