July 7 - 13, 2013: Issue 118
Barrenjoey Headland - Proposed Amendments Alarming Community

Barrenjoey Lighthouse Keepers Cottages. Photo by A J Guesdon, 2013.
Barrenjoey Headland - Proposed Ammendments
Pittwater residents may be forgiven for feeling they are under attack from all sides recently. A claim that Pittwater, Warringah and Manly Councils would be millions of dollars better off if amalgamated has been descried by local groups as not illuminating the fact that statistics referred to are based on a New Zealand model where the truth, should it be heard, is that these amalgamated councils are now not tens of millions of dollars better off due to being 8 billion dollars in debt. The report has been commissioned by Warringah Council and is available on their website at: http://yoursaywarringah.com.au/document/show/954
Local groups, besides monitoring yet another application for masses of units per hectare in Warriewood, have also been rallying as one this week to scrutinise NSW Government Environment and Heritage Department and National Parks and Wildlife documents that state they will change small words in big Plans of Management that may allow developments on Barrenjoey not yet clearly detailed.
To add further insight we are forestalling this month’s scheduled Ladies Histories Pittwater Matriarchs – Settlers until later in the year and running four week’s of Barrenjoey Headland and Barrenjoey lighthouse pages, beginning with leases and lessees. This week we have received the Press Releases listed below from the Hon. Rob Stokes MP for Pittwater and the Palm Beach and Whale Beach Association, who are organising a rally on Sunday 14th July at 11 am in the parking area north of “The Boathouse”.
Add underlined text to existing text in paragraph 2 as follows: 9
The area at the top of Barrenjoey Head which includes the prominent lighthouse and keepers cottages, has also been listed on the Register of the National Estate and the Barrenjoey Head Lightstation and headland, including the Customs House precinct, has been listed on the New South Wales State Heritage Register.
2. Page 24 Section 4.1.6 Historic Heritage
Change the existing text in paragraph 3:
Barrenjoey Head has only recently been included in the national park. A draft conservation and cultural tourism plan has been prepared for the site and is likely to be implemented during the term of this plan to state:
Barrenjoey Head, excluding the 11 hectares that comprise the lighthouse precinct, was added to Ku-ring-gai Chase National park in 1995 and the remaining 11 hectares were added in 2002.
A heritage landscape plan for the site was prepared in 2003 and a conservation management plan for the site was prepared in 2012.
3. Page 27 Section 4.1.6 Historic Heritage; Policies and Actions
Add the following text as dot point 5:
At Barrenjoey Head, all works to the buildings or the site will require a permit under section 60 of the Heritage Act unless covered by the Office of Environment and Heritage “Standard Exemptions for Works Requiring Heritage Office Approval”. Any excavation will need to comply with the requirements of the Heritage Act and be undertaken in accordance with any conditions imposed by an approval issued under the Act.
4. Page 27 Section 4.1.6 Historic Heritage; Policies and Actions Amend the following text of dot points 11 and 12:
* The shacks and boat shed at the base of Barrenjoey Head will be recorded and may be removed subject to the provisions of the Conservation and Cultural Tourism Plan.
* The Service will implement the Conservation and Cultural Tourism Plan following public exhibition and adoption. to state (new text underlined):
* The shacks and boat shed at the base of Barrenjoey Head will be recorded and may be removed guided by the provisions of the Barrenjoey Headland Conservation Management Plan, 2012 and, where appropriate, provisions of the NSW Heritage Act.
* Management of Barrenjoey Head will be guided by the Barrenjoey Headland Conservation Management Plan, 2012 and by the provisions of the NSW Heritage Act.
Remove the following text from dot point 12: following public exhibition and adoption.
5. Pages 27- 28 Section 4.1.6 Historic Heritage; Policies and Actions Replace dot points 13, 14 and 15: 10
* The 1881 configuration and pre-1932 fabric of the lighthouse and lighthouse keepers cottages will be managed in accordance with the Conservation and Cultural Tourism Plan.
*As far as possible the fabric of the lighthouse and the lighthouse keepers cottages will be preserved and interpreted; the roofs of the cottages may be coloured to make them less obvious; the verandahs may be reconstructed or retained in their closed-in state; no new openings will be created in the buildings and no partitions erected in the tower; and the cottages may be used for staff accommodation, holiday accommodation for the public and/or to house an interpretive display.
