Community News - May 2015
May 24 - 30, 2015: Issue 215
Articles This Week
Schools Helping Schools Deliver On Agricultural Education - Pittwater High School - A Lighthouse School
Pittwater Canopy Now Vastly Diminished: 10/50 Code Failing its Original Premise
Aquatics: Harbour Trust wins another prestigious heritage award; for the Excavation, Conservation, Reconstruction and Interpretation of the Cockatoo Island Solitary Confinement Cells + some insights into this historical Harbour Island from those who were there from the convict times to when Cockatoo became the place the largest vessel ever dry docked was shored
Pictures: SLS-NSW's IRB Premiership 2015 Rubber Duckie Racing Heads To Terrigal next weekend - some of the action from Windang by Jamie Nilsson
Park Bench Philosopher: Crimson Rosella - Past and Present Facts and Songs by Kathleen Dalziel (1936) Charles Harpur (1860), Neville W. Cayley (1926) and ? (1896)
Avalon Tattoo 2015 - the 10th Annual Celebration - A 10/10 Community Event - Lead Pipe Band this Year is Burwood RSL Sub-Branch Pipe Band - also celebrating their 10th year
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month May 2015 - Jamie Nilsson: A photographer for Surf Life Saving New South Wales and Digital Communications Officer, the owner of Roar Digital Services. This month we share some of Jamie's stunning images
Profile: Nan Bosler OAM: One of the most giving, kind and caring people anyone ever met is a lady who many consider one of the Northern Beaches foremost citizens. Nan Bosler has been involved in volunteer community work for more than 66 years, committing countless hours holding positions ranging from member to National President and working with, and for, people of all age groups and levels of ability, with particular emphasis on the needs of older people and those with a disability - this week we are very privileged to share an insight into a wonderful 80 years of positivity
History: May - to June 2015 - Early Pittwater Watermen: George Mulhall (1809 ?/10 -1885) first Australian Rowing Champion, First Lightkeeper at Barrenjoey, First family of Wagstaffe Point and younger brother to one of NSW's first coastal steamer capatins
United front at public meeting on amalgamation
20 May 2015
Pittwater residents unanimous in their voice for ‘no change to Pittwater Council or its borders without community support’.
Over 350 residents attended yesterday’s public meeting which saw an overwhelming backlash against the NSW Government’s proposed Council amalgamation plans as part of its ‘Fit for the Future’ program.
The meeting, held at Pittwater RSL Mona Vale, opened with the Hon. Rob Stokes MP stating his support for Pittwater Council and its’ good governance historically, whilst calling for Council to be willing to take on the challenge of expanding upon this in the future.
“This is an opportunity to say; Can change benefit us? Make our community stronger? Safer and better? And if so, that is a good thing,” he maintained.
Mr Stokes agreed that while some of the reasons Pittwater saw itself separating from Warringah remain valid today, “the Pittwater boundary does not make complete sense, as it divides a catchment in two, and from an environmental perspective this does not encourage good or inexpensive environmental outcomes. Better to manage catchments holistically,” he stated.
Ian Kennedy spokesperson for ‘Pittwater Forever’ summed up the sentiment of the meeting in stating “ …we feel betrayed by the politicians as we are in a process assessed by IPART, which is a sham,… there is no evidence that amalgamation provides better community values.”
Marcia Rackham, spokesperson for Mona Vale Residents Association stated,
“…we do not wish to return to the inefficiencies of Warringah and unsympathetic developments” and in saying no to any change “We are not being elitist, we are being true to ourselves and our environment,” she insisted.
Pittwater Council’s General Manager Mark Ferguson called for calm stating “this is not a campaign yet, it is community engagement. Effective community engagement and consultation is of the utmost importance”, Mr Ferguson stated.
A key outcome of the meeting saw the 350 residents put forward a motion, carried unanimously, for:
Pittwater to remain as we are without any boundary changes,and amended this by calling for reaffirmation of the Government’s pledge that there be no forced amalgamations.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend concluded proceedings in reaffirming the commitment of Pittwater Council to its residents in providing local representation and delivery of local services.
Cr Townsend urged “Please do not underestimate the importance of your voice in this process” and encouraged the community to continue to have their say.
Residents unable to attend the meeting are encouraged to go online have your say via the online survey on our website, .
If you haven’t already, contact your councillors individually.
Pittwater Online News attended the Public Meeting - Report HERE
Spotted at Avalon Beach This Week:
A Taste of Things to Come

VALE Colin Green
26/01/56 - 17/05/15
A loving husband and father to Bronwyn and Gracie
A wonderful friend, teammate, teacher and mentor to so many.
As a tribute to our great friend, team mate and clubman, we ask that minute silence be held for Colin Green before all Avalon Soccer Club games this weekend.
For anyone that knew Colin and wishes to pay their respects, there will be a service at St Marks Church, Avalon at 2pm on Tuesday.
AED Fundraiser
The Over 35 & 45 teams are organising an event to honour Col and raise funds to purchase an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) for the club.
Entertainment will include :
• Sydney FC v Tottenham - streamed in the background
• Live Music - The Allsorts
• Raffles (Any prize donations please let me know !)
• Ladies VIP door prize.
Suggested entry of $25 per head and donations welcome in the form of an 'old fashioned lets have a whip round ’ for our community.
All are welcome, so please spread the word to family & friends.
For Tickets and more information, please contact Ed Lamb 0401 890 489 or Trevor Shuttler 0409 241 441

A special meeting is being held onMONDAY 25 MAY, 6 TO 8.30 PM at the Mona Vale Community Centre, next to the Mona Vale Library to review and discuss the future direction of Pittwater Community Arts Inc.
As you may be aware a survey of PCA members was undertaken, the results of which have been collated and forwarded to Dr Sally Watterson who has been contracted by Pittwater Council to facilitate the upcoming forum
As you have been involved with the arts community your attendance and support at this meeting would be greatly appreciated as ideas and inspiration will be discussed in person and your input would be most valuable.
Please make every effort to attend this meeting which will reflect on PCA’s current status and possibilities for the future
RSVP by 5 p.m. - 24 May 2015
Lorrie Morgan - 9997 8097
Rom Maclean – 8411 2303
New state-of-the-art visitor centre for North Head
Joint media release: 21 May 2015; The Hon. Bob Baldwin MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment & Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
Sydney's history and heritage is on display and open to the public at a new state-of-the-art facility at North Head Sanctuary.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment, Bob Baldwin, today opened the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust's new Visitor Centre at Manly and said the new centre was a culmination of the Harbour Trust's dedicated work over the last few years to revitalise the unique and spectacularly beautiful site.
"Since taking over the management of North Head Sanctuary in 2001, the Harbour Trust has worked closely with the community to preserve its heritage, interpret its history and make it a great place for everyone to visit," Mr Baldwin said.
"New and upgraded walking tracks recently constructed by the Harbour Trust complete the final link in the recreational path network at North Head by providing new connections between Shelly Beach, Fairfax Lookout and the Quarantine Station. New cycling paths have also been built and new wayfinding signage has been installed which makes it easier for people to explore the site and discover its many attractions.
"This new Visitor Centre will now become the focal point for visitors to North Head Sanctuary. Its maps and interpretation panels offer an overview of the site's history and free information brochures are available for the public. It will also become the meeting point for the Harbour Trust's popular weekly North Fort tours."
Mr Baldwin also opened the new Defence of Sydney historic artillery display and the new library and archives of the Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company (RAAHC).
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Executive Director Geoff Bailey said the Harbour Trust's partnership with RAAHC had been essential in preserving and understanding North Head Sanctuary's military legacy as one of Australia's most heavily fortified sites during World War II and then as the home of the Army School of Artillery from 1946-1998.
"The new Defence of Sydney artillery display charts the evolution of the guns used in Sydney Harbour's defences between 1788 and 1945. All of the guns in the display were restored by Harbour Trust and RAAHC volunteers. It will be open to the public as part of the Harbour Trust's weekly North Fort tours," Mr Bailey said.
"The RAAHC's new library and archives will be housed in a new purpose-built facility constructed by the Harbour Trust. This priceless historical resource will be staying at this site to serve as a useful resource for everyone interested in the important role of artillery in Australia's military history."

Pittwater Council – Have your say - Local Government Reform
Pittwater Council has now commenced its form community engagement and urgently need feedback from the community about about the options available in response to the NSW Government Fit for the Future local government reform process.
Have your say
There are several ways you can support the council and make your voice heard:
Complete the online survey now
Click here to express your view on the options available – the more responses, the better.
More information
Pittwater Council will be distributing more information to you and for the community as follows:
Information pack
A brochure will be delivered to all residents, ratepayers and business in Pittwater by mid May 2015. This provides detail about the independent analysis and the local government reform options.
Pittwater Council website
The Council’s website has been updated and will include:
• Council’s position
• Background – research and independent analysis
• Have your Say – including a link to the online survey
• Frequently Asked Questions – this will be updated throughout the period of engagement
Information displays
Displays are set up at both Mona Vale and Avalon libraries and Customer Service Centres. Copies of the information pack and paper survey will be available at all of these locations.
Telephone survey
A random sample community survey will be conducted by an independent research consultant.
Banners encouraging the community to have their say and advertising the public meeting will go up in banner locations across Pittwater next week.
Key dates:
Friday 5th June – Community engagement period closes
Monday 15th June – Council meeting to consider community feedback
Tuesday 30th June – Submissions due to Government
Boomerang Bags Avalon Workshops
Surfrider Foundation and Living Ocean
We are pleased to announce Thursday Evening workshops from this week. A huge thanks to Laurel who will be hosting these.
Details: Thursday 28th May 6.30-9.30pm
8 Cynthea Rd - Palm Beach
We will continue with our Tuesday workshops 11am-5pm at Avalon Recreation Centre
We are still looking for more volunteers to get involved. The more help we can find the sooner we will be able to launch Boomerang Bags onto the streets of Avalon.
This week shout out goes to Jo, who has become our expert in all involving stamps and paint. Jo has done an excellent job over the last few weeks creating our Boomerang Bag patches to sew on the bags. Great job Jo.
So make sure you pop into Avalon Recreation Centre on Tuesdays, anytime from 11am-5pm and come join the team. All welcome, no sewing skills needed, we need people to cut material, stamp and of course to come along and have a cuppa.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.
Jessica Hensman, Operations Manager
PO Box 968, Mona Vale NSW 1660, Surfrider Foundation

Nathan Wellings voted Young Sweep of the Year
Avalon Beach SLSC is proud to announce that Nathan Wellings has been voted Young Sweep of the Year for Sydney Northern Beaches. Nath has had a fantastic season sweeping our young boys to Aussie finals and of course our old girls to Gold in State and Aussies. Great work Nath!
Top: Avalon Beach SLSC Antiques girls with Nathan Wellings -sweep
We are hosting a Biggest Morning Tea to help raise vital funds for cancer research and support services. In recent times our staff, family and friends have been personally affected by cancer and we would like to show our support through this cause.
We will be hosting our morning tea on Thursday the 28th May from 9-11am. All are welcome and we will be asking for a gold coin donation on attendance along with other fundraising activities such as raffles etc. You can help us, and get involved, by attending or making a donation! Let's raise our cups and together we'll beat cancer. More at: HERE
29th Manly Food, Wine & Sustainability Festival to Host Paella Championships - Olé!
The International Spanish Paella Championships will feature the best Australian and international chefs, who will compete for the title of Best Paella in Oceania at this year's a Taste of Manly, Food & Wine Festival.
The top three winners will then go on to compete in an internationally renowned paella festival in Spain! “This is the chance to be recognised worldwide as the world’s leading paella chef,” said Miguel Cuevas, event judge and Paella Ambassador and founder of Flavours of Spain Catering.
Event details:
• When: Manly on Saturday 30 May (12.00 midday – 4.00pm)
• Where: Corner of Sydney Road and The Corso
• What: Manly Food, Wine & Sustainability Festival - A Taste of Manly!
Visitors who come to Manly to enjoy the Oceania’s second international paella contest will experience a vibrant and memorable gastronomic journey to Spain. For more information contact Flavours of Spain
The 29th Manly Food, Wine & Sustainability Festival will be on again over Saturday and Sunday, 30-31 May 2015 between 11:30am and 5.00pm both days!
One of Sydney’s best loved food and wine festivals at Sydney’s favourite beachside location, the Manly Food, Wine & Sustainability Festival features dozens of stalls operated by top names in food and wine dotted along Manly’s ocean beachfront and The Corso.

Roads Identified As Amongst Worst In Australia, Congestion Coming At Huge Cost to Economy
May 22, 2015
The major roads of the SHOROC region have once again been identified as high on the list of the Australia’s worst, with congestion coming at a huge economic cost to Sydney and Australia.
A national audit of the country’s infrastructure by Infrastructure Australia identified Warringah Road and Mona Vale Road as two of the top five costliest corridors to the Australian economy, while Transport for NSW has identified the Spit/Military Road corridor as the most congested in Sydney.
“We all know how bad these corridors are,” said SHOROC President and Mosman Mayor Cr Peter Abelson.
“This latest study demonstrates the huge economic impact of congestion on our local roads, reinforcing the urgency of investment to fix the congestion for the long term”.
Delays on these corridors were found to cost $2.18 million per lane for Warringah Road between Chatswood and Narraweena, and $1.92 million per lane for Mona Vale Road between Homebush and Mona Vale, reported the Sydney Morning Herald.
The Pittwater/Spit/Military Road corridor is highlighted in the NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan as the most congested in Sydney, and the second slowest morning commute of the major corridors.
Led by the Mayors of Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah, SHOROC is a partnership of councils that advocates and plans for the Northern Beaches and North Shore.
“It’s vital the NSW Government moves forward and constructs the planned Northern Beaches Bus Rapid Transit and major Warringah Road upgrades as a matter of priority”
“This report also makes it critical that the NSW Government urgently move to deliver the missing pieces of the Northern Beaches Transport Plan that are key to addressing this congestion: the tunnel linking the region with the CBD and a Warringah Road Bus Rapid Transit route linking Dee Why and Chatswood”.
RELATED: Commit to a Dee Why to Chatswood Bus Rapid Transit Route so we can get on with Business
Priorities for NSW Government action as the next stage are:
• Fast track implementation of Bus Rapid Transit for the critical Dee Why-Chatswood link.
• Finalise a plan to build the Northern Beaches Link (the tunnel under Mosman) in the next 10 years
• Upgrading of Mona Vale Road to four lanes along its entire length
SHOROC supports the NSW Government’s Northern Beaches Transport Action Plan, which includes $633 million for a Mona Vale to the city Bus Rapid Transit, Warringah Road upgrades and feasibility studies for a Northern Beaches tunnel, but needs to see a commitment for East West BRT immediately which is clearly highlighted in the report.
“Seeing this plan to fruition will make an enormous difference for our region. Sustainable public transport and less congestion will benefit our economy, our community and our environment”
“We are looking forward to working with the NSW Government to deliver the road and public transport upgrades this precinct and the whole region needs.

