July 6 - 12, 2014: Issue 170
Bangalley Headland Self Guided Walk ...and a few Extras of the week
Bangalley Headland Self Guided Walk
We met at lest 30 other walkers on Bangalley Headland during Friday’s glorious sunshine. Some were there o watch whales, and had seen at least 10 in the two hours they had been stationed looking north towards Barenjoey, at least four were families taking youngsters for a romp over the hills, and a few gentlemen were hiking as well as visitors to the area.
On the lawns overlooking the rock platform just north of St Michael’s Cave people gathered to picnic in the warm mid-winter sunshine.
We did see a number of whales but they were too far out to sea to see very well on a camera – so instead we share some of what is flowering I mid –winter, as Australia is one of the frew places in the world that has native bushflowers that bloom each season, and would like to remind people that Pittwater Council has put together a Self Guided Walk pamphlet, link for download below, which you can print out and use to recognise what you are seeing along the way. Some of these flowers are tiny so you have to keep your eyes opne and look for their blazes of coloured light among the greenery.
The Loop track has markers which match this pamphlet and all you need do is look around you and see, not only the sea, but all the wonderful plants which combine to make this a very special headland and reserve in Pittwater.
So grab your hat, grab your binoculars, some water, fruit and sunscreen and get out along the tracks and paths of Pittwater - bliss for free in all seasons from the bush to the hilltops to the wetlands to the estuary and sea!
Bangalley Headland Self Guided Walk pamphlet at (746kb – PDF):

Mid-Winter Flowerings

Coastal Wattle (Acacia longifolia ssp. Sophora) flowers mid-Winter through to mid-Spring and is one of approximately 960 species of Acacia in Australia, and more than 235 in NSW. Many people say 'when you see the wattles flowering it means we're heading back to Spring!'.

(Banksia ericifolia) - see Banksias of Pittwater

(Banksia integrifolia) - see Banksias of Pittwater

Native peas. Above: False Native Sarsaparilla, Purple Coral Pea, Happy Wanderer, Native Lilac, Warraburra (Hardenbergia violacea)

Above and below: Tiny tiny flowers at your feet ....

Flannel Flower (Actinotus helianthi).

Named Queen-of-the-bush and the Slender or Flax-leafed Riceflower (Pimelea linifolia).
The Loop Track

The old Trig Station here is 116m above sea level, the highest point on the coast between Manly and Broken Bay.

The View From Up Here

The view south over Avalon.

The view north to Barrenjoey.

Variegated Fairy Wrens

Variegated Fairy-wren (Malurus lamberti) - Above: male with breeding plumage.
The Variegated Fairy-wren is the most widespread of the nine species of fairy-wrens found in Australia. They feed on insects and seeds and live in large groups. When we were walking back down the hill we were suddenly surrounded by a group of over twenty of them, all chirping madly at us. Wonderful!
Variegated Fairy-wren (Malurus lamberti) - Below: female

Great Place For A Picnic

King Parrots In Our Yard
These two King Parrots (Alisterus scapularis) female and male, have been visiting the yard and deck ledge every day this week, morning and afternoon, and sit calling for the Ed., then warble something (bird speakers please apply to translate) when asked 'Yes?' and 'What's your name?' before flying north.
They are not the same two that were visiting here last year....King Parrots in Our Front Yards ... and generate the query ...do birds let other birds know about good tree yards and who in the human world will coo to them in adoration?
Yes: you need only spend an hour or two in our reserves or your own yard to realise there is other communities here, who are aware of each other and each other's ranges and home places, and if you sit listening may hear them calling to each other across the valleys in what must be 'where are you?' as much as 'nice banksias with good nectar flowering here' across the element of ether (Aether).

South Avalon - 1.7.2014

Pictures by A J Guesdon, 2014