*The introduced plants outside the house gardens on Barrenjoey Head will be removed. with the following text:
* Management of Barrenjoey Head will be guided by the policies of the Barrenjoey Headland Conservation Management Plan, 2012 and the Heritage Landscape Plan for Barrenjoey Headland, Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, 2003.
* The buildings at Barrenjoey Head may be adaptively re-used for any purpose consistent with the management principles for national parks including but not limited to caretaker accommodation, accommodation for visitors and tourists, conferences, functions, restaurants, cafes, kiosks and other food and beverage provision and interpretation. Any adaptive reuse will also be consistent with the provisions of the NSW Heritage Act.
Add the following references:
OEH (2012) Barrenjoey Headland Conservation Management Plan. Report prepared for OEH by the Department of Public Works.
NPWS (2003) Heritage Landscape Plan for Barrenjoey Headland, Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. Report prepared for NPWS by Phillips Marler Architecture/Landscape Architecture.
OEH Interim Corporate Plan 2012-13
NSW 2021: A Plan to make NSW No. 1
Full Document At: http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/resources/planmanagement/draft/20130246KurringaiNPPOMAmend2013.pdf
Again you are invited to ‘have your say’ and may mail, email or upload documents at: http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/parkmanagement/kurringgaimgmtplanammends.htm
Headland Plan Of High Concern
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today said he is strongly opposed to any changes to the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park Plan of Management which could adversely impact on Barrenjoey Headland’s unique environmental and heritage characteristics.
Potential changes to the Plan of Management, outlining various options to improve recreational and visitor opportunities, are currently on public exhibition by the National Parks and Wildlife Service until July 15.
Despite accurately identifying Barrenjoey Headland’s tourism potential, infrastructure requirements and commercial opportunities, there is strong resistance against any proposals which could threaten the area’s character and long-term preservation.
“This certainly isn’t an area of Pittwater which can be casually fiddled with, “Rob Stokes said today. “Barrenjoey Headland has enormous environmental and heritage significance and any management changes must be thoroughly considered.
“Whilst some alterations or improvements may be necessary – nothing should be done which may change or ruin the unique character of the area.
“The proposed amendments to the Plan of Management can be viewed on the Department and Environment and Heritage’s website -
Palm Beach and Whale Beach Association organises a rally to protect Barrenjoey Heritage.
The PB&WBA has strong concerns about some elements of the “Proposed Amendments to the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park Management Plan”.
Of particular concern is the master plan proposal dealing with proposed tourist facilities at Barrenjoey Headland. The PB&WBA believes intensification of development in this precinct would have a very negative impact on the heritage value of the Lighthouse, Custom House and other aspects of the Headland.
The PB&WBA feels so strongly about this matter that it is organising a rally. Their aim is to give people the opportunity to understand the full impact this proposal would have on the area, and to let National Parks and Wildlife Service know how strongly the community feels about these heritage issues.
The plans could include a sealed road along the beachfront to provide access to the headland. Franchises for food outlets and a possible convention centre would dramatically alter the natural heritage value of the headland
The rally will take place in the vicinity of the parking area north of “The Boathouse” on Sunday 14th July at 11 am. Speakers will include the Mayor of Pittwater, Jacqueline Townsend, Deputy Mayor of Pittwater, Cr. Bob Grace, Council representatives, and local community groups. A motion demanding the heritage of Barrenjoey Headland be preserved and maintained will be moved by Harvey Rose (convenor for People for Pittwater) and seconded by Bryce Ross Jones (life member PB&WBA)
Bob Grace, Wliga and Harvey Rose, Storm Jacklin, Janette Davie at the Caretakers Cottage, Barrenjoey Headland Palm Beach.
Photo by Michael Mannington.
Storm Jacklin, President of PB&WBA, who will MC the rally, said “The heritage of the Barrenjoey Headland is endangered by many of the proposals now being considered. All who care about the heritage of our community should try to attend the rally on Sunday, to make their views known before it is too late.”
The PBWBA is protesting NSW National Parks plans to commercialise Barrenjoey Headland.
PB&WB Association Online petition against changes that would allow commercialisation of Barrenjoey Headland

Palm Beach and Whale Beach Association members and the upcoming generation gather at Barrenjoey on Wednesday. Photo by Michael Mannington, 2013.