Bayview Wharf
Where current day Bayview Anchorage is was once a very long wharf jutting out into the estuary of Pittwater. Alongside it was the first Bayview Baths, a wire fenced enclosure, where people may swim without fear of being bitten by the sharks that were once prevalent in Pittwater. Constructed at the turn of the century in order for food producers and fisher families to load up their goods onto steamers, it was built after the Church Point wharf and the Victoria Wharf below current day Newport Hotel.
As with so many rural enterprises, as Pittwater was considered 'country' then, residents had to step up and speak for themselves through their local MP;
MESSRS, BURNS AND CULLEN, members for St Leonards, brought under the notice of the Minister for Works yesterday the movement at Pittwater for the erection of a publio wharf at Newport .They presented an influentially-signed petition in favour of the erection of a wharf at Sunnyside, and stated that another petition, praying that the wharf be erected at the foot of Queen's-parade, in the same quarter, had been sent to the Minister for Lands. Mr. Bruce Smith promised to make the necessary inquiries as to the necessity for the wharf, and to let the deputation know the result. The Sydney Morning Herald. (1889, May 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
Messrs. Burns and Cullen, M.L.A., introduced to the Minister for Public Works yesterday a number of the residents of Pittwater, who wished to bring under his notice certain matters concerning the erection of a wharf at Sunnyside, Pittwater. Mr. Bauer Smith told the deputation that there were already two reports in the Department, and these were in opposition to the erection of the wharf. However, he was not quite satisfied as to what was the best course to adopt, and he would therefore direct an officer of the department to specially report on the project. THE WHARF AT PITTWATER. (1889, July 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
There were already two wharves on the Newport side of the estuary, one towards where Waterview Street Mona Vale is now, and the Victoria Wharf built by Piles and Jeannerett in 1880 and named for Queen Victoria. This was the place her sons boarded a steamer for their visit and a day trip up the Hawkesbury River in 1881. It would take more lobbying of their representatives to get a public wharf built for the people on the western shores, and years of it before Tenders were called and a contractor selected - the reasoning was there weren't enough people or produce on the Bayview side and the Church Point wharf could service those needing to land here - it had been built in 1885:
DEPUTATIONS TO THE MINISTER FOR WORKS.— A number of deputations will wait upon the Minister for Works this morning. At 11.30 Mr. D. Thomson, M.L.A. will introduce a number of residents of Bayview with reference to a wharf at Bayview. At noon the residents of Narrabeen and Pittwater will press upon the Minister the necessity of tramway traffic being provided between Manly and Narrabeen. The Sydney Morning Herald. (1898, October 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
WHARF ACCOMMODATION AT BAYVIEW. A deputation was introduced by Mr Dugald Thomson to the Minister for Works yesterday. It comprised representatives of Bayview, who urged the Minister to provide adequate wharfage accommodation for local requirements. There was at present a wharf at Church Point, but that was too far removed from the centre of population and trade. If there had been deep water right up to the shore that deputation would not have troubled the Government, but owing to the existence of long mudflats the cost of erecting a suitable wharf would be so great that it would not pay private enterprise to undertake the work. Fishermen and settlers generally were seriously handicapped now because of the cost and the difficulty of shipment of their fish and produce.
The Minister said he recognised that the construction of a wharf would be convenient to many persons, and he thought a case had been made out for further inquiry. He would not make any promise however, because he saw from the papers before him that the undertaking would be an expensive one, and he would not be justified in sanctioning it unless it appeared on further inquiry that the results which would follow would justify the expenditure. WHARF ACCOMMODATION AT BAYVIEW. (1898, October 14).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
Construction of wharf, &c , at Bayview. Pittwater, 5 tenders received, M J. Woodbury, £686 6s 5d, lowest PUBLIC TENDERS. (1900, April 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
M J Woodbury was Matthew James Woodbury of Wyong, a pioneer settler of that region who resided on Mangrove Creek. He was also responsible for the Tuggerah Wharf (sometimes called Woodbury's wharf) which was built for fisherman circa 1900 too. He was partners with a man named 'Smith' in Smith & Woodbury - Timber Merchants. As with so many Pittwater histories, the Central Coast and Hawkesbury people are intertwined. Many of the steamers that carried produce away took it to be offloaded onto trains at Brooklyn. Much of the timber and tin that was needed for local structures was milled on this great river and transported down it to Pittwater.
