September 25 - October 1, 2011: Issue 25
Charlotte Boutin (Madame)
One of the livelier characters Pittwater had roaming its tracks at the turn of last century is Belgian born Charlotte Boutin. It is difficult to determine exactly when she landed in Sydney but a Madame Boutin, Miss Boutin and child Boutin arrived from New Caledonia on the Egmont in late August 1873. Madam Boutin then appears to have then departed to Galle (France) in early September 1873 but without ‘Miss’ or ‘child’. We may wonder of the ‘miss’ is Charlotte, left behind to make her own living with Boutins already in Sydney.
By 1888 she seems to be established at the Rock Lily Hotel at Mona Vale, named for Dendrobium speciosum, an Australian orchid that was widespread around the premises at that time. Famed for her fare and large menu, sometimes rumoured to be disguising possum or snake, Charlotte was also appreciated for an ‘earthy sense of humour’.
George Ellis, a botanist, and guest in 1895 states: "We are quite prepared on reaching Rock Lily to do justice to the good things provided for us by the burly host of the Rock Lily Hotel. The menu is extensive and varied and quite equal to the best of our metropolitan cafes, and after luncheon there are quoits, skittles, swings, and other aids to digestion in the recreation ground over the road, to which many of the visitors make their way. The landlord and his wife hail from La Belle France. He is somewhat expert in the use of the brush, and visitors to the hotel cannot fail to notice the evidences of his skill in the numerous sketches which ornament the walls of the rooms.
There were also tales of unattached ladies who would allow gents to buy beer for them in the bars and vine-covered trellises of a grape arbor to one side of the building around this time. Risqué and attractive to artists and statesman became the Rock Lily’s reputation.
By 1901 Charlotte had purchased the license for the Narrabeen Hotel although she continued to be on hand at Mona Vale until at least February 1907.

If Charlotte was the mistress of Leon Houreaux, as some reports from the pages of then seemed to infer, prior to her departure she seemed to be very fond of a George Battistella when ensconsed at Narrabeen. This man was a bar-keep at that premises until his death in 1920. Charlotte continued placing notices in the SMH In Memorium section to his memory right up until her death in 1932. These were always from ‘his loving friend C Boutin’ or ‘Madame Boutin’ even seven years after her marriage to a John C Elliott. She was named as executrix and widow in his Probate Notices so perhaps she was ‘Madame Boutin’ to herself first, last and always.
However, this advertisement about some of her land holdings at Mona Vale, then called 'Rock Lily' and 'Turimetta' shows her as 'Houreaux':
Advertising (1901, February 16). The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), p. 3. Retrieved from
Visit: Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways; Mona Vale's Village Greens A Map Of The Historic Crown Lands Ethos Realised and Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Mona Vale, Bongin Bongin, Turimetta and Rock Lily and Taramatta Park, Mona Vale
Narrabeen Lakes Estate, 1906 / Arthur Rickard & Co. Ltd Auctioneers. 1906. MAP Folder 114, LFSP 1695 (Copy 1). Part 2. (sales brochure) Image No.: 22704748, courtesy National Library of Australia.
On April 25th 1907 the Narrabeen Hotel, an edifice of some 20 bedrooms at the time, burnt to the ground at 5am in the morning. Charlotte rebuilt - similar to the plans below, although in stages it would seem if images from then are accurate:
It is also notable that no one called for a fire brigade even though the Hotel had a telephone from 1904 (Number 152);
NARRABEEN HOTEL, Tel. 152 Manly-Madame C. Boutin. Close to beach, rod fishing, shooting-, etc. Advertising. (1904, September 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Reports of the fire state that the local fire brigade would not have turned up anyway as Narrabeen was ‘outside of their jurisdiction’. There is also an account of the building burning too fast and those on hand saving Madame’s collection of birds from the front balcony. It wasn't the only time she lost property at Narrabeen, and even with the Narrabeen Fire Brigade now installed, commencing February 3rd, 1920, many of the weatherboard homes in the area would quickly burn and be totally destroyed before firemen could save them:
Fire at Narrabeen
A six-roomed weatherboard cottage in Lagoon-street, Narrabeen was destroyed by fire last night. The origin of the outbreak is unknown. The cottage was owned by Madam Bouten, and occupied by Mrs. Elliott. Fire at Narrabeen (1924, June 15). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 7. Retrieved from

