Community News - October 2015
October 25 - 31, 2015: Issue 237
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 237: NO FORCED AMALGAMATION RALLY at Winnererremy Bay Park Thursday 29 October 5pm + Great News From, About and BY Residents
SLSA Awards of Excellence 2015: Warriewood and Avalon Beach Life Savers Receive Meritorious Awards
Aquatics: Yachting Australia Awards 2015: Pittwater Sailors Nominees and Finalists
The Narrabeen Beach Challenge - First in the 2015 Sydney Ocean Swim Series: Dive Into Supporting Narrabeen Beach SLSC on Saturday 31 October by Deidre McAlinden
Eddie's Paddling For A Cause: NBI Pittwater Paddle - 8th November 2015
Held over:
KEEPING COMPANY: SALTWATER - new works by 45 Northern Beaches artists + 'Metamorphosis': exhibition of ceramics by fourteen students graduating from Northern Beaches Campus in Brookvale @ Manly Art Gallery & Museum 30 October — 29 November 2015
Profile: Palm Beach Longboarders share the classic way to ride a wave + The Old Log - Old Mal Rally November 7th - HEAPS of family fun
History: Pittwater Reserves - The Green Ways: Mona Vale's Village Greens a Map of the Historic Crown Lands Ethos Realised in The Village, Kitchener and Beeby Parks - Pittwater reserves adjoin our beaches where small green spaces have been set aside so people may picnic, swing, play cricket, tennis, golf, soccer and rugby..or hold markets, let their horses graze...have a dance...
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month October 2015 - Nat Bromhead: Pittwater Photography - Award winning photo-journalist with a passion for beautiful Pittwater shares a few glorious images and a story about a drone that flew away...and didn't come back!
Dear Community Members
As you are aware IPART has released its report on all Council submissions in response to the Fit for the Future process.
What does this mean for Pittwater?
Pittwater, Warringah and Manly Councils have all been declared 'unfit' on the basis that they do not reach the scale and capacity benchmark. Indeed 60% of Sydney metropolitan Councils are in this category. Consequently IPART recommended a merger of all three Council's to form one mega Council for the northern beaches.
Pittwater Council remains opposed to forced amalgamation. Pittwater Council has continually reiterated this position as it believes that there will be negative consequences for the community if we were to become one mega Council on the northern beaches which include a reduced voice in planning matters and less democratic representation.
What can you do?
A range of activities are currently being planned to ensure that the community has a voice. A response to the NSW Government is due by 18 November and this means we need to mobilise action as quickly as possible.
No Forced Amalgamation event - Thursday 29 October 5pm sharp, Winnererremy Bay, Mona Vale (near Flying Fox Café)
Council invites as many members of the community as possible to be part of a fun and innovative photo opportunity. Council has engaged drone and video photography to capture a human NO. We will be distributing blue caps to all who participate to accentuate to shape of NO that will be seen from the air. The visuals captured at the event will be distributed broadly through media channels and a dedicated social media campaign will be implemented to reinforce our NO Forced Amalgamation stance.
Council will also be hosting a BBQ at this event for all who attend to galvanise our collective efforts.
Mona Vale Market Day - 1 November
Pittwater Council and Pittwater Forever will have stalls at the market day. A photo booth capturing community sentiment and postcard campaign directed to the Premier Mike Baird will be amongst the activities to give the community an opportunity to voice their opinion on that day.
Updates will be made to the website about future activities and information as it becomes available:…/local_government_reform
Jane Mulroney, Manager – Community Engagement & Corporate Strategy - Pittwater Council: October 24, 2015
Pittwater hasn't escaped amalgamation yet
21 Oct 2015
Pittwater Deputy Mayor Kylie Ferguson has expressed her utmost disappointment with the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) report that ruled Pittwater as being one of Sydney’s councils that has been declared ‘unfit’.
IPART released its report yesterday that deemed Pittwater does not meet the Fit for the Future scale and capacity criteria due to its population size. Council did however meet every other financial criterion incorporating sustainability, infrastructure and efficiency measures.
“Our community has spoken time and time again—they don’t want Pittwater to be amalgamated,” Cr Ferguson said.
“The State Government says they have given us 30 days to ‘reconsider the benefits of merging’ and have offered cash benefits. These include up to $25 million for the combined Council’s that include $10 million to cover the costs of a merger. $15 million would come from the newly announced Stronger Communities fund to provide funding for community infrastructure projects. However, amalgamation may come at great cost and our community has to date rejected amalgamations.
“The Council will need to consider a report and its options for the way forward.
“Now that IPART has delivered its recommendation to State Government, it’s time for our community to have one last say before the government determines our fate.
“Council’s preference is to stand alone, remain committed to a strong, independent Pittwater Council providing local representation and delivery of local services to the people of Pittwater on the existing boundaries. Council also remains opposed to forced amalgamations.
“Results from independent research and Pittwater Council’s community engagement have consistently demonstrated overwhelming support for the status quo.
“Pittwater’s independence remains front and centre in our community with a whopping 89 per cent supporting us to stand alone” she added.
To stay informed, please visit
Jack Gale Training Centre at RPAYC Officially Opened
Saturday October 24th, 2015

Mona Vale Skate Park design takes flight
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend has offered a big thank you to the working group who has been instrumental in creating a concept design for the Mona Vale skate park.
Mayor Townsend said the Skate Park Working Party included local youth as well as parents and representatives from the skating industry.
“They worked really well as a team to bring this project to fruition and we now have a consensus on a design which, when built, will provide an outstanding youth and family facility at Kitchener Park.
“The concept design has been developed by Convic, an experienced skate park designer and will be suitable for skateboarders, BMX riders, scooters, inline and roller-skaters,” she said.
“The design includes a broad range of obstacles suitable for beginners, through to intermediate and advanced users, and will retain the existing vert ramp which will be renovated in situ.
“The design concept will also include viewing areas as well as shade, seating, bubblers and night-lighting.
“Construction specifications are underway with construction to start early next year,” added Mayor Townsend.
To view the concept design visit
Pittwater Council Presents Local Surf Clubs With Funds
Financial boost for our surf clubs with a cheque presentation at this week's Council meeting. Nine clubs received $7,881, with Surf Life Saving Northern Beaches & Warringah Surf Rescue each receiving $6,564.

Marine Friendly Sunscreen from Surf Life Saving Australia
Did you know that it's estimated that each year 6,000 tons of sunscreen wash off swimmers in oceans and rivers worldwide?
Surf Life Saving Sunscreen Marine Friendly SPF50+ sunscreen helps protect your skin and our unique marine environment at the same time as it's oxybenzone free, and preservative free!
Your purchase supports Surf Life Saving in their efforts to provide safer beaches and communities for all Australians.
Visit the website to find out more.

Researchers from Ecological Australia, the Ingleside biodiversity consultants, have been scouring Ingleside, looking for Microtis angustii and have found numerous orchids of the Microtis species but they are not sure whether they are Angus' onion orchid or another species of onion orchid.
More information is available at the agenda and minutes of the Ingleside Community Reference Group meeting of 1 July 2015.
David Palmer
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association
Top and below: Microtis species flowers. Each is about 3 mm long. Photos courtesy Marita Macrae
Friday, 16 October 2015: Media Release
Minister for Primary Industries, Lands and Water Niall Blair announced today that Fishing Aggregating Devices (FADs) have been deployed off the NSW coastline, ready for recreational fishers to try their luck at the start of the summer fishing season. Sixteen FADs have been strategically placed at key fishing spots off the Far North, Mid North and Hunter coasts, ranging between nine and 32 kilometres off shore, including three near Coffs Harbour.
“These devices are deployed each year as it starts to warm up to enhance recreational fishing opportunities by attracting surface dwelling fish such as mahimahi for sport and eating,” Mr Blair said. “This means recreational fishers can venture out to sea, drop a line near a FAD buoy and have a greater chance of hooking a big one.
“I love ‘wetting a line’ and I encourage those keen on sea fishing to look up a FAD near them and head out for a great day of fishing.”
Member for Coffs Harbour, Andrew Fraser said “more than $130 million has been spent on projects like this to improve recreational fishing for the one million fishers who drop a line every year. “There are three FADs which have been deployed near Coffs Harbour, one north at Wooli, one at Coffs Harbour itself and one at Nambucca to the south,” Mr Fraser said.
FADs are yellow, spherical buoys with a flashing beacon for safe navigation. Thirty buoys will eventually be deployed off the NSW coast for the summer fishing season. NSW Recreational Fishing Fees are reinvested into freshwater and saltwater projects that improve recreational fishing, like the state’s FADs program. Recreational fishing is a $1.6 billion industry, which employs about 14,000 people.
Full details of where each FAD is located can be found online.