MATTHEW JAMES WOODBURY. THE GRAND OLD MAN OF WYONG. (1838-1921) There passed away at 11 o'clock on Sunday night, 20th March, 1921, a man who will never be forgotten as long as Wyong endures, for he was the father of Wyong, and every inhabitant loved him as a child loves a parent. He truly possessed every virtue in high degree; he was gentleness personified; a man of truth, and his word was his bond. Born on the Mangrove over 83 years ago, his father being an Australian, he came of long-lived people, for his mother died at about 89 and his grandmother at 100. Remaining on the Mangrove till he was 18 years of age, he then proceeded to the Snowy River gold fields at the very time when the white diggers had made a raid upon the Chinese, gold miners, and cut their long pig tails off. Some time later he found his way to the Wollombi, and thence to the Cedars, Wyong, where and at his late residence he resided 55 years. Hence he was one of the first pioneers that settled in the Wyong district. For half a century the dear old 'Cedars' was his home. In the far away days only two kinds of wood were extensively used, oak and cedar, the former for shingles and the latter for fine cabinet work . The timber and the shingles were carted to Maitland, and even slides were much in use when roads were impassable for drays. Away via Yarramalong and the Wollombi to Maitland was the route. In the bush 50 years ago there were practically no timber- getters, except shingle splitters and cedar cutters. When about 27 years of age he married Miss Eliza O'Neill, of The Cedars. She was a lady beloved by to her husband. Great was his grief when some seven years ago she passed away. He never ceased to mourn his loss, even though his children continually ministered unto his comfort in the most loving manner. His sorrowing daughters are Miss Woodbury, Mrs. W. A. Chapman, Mrs. W. Baldwin, and Miss O. Woodbury, and his sons, Councillor W. B. Woodbury, and Mr. Edwin Woodbury, to whom we extend our deepest sympathy. Our late friend was the Chairman of the Directors of the Wyong Butter Factory, and had been Chairman from the inception of the company. Hisvery last conversations were about the re-building of the factory on the ideal old site. He possessed a wonderful memory, and up to within a few hours of his end, his mental faculties were unimpaired. He knew he was nearing The Bar, and was much comforted to see a number of his devoted children round his bedside. The remains were brought to his beloved church, where service was conducted by Rev. Father Herlihy, and thence removed, by procession to the Jilliby cemetery, where a very solemn service was followed by a most eloquent ad-dress by the priest, which will be treasured in the memory of Protestants and Catholics alike. for years to come as a grand tribute to a good man. The immense concourse, testified to the worth and to the nobility of character of Matthew James Woodbury. Numerous wreaths and floral , tributes were offered by loving friends. — 'Gosford Times.' MATTHEW JAMES WOODBURY. (1921, April 1). Windsor and Richmond Gazette (NSW : 1888 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Eight months after he officially won the contract to oversee these works the Bayview Wharf was opened:
The opening of the Bay View Pier took place on Saturday afternoon at Pittwater, in the presence of a large and representative gathering. The ceremony was performed by Mr. Dugald Thomson, M.L A.(member for the district), who was accompanied by Captain Millard and Mr, J.J. Cohen, M. L.A , Dr. Cullen. M.L.C , Messrs W. H. Fletcher (Mayor of Manly, J. M. Purves (Mayor of North Sydney), P T. Taylor, Hopkins, Waterhouse, J. Symonds, Vivian, Devlin, Bennett, Watt and others. The party left Sydney shortly after 9 o'clock in the morning for Manlv, whence the journey was made to Bay View by special coaches. The drive was much enjoyed, and at its termination the party boarded a steam launch which was in attendance at the pier, and made a trip round Pittwater as far as Barranjoey and back to the wharf. The new wharf is a substantial structure, and has been erected by the Government for the purpose of landing and shipping passengers and produce. The water journey over, the party adjourned to Buist's Hotel, where luncheon was served. The chair was occupied by Mr. P. T. Taylor. A brief toast list was honoured, which included "The Queen," proposed by the chairman, and enthusiastically honoured , “Parliament" proposed by Mr. Hopkins, and responded to by Dr. Cullen and Captain Millard; " The District," proposed hy Mr. J. J. Cohen, supported by Mr. J. M. Purves, and replied to by Messrs. J. Symonds and Waterhouse ; " The Member for the District," by Mr. Vivian, and responded to by Mr. Dugald Thomson; "The Visitors," and " The Press." BAY VIEW PIER. (
1900, December 3).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from

Bayview Wharf, 1900. Photos courtesy NSW Records and Archives

Bayview is steadily rising in Importance. Thousands who visit the locality gush over its lovely scenery, and its residents regard it as one of the most favored spots oil earth; and If any suggestion be made to the contrary, they are ready with numerous arguments to support that opinion. The present Government, acting upon the sagacious suggestion of the member for the district, Mr. Dugald Thomson, has caused to be constructed there a new pier, which will be appreciated not only by the frequent callers who make the journey thither by water, and whose yachts, during the season lend an additional charm to the seascape, but by the settlers in the place, who receive and send away many tons of produce in the year. The official opening of the pier took place on Saturday, and a small party left Sydney in the early morning to take part in the proceedings. Among the visitors were: Messrs. Dugald Thomson, Millard, arid Cohen, Ms.L.A., Dr. Cullen. M.L.C., the Mayor of Manly (Alderman Fletcher), the Mayor of North Sydney (Alderman Purves),and Alderman T. J. West (Mayor of Paddington).
