Community News June 2015
June 28 - July 4, 2015: Issue 220
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 220: Avalon Beach SLSC Women's Antiques Boat Crew Rescue Rock Fisherman; RPAYC's Pretty Woman Breaks Brisbane to Noumea Race Record; Bushcare Volunteers are Saving Pittwater's Environment Year Round; RMYC Broken Bay Golf Day for Alyse Saxby A Huge Success; Katandra Sanctuary Open Days 2015
Winter Solstice Festival Warms Avalon’s Heart by Jayne Denshire
The Wakehurst Parkway - The Forgotten Road by Mark Horton
Reflections by George Repin: KOTOR, MONTENEGRO
Pictures: Katandra Sanctuary Open Days Commence Sunday July 5th - by Marita Macrae
Held over - School Holidays Fun and Reading:
DIY Ideas: Toy Box and Snow Globes: School Holidays Fun - Winter 2015 - something to do indoors, something to do outdoors... together
The Marquise of Scotland Island
Profile: Dr. Reese Halter - A very special gentleman is coming to Pittwater in a few weeks as part of his SAVE NATURE NOW TOUR 2015. Dr Reese Halter will be speaking at Avalon Beach SLSC on Wednesday July 15th.
Dr. Halter has studied nature for 4 decades. He holds a Ph.D. in eco-stress subalpine eucalypt physiology from Australia’s distinguished The University of Melbourne, is the recipient of the Presidents Distinguished Service Award from Humboldt State University for his inimitable leadership in conservation biology....
History: The First Boat Builders of Pittwater I: the Short Life and Long Voyages of Scotland Island Schooner the Geordy
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month June 2015 - Tim Hixson: Tim Hixson first began photography whilst a student at Southern Illinois University. After returning home to Australia he lived in Byron Bay then worked out of his studio in North Sydney shooting commercially and developing his personal photography. In 1998 he returned to plastic camera photography, producing the exhibition and book ‘BEACH’.
Notice of Rescission - Extraordinary Council Meeting on Pittwater's Submission to IPART on FFTF
Monday 29 June 2015, 6.30 PM at Mona Vale Memorial Hall
At the June 15th Pittwater Council Meeting, after vigorous debate and a vote of 4 to 5 the following was published in the Minutes from the meeting on Monday 15 June 2015.
Council’s resolution
1. That Council notes the following results from the recent community engagement process:
Rejection of a single Council combining Manly, Warringah and Pittwater (Option 3).
Strong support for No Mergers (Option 1).
2. That based on comprehensive research, including independent evidence and extensive engagement with the community, Council confirms its position as follows:
Council remains committed to a strong, independent Pittwater Council providing local representation and delivery of local services to the people of Pittwater on the existing boundaries.
Council is opposed to any proposed merger of Manly, Warringah and Pittwater into one Council.
3. That in keeping with the NSW Government’s requirements, Council submit the following to IPART by 30 June 2015:
Template 2 - Council Improvement Proposal and Supporting Business Case and documentation for Pittwater Council to maintain the status quo and remain as we are without any boundary changes.
That no Supplementary Business Case be submitted.
That on 29 June 2015 an Extraordinary Council Meeting is called to consider Council’s submission to IPART.
Also at the June 15th Council Meeting an unsuccessful Motion was put by Mayor Townsend, seconded by Cr. Millar, that Pittwater Council's submission to IPART include Option 2 (Greater Pittwater plus Greater Manly council), or splitting Warringah Council between Pittwater and Manly.
Pittwater Council Meeting Agenda papers appear on the Pittwater Council website by 12noon on the Thursday prior to Council meetings.
Currently listed for Monday, June 29th Agenda is a Rescission Notice to rescind the June 15th Resolution of paragraph 3 as listed above and replace, if the Motion is passed, the subsequent two underlined sentences with:
3.2 In relation to IPART’s invitation for alternative options, provide it with a test business case for two Councils on the Northern Beaches and ask the government to demonstrate and provide proof to thecommunity of Pittwater how such an option will result in an overallreduction in rates in the long term, improve local infrastructure andcouncil services, enhance the environmental management and most important of all, how it will advance the democratic and community interest of Pittwater residents.”
Template 2, as in BOLD above, will still be included.
Since the agenda for the Monday 29th Extraordinary Meeting has been listed concerns have been expressed about the Rescission Notice and what it infers. Community Groups and Councillors have expressed their disappointment and in some cases, outrage, at what is viewed as not honouring the resolution passed at the Public Meeting of May 19th, 2015 and subsequent Resolution of June 15th.
Although Mayor Townsend declined to comment when contacted on Saturday June 27th, the Processes required as stated by the IPART Review, are that each Council demonstrate what Options were looked at or offered.
Option 2 , as 'options' per the IGLR Review, has been, since the outset, to carve up Warringah - how many selected this as a response to noise coming from south of Narrabeen bridge remains a private joke in many a Pittwater household.
The problem is, the joke may be on Pittwater as forwarding such an inclusion could be ticked as 'yes! - amalgamate them!' - since 'no' meant 'yes' at the first IGLR Review meeting.
As shown in a recent LGNSW review of the review process; "With the Council submissions due on 30 June, IPART have, on average, less than one day per Council to make assessments." LGNSW President Keith Rhoades AFSM..(Issue 218) - and with the time frame to ready submissions equally negligible, the concerns expressed by those opposed to forwarding anything other than a firm 'No' or Option 1 only, may be well founded despite the IPART requirements.
Pittwater Councillors will be those who vote on the Rescission Notice.
The Public may attend this Extraordinary Council Meeting. Anyone who wishes to address Council about agenda items must call customer service (9970 1111) by 3pm on the day of the meeting and register to speak.
Save Our Councils (SOC) Launch 11 June 2015
by Pittwater Pathways: Published on 26 Jun 2015
A coalition of NSW community groups, residents, councillors and mayors opposed to forced council amalgamations and determined to keep local government local.
Grass root democracy starts here with you and me.
Manly residents overwhelmingly reject Council merger – AGAIN!
Tuesday 23rd June, 2015 - Media Release/News: Manly Council
A survey conducted by Taverner Research commissioned Manly Council has again found that the majority of the community support a standalone and independent Manly.
The Taverner Research Random survey of Manly residents on council merger options shows 59% support for an independent Manly Council – and only 24% support for a Northern Beaches ‘mega council’. Support for an independent Manly was the strongest among the 18 to 35 year old age group – who are the future of Manly
The results confirm previous polls of the Manly community, including:
• a November 2014 phone survey by Taverner Research that showed that 57% of respondents rejected the proposition of one council on the Northern Beaches; and
• the 2004 poll of 18,500 Manly electors [conducted in conjunction with the 2004 Council elections] which overwhelmingly rejected any boundary changes (74.3%)
at the close of its ‘Your Manly Your Say’ consultation on 5 June 2015, Manly Council received a total of 2,098 responses, including:
• 1,079 responses by post,
• 520 responses online, and
• an independent, random telephone survey of a representative sample of 499 Manly residents, conducted by Taverner Research.
The results are unambiguous:
• The Manly community strongly supports Manly standing alone
• The community does not support a Northern Beaches ‘mega council’, but if an amalgamation was forced;
1. The Manly community strongly supports Manly standing alone
The telephone random survey by Taverner Research and past polls found that the majority of residents support standing alone and an independent Manly
2. The community does not support a Northern Beaches ‘mega council’
Taverner Research found that, if amalgamation was forced, the community would not support one ‘mega council’ on the Northern Beaches. Similar opposition was found in the results of the ‘Your Manly Your Say’ feedback forms.
“The Taverner Research findings are generally consistent with the 2004 Poll of Electors and the separate November 2014 survey of residents,” said Manly Council General Manager, Henry Wong.
“In March this year, Manly Councillors resolved unanimously that merging with our neighbouring councils was not in the best interests of the Manly community – or indeed, the other Councils.
“This is because the independent expert analysis revealed that the creation of a ‘mega’ council, combining Manly, Warringah and Pittwater, could save just two percent of revenue in 10 years.”
“This, in Council’s view, is not worth the risk of merging.”
“As a result, we have advised the State Government that no merger is best for Manly.”
Manly is one of the most financially sustainable councils in the entire State, according to the Mayor of Manly, Jean Hay.
“We achieve economies of scale by sharing resources with our neighbours, while keeping the flexibility to cater for our community’s needs. We work with our neighbours to advocate on regional issues through joint bodies such as SHOROC (Shore Regional Organisation of Councils), but remain independent so we don’t have to compromise on the outcomes for Manly residents,” said Mayor Hay.
“Any financial benefit that could arise from merging with our neighbours is not significant enough to justify opposing the Manly community's long-held stance against council amalgamations.”
“This assessment has been confirmed by independent expert analysis which shows that the creation of a 'mega' council, combining Manly, Warringah and Pittwater, could save $33 million over 10 years - just two percent of revenue. This, in Council's judgement, is too small a benefit to justify the risks of merging.”
“The views of Manly ratepayers and residents were also crucial in reaching this decision. Over the years, there has been a long-standing and well documented opposition to merging council areas.”
“This opposition is one of the main reasons why Manly Council will be advising the State Government that no merger is best for Manly.”
Council report here: (PDF - 21.1 MB)
Local government in New South Wales (Inquiry)
This inquiry is a current Legislative Council inquiry conducted by the General Purpose Standing Committee No. 6. The committee is inquiring into local government in New South Wales.
The committee is keen to hear from members of the community regarding the terms of reference for the inquiry. Individuals wishing to participate in the inquiry can do so by completing this online questionnaire.
Alternatively, individuals and organisations who wish to provide longer and more detailed responses may do so via the usual submission process.
See all documents at
Written submission close 5th July 2015 - online questionnaire closes July 19. These submissions can be made online. Following on from this will be public hearings which everyone can attend
Monday 27 July 2015, 09:00 to 17:00
Macquarie Room: New South Wales Parliament, Macquarie Street, Sydney
10th August 2015, 09:00 to 17:00
Macquarie Room: New South Wales Parliament, Macquarie Street, Sydney
17th August 2015
Time and location TBC
Cobar - Morning - Wagga Wagga - Afternoon
18th August 2015
time and location TCB
24th August 2015, 09:00 to 17:00
Macquarie Room: New South Wales Parliament, Macquarie Street, Sydney
Mums for Mums
Published on 21 Jun 2015 by Jodi Newton
Mums for Mums purpose is to support families of Newport Public School through times of illness, so they can spend quality time as a family, through providing assistance with cleaning, laundry, meals, rosters for car pooling or taking people to treatment and physical and mental rehabilitation. As each family’s situation is different, and the support they require differs we consult with the families directly to determine how we can support them through Mums for Mums.
More at:
Thursday, 25 June 2015: Media Release
The NSW Government is improving the management of our precious marine estate with the launch of a new Threat and Risk Assessment Framework.
Minister for Primary Industries, Niall Blair, and Minister for the Environment, Mark Speakman, today released new guidelines on how the NSW Government will assess the threats and risks to our marine estate.
“Last year, an historic bill passed the NSW Parliament to make sure the state’s marine estate is managed based on science and not politics,” Mr Blair said.
“This is the first step in implementing this Marine Estate Management Act 2014, which sets out a robust legal requirement to assess economic, social and environmental threats, such as pollution, loss of biodiversity, restricted access, anti-social behaviour, and impacts of pests and diseases.
“This framework, developed by the Marine Estate Management Authority with expert guidance from the Marine Estate Expert Knowledge Panel, is at the heart of the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government’s new era in marine estate management.”
Mr Speakman said the framework will consider not only the imminent threats to our coasts and marine waters, but also the cumulative impacts and potential threats over the coming decades.
“This will allow the NSW Government to focus its efforts around the key threats to the marine environment, and deliver on its vision for a healthy coast and sea,” Mr Speakman said.
“We are committed to managing our marine environment for the greatest well-being of the community, now and into the future.”
Initially the framework will be applied to two key projects:
- a state-wide Marine Estate Threat and Risk Assessment; and
- the Hawkesbury Shelf Marine Bioregion Assessment, covering the area from Newcastle to Shellharbour.
The community is encouraged to have their say about both of these projects and the framework in the coming months, and the Authority may refine the framework over time after it has been applied to the first two projects.
The Ministers also today launched an interactive web portal to allow the community to have input into the Hawkesbury Shelf Marine Bioregion Assessment by providing local information on benefits and threats associated with their favourite sites within the bioregion.
The NSW Government is now seeking crucial information from the public regarding sites within the bioregion, the benefits they gain from their use of these sites, and what they see as key threats and ideas on how to manage those threats.
Along with expert input, the information people provide will help identify management options to enhance marine biodiversity conservation whilst maximising community benefits.”
Eleven sites in the Hawkesbury marine bioregion have already been identified for priority assessment and the community is invited to nominate additional sites via the web portal that they would like to see considered:
• Barrenjoey Head (an existing Aquatic Reserve)
• Bouddi National Park Marine Extension
• Bronte-Coogee (an existing Aquatic Reserve)
• Cape Banks (an existing Aquatic Reserve)
• Chowder Bay
• Long Reef (an existing Aquatic Reserve)
• Narrabeen Head (an existing Aquatic Reserve)
• North Harbour (an existing Aquatic Reserve)
• North Harbour extension – Manly Wharf and Manly Cove
• Magic Point, Malabar
• Wybung Head
The web portal, framework and more information can be accessed at
Direct Link to page:
The web portal will be open until 28 August 2015.
Aurora Australis over Sydney Northern Beaches: 23.06.2015
by Jarrod Castaing
An impromptu timelapse of the Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) over Sydney's Northern Beaches 23 June 2015 at 5am. As seen from Bilgola Beach NSW. See:

2015 Pittwater Short Story Award
June 24, 2015
Congratulations to the winners of the 2015 Pittwater Short Story Award and thanks to Pittwater Council Mayor Jacqui Townsend for attending to present the prizes.
Category 1 - Writers Aged 9-12 years
WINNER: The Fire by Charlie Tompson
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Put the Kettle On by Charlotte Nell and
What Goes Around Comes Around by Courtney Yeandle
Category 2 - Writers Aged 13-16 years
WINNER: Edges by Jaime Bell
HIGHLY COMMENDED: The Save From Above by Conor Carroll and The Truth About Charlotte by Wonita Gallagher-Kruger
Category 3 - Open
WINNER: Alternate Endings by Belinda Grieve
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Keet by Matt Elkan
Thank you to our wonderful judges and to the writers, friends and family who came along to the award night.
Top: Winners and Highly Commended!
SIRFB Fireman's Ball
In 3 weeks time we will holding our 60th Anniversary Fireman's Ball.
The Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade was formed in 1955 and will be celebrating its 60th anniversary with a formal ball at the fire station on Saturday 11th July 2015 commencing at 7:00pm
Everybody is invited but you need to book and pay online in advance. We request that you make payment in advance as we need the funds to cover pre-committed ball expenses.
If you are unable to pay online please contact our treasurer by email to to make alternative arrangements.
We look forward to your support to make this an enjoyable celebration (apologies to any recipients who may have already booked or sent apologies).
Date and time: 11 Jul 2015, doors open at 7:00 PM.
The team at the SIRFB.
Our New AED – Avalon Soccer Club
Thanks to the fantastic fund raising effort by some of members we have now purchased an Automated External Defibrillator for the Club.
The total funds raised has now reached over $6000 and we expect to purchase at least on more AED with the money raised.
Avalon Soccer Club is an amateur club situated at the northern end of Sydney's Northern Beaches. As a club we pride ourselves on our friendly, family club environment. The club is comprised of around a thousand players aged from 5 to 70, who enjoy playing the beautiful game at a variety of levels and is entirely run by a group of highly dedicated volunteers. In 2012 we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the amalgamation of the Avalon Junior and Senior Clubs.
We strive to provide the best possible playing and coaching environment that we can with the resources to our disposal. We put a great emphasis on player development and coach education at all skill levels in our club and employ two professional coaches as our Directors of Coaching.
Our home ground is situated at Careel Bay in North Avalon. The site of a former rubbish tip was converted to provide us with two full size fields and a large dedicated mini-field area to cater for the variety of small sided versions of the game played by our younger players.
Find out more at:
Variety the Children’s Charity and Car 2108 in the NSW Variety Bash
On Monday the 13th July, 2015, The Mermaids & Car 2018 will be holding their Fundraising night at Club Palm Beach 1083-1087 Barrenjoey Road, Palm Beach NSW 2108
This night is to raise funds for Variety the Children’s Charity. There will be Entertainment, Dinner, Raffles, a short Auction, Lucky door prize and Dancing till late with our favorite band : THE ENDLESS STRUMMERS.
For tickets, $40.00 per person, Please Contact
Beryl Driver on 0410 478 897 or Elyse Cole on 0404 000 123
We would love you to join us for this great night of fun,
With thanks,
Beryl, Elyse, Victorija
& Variety The Children’s Charity
Trivia Night for Pittwater Community Gardens
Pittwater Community Gardens is holding a Trivia Night at Avalon Bowling Club on Thursday 23rd July. The event is raising funds for the installation of a watering system.
You may organise your own table of 8 or book individually. Kicking off with live music at 7:00, trivia begins at 7:30.
The evening is themed "Country" and prizes will be awarded to the best dressed people/table, so get your Akubras out of the cupboard and be creative. Tables will be available for dressing from 6:00. Mezza plates (using as much Garden produce as possible) will be provided for each table and drinks may be purchased from the bar (no BYO).
Great music, food, quizzes and lots of prizes all for only $15! Tables are limited, so book now by phoning or texting Billy 0405 508 270 or Brita 0418 482 481.
Find out more at:
George Bass surf boat marathon 2016
Entries are now open for the 2016 George Bass Surf Marathon. Head to to download the entry form!
Special early bird prices are on offer until 30 September 2015
Australia names star studded team for International Surf Rescue Challenge at Maroochydore
June 23, 2015 - SLSA
Nutri-Grain Series winners Ali Day and Liz Pluimers feature in a star-studded Australian Life Saving Team to compete at the International Surf Rescue Challenge (ISRC) in Maroochydore.
Some of the biggest names in Surf Lifesaving have been included in the squad of 16 by the national selection panel, on behalf of Surf Life Saving Australia and Royal Life Saving Society Australia.
Female athlete of the recent Australian Championships Georgia Miller will be joined by fellow Nutri-Grain series athletes Jordan Mercer, Kendrick Louis and Matt Poole at the September event.
“It’s an honour to coach such a great team leading up to the three test series. The ISRC provides Australia with our first major international competition since the 2014 World Championships and an opportunity to go head to head with New Zealand” Australian Life Saving Team Head Coach Danny Short said.
New Zealand are the reigning world champions having won the point score at the 2014 World Championship, Rescue 2014 in France last year.
“There are a bunch of new faces in our ISRC team, with over half the team competing in Open for their first time. I expect they will use this opportunity to demonstrate why they should be part of our team for Rescue 2016,” Short said.
With team captain, Shannon Eckstein unavailable for the ISRC test series, Tim Schofield and Melissa Cracroft-Wilson (nee Howard) will step up as co-captains for the team.
“Tim and Mel are part of our athlete leadership group and are both experienced international athletes. Both are deserving of the honour and I am sure will lead our team from the front,” Short said.
The team will assemble in Maroochydore in mid-August for a final team training camp before ISRC.
An Australian squad will also be competing at the Sanyo Cup in Japan next month. Both Sanyo and ISRC are part of the squad’s journey towards Rescue 2016 in the Netherlands next year.
Athletes selected for ISRC Open Team
Men: Ali Day, Kendrick Louis, Matt Poole, Matt Bevilaqua, Tim Schofield, Hayden White, Dean Scarff, Jackson Symonds
Women: Liz Pluimers, Jordan Mercer, Harriet Brown, Amy Nurthen, Georgia Miller, Miranda Bell, Mel Howard, Elly Graf
Athletes selected for ISRC Youth Team
Men: Charlie Brooks, Jy Timperley, Jackson Collins, Callum Lowe-Griffiths, Jackson Borg, Lewis Abdul, Matthew Day, Isaac Smith
Women: Lizzie Welborn, Jemma Smith, Lily Costello, Megan Kreuter, Hannah Sculley, Nicole Kay, Olivia Fien, Caitlin Callahan
Avalon Craft Cottage at Avalon
Maureen Darcy-Smith. Publicity Officer
Research Shows Public Wants Involvement in Local Government Decisions
According to Why Local Government Matters research, 93 per cent of Australians want to be involved in local government decisions about services delivered in their areas.
The research, released June 17th, 2015, was carried out by the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG), part of the Centre for Local Government at the University of Technology, Sydney. It is the first national study of its kind in Australia and addresses a significant gap in research about how Australians value local government.
Associate Professor Roberta Ryan, Director of ACELG said the aim of the research was to better understand how and why the activities of local governments and their roles in society are valued by communities.
She said: “The landmark research is important for Australian local government and other tiers of government, organisations and agencies that work closely with councils. There is enormous support for government to deliver services for a healthier and fairer society, and for the proposition that decisions about services should not be made just on value for money. According to our research, Australians overwhelmingly (93 per cent) want to be involved with government in making decisions about what services are delivered in their local area."
Professor Ryan added: “The results will also be invaluable for broader debates about reform of the sector, the role of local government in the federation, and immediate local-level issues such as service delivery, community participation in council decision-making, financial sustainability, and the wellbeing of local government areas.” Other main report findings are:
• Australians think local government is the best level of government to make decisions about their local areas, and that it is important that local government delivers a diverse range of activities, with planning for the future being amongst the most important
• Australians feel a strong emotional connection to the local areas in which they live, providing improved emotional wellbeing and a stronger sense of personal identity
• There is strong support for the role of government in service delivery, particularly in health and education, and Australians do not agree that the private sector or the market necessarily deliver the best or most efficient services
• Most respondents agree that taxes should pay for more than basic services and that they are prepared to pay more taxes to receive more services. There also is strong agreement for governments to work with each other and with service providers to provide local services.
Download report at:
Harriet Birks Art Exhibition; Avalon Recreation Centre
19 Jun 2015
Enliven Pittwater/ Eramboo artist-in-residence Harriet Napier Birks is set to exhibit her new work at Avalon Recreation Centre in July.
The exhibition known as Asleep in the Colour Factory will be a combination of 2D watercolours and video installations and will run daily from 1-5 July from 10.30am to 4pm; with opening night on 30 June from 6pm.
Pittwater Mayor Jaqueline Townsend said she was delighted that after completing her residency at Eramboo, Harriet was now ready to share her work with the local community.
“This residency is about supporting an artist at the same time as we enhance cultural vitality in Pittwater’s town and village centres.
“We are particularly excited by the public programs that accompany Harriet’s exhibition. Visitors will be invited to colour-in ‘jellybloomz’ illustrations, with the resulting artworks included in a community exhibition” said Cr Townsend.
Eramboo’s artistic director Susan Milne said the residency program was a career accelerator for the talented local artist.
“During the three month residency Harriet was able to totally engulf herself in the creative process as well as tap into the professional support and networks provided.
“She has a dynamic arts practise, which combines film, animation and highly detailed drawing. It will be exciting seeing her work in an exhibition setting,” said Ms Milne.
The exhibition program is as follows:
30 June – Opening night (6pm)
2 July – Artist talk about time lapse animation Q&A (11am)
4 July – Meet the artist (2-4pm)
5 July - #Jellybloomz community project: construct a big jellybloom, all ages (11am)
For more information about Harriet Birks
Query to the Community – Metters Products and Scottish Bricks – Please Help
Hello from Scotland. I wonder if you or any of your followers can assist me with a small query.
Back in 2013 you posted this…
I have a fascination for the Scottish brick industry and associated products (sadly no longer an industry for us!)....I have just posted this on my site and I wondered if you or any of your readers had any evidence to confirm or deny the idea that some Metters products were, at some point manufactured in Scotland.
Also: If any of your readers find a Scottish brick I would love to hear from them. My email is
See Metters/Scotland on my website HERE
And Scottish bricks HERE
Thanking you all in advance,
Best regards,
Mark Cranston - Scotland
Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Harbour Yacht Race 2016 - Entries Open
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club and Coffs Harbour Yacht Club welcome all eligible boats to enter the 35th Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Yacht Race. The 226nm Category 2 Bluewater race from Pittwater to Coffs Harbour will start on Saturday January 2, 2016, 1300hrs.
Once in Coffs Harbour a single non-pointscore fun pursuit race from Coffs Harbour around the Solitary Islands off the Coffs Coast will be held on January 5.
The Notice of Race has been published and applications for entry are open at the Event Website: .
There will be five entry categories available; IRC, PHS, ORCi, Multihull (OMR), and a Shorthanded (PHS) division.
The 2016 Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Harbour Yacht Race again welcomes entries from eligible multihulls. Back in January 2014 Sean Langman’s Orma 60 trimaran Team Australia took line honours in the multihull division and created a new race record of 17hrs 7mins 5secs.
Corey Yeung, NSW State Manager of naming rights sponsor Club Marine, added, “Club Marine is proud to be associated with the longstanding event and the competing yachtsmen and women. We once again look forward to meeting competitors, seeing them out on the water at the start off Palm Beach and welcoming them at the Coffs Harbour Yacht Club in early January.”
To assist owners and crew in their preparation for the race The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club has developed the "Come to Coffs Pathway", a series of training opportunities (including Safety at Sea, First Aid, Person Overboard, Radio Operator courses) Seminars (Navigating to Coffs, Internet@Sea, Essential Equipment), and qualify races to meet the eligibility requirements of a Category 2 race.
Two safety items the Coffs Race Committee have adopted for the race is the inclusion for all boats to carry an AIS Transponder and a satellite phone. In previous races Satellite phone were an option if a boat was using an HF radio. The Race Committee believes these technologies will benefit the safety of all competitors sailing north through some of the coasts busiest shipping lanes. Virtual skeds will continue to be used for the 2016 race as boats will have Yellow Brick trackers installed throughout the race and also for the Coffs Harbour Solitary Islands Race.
Applications for entry close December 1, 2015.
For race enquiries please contact:
RPAYC sailing office ph: (02) 9998 3771
MAG&M exhibitions calendar
July - December 2015
Manly Art Gallery & Museum’s July – December 2015 exhibitions calendar is out now! Download the Calendar, print it, or pop in to the Art Gallery and pick up your copy for the fridge.
Full of fascinating and stimulating exhibitions from War-Time Quilts, to ceramics, photographs by Anne Zahalka to an exhibition of works by local artists responding to the theme of ‘saltwater’, from ‘Out of Quarantine’ to ‘Destination Sydney’ including paintings by Brett Whiteley, Lloyd Rees and Elisabeth Cummings.
Something for everyone in a dynamic program over the next 6 months!
Inspiring Pearls of Wisdom on Radio Northern Beaches
We are very excited to be broadcasting our hour radio program every Wednesday (commencing 17th June) afternoon at 2pm on Radio Northern Beaches 88.7 and 90.3. Your northern beaches community radio station. Check out the website - Now with live streaming.
Our show “Inspiring Pearls of Wisdom", is an hour where friends, share many inspirational gems, allowing you to realise and value that you’re unique.
Our weekly program is the home of inspiring guest interviews, quotes, affirmations, thought-provoking songs and discussions.
We share how to re-awaken your consciousness, your true innate abilities, and how to create and maintain high self-esteem and self-worth.
Each week we will have an unique "Theme" to the show.
This is where we will be sharing links and information about everything we have discussed on the program.
We look forward to your sharing your thoughts, feedback and feelings.
Also feel free to contact us if you would like to be a guest.
Karen Chaston and Kaz (Karen) Pearce
Project Update - June, 2015
On 5th May we brought online to replace the individual links that were previously necessary during our development stage.
Initially on entering the site we have Snapshots of the Temperature, Humidity and Wind at each of our present operational stations via the clickable list. Then on clicking on the individual stations at the top of the page access is made to the full comprehensive data for each station.
We now have 4 stations operational and 3 more in the pipeline.
The TABS on our individual stations give access to the following data –
All present weather parameters updated every 2 minutes.
Data freezes at last reading if power lost to unit - Always check time of data.
Top banner photos cycle automatically or mouse over & click.
RECENT - Today,Yesterday
HISTORY - This Month, This Year, Monthly, Time
GAUGES - Standard, Steel Series, Flying – analog & digital
TRENDS - These graphs present temperature, pressure, rainfall, and wind speed trends for the last 24 hours. The thumbnail graphs are sampled every 10 minutes.
Click on a thumbnail to display the corresponding larger graph. The large graphs are sampled every 1 minute.
FORECASTS - Tides & Moon (supplied by WillyWeather) + 7 day Forecast (generated by WeatherUnderground)
IMAGES - Slideshow of surrounding area. Webcam – not available yet. Coming to some stations
ABOUT - Station, System – maintenance overview and Information – description & location of equipment + Contact us – comments or questions
The crucial need for these stations was demonstrated during the horrendous weather of 20th and 21st April when Western Foreshore & Scotland Island residents were totally dependent on the information to know when it was safe to leave their homes.
The wonderful volunteers of the SES, Rural Fire Service and Marine Rescue could also have an overview of the weather at various locations around the peninsula.
On 21st April over 350 hits were recorded on the Palm Beach station, over 250 at The Quays and 170 for Scotland Island. This was from a service that was little known at that stage.
Now, as of 9th May, Total Hits on all the stations are approaching 14,000.
The aim of this Project is to establish weather Observation stations around Pittwater that transmit the present ACTUAL conditions to the internet. The Bureau of Meteorology and many other providers produce Forecasts and the BoM produces Observations for many locations but NOT Pittwater.
When the Barrenjoey Lighthouse installation receives approval from National Parks and Wildlife Service then that weather information will not only benefit Pittwater users but coastal traffic as well.
Barrenjoey will be equipped with a webcam as well as other suitable locations giving a bird’s eye view of the surroundings.
The National Manager, Marine Weather, for the BoM is fully supportive of our endeavour as is and the NSW Minister for Planning.
Hopefully this project could be a blueprint for other locations around Australia that are lacking BoM Actual weather information to create their own network to not only be available directly but through the BoM WOW (Weather Observation Website) facility -
PittwaterWeather is a not-for-profit association helping the community with vital information.
It is hoped that Governments, both State and Federal, will see fit to help fund the ongoing running of this service.
Rohan Walter
President – PittwaterWeather Incorporated

The photo tells the story of a sad, slow death of a classically built, vintage yacht beached at Dangar Island on the Hawkesbury River.
CURRAWONG is so well constructed that she could with much tender loving care and a deep pocket, be restored.
Time is rapidly running out for this beautiful, veteran yacht at a notice of imminent destruction has been glued to her hull.
Ahoy!, calling all wooden boat lovers to rally around a great cause and save the CURRAWONG for future generations to enjoy and appreciate!
Update June 5th: we have word from the owner of this vessel that he will be happy to give her away to a person or group interested in getting her sailing again. He would leave all fittings on her, including one set of sails in reasonable condition. Contact Pittwater Online News if interested - we will run a story on her History and Heritage in Issue 221
Further below

Above: Close-up of "Currawong" - Pittwater Regatta, 1938 - Sam Hood pic, courtesy State Library of NSW, Image No.:hood_06523
Boomerang Bags Avalon Workshops
Surfrider Foundation and Living Ocean
We will continue with our Tuesday workshops 11am-5pm at Avalon Recreation Centre
We are still looking for more volunteers to get involved. The more help we can find the sooner we will be able to launch Boomerang Bags onto the streets of Avalon.
This week shout out goes to Jo, who has become our expert in all involving stamps and paint. Jo has done an excellent job over the last few weeks creating our Boomerang Bag patches to sew on the bags. Great job Jo.
So make sure you pop into Avalon Recreation Centre on Tuesdays, anytime from 11am-5pm and come join the team. All welcome, no sewing skills needed, we need people to cut material, stamp and of course to come along and have a cuppa.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.
Jessica Hensman, Operations Manager
PO Box 968, Mona Vale NSW 1660, Surfrider Foundation

Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 27/6/2015
Extraordinary Council Meeting and Other Updates
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Critter of the Month - June 2015

New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information or call John on 9982 5656 / 0409 391 065
More than $1 billion to support emergency services and build community resilience
23 Jun 2015: NSW Government Media Release
Fire & Rescue NSW, NSW Rural Fire Service and the NSW State Emergency Service will receive $1.14 billion in 2015-16, including funding to equip emergency services workers with the tools they need to better protect communities.
Minister for Emergency Services David Elliott said FRNSW would receive almost $700 million, plus capital funding including $18.4 million to build and refurbish fire stations in places such as Marsden Park, Mount Druitt and Oran Park in Sydney.
There are also plans for new fire stations at Abermain and Murrurundi in the Hunter, and Batlow, Gulgog, Henty, and Nyngan in western NSW, as well as funding to extend Wingham fire station in the Hunter and refurbish Wollongong fire station.
The Budget includes $17 million to replace FRNSW vehicles and $9.8 million for the RFS to pilot Large Air Tankers to help fight bushfires in remote areas this summer.
"This Budget builds on the Government's commitment to ensure emergency services workers have the resources they need to protect communities and help increase our resilience against the impact of fires, floods and other emergencies," Mr Elliott said.
There is more than $5.2 million for the RFS to develop a web portal for landowners to access important information about bushfire risk and mitigation, $2 million to develop a fire trail network across the state and $1 million to build four regionally based remote area volunteer training centres.
Other highlights include:
* $12.6 million as part of a four-year $46.3 million commitment for local government grants to support RFS infrastructure;
* $7.9 million as part of a four-year $31.8 million commitment to improve RFS public information systems, expand the Rapid Aerial Response capability and enhance bush fire behaviour analysis;
* $24.3 million as part of a Strategic Disaster Readiness Package to ensure the SES has the resources to help prevent and respond to storms; and
* $1.9 million over four years for the Flood Data Access Program to inform on floodplain risk management, emergency management and land use planning.