Help to Build Barrenjoey High School's Future
BHS are now in full swing with their latest fundraising project which is the building of The Barrenjoey Community Performance Space!
Designed by renowned local architect Richard Cole - this acoustically designed purpose built space will seat an audience of 200, and will play host to many Community and School performing arts programs such as dance, drama, musical concerts, film nights, lectures and so much more!
BHS need your support Community!
If you think you can help, please call Barrenjoey High School 02 99188811 or visit their website
Or leave a message here and we'll get in touch!
More information to follow. This is what we've all been waiting for!
Top; external front of the Barrenjoey Community Performance Space - end of phase 3 – completion
Blackmores Community Open Day
Blackmores is once again demonstrating its commitment to the local community by hosting a Community Open Day in support of local health, environment and community organisations.
To be held on Saturday, 31 October 2015, the Blackmores Community Open Day will showcase the great work of dozens of local community organisations including Community Care Northern Beaches, Northern Beaches Interchange, Be Centre, Bear Cottage, The Pittwater Coastal Environment Centre, Bilgola SLSC, Exodus Foundation, Animal Welfare League, Avalon Computer Pals for Seniors, Boomerang Bags, Quest for Life and many more.
Throughout the day there will be health and environmental seminars, giveaways, live entertainment, special guest speakers, yoga classes, food stalls and plenty of entertainment for the kids including a Halloween ‘fun zone’ with craft, face painting, jumping castle and more.
Health and wellbeing experts from Blackmores and local health organisations will provide educational talks on health issues such as inflammation; sports nutrition; kids and teen health; stress and sleep; and healthy ageing.
There will be plenty for pet lovers too with talks on animal health, choosing the right pet and more.
The Community Open Day will also support and showcase local environmental sustainability organisations and initiatives with environmental workshops such as sustainable food practices, productive gardens, owning a native bee hive and indigenous bush tucker.
Throughout the day Blackmores will be welcoming the community inside its award-winning, innovative and sustainable campus for tours of its factory and facilities.
Including appearances from singer, musician and 2014 X Factor contestant, Ellis Hall; inspirational CEO of Quest for Life, Petrea King; celebrity fitness expert Andrew Pap; local professional surfer Holly Wawn; plus more local special guest speakers.
In addition, children from local primary and high schools will perform dance, gymnastics, cheerleading and music routines on stage throughout the day.
The event will be held from 10am until 3pm on Saturday, 31 October 2015 at the Blackmores Campus, 20 Jubilee Avenue, Warriewood
Bush Fire Stories for NSW Rural Fire Service
We are looking to build up a library of bush fire stories and testimonials from members of the public and would like to give you an opportunity to be involved. Sharing these stories can make a big difference in helping other people be better prepared for bush fire. These stories may be shared in our publications, websites and on social media.
If you know of anyone who would like to share their experience of bush fire, please encourage them to submit their story through our website. See the link for information on what we’re looking for and to submit.
Proposed land resources legislation
NSW Government: 15 October 2015
On 15 October 2015, the NSW Government introduced a legislative package (PDF: ) in Parliament as part of its reform of the regulation of resource exploration and production in NSW.
The proposed reforms include the strategic release framework, land access framework, Harmonisation Bill, work health and safety framework, and the EPA as lead regulator.
Strategic release framework
The proposed Strategic Release Framework for Coal and Petroleum exploration resets coal and gas exploration in NSW through the use of strategic release and competitive allocation of exploration licences and assessment leases.
Cross-agency input and community consultation will enable upfront assessment of the known regional geological, social, environmental and economic factors prior to any areas being released for exploration.
A competitive allocation process for licences will safeguard against claims of corruption and ensure better outcomes for the people of NSW.
The proposed reform implements recommendations of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer (PDF 243.59kb: Final Report of the Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in NSW - September 2014), the Coal Exploration Steering Group and the commitments made in the Strategic Statement on NSW Coal (PDF 240. 86kb :Strategic Statement on NSW Coal - August 2014 ) and the NSW Gas Plan.
Land access framework
The proposed land access framework offers a fairer, more efficient, consistent and transparent land access arbitration process.
Features of the framework include:
• a rigorous selection process for arbitrators
• performance measures for arbitrators
• capped negotiation, mediation and arbitration costs to be met by the explorer
• guidance on timeframes and procedures
• the use of legal representation and site inspections
• clearer guidance on 'significant improvements'.
The reform implements the legislative components of the recommendations in the report by Bret Walker SC on land access arbitration.
Harmonisation Bill
The Harmonisation Bill brings the Mining Act 1992 and the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 into closer alignment in matters to do with the administration of titles, conditions, and compliance and enforcement. It is the first stage in delivering a single resources act in NSW, in line with the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer's recommendations.
Work health and safety framework
This reform will establish a consistent legislative framework for work health and safety (WHS) across the petroleum and mining sectors by extending the WHS (Mines) Act to apply to petroleum workplaces. It promotes best practice risk-based WHS standards and provides clarity for industry looking to implement effective WHS measures in line with their legal requirements.
EPA as lead regulator
The Bill provides a legislative basis for the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) becoming the State's sole authority for compliance and enforcement of all non-work, health and safety consent conditions for gas exploration and production.
MEDIA RELEASE Thursday, 15 October 2015: Anthony Roberts Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy Mark Speakman Minister for the Environment
Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy, Anthony Roberts and Environment Minister Mark Speakman, today said the NSW Government has taken a major step in delivering the recommendations of the independent NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer around coal seam gas and the NSW Gas Plan, with the introduction of new legislation into State Parliament. Mr Roberts said the new laws build on the reforms already introduced by the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government to better regulate the state’s resources sector. “This Government has made a priority of resetting the regulation of the resources sector and we are delivering,” Mr Roberts said. “We needed to do this to ensure that we have the safe, sustainable and secure access to the state’s natural resources.”
Environment Minister Mark Speakman said on 1 July 2015, the EPA became responsible for compliance with and enforcement of conditions of approval for gas activities in NSW (excluding work health and safety matters).
“As the sole independent regulator of gas activities in NSW, the EPA will provide effective and robust regulation of the gas industry,” Mr Speakman said.
“The Bills provide clearer guidance for communities and industry, help reduce land use conflict, provide upfront community consultation and better recognition of the true value of resources,” Mr Roberts said. “They also provide a vastly enhanced level of transparency and accountability and serve as the first stage in delivering a single resources Act for the state, as recommended by the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer, Professor Mary O’Kane.”
The new frameworks proposed in the Bills include:
1. Strategic Release Framework– Restores confidence in the NSW coal and gas exploration sectors through the use of strategic release and competitive allocation of exploration licences and assessment leases. This will ensure economic, environmental and social factors are considered, with community consultation conducted upfront, before a proposed exploration area is released for a competitive process.
2. Land access negotiations – A fairer, more efficient, consistent and transparent land access arbitration for both landholders and explorers, as recommended by Mr Bret Walker SC.
3. Legislative harmonisation – Provides greater clarity by bringing the Mining Act 1992 and the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 into closer alignment. It also offers a wider range of enforcement tools, including new directions powers, enforceable undertakings and a broader range of penalty notice offences.
4. Workplace health and safety (WHS) – A new framework promoting best practice risk-based WHS standards in the petroleum and mining sectors.
5. Environment Protection Authority (EPA) as lead regulator – The Bill enshrines the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) as the State’s lead regulator for compliance and enforcement of all non-work, health and safety consent conditions for gas exploration and production.
The five Bills submitted to Parliament today will join the recently introduced Improved Management of Exploration Regulation (IMER) framework in providing an integrated approach to ensuring the efficient, competitive and transparent allocation and the safe use of the state’s natural resources.
For more information visit:
Palm Beach Longboarding Club Inc Old Mal – Old Log Rally 2015
IT'S ON – THE PALMY OLD MAL LOG RALLY: if your nine foot plus and single we want you there on the 7th November 2015 so get your entry form for the 2015 Palmy Old Mal Log Rally in. Go to thePalm Beach Longboarders Inc for more details.
The Palmy Old Mal/Log Rally kicks off at 6.30am on Saturday 7th November2015 somewhere along the Palm Beach stretch (look for the tents).
Entries close 3rd November 2015 - first in, best dressed.
Old Mal Rally History
The inaugural Palm Beach Old Mal Rally was held on Saturday March 23, 1996 at Palm Beach, Sydney in conjunction with the council-run Pittwater Festival.
The contest was conceived by the Palm Beach Longboarders Club to promote sportsmanship, competition and traditional surfing. It also aimed to raise funds for The Disabled Surfers Association (DSA) and the club to be actively involved in The Pittwater Festival of 1996.
The contest is about the style and boards used pre-1968 and the judges' aim was to look for classic 60's style of surfing. Manoeuvers such as hang ten, hang five, drop knee turns, soul arch, Standing Island pull-out, stalls, head dips, and of course tube riding were the focus of the day.
ENTRY FORM BELOW Simply click on and 'save as' on your own PC
Roads, wildlife links and development
Monday, 9 November 2015 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lakeview room The Tramshed Arts & Community Centre , 1395A Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
Mona Vale Road is to be upgraded from Terrey Hills to Mona Vale. Ingleside is to be developed for housing.
How can we make sure our bushland, birds and animals will be able to survive a widened Mona Vale Road and a developed Ingleside?
What is the latest on road crossings and corridors? What are the special habitat needs of local endangered species?
Come and hear leading researchers:
• Prof Daryl Jones, Griffith University, a Road ecologist with experience in fauna over and underpasses
• Dr Bradley Law and expert on endangered eastern pygmy possums and other native fauna.
Free. RSVP by November 3rd, 2015
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association
FoNLC – Next Forum: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Our Catchment - looking back, looking forward 7pm Monday November 23, 2015 Narrabeen Lakes Public School Hall. 1299 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
Looking Back: Jim Boyce from Manly Warringah Pittwater Historical Society has a fascinating take on looking at historical developments and a talent for telling stories. What major world events shaped the way developments occurred in this catchment? What resources have people sought in this area over time?
Looking Forward: Brent Jacobs is from The Institute of Sustainable Futures. He will alert us to issues we need to be considering as we plan for the future in the light of the impact of Climate Change. Free entry but book your tickets now. Phone: 9905 2135 Email: Judith Bennett
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment
![]() | PBLB 2015 OMLR Entry Form.pdf Size : 119.493 Kb Type : pdf |
The much loved Doggie Rescue calendar is back, and this year features the adorable Maeko as the cover star. Maeko is one of 11,466 dogs that have been saved from death row through the tireless hard work and dedication of Sydney’s largest private NO KILL animal welfare organisation. These 2016 calendars represent so much more than dates on page, each and every one contributes directly to saving the lives of our best friends.
Maeko was rescued from one of the many pounds around NSW and he represents what happens when abandoned and unloved pets are given a second chance at life thanks to founder and CEO Monika Biernacki;
“The number of dogs facing death row every day in Australia is truly shocking. These beautiful animals all deserve the opportunity to find their forever home and I am so proud that over 11,000 of them are now happily part of their new families”.
The Doggie Rescue calendar forms the main fundraiser for this well respected charity, and with all proceeds going straight back to the organisation, it means that many, many more lives will be saved. If all the calendars find their way into homes around Australia, that represents more than 1200 dogs provided with food, shelter and basic veterinary costs.
There are literally thousands of heartbreaking stories behind these animals, but it is the heartwarming result of every new adoption that provides the drive that keeps Monika and her dedicated volunteers going;
“Doggie Rescue was created to provide a viable NO KILL alternative in Sydney and to educate the public on their lifelong responsibilities when owning a dog. Dogs are not an impulse purchase and people need to become educated about where their new addition has come from. Rescue dogs are very special, most adoptees tell us that in actual fact, the rescue dog has saved them! There is nothing like the love and dedication of a rescued animal. ”
The 2016 DoggieRescue calendar costs just $15 and makes the perfect Christmas gift for friends and family. It is available online at or can be purchased by calling 9486 3133 or by visiting the shelter at Ingleside.
The Doggie Rescue calendar will be launched to coincide with Halloween, with a big scary celebration at Doggiewood, Ingleside on 31st October from 10am to 3pm.
Kids dress the part, whether creepy or sweet, and come to DoggieRescue to TRICK or TREAT. Enjoy some spook-tacular fun and lots, lots more - come and see what Halloween has in store! Refuse this invitation if you dare and you will miss out on a Halloween SCARE!!!
We have over 200 dead dogs walking ( DR doggies rescued from death!! ) and more cats and kittens than you think . We need your support so if you cannot join us please spread the word and buy a calendar by following this link….
Movember and Surfing Australia Team Up
Image Credit: Movember
October, 2015
As upper lips begin to twitch in anticipation of the approaching hairy season and people across the country ready themselves for the onslaught of Movember moustaches, Surfing Australia is ready to Mo, today announcing a new partnership with the Movember Foundation.
The Movember Foundation’s quest to change the face of men’s health ties in perfectly with Surfing Australia’s purpose of creating a healthier and happier Australia through experiencing the joy of surfing for life.
Surfing Australia and Movember are challenging the surfing community and all Aussies to get involved as Mo Bros or Mo Sistas - encouraging men to grow and women to support a moustache this Movember.
Men can get involved by growing any style of moustache they see fit over the 30 days of the month. Some might even like to give the ‘Michael Peterson’ a go, as showcased by the legendary surfing cult figure during the height of his powers in the 1970’s.
Movember and Surfing Australia will work together across digital platforms including,, both social media and newsletters as well as at Surfing Australia events.
Movember Foundation’s Paul Villanti, Executive Director of Programs, said the partnership was a great opportunity for men and women in the surfing community to get involved at a grassroots level and make a difference to the health of men across the country.
“Australians love the surf and the beach and a partnership with Surfing Australia will see more Mo’s than ever hit the sand and the waves this Movember,” said Villanti.
Surfing Australia’s CEO Andrew Stark said: “We are very proud to be partnering with Movember Foundation to help drive awareness for such an important national men’s health issue. We look forward to working with the team at Movember and towards achieving some fantastic Mo’s and excellent fundraising results for such an important health issue.”
Join the movement – sign up at to grow, give and support the moustache for the 30 days of Movember.
About the Movember Foundation
The Movember Foundation is a global men’s health charity. The Foundation raises funds that deliver innovative, breakthrough programs that allow men to live happier, healthier and longer lives. Millions have joined the men’s health movement, raising $680 million and funding over 1,000 projects, focusing on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health and physical inactivity.
For more information of the Movember Foundation’s programs and funding and to sign up for this year’s Movember, visit
The 15th Anniversary of "The Royal Motor Yacht Club of Broken Bay Timber Boat Festival’’: Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st of November 2015: 10.00am to 4.00pm
The Timber Boat Division at the Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay are sprucing up their wooden boats in readiness for their very popular annual Timber Boat Festival. This year the event will be held on Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st November and attracts around 1,500 boat lovers each year.
A wonderful collection of wooden boats, power and sail, large and small. Classics from Halvorsen, Williams, Herreschoff, Chris Craft, Milcraft and Riva and more will be on display. Many of these boats are old favourites returning but there will be a number of first timers as well. Some resourceful boat lovers have converted commercial trawlers into homes away from home. Others have built their boats themselves.
You will be cordially invited on board any boat which takes your interest, with all boat owners showing off their pride and joy. Have you ever thought about buying, building or renovating a boat yourself? Come along and talk with experienced boat owners and gain the benefit of their passion and their considerable, collective boating skills and knowledge.
Many boats are immaculately painted and varnished with beautifully oiled planked decks. Some display finely decorated and upholstered cabins while others are kind of homely and comfortable just the way their owners like them. Most are an ongoing work in progress. So much of the craftsmanship is just inspirational.
The displays will include interactive demonstrations of electronic navigation equipment, marine antennae for TV and internet, fender systems, rowing dinghies, stainless steel fittings, boat cleaning products, the revolutionary new jet bow thrusters, traditional British Seagull outboard motors and much more.
This festival is not just about looking at boats. The Royal Motor Yacht Club has an excellent bar and bistro where they make the most wonderful array of fine foods from real Aussie hamburgers to full sit down meals at very reasonable prices. There is a children’s menu and the ice cream bar is always a favourite.
The Royal Motor Yacht Club would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support in our 15th anniversary year.
Entry to the Timber Boat Festival is $5.00 for adults with children under 12 free and the show is open between 10am and 4pm on both days.
Contact Timber Boat Festival Shuttle Bus on 0417 558 535. (10.00am to 4.00pm)
Find out more at:
Avalon Car Boot Sale
Join Pittwater Council's car boot jumble sale on Saturday 24 October, 2015.
Don’t send your unwanted goods to landfill… sell them at Pittwater Council’s community car boot sale!
Council is hosting a community car boot sale at Dunbar Park Avalon on Saturday 24 October from 8am-2pm. This community event is a great way for residents to sell their pre-loved households goods, which is a positive alternative to sending unwanted belongings to landfill and it also helps prevent illegal dumping.
Registrations: Open to all Pittwater residents. Sites will be allocated to cars, station wagons, vans and a limited number of trailers.
Booking: Please fill out the online stall holder application form
Stall holder fees: $30 per car, $45 for car and trailer site (limited spaces available) all proceeds will be forwarded by Council to a local charity organisation
Have your say on Waterway
Pittwater Council is inviting the community to have its say on the Pittwater waterway.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said to ensure that the waterway continues to have a vibrant and sustainable future Council has initiated a Pittwater Waterway Review.
Mayor Townsend said the Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a distinguishing feature of our region’s identity.
“It is a focus for leisure, tourism and business and an extremely important environmental asset.
“However, the waterway is under pressure from a range of competing demands including growth in boat ownership and vessel size. There is also an increase in demand for moorings, marinas and boat infrastructure such as pump out facilities, dinghy storage, parking and foreshore access.
“We are keen to hear from businesses connected to the waterway such as marine operators, cafés and restaurants, tourism-related companies, recreational users of the waterway, offshore residents, as well as the broader community. It is essential that we provide a sustainable balance between economic growth and employment connected to the waterway and its environmental protection including water quality and marine life,” she said.
Residents and businesses are invited to complete the survey which covers key issues facing the waterway and questions such as the ways you currently use the waterway.
“Feedback from the community will help inform the development of a discussion paper about the management of the waterway,” added Mayor Townsend.
To complete the survey visit by 30 October.

Creative Creatures Film Festival 2016
Theme 2016
New image or reference to be included in your 3 minute edit is to relate to: “recycling” (plus one only of the previous year items of rabbit, wave or apple)
NOTE: All films must be created specifically for this festival rather than appropriating existing material
To enter please fill in the registration form and pay the registration fee of $30.00
Your registration code will be sent to you on receipt of payment.
Your entry must be delivered to the Avalon Beach Bowling Club on or by January 23, 2016. (look for the recycling bin!)
The final will be held Sunday February 21 at Avalon Beach Bowling Club. There will be a massive even bigger tent if rain is heaven sent and films are shown on a 20 metre square LED screen in rain, hale or shine!
Gates open 1pm - Films start 5pm “Willbe” trophy Presentation 7pm
Submit your entry as a .Mov file on usb or cd and deliver to:
Katy Young c/o Avalon Beach Bowling Club by January 23 2016
What you could win!
Entrants 16+ Years
First prize – $1,000.00, Second prize – $750.00, Third prize – $500.00
Entrants 5 – 15 Years
First prize – $500.00, Second prize – $350.00, Third prize – $250.00
Once again our celebrity judges will be stellar and like the first year, of the highest calibre.
More information at: www.creativecreaturesfilmfestival.2016

Locals Raising Funds for Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary
The Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary in Borneo is quite desperate for money (they are a small non profit group) so our fundraise in Nov is at Bayview and we hope you'll come ? We are hoping that you'll support us with some promotion of the ? It's end of Nov so we have some time BUT need to get organised now.
We are also looking for auction items, so if you have any brilliant ideas we'd love to hear from you. You can also Google up the sanctuary online. Jimmy Smits
started it many decades ago and has devoted his life towards rescuing
and rehabilitating Orangutans. Sadly, time is running out for our magnificent cousins so please help us HELP them.
Many of us are working together to raise funds for these dwindling Orangutans. We live in DY & Bayview and Nth Narrabeen etc and we are committed to protecting & rehabilitating these wonderful but threatened species....our cousins.
The BAYVIEW location is where we have raised funds for other wildlife groups and the owners Sue & Peter Glasson, are THE most aware and compassionate people who open their home & their beautiful views of Pittwater for all to share. Their home was on the ABC's Gardening Australia' program early this year with the incredible Costa.
The funds will go DIRECTLY to the Sintang Sanctuary which is small but effective. The CEO Jimmy Smits has devoted his life to saving Orangutans and works closely with the local community. The money will largely go towards building more enclosures, a fenced rehab site, food, vet expenses , rescuing MORE Orangutans and educating the community. Smits also has an idea about a native seed that MAY replace damn palm oil and further palm oil plantations, that destroys the rainforest. NO rainforest means NO Orangutans.
We will issue receipts to everyone who wants one. There are also online donations available.
For the wild ones
Lindy Stacker M 0409 404570
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Sun Oct 25
Bungan Beach 9-12pm
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Reserve 8:30-11:30am

Critter of the Month- October 2015:
Diamond pythons are typically placid in nature and reluctant to bite. They are mostly arboreal (tree-dwelling) but have been seen on roof-tops, curled up under trees or draped over fence-tops. They prey on rodents, lizards, birds and mammals such as possums. They are constrictors.

They are often seen on the ground which surprises people – given that they are tree snakes. They come to ground to prey on frogs, skinks and fish. Gorgeous little creatures!

What to do if a Snake enters your Home or Property:
1. Do not panic
2. Keep people, children and pets away from the snake
3. If the snake is outside, keep an eye on it and call for advice
4. If the snake is in a room, close the door to that room and call Sydney Wildlife
Snakes have every right to be here and should be treated with respect.
Do NOT attempt to kill ANY snake!!! It is illegal and dangerous. Generally, a snake will only become defensive if it is threatened. Leave them and they will tend to move off of their own accord. Or call Sydney Wildlife to have the animal relocated.
Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE

SHOROC Gets Grant to Help Business Reduce Waste Bills and Increase Recycling
October 16, 2015
SHOROC and its partner councils – Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah – have been awarded a $200,000 NSW Government grant to help businesses measure their waste, reduce their waste bills, increase recycling and reduce their impact on the environment.
The Recycling at Work project funds waste assessments for small and medium sized businesses and produces tailored action plans to assist businesses reduce waste and increase recycling. Businesses are assessed by an experienced waste management consultant and eligible businesses can access funding to cover up to half the costs of equipment to enhance their recycling capacity.
SHOROC President and Mayor of Mosman, Cr Peter Abelson says the program will provide free advice and support on how businesses can reduce waste and lower costs by identifying recycling opportunities.
“There are 34,500 businesses in the SHOROC region, some of which could benefit from an independent waste assessment that will help them save money on waste disposal costs and reduce the amount of waste that they send to landfill,” Cr Abelson said.
The program will kick off in Pittwater.
Businesses are invited to register for a FREE waste assessment or find out more by contacting project officer, Ian Mackay a or 0418 602 114. A. Prince Consulting, who has a proven track record in delivering results to businesses has been engaged to conduct assessments of 200 small to medium businesses.
NSW businesses send more than 2.5 million tonnes of waste to landfill each year and more than 70 per cent of this is valuable material, such as food, wood, textiles and plastics that could be recycled.
Small to medium sized businesses generate around 45 per cent of business waste. Reducing their waste makes good business sense and saves valuable water, energy and raw materials. The NSW Government is targeting a 70 per cent recycling rate for business waste by 2021.
To date more than 7,000 businesses across NSW have benefited from the free waste assessment and implemented Waste Reduction Action Plans.
This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy and is part of SHOROC’s Too Good to Waste strategy.
Seeking Pittwater's local heroes
Nominations are now open for Pittwater’s 2016 NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards to be announced at next year’s Australia Day celebrations.
Residents are encouraged to nominate outstanding citizens who have contributed to their community in one of three categories: Pittwater Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Sportsperson of the Year.
Deputy Mayor Kylie Ferguson applauded the many volunteers who give their time generously for the benefit of others.
“These people are often considered experts in their fields which cover bushcare, aged care, lifesaving, emergency services, coastal patrol and youth and community services to name just a few,” she said.
“It is a great opportunity to recognise residents who work tirelessly behind the scenes making a significant contribution to their community.”
“This is our opportunity to acknowledge their contribution and to say thank you,” added Cr Ferguson.
Winners will be announced at an Australia Day Awards Reception and at celebrations at Bert Payne Reserve, Newport on 26 January 2016.
Nomination forms for the Awards can be completed online or downloaded at copies are also available from Council’s customer service centres and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Entries for the Awards close on Friday 27 November 2015.Nominations can be mailed to: Community Relations Team, Pittwater Council, PO Box 882 Mona Vale, NSW 1660 or emailed
Enquiries relating to the Awards or Pittwater’s Australia Day event can be directed to the Community Relations Team on 9970 1172.
$2.8 Million For Pittwater’s Public Schools
23 October 2015
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced over $2.8 million to help support learning initiatives in Pittwater’s eleven public schools.
The funding has been made possible by NSW signing the Gonski funding agreement and means Pittwater’s public schools will receive an average of $257,000 in needs-based support funding in 2016.
School principals are able to determine how this additional funding is spent to best support student outcomes. This could include employing specialist teachers or speech pathologists to help target key learning areas.
“This is a fantastic boost for our local schools,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Pittwater is really fortunate to have exceptional local schools – yet extra funds are always helpful to expand and improve student opportunities.
“There’s over 7000 students attending public schools throughout Pittwater and every dollar spent is a great investment.
“School principals are best placed to determine how this extra funding is spent - so the decision is entirely up to them.
“This initiative is an important part of the many financial reforms being made possible by the NSW Government signing up to the Gonski funding agreement.
“I look forward to learning of the new opportunities being introduced by our local schools as a result of this extra funding,” Rob Stokes said.
Pittwater Paddle 2015
Show your support on Sunday 8th November 2015 for 2nd annual Pittwater Paddle for NBI, the Northern Beaches' premier community paddling event.
Want to join in the fun this year but don't have a craft? No problemo!
You can hire a kayak or sup as part of the online registration process and it will be delivered to the event ready for you on the day!
How good is that?!
Register NOW at:
21 October 2015: Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust recently placed a proposal for landscaping and park structures at northern end of the former HMAS Platypus site, Neutral Bay on public exhibition.
Following consideration of submissions from the community and stakeholders, the Harbour Trust has approved the landscaping and wharf repair components of the proposal. The approved works comprise planting, creating a paved plaza and reinstating the (lowered) northern end of the wharf.
These landscaping works are the final stage of the remediation works at Platypus, Neutral Bay and will create a new park in the northern area of Platypus.
The assessment of the spiral walkway structure has been deferred. This component was proposed to be undertaken as a separate stage and is currently unfunded. The spiral walkway will be assessed separately.
The works are expected to commence in late 2015 and will take approximately five months to complete.
Click here for more information about the proposal and the planning process.
Sunset orange glows on Australia's newest coloured circulating coin ahead of Remembrance Day
Thursday 22 October 2015
In the lead-up to Remembrance Day, Australia’s newest coloured circulating coin marks one hundred years since the unforgettable poem In Flanders Fieldswas first heard.
Announced today at the Royal Australian Mint (the Mint) by the Assistant Minister to the Treasurer, the Hon Alex Hawke MP, over two million coins of the2015 $2 Coloured Circulating Coin – Remembrance Day are being produced and will allow many Australians to share the meaning behind Remembrance Day and the memorable poem.
“Continuing the tradition of sharing the Anzac story, the Royal Australian Mint has created a beautifully crafted and meaningful coin that will encourage conversation and education about Remembrance Day,” said Mr Hawke.
“My announcement today marks the official release of these coins which means they are now able to be distributed to banks for circulation. However, it is important to note it can take weeks, even months, to start seeing it in your area.”
The coin features an inscription of text from the In Flanders Fields poem as well as sculpted larks surrounding the soft orange coloured rings reminiscent of the sunset glow cited in the poem.
Royal Australian Mint CEO Mr Ross MacDiarmid said coloured circulating coins have become a wanted item by many, helping to enforce the powerful message that the coin portrays.
“Commemorative coins play a significant role in reaching many Australians and conveying an important message – everyone who finds this coin in their change will be able to reflect on the Anzac Centenary and Remembrance Day,” said Mr MacDiarmid.
“As a result of a huge demand for the red coloured circulating coin in April we have created some additional programs to help ensure the coin is accessible in a number of different ways.” said Mr MacDiarmid.
For a limited time only, the public will be able to buy a pack of 5 circulating coins at face value ($10) plus postage and handling by heading online to A collectible version in special themed packaging is also available for $12.50.
Do Not Leave Valuables in Your Car: Thieves Are About
October 2015 - Northern Beaches LAC - NSW Police Force
Northern Beaches Police have received 6 reports of motor vehicles that have been broken into in the Mona Vale area over night. Please ensure that you lock your vehicle and remove all valuables. A friendly reminder that it is an offence to not secure your vehicle properly.
Don't tempt thieves by leaving wallets, purses, laptops, sun glasses, bags, IPods, IPads, cash etc in your vehicle. Be on the look out for any suspicious persons loitering around vehicles. If you see anyone please contact police.
Pittwater High School 30 Year Reunion in November
Pittwater High School 30 Year Reunion is on very soon. For Year 12 students from 1985 – our 30 year reunion is creeping up fast! So we need you to buy tickets by 15th October or we may have to cancel the event. That’s less than 2 weeks away!!
So get your tickets fast so we can keep planning for a fantastic catch-up at Bayview Golf Club on 7th November.
All you have to do is click here and follow the instructions.
Tickets are $70 till 15th October and then the price goes up to $75. But we need you to buy now so we don’t risk cancelling the event.
Where – Bayview Golf Club
When – Sat 7th November
Cost - $70 till 15th October, then $75.
Includes – Food & Entertainment, drinks @ club prices
Who – everyone who was in year 10 in 1983, or in year 12 in 1985
Police issue warning about taxation scams
October 2015
Police are urging members of the community to be on the lookout for taxation scams following an increase in people being targeted around the state.
Commander of the NSW Police Force Fraud and Cybercrime Squad, Detective Superintendent Arthur Katsogiannis, said fraudsters were contacting members of the public by phone and tricking them into paying sums of cash.
“These scam artists will call people on their landline telephone or mobile and claim they work for the Australian Tax Office,” he said.
“They tell the person they have an outstanding tax debt and that if they don’t pay up quickly they will be arrested, taken to court and fined thousands of dollars.
“The victim is told to make a payment via the post office or Western Union to avoid prosecution; by all accounts the offenders are quite convincing.
“Reports have been widespread and, in more recent times, have occurred in remote parts of the state including Hay, Broken Hill and Griffith.”
Det Supt Katsogiannis said there had been an initial spike in this scam at the end of the financial year, but it had re-emerged as an issue just recently.
He said while there had been 80 reported incidents of people being targeted and losing money in NSW this year, it was thought the true figure would be higher as people were often reluctant to report fraud offences.
“The Fraud and Cybercrime Squad has established a strike force and we are keen to hear from anyone with information to assist us,” he said.
“In particular, we would like to hear from anyone who has fallen victim through this scam. If you have received a similar call and made a payment, please contact us.
“Local police recently arrested three men in southern NSW in relation to this type of activity, but we believe there is a larger criminal syndicate operating on our shores with possible overseas links.”
If you are contacted by anyone purporting to be from the Australian Tax Office and saying you owe money, police urge you to do the following:
-Check with your Tax Agent.
-Hang up the phone and contact the ATO yourself
-If you suspect it is a scam, report the matter to your local police station immediately.
More information about this scam can be found online at:
Australian Taxation Office – Online services:
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission – Scamwatch
Police are urging anyone with information in relation to this incident to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or use the Crime Stoppers online reporting page:
Information you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence. We remind people they should not report crime information via our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Layne Beachley Foundation launches national scholarship grants for girls and women with two new categories for 2016
“ Academia and Education” and “ Science and Technology”.
The Layne Beachley Foundation “Aim For The Stars” has announced the launch of their 2016 national scholarship program for girls and women looking for that extra financial support to achieve their goals in their chosen field of pursuit - and this year they are looking to double their grants. The program open to *girls and women across Australia, offers scholarships for individuals and for groups with a keen focus this year on seven fields of pursuit: Academia and Education, Arts, Media and Entertainment, Business and Leadership, Culture and Community, Environment and Sustainability, Science and Technology, and Sport. Since its 2003 launch, The Layne Beachley Foundation has transformed dreams into reality for more than 400 females Australia-wide in a diverse range of areas including opera, ballet, marine science, diving, literacy education, rally driving, BMX, equestrian, environment and hockey.
Says Layne Beachley, “this program is my way of giving back to a community that supported me in a catalyst moment, when I was working extreme hours, had little time to train and had the world championships in my vision. A $3,000 grant was the catalyst moment which allowed me to travel internationally and for the first time not sleep in my surfboard bag but in a hotel”.
“To this day I remember this moment that changed my life, and now through my foundation I want to support the goals and dreams of aspiring girls and women, emerging leaders in their field that have the potential to reach their dreams and at the same time put back into their field of pursuit and mentor the next generation” said Beachley.
For students keenly following their field of pursuit, The Layne Beachley Foundation provides a solid platform for engagement and advocacy for girls and women looking to learn, to grow and to succeed with a spotlight in 2016 on Science and Technology, and Academia and Education.
The Foundation focuses on assisting girls and women to achieve their goals, while matching grant recipients with a mentor for the year, and flying them to meet Layne in Sydney and attend a 2-day mentoring workshop, with further online materials across the 12 month period.
“Any hard-working female who is committed to pursuing her passion and needs financial support deserves a helping hand and can apply for an Aim for the Stars 2016 Scholarship by the due date.”
Successful applicants will receive a financial grant in accordance with the following amounts and conditions: $4,000 – ‘Individual’ Scholarship, 1 person 12 years and above and $6,000 – ‘Group’ Scholarship, 2 or more people 12 years and above
In recognition of where it all started for Layne and her quest to win her first world championship, the Foundation through the generous support of Clubs NSW are excited to announce the inaugural Layne Beachley Foundation Scholarship.
This $4,000 grant will be awarded to a girl or young women living in the Manly Warringah area, who is looking for that extra financial support to pursue her dreams and aspirations.
To be eligible applicants must be 12 years of age and above, be an Australian resident and have the passion and drive to achieve a dream their dream.
Applications are also open in the following areas:
- Academia and Education
- Arts and Entertainment
- Business and Leadership
- Culture and Community Development
- Environment and Sustainability
- Science and Technology
- Sport
To apply:
1. Go to the scholarship application page
2. Select 'Foundation' from the Pursuit Category drop down box
3. Complete the required fields and click SUBMIT
Applications close on 13 November 2015
If you have any further questions please email Kelly Holcroft, Head of Scholarships, Grants and Alumni or phone 0422 600 733.
Applications close November 13th, 2015, and can be completed online at
Palm Beach Sailing Club - Beware the Bullets Regatta 2015
To be held in conjunction with F18 Association - NSW Travellers Series 21st and 22nd November 2015 at Sand Point, Iluka Road, Palm Beach
Saturday 21st November
11:00am Briefing
12:30pm First race (not before this time)
Sunday 22nd November
9:30am Briefing
11:00am First race. No racing start after 3pm
Organising Authority & Venue: Palm Beach Sailing Club Inc., cnr Barrenjoey and Iluka Rds, Palm Beach NSW. Rigging and briefings will be held on the beach at Sand Pt, end of Sand Pt Lane, Palm Beach. Racing will be held within Pittwater and/or the enclosed waters of Broken Bay, NSW.
All off the beach boats welcome and forms part of the NSW F18 Travellers Series. Come and enjoy 2 days of awesome racing on stunning Pittwater amongst a friendly, welcoming Club. Please feel free to pass this invitation on to any fellow sailors who may be interested. Look forward to welcoming you all
All off-the-beach multihulls are eligible to compete. At least one member of each crew has to be a member of a sailing club or class association with ISAF affiliation. 5 boats constitutes a class, any classes with fewer than 5 boats will race in a miscellaneous division decided on yardstick.
Find out more at: and on Facebook page

Time To Prepare For Bushfire Season
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is urging local residents to ensure their properties are prepared for this year’s bushfire season.
With a considerably hot and dry season expected, the NSW Rural Fire Service is warning residents in vulnerable areas to regularly clear their gutters, remove woodpiles, vegetation cuttings and flammable materials from around their homes, ensure easy access to long-length garden hoses and prepare a bushfire survival plan.
“This is a crucial time of the year for all homeowners to inspect their properties and carry out any necessary works,” Rob Stokes said today.
“A small effort now can make a huge difference in the event of an approaching fire.
“Bushfires have devastating impacts on communities and laziness can make the risks even greater.
“The more preparation that’s done now the better protected we’ll be.
“The frightening bushfires which swept through our community in 1994 are still fresh in the minds of many Pittwater residents and no one ever wants to see this repeated.
“More information on bushfire safety precautions and advice is available by visiting the NSW Rural Fire Service
“With the bushfire season upon us it’s vital we all heed the warnings and take necessary precautions to help protect our community,” Rob Stokes said.

October 2015: Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
Commencing Saturday 7 November, and continuing over Summer, the Harbour Trust is now offering Saturday guided tours for our very popular North Fort tours. Our regular Sunday tours continue but you can now experience the WWII tunnels and more on Saturdays too. Visit our North Fort Tours page for more information.
Want to see underground WWII tunnels? Take a 70 minute (approx) guided tour through WWII tunnels, gun emplacements and more at North Fort. Hear how North Fort contributed to the Defence of Sydney and enjoy magnificent views of the harbour.
When: Every Sunday (all year) & every Saturday (Summer from November to end February).
Times: Sundays - 10:30am, 11:30am, 1:00pm, 2:00pm. Saturdays – 10:30am & 1pm
Cost: $7 adult, $5 child/concession, $20 family (two adults and up to three concessions). Please note payments can be made in cash or via EFTPOS but there is no ATM on site.
Bookings: Saturdays & Sundays on site for that day only (Please note maximum participant numbers per tour apply).
Where: North Fort - North Head Scenic Drive, Manly.
By car: Drive along North Head Scenic Drive, through Parkhill Archway and past roundabout. Continue for approx 2 kms. The entrance to North Fort is on your left and signposted. Follow the driveway through the stone wall to the car park inside. The Visitor Centre is next to the car park near the stone wall.
By foot: As above or if coming from Shelly Beach, walk through North Head Sanctuary (former School of Artillery) along the internal North Fort Rd and through the stone wall. Follow the road around to your right. The Visitor Centre is on your right below the car park.
Conditions: Tour includes bush tracks, steep stairs and underground tunnels. A moderate level of fitness and reasonable mobility is required and visitors must wear sensible footwear.
Group Tours: Group tours are also available Mon - Fri by appointment. Minimum group size of 15, subject to guide availability.
Tel: (02) 8969 2100 - Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
Please note in the event that a fire danger rating of extreme or catastrophic in the Greater Sydney region (area 4) is in place, as advised by Rural Fire Service, North Head will be closed.
Run a marathon in Japan
If you have ever held a burning desire to run in a marathon in Japan – now’s the time! Mona Vale Library is seeking two Pittwater residents to run in the 2016 Senshu International City Marathon.
Pittwater Council’s friendship with the Tadaoka Town Government in Japan provides local runners with a chance to participate in the marathon in Tadaoka on 21 February 2016.
It’s an exciting opportunity for entrants who must be Pittwater residents, aged 18 and over.
Mona Vale Library Services Manager, Cathy Howie said the exchange visit was a great chance for local runners to experience Japanese culture.
Last year’s participant from Avalon, Lachlan Arnold, couldn’t speak more highly of the warm and hospitable welcome he and his fellow participant, Lisa Tyndall received.
“The people of Tadaoka, from Mayor Wada to all of the people who cheered us on were so welcoming and treated us with the highest level of respect and kindness,” said Mr Arnold.
Mrs Howie said entrants would have their airfare from Sydney to Osaka paid for, along with the costs of accommodation. The period entrants would be away is from 18-23 February 2016.
Participants are expected to have run at least one marathon before and to be Australian citizens.
Those interested can pick up an application pack (with the selection criteria) from Mona Vale Library or download one form the
Please express your interest by email by Friday 6 November 2015. For more information: Heather Thomson: 9970 1614
Imagine Mona Vale - Engagement Summary for Mona Vale Place Plan
Pittwater Council is pleased to share Imagine Mona Vale,Engagement Summary for Mona Vale Place Plan. (PDF – 9.64MB)
This engagement summary documents the ideas, inspiration and activations that have been generated for Mona Vale town centre over an 18 month period in consultation with the community and stakeholders. It summarises key elements of the Mona Vale place planning process undertaken between January 2014 and June 2015.
Imagine Mona Vale - Engagement Summary follows on from Mona Vale Snapshot. Mona Vale Snapshot is a scoping document, which provides baseline information about how Mona Vale town centre is operating and offers an explanation of the place planning process that is being applied to Mona Vale.
Feedback has been grouped into themes presented through the recent Urban Talks Series and community engagement activities. These themes have provided the framework for capturing key ideas about place planning. Sometimes overlapping, these themes are the fundamental components of what makes a successful, prosperous place.
Some of the key activations undertaken over this 18 month period were:
• Village Economies Summit and Mona Vale Long Lunch
• Q&A panels
• Workshops and open house
• Staff workshops
• Place making events
• Place audits
• Web and social media
For more details download the Engagement Summary document or visit our website.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 19/10/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store
Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe.
Keep up to date on their Facebook page