Although somewhat threatening in the early part of the day, there was no rain, for which the party appeared thankful. The journey over the road from Manly acted like a good tonic, and all were in good spirits when they arrived at Bayview, where they received a cordial welcome from Mr. P. T. Taylor, president of the local progress association, Mr. J. J. Roche, and other residents.
After a pleasant chat about the weather, the fruit-producing powers of the district, the poultry, and suchlike matters of importance, the visitors were conducted under a gaily-decorated arch down the approach to the wharf. The latter is strongly built, is 140ft long, and there is a good depth of water alongside.
Mr. Thomson mounted a portion of a recently-discharged cargo, and was requested by Mr. Taylor to perform the interesting ceremony. In giving expression to that desire, Mr. Taylor intimated that the residents were very much indebted to the Minister for Works (Mr. O'Sullivan), and to Mr. Thomson, for the erection of the wharf. Successive Ministers had promised that it should be done before, but their promises had been of pie-crust frailty. However, when the Minister visited the place with the member for the district a little while ago, he was impressed with its necessity, and tenders were called a few weeks later. That, of course, spoke volumes for the energy of the present Government, and particularly for Mr. O'Sullivan. Mr. Thomson, in that spirit of modesty which becomes a member of Parliament so well, declined to take all the credit for the work.
'There were, he said, the strongest grounds for carrying it out. Those of you who have been living here for so many years will remember the difficulties that have been experienced in landing goods. Men were obliged to wade through mud, and women and children to be carried. The work was certainly warranted. You will also remember that Mr. Roche, with commendable energy and enterprise, constructed a wharf himself, which the waves, with equal energy and enterprise, quickly destroyed, and it became necessary to have some better and more substantial means of approach. The Minister saw that necessity, and could not resist fulfilling his promise. I am glad you have the wharf, which will be of immense use to the district, and I hope that this ceremony will be a happy omen for the future.
The ceremony over, the party boarded the steam launch Surprise, and were conveyed round Pittwater, and a delightful hour was spent viewing the glorious scenery which meets the eye on all sides. They were landed opposite the establishment of Mr. Buist, at which they enjoyed an excellent luncheon. The toast of 'The Queen' having been honored, Mr. L. Hopkins proposed the 'Ministry and Parliament.' In responding, Dr. Cullen referred to the importance of the Bayview district. Its claims would, he said, be recognised in the future, and although they might have to wait for it, the tramway would come at last. With reference to the second Chamber of Parliament, the members of that body were abused and ridiculed a great deal; but they had to ask themselves if they had any business there unless they had to exercise their judgement upon the measures submitted to them — to act fairly and squarely to the whole of the people of the colony. He claimed that, with all its faults, the Legislative Council had tried to do so. He claimed that the second Chamber had rendered many services to the country during the present session. Over and over again the representatives of the other branch of the Legislature, who were elected by the people, were tempted by the least thoughtful to forget the duties, which thy owed to the sober-minded, hard-working members of the community, who were not so well represented in the other Chamber; and measures that were passed by representatives who sat night and day needed the close attention of a revising Chamber. He appealed to the people of New South Wales to remember that while they had a second Chamber it was entitled to respect. If they did not respect it, let them sweep it out of existence at once. Although he was not in favor of a nominee Chamber, with life tenure, still that was better than having only one Chamber, but if it was not worthy of respect it should not be there. If the people wished for faithful service, and a court of appeal that would try fairly and squarely to serve the interests, not of any one class, but of the whole population, let them show the press of the country that they respected the Legislative Council and appreciated the work of its members. Mr. Millard, M.L.A, also responded. Mr. Cohen, M.L.A., proposed 'Success to the District,' and during his remarks made reference to the fact that its member would be a candidate for a seat in the Federal Parliament, expressing a hope that he would be found among its members. Mr. Mr. Purves supported the toast, and in doing so said he believed it was the Minister's intention to construct a tram lino from Manly to Bayview. The toast was also responded to by Messrs, Taylor, J. Symonds (hon. sec), and Joseph Waterhouse. Mr. W. H. Vivian proposed 'The Member for the District,' which was cordially honored. Mr. Thomson spoke at some length in reply. Mr. C. Bennett proposed 'The Visitors,' which was responded to by Alderman Fleischer and Alderman West. A VISIT TO BAYVIEW. (1900, December 3). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 4. Retrieved from

Bayview Wharf, 1900. Photo courtesy NSW Records and Archives
Mr. P. W. Gledhill, secretary of the Manly Warringah and Pittwater Historical Society, in a lecture to the society last night on the early history of the Bayview-Pittwater district, said that settlement began with the survey of Robert Campbell's grant of 709 acres in May, 1814. Fields of wheat and other crops flourished near Pittwater in those early days. A map in the journal of Captain Hunter, who in 1789 surveyed McCarr’s Creek, at the south-west corner of Pittwater, showed an 18ft channel in the creek, where now there was not more than 6ft at high tide. The name Bayview went back to 1882, when a post-office was opened in the residence of Mrs. Collins. BAYVIEW AND PITTWATER. (
1936, June 19).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from
The price for this new wharf seems substantial until you see what was built (above). A later picture:
In the hands of Mr. Roche and a few others, fruit-growing and poultry farming is a paying industry and will be sure to extend. Our illustration, " A Cluster of Lemons," grown by Mr. Roche, on his Bay View Orchard, will compare favorably with any fruit of the kind grown in this country or any other. The lemons, which are of the Lisbon variety, and are very juicy, are simply superb, and grow close to the salt water in the greatest profusion ; and oranges, which are of the Siletta variety, are among the sweetest and best ever grown.
