February 22 - 28, 2015: Issue 203
Seniors Week in Pittwater 2015 - A Month Long Celebration

BIG seniors exercise class available as part of Pittwater Council's Month Long Senior's Week Activities 2015.
Seniors Week in Pittwater 2015 - A Month Long Celebration
20 Feb 2015
Pittwater seniors will have a host of fun, educational and active events to participate in during Seniors Week and all through March.
Mayor Jacqueline Townsend said Seniors Week was a chance for older people in our community to get involved in activities they wouldn’t otherwise try.
“It’s also a chance for us to recognise the contribution that seniors make to our community. A contribution that we at Pittwater Council value and appreciate,” Cr Townsend added.
Whilst Seniors Week officially runs from 14 – 22 March, Pittwater Council’s program extends activities throughout the entire month of March.
There’s a full schedule of events ranging from legal and financial advice, art, health and wellbeing, entertainment and more.
Other local groups are offering everything from computer courses to forward planning sessions, dancing to historical talks and from a guided Pittwater Artists Trail tour to exercise classes. There’s literally something for everyone!
Cr Townsend praised our community, saying we were fortunate in Pittwater to have so many interest groups, organisations and local businesses that have contributed to the 2015 Seniors Week program.
Events include:
• Harbour Foreshore Walk
• Pittwater Village Art Show
• Meditation and Mindfulness for Relative, Kinship and Foster Carers
• Come & Try Yoga
• Come & Try Tap Dancing
• Seniors Internet Training
• Comedy Hour
• Historical Excursion to the Basin
• Rotary Information Night
• Falls Prevention and Optimal Health through Optimal Healing
• Singing for the Joy of It
• Trivia
The Seniors Week program is available at pittwater.nsw.gov.au/seniorsweek at customer service centres and libraries and community centres at North Narrabeen, Warriewood, Mona Vale, Newport and Avalon or can be viewed online. (PDF - 2.09 MB)
For more information about Seniors Week in Pittwater call 9970 1169.
For details of events across NSW visit www.adhc.nsw.gov.au/individuals/ageing_well/nsw_seniors_week
Mayoral Message
On behalf of Pittwater Council, I’d like to welcome you to another Seniors Week in Pittwater. The theme for NSW Seniors Week 2015 is “Be Inspired”. This theme encourages involvement, enthusiasm, creativity, and self-expression of seniors in their community.
You can take part in Seniors Week by attending one or more of the events being run in your local area.
Although Seniors Week officially runs from Saturday 14 March until Sunday 22 March, Pittwater Council has a month’s worth of wonderful activities to participate in.
Seniors Week is not only a chance for you to take part in an array of activities, but also it is a chance for us to recognise the contribution seniors make to our community. A contribution that we at Pittwater Council value and appreciate.
Pittwater has connected with local groups and services so you can become more involved and get to know others in your community. Inside this program you’ll find a full schedule of events that will be on offer during the month of March. For example, Avalon Active Seniors are running a landscape art workshop offering you and your friends a chance to try them out free-of-charge during Seniors Week.
Other local groups are offering everything from computer courses to forward planning sessions, from dancing to historical talks and from a guided Pittwater Artists Trail tour to exercise classes!
We are very fortunate in Pittwater to have so many interest groups, organisations and local businesses that have contributed to the 2015 Seniors Week program.
I’m sure you will enjoy the range of events offered this year.
Welcome and have a seriously good time during Seniors Week 2015.
Cr Jacqui Townsend
Educational, Financial and Legal
Tuesdays Not At The Tramshed - Tuesday 3, 17 or 31 March 2015 10am till noon
U3A: Each session provides stimulating presentations by different speakers. Enjoy gourmet morning tea, invigorating discussion and excellent social interaction.
Tuesday 3, 17 or 31 March 2015 10am till noon Narrabeen Baptist Church 13 Grenfell Avenue, North Narrabeen Free - Bookings essential 9913 8509 (Rosemary McCulloch) rosemary.mcculloch@bigpond.com
Rediscovering Our Harbour Gems - Wednesday 4 March 2015 2pm-4pm
U3A: Wednesday Afternoon at Newport Enjoy historic and current photos, colourful and little known tales of former military, colonial and convict sites. Wednesday 4 March 2015 2pm-4pm Newport Community Centre 11-13 The Boulevarde, Newport Free - Bookings essential 9970 7161 (Mavis Bickerton) mavis.bickerton@bigpond.com
You and Widowhood - Wednesday 11 March 2015 10am
Pittwater Village is proud to host ‘You & Widowhood’. An informative session for widows and widowers to assist you to become, or prepare yourselves to be self-reliant, financially aware, empowered and self-confident. Wednesday 11 March 2015 10am Pittwater Village Clubhouse 58-68 Brinawa Street, Mona Vale 9979 5385 (Rob Strevens)
eBook Downloads - Monday 16 March or Friday 20 March 2015 10am-12pm
Mona Vale Library: Come and learn how to download eBooks onto your device.