Marine Rescue Broken Bay Boat Raffle
Drawn on Monday 8th of June, 2015 at 12 noon at Royal Motor Yacht Club.
Support our local Volunteers. See:
Pictured above - BBMR Volunteers at Palm Beach Markets on April 26th, 2015.
Next Palm Beach Markets are Sunday May 24th: 9am to 3pm

Festival celebrates Aboriginal culture and heritage
13 May 2015
Pittwater Council is proud to be one of 11 Councils and many reconciliation and community groups participating in this year’s Guringai Festival.
Founded in 2001, the Guringai Festival aims to raise awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in the Northern Sydney region. The festival runs between Sorry Day on 26 May to the end of NAIDOC Week in July.
Pittwater Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the Guringai Festival’s theme ‘Story of Place’ provides a great framework for the line-up of activities this year.
“This celebration of Aboriginal Culture and Heritage, now in its 15th year, boasts a number of events and workshops, art exhibitions, performances, films and talks.
“I commend the Guringai Festival Committee for once again putting together a festival with a wide array of events that touch our hearts, our minds and our souls – and celebrate US as a whole of community,” added Cr Townsend.
At this year’s festival Pittwater Council will be hosting the following events:
Indigenous Walk
A free guided bushwalk discovering cultural sites, including rock engravings in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. The tour is led by staff from the Coastal Environment Centre and an Indigenous guide, offering a great opportunity to learn more about this amazing area. The walk will give you information on the local flora and their uses as bushtucker and medicines. Look for native animals and their tracks as we explore. This event is suitable for the whole family!
When: Sunday 14 June, 9.30 to 11.30am
Where: Meeting point provided on booking.
Turimetta Head Aboriginal Heritage Walk
Pittwater Council will host a free guided walk led by the Aboriginal Heritage Office. Come and learn more about our amazing local Aboriginal heritage in an outstanding setting. This is a great free event for the whole family. This walk is medium grade.
When: Saturday 20 June, 9 to 11am
Where: Meeting point to be provided on booking.
Pre-school storytelling @ Mona Vale Library
Pre-schoolers are invited to attend a themed story-telling, music and craft session at Mona Vale Library to celebrate the festival. No bookings required.
When: Wednesday 24 June, 10am
Where: Mona Vale Library, 1 Park Street Mona Vale.
Events will be held across the Sydney region. For detailed information on the events happening during the Guringai Festival visit:

Community Care (Northern Beaches) named as finalist in NSW Business Awards
Community Care (Northern Beaches) (CCNB) has been named as a regional finalist in the NSW Business Chamber’s annual Business Awards.
CCNB is competing in the ‘Excellence in Business Ethics’ category and if successful on 26 June, will go forward as a finalist in the 2015 NSW Business Chamber State Business Awards.
The Awards program seeks to celebrate business excellence in New South Wales. The evaluation process takes place over more than 12 months, across 13 geographic regions and at 14 gala award dinners. Hundreds of entries are submitted by organisations from among the 14,000 members of the NSW Business Chamber.
CEO of CCNB, Sarah Brisbane said, “We are delighted to have been named a finalist in the Business Ethics category of the North Eastern Sydney Business Awards. It’s another welcomed validation of the terrific work our staff have been doing over the last 21 years, right across Northern Sydney.
“Ethics – particularly around privacy, confidentiality, duty of care, provision of independent advice and respect for individual needs – are part of our ‘DNA’ at CCNB.
“CCNB has always had an unwavering commitment to an ethical approach to helping our clients in the ageing, mental health, disability, dementia and carers’ sectors get the most out of life.
“Being named a finalist is also a testament to the work ethic and commitment of our staff. Working at CCNB is not ‘just a job’ for our staff: they are very passionate about assisting our thousands of clients. CCNB also has carved out a successful reputation for working with some of the most complex of client cases.
“Being named a regional finalist in the NSW Business Chamber Awards is a credit to our employees, partners and leadership team. We’re certainly looking forward to the Gala Dinner and Awards night next month. ” Ms Brisbane added.
About Community Care Northern Beaches
Community Care Northern Beaches (CCNB) is a not-for-profit, non-religious organisation that was established in 1994 and is funded largely by state and federal governments. CCNB supports older people, people with a disability, people with a mental illness, people with dementia and the carers of these people – all living in the Northern Sydney region.
The organisation has 60 staff and manages more than 20 programs, all aimed at helping people who are vulnerable to maximise their independence, wellbeing, and participation in the community.
CCNB specialises in providing holistic support for people with complex needs. In 2013/2014 its oldest client was 101 and its youngest was one year old.
Above: CCNB management team. L to R: Vicki Johnson, Peter Maloney, Kerrie O’Sullivan, Sarah Brisbane (CEO), Janie Pocklington, Jules Grove, Kris Kirby, Alyssa Stephenson, and Fiona Winter.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 20/5/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:

Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE
Critter of the Month - May 2015

6: Pittwater Place, Mona Vale, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing, craft, Bric-a-brac
13: Bunnings, Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm: Sausage sizzle
19: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Res 8-11am
Sat May 30
Bushcare Workshop
Mon June 1
Rocky Point 9-12pm
Tue June 2
Browns Bay Res 9-12pm
Fri June 5
Norma Park 9-12pm
Sat June 6
Algona Res 9-12pm
Plateau Park 8:30-11:30am
Elizabeth Park 9-12pm
Mona Vale Basin 8-11am
Sun June 7
Avalon Dunes 8:30- 11:30am
W’wood Wetlands 9-12pm
Wed June 10
Avalon Golf Course 8-11am
Sat June 13
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Point 10-1pm
Porters Res 8-11am
Sun June 14
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Mon June 15
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Thu June 18
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat June 20
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun June 21
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Sat June 27
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Sun June 28
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Res 8-11am
Avalon Craft Cottage at Dee Why
A very warm Hello to all our loyal customers....... and, at last, some good news for all those friends of the Craft Cottage who have been anxiously waiting on a Notice about our 2015 stalls.
Those of you who keep up to date with all our news on the Avalon Craft Cottage Facebook page will already have the information on hand, but for everyone else ....finally... I am now able to confirm all our booking dates up until end JULY.
In June we are off to St Ives Village (on Mona Vale Rd), another full week, Monday 8th June to Sunday 14th.
Our knitters have all been hard at work all year getting ready for these first two stalls.....the cooler weather is here and out come the scarves, gloves, socks and knee rugs .... so colorful and so very very warm.
In July we will be heading north for our annual BACK TO AVALONshow at the Avalon Recreation Centre, Old Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon - THREE DAYS ONLY.... 10th, 11th & 12th July.
Lots to look forward: hundreds of beautiful handcrafted items perfect for gift giving, or even better to splurge on for yourself or your home. And this show at Avalon is where the members really have the opportunity to show off their work ...... gorgeous babywear; exquisite hand-painted silk .. scarves, wall hangings & purses; children's knitted cardigans, jumpers and jackets; colorful beaded jewellery; timber bowls, platters & boxes; ceramics; colorful hand knitted knee rugs ; and hundreds of handcrafted cards.
For those of you who have not as yet become one of our Facebook friends...please LIKE our page and consider becoming a 'Friend'. And if you are an A.C.C. friend please help spread the word and let all your Friends know of our activities.
Otherwise, watch this space for any further information.
Hope to see many familiar faces at the next few shows,
Maureen Darcy-Smith. Publicity Officer
Now open!
JAPAN: AUSTRALIAN PERSPECTIVES by Adrian Boddy: an insight into Adrian's inspirations, where they began and why this transmutes into even how his works will be displayed
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is June 7th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
NSW Govt.Office of Environment and Heritage - HAVE YOUR SAY
National Parks Commercial Fishing Access
A new vehicle access permit system for commercial fishers to access NSW National Parks.
To improve management and provide certainty for industry, National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is developing a new vehicle access permit system.
The system is to enable commercial fishers to access areas in national parks that may be closed to the public.
The proposal is open to public comment, with the new system to start on 1st July 2015.
There will be a standardised, state-wide application process that applies in all parks across the state. It will also help the NPWS fulfil its responsibilities to manage parks for all people of NSW.
How do I find out more about the proposal?
For further information on the proposed vehicle access permit system visit
The new Draft Commercial Fishing Access Policy (PDF 845KB) is now available.
How do I comment on the proposal?
The proposal is open for public comment until May 29 2015.
Members of the public are invited to comment on the proposal by sending a submission by email to: or by mail to:
Strategy and Policy Team, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Office of Environment and Heritage, PO Box 1967, Hurstville NSW 2226
See Consultation website page for all documents:
Page last updated: 06 May 2015
Berowra Valley National Park and Regional Park Draft Plan of Management
The exhibition of the draft plan provides an important opportunity for the community to have a say on future management directions for Berowra Valley National Park and Berowra Valley Regional Park.
Why is a plan being prepared now?
A new plan of management is being prepared, following the reclassification of most of Berowra Valley Regional Park to Berowra Valley National Park, in recognition of the park’s high conservation value.
What has been updated?
Under national park status, conservation measures are a strong point of focus. National park status also allows for sustainable visitor use, subject to strict controls. Nine hectares of the original Berowra Valley Regional Park have been retained in order to accommodate local dog walkers on existing management trails.
What opportunities will the community have to comment?
The draft plan of management is on public exhibition until 6th July 2015 and anyone can make a comment.
Members of the public are invited to comment by submitting a via email submission to
or by post to:
The Planner, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, PO Box 3031. Asquith NSW 2077
Draft plan of management (POM) on page of Consultation website: HERE
Expo showcases Mona Vale Library
Libraries today will still lend you books, and the collection at Mona Vale Library is better than ever with multiple copies of best-selling titles available.
Drop into the Mona Vale Library Expo on Thursday 28 May between 12noon and 2pm to find out more and be in the running to win a $100 book voucher from Berkelouw Books.
Visitors to the Expo will receive information about membership. There is also a map to assist them navigate the important spots to visit library staff and ask questions.
Information ‘stations’ will be set up around the library where visitors can chat with staff about the range of services on offer including eBooks and online magazines and movies.
Pittwater Council’s General Manager, Mr Mark Ferguson said over the past decade Mona Vale Library has seen considerable expansion.
“This has enabled the library to offer a variety of activities and move into more non-traditional areas. A recent example being regular movie nights; which have raised funds for the Reading Room Project in Timor Leste.
“The library is also being used as a space for other community groups to meet such as the Knitters Guild, and a place to hold education sessions such as Driver Safety Awareness.
“Mona Vale Library hosts a number of Author Talks and is trialling a Literary Lunch series”, added Mr Ferguson.
Pittwater Mayor, Jacqui Townsend invited residents to come along and discover what the library has to offer.
“The open day is an opportunity to browse new books and DVDs and be the first to borrow some popular new titles. I’m amazed you can now borrow audio e-books.
“Young readers are also catered for at the Expo with some fun dinosaur themed activities going on in the children’s area.
Residents are encouraged to find out more about the things that interest them, chat with our friendly library staff and see what Mona Vale Library can offer you. Expo visitors will go in the draw to win a $100 voucher from Berkelouw Books.
No bookings required, simply drop-in. Mona Vale Library, 1 Park Street, Mona Vale.
New skate park for Mona Vale
20 May 2015
Pittwater Council’s plans to build a new skate park at Kitchener Park, Mona Vale are now underway and we are seeking input on the design process.
We need your help to shape the design and input on questions like whether or not to keep and renovate the existing half pipe.
A skate park working group is being formed to provide advice, recommendations and local knowledge to Council on behalf of skateboard, BMX, scooter users and skate related enthusiasts and professionals.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the project was a cornerstone in delivering one of Council’s key strategic objectives – promoting youth involvement in recreational and social activities.
“The skate park at Kitchener Park has been a longstanding concern and something we are committed to delivering to our community.
“The facility will cater for the interests, needs and safety of current and future generations of skate facility users,” added Cr Townsend.
The preparation of concept design and tendering for the project will take place from mid to late 2015, with construction of the upgrade commencing in early 2016.
Project information and expression of interest survey for the working party are located on our website at:
To submit your ideas for consideration or call David Bremner, Community Engagement Officer on 9970 1262
Business breakfast takes on tourism
19 May 2015
Pittwater Business Limited’s (PBL) next business breakfast will take place on Wednesday 17 June at Royal Motor Yacht Club, Newport from 7am.
The breakfast’s keynote speaker will be Matt Stoeckel from Destination NSW who will share his insights on current strategies to grow the visitor economy in NSW.
Destination NSW’s vision is to make Sydney and NSW the world’s most successful tourism and events destination by developing more sporting & cultural events, international conventions, corporate events & exhibitions in Sydney and regionally.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend said it was timely to hear from an expert in the field of tourism, given Pittwater Council was in the process of preparing a tourism issues paper highlighting the contribution and value of businesses to the Pittwater community and economy.
Mayor Townsend said Council had recently sought feedback from businesses, chambers of commerce and the community about tourism in Pittwater through an online survey and a series of focus groups.
“One-on-one interviews were also conducted with a broad spectrum of local owner operators including yacht and kayak hirers and café owners,” she said.
“Tourism to the area is growing; especially the day visitors to the area who want to experience the lifestyle and unique natural environment, eat at our superb cafes and restaurants, and shop in a village atmosphere”, said Cr Townsend.
“Working with local businesses and drawing upon the knowledge of experts such as Matt Stoeckel we can identify opportunities for tourism growth and partnerships that will be central in promoting sustainable tourism, development opportunities and employment for our diverse economy.
Mayor Townsend said the PBL business breakfasts are always a great way for local businesses to gain insight into both business and marketing opportunities along with developing handy network connections.
The Royal Motor Yacht Club is located at 46 Prince Alfred Parade, Newport. To book your ticket visit or call 1300 786 126.
The cost for PBL members is $50 per person (early bird) and $75 for non-members.

Pittwater Swim Series Winner 2014/15 Season - Thanks from the Winner
Just wanted to pass on my thanks to all those responsible for the prize I was fortunate enough to win sending me to Bryon Bay for their ocean swim. I have entered ocean swims for many years now and compete in a range of events over the summer. I'm always grateful to the members of the clubs who organise and run the events for us. The races on the beautiful northern beaches of Sydney are always amongst my favourites.
This year I was thrilled to win the competition for the Byron Bay swim. I have competed at this event in past years but it had been several years since my last visit. Unfortunately weather conditions saw the race cancelled. Nevertheless a weekend in Bryon Bay is never unpleasant and I had a very enjoyable stay. The accommodation was superb and the manager looked after us very well indeed.
Despite the race being cancelled it was not all bad news. Unbelievably having won the trip to Byron Bay, I was also the winner of the random draw prize of a trip to Hamilton Island later in the year to compete in the Whitehaven swim!
I am looking forward to next summer where you can be sure I will be an entrant in the races run by the Pittwater Clubs.
Once again my thanks to all concerned. You can be sure your prize was well and truly appreciated to the fullest extent. It was a great weekend in Byron Bay!!
Chris Hook
Top: Winners are Grinners!
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade Cleaning up Storm Debris
May 23, 2015
Ingleside volunteers continued to clear our local trails today of trees and branches from the April storms. This time in Laurel Road East, Ingleside.
Below - picture courtesy Ingleside RFB