On Mr. Roche's property are several small caves, interesting as the unmistakable residence of generations of blackfellows, and the shells and debris collected show ages of habitation, and what is now used as manure. Manly to Broken Bay. (
1893, November 11).
Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 19. Retrieved from
TUESDAY AFTER EASTER MONDAY: MANLY BEACH. The saloon steamers running from Sydney to Manly with excursionists were well filled yesterday.
Many family parties made the trip by early boats and went southwards to favourite picnic resorts at Curl Curl, Deewhy, and Narrabeen lagoons, where fishing and other sports were engaged in. Others went to the ocean beaches and rocks, and the coaches running to Bayview and Newport were crowded. MANLY BEACH. (
1901, April 9).
The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
The steamers which early settlers recall using the wharf for transporting goods are all Hawkesbury plying steamers:
Mr. Johnson’s mother’s sister was married to Mr. John Oliver who, in an affidavit, described how residents flocked to the wharves when the steamers arrived and unloaded their supplies. The steamer carrying the tin used in the roof of houses A,B,C, would have been unloaded at the Bayview wharf, alongside the present William’s Marine. Mr. Johnson (in Pittwater 1907) remembers the steamer’s whistle alerted everyone to the approach of the steamers. Mr. John Oliver worked for Mr. Geddes and mentions the ships “Hawkesbury”, “Narara” and “Erringhi”. (Mr Geddes owned property on “Brick Yard Hill” ½ mile from Wharf, east towards Bayview). From ‘
Comments by the Early Settlers' – St Johns Anglican document. April 13.2005.
LOCAL & GENERAL ITEMS. TRIP to NEWPORT. The fast and favourite s s. Narara will run the annual excursion to Newport and Bayview on Tuesday, leaving Stubb's wharf at 7 a.m.. and Sackville at 8 sharp, returning the following day. As the trip is being made for the nominal fare of one shilling return, there should be no difficulty in filling the boat. It is a most delightful trip, and we wish the promoters, Messrs. Mitchell and Jonston, every success. LOCAL & GENERAL ITEMS. (
1903, March 13).
Hawkesbury Herald (Windsor, NSW : 1902 - 1945), p. 4. Retrieved from
S.S. NARARA FOUNDERS. The Sydney-Hawkesbury trader Narara foundered off Newport early last Saturday morning while on a trip to the Hawkesbury. She left port at about midnight on Friday, apparently sound, and had got off Little Reef when it was discovered that she was filling. The skipper, finding it impossible to do anything else, decided to abandon her, and with the crew made for Barrenjoey in the ship's boat. Shortly after leaving, the Narara disappeared. The boat reached Barrenjoey at about 8 o'clock, and the occupants went on to the Hawkesbury by another steamer. The Narara was a wooden steamer of 71 tons gross and 48 tons net, and was built at Jervis Bay in 1900, and was on the Sydney-Hawkesbury run throughout her career. She was partly covered by insurance. Captain Anderson, of the s s. Dorrigo, which left Sydney on Saturday at about 11 am. on her regular trip to the North Coast, said on arrival at Newcastle that when off Broken Bay his boat ran through a quantity of wreckage, consisting of a steamer's bulwarks painted black and green, some hundreds of empty fruit cases, and lining boards. On arrival at Newcastle he reported his find to the Navigation Department. No name of any sort appeared on the bulwarks, and the news and the possible fate of the crew caused some consternation in shipping circles there. S.S. NARARA FOUNDERS. (
1909, June 5).
Windsor and Richmond Gazette (NSW : 1888 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
HAWKESBURY S"S. CO., LTD. Tel., City 1833.
SS. ERRINGHI, for BAYVIEW, NEWPORT, CHURCH POINT, PALM BEACH, MACKEREL BEACH, HAWKESBURY RIVER, PATONGA, MANGROVE, M'DONALD and COLO RIVERS. EVERY TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at 5 p.m. Cargo received daily at Albion Wharf, foot Market-street. Advertising. (1921, March 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
ERRINGHI W lighter ex ss, 96g, 55n, ON113153, 101.0x 21.0x 7.5, B.1907 Clarence Town, NSW stm eng 32nhp. last owner Mackenzie & Petersen Ltd, reg. Sydney. Scuttled Jan 13, 1951 off Sydney Heads. SS Erringhi image courtesy Australian National Maritime Museum and by Samuel J Hood, 1912-1930. She is at Brooklyn, Hawkesbury. Vessel behind her is the Phoenix.