Monday 16 March or Friday 20 March 2015 10am-12pm Mona Vale Library Park Street, Mona Vale Free - Bookings essential 9970 1600 (Catherine Buddin)
Seniors Internet Training - Tuesday 17 March, Wednesday 18 March, Thursday 19 March 2015 10am-12pm
Mona Vale Library: Come and learn how to use Internet Explorer, search engines, and navigating your way around the web.
Tuesday 17 March, Wednesday 18 March, Thursday 19 March 2015 10am-12pm Mona Vale Library Park Street, Mona Vale Free - Bookings essential 9970 1600 (Catherine Buddin)
Centrelink Financial Information Services – Tuesday 17 March 2015 10am-12.30pm
Community Connect Northern Beaches: Retirement, Hostel & Nursing Home Accommodation A representative from Centrelink will speak on pensions and financial aspects of residential care. A representative from a local hostel and nursing home facility in the Warringah area will talk about residential care options access and financial matters. Tuesday 17 March 2015 10am-12.30pm Community Connect Northern Beaches 30 Fisher Road, Dee Why $10 9931 7750 (Robyn) robynb@norbeachconnect.com.au
Buying & Selling on eBay and Gumtree - Tuesday 17 March 2015 1.30pm-3.30pm
Avalon Computer Pals for Seniors: A free presentation on how to buy and sell online using eBay and Gumtree, and how to pay and receive payment securely. Tuesday 17 March 2015 1.30pm-3.30pm Newport Community Centre 11-13 The Boulevarde, Newport Free Ph: 8064 3574
Historical Excursion to The Basin - Wednesday 18 March 2015
Learn about the fascinating history of the Basin, the early inhabitants, the elaborate series of terraces and the historic Beechwood cottage. Local historian James Macken will be joining us and sharing his considerable knowledge. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the surroundings.
Wednesday 18 March 2015 Leaving on 10am ferry from Palm Beach Wharf The Basin - Coasters Retreat Return Basin ferry ticket + $3 National Park fee for seniors (no National Park fee for pensioners) - Bookings essential 9970 1600 (Sharelle Ravenscroft)Warriewood Wetlands Walk - Wednesday 18 March 2015
Pittwater Council Coastal Environment Centre: Come and join us for a morning walk through the amazing Warriewood Wetlands. Our local wetlands are a unique environment supporting a great diversity of native animals. This walk is an exciting journey looking for some of our native animals and looking at their habitat. The walk is an easy grade along board walks.
Wednesday 18 March 2015 Time provided on booking Meeting place to be advised on booking Free - Bookings essential 1300 000 232 (Reception Option 1) www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au/cecbookings
Vehicle Safety & Performance Workshop - Wednesday 18 March 2015 10am
Pittwater Village and Col Crawford Nissan: Col Crawford Nissan is proud to join with Pittwater Village, it’s residents and the wider community over morning tea, to present smart and simple tips on maintaining your vehicle’s safety and performance. This workshop will be entertaining, with plenty of fun facts. Nissan’s new Pulsar Sedan will also be displayed.
Wednesday 18 March 2015 10am Pittwater Village Clubhouse 58-68 Brinawa Street, Mona Vale Free 9979 5385 (Rob Strevens)
The Golden Age of Cinema - Wednesday 18 March 2015 1.30pm-4pm
U3A: We continue to unearth filmic gems from the Golden Age. Hollywood, London and a few other areas provide our source material. The period covered is to around 1950. All programs are carefully researched, introduced, and course notes provided for each session. Meets alternate Wednesdays till 13 May 2015.
Wednesday 18 March 2015 1.30pm-4pm Nelson Heather Centre 4 Jacksons Road, Warriewood Free - RSVP by 18 March 9974 5604 (Gabrielle Hogan)
Retirement, Home & Aged Care Planning & Costs - Thursday 19 March 2015 10.30am-12.30pm
Age Assist and GHR Accounting Group: Having sufficient funds for retirement, receiving care at home or having to move to a residential care facility are things we are often not clear about. Join us for a session where we will discuss the benefits of retirement planning, talk about home and residential care options, access to care services and the related financial costs of care.