1907 plans by Charles Jakin- signed off 10.5.1907. Courtesy State Library of NSW.
Business was clearly booming as Charlotte was buying lots of lands at Brookvale and at Mona Vale (Turimetta Village) during 1907. Brookvale lots listed in Land Titles Office Vol. 1524 Fol. 122, her lands at Mona Vale can be seen in Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Mona Vale, Bongin Bongin, Turimetta and Rock Lily
In 1911 Charlotte transferred the licence to Charles Bacon, one of those whom added his name to her second last In Memorium to Battistella almost twenty years later.
Charlotte was advertising a Green African Parrot next to the Narrabeen Hotel in 1920 but soon after George’s death she began buying other Hotel licenses closer to town; The Imperial in Alfred Street North Sydney and the Flagstaff in Princes Street, The Rocks in 1923 and 1924. One of these changed license hands less then six months later.
Her romantic side surfaces as the last visible note in her marriage to John C Elliott in 1924 when she must have been mature. After that she disappears apart from the annual notices for George until her death on July 26th. 1932;
BATTISTELLA -In loving memory of our dear friend Benevenuto Battistella (George of Narrabeen), who departed this life January 25, 1920.Inserted by his friends, C. Boutin, W. Porter, and C. Bacon. Family Notices. (1930, January 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
ELLIOTT-July 26 Charlotte beloved wife of John C Elliott at Randwick Private burial. Family Notices. (1932, July 30). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
A special tram nicely bedecked with ferns, flowers and ribbons conveyed a number of invited guests from the wharf at Manly to Collaroy, where the opening ceremonies — starting of the tram and turning on of the water — took place. Mrs. M'Gowen, wife of the Premier, with a pair of golden scissors cut the ribbon stretched across the end of the line at Collaroy Beach, and Mr. Griffith, Minister for Works, turned on the water in the presence of a large gathering of interested spectators. Among those present were: — Mr. J. H. Cann (State Treasurer), the Lord Mayor (Alderman G. T. Clarke), Dr. Arthur, Messrs. Black, Keegan, Levy, Nobbs, Ms.L.A., and Colonel Ryrie, M.P.; also representatives of the Water and Sewerage Board, Mr. W. J. Milner (president),
Alderman T. H. Barlow (vice-president), Mr. T. Henley, M.B.A., and Mr. J. Leitch. Mrs. M'Gowen, to mark the occasion, was presented with a, diamond brooch shaped like a tram.
The water supply at Narrabeen consists of four miles of 6in wood pipe for 250ft head pressure. In testing this pipe line it gave excellent results — a great testimony to the pipes manufactured by the Australian Wood Pipe Company. Limited — as in some places the pipe was standing an over-burden of nearly 33 1-3 per cent, more than it was specified to stand. The estimated cost of iron pipes was £3100, the wood pipes costing £2400, showing a saving of £700, or equal to 30 per cent.
At a banquet given by the Australian Wood Pipe Company, Limited, to celebrate the opening of the water supply, held at Bacon's Narrabeen Hotel in the evening, there was a large and representative gathering. Mr. C. E. Ludowici presided. Among those present were Mr. Griffith (Minister for Works), the Lord Mayor (Alderman G. T. Clarke), Dr. Arthur and Mr. T. Henley, (Ms.L.A.), Mr. H. E. Pratten (president of the Chamber of Manufactures), Alderman Middleton (Mayor of Mosman), the aldermen of the Manly Council, and councillors of the Warringah Shire. . Mr. Griffith, in replying to the toast of 'The Ministry" said that those people who stated that they were heavily taxed in Australia did not know what they were talking about. The revenue derived from the railways and tramways was not necessarily the taxation of the country; it was direct payment for services rendered. Those who would lead them to believe otherwise were making misstatements to the people. The Minister added that no article that could be produced in this country ought to be imported. ‘’The system of wooden pipes for water supply was economical, and the Australian Wood Pipe Company had carried out the work" in a most satisfactory manner. Dr. Arthur thanked the Australian Wood Pipe Company for the activity with which they had brought the water to Narrabeen, and Mr. T. Henley also thanked the company for coming to the rescue of the Government at the time when pipes were scarce. Mr. A. G. M'Donald proposed "The Visitors," which was responded to. by Alderman G. T. Clarke (Lord Mayor), and Messrs. W. G. Milner, A. G. Pratten, J. Leitch, G. H. Barlow, and W. Hews (president of- the Warringah Shire Council). Other presentations made during the afternoon were a diamond bracelet to Mrs. Arthur (wife of Dr. Arthur, member for the district), and Mr. Griffith was handed a cable bracelet for Mrs. Griffith from the Australian Wood Fine Company, Limited, which laid the pipes for the water supply.