On March 7th, 1906, Warringah Shire Council was declared by the NSW Government. Keeping the wharves in a good state of repair became part of their duties. A tram line was added to the wharf for easy transport of goods to and from steamers, a storage shed and shelter became part of its fixtures; from some of their Council Minutes;
5th November 1907 (handwritten: 32nd Meeting, Minutes): that the engineer report on the necessity of putting up a second set of steps in the west side of the Bayview Wharf: Also in same minutes; that the drinking trough at Bayview be made accessible to calves ; referred to Works Committee.
24th January 1908 (handwritten 37th Meeting, Minutes) Steps at Bayview Wharf; Cr. Quirk asked if the engineer had reported on the condition of the steps at Bayview Wharf. The engineer said ‘No!’ . It was agreed that a letter be forwarded to the Department asking if any objection would be made to the building of additions to wharves by Council.
Bayview Wharf, three women on slipway trolley by Cecil S Hartnett, Government Printing Office 1 - 04882, courtesy State Library of NSW.
The NSW Government Lands Department still had jurisdiction over public owned foreshores and waterways. Where the current day Bayview Baths is had to be leased on ten year and eight year leases, and should they wish to extend these in scale they had to reapply(see Warringah Council Minutes - Bayview Baths file below). Costs to be met by this Council in NSW Government reserves included upkeep, additions and extensions to the wharf; some of these costs would have been met by wharfage fees on goods unloaded or stored for transport on the wharf or its reserves. The second set of steps was duly tendered for: 5th June 1908 (handwritten 46th Meeting, Minutes) Tenders for steps at Bayview Wharf:
10/8/1931: Metropolitan District Surveyor: 31/7/31, advising that the Council’s application for a Permissive Occupancy for baths at Bayview, is now under reference to the fisheries and Navigation Departments, requesting further details of the proposal, and suggesting, that if the structures are to be of a substantial nature, the Council should consider the advisability of lodging a Special Lease application. Resolved, — The Department be informed the proposed bath enclosure will be similar to the existing enclosure, that the proposed baths will be free at all times to the public except in cases of special carnivals and that the existing buildings will remain for the present and that the Council would prefer to have a 10 years lease of the site.
19/1/1953: Land Office, 5/1/53, offering Special Lease for a Bayview term of eight years in respect of the site occupied by the Baths, at a rental of £1 per annum (following re- appraisement) . 29. Resolved: That the Council accept the Department's offer of an year extension of this Special Lease, and that the Council's Seal be affixed to any covering documents, if necessary. (Crs. McKay, Quinlan)
22/5/1967: ITEM 19 - SPECIAL LEASE, BAYVIEW BATHS. Consideration of a letter dated 16.5.67 from the Land Board Office, Sydney, notifying, without prejudice, that the District Surveyor will recommend to the Land Board that the annual rental for the Special Lease 1960/105 covering "Bayview Baths" be re-appraised at $15. RECOMMENDATION: That the proposed re-appraisal be accepted.
Newport from Bayview, ca. 1900-1910, Image No.: a116491, courtesy State Library of NSW.
Before long this much used wharf needed repairs:
Warringah. At the last meeting of the Warringah Shire Council the tenders of D Mc Lean, for repairing Bayview Wharf for £13 9s, and G Boulton, for 150 cubic yards of blue metal for the Pittwater road from Collin Street to Sheep Station Hill at 6s 9d a yard were accepted. WARRINGAH. (
1909, March 5).
The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Our wharves were also public meeting places for community or landmarks referred to by those who use the estuary for races in all manner of vessels;
3/12/1923: Pittwater Progress Association requesting Contribution of £12/10'towards cost of printing programmes and use of dressing sheds attached to Bayview Wharf on Regatta Day. From Warringah Shire Council Minutes.