18 Artists collaborate for a Winter Exhibition
June 6th, 7th & 8th at Avalon Beach Surf Club
Members of the Pittwater Artists Trail are excited to announce that our Winter Exhibition will be held at the fabulous new Avalon Beach Surf Club.
The show will feature the best of the year's work by Trail artists offering painting, ceramics, flamework glass, lithographs, jewellery, encaustic painting, sculpture, and ritual objects.
The 2015 members are quite a contemporary group bringing the show an appropriate synergy with the modern architecture of the building. Recently rebuilt, the club features a beautiful exhibition space neatly positioned between its bar and restaurant which all take advantage of the spectacular 180 degree ocean views.
The exhibition will begin at 10am on Saturday June 6th and the official opening will launch at 5.30pm on Saturday night. Nibbles and drinks will be served with live music and a presentation by Avalon Beach Surf Club's architect Richard Cole making this an event not to be missed!
Trail artists will be donating work and goodies for a multi-prize raffle in support of the Surf Club and Pittwater Artists Trail.
All work exhibited will be for sale and may be reserved from Saturday at 10am.
Entry throughout the show is free.
The 18 artists participating in the winter exhibition are as follows:
Julie Hickson, Nada Herman, Diezel, Jill Ferrall, Peter Cameron, Elfriede Bartintsky Helen Mackay, Karen Pike, Coco Elder, Penel Bigg, Vicki Ratcliff, Wendy Grainger, Allen Goodman, Katarina Wells, Geoff Searl, Robyn Park, Sylke Claridge and Marian Purvis.
Community grants to tell the stories of places that shaped our nation
Media release: 19 May 2015; The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for the Environment
Today I am pleased to announce 30 successful applicants who will receive funding under the Australian Government's Community Heritage and Icons Grants Programme.
Historical societies, Indigenous groups, National Trusts, and 'Friends-of' groups will receive grants of up to $10,000 for projects to promote community participation and raise awareness of places listed on Australia's National Heritage List.
There are 103 places on Australia's National Heritage List which are recognised for defining our nation's historic, natural, and Indigenous culture.
These grants are part of a $1.4 million commitment by the Australian Government to provide opportunities for community groups to celebrate places of national significance in their communities which are recognised on Australia's National Heritage List.
The successful projects are from across Australia and cover a wide range of activities that will continue to build the community's understanding of Australia's rich and diverse cultural and social history. Some of the projects include:
• developing an interpretive heritage walking trail at the Porongurup National Park, WA, to highlight the park's geological, cultural and environment importance as a unique environmental biosphere
• bringing to life the forgotten stories of 19th Century staff at Rippon Lea, Melbourne's most famous mansion and urban estate
• telling the story of a remarkable inland city through the Broken Hill Heritage City Toolkit
• recording stories of Eastern Kuku Yalanji (Bama) people along the Bloomfield Track in the Wet Tropics of Queensland
• filming a play called Convict Footprints on the Old Great North Road which captures the stories of officials, convicts and soldiers who helped build this incredible piece of historic infrastructure.
I encourage everyone to visit these sites and learn about the places and stories that are part of our unique and diverse heritage.
Further information about Community Heritage and Icons Grants is available at:
Full list of grant recipients here - From this List:
Duffys Forest Residents Association inc
Educational & Interpretive Signage at Duffys Wharf Track & Slade Lookout, Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park
Research will be undertaken to provide information for the development and installation of interpretive & education signage in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park (KCNP). Signage will provide historical information about Duffys Wharf track, Slade Lookout Trail and the traditional lands of the Guringai People. This knowledge will raise awareness within the community of the unique heritage value of KCNP and improve visitor enjoyment to the Park. To reach the broader community and tell the story of these trails, the historical information obtained during the research will be made permanently available on the Duffys Forest Residents Association website.
Place on Australia’s National Heritage List: Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, Lion, Long and Spectacle Island Nature Reserves
Hoax Email - "Whats App Web"
C/ - Pittwater Offshore Newsletter
Whatsapp Malware Phishing eMail Scam Will Ask You To Press Big Green ‘Play’ Button - Don’t Press it !
If you get an email saying you have new messages from WhatsApp, you might want to think twice about clicking the big green “play” button, even if the email comes from a known address.
The message will look similar to this....
The emails seem to be part of a well-documented malware scam, and over the past weeks an increasing number of Yellowknifers have reported receiving them, even if they don’t use WhatsApp smartphone messaging.
According to a post on the WhatsApp website: “We do not send you emails about chats, voice messages, payment, changes, photos, or videos. You will only receive an email from WhatsApp if you initiate a conversation with us via our dedicated email channels, such as one of our support channels.
“Unwanted messages come in many forms, such as spam, hoax and phishing messages. All these types of messages are broadly defined as unsolicited messages that try to deceive you and prompt you to act in a certain way.”
It seems the scam uses a phishing technique that allows hackers to access people’s email accounts and send emails from them.
So just because the email comes from a friend, doesn’t mean you should click on it.
Paul Toole MP Minister for Local Government
MEDIA RELEASE Tuesday 19 May 2015
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) today released decisions on special rate variation applications for 2015-16; with 21 of the applications fully approved and one partially approved. Minister for Local Government Paul Toole said it was concerning that so many councils in both Sydney and regional NSW were struggling financially.
“Councils have told IPART that without significant rate increases they would not be able to provide essential services and reduce their infrastructure backlogs,” said Mr Toole.
“In the last two years alone, one third of the State’s councils have asked ratepayers to pay more. Councils are advising IPART these rate rises are to repair infrastructure and that they would be financially unsustainable without them.”
“This is not viable in the long-term.” Minister Toole said the NSW Government had been working in partnership with councils on its Fit for the Future reforms.
“The Fit for the Future reform process aims to ensure councils are able to deliver more infrastructure, better services and put downward pressure on rates.
“We’re trying to strengthen the local government sector so we have a better system of local government and to ensure mums, dads, families and pensioners don’t continually have to pay more for basic services. “The community deserves every council in NSW to be looking at its financial sustainability, scale and capacity and asking how we can deliver a stronger, smarter local government sector for NSW,” Mr Toole said.
LG Minister disingenuous over rate rises
May 20, 2015
The Local Government sector has slammed the NSW Government as "disingenuous" for linking rate increases granted by IPART to its push for council amalgamations.
Local Government NSW President Keith Rhoades AFSM said the Government was using a problem created by it and its predecessors to justify the ideologically-driven agenda of forced council amalgamations.
"It is this Government that set the Fit for the Future financial benchmarks which Councils are now scrambling to meet via the rate variations he is so quick to attack," Clr Rhoades said.
"Rate-pegging maintained by this and previous Governments has choked Council revenue for decades.
"Yet at the same time cost shifting has moved funding responsibility for infrastructure and services off State Government books, and onto the shoulders of Local Government.
"The rate variations granted by IPART would simply not have been necessary without years and years of rate pegging and cost shifting, or if Governments had not failed to address the myriad of other problems with the Local Government funding model."
Clr Rhoades said it was particularly interesting for Mr Toole to express alarm about rates now, at the very time the Baird Government was moving to force council amalgamations.
The Baird/Toole Fit for the Future package actually offers council an easier process to increase rates as an incentive to amalgamate," he said.
"It's disingenuous, and it's duplicitous, and it shows a real contempt for the wishes of local communities," he said. "State Government created this problem, and now they're using it as cover for their hidden agenda."
Clr Rhoades said Local Government Minister Paul Toole appeared to have admitted to one Sydney radio station he was using these long overdue rate rises to justify council amalgamations.
"He's been a bit more discreet in other interviews, simply saying that the rate rises underline the need for change," Cr Rhoades said.
"What he hasn't been able to show is how forced amalgamations and will change the resourcing Catch 22 in which councils find themselves.
"The best he has been able to offer is to say Mega Councils will have better access to loans.
"But loans still have to be paid back, and rates will still have to rise to service those loans, so there's no benefit to ratepayers there."
Mr Rhoades said it had been estimated that forced amalgamations by the NSW Government would actually cost ratepayers an additional $445 million.
"Moreover, a number of councils have told us they believe amalgamation will actually lead to more rate rises, because rates will have to rise to cover any infrastructure backlogs in neighbouring councils with which they may be forced to merge."
"The Government and the Minister is being incredibly duplicitous: using a longstanding funding problem as cover for an ideologically-driven move to increase control over local communities and neighbourhoods.
"What we should all be asking is who wins in this scenario? It's not residents and ratepayers, no matter what the Minister might be claiming today."
19 May 2015: IPART Media Release
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) today released decisions on special variation applications made by 22 of the 152 councils across NSW to increase the income they receive from rates.
IPART Chairman, Dr Peter Boxall said all but 1 of the applications for special variations met the assessment guidelines of the Office of Local Government and were approved in full.
One application was partially approved due to inadequate community consultation.
“While it is up to elected councils to determine whether they increase rates in line with our determinations, most approvals would lead to increases in average rates of less than $1.50 per week in 2015-16,” Dr Boxall said.
“If implemented in full, 10 of the applications approved would lead to average increases in residential rates of less than $1 a week in 2015-16 including the 2.4% rate peg, 6 approvals will lead to increases of between $1 and $1.50 a week, and 5 will increase rates by between $1.50 and $2.50 a week. The remaining council, Gwydir, has the largest increase of $3.33 a week.“
IPART approved a 15% increase for 1-year in Gwydir rather than the 32.25% increase over 2 years that the council has requested. IPART was not convinced that the community had been properly informed of the total increase in rates arising from the proposed change in rating structure. The increase for 2015-16 will be removed from the council’s rate base the following year unless the council applies for another special variation.
The largest cumulative increase approved is for Wollondilly Shire where average residential rates could increase by $1.94 a week in 2015-16. If applied in full, by 2018-19 the average residential ratepayer will pay $10.13 a week more than in 2014-15.
Dr Boxall said all councils lodging an application must demonstrate the need for the additional revenue, that their community has been appropriately engaged and that the council is taking steps to improve productivity and contain council costs.
IPART also considers each council’s long-term financial plan and the impact of the variation on affected ratepayers.
“Special variations are designed to give councils the flexibility to generate additional income above the rate peg to meet their specific needs,” Dr Boxall said.
“Under the current system, the rate peg ensures that the general revenue councils are able to collect is in line with any changes in their costs. Set at 2.4% for 2015-16, the rate peg is not designed to allow for improvements in services, improving a council’s financial position or to fund capital works.”
“The special rate variation process is open to councils that need additional funds to address these needs, as long as they meet the assessment criteria.”
“We expect that councils have listened to their communities and considered their capacity and willingness to pay prior to applying to IPART. Councils are closer to their communities, and while IPART may approve a special variation, it is up to the councils to decide whether to implement it in full,” Dr Boxall said.
IPART has granted special variations in 2015-16 for the following councils:
Ashfield, Gloucester, Mosman, Wakool, Ballina, Greater Hume, Narromine, Weddin, Blue Mountains, Gwydir, Newcastle, Willoughby, Coffs Harbour, Jerilderie, Oberon, Wollondilly, Deniliquin, Kyogle, City of Ryde, Eurobodalla, Marrickville. Shoalhaven
IPART has attached conditions to the approvals requiring that the additional income be used for the purposes outlined in the application and that councils report to their communities each year about how the additional revenue is spent.
Applications for increasing minimum rates were approved for Gundagai and Kyogle Councils. In addition, Crown Land adjustments were approved for Kyogle, Port Stephens and Wingecarribee Councils.
Details of the special variation requested by each council and IPART’s determinations are in the attached fact sheet. Full reports can be found on IPART’s website
Jun 30, 2014: IPART
Warringah Council applied for a multi-year special variation from 2014/15, under section 508A. The council requested annual increases of 6.1%, 6.0%, 6.0% and 5.9% over 4 years for a cumulative increase of 26.25% by 2017/18.
After assessing its application, we decided that the council has not sufficiently demonstrated a need for an increase of this magnitude. Instead, we have approved a special variation that better reflects the need and the preferences of the community. We have approved annual increases of 3.1%, 3.0%, 3.0% and 9.4% for the years 2014/15 to 2017/18.
We made this decision under section 508A of the Act
The Hon Niall Blair MLC Minister for Primary Industries Minister for Lands and Water - Media Release: Thursday 14 May 2015
Minister for Primary Industries, Niall Blair, has confirmed a new advisory body, Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council, will be established to provide independent advice to Government on key recreational fishing issues in NSW.
“The NSW Liberals and Nationals Government announced this new consultative approach in February, to ensure the council best represents and communicates the views of regional fishers from right across the State,” Minister Blair said. “I am now calling on regional recreational fishers to nominate for appointment to the Council, to ensure that we have strong representation across the recreational fishing sector.”
The NSW Government has listened to the feedback from recreational fishing groups, who have been requesting changes to consultation arrangements for recreational fishing in NSW. Recreational Fishing NSW will replace the existing Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing, which has been in place for almost 20 years.
The Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council will advise the Minister on matters relating to recreational fishing in NSW, including priorities for expenditure from the Recreational Fishing Trust.
The new Council will include eight regional members and two members with expertise in spearfishing and charter boat fishing. An independent chair will be appointed to head the new Advisory Council.
The Minister said the NSW Government was proud to continue its support for the recreational fishing industry, which generates about $1.6 billion expenditure into the NSW economy each year and creates about 14,000 jobs. An Expression of Interest information package is now available or or call (02) 9741 4722.
Consultation – Fisheries Management Amendment Bill
The Fisheries Management Act 1994 (the Act) deals with the management of fishery resources in NSW. The Fisheries Management Amendment Bill (the Bill) aims to make a range of important changes to the Act that will bring benefits to all fishing sectors.
The Bill was introduced into the NSW Parliament in late 2014. The Government however decided to conduct further targeted consultation before progressing the Bill in Parliament. A consultation plan (PDF, 62KB) has been prepared.
Stakeholders are now invited to provide feedback on the Bill.
The below papers summarise the key changes likely to be of interest to relevant stakeholder groups, and provide information on why the changes are sought.
Summary papers
Commercial fishing (PDF, 174KB)
Recreational fishing (PDF, 100KB)
Charter fishing (PDF, 110KB)
Aboriginal fishing (PDF, 96KB)
Environmental and other issues (PDF, 105KB)
The Fisheries Management Amendment Bill
Fisheries Management Amendment Bill
If you would like a copy of the paper(s) or Bill, please phone (02) 9741 4784.
Providing feedback
Send your submission to:
Mail: Fisheries Legislation, PO Box 7526, SILVERWATER NSW 1811 - Fax: (02) 6391 4728
The closing date for submissions is Friday 26 June 2015
All documents can be downloaded: here
Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council
The Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council (RFNSW) is being established to provide advice to the Minister for Primary Industries on key recreational fishing issues in NSW, including high level priorities for expenditure from the Recreational Fishing Trust.
The new Advisory Council will be based around a modern representative model, ensuring the views of regional fishers from right across the State are communicated. RFNSW will be represented by eight regional members and two members with expertise in spearfishing and charter boat fishing. A senior officer from NSW DPI and the recreational fishing representative from the Ministerial Advisory Council will also be members of the new Council.
The Council will replace the Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing.
Regional recreational fishers and members of recreational fishing organisations are encouraged to nominate for appointment to the Council.
More information
For more information on how to apply and submit an expression of interest:
Recreational Fishing NSW information package (PDF, 366.67 KB)
Email:; or Call: (02) 9741 4722
Closing date: Expressions of interest close 7 July 2015.
See documents at:
Pets of the Week
AGE/SEX: 5 years - female
BREED: Staffy x
Roxy is an energetic girl who is social with other dogs but people are her main focus. She is very affectionate and attentive to people. She also enjoys the attention from children. Roxy has a lot of energy and would suit an active family into running or jogging. Roxy has a smooth coat and weighs 26.5kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Her adoption cost is $400.
AGE/SEX: 10 years / Female
BREED: Chihuahua x Pomeranian
Tadpole is a very snuggly happy girl. She is very social with other dogs and loves to be nursed and cuddled. She loves to sleep under the doona in your bed. She has a short coat and weighs 3.5kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Her adoption cost is $400.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email to see all our
Sport NSW Announces the Opening of the 2015 Community Sports Volunteer Awards
Friday 15th May 2015
More than four hundred thousand people across NSW voluntarily dedicate their time every year through their involvement in sporting clubs and organisations. Put simply, sport would not exist without them.
Launching the opening of the awards program today, Sport NSW CEO, Cheryl Battaerd said the Community Sports Volunteer Awards recognise the efforts of those around the state who contribute hours of their personal time to ensure that their fellow community members can participate in sport.
“We recognize the critical and diverse role volunteers play from club administrators and coaches to officials and canteen staff, regardless of the pouring rain, icy temperatures or scorching heat – they are the ones that give life to community sport,” Battaerd said.
“Unfortunately the reality is volunteer participation in sport is falling in NSW and is outpacing the national decline. All evidence points towards changes to patterns, behaviours and expectations of volunteers, and this has to be a focus for sporting organisations. There is an urgent need to help build the capacity and capability of managers and administrators in sport to effectively recruit and retain volunteers. By recognising the value of volunteering, showcasing successful models of volunteer management and providing information and resources, we are hopeful that we will assist the sporting sector in reversing the trend of volunteer decline in NSW,” she said.
Get inspired and read the case study of good volunteer management by the 2014 winners of the Community Sporting Club category - Alstonville & District Football Club.
The Community Sport Volunteer Awards program consists of Individual Awards categories and the Minister’s Sport Volunteer Management Awards recognising sporting organisations.
The Individual Volunteer Community Sport Awards involve five categories:
Official of the Year, Young Official of the Year, Coach of the Year, Young Coach of the Year, and Community Sport Administrator of the Year.
The Minister’s Sport Volunteer Management Awards aims to attract nominations from organisations that have shown innovative ideas and management techniques in the recognition, education and training, coordination, and recruitment of volunteers. These awards include three categories: Club/District or Regional Community Sport Organisation; State Sporting Organisations and Event of the Year.
NSW Minister for Sport and Recreation, the Hon. Stuart Ayres, MP will be presenting the 2015 NSW Community Sports Volunteer Awards at a function on Friday 21st August 2015 at NSW Parliament House.
Nominations are now open and close on Friday 10th July.
The Awards Guidelines and Nomination Forms can be found
As the peak body for sport and active recreation, Sport NSW represents the collective interests of NSW’s single largest community sector. With over 100 member groups representing 15,000 sporting clubs and associations and well over 2.5 million participants, workers and volunteers, the community sport and active recreation sector makes a significant contribution to the social, physical, health, mental and economic well-being of our NSW communities.