Thursday 19 March 2015 10.30am-12.30pm GHR Accounting Group Suite 12, 20 Bungan Street, Mona Vale Free - RSVP by 13 March 9979 4300 (Sedat Papagan)
Plan Life Seminar – Thursday 19 March 2015 Session 1: 11am / Session 2: 2pm
Plan Life: Want to know how and why you can enjoy a profitable and stress-free downsize? Come and join our Plan Life seminar with our two experts in their field: Belinda Grundy, author of Rightsize Your Home, and Jenny Simmonds from Retire by Design and guest writer for Rightsize Your Home. They will discuss the “how and why” in five succinct steps. Each session is 50 minutes and the speakers will be available for one-to-one discussions after the session.
Thursday 19 March 2015 Session 1: 11am / Session 2: 2pm Mona Vale Memorial Hall Park Street, Mona Vale Free - RSVP by 18 March 9986 0524 (Joanna Benzon) info@bgpropertyservices.com.au
Power of Attorney & Guardianship - Tuesday 24 March 2015 12.30pm-3pm
Community Connect Northern Beaches: Retirement, Hostel & Nursing Home Accommodation A representative from the NSW Trustee and Guardian will speak about wills, appointing an Executor, Power of Attorney and Guardianship. A representative from a local hostel and nursing home facility in Pittwater will talk about residential care options and access. An aged care specialist will talk about financial matters.
Tuesday 24 March 2015 12.30pm-3pm Mona Vale Library - Pelican Room Park Street, Mona Vale $10 - Bookings essential 9931 7750 (Robyn Brooks) robynb@norbeachconnect.com.au
U3A Showcase - Wednesday 25 March 2015 11.30am-2.30pm
U3A: A showcase of the courses being offered by Northern Beaches U3A over the coming months. An opportunity to join U3A, talk to the presenters and register for individual courses.
Wednesday 25 March 2015 11.30am-2.30pm Ted Blackwood Narrabeen Youth & Community Centre Cnr Jacksons Rd and Boondah Rd, Warriewood Free - Bookings essential 0401 203 368 (Ruth Buchanan) ruth.buchanan@bigpond.com

Health and Fitness
Harbour Foreshore Walk - Wednesday 4 March 2015 9.30am
Wanderers Walking Group: Ferry ride from Manly to Circular Quay, then to Valentia St Wharf, Woolwich. Walk through Morts Dock on the Hunters Hill Peninsula, along to the natural bushland of Kelly’s Bush and around the beautiful harbour foreshores.
Wednesday 4 March 2015 9.30am Manly Wharf to Circular Quay (meeting point - Manly Wharf Information Kiosk) then Valentia St Wharf, Woolwich Cost of ferry tickets 9999 1870 (Helen Sergas)
Come and Try Abs, Butts and Thighs Class - Wednesday 11 March 2015 8.30am-9.30am
Healthy Lifestyle: A great lower body and core stability workout that will also improve posture and balance. Bring a mat and wear loose comfortable clothing. Bring water. Wednesday 11 March 2015 8.30am-9.30am Avalon Recreation Centre 59A Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Free - Bookings essential 8877 5304 (June Jones)
Come and Try Strength Training - Wednesday 11 March 2015 10.20am-11.20am
Healthy Lifestyle: This program uses adjustable free weights and your own body weight to improve muscle strength. Recommended for those with osteoporosis. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring water.
Wednesday 11 March 2015 10.20am-11.20am Nelson Heather Centre 4 Jacksons Road, Warriewood Free - Bookings essential 8877 5304 (June Jones)
Come and Try Gentle Exercise Easy Pace Class - Thursday 12 March 2015 9.30am-10.30am
Healthy Lifestyle: Easy pace classes are ideal for those new to exercise or getting back into it. Exercises are low intensity with minimal choreography. Wear loose comfortable clothing and non slip exercise shoes. Bring water.
Thursday 12 March 2015 9.30am-10.30am Nelson Heather Centre 4 Jacksons Road, Warriewood Free - Bookings essential 8877 5304 (June Jones)
Strength Training - Monday 16 March 2015 9am
Exercise Over 55’s: Exercise Over 55’s run community based exercise classes for people over the age of 55. The strength training class is for those who suffer from osteopenia or osteoporosis and is suitable for anyone who hasn’t exercised in a while.