PITTWATER REGATTA. A Splendid Programme. Compared with Inst year there has been a considerable increase in the number of events and the entries received for the 29th annual Pittwater regatta to be held tomorrow The centre of the varied activitiess will be the flagship the motor launch Gloria and various sailing, motorboat, rowing and aeroplane courses will radiate from and converge upon her. She will be moored off Bayview so as to command a view of the whole of Plttwater from Newport and Church Point to Lion Island. Including post entries about 390 craft and rowers are expected to participate, the prize money and trophies amounting to more than £170. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1935, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Gloria was the largest of the Windybanks ferries operating out of Cowan Creek on the Hawkesbury River. She was a two deck vessel with a larger freeboard which allowed her to operate in open water. Taken over by the Army during World War II, she was shipped off to New guinea and fitted with heavy machine guns and used as a patrol vessel. She never returned after the war. From Ferries of Sydney. com website
SCULLING. Pittwater Aquatic Club. J. ERICKSON~HEAVY-BOAT CHAMPION. The Pittwater Aquatic Club held the first series of races in connection with its annual two day regatta on Broken Bay yesterday The races were rowed over courses of various distances finishing opposite Bayview wharf. Scullers from all parts of the State competed ! The main event yesterday the heavy boat championship of New South Wales was won by Erickson, the holder of the title after a splendid race with W Hibbs whom he defeated by half a length. The racing will be continued today commencing at 9. 15 a m when the finals of events started yesterday will be decided as well as many other Interesting races Including two handicaps in outriggers. SCULLING. (1934, February 24). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from

Pittwater Aquatic Club, circa 1925-1940. Image a409025 from Hood Collection part II : [Sports, Rowing (including Head of the River), boating and yachting] either an event for this local club or as point of embarkation for Pittwater Regatta; tracks gentlemen stand in indicate is the Bayview Wharf. Image Courtesy State Library of NSW.
The Governor-General (Lord Stonehaven) was received at the Bayview Wharf on Saturday morning by Mr. Roche, who lntroduced him to the president of the Warringah Shire Council, to Mr. Archdale Parkhill, M.P., Mr C. A. Le Maistre Walker, C.B.E. (president of the regatta committee), Mr. R. W. Weaver. M.L.A.. Mr. John Williams, Alderman S. H. Burns (hon. secretary of Balmain Regatta), Mr. H. G. Alderson (chairman of the New South Wales Rowing Association). Mr. W. N. Cuthbertson (general manager of the Newcastle and Hunter River Steamship Company), and Mrs. E. G. Greig. The Navy League Sea Cadets provided a guard nf honour beneath arches of flags and greenery. prepared by residents of the district. His Excellency then embarked on the motor cruiser Miramar, belonging to Mr. Stuart F. Doyle, commodore of the Royal Motor Yacht Club. At 3.30. p.m. Lord Stonehaven was received aboard the flagship Newcastle. PITTWATER. (1928, January 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from

IN HIS ELEMENT. — His Excellency the Governor-General (Lord Stonehaven) -posed for 'Truth' at Pittwater Regatta yesterday. Commodore C. A. Le Maitre Walker, C.B.E., is on the extreme right of the. picture. Secretary John Roche comes next. On his right is the G.G., who is thoroughly at home on the water. Mr; Stuart Doyle, the motor boat enthusiast, is on the left of the Governor-General. ALBERT, JR., SAILS TO VICTORY. (
1928, January 1). Truth(Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
From Cedric and Iris (Sophie's) collection - Courtesy of daughter Elizabeth
THE RELIABLE FERRY. The Fast and Commodious Motor Vessel Gloria leaves Hawkesbury Railway every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdays, Sundays, and all holidays at 11 a.m. for Patonga, Palm Beach, and Newport. Tickets obtained on board. Additional trips March 24. For Patonga Beach 6.30 p.m.or Patonga Beach and Palm Beach 0.30 p.m._A. J. SMITH. Proprietor. Advertising. (
1921, March 23).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Windybanks Patonga Ferry at Bobbin Head, New South Wales, Australia, circa 1945.
Bayview wharf was lit by hand until electric light came into the district. Initially this duty was performed by the Williams who had premises, a boathsed etc., next to the wharf. From Warringah Council Minutes:
Bayview Wharf Lighting: lighter of lamps on Bayview Wharf: C M Williams resigning from his position as lighter of lamps on Bayview Wharf 25/2/1920 (Cr.s Hweitt and Quirk) That C.M. Williams resignation be accepted, and that Charles Charlesworth be given the work at a wage to be arrived at by the Council's Inspector. Charles Charlesworth, offering himself for same position.
Williams of, Bayview be requested to tend to the lighting of Bayview Wharf at the same remuneration as granted to the previous lighter. 8/10/1929
By Cr. Austin, seconded by Cr. Hitchcock - That £14 be voted for the lighting of the Bayview baths in accordance with the Electrical Engineer's estimate. Para. 9 regarding Bayview baths was further considered. Cr. Austin reported What A.V. Jones of Fermoy Avenue was prepared, for the amount of the rates owing by him, approximately £8; to erect about 30 or 40 feet of wire up to the shore, carry out repairs, keep the public conveniences clean until April next, and also 'erect the iron' steps donated by Colonel King. It was resolved that his offer be accepted, that he be appointed an honoury ranger for Bayview baths, and that Colonel King be thanked for his gift (Crs. Austin, Hitchcock) 5/12/21932
16/1/1933: Cr. Austin reported that there not being enough Wire for the work at Bayview baths; he purchased on behalf of the Council about 42 yards of wire from a resident at Bayview, at the price Paid to Lysaght's Ltd. exclusive of freight, and it was resolved that his action be confirmed.