Frackman – Warriewood Screening
If you haven't seen Frackman yet, or if you saw it and want to make sure that your friends and family see it too - here is your chance - and not too far from home!
Frackman tells the real life story of Dayne Pratzky - Queensland property owner and former Sydney resident - who becomes an accidental activist when a coal seam gas company wanted to drill for gas on his land. And so began a David and Goliath battle against a $200 billion industry. Along the way he found love, tragedy and triumph.
Screenings continue to sell out so book your tickets online to ensure you get a spot.
Warriewood United Cinemas - with special guests Sharyn Munro (Author of Rich Land, Wasteland) and Julie Lyford (former Mayor of Gloucester and Chair of Groundswell Gloucester)
Wednesday 3 June, 7pm
4 Vuko Pl, Warriewood
Pablo Brait
North Shore Community Organiser
Nature Conservation Council of NSW, proud partner of the Our Land, Our Water, Our Future Campaign
Call out for Performers Community Groups and Schools for Avalon Winter Solstice Event
Sunday 21st of June 2015
The impetus for this event is to launch the Wickham Lane Wow Walk with the $5000 Grant received from Keep NSW Beautiful – a joint initiative with Janet Forrester from CABPRA & Enliven Pittwater.
The concept is to clean up the laneway, encourage pedestrian traffic from the park to the village and have an event ready space for the community.
This event is for local businesses in the 2107-2108 area and community and school groups.
The program so far:
Activities on the Beach 5.45am-9am
5.45am-6.45am LIVING OCEAN YOGA PRACTICE By donation Avalon Surf Lifesaving Club. Followed by a Sunrise beach ritual until 7.30am/7.45am to honour mother ocean, mother earth and father sky
7am Sunrise through Stonehenge Surfboard Sculpture on the Beach assisted by Astronomer Fred Watson
7.45am-9am Share a healthy nourishing breakfast served on BYO or compostable plates and bowls- Food by Chill Bar
9am – ?Jools Farrell Whale talks on South Avalon Headland
9am -6.00pm Activities in the Village
Wickham Lane Art & Gardening
Lantern Making Workshops
Buskers, Street Performers, Art Workshops, Community Garden, Sustainability workshops, Recycling workshops, holistic health activities, food demos (please contact us if you know anyone who wants to participate in these events).
Talks , Sales and Events through the Village- Poetry readings, sales, special menu, performers,etc
School /Community Groups and Members not located in the Village Precinct please contact us if you require stall space.
4.30pm to close –Lantern Parade through the Park
Those interested in being part of this great event please contact us via email at:
Ros Marsh
President Avalon-Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc.
Website: www.avalonpalmbeachbusinesschamber
Facebook page for updates
Share your views on certification and building laws
Media Release: Department of Planning and Environment
The community will be able to have its say on an important aspect of building or renovating a home, with an independent and comprehensive review of private and council certifiers now underway."The laws good look at the system"
A Discussion Paper has been released with Community consultation sessions for the independent review of the Building Professionals Act start across the State this month, a spokesperson for the Department of Planning and Environment said.
This Act covers the accreditation of certifiers, who work independently or for councils, assessing and certifying housing, buildings or subdivisions, and other specialist works within developments.
The spokesperson said the review provided an opportunity for the community and stakeholders to get involved in reforming certification and building regulation laws.
“The laws governing certification in NSW have not been reviewed for almost a decade and so it’s time we take a good look at the system to see if it is adequately serving property owners, the community, councils and developers,” the spokesperson said.
“The review will look at whether the certification and building regulation system is functioning as well as it should and suggest recommendations for improvement.
“While private certification cuts red tape and allows property owners to complete construction faster, we need to ensure corners aren’t being cut or rules broken.
“We also need to ensure certifiers are responding to community needs quickly and not adding to congestion in the system.
“That’s why its important stakeholders get hold of the Discussions Paper so we hear from a range of people with a range of experiences of this crucial aspect of the planning system.”
The spokesperson said the consultation schedule was planned to ensure any interested parties could have their say wherever they lived.
“People can choose to attend a round-table public forum at one of eight locations around NSW, or have their say via an online survey or by making a formal submission by email or post.
“The Discussion Paper outlining some of the issues and will be a useful starting point for interested community members and stakeholders.”
The review is headed by former head of the NSW Treasury, Michael Lambert.
Submissions to the Review close 12 June.
To read the Discussion Paper or register for a forum,
Direct link to Discussion Paper(PDF 4.41 MB)
May 10 - 16, 2015: Issue 213
Articles This Week
Sundial of Human Involvement at Australian Botanic Garden Mt Annan - A Special Mother's Day 2015 story and insight for all our mothers and all their children + how to make one! younger readers
“Just add water”; Ginger leads MC38 Autumn Regatta by Lisa Ratcliff
NSW Government's "Fit For The Future" process erodes democracy and local lifestyle by 'Pittwater Scout'
Mermaids of Palm Beach 2015 Currawong Day for Variety, the Children's Charity
Ingleside Fire Brigade Awarded Commissioners Commendations - NSW RFS 16th Annual Awards Ceremony - Ingleside RFS Bravery Commendations, Tumbledown Dick, Warringah Pittwater Headquarters, and Belrose RFS Unit Commendations
Pictures: Palm Beach Sailing Club’s Annual Fish and Chip Run a Princesses Paradise - by Trevor Gourlay
Guringai Festival 2015 – Pittwater and Northern Beaches Events
Hoarding and Squalor Program Expanded for Further Year - Community Care (Northern Beaches) (CCNB) is expanding its successful Hoarding and Squalor program for another year in order to help more Northern Beaches residents who are experiencing Hoarding Disorder; the program will now also help people aged under 70 and those living in the Lower North Shore areas
RPAYC wins Best Community Engagement Initiative for its Integrated disAbled Sailing program by Stephen Collopy
Aquatics: The Quiet Revolution – Or Making Waves? by Roger Sayers - Over two hundred thousand people around Australia owe their lives to a single surf lifesaver. That’s the estimated number of people who have been rescued by the Inflatable Surf Rescue Boat, developed by Warren Mitchell OAM of Avalon Beach Surf Life Saving Club.
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month May 2015 - Jamie Nilsson: A photographer for Surf Life Saving New South Wales and Digital Communications Officer, the owner of Roar Digital Services. This month we share some of Jamie's stunning images
Profile: May 2015 - Pittwater Organisations - Palm Beach & Whale Beach Association Inc.: This week we are privileged to share a small insight into one of these vanguards for common sense, locality beautification, maintenance and restoration
History: May 2015 - The First Royal Visitor to Australia: the Incident at Clontarf: March 12th, 1868 - a one off before we commence May's main theme inspired by Jane Connor's Royal Visits to Australia
Exploring Mona Vale's urban fabric & public realm
08 May 2015
Residents and businesses are invited to the final round of events exploring the future of Mona Vale Town Centre.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said that Council has been running a series of urban talks, workshops and interactive activities around the Mona Vale Place Plan since February this year.
Mr Ferguson said the place planning process will develop a vision and plan that guides future improvements for the town centre.
“There is a great opportunity for Mona Vale to take advantage of predicted economic growth and position itself as the peninsula’s vibrant urban town centre,” he said.
“We have already had more than 800 residents and local businesses joining in the discussion over previous events and are hoping that we will continue to draw more input from community members this month with the topic of ‘Urban Fabric & Public Realm’.
“We will be touching on issues such as building types, thoroughfares, open space and streetscapes.” added Mr Ferguson.
A Q&A session with a panel of keynote speakers will take place on Thursday 14 May at Mona Vale Memorial Hall from 6.30 to 8pm.
Speakers will include:
• Jody Summers – as National Design Manager with Stockland, Jody has over 18 years’ experience in Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Place Making.
• Rick Leplastrier - internationally acclaimed architect and influential figure in Australian architecture and architectural education.
• Kelly Van Der Zanden – a qualified Urban Designer and Planner with over 16 years’ experience, Kelly’s strength is translating urban design concepts into robust and tangible outcomes.
• Andrew Pigott – Manager of Planning and Assessment with Pittwater Council.
The Thursday session will be followed by open-houses at the hall on Friday and Saturday 15-16 May from 10am to 4pm.
A coffee & chocolate experience ‘pop –up’ will also occur in Mona Vale Library Lane on Saturday between 9am – 12noon to coincide with the open house. Residents and businesses are encouraged to provide input either face-to-face with Council staff or through a series of facilitated workshops.
For more information on how you can have your say on the future of Mona Vale, visit or call Liz on 9970 1247
Sydney Public Forum – IPART’s methodology to assess Councils Fit for the Future Proposals Webcast Option
A Public Forum which Individuals and Organisations may attend is occuring Monday May 11th in Goulburn Street. This is the sole Public Forum for the Sydney Metropolitan area.
For those who find this Notice a little short/late, or who don't wish to negotiate Monday morning traffic into the city - a webcast is now available.
You must register for this
A link will be emailed to you to click onto Monday morning. The Live broadcast will commence 11 May 2015 at 9:30am.
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is the Expert Advisory Panel appointed by the NSW Government to assess local government Fit for the Future (FFTF) proposals.
The public forum facilitates discussion between IPART and stakeholders on the proposed methodology to assess councils’ FFTF proposals.
Councils are required to provide IPART with their FFTF proposals by 30 June 2015. The proposals should show how councils meet the FFTF criteria of scale and capacity, sustainability, effective infrastructure and service management, and efficiency.
A copy of the transcript and webcast will be available on IPART’s website within a week following the public forum.
Please visit IPART’s website for more information on the consultation process. Direct Link to page with Documents pertaining to and also the September 2014 page where documents relating to IPART Review of criteria for fit for the future Local Government - Final Report September 2014 Direct Link
There is also information on the FFTF website

Offshore Artists Fundraiser for Nepal
On Friday night 1st May at the Waterfront Cafe at Church Point a spontaneous event was organised by local residents to raise funds for the Nepal Earthquake Oxfam fund.
Once again the generosity of Scotland Island and Offshore Artists was overwhelming with over 40 items of Artworks being donated for a Silent Auction which raised a whopping $6717.00 and in addition generous donations of goods and services from local businesses were raffled to raise over $2700.00.
The Waterfront Cafe hosted the event and donated $5 from the sale of every Pizza. Local musicians donated their talents to entertain the crowds bringing to a total raised $10,000.00.
This was much appreciated by the Nepalese members of staff whose friends and families have been affected by the devastation of the recent earthquake.
Pictures by June Lahm

Fit for the Future Public Meeting
19th May 2015: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Come to the public meeting to hear the information and give us your feedback
The views of the community are critical to determining what is in the best interests of Pittwater and its people.
Council has and continues to engage with the community in order to make an informed decision on the most fitting FFTF recommendations and strategy for Pittwater and will continue to do so until 5 June 2015.
Council will undertake a range of engagement activities to ensure that the broadest cross-section of the community can have a say.
Come to the public meeting to hear the information and give us your feedback.
Venue: Pittwater RSL Auditorium
RSVP: online or call 9970 1204 by 15 May
Pittwater Council – Have your say - Local Government Reform
Pittwater Council has now commenced its form community engagement and urgently need feedback from the community about about the options available in response to the NSW Government Fit for the Future local government reform process.
Have your say
There are several ways you can support the council and make your voice heard:
Complete the online survey now
Click here to express your view on the options available – the more responses, the better.
Attend the public meeting on 19th May
Come along on 19 May 2015 to Pittwater RSL from 6.30-8.30pm –RSVP or call 9970 1224 by 15 May.
Make contact with councillors
Talk to councillors at Food and Wine Fair on 3 May 2015 at Winnererremy Bay or make contact with a representative from your ward to express your views .
More information
Pittwater Council will be distributing more information to you and for the community as follows:
Information pack
A brochure will be delivered to all residents, ratepayers and business in Pittwater by mid May 2015. This provides detail about the independent analysis and the local government reform options.
Pittwater Council website
The Council’s website has been updated and will include:
• Council’s position
• Background – research and independent analysis
• Have your Say – including a link to the online survey
• Frequently Asked Questions – this will be updated throughout the period of engagement
Information displays
From this weekend, displays will be set up at both Mona Vale and Avalon libraries and Customer Service Centres.
Copies of the information pack and paper survey will be available at all of these locations.
Telephone survey
A random sample community survey will be conducted by an independent research consultant.
Banners encouraging the community to have their say and advertising the public meeting will go up in banner locations across Pittwater next week.
Key dates:
Tuesday 19th May – Public meeting
Friday 5th June – Community engagement period closes
Monday 15th June – Council meeting to consider community feedback
Tuesday 30th June – Submissions due to Government

Now open!
JAPAN: AUSTRALIAN PERSPECTIVES by Adrian Boddy: an insight into Adrian's inspirations, where they began and why this transmutes into even how his works will be displayed

Free Screening of No Plastic Please A Success
Avalon community NSW, is on the move to reduce single use plastics!!
Thank you to those local retailers who attended our “Plastic Paradise” film screening at the fabulous at Small Town cafe last Tuesday night. We learnt that going green puts you ahead of the curve with your customer’s and the success of your business!
And, we as consumers and resellers of plastics have a choice: we can say No Plastic Please
Thank you from the Living Ocean team.
We are heading south next weekend with the screening of this very important film "Plastic Paradise" at North Bondi SLSC on Sunday May 17th. Come along to learn more about our 'plastic age', how greening your business is not only a good thing for your environment but also for your success and, how you can make a difference one plastic bag at a time.
Tickets selling fast so jump online to

Traffic Email Scam
C/- Australian Federal Police
Please be aware that this scam is still doing the rounds. The scammers have altered the email slightly and many people are being caught out, despite the tragic grammar.
"Dispute the particular the liability, within 28 time." = Great Anglais/Anglaze! How Intrusionistic of them!
The AFP will never send you traffic infringements by email. Do not pay any money. Do not click on any links. Please just delete it.
There's no need to call the AFP to report this – simply delete it, orpress ‘junk’ in case they 'retry' you. Pressing 'junk' will ensure they never 'reoffend'!
If you have inadvertently clicked on a link and suspect your computer or phone might be affected by a virus, you may need to contact a professional computer expert for help.
97th Annual General Meeting of the Palm Beach and Whale Beach Association Inc (PBWBA)on Tuesday 5th May 2015 at Club Palm Beach
The meeting was very well attended by residents who were very concerned about the Government Review Panel Report 2013 which recommended the combining the Pittwater, Warringah, and Manly councils into one single council to serve 250,000 residents.
The president of the association Storm Jacklin stood down after ten years of service.
In recognition of his contribution Storm has been made a life member of the Association. This marks the end of an era his contribution has been exceptional. The residents of Palm Beach and Whale Beach have much to thank him for. Storm has worked tirelessly to preserve the unique character of Palm Beach and Whale Beach
Richard West was elected as President.
The main agenda item was the amalgamation of the councils. The meeting was addressed by Mark Ferguson the General Manager of Pittwater Council.
He confirmed that the council is "Fit for the Future". There are three options for consideration. The council position is that they supported "no mergers, maintaining the status quo, without boundary changes"
There was vigorous discussion supporting this position.
The general consensus was that Pittwater Council has served the community well during its 23 years of operation. The council was established in 1992 after splitting from Warringah Council due to residents concern regarding Warringah Council provision of services to Pittwater.
The council has entered the community phase of consultation. The brochure "Your Pittwater Your Say" will be delivered to all households during the next two weeks. There is also a survey document for residents to vote on the options. This Survey document, along with the "Your Pittwater Your Say" document and Information Pack is on the Internet and at the libraries and council offices. The Meeting expressed concern that not all residents had access to the Internet and that the Survey document should be delivered to all households when the "Your Pittwater Your Say" Information pack is.
There was concern expressed that the Independent Price and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is not the appropriate body to assess the councils submissions. There is no provision for direct community involvement in IPART’s terms of reference. IPART is mainly concerned with financial and capacity issues. The association is going to make a submission to IPART regarding the terms of reference.
It was discussed that the outcome of this process is far from certain and that this is a risky process.
The members of the association should complete the council survey and vote for option One if they wish to remain independent. They should contact the councillors to discuss the matter and if possible attend the Council Community meeting on the 19 May at Pittwater RSL. The final decision will be determined by the politicians but it is important the residents contact the Local Member, the Premier and the Minister for Local Government and express their view.
The following motion was passed unanimously
MOTION: If Pittwater Council is deemed ‘fit for the future’ there must be no change to council boundaries, and no amalgamation, without community support
General Business.
The following were matters discussed, The long term parking at the Palm Beach Wharf, the walkway from Palm Beach Wharf to the Golf Club, and the storm water drain and boat ramp in Iluka Rd. These matters will be taken up with the council.
Richard West AM.President PBWBA
AC45S - Day One on the Great Sound in Bermuda
OracleRacingTeam: Published on 5 May 2015
ORACLE TEAM USA sails its AC45S for the first time on the Great Sound in Bermuda.
Expo showcases Mona Vale Library
06 May 2015
Libraries today will still lend you books, and the collection at Mona Vale Library is better than ever with multiple copies of best-selling titles available.
Drop into the Mona Vale Library Expo on Thursday 28 May between 12noon and 2pm to find out more and be in the running to win a $100 book voucher from Berkelouw Books.
Visitors to the Expo will receive information about membership. There is also a map to assist them navigate the important spots to visit library staff and ask questions.
Information ‘stations’ will be set up around the library where visitors can chat with staff about the range of services on offer including eBooks and online magazines and movies.
Pittwater Council’s General Manager, Mr Mark Ferguson said over the past decade Mona Vale Library has seen considerable expansion.
“This has enabled the library to offer a variety of activities and move into more non-traditional areas. A recent example being regular movie nights; which have raised funds for the Reading Room Project in Timor Leste.
“The library is also being used as a space for other community groups to meet such as the Knitters Guild, and a place to hold education sessions such as Driver Safety Awareness.
“Mona Vale Library hosts a number of Author Talks and is trialling a Literary Lunch series”, added Mr Ferguson.
Pittwater Mayor, Jacqui Townsend invited residents to come along and discover what the library has to offer.
“The open day is an opportunity to browse new books and DVDs and be the first to borrow some popular new titles. I’m amazed you can now borrow audio e-books.
“Young readers are also catered for at the Expo with some fun dinosaur themed activities going on in the children’s area.
Residents are encouraged to find out more about the things that interest them, chat with our friendly library staff and see what Mona Vale Library can offer you. Expo visitors will go in the draw to win a $100 voucher from Berkelouw Books.
No bookings required, simply drop-in. Mona Vale Library, 1 Park Street, Mona Vale.
Free canine workshop with pet expert
06 May 2015
Pittwater’s dog owners are invited to a free workshop on training and behavioural issues.
The workshop, hosted by Animal behavioural expert Dr Kersti Seksel will provide owners with tips and techniques to assist you in managing your dog.
Dr Seksel graduated in Veterinary Science from Sydney University and became very interested in animal behaviour while working overseas. She later furthered her knowledge graduating from Macquarie University with a BA in Behavioural Sciences with a major in psychology.
Principal of a specialist referral only practice for animal behaviour in Sydney, Dr Seksel has clients across Australia.
Dr Seksel will share information on topics including:
• barking and aggression
• fears and phobias
• separation anxiety, and
• obsessive compulsive disorders
• learn how you can improve your pet’s behaviour.
The two-hour workshop allows for extra time to be set aside to address the tricky questions that individuals may have about their dog.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor Jacqui Townsend said “these events proved extremely popular with residents.”
“A large portion of Pittwater residents are dog owners and Pittwater Council is passionate about providing owners with access to information and education to help them to care for their canine companion,” added Cr Townsend.
The free workshop is on Wednesday 13 May at Pittwater Rugby Park, 1472 Pittwater Road, Warriewood.
Places are limited so please phone 9970 1194 or email us to book your place and send in your questions.
Please note also that the workshop is for dog-owners only, please leave your pets at home.
Share your views on certification and building laws
Media Release: Department of Planning and Environment
4 May 2015
The community will be able to have its say on an important aspect of building or renovating a home, with an independent and comprehensive review of private and council certifiers now underway."The laws good look at the system"
A Discussion Paper has been released with Community consultation sessions for the independent review of the Building Professionals Act start across the State this month, a spokesperson for the Department of Planning and Environment said.
This Act covers the accreditation of certifiers, who work independently or for councils, assessing and certifying housing, buildings or subdivisions, and other specialist works within developments.
The spokesperson said the review provided an opportunity for the community and stakeholders to get involved in reforming certification and building regulation laws.
“The laws governing certification in NSW have not been reviewed for almost a decade and so it’s time we take a good look at the system to see if it is adequately serving property owners, the community, councils and developers,” the spokesperson said.
“The review will look at whether the certification and building regulation system is functioning as well as it should and suggest recommendations for improvement.
“While private certification cuts red tape and allows property owners to complete construction faster, we need to ensure corners aren’t being cut or rules broken.
“We also need to ensure certifiers are responding to community needs quickly and not adding to congestion in the system.
“That’s why its important stakeholders get hold of the Discussions Paper so we hear from a range of people with a range of experiences of this crucial aspect of the planning system.”
The spokesperson said the consultation schedule was planned to ensure any interested parties could have their say wherever they lived.
“People can choose to attend a round-table public forum at one of eight locations around NSW, or have their say via an online survey or by making a formal submission by email or post.
“The Discussion Paper outlining some of the issues and will be a useful starting point for interested community members and stakeholders.”
The review is headed by former head of the NSW Treasury, Michael Lambert.
Submissions to the Review close 12 June.
To read the Discussion Paper or register for a forum,
The public consultation events are planned for: 21 May Sydney
Direct link to Discussion Paper(PDF 4.41 MB)