Folia - local artist Michelle Ball Exhibition
Painter Michelle Ball, stylist Vanessa Colyer Tay and photographer Sam Mcadam-Cooper join forces for Folia, their first show.
By day all three work in the magazine world and this exhibition was born from their mutual passion for the Australian bush.
Meet the artists at the opening on Thursday, October 22, at 6pm.
The Shop Gallery, 112 Glebe Point Road, Glebe NSW.
Open 10am-6pm until October 30
For more information email:
Michelle Ball
Michelle grew up in Sydney, on the edge of coastal bush land. She studied art and filmmaking at Central, School of Art, Perth, WA, while spending time in Margaret River and on the Abrohlis Islands.
Shortly after, Michelle spent ten years living in New York where she worked as an Art Director and studied watercolour in her spare time.
She now lives with her family, on the edge of Ku ring gai Chase National Park and has become a passionate bush regenerator who studies and paints the landscape that surround her.
Currently, she is working towards a show called FOLIA exploring as she walks the bush tracks on Pittwaters Western foreshores, searching for images that share her emotions. With images of regrowth she intends to give the viewer a feeling of hope and optimism in a burnt out landscape.
“My intention is to continue drawing and painting details of what I see everyday, creating a poetic invitation that use nature to tell a story.”
Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 2 years
BREED: English Staffy x
Malinka was a hit and run victim early in April and was brought to our vets with a fractured radius and ulna. She has had this plated and pinned and recovering well. Malinka is a sensitive sweet girl who loves to have her humans around her. She has a smooth coat and weighs 12.5kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. Her adoption cost is $400.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
Newport Beach Arts Market
The NEWPORT BEACH ARTS MARKET is the launch event for the annual Newport Sculpture Trail, with the market’s theme “inspired by the sea”.
In 2015 the beach arts market will take place in the heart of Newport from 6 to 9pm on Friday the 13th of November.
For the event, we are looking for street performing artists and market stallholders offering arts, crafts, homewares or services “inspired by the sea”.
We are also offering an opportunity for schools, artist collectives and other community groups to participate in the launch event by creating light sculpture installations to showcase their organisations and work at the launch event for free. Read more here.
For performing artist enquiries call 0415 662 918 or
For market stallholder information and application forms click here
Fairer, simpler Medicare Safety Net to help more patients
21 October 2015
More Australians could have faster access to simpler safety net protections against large medical expenses under a Government proposal introduced into Parliament on 21 October 2015.
Minister for Health Sussan Ley said the proposed legislation would ensure concession card holders received greater taxpayer support once their out-of-pocket medical costs hit $400 for the year, as opposed to $638 under the current system – a difference of $238.
Non-concessional families and singles will also significantly benefit, with their safety net thresholds falling from $2000 to $1000 and $700 respectively, while new online tools would make it easier for family members to combine their safety net payments so they are all counted as one.
Dependent children aged 16 to 25 who are temporarily unable to work or study due to illness will also receive reprieve, with this package allowing their medical costs to count towards their family’s Medicare Safety Net, rather than being considered as a single individual.
Ms Ley said the Turnbull Government’s proposed package also aimed to create a more transparent fee system that would allow patients to better understand their out-of-pocket costs and compare prices, while at the same time encouraging health providers to set more competitive prices.
“Like Medicare itself, the Medicare Safety Net is, at its core, about protecting our most vulnerable and ensuring they can afford to access essential health services,” Ms Ley said.
“Unfortunately constant chopping and changing over the past decade has seen the safety net become overly-complex for patients to understand and not always targeted towards those who need it most.
“With one in two Australians now suffering from a chronic disease, it’s essential we have safety nets designed to protect patients who need ongoing, costly primary care or hospitalisation.
“These changes will ensure more patients receive faster access to a fairer Medicare Safety Net that is easier to understand and ensuring future investment is sustainable.”
Today’s Bill amends the Health Insurance Act 1973 to remove the two existing Medicare safety nets and the Greatest Permissible Gap, and replace them with one new simplified Medicare Safety Net. This will set new, consistent thresholds for patients at:
• $400 – families and singles that are concession card holders
• $700 – families eligible for Family Tax Benefit A and non-concessional singles
• $1000 – non-concessional families
Ms Ley said the “responsible” policy closely integrated with work already underway as part of the Turnbull Government’s healthier Medicare Package, which is exploring new patient-centred primary care funding models and ensuring Medicare services reflected contemporary clinical practice.
Government investment in the Medicare Safety Net was $414 million last year – double the $206 million forecast.
Ms Ley said two independent reports commissioned under the previous Labor Government in 2009 and 2011 attributed this unexpected growth in Commonwealth safety net spending to key factors:
1. “A concern is that most ESMN (Extended Medicare Safety Net) benefits have flowed to services that are more often used by wealthier sections of the community.” (2009 - vii)
2. “The EMSN… provides benefits that increase with provider fees, regardless of how high those fees may be. This feature has resulted in significant increases in provider fees for some services and has meant that patients do not receive the full benefit of the EMSN.” (2009 – vii)
3.These fee increases have resulted in considerable leakage of government benefits towards providers’ incomes, rather than reduced costs for patients.” (2009 – vi)
The review also found that for some services, as much as 78 cents in every $1 spent through the Extended Medicare Safety Net were going to medical providers in the form of increased fees, whilst only 22 cents were assisting patients with their out-of-pocket costs.
This led Labor to place caps on the amount that could be claimed for some Medicare services once patients reached their safety net threshold, with 500 or so restrictions now in place.
However, with more than 5700 Medicare services currently available, Ms Ley said the evidence suggested a fragmented system risked some health providers transferring higher fees to uncapped services to compensate, keeping out-of-pocket costs high for patients.
“While most health providers charge reasonable fees for their services, other providers have used the Extended Medicare Safety Net to underwrite excessive fees. This has increased patient out-of-pocket costs for some patients,” Ms Ley said.
Ms Ley said this had led to the Government rethinking the way patients could be supported, with today’s package proposing to offer patients up to 1.5 times (150%) the value of the Medicare schedule fee for a medical procedure once they reach their safety net.
“If the Medicare fee is $100 for a medical service or procedure, then you will receive a total of up to $150 in Medicare benefits to help cover the doctor’s bill. If it’s $1000, you will receive up to $1500. If it’s $10,000, you will receive up to $15,000 in Medicare benefits,” Ms Ley said.
“This will allow patients to know upfront how much the Government’s contribution towards their medical cost will be before they set foot in a medical consult room and to shop around if there are additional out-of-pocket costs.
“It will also restrict excessive fee inflation by medical providers and hopefully encourage current billing practices by some health providers to become more proportionate to Medicare fees.”
However, Ms Ley said while a cap would be placed on how much could be claimed for an individual Medicare service or procedure once the safety was reached, the total amount that could be claimed by patients in a year would remain uncapped.
The current Medicare Safety Net system pays patients an uncapped 80 cents for every dollar of treatment once they reach their threshold – allowing health provider fees to charge as much as 10 times the value of the Medicare schedule fee paid.
Ms Ley said taxpayers expected to save $266.7 million over five years as a result of the proposed changes, all of which would be reinvested into securing the future health of Australians through the Government’s landmark Medical Research Future Fund.
“This package will also allow families to register and manage their combined safety net arrangements online for the first time as part of the Turnbull Government’s commitment to 21st Century Government and the digital economy,” Ms Ley said.
Ms Ley said the Government had already begun consultations with Labor, the Greens and the cross-bench and would continue to do so with the hope of new changes starting January 2016.
Boomerang Bags: sewing the seeds of change
Our workshops are still continuing every Tuesday at the Avalon Rec Centre from 11am until 5pm. Please come down and find out more about how it all works.
You do not need to be a sewer to be involved. We have many non sewing jobs.
For those who cannot make the Tuesday workshop but would like to help we have several options. For sewers we can drop off some "ready to sew" bags to be done in your own time. For non sewers contact us for more information on how you can help from home.
We also have some items for sale . You can buy a beautiful "Bought to Support" version of Boomerang Bags ( $10) and a lovely ceramic reusable coffee mug ($15.00). So start reducing your plastic use now. Contact us for more information.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is November 1st 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,

New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information at or call John on 9982 5656
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
October 18 - 24, 2015: Issue 236
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 236: Couta Week Begins - The Wattle Cup Races on Pittwater Next Weekend, Ingleside RFB Open Day 2015, Pittwater Residents Maintain NO Amalgamation Stance at Rosehill..., Bird Week 2015, Spring in Pittwater 2015
Keeping Pittwater Independent Stance Persists: Media Releases Monday 12th October to Friday 16th October, 2015 relating to FFTF Reforms by LGNSW, IPART, State and Pittwater Council
Aquatics: The Coutas are coming! by Lisa Ratcliff: Inaugural Couta Week, October 16-25, 2015 on Sydney Harbour & Pittwater including the SASC’s Gaffers Day on Sunday 18th
Pittwater Dragon Boat Racing Club Members Win Silver medals at International Dragon Boat World Championships 2015 - Virginia Head, Septuagenarian, brings home three!
Veterans Centre - Sydney Northern Beaches at Dee Why RSL Official Opening: October 16, 2015
The Man Who Saved Smithy - Fighter pilot, pioneer aviator, hero: the life of Sir Gordon Taylor MC, GC by Rick Searle - a few insights from the biographer of this new Allen&Unwin book on a local hero
Reflections by George Repin: THE HANDICRAFTS OF CHIANG MAI
Pictures: Maria Regina Bands Together at Pittwater Palms by Joanne Seve
Park Bench Philosopher: Bird Songs – poems about our birds by youngsters from yesterdays - for children Bird Week 2015: 19-25 October
Food: The Balcony Room at Palm Beach Golf Club - fresh Spring Fare, best Fish Tacos ever and a view to live for - perfect Sunday Lunch bliss
Held over:
Springtime Slitheries by Lynleigh Greig (Southern Cross Wildlife Care) - a guide to snakes on the Northern Beaches
KEEPING COMPANY: SALTWATER - new works by 45 Northern Beaches artists + 'Metamorphosis': exhibition of ceramics by fourteen students graduating from Northern Beaches Campus in Brookvale @ Manly Art Gallery & Museum 30 October — 29 November 2015
Profile: Pittwater Dragon Boat Racing Club - Pittwater Dragons is a competitive racing club and would love to hear from you if you enjoy training hard and racing hard!
Members recently won silver medals at the International Dragon Boat Federation World Nations Championships held in Welland, Canada
History: Pittwater Reserves - The Green Ways: Mona Vale's Village Greens a Map of the Historic Crown Lands Ethos Realised in The Village, Kitchener and Beeby Parks - Pittwater reserves adjoin our beaches where small green spaces have been set aside so people may picnic, swing, play cricket, tennis, golf, soccer and rugby..or hold markets, let their horses graze...have a dance...
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month October 2015 - Nat Bromhead: Pittwater Photography - Award winning photo-journalist with a passion for beautiful Pittwater shares a few glorious images and a story about a drone that flew away...and didn't come back!

On Sunday 18 October, surf clubs will open their doors to the public holding rescue demonstrations, equipment displays, nipper sign-ups, info sessions and BBQs as part of a state wide effort to get local communities more engaged in their surf clubs.
Sydney Northern Beaches Branch President Doug Menzies is proud of the work his members have done in preparation for this annual event and cannot be more excited.
"The clubs have been working round the clock to have everything ready to be on show for the public this Sunday. Everyone should come past and see what Surf Life Saving is about, it's much more than just wearing the red and yellow uniform.
"There are literally hundreds of volunteer roles to choose from, everything from education, to radio communications, administration and fundraising, or managing a team of competitors at a surf carnival," said Doug Menzies.
As the season started four weekends ago, surf clubs on the Sydney Northern Beaches have been building their membership and Surf Club Open Day will be a great opportunity for clubs to make the most of the event.
“Last season our Branch had over 20,000 members but we're always looking to grow the number of surf lifesavers on the Sydney Northern Beaches.
"It’s all about meeting new people, being a part of the community, giving something back and helping out when someone is in trouble or in need of aid in the water or on the sand," said Doug Menzies.
Doug Menzies and Sydney Northern Beaches members invite you to come down to your local surf club and enjoy what Surf Life Saving has to offer.
Please see below the Sydney Northern Beaches clubs who will be welcoming the public and making the most of this annual event:
Avalon Beach SLSC
Bungan Beach SLSC
Dee Why SLSC
Freshwater SLSC
Mona Vale SLSC
Narrabeen Beach SLSC
Newport SLSC
North Narrabeen SLSC
North Steyne SLSC
Queenscliff SLSC
South Narrabeen SLSC
Warriewood SLSC

Pittwater proud to win special commendation award
13 October, 2015
Pittwater Council has received a special commendation award for the 2015 A R Bluett Memorial Award—a prestigious award in its 70th year recognising achievement in local government.
The award was announced today at the local government conference in Sydney by the LGNSW, the peak body for local government in NSW.
Pittwater Council’s General Manager Mark Ferguson said it was an honour to receive this special award.
“This award is a testament to the enormous achievements of our staff and councillors over the past year.
“We have clearly demonstrated our capacity to deliver large and innovative infrastructure projects, be strong protectors of our natural environment and be closely connected to our community.
“We are a strong council with a progressive and innovative approach to services and projects we deliver for Pittwater,” he added.
Mr Ferguson congratulated Warringah Council, winner of the metropolitan category and Lithgow Council, winner of the rural category.
The judging panel visited Pittwater in late August and stopped at a number of completed infrastructure projects—including Palm Beach Wharf, Avalon Beach Surf Life Saving Club and the historic Midholme building at Currawong—and engaged with staff and councillors to learn about a broad range of other projects and outcomes.
“The judges were able to appreciate the broad sense of resilience and innovation which is at the core of all the services we deliver—from the storm clean-up earlier this year, sustainability assessment framework, Pittwater’s open space strategy, Ingleside land release precinct planning, the place planning model we have adopted, and much more,” he said.
“The panel were also impressed with our comprehensive approach to community engagement.
“These outcomes can only be achieved through a concerted customer-centred service approach, a strong team and great leadership.
“Pittwater Council employs approximately 300 staff, most of whom are local people passionate about delivering local services. Our management team and staff are an inspiring and skilled group of individuals.
“It is our staff commitment and talents that enable us to excel at delivering the infrastructure and services we do.
“I am wholeheartedly proud of all our staff contributions to this process,” he added.
The A R Bluett Memorial Award is awarded annually in the memory of Albert Robert Bluett, who was an outstanding figure in local government. He was the authority on Local Government law, and his opinion was respected by the legal profession and ministers of the crown. He helped to write the Local Government Act of 1919. Following Bluett's death in April 1944, the councils of NSW subscribed to a fund as a permanent memorial to his work.
Photo courtesy Marcia Rackham.

Researchers from Ecological Australia, the Ingleside biodiversity consultants, have been scouring Ingleside, looking for Microtis angustii and have found numerous orchids of the Microtis species but they are not sure whether they are Angus' onion orchid or another species of onion orchid.
More information is available at the agenda and minutes of the Ingleside Community Reference Group meeting of 1 July 2015.
David Palmer
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association
Top and below: Microtis species flowers. Each is about 3 mm long. Photos courtesy Marita Macrae
Susan Wiliamson - Spring Ride
This Lady has shared somewonderful insights into her voluntary work in Timor Leste through the magazine.
On 18th October, Sue is doing the Spring Ride 50kms to Olympic Park and hopes to raise money for Heart Surgery in Australia for the Timorese people.
Please support her
Forrestville RSL: Sub Branch President Elected to State Branch of the RSL
Congratulations to President of Forrestville RSL Sub Branch Bill Hardman on his election as Honorary Treasurer for the NSW State Branch of the RSL.
Forrestville Sub Branch reports in its August 2015 Newsletter Life Member Mr. Hardman will resign as the District Council President, because of conflict of interest.
Above: Bill Hardman at Avalon Beach RSL earlier this year
Green Globe Awards 2015: Warringah Council's Narrabeen Lagoon Mulit-Use Trail Highly Commended
On Thursday October 15 Environment Minister Mark Speakman announced the winners of this year’s Green Globe Awards, which recognise environmental excellence, leadership and innovation.
Mr Speakman congratulated this year’s 21 winners across 19 categories for their role in leading sustainable development across the economy and community.
Among those listed:
Built environment sustainability - infrastructure
Highly Commended: Warringah Council - Narrabeen Lagoon Multi-Use Trail
This project is the final link in a loop trail around the foreshores of the largest coastal lagoon in the Northern Beaches.
The connected link provides a recreation-friendly series of bush and concrete tracks, low boardwalks and state-of-the-art bridges. The natural character of the environmentally sensitive lagoon environment is maintained while creating opportunities for a mix of recreational activities, with full accessibility for wheelchair users, cycles, prams, walkers and joggers.
The trail is constructed, wherever possible, using low-maintenance, vandal-proof natural material with minimal use of galvanised materials to prevent zinc leaching. The boardwalks are made from sustainable hardwood with durable mesh fibreglass decking that allows for ample light for the regrowth of plants below. The trail provides safe access to the lagoon foreshore and enables users to travel through and over the sensitive foreshore environment.
Trophy from 1934 Pittwater Regatta Air Race
Dear Editor
I've been collecting vintage aviation related stuff for many years now and I see you have reference to a 1934 Pittwater regatta air race trophy held in my collection.
I actually have two Pittwater Regatta air race trophies. The other is the 1936 event. They are both stunning objects that ooze the golden age of aviation in Australia.
Stephen, in Brisbane.
Ed.'s Note: Stephen has since sent us large images of both these trophies, and more information on them. We shall be running a page on these next Issue - No.: 237, after delving into our own Pittwater Regatta files.
Proposed land resources legislation
NSW Government: 15 October 2015
On 15 October 2015, the NSW Government introduced a legislative package (PDF: ) in Parliament as part of its reform of the regulation of resource exploration and production in NSW.
The proposed reforms include the strategic release framework, land access framework, Harmonisation Bill, work health and safety framework, and the EPA as lead regulator.
Strategic release framework
The proposed Strategic Release Framework for Coal and Petroleum exploration resets coal and gas exploration in NSW through the use of strategic release and competitive allocation of exploration licences and assessment leases.
Cross-agency input and community consultation will enable upfront assessment of the known regional geological, social, environmental and economic factors prior to any areas being released for exploration.
A competitive allocation process for licences will safeguard against claims of corruption and ensure better outcomes for the people of NSW.
The proposed reform implements recommendations of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer (PDF 243.59kb: Final Report of the Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in NSW - September 2014), the Coal Exploration Steering Group and the commitments made in the Strategic Statement on NSW Coal (PDF 240. 86kb :Strategic Statement on NSW Coal - August 2014 ) and the NSW Gas Plan.
Land access framework
The proposed land access framework offers a fairer, more efficient, consistent and transparent land access arbitration process.
Features of the framework include:
• a rigorous selection process for arbitrators
• performance measures for arbitrators
• capped negotiation, mediation and arbitration costs to be met by the explorer
• guidance on timeframes and procedures
• the use of legal representation and site inspections
• clearer guidance on 'significant improvements'.
The reform implements the legislative components of the recommendations in the report by Bret Walker SC on land access arbitration.
Harmonisation Bill
The Harmonisation Bill brings the Mining Act 1992 and the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 into closer alignment in matters to do with the administration of titles, conditions, and compliance and enforcement. It is the first stage in delivering a single resources act in NSW, in line with the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer's recommendations.
Work health and safety framework
This reform will establish a consistent legislative framework for work health and safety (WHS) across the petroleum and mining sectors by extending the WHS (Mines) Act to apply to petroleum workplaces. It promotes best practice risk-based WHS standards and provides clarity for industry looking to implement effective WHS measures in line with their legal requirements.
EPA as lead regulator
The Bill provides a legislative basis for the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) becoming the State's sole authority for compliance and enforcement of all non-work, health and safety consent conditions for gas exploration and production.
MEDIA RELEASE Thursday, 15 October 2015: Anthony Roberts Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy Mark Speakman Minister for the Environment
Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy, Anthony Roberts and Environment Minister Mark Speakman, today said the NSW Government has taken a major step in delivering the recommendations of the independent NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer around coal seam gas and the NSW Gas Plan, with the introduction of new legislation into State Parliament. Mr Roberts said the new laws build on the reforms already introduced by the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government to better regulate the state’s resources sector. “This Government has made a priority of resetting the regulation of the resources sector and we are delivering,” Mr Roberts said. “We needed to do this to ensure that we have the safe, sustainable and secure access to the state’s natural resources.”
Environment Minister Mark Speakman said on 1 July 2015, the EPA became responsible for compliance with and enforcement of conditions of approval for gas activities in NSW (excluding work health and safety matters).
“As the sole independent regulator of gas activities in NSW, the EPA will provide effective and robust regulation of the gas industry,” Mr Speakman said.
“The Bills provide clearer guidance for communities and industry, help reduce land use conflict, provide upfront community consultation and better recognition of the true value of resources,” Mr Roberts said. “They also provide a vastly enhanced level of transparency and accountability and serve as the first stage in delivering a single resources Act for the state, as recommended by the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer, Professor Mary O’Kane.”
The new frameworks proposed in the Bills include:
1. Strategic Release Framework– Restores confidence in the NSW coal and gas exploration sectors through the use of strategic release and competitive allocation of exploration licences and assessment leases. This will ensure economic, environmental and social factors are considered, with community consultation conducted upfront, before a proposed exploration area is released for a competitive process.
2. Land access negotiations – A fairer, more efficient, consistent and transparent land access arbitration for both landholders and explorers, as recommended by Mr Bret Walker SC.
3. Legislative harmonisation – Provides greater clarity by bringing the Mining Act 1992 and the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 into closer alignment. It also offers a wider range of enforcement tools, including new directions powers, enforceable undertakings and a broader range of penalty notice offences.
4. Workplace health and safety (WHS) – A new framework promoting best practice risk-based WHS standards in the petroleum and mining sectors.
5. Environment Protection Authority (EPA) as lead regulator – The Bill enshrines the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) as the State’s lead regulator for compliance and enforcement of all non-work, health and safety consent conditions for gas exploration and production.
The five Bills submitted to Parliament today will join the recently introduced Improved Management of Exploration Regulation (IMER) framework in providing an integrated approach to ensuring the efficient, competitive and transparent allocation and the safe use of the state’s natural resources.
For more information visit:
Avalon Craft Cottage at Dee Why
Only a matter of a few days now until the Avalon Craft Cottage members will be at Dee Why Grand for one week only from Monday 12th October To Sunday 18th.... and open during all business hours for the Centre, including Thursday night and Friday night.
The stall will be situated along the base of the escalator in the food court (same floor as Aldi, Harris Farm etc) so very easy to find.... and right outside the lift as well.
This will be a slightly different display for the Craft Cottage members, with about a dozen or so of our very talented knitters & sewers getting together to present their beautiful wares.... so, no pottery or woodwork this time... but plenty of other gorgeous items to enthuse & tempt you.
There will be dozens of colourful summer scarves, in both silk or cotton; a large variety of gorgeous baby wear..... embroidered singlets, bootees, sleep suits, cotton cardigans & jumpers, and pretty shawls; A great range of Australiana gift items.... tea towels, appliqued hand towels, baby bibs, silk pictures, embroidered book marks, and greeting cards ; brilliant patchwork quilts; and a small display of Christmas items including beautiful hand-crafted cards and really pretty little dresses & t-shirts for that special little girl in your life.
Now is the time to start thinking of Christmas shopping ....and nothing beats a beautiful handcrafted gift, made locally by our very talented craftspeople.
Hope to see you there.
Maureen Darcy-Smith, Publicity Officer
Roads, wildlife links and development
Monday, 9 November 2015 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lakeview room The Tramshed Arts & Community Centre , 1395A Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
Mona Vale Road is to be upgraded from Terrey Hills to Mona Vale. Ingleside is to be developed for housing.
How can we make sure our bushland, birds and animals will be able to survive a widened Mona Vale Road and a developed Ingleside?
What is the latest on road crossings and corridors? What are the special habitat needs of local endangered species?
Come and hear leading researchers:
• Prof Daryl Jones, Griffith University, a Road ecologist with experience in fauna over and underpasses
• Dr Bradley Law and expert on endangered eastern pygmy possums and other native fauna.
Free. RSVP by November 3rd, 2015
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association
FoNLC – Next Forum: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Our Catchment - looking back, looking forward 7pm Monday November 23, 2015 Narrabeen Lakes Public School Hall. 1299 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
Looking Back: Jim Boyce from Manly Warringah Pittwater Historical Society has a fascinating take on looking at historical developments and a talent for telling stories. What major world events shaped the way developments occurred in this catchment? What resources have people sought in this area over time?
Looking Forward: Brent Jacobs is from The Institute of Sustainable Futures. He will alert us to issues we need to be considering as we plan for the future in the light of the impact of Climate Change. Free entry but book your tickets now. Phone: 9905 2135 Email: Judith Bennett
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment
Palm Beach Longboarding Club Inc Old Mal – Old Log Rally 2015
IT'S ON – THE PALMY OLD MAL LOG RALLY: if your nine foot plus and single we want you there on the 7th November 2015 so get your entry form for the 2015 Palmy Old Mal Log Rally in. Go to thePalm Beach Longboarders Inc for more details.
The Palmy Old Mal/Log Rally kicks off at 6.30am on Saturday 7th November2015 somewhere along the Palm Beach stretch (look for the tents).
To enter, click on "Forms" in the nav bar above, and download the entry form (it's a Word doc) and mail it to us (our address is on the form). Entries close 3rd November 2015 - first in, best dressed.
Old Mal Rally History
The inaugural Palm Beach Old Mal Rally was held on Saturday March 23, 1996 at Palm Beach, Sydney in conjunction with the council-run Pittwater Festival.
The contest was conceived by the Palm Beach Longboarders Club to promote sportsmanship, competition and traditional surfing. It also aimed to raise funds for The Disabled Surfers Association (DSA) and the club to be actively involved in The Pittwater Festival of 1996.
The contest is about the style and boards used pre-1968 and the judges' aim was to look for classic 60's style of surfing. Manoeuvers such as hang ten, hang five, drop knee turns, soul arch, Standing Island pull-out, stalls, head dips, and of course tube riding were the focus of the day.
ENTRY FORM BELOW Simply click on and 'save as' on your own PC
![]() | PBLB 2015 OMLR Entry Form.pdf Size : 119.493 Kb Type : pdf |
The much loved Doggie Rescue calendar is back, and this year features the adorable Maeko as the cover star. Maeko is one of 11,466 dogs that have been saved from death row through the tireless hard work and dedication of Sydney’s largest private NO KILL animal welfare organisation. These 2016 calendars represent so much more than dates on page, each and every one contributes directly to saving the lives of our best friends.
Maeko was rescued from one of the many pounds around NSW and he represents what happens when abandoned and unloved pets are given a second chance at life thanks to founder and CEO Monika Biernacki;
“The number of dogs facing death row every day in Australia is truly shocking. These beautiful animals all deserve the opportunity to find their forever home and I am so proud that over 11,000 of them are now happily part of their new families”.
The Doggie Rescue calendar forms the main fundraiser for this well respected charity, and with all proceeds going straight back to the organisation, it means that many, many more lives will be saved. If all the calendars find their way into homes around Australia, that represents more than 1200 dogs provided with food, shelter and basic veterinary costs.
There are literally thousands of heartbreaking stories behind these animals, but it is the heartwarming result of every new adoption that provides the drive that keeps Monika and her dedicated volunteers going;
“Doggie Rescue was created to provide a viable NO KILL alternative in Sydney and to educate the public on their lifelong responsibilities when owning a dog. Dogs are not an impulse purchase and people need to become educated about where their new addition has come from. Rescue dogs are very special, most adoptees tell us that in actual fact, the rescue dog has saved them! There is nothing like the love and dedication of a rescued animal. ”
The 2016 DoggieRescue calendar costs just $15 and makes the perfect Christmas gift for friends and family. It is available online at or can be purchased by calling 9486 3133 or by visiting the shelter at Ingleside.
The Doggie Rescue calendar will be launched to coincide with Halloween, with a big scary celebration at Doggiewood, Ingleside on 31st October from 10am to 3pm.
Kids dress the part, whether creepy or sweet, and come to DoggieRescue to TRICK or TREAT. Enjoy some spook-tacular fun and lots, lots more - come and see what Halloween has in store! Refuse this invitation if you dare and you will miss out on a Halloween SCARE!!!
We have over 200 dead dogs walking ( DR doggies rescued from death!! ) and more cats and kittens than you think . We need your support so if you cannot join us please spread the word and buy a calendar by following this link….
Movember and Surfing Australia Team Up
Image Credit: Movember
October, 2015
As upper lips begin to twitch in anticipation of the approaching hairy season and people across the country ready themselves for the onslaught of Movember moustaches, Surfing Australia is ready to Mo, today announcing a new partnership with the Movember Foundation.
The Movember Foundation’s quest to change the face of men’s health ties in perfectly with Surfing Australia’s purpose of creating a healthier and happier Australia through experiencing the joy of surfing for life.
Surfing Australia and Movember are challenging the surfing community and all Aussies to get involved as Mo Bros or Mo Sistas - encouraging men to grow and women to support a moustache this Movember.
Men can get involved by growing any style of moustache they see fit over the 30 days of the month. Some might even like to give the ‘Michael Peterson’ a go, as showcased by the legendary surfing cult figure during the height of his powers in the 1970’s.
Movember and Surfing Australia will work together across digital platforms including,, both social media and newsletters as well as at Surfing Australia events.
Movember Foundation’s Paul Villanti, Executive Director of Programs, said the partnership was a great opportunity for men and women in the surfing community to get involved at a grassroots level and make a difference to the health of men across the country.
“Australians love the surf and the beach and a partnership with Surfing Australia will see more Mo’s than ever hit the sand and the waves this Movember,” said Villanti.
Surfing Australia’s CEO Andrew Stark said: “We are very proud to be partnering with Movember Foundation to help drive awareness for such an important national men’s health issue. We look forward to working with the team at Movember and towards achieving some fantastic Mo’s and excellent fundraising results for such an important health issue.”
Join the movement – sign up at to grow, give and support the moustache for the 30 days of Movember.
About the Movember Foundation
The Movember Foundation is a global men’s health charity. The Foundation raises funds that deliver innovative, breakthrough programs that allow men to live happier, healthier and longer lives. Millions have joined the men’s health movement, raising $680 million and funding over 1,000 projects, focusing on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health and physical inactivity.
For more information of the Movember Foundation’s programs and funding and to sign up for this year’s Movember, visit
The 15th Anniversary of "The Royal Motor Yacht Club of Broken Bay Timber Boat Festival’’: Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st of November 2015: 10.00am to 4.00pm
The Timber Boat Division at the Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay are sprucing up their wooden boats in readiness for their very popular annual Timber Boat Festival. This year the event will be held on Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st November and attracts around 1,500 boat lovers each year.
A wonderful collection of wooden boats, power and sail, large and small. Classics from Halvorsen, Williams, Herreschoff, Chris Craft, Milcraft and Riva and more will be on display. Many of these boats are old favourites returning but there will be a number of first timers as well. Some resourceful boat lovers have converted commercial trawlers into homes away from home. Others have built their boats themselves.
You will be cordially invited on board any boat which takes your interest, with all boat owners showing off their pride and joy. Have you ever thought about buying, building or renovating a boat yourself? Come along and talk with experienced boat owners and gain the benefit of their passion and their considerable, collective boating skills and knowledge.
Many boats are immaculately painted and varnished with beautifully oiled planked decks. Some display finely decorated and upholstered cabins while others are kind of homely and comfortable just the way their owners like them. Most are an ongoing work in progress. So much of the craftsmanship is just inspirational.
The displays will include interactive demonstrations of electronic navigation equipment, marine antennae for TV and internet, fender systems, rowing dinghies, stainless steel fittings, boat cleaning products, the revolutionary new jet bow thrusters, traditional British Seagull outboard motors and much more.
This festival is not just about looking at boats. The Royal Motor Yacht Club has an excellent bar and bistro where they make the most wonderful array of fine foods from real Aussie hamburgers to full sit down meals at very reasonable prices. There is a children’s menu and the ice cream bar is always a favourite.
The Royal Motor Yacht Club would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support in our 15th anniversary year.
Entry to the Timber Boat Festival is $5.00 for adults with children under 12 free and the show is open between 10am and 4pm on both days.
Contact Timber Boat Festival Shuttle Bus on 0417 558 535. (10.00am to 4.00pm)
Find out more at:
Avalon Car Boot Sale
Join Pittwater Council's car boot jumble sale on Saturday 24 October, 2015.
Don’t send your unwanted goods to landfill… sell them at Pittwater Council’s community car boot sale!
Council is hosting a community car boot sale at Dunbar Park Avalon on Saturday 24 October from 8am-2pm. This community event is a great way for residents to sell their pre-loved households goods, which is a positive alternative to sending unwanted belongings to landfill and it also helps prevent illegal dumping.
Registrations: Open to all Pittwater residents. Sites will be allocated to cars, station wagons, vans and a limited number of trailers.
Booking: Please fill out the online stall holder application form
Stall holder fees: $30 per car, $45 for car and trailer site (limited spaces available) all proceeds will be forwarded by Council to a local charity organisation
Have your say on Waterway
Pittwater Council is inviting the community to have its say on the Pittwater waterway.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said to ensure that the waterway continues to have a vibrant and sustainable future Council has initiated a Pittwater Waterway Review.
Mayor Townsend said the Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a distinguishing feature of our region’s identity.
“It is a focus for leisure, tourism and business and an extremely important environmental asset.
“However, the waterway is under pressure from a range of competing demands including growth in boat ownership and vessel size. There is also an increase in demand for moorings, marinas and boat infrastructure such as pump out facilities, dinghy storage, parking and foreshore access.
“We are keen to hear from businesses connected to the waterway such as marine operators, cafés and restaurants, tourism-related companies, recreational users of the waterway, offshore residents, as well as the broader community. It is essential that we provide a sustainable balance between economic growth and employment connected to the waterway and its environmental protection including water quality and marine life,” she said.
Residents and businesses are invited to complete the survey which covers key issues facing the waterway and questions such as the ways you currently use the waterway.
“Feedback from the community will help inform the development of a discussion paper about the management of the waterway,” added Mayor Townsend.
To complete the survey visit by 30 October.

Creative Creatures Film Festival 2016
Theme 2016
New image or reference to be included in your 3 minute edit is to relate to: “recycling” (plus one only of the previous year items of rabbit, wave or apple)
NOTE: All films must be created specifically for this festival rather than appropriating existing material
To enter please fill in the registration form and pay the registration fee of $30.00
Your registration code will be sent to you on receipt of payment.
Your entry must be delivered to the Avalon Beach Bowling Club on or by January 23, 2016. (look for the recycling bin!)
The final will be held Sunday February 21 at Avalon Beach Bowling Club. There will be a massive even bigger tent if rain is heaven sent and films are shown on a 20 metre square LED screen in rain, hale or shine!
Gates open 1pm - Films start 5pm “Willbe” trophy Presentation 7pm
Submit your entry as a .Mov file on usb or cd and deliver to:
Katy Young c/o Avalon Beach Bowling Club by January 23 2016
What you could win!
Entrants 16+ Years
First prize – $1,000.00, Second prize – $750.00, Third prize – $500.00
Entrants 5 – 15 Years
First prize – $500.00, Second prize – $350.00, Third prize – $250.00
Once again our celebrity judges will be stellar and like the first year, of the highest calibre.
More information at: www.creativecreaturesfilmfestival.2016

Locals Raising Funds for Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary
The Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary in Borneo is quite desperate for money (they are a small non profit group) so our fundraise in Nov is at Bayview and we hope you'll come ? We are hoping that you'll support us with some promotion of the ? It's end of Nov so we have some time BUT need to get organised now.
We are also looking for auction items, so if you have any brilliant ideas we'd love to hear from you. You can also Google up the sanctuary online. Jimmy Smits
started it many decades ago and has devoted his life towards rescuing
and rehabilitating Orangutans. Sadly, time is running out for our magnificent cousins so please help us HELP them.
Many of us are working together to raise funds for these dwindling Orangutans. We live in DY & Bayview and Nth Narrabeen etc and we are committed to protecting & rehabilitating these wonderful but threatened species....our cousins.
The BAYVIEW location is where we have raised funds for other wildlife groups and the owners Sue & Peter Glasson, are THE most aware and compassionate people who open their home & their beautiful views of Pittwater for all to share. Their home was on the ABC's Gardening Australia' program early this year with the incredible Costa.
The funds will go DIRECTLY to the Sintang Sanctuary which is small but effective. The CEO Jimmy Smits has devoted his life to saving Orangutans and works closely with the local community. The money will largely go towards building more enclosures, a fenced rehab site, food, vet expenses , rescuing MORE Orangutans and educating the community. Smits also has an idea about a native seed that MAY replace damn palm oil and further palm oil plantations, that destroys the rainforest. NO rainforest means NO Orangutans.
We will issue receipts to everyone who wants one. There are also online donations available.
For the wild ones
Lindy Stacker M 0409 404570
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Sun Oct 18
Angophora Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Reserve 9-12pm
Mon Oct 19
Bilgola Beach 9-12pm
Thu Oct 22
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat Oct 24
Nth Newport Bch 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30- 11:30am
Sun Oct 25
Bungan Beach 9-12pm
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Reserve 8:30-11:30am

SHOROC Gets Grant to Help Business Reduce Waste Bills and Increase Recycling
October 16, 2015
SHOROC and its partner councils – Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah – have been awarded a $200,000 NSW Government grant to help businesses measure their waste, reduce their waste bills, increase recycling and reduce their impact on the environment.
The Recycling at Work project funds waste assessments for small and medium sized businesses and produces tailored action plans to assist businesses reduce waste and increase recycling. Businesses are assessed by an experienced waste management consultant and eligible businesses can access funding to cover up to half the costs of equipment to enhance their recycling capacity.
SHOROC President and Mayor of Mosman, Cr Peter Abelson says the program will provide free advice and support on how businesses can reduce waste and lower costs by identifying recycling opportunities.
“There are 34,500 businesses in the SHOROC region, some of which could benefit from an independent waste assessment that will help them save money on waste disposal costs and reduce the amount of waste that they send to landfill,” Cr Abelson said.
The program will kick off in Pittwater.
Businesses are invited to register for a FREE waste assessment or find out more by contacting project officer, Ian Mackay or 0418 602 114. A. Prince Consulting, who has a proven track record in delivering results to businesses has been engaged to conduct assessments of 200 small to medium businesses.
NSW businesses send more than 2.5 million tonnes of waste to landfill each year and more than 70 per cent of this is valuable material, such as food, wood, textiles and plastics that could be recycled.
Small to medium sized businesses generate around 45 per cent of business waste. Reducing their waste makes good business sense and saves valuable water, energy and raw materials. The NSW Government is targeting a 70 per cent recycling rate for business waste by 2021.
To date more than 7,000 businesses across NSW have benefited from the free waste assessment and implemented Waste Reduction Action Plans.
This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy and is part of SHOROC’s Too Good to Waste strategy.
Seeking Pittwater's local heroes
15 October, 2015
Nominations are now open for Pittwater’s 2016 NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards to be announced at next year’s Australia Day celebrations.
Residents are encouraged to nominate outstanding citizens who have contributed to their community in one of three categories: Pittwater Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Sportsperson of the Year.
Deputy Mayor Kylie Ferguson applauded the many volunteers who give their time generously for the benefit of others.
“These people are often considered experts in their fields which cover bushcare, aged care, lifesaving, emergency services, coastal patrol and youth and community services to name just a few,” she said.
“It is a great opportunity to recognise residents who work tirelessly behind the scenes making a significant contribution to their community.”
“This is our opportunity to acknowledge their contribution and to say thank you,” added Cr Ferguson.
Winners will be announced at an Australia Day Awards Reception and at celebrations at Bert Payne Reserve, Newport on 26 January 2016.
Nomination forms for the Awards can be completed online or downloaded at copies are also available from Council’s customer service centres and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Entries for the Awards close on Friday 27 November 2015. Nominations can be mailed to: Community Relations Team, Pittwater Council, PO Box 882 Mona Vale, NSW 1660 or emailed
Enquiries relating to the Awards or Pittwater’s Australia Day event can be directed to the Community Relations Team on 9970 1172.
Empowering Women Dinner Success: Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc.
Thanks to everyone who came to our "Empowering Women" dinner this week. Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc., and Mackellar Z Club, are part of the worldwide service organisation Zonta International. These local clubs support women in need on the Northern Beaches by giving education grants to women, assisting high school students to stay at school, supporting the local Womens’ Refuge and Manly Womens’ Shelter amongst other projects.
The “Empowering Women” Dinner focussed on the empowerment of women in many areas with specific focus on domestic violence and the “Zonta Says No” campaign.
Our guest speaker, Natalie Isaacs, spoke about the empowering of women in her organisation “I Million Women” and discussed approaches and ideas on empowering women generally.
Natalie is the founder and joint CEO of “1 Million Women”, the Australian movement of women who take practical action to fight dangerous climate change by changing the way they live. In 2013, in acknowledgement of the empowering of women in this area, the United Nations selected “1 Million Women” as one of six women-led grassroots climate action programs - selected from hundreds around the world - to be highlighted as ‘lighthouse activities’ for the planet.
What an inspiring event. Many thanks to the hard working team of organisers, and wonderful to have the ZClub at Mackellar Girls involved.

Avalon Art Carnival
You’re invited to Avalon’s first twilight laneway party to celebrate the opening of Avalon Art Carnival: THE GAME
Join us in Wickham Lane, Avalon’s newest laneway venue, when the rules of The Game will be revealed by our mystery carnival game host.
Date: Friday 6 November
Time: 6.30pm – 8pm
Location: north end of Wickham Lane Avalon
Wickham Lane will come alive with music and atmosphere. Be the first to see the featured laneway artworks for the art carnival ... all with some surprise creative touches!
The event is FREE but you need to register now and get an entry pass.
Be quick, numbers are limited!
Pittwater Paddle 2015
Show your support on Sunday 8th November 2015 for 2nd annual Pittwater Paddle for NBI, the Northern Beaches' premier community paddling event.
Want to join in the fun this year but don't have a craft? No problemo!
You can hire a kayak or sup as part of the online registration process and it will be delivered to the event ready for you on the day!
How good is that?!
Register NOW at:
Do Not Leave Valuables in Your Car: Thieves Are About
October 14 - Northern Beaches LAC - NSW Police Force
Northern Beaches Police have received 6 reports of motor vehicles that have been broken into in the Mona Vale area over night. Please ensure that you lock your vehicle and remove all valuables. A friendly reminder that it is an offence to not secure your vehicle properly.
Don't tempt thieves by leaving wallets, purses, laptops, sun glasses, bags, IPods, IPads, cash etc in your vehicle. Be on the look out for any suspicious persons loitering around vehicles. If you see anyone please contact police.
Pittwater High School 30 Year Reunion in November
Pittwater High School 30 Year Reunion is on very soon. For Year 12 students from 1985 – our 30 year reunion is creeping up fast! So we need you to buy tickets by 15th October or we may have to cancel the event. That’s less than 2 weeks away!!
So get your tickets fast so we can keep planning for a fantastic catch-up at Bayview Golf Club on 7th November.
All you have to do is click here and follow the instructions.
Tickets are $70 till 15th October and then the price goes up to $75. But we need you to buy now so we don’t risk cancelling the event.
Where – Bayview Golf Club
When – Sat 7th November
Cost - $70 till 15th October, then $75.
Includes – Food & Entertainment, drinks @ club prices
Who – everyone who was in year 10 in 1983, or in year 12 in 1985
Police issue warning about taxation scams
Friday, 16 October 2015
Police are urging members of the community to be on the lookout for taxation scams following an increase in people being targeted around the state.
Commander of the NSW Police Force Fraud and Cybercrime Squad, Detective Superintendent Arthur Katsogiannis, said fraudsters were contacting members of the public by phone and tricking them into paying sums of cash.
“These scam artists will call people on their landline telephone or mobile and claim they work for the Australian Tax Office,” he said.
“They tell the person they have an outstanding tax debt and that if they don’t pay up quickly they will be arrested, taken to court and fined thousands of dollars.
“The victim is told to make a payment via the post office or Western Union to avoid prosecution; by all accounts the offenders are quite convincing.
“Reports have been widespread and, in more recent times, have occurred in remote parts of the state including Hay, Broken Hill and Griffith.”
Det Supt Katsogiannis said there had been an initial spike in this scam at the end of the financial year, but it had re-emerged as an issue just recently.
He said while there had been 80 reported incidents of people being targeted and losing money in NSW this year, it was thought the true figure would be higher as people were often reluctant to report fraud offences.
“The Fraud and Cybercrime Squad has established a strike force and we are keen to hear from anyone with information to assist us,” he said.
“In particular, we would like to hear from anyone who has fallen victim through this scam. If you have received a similar call and made a payment, please contact us.
“Local police recently arrested three men in southern NSW in relation to this type of activity, but we believe there is a larger criminal syndicate operating on our shores with possible overseas links.”
If you are contacted by anyone purporting to be from the Australian Tax Office and saying you owe money, police urge you to do the following:
-Check with your Tax Agent.
-Hang up the phone and contact the ATO yourself
-If you suspect it is a scam, report the matter to your local police station immediately.
More information about this scam can be found online at:
Australian Taxation Office – Online services:
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission – Scamwatch
Police are urging anyone with information in relation to this incident to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or use the Crime Stoppers online reporting page:
Information you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence. We remind people they should not report crime information via our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Layne Beachley Foundation launches national scholarship grants for girls and women with two new categories for 2016
“ Academia and Education” and “ Science and Technology”.
The Layne Beachley Foundation “Aim For The Stars” has announced the launch of their 2016 national scholarship program for girls and women looking for that extra financial support to achieve their goals in their chosen field of pursuit - and this year they are looking to double their grants. The program open to *girls and women across Australia, offers scholarships for individuals and for groups with a keen focus this year on seven fields of pursuit: Academia and Education, Arts, Media and Entertainment, Business and Leadership, Culture and Community, Environment and Sustainability, Science and Technology, and Sport. Since its 2003 launch, The Layne Beachley Foundation has transformed dreams into reality for more than 400 females Australia-wide in a diverse range of areas including opera, ballet, marine science, diving, literacy education, rally driving, BMX, equestrian, environment and hockey.
Says Layne Beachley, “this program is my way of giving back to a community that supported me in a catalyst moment, when I was working extreme hours, had little time to train and had the world championships in my vision. A $3,000 grant was the catalyst moment which allowed me to travel internationally and for the first time not sleep in my surfboard bag but in a hotel”.
“To this day I remember this moment that changed my life, and now through my foundation I want to support the goals and dreams of aspiring girls and women, emerging leaders in their field that have the potential to reach their dreams and at the same time put back into their field of pursuit and mentor the next generation” said Beachley.
For students keenly following their field of pursuit, The Layne Beachley Foundation provides a solid platform for engagement and advocacy for girls and women looking to learn, to grow and to succeed with a spotlight in 2016 on Science and Technology, and Academia and Education.
The Foundation focuses on assisting girls and women to achieve their goals, while matching grant recipients with a mentor for the year, and flying them to meet Layne in Sydney and attend a 2-day mentoring workshop, with further online materials across the 12 month period.
“Any hard-working female who is committed to pursuing her passion and needs financial support deserves a helping hand and can apply for an Aim for the Stars 2016 Scholarship by the due date.”
Successful applicants will receive a financial grant in accordance with the following amounts and conditions: $4,000 – ‘Individual’ Scholarship, 1 person 12 years and above and $6,000 – ‘Group’ Scholarship, 2 or more people 12 years and above
In recognition of where it all started for Layne and her quest to win her first world championship, the Foundation through the generous support of Clubs NSW are excited to announce the inaugural Layne Beachley Foundation Scholarship.
This $4,000 grant will be awarded to a girl or young women living in the Manly Warringah area, who is looking for that extra financial support to pursue her dreams and aspirations.
To be eligible applicants must be 12 years of age and above, be an Australian resident and have the passion and drive to achieve a dream their dream.
Applications are also open in the following areas:
- Academia and Education
- Arts and Entertainment
- Business and Leadership
- Culture and Community Development
- Environment and Sustainability
- Science and Technology
- Sport
To apply:
1. Go to the scholarship application page
2. Select 'Foundation' from the Pursuit Category drop down box
3. Complete the required fields and click SUBMIT
Applications close on 13 November 2015
If you have any further questions please email Kelly Holcroft, Head of Scholarships, Grants and Alumni or phone 0422 600 733.
Applications close November 13th, 2015, and can be completed online at
Palm Beach Sailing Club - Beware the Bullets Regatta 2015
To be held in conjunction with F18 Association - NSW Travellers Series 21st and 22nd November 2015 at Sand Point, Iluka Road, Palm Beach
Saturday 21st November
11:00am Briefing
12:30pm First race (not before this time)
Sunday 22nd November
9:30am Briefing
11:00am First race. No racing start after 3pm
Organising Authority & Venue: Palm Beach Sailing Club Inc., cnr Barrenjoey and Iluka Rds, Palm Beach NSW. Rigging and briefings will be held on the beach at Sand Pt, end of Sand Pt Lane, Palm Beach. Racing will be held within Pittwater and/or the enclosed waters of Broken Bay, NSW.
All off the beach boats welcome and forms part of the NSW F18 Travellers Series. Come and enjoy 2 days of awesome racing on stunning Pittwater amongst a friendly, welcoming Club. Please feel free to pass this invitation on to any fellow sailors who may be interested. Look forward to welcoming you all
All off-the-beach multihulls are eligible to compete. At least one member of each crew has to be a member of a sailing club or class association with ISAF affiliation. 5 boats constitutes a class, any classes with fewer than 5 boats will race in a miscellaneous division decided on yardstick.
Find out more at: and on Facebook page

LGNSW Board Elections
Media Statement: 14 October 2015
Local Government NSW today held productive discussions with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) to determine the most appropriate and timely way to resolve an issue currently delaying the finalisation of its new Board.
Voting to determine the LGNSW Board was conducted at LGNSW’s Annual Conference at Rosehill Racecourse, in Sydney’s west, on Monday 12 October.
While the AEC formally declared the positions of President and Treasurer on Tuesday 13 October, the declaration of other positions was placed on hold after Hawkesbury City Council was incorrectly categorised as a rural-regional council.
The categorisation meant the Council’s four votes for Vice President and Director positions were lodged in the rural regional category, rather than urban-metropolitan. The causative issue was one of document control.
Preliminary legal advice has identified that the next step is an application to the Federal Court for an Election Inquiry. While current electoral law does not permit the Association to lodge its own application, it may make a submission to the AEC asking the Commission to do so as soon as possible.
It is understood neither the President nor Treasurer positions are impacted by the misclassification because they are voted on by the Association as a whole, irrespective of classification.
However the positions of Urban-Metropolitan Vice President and Rural-Regional Vice President are impacted due to tight margins of less than four votes, and the potential flow of preferences.
The election of Urban-Metropolitan and Rural-Regional Directors is similarly impacted.
LGNSW Board Elections
The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has declared the results of the 2015 LGNSW board and office holder elections. The results were declared in the following elections: • President • Treasurer • Vice President (Metropolitan/Urban) • Vice President (Rural/Regional) • Directors (Metropolitan/Urban) • Directors (Rural/Regional)
The results are as follows:
• President – Cr Keith Rhoades AFSM
• Treasurer – Cr Scott Bennison
• Vice President (Metropolitan/Urban) – Cr Bill Pickering
• Vice President (Rural/Regional) – Cr Greg Matthews
• Directors (Metropolitan/Urban) – Cr George Glinatsis, Cr Mazhar Hadid, Cr Paul Hawker, Cr Julie Hegarty, Cr Yvonne Keane, Cr Leo Kelly and Cr Linda Scott
• Directors (Rural/Regional) – Cr Lindsay Brown, Cr Ruth Fagan, Cr Phyllis Miller, Cr Denise Osborne, Cr Ben Shields, Cr Mark Troy and Cr Darriea Turley
Note: The elections of the Vice President (Metropolitan/Urban), Vice President (Rural/Regional), Directors (Metropolitan/Urban) and Directors (Rural/Regional) may be subject to an inquiry by the Federal Court under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act.
LGNSW is working with the AEC to bring about a quick resolution and will keep members informed.
Time To Prepare For Bushfire Season
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is urging local residents to ensure their properties are prepared for this year’s bushfire season.
With a considerably hot and dry season expected, the NSW Rural Fire Service is warning residents in vulnerable areas to regularly clear their gutters, remove woodpiles, vegetation cuttings and flammable materials from around their homes, ensure easy access to long-length garden hoses and prepare a bushfire survival plan.
“This is a crucial time of the year for all homeowners to inspect their properties and carry out any necessary works,” Rob Stokes said today.
“A small effort now can make a huge difference in the event of an approaching fire.
“Bushfires have devastating impacts on communities and laziness can make the risks even greater.
“The more preparation that’s done now the better protected we’ll be.
“The frightening bushfires which swept through our community in 1994 are still fresh in the minds of many Pittwater residents and no one ever wants to see this repeated.
“More information on bushfire safety precautions and advice is available by visiting the NSW Rural Fire Service
“With the bushfire season upon us it’s vital we all heed the warnings and take necessary precautions to help protect our community,” Rob Stokes said.

Top Water Athletes Gather In The Tweed
Thursday 15 October 2015: SLS NSW
Over 30 of the state’s top surf sport athletes will be put through their paces in a gruelling three-day program at the Surf Australia High Performance Centre located at Casuarina on the NSW Tweed Coast from Friday.
The high performance program is targeted at those who will compete in the age groups from under 15s through to opens in all water disciplines in the 2015/16 season.
Competition for places at the camp was fierce with proven performance at previous carnivals or the potential to push for higher honours a crucial factor in gaining selection.
With the camp coming just weeks into the lifesaving season, it’s an opportunity for the athletes to fine tune their preparations ahead of what promises to be a busy summer campaign of surf sports.
It’s also a chance for the athletes to renew friendships with their fellow competitors from around the state while also refine their technique under the watchful and experienced eyes of NSW Head Coach Jeff Mowbray.
Mowbray a veteran of many representative campaigns will undoubtedly be casting a keen eye on the athlete’s form with a view on potential selection for next season’s Surf Interstate team. NSW Surf Sports Manager Rob Pidgeon feels the camp will provide everything the athletes need to take their performances to the next level.
“We’ve got a really good mix of youth and experience selected for the program this year. Already some of these up and coming athletes have achieved exceptional results at NSW Country, State and National level,” Mr Pidgeon said.
“It’s a wonderful chance for those selected to fine-tune their preparations for the season while also seeing the results of their hard winter work.
“The centre and its facilities are first class and reflect an elite environment for the athletes that will certainly help them improve. I have no doubt that those selected will benefit from their time at the camp and many will subsequently push for higher honours,” he concluded.
Far North Coast
Caitlin Callahan – Byron Bay
Scout Hembrow – Bryon Bay
Jy Timperley – Byron Bay
Zoe Hughes - Byron Bay
North Coast
Tahlia Kollen - Sawtell
Daniel Collins – Redhead
Lily Costello – Redhead
Jye Lehmann - Catherine Hill Bay
Central Coast
Harry Armstrong – Avoca Beach
Keeley Booth – Avoca Beach
Finn Flaherty – Avoca Beach
Beau Jeffries - Avoca Beach
Claire Gaffney – Umina
Jemma Smith – Umina
Callum Sutton – Terrigal
Harry Braddish - Umina
Sydney Northern Beaches
Jackson Borg – Newport
Ollie Signorini – Newport
James Finn – Newport
Hugh McAlpine - Newport
Emily Doyle – Manly
Thomas Doyle – Manly
Naomi Scott – Manly
Callum Lowe-Griffiths – Queenscliff
Ben Highfield - North Cronulla
Katherine Conder – Elouera
Chris King – Elouera
Brooke Dixon – Wanda
Ethan Garland – North Cronulla
Kira Hood – North Cronulla
Lachlan Moyle – North Cronulla
South Coast
Matthew Sperring – Warilla-Barrack Point
Head Coach: Jeff Mowbray – Swansea Belmont
Assistant Coach: Scott McCartney – Cudgen Headland
The 2015 SLSNSW High Performance Academy Program runs from Friday 16 – Sunday 18 October at the Surfing Australia High Performance Centre in Casuarina Beach.
October 2015: Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
Commencing Saturday 7 November, and continuing over Summer, the Harbour Trust is now offering Saturday guided tours for our very popular North Fort tours. Our regular Sunday tours continue but you can now experience the WWII tunnels and more on Saturdays too. Visit our North Fort Tours page for more information.
Want to see underground WWII tunnels? Take a 70 minute (approx) guided tour through WWII tunnels, gun emplacements and more at North Fort. Hear how North Fort contributed to the Defence of Sydney and enjoy magnificent views of the harbour.
When: Every Sunday (all year) & every Saturday (Summer from November to end February).
Times: Sundays - 10:30am, 11:30am, 1:00pm, 2:00pm. Saturdays – 10:30am & 1pm
Cost: $7 adult, $5 child/concession, $20 family (two adults and up to three concessions). Please note payments can be made in cash or via EFTPOS but there is no ATM on site.
Bookings: Saturdays & Sundays on site for that day only (Please note maximum participant numbers per tour apply).
Where: North Fort - North Head Scenic Drive, Manly.
By car: Drive along North Head Scenic Drive, through Parkhill Archway and past roundabout. Continue for approx 2 kms. The entrance to North Fort is on your left and signposted. Follow the driveway through the stone wall to the car park inside. The Visitor Centre is next to the car park near the stone wall.
By foot: As above or if coming from Shelly Beach, walk through North Head Sanctuary (former School of Artillery) along the internal North Fort Rd and through the stone wall. Follow the road around to your right. The Visitor Centre is on your right below the car park.
Conditions: Tour includes bush tracks, steep stairs and underground tunnels. A moderate level of fitness and reasonable mobility is required and visitors must wear sensible footwear.
Group Tours: Group tours are also available Mon - Fri by appointment. Minimum group size of 15, subject to guide availability.
Tel: (02) 8969 2100 - Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
Please note in the event that a fire danger rating of extreme or catastrophic in the Greater Sydney region (area 4) is in place, as advised by Rural Fire Service, North Head will be closed.
Run a marathon in Japan
If you have ever held a burning desire to run in a marathon in Japan – now’s the time! Mona Vale Library is seeking two Pittwater residents to run in the 2016 Senshu International City Marathon.
Pittwater Council’s friendship with the Tadaoka Town Government in Japan provides local runners with a chance to participate in the marathon in Tadaoka on 21 February 2016.
It’s an exciting opportunity for entrants who must be Pittwater residents, aged 18 and over.
Mona Vale Library Services Manager, Cathy Howie said the exchange visit was a great chance for local runners to experience Japanese culture.
Last year’s participant from Avalon, Lachlan Arnold, couldn’t speak more highly of the warm and hospitable welcome he and his fellow participant, Lisa Tyndall received.
“The people of Tadaoka, from Mayor Wada to all of the people who cheered us on were so welcoming and treated us with the highest level of respect and kindness,” said Mr Arnold.
Mrs Howie said entrants would have their airfare from Sydney to Osaka paid for, along with the costs of accommodation. The period entrants would be away is from 18-23 February 2016.
Participants are expected to have run at least one marathon before and to be Australian citizens.
Those interested can pick up an application pack (with the selection criteria) from Mona Vale Library or download one form the
Please express your interest by email by Friday 6 November 2015. For more information: Heather Thomson: 9970 1614
Imagine Mona Vale - Engagement Summary for Mona Vale Place Plan
Pittwater Council is pleased to share Imagine Mona Vale,Engagement Summary for Mona Vale Place Plan. (PDF – 9.64MB)
This engagement summary documents the ideas, inspiration and activations that have been generated for Mona Vale town centre over an 18 month period in consultation with the community and stakeholders. It summarises key elements of the Mona Vale place planning process undertaken between January 2014 and June 2015.
Imagine Mona Vale - Engagement Summary follows on from Mona Vale Snapshot. Mona Vale Snapshot is a scoping document, which provides baseline information about how Mona Vale town centre is operating and offers an explanation of the place planning process that is being applied to Mona Vale.
Feedback has been grouped into themes presented through the recent Urban Talks Series and community engagement activities. These themes have provided the framework for capturing key ideas about place planning. Sometimes overlapping, these themes are the fundamental components of what makes a successful, prosperous place.
Some of the key activations undertaken over this 18 month period were:
• Village Economies Summit and Mona Vale Long Lunch
• Q&A panels
• Workshops and open house
• Staff workshops
• Place making events
• Place audits
• Web and social media
For more details download the Engagement Summary document or visit our website.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 19/10/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Mona Vale Library values mental health this month
Mona Vale Library is profiling a number of free events during October for Mental Health Month.
Mental Health Month NSW is part of a national mental health promotion campaign held throughout October each year.
The timing of the campaign centres on World Mental Health Day, which happens each year on 10 October.
This year’s theme is ‘Value Your Mind’ and the events the library has planned – help you do just that.
There’s a range of mental health and wellbeing topics which will provide food for thought as well as access to a wide range of resources.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said this was another fine example of Mona Vale Library being a social hub for our community.
“Local residents are invited to come along to a variety of events ranging from laughter yoga to Bridge and all things in between,” added Cr Townsend.
Choose from one or all of the following events during October:
Literary lunch - Thursday 22 October 12 noon – 1.30pm
Bettina Deda, Interior stylist and author of Downsizing with Style, will talk about how empty nesters can maintain wellbeing whilst downsizing with style and function.
Wellbeing Walk - Wednesday 28 October 10am – 12 noon
Sonja Elwood will lead you on a relaxing walk through Warriewood Wetlands, where you’ll see them come alive with wildlife and spring flowering plants.
Bookings are open for all our FREE events – book now as spaces are limited! Ph: 9970 1600
For full details on all these events visit the library’s website
Learn more about Mental Health Month at:
Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store
Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe.
Keep up to date on their Facebook page

Folia - local artist Michelle Ball Exhibition
Painter Michelle Ball, stylist Vanessa Colyer Tay and photographer Sam Mcadam-Cooper join forces for Folia, their first show.
By day all three work in the magazine world and this exhibition was born from their mutual passion for the Australian bush.
Meet the artists at the opening on Thursday, October 22, at 6pm.
The Shop Gallery, 112 Glebe Point Road, Glebe NSW.
Open 10am-6pm until October 30
For more information email:
Michelle Ball
Michelle grew up in Sydney, on the edge of coastal bush land. She studied art and filmmaking at Central, School of Art, Perth, WA, while spending time in Margaret River and on the Abrohlis Islands.
Shortly after, Michelle spent ten years living in New York where she worked as an Art Director and studied watercolour in her spare time.
She now lives with her family, on the edge of Ku ring gai Chase National Park and has become a passionate bush regenerator who studies and paints the landscape that surround her.
Currently, she is working towards a show called FOLIA exploring as she walks the bush tracks on Pittwaters Western foreshores, searching for images that share her emotions. With images of regrowth she intends to give the viewer a feeling of hope and optimism in a burnt out landscape.
“My intention is to continue drawing and painting details of what I see everyday, creating a poetic invitation that use nature to tell a story.”
Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 10 years / M
BREED: Maltese x
When Neville came from the pound he needed to stay at our vets for quite a while. He had the worst mouth our vet had ever seen. He was skinny and also had a double perineal hernias. After several surgeries Neville had all his teeth removed and his hernias repaired. He has gained weight and his hair has regrown. His ear infections have cleared. He is a sweet happy boy now. He has a non-shedding coat. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. His adoption cost is $350.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
Newport Beach Arts Market
The NEWPORT BEACH ARTS MARKET is the launch event for the annual Newport Sculpture Trail, with the market’s theme “inspired by the sea”.
In 2015 the beach arts market will take place in the heart of Newport from 6 to 9pm on Friday the 13th of November.
For the event, we are looking for street performing artists and market stallholders offering arts, crafts, homewares or services “inspired by the sea”.
We are also offering an opportunity for schools, artist collectives and other community groups to participate in the launch event by creating light sculpture installations to showcase their organisations and work at the launch event for free. Read more here.
For performing artist enquiries call 0415 662 918 or
For market stallholder information and application forms click here
October 2015
The Australia Council is calling for nominations to recognise the outstanding achievements and significant contributions made by individuals to the arts across seven art forms at the 2016 Australia Council Awards.
These prestigious national awards pay tribute to the remarkable accomplishments of leading Australian artists to our arts and cultural landscape in the fields of music, literature, community arts and cultural development, visual arts, theatre, dance, and emerging and experimental arts.
Australia Council Chief Executive Officer Tony Grybowski said the awards were the highest accolade the Council could bestow, and recognising the contributions made by eminent artists in their respective art forms was an important part of the Council’s mandate to invest in and champion Australian arts and artists.
“The awards are an acknowledgement of the significant achievements and contribution an artist has made to the vibrancy of Australian arts,” Mr Grybowski said.
“Previous recipients include some of Australia’s most esteemed artists who are highly respected by their peers and audiences.
“These awards give us the opportunity to reflect on their considerable body of work and the impact they have had on the arts in Australia and internationally.”
Nominations are being sought for the following categories:
• Australia Council Award for Lifetime Achievement in Literature
• Australia Council Don Banks Music Award
• Australia Council Visual Arts Award
• Australia Council Award for Outstanding Achievement in Emerging & Experimental Arts
• Australia Council Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dance
• Australia Council Award for Outstanding Achievement in Theatre
• Ros Bower Award (Community Arts and Cultural Development)
• Kirk Robson Award (Community Arts and Cultural Development)
Nominations close on Thursday, 12 November and the winners will be announced at a ceremony in March.
For more information go to:
The Australia Council Award for Lifetime Achievement in Literature, formerly the Writers’ Emeritus Award, acknowledges the achievements of eminent literary writers over the age of 60 who have made an outstanding and lifelong contribution to Australian literature. Past winners include Thomas Keneally (2015), Frank Moorhouse AM (2013), Herb Wharton (2012), the late Christopher Koch (2007) and Ruby Langford Ginibi (2005).
The Australia Council Don Banks Music Award honours a distinguished artist aged over 50 who has made an outstanding and sustained contribution to music in Australia. It is named in honour of Don Banks, acclaimed Australian composer, performer and the first Chair of the Council’s Music Board. Past winners include Archie Roach (2015) Mike Nock (2014), Kev Carmody (2013), Jon Rose (2012), Belinda Webster (2011) and Warren Fahey (2010).
The Australia Council Visual Arts Award acknowledges the exceptional achievements of an Australian visual artist who has made an outstanding contribution to the development of Australian art. Past winners include Judy Watson (2015), Fiona Foley (2014), Tracey Moffatt (2012), and Fiona Hall (2011).
The Ros Bower Award is given to artists with a proven record of high achievement in community arts and cultural development, driven by the principles of equality, respect, and diversity. It is named in honour of Ros Bower, a journalist, television producer, community arts pioneer and founding Director of Council’s first Community Arts Board.
The Kirk Robson Award recognises outstanding leadership from young artists and arts professionals working in community arts and cultural development, particularly in reconciliation and social justice. It was established to honour the memory of Kirk Robson, recipient of the Council’s Young and Emerging Artists Initiative. Past winners of the Ros Bower and Kirk Robson awards include Tony Doyle, Lockie McDonald, Alyson Evans and Alysha Hermann.
The Australia Council Award for Emerging & Experimental Arts
The Australia Council Award for Dance
The Australia Council Award for Theatre
These three awards were first presented in 2015 to recognise the outstanding achievements and considerable contribution of artists in these three art forms. The inaugural awards were given to Stelarc for Emerging and Experimental Arts, Garry Stewart for Dance and Bruce Gladwin for Theatre
Boomerang Bags: sewing the seeds of change
Our workshops are still continuing every Tuesday at the Avalon Rec Centre from 11am until 5pm. Please come down and find out more about how it all works.
You do not need to be a sewer to be involved. We have many non sewing jobs.
For those who cannot make the Tuesday workshop but would like to help we have several options. For sewers we can drop off some "ready to sew" bags to be done in your own time. For non sewers contact us for more information on how you can help from home.
We also have some items for sale . You can buy a beautiful "Bought to Support" version of Boomerang Bags ( $10) and a lovely ceramic reusable coffee mug ($15.00). So start reducing your plastic use now. Contact us for more information.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.

October 11 - 17, 2015: Issue 235
Articles This Week
MC38 Spring Regatta, October 10-11, 2015 hosted Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, part of IdS weekend: day 1 and Day 2: Ginger earns highest honour at MC38 Spring Regatta by Lisa Ratcliff
Pictures: Lion Island Challenge 2015 - 10th Year of MEGA Paddle
Springtime Slitheries by Lynleigh Greig (Southern Cross Wildlife Care) - a guide to snakes on the Northern Beaches
KEEPING COMPANY: SALTWATER - new works by 45 Northern Beaches artists + 'Metamorphosis': exhibition of ceramics by fourteen students graduating from Northern Beaches Campus in Brookvale @ Manly Art Gallery & Museum 30 October — 29 November 2015
Australian Predators of the Sky by Penny Olsen - published by National Library of Australia: In Pittwater we are lucky to have both aquatic and land based raptors; more inspiration for National Bird Week 19 October to 25 October and the 2015 Bird Count
New Mental Health Study Supports Planning and Innovation in Services for Northern Beaches: Mona Vale-based Partners in Recovery recently launched a new publication that shows the way forward for mental health on the Northern Beaches
Aquatics: State of the Beaches 2014–2015 Report: NSW Beach Scorecards Will Whet Summers' Appetite
Profile: Pittwater Outrigger Racing Club - The Pittwater Outriggers Canoe Club is 20 years old in 2015. The club is always keen to welcome new members whether they want to paddle socially to keep fit and meet new people or to compete in regattas around Australia. The club has training sessions to suit absolute beginners, returning and competitive paddlers. This week an insight and Celebration into a Pittwater success story.
History: Pittwater Reserves - The Green Ways: Mona Vale's Village Greens a Map of the Historic Crown Lands Ethos Realised in The Village, Kitchener and Beeby Parks - Pittwater reserves adjoin our beaches where small green spaces have been set aside so people may picnic, swing, play cricket, tennis, golf, soccer and rugby..or hold markets, let their horses graze...have a dance...
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month October 2015 - Nat Bromhead: Pittwater Photography - Award winning photo-journalist with a passion for beautiful Pittwater shares a few glorious images and a story about a drone that flew away...and didn't come back!
Pittwater High School 30 Year Reunion in November
Pittwater High School 30 Year Reunion is on very soon. For Year 12 students from 1985 – our 30 year reunion is creeping up fast! So we need you to buy tickets by 15th October or we may have to cancel the event. That’s less than 2 weeks away!!
So get your tickets fast so we can keep planning for a fantastic catch-up at Bayview Golf Club on 7th November.
All you have to do is click here and follow the instructions.
Tickets are $70 till 15th October and then the price goes up to $75. But we need you to buy now so we don’t risk cancelling the event.
Where – Bayview Golf Club
When – Sat 7th November
Cost - $70 till 15th October, then $75.
Includes – Food & Entertainment, drinks @ club prices
Who – everyone who was in year 10 in 1983, or in year 12 in 1985
Spithill and Jackson team-up for Extreme 40 showdown in Sydney
October 7, 2015
Match racing champion Kate Spithill and Volvo Ocean Race sailor Stacey Jackson will head-up an all Australian crew as the wild card entry for the 2015 Extreme Sailing Series™ Act 8, Sydney presented by Land Rover.
It will be the first time an Extreme 40 team has been led by a female skipper since double Olympic gold medallist Shirley Robertson in 2009, and the duo will take on the fleet of eight elite Extreme 40s as they battle it out at the end of season showdown, from the 10–13 December. Spithill and Jackson will be joined onboard ‘33 South Racing’ (33SR) by multiple A-class world champion Steve Brewin and World Match Racing Tour sailor Henry Kernot, with a fifth crew member to be announced in the coming weeks.
Lining up alongside 40 of the world’s best sailors from 12 nations, the competition will be tough. “We know there are going to be some highly polished teams in the fleet. We are going to use every available minute in the build up to focus on preparing for the challenge that lies ahead,” said Spithill.
Training on Sydney Harbour throughout November in preparation for the Act, the 33SR crew will be hoping that home water advantage will play in their favour, after seeing Series heavyweights The Wave, Muscat walk away with the penultimate Act win last week in Istanbul with two races to spare.
After finishing her navigation around the world competing with Team SCA in the latest edition of the Volvo Ocean Race, Jackson is ready for the next challenge, trading in the open ocean for Stadium Racing within metres of the shore.
“To be able to sail in front of a home crowd with a completely Australian Team is really exciting, hopefully we will be able to hear the supporters cheering from the shore,” commented Jackson.
The Extreme Sailing Series Act 8, Sydney presented by Land Rover Race Village will be open to the public from Friday 11 December, located at Mrs Macquaries Point. It is free to enter and spectators can watch the unique Stadium Racing and cheer on their home team as the fleet fight to be crowned 2015 Extreme Sailing Series champions.
Find our more at
Crew list
Kate Spithill (AUS) – Skipper
Stacey Jackson (AUS) - Bow/Trimmer
Steve Brewin (AUS) - Main
Henry Kernot (AUS) – Trimmer
Time To Prepare For Bushfire Season
8 October 2015
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is urging local residents to ensure their properties are prepared for this year’s bushfire season.
With a considerably hot and dry season expected, the NSW Rural Fire Service is warning residents in vulnerable areas to regularly clear their gutters, remove woodpiles, vegetation cuttings and flammable materials from around their homes, ensure easy access to long-length garden hoses and prepare a bushfire survival plan.
“This is a crucial time of the year for all homeowners to inspect their properties and carry out any necessary works,” Rob Stokes said today.
“A small effort now can make a huge difference in the event of an approaching fire.
“Bushfires have devastating impacts on communities and laziness can make the risks even greater.
“The more preparation that’s done now the better protected we’ll be.
“The frightening bushfires which swept through our community in 1994 are still fresh in the minds of many Pittwater residents and no one ever wants to see this repeated.
“More information on bushfire safety precautions and advice is available by visiting the NSW Rural Fire Service
“With the bushfire season upon us it’s vital we all heed the warnings and take necessary precautions to help protect our community,” Rob Stokes said.

Dolphins At Avalon
By Lachlan Peknice: Published on Oct 4, 2015
Found this playful pod of dolphins while recording at Avalon. Taken with Phantom 3 in 4K (uploaded in 1080p). Enjoy......
02 October 2015: Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
Commencing Saturday 7 November, and continuing over Summer, the Harbour Trust is now offering Saturday guided tours for our very popular North Fort tours. Our regular Sunday tours continue but you can now experience the WWII tunnels and more on Saturdays too. Visit our North Fort Tours page for more information.
Want to see underground WWII tunnels? Take a 70 minute (approx) guided tour through WWII tunnels, gun emplacements and more at North Fort. Hear how North Fort contributed to the Defence of Sydney and enjoy magnificent views of the harbour.
When: Every Sunday (all year) & every Saturday (Summer from November to end February).
Times: Sundays - 10:30am, 11:30am, 1:00pm, 2:00pm. Saturdays – 10:30am & 1pm
Cost: $7 adult, $5 child/concession, $20 family (two adults and up to three concessions). Please note payments can be made in cash or via EFTPOS but there is no ATM on site.
Bookings: Saturdays & Sundays on site for that day only (Please note maximum participant numbers per tour apply).
Where: North Fort - North Head Scenic Drive, Manly.
By car: Drive along North Head Scenic Drive, through Parkhill Archway and past roundabout. Continue for approx 2 kms. The entrance to North Fort is on your left and signposted. Follow the driveway through the stone wall to the car park inside. The Visitor Centre is next to the car park near the stone wall.
By foot: As above or if coming from Shelly Beach, walk through North Head Sanctuary (former School of Artillery) along the internal North Fort Rd and through the stone wall. Follow the road around to your right. The Visitor Centre is on your right below the car park.
Conditions: Tour includes bush tracks, steep stairs and underground tunnels. A moderate level of fitness and reasonable mobility is required and visitors must wear sensible footwear.
Group Tours: Group tours are also available Mon - Fri by appointment. Minimum group size of 15, subject to guide availability.
Tel: (02) 8969 2100 - Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
Please note in the event that a fire danger rating of extreme or catastrophic in the Greater Sydney region (area 4) is in place, as advised by Rural Fire Service, North Head will be closed.
Green Army to help natural disaster recovery efforts
Media release; 6 October 2015 The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for the Environment
The Australian Government's Green Army is set to roll out in communities affected by natural disaster and severe storm damage - carrying out work that will see real improvements to the local environment.
I am pleased to announce that 44 projects under the Natural Disaster Recovery Round have been approved to commence over the next two years.
These projects will tackle recovery efforts across 16 Local Government Areas in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.
Projects will assist with vital environmental clean-up and rehabilitation works through re-establishing native vegetation, protecting threatened species and restoring aquatic ecosystems.
In Port Stephens, Green Army teams will be involved in erosion control that will not only restore vegetation to extensively damaged areas, but also build resilience to future natural disaster events.
Flood debris and invasive weeds will be removed from the Kooragang Ramsar wetland in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales which will restore habitat in these sensitive riparian zones.
At Mary River in Queensland, teams will work to reduce sediment and debris entering the catchment through revegetation and embankment rehabilitation.
These are just some examples of the important projects to be undertaken in partnership with groups such as Landcare and local councils that will help to rehabilitate local areas affected by natural disasters while providing young Australians with an opportunity to gain practical skills and training.
The Green Army is a major Government initiative with more than $700 million budgeted over four years. It is already a huge success with over 700 projects announced since it was launched and more that 400 projects already rolled out.
Green Army projects include restoring native vegetation, heritage restoration, protecting animal habitats and regenerating wetlands in urban, rural and remote areas.
A full list of approved Natural Disaster Recovery round projects is available at:
From this List:
Coastal Dune Recovery at Newport Beach through Restoration and Revegetation #1 #2 #3
This project will repair storm damage to the coastal dune system at Newport Beach, NSW, and a section of the Bicentennial Coastal Walkway at the northern end of the beach. The Green Army will focus primarily on invasive weed removal located over the dune system to ensure gaps created by the storm are not overrun. This will help to build resilience in the endemic species to out-compete the invasive species, provide stabilised dune system and native vegetation to inhibit wind and storm erosion and provide habitat for locally significant and migratory bird species.- NSW Pittwater Council Service Provider: Manpower
Community Birdwatchers for the Annual Nationwide Big White Bird Count
Media release: 7 October 2015
People all over Australia are being asked to help count some of our most loved and loathed big white birds.
On Sunday 11 October, the community is invited to participate in the annual Australian white ibis and sulphur-crested cockatoo census coordinated by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).
Dr John Martin, Wildlife Ecologist for the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney said the survey aims to better understand the numbers of these native birds, where they breed, and their habitats across Australia.
“The community are invited to participate in a fun day by observing native Australian birds and being more aware of local environment,” Dr Martin said.
“Getting a more accurate assessment of the ibis and cockatoo populations is only possible with community assistance, so people from all walks of life are asked to participate.
“People normally have a good knowledge of their local areas so they can help us by reporting the number of ibis and cockies they observe on this day.
“Cockatoos and ibis are native to Australia and both species have increased in numbers along the coast over the last 40 years. This increase is believed to be in response to drought and changes to the inland woodlands and wetlands.
“Both species have adapted to living within close proximity to humans and have altered their diet to include hand-outs such as bread.
“The ibis survey began in 2003, and since that time more than 2000 ibis have been colour-banded and wing-tagged to enable us to learn more about their movement behaviour.
“They have been recorded moving 30 kilometres between daily foraging sites, with fledglings found as far away as Townsville – 2500 kilometres from Sydney.”
“Since 2011, a similar study has wing-tagged 100 cockatoos at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney, and from this it appears that the cockies have only moved within 30 kilometres,” he said.
Participating in the survey is easy. Just head out on Sunday 11 October to wherever you may see ibis or cockatoos, count them and fill in the on-line form at:
Susan Wiliamson - Spring Ride
This Lady has shared somewonderful insights into her voluntary work in Timor Leste through the magazine.
On 18th October, Sue is doing the Spring Ride 50kms to Olympic Park and hopes to raise money for Heart Surgery in Australia for the Timorese people. Please support her
Surf Club Open Day: Sun 18 Oct 2015
Get down to your local surf club on Sunday 18 October to be part of our annual Surf Club Open Day.
Want to be a part of Surf Life Saving? Our members don’t just patrol the beach, your local surf club has a role for everyone and plays a much bigger part in the local community than you might think.
Trophy from 1935 Pittwater Regatta Air Race
Dear Editor
I've been collecting vintage aviation related stuff for many years now and I see you have reference to a 1934 Pittwater regatta air race trophy held in my collection.
I actually have two Pittwater Regatta air race trophies. The other is the 1936 event. They are both stunning objects that ooze the golden age of aviation in Australia.
Stephen, in Brisbane.
Pittwater Mens Probus Club October Speaker
Tuesday 13th October 2015 at 11 a.m.
Guest Speaker - George Repin: Travels to South East Asia
Partners welcome
George Repin has been an intrepid traveller all of his life. This presentation covers his travels to South East Asia long before it become popular with cheap flights and mass 'turnstyle tourism'. His visits to the major centres such as Singapore show a city that today's tourists would not recognise.
This presentation together with George's insightful observations and illustrated with his own Kodachrome photos show an intriguing world that has disappeared in our lifetime.
Pittwater Mens Probus
Probus is an association of active retirees who join together in the club to provide regular opportunities for them to keep their minds active, expand their interests and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends. Membership is open to anyone of good character who has had some measure of responsibility or achievement in any field of worthy endeavour.
Pittwater Mens Probus has no service club obligations and no fund raising activities.
Our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 10am in the Mona Vale Golf Club.
Following the formal part of the meeting, coffee is served followed by a guest speaker which is the highlight of the monthly meeting.
Find out more at:
Palm Beach Sailing Club - Beware the Bullets Regatta 2015
To be held in conjunction with F18 Association - NSW Travellers Series 21st and 22nd November 2015 at Sand Point, Iluka Road, Palm Beach
Saturday 21st November
11:00am Briefing
12:30pm First race (not before this time)
Sunday 22nd November
9:30am Briefing
11:00am First race. No racing start after 3pm
Organising Authority & Venue: Palm Beach Sailing Club Inc., cnr Barrenjoey and Iluka Rds, Palm Beach NSW. Rigging and briefings will be held on the beach at Sand Pt, end of Sand Pt Lane, Palm Beach. Racing will be held within Pittwater and/or the enclosed waters of Broken Bay, NSW.
All off-the-beach multihulls are eligible to compete. At least one member of each crew has to be a member of a sailing club or class association with ISAF affiliation. 5 boats constitutes a class, any classes with fewer than 5 boats will race in a miscellaneous division decided on yardstick.
Find out more at:

Pittwater Friends of Soibada Depart for Timor Leste this week
Qantas and Airnorth have approved excess baggage for the volunteers travelling to Timor Leste this week .
“We have so many great things to deliver to Soibada next week. Heaps of kits from Days for Girls, clothes for boys and girls from Dress a Girl Around the World, a Doppler* from Rotary and a projector from Paul!
Thank you so much Dress A Girl Around the World - Dress A Girl-Sydney & Australia and Days for Girls Australia and Rotary and Paul McGovern" PFOS Chairperson Tamara Sloper Harding stated on Friday.
We wish the team travelling a safe and productive visit.
*A fetal doppler is a device used to detect and monitor a baby’s heartbeat. Donated to Soibada by the Rotary Club of Woy Woy through Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS).
Avalon Craft Cottage at Dee Why
Only a matter of a few days now until the Avalon Craft Cottage members will be at Dee Why Grand for one week only from Monday 12th October To Sunday 18th.... and open during all business hours for the Centre, including Thursday night and Friday night.
The stall will be situated along the base of the escalator in the food court (same floor as Aldi, Harris Farm etc) so very easy to find.... and right outside the lift as well.
This will be a slightly different display for the Craft Cottage members, with about a dozen or so of our very talented knitters & sewers getting together to present their beautiful wares.... so, no pottery or woodwork this time... but plenty of other gorgeous items to enthuse & tempt you.
There will be dozens of colourful summer scarves, in both silk or cotton; a large variety of gorgeous baby wear..... embroidered singlets, bootees, sleep suits, cotton cardigans & jumpers, and pretty shawls; A great range of Australiana gift items.... tea towels, appliqued hand towels, baby bibs, silk pictures, embroidered book marks, and greeting cards ; brilliant patchwork quilts; and a small display of Christmas items including beautiful hand-crafted cards and really pretty little dresses & t-shirts for that special little girl in your life.
Now is the time to start thinking of Christmas shopping ....and nothing beats a beautiful handcrafted gift, made locally by our very talented craftspeople.
Hope to see you there.
Maureen Darcy-Smith, Publicity Officer
Roads, wildlife links and development
Monday, 9 November 2015 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lakeview room The Tramshed Arts & Community Centre , 1395A Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
Mona Vale Road is to be upgraded from Terrey Hills to Mona Vale. Ingleside is to be developed for housing.
How can we make sure our bushland, birds and animals will be able to survive a widened Mona Vale Road and a developed Ingleside?
What is the latest on road crossings and corridors? What are the special habitat needs of local endangered species?
Come and hear leading researchers:
• Prof Daryl Jones, Griffith University, a Road ecologist with experience in fauna over and underpasses
• Dr Bradley Law and expert on endangered eastern pygmy possums and other native fauna.
Free. RSVP by November 3rd, 2015
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association
FoNLC – Next Forum: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Our Catchment - looking back, looking forward 7pm Monday November 23, 2015 Narrabeen Lakes Public School Hall. 1299 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
Looking Back: Jim Boyce from Manly Warringah Pittwater Historical Society has a fascinating take on looking at historical developments and a talent for telling stories. What major world events shaped the way developments occurred in this catchment? What resources have people sought in this area over time?
Looking Forward: Brent Jacobs is from The Institute of Sustainable Futures. He will alert us to issues we need to be considering as we plan for the future in the light of the impact of Climate Change. Free entry but book your tickets now. Phone: 9905 2135 Email: Judith Bennett
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment
The Sea
I miss the Sea with its many moods.
Sandy beaches and headlands that protrude
Like fingers spread and pointing out to sea.
Waves that wash the shore constantly.
Night and day they roll in, then retreat.
The sound they make has a lazy beat.
An Ocean of pleasure, we can all enjoy.
As I did at Narrabeen, when I was a boy.
Ken (Sava) Lloyd, Gunnedah
Reading Between The Lines - Letters from Conflicts Sought
C/- National Archives of Australia: October 1, 2015
The written word is a powerful thing. Have you written or received correspondence during a war?
Sydney Jewish Museum's special event ‘Reading Between The Lines’ will celebrate the power of the written word during times of conflict, in honour of their current exhibition ‘Signs of Life- Letters and Postcards from the Holocaust’.
The Sydney Jewish Museum invites anyone with correspondence written or received during war time (WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan or Iraq) to submit their letters.
A series will be selected and the contributors will be asked to read an extract from their letter in front of a Museum audience at the ‘Reading Between the Lines’ event on Sunday 1 November.
To participate or to get further information, please contact Aviva Wolff at the Sydney Jewish Museum: (02) 8036 0107
Palm Beach Longboarding Club Inc Old Mal – Old Log Rally 2015
IT'S ON – THE PALMY OLD MAL LOG RALLY: if your nine foot plus and single we want you there on the 7th November 2015 so get your entry form for the 2015 Palmy Old Mal Log Rally in. Go to thePalm Beach Longboarders Inc for more details.
The Palmy Old Mal/Log Rally kicks off at 6.30am on Saturday 7th November2015 somewhere along the Palm Beach stretch (look for the tents).
To enter, click on "Forms" in the nav bar above, and download the entry form (it's a Word doc) and mail it to us (our address is on the form). Entries close 3rd November 2015 - first in, best dressed.
Old Mal Rally History
The inaugural Palm Beach Old Mal Rally was held on Saturday March 23, 1996 at Palm Beach, Sydney in conjunction with the council-run Pittwater Festival.
The contest was conceived by the Palm Beach Longboarders Club to promote sportsmanship, competition and traditional surfing. It also aimed to raise funds for The Disabled Surfers Association (DSA) and the club to be actively involved in The Pittwater Festival of 1996.
The contest is about the style and boards used pre-1968 and the judges' aim was to look for classic 60's style of surfing. Manoeuvers such as hang ten, hang five, drop knee turns, soul arch, Standing Island pull-out, stalls, head dips, and of course tube riding were the focus of the day.
ENTRY FORM BELOW Simply click on and 'save as' on your own PC
![]() | PBLB 2015 OMLR Entry Form.pdf Size : 119.493 Kb Type : pdf |
The much loved Doggie Rescue calendar is back, and this year features the adorable Maeko as the cover star. Maeko is one of 11,466 dogs that have been saved from death row through the tireless hard work and dedication of Sydney’s largest private NO KILL animal welfare organisation. These 2016 calendars represent so much more than dates on page, each and every one contributes directly to saving the lives of our best friends.
Maeko was rescued from one of the many pounds around NSW and he represents what happens when abandoned and unloved pets are given a second chance at life thanks to founder and CEO Monika Biernacki;
“The number of dogs facing death row every day in Australia is truly shocking. These beautiful animