February 17 - 23, 2013: Issue 98
Avalon Junior Rugby League Club's Masters and NRL Legends Season Launch to Support the Sunnyside Association
16th of February, 2013

Matt from Manly and Avalon Bulldog's boys in ‘NRL Come and Try Junior Clinic’. Below: practicing tackling. By AJG

Matt and Michael Birtwhistle, President Avalon Bulldogs Junior Rugby League Club

Above and below: Masters game by Michael Mannington.

Above and below: Masters Game by AJG

Ben, apprentice photographer, trying out one of Glenn's cameras.

Masters Game; this is not a try (??!!). By AJG.

Sam Harris and Sam Blundell, 'B1 and B2'. By AJG.

Jason Death by AJG.

Cliffy Lyons by AJG.

Jan and Ernie Parker.

Above and below; Legends Game. Photos by Glenn Nicholls.

Half-time entertainment. AJG pic.

Attending photographers. AJG pic.

Both airborne! AJG pic.
Pictures this page by Glenn Nicholls, Michael Mannington and A J Guesdon, 2013. All Rights Reserved.