Marine Rescue Broken Bay Boat Raffle
Drawn on Monday 8th of June, 2015 at 12 noon at Royal Motor Yacht Club.
Support our local Volunteers. See:
Pictured above - BBMR Volunteers at Palm Beach Markets on April 26th, 2015.
Next Palm Beach Markets are Sunday May 24th: 9am to 3pm

North Head Sanctuary Foundation
Next meeting 20 May at 7pm
Speaker David Jenkins - Whale Spotter
Sydney is about to witness one of the greatest animal migrations on earth! Over 20,000 Humpback whales will travel thousands of kilometres from their summer feeding grounds, deep in the cold waters of the Southern Ocean to their breeding grounds in the warm, tropical waters of Queensland. Come and learn about this epic journey and the animals that make it with David Jenkins from Whale Spotter.
Everyone is welcome to join us at Bandicoot Heaven (Building 20) on 20 May, 2015 at 7pm.
33 North Head Scenic Drive, Manly NSW 2095
Education Room – Bandicoot Heaven
Our community education room is open 10am to 4pm Saturdays and Sundays in Building 20. Call in to have a look at our displays and our botanical cards range with many new designs. Buy four cards and get one free.
North Head Sanctuary Foundation: Custodians of North Head
P.O. Box 896, Balgowlah, NSW 2093
- PCA Survey
Please take the time to fill out this survey as Pittwater Community Arts has been going for ten years and we are looking to see if there are any new directions we should be going in and your input would be most welcome.
Please click on link for the survey:
We are having a Forum on the 25th May Monday night 6-8.30pm Mona Vale Hall with Dr Sally Watterson as the facilitator for the evening. Anyone from Pittwater is welcome to share suggestions. RSVP by Friday 22nd May to
The survey will close on Friday 15 May 2015.
Lorrie Morgan, President PCA
Take part - Manly Arts Festival
Manly Arts Festival 2015 celebrates its 22nd year. This year, as always, we’re celebrating the magic of creativity in Manly, with a broad range of exciting events featuring prominent musicians, visual artists and dance performers.
Council is inviting participation by artists, performers and cultural groups to join this exciting arts program that gets underway from Friday 18 through to Sunday 27 September 2015.
You can apply online here. Application deadline is Friday 22 May 2015.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 10/5/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:

Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE
Critter of the Month - May 2015

Lifesavers Recognised in Volunteer Week
Fri 8 May 2015 - SLS NSW
National Volunteer Week kicks-off from Monday 11 May, and Surf Life Saving NSW would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to those who selflessly volunteer their time to protect the community.
The theme for 2015 is Give Happy, Live Happy and it is a theme that the Surf Life Saving family actively tries to embrace. Apart from their involvement within lifesaving, many of our members also donate their time to other worthy causes.
In the 2014/15 season our volunteer surf lifesavers donated over 500,000 hours of their time to patrol beaches across the state, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of hours of behind the scenes work that are essential for the smooth running of our surf clubs.
“On behalf of Surf Life Saving NSW we would like to thank all our volunteers for their dedication, commitment, and generous spirit,” President Tony Haven said ahead of National Volunteer Week.
“For over a century, volunteers have been the backbone of the Surf Life Saving movement, and we know that the next generation will be inspired to take up the cause.”
“You don’t need to be a frontline patrolling lifesaver to be a valuable volunteer. Every single member of a surf club plays a vital role in pursuing our core mission of saving lives, and in doing so makes the beaches safe for everyone to enjoy,” he said.
“All of our volunteers whether they are lifesavers, coaches, officials, SurfCom Operators or the people who staff the barbeque or serve on club committees are a valued part of the Surf Life Saving family.”
To mark the week, each day we will feature one of our amazing volunteers on our website and social media pages. Each member represents one of the many ways people volunteer their time to Surf Life Saving. On Monday we will also be launching a special competition on our Facebook Page so make sure you enter for your chance to win.
National Volunteer Week runs from Monday 11 - Sunday 17 May 2015.

Careel Creek Planting Day
May 23rd, 2015
Careel Creek planting day Saturday May 23, 8.30- 11.30.
Come and help plant trees along the east bank of the creek.
The above photo shows results of our previous planting along the creek. The plants are provided by a grant from Greater Sydney Local Land Services.
Pittwater Council is our partner in creating a link of native vegetation between Avalon Dunes and Careel Bay. To find us walk north along the track outside Barrenjoey High School from Central Rd east, or south from North Avalon Rd.
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association (PNHA)
Laying down the law at Mona Vale Library
Have you thought about future planning? Want to know what future planning is all about? Why not visit Mona Vale Library during Law Week and learn more.
A representative for the NSW Trustee & Guardian will be at the library on Wednesday 13 May from 12 noon until 12.45pm, presenting a free community talk about future planning.
The NSW Trustee & Guardian provides professional and independent advice on trustee services, writing Wills, acting as Executor in deceased estates, Powers of Attorney and writing Enduring Guardianships.
Future planning involves preparing a Will, making a Power of Attorney, appointing an enduring guardian and advance care planning.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend encouraged local residents to attend the free 45 minute talk.
“Ensuring your future plans and estate are legally enforceable gives you and your family peace of mind.” Cr Townsend said.
Law Week 2015 runs from 11 – 15 May and is a nationwide initiative to promote community awareness of the law, the legal system and the legal profession.
NSW Law Week is supported by a number of organisations including the Law Society of NSW and the Department of Justice.
Bookings are essential and can be made by calling 9970 1600 or book in person at the library, 1 Park Street, Mona Vale.
Missing from near our Fire Station, King Rd, Ingleside - Monday evening 27/4. Help find 'RB' who is female, microchipped, Red/Tan in colour, went missing with a Blue Colour with gold name tag.
Missing only 100m from Ingleside Fire station.
Contact 0414 181 812 if you see or find her.
Reward being offered. Please Share this if you have friends in the Ingleside area.

Call out for Performers Community Groups and Schools for Avalon Winter Solstice Event
Sunday 21st of June 2015
The impetus for this event is to launch the Wickham Lane Wow Walk with the $5000 Grant received from Keep NSW Beautiful – a joint initiative with Janet Forrester from CABPRA & Enliven Pittwater.
The concept is to clean up the laneway, encourage pedestrian traffic from the park to the village and have an event ready space for the community.
This event is for local businesses in the 2107-2108 area and community and school groups.
The program so far:
Activities on the Beach 5.45am-9am
5.45am-6.45am LIVING OCEAN YOGA PRACTICE By donation Avalon Surf Lifesaving Club. Followed by a Sunrise beach ritual until 7.30am/7.45am to honour mother ocean, mother earth and father sky
7am Sunrise through Stonehenge Surfboard Sculpture on the Beach assisted by Astronomer Fred Watson
7.45am-9am Share a healthy nourishing breakfast served on BYO or compostable plates and bowls- Food by Chill Bar
9am – ?Jools Farrell Whale talks on South Avalon Headland
9am -6.00pm Activities in the Village
Wickham Lane Art & Gardening
Lantern Making Workshops
Buskers, Street Performers, Art Workshops, Community Garden, Sustainability workshops, Recycling workshops, holistic health activities, food demos (please contact us if you know anyone who wants to participate in these events).
Talks , Sales and Events through the Village- Poetry readings, sales, special menu, performers,etc
School /Community Groups and Members not located in the Village Precinct please contact us if you require stall space.
4.30pm to close –Lantern Parade through the Park
Those interested in being part of this great event please contact us via email at:
Ros Marsh
President Avalon-Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc.
Website: www.avalonpalmbeachbusinesschamber
Facebook page for updates
NSW Govt.Office of Environment and Heritage - HAVE YOUR SAY
National Parks Commercial Fishing Access
A new vehicle access permit system for commercial fishers to access NSW National Parks.
To improve management and provide certainty for industry, National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is developing a new vehicle access permit system.
The system is to enable commercial fishers to access areas in national parks that may be closed to the public.
The proposal is open to public comment, with the new system to start on 1st July 2015.
There will be a standardised, state-wide application process that applies in all parks across the state. It will also help the NPWS fulfil its responsibilities to manage parks for all people of NSW.
How do I find out more about the proposal?
For further information on the proposed vehicle access permit system visit
The new Draft Commercial Fishing Access Policy (PDF 845KB) is now available.
How do I comment on the proposal?
The proposal is open for public comment until May 29 2015.
Members of the public are invited to comment on the proposal by sending a submission by email to: or by mail to:
Strategy and Policy Team, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Office of Environment and Heritage, PO Box 1967, Hurstville NSW 2226
See Consultation website page for all documents:
Page last updated: 06 May 2015
Berowra Valley National Park and Regional Park Draft Plan of Management
The exhibition of the draft plan provides an important opportunity for the community to have a say on future management directions for Berowra Valley National Park and Berowra Valley Regional Park.
Why is a plan being prepared now?
A new plan of management is being prepared, following the reclassification of most of Berowra Valley Regional Park to Berowra Valley National Park, in recognition of the park’s high conservation value.
What has been updated?
Under national park status, conservation measures are a strong point of focus. National park status also allows for sustainable visitor use, subject to strict controls. Nine hectares of the original Berowra Valley Regional Park have been retained in order to accommodate local dog walkers on existing management trails.
What opportunities will the community have to comment?
The draft plan of management is on public exhibition until 6th July 2015 and anyone can make a comment.
Members of the public are invited to comment by submitting a via email submission to
or by post to:
The Planner, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, PO Box 3031. Asquith NSW 2077
Draft plan of management (POM) on page of Consultation website: HERE
We are hosting a Biggest Morning Tea to help raise vital funds for cancer research and support services. In recent times our staff, family and friends have been personally affected by cancer and we would like to show our support through this cause.
We will be hosting our morning tea on Thursday the 28th May from 9-11am. All are welcome and we will be asking for a gold coin donation on attendance along with other fundraising activities such as raffles etc. You can help us, and get involved, by attending or making a donation! Let's raise our cups and together we'll beat cancer. More at: HERE
The Betty Awards
Pittwater Council recently received a state award for the ‘Most Active Asbestos Awareness Council Campaigner’ in the Betty Awards. These awards were launched in 2013 to recognise outstanding commitment to raising awareness of the dangers of asbestos in the community. For information about asbestos and how to manage asbestos safely.
Betty’ – The ADRI House is the first of her kind in Australia and the world, and is a community engagement and experiential awareness initiative of the Asbestos Education Committee in partnership with the Asbestos Diseases Research Institute (ADRI).
Betty is a purpose built, mobile model home designed to demonstrate where asbestos might be found in and around any Australian home built or renovated before 1987. Her exterior resembles a typical fibro home but when opened up, she has extensive audio and visual information including a bathroom, kitchen, living room, man shed/garage and a dog house.
Betty’s mission is to educate all Australians about the dangers of asbestos so they think smart, think safe,, because it’s not worth the risk!
Her curators and chauffeurs, Geoff and Karen Wicks, are fully trained volunteers who enable her to educate the community as well as tend to her maintenance and upkeep. Geoff is a retired avionics engineer and avid DIYer!
Currently Betty visits communities around Sydney and NSW, primarily to community events, council activities and DIY or renovation expos educating Australians about asbestos dangers.
Come along to the unveiling of the latest addition to Freshwater Headlands Surfers Walk of Fame, by famed sculptor Mick Purdy. Enjoy an entertaining evening of drinks, food, music and film celebrating the sport of surfing and the importance of protecting our oceans, waves and beaches.
More event details coming shortly!
Contact for further information.
Tickets here:
Proudly Sponsored By Barefoot Wines, Four Pines Brewing Co and Harbord Diggers Club
Pittwater Men’s Probus Club
Tuesday 12th May 2015 at 11AM
Guest Speaker: Valerie Martin
Valerie Martin is a freelance photographer based on the Northern Beaches. Valerie has had an exciting and varied career working as a press photographer in London, freelancer in the United States, and senior staff photographer at Australia's foremost magazine publisher, Australian Consolidated Press. Her work has taken place in the studio as well as on location around the world – all this after earning a diploma in professional photography at the Polytechnic of Central London.
Valerie's work has also appeared online with The New York Times. Her business and commercial photography has appeared in other significant magazines that have been discontinued, including The Bulletin and Australian Business Magazine (ABM). In the United States, Her photos of gardens and food appeared in Sunset Magazine. Her photographs have been published in magazines such as Gourmet Traveller, Australian House & Garden, Your Garden, Home Beautiful, Woman's Day, Women's Weekly, Belle, Cosmopolitan and Qantas' inflight magazine, The Australian Way.
When Valerie approached us she offered a choice of showing us her photos of a number of countries including Thailand where I know a lot of Probus members have been. I finally chose a country that probably few of us will ever viisit - Ethiopia. Maybe after hearing Valerie's talk on Tuesday and seeing her photos we may all decide we would like to go there.
Brian Kennedy
After the meeting why not stay on for lunch - Ladies and visitors are welcome to attend our speaker presentations commencing at 11am
Our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 10am in the Mona Vale Golf Club.
Time: 7pm – 10pm
Venue: Avalon Recreation Centre
Cost: $25 per person
Book a table of 10 or we can place you!
In July a group of self-funded volunteers from our community will travel to Timor Leste to a small school in Salau, a sub village of Soibada.
There is currently no clean water for the children. We need to raise money for guttering, tanks and the TANKPRO to sterilise the water.
Draft Delivery Program and Budget up for comment
Pittwater Council has voted to place Council’s Draft Delivery Program & Budget 2015-2019 on public exhibition.
The Draft Delivery Program and Budget 2015-2019 outlines Council’s key priorities, capital improvement projects and fees and charges. The document will be on exhibition until 22 May 2015.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the Delivery Program for the next four years aims to deliver some key projects including the road, bridge and footpath at Macpherson Street, Warriewood, improvements to the Church Point precinct including the carpark and foreshore development, the Mona Vale Skate Park development and nearly $1m on footpath and public transport connectivity.
Council’s General Manager, Mr Ferguson said Pittwater Council remains in a financially sustainable position after taking into account all known 2015/16 financial information into its draft budget.
“All of Council’s financial indicators demonstrate that we exceed the Local Government Industry benchmarks,” added Mr Ferguson.
He said pleasingly, Council’s budget forecast for the period 2015-2016 is projecting an operating profit of $1.2 million for the coming financial year, excluding any capital investments.
“In addition, the proposed budget for the 2015/16 year involves a Major Works Program of $39.943 million with $26.863 million on capital works and $13.080 million on recurrent maintenance works programs.
“This demonstrates Council’s ability to undertake major infrastructure programs within a financially sustainable budget framework,” said Mr Ferguson.
Residents will also have an opportunity to provide final feedback on the Draft Delivery Program and Budget 2015-2019 at a public meeting being held on Wednesday 13 May from 6.30pm at the Coastal Environment Centre, North Narrabeen. To RSVP for the meeting call: 9970 1224.
The Draft Delivery Program and Budget 2015-2019 is on exhibition for comment until Friday 22 May. The documents are available on the Council’s website or at Council offices and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Download Pittwater Council’s Draft Delivery Program & Budget 2015-2019 . - (PDF: 2.90MB)
Domestic Waste Audit
Pittwater Council will be conducting surveys of residential waste and recycling (paper and container) and garden organics bins to ensure Council’s domestic waste service is meeting the needs of the community.
The company EC Sustainable will be undertaking the survey on behalf of Council. The survey will include the collection and bagging of waste bin contents of randomly selected households in the Pittwater local government area. The collection will take place from the kerbside on a household’s normal waste, recycling (paper and container) and garden organic collection days. To ensure unbiased results, no further notification will be provided to households being surveyed.
Conditions of the project prohibit the public reporting of any specific details related to any personal information, meaning the data collected is confidential. The survey will take place between 11-22 May 2015.
*Disclaimer: EC Sustainable was engaged to conduct the survey on behalf of Pittwater Council. Pittwater Council is not responsible for any claims of damage or breach of the Privacy Act as a result of the survey. Only information relating to the weight, type and composition of waste will be collected. No personal information including address, names and location will be collected.
If you are concerned with the leaking of personal information, please ensure the secure destruction of any personal documents prior to disposal during the survey period.
For enquires please or 9970 1194.
2015 Northern Beaches Local Business Awards
01 May 2015
Nominations are now open for the 2015 Northern Beaches Local Business Awards. Pittwater Council is a proud sponsor of the awards that celebrate business excellence, local talent and diversity.
You can register your own business to be in the running to win or you can vote for your favourite business by Friday 15 May
General Manager Mark Ferguson said the awards are a great way to recognise our dynamic and sustainable business community.
“Business development and employment generation in Pittwater is recognised by Council as being essential elements for sustainable economic growth in our town and village centres.
Mr Ferguson said that the awards are open to all small businesses within the retail, service and manufacturing sectors and new business are especially encouraged to nominate!
“Participation in the awards is the easiest way to show your customers that the service and experience you provide is worth being recognised,” said Mr Ferguson.
Celebrating its 10th year, the awards have grown into a defining symbol of business excellence, added Mr Ferguson.
For further information on the Northern Beaches Local Business Awards visit or call Paul William-Smith on 9970 1187.
May Urban Talks Q&A:
14th May 2015: 6:30pm - 8pm
Urban Talks - Mona Vale Place Plan - Urban Fabric & Public Realm
Urban Fabric & Public Realm
The urban fabric is the physical aspect of urban life: the building types, thoroughfares, open space, streetscapes and frontages.
Come along to Q&A with our panel of experts and discuss the future possibilities for the Mona Vale town centre.
Venue: Mona Vale Memorial Hall
Show your interest: online or contact Liz Cassis 02 9970 1247Website:
May Urban Talks:
15th – 16th May 2015: 10am - 4pm
Urban Talks - Mona Vale Place Plan - Urban Fabric & Public Realm
Urban Fabric & Public Realm
The urban fabric is the physical aspect of urban life: the building types, thoroughfares, open space, streetscapes and frontages.
Come along to our interactive workshop for your chance to provide input for the future of Mona Vale.
Venue: Mona Vale Memorial Hall. Show your interest: online or contact Liz Cassis 02 9970 1247