This establishment is well and favorably known to visitors to Narrabeen, and the owner (Mr. Charles Bacon) is determined to keep ahead of the times. Mr. Bacon has been at Narrabeen for IS months, and prior to that was caterer at the Manly Golf Club for two years. Recognising that the opening of the tramway would result in a great influx of visitors, Mr. Bacon has lately completed extensive and substantial alterations to the hotel, and part of the general scheme of improvement will be the addition of another storey to the premises. Plans of this work are now being prepared by Mr. Trenchard Smith, and already a new and handsomely-fitted saloon bar has been added, while the dining-room has been renovated and re-decorated, the table appointments being by Walker and Hall. The new roof will be a flat one, from which splendid views of ocean and lake may be obtained.
The capabilities of the Hotel Narrabeen may be judged by the fact that the banquet given by the Australian Wood Pipe Company, to celebrate the turning on of the water supply, on August 3, was held in the main dining-room, nearly 100 guests being present. Mr. Bacon makes a special feature of the midday meal on Sundays, and has a tea garden for afternoon tea. Mr. Bacon is a prominent resident of the district, and is the president of the Narrabeen Progress Association, and also one of the bondsmen for the water supply. The Hotel Narrabeen is up-to-date in every respect; it is connected with the city water supply, and has extensive stabling and garage accommodation. The floors of the garage and stable are concreted, and vehicles ' and cars may be washed down. A septic tank is also in course of construction.
Photo: Mr. Charles Bacon's Hotel Narrabeen.
Photo: Banquet given by the Australian Wood Pipe Company, Limited, at Bacon's Hotel Narrabeen, on August 3, to celebrate the turning on of the water supply.
The water mains— wood pipes— were supplied by the company, and the advantages of the pipes were praised by the Minister for Works (Mr. Griffith) and others at the banquet.
Opening Up a Beautiful District -- Tramway and Water Supply for Narrabeen. (1912, August 7). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), p. 32. Retrieved from
Mr. Bacon subsequently transferred the license to:
The following transfers of publicans licenses were granted at Thursday's sitting of the Metropolitan Licensing Court :—From Charles Bacon to Maurice Garwood, Narrabeen Hotel, Narrabeen ; LICENSING COURT. (1913, October 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Image No.: a106069h from Scenes of Narrabeen Album ca. 1900-1927, Sydney & Ashfield : Broadhurst Post Card Publishers, courtesy State Library of NSW - the second Narrabeen Hotel may be seen with the dome a little north of the butcher's shop.
Postcard from the National Museum of Australia Collection
On April 26th 1910 Leon Houreaux died suddenly. There is some indication of regret from Charlotte in her Tribute Notice - clealrly there had been a falling out;
HOUREUX-In memory of Leon Houreux, late Rock-lily, died April 26, 1907. Regret from his old friend, C. Boutin. Family Notices. (1910, April 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
Leon was 76 when he died and was buried at Manly in the Catholic section. It is curious that this fire occurred at a time when, a few years later as Leon’s daughter Justine Leontine Briquet, shows through trying to sell not only the Rock Lily, but also the extensive stables and property at Newport and Mona Vale, that Leon was virtually bankrupt.
By 1913 Charlotte had sold the licence to a Charles Bacon, one of those whom added his name to her second last In Memorium to Battistella almost twenty years later. Charlotte was advertising a Green African Parrot next to the Narrabeen Hotel in 1920 but soon after George’s death she began buying other Hotel licenses closer to town; The Imperial in Alfred Street North Sydney and the Flagstaff in Princes Street, The Rocks in 1923 and 1924. One of these changed license hands less then six months later.
Her romantic side surfaces as the last visible note in her marriage to John C Elliott in 1924 when she must have been mature. After that she disappears apart from the annual notices for George until her death on July 26th. 1932;
ELLIOTT-July 26 Charlotte beloved wife of John C Elliott at Randwick Private burial. Family Notices. (1932, July 30). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved September 22, 2011, from
Further: in file below

Above: Picture No: 603\60374 from Warringah Library. Inscription on front: "Tooth & Co. Kent Brewery Employees Annual Picnic Feb. 1907". Top row (L-R) (Women) Housemaid, May Bligh; Second row: Leon Houreux; Third row (L-R) second girl Caroline Marie Whittaker, wife of John Winter (local land owner). Lady at end of third row is Madame Boutin - right of photo (who, in 1907, opened the Royal Hotel, Narrabeen). CREATED: 1907
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Charlotte Boutin Further.pdf Size : 162.348 Kb Type : pdf |
Below: Picture No: 41\WAR41247 from Warringah Library Horse-drawn vehicles; New South Wales; Narrabeen; Narrabeen (N.S.W.)

1907 plans by Charles Jakin- signed off 10.5.1907. Courtesy State Library of NSW.

Charlotte Boutin threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2011.