By Cr. Austin - That a notice be put up at Bayview Wharf warning against riding of motor cycles on the wharf, and a Baths notice at the baths prohibiting the swimming of dogs. By Cr. Austin - That Mr. Jones, Caretaker of Bayview baths, be appointed an Inspector, and be, given a copy of the Ordinance to assist him. 27/2/1933
By Cr. Austin, seconded by Cr. Fox - That Mr. A.B. Jones be re-appointed on the same terms as during last season, to Bayview attend to lights at Bayview Wharf and baths, and to act as Baths caretaker of the baths and lavatories, his wages to be Applied towards the reduction of his rates indebtedness. 25/9/1933.
A.B.Jones, inquiring whether' Council wishes him to continue his caretaking of Bayview baths. Resolved, He be informed his services are no longer required at present, and that he renew his application in September next. 7/5/1934
A.B.Jones, 18/9/34, (a) applying for the caretaking, etc. of Bayview baths under the same conditions as for last season; (b) requesting payment of £1.15.0 standing to his credit in • respect of this work. Resolved, - That the £1.15.0 standing to his credit be paid him, and that he be re-engaged at wage of 10/- per week, to continue the caretaking, etc. from 1st November, (Cr.m. Austin) OVERSEER BROOKS' REPORT was submitted and dealt with as follows:- 2. Demolition of Clareville wharf: Resolved, - That tenders Clareville be called for the purchase and removal of the discarded timber in the wharf, and the best offer be accepted. (Crs. Hughes, Ross) 8. Re condition of Bayview wharf track: Referred to the Bayview Works Committee for report. 22/1/1935
Cr. Hewitt - That the arrangement with A.B.Jones, Caretaker Bayview baths, be terminated as from 30th April. 30/4/1935
A. B. Jones, 26/8/35, applying for re-appointment as Bayview Caretaker of the Bayview baths for the ensuing swimming Baths season. Resolved, - That this matter be referred to A.Riding Councillors. (Crs. Hewitt, Sheppard).
By Cr. Latham - Some, months ago the floodlight was taken away from Bayview baths,-and has not been returned: -Will you Bayview instruct the Electrical Engineer to replace it? By Cr. Latham -,The red light on Bayview wharf has not been replaced as previously instructed. Will attention be given to this matter ? Applications for Position of Caretaker of Wharves and Baths on Pittwater: Twenty-seven applications were received. Resolved,— That the matter be referred to the Rates Sub- Committee, and that the Engineer submit a report to that Committee regarding the applications. 21/3/1939
The wharf need updating or extending. All of its parts; piles, rails and tram track needed constant renewing, an indication of how much it was used. Warringah Council Minutes chart these:
Pittwater Progress Association, 25/5/1920 on need for enlarging Bayview Wharf. Decided to inform them that the matter is under consideration. 25/7/1921: Resolved, -. (Crs. Hewitt & Hitchcock) That the work of extending Bayview Wharf shed for a further 20’ at an
John Williams. 28/3/24 complaining, on account of two rails being removed from Bayview Wharf that carts loading and discharging cargo have badly out up the entrance to.his premises:: Resolved: That the Engineer attend, to the matter if in accordance with his request.
Mona Vale Progress Association: (e) That they be given a similar reply regarding the Bayview Baths as was given to another request some time ago; (f) That they be informed of the Engineer's Statement that he has given instructions for the steps on Bayview Wharf to be repaired, and further that the engineer report on the state of the piles of the wharf. 15/9/1924
(crs. Hewitt, Campbell) That the Engineer estimate the cost of improving the tramline &c. at Bayview Wharf, in accordance with the Inspector's report. S do. 4a. Resolved, - (Crs. Hewitt, Hitchcock) That the goods shed (Vote) on the same wharf be extended for ten feet, at an estimated I cost of £17. 7/9/1925
Petition from 14 ratepayers and occupiers of Flood's Peninsula Estate, Pittwater, for attention to the dangerous Wharves state of the wharf and its approaches at Elvina Bay. Referred to Engineer for report and estimate, also for an estimate for repairs to Bayview Wharf 22/8/1939
Reporting that plans and specifications for the reconstruction of Bayview wharf are being prepared with a view to calling Wharf for tenders: "Received" 5/9/1939
Reporting that Bayview Wharf had been closed off and a notice erected pending repairs: The Engineer orally reported he had been in touch with three or four divers whose services could be obtained when they were available, that the Council "would pay anything up to £100", and when they had finished their work the Council would be free to operate on the rest of the Wharf: 5/1/1943
The state of the wharf, so often in need of repairs, caused a case of litigation to be brought against Warringah Council by one of its users:
Mrs. L. McFee, 10/1/39, complaining of the condition of Bayview wharf and Bayview baths. Resolved, - That the Engineer prepare an estimate of the cost of moving the lavatories and dressing sheds, and re-erecting them near to the baths, and for replacing the old-girders on the wharf. (Crs. Latham, Hitchcock)
Mrs. L. V. McVee, 6/2/39, requesting compensation in respect of an accident sustained by her on Bayview wharf . Resolved, - That this matter be dealt with in Committee later.