Monday 16 March 2015 9am Nelson Heather Centre 4 Jacksons Road, Warriewood Free 0405 457 063 (Ingrid Davey)
Come and Try Yoga - Monday 16 March 2015 10.15am-11.15am
Healthy Lifestyle: Stretch, strengthen, energise, improve flexibility and wellbeing of the body and mind with the practice of Yoga. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring water. Monday 16 March 2015 10.15am-11.15am Nelson Heather Centre 4 Jacksons Road, Warriewood Free - Bookings essential 8877 5304 (June Jones)
Come and Try Tap Dancing - Monday 16 March 2015 10.15am-11.15am
Healthy Lifestyle: Feels more like fun than exercise. Low impact moves to music that keep your mind, muscles and joints active. Tap shoes not essential. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring water. Monday 16 March 2015 10.15am-11.15am Avalon Recreation Centre 59A Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Free - Bookings essential 8877 5304 (June Jones)
Come ‘n’ Try Lifeball - Monday 16 March 2015 11am-12.30pm
Lifeball: Add years to life and life to years by joining a Lifeball group. Come, watch, then join in the game of Lifeball. Lifeball is an exciting team game designed for fun, fitness & friendship. Played at walking pace, the game of Lifeball encourages physical movement, great team spirit and social interaction.
Monday 16 March 2015 11am-12.30pm Ted Blackwood Narrabeen Youth & Community Centre Cnr Jacksons Rd and Boondah Rd, Warriewood Free 9913 1474 (Mike Rutlidge)
Heartmoves - Tuesday 17 March 2015 9.30am
Exercise Over 55’s run community based exercise classes for people over the age of 55. The Heartmoves class offers low to moderate cardiovascular exercise including balance, strength and flexibility for anyone with a stable chronic heart condition. Tuesday 17 March 2015 9.30am Nelson Heather Centre 4 Jacksons Road, Warriewood Free 0405 457 063 (Ingrid)
Come and Try Tai Chi - Wednesday 18 March 2015 10.40am-11.40am
Healthy Lifestyle: Tai Chi is a gentle way to exercise the body and relax the mind. Wear loose comfortable clothing and non-slip exercise shoes. Bring water. Wednesday 18 March 2015 10.40am-11.40am Avalon Recreation Centre 59A Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Free - Bookings essential 8877 5304 (June Jones)
Come and Try Strength Training - Thursday 19 March 2015 7.15am
Healthy Lifestyle: This program uses adjustable free weights and your own body weight to improve muscle strength. Recommended for those with osteoporosis. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring water. Thursday 19 March 2015 7.15am Avalon Recreation Centre 59A Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Free - Bookings essential 8877 5304 (June Jones)
The World’s Largest Exercise Class - Tuesday 31 March 2015, Registration from 9.30am; class commences at 10.30am
Community Care Northern Beaches: FREE Exercise Class for participants over 70. Come and help us set a world record for the largest exercise class for participants over the age of 70! We will also have ‘jumbo’ games, market stalls and morning tea provided (gold coin donation).
Tuesday 31 March 2015 Registration from 9.30am; class commences at 10.30am Village Park Mona Vale Cnr Barrenjoey and Pittwater Roads, Mona Vale Free - Register by 24 March or on the day 9998 2900 (Courtney West)
Free Hearing Checks - Monday 16 to Friday 20 March 2015 9am-3pm
National Hearing Care: Discover life at full volume. National Hearing Care will be conducting free hearing checks for seniors at two convenient locations. Get back the sounds you love so you can live a rich, active and fulfilling life. Come in for a simple 10 minute check to determine your hearing health. Monday 16 to Friday 20 March 2015 9am-3pm Mona Vale - 3/24 Waratah Street (cnr Waratah & Akuna Lane) or Dee Why - Shop 6 & 7, 1-3 Sturdee Pde Free 9091 8570 (Grace) or 9091 8470 (Gilce)
Falls Prevention & Optimal Health through Optimal Healing - Monday 16, Tuesday 17, Wednesday 18 or Thursday 19 March 2015 1pm-2pm
HealthSpace: Falls are a major problem. They are a significant cause of injury in older adults and make life very difficult for those who have experienced a fall. Studies have investigated how manual therapists may influence the risk of falls. Learn the importance of sensorimotor functions.
