December 7- 13, 2014: Issue 192
Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber

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We work together to accomplish collectively what we could not achieve as individual businesses. In this way we encourage business growth and market our area as a vibrant, attractive destination.
We are now officially the AVALON PALM BEACH BUSINESS CHAMBER INC. This is not an amalgamation as we have always represented businesses from Bilgola to Palm Beach. We thought the name change would better indicate the area we support.
The chamber officially registered its name change on 29/10/14 and we are gradually updating our website and Facebook pages.
Bruce Goold –one of our fabulous local artists is working on a new logo for us. Our website is being updated. We are looking at it being something iconic similar to Carmel Chamber USA and Berry NSW so will have lots of info re local area and attractions as well as servicing our business members.
The chamber has 71 financial members at present and we are keen to encourage all local business owners to join. You may not have time for meetings but there is strength in numbers and we can better serve your interests the larger the voice we have.
What services does Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc. provide?
Joining the Chamber gives you all the following opportunities:
Opportunity to build relationships with other local businesses through regular networking events and meetings, member list and member events
Opportunity to promote your business to other members & to the Avalon, Bilgola, Careel Bay, Clareville, Palm Beach and Whale Beach communities
Opportunity for business development through Chamber events and through other members.
We also promote, manage and contribute to local events - Avalon Market Day, sponsoring the recent Pittwater Community Arts Annual Art Show, it's 10 year celebration, and the upcoming Artspot in January 2015.
Whom may apply to use these services?
The chamber represents all business owners who have an identifiable presence in the 2107-2108 postcodes. This could be a home based business, artist, tradesperson, retailer, professional up to corporations.
How does a local business become a member?
New members can join under the member tab on our website by submitting an online application and pay via Pay Pal or other methods.
As part of our Christmas Program we are offering a member discount for new members who sign up before 18/12/14. The member subscription to 30/6/15 will be $60 instead of $130.00.
New members will be able to participate in our Christmas Decorating Competition which starts on 1/12/14. Member businesses are asked to decorate their business premises from 1/12/14. This could be your retail store, home office, studio, truck, café or professional offices.
What are the hours for meetings?
Our formal meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday –July AGM, February & October.
Our volunteer Management committee and subcommittee details are on our website:
The chamber also has a local Networking Event on the first Wednesday evening of March, June, September, December.
What is coming up for Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc.?

The community are asked to like and share our Chamber of Commerce Facebook page and post a photo of their favourite businesses’ Christmas decorations.
The community member who posts the photo that receives the most likes will receive a $1000.00 voucher redeemable for goods and services from any combination of our Chamber Members. The chamber member who receives the most likes for their Christmas decorations will also receive a $1000 voucher redeemable for goods and services from our members.
This could be a night at Jonah’s, an outfit from Peaches or Catts, some Homewares from Rust, web design by Intervision, some legal advice from Stuart Latham or Avalon Law or any member combination desired.
The winners will be announced at our late night shopping event in Avalon Village on Thursday 18/12/14.
We will have carol singers, Santa, children’s prizes and hopefully some Christmas specials from participating members for gifts, food or services.
Santa will also be in Avalon on Saturday morning 20/12/14 to promote Carols by The Sea 4.30pm at Avalon Beach SLC. Thanks to Pittwater Council and the Avalon Beach and Palm Beach chamber of commerce we will have fireworks on the night!
This will be a nice lead up to Artspot 3/1-11/1/158and Polo by The Sea 10/1/15. Our committee will be getting on with Place Management and Events for next year, as well as negotiating with Pittwater Council for improved services in the area.
The Avalon Street Art Project’s first event at Avalon Market Day was a great success and they have several more locations waiting to be enhanced. We are also looking at our Winter Festival on the solstice weekend 20-21/6/15.
How should people contact the Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc.?
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
For general enquiries:

Ian Laidlaw, Susie Fitzgerald, Ros Marsh and Jayne Denshire - Committee members.
The Annual General Meeting of the Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc. held 24/7/2014 elected the following Office Bearers and General Committee Members to form the Committee of Management for the 2014/2015 year.
President: Ros Marsh
A Small Biz Minder:
Vice President: Cathy Agosti-Bliss
McGrath Real Estate Avalon:
Treasurer: Katherine Corbett
Go Kat Go Business Centre:
Secretary: Margaret Hutchings
Committee members:
Susie Fitzgerald - Peaches of Avalon
susiefitzgerald@optusnet.comIan Laidlaw: Hair by Scallys (Ian was part of the Volunteers group who went to Soibada earlier this year)
Barbara Hermann: Avalon Organics
Sub Committees:
Avalon Market Day -15/11/14
Convenor – Sue Blakeney
Avalon Street Art Project 8/1/2015
Chamber Contact
Katherine Corbett
Go Kat Go Business Centre:
Events Sub Committee Convenor
Jayne Denshire:
Chamber Representatives:
Enliven Leadership Group
Ros Marsh
Jayne Denshire:

Photos by A J Guesdon.