2015 IRB Championships
Thursday 25 June 2015 - SLSNSW
The best inflatable rescue boat (IRB) racers from around NSW will be gunning for state glory when the 2015 IRB Championships are run at Mollymook this weekend.
Competitors will converge on the idyllic South Coast town for scrutineering from Friday with race action set to get underway at around 8am AEST on Saturday conditions permitting.
Almost 300 competitors from 22 clubs have entered the championships, a slight increase on 2014 numbers. It is expected that the event will inject around $150,000 into the local economy.
Following their successful IRB Premiership campaign, all eyes will be on Kiama Downs to see if they can convert their recent run of form into state medals. The champions won’t have it all their own way as Caves Beach, Catherine Hill Bay and North Cronulla will be looking to reverse the result from the just completed series.
Two clubs will be making their first IRB appearance this year after being unable to compete during the premiership series with both Coledale and North Narrabeen keen to capitalise on their fresh form.
“We are looking forward to what promises to be an outstanding weekend of IRB racing at Mollymook, and would like to wish all competitors the best of luck,” NSW Surf Sports Manager Shane Knight said.
“IRB racing is an important part of our winter calendar, and is a great chance for the competitors to keep their skills sharp during the cooler months. It should be a fantastic climax to the NSW season.”
The IRB State Champs is the premier event for competitors and is designed to simulate real life rescue situations involving individual ‘patients’ and mass rescues. All events are based on honing the skills of both IRB driver and crewperson and the fast-paced nature of the competition makes it a great day out for spectators.
NSW competitors will feature at the season-ending Interstate titles and Australian IRB Championships, which in 2015 will be held at Queensland’s Mooloolaba Beach from July 17-19.
Live results from the 2015 IRB State Championships can be foundhere.
Top: Mollymook on Saturday 27th of June, 2015 - SLSNSW picture
Pets of the Week
AGE/SEX: 11 weeks / F
BREED: Chihuahua x Mini Foxy
Mustard (adopted), Nutmeg (adopted), Fennel & Coriander are Spice's 9 week old puppies. Spice and her very young pups came to us from the pound! We don't know their daddy. You can find Spice's pictures in our 1 - 3 years female category of the website. Please fill in the adoption questionnaire and email it if you are interested in Coriander or Fennel. We are looking for a home where at least one person is a home based worker as these pups need 3 feeds a day, toilet training, obedience training etc. like every other puppy:)
Our pups will come with 3 puppy vaccinations, microchipping and a desexing voucher that is inclusive in the adoption fee of $500.
June 25, 2015
Faulty electric heaters sold in Woolworths Supermarkets and BIG W stores across Australia from 15/3/15 to 17/6/2015 are being recalled, due to risk of electric shock and fire.
For more details and to find out what to do, visit the ACCC Consumer Rights product safety website at:

Monday, 22 June 2015: Media Release
Minister for Primary Industries, Lands and Water, Niall Blair, today announced $13 million will be invested in 63 recreational fishing projects in NSW in the next year. “Fishing is one of the state’s most popular recreational activities – and it is so important we invest in infrastructure and programs to support this crucial sector,” Mr Blair said. “Projects will be funded from Albury to Grafton and in Sydney’s waterways – including nearly $1 million to fund a fifth artificial reef off the coast of NSW.”
Artificial reefs already constructed off Sydney and Shoalhaven Heads are proving to be very popular with recreational fishers. The Sydney reef has now matured into complex fish habitat for a wide range of bottom-dwelling and oceanic fish species such as Kingfish, Snapper and Mulloway. The funding has been provided through the Recreational Fishing Trust to wide range of projects including:
• recreational fishing enhancement –artificial reefs and fish stocking;• recreational fishing education – fishing workshops, school education and• fishing advisory; fishing access and facilities – fishing platforms, fish cleaning tables, safety• infrastructure and other facilities including the enhancement of fishing access; aquatic habitat rehabilitation and protection – community grants to remove• barriers to fish migration, replanting and protecting river bank vegetation and restoring water flows; and research on fish and recreational fishing – surveys, biology of popular• recreational species and angler catch projects.
Funding will also continue for deployment of fish aggregating devices in offshore waters. More devices in new locations will be deployed in the summer season. NSW Recreational Fishing Fees are reinvested into freshwater and saltwater projects that improve recreational fishing. Recreational fishing is a $1.6 billion industry, which employs about 14,000 people.
NSW parents offered free face-to-face parenting support
Parents of children with a disability in New South Wales are being offered two years of free evidence-based parenting support, under a world-first research project led by the University of Sydney.
Free seminars and one-on-one parenting sessions are available through the Stepping Stones Triple P project which aims to reduce childhood behavioural problems, and improve the wellbeing of parents of children with special needs across the state.
Chair of Mental Health at the University of Sydney, Professor Stewart Einfeld said parents of children with a disability face daily challenges as their children have three to four times the behavioural problems of typically developing kids.
"It's essentially important that we offer families targeted support as children with developmental disabilities, such as autism spectrum disorders, Fragile X and Down syndrome are much more prone to emotional and behavioural problems," Professor Einfeld said.
"Research has also shown that as a result, parents of children with a disability experience higher levels of stress and mental health problems."
"The Stepping Stones program can have a huge impact on families' lives, with seventy one percent of children with a disability showing substantial improvements in their behaviour after their parents complete the program."
Funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council, the program is also offered in Victoria and Queensland under a research partnership with Monash University and the University of Queensland.
Information for parents:
Parents of children with a disability can visit to register their interest in receiving free support under the Stepping Stones Triple P Project. The program will be progressively rolled out across the state over the next few months. Parents in northern New South Wales will be the first to benefit.
R Marine Riley Tasmania Experience
Pittwater, NSW, Australia: There’s certainly plenty of interest in the R Marine Riley Tasmania Experience, scheduled to depart Sydney just after Christmas 2015 for the southern seas, discovering all the treasures of Tasmania.
Riviera dealer Mark Riley says many Riviera owners are talking about what, for many, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to set their bows towards the pristine blue waters of the Tasmania.
“We are very much in the planning stages for the three-week passage and we are receiving some great feedback, which is all being incorporated into the growing itinerary,” says Mark. “We are talking with travel agencies and fellow boaties too as we put together this amazing Experience.”
Mark says Riviera owners along the east coast of Australia are expected to take part and some clients are even upgrading their Rivieras ahead of the voyage.
“Our team has been studying all the charts, contacting harbour masters and marinas from Sydney to Hobart to ensure we offer a Riviera Experience like none before,” he says.
The plan is to leave Sydney (NSW) on December 27 and proceed to the first anchorage at Jervis Bay, then to Eden, Port Welshpool in Victoria.
“We won’t be operating to a strict timetable as good weather, great cruising and, of course, safety always come first on R Marine Riley Experiences,” says Mark.
“The owners coming have a wide variety of boats – everything from older Riviera 36 Flybridges to the very latest Riviera 52 Enclosed Flybridges, 6000 Sport Yachts and even a beautiful Belize 54.
“We have also found that not everyone wants to do the whole trip, so some partners will be flying to different destinations to meet up with the fleet so they can still experience all the fun and enjoyment of our vast array of activities.”
Some of the activity highlights include anchoring in the crystal clear waters of the Flinders Group Islands, visiting uninhabited islands as well as meeting the local fisherman, and of course dining on fresh-caught seafood and savouring world-renowned Tassie wines on visits to the best sparkling and Pinot wineries and famous cheese-makers on The Apple Isle.
This year R Marine Riley is also planning an Experience to Fraser Island and Lady Musgrave Island during the September school holidays, as well as regular ladies driving courses and “Riv Kids” events.
R Marine Riley welcomes anyone from the Riviera family to join them on these fabulous adventures. Please call Mark Riley direct on +61 418 250 727 or email him at for further details.
The Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay at Newport is pleased to announce the staging of the 8th Annual “UNIQUE VEHICLE SHOW" on Sunday 26th July.
An "unusual" event for a Yacht Club to host you might think, but "boaties" do have many other interests, and an enthusiasm for all things mechanical is certainly one of them!
Rob Brown (RMYC Event Organiser) said today in announcing the event,
“We are very excited to host the show once again this year. We are working closely with the Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association and their members, who will be show casing some of the rarest motor vehicles, bikes and engines dating as far back as the early 1900’s. And while you are here you can try out our “food and wine tasting” that will run throughout the day.
This year the show will incorporate a new category, a selected number of moderns… from the year 2000 through to the present day. This will obviously add even more colour and flare to what has been a fantastic array of motoring history over the last seven years here at RMYC.
There will be over 60 vehicles on display including beautifully restored Vintage cars, Classics, Sports Cars, Hot Rods, Motorcycles, working engines and Models.
The vehicles will be located in the waterfront car park at the Royal Motor Yacht Club, 46 Prince Alfred Parade, Newport. 10am till 3.00pm.
Entry is free - members of the Public are welcome but will need to sign in, if they wish to use the club’s facilities. Parking is limited at the club, so why not make it an even more special day by catching the historic MV Reliance ferry from Rowland Reserve Bayview or from the Newport Arms Public Wharf. Cost $5.00 per person each way!
We look forward to seeing you here at the RMYC!
For more information, please contact RMYC office during business hours – 9997 5511.
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Res 8-11am

Brisbane to Keppel yacht race - ideal launch pad for the northern circuit
Event: Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race starts 1100hrs Thursday July 30, 2015 from Moreton Bay finishes Keppel Bay, hosted by the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron at Manly, Brisbane, Queensland
Winter has barely arrived in the south eastern states and already a savvy bunch of yachties are planning to cast off the woolies and get out of town. Entry for the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron’s 9th annual Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race is open and a diverse fleet is building for the 1100hrs start on Thursday July 30, 2015 from Brisbane’s Moreton Bay.
Of the RQYS organised 343 miler, Rear Commodore Mark Gallagher says, “already there’s a great fleet heading north to enjoy the fantastic hospitality shown by the finish crew at Keppel Bay Marina. The course is scenic and like most coastal passages it’s a thinking person’s race to play the wind and tide to maximum advantage. And we throw whale watching in for free!”
“With regular flights to Rockhampton airport it’s the perfect pit stop for swapping crew and gear, and the ideal launch pad for the northern circuit,” reminds RQ’s sailing manager Richard Matterson.
His team is making it even easier for Sydney Gold Coast yacht race crews wanting to take the option of back-to-back coastal races as the best way to leap-frog north to the Whitsunday regatta loop of Airlie Beach, Hamilton Island and Magnetic Island race weeks.
There’s an existing agreement in place with the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia that paperwork submitted for their Category 2 Sydney Gold Coast yacht race also satisfies the entry criteria for the Brisbane to Keppel. RQYS’ latest initiative to assist owners with logistics is the offer to send their gear truck to Southport Yacht Club to meet the CYCA’s fleet and collect equipment owners need transported north to Manly for the next stage Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race.
For the past four years supermaxis Wild Oats XI and Grant Wharington’s Wild Thing have been the gun line honours boats. With the Oatleys’ race record holder Wild Oats XI on a ship to Los Angeles to tackle the Transpac Race there’s going to be some elbow room at the head of the table.
So far Peter Harburg’s 70-footer Black Jack is Wild Oats’ likely successor.
Sam Haynes from Sydney has a new Celestial, a JV designed TP52, and though he’s won division one for the past two years he’s coming back to try for a hat trick, and hoping this year is the running race advertised in the brochures. “We are due for a downhill ride, but regardless I need to take the TP north and it’s a good step in that direction, towards Hamilton Island and the IRC Australian Championship. It’s pretty scenic along the Island and getting into the bay at the end; the race itself is good to do.”
The people’s boat, Russel McCart’s Volvo 60 Spirit of Mateship, is returning with its mix of regular and ADF crew.
Now in its ninth year, the 343 nautical mile challenge from Moreton Bay to the finish in Keppel Bay starts at 1100hrs on Thursday July 30, 2015. Further course details will be included in the sailing instructions.
The Notice of Race has been published and online entry is now open.
Entries close Friday July 17, 2015.
by Lisa Ratcliff
Top: Black Jack -credit Andrea Francolini
This powerful, compassionate, documentary film by Porter Speakman will be shown at Avalon Baptist Church on Sunday morning June 28 at 10 a.m.
"With God On Our Side" takes a hard look at the theology and politics of Christian Zionism, which teaches that because the Jews are God's chosen people, Israeli government policies should not be questioned, even when these policies are unjust
Christian Zionists have been hugely important in American Foreign Policy because of their influence on the right wing of the Republican Party. There are also Christian Zionists in Australia. The film traces Porter Speakman's change of heart from Christian Zionist to moderate peacemaker.
Speakman said, "When you think God is on your side everything is justified. Radical Muslims justify suicide bombings, Radical Jews justify ethnic cleansing and radical Christians justify modern-day crusades."
The film is also valuable because it traces the history of the establishment of Israel as a right of the Jewish people without regard for the rights of the Palestinians who had been living there for many hundreds of years. This history is vital in assessing the justice of current politics. It is particularly important knowledge for human rights advocates who are often accused of being "änti-semitic"
The film makers believe "that God does not take sides with certain people, groups, nations or agendas. Rather, He is for all people."
DATE: Sunday 28th June at 10 a.m.
Free entry / Free Morning Tea-Brunch.
Voluntary Donations to Nepal Earthquake Relief (World Vision)
INFO: Kath Moody 99971815
New skate park for Mona Vale
Pittwater Council’s plans to build a new skate park at Kitchener Park, Mona Vale are now underway and we are seeking input on the design process.
We need your help to shape the design and input on questions like whether or not to keep and renovate the existing half pipe.
A skate park working group is being formed to provide advice, recommendations and local knowledge to Council on behalf of skateboard, BMX, scooter users and skate related enthusiasts and professionals.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the project was a cornerstone in delivering one of Council’s key strategic objectives – promoting youth involvement in recreational and social activities.
“The skate park at Kitchener Park has been a longstanding concern and something we are committed to delivering to our community.
“The facility will cater for the interests, needs and safety of current and future generations of skate facility users,” added Cr Townsend.
The preparation of concept design and tendering for the project will take place from mid to late 2015, with construction of the upgrade commencing in early 2016.
Project information and expression of interest survey for the working party are located on our website at:
To submit your ideas for consideration or call David Bremner, Community Engagement Officer on 9970 1262

Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council
The Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council (RFNSW) is being established to provide advice to the Minister for Primary Industries on key recreational fishing issues in NSW, including high level priorities for expenditure from the Recreational Fishing Trust.
The new Advisory Council will be based around a modern representative model, ensuring the views of regional fishers from right across the State are communicated. RFNSW will be represented by eight regional members and two members with expertise in spearfishing and charter boat fishing. A senior officer from NSW DPI and the recreational fishing representative from the Ministerial Advisory Council will also be members of the new Council.
The Council will replace the Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing. Regional recreational fishers and members of recreational fishing organisations are encouraged to nominate for appointment to the Council.
More information
For more information on how to apply and submit an expression of interest: Recreational Fishing NSW information package (PDF, 366.67 KB) and Email:; or Call: (02) 9741 4722
Closing date: Expressions of interest close 7 July 2015.
See documents at:

Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is July 5th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
Sport NSW Announces the Opening of the 2015 Community Sports Volunteer Awards
More than four hundred thousand people across NSW voluntarily dedicate their time every year through their involvement in sporting clubs and organisations. Put simply, sport would not exist without them. Launching the opening of the awards program today, Sport NSW CEO, Cheryl Battaerd said the Community Sports Volunteer Awards recognise the efforts of those around the state who contribute hours of their personal time to ensure that their fellow community members can participate in sport.
“We recognize the critical and diverse role volunteers play from club administrators and coaches to officials and canteen staff, regardless of the pouring rain, icy temperatures or scorching heat – they are the ones that give life to community sport,” Battaerd said.
“Unfortunately the reality is volunteer participation in sport is falling in NSW and is outpacing the national decline. All evidence points towards changes to patterns, behaviours and expectations of volunteers, and this has to be a focus for sporting organisations. There is an urgent need to help build the capacity and capability of managers and administrators in sport to effectively recruit and retain volunteers. By recognising the value of volunteering, showcasing successful models of volunteer management and providing information and resources, we are hopeful that we will assist the sporting sector in reversing the trend of volunteer decline in NSW,” she said.
Get inspired and read the case study of good volunteer management by the 2014 winners of the Community Sporting Club category - Alstonville & District Football Club.
The Community Sport Volunteer Awards program consists of Individual Awards categories and the Minister’s Sport Volunteer Management Awards recognising sporting organisations.
The Individual Volunteer Community Sport Awards involve five categories:
Official of the Year, Young Official of the Year, Coach of the Year, Young Coach of the Year, and Community Sport Administrator of the Year.
The Minister’s Sport Volunteer Management Awards aims to attract nominations from organisations that have shown innovative ideas and management techniques in the recognition, education and training, coordination, and recruitment of volunteers. These awards include three categories: Club/District or Regional Community Sport Organisation; State Sporting Organisations and Event of the Year.
NSW Minister for Sport and Recreation, the Hon. Stuart Ayres, MP will be presenting the 2015 NSW Community Sports Volunteer Awards at a function on Friday 21st August 2015 at NSW Parliament House.
Nominations are now open and close on Friday 10th July.
The Awards Guidelines and Nomination Forms can be found
As the peak body for sport and active recreation, Sport NSW represents the collective interests of NSW’s single largest community sector. With over 100 member groups representing 15,000 sporting clubs and associations and well over 2.5 million participants, workers and volunteers, the community sport and active recreation sector makes a significant contribution to the social, physical, health, mental and economic well-being of our NSW communities.
Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE

The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
June 21 - 27, 2015: Issue 219
Articles This Week
This is Avalon - Winter Solstice Festival: Sunday 21st of June
Aquatics: RPAYC members and Australian Sailors shine at Olympic venue: winning one Gold, two Silver and one Bronze medal at ISAF Sailing World Cup Weymouth & Portland by AST
The Marquise of Scotland Island
New faces in pivotal roles for MC38 Winter Regatta by Lisa Ratcliff
R Marine Riley Tasmania Experience: leaves Sydney (NSW) on December 27
Pictures: Pittwater the Beautiful - evens when it rains!
DIY Ideas: Toy Box and Snow Globes: School Holidays Fun - Winter 2015 - something to do indoors, something to do outdoors... together
Profile: Adrian Boddy - For many years we have been fortunate to see and sometimes share some of the wonderful images taken by Adrian Boddy. Mr. Boddy is more than a photographer of wonderful environments and all in them though. Prior to 'retirement' he was a director at the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building UTS, and an architectural photographer. His Master’s thesis was Max Dupain and the photography of Australian Architecture (QUT, 1996).
History: The First Boat Builders of Pittwater I: the Short Life and Long Voyages of Scotland Island Schooner the Geordy
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month June 2015 - Tim Hixson: Tim Hixson first began photography whilst a student at Southern Illinois University. After returning home to Australia he lived in Byron Bay then worked out of his studio in North Sydney shooting commercially and developing his personal photography. In 1998 he returned to plastic camera photography, producing the exhibition and book ‘BEACH’.
Tim is the great grandson of Captain Francis Hixson, and a superlative waterman alike this builder of the Naval Brigade in N.S.W. Tim is our Profile to open the month of June - while his great grandfather opens the Pioneer Watermen of Broken Bay and Pittwater History pages for June.
SIRFB Fireman's Ball
In 3 weeks time we will holding our 60th Anniversary Fireman's Ball.
The Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade was formed in 1955 and will be celebrating its 60th anniversary with a formal ball at the fire station on Saturday 11th July 2015 commencing at 7:00pm
Everybody is invited but you need to book and pay online in advance. We request that you make payment in advance as we need the funds to cover pre-committed ball expenses.
If you are unable to pay online please contact our treasurer by email to to make alternative arrangements.
We look forward to your support to make this an enjoyable celebration (apologies to any recipients who may have already booked or sent apologies).
Date and time: 11 Jul 2015, doors open at 7:00 PM.
The team at the SIRFB.
Winter Solstice 2015
June Solstice in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia is on Monday, 22 June 2015 at 2:39 AM AEST
Pittwater Lifeguards Wrap Up Season
Monday 15 June 2015: SLS NSW
The Australian Lifeguard Service (ALS) has closed the book on another successful season across Pittwater beaches. Since last September through until April, lifeguards were kept busy on the nine patrolled beaches.
Beach attendance was slightly down after the record high of over a million last year falling to 765,879 visits. Though the numbers dipped, the beaches still proved to be a major drawcard for both locals and tourists alike. Newport, Palm Beach and Mona Vale recorded the most visitors with all three drawing crowds in excess of 100,000 each during the season.
Lifeguards were kept busy performing over 200 rescues across the area with Palm Beach clocking up over half of the total tally. It is the second consecutive season that the popular beach has led the way in total rescues.
With a greater emphasis on preventative actions this season as a means of stopping a situation escalating to the point of having to carry out a rescue, there was an increase of around 8,000 actions taken by lifeguards across Pittwater.
The number of first aid treatments remained fairly static – 2,254 as opposed to 2,281 in 2013/14 with ALS lifeguards administering treatment for everything from marine stings, to cuts, bruises and broken bones.
Lifeguards also assisted in a couple of major rescues at the notorious Warriewood Blowhole, which are quite complex jobs due to the environment of the area. On 29 September 2014, lifeguards attended the scene after hearing reports that two children had fallen off the cliff. Reaching the patient, they discovered a youth with a suspected spinal injury. The team stabilised the patient for an air evacuation to hospital.
ALS NSW Coordinator Brent Manieri praised the council for its ongoing commitment to beach safety throughout the Pittwater area.
“We have a long-standing relationship with Pittwater Council that continues to build year-on-year. The professionalism that our lifeguards continue to exhibit and the enthusiasm they show for the job means the public were vigilantly watched and provided with the highest service,” Mr Manieri said.
“Although the beach visitation numbers dropped slightly from last season, there were certainly times when our lifeguards had to deal with the challenges of very large crowds.”
Many NSW councils have realised the benefit of ensuring a total service provision, as the Australian Lifeguard Service integrates with Surf Life Saving’s volunteer patrol structure, state-wide support operations network, 24-hour emergency callout system and strategically located Westpac Rescue helicopter services.
Pittwater Council 2014/2015 Statistics:
• Rescues - 203
• Preventative Actions – 57,795
• First Aid – 2,254
• Attendance – 765,875

Unveiling of a New Surfing Sculpture
June 19, 2015
To celebrate International Surfing Day on 19 June, Harbord Diggers hosted Surfrider Foundation's fundraiser for the year with the unveiling of a brand new surfing monument that honours all of Australia’s World Surfing Champions since 1915.
The Mick Purdy sandstone surfboard monument has 17 names on the sandstone board including Nat Young, Pam Burridge, Barton Lynch, Mark Occhilupo, Layne Beachley, Joel Parkinson and Mick Fanning as well as the latest Australian World Champion, Stephanie Gilmore. It will join others on the Freshwater headlands Surfers Walk of Fame.
Above: Surfing World Champions at the unveiling of a surfing sculpture at Freshwater.
Below: Living Ocean Hoodies just in. Check their website - or visit them in Dunbar PArk at Avalon as part of today's This is Avalon - Winter Solstice Festival: Sunday 21st of June
Both Pictures courtesy Living Ocean - Whale Beach
You can support Surfrider Australia year round too - join HERE

Harriet Birks Art Exhibition; Avalon Recreation Centre
19 Jun 2015
Enliven Pittwater/ Eramboo artist-in-residence Harriet Napier Birks is set to exhibit her new work at Avalon Recreation Centre in July.
The exhibition known as Asleep in the Colour Factory will be a combination of 2D watercolours and video installations and will run daily from 1-5 July from 10.30am to 4pm; with opening night on 30 June from 6pm.
Pittwater Mayor Jaqueline Townsend said she was delighted that after completing her residency at Eramboo, Harriet was now ready to share her work with the local community.
“This residency is about supporting an artist at the same time as we enhance cultural vitality in Pittwater’s town and village centres.
“We are particularly excited by the public programs that accompany Harriet’s exhibition. Visitors will be invited to colour-in ‘jellybloomz’ illustrations, with the resulting artworks included in a community exhibition” said Cr Townsend.
Eramboo’s artistic director Susan Milne said the residency program was a career accelerator for the talented local artist.
“During the three month residency Harriet was able to totally engulf herself in the creative process as well as tap into the professional support and networks provided.
“She has a dynamic arts practise, which combines film, animation and highly detailed drawing. It will be exciting seeing her work in an exhibition setting,” said Ms Milne.
The exhibition program is as follows:
30 June – Opening night (6pm)
2 July – Artist talk about time lapse animation Q&A (11am)
4 July – Meet the artist (2-4pm)
5 July - #Jellybloomz community project: construct a big jellybloom, all ages (11am)
For more information about Harriet Birks
Funds To Improve Out Of School Hours Care
18 June, 2015
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today welcomed a new State Government initiative to help improve Out Of School Hours Care opportunities.
The NSW Government’s 2015-16 Budget will include a $20 million fund to help support the launch of new OSHC facilities in schools currently without a service.
Grants of up to $20,000 will be available from August this year to assist schools with establishment costs, building fit-outs and equipment purchases.
“This initiative is aimed at assisting parents and boosting support opportunities in our local schools,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Establishment costs are often the biggest barrier for schools looking to establish additional student services.
“Many of our local schools already provide fantastic before and after school care programs and it would be great to see this expanded.
“Grants of up to $20,000 will be distributed to successful applicants from October this year so new services will be ready for students at the beginning of 2016.
“I encourage all interested schools without an existing service to explore this opportunity,” Rob Stokes said.
Find out more about Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
17 June 2015 - Save our Councils NSW, MEDIA RELEASE
The Save Our Councils Coalition has welcomed support from delegates at the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) meeting in Canberra opposing the forced amalgamation of NSW councils.
A majority of delegates passed the following motion:
“That the ALGA confirms its opposition to forced amalgamations of councils and calls on the Federal Government and all State Governments to also confirm their opposition to forced amalgamations. Further that where an amalgamation is proposed, there needs to be a referendum of all electors. In addition ALGA will provide support and advocate for any of its member councils threatened with a forced amalgamation.“
“It was great to see support right across the political spectrum for this motion with Greens, Independents, Labor, Liberals and National party Councillors all supporting the position for no forced amalgamations and a requirement for any proposed amalgamation to go to a valid referendum of the people,” said Leichhardt mayor Rochelle Porteous, who moved the motion.
“Forced amalgamations are an attack on local democracy and not in the interests of local communities,” said North Sydney councillor Zoe Baker who seconded the motion.
The passage of the motion means Australia’s peak local government body now has a clear policy position opposing forced amalgamations and requiring full referendums where any council amalgamation is proposed.
"It was great to get support from the Conference reinforcing our position of no forced amalgamations in local government,” said Mayor of Ashfield, Lucillle McKenna.
The Save Our Councils Coalition says experience from around Australia demonstrates that forced amalgamations are costly and disruptive and rarely deliver the cost savings and benefits touted by State governments.
"It is time for all State governments and the Federal Government to start treating Local Governments as genuine partners and like all partnerships, that relationship has to start with trust and respect. Forced amalgamations of councils have no place in working to achieve genuine dialogue and recognition between the different levels of government," Mayor Rochelle Porteous said.
North Sydney councillor Zoe Baker said: “Forced amalgamations are anti-democratic and are imposed by State governments without reference to or consultation with the very communities they affect. Forced amalgamations deprive the community of a voice.“
The Save Our Councils Coalition has the support of more than 50 residents’ groups as well as numerous Councillors and Mayors across NSW.
Mollymook Set For Super State Champs
Monday 15 June 2015: SLS NSW
Shoalhaven City Council and Mollymook SLSC will be playing host to over 300 competitors at the upcoming NSW 2015 Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) State Championships to be held at Mollymook Beach from 26 – 28 June.
The IRB State Championships is the premier competitive event for NSW competitors with the individual races having been designed to simulate real life rescue situations involving individual ‘patients’ and mass rescues.
All events are based on honing the skills of both IRB driver and crewperson with the fast-paced nature of the competition making it a great day out for spectators.
Mayor, Joanna Gash said Mollymook SLSC is no stranger to hosting championship events having successfully staged the Stramit Country Championships over the last two surf seasons.
The Mayor described the upcoming championships as a tremendous boost to the area’s sports tourism program.
“Mollymook SLSC has built a reputation as one of the most professional surf lifesaving clubs in the State through their ability to successfully host major carnivals,” said Clr Gash.
“Around 300 competitors from over 20 clubs will make the journey to Mollymook with the hopes of putting a stop-start IRB Premiership Series behind them.
“It is expected that the influx of visitors will inject an estimated $150,000 into the local economy and provide for a fantastic weekend of entertainment for those on hand to view the action.”
One athlete keen for the championships to start is Steven Guy from Kiama Downs.
After almost three decades on the IRB circuit his passion for the sport hasn’t dimmed and he remains excited about the challenges looming at Mollymook both in his role as a competitor and team manager.
“We are planning on sending a strong team with 25 competitors to Mollymook,” said Mr Guy.
“IRB’s are in my unbiased opinion the best tool to carry out a rescue, and also a whole bunch of fun to train and compete in.”
“IRB racing is a very tight knit fraternity and while there is certainly fierce inter club rivalry there is a strong bond and a great working relationship between competing clubs and officials.
“The State Titles is always a great hit out to hone our skills before Aussies.”
The 2015 IRB State Championships will be held on June 26-28 at Mollymook Beach.
The 2015 State Championships is part of Council’s Sports Tourism Program which is supported by Shoalhaven City Council’s Sports Tourism Partners -
Shoalhaven Water, Archer Resort, Holiday Haven Tourist Parks, Bomaderry Bowling Club, South Coast Register, 2ST, Power FM and George Bass Motor Inn.
Kiama Downs Crowned Rubber Ducky Champions
Tuesday 16 June 2015
Kiama Downs have put an exclamation mark on their 2015 Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) Winter Premiership campaign by claiming the overall title for a second straight year.
The defending champions (30 points) held off the fast-finishing Catherine Hill Bay (27) and Caves Beach (24) to be crowned overall winners on their home beach.
IRB racing is fast, furious, and designed to simulate real life rescue situations involving individual ‘patients’ and mass rescues.
As well as the prestige of being crowned overall winners, Kiama Downs also earned an IRB motor for their efforts. A second IRB motor was also presented for the “Most Deserving Club” as a means of encouraging the smaller teams, and those new to the competition.
This season, the motor was awarded to Wamberal SLSC from the Central Coast. Both motors were courtesy of Tohatsu Australia.
It has been a challenging 2015 for the IRB Premiership Series with races having to be postponed and in some instances moved to accommodate the difficult conditions. The competitors however have handled all the challenges thrown at them with aplomb.
“Thanks to all competitors, officials and the four hosting clubs for a fantastic 2015 IRB Premiership Series. It has been a difficult and at times challenging season for everyone involved although they have conducted themselves with great professionalism,” Surf Life Saving NSW Surf Sports Manager Shane Knight said.
“Congratulations must go to Kiama Downs for their success in being crowned overall winners, and it is exciting to think that the season isn’t winding down with there still being a number of opportunities for the athletes to compete.”
“The NSW Interstate IRB team will be announced shortly, while the State and Australian Championships are looming on the horizon,” he concluded.
2015 IRB Premiership Series Leader Board – Top 10:
Kiama Downs (30)
Catherine Hill Bay (27)
Caves Beach (24)
North Cronulla (21)
Thirroul (15)
Woonona (14)
Queenscliff (11)
South Maroubra (7)
Avalon Beach (7)
Forster (5)
Warringah Art Prize
The Warringah Art Exhibition has relaunched as Warringah Art Prize with a record $22,000 in prizes.
The exhibition is curated by professional artists and judged by independent critics.
In 2015, with more entries expected, two exhibitions will be held - a Waste to Art and Youth Exhibition and a General Exhibition.
ENTRIES for artists are now open!
Artists are asked to read the Terms and Conditions for entry before completing the online entry form and online payment.
Entry Fees:
Adult $30 per submission
Concession Student/ Senior (ID required) $10 per submission
Deadline for submission (all prizes) Sunday 28 June 2015.
Categories include General, Youth and Waste-to-Art. The larger prize pool sees a greater number of prizes on offer
Find out more about terms and conditions at: HERE
Entry forms: HERE
NSW parents offered free face-to-face parenting support
19 June 2015
Parents of children with a disability in New South Wales are being offered two years of free evidence-based parenting support, under a world-first research project led by the University of Sydney.
Free seminars and one-on-one parenting sessions are available through the Stepping Stones Triple P project which aims to reduce childhood behavioural problems, and improve the wellbeing of parents of children with special needs across the state.
Chair of Mental Health at the University of Sydney, Professor Stewart Einfeld said parents of children with a disability face daily challenges as their children have three to four times the behavioural problems of typically developing kids.
"It's essentially important that we offer families targeted support as children with developmental disabilities, such as autism spectrum disorders, Fragile X and Down syndrome are much more prone to emotional and behavioural problems," Professor Einfeld said.
"Research has also shown that as a result, parents of children with a disability experience higher levels of stress and mental health problems."
"The Stepping Stones program can have a huge impact on families' lives, with seventy one percent of children with a disability showing substantial improvements in their behaviour after their parents complete the program."
Funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council, the program is also offered in Victoria and Queensland under a research partnership with Monash University and the University of Queensland.
Information for parents:
Parents of children with a disability can visit to register their interest in receiving free support under the Stepping Stones Triple P Project. The program will be progressively rolled out across the state over the next few months. Parents in northern New South Wales will be the first to benefit.
R Marine Riley Tasmania Experience
June 21, 2015
Pittwater, NSW, Australia: There’s certainly plenty of interest in the R Marine Riley Tasmania Experience, scheduled to depart Sydney just after Christmas 2015 for the southern seas, discovering all the treasures of Tasmania.
Riviera dealer Mark Riley says many Riviera owners are talking about what, for many, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to set their bows towards the pristine blue waters of the Tasmania.
“We are very much in the planning stages for the three-week passage and we are receiving some great feedback, which is all being incorporated into the growing itinerary,” says Mark. “We are talking with travel agencies and fellow boaties too as we put together this amazing Experience.”
Mark says Riviera owners along the east coast of Australia are expected to take part and some clients are even upgrading their Rivieras ahead of the voyage.
“Our team has been studying all the charts, contacting harbour masters and marinas from Sydney to Hobart to ensure we offer a Riviera Experience like none before,” he says.
The plan is to leave Sydney (NSW) on December 27 and proceed to the first anchorage at Jervis Bay, then to Eden, Port Welshpool in Victoria.
“We won’t be operating to a strict timetable as good weather, great cruising and, of course, safety always come first on R Marine Riley Experiences,” says Mark.
“The owners coming have a wide variety of boats – everything from older Riviera 36 Flybridges to the very latest Riviera 52 Enclosed Flybridges, 6000 Sport Yachts and even a beautiful Belize 54.
“We have also found that not everyone wants to do the whole trip, so some partners will be flying to different destinations to meet up with the fleet so they can still experience all the fun and enjoyment of our vast array of activities.”
Some of the activity highlights include anchoring in the crystal clear waters of the Flinders Group Islands, visiting uninhabited islands as well as meeting the local fisherman, and of course dining on fresh-caught seafood and savouring world-renowned Tassie wines on visits to the best sparkling and Pinot wineries and famous cheese-makers on The Apple Isle.
This year R Marine Riley is also planning an Experience to Fraser Island and Lady Musgrave Island during the September school holidays, as well as regular ladies driving courses and “Riv Kids” events.
R Marine Riley welcomes anyone from the Riviera family to join them on these fabulous adventures. Please call Mark Riley direct on +61 418 250 727 or email him at for further details.
June 11, 2015
The Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay at Newport is pleased to announce the staging of the 8th Annual “UNIQUE VEHICLE SHOW" on Sunday 26th July.
An "unusual" event for a Yacht Club to host you might think, but "boaties" do have many other interests, and an enthusiasm for all things mechanical is certainly one of them!
Rob Brown (RMYC Event Organiser) said today in announcing the event,
“We are very excited to host the show once again this year. We are working closely with the Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association and their members, who will be show casing some of the rarest motor vehicles, bikes and engines dating as far back as the early 1900’s. And while you are here you can try out our “food and wine tasting” that will run throughout the day.
This year the show will incorporate a new category, a selected number of moderns… from the year 2000 through to the present day. This will obviously add even more colour and flare to what has been a fantastic array of motoring history over the last seven years here at RMYC.
There will be over 60 vehicles on display including beautifully restored Vintage cars, Classics, Sports Cars, Hot Rods, Motorcycles, working engines and Models.
The vehicles will be located in the waterfront car park at the Royal Motor Yacht Club, 46 Prince Alfred Parade, Newport. 10am till 3.00pm.
Entry is free - members of the Public are welcome but will need to sign in, if they wish to use the club’s facilities. Parking is limited at the club, so why not make it an even more special day by catching the historic MV Reliance ferry from Rowland Reserve Bayview or from the Newport Arms Public Wharf. Cost $5.00 per person each way!
We look forward to seeing you here at the RMYC!
For more information, please contact RMYC office during business hours – 9997 5511.
Fit for the Future Funding Shortfall
June 19, 2015: LGNSW
The Fit for the Future Innovation Fund provides welcome additional money for regional and rural councils but is not enough to support all the councils that really need it, said Local Government NSW today.
The Minister for Local Government Paul Toole released guidelines this week for the $4 million fund.
"We welcome any additional funding for councils but are concerned that the NSW Government's Fit for the Future Innovation Fund will not go far enough," said LGNSW President, Councillor Keith Rhoades AFSM.
"If councils apply for the full grant, only 26 of the 52 eligible councils will be covered."
The Innovation Fund is part of the Fit for the Future local government reform package and will provide one-off grants of up to $150,000 for projects promoting long-term sustainability in councils with populations of less than 10,000. It is for regional and rural councils with small populations that are not slated to merge as part of Fit for the Future.
Grants of up to $400,000 will also be available for similar projects involving more than one council on the condition that at least one council has a population of less than 10,000.
Local Government NSW is concerned that if all 52 potentially eligible councils were to apply for the funding, the average amount available to each council will be just $80,000.
"The $4 million on offer will not go far at all towards assisting the small rural and regional councils that are being asked to implement long term improvement plans," said Cr Rhoades.
"The sum was allocated when the government had plans to impose a 'one size fits all' rural council model, but these plans have been abandoned and the allocation of funding needs to catch up with the current expectation that these councils will be on a long-term improvement journey towards sustainability.
"In reality, the Fund provides only a fraction of the support needed.
"Local Government NSW will continue to advocate strongly for the resources needed by these councils and their communities."
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Sat June 27
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Sun June 28
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Res 8-11am

Brisbane to Keppel yacht race - ideal launch pad for the northern circuit
Event: Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race starts 1100hrs Thursday July 30, 2015 from Moreton Bay finishes Keppel Bay, hosted by the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron at Manly, Brisbane, Queensland
Winter has barely arrived in the south eastern states and already a savvy bunch of yachties are planning to cast off the woolies and get out of town. Entry for the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron’s 9th annual Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race is open and a diverse fleet is building for the 1100hrs start on Thursday July 30, 2015 from Brisbane’s Moreton Bay.
Of the RQYS organised 343 miler, Rear Commodore Mark Gallagher says, “already there’s a great fleet heading north to enjoy the fantastic hospitality shown by the finish crew at Keppel Bay Marina. The course is scenic and like most coastal passages it’s a thinking person’s race to play the wind and tide to maximum advantage. And we throw whale watching in for free!”
“With regular flights to Rockhampton airport it’s the perfect pit stop for swapping crew and gear, and the ideal launch pad for the northern circuit,” reminds RQ’s sailing manager Richard Matterson.
His team is making it even easier for Sydney Gold Coast yacht race crews wanting to take the option of back-to-back coastal races as the best way to leap-frog north to the Whitsunday regatta loop of Airlie Beach, Hamilton Island and Magnetic Island race weeks.
There’s an existing agreement in place with the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia that paperwork submitted for their Category 2 Sydney Gold Coast yacht race also satisfies the entry criteria for the Brisbane to Keppel. RQYS’ latest initiative to assist owners with logistics is the offer to send their gear truck to Southport Yacht Club to meet the CYCA’s fleet and collect equipment owners need transported north to Manly for the next stage Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race.
For the past four years supermaxis Wild Oats XI and Grant Wharington’s Wild Thing have been the gun line honours boats. With the Oatleys’ race record holder Wild Oats XI on a ship to Los Angeles to tackle the Transpac Race there’s going to be some elbow room at the head of the table.
So far Peter Harburg’s 70-footer Black Jack is Wild Oats’ likely successor.
Sam Haynes from Sydney has a new Celestial, a JV designed TP52, and though he’s won division one for the past two years he’s coming back to try for a hat trick, and hoping this year is the running race advertised in the brochures. “We are due for a downhill ride, but regardless I need to take the TP north and it’s a good step in that direction, towards Hamilton Island and the IRC Australian Championship. It’s pretty scenic along the Island and getting into the bay at the end; the race itself is good to do.”
The people’s boat, Russel McCart’s Volvo 60 Spirit of Mateship, is returning with its mix of regular and ADF crew.
Now in its ninth year, the 343 nautical mile challenge from Moreton Bay to the finish in Keppel Bay starts at 1100hrs on Thursday July 30, 2015. Further course details will be included in the sailing instructions.
The Notice of Race has been published and online entry is now open.
Entries close Friday July 17, 2015.
by Lisa Ratcliff
Top: Black Jack -credit Andrea Francolini
2015 Pub2Pub - for Early Bird Discount,register by 14 June
New name, new finish, new optional 'short course' - register NOW
This year the iconic community event will be held on Sunday August 23. It has a new name: the 'Pub2Pub Fun Run & Festival' and will be bigger and better than ever. We hope you'll join in the fun again.
Why 'Festival'? Because this year we've tweaked our iconic event to enhance the experience for all participants and the wider northern beaches community... and to raise more funds for the wonderful causes the event supports in conjunction with Rotary Club of Brookvale.
The Newport Arms is undergoing renovations, so this year the event will finish at Newport Surf Club.
• Live Music during the race and at the finish line
• International Food Festival
• Share drinks with friends from the Bar
• Sponsor's Stands
• Activities for kids .../and of course
• The Awards Ceremony
To encourage healthy activity and community involvement by more youngsters, we're now offering a short, 3km course, starting at Mona Vale Surf Club.
For teams, individuals, schools and more...
This year we're aiming for up to 10,000 participants - doubling the event's previously capped entry limit. As a result, we're hoping to raise even more money to support the great work of local community charities like Bear Cottage... the Children's Cancer Institute... Manly and Mona Vale Hospitals... Life Education Australia... Sunnyfield Disability Services... The Kids' Cancer Project... and White Ribbon Australia.
Legendary Ironman Guy Leech returns as event Ambassador and the mighty Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles are also on board. Now we want YOU!
A special 10%+ Early Bird Discount applies to everyone registering by June 14. To register, simply click here
The Pub2Pub Team
This powerful, compassionate, documentary film by Porter Speakman will be shown at Avalon Baptist Church on Sunday morning June 28 at 10 a.m.
"With God On Our Side" takes a hard look at the theology and politics of Christian Zionism, which teaches that because the Jews are God's chosen people, Israeli government policies should not be questioned, even when these policies are unjust
Christian Zionists have been hugely important in American Foreign Policy because of their influence on the right wing of the Republican Party. There are also Christian Zionists in Australia. The film traces Porter Speakman's change of heart from Christian Zionist to moderate peacemaker.
Speakman said, "When you think God is on your side everything is justified. Radical Muslims justify suicide bombings, Radical Jews justify ethnic cleansing and radical Christians justify modern-day crusades."
The film is also valuable because it traces the history of the establishment of Israel as a right of the Jewish people without regard for the rights of the Palestinians who had been living there for many hundreds of years. This history is vital in assessing the justice of current politics. It is particularly important knowledge for human rights advocates who are often accused of being "änti-semitic"
The film makers believe "that God does not take sides with certain people, groups, nations or agendas. Rather, He is for all people."
DATE: Sunday 28th June at 10 a.m.
Free entry / Free Morning Tea-Brunch.
Voluntary Donations to Nepal Earthquake Relief (World Vision)
INFO: Kath Moody 99971815
New skate park for Mona Vale
Pittwater Council’s plans to build a new skate park at Kitchener Park, Mona Vale are now underway and we are seeking input on the design process.
We need your help to shape the design and input on questions like whether or not to keep and renovate the existing half pipe.
A skate park working group is being formed to provide advice, recommendations and local knowledge to Council on behalf of skateboard, BMX, scooter users and skate related enthusiasts and professionals.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the project was a cornerstone in delivering one of Council’s key strategic objectives – promoting youth involvement in recreational and social activities.
“The skate park at Kitchener Park has been a longstanding concern and something we are committed to delivering to our community.
“The facility will cater for the interests, needs and safety of current and future generations of skate facility users,” added Cr Townsend.
The preparation of concept design and tendering for the project will take place from mid to late 2015, with construction of the upgrade commencing in early 2016.
Project information and expression of interest survey for the working party are located on our website at:
To submit your ideas for consideration or call David Bremner, Community Engagement Officer on 9970 1262

19: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 22/6/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Consultation – Fisheries Management Amendment Bill
The Fisheries Management Act 1994 (the Act) deals with the management of fishery resources in NSW. The Fisheries Management Amendment Bill (the Bill) aims to make a range of important changes to the Act that will bring benefits to all fishing sectors. The Bill was introduced into the NSW Parliament in late 2014. The Government however decided to conduct further targeted consultation before progressing the Bill in Parliament. A consultation plan (PDF, 62KB) has been prepared.
Stakeholders are now invited to provide feedback on the Bill.
The below papers summarise the key changes likely to be of interest to relevant stakeholder groups, and provide information on why the changes are sought.
Summary papers
Commercial fishing (PDF, 174KB), Recreational fishing (PDF, 100KB), Charter fishing (PDF, 110KB), Aboriginal fishing (PDF, 96KB), Environmental and other issues (PDF, 105KB), The Fisheries Management Amendment Bill, Fisheries Management Amendment Bill
If you would like a copy of the paper(s) or Bill, please phone (02) 9741 4784.
Providing feedback
Send your submission to: Mail: Fisheries Legislation, PO Box 7526, SILVERWATER NSW 1811 - Fax: (02) 6391 4728
The closing date for submissions is Friday 26 June 2015 All documents can be downloaded: here
Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council
The Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council (RFNSW) is being established to provide advice to the Minister for Primary Industries on key recreational fishing issues in NSW, including high level priorities for expenditure from the Recreational Fishing Trust.
The new Advisory Council will be based around a modern representative model, ensuring the views of regional fishers from right across the State are communicated. RFNSW will be represented by eight regional members and two members with expertise in spearfishing and charter boat fishing. A senior officer from NSW DPI and the recreational fishing representative from the Ministerial Advisory Council will also be members of the new Council.
The Council will replace the Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing. Regional recreational fishers and members of recreational fishing organisations are encouraged to nominate for appointment to the Council.
More information
For more information on how to apply and submit an expression of interest: Recreational Fishing NSW information package (PDF, 366.67 KB) and Email:; or Call: (02) 9741 4722
Closing date: Expressions of interest close 7 July 2015.
See documents at:
Pets of the Week
AGE/SEX: 10 months / F
BREED: Pointer x
Skyla is a gentle sweet girl but somewhat shy. She plays with any size and breed of dog very friendly and at times submissive to the older ones. She is a little worried on walks but is slowly getting the hang of it. She needs a family with patience to bring her out of her shell further. She is more comfortable with women than men. She has a smooth coat and weight 22kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Her adoption cost is $400.
Pittwater 'Water'
Pittwater Council: Published on 16 Jun 2015
Love Pittwater? Then lose yourself in the beauty and magic of our latest mini film ‘Water’. What you’re about to see is 45 seconds of pure Pittwater shot to perfection by local film makers Quickclips. Thanks to our local friends for allowing us into your daily lives to shoot this.

Prime Minister & Speaker Host SHOROC Mayors to Discuss Infrastructure for Northern Beaches & North Shore
June 17, 2015: SHOROC
SHOROC Mayors and General Managers met this week with Prime Minister The Hon Tony Abbott MHR and Speaker of the House The Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP in Canberra to discuss major issues for the region.
The Prime Minister welcomed the Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah Mayors and General Managers into the Prime Minister’s Sitting Room for a positive and productive meeting.
Key issues discussed included priorities for major transport and road upgrades for the region, along with plans and the timetable for delivering faster broadband.
“The meeting was very encouraging and the Prime Minister made it clear that fixing the transport issues of the region was the number one priority,” said SHOROC President and Mosman Mayor, Cr Peter Abelson.
The Prime Minister highlighted that the recent Infrastructure Australia audit identified the significant economic cost of congestion on the region’s major roads, including both Pittwater and Warringah Road”.
“We all know how bad these corridors are and it is clear the Prime Minister and Speaker agree we must fix the congestion for the long term to address the huge economic impact of congestion.”
The NSW Government is implementing a Bus Rapid Transit system and road upgrades under its Northern Beaches Transport Action Plan and conducting feasibility studies for the Beaches Link (tunnel).
The Prime Minister said he will be speaking to Infrastructure Australia and working with NSW Premier The Hon. Mike Baird MP to identify and deliver major transport solutions for the region.
“The Prime Minister and Speaker are big advocates for fixing the region’s roads and I’m confident there is good Commonwealth support for this much needed infrastructure.”
“We advised the Prime Minster that we understand the feasibility studies are progressing and further information on the potential tunnel is expected toward the end of this year.”
The Mayors and General Managers were in Canberra for the National General Assembly of Local Government Conference and Cr Abelson says it makes a difference when you can make the case for the region to Federal members personally.
The Mayors also provided the Prime Minister with a copy of SHOROC’s regional plan for the coming year outlining the major priorities for the region.
The SHOROC Board discuss infrastructure for the Northern Beaches and North Shore with The Hon. Tony Abbott MHR and The Hon. Bronwyn Bishop MP.
Top L-R SHOROC President and Mosman Mayor Cr Peter Abelson, Manly Mayor Jean Hay, The Hon. Tony Abbott MHR, The Hon. Bronwyn Bishop MP, Pittwater Mayor Jacqueline Townsend, Warringah Mayor Michael Regan.
Variety the Children’s Charity and Car 2108 in the NSW Variety Bash
On Monday the 13th July, 2015, The Mermaids & Car 2018 will be holding their Fundraising night at Club Palm Beach 1083-1087 Barrenjoey Road, Palm Beach NSW 2108
This night is to raise funds for Variety the Children’s Charity. There will be Entertainment, Dinner, Raffles, a short Auction, Lucky door prize and Dancing till late with our favorite band : THE ENDLESS STRUMMERS.
For tickets, $40.00 per person, Please Contact
Beryl Driver on 0410 478 897 or Elyse Cole on 0404 000 123
We would love you to join us for this great night of fun,
With thanks,
Beryl, Elyse, Victorija
& Variety The Children’s Charity
New apartment design guidelines released
Media Release: The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning
19 Jun 2015
Planning Minister Rob Stokes today released new guidelines for apartments which will help ensure good design for communities across NSW.
The release of the policy, known as State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) 65, is part of the NSW Government’s goal to make planning rules simpler and it will provide clarity for the public and industry.
Mr Stokes said more people than ever before are living in apartments, with 30 per cent of Sydneysiders now falling into that category.
“For too long residential flats were stigmatized as a lesser style of living. New apartment design is about supporting the benefits this popular style of housing can provide,” Mr Stokes said.
“It’s critical the next wave of apartment living focuses on creating vibrant spaces and communities, close to shops, restaurants and parks.
“Last month we gave clarity to industry on minimum apartment sizes, today’s announcement builds on this by releasing updated standards for liveable apartments.”
“These guidelines are based on advice and consultation from experts and people living in apartments to make sure new apartment developments provide enough light, ventilation, open space and a sensible approach to parking.”
Following public feedback and consultation with councils, the final policy reflects that not requiring car spaces within 400 metres of a train station is not viable in some situations.
“The guide is now consistent with the Roads and Maritime Services standards which allocate car parking based on proximity to public transport and the number of bedrooms in a home,” Mr Stokes said.
“Councils will have the flexibility to reduce parking requirements where alternatives exist, such as car sharing on-site. It is important that policies recognise car use habits are different in the inner city as compared to greater Western Sydney.”
The amended policy and new guideline under SEPP 65 introduces greater flexibility into the design process to encourage more innovation, and provide clarity and consistency in the way design issues are dealt with for apartments.
For more information visit
NSW Lifesavers Receive National Rescue Awards
Thursday 18 June 2015 - SLS NSW
Continuing on from the Blues State of Origin victory last night, three NSW clubs were presented with National Rescue of the Month awards at Parliament House Canberra this morning. NSW clubs and members have now won eight of the nine National awards for the year.
Lifesavers from Towradgi Surf Life Saving Club, North Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club and North Bondi Surf Life Saving Club received their awards from the Parliamentary Friends of Surf Life Saving Group in Canberra.
Craig and Sonia Zulian, Don Allan and Richard Walsh from Towradgi SLSC were acknowledged for the lifesaving rescue of a 15 year old boy who became caught in a rip in three to four metre surf in January.
The Zulian’s attended the special ceremony on behalf of Towradgi SLSC and were overwhelmed with the award as they say they were just doing their job as volunteer surf lifesavers.
“This morning’s ceremony was great. It’s a big eye opener to see what other surf lifesavers have put themselves through to save a life,” Craig said.
“Everyone comes together to have fun training but when it comes down to dealing with real life situations, we work as a team to provide the best assistance we can.”
Bruce Kelly from North Narrabeen SLSC received the National award for his efforts in February. The surf lifesaver wasn’t even on patrol when he rescued three children and their father after spotting them in big trouble in a strong rip off Narrabeen Beach.
North Bondi members James Fleetwood and Josh Vernon were awarded the National award for March due to their miraculous mass rescue off Bondi Beach.
James and Josh made 15 rescues using the Inflatable Rescue Boat when a very strong rip pulled swimmers out beyond the break at the famous Sydney beach.
The three rescues in total saved 22 people’s lives which is an outstanding effort and deserves national recognition.
“Receiving the National Rescue of the Month was an outstanding experience and it’s great to see what can be achieved as a surf lifesaver. Ultimately our three rescues saved lives and that’s why we are part of Surf Life Saving,” Craig Zulian said after the ceremony.
For the official citations for all Rescues of the Month please visit ourRescue of the Month page.
Funding Boost For Lifeline Counselling Services
18 June, 2015
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today said a funding boost for Lifeline Australia will help ensure it continues providing its invaluable services.
This month’s State Budget will include an allocation of $10.5 million for Lifeline Australia over the next four years. This is an extension of the $8 million provided by the NSW Liberal Government between 2011-2014.
“There are very few services that have such a direct impact on people’s health and wellbeing,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Lifeline offers crisis support and suicide prevention services to more than 2000 callers every day.
“Additional funding will help support Lifeline’s initiatives and enable it to respond to even more calls for help.
“Lifeline provides support services to a huge cross section of our community – particularly those who may be economically or socially isolated.
“Former Pittwater MP John Brogden AM is the Chairman of Lifeline and has played a pivotal role in its ongoing expansion and success.
“Lifeline is a truly invaluable service and I’m delighted the NSW Government is maintaining its very close partnership,” Rob Stokes said.
More information on Lifeline is available by For 24/7 crisis support please call 13 11 14.

Dog Day by The Bay 2015
June 18,2015
Today we were delighted to present the Animal Welfare League NSW with a cheque for $2,151.30, from funds raised at Pittwater's 2014 Dog Day by the Bay.
In 2014, the Pittwater Education team put together a great line up. Here's some details about last years event:
Dog Day by the Bay had activities including agility demonstrations, education talks and children’s activities in kids’ corner. There were lots of competitions with great prizes to win, including the very popular Canine Fancy Dress Parade kicking off proceedings at 10am.
Highlights of the day included demonstrations and education sessions by dog expert and elite dog trainer Steve Austin. Steve provided owners with tips on dealing with aggressive pets, behavioural problems, excessive barking and the importance of training. Steve also brought his dogs on the day so you could see them in action and hear about his exciting work training detection dogs around the world.
Pet Problems Solved with Dr Jo Righetti - Thunder...Lighting and even just being alone when we go off to work can make dogs suffer a range of serious anxiety problems. It can be VERY frightening for them! Dr Jo Righetti was available to help solve issues of pet’s anxiety problems. Dr Jo is an animal behaviourist with a background in zoology, a PhD in animal behaviour and 15 years business experience helping people and pets.
The popular MCs Brian and Kaye from Essential Pet kept us entertained throughout the day.
In kids’ corner we were excited to have Dr Crunch from Crocodile Encounters. Kids were able to touch and learn about reptiles and Dr Crunch provided advice on what to do if your pet brings wildlife home.
Stall holders showcased their goods and services for all to browse and purchase for pets. There was food and drink stalls to keep all refreshed throughout the day. All proceeds from Stall holders fees and donations raised on the day were donated to the local branches of the Animal Welfare League.
This year, Pittwater Council will host their popular Dog Day by the Bay at Rowland Reserve Bayview on Sunday 20 September 2015.
Stall holder applications are now open for Dog Day by the Bay! If you would like to register your interest to be stall holder please click here
Top: Our Deputy Mayor, Cr Kylie Ferguson pictured with Animal Welfare League NSW, CEO Lindsay Rose.
George Bass surf boat marathon 2016
Entries are now open for the 2016 George Bass Surf Marathon. Head to to download the entry form!
Special early bird prices are on offer until 30 September 2015
Query to the Community – Metters Products and Scottish Bricks – Please Help
Hello from Scotland. I wonder if you or any of your followers can assist me with a small query.
Back in 2013 you posted this…
I have a fascination for the Scottish brick industry and associated products (sadly no longer an industry for us!)....I have just posted this on my site and I wondered if you or any of your readers had any evidence to confirm or deny the idea that some Metters products were, at some point manufactured in Scotland.
Also: If any of your readers find a Scottish brick I would love to hear from them. My email is
See Metters/Scotland on my website HERE
And Scottish bricks HERE
Thanking you all in advance,
Best regards,
Mark Cranston - Scotland
Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Harbour Yacht Race 2016 - Entries Open
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club and Coffs Harbour Yacht Club welcome all eligible boats to enter the 35th Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Yacht Race. The 226nm Category 2 Bluewater race from Pittwater to Coffs Harbour will start on Saturday January 2, 2016, 1300hrs.
Once in Coffs Harbour a single non-pointscore fun pursuit race from Coffs Harbour around the Solitary Islands off the Coffs Coast will be held on January 5.
The Notice of Race has been published and applications for entry are open at the Event Website: .
There will be five entry categories available; IRC, PHS, ORCi, Multihull (OMR), and a Shorthanded (PHS) division.
The 2016 Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Harbour Yacht Race again welcomes entries from eligible multihulls. Back in January 2014 Sean Langman’s Orma 60 trimaran Team Australia took line honours in the multihull division and created a new race record of 17hrs 7mins 5secs.
Corey Yeung, NSW State Manager of naming rights sponsor Club Marine, added, “Club Marine is proud to be associated with the longstanding event and the competing yachtsmen and women. We once again look forward to meeting competitors, seeing them out on the water at the start off Palm Beach and welcoming them at the Coffs Harbour Yacht Club in early January.”
To assist owners and crew in their preparation for the race The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club has developed the "Come to Coffs Pathway", a series of training opportunities (including Safety at Sea, First Aid, Person Overboard, Radio Operator courses) Seminars (Navigating to Coffs, Internet@Sea, Essential Equipment), and qualify races to meet the eligibility requirements of a Category 2 race.
Two safety items the Coffs Race Committee have adopted for the race is the inclusion for all boats to carry an AIS Transponder and a satellite phone. In previous races Satellite phone were an option if a boat was using an HF radio. The Race Committee believes these technologies will benefit the safety of all competitors sailing north through some of the coasts busiest shipping lanes. Virtual skeds will continue to be used for the 2016 race as boats will have Yellow Brick trackers installed throughout the race and also for the Coffs Harbour Solitary Islands Race.
Applications for entry close December 1, 2015.
For race enquiries please contact:
RPAYC sailing office ph: (02) 9998 3771
MAG&M exhibitions calendar
July - December 2015
Manly Art Gallery & Museum’s July – December 2015 exhibitions calendar is out now! Download the Calendar, print it, or pop in to the Art Gallery and pick up your copy for the fridge.
Full of fascinating and stimulating exhibitions from War-Time Quilts, to ceramics, photographs by Anne Zahalka to an exhibition of works by local artists responding to the theme of ‘saltwater’, from ‘Out of Quarantine’ to ‘Destination Sydney’ including paintings by Brett Whiteley, Lloyd Rees and Elisabeth Cummings.
Something for everyone in a dynamic program over the next 6 months!
Inspiring Pearls of Wisdom on Radio Northern Beaches
We are very excited to be broadcasting our hour radio program every Wednesday (commencing 17th June) afternoon at 2pm on Radio Northern Beaches 88.7 and 90.3. Your northern beaches community radio station. Check out the website - Now with live streaming.
Our show “Inspiring Pearls of Wisdom", is an hour where friends, share many inspirational gems, allowing you to realise and value that you’re unique.
Our weekly program is the home of inspiring guest interviews, quotes, affirmations, thought-provoking songs and discussions.
We share how to re-awaken your consciousness, your true innate abilities, and how to create and maintain high self-esteem and self-worth.
Each week we will have an unique "Theme" to the show.
This is where we will be sharing links and information about everything we have discussed on the program.
We look forward to your sharing your thoughts, feedback and feelings.
Also feel free to contact us if you would like to be a guest.
Karen Chaston and Kaz (Karen) Pearce
Project Update - June, 2015
On 5th May we brought online to replace the individual links that were previously necessary during our development stage.
Initially on entering the site we have Snapshots of the Temperature, Humidity and Wind at each of our present operational stations via the clickable list. Then on clicking on the individual stations at the top of the page access is made to the full comprehensive data for each station.
We now have 4 stations operational and 3 more in the pipeline.
The TABS on our individual stations give access to the following data –
All present weather parameters updated every 2 minutes.
Data freezes at last reading if power lost to unit - Always check time of data.
Top banner photos cycle automatically or mouse over & click.
RECENT - Today,Yesterday
HISTORY - This Month, This Year, Monthly, Time
GAUGES - Standard, Steel Series, Flying – analog & digital
TRENDS - These graphs present temperature, pressure, rainfall, and wind speed trends for the last 24 hours. The thumbnail graphs are sampled every 10 minutes.
Click on a thumbnail to display the corresponding larger graph. The large graphs are sampled every 1 minute.
FORECASTS - Tides & Moon (supplied by WillyWeather) + 7 day Forecast (generated by WeatherUnderground)
IMAGES - Slideshow of surrounding area. Webcam – not available yet. Coming to some stations
ABOUT - Station, System – maintenance overview and Information – description & location of equipment + Contact us – comments or questions
The crucial need for these stations was demonstrated during the horrendous weather of 20th and 21st April when Western Foreshore & Scotland Island residents were totally dependent on the information to know when it was safe to leave their homes.
The wonderful volunteers of the SES, Rural Fire Service and Marine Rescue could also have an overview of the weather at various locations around the peninsula.
On 21st April over 350 hits were recorded on the Palm Beach station, over 250 at The Quays and 170 for Scotland Island. This was from a service that was little known at that stage.
Now, as of 9th May, Total Hits on all the stations are approaching 14,000.
The aim of this Project is to establish weather Observation stations around Pittwater that transmit the present ACTUAL conditions to the internet. The Bureau of Meteorology and many other providers produce Forecasts and the BoM produces Observations for many locations but NOT Pittwater.
When the Barrenjoey Lighthouse installation receives approval from National Parks and Wildlife Service then that weather information will not only benefit Pittwater users but coastal traffic as well.
Barrenjoey will be equipped with a webcam as well as other suitable locations giving a bird’s eye view of the surroundings.
The National Manager, Marine Weather, for the BoM is fully supportive of our endeavour as is and the NSW Minister for Planning.
Hopefully this project could be a blueprint for other locations around Australia that are lacking BoM Actual weather information to create their own network to not only be available directly but through the BoM WOW (Weather Observation Website) facility -
PittwaterWeather is a not-for-profit association helping the community with vital information.
It is hoped that Governments, both State and Federal, will see fit to help fund the ongoing running of this service.
Rohan Walter
President – PittwaterWeather Incorporated

The photo tells the story of a sad, slow death of a classically built, vintage yacht beached at Dangar Island on the Hawkesbury River.
CURRAWONG is so well constructed that she could with much tender loving care and a deep pocket, be restored.
Time is rapidly running out for this beautiful, veteran yacht at a notice of imminent destruction has been glued to her hull.
Ahoy!, calling all wooden boat lovers to rally around a great cause and save the CURRAWONG for future generations to enjoy and appreciate!
Update June 5th: we have word from the owner of this vessel that he will be happy to give her away to a person or group interested in getting her sailing again. He would leave all fittings on her, including one set of sails in reasonable condition. Contact Pittwater Online News if interested - we will run a story on her History and Heritage next Issue
Further below

Above: Close-up of "Currawong" - Pittwater Regatta, 1938 - Sam Hood pic, courtesy State Library of NSW, Image No.:hood_06523
Boomerang Bags Avalon Workshops
Surfrider Foundation and Living Ocean
We will continue with our Tuesday workshops 11am-5pm at Avalon Recreation Centre
We are still looking for more volunteers to get involved. The more help we can find the sooner we will be able to launch Boomerang Bags onto the streets of Avalon.
This week shout out goes to Jo, who has become our expert in all involving stamps and paint. Jo has done an excellent job over the last few weeks creating our Boomerang Bag patches to sew on the bags. Great job Jo.
So make sure you pop into Avalon Recreation Centre on Tuesdays, anytime from 11am-5pm and come join the team. All welcome, no sewing skills needed, we need people to cut material, stamp and of course to come along and have a cuppa.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.
Jessica Hensman, Operations Manager
PO Box 968, Mona Vale NSW 1660, Surfrider Foundation

Forty Years On—A Potted History of the Manly Warringah Choir
In this our fortieth anniversary year, Naomi Roseth has been digging in the archives.
This is some of what she found:
The Manly Warringah Musical Society was established in 1975, with choral works featuring in programs for the first time in December 1976. Two choristers who sang with the Choir at its inaugural concert are still with the Choir in 2015: May Mackenzie and John Killick. We salute them.
Since its establishment, the Choir has performed the works of 46 composers. Of those thirteen, even if born in the 20th century, have composed in the 21st. Five of those are living now. The Choir has never sung the composition of a woman. Is it time to change that? It will come as no surprise that Mozart is the Choir’s favourite composer: We have sung eight different pieces by him.
We have sung Handel’s Messiah fourteen times – more than any other piece. The next most frequently performed piece is Mozart’s Ave Verum (nine times) and excerpts from Bach’s Christmas Oratorio and Fauré’s Requiem (seven times each). We have performed 36 pieces only once. While we sing mostly in English and Latin, over the years we have also sung in German, French, Spanish, Catalonian, Hebrew and Russian.
Carlos Alvarado took over as the Choir’s director in May 2003 and at the time of writing has conducted the Choir in 24 concerts. Before Carlos took over, the Choir performed under the baton of a range of conductors, the names of fourteen appearing in past programs. The stability we enjoy under Carlos’ baton is greatly valued, as is his wonderful ability to share his musicianship with such a diverse group of people.
Angela has been the Choir’s accompanying pianist since June 1991, first as Angela Gates and since September 2001 as Angela Ferguson.
An inspection of past programs reveals a long list of soloists who accompanied the Choir. Two names stand out: Rita Hunter sang excerpts from Messiah in December 1988; Brett Weymark, now Director of Sydney Philharmonia Choirs, sang Messiah twice: in 1998 and 2000, and he sang Mozart’s Requiem in May 1999.
The Choir prides itself in giving young singers performing opportunities which open doors to wider pastures: Emma Moore and Pascal Herrington are now singing in Vienna and Berlin. Alexander Knight and Michael Honeyman sing regularly with Opera Australia.
Since its inception, the Choir had four presidents who are still in the Choir: Joe Micali, Pat Hughes, Marj Binns and Richard Griffiths. Three former secretaries are still members: Jill Selles, Jenny Beck and Margaret Dent, and Gill Gray is a past Treasurer.
Since November 1994 the Choir has been fortunate enough to perform regularly at the Cardinal Cerretti Chapel, St Patrick Estate, Manly. Before that we had performed in a range of locations including churches, schools, community centres and retirement villages. We performed seven times at the Glen Street Theatre in Belrose and three times at the Dee Why RSL. The Choir rarely performs outside the Northern Beaches. We have performed once at the Sydney Conservatorium, also once in Gosford and in Wollongong and five times at St Mary’s Church in North Sydney.
Now we look forward to the next 40 years—who knows what they mighthold?
The Choir celebrates its 40th Anniversary with a Gala Concert on Sunday afternoon August 16th at the Cardinal Cerretti Chapel.
The programme features a double bill: Beethoven: Piano Concerto No 4 with Gregory Kinda as Soloist and Mozart: Mass in C minor (The Great)
Light refreshments will be served on the Terrace after the concert.
Critter of the Month - June 2015

Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE
Avalon Craft Cottage at Avalon
Maureen Darcy-Smith. Publicity Officer
Sport NSW Announces the Opening of the 2015 Community Sports Volunteer Awards
More than four hundred thousand people across NSW voluntarily dedicate their time every year through their involvement in sporting clubs and organisations. Put simply, sport would not exist without them. Launching the opening of the awards program today, Sport NSW CEO, Cheryl Battaerd said the Community Sports Volunteer Awards recognise the efforts of those around the state who contribute hours of their personal time to ensure that their fellow community members can participate in sport.
“We recognize the critical and diverse role volunteers play from club administrators and coaches to officials and canteen staff, regardless of the pouring rain, icy temperatures or scorching heat – they are the ones that give life to community sport,” Battaerd said.
“Unfortunately the reality is volunteer participation in sport is falling in NSW and is outpacing the national decline. All evidence points towards changes to patterns, behaviours and expectations of volunteers, and this has to be a focus for sporting organisations. There is an urgent need to help build the capacity and capability of managers and administrators in sport to effectively recruit and retain volunteers. By recognising the value of volunteering, showcasing successful models of volunteer management and providing information and resources, we are hopeful that we will assist the sporting sector in reversing the trend of volunteer decline in NSW,” she said.
Get inspired and read the case study of good volunteer management by the 2014 winners of the Community Sporting Club category - Alstonville & District Football Club.
The Community Sport Volunteer Awards program consists of Individual Awards categories and the Minister’s Sport Volunteer Management Awards recognising sporting organisations.
The Individual Volunteer Community Sport Awards involve five categories:
Official of the Year, Young Official of the Year, Coach of the Year, Young Coach of the Year, and Community Sport Administrator of the Year.
The Minister’s Sport Volunteer Management Awards aims to attract nominations from organisations that have shown innovative ideas and management techniques in the recognition, education and training, coordination, and recruitment of volunteers. These awards include three categories: Club/District or Regional Community Sport Organisation; State Sporting Organisations and Event of the Year.
NSW Minister for Sport and Recreation, the Hon. Stuart Ayres, MP will be presenting the 2015 NSW Community Sports Volunteer Awards at a function on Friday 21st August 2015 at NSW Parliament House.
Nominations are now open and close on Friday 10th July.
The Awards Guidelines and Nomination Forms can be found
As the peak body for sport and active recreation, Sport NSW represents the collective interests of NSW’s single largest community sector. With over 100 member groups representing 15,000 sporting clubs and associations and well over 2.5 million participants, workers and volunteers, the community sport and active recreation sector makes a significant contribution to the social, physical, health, mental and economic well-being of our NSW communities.

Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is July 5th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
June 14 - 20, 2015: Issue 218
Articles This Week
New Data Proves Overwhelming Support for Pittwater to Stay As We Are + Fit for the Future timeline makes mockery of fair process from Pittwater Council and LGNSW
Save Our Councils Coalition Launched – State MP’s Join their the Ranks Against Forced Amalgamations from SOCC
BL’s Blast Off 2015 – Celebrating 10 Great Years of Surfing Festival Fun + International Day of Surfing Celebration at Harbord Diggers on Friday June 19th
TEDXPITTWATER: THE ART OF BEING PITTWATER - Saturday 20th of June - a chat with Naval Architect Rob Tulk, one of this year's Speakers
This is Avalon - Winter Solstice Festival: Sunday 21st of June
Reflections By George Repin: RABAUL
Aquatics: RPAYC members excel at Australasian Etchells Championships - report by Jill Connell, photos by Teri Dodds
Pictures: Avalon Tattoo 2015 - the 10th Annual Celebration
Profile: Fiona Rae, Annabelle Chapman, Diane van Ooi and Karen Begg - Palm Beach SLSC Ladies Masters - this is a celebration of the sisterhood, a small insight into four great women who excel in their own fields and win gold as a team when competing in surf life saving events!
History: May to June 2015 - Early Pittwater Watermen: Captain Francis Hixson: 8 January 1833–2 March 1909
If Creswell is the gentleman considered by many to have given birth to the thought of an Australian Navy, a Sydney gentleman, who conducted his first training exercises here in Pittwater and Broken Bay with the Naval Brigade, is the gentleman who gave birth to the physical reality. He is also the gentleman who was responsible for the saving of countess lives in ensuring a program for the building of lighthouses up and down our coastline became the lightships that in many case, still stand today, including Pittwater's Barrenjoey
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month June 2015 - Tim Hixson: Tim Hixson first began photography whilst a student at Southern Illinois University. After returning home to Australia he lived in Byron Bay then worked out of his studio in North Sydney shooting commercially and developing his personal photography. In 1998 he returned to plastic camera photography, producing the exhibition and book ‘BEACH’.
He has had many solo exhibitions and awards since then and continues to explore the ocean and beach culture using traditional and alternative photography.
Tim is the great grandson of Captain Francis Hixson, and a superlative waterman alike this builder of the Naval Brigade in N.S.W. Tim is our Profile to open the month of June - while his great grandfather opens the Pioneer Watermen of Broken Bay and Pittwater History pages for June.
Pittwater and Northern Beaches Next Weekend
Three BIG events on next weekend – on Friday June 19th the International Day of Surfing event at Harbord Diggers, on Saturday the TedxPittwater: The Art of Being Pittwater is on at Newport, and the Avalon Winter Solstice Festival will run from dawn until dusk at Avalon Beach and throughout the village shopping centre streets.
This week we run an insight into one of the speakers for TedxPittwater 2015, Rob Tulk a naval architect, HERE
Also this week we’ve had some add ins to the This Is Avalon - Winter Solstice Festival – there’s still an opportunity for Not for Profits to become part of this as well as a call out for those who want to be volunteers or local community /school fundraising events to assist with activities.
Call Ros Marsh, President of the Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc. ASAP on 0407 932 066
A full rundown of what’s on where in the village and on the beach and even its headlands is available HERE – sure to be one of the best shortest days of the year celebrations in Sydney next weekend!
Come along to the unveiling of the latest addition to Freshwater Headlands Surfers Walk of Fame, by famed sculptor Mick Purdy. Enjoy an entertaining evening of drinks, food, music and film celebrating the sport of surfing and the importance of protecting our oceans, waves and beaches.
More event details coming shortly!
Contact for further information.
Tickets here:
Proudly Sponsored By Barefoot Wines, Four Pines Brewing Co and Harbord Diggers Club
New Data Proves Overwhelming Support for Pittwater to Stay As We Are
11 Jun 2015
Findings from Pittwater Council’s latest random sample telephone survey conducted by Micromex Research, confirm that 89% of the Pittwater community are in support of Pittwater Council maintaining the status quo, to remain as we are without any boundary changes (Option 1).
When asked of its support for a single mega council (Option 3), Pittwater’s community again voiced its opposition, with a resounding 80% of residents not supportive of this option.
Pittwater Council General Manager, Mark Ferguson said when considering residents’ second preferences, there was increased support for Greater Pittwater/Greater Manly (Option 2) however; the option of becoming a single mega council still did not rate well with our residents, which was supported by:
• 73% of respondents referencing Pittwater maintaining the status quo (Option 1)
• 74% of respondents indicating Greater Pittwater/Greater Manly (Option 2) as their second preference.
“Further analysis of the data showed that not only were the residents emphatic in their support for Pittwater maintaining status quo, but it was a “communal attitude which evoked similar levels of support across all demographics.
“When offered a choice of forced amalgamation more than half of our community opposed this. Of those who chose to respond, twice as many favoured the Greater Pittwater/Greater Manly formation over the mega council option.
“We were very pleased with the level of community engagement and our residents’ depth of knowledge around local government reform and the whole Fit for the Future process, with 79% having an understanding of it.
“The main reasons given for support of Pittwater Council remaining as is without any boundary changes (Option 1) were resident satisfaction of Pittwater Council’s performance and the effectiveness of our services and efficiency,” Mr Ferguson added.
A range of verbatim responses from the community strongly supporting the status quo, include “I have lived in the area under the previous larger council and the area has been run a lot better since the smaller Pittwater Council took over”; and “Pittwater is responsive to its local residents and we may lose this if it changes”.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqueline Townsend reiterated community feedback stating “Residents do not want to revisit the old scenario”.
“How many times does our community need to speak out? Again and again our residents have told us they don’t want to be part of a mega council.
“It’s no surprise that these survey results echo the sentiment and subsequent motion passed at our recent Fit for the Future community meeting, ‘that there be no change to Pittwater Council or its boundaries, without community support’,” she added.
Preliminary results from paper and online surveys also indicate that the majority of respondents preferred Pittwater to remain as we are with no boundary changes (Option1), with the Greater Pittwater/Greater Manly (Option 2) as their second preference. A single council for the northern beaches was the community’s least preferred option.
Pittwater Council will be reporting in detail on these results at its next Council Meeting, Monday 15 June.
To stay informed, please visit
Fit for the Future timeline makes mockery of fair process
June 9, 2015 - LGNSW Media Release
The release of the final Fit for the Future assessment methodology on Friday 5 June leaves just 15 working days for Councils to complete submissions that will be instrumental in determining their future existence, Local Government NSW has said.
LGNSW President Keith Rhoades AFSM said the limited time allowed for Councils to ensure their submissions responded appropriately to the final methodology made "a mockery of fair process".
Clr Rhoades said 15 days was simply insufficient for Councils to ensure their submissions reflected community wishes and met the methodology requirements.
"That includes a threshold benchmark of 'scale and capacity', which is still deeply problematic - according to the Government, scale and capacity can only be reached if Councils are merged.
"The majority of Councils represent residents and ratepayers who have said overwhelmingly they do not want to be amalgamated, so it's a real Catch 22 and they're on a hiding to nothing."
Cr Rhoades said the inadequate timeline set down by the Government was a joke, and put at risk the likelihood of achieving reform that would genuinely benefit residents and ratepayers.
"IPART is required to receive these critically important and complex submissions, make a judgement on each against complex criteria, and then advise the Government by 16 October whether or not individual Councils are 'Fit for the Future'," he said.
"With the Council submissions due on 30 June, IPART have, on average, less than one day per Council to make assessments.
"These are not insignificant documents we're talking about - they will determine the future grassroots representation of communities in this State.
"Councils and the communities they represent deserve a voice in their own future, and they certainly deserve more than a single day's flick through of a detailed and thorough submission."
Clr Rhoades said it was becoming increasingly clear that Councils found not to meet the criteria set down by Government would be forced to amalgamate with neighbours, irrespective of the wishes of residents and ratepayers.
"The Minister stood in Parliament on May 15 and said the Government would not support a motion against forced Council amalgamations," he said.
"So the Government's agenda is pretty clear, and if the Minister's comments in Parliament don't spell it out sufficiently, the ridiculous timeline does."
Clr Rhoades said even IPART Chair Dr Peter Boxall had publicly described the timeline set down by Government as 'challenging'.
"We agree - and we're finding it increasingly 'challenging' to maintain any confidence that the Government is committed to an evidence-based, considered and fair reform process," he said.
Query to the Community – Metters Products and Scottish Bricks – Please Help
Hello from Scotland. I wonder if you or any of your followers can assist me with a small query.
Back in 2013 you posted this…
I have a fascination for the Scottish brick industry and associated products (sadly no longer an industry for us!)....I have just posted this on my site and I wondered if you or any of your readers had any evidence to confirm or deny the idea that some Metters products were, at some point manufactured in Scotland.
Also: If any of your readers find a Scottish brick I would love to hear from them. My email is
See Metters/Scotland on my website HERE
And Scottish bricks HERE
Thanking you all in advance,
Best regards,
Mark Cranston - Scotland
Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Harbour Yacht Race 2016 - Entries Open
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club and Coffs Harbour Yacht Club welcome all eligible boats to enter the 35th Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Yacht Race. The 226nm Category 2 Bluewater race from Pittwater to Coffs Harbour will start on Saturday January 2, 2016, 1300hrs.
Once in Coffs Harbour a single non-pointscore fun pursuit race from Coffs Harbour around the Solitary Islands off the Coffs Coast will be held on January 5.
The Notice of Race has been published and applications for entry are open at the Event Website: .
There will be five entry categories available; IRC, PHS, ORCi, Multihull (OMR), and a Shorthanded (PHS) division.
The 2016 Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Harbour Yacht Race again welcomes entries from eligible multihulls. Back in January 2014 Sean Langman’s Orma 60 trimaran Team Australia took line honours in the multihull division and created a new race record of 17hrs 7mins 5secs.
Corey Yeung, NSW State Manager of naming rights sponsor Club Marine, added, “Club Marine is proud to be associated with the longstanding event and the competing yachtsmen and women. We once again look forward to meeting competitors, seeing them out on the water at the start off Palm Beach and welcoming them at the Coffs Harbour Yacht Club in early January.”
To assist owners and crew in their preparation for the race The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club has developed the "Come to Coffs Pathway", a series of training opportunities (including Safety at Sea, First Aid, Person Overboard, Radio Operator courses) Seminars (Navigating to Coffs, Internet@Sea, Essential Equipment), and qualify races to meet the eligibility requirements of a Category 2 race.
Two safety items the Coffs Race Committee have adopted for the race is the inclusion for all boats to carry an AIS Transponder and a satellite phone. In previous races Satellite phone were an option if a boat was using an HF radio. The Race Committee believes these technologies will benefit the safety of all competitors sailing north through some of the coasts busiest shipping lanes. Virtual skeds will continue to be used for the 2016 race as boats will have Yellow Brick trackers installed throughout the race and also for the Coffs Harbour Solitary Islands Race.
Applications for entry close December 1, 2015.
For race enquiries please contact:
RPAYC sailing office ph: (02) 9998 3771
“Thank You” Civic Reception
Ingleside RFS along with other Warringah & Pittwater Council NSWRFS Brigades, Warringah/Pittwater SES, NSW Police & Fire & Rescue NSW attended a 'Thank You' civic reception on Wednesday night, June 19th, to thank those that were involved in the April 2015 storm response for our community.
Pittwater and Warringah Councillors, including Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend, Warringah Mayor Michael Regan, Pittwater State MP Rob Stokes and Federal MP Bronwyn Bishop all attended and spoke, thanking those that participated on the many events the storm caused.
Our volunteers appreciate the support.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade
Tight At The Top In Rubber Ducky Premiership Series
Friday 12 June 2015 - By SLS NSW
The 2015 Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) Premiership Series is set for a thrilling conclusion with the overall championship club set to be crowned on Sunday at Kiama Downs on the state’s south coast following two days of intense racing.
A total of 245 competitors from 20 clubs will take to the water in events designed to simulate real life rescue situations involving individual ‘patients’ and mass rescues. All events are based on honing the skills of both IRB driver and crewperson and the fast-paced nature of the competition makes it a great day out for spectators. Just 6 points separate the top four teams in the race to be crowned championship club in what is shaping up to be one of the closest finishes to an IRB Premiership Series in recent seasons.
With plenty of points on offer strong races from defending champions Kiama Downs, perennial threats Catherine Hill Bay, Caves Beach and North Cronulla could see any one of them crowned champions.
It has been a challenging winter for the state’s top IRB competitors with the weather a constant thorn in organisers’ sides across the three competitions thus far. Round 1 at Caves Beach was relocated to Terrigal while rough conditions at Windang in Round 2 means that the remainder of the program will now take place this weekend.
Kiama Downs have become an IRB powerhouse in recent seasons, but team manager and competitor Steven Guy believes there isn’t any extra pressure for his club to clinch the title on their home beach.
“I like to think the local community is proud of what our small club has achieved, and I think it will be great to showcase our sport on our home beach. We’ve had a good start to the season, and with conditions not being favourable in the first two rounds of the season it was good to be able to get on the water at Terrigal,” Mr Guy said.
“We are lucky enough to have a very passionate and dedicated team that performs consistently well across the different event categories and classifications. New members joining the team bring a fresh outlook and assist with re-energizing the team every year.”
As well as vouchers as prizes there will be two IRB engines up for grabs this weekend thanks to the support of Tohatsu Australia – one engine will be presented to the overall premiership winner, with the second going to the “most deserving club.” This award is aimed at encouraging smaller clubs and those new to the sport to enter the state’s premier IRB racing event.
There’s a lot at stake for the competitors individually as well with the race marking the last chance for athletes to impress the selectors ahead of the NSW IRB Interstate team being named next week. It’s also an opportunity for the teams to fine-tune preparations ahead of the NSW IRB State Championships to be held in Mollymook later this month.
The 2015 IRB Premiership Series concludes this Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 June at Kiama Downs with competition slated to get underway at 8am AEST conditions permitting.
For more information please visit the Premiership Series Page. Results from the series can be viewed Here.

10/50 Code Must be Stopped
10 June, 2015 – Wilderness Society
We likely only have about three weeks to go before the review of the NSW 10/50 Vegetation Clearing code is completed. Contact your MP today to ensure they know self-assessment must be removed.
Since it's introduction, 10/50 has been one devastation after another. For residents of Beecroft the last two weeks have been particularly tragic with the loss of the spectacular patron tree of Beecroft at 83 Beecroft Road to what can only be referred to as cold blooded greed.
This tragedy is symptomatic of a huge problem in our society, where it now seems that all trees and urban nature are on the chopping block to make way for unchecked development.
At the heart of this problem is the disgrace that is 10/50 , and it must be stopped!
In between meetings with MPs on this issue, we received yet another call from a community member in tears today. She was woken by the sound of chainsaws, only to walk outside to see another 4 beautiful trees in her street being destroyed.
We implore you, please do not let the losses we are seeing dampen your passion for standing up for what we all know to be right. We are making real headway in this campaign, and with the review likely to be released in the next three weeks, now is the time to ensure we get the result we need.
To this end we are asking you all to please contact your MPs with a very simple message:
'We are aware that the review of 10/50 is not far from completion and we want to ensure that self-assessment is removed from the current code and assessment is returned to the hands of the trained experts. Please, on behalf of your local community, take this message to Minister David Elliott, and get back to us with his response.'
By getting enough MPs to pass on this message we can ensure that Minister Elliott (Minister for Emergency Services) understands that he will not be able to make his amendments quickly and quietly, as we expect is his intention. Further, that he understands his colleagues, the opposition, and the wider community are united in their stance against this ridiculous Code.
The best way you can get your message across to your MP is to arrange a meeting (NB: all MPs are obliged to meet with their constituents upon request). We can help you prepare for the meeting, and provide resources should you need them.
If you cant schedule a meeting for any reason, or would prefer not to, please at the very least visit your MPs office, call them, or send them an email that voices your concerns.
So many of you have done so much work on this campaign so far, please let's now work together to ensure we can lock in the result we all want to see, and take this giant leap toward a society that values and appreciates its natural resources.
If you need any assistance at all, or have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact NSW Community Organiser Kaine Johnson
Find out more HERE
MAG&M exhibitions calendar
July - December 2015
Manly Art Gallery & Museum’s July – December 2015 exhibitions calendar is out now! Download the Calendar, print it, or pop in to the Art Gallery and pick up your copy for the fridge.
Full of fascinating and stimulating exhibitions from War-Time Quilts, to ceramics, photographs by Anne Zahalka to an exhibition of works by local artists responding to the theme of ‘saltwater’, from ‘Out of Quarantine’ to ‘Destination Sydney’ including paintings by Brett Whiteley, Lloyd Rees and Elisabeth Cummings.
Something for everyone in a dynamic program over the next 6 months!

Pittwater Indian Myna Action Group Launched
June 4, 2015
As part of a public awareness campaign we have created this Facebook page to keep the residents of Pittwater (and anyone else who is interested) up-to-date on the community efforts to control the spread of this pest bird. We need volunteers to take traps from us and help us get rid of this very invasive bird. We will be posting lots of information on the site to help everyone better understand the effect this bird has on the community - not only all the other birds but humans as well. Please let your friends know what we are doing by following us and liking our page. The Pittwater Indian Myna Action Group has been set up as a sub-group to the widely known Pittwater Natural Heritage Association. If you have any questions please post them on our Facebook page and we will get back to you asap.
Above is the NATIVE Noisy Myna - not to be confused with the Indian Myna which is an introduced pest species. The native Noisy Myna can be a pest too! It's a honey eater and thrives in our open spaces. If you want to get rid of this bird plant lots more native trees and bushes and reduce your lawn area. Do not plant hybrid grevilleas (that flower all year) which will attract this bird.
The pest Indian Myna or Common Myna thrives in urban areas - they can be seen (and heard!) in our villages, near our garbage bins, in schools and they take nesting sites from our native bird population.
Common Myna
PIMAG currently has 4 traps out in the area. We have them in people's backyards as well as one at a local marina. As this is a new program we have caught the grand total of 13 birds to date. We have traps available for volunteers and we provide all the information you will need to use them. Please note the instructions are very simple.
We are hoping that local businesses will get behind the program as the biggest problem with these pest birds is in and around cafes and places where food is freely available such as school playgrounds. So if you are a business and want to get rid of these noisy critters we would love to hear from you
See and ‘like’:

Zero$'s For Thousand of Pages
Pittwater Online News has been paid for out of our pockets for over five years now. We don't charge for 99.9% of all content run, that's why you don't see advertisements on pages created.
If you have enjoyed any of these Issues and their pages, and like seeing new stories and records created For, About and By us all, please consider kicking in a few dollars towards our overheads and equipment upgrades to cope with the volume of work we do.
Let's keep the focus on sharing great stories and news, creating decent permanently accessible records, and away from commercialism and all that brings with it.
As there are many many thousands of you reading this each day of each week if everyone put in $10.00 we'd have what we need in less than one day.
You can invest in this news service HERE
Thank you for your support.
Project Update - June, 2015
On 5th May we brought online to replace the individual links that were previously necessary during our development stage.
Initially on entering the site we have Snapshots of the Temperature, Humidity and Wind at each of our present operational stations via the clickable list. Then on clicking on the individual stations at the top of the page access is made to the full comprehensive data for each station.
We now have 4 stations operational and 3 more in the pipeline.
The TABS on our individual stations give access to the following data –
All present weather parameters updated every 2 minutes.
Data freezes at last reading if power lost to unit - Always check time of data.
Top banner photos cycle automatically or mouse over & click.
RECENT - Today,Yesterday
HISTORY - This Month, This Year, Monthly, Time
GAUGES - Standard, Steel Series, Flying – analog & digital
TRENDS - These graphs present temperature, pressure, rainfall, and wind speed trends for the last 24 hours. The thumbnail graphs are sampled every 10 minutes.
Click on a thumbnail to display the corresponding larger graph. The large graphs are sampled every 1 minute.
FORECASTS - Tides & Moon (supplied by WillyWeather) + 7 day Forecast (generated by WeatherUnderground)
IMAGES - Slideshow of surrounding area. Webcam – not available yet. Coming to some stations
ABOUT - Station, System – maintenance overview and Information – description & location of equipment + Contact us – comments or questions
The crucial need for these stations was demonstrated during the horrendous weather of 20th and 21st April when Western Foreshore & Scotland Island residents were totally dependent on the information to know when it was safe to leave their homes.
The wonderful volunteers of the SES, Rural Fire Service and Marine Rescue could also have an overview of the weather at various locations around the peninsula.
On 21st April over 350 hits were recorded on the Palm Beach station, over 250 at The Quays and 170 for Scotland Island. This was from a service that was little known at that stage.
Now, as of 9th May, Total Hits on all the stations are approaching 14,000.
The aim of this Project is to establish weather Observation stations around Pittwater that transmit the present ACTUAL conditions to the internet. The Bureau of Meteorology and many other providers produce Forecasts and the BoM produces Observations for many locations but NOT Pittwater.
When the Barrenjoey Lighthouse installation receives approval from National Parks and Wildlife Service then that weather information will not only benefit Pittwater users but coastal traffic as well.
Barrenjoey will be equipped with a webcam as well as other suitable locations giving a bird’s eye view of the surroundings.
The National Manager, Marine Weather, for the BoM is fully supportive of our endeavour as is and the NSW Minister for Planning.
Hopefully this project could be a blueprint for other locations around Australia that are lacking BoM Actual weather information to create their own network to not only be available directly but through the BoM WOW (Weather Observation Website) facility -
PittwaterWeather is a not-for-profit association helping the community with vital information.
It is hoped that Governments, both State and Federal, will see fit to help fund the ongoing running of this service.
Rohan Walter
President – PittwaterWeather Incorporated

The photo tells the story of a sad, slow death of a classically built, vintage yacht beached at Dangar Island on the Hawkesbury River.
CURRAWONG is so well constructed that she could with much tender loving care and a deep pocket, be restored.
Time is rapidly running out for this beautiful, veteran yacht at a notice of imminent destruction has been glued to her hull.
Ahoy!, calling all wooden boat lovers to rally around a great cause and save the CURRAWONG for future generations to enjoy and appreciate!
Update June 5th: we have word from the owner of this vessel that he will be happy to give her away to a person or group interested in getting her sailing again. He would leave all fittings on her, including one set of sails in reasonable condition. Contact Pittwater Online News if interested - we will run a story on her History and Heritage next Issue
Further below

Above: Close-up of "Currawong" - Pittwater Regatta, 1938 - Sam Hood pic, courtesy State Library of NSW, Image No.:hood_06523
Boomerang Bags Avalon Workshops
Surfrider Foundation and Living Ocean
We will continue with our Tuesday workshops 11am-5pm at Avalon Recreation Centre
We are still looking for more volunteers to get involved. The more help we can find the sooner we will be able to launch Boomerang Bags onto the streets of Avalon.
This week shout out goes to Jo, who has become our expert in all involving stamps and paint. Jo has done an excellent job over the last few weeks creating our Boomerang Bag patches to sew on the bags. Great job Jo.
So make sure you pop into Avalon Recreation Centre on Tuesdays, anytime from 11am-5pm and come join the team. All welcome, no sewing skills needed, we need people to cut material, stamp and of course to come along and have a cuppa.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.
Jessica Hensman, Operations Manager
PO Box 968, Mona Vale NSW 1660, Surfrider Foundation
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Sun June 14
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Mon June 15
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Thu June 18
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat June 20
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun June 21
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Sat June 27
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Sun June 28
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Res 8-11am
Forty Years On—A Potted History of the Manly Warringah Choir
In this our fortieth anniversary year, Naomi Roseth has been digging in the archives.
This is some of what she found:
The Manly Warringah Musical Society was established in 1975, with choral works featuring in programs for the first time in December 1976. Two choristers who sang with the Choir at its inaugural concert are still with the Choir in 2015: May Mackenzie and John Killick. We salute them.
Since its establishment, the Choir has performed the works of 46 composers. Of those thirteen, even if born in the 20th century, have composed in the 21st. Five of those are living now. The Choir has never sung the composition of a woman. Is it time to change that? It will come as no surprise that Mozart is the Choir’s favourite composer: We have sung eight different pieces by him.
We have sung Handel’s Messiah fourteen times – more than any other piece. The next most frequently performed piece is Mozart’s Ave Verum (nine times) and excerpts from Bach’s Christmas Oratorio and Fauré’s Requiem (seven times each). We have performed 36 pieces only once. While we sing mostly in English and Latin, over the years we have also sung in German, French, Spanish, Catalonian, Hebrew and Russian.
Carlos Alvarado took over as the Choir’s director in May 2003 and at the time of writing has conducted the Choir in 24 concerts. Before Carlos took over, the Choir performed under the baton of a range of conductors, the names of fourteen appearing in past programs. The stability we enjoy under Carlos’ baton is greatly valued, as is his wonderful ability to share his musicianship with such a diverse group of people.
Angela has been the Choir’s accompanying pianist since June 1991, first as Angela Gates and since September 2001 as Angela Ferguson.
An inspection of past programs reveals a long list of soloists who accompanied the Choir. Two names stand out: Rita Hunter sang excerpts from Messiah in December 1988; Brett Weymark, now Director of Sydney Philharmonia Choirs, sang Messiah twice: in 1998 and 2000, and he sang Mozart’s Requiem in May 1999.
The Choir prides itself in giving young singers performing opportunities which open doors to wider pastures: Emma Moore and Pascal Herrington are now singing in Vienna and Berlin. Alexander Knight and Michael Honeyman sing regularly with Opera Australia.
Since its inception, the Choir had four presidents who are still in the Choir: Joe Micali, Pat Hughes, Marj Binns and Richard Griffiths. Three former secretaries are still members: Jill Selles, Jenny Beck and Margaret Dent, and Gill Gray is a past Treasurer.
Since November 1994 the Choir has been fortunate enough to perform regularly at the Cardinal Cerretti Chapel, St Patrick Estate, Manly. Before that we had performed in a range of locations including churches, schools, community centres and retirement villages. We performed seven times at the Glen Street Theatre in Belrose and three times at the Dee Why RSL. The Choir rarely performs outside the Northern Beaches. We have performed once at the Sydney Conservatorium, also once in Gosford and in Wollongong and five times at St Mary’s Church in North Sydney.
Now we look forward to the next 40 years—who knows what they mighthold?
The Choir celebrates its 40th Anniversary with a Gala Concert on Sunday afternoon August 16th at the Cardinal Cerretti Chapel.
The programme features a double bill: Beethoven: Piano Concerto No 4 with Gregory Kinda as Soloist and Mozart: Mass in C minor (The Great)
Light refreshments will be served on the Terrace after the concert.
Festival celebrates Aboriginal culture and heritage
Pittwater Council is proud to be one of 11 Councils and many reconciliation and community groups participating in this year’s Guringai Festival.
Founded in 2001, the Guringai Festival aims to raise awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in the Northern Sydney region. The festival runs between Sorry Day on 26 May to the end of NAIDOC Week in July.
Pittwater Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the Guringai Festival’s theme ‘Story of Place’ provides a great framework for the line-up of activities this year.
“This celebration of Aboriginal Culture and Heritage, now in its 15th year, boasts a number of events and workshops, art exhibitions, performances, films and talks.
“I commend the Guringai Festival Committee for once again putting together a festival with a wide array of events that touch our hearts, our minds and our souls – and celebrate US as a whole of community,” added Cr Townsend.
At this year’s festival Pittwater Council will be hosting the following events:
Turimetta Head Aboriginal Heritage Walk
Pittwater Council will host a free guided walk led by the Aboriginal Heritage Office. Come and learn more about our amazing local Aboriginal heritage in an outstanding setting. This is a great free event for the whole family. This walk is medium grade.
When: Saturday 20 June, 9 to 11am
Where: Meeting point to be provided on booking.
Pre-school storytelling @ Mona Vale Library
Pre-schoolers are invited to attend a themed story-telling, music and craft session at Mona Vale Library to celebrate the festival. No bookings required.
When: Wednesday 24 June, 10am
Where: Mona Vale Library, 1 Park Street Mona Vale.
Events will be held across the Sydney region. For detailed information on the events happening during the Guringai Festival visit:

Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE
Critter of the Month - June 2015

Avalon Craft Cottage at Avalon
Maureen Darcy-Smith. Publicity Officer
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
We'd like to apologise to all those who look forward to our History pages each Issue and also those eager to read about the Currawong historic yacht in her early days.
We do have the next in the Pioneer watermen of Broken Bay and Pittwater series ready to run, it will focus on Scotland Island Shipbuilders, and we also found during our research one of Australia's first lady entrepreneurs who at one time owned the whole island - yes she's of Scottish heritage, yes, she was a Tasmanian, yes she later became a Countess and then a Marquise - yes there is romance and revolution and some of the premier peoples in Australia and on the world stage involved - but as we treat these pages as record keeping devices and like to run as much as possible, and there is, once again, a small book to load/set on each of these pages, we have run out of the extra 70+ hours required this week to get this done. Apparently there really is only 24 hours in every day.
The same goes for the wonderful voyages and racing thrills of the beautiful Currawong (see column opposite) so that too shall run in Issue 219.
We have given precedence to all else you see running as full pages this week as this is, after all, a News Service and this is what's new and news this week.
So History and Archivist lovers - you're in for a treat x 3 next Sunday. We're very excited about what we've found to share with you.
A J Guesdon, Editor - Pittwater Online News.
George Bass surf boat marathon 2016
Entries are now open for the 2016 George Bass Surf Marathon. Head to to download the entry form!
Special early bird prices are on offer until 30 September 2015
Winter Solstice 2015
June Solstice in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia is on Monday, 22 June 2015 at 2:39 AM AEST
Monday 15 June - FREE Half Day Course
Highly Recommended: With Professor Peter Phibbs from Urban Planning & Policy Group at University of Sydney.
The Basics: 9:30am to 12:30pm
Advanced: 1.00pm to 4pm
Ideal for members of residents groups and community organisers and workers. To register/learn more:

Honorary doctorate for ‘Australian living treasure’
11 JUN 2015: by MYLES GOUGH - UNSW
Internationally renowned Australian author Thomas Keneally has been awarded a UNSW doctor of letters for his contributions to Australian literature.
The internationally renowned Australian author and historian Thomas Keneally has been awarded an honorary doctorate in recognition of his contributions to Australian literature and society.
Noting his illustrious career as “a supreme teller of stories” that have had a profound impact on our understanding of the past, UNSW conferred on Keneally the degree of Doctor of Letters, honoris causa, the University’s highest honour.
Keneally is the author of more than 40 published works of fiction and history, and has won an array of literary prizes and honours in Australia and around the world.
He has three times been nominated for the Man Booker Prize for the best work of fiction published in English, winning in 1982 for his novel Schindler’s Ark, which was later adapted into the Academy Award-winning film Schindler's List.
Keneally, who grew up in New South Wales, is also an avid public speaker and activist. He has recently edited a pair of anthologies focused on the asylum seeker debate: Another Country, is a collection of writings by asylum seekers, while A Country Too Far, features essays and stories by some of Australia’s leading writers.
In his speech at the UNSW graduation ceremony, Keneally spoke about the issue, urging both major political parties to stop their “outrageous and willful" misuse of the English language to dehumanise refugees, and instead commit to finding an international solution.
“We have reacted to a genuine world crisis with verbal meanness and subsequent cruelty,” he said. “I wish devoutly that instead of pressing the English language into its more brutal gears and scapegoating victims… we too could address ourselves not to international denial but to an international solution.”
“Let us lead a world crusade to enable, through the co-operation of all liberal democracies, accredited refugees to be absorbed into our populations,” he said.
“So let's use mandatory detention only for health, identity and security checks that do not take years, but weeks. Let's have accommodation centres – not prisons. And for God's own sweet sake, let's release all children from mandatory detention. Let's have an independent commission to decide on asylum seeker policy to stop politicians using it to improve their vote.”
Keneally has had a long-standing relationship with UNSW. In January 2014, he delivered the university's annual Gandhi Oration, and before that played an important role in the campaign to establish a Chair of Irish Studies.
In 1983 he was made an Officer of the Order of Australia. He is also a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, was the founding chairman of the Australian Republican Movement, and has served on the Australian Constitutional Commission and the Australia-China Council.
Top: Author Thomas Keneally. Image: Helen White, courtesy SMSA
June 11, 2015
The Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay at Newport is pleased to announce the staging of the 8th Annual “UNIQUE VEHICLE SHOW" on Sunday 26th July.
An "unusual" event for a Yacht Club to host you might think, but "boaties" do have many other interests, and an enthusiasm for all things mechanical is certainly one of them!
Rob Brown (RMYC Event Organiser) said today in announcing the event,
“We are very excited to host the show once again this year. We are working closely with the Pittwater Motor Enthusiasts Association and their members, who will be show casing some of the rarest motor vehicles, bikes and engines dating as far back as the early 1900’s. And while you are here you can try out our “food and wine tasting” that will run throughout the day.
This year the show will incorporate a new category, a selected number of moderns… from the year 2000 through to the present day. This will obviously add even more colour and flare to what has been a fantastic array of motoring history over the last seven years here at RMYC.
There will be over 60 vehicles on display including beautifully restored Vintage cars, Classics, Sports Cars, Hot Rods, Motorcycles, working engines and Models.
The vehicles will be located in the waterfront car park at the Royal Motor Yacht Club, 46 Prince Alfred Parade, Newport. 10am till 3.00pm.
Entry is free - members of the Public are welcome but will need to sign in, if they wish to use the club’s facilities. Parking is limited at the club, so why not make it an even more special day by catching the historic MV Reliance ferry from Rowland Reserve Bayview or from the Newport Arms Public Wharf. Cost $5.00 per person each way!
We look forward to seeing you here at the RMYC!
For more information, please contact RMYC office during business hours – 9997 5511.
SHOROC Announces Operational Plan for Year Ahead
June 12, 2015
SHOROC has released its Operational Plan for 2015/16, outlining major infrastructure and service priorities for the region and key initiatives to be delivered for the councils and communities of north east Sydney.
SHOROC is a partnership of Manly, Mosman, Pittwater & Warringah Councils led by a Board of the council Mayors and General Managers. We advocate for our region, coordinate regional planning, and build partnerships to improve the strategic capacity of our member councils.
Cr Peter Abelson SHOROC President and Mayor of Mosman says that the SHOROC 2015-16 Operational Plan includes projects that will build on the results in recent years for the region and councils.
SHOROC is focussed on providing value and getting results and major priorities are to:
• Improve transport, health, community and education services
• Grow local employment and containment
• Facilitate appropriate housing growth and choice, deliver waste infrastructure, and improve regional asset planning
• Reduce waste to landfill and improve regional environment and sustainability
• Continue to build our regional capacity to partner with other levels of government
“SHOROC’s joint advocacy and partnership with the NSW Government has led to the government delivering outstanding results for the region, including $644 million for a Bus Rapid Transit system and major road upgrades, as well as the new Northern Beaches Hospital.
“This plan adds a range of projects focussed on regional employment and economic development, while continuing the key focus on transport, health and environmental sustainability.
“Central to success in the coming year is the strong partnerships built with government agencies to work together for improved transport, health, planning, waste and community services.
“We’ve had considerable success in advocating for infrastructure and I would like to extend this to regional collaboration for community and social services in the years ahead.”
“Planning for the future is a central theme. This plan sees SHOROC working with NSROC to coordinate and support councils across northern Sydney in subregional land use and infrastructure planning under the NSW Government’s A Plan for Growing Sydney.
“In addition, we’re now providing a joint procurement service in collaboration with NSROC for councils of northern Sydney,” Cr Abelson said.
“SHOROC also continually seeks to improve its operations and council strategic capacity. We will be aiming to improve the way we operate to foster effective regional collaboration of councils across our region and also more broadly with NSROC and its member councils across northern Sydney.”
Read the SHOROC 2015-16 Operational Plan.
NSW Public Works reforms
9th June, 2015 - NSW Government Public Works
NSW Public Works will move to a new business model that provides expert industry advice and works with the private sector to deliver infrastructure services across NSW.
Minister for Finance, Services & Property Dominic Perrottet said the decline of NSW Public Works revenue and rise in the growth of competitive private services had significant implications for the sustainability of the NSW Public Works operating model.
“While NSW Public Works has and will continue to provide invaluable expert strategic advice on this program of work, primary responsibility for project delivery lies with the business community”, he said.
Over the next two years Public Works will advise and oversee the State’s infrastructure solutions to re-position itself as a ‘smart buyer’ of infrastructure services from private businesses, particularly for agencies and councils. The reforms aim to secure the future of the organisation.
The NSW Government will continue to provide support in emergency engineering response across NSW, and support the natural disaster grants program. Services in regional, rural and remote NSW will continue as usual.
Some services currently provided by NSW Public Works that can be supplied by the private sector will be transferred, sold or discontinued. Affected employees, clients and other stakeholders will be consulted before plans are finalised. Client contracts will not be impacted by these changes.
Find out more about NSW Public Works
Direct link:

Brisbane to Keppel yacht race - ideal launch pad for the northern circuit
Event: Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race starts 1100hrs Thursday July 30, 2015 from Moreton Bay finishes Keppel Bay, hosted by the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron at Manly, Brisbane, Queensland
Winter has barely arrived in the south eastern states and already a savvy bunch of yachties are planning to cast off the woolies and get out of town. Entry for the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron’s 9th annual Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race is open and a diverse fleet is building for the 1100hrs start on Thursday July 30, 2015 from Brisbane’s Moreton Bay.
Of the RQYS organised 343 miler, Rear Commodore Mark Gallagher says, “already there’s a great fleet heading north to enjoy the fantastic hospitality shown by the finish crew at Keppel Bay Marina. The course is scenic and like most coastal passages it’s a thinking person’s race to play the wind and tide to maximum advantage. And we throw whale watching in for free!”
“With regular flights to Rockhampton airport it’s the perfect pit stop for swapping crew and gear, and the ideal launch pad for the northern circuit,” reminds RQ’s sailing manager Richard Matterson.
His team is making it even easier for Sydney Gold Coast yacht race crews wanting to take the option of back-to-back coastal races as the best way to leap-frog north to the Whitsunday regatta loop of Airlie Beach, Hamilton Island and Magnetic Island race weeks.
There’s an existing agreement in place with the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia that paperwork submitted for their Category 2 Sydney Gold Coast yacht race also satisfies the entry criteria for the Brisbane to Keppel. RQYS’ latest initiative to assist owners with logistics is the offer to send their gear truck to Southport Yacht Club to meet the CYCA’s fleet and collect equipment owners need transported north to Manly for the next stage Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race.
For the past four years supermaxis Wild Oats XI and Grant Wharington’s Wild Thing have been the gun line honours boats. With the Oatleys’ race record holder Wild Oats XI on a ship to Los Angeles to tackle the Transpac Race there’s going to be some elbow room at the head of the table.
So far Peter Harburg’s 70-footer Black Jack is Wild Oats’ likely successor.
Sam Haynes from Sydney has a new Celestial, a JV designed TP52, and though he’s won division one for the past two years he’s coming back to try for a hat trick, and hoping this year is the running race advertised in the brochures. “We are due for a downhill ride, but regardless I need to take the TP north and it’s a good step in that direction, towards Hamilton Island and the IRC Australian Championship. It’s pretty scenic along the Island and getting into the bay at the end; the race itself is good to do.”
The people’s boat, Russel McCart’s Volvo 60 Spirit of Mateship, is returning with its mix of regular and ADF crew.
Now in its ninth year, the 343 nautical mile challenge from Moreton Bay to the finish in Keppel Bay starts at 1100hrs on Thursday July 30, 2015. Further course details will be included in the sailing instructions.
The Notice of Race has been published and online entry is now open.
Entries close Friday July 17, 2015.
by Lisa Ratcliff
Top: Black Jack -credit Andrea Francolini
2015 Pub2Pub - for Early Bird Discount,register by 14 June
New name, new finish, new optional 'short course' - register NOW
This year the iconic community event will be held on Sunday August 23. It has a new name: the 'Pub2Pub Fun Run & Festival' and will be bigger and better than ever. We hope you'll join in the fun again.
Why 'Festival'? Because this year we've tweaked our iconic event to enhance the experience for all participants and the wider northern beaches community... and to raise more funds for the wonderful causes the event supports in conjunction with Rotary Club of Brookvale.
The Newport Arms is undergoing renovations, so this year the event will finish at Newport Surf Club.
• Live Music during the race and at the finish line
• International Food Festival
• Share drinks with friends from the Bar
• Sponsor's Stands
• Activities for kids .../and of course
• The Awards Ceremony
To encourage healthy activity and community involvement by more youngsters, we're now offering a short, 3km course, starting at Mona Vale Surf Club.
For teams, individuals, schools and more...
This year we're aiming for up to 10,000 participants - doubling the event's previously capped entry limit. As a result, we're hoping to raise even more money to support the great work of local community charities like Bear Cottage... the Children's Cancer Institute... Manly and Mona Vale Hospitals... Life Education Australia... Sunnyfield Disability Services... The Kids' Cancer Project... and White Ribbon Australia.
Legendary Ironman Guy Leech returns as event Ambassador and the mighty Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles are also on board. Now we want YOU!
A special 10%+ Early Bird Discount applies to everyone registering by June 14. To register, simply click here
The Pub2Pub Team
This powerful, compassionate, documentary film by Porter Speakman will be shown at Avalon Baptist Church on Sunday morning June 28 at 10 a.m.
"With God On Our Side" takes a hard look at the theology and politics of Christian Zionism, which teaches that because the Jews are God's chosen people, Israeli government policies should not be questioned, even when these policies are unjust
Christian Zionists have been hugely important in American Foreign Policy because of their influence on the right wing of the Republican Party. There are also Christian Zionists in Australia. The film traces Porter Speakman's change of heart from Christian Zionist to moderate peacemaker.
Speakman said, "When you think God is on your side everything is justified. Radical Muslims justify suicide bombings, Radical Jews justify ethnic cleansing and radical Christians justify modern-day crusades."
The film is also valuable because it traces the history of the establishment of Israel as a right of the Jewish people without regard for the rights of the Palestinians who had been living there for many hundreds of years. This history is vital in assessing the justice of current politics. It is particularly important knowledge for human rights advocates who are often accused of being "änti-semitic"
The film makers believe "that God does not take sides with certain people, groups, nations or agendas. Rather, He is for all people."
DATE: Sunday 28th June at 10 a.m.
Free entry / Free Morning Tea-Brunch.
Voluntary Donations to Nepal Earthquake Relief (World Vision)
INFO: Kath Moody 99971815

Uni partnership delivers walking app for Pittwater
Residents and visitors to Pittwater can now navigate some of the best walks in Pittwater with thanks to work undertaken by students from Macquarie University.
The development of Walking Pittwater has been made possible through Pittwater Council partnering with Macquarie University’s PACE (Professional And Community Engagement) program.
Lindie Clark, Academic and Programs Director of PACE, said the program gives Macquarie students invaluable practical experience while they are still a student so they can get that all-important head start on their career.
“It’s been an extremely rewarding experience for the students who have participated in the Walking Pittwater application development.
“PACE is of mutual benefit for our students and partner organisations. Not only has Pittwater Council benefited from our third year students’ knowledge and experience, but residents and visitors to the area will benefit a great deal from this mapping resource,” added Mr Steve Smith [Unit Convenor, Macquarie University]
The interactive app boasts numerous points of interest, historical information, and video footage that have been embedded.
The app can also be personalised by the user – allowing them to mark areas of interest and tag them so they can be found again.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend praised those involved in the project including local residents John and Lyn Illingsworth, who assisted with image placement and local knowledge.
“I extend my thanks also to John Illingsworth who kindly donated a number of videos for the app.
“The appeal of the Walking Pittwater app is the depth of historical content that was gathered with the assistance of the Avalon Historical Society and material from Mona Vale Library’s local studies area.
Pittwater Council’s General Manager, Mark Ferguson thanked Macquarie University and the students involved in the program, saying the partnership with Macquarie University and Pittwater Council proved a great success.
“A group of 15 students were involved in the app’s development – giving students the exposure to working with local government and gaining experience in their chosen field
“The students contributed nearly 800 hours to this project – that would have otherwise cost rate payers approximately $45k.
“It’s a fine example of how partnering with organisations can provide mutually beneficial outcomes,” added Mr Ferguson.
The Walking Pittwater app is now available in both android and Apple ® versions, and can be downloaded free from Google Play or iTunes.
PACE at Macquarie University is happy to hear from other partners who are interested in developing similar tools or resources for their organisation. Please contact for more information on how to get involved.
New skate park for Mona Vale
Pittwater Council’s plans to build a new skate park at Kitchener Park, Mona Vale are now underway and we are seeking input on the design process.
We need your help to shape the design and input on questions like whether or not to keep and renovate the existing half pipe.
A skate park working group is being formed to provide advice, recommendations and local knowledge to Council on behalf of skateboard, BMX, scooter users and skate related enthusiasts and professionals.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the project was a cornerstone in delivering one of Council’s key strategic objectives – promoting youth involvement in recreational and social activities.
“The skate park at Kitchener Park has been a longstanding concern and something we are committed to delivering to our community.
“The facility will cater for the interests, needs and safety of current and future generations of skate facility users,” added Cr Townsend.
The preparation of concept design and tendering for the project will take place from mid to late 2015, with construction of the upgrade commencing in early 2016.
Project information and expression of interest survey for the working party are located on our website at:
To submit your ideas for consideration or call David Bremner, Community Engagement Officer on 9970 1262
Business breakfast takes on tourism
Pittwater Business Limited’s (PBL) next business breakfast will take place on Wednesday 17 June at Royal Motor Yacht Club, Newport from 7am.
The breakfast’s keynote speaker will be Matt Stoeckel from Destination NSW who will share his insights on current strategies to grow the visitor economy in NSW.
Destination NSW’s vision is to make Sydney and NSW the world’s most successful tourism and events destination by developing more sporting & cultural events, international conventions, corporate events & exhibitions in Sydney and regionally.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend said it was timely to hear from an expert in the field of tourism, given Pittwater Council was in the process of preparing a tourism issues paper highlighting the contribution and value of businesses to the Pittwater community and economy.
Mayor Townsend said Council had recently sought feedback from businesses, chambers of commerce and the community about tourism in Pittwater through an online survey and a series of focus groups.
“One-on-one interviews were also conducted with a broad spectrum of local owner operators including yacht and kayak hirers and café owners,” she said.
“Tourism to the area is growing; especially the day visitors to the area who want to experience the lifestyle and unique natural environment, eat at our superb cafes and restaurants, and shop in a village atmosphere”, said Cr Townsend.
“Working with local businesses and drawing upon the knowledge of experts such as Matt Stoeckel we can identify opportunities for tourism growth and partnerships that will be central in promoting sustainable tourism, development opportunities and employment for our diverse economy.
Mayor Townsend said the PBL business breakfasts are always a great way for local businesses to gain insight into both business and marketing opportunities along with developing handy network connections.
The Royal Motor Yacht Club is located at 46 Prince Alfred Parade, Newport. To book your ticket visit or call 1300 786 126.
The cost for PBL members is $50 per person (early bird) and $75 for non-members.

13: Bunnings, Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm: Sausage sizzle
19: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing
The Hon Niall Blair MLC Minister for Primary Industries Minister for Lands and Water - Media Release: Thursday 14 May 2015
Minister for Primary Industries, Niall Blair, has confirmed a new advisory body, Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council, will be established to provide independent advice to Government on key recreational fishing issues in NSW.
“The NSW Liberals and Nationals Government announced this new consultative approach in February, to ensure the council best represents and communicates the views of regional fishers from right across the State,” Minister Blair said. “I am now calling on regional recreational fishers to nominate for appointment to the Council, to ensure that we have strong representation across the recreational fishing sector.”
The NSW Government has listened to the feedback from recreational fishing groups, who have been requesting changes to consultation arrangements for recreational fishing in NSW. Recreational Fishing NSW will replace the existing Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing, which has been in place for almost 20 years.
The Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council will advise the Minister on matters relating to recreational fishing in NSW, including priorities for expenditure from the Recreational Fishing Trust.
The new Council will include eight regional members and two members with expertise in spearfishing and charter boat fishing. An independent chair will be appointed to head the new Advisory Council.
The Minister said the NSW Government was proud to continue its support for the recreational fishing industry, which generates about $1.6 billion expenditure into the NSW economy each year and creates about 14,000 jobs. An Expression of Interest information package is now available or or call (02) 9741 4722.
Consultation – Fisheries Management Amendment Bill
The Fisheries Management Act 1994 (the Act) deals with the management of fishery resources in NSW. The Fisheries Management Amendment Bill (the Bill) aims to make a range of important changes to the Act that will bring benefits to all fishing sectors.
The Bill was introduced into the NSW Parliament in late 2014. The Government however decided to conduct further targeted consultation before progressing the Bill in Parliament. A consultation plan (PDF, 62KB) has been prepared.
Stakeholders are now invited to provide feedback on the Bill.
The below papers summarise the key changes likely to be of interest to relevant stakeholder groups, and provide information on why the changes are sought.
Summary papers
Commercial fishing (PDF, 174KB), Recreational fishing (PDF, 100KB), Charter fishing (PDF, 110KB), Aboriginal fishing (PDF, 96KB), Environmental and other issues (PDF, 105KB), The Fisheries Management Amendment Bill, Fisheries Management Amendment Bill
If you would like a copy of the paper(s) or Bill, please phone (02) 9741 4784.
Providing feedback
Send your submission to: Mail: Fisheries Legislation, PO Box 7526, SILVERWATER NSW 1811 - Fax: (02) 6391 4728
The closing date for submissions is Friday 26 June 2015 All documents can be downloaded: here
Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council
The Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council (RFNSW) is being established to provide advice to the Minister for Primary Industries on key recreational fishing issues in NSW, including high level priorities for expenditure from the Recreational Fishing Trust.
The new Advisory Council will be based around a modern representative model, ensuring the views of regional fishers from right across the State are communicated. RFNSW will be represented by eight regional members and two members with expertise in spearfishing and charter boat fishing. A senior officer from NSW DPI and the recreational fishing representative from the Ministerial Advisory Council will also be members of the new Council.
The Council will replace the Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing.
Regional recreational fishers and members of recreational fishing organisations are encouraged to nominate for appointment to the Council.
More information
For more information on how to apply and submit an expression of interest: Recreational Fishing NSW information package (PDF, 366.67 KB) and Email:; or Call: (02) 9741 4722
Closing date: Expressions of interest close 7 July 2015.
See documents at:
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 14/6/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Pets of the Week
AGE/SEX: 3 years / M
BREED: Foxy x
Nigel is an active friendly dog who would do well with a sporty family. Nigel likes to jog. He walks well on loose lead, ignoring passing cars but can be reactive to some dogs whilst on lead. Nigel is very playful with other dogs. He enjoys pats and cuddles and is comfortable being picked up strangers. He has a short coat and weighs 7-8kg. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. His adoption cost is $350.

Sport NSW Announces the Opening of the 2015 Community Sports Volunteer Awards
More than four hundred thousand people across NSW voluntarily dedicate their time every year through their involvement in sporting clubs and organisations. Put simply, sport would not exist without them.
Launching the opening of the awards program today, Sport NSW CEO, Cheryl Battaerd said the Community Sports Volunteer Awards recognise the efforts of those around the state who contribute hours of their personal time to ensure that their fellow community members can participate in sport.
“We recognize the critical and diverse role volunteers play from club administrators and coaches to officials and canteen staff, regardless of the pouring rain, icy temperatures or scorching heat – they are the ones that give life to community sport,” Battaerd said.
“Unfortunately the reality is volunteer participation in sport is falling in NSW and is outpacing the national decline. All evidence points towards changes to patterns, behaviours and expectations of volunteers, and this has to be a focus for sporting organisations. There is an urgent need to help build the capacity and capability of managers and administrators in sport to effectively recruit and retain volunteers. By recognising the value of volunteering, showcasing successful models of volunteer management and providing information and resources, we are hopeful that we will assist the sporting sector in reversing the trend of volunteer decline in NSW,” she said.
Get inspired and read the case study of good volunteer management by the 2014 winners of the Community Sporting Club category - Alstonville & District Football Club.
The Community Sport Volunteer Awards program consists of Individual Awards categories and the Minister’s Sport Volunteer Management Awards recognising sporting organisations.
The Individual Volunteer Community Sport Awards involve five categories:
Official of the Year, Young Official of the Year, Coach of the Year, Young Coach of the Year, and Community Sport Administrator of the Year.
The Minister’s Sport Volunteer Management Awards aims to attract nominations from organisations that have shown innovative ideas and management techniques in the recognition, education and training, coordination, and recruitment of volunteers. These awards include three categories: Club/District or Regional Community Sport Organisation; State Sporting Organisations and Event of the Year.
NSW Minister for Sport and Recreation, the Hon. Stuart Ayres, MP will be presenting the 2015 NSW Community Sports Volunteer Awards at a function on Friday 21st August 2015 at NSW Parliament House.
Nominations are now open and close on Friday 10th July.
The Awards Guidelines and Nomination Forms can be found at
As the peak body for sport and active recreation, Sport NSW represents the collective interests of NSW’s single largest community sector. With over 100 member groups representing 15,000 sporting clubs and associations and well over 2.5 million participants, workers and volunteers, the community sport and active recreation sector makes a significant contribution to the social, physical, health, mental and economic well-being of our NSW communities.
NSW Govt.Office of Environment and Heritage - HAVE YOUR SAY
Berowra Valley National Park and Regional Park Draft Plan of Management
The exhibition of the draft plan provides an important opportunity for the community to have a say on future management directions for Berowra Valley National Park and Berowra Valley Regional Park.
Why is a plan being prepared now?
A new plan of management is being prepared, following the reclassification of most of Berowra Valley Regional Park to Berowra Valley National Park, in recognition of the park’s high conservation value.
What has been updated?
Under national park status, conservation measures are a strong point of focus. National park status also allows for sustainable visitor use, subject to strict controls. Nine hectares of the original Berowra Valley Regional Park have been retained in order to accommodate local dog walkers on existing management trails.
What opportunities will the community have to comment?
The draft plan of management is on public exhibition until 6th July 2015 and anyone can make a comment. Members of the public are invited to comment by submitting a via email submission to
or by post to:
The Planner, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, PO Box 3031. Asquith NSW 2077
Draft plan of management (POM) on page of Consultation website: HERE
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is July 5th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information or call John on 9982 5656 / 0409 391 065
June 7 - 13, 2015: Issue 217
Articles This Week
Pittwater Artists Trail Winter Exhibition 2015 - Now Open at Avalon Beach SLSC (Sunday and Monday June 7-8): Opened by Richard Cole, Architect of the Clubhouse with Inspirational Address
Peninsula Schools Embrace Environmental Message
TEDxPittwater 2015: The art of being Pittwater - Saturday June 20th: Speakers 2015 and link to Tickets
Aquatics: Sydney’s First Natatorium or Indoor Swimming Baths - for those who swim all year round!
Pictures: Pittwater Artists Trail Winter Exhibition 2015 at Avalon Beach SLSC - some of the Artists with their works + Guests
DIY Hints: Repairing and Replacing Damaged Decking boards
Profile: Martin Lynch: the current Australian Life Saving Team Beach Coach, has coached three individual world gold medallists and 16 Aussies individual medallists. He is a dental surgeon by trade and as a Masters athlete, the Newport SLSC member having won an incredible 36 Aussie and 14 World gold medals. (Beach Sprints, Beach Flags and Beach Relays). And that's before you begin counting the States and Branch Medals.
Martin is a level 5 Sprint Coach (ATFCA) and has a Masters degree in Applied Science in Sports Coaching from the University of Queensland. Martin has acted as a Sprint Coordinator and 4 x 100m relay coach for the NSW Institute of Sport. He has also been a team coach for Olympic Youth Festivals in 2001 and 2007.
History: May to June 2015 - Early Pittwater Watermen: Captain Francis Hixson: 8 January 1833–2 March 1909
If Creswell is the gentleman considered by many to have given birth to the thought of an Australian Navy, a Sydney gentleman, who conducted his first training exercises here in Pittwater and Broken Bay with the Naval Brigade, is the gentleman who gave birth to the physical reality. He is also the gentleman who was responsible for the saving of countess lives in ensuring a program for the building of lighthouses up and down our coastline became the lightships that in many case, still stand today, including Pittwater's Barrenjoey
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month June 2015 - Tim Hixson: Tim Hixson first began photography whilst a student at Southern Illinois University. After returning home to Australia he lived in Byron Bay then worked out of his studio in North Sydney shooting commercially and developing his personal photography. In 1998 he returned to plastic camera photography, producing the exhibition and book ‘BEACH’.
He has had many solo exhibitions and awards since then and continues to explore the ocean and beach culture using traditional and alternative photography.
Tim is the great grandson of Captain Francis Hixson, and a superlative waterman alike this builder of the Naval Brigade in N.S.W. Tim is our Profile to open the month of June - while his great grandfather opens the Pioneer Watermen of Broken Bay and Pittwater History pages for June.
Held Over:
Avalon Tattoo 2015 - the 10th Annual Celebration - A 10/10 Event - Lead Pipe Band this Year is Burwood RSL Sub-Branch Pipe Band - also celebrating their 10th year - Saturday June 13th
Guringai Festival 2015 Pittwater Events
Manly Art Gallery & Museum May - June 2015: Juliet Holmes A Court: A Sense of Here Saltwater Artists Connecting to Country.
Pittwater Artists Winter Exhibition Now Open
June 6th, 7th & 8th at Avalon Beach Surf Club
Members of the Pittwater Artists Trail have opened their Winter Exhibition in the fabulous new Avalon Beach Surf Club.
The show features the best of the year's work by Trail artists offering painting, ceramics, flamework glass, lithographs, jewellery, encaustic painting, sculpture, and ritual objects.
The 2015 members are quite a contemporary group bringing the show an appropriate synergy with the modern architecture of the building. Recently rebuilt, the club features a beautiful exhibition space neatly positioned between its bar and restaurant which all take advantage of the spectacular 180 degree ocean views.
The exhibition began on Saturday June 6th and remains open today and Monday from 10 a.m. unti 2 pm both days
Trail artists will be donating work and goodies for a multi-prize raffle in support of the Surf Club and Pittwater Artists Trail.
All work exhibited is for sale.
Pittwater Online attended the Official Opening and runs an Article on Richard Cole's, Architect of the new Clubhouse, Address on opening the Exhibition, while this week's Pictorial features some of the Artists with their works.
Entry throughout the show is free.
The 18 artists participating in the winter exhibition are as follows:
Julie Hickson, Nada Herman, Diezel, Jill Ferrall, Peter Cameron, Elfriede Bartintsky Helen Mackay, Karen Pike, Coco Elder, Penel Bigg, Vicki Ratcliff, Wendy Grainger, Allen Goodman, Katarina Wells, Geoff Searl, Robyn Park, Sylke Claridge and Marian Purvis.
Avalon Stand Up Paddle
June, 2015
Happy long weekend. We are open. Perfect conditions.
Get the holiday vibe without the traffic!
Call us for SUP Hire, lessons, or….. Join the NEW Sunday 8:30am Group Paddle Fit Session to Morning Bay and back (7 kms).
Hope you enjoy the new AVSUP Video.
A big thank you to Richard Rowley and Scotty Wilcox!
Happy Days!
Tony Henry
Find out more at: Avalon Stand Up Paddle
Winter Solstice 2015
June Solstice in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia is on Monday, 22 June 2015 at 2:39 AM AEST
Lifesavers Line-Up For Leadership Program
Fri 5 Jun 2015 - SLSNSW
While most volunteer lifesavers will be putting their feet up over the long weekend, a group of dedicated clubbies will be learning about leadership at the inaugural development Program for those aged over 26.
Representatives from each of the branches will head to the Sport and Recreation Centre at Narrabeen on Sydney’s Northern Beaches from Saturday for the three day program.
During the course of the program, the participants will take part in workshops, hear from guest speakers as well learn all about future opportunities within surf lifesaving.
“A few years ago we realised that there was a gap in developmental opportunities for adult club members who are perhaps new to the movement or want to further their own leadership aspirations within their club,” NSW Lifesaving Manager Andy Kent said.
“Our goal at Surf Life Saving NSW is for all our members to feel part of the life saving community, and to help provide opportunities for them to develop their skills and interests which they can then take back to their clubs and branches.
“We hope that this program will bring together like minded individuals, help with networking opportunities and encourage people to stay involved within the movement,” Mr Kent said.
The inaugural 26 and over development program targets members who are relatively new to lifesaving, but also are currently in or considering taking up leadership positions within their club. Only participants who have obtained their Bronze Medallion within the last three years are eligible.
26+ Development Program Participants:
Carmen Perez (Umina Beach SLSC) Central Coast
Federico Baldissera (Byron Bay SLSC) Far North Coast
Amanda Smith (Broulee Surfers SLSC) Far South Coast
Jared Gilkison (Redhead) Hunter
Konrad Robinson (Fairy Meadow) Illawarra
Brian Kelleher (Taree Old Bar) Lower North Coast
Gayl Ellis (Camden Haven) Mid North Coast
Gavin Winchester (Sawtell) North Coast
Thierry Pelaez (Warilla Barrack Point) South Coast
Nicole Krite (South Maroubra) Sydney
Charles Viney (North Steyne) Sydney Northern Beaches

Pittwater Indian Myna Action Group Launched
June 4, 2015
As part of a public awareness campaign we have created this Facebook page to keep the residents of Pittwater (and anyone else who is interested) up-to-date on the community efforts to control the spread of this pest bird. We need volunteers to take traps from us and help us get rid of this very invasive bird. We will be posting lots of information on the site to help everyone better understand the effect this bird has on the community - not only all the other birds but humans as well. Please let your friends know what we are doing by following us and liking our page. The Pittwater Indian Myna Action Group has been set up as a sub-group to the widely known Pittwater Natural Heritage Association. If you have any questions please post them on our Facebook page and we will get back to you asap.
Above is the NATIVE Noisy Myna - not to be confused with the Indian Myna which is an introduced pest species. The native Noisy Myna can be a pest too! It's a honey eater and thrives in our open spaces. If you want to get rid of this bird plant lots more native trees and bushes and reduce your lawn area. Do not plant hybrid grevilleas (that flower all year) which will attract this bird.
The pest Indian Myna or Common Myna thrives in urban areas - they can be seen (and heard!) in our villages, near our garbage bins, in schools and they take nesting sites from our native bird population.
Common Myna
PIMAG currently has 4 traps out in the area. We have them in people's backyards as well as one at a local marina. As this is a new program we have caught the grand total of 13 birds to date. We have traps available for volunteers and we provide all the information you will need to use them. Please note the instructions are very simple.
We are hoping that local businesses will get behind the program as the biggest problem with these pest birds is in and around cafes and places where food is freely available such as school playgrounds. So if you are a business and want to get rid of these noisy critters we would love to hear from you
See and ‘like’:
Living Ocean - Pittwater - Yoga For World Oceans Day 2015
Living Ocean is a charity that promotes the awareness of human impact on the ocean, through research, education, creative activity in the community, and support of others who sustain ocean health and integrity.
And always celebrating and honouring the natural environment and the lifestyle that the ocean offers us.
Our whale research program builds on research that has been conducted off our coastline by our experts over many years and our Centre for Marine Studies enables students and others to become directly involved.
Through partnerships with individuals and organizations, we conceive, create and coordinate campaigns that educate all layers of our community – from our ‘No Plastic Please’ campaign, which is delivered in partnership with local schools, to film nights and lectures, aimed at the wider community.
Additionally, we raise funds for ocean-oriented conservation groups such as Sea Shepherd.
Founded in 2010 in Whale Beach on the east coast of Australia, we are a growing community, connected by our love of the ocean and waterways that surround us.”
Support Living Ocean this year for World Oceans Day so they may continue their great work:
Living Ocean Yoga flow Immersion class
$25.00: Monday 8 June - 4-6pm
Breathing Space Yoga
at: 6/48 Old Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon 2107
m: 0413 747 644
Porter Reserve Community Field Day
13th Jun 2015: 8am - 11am
A new Bushcare group is now successfully working at Porters Reserve, Newport!
Come along and give a hand in replanting coastal rainforst and woodland native species in this local coastal reserve.
Where: Meet at the end of Burke Road playing fields parking area and walk to the top of the flight of steps from the southern end of parking area to walking track.
Tools, equipment and morning tea provided. Please wear comfortable clothing and closed shoes.
This project is supported by Pittwater Council and the Greater Sydney Local Land Services for the "Littoral Rainforest Restoration of the Bilgola Newport Escarpment".
For further information please contact 9970 1363 or 9970 1367.

Zero$'s For Thousand of Pages
Pittwater Online News has been paid for out of our pockets for over five years now. We don't charge for 99.9% of all content run, that's why you don't see advertisements on pages created.
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Project Update - June 1, 2015
On 5th May we brought online to replace the individual links that were previously necessary during our development stage.
Initially on entering the site we have Snapshots of the Temperature, Humidity and Wind at each of our present operational stations via the clickable list. Then on clicking on the individual stations at the top of the page access is made to the full comprehensive data for each station.
We now have 4 stations operational and 3 more in the pipeline.
The TABS on our individual stations give access to the following data –
All present weather parameters updated every 2 minutes.
Data freezes at last reading if power lost to unit - Always check time of data.
Top banner photos cycle automatically or mouse over & click.
RECENT - Today,Yesterday
HISTORY - This Month, This Year, Monthly, Time
GAUGES - Standard, Steel Series, Flying – analog & digital
TRENDS - These graphs present temperature, pressure, rainfall, and wind speed trends for the last 24 hours. The thumbnail graphs are sampled every 10 minutes.
Click on a thumbnail to display the corresponding larger graph. The large graphs are sampled every 1 minute.
FORECASTS - Tides & Moon (supplied by WillyWeather) + 7 day Forecast (generated by WeatherUnderground)
IMAGES - Slideshow of surrounding area. Webcam – not available yet. Coming to some stations
ABOUT - Station, System – maintenance overview and Information – description & location of equipment + Contact us – comments or questions
The crucial need for these stations was demonstrated during the horrendous weather of 20th and 21st April when Western Foreshore & Scotland Island residents were totally dependent on the information to know when it was safe to leave their homes.
The wonderful volunteers of the SES, Rural Fire Service and Marine Rescue could also have an overview of the weather at various locations around the peninsula.
On 21st April over 350 hits were recorded on the Palm Beach station, over 250 at The Quays and 170 for Scotland Island. This was from a service that was little known at that stage.
Now, as of 9th May, Total Hits on all the stations are approaching 14,000.
The aim of this Project is to establish weather Observation stations around Pittwater that transmit the present ACTUAL conditions to the internet. The Bureau of Meteorology and many other providers produce Forecasts and the BoM produces Observations for many locations but NOT Pittwater.
When the Barrenjoey Lighthouse installation receives approval from National Parks and Wildlife Service then that weather information will not only benefit Pittwater users but coastal traffic as well.
Barrenjoey will be equipped with a webcam as well as other suitable locations giving a bird’s eye view of the surroundings.
The National Manager, Marine Weather, for the BoM is fully supportive of our endeavour as is and the NSW Minister for Planning.
Hopefully this project could be a blueprint for other locations around Australia that are lacking BoM Actual weather information to create their own network to not only be available directly but through the BoM WOW (Weather Observation Website) facility -
PittwaterWeather is a not-for-profit association helping the community with vital information.
It is hoped that Governments, both State and Federal, will see fit to help fund the ongoing running of this service.
Rohan Walter
President – PittwaterWeather Incorporated

The photo tells the story of a sad, slow death of a classically built, vintage yacht beached at Dangar Island on the Hawkesbury River.
CURRAWONG is so well constructed that she could with much tender loving care and a deep pocket, be restored.
Time is rapidly running out for this beautiful, veteran yacht at a notice of imminent destruction has been glued to her hull.
Ahoy!, calling all wooden boat lovers to rally around a great cause and save the CURRAWONG for future generations to enjoy and appreciate!
Update June 5th: we have word from the owner of this vessel that he will be happy to give her away to a person or group interested in getting her sailing again. He would leave all fittings on her, including one set of sails in reasonable condition. Contact Pittwater Online News if interested - we will run a story on her History and Heritage next Issue
Further below

Above: Close-up of "Currawong" - Pittwater Regatta, 1938 - Sam Hood pic, courtesy State Library of NSW, Image No.:hood_06523
Call out for Performers Community Groups and Schools for Avalon Winter Solstice Event
Sunday 21st of June 2015
The impetus for this event is to launch the Wickham Lane Wow Walk with the $5000 Grant received from Keep NSW Beautiful – a joint initiative with Janet Forrester from CABPRA & Enliven Pittwater.
The concept is to clean up the laneway, encourage pedestrian traffic from the park to the village and have an event ready space for the community.
This event is for local businesses in the 2107-2108 area and community and school groups.
The program so far:
Activities on the Beach 5.45am-9am
5.45am-6.45am LIVING OCEAN YOGA PRACTICE By donation Avalon Surf Lifesaving Club. Followed by a Sunrise beach ritual until 7.30am/7.45am to honour mother ocean, mother earth and father sky
7am Sunrise through Stonehenge Surfboard Sculpture on the Beach assisted by Astronomer Fred Watson
7.45am-9am Share a healthy nourishing breakfast served on BYO or compostable plates and bowls- Food by Chill Bar
9am – ?Jools Farrell Whale talks on South Avalon Headland
9am -6.00pm Activities in the Village
Wickham Lane Art & Gardening
Lantern Making Workshops
Buskers, Street Performers, Art Workshops, Community Garden, Sustainability workshops, Recycling workshops, holistic health activities, food demos (please contact us if you know anyone who wants to participate in these events).
Talks , Sales and Events through the Village- Poetry readings, sales, special menu, performers,etc
School /Community Groups and Members not located in the Village Precinct please contact us if you require stall space.
4.30pm to close –Lantern Parade through the Park
Those interested in being part of this great event please contact us via email at:
Ros Marsh
President Avalon-Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc.
Website: www.avalonpalmbeachbusinesschamber
Facebook page for updates

Find out more about Plastic Bag Free NSW HERE
Boomerang Bags Avalon Workshops
Surfrider Foundation and Living Ocean
We will continue with our Tuesday workshops 11am-5pm at Avalon Recreation Centre
We are still looking for more volunteers to get involved. The more help we can find the sooner we will be able to launch Boomerang Bags onto the streets of Avalon.
This week shout out goes to Jo, who has become our expert in all involving stamps and paint. Jo has done an excellent job over the last few weeks creating our Boomerang Bag patches to sew on the bags. Great job Jo.
So make sure you pop into Avalon Recreation Centre on Tuesdays, anytime from 11am-5pm and come join the team. All welcome, no sewing skills needed, we need people to cut material, stamp and of course to come along and have a cuppa.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.
Jessica Hensman, Operations Manager
PO Box 968, Mona Vale NSW 1660, Surfrider Foundation
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Avalon Dunes 8:30- 11:30am
W’wood Wetlands 9-12pm
Wed June 10
Avalon Golf Course 8-11am
Sat June 13
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Point 10-1pm
Porters Res 8-11am
Sun June 14
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Mon June 15
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Thu June 18
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat June 20
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun June 21
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Sat June 27
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Sun June 28
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Res 8-11am
Arty Program for All Abilities
Warringah Council Library is supporting the local community group, Artability, with a special workshop and exhibition.
Artability is a volunteer-run group which provides creative art and craft classes for people with disabilities. They’ve been running successfully at Forest Community Arts Centre for more than 19 years.
This year, for the first time, Forestville Library will host free Artability workshops. The theme is ‘By the Sea’.
The program includes painting, ceramics, sculpture, collage, printmaking, design, craft, watercolour, and creative murals.
Each participant’s favourite art work will be displayed from mid-July to September in Forestville, Belrose and Warringah Mall library branches.
‘It’s a real honour to be able to celebrate one of our long-standing programs for people with a disability,’ said Warringah Mayor, Michael Regan.
‘Artability not only helps the participants but is also a wonderful place to volunteer and I call on anyone with some spare time to come and help them out.’
Artability’s creative director Nancy Lamott said, ‘The Artability program provides art classes in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere focusing on art students with special needs and requirements. Everyone is invited to come and join in and explore their creativity. Thank you to Warringah Council for offering to exhibit the works in all the libraries – it should be a real thrill for our budding artists.’
Artability Workshops
Forestville Library - Friday 12 June: 11am and 2pm
Artability is always looking for new volunteers who are interested in contributing their time and passion. All training is provided and no prior experience is necessary. Please contact Nancy Lamott
Forty Years On—A Potted History of the Manly Warringah Choir
In this our fortieth anniversary year, Naomi Roseth has been digging in the archives.
This is some of what she found.
The Manly Warringah Musical Society was established in 1975, with choral works featuring in programs for the first time in December 1976. Two choristers who sang with the Choir at its inaugural concert are still with the Choir in 2015: May Mackenzie and John Killick. We salute them.
Since its establishment, the Choir has performed the works of 46 composers. Of those thirteen, even if born in the 20th century, have composed in the 21st. Five of those are living now. The Choir has never sung the composition of a woman. Is it time to change that? It will come as no surprise that Mozart is the Choir’s favourite composer: We have sung eight different pieces by him.
We have sung Handel’s Messiah fourteen times – more than any other piece. The next most frequently performed piece is Mozart’s Ave Verum (nine times) and excerpts from Bach’s Christmas Oratorio and Fauré’s Requiem (seven times each). We have performed 36 pieces only once.
While we sing mostly in English and Latin, over the years we have also sung in German, French, Spanish, Catalonian, Hebrew and Russian.
Carlos Alvarado took over as the Choir’s director in May 2003 and at the time of writing has conducted the Choir in 24 concerts. Before Carlos took over, the Choir performed under the baton of a range of conductors, the names of fourteen appearing in past programs. The stability we enjoy under Carlos’ baton is greatly valued, as is his wonderful ability to share his musicianship with such a diverse group of people.
Angela has been the Choir’s accompanying pianist since June 1991, first as Angela Gates and since September 2001 as Angela Ferguson.
An inspection of past programs reveals a long list of soloists who accompanied the Choir. Two names stand out: Rita Hunter sang excerpts from Messiah in December 1988; Brett Weymark, now Director of Sydney Philharmonia Choirs, sang Messiah twice: in 1998 and 2000, and he sang Mozart’s Requiem in May 1999.
The Choir prides itself in giving young singers performing opportunities which open doors to wider pastures: Emma Moore and Pascal Herrington are now singing in Vienna and Berlin. Alexander Knight and Michael Honeyman sing regularly with Opera Australia.
Since its inception, the Choir had four presidents who are still in the Choir: Joe Micali, Pat Hughes, Marj Binns and Richard Griffiths. Three former secretaries are still members: Jill Selles, Jenny Beck and Margaret Dent, and Gill Gray is a past Treasurer.
Since November 1994 the Choir has been fortunate enough to perform regularly at the Cardinal Cerretti Chapel, St Patrick Estate, Manly. Before that we had performed in a range of locations including churches, schools, community centres and retirement villages. We performed seven times at the Glen Street Theatre in Belrose and three times at the Dee Why RSL. The Choir rarely performs outside the Northern Beaches. We have performed once at the Sydney Conservatorium, also once in Gosford and in Wollongong and five times at St Mary’s Church in North Sydney.
Now we look forward to the next 40 years—who knows what they mighthold?
The Choir celebrates its 40th Anniversary with a Gala Concert on Sunday afternoon August 16th at the Cardinal Cerretti Chapel.
The programme features a double bill:
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No 4 with Gregory Kinda as Soloist
Mozart: Mass in C minor (The Great)
Light refreshments will be served on the Terrace after the concert.
Festival celebrates Aboriginal culture and heritage
Pittwater Council is proud to be one of 11 Councils and many reconciliation and community groups participating in this year’s Guringai Festival.
Founded in 2001, the Guringai Festival aims to raise awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in the Northern Sydney region. The festival runs between Sorry Day on 26 May to the end of NAIDOC Week in July.
Pittwater Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the Guringai Festival’s theme ‘Story of Place’ provides a great framework for the line-up of activities this year.
“This celebration of Aboriginal Culture and Heritage, now in its 15th year, boasts a number of events and workshops, art exhibitions, performances, films and talks.
“I commend the Guringai Festival Committee for once again putting together a festival with a wide array of events that touch our hearts, our minds and our souls – and celebrate US as a whole of community,” added Cr Townsend.
At this year’s festival Pittwater Council will be hosting the following events:
Indigenous Walk
A free guided bushwalk discovering cultural sites, including rock engravings in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. The tour is led by staff from the Coastal Environment Centre and an Indigenous guide, offering a great opportunity to learn more about this amazing area. The walk will give you information on the local flora and their uses as bushtucker and medicines. Look for native animals and their tracks as we explore. This event is suitable for the whole family!
When: Sunday 14 June, 9.30 to 11.30am
Where: Meeting point provided on booking.
Turimetta Head Aboriginal Heritage Walk
Pittwater Council will host a free guided walk led by the Aboriginal Heritage Office. Come and learn more about our amazing local Aboriginal heritage in an outstanding setting. This is a great free event for the whole family. This walk is medium grade.
When: Saturday 20 June, 9 to 11am
Where: Meeting point to be provided on booking.
Pre-school storytelling @ Mona Vale Library
Pre-schoolers are invited to attend a themed story-telling, music and craft session at Mona Vale Library to celebrate the festival. No bookings required.
When: Wednesday 24 June, 10am
Where: Mona Vale Library, 1 Park Street Mona Vale.
Events will be held across the Sydney region. For detailed information on the events happening during the Guringai Festival visit:
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 8/6/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:

Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE
Critter of the Month - June 2015

13: Bunnings, Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm: Sausage sizzle
19: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing
Avalon Craft Cottage at Avalon
Maureen Darcy-Smith. Publicity Officer
Come along to the unveiling of the latest addition to Freshwater Headlands Surfers Walk of Fame, by famed sculptor Mick Purdy. Enjoy an entertaining evening of drinks, food, music and film celebrating the sport of surfing and the importance of protecting our oceans, waves and beaches.
More event details coming shortly!
Contact for further information.
Tickets here:
Proudly Sponsored By Barefoot Wines, Four Pines Brewing Co and Harbord Diggers Club
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
Family Energy Rebate
Applications are now open for the 2014-2015 Family Energy Rebate. The application submission deadline is Midnight 16 June 2015. The Family Energy Rebate (FER) helps NSW family households with dependant children to pay their electricity bills. In 2014-2015 the Family Energy Rebate gives eligible households a $150 credit on their electricity bill. If you live in a residential community (caravan or mobile home park), the 2014-2015 Family Energy Rebate is $165. Find out more
Monday 15 June - FREE Half Day Course
Highly Recommended: With Professor Peter Phibbs from Urban Planning & Policy Group at University of Sydney.
The Basics: 9:30am to 12:30pm
Advanced: 1.00pm to 4pm
Ideal for members of residents groups and community organisers and workers. To register/learn more:

Kindness is Catching at Mona Vale Library
Thank you, people of Pittwater for your generous donations to the homeless of Sydney. If you want to put together a care kit, please leave them at Mona Vale Library by June 12th.
Special thanks to staff member Mary Anderson who has headed up the collection there.
Kindness is Catching is organising care kits to help Sydney City's homeless people feel a little more comfortable during this coming season.
* Knitters : for winter warmies - scarves and beanies.
* Supermarket Shoppers : to buy and put together Winter Care Kits
Is this you? We would love your donations before June 12th!
Through consultation with a few major organisations that are involved in homelessness and from speaking to homeless people, I have chosen the items in the Winter Care Kits as listed in our poster. Thank you so much to our location drop off points :
Mona Vale Library Cosmic Smile Dental - Neutral Bay, Sydney Eastern Cross Trading Forestville Library Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre Newtown Neighbourhood CentreManly Community Centre & Services Seaforth Medical Centre
Any queries please contact Linda:

Brisbane to Keppel yacht race - ideal launch pad for the northern circuit
4 JUNE 2015
Event: Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race starts 1100hrs Thursday July 30, 2015 from Moreton Bay finishes Keppel Bay, hosted by the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron at Manly, Brisbane, Queensland
Winter has barely arrived in the south eastern states and already a savvy bunch of yachties are planning to cast off the woolies and get out of town. Entry for the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron’s 9th annual Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race is open and a diverse fleet is building for the 1100hrs start on Thursday July 30, 2015 from Brisbane’s Moreton Bay.
Of the RQYS organised 343 miler, Rear Commodore Mark Gallagher says, “already there’s a great fleet heading north to enjoy the fantastic hospitality shown by the finish crew at Keppel Bay Marina. The course is scenic and like most coastal passages it’s a thinking person’s race to play the wind and tide to maximum advantage. And we throw whale watching in for free!”
“With regular flights to Rockhampton airport it’s the perfect pit stop for swapping crew and gear, and the ideal launch pad for the northern circuit,” reminds RQ’s sailing manager Richard Matterson.
His team is making it even easier for Sydney Gold Coast yacht race crews wanting to take the option of back-to-back coastal races as the best way to leap-frog north to the Whitsunday regatta loop of Airlie Beach, Hamilton Island and Magnetic Island race weeks.
There’s an existing agreement in place with the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia that paperwork submitted for their Category 2 Sydney Gold Coast yacht race also satisfies the entry criteria for the Brisbane to Keppel. RQYS’ latest initiative to assist owners with logistics is the offer to send their gear truck to Southport Yacht Club to meet the CYCA’s fleet and collect equipment owners need transported north to Manly for the next stage Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race.
For the past four years supermaxis Wild Oats XI and Grant Wharington’s Wild Thing have been the gun line honours boats. With the Oatleys’ race record holder Wild Oats XI on a ship to Los Angeles to tackle the Transpac Race there’s going to be some elbow room at the head of the table.
So far Peter Harburg’s 70-footer Black Jack is Wild Oats’ likely successor.
Sam Haynes from Sydney has a new Celestial, a JV designed TP52, and though he’s won division one for the past two years he’s coming back to try for a hat trick, and hoping this year is the running race advertised in the brochures. “We are due for a downhill ride, but regardless I need to take the TP north and it’s a good step in that direction, towards Hamilton Island and the IRC Australian Championship. It’s pretty scenic along the Island and getting into the bay at the end; the race itself is good to do.”
The people’s boat, Russel McCart’s Volvo 60 Spirit of Mateship, is returning with its mix of regular and ADF crew.
Now in its ninth year, the 343 nautical mile challenge from Moreton Bay to the finish in Keppel Bay starts at 1100hrs on Thursday July 30, 2015. Further course details will be included in the sailing instructions.
The Notice of Race has been published and online entry is now open.
Entries close Friday July 17, 2015.
by Lisa Ratcliff
Top: Black Jack -credit Andrea Francolini
2015 Pub2Pub - for Early Bird Discount, register by 14 June
New name, new finish, new optional
'short course' - register NOW
This year the iconic community event will be held on Sunday August 23. It has a new name: the 'Pub2Pub Fun Run & Festival' and will be bigger and better than ever. We hope you'll join in the fun again.
Why 'Festival'? Because this year we've tweaked our iconic event to enhance the experience for all participants and the wider northern beaches community... and to raise more funds for the wonderful causes the event supports in conjunction with Rotary Club of Brookvale.
The Newport Arms is undergoing renovations, so this year the event will finish at Newport Surf Club.
• Live Music during the race and at the finish line
• International Food Festival
• Share drinks with friends from the Bar
• Sponsor's Stands
• Activities for kids .../and of course
• The Awards Ceremony
To encourage healthy activity and community involvement by more youngsters, we're now offering a short, 3km course, starting at Mona Vale Surf Club.
For teams, individuals, schools and more...
This year we're aiming for up to 10,000 participants - doubling the event's previously capped entry limit. As a result, we're hoping to raise even more money to support the great work of local community charities like Bear Cottage... the Children's Cancer Institute... Manly and Mona Vale Hospitals... Life Education Australia... Sunnyfield Disability Services... The Kids' Cancer Project... and White Ribbon Australia.
Legendary Ironman Guy Leech returns as event Ambassador and the mighty Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles are also on board. Now we want YOU!
A special 10%+ Early Bird Discount applies to everyone registering by June 14. To register, simply click here
The Pub2Pub Team
This powerful, compassionate, documentary film by Porter Speakman will be shown at Avalon Baptist Church on Sunday morning June 28 at 10 a.m.
"With God On Our Side" takes a hard look at the theology and politics of Christian Zionism, which teaches that because the Jews are God's chosen people, Israeli government policies should not be questioned, even when these policies are unjust
Christian Zionists have been hugely important in American Foreign Policy because of their influence on the right wing of the Republican Party. There are also Christian Zionists in Australia. The film traces Porter Speakman's change of heart from Christian Zionist to moderate peacemaker.
Speakman said, "When you think God is on your side everything is justified. Radical Muslims justify suicide bombings, Radical Jews justify ethnic cleansing and radical Christians justify modern-day crusades."
The film is also valuable because it traces the history of the establishment of Israel as a right of the Jewish people without regard for the rights of the Palestinians who had been living there for many hundreds of years. This history is vital in assessing the justice of current politics. It is particularly important knowledge for human rights advocates who are often accused of being "änti-semitic"
The film makers believe "that God does not take sides with certain people, groups, nations or agendas. Rather, He is for all people."
DATE: Sunday 28th June at 10 a.m.
Free entry / Free Morning Tea-Brunch.
Voluntary Donations to Nepal Earthquake Relief (World Vision)
INFO: Kath Moody 99971815

Uni partnership delivers walking app for Pittwater
Residents and visitors to Pittwater can now navigate some of the best walks in Pittwater with thanks to work undertaken by students from Macquarie University.
The development of Walking Pittwater has been made possible through Pittwater Council partnering with Macquarie University’s PACE (Professional And Community Engagement) program.
Lindie Clark, Academic and Programs Director of PACE, said the program gives Macquarie students invaluable practical experience while they are still a student so they can get that all-important head start on their career.
“It’s been an extremely rewarding experience for the students who have participated in the Walking Pittwater application development.
“PACE is of mutual benefit for our students and partner organisations. Not only has Pittwater Council benefited from our third year students’ knowledge and experience, but residents and visitors to the area will benefit a great deal from this mapping resource,” added Mr Steve Smith [Unit Convenor, Macquarie University]
The interactive app boasts numerous points of interest, historical information, and video footage that have been embedded.
The app can also be personalised by the user – allowing them to mark areas of interest and tag them so they can be found again.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend praised those involved in the project including local residents John and Lyn Illingsworth, who assisted with image placement and local knowledge.
“I extend my thanks also to John Illingsworth who kindly donated a number of videos for the app.
“The appeal of the Walking Pittwater app is the depth of historical content that was gathered with the assistance of the Avalon Historical Society and material from Mona Vale Library’s local studies area.
Pittwater Council’s General Manager, Mark Ferguson thanked Macquarie University and the students involved in the program, saying the partnership with Macquarie University and Pittwater Council proved a great success.
“A group of 15 students were involved in the app’s development – giving students the exposure to working with local government and gaining experience in their chosen field
“The students contributed nearly 800 hours to this project – that would have otherwise cost rate payers approximately $45k.
“It’s a fine example of how partnering with organisations can provide mutually beneficial outcomes,” added Mr Ferguson.
The Walking Pittwater app is now available in both android and Apple ® versions, and can be downloaded free from Google Play or iTunes.
PACE at Macquarie University is happy to hear from other partners who are interested in developing similar tools or resources for their organisation. Please contact for more information on how to get involved.
New skate park for Mona Vale
Pittwater Council’s plans to build a new skate park at Kitchener Park, Mona Vale are now underway and we are seeking input on the design process.
We need your help to shape the design and input on questions like whether or not to keep and renovate the existing half pipe.
A skate park working group is being formed to provide advice, recommendations and local knowledge to Council on behalf of skateboard, BMX, scooter users and skate related enthusiasts and professionals.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the project was a cornerstone in delivering one of Council’s key strategic objectives – promoting youth involvement in recreational and social activities.
“The skate park at Kitchener Park has been a longstanding concern and something we are committed to delivering to our community.
“The facility will cater for the interests, needs and safety of current and future generations of skate facility users,” added Cr Townsend.
The preparation of concept design and tendering for the project will take place from mid to late 2015, with construction of the upgrade commencing in early 2016.
Project information and expression of interest survey for the working party are located on our website at:
To submit your ideas for consideration or call David Bremner, Community Engagement Officer on 9970 1262
Business breakfast takes on tourism
Pittwater Business Limited’s (PBL) next business breakfast will take place on Wednesday 17 June at Royal Motor Yacht Club, Newport from 7am.
The breakfast’s keynote speaker will be Matt Stoeckel from Destination NSW who will share his insights on current strategies to grow the visitor economy in NSW.
Destination NSW’s vision is to make Sydney and NSW the world’s most successful tourism and events destination by developing more sporting & cultural events, international conventions, corporate events & exhibitions in Sydney and regionally.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend said it was timely to hear from an expert in the field of tourism, given Pittwater Council was in the process of preparing a tourism issues paper highlighting the contribution and value of businesses to the Pittwater community and economy.
Mayor Townsend said Council had recently sought feedback from businesses, chambers of commerce and the community about tourism in Pittwater through an online survey and a series of focus groups.
“One-on-one interviews were also conducted with a broad spectrum of local owner operators including yacht and kayak hirers and café owners,” she said.
“Tourism to the area is growing; especially the day visitors to the area who want to experience the lifestyle and unique natural environment, eat at our superb cafes and restaurants, and shop in a village atmosphere”, said Cr Townsend.
“Working with local businesses and drawing upon the knowledge of experts such as Matt Stoeckel we can identify opportunities for tourism growth and partnerships that will be central in promoting sustainable tourism, development opportunities and employment for our diverse economy.
Mayor Townsend said the PBL business breakfasts are always a great way for local businesses to gain insight into both business and marketing opportunities along with developing handy network connections.
The Royal Motor Yacht Club is located at 46 Prince Alfred Parade, Newport. To book your ticket visit or call 1300 786 126.
The cost for PBL members is $50 per person (early bird) and $75 for non-members.
Council works and projects
An upgrade to the Clareville Beach car park and adjacent landscaping has commenced.
Work is being carried out at Bilgola SLSC to strengthen the building façade and some repair work is being done to the sandstone walls – due to be completed by end of June, weather permitting.
Refurbishment of Pittwater Golf Centre, Warriewood – upgrade to shop & café, with an undercover seating area due to be completed by end of June.
Completion of upgrade to car park at Dunbar Park, Avalon.
NSW Police - Ice reporting campaign
2 June, 2015
NSW Police and Crime Stoppers have launched a new advertising campaign aimed at mobilising the community in the fight against Ice (crystal methylamphetamine).
Anonymously report criminal activity: Crime Stoppers- Telephone: 1800 333 000
NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione, Deputy Premier and Police Minister Troy Grant and NSW Crime Stoppers CEO, Peter Price, will launch the campaign today (Wednesday 3 June 2015), with all three identifying the critical role the community plays in helping police shut down drug supply syndicates.
Commissioner Scipione said the campaign will remind residents of NSW about the far-reaching effects one call to Crime Stoppers can yield.
“Please do not underestimate the immensely positive impact one anonymous call to Crime Stoppers can make,” Commissioner Scipione said.
“In September 2012, a single, anonymous call to Crime Stoppers led to the seizure of 585 kilograms of Ice. Make no mistake about it: this call stopped millions of deals from making it to the street, preventing untold harm, and, no doubt, saving countless lives.
“Since the beginning of 2013, we have shut down and dismantled more than 250 clan labs and seized more than one and a half tonnes of methylamphetamine. Anonymous calls from members of the public played a critical role in helping us close many of those labs and seize many of those drugs.
“This new campaign is all about encouraging more people to make the call.
“As the advertisements make patently clear, if you see something you’re concerned about, please let us know. Your information could help us smash apart an Ice supply syndicate and directly prevent many thousands of lives from being destroyed by drugs.”
Deputy Premier Grant welcomed the campaign, and encouraged communities around the state to band together and get behind the drug reporting initiative.
“Ice is an addictive, destructive and immeasurably dangerous drug that is devastating individuals, families and communities right across this state,” Deputy Premier Grant said.
“As officers in the police force regularly remind us, the production, sale and use of Ice spans the entirety of NSW, infecting towns, suburbs and cities in the north, south, east and west.
“Whether you live in the country, in a city or on the coast, please keep your eyes and ears open. If you see something that concerns you, do the right thing and contact Crime Stoppers.
“Your anonymous call could rid a rural community of its local Ice dealer, it could bring down a major drug supply syndicate or it could save a young child from the abuse and neglect that life in a drug-house often entails.”
Peter Price, the CEO of Crime Stoppers NSW, echoed the sentiments of Commissioner Scipione and Deputy Premier Grant, before reassuring would-be callers that their information would be treated in the strictest confidence.
“As the Commissioner and Deputy Premier have made clear, one anonymous call to Crime Stoppers can make a huge difference to thousands of lives,” Mr Price said.
“We don’t need to know your name, we don’t need to know where you are calling from; all we need is the information you have to hand. We can pass this information on to investigators and they can use it in their efforts to combat drug crime. It may just be the missing link they need to crack open a complex case.
“Rest assured, your information will be treated in the strictest confidence and your anonymity is guaranteed.”
ISAF To Campaign For Disabled Sailing's Inclusion In Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games
Monday 1 June 2015: Issued on behalf of ISAF
The International Sailing Federation (ISAF) is to campaign for Disabled Sailing's inclusion in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and has appointed VERO Communications to advise and support its campaign. The decision to press the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) to add Disabled Sailing to the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games comes on the back of ISAF formally taking over the management of Disabled Sailing in November 2014, and the integration of the International Association for Disabled Sailing (IFDS) into ISAF.
Carlo Croce, ISAF President said, "Following the merger of IFDS into ISAF at the end of last year, Disabled Sailing is now under new professional management. This is a new era for Disabled Sailing with ISAF now able to fully utilise its technical, financial, promotional and strategic resources to bring significant benefits to Disabled Sailing. For example, we are now working hard to put in place a much enhanced, professional and aligned four year competition programme for Disabled Sailing, as well as generate greater media, broadcast and promotional opportunities for the sport following integration into ISAF's wider communications planning and activities.
"These are all new developments since the merger of IFDS into ISAF and it is important that we now effectively communicate this new era for Disabled Sailing to the IPC. I'm delighted that we have the proven expertise of VERO Communications to support us in this cause. Our focus now is to build the case for Disabled Sailing's inclusion in Tokyo 2020, much of which will be centred around new evidence, as well as stressing some of the unique attributes of Disabled Sailing, including the fact that it is the only sport where athletes with the highest level of disability can compete equally against athletes with other disabilities. I very much hope, upon receipt of this new evidence, that the IPC will look favourably on our case.”
Mike Lee OBE, Chairman of VERO added, "VERO is delighted to support ISAF in their campaign to see Disabled Sailing included in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. The sport has a strong story to tell, especially since it was merged into ISAF at the end of 2014, and we look forward to working with the sailing community to ensure that this new era for Disabled Sailing is effectively communicated.”
About VERO
VERO is a strategic communications agency working in the business of sport. It advises sports federations, cities and countries bidding to host major sports events, leading decision makers in world sport, major sports clubs and brands. Its services include campaign strategy, communications, brand narrative and positioning, and media and stakeholder relations.
About The International Sailing Federation
The International Sailing Federation (ISAF) is the world governing body for the sport of sailing.
ISAF is made up of 139 Member National Authorities (MNAs), who are its principal members, and responsible for the decision making process that governs the sailing world.
There are currently more than 100 ISAF Classes, ranging from the small dinghy classes for young people up to 60 foot ocean racers.
SAF Announces New Paralympic Development Program
Wednesday 3 June 2015: Issued on behalf of ISAF
The International Sailing Federation is pleased to announce a new Paralympic Development Program.
The ISAF Paralympic Development Program aims to:
•Support the development of national disabled / Paralympic development programs within ISAF Member National Authorities (MNAs);
•Increase attendance by nations at events using Paralympic classes of equipment i.e Sailing World Cup / Disabled Sailing World Championships / Paralympic Games qualification events;
•Increase the number of classified sailors registered within ISAF member nations;
•Enable ISAF member nations involved in the program to develop sustainable grass roots 'participation' oriented disabled sailing activity to feed 'performance' programs.
Two practical training clinics will be delivered in 2015. The Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy in Great Britain will host the first clinic from 17-21 August 2015 whilst the second will be held in advance of the Disabled Sailing World Championships in Melbourne, Australia in November.
Costs of attending these events will be heavily subsidised by ISAF and Paralympic equipment will be provided for all sailors.
Nations invited formally to take part in the practical elements of the ISAF Paralympic Development Program must first assess the extent to which they will be able to deliver sustainable disabled sailing activities at national level, after benefitting from initial support provided by ISAF. The information provided by this self-assessment will provide ISAF with help in reviewing the position of these national federations in terms of further implementation of support for the national disabled participation / Paralympic programs.
The Paralympic Development Program is a result of extensive collaborative work carried out by the ISAF Training and Development Department and ISAF Disabled Sailing Committee (DSC), after being commissioned by the ISAF Executive Committee to develop the proposal in a direct response to the removal of sailing from the list of Sports represented in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.
The ISAF Executive Committee agreed to support the delivery of the ISAF Paralympic Development Program at the 2015 Mid-Year Meeting.
ISAF President Carlo Croce said, "This is a new era for Disabled Sailing with ISAF now able to fully utilise its technical, financial, promotional and strategic resources to bring significant benefits to Disabled Sailing.
"We are now working hard to put in place a much enhanced, professional and aligned four year competition programme for Disabled Sailing, as well as generate greater media, broadcast and promotional opportunities for the sport following integration into ISAF's wider communications planning and activities.”
A newly appointed Chair and additional members of the Disabled Sailing were announced earlier today on the ISAF website here - And on the Paralympic Development Program, newly appointed Chair of the ISAF Disabled Sailing Committee, Betsy Alison (USA) added, "The Paralympic Development Program is a very thorough and succinct proposal. I am confident that with it we are now putting our best foot forward in our quest to move toward reinstatement of sailing as a full medal sport in the Paralympics.”
Lets get Sailing back into the Paralympic Games 2020 spread the word to #ReinstateSailing
$9 million to protect Australia's national heritage
Media release; 1 June 2015 The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for the Environment
Some of the most significant sites on Australia's National Heritage List will share in almost $9 million funding to protect and maintain their historic values.
I am proud to announce that 18 successful applicants will benefit from grants of up to $1 million through the Australian Government's Protecting National Historic Sites Programme. This will allow them to carry out important conservation work and activities which will enhance visitor understanding and access to these important sites.
There are 103 places on Australia's National Heritage List which are recognised for helping to define our nation's natural, historic and Indigenous heritage.
The Australian War Memorial, the former High Court of Australia, Woolmers Estate and the Hyde Park Barracks are among the key heritage-listed sites to receive funding through the grants announced today.
Other successful projects include:
•conservation work on the Convict Workshops at Cockatoo Island (NSW)
•conservation works and development of public education and interpretation resources on the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme (WA)
•archaeological research, investigations, and conservation works to the historical graves within the Third Quarantine Cemetery (NSW)
•conservation works and the development of a cultural hub at the Rippon Lea House and Gardens (Victoria).
It's a diverse list but one that very much reflects the richness of Australia's heritage. What these places have in common is that they help build a strong sense of community and identity among Australians and remind us of who we are and where we have come from.
It is important that future generations have the opportunity to visit places on the National Heritage List. By providing funding to help maintain and develop these important historic sites the Government is making sure this can happen.
I encourage everyone to visit these sites and learn about the places that help tell the story of our unique and diverse heritage.
The Protecting National Historic Sites Programme supports activities that protect, manage, maintain and conserve places listed on the National Heritage List for their historic values and also contribute to the management and long-term sustainability of these places.
The programme strives to improve the protection, conservation and preservation of places included on the National Heritage List for their historic heritage values. Another important goal is to improve community awareness of and engagement with these sites.
Further information about Protecting National Historic Sites is available at:
The Hon Niall Blair MLC Minister for Primary Industries Minister for Lands and Water - Media Release: Thursday 14 May 2015
Minister for Primary Industries, Niall Blair, has confirmed a new advisory body, Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council, will be established to provide independent advice to Government on key recreational fishing issues in NSW.
“The NSW Liberals and Nationals Government announced this new consultative approach in February, to ensure the council best represents and communicates the views of regional fishers from right across the State,” Minister Blair said. “I am now calling on regional recreational fishers to nominate for appointment to the Council, to ensure that we have strong representation across the recreational fishing sector.”
The NSW Government has listened to the feedback from recreational fishing groups, who have been requesting changes to consultation arrangements for recreational fishing in NSW. Recreational Fishing NSW will replace the existing Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing, which has been in place for almost 20 years.
The Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council will advise the Minister on matters relating to recreational fishing in NSW, including priorities for expenditure from the Recreational Fishing Trust.
The new Council will include eight regional members and two members with expertise in spearfishing and charter boat fishing. An independent chair will be appointed to head the new Advisory Council.
The Minister said the NSW Government was proud to continue its support for the recreational fishing industry, which generates about $1.6 billion expenditure into the NSW economy each year and creates about 14,000 jobs. An Expression of Interest information package is now available or or call (02) 9741 4722.
Consultation – Fisheries Management Amendment Bill
The Fisheries Management Act 1994 (the Act) deals with the management of fishery resources in NSW. The Fisheries Management Amendment Bill (the Bill) aims to make a range of important changes to the Act that will bring benefits to all fishing sectors.
The Bill was introduced into the NSW Parliament in late 2014. The Government however decided to conduct further targeted consultation before progressing the Bill in Parliament. A consultation plan (PDF, 62KB) has been prepared.
Stakeholders are now invited to provide feedback on the Bill.
The below papers summarise the key changes likely to be of interest to relevant stakeholder groups, and provide information on why the changes are sought.
Summary papers
Commercial fishing (PDF, 174KB), Recreational fishing (PDF, 100KB), Charter fishing (PDF, 110KB), Aboriginal fishing (PDF, 96KB), Environmental and other issues (PDF, 105KB), The Fisheries Management Amendment Bill, Fisheries Management Amendment Bill
If you would like a copy of the paper(s) or Bill, please phone (02) 9741 4784.
Providing feedback
Send your submission to: Mail: Fisheries Legislation, PO Box 7526, SILVERWATER NSW 1811 - Fax: (02) 6391 4728
The closing date for submissions is Friday 26 June 2015 All documents can be downloaded: here
Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council
The Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council (RFNSW) is being established to provide advice to the Minister for Primary Industries on key recreational fishing issues in NSW, including high level priorities for expenditure from the Recreational Fishing Trust.
The new Advisory Council will be based around a modern representative model, ensuring the views of regional fishers from right across the State are communicated. RFNSW will be represented by eight regional members and two members with expertise in spearfishing and charter boat fishing. A senior officer from NSW DPI and the recreational fishing representative from the Ministerial Advisory Council will also be members of the new Council.
The Council will replace the Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing.
Regional recreational fishers and members of recreational fishing organisations are encouraged to nominate for appointment to the Council.
More information
For more information on how to apply and submit an expression of interest: Recreational Fishing NSW information package (PDF, 366.67 KB) and Email:; or Call: (02) 9741 4722
Closing date: Expressions of interest close 7 July 2015.
See documents at:
Pets of the Week
AGE/SEX: 5 years / M
BREED: Mini Foxy x
Scoobie is a tiny foxy boy who is very attentive and affectionate. He enjoy the company of kids. When he came from the pound his back was almost hairless and he was scared of boots. Scoobie has a deep bark for a little dog. Out on a walk he can be a touch shy but warms up quickly. He walks on loose lead and pays no attention to passing dogs or cars. He walks at a good pace. He has a smooth coat and weigh 4.1kg. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. His adoption cost is $350.

Sport NSW Announces the Opening of the 2015 Community Sports Volunteer Awards
More than four hundred thousand people across NSW voluntarily dedicate their time every year through their involvement in sporting clubs and organisations. Put simply, sport would not exist without them.
Launching the opening of the awards program today, Sport NSW CEO, Cheryl Battaerd said the Community Sports Volunteer Awards recognise the efforts of those around the state who contribute hours of their personal time to ensure that their fellow community members can participate in sport.
“We recognize the critical and diverse role volunteers play from club administrators and coaches to officials and canteen staff, regardless of the pouring rain, icy temperatures or scorching heat – they are the ones that give life to community sport,” Battaerd said.
“Unfortunately the reality is volunteer participation in sport is falling in NSW and is outpacing the national decline. All evidence points towards changes to patterns, behaviours and expectations of volunteers, and this has to be a focus for sporting organisations. There is an urgent need to help build the capacity and capability of managers and administrators in sport to effectively recruit and retain volunteers. By recognising the value of volunteering, showcasing successful models of volunteer management and providing information and resources, we are hopeful that we will assist the sporting sector in reversing the trend of volunteer decline in NSW,” she said.
Get inspired and read the case study of good volunteer management by the 2014 winners of the Community Sporting Club category - Alstonville & District Football Club.
The Community Sport Volunteer Awards program consists of Individual Awards categories and the Minister’s Sport Volunteer Management Awards recognising sporting organisations.
The Individual Volunteer Community Sport Awards involve five categories:
Official of the Year, Young Official of the Year, Coach of the Year, Young Coach of the Year, and Community Sport Administrator of the Year.
The Minister’s Sport Volunteer Management Awards aims to attract nominations from organisations that have shown innovative ideas and management techniques in the recognition, education and training, coordination, and recruitment of volunteers. These awards include three categories: Club/District or Regional Community Sport Organisation; State Sporting Organisations and Event of the Year.
NSW Minister for Sport and Recreation, the Hon. Stuart Ayres, MP will be presenting the 2015 NSW Community Sports Volunteer Awards at a function on Friday 21st August 2015 at NSW Parliament House.
Nominations are now open and close on Friday 10th July.
The Awards Guidelines and Nomination Forms can be found
As the peak body for sport and active recreation, Sport NSW represents the collective interests of NSW’s single largest community sector. With over 100 member groups representing 15,000 sporting clubs and associations and well over 2.5 million participants, workers and volunteers, the community sport and active recreation sector makes a significant contribution to the social, physical, health, mental and economic well-being of our NSW communities.
NSW Govt.Office of Environment and Heritage - HAVE YOUR SAY
Berowra Valley National Park and Regional Park Draft Plan of Management
The exhibition of the draft plan provides an important opportunity for the community to have a say on future management directions for Berowra Valley National Park and Berowra Valley Regional Park.
Why is a plan being prepared now?
A new plan of management is being prepared, following the reclassification of most of Berowra Valley Regional Park to Berowra Valley National Park, in recognition of the park’s high conservation value.
What has been updated?
Under national park status, conservation measures are a strong point of focus. National park status also allows for sustainable visitor use, subject to strict controls. Nine hectares of the original Berowra Valley Regional Park have been retained in order to accommodate local dog walkers on existing management trails.
What opportunities will the community have to comment?
The draft plan of management is on public exhibition until 6th July 2015 and anyone can make a comment. Members of the public are invited to comment by submitting a via email submission to
or by post to:
The Planner, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, PO Box 3031. Asquith NSW 2077
Draft plan of management (POM) on page of Consultation website: HERE
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is June 7th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information or call John on 9982 5656 / 0409 391 065
May 31 - June 6, 2015: Issue 216
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 216: SHOROC Shenanigans - Amalgamation Ploy to Undermine 'Scale and Capacity'?
Indigenous Veterans Commemoration Service 2015 - Pittwater's Doreen Cherry OAM and Barrenjoey Highs School's Oliver Wyatt attend to pay their respects
Reflections by George Repin: PAGE PARK MARKET - RABAUL
Aquatics: Daniel Fitzgibbons and Liesl Tesch Win Gold in the Netherlands
Pictures: Pittwater Waterbirds - A Celebration for World Oceans Day 2015 - June 8th
Collector's Corner: Deep Down Among the Coral - By Christopher Corr - A Limited Edition Print in Celebration of the seventy fifth anniversary of QANTAS Airways the artists shares where these stem from and why these exist + some insights into the Favourite of many a Pittwater resident - the Rose Bay 'Gateway to the World' flying-boat base
Profile: Tim Hixson: A saltwater man, superlative photographer and successful commercial photographer, this week we share a few insights into the ethos behind how this gentleman creates such art
History: May to June 2015 - Early Pittwater Watermen: Captain Francis Hixson: 8 January 1833–2 March 1909
If Creswell is the gentleman considered by many to have given birth to the thought of an Australian Navy, a Sydney gentleman, who conducted his first training exercises here in Pittwater and Broken Bay with the Naval Brigade, is the gentleman who gave birth to the physical reality. He is also the gentleman who was responsible for the saving of countess lives in ensuring a program for the building of lighthouses up and down our coastline became the lightships that in many case, still stand today, including Pittwater's Barrenjoey
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month June 2015 - Tim Hixson: Tim Hixson first began photography whilst a student at Southern Illinois University. After returning home to Australia he lived in Byron Bay then worked out of his studio in North Sydney shooting commercially and developing his personal photography. In 1998 he returned to plastic camera photography, producing the exhibition and book ‘BEACH’.
He has had many solo exhibitions and awards since then and continues to explore the ocean and beach culture using traditional and alternative photography.
Tim is the great grandson of Captain Francis Hixson, and a superlative waterman alike this builder of the Naval Brigade in N.S.W. Tim is our Profile to open the month of June - while his great grandfather opens the Pioneer Watermen of Broken Bay and Pittwater History pages for June.
Held Over:
Avalon Tattoo 2015 - the 10th Annual Celebration - A 10/10 Community Event - Lead Pipe Band this Year is Burwood RSL Sub-Branch Pipe Band - also celebrating their 10th year
Guringai Festival 2015 Pittwater Events
Manly Art Gallery & Museum May - June 2015: Juliet Holmes A Court: A Sense of Here Saltwater Artists Connecting to Country.
Warringah Council - to bow out of SHOROC?.... under the guise of saving money in its bid for a mega-merger
27 May 2015
“It’s not about saving money – it’s about Warringah Council undermining SHOROC, an organisation that works well, to instead ensure its own agenda at the expense of others” Pittwater Council’s General Manager Mark Ferguson stated emphatically today.
These comments were in response to a resolution from Warringah Council at its meeting last night.
This resolution stated, that at the next SHOROC (Shore Regional Organisation Of Councils) Board Meeting, the Warringah Mayor bring forward the following proposal that “the Administration component of SHOROC be immediately abolished.”
Warringah’s reasoning for this is that SHOROC’s current model of operation is “inefficient, costly and ineffective”.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqueline Townsend argues that “this partnership of State Government, Northern Beaches Councils, and SHOROC has to date delivered outstanding results for our region, realising major infrastructure funding for significant public transport, road upgrades, and of course the Northern Beaches Hospital”.
Cr Townsend supports this stating “SHOROC has received the highest honour for excellence in NSW Planning in 2014, winning The Planning Institute of Australia’s President’s Award for its Shaping Our Future strategy.”
Mr Ferguson said that this resolution to abolish SHOROC is a clear example of Warringah showing its unwillingness to work with others. It is another example of Warringah’s misinformation campaign.
“Quite clearly Warringah Council is forgetting its previous rhetoric of uniting the Northern Beaches utilising its key values of respect, integrity, teamwork and responsibility, which is quite laughable as it is directly undermining an organisation which has clearly shown its capacity to work strategically with Pittwater, Manly, Mosman and Warringah Councils” Mr Ferguson added.
“We would lose the grants and other revenues, and hide the costs alongside Warringah’s ‘Smoke and mirrors’ campaign, Mr Ferguson stated.
“If they need to save money, maybe they could redirect some of the money they are wasting on their current misinformation campaign for one mega-council,” he said.
Mr Ferguson concluded, “If the status quo is not an option, and we are forced to merge, a Greater Pittwater and a Greater Manly with two councils of equal size - formed to create an equal partnership for strategic decision making for our region, would make sense … definitely not a ‘three-into-one’ model where one mega-council would have ultimate regional control.”
To stay informed, please visit
Have Your Say by June 5th - Visit HERE
LGNSW Submission on IPART FFTF Assessment Methodology
May 29, 2015
LGNSW has made a comprehensive submission to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) Consultation Paper on the Methodology for Assessment of Council Fit for the Future Proposals. The LGNSW submission restates our long-term policy of no forced amalgamations and calls for real improvements to the funding framework for local government as part of any reform proposal. Key comments in response to IPART’s specific questions include:
• IPART needs to clarify how a variety of factors will impact on the assessment of scale and capacity. Population minimums and target council numbers should not be introduced into the assessment process.
• The Rural Council option is primarily an improvement option, not a structural change option and should be referred to as such in the Methodology for Assessment.
• LGNSW has previously analysed the FFTF criteria and benchmarks, and argued that many have weaknesses, or are not reliable. This aside, IPART needs to consider the implications of applying each of the benchmarks by referring to the work developed by the FFTF Assessment Criteria and Benchmarks Working Group, in which LGNSW was a participant.
• IPART should take a holistic approach when assessing FFTF community consultation conducted by councils, and take into account community response.
• LGNSW advises against introducing additional layers of performance reporting. The LGNSW submission also makes the following points:
• The Independent Local Government Review Panel’s (ILGRP’s) preferred options are given too much priority in council assessment submissions – alternative council options also have merit.
• Joint Organisations (JOs), JO- type structures, ROCs or other collaborative arrangements are a legitimate option for achieving scale and capacity.
• Timeframes are inadequate.
• Newly recruited IPART analysts should be closely monitored and reviewed by more senior staff with indepth local government experience and expertise.
• Local water utilities (LWUs) should be taken into account in IPART’s assessment of those councils with LWUs.
• Many councils which were recommended to merge by the ILGRP have not been able to find a merger partner(s). IPART should treat these councils with flexibility when assessing them against the criteria and benchmarks in Template 2.
LGNSW understands that the IPART is responding to Terms of Reference set by the Government and that these broad parameters may place some restrictions on the way it assesses council submissions. Nevertheless it is emphasised the primary aim of LGNSW is to achieve a strong and secure Local Government sector for the benefit of NSW communities and we urge the IPART to adopt the recommendations in this submission to help achieve this aim.
The full LSNSW submission can be found on our website
HERE - PDF - 489KB
Growing Concerns over Accessibility to Northern Beaches Hospital Along a Flooded and CLOSED Wakehurst Parkway during Storm Events
Over the past year we have had a growing number of readers express their concern over the slowness of any mitigation measures to ensure the Wakehurst Parkway will be upgraded in time to meet the needs of people north and south of Narrabeen Lagoon.
As it has been announced the the Emergency Department at Mona Vale Hospital will become and Urgent Care, there is a perception that lives may be endangered if mitigation measures are not undertaken to meet the 2018 slated opening of the new hospital.
We contacted MP for Pittwater, Hon. Rob Stokes office this week regarding this, in view of the announcement below. The Wakehurst Parkway is being dealt with separately to the hospital precinct projects. As soon as a formal announcement is made it will be placed here.
Contractor selected to build Northern Beaches Hospital road upgrades
27 May 2015
Minister for Roads Duncan Gay today joined local MPs Mike Baird (Manly), Brad Hazzard (Wakehurst), Jonathan O’Dea (Davidson) and Rob Stokes (Pittwater) in announcing Ferrovial York Joint Venture as the preferred tenderer to design and build the road upgrades surrounding the future Northern Beaches Hospital.
Minister Gay said Ferrovial York Joint Venture was selected from three organisations shortlisted last year to deliver the major package of work in time for the hospital opening in 2018.
“This is an exciting step for the Northern Beaches Hospital project and shows the NSW Liberals & Nationals are getting on with the job of providing not just upgraded health services but also supportive infrastructure and transport options,” Mr Gay said.
“The major road upgrades will be carried out in two stages on key travel routes including Warringah Road, Forest Way and Wakehurst Parkway.”
Health Minister Jillian Skinner said that the upgrades were promised when the NSW Government announced that the Northern Beaches Hospital would be built.
“The road upgrades will make a huge difference, not only to those accessing the hospital but the many people moving around and through the area,” Mrs Skinner said.
Premier and Member for Manly Mike Baird said stage one work will provide direct access to the new hospital and stage two will increase road capacity on the supporting network, reduce congestion and improve traffic flow.
“As announced in the Northern Beaches Transport Action Plan released last year, the road work will also support bus services to the CBD, Chatswood, Dee Why and Manly,” Mr Baird said.
Mr Hazzard said the proposed upgrades include road widening, bus priority at intersections and other improvements on Warringah Road, a new underpass under the intersections of Warringah Road with Forest Way, Hilmer Street and Wakehurst Parkway, and pedestrian bridges near Hilmer Street and Forest Way.
“The NSW Government will continue working closely with residents, businesses and other stakeholders including Warringah Council and The Forest High School, to progress plans and reduce the impact of building work,” Mr Hazzard said.
Mr Stokes said the NSW Government is working on further bus improvements to complement the road upgrades including a new public transport interchange, better public transport connections across the northern beaches and planning for a rapid bus route to connect Chatswood, Dee Why and Manly via Frenchs Forest.
“The community is invited to view the submissions report for the planned road upgrades. The Concept Proposal, stage one submissions report and preferred infrastructure report can be viewed at,” Mr Stokes said.
Direct LINK
Mr O’Dea said the environmental impact statement for stage two will be displayed for community comment mid-year.
“For more information on the Northern Beaches Hospital road upgrades call 1300 367 459 or visit the project page.
by Pittwater Pathways - Published on 27 May 2015
Have Your Say by June 5th, 2015
Pittwater Indian Myna Action Group Launched
May 25, 2015
As part of a public awareness campaign we have created this Facebook page to keep the residents of Pittwater (and anyone else who is interested) up-to-date on the community efforts to control the spread of this pest bird. We need volunteers to take traps from us and help us get rid of this very invasive bird. We will be posting lots of information on the site to help everyone better understand the effect this bird has on the community - not only all the other birds but humans as well. Please let your friends know what we are doing by following us and liking our page. The Pittwater Indian Myna Action Group has been set up as a sub-group to the widely known Pittwater Natural Heritage Association. If you have any questions please post them on here and I will get back to you asap.
See and ‘like’:
Living Ocean - Pittwater
Living Ocean is a charity that promotes the awareness of human impact on the ocean, through research, education, creative activity in the community, and support of others who sustain ocean health and integrity.
And always celebrating and honouring the natural environment and the lifestyle that the ocean offers us.
Our whale research program builds on research that has been conducted off our coastline by our experts over many years and our Centre for Marine Studies enables students and others to become directly involved.
Through partnerships with individuals and organizations, we conceive, create and coordinate campaigns that educate all layers of our community – from our ‘No Plastic Please’ campaign, which is delivered in partnership with local schools, to film nights and lectures, aimed at the wider community.
Additionally, we raise funds for ocean-oriented conservation groups such as Sea Shepherd.
Founded in 2010 in Whale Beach on the east coast of Australia, we are a growing community, connected by our love of the ocean and waterways that surround us.”
Support Living Ocean this year for World Oceans Day so they may continue their great work:
Living Ocean Yoga flow Immersion class
$25.00: Monday 8 June - 4-6pm
Breathing Space Yoga
at: 6/48 Old Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon 2107
m: 0413 747 644
TEDxPittwater 2015: The art of being Pittwater
Stretching from North Narrabeen to Palm Beach, Pittwater is a unique part of Sydney surrounded by water, beaches and the natural environment. There are many amazing people who live and work in Pittwater. TEDxPittwater celebrates these people and their stories. They truly have ideas worth sharing!
This year we will host TEDxPittwater at Newport Community Centre 10 am – 2.30 pm Saturday June 20th.
Full details on speakers are available
Claire Madden - The art of understanding generation Alpha
Rob Tulk - The art and science of boats
Tony Macri and Mark Tyler - The Art of Great Coffee
Franziska Iseli and Chris Hall - The art of creating perceptions
Andy Marlow - The art of living lightly
Craig Duckmanton - The Art of quiet gardening
Dr Caroline Ford - The art of creating public beaches
The Situation Room - Avalon Now - The art of laughing at yourself.
$40 adults $20 students covers event, morning tea, lunch and a post event drink.
May 25th – Scotland Island Community
On Friday 22 May, Pittwater Council released the draft-determination, rejecting the application, after reviewing the application and the almost 90 objections filed by residents.
The owners have now withdrawn their application. It is expected that a new application will be submitted with a revised plan.

Porter Reserve Community Field Day
13th Jun 2015: 8am - 11am
A new Bushcare group is now successfully working at Porters Reserve, Newport!
Come along and give a hand in replanting coastal rainforst and woodland native species in this local coastal reserve.
Where: Meet at the end of Burke Road playing fields parking area and walk to the top of the flight of steps from the southern end of parking area to walking track.
Tools, equipment and morning tea provided. Please wear comfortable clothing and closed shoes.
This project is supported by Pittwater Council and the Greater Sydney Local Land Services for the "Littoral Rainforest Restoration of the Bilgola Newport Escarpment".
For further information please contact 9970 1363 or 9970 1367.

Zero$'s For Thousand of Pages
Pittwater Online News has been paid for out of our pockets for over five years now. We don't charge for 99.9% of all content run, that's why you don't see advertisements on pages created.
If you have enjoyed any of these Issues and their pages, and like seeing new stories and records created For, About and By us all, please consider kicking in a few dollars towards our overheads and equipment upgrades to cope with the volume of work we do.
Let's keep the focus on sharing great stories and news, creating decent permanently accessible records, and away from commercialism and all that brings with it.
As there are many many thousands of you reading this each day of each week if everyone put in $10.00 we'd have what we need in less than one day.
You can invest in this news service HERE
Thank you for your support.
Biggest Morning Tea In Pittwater
Palm Beach - Janet and Max Petrie:
The Big Morning Tea was a great success. We had 72 people through the door over the day, and raised more than $2,500.00.
Avalon Beach RSL Club: 50 Attendees
Max and Janet
Project Update - June 1, 2015
On 5th May we brought online to replace the individual links that were previously necessary during our development stage.
Initially on entering the site we have Snapshots of the Temperature, Humidity and Wind at each of our present operational stations via the clickable list. Then on clicking on the individual stations at the top of the page access is made to the full comprehensive data for each station.
We now have 4 stations operational and 3 more in the pipeline.
The TABS on our individual stations give access to the following data –
All present weather parameters updated every 2 minutes.
Data freezes at last reading if power lost to unit - Always check time of data.
Top banner photos cycle automatically or mouse over & click.
RECENT - Today,Yesterday
HISTORY - This Month, This Year, Monthly, Time
GAUGES - Standard, Steel Series, Flying – analog & digital
TRENDS - These graphs present temperature, pressure, rainfall, and wind speed trends for the last 24 hours. The thumbnail graphs are sampled every 10 minutes.
Click on a thumbnail to display the corresponding larger graph. The large graphs are sampled every 1 minute.
FORECASTS - Tides & Moon (supplied by WillyWeather) + 7 day Forecast (generated by WeatherUnderground)
IMAGES - Slideshow of surrounding area. Webcam – not available yet. Coming to some stations
ABOUT - Station, System – maintenance overview and Information – description & location of equipment + Contact us – comments or questions
The crucial need for these stations was demonstrated during the horrendous weather of 20th and 21st April when Western Foreshore & Scotland Island residents were totally dependent on the information to know when it was safe to leave their homes.
The wonderful volunteers of the SES, Rural Fire Service and Marine Rescue could also have an overview of the weather at various locations around the peninsula.
On 21st April over 350 hits were recorded on the Palm Beach station, over 250 at The Quays and 170 for Scotland Island. This was from a service that was little known at that stage.
Now, as of 9th May, Total Hits on all the stations are approaching 14,000.
The aim of this Project is to establish weather Observation stations around Pittwater that transmit the present ACTUAL conditions to the internet. The Bureau of Meteorology and many other providers produce Forecasts and the BoM produces Observations for many locations but NOT Pittwater.
When the Barrenjoey Lighthouse installation receives approval from National Parks and Wildlife Service then that weather information will not only benefit Pittwater users but coastal traffic as well.
Barrenjoey will be equipped with a webcam as well as other suitable locations giving a bird’s eye view of the surroundings.
The National Manager, Marine Weather, for the BoM is fully supportive of our endeavour as is and the NSW Minister for Planning.
Hopefully this project could be a blueprint for other locations around Australia that are lacking BoM Actual weather information to create their own network to not only be available directly but through the BoM WOW (Weather Observation Website) facility -
PittwaterWeather is a not-for-profit association helping the community with vital information.
It is hoped that Governments, both State and Federal, will see fit to help fund the ongoing running of this service.
Rohan Walter
President – PittwaterWeather Incorporated
Rubber Duckies Head To Terrigal For Racing Double Header
Friday 29 May 2015
The third round of the Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) Premiership Series heads to Terrigal on the State’s Central Coast this weekend for what promises to be a barnstorming two days of racing.
Originally slated as a one-day competition, the weather-interrupted start to the season has forced the organisers to play catch-up with Terrigal Surf Life Saving Club and Gosford City Council agreeing to host the postponed Round 1 Event on the second day of racing.
This Saturday May 30 and Sunday 31 May, almost 300 competitors from 19 clubs will take to the start-line to compete in events designed to simulate real life rescue situations involving individual ‘patients’ and mass rescues.
All events are based on honing the skills of both IRB driver and crewperson and the fast-paced nature of the competition makes it a great day out for spectators.
Opportunities to hone their racing skills ahead of next month’s State Championships at Mollymook have been few and far between for the competitors this season, and they will undoubtedly be keen to hit the waves at Terrigal.
The Central Coast will be well represented at the event with hosts Terrigal, joining Ocean Beach, Wamberal, and North Avoca on the start line. Defending champions Kiama Downs will be out to continue their recent dominance, while a number of clubs will make the trip from the Hunter and Sydney areas.
Competing clubs will be vying for more than just pride throughout the series with generous prizes on offer. As well as vouchers as prizes at each of the events there will be two IRB engines up for grabs thanks to the support of Tohatsu Australia – one engine will be presented to the overall premiership winner, with the second going to the “most deserving club.” This award is aimed at encouraging smaller clubs and those new to the sport to enter the state’s premier IRB racing event.
There’s a lot at stake for the competitors individually as well with Terrigal presenting one of the last chances for the athletes to impress the selectors for the NSW IRB Interstate team with it being announced in coming weeks.
“We’ve got our fingers crossed for good weather and are hopeful of seeing some fantastic competition at Terrigal this weekend,” NSW Surf Sports Manager Shane Knight said.
“Unfortunately we’ve had a lot of rough weather to start the season and have only managed to get through a third of races in the last round at Windang, but that’s the reality of the sport. I am sure that the competitors are keen to get out there and show what they can do, and we wish them all the very best of luck throughout the remainder of the Premiership Series,” he concluded.
Round 3 of the IRB Premiership Series is scheduled to get underway at Terrigal this Saturday 30 May with the starting time subject to conditions.
Please check our Facebook Page and website for full details or timetable updates.
The 2015 IRB Premiership Series will conclude with two days of racing at Kiama Downs on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 June.
Pittwater 'Bush'
Published on 28 May 2015 by Pittwater Council
Pittwater: A place for people who love the bush, beaches, the waterways, the villages, the unique environment and the Pittwater way of life.

The photo tells the story of a sad, slow death of a classically built, vintage yacht beached at Dangar Island on the Hawkesbury River.
CURRAWONG is so well constructed that she could with much tender loving care and a deep pocket, be restored.
Time is rapidly running out for this beautiful, veteran yacht at a notice of imminent destruction has been glued to her hull.
Ahoy!, calling all wooden boat lovers to rally around a great cause and save the CURRAWONG for future generations to enjoy and appreciate!
Boomerang Bags Avalon Workshops
Surfrider Foundation and Living Ocean
We will continue with our Tuesday workshops 11am-5pm at Avalon Recreation Centre
We are still looking for more volunteers to get involved. The more help we can find the sooner we will be able to launch Boomerang Bags onto the streets of Avalon.
This week shout out goes to Jo, who has become our expert in all involving stamps and paint. Jo has done an excellent job over the last few weeks creating our Boomerang Bag patches to sew on the bags. Great job Jo.
So make sure you pop into Avalon Recreation Centre on Tuesdays, anytime from 11am-5pm and come join the team. All welcome, no sewing skills needed, we need people to cut material, stamp and of course to come along and have a cuppa.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.
Jessica Hensman, Operations Manager
PO Box 968, Mona Vale NSW 1660, Surfrider Foundation
Gang Gang Cockatoo Slated to Lose Home
May 28th, 2015: by STOP the CHOP
The Gang Gang Cockatoo is set to become the latest victim of the farce that is 10/50. There are only between 18-40 breeding pairs of these beautiful birds left in Sydney.
Currently there is a DA on the table of Hornsby Council to develop a parcel of land adjacent to Lane Cove National Park, which also happens to be the home for many of these birds. If the DA is approved, 10/50 is likely to play a major role in the resulting clearing of 85% of this crucial habitat. Mike Baird 10/50 must be stopped NOW
New Maurice Blackmore Chair in Integrative Medicine established at University of Sydney
27 May 2015
Understanding complementary medicine’s role in healthcare, research and teaching takes a leap forward today with the establishment of the Maurice Blackmore Chair in Integrative Medicine at the University of Sydney.
Made possible through a $1.3 million donation by the Blackmores Institute, the new term Chair honours Maurice Blackmore, a pioneer of Australian naturopathy.
“Over the next five years the Maurice Blackmore Chair in Integrative Medicine will undertake research into the impact of complementary medicines in health outcomes, including how complementary and alternative medicines interact with the current standard treatments prescribed by medical professionals,” said the Dean of Sydney Medical School, Professor Bruce Robinson.
“With this support, we will be able to develop data and guidelines for consumers and healthcare professionals based on solid evidence.
“The Chair will undertake high quality basic and clinical research into complementary and integrative medicines, and look to develop education programs which mean young doctors will graduate knowing what complementary medicines can and can’t achieve, and how they interact with other treatments.”
Responding to the announcement, Blackmores’ Chairman Marcus Blackmore said: “Integrative medicine with its focus on prevention and well-being holds serious promise as a solution to the ever increasing cost of healthcare in our community.
“The establishment of this Chair will provide for ongoing research and education in integrative medicine and we applaud the efforts of the Dean Prof. Bruce Robinson for his foresight in establishing this Chair.
“It is our hope that our support for this Chair will contribute towards a holistic approach in medical practice that combines modern western medicine with established and proven practices in the area of integrative medicine.”
Director of Blackmores Institute Dr Lesley Braun also commented on the announcement: “Blackmores Institute is very proud to be supporting this Chair at Sydney University. We see this as a milestone event and a very important step forward for the development of Integrative medicine in Australia.”
Already, Sydney Medical School’s researchers are examining complementary treatments in a modern context including high-definition imaging of the brain stem to understand why acupuncture works.
The Maurice Blackmore Chair in Integrative Medicine will galvanise these efforts and enable further collaboration and evaluation to translate these discoveries into holistic treatments through integrative medicine.
The person appointed to the Chair will leverage the full spectrum of research and clinical expertise across the university and its extensive health and medical networks. He or she will draw on the university’s established research strengths, networks and expertise in biological, clinical and social sciences.
“We will collaborate with our international partners in Canada, China and Asia, and proposed schools in the USA and UK,” said Professor Robinson. “The role will also work closely with leading centres within the university, such as the Charles Perkins Centre, the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, the Woolcock Institute, the Kolling Institute and our eight clinical schools.”
INSPIRED - the Campaign to support the University of Sydney
With every gift to the University of Sydney, donors become part of INSPIRED - the Campaign to support the University of Sydney, which aims to raise $600 million by 2017.
Arty Program for All Abilities
Friday, May 29, 2015
Warringah Council Library is supporting the local community group, Artability, with a special workshop and exhibition.
Artability is a volunteer-run group which provides creative art and craft classes for people with disabilities. They’ve been running successfully at Forest Community Arts Centre for more than 19 years.
This year, for the first time, Forestville Library will host free Artability workshops. The theme is ‘By the Sea’.
The program includes painting, ceramics, sculpture, collage, printmaking, design, craft, watercolour, and creative murals.
Each participant’s favourite art work will be displayed from mid-July to September in Forestville, Belrose and Warringah Mall library branches.
‘It’s a real honour to be able to celebrate one of our long-standing programs for people with a disability,’ said Warringah Mayor, Michael Regan.
‘Artability not only helps the participants but is also a wonderful place to volunteer and I call on anyone with some spare time to come and help them out.’
Artability’s creative director Nancy Lamott said, ‘The Artability program provides art classes in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere focusing on art students with special needs and requirements. Everyone is invited to come and join in and explore their creativity. Thank you to Warringah Council for offering to exhibit the works in all the libraries – it should be a real thrill for our budding artists.’
Artability Workshops
Forestville Library - Friday 12 June: 11am and 2pm
Artability is always looking for new volunteers who are interested in contributing their time and passion. All training is provided and no prior experience is necessary. Please contact Nancy Lamott
29th Manly Food, Wine & Sustainability Festival
The 29th Manly Food, Wine & Sustainability Festival will be on again over Saturday and Sunday, 30-31 May 2015 between 11:30am and 5.00pm both days!
One of Sydney’s best loved food and wine festivals at Sydney’s favourite beachside location, the Manly Food, Wine & Sustainability Festival features dozens of stalls operated by top names in food and wine dotted along Manly’s ocean beachfront and The Corso.

Forty Years On—A Potted History of the Manly Warringah Choir
In this our fortieth anniversary year, Naomi Roseth has been digging in the archives.
This is some of what she found.
The Manly Warringah Musical Society was established in 1975, with choral works featuring in programs for the first time in December 1976. Two choristers who sang with the Choir at its inaugural concert are still with the Choir in 2015: May Mackenzie and John Killick. We salute them.
Since its establishment, the Choir has performed the works of 46 composers. Of those thirteen, even if born in the 20th century, have composed in the 21st. Five of those are living now. The Choir has never sung the composition of a woman. Is it time to change that? It will come as no surprise that Mozart is the Choir’s favourite composer: We have sung eight different pieces by him.
We have sung Handel’s Messiah fourteen times – more than any other piece. The next most frequently performed piece is Mozart’s Ave Verum (nine times) and excerpts from Bach’s Christmas Oratorio and Fauré’s Requiem (seven times each). We have performed 36 pieces only once.
While we sing mostly in English and Latin, over the years we have also sung in German, French, Spanish, Catalonian, Hebrew and Russian.
Carlos Alvarado took over as the Choir’s director in May 2003 and at the time of writing has conducted the Choir in 24 concerts. Before Carlos took over, the Choir performed under the baton of a range of conductors, the names of fourteen appearing in past programs. The stability we enjoy under Carlos’ baton is greatly valued, as is his wonderful ability to share his musicianship with such a diverse group of people.
Angela has been the Choir’s accompanying pianist since June 1991, first as Angela Gates and since September 2001 as Angela Ferguson.
An inspection of past programs reveals a long list of soloists who accompanied the Choir. Two names stand out: Rita Hunter sang excerpts from Messiah in December 1988; Brett Weymark, now Director of Sydney Philharmonia Choirs, sang Messiah twice: in 1998 and 2000, and he sang Mozart’s Requiem in May 1999.
The Choir prides itself in giving young singers performing opportunities which open doors to wider pastures: Emma Moore and Pascal Herrington are now singing in Vienna and Berlin. Alexander Knight and Michael Honeyman sing regularly with Opera Australia.
Since its inception, the Choir had four presidents who are still in the Choir: Joe Micali, Pat Hughes, Marj Binns and Richard Griffiths. Three former secretaries are still members: Jill Selles, Jenny Beck and Margaret Dent, and Gill Gray is a past Treasurer.
Since November 1994 the Choir has been fortunate enough to perform regularly at the Cardinal Cerretti Chapel, St Patrick Estate, Manly. Before that we had performed in a range of locations including churches, schools, community centres and retirement villages. We performed seven times at the Glen Street Theatre in Belrose and three times at the Dee Why RSL. The Choir rarely performs outside the Northern Beaches. We have performed once at the Sydney Conservatorium, also once in Gosford and in Wollongong and five times at St Mary’s Church in North Sydney.
Now we look forward to the next 40 years—who knows what they mighthold?
The Choir celebrates its 40th Anniversary with a Gala Concert on Sunday afternoon August 16th at the Cardinal Cerretti Chapel.
The programme features a double bill:
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No 4 with Gregory Kinda as Soloist
Mozart: Mass in C minor (The Great)
Light refreshments will be served on the Terrace after the concert.
Festival celebrates Aboriginal culture and heritage
Pittwater Council is proud to be one of 11 Councils and many reconciliation and community groups participating in this year’s Guringai Festival.
Founded in 2001, the Guringai Festival aims to raise awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in the Northern Sydney region. The festival runs between Sorry Day on 26 May to the end of NAIDOC Week in July.
Pittwater Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the Guringai Festival’s theme ‘Story of Place’ provides a great framework for the line-up of activities this year.
“This celebration of Aboriginal Culture and Heritage, now in its 15th year, boasts a number of events and workshops, art exhibitions, performances, films and talks.
“I commend the Guringai Festival Committee for once again putting together a festival with a wide array of events that touch our hearts, our minds and our souls – and celebrate US as a whole of community,” added Cr Townsend.
At this year’s festival Pittwater Council will be hosting the following events:
Indigenous Walk
A free guided bushwalk discovering cultural sites, including rock engravings in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. The tour is led by staff from the Coastal Environment Centre and an Indigenous guide, offering a great opportunity to learn more about this amazing area. The walk will give you information on the local flora and their uses as bushtucker and medicines. Look for native animals and their tracks as we explore. This event is suitable for the whole family!
When: Sunday 14 June, 9.30 to 11.30am
Where: Meeting point provided on booking.
Turimetta Head Aboriginal Heritage Walk
Pittwater Council will host a free guided walk led by the Aboriginal Heritage Office. Come and learn more about our amazing local Aboriginal heritage in an outstanding setting. This is a great free event for the whole family. This walk is medium grade.
When: Saturday 20 June, 9 to 11am
Where: Meeting point to be provided on booking.
Pre-school storytelling @ Mona Vale Library
Pre-schoolers are invited to attend a themed story-telling, music and craft session at Mona Vale Library to celebrate the festival. No bookings required.
When: Wednesday 24 June, 10am
Where: Mona Vale Library, 1 Park Street Mona Vale.
Events will be held across the Sydney region. For detailed information on the events happening during the Guringai Festival visit:
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/6/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:

Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE
Critter of the Month - May 2015

6: Pittwater Place, Mona Vale, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing, craft, Bric-a-brac
13: Bunnings, Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm: Sausage sizzle
19: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing
Avalon Craft Cottage at Dee Why
A very warm Hello to all our loyal customers....... and, at last, some good news for all those friends of the Craft Cottage who have been anxiously waiting on a Notice about our 2015 stalls.
Those of you who keep up to date with all our news on the Avalon Craft Cottage Facebook page will already have the information on hand, but for everyone else ....finally... I am now able to confirm all our booking dates up until end JULY.
In June we are off to St Ives Village (on Mona Vale Rd), another full week, Monday 8th June to Sunday 14th.
Our knitters have all been hard at work all year getting ready for these first two stalls.....the cooler weather is here and out come the scarves, gloves, socks and knee rugs .... so colorful and so very very warm.
In July we will be heading north for our annual BACK TO AVALONshow at the Avalon Recreation Centre, Old Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon - THREE DAYS ONLY.... 10th, 11th & 12th July.
Lots to look forward: hundreds of beautiful handcrafted items perfect for gift giving, or even better to splurge on for yourself or your home. And this show at Avalon is where the members really have the opportunity to show off their work ...... gorgeous babywear; exquisite hand-painted silk .. scarves, wall hangings & purses; children's knitted cardigans, jumpers and jackets; colorful beaded jewellery; timber bowls, platters & boxes; ceramics; colorful hand knitted knee rugs ; and hundreds of handcrafted cards.
For those of you who have not as yet become one of our Facebook friends...please LIKE our page and consider becoming a 'Friend'. And if you are an A.C.C. friend please help spread the word and let all your Friends know of our activities.
Otherwise, watch this space for any further information.
Hope to see many familiar faces at the next few shows,
Maureen Darcy-Smith. Publicity Officer
Come along to the unveiling of the latest addition to Freshwater Headlands Surfers Walk of Fame, by famed sculptor Mick Purdy. Enjoy an entertaining evening of drinks, food, music and film celebrating the sport of surfing and the importance of protecting our oceans, waves and beaches.
More event details coming shortly!
Contact for further information.
Tickets here:
Proudly Sponsored By Barefoot Wines, Four Pines Brewing Co and Harbord Diggers Club
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
Family Energy Rebate
Applications are now open for the 2014-2015 Family Energy Rebate. The application submission deadline is Midnight 16 June 2015. The Family Energy Rebate (FER) helps NSW family households with dependant children to pay their electricity bills. In 2014-2015 the Family Energy Rebate gives eligible households a $150 credit on their electricity bill. If you live in a residential community (caravan or mobile home park), the 2014-2015 Family Energy Rebate is $165. Find out more
Monday 15 June - FREE Half Day Course
Highly Recommended: With Professor Peter Phibbs from Urban Planning & Policy Group at University of Sydney.
The Basics: 9:30am to 12:30pm
Advanced: 1.00pm to 4pm
Ideal for members of residents groups and community organisers and workers. To register/learn more:

Kindness is Catching at Mona Vale Library
Thank you, people of Pittwater for your generous donations to the homeless of Sydney. If you want to put together a care kit, please leave them at Mona Vale Library by June 12th.
Special thanks to staff member Mary Anderson who has headed up the collection there.
Kindness is Catching is organising care kits to help Sydney City's homeless people feel a little more comfortable during this coming season.
* Knitters : for winter warmies - scarves and beanies.
* Supermarket Shoppers : to buy and put together Winter Care Kits
Is this you? We would love your donations before June 12th!
Through consultation with a few major organisations that are involved in homelessness and from speaking to homeless people, I have chosen the items in the Winter Care Kits as listed in our poster. Thank you so much to our location drop off points :
Mona Vale Library Cosmic Smile Dental - Neutral Bay, Sydney Eastern Cross Trading Forestville Library Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre Newtown Neighbourhood CentreManly Community Centre & Services Seaforth Medical Centre
Any queries please contact Linda:

This Month's Rescue of the Month – April 2015 - North Palm Beach SLSC
May 22, 2015: SLS NSW
Congratulations to North Palm Beach; winner of the April Rescue of the Month for the Branch. Nominations for May & June are due to the Branch office by 3rd July 2015.
Lifesavers Involved: Steve & Mel Rahme, James & Daniel Blumer and Darren Jones
On Sunday 19 April at approximately 11:30am, Patrol Captain Steve Rahme and members of Patrol 6 assisted a female who badly injured herself catching a wave on her long board. Patrolling members were alerted to the incident by the woman’s son who had witnessed his mother suffer her injuries whilst longboarding outside the flagged area. Once they reached the mother, Patrol 6 learned that the patient had lost control of her long board whilst negotiating the break zone and had suffered a hit to the head. They administered first aid treatment for her concussion, lacerated cheek and potentially injured jaw. She was transported to the North Palm Beach first aid room by the club bob cat where she was connected to the vital signs monitor and observed while an ambulance was called. A short time later the paramedics arrived and the patient was treated but wasn’t transported to hospital. Later test revealed that she had broken her cheek in four places and she subsequently underwent surgery the following week. The woman was very grateful for the work of Patrol 6 and wrote a letter to North Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club sending her thanks. The skill level of first aid given was of high standard and the teamwork shown by Patrol 6 was outstanding.
2015 Pub2Pub - for Early Bird Discount, register by 14 June
New name, new finish, new optional
'short course' - register NOW
This year the iconic community event will be held on Sunday August 23. It has a new name: the 'Pub2Pub Fun Run & Festival' and will be bigger and better than ever. We hope you'll join in the fun again.
Why 'Festival'? Because this year we've tweaked our iconic event to enhance the experience for all participants and the wider northern beaches community... and to raise more funds for the wonderful causes the event supports in conjunction with Rotary Club of Brookvale.
The Newport Arms is undergoing renovations, so this year the event will finish at Newport Surf Club.
• Live Music during the race and at the finish line
• International Food Festival
• Share drinks with friends from the Bar
• Sponsor's Stands
• Activities for kids .../and of course
• The Awards Ceremony
To encourage healthy activity and community involvement by more youngsters, we're now offering a short, 3km course, starting at Mona Vale Surf Club.
For teams, individuals, schools and more...
This year we're aiming for up to 10,000 participants - doubling the event's previously capped entry limit. As a result, we're hoping to raise even more money to support the great work of local community charities like Bear Cottage... the Children's Cancer Institute... Manly and Mona Vale Hospitals... Life Education Australia... Sunnyfield Disability Services... The Kids' Cancer Project... and White Ribbon Australia.
Legendary Ironman Guy Leech returns as event Ambassador and the mighty Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles are also on board. Now we want YOU!
A special 10%+ Early Bird Discount applies to everyone registering by June 14. To register, simply click here
The Pub2Pub Team
Spotted at Avalon Beach This Week:
A Taste of Things to Come

Uni partnership delivers walking app for Pittwater
25 May 2015
Residents and visitors to Pittwater can now navigate some of the best walks in Pittwater with thanks to work undertaken by students from Macquarie University.
The development of Walking Pittwater has been made possible through Pittwater Council partnering with Macquarie University’s PACE (Professional And Community Engagement) program.
Lindie Clark, Academic and Programs Director of PACE, said the program gives Macquarie students invaluable practical experience while they are still a student so they can get that all-important head start on their career.
“It’s been an extremely rewarding experience for the students who have participated in the Walking Pittwater application development.
“PACE is of mutual benefit for our students and partner organisations. Not only has Pittwater Council benefited from our third year students’ knowledge and experience, but residents and visitors to the area will benefit a great deal from this mapping resource,” added Mr Steve Smith [Unit Convenor, Macquarie University]
The interactive app boasts numerous points of interest, historical information, and video footage that have been embedded.
The app can also be personalised by the user – allowing them to mark areas of interest and tag them so they can be found again.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend praised those involved in the project including local residents John and Lyn Illingsworth, who assisted with image placement and local knowledge.
“I extend my thanks also to John Illingsworth who kindly donated a number of videos for the app.
“The appeal of the Walking Pittwater app is the depth of historical content that was gathered with the assistance of the Avalon Historical Society and material from Mona Vale Library’s local studies area.
Pittwater Council’s General Manager, Mark Ferguson thanked Macquarie University and the students involved in the program, saying the partnership with Macquarie University and Pittwater Council proved a great success.
“A group of 15 students were involved in the app’s development – giving students the exposure to working with local government and gaining experience in their chosen field
“The students contributed nearly 800 hours to this project – that would have otherwise cost rate payers approximately $45k.
“It’s a fine example of how partnering with organisations can provide mutually beneficial outcomes,” added Mr Ferguson.
The Walking Pittwater app is now available in both android and Apple ® versions, and can be downloaded free from Google Play or iTunes.
PACE at Macquarie University is happy to hear from other partners who are interested in developing similar tools or resources for their organisation. Please contact for more information on how to get involved.
New skate park for Mona Vale
Pittwater Council’s plans to build a new skate park at Kitchener Park, Mona Vale are now underway and we are seeking input on the design process.
We need your help to shape the design and input on questions like whether or not to keep and renovate the existing half pipe.
A skate park working group is being formed to provide advice, recommendations and local knowledge to Council on behalf of skateboard, BMX, scooter users and skate related enthusiasts and professionals.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the project was a cornerstone in delivering one of Council’s key strategic objectives – promoting youth involvement in recreational and social activities.
“The skate park at Kitchener Park has been a longstanding concern and something we are committed to delivering to our community.
“The facility will cater for the interests, needs and safety of current and future generations of skate facility users,” added Cr Townsend.
The preparation of concept design and tendering for the project will take place from mid to late 2015, with construction of the upgrade commencing in early 2016.
Project information and expression of interest survey for the working party are located on our website at:
To submit your ideas for consideration or call David Bremner, Community Engagement Officer on 9970 1262
Business breakfast takes on tourism
Pittwater Business Limited’s (PBL) next business breakfast will take place on Wednesday 17 June at Royal Motor Yacht Club, Newport from 7am.
The breakfast’s keynote speaker will be Matt Stoeckel from Destination NSW who will share his insights on current strategies to grow the visitor economy in NSW.
Destination NSW’s vision is to make Sydney and NSW the world’s most successful tourism and events destination by developing more sporting & cultural events, international conventions, corporate events & exhibitions in Sydney and regionally.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend said it was timely to hear from an expert in the field of tourism, given Pittwater Council was in the process of preparing a tourism issues paper highlighting the contribution and value of businesses to the Pittwater community and economy.
Mayor Townsend said Council had recently sought feedback from businesses, chambers of commerce and the community about tourism in Pittwater through an online survey and a series of focus groups.
“One-on-one interviews were also conducted with a broad spectrum of local owner operators including yacht and kayak hirers and café owners,” she said.
“Tourism to the area is growing; especially the day visitors to the area who want to experience the lifestyle and unique natural environment, eat at our superb cafes and restaurants, and shop in a village atmosphere”, said Cr Townsend.
“Working with local businesses and drawing upon the knowledge of experts such as Matt Stoeckel we can identify opportunities for tourism growth and partnerships that will be central in promoting sustainable tourism, development opportunities and employment for our diverse economy.
Mayor Townsend said the PBL business breakfasts are always a great way for local businesses to gain insight into both business and marketing opportunities along with developing handy network connections.
The Royal Motor Yacht Club is located at 46 Prince Alfred Parade, Newport. To book your ticket visit or call 1300 786 126.
The cost for PBL members is $50 per person (early bird) and $75 for non-members.
Council works and projects
An upgrade to the Clareville Beach car park and adjacent landscaping has commenced.
Work is being carried out at Bilgola SLSC to strengthen the building façade and some repair work is being done to the sandstone walls – due to be completed by end of June, weather permitting.
Refurbishment of Pittwater Golf Centre, Warriewood – upgrade to shop & café, with an undercover seating area due to be completed by end of June.
Completion of upgrade to car park at Dunbar Park, Avalon.
Taking remote control of your electricity
CSIRO: Published on 28 May 2015
Electricity prices gettin' you down? We think this cost can be better managed and we've developed an app that helps you do that, even when you're not at home.
18 Artists collaborate for a Winter Exhibition
June 6th, 7th & 8th at Avalon Beach Surf Club
Members of the Pittwater Artists Trail are excited to announce that our Winter Exhibition will be held at the fabulous new Avalon Beach Surf Club.
The show will feature the best of the year's work by Trail artists offering painting, ceramics, flamework glass, lithographs, jewellery, encaustic painting, sculpture, and ritual objects.
The 2015 members are quite a contemporary group bringing the show an appropriate synergy with the modern architecture of the building. Recently rebuilt, the club features a beautiful exhibition space neatly positioned between its bar and restaurant which all take advantage of the spectacular 180 degree ocean views.
The exhibition will begin at 10am on Saturday June 6th and the official opening will launch at 5.30pm on Saturday night. Nibbles and drinks will be served with live music and a presentation by Avalon Beach Surf Club's architect Richard Cole making this an event not to be missed!
Trail artists will be donating work and goodies for a multi-prize raffle in support of the Surf Club and Pittwater Artists Trail.
All work exhibited will be for sale and may be reserved from Saturday at 10am.
Entry throughout the show is free.
The 18 artists participating in the winter exhibition are as follows:
Julie Hickson, Nada Herman, Diezel, Jill Ferrall, Peter Cameron, Elfriede Bartintsky Helen Mackay, Karen Pike, Coco Elder, Penel Bigg, Vicki Ratcliff, Wendy Grainger, Allen Goodman, Katarina Wells, Geoff Searl, Robyn Park, Sylke Claridge and Marian Purvis.
The Hon Niall Blair MLC Minister for Primary Industries Minister for Lands and Water - Media Release: Thursday 14 May 2015
Minister for Primary Industries, Niall Blair, has confirmed a new advisory body, Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council, will be established to provide independent advice to Government on key recreational fishing issues in NSW.
“The NSW Liberals and Nationals Government announced this new consultative approach in February, to ensure the council best represents and communicates the views of regional fishers from right across the State,” Minister Blair said. “I am now calling on regional recreational fishers to nominate for appointment to the Council, to ensure that we have strong representation across the recreational fishing sector.”
The NSW Government has listened to the feedback from recreational fishing groups, who have been requesting changes to consultation arrangements for recreational fishing in NSW. Recreational Fishing NSW will replace the existing Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing, which has been in place for almost 20 years.
The Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council will advise the Minister on matters relating to recreational fishing in NSW, including priorities for expenditure from the Recreational Fishing Trust.
The new Council will include eight regional members and two members with expertise in spearfishing and charter boat fishing. An independent chair will be appointed to head the new Advisory Council.
The Minister said the NSW Government was proud to continue its support for the recreational fishing industry, which generates about $1.6 billion expenditure into the NSW economy each year and creates about 14,000 jobs. An Expression of Interest information package is now available or or call (02) 9741 4722.
Consultation – Fisheries Management Amendment Bill
The Fisheries Management Act 1994 (the Act) deals with the management of fishery resources in NSW. The Fisheries Management Amendment Bill (the Bill) aims to make a range of important changes to the Act that will bring benefits to all fishing sectors.
The Bill was introduced into the NSW Parliament in late 2014. The Government however decided to conduct further targeted consultation before progressing the Bill in Parliament. A consultation plan (PDF, 62KB) has been prepared.
Stakeholders are now invited to provide feedback on the Bill.
The below papers summarise the key changes likely to be of interest to relevant stakeholder groups, and provide information on why the changes are sought.
Summary papers
Commercial fishing (PDF, 174KB)
Recreational fishing (PDF, 100KB)
Charter fishing (PDF, 110KB)
Aboriginal fishing (PDF, 96KB)
Environmental and other issues (PDF, 105KB)
The Fisheries Management Amendment Bill
Fisheries Management Amendment Bill
If you would like a copy of the paper(s) or Bill, please phone (02) 9741 4784.
Providing feedback
Send your submission to:
Mail: Fisheries Legislation, PO Box 7526, SILVERWATER NSW 1811 - Fax: (02) 6391 4728
The closing date for submissions is Friday 26 June 2015
All documents can be downloaded: here
Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council
The Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council (RFNSW) is being established to provide advice to the Minister for Primary Industries on key recreational fishing issues in NSW, including high level priorities for expenditure from the Recreational Fishing Trust.
The new Advisory Council will be based around a modern representative model, ensuring the views of regional fishers from right across the State are communicated. RFNSW will be represented by eight regional members and two members with expertise in spearfishing and charter boat fishing. A senior officer from NSW DPI and the recreational fishing representative from the Ministerial Advisory Council will also be members of the new Council.
The Council will replace the Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing.
Regional recreational fishers and members of recreational fishing organisations are encouraged to nominate for appointment to the Council.
More information
For more information on how to apply and submit an expression of interest: Recreational Fishing NSW information package (PDF, 366.67 KB) and Email:; or Call: (02) 9741 4722
Closing date: Expressions of interest close 7 July 2015.
See documents at:
Pets of the Week
AGE/SEX: 2 years / M
BREED: Cattle Dog x Staffy
Blaze is a happy friendly energetic dog. He loves pats & cuddles and knows sit. Out on a walk he has lots of energy and wants to run. He is not interested in anything else for the first 30 mins of the walk, only running. Blaze is very social with other dogs and is easy to handle and pick up. He would suit an active family preferably who do some jogging. He has a short coat and weighs about 15kg. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. His adoption cost is $350.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email to see all our
Sport NSW Announces the Opening of the 2015 Community Sports Volunteer Awards
More than four hundred thousand people across NSW voluntarily dedicate their time every year through their involvement in sporting clubs and organisations. Put simply, sport would not exist without them.
Launching the opening of the awards program today, Sport NSW CEO, Cheryl Battaerd said the Community Sports Volunteer Awards recognise the efforts of those around the state who contribute hours of their personal time to ensure that their fellow community members can participate in sport.
“We recognize the critical and diverse role volunteers play from club administrators and coaches to officials and canteen staff, regardless of the pouring rain, icy temperatures or scorching heat – they are the ones that give life to community sport,” Battaerd said.
“Unfortunately the reality is volunteer participation in sport is falling in NSW and is outpacing the national decline. All evidence points towards changes to patterns, behaviours and expectations of volunteers, and this has to be a focus for sporting organisations. There is an urgent need to help build the capacity and capability of managers and administrators in sport to effectively recruit and retain volunteers. By recognising the value of volunteering, showcasing successful models of volunteer management and providing information and resources, we are hopeful that we will assist the sporting sector in reversing the trend of volunteer decline in NSW,” she said.
Get inspired and read the case study of good volunteer management by the 2014 winners of the Community Sporting Club category - Alstonville & District Football Club.
The Community Sport Volunteer Awards program consists of Individual Awards categories and the Minister’s Sport Volunteer Management Awards recognising sporting organisations.
The Individual Volunteer Community Sport Awards involve five categories:
Official of the Year, Young Official of the Year, Coach of the Year, Young Coach of the Year, and Community Sport Administrator of the Year.
The Minister’s Sport Volunteer Management Awards aims to attract nominations from organisations that have shown innovative ideas and management techniques in the recognition, education and training, coordination, and recruitment of volunteers. These awards include three categories: Club/District or Regional Community Sport Organisation; State Sporting Organisations and Event of the Year.
NSW Minister for Sport and Recreation, the Hon. Stuart Ayres, MP will be presenting the 2015 NSW Community Sports Volunteer Awards at a function on Friday 21st August 2015 at NSW Parliament House.
Nominations are now open and close on Friday 10th July.
The Awards Guidelines and Nomination Forms can be found
As the peak body for sport and active recreation, Sport NSW represents the collective interests of NSW’s single largest community sector. With over 100 member groups representing 15,000 sporting clubs and associations and well over 2.5 million participants, workers and volunteers, the community sport and active recreation sector makes a significant contribution to the social, physical, health, mental and economic well-being of our NSW communities.

Frackman – Warriewood Screening
If you haven't seen Frackman yet, or if you saw it and want to make sure that your friends and family see it too - here is your chance - and not too far from home!
Frackman tells the real life story of Dayne Pratzky - Queensland property owner and former Sydney resident - who becomes an accidental activist when a coal seam gas company wanted to drill for gas on his land. And so began a David and Goliath battle against a $200 billion industry. Along the way he found love, tragedy and triumph. Screenings continue to sell out so book your tickets online to ensure you get a spot.
Warriewood United Cinemas - with special guests Sharyn Munro (Author of Rich Land, Wasteland) and Julie Lyford (former Mayor of Gloucester and Chair of Groundswell Gloucester)
Wednesday 3 June, 7pm
4 Vuko Pl, Warriewood
Pablo Brait, North Shore Community Organiser
Nature Conservation Council of NSW, proud partner of the Our Land, Our Water, Our Future Campaign
Call out for Performers Community Groups and Schools for Avalon Winter Solstice Event
Sunday 21st of June 2015
The impetus for this event is to launch the Wickham Lane Wow Walk with the $5000 Grant received from Keep NSW Beautiful – a joint initiative with Janet Forrester from CABPRA & Enliven Pittwater.
The concept is to clean up the laneway, encourage pedestrian traffic from the park to the village and have an event ready space for the community.
This event is for local businesses in the 2107-2108 area and community and school groups.
The program so far:
Activities on the Beach 5.45am-9am
5.45am-6.45am LIVING OCEAN YOGA PRACTICE By donation Avalon Surf Lifesaving Club. Followed by a Sunrise beach ritual until 7.30am/7.45am to honour mother ocean, mother earth and father sky
7am Sunrise through Stonehenge Surfboard Sculpture on the Beach assisted by Astronomer Fred Watson
7.45am-9am Share a healthy nourishing breakfast served on BYO or compostable plates and bowls- Food by Chill Bar
9am – ?Jools Farrell Whale talks on South Avalon Headland
9am -6.00pm Activities in the Village
Wickham Lane Art & Gardening
Lantern Making Workshops
Buskers, Street Performers, Art Workshops, Community Garden, Sustainability workshops, Recycling workshops, holistic health activities, food demos (please contact us if you know anyone who wants to participate in these events).
Talks , Sales and Events through the Village- Poetry readings, sales, special menu, performers,etc
School /Community Groups and Members not located in the Village Precinct please contact us if you require stall space.
4.30pm to close –Lantern Parade through the Park
Those interested in being part of this great event please contact us via email at:
Ros Marsh
President Avalon-Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc.
Website: www.avalonpalmbeachbusinesschamber
Facebook page for updates
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Rocky Point 9-12pm
Tue June 2
Browns Bay Res 9-12pm
Fri June 5
Norma Park 9-12pm
Sat June 6
Algona Res 9-12pm
Plateau Park 8:30-11:30am
Elizabeth Park 9-12pm
Mona Vale Basin 8-11am
Sun June 7
Avalon Dunes 8:30- 11:30am
W’wood Wetlands 9-12pm
Wed June 10
Avalon Golf Course 8-11am
Sat June 13
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Point 10-1pm
Porters Res 8-11am
Sun June 14
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Mon June 15
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Thu June 18
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat June 20
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun June 21
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Sat June 27
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Sun June 28
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Res 8-11am
NSW Govt.Office of Environment and Heritage - HAVE YOUR SAY
Berowra Valley National Park and Regional Park Draft Plan of Management
The exhibition of the draft plan provides an important opportunity for the community to have a say on future management directions for Berowra Valley National Park and Berowra Valley Regional Park.
Why is a plan being prepared now?
A new plan of management is being prepared, following the reclassification of most of Berowra Valley Regional Park to Berowra Valley National Park, in recognition of the park’s high conservation value.
What has been updated?
Under national park status, conservation measures are a strong point of focus. National park status also allows for sustainable visitor use, subject to strict controls. Nine hectares of the original Berowra Valley Regional Park have been retained in order to accommodate local dog walkers on existing management trails.
What opportunities will the community have to comment?
The draft plan of management is on public exhibition until 6th July 2015 and anyone can make a comment. Members of the public are invited to comment by submitting a via email submission to
or by post to:
The Planner, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, PO Box 3031. Asquith NSW 2077
Draft plan of management (POM) on page of Consultation website: HERE
Share your views on certification and building laws
Media Release: Department of Planning and Environment
The community will be able to have its say on an important aspect of building or renovating a home, with an independent and comprehensive review of private and council certifiers now underway."The laws good look at the system"
A Discussion Paper has been released with Community consultation sessions for the independent review of the Building Professionals Act start across the State this month, a spokesperson for the Department of Planning and Environment said.
This Act covers the accreditation of certifiers, who work independently or for councils, assessing and certifying housing, buildings or subdivisions, and other specialist works within developments.
The spokesperson said the review provided an opportunity for the community and stakeholders to get involved in reforming certification and building regulation laws.
“The laws governing certification in NSW have not been reviewed for almost a decade and so it’s time we take a good look at the system to see if it is adequately serving property owners, the community, councils and developers,” the spokesperson said.
“The review will look at whether the certification and building regulation system is functioning as well as it should and suggest recommendations for improvement.
“While private certification cuts red tape and allows property owners to complete construction faster, we need to ensure corners aren’t being cut or rules broken.
“We also need to ensure certifiers are responding to community needs quickly and not adding to congestion in the system.
“That’s why its important stakeholders get hold of the Discussions Paper so we hear from a range of people with a range of experiences of this crucial aspect of the planning system.”
The spokesperson said the consultation schedule was planned to ensure any interested parties could have their say wherever they lived.
“People can choose to attend a round-table public forum at one of eight locations around NSW, or have their say via an online survey or by making a formal submission by email or post.
“The Discussion Paper outlining some of the issues and will be a useful starting point for interested community members and stakeholders.”
The review is headed by former head of the NSW Treasury, Michael Lambert.
Submissions to the Review close 12 June.
To read the Discussion Paper or register for a forum,
Direct link to Discussion Paper(PDF 4.41 MB)
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is June 7th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information or call John on 9982 5656 / 0409 391 065