Monday 16, Tuesday 17, Wednesday 18 or Thursday 19 March 2015 1pm-2pm Healthspace Clinic 1789 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale Free - Bookings essential 9979 8887
Family & Friends Dementia Information Evening - Wednesday 18 March 2015 7pm-9.30pm
Community Care Northern Beaches: The Family and Friends evening is held in partnership with Alzheimer’s Australia NSW. This event is an information and education session for family and friends of people with dementia/memory loss. The event is free and supper is provided.
Wednesday 18 March 2015 7pm-9.30pm Banksia Room, Nelson Heather Centre 4 Jacksons Road, Warriewood Free - RSVP by 16 March 9998 2900 (Reception)
Dealing with Dementia - Thursday 19 March 2015 6.15pm-9.15pm: $47.00
Age Assist and Northern Beaches Community College: At this workshop Alex Reed from Age Assist will introduce you to a method of dementia care to help you understand the experience of dementia. You will learn three golden rules that you can put into practice straight away. An essential course for loved ones with dementia or those wishing to understand more about the condition. Thursday 19 March 2015 6.15pm-9.15pm Northern Beaches Community College, Narrabeen Annex 1525 Pittwater Road, North Narrabeen $47 9970 1000
Controlling My Own Life - Wednesday 1 April 2015 2pm-3.30pm
COTA New South Wales: Home care has changed. Learn how to make the most of these changes. Older people now have more choice and control over the services they receive and how they are delivered. Free information session, which is interactive and provides information to take with you. Afternoon tea provided.
Wednesday 1 April 2015 2pm-3.30pm Mona Vale Library - Pelican Room Park Street, Mona Vale Free - RSVP by 25 March 9970 1169 (Susan Machar) seniors@pittwater.nsw.gov.au

Socialising and Other Activities
Square Dancing - Tuesday 3 March and every Tuesday night 7.45pm-10pm
Newport Ocean Waves Square Dance Club Inc.: Square Dancing is fun, friendly and everyone is welcome. Come along alone or with another person male or female. If you don’t know how to square dance, don’t worry ongoing tuition will be provided on the night. Tuesday 3 March and every Tuesday night 7.45pm-10pm Ted Blackwood Narrabeen Youth & Community Centre Cnr Jacksons Rd and Boondah Rd, Warriewood First session free, $8 per person per night thereafter 9913 3436 (Rosemary) or 9402 0842 (Doug)
Calling Games Enthusiasts - Friday 6 or 20 March 2015 10am-12pm
Northern Beaches Creative Leisure & Learning: All interested persons are invited to gather for cards and/ or board games. Join in the fun, friendly atmosphere, learn some new games or share your expertise by teaching your favourite games. Friday 6 or 20 March 2015 10am-12pm Waratah Room, Nelson Heather Centre 4 Jacksons Road, Warriewood $4 9913 1474 (Maureen)
Singing for the Joy of It - Friday 6 or 20 March 2015 10am-12pm
U3A: No ability required. A friendly group, we sing mainly songs from shows, we do not sing in parts. Friday 6 or 20 March 2015 10am-12pm Angophora Room, Nelson Heather Centre 4 Jacksons Road, Warriewood Free - Bookings essential 9400 9223 (Alan Turner-Morris) gidan.triman1@bigpond.com
Trivia - Friday 6 or 20 March 2015 1pm-3pm
U3A: Interesting and tricky questions and topics, well suited to the U3A age group, will make for a lot of fun and laughter. Friday 6 or 20 March 2015 1pm-3pm Northern Beaches Community College - Community College Annexe, 1525 Pittwater Road, North Narrabeen Free - Bookings essential 9970 6019 (Janet Atkinson) sophie@easy.com.au
Pittwater Village Art Show – Opening Night - Friday 6 March 2015, 5.30pm-8pm Saturday 7 March 2015 - 10am-2pm
Pittwater Village Art Show will showcase some of the resident’s finest artwork. A wide variety of art both traditional and contemporary will be on show. The show will run over two days so drop on in and meet the artists, former art teachers and illustrators. Opening Night - Friday 6 March 2015, 5.30pm-8pm Saturday 7 March 2015 - 10am-2pm Venue: Pittwater Village Clubhouse 58-68 Brinawa Street, Mona Vale Cost: Free Contact: 9979 5385 (Rob Strevens)
Monday at the Movies - Monday 9 March 2015 10am-12pm
U3A: For those who enjoy current movies. Each month view up to three nominated movies in your own time and join us for a stimulating discussion about the plot, actors, producers and cinematography. Monday 9 March 2015 10am-12pm Coastal Environment Centre Pelican Path, Lake Park Road, North Narrabeen Free - Bookings essential 9997 3183 (Heather Leggatt) ahleggat@bigpond.com
Come and Try Spinning & Weaving - Saturday 14 March 2015 11.30am
Northern Beaches Spin and Weave: Come and view the work created by the Northern Beaches Spinners and Weavers. Meet some of our friendly group and try your hand at creating something yourself! We also regularly meet on the second Saturday in the month between 11am and 3pm. Saturday 14 March 2015 11.30am Banksia Room, Nelson Heather Centre 4 Jacksons Road, Warriewood Free 9982 1482 (Carole Knevitt)
Lesson in Painting: Landscapes - Monday 16 March 2015 10am-12pm or 12.30pm-2.