D. Ross, Solicitor, giving Notice of Intention of Mrs. L. V. McFee to take action for recovery of £100 in respect of Council injuries sustained by her at Bayview wharf on 9th January last. To be dealt with in Committee. 30/5/1939
Summons to appear at District Court on 1st August in re mop" v.Lilian V. McFee V. Council and claim for £100 compensation, Council Plus costs, in respect of accident to Plaintiff at Bayview wharf 27/6/1939
World War II effectively closed public wharves to residents. Repairs could not be undertaken as all materials were for the war effort:
J V Austin: requesting that Bayview baths be repaired and made shark-proof. Resolved: That the first Bayview matter be "received", that the safety fence be renetted, and £25, the amount of the Engineer's estimate, voted for it; and (c) that the baths be repaired-by the maintenance staff. (Crs. Campbell, Hitchcock) 4/2/1941
16/12/1941 (no wire for use during wartime): By Cr. Williams - In view of the danger to swimmers in the Bayview baths from sharks, could the front of the baths be rewired this week, or a notice erected warning against the use of the baths? The President replied that the Engineer would be instructed to endeavour to re-wire the front of the baths before the holidays.
Evacuation Circular letter from Minister for National Emergency Services, 16/1/42, to Town and Shire Clerks, regarding arrangements which must be made to deal with the evacuation, if and when considered necessary, of the civil population from areas affected or likely to be affected by enemy action, and placing responsibility for such work on Councils. On the recommendation of the President it was resolved that a Special Meeting of the Council be held after the meeting of the Finance Committee on Tuesday next„27th inst. for the purpose of considering the matter. It was decided, on the suggestion of Cr. Williams, that the Bayview Military Authorities be requested to delay the completion of the Wharf wiring of Bayview wharf for as long as deemed advisable in order that the public may continue to use the wharf as long as possible. The Shire Clerk, through the President, sought permission to Aluminium order 6,000 dodgers for house-to-house distribution in B and C. Ridings in connection with the collection of aluminium for war purposes, and desired authority was given.
12/10/1943: Cr. Hitchcock: Can something be done to the Bayview baths to make them usable? The President replied that the work would be done if wire can be obtained.
Petition (per J. W. Lustin) 14/10/43, from 59 residents of Bayview for the placing of the baths adjacent to Bayview wharf in good repair. Resolved, - They be informed that the Council has no wire netting, and asked if they are able to obtain any. (Crs. Batho, Hitchcock)
12/9/1944: J. W. Austin, 29/8/44, regarding a previous petition for the re-wiring of Bayview baths, and the Council's intimation that the necessary wire could not be obtained, stating he Bayview understands Mr. Coatin, of Church Point, could procure some Baths for the Council. Resolved, - He be informed the Engineer is taking steps to obtain the wire.
12/12/1944: By Cr. Morrow - Can the work of wiring the Bayview baths be done as soon as possible? The President replied that this Baths work was well in hand.
9/1/1945: Resolved, - That the Engineer submit an estimate of the cost Baths of concreting the piles at the Bayview baths.
Title of picture 'Pittwater - Hawkesbury River' from Album 50: Photographs of the Allen family, May 1909 - 12 October 1909, Image No: a3286051. Courtesy State Library of NSW
Post-war, when the materials shortage that everyone experienced had abated, the Bayview wharf and its surrounds became part of the go-ahead 1950's with those who had already been alongside this structure for decades bringing it into the realms of new enterprise, with an eye, by our Public Service individuals on keeping it for all:
13/10/1958: Pittwater Road Bayview - Application by J.L. and C.M. Williams for Special Purchase for land adjacent to Bayview baths, and request for permission to instal petrol pump on this land 14 ft from the street alignment Resolved, - That consideration of the application be deferred and that Messrs. J.L. and C.M. Williams and the Cumberland County Council be informed that the Council is not prepared to give its opinion or a decision in this matter until such time as the applicants place before this Council plans for the re-modelling of existing installations to meet the Council's foreshore requirements and to improve the area for the benefit of the public. (Crs. Fisher, Corkery)
2/2/1959: Item (9) Letter from Cumberland County Council requesting Council's views on application by J.L. & G.M. Williams for "Special Purchase" covering land adjacent to Bayview Baths. Moved by Councillor Berry, seconded by Councillor Reynolds that this matter be referred to the next Meeting of the Finance Committee for consideration to the granting of a "Special Lease". This Motion was carried on the President's casting vote.
25/5/1959: Item D17. Pittwater Road Bayview - Letter from J. Williams & Sons, regarding their application for Special Lease adjacent to Bayview Baths, and requesting consideration of Councills requirements for a parking area of 30 cars: 14.Resolved - that in regard to this application Council inform J. Williams & Sons that the full terms of Council's Resolution of the 21st April must be adhered to. (Crs. Fisher/Wilson.)