Avalon Craft Cottage at Dee Why
A very warm Hello to all our loyal customers....... and, at last, some good news for all those friends of the Craft Cottage who have been anxiously waiting on a Notice about our 2015 stalls.
Those of you who keep up to date with all our news on the Avalon Craft Cottage Facebook page will already have the information on hand, but for everyone else ....finally... I am now able to confirm all our booking dates up until end JULY.
In June we are off to St Ives Village (on Mona Vale Rd), another full week, Monday 8th June to Sunday 14th.
Our knitters have all been hard at work all year getting ready for these first two stalls.....the cooler weather is here and out come the scarves, gloves, socks and knee rugs .... so colorful and so very very warm.
In July we will be heading north for our annual BACK TO AVALONshow at the Avalon Recreation Centre, Old Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon - THREE DAYS ONLY.... 10th, 11th & 12th July.
Lots to look forward: hundreds of beautiful handcrafted items perfect for gift giving, or even better to splurge on for yourself or your home. And this show at Avalon is where the members really have the opportunity to show off their work ...... gorgeous babywear; exquisite hand-painted silk .. scarves, wall hangings & purses; children's knitted cardigans, jumpers and jackets; colorful beaded jewellery; timber bowls, platters & boxes; ceramics; colorful hand knitted knee rugs ; and hundreds of handcrafted cards.
For those of you who have not as yet become one of our Facebook friends...please LIKE our page and consider becoming a 'Friend'. And if you are an A.C.C. friend please help spread the word and let all your Friends know of our activities.
Otherwise, watch this space for any further information.
Hope to see many familiar faces at the next few shows,
Maureen Darcy-Smith. Publicity Officer
Blue Star Sustainability Awards - Keep NSW Beautiful
Calling all people dedicated to our environmental future - Our Blue Star Sustainability Awards are now open! These annual awards aim to reward both individuals and group projects in NSW which are committed to promoting responsible environmental practices in their local areas. There are 10 different award categories, each with a regional and metropolitan winner. To enter, all you have to do is submit a short form online - it couldn't be easier!
Entries close on Wednesday the 20th of May 2015, so if this sounds like you, someone you know, or a project currently underway in your local area, head to our page and get entering!
Boomerang Bag Avalon Sewing Bees Now Every Tuesday
Surfrider Foundation and Living Ocean
Thank you to everyone who's been involved in the initiative so far, we've got a wonderful group of regular sewing bee volunteers who are really starting to kick some goals!
Thanks to support from Pittwater Council we can now afford to rent out Avalon Recreation Centre every Tuesday, which is very exciting news!!
So make sure you pop into Avalon Recreation Centre on Tuesdays, anytime from 11am-5pm and come join the team. All welcome, no sewing skills needed, we need people to cut material, stamp and of course to come along and have a cuppa.
I'd like to also say a big thank you to Laurel who is our lead sewing bee coordinator, we couldn't be running the program without her dedication and patience.
Jessica Hensman, Operations Manager
PO Box 968, Mona Vale NSW 1660, Surfrider Foundation

6: Pittwater Place, Mona Vale, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing, craft, Bric-a-brac
13: Bunnings, Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm: Sausage sizzle
19: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing
Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 1-2 years / F BREED: Red Cattle x Kelpie
Blossom is a young active girl who is very playful and social with other dogs. She is smart and would suit an active family into jogging or running. Walking on lead seems a fairly new experience for her. She is keen to go, but pulls a bit. She loves being cuddled, will sit on command. She has a short coat and weighs 13.2kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Her adoption cost is $400.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email to see all our
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Sun May 10
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Mon May 11
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Wed May 13
Avalon Golf Course 8-11am
Thu May 14
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30- 11:30am
Sat May 16
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun May 17
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crecent Res 9-12pm
Sat May 23
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Sun May 24
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Res 8-11am
Sat May 30
Bushcare Workshop
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information or call John on 9982 5656 / 0409 391 065
May 3 - 9, 2015: Issue 212
Articles This Week
Pittwater Uprising Again by ‘Pittwater Scout’
Reflections by George Repin: HOTERE GARDEN OPUTAE
Sister Lourdes, Mana Lou by Tamara Sloper Harding - Renowned activist Nun from Timor Leste, Peace Prize winner, Speaks at the Rotary Club of Pittwater 20th of May
JAPAN: AUSTRALIAN PERSPECTIVES by Adrian Boddy: an insight into Adrian's inspirations, where they began and why this transmutes into even how his works will be displayed
Inaugural Palm 2 Palm Charity Bike Ride Achieves Great Community Spirit and Funding for Good Works
Manly Art Gallery & Museum May - June 2015: Juliet Holmes À Court: A Sense of Here Saltwater Artists Connecting to Country
Aquatics: Avalon Beach SLSC's 90th Anniversary Dinner and Dance Brings Together Legends from Near and Far - Exhibition Focus On Outstanding Contributers to Surf Life Saving itself
Pictures: Pittwater: Fishing Haven for Children and other Fishers - Saturday May 2nd, 2015
DIY Hints: Autumn DIY Jobs: Dealing With Dampness Inside the Home: This week we look at how to prevent and treat dampness to keep your home free from creeping dank and the problems associated with this + some great JBH Specials for Mother's Day 2015.
Northern Beaches attractions feature at this year’s St Ives Show
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month May 2015 - Jamie Nilsson: A photographer for Surf Life Saving New South Wales and Digital Communications Officer, the owner of Roar Digital Services. This month we share some of Jamie's stunning images
Profile: May 2015 - Pittwater Small Business EcoTreasures: As the weather cools down our passion for being outdoors does not abate. This week we speak with Damien McClellan, founder of Eco-Treasures, to share a small insight into a local business that conducts Eco Tourism in Manly, The Basin in Ku-ring-gai Chase and in the Sydney Harbour National Park.
History: May 2015 - The First Royal Visitor to Australia: the Incident at Clontarf: March 12th, 1868 - a one off before we commence May's main theme inspired by Jane Connor's Royal Visits to Australia
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PITTWATER! 23 years old on May 1. What a shame your 60,000 proud subjects are fearful of your early death. You may never reach 24 if the State Government completes their process for your demise. Baird has even appointed the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) to administer palliative care. IPART’S total devotion to setting rates and levies for Councils, will actually hasten the death of Pittwater Council, by having no understanding of the sensitive environmental, community, and democratic values of this extraordinary, pristine and ecologically sustained strip of coastline.
Representing 25% of Sydney’s coastline, including 9 ocean beaches, the preservation of this remarkable collection of sea walls, wharves, national parks, heritage monuments, rainforests and wild life, is a tribute to democracy. 23 years ago, a passionate, driven group of locals was able to wrest Pittwater away from Warringah, who had failed to recognise the needs of a socially, enviromentally and culturally different area. Pittwater Council is the only Council in NSW to have seceded in 100 years. A true democracy! Moving high rise relentlessly North, Warringah’s vision for the future is the illegally built high rise aberration which sits nearly in the surf at Collaroy Beach. The astonishing difference between this and Pittwater is a tribute to the strong democracy that allows residents to make a difference and experience it at the local level.
The CEO of the palliative care unit (IPART) is that well known undertaker Hugo Harmstorf who was suspended from the Department of Education when he left 700 disabled children stranded without transport 3 years ago. Hugo won’t get this one wrong as all he has to do is take away the democratic rights of 60,000 residents who rely on these rights for the quality of their life in the Pittwater environment.
The essence of our lifestyle is we live in an environment not an economy.
Storm Jacklin
Palm Beach & Whale Beach Association
Open Gardens Australia for International Permaculture Day
Drop by between 10 am and 4pm Sunday May 3.
You can see a developing permaculture garden, companion planting, green walls, aquaponics, raised and no-dig vege beds, frog ponds, art in the garden, composting, herb spirals, passive solar architecture, recycled materials in the building, chooks using deep mulch method, 2 native bee hives, guinea pigs, food forest, banana circle, water storage and irrigation systems.
We will have seedlings on sale as well as tea, coffee, home made treats and home made soap.
Hope to have you visit us 25 Elanora Rd Elanora Heights, NSW
Its worth a trip up to the beaches this weekend because you can also visit the Pittwater Food and Wine Fair and New Leaf Nursery.
Selena Griffith

Building and pool questions answered at Food & Wine Fair
Are you thinking about doing building work at your home? Do you have questions or concerns about your swimming pool fence, and want to know whether it complies with current legislation? Pittwater Council will have an information stall at today's Food & Wine Fair onSunday 3 May.
Residents are invited to come along and ask questions from 10am until 4pm with council staff about their building plans or swimming pool enclosure. Bring along relevant photos or plans to assist with their enquiries.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said staff will be on hand to explain to pool owners the new laws affecting backyard pools and spas introduced by the State Government that will come into effect on 29 April, 2016.
“Under current laws, all privately owned pools and spas must be registered on a NSW-wide database,” he said.
Pittwater Council staff will also be able to advise on matters related to building compliance, secondary dwellings, unauthorised work or complying development.
The Pittwater Food and Wine Fair is being held at Winnererremy Bay Reserve, Mona Street, Mona Vale on Sunday 3 May from 10am until 4pm.
Parking is available at the Council car park adjacent to the reserve (pay and display) or at Pittwater High School for a small donation.
Local residents are encouraged to ride their bike to the Food and Wine Fair and take advantage of the bike rack facilities.
For more information about the Food & Wine Fair visit
Missing from near our Fire Station, King Rd, Ingleside - Monday evening 27/4. Help find 'RB' who is female, microchipped, Red/Tan in colour, went missing with a Blue Colour with gold name tag.
Missing only 100m from Ingleside Fire station.
Contact 0414 181 812 if you see or find her.
Reward being offered. Please Share this if you have friends in the Ingleside area.

Fit for the Future
Public Meeting
19th May 2015: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Come to the public meeting to hear the information and give us your feedback
The views of the community are critical to determining what is in the best interests of Pittwater and its people.
Council has and continues to engage with the community in order to make an informed decision on the most fitting FFTF recommendations and strategy for Pittwater and will continue to do so until 5 June 2015.
Council will undertake a range of engagement activities to ensure that the broadest cross-section of the community can have a say.
Come to the public meeting to hear the information and give us your feedback.
Venue: Pittwater RSL Auditorium
RSVP: online or call 9970 1204 by 15 May
Pittwater Council – Have your say -Local Government Reform
Pittwater Council has now commenced its form community engagement and urgently need feedback from the community about about the options available in response to the NSW Government Fit for the Future local government reform process.
Have your say
There are several ways you can support the council and make your voice heard:
Complete the online survey now
Click here to express your view on the options available – the more responses, the better.
Attend the public meeting on 19th May
Come along on 19 May 2015 to Pittwater RSL from 6.30-8.30pm –RSVP or call 9970 1224 by 15 May.
Make contact with councillors
Talk to councillors at Food and Wine Fair on 3 May 2015 at Winnererremy Bay or make contact with a representative from your ward to express your views .
More information
Pittwater Council will be distributing more information to you and for the community as follows:
Information pack
A brochure will be delivered to all residents, ratepayers and business in Pittwater by mid May 2015. This provides detail about the independent analysis and the local government reform options.
Pittwater Council website
The Council’s website has been updated and will include:
• Council’s position
• Background – research and independent analysis
• Have your Say – including a link to the online survey
• Frequently Asked Questions – this will be updated throughout the period of engagement
Information displays
From this weekend, displays will be set up at both Mona Vale and Avalon libraries and Customer Service Centres.
Copies of the information pack and paper survey will be available at all of these locations.
Telephone survey
A random sample community survey will be conducted by an independent research consultant.
Banners encouraging the community to have their say and advertising the public meeting will go up in banner locations across Pittwater next week.
Key dates:
Sunday 3rd May – Councillor stall at the Food and Wine Fair, Winnereremy Bay
Tuesday 19th May – Public meeting
Friday 5th June – Community engagement period closes
Monday 15th June – Council meeting to consider community feedback
Tuesday 30th June – Submissions due to Government

THURSDAY, 7th May 2015
All welcome to board the special ferry “Merinda” kindly donated by Steve Reynolds of Palm Beach Hawkesbury River Cruises
• The ambience of “MIDHOLME”
• GOLF (byo gear)
• TENNIS (byo gear)
• BRIDGE/OTHER GAMES (byo bridge cards etc)
Morning tea and lunch will be supplied. Drinks by donation $3.00 per glass Prizes to be won.
COST: $30.00 per person - (includes Ferry return trip, m/tea and lunch)
2015 will be Beryl’s 17th year driving in the Variety Bash in her 1963 EH HOLDEN CAR NUMBER 2108
Co drivers: Elyse Cole and Viktorija McDonell
RSVP to:
BERYL – Telephone 0410 478 897 OR
ELYSE COLE - Telephone 0404 000 123 OR
BEV WILSON – Telephone 9918 9756
A National Trust Heritage Festival Event - WITH HANDS OUTSTRETCHED
Sunday 3rd May, 2pm – 5pm
Newport Community Centre: 11-13 The Boulevarde Newport
The Theme for this year’s National Trust Heritage Festival is Conflict & Compassion, which ties into the centenary of the ANZACS.
Join Pittwater Community Arts to acknowledge two organisations which were born out of conflict.
Established 9 days after the outbreak of WW1, Red Cross has been woven into the fabric of Australian life for 100 years.
See a short video highlighting its history and hear about its work.
Legacy grew out of the ashes of WW1, supporting families of Defence personnel who have given their lives for their country. Learn about its origins and its continuing mission.
The afternoon will conclude with High Tea. Cost: $10pp payable at the door.
For further information or to make a booking please phone Maureen 9913-1474
Converse School Shoes Go Walkies
On 25th of March our daughter’s shoes were taken from the locker room at Pittwater High. She had placed them next to her burgundy coloured backpack. No one handed them in since.
They are the black leather Converse sneakers that are commonly used as school shoes. The shoes were only two months old, in good condition and are a size six.
If you know where our daughter’s shoes are please contact Richard and Saskia by email
Alternatively, the shoes can be anonymously returned by dropping them at the school’s Admin desk.
Thank you.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade Helps Out at Wyong
April 30 -31, 2015
Ingleside RFS volunteers and tanker with a mixed crew headed to Wyong this week to assist NSWSES with Sydney Storm damage. The team mixed with two other Warringah and Pittwater Brigades, did 12 hour shifts and finished this deployment late Friday.
Big thanks must go to the great work by all our local RFS & SES volunteers who gave up their time to assist the community last week and this week in 24/7 shifts last week and further afield this week.
True champions!
Below: Ingleside, Davidson and Coal&Candle RFS leave early Thursday morning to head north - and at Wyong - pictures courtesy Ingleside RFS.

Extra Police Graduates For The Northern Beaches
1 May 2015
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today welcomed the NSW Government’s allocation of seven new police graduates to the Northern Beaches Local Area Command.
These new Probationary Constables were part of a graduating class of 109 officers that participated in today’s attestation ceremony at the NSW Police Academy in Goulburn.
“The allocation of these new officers is great news for our whole community,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Our local police do an incredible job and serve our community with absolute distinction.
“These new probationary constables will be under the guidance and support of some of our State’s best senior officers.
“Extra officers mean greater skills, strengths and capabilities for our local police force.
“The allocation of seven new officers to the northern beaches was the largest allocation to any police command in NSW.
“I look forward to welcoming these new officers to our community and congratulating them on their graduation,” Rob Stokes said.
Pittwater Online News Is On Facebook and Twitter for 'Stuff'
Readers have pointed out to us that we should point out to more of you that we do have a Facebook page and Twitter account where we run Late Notices, Daily Events or News that arrives during the days each week when we are Loading and Setting the next Issue. This is 'stuff' which is happening immediately, usually sent in the day or hours before it will occurr if an event, or road closures for various reasons or might be great news such as any of our many brilliant sailors doing well while far from home.
You may even see a nice picture of Pittwater and elsewhere snapped while out and about posted to brighten your day, 'stuff' that doesn't appear in the final pages for each week's Issue.
Our spacebook page is HERE, we occasionally go twitteringHERE and if you 'like' these then all this other stuff will pop up for you.
AJG - Ed.
Scamwatch - Don't Pay That Fine + No FREE Stay
Traffic infringement email scam - C/ Australian Federal Police
There’s a scam going around at the moment you need to know about!
Scammers claiming to be the AFP are asking people to pay a Traffic Infringement Notice.
DO NOT pay any money and DO NOT click any attachments or links!
You should delete the email straight away and consider running a virus scan of your computer in case the email is infected with a virus.
Please help us and your friends out by spreading the word about this scam!
SCAM ALERT: Phone scammers posing as ‘Marriott Hotels’
The ACMA has received a number of reports from members of the public about automated voice calls from the 'Marriott Hotel'. The call encourages the recipient to ‘Press 1’ to redeem a prize of a free stay at a luxurious hotel.
Where members of the public do ‘Press 1’, they are taken to a human operator who will ask a number of questions, including a request for credit card details.
You should never provide your credit card details under these circumstances.
If you receive a call, or repeated calls like this, simply hang up.
You can report phone scams to or by calling 1300 795 995.

Marine Rescue Broken Bay Boat Raffle
Drawn on Monday 8th of June, 2015 at 12 noon at Royal Motor Yacht Club.
Support our local Volunteers. See:
Pictured above - BBMR Volunteers at Palm Beach Markets on April 26th, 2015.
Next Palm Beach Markets are Sunday May 24th: 9am to 3pm

International Composting Awareness Week: Better Soil, Better Life, Better Future
Monday 4 – Sunday 10 May 2015
International Composting Awareness Week Australia (ICAW), is a week of activities, events and publicity to improve awareness of the importance of compost, a valuable organic resource and to promote compost use, knowledge and products. We can compost to help scrap carbon pollution by avoiding landfilling organic materials and helping to build healthier soils.
FREE Composting and Eco - living workshop
6th May 2015: 10am - 12:30pm
Celebrate International Compost Week by joining our FREE workshop
Small, positive changes made by everyday people can have a significant impact on our environment. This course will open the door to living a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle for you and future generations.
This workshop covers the following topics:
· An overview of all Kimbriki’s Eco House and Garden workshops
· What is Ecology?
· How can I make a difference?
· An introduction to the basics of organic gardening
· An introduction to ‘biogenics’ – the healing power of plants
· How your garden can keep you and your family healthy
· The tasting of edible flowers
· The real difference between organic and non-organic food
* Morning tea will be provided
* Every Pittwater resident who attends will receive a FREE compost bin or worm farm
Cost: Free
When: Wednesday 6 May 2015 - 10am - 12.30pm
Where: Kimbriki Eco House & Garden
Bookings are essential: Please call 9970 1194 or email
ICAW Australia is an initiative of the Centre for Organic Research & Education (CORE), a not-for-profit organisation conducting year round organic research, education and awareness activities.
CORE also organises National Organic Week Australia (NOW) which will take place between Friday 2nd and Sunday 11th October 2015.
Littoral Rainforest Restoration of Newport Bilgola Escarpment
Join A New Porter Reserve Bushcare Group to Help Re-establish
New grant funding of $25000 from the Greater Sydney Local Land Services has been awarded to Pittwater Council to help in the restoration of Littoral or coastal rainforest at three sites within the Newport Bilgola Escarpment at Porter Reserve, Hamilton Estate and Hewitt Park over the next eight months. These funds will help consolidate and extend on ground works already undertaken by Council within these locations.
Pittwater LGA has a high percentage of Littoral Rainforest compared to other LGA within the Sydney Basin. Many are scattered small pockets with more substantial areas being located within the Newport Bilgola Escarpment. The Vulnerable Powerful Owls are known to frequent this area, roosting, feeding and nesting around the escarpment. More information about Powerful Owls is available at
The project will include revegetation at Porter Reserve, of rainforest and coastal species within areas that are severely degraded.
A new Bushcare group has already been established at the southern area of Porter Reserve. This group meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 8 to 11am while a second Bushcare group is planned on the northern end of Porter Reserve within the grant location area. A community planting day will be organised in July with the date and time to be confirmed.
If anyone is interested in being part of the project please contact the Bushland Management Officer on 9970 1365.
North Head Sanctuary Foundation
Next meeting 20 May at 7pm
Speaker David Jenkins - Whale Spotter
Sydney is about to witness one of the greatest animal migrations on earth! Over 20,000 Humpback whales will travel thousands of kilometres from their summer feeding grounds, deep in the cold waters of the Southern Ocean to their breeding grounds in the warm, tropical waters of Queensland. Come and learn about this epic journey and the animals that make it with David Jenkins from Whale Spotter.
Everyone is welcome to join us at Bandicoot Heaven (Building 20) on 20 May, 2015 at 7pm.
33 North Head Scenic Drive, Manly NSW 2095
Education Room – Bandicoot Heaven
Our community education room is open 10am to 4pm Saturdays and Sundays in Building 20. Call in to have a look at our displays and our botanical cards range with many new designs. Buy four cards and get one free.
North Head Sanctuary Foundation: Custodians of North Head
P.O. Box 896, Balgowlah, NSW 2093
- PCA Survey
Please take the time to fill out this survey as Pittwater Community Arts has been going for ten years and we are looking to see if there are any new directions we should be going in and your input would be most welcome.
Please click on link for the survey:
We are having a Forum on the 25th May Monday night 6-8.30pm Mona Vale Hall with Dr Sally Watterson as the facilitator for the evening. Anyone from Pittwater is welcome to share suggestions. RSVP by Friday 22nd May to
The survey will close on Friday 15 May 2015.
Lorrie Morgan, President PCA
Take part - Manly Arts Festival
Manly Arts Festival 2015 celebrates its 22nd year. This year, as always, we’re celebrating the magic of creativity in Manly, with a broad range of exciting events featuring prominent musicians, visual artists and dance performers.
Council is inviting participation by artists, performers and cultural groups to join this exciting arts program that gets underway from Friday 18 through to Sunday 27 September 2015.
You can apply online here. Application deadline is Friday 22 May 2015.

May 1-3, 2015
Avalon Beach SLSC is celebrating its 90th Anniversary this May with all past and present members invited to join in the celebrations across the first weekend in May.
The Clubhouse will be open throughout the weekend for anyone to visit and have a look at the exhibition. A gold coin entrance donation will be put towards vital equipment the volunteer members of the club use in saving lives.
Above ABHS and Avalon Beach SLSC member Geoff Searl in 75th Anniversary shirt and cap - AJG Picture.
Time: 7pm – 10pm
Venue: Avalon Recreation Centre
Cost: $25 per person
Book a table of 10 or we can place you!
In July a group of self-funded volunteers from our community will travel to Timor Leste to a small school in Salau, a sub village of Soibada.
There is currently no clean water for the children. We need to raise money for guttering, tanks and the TANKPRO to sterilise the water.
Recognising carers in the Northern Beaches community – nominate a carer for some “me time”
Leading national age care and disabilities services provider, Just Better Care (JBC), is running a competition to support carers in the Northern Beaches area, to recognise the many hours of unpaid work they provide. Chief operations officer, JBC, Trish Noakes (owner of Northern Beaches JBC) said there are 2.7 million unpaid carers in Australia – or one in ten people.
“Carers are amazing people who provide support for a friend or family member, who due to illness, disability, age or mental health issues cannot cope without their support. They are unpaid and often unrecognised, but are the backbone of our community,” Mrs Noakes said.
The competition asks people to nominate a carer they know and enter their name and postcode on the JBC website to enter a drawer to win one of 30, four hour respite packages, worth over $5000.
“Carers can be full-time, part-time, juggling other jobs or be a friend or relative. But the common bond is their determination to help someone they care about,” Mrs Noakes said. “Carers often talk of the isolation of their roles, and the importance of taking the time to relax and do things they enjoy. That is why respite for the person they are caring for is so important – getting someone else to look after that person and making time available for the carer to relax or unwind.”
Mrs Noakes said with the aged population set to skyrocket in the coming years, the role of carers would be increasingly significant: “Carers save the taxpayer billions of dollars each year – so it is important to recognise their important role in our local Northern Beaches community and celebrate their dedication and determination.
“I encourage you to nominate a carer for this prize and help them have some extra me time or time out for themselves,” Mrs Noakes said.
To enter, visit the website at The competition closes on June 30.
About Just Better Care: Just Better Care leads Australia in the provision of in-home support for aged people, people living with a disability and people requiring in-home support, enabling them to live independently at home, maintain their personal and social connections and enjoy a better quality of life. Just Better Care operates 31 offices around Australia.
We are hosting a Biggest Morning Tea to help raise vital funds for cancer research and support services. In recent times our staff, family and friends have been personally affected by cancer and we would like to show our support through this cause.
We will be hosting our morning tea on Thursday the 28th May from 9-11am. All are welcome and we will be asking for a gold coin donation on attendance along with other fundraising activities such as raffles etc. You can help us, and get involved, by attending or making a donation! Let's raise our cups and together we'll beat cancer. More at: HERE
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/5/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:

Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE
Critter of the Month - May 2015

Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is May 3rd 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
Family Energy Rebate
Applications are now open for the 2014-2015 Family Energy Rebate. The application submission deadline is Midnight 16 June 2015. The Family Energy Rebate (FER) helps NSW family households with dependant children to pay their electricity bills. In 2014-2015 the Family Energy Rebate gives eligible households a $150 credit on their electricity bill. If you live in a residential community (caravan or mobile home park), the 2014-2015 Family Energy Rebate is $165. Find out more

Literary lunch profiles psycho thriller
01 May 2015
Mona Vale Library’s second literary luncheon event will feature Professor Anne Buist presenting her psychological thriller Medea’s Curse from 12 noon on Thursday 7 May.
Professor Buist is the Chair of Women’s Mental Health at the University of Melbourne and has over 25 years clinical and research experience in perinatal psychiatry.
She works with Protective Services and the legal system in cases of abuse, kidnapping, infanticide and murder. Medea’s Curse is her first mainstream psychological thriller.
Anne Buist, has created an edge-of-the-seat mystery with a hot new heroine--backed up by a lifetime of experience with troubled minds.
A review by The Sydney Morning Herald praised Medea’s Curse, saying, “Buist has used her twenty-five years’ experience in perinatal psychiatry to good effect in her first psychological thriller…King is a lively new character with a good mix of appealing characteristics and interesting flaws.’
Pittwater Council’s General Manager Mark Ferguson said the Literary Luncheon Series was being trialled to complement the popular Author Talk series.
“It gives residents an option of attending something during the day, perhaps in their lunch hour, and hear from a diverse range of authors in an intimate setting,” added Mr Ferguson.
Bookings are essential; to book phone 9970 1600. Following the presentation and lunch there will be an opportunity to purchase the book and have it signed by Stephanie Bennett. Admission is $8 adult, $6 concession, free admission for students.

Sea Eagles re-sign local trio
Tue 28th April: by Manly Warringah Sea Eagles
The Manly Warringah Sea Eagles have today announced the re-signing of exciting local juniors, Clinton Gutherson, and brothers, Jake and Tom Trbojevic until the end of 2017.
The highly sought after trio are all products of the Sea Eagles Junior Development Program, having quickly risen through the ranks to become members of the full time NRL squad.
The retention of the trio has always been a priority for the Club, and ensures that the finest homegrown talent remains on the peninsula for at least another two seasons.
For Mona Vale Raiders juniors, Jake and Tom Trbojevic, the thought of playing for another NRL Club never really entered their thoughts.
“Manly are a great Club and I’m extremely proud to be playing my footy here over the next few seasons,” Jake said.
“Tom and I have grown up in Mona Vale, knowing nothing else than Manly being one of the best teams in the NRL. It’s a privilege to play for our local Club.”
Brother Tom was equally excited about extending his contract with the Sea Eagles after recently making his NRL debut.
“I recently got a taste of what to expect as a NRL player and it was just as exhilarating as Jake had told me,” 18-year old Tom added.
“The opportunity to play alongside my brother in the maroon and white was something I just couldn’t turn down.”
For Gutherson, a junior Kangaroo, his re-signing has given him motivation as he continues his rehabilitation for a torn ACL, sustained in the opening round of the season.
“It’s a great feeling to have recommitted. I’d like to thank the Club for giving me the opportunity to continue my career for the team I have always supported,” Gutherson said.
“My immediate focus is recovering from my knee injury as quickly as possible, so that I can get back on the field and repay the faith the Club has shown in me,” he added.
Sea Eagles CEO Joe Kelly was delighted to have secured the Club’s best local talent to long-term deals.
“A key part of our strategy is to recruit and retain local talent. Clinton, Jake and Tom are all exciting, home-grown juniors with bright futures and we’re delighted that they’re committed to the Sea Eagles,” Kelly said.
“I’m excited that the Sea Eagles Members, supporters and local community will have the opportunity to watch this trio in their backyard of Brookvale Oval,” added Kelly.
Having played his junior football in the same competition as the newly re-signed trio, Head Coach Geoff Toovey believes it’s a step in the right direction for the Club.
“We’ve had a number of great local juniors represent this Club over the years and it’s refreshing to see another three coming through now,” Toovey said.
“They are all fantastic young athletes, who have already had a taste of NRL and have proven that they are ready to embark on lengthy careers at the Club.
Now that their immediate future is sorted, they can continue their learning on the job.”

Young Wildlife Carer Speaks to NSW Premier Mike Baird
One of Pittwater's young wildlife carers, Kayleigh Greig, daughter of the lady who curates our Southern Cross Wildlife Care Critter of the Month column, this page, recently enlisted our Premier's help to prevent more tragic wildlife deaths on our roads.
Premier Baird met and cuddled baby Sara Wombat and some other native animals that have been orphaned as a result of road accidents. It has been a very trying week in Sydney with the storms and flooding, so Kayleigh was very impressed that Premier Baird was able to spare time to hear what help we need with the issue of protecting our precious wildlife. He has a wonderful team and we look forward to working together to protect Australia's national treasures.
Mr Baird has asked for some statistics on roadkill and some supporting documentation which she's working on and they'll meet again.
He was lovely and he said he was very pleased that she'd written to him as he didn't often hear from 11-year-olds.
Lynleigh Greig
Top: Kayleigh with Premier Baird - Picture courtesy Lynleigh Greig

Playtime for Princess Sailors on Pittwater: Postponed Until Saturday May 9th
Palm Beach Sailing Club will be hosting their annual Princess Regatta this Saturday May 9th at the Iluka and Sand Point Lane Boat Ramp for a 1230 pm start sailing a short marathon style course.
“This is a fun regatta that promotes and encourages the girls and crew to take the lead and helm”, says Linda Renouf from PBSC. “It can really boost their confidence and make them more understanding of what their skipper does. We also encourage the princesses to think out of the box when it comes to their princess identity, think Princess Leah, Warrior Princess although the we love seeing the Disney princesses too.“
The regatta sees all type of sailors from first time female skippers to the more experienced. The guys can participate as long as they make an attempt to look like a princess which definitely adds to the entertainment value of the regatta.
There will also be an after race barbeque at the Palm Beach Sailing clubhouse at 1 Iluka Rd in Palm Beach.
Palm Beach Sailing club is an off the beach multihull sailing club. At the moment there are a few boats looking for experienced female skippers, primarily on Hobie 16s.
Interested girls, please contact Linda Renouf at or visit their facebook site
Come along to the unveiling of the latest addition to Freshwater Headlands Surfers Walk of Fame, by famed sculptor Mick Purdy. Enjoy an entertaining evening of drinks, food, music and film celebrating the sport of surfing and the importance of protecting our oceans, waves and beaches.
More event details coming shortly!
Contact for further information.
Tickets here:
Proudly Sponsored By Barefoot Wines, Four Pines Brewing Co and Harbord Diggers Club
Storm Emergency Information
Friday 1 May, 2015
Pittwater has experienced significant damage due to recent storms. Our first priority is to deal with safety issues.
We provide the following information about services that will assist our residents to deal with damage.
SES Emergency 132500
>For property damage on private land
>For trees on private land causing damage
For electrical wires down
>Trees on public land that are posing a risk to safety
>Flooding as a result of drainage issues on public land
>Damage to public buildings or Council infrastructure
Vegetation clean-up
Council will be providing a vegetation clean-up service to deal with trees and vegetation debris as a result of the storms.
Please leave vegetation that cannot fit in the green bin in manageable bundles on the kerbside. These will be collected as soon as possible. This may take some time and may involve a number of contractors. Large branches and uprooted trees may be dealt with by a mulching contractor and more manageable bundles will be dealt with separately.
Garbage services
These will be running as normal. If trucks are unable to access your street for safety reasons, please leave your bin out and it will be collected at the first opportunity.
>Dangerous surf conditions
>Unstable sand dunes and coastal erosion
Walking Tracks
A number of walking tracks are affected by tree falls or potential tree falls. Council is temporarily barricading these off. Please use caution near and around these areas.
Trees on private land causing hazards
>Take photos of the tree as a record
>Contact a tree contractor to assist
>Remove as much vegetation to the kerbside for collection.
Natural disaster relief may be available to residents experiencing hardship.
For more information:
Draft Delivery Program and Budget up for comment
01 May 2015
Pittwater Council has voted to place Council’s Draft Delivery Program & Budget 2015-2019 on public exhibition.
The Draft Delivery Program and Budget 2015-2019 outlines Council’s key priorities, capital improvement projects and fees and charges. The document will be on exhibition until 22 May 2015.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the Delivery Program for the next four years aims to deliver some key projects including the road, bridge and footpath at Macpherson Street, Warriewood, improvements to the Church Point precinct including the carpark and foreshore development, the Mona Vale Skate Park development and nearly $1m on footpath and public transport connectivity.
Council’s General Manager, Mr Ferguson said Pittwater Council remains in a financially sustainable position after taking into account all known 2015/16 financial information into its draft budget.
“All of Council’s financial indicators demonstrate that we exceed the Local Government Industry benchmarks,” added Mr Ferguson.
He said pleasingly, Council’s budget forecast for the period 2015-2016 is projecting an operating profit of $1.2 million for the coming financial year, excluding any capital investments.
“In addition, the proposed budget for the 2015/16 year involves a Major Works Program of $39.943 million with $26.863 million on capital works and $13.080 million on recurrent maintenance works programs.
“This demonstrates Council’s ability to undertake major infrastructure programs within a financially sustainable budget framework,” said Mr Ferguson.
Residents will also have an opportunity to provide final feedback on the Draft Delivery Program and Budget 2015-2019 at a public meeting being held on Wednesday 13 May from 6.30pm at the Coastal Environment Centre, North Narrabeen. To RSVP for the meeting call: 9970 1224.
The Draft Delivery Program and Budget 2015-2019 is on exhibition for comment until Friday 22 May. The documents are available on the Council’s website or at Council offices and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Download Pittwater Council’s Draft Delivery Program & Budget 2015-2019 . - (PDF: 2.90MB)
Domestic Waste Audit
Pittwater Council will be conducting surveys of residential waste and recycling (paper and container) and garden organics bins to ensure Council’s domestic waste service is meeting the needs of the community.
The company EC Sustainable will be undertaking the survey on behalf of Council. The survey will include the collection and bagging of waste bin contents of randomly selected households in the Pittwater local government area. The collection will take place from the kerbside on a household’s normal waste, recycling (paper and container) and garden organic collection days. To ensure unbiased results, no further notification will be provided to households being surveyed.
Conditions of the project prohibit the public reporting of any specific details related to any personal information, meaning the data collected is confidential. The survey will take place between 11-22 May 2015.
*Disclaimer: EC Sustainable was engaged to conduct the survey on behalf of Pittwater Council. Pittwater Council is not responsible for any claims of damage or breach of the Privacy Act as a result of the survey. Only information relating to the weight, type and composition of waste will be collected. No personal information including address, names and location will be collected.
If you are concerned with the leaking of personal information, please ensure the secure destruction of any personal documents prior to disposal during the survey period.
For enquires please or 9970 1194.
2015 Northern Beaches Local Business Awards
01 May 2015
Nominations are now open for the 2015 Northern Beaches Local Business Awards. Pittwater Council is a proud sponsor of the awards that celebrate business excellence, local talent and diversity.
You can register your own business to be in the running to win or you can vote for your favourite business by Friday 15 May
General Manager Mark Ferguson said the awards are a great way to recognise our dynamic and sustainable business community.
“Business development and employment generation in Pittwater is recognised by Council as being essential elements for sustainable economic growth in our town and village centres.
Mr Ferguson said that the awards are open to all small businesses within the retail, service and manufacturing sectors and new business are especially encouraged to nominate!
“Participation in the awards is the easiest way to show your customers that the service and experience you provide is worth being recognised,” said Mr Ferguson.
Celebrating its 10th year, the awards have grown into a defining symbol of business excellence, added Mr Ferguson.
For further information on the Northern Beaches Local Business Awards visit or call Paul William-Smith on 9970 1187.
May Urban Talks Q&A:
14th May 2015: 6:30pm - 8pm
Urban Talks - Mona Vale Place Plan - Urban Fabric & Public Realm
Urban Fabric & Public Realm
The urban fabric is the physical aspect of urban life: the building types, thoroughfares, open space, streetscapes and frontages.
Come along to Q&A with our panel of experts and discuss the future possibilities for the Mona Vale town centre.
Venue: Mona Vale Memorial Hall
Show your interest: online or contact Liz Cassis 02 9970 1247Website:
May Urban Talks:
15th – 16th May 2015: 10am - 4pm
Urban Talks - Mona Vale Place Plan - Urban Fabric & Public Realm
Urban Fabric & Public Realm
The urban fabric is the physical aspect of urban life: the building types, thoroughfares, open space, streetscapes and frontages.
Come along to our interactive workshop for your chance to provide input for the future of Mona Vale.
Venue: Mona Vale Memorial Hall. Show your interest: online or contact Liz Cassis 02 9970 1247

The Harbour Trust is pleased to announce the opening of its new WWI Hospital Interpretation Trail at Georges Heights, Mosman.
This new interpretation trail celebrates and commemorates the 21st Australian Auxiliary Hospital, fondly known as 'The Hospital on the Hill', which was based at Georges Heights from 1916-1921. This hospital was built in 1916 to help accommodate the increasing number of wounded Australian soldiers returning from the Western Front. By mid-1918, it was the third largest military hospital in Australia. The hospital closed in 1921 and its wards were converted to barracks, offices and other facilities.
The new World War I Hospital Interpretation Trail tells the story of the Hospital on the Hill, its buildings, their uses and the lives of the people who worked in them during these important years.
This project was only made possible by a generous grant from the Australian Government’s Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program.
01 May 2015
Buy hard-to-find publications from Australia, Europe, the UK, the USA and beyond at the Mercury Press Pop-Up Shop.
Mercury Press’ list of titles cover a broad range of genres from art and fashion, culture to craft, home and garden, lifestyle and much more.
Pop in to their pop-up shop to discover a range of magazines that will spark your interests. Open until May 31.
Where: Building 4, Best Ave, Georges Heights, Mosman
When: 10am-6pm, Mon-Fri; 10am-4pm, Sat-Sun
Avalon Craft Cottage at Dee Why
A very warm Hello to all our loyal customers....... and, at last, some good news for all those friends of the Craft Cottage who have been anxiously waiting on a Notice about our 2015 stalls.
Those of you who keep up to date with all our news on the Avalon Craft Cottage Facebook page will already have the information on hand, but for everyone else ....finally... I am now able to confirm all our booking dates up until end JULY.
SO .... we start off with our big MOTHERS' DAY and MORE Stall .... to be held this time at DEE WHY GRAND, Cnr Sturdee Pde, Dee Why: Monday 27th April to Sunday 3rd May
As many of you will be aware, the usual venue for our Mothers' Day stall is Warriewood Square but with all the massive renovations going on at the centre at present we were not able to lease a large enough site to enable our members to put up a good display, so.... Dee Why Grand has the space we need, plenty of on-site parking, easy access from Pacific Parade and a bus stop right out the front....AND it's just a short trip down the road from Warriewood Square.
If coming by car, turn into the Sturdee Pde entrance and park downstairs, and then take the escalator to the main level, veer left and head towards the Pacific Parade entrance ...and look for the Craft Cottage display.
In June we are off to St Ives Village (on Mona Vale Rd), another full week, Monday 8th June to Sunday 14th.
Our knitters have all been hard at work all year getting ready for these first two stalls.....the cooler weather is here and out come the scarves, gloves, socks and knee rugs .... so colorful and so very very warm.
In July we will be heading north for our annual BACK TO AVALONshow at the Avalon Recreation Centre, Old Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon - THREE DAYS ONLY.... 10th, 11th & 12th July.
Lots to look forward: hundreds of beautiful handcrafted items perfect for gift giving, or even better to splurge on for yourself or your home. And this show at Avalon is where the members really have the opportunity to show off their work ...... gorgeous babywear; exquisite hand-painted silk .. scarves, wall hangings & purses; children's knitted cardigans, jumpers and jackets; colorful beaded jewellery; timber bowls, platters & boxes; ceramics; colorful hand knitted knee rugs ; and hundreds of handcrafted cards.
For those of you who have not as yet become one of our Facebook friends...please LIKE our page and consider becoming a 'Friend'. And if you are an A.C.C. friend please help spread the word and let all your Friends know of our activities.
Otherwise, watch this space for any further information.
Hope to see many familiar faces at the next few shows,
Maureen Darcy-Smith. Publicity Officer

Blue Star Sustainability Awards - Keep NSW Beautiful
Calling all people dedicated to our environmental future - Our Blue Star Sustainability Awards are now open! These annual awards aim to reward both individuals and group projects in NSW which are committed to promoting responsible environmental practices in their local areas. There are 10 different award categories, each with a regional and metropolitan winner. To enter, all you have to do is submit a short form online - it couldn't be easier!
Entries close on Wednesday the 20th of May 2015, so if this sounds like you, someone you know, or a project currently underway in your local area, head to our page and get entering!
Boomerang Bag Avalon Sewing Bees Now Every Tuesday
Surfrider Foundation and Living Ocean
Thank you to everyone who's been involved in the initiative so far, we've got a wonderful group of regular sewing bee volunteers who are really starting to kick some goals!
Thanks to support from Pittwater Council we can now afford to rent out Avalon Recreation Centre every Tuesday, which is very exciting news!!
So make sure you pop into Avalon Recreation Centre on Tuesdays, anytime from 11am-5pm and come join the team. All welcome, no sewing skills needed, we need people to cut material, stamp and of course to come along and have a cuppa.
I'd like to also say a big thank you to Laurel who is our lead sewing bee coordinator, we couldn't be running the program without her dedication and patience.
Jessica Hensman, Operations Manager
PO Box 968, Mona Vale NSW 1660, Surfrider Foundation

9: Bunnings, Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm: Sausage sizzle
15: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing
6: Pittwater Place, Mona Vale, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing, craft, Bric-a-brac
13: Bunnings, Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm: Sausage sizzle
19: Mona Vale Hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing
Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 6 years / F BREED: Border Collie X Cattle
Bessie can now see, post successful cataract surgery in Jan 15. She is such a sweet, affectionate, girl. Her whole body bends and wiggles & her tail wags when she hears your familiar voice. She LOVES to play. She has bursts of energy where she does laps. She can be left alone and she is not needy of attention, yet so affectionate. She would be best as the only dog in the household. She has a short coat and weighs 19.5kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Her adoption cost is $400.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email to see all our
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Avalon Dunes 8:30-11:30am
W’wood Wetlands 9-12pm
Pittwater Food and Wine Fair - Winn Bay 10am - 4pm
Mon May 4
Rocky Point 9-12pm
Tue May 5
Browns Bay Res 9-12pm
Sat May 9
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Point 10-1pm
Porters Res 8-11am
Sun May 10
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Mon May 11
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Wed May 13
Avalon Golf Course 8-11am
Thu May 14
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30- 11:30am
Sat May 16
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun May 17
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crecent Res 9-12pm
Sat May 23
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Sun May 24
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Res 8-11am
Sat May 30
Bushcare Workshop
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information or call John on 9982 5656 / 0409 391 065