Avalon Active Seniors: Join the friendly group of artists from Avalon Active Seniors and participate in a landscape art class. Gen Watts, experienced artist and group leader will demonstrate first and then assist participants to create their own masterpiece. Monday 16 March 2015 10am-12pm or 12.30pm-2.30pm Avalon Recreation Centre 59A Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Free andreehines@bigpond.com (Andree Hines)
Comedy Hour - Tuesday 17 March 2015 10.30am
Avalon Community Library: An hour of light hearted entertainment followed by morning tea. Tuesday 17 March 2015 10.30am Avalon Community Library 59A Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Free - RSVP by 12 March 9918 3013 (Helen Clark) avalonlibrary@ozemail.com.au Pittwater YHA Bushwalk & Talk - Wednesday 18 March 2015 Catch 9.35am ferry from Church Point
Pittwater YHA: Come along to Church Point, catch the ferry, show your senior’s card and get off at Halls Wharf where Sarah will meet you to guide you to the Pittwater YHA. At the hostel you will enjoy morning tea and a talk about the Hall’s family. There are many interesting historic photographs and stories about this beautiful place. Wednesday 18 March 2015 Catch 9.35am ferry from Church Point Pittwater YHA Halls Wharf Seniors return ferry ticket $7.20 - RSVP by 11 March 9999 5748 (Sarah) pittwater@yha.com.au
Grandparents Storytime - Wednesday 18 March 2015 10am-11am
Mona Vale Library: Grandparents or friends are invited to come along and participate in our regular storytime session. Join us for songs, stories and crafts. Morning tea will be provided. Wednesday 18 March 2015 10am-11am Mona Vale Library - Pelican Room Park Street, Mona Vale Free - Bookings not required 9970 1600 (Heather Thomson)
Seniors Open Day - Wednesday 18 March 2015 10am-1pm
Pittwater Council: New week, start something new! It can be overwhelming starting with a new group or a new activity, especially if you don’t know anyone. Today we are hosting an open day with a variety of activities to come and try, meet the leaders and participants. Lifeball, gentle exercise, spinners & weavers, Jazzercise, Heartmoves, Narrabeen Seniors, Peninsula Bridge Club, just to name a few. Then join us for a hot lunch. Wednesday 18 March 2015 10am-1pm Ted Blackwood Narrabeen Youth & Community Centre Cnr Jacksons Rd and Boondah Rd, Warriewood Free - Bookings essential - RSVP by 11 March 9913 2522 (Michelle Ford) michelle_ford@pittwater.nsw.gov.au
Rotary Information Night - Wednesday 18 March 2015 7.15pm
The Rotary Club of Pittwater: Pittwater Rotary organises events to support community services in Pittwater, NSW and overseas. Come along and meet us and hear about the work we do, and the fun we have doing it. We welcome men and women of all ages to join us to help do good in the world. Wednesday 18 March 2015 7.15pm Royal Motor Yacht Club 46 Prince Alfred Pde, Newport Free 9918 4247 (Roger Digby) president@rotarypittwater.com
Artbus - Thursday 19 March 2015 9.45am-3.30pm
Pittwater Artists Trail and Pittwater Council: Artbus will see a charter bus collect participants from Pittwater Rugby Park and drive them to home studios that are part of Pittwater Artists Trail. View different art practices, including painting, ceramics and jewellery. People will be returned to the meeting point at the end of the day. If participants require collection from their home this can be arranged on booking. Studio access requirements vary, ability to navigate stairs and sloped surfaces required. Thursday 19 March 2015 9.45am-3.30pm - Warm two course lunch will be provided Meet at Pittwater Rugby Park 1472 Pittwater Road, Warriewood Free - Bookings essential - RSVP by 11 March - Limited spaces 9970 1171 (Zoe Johnson)

Photos A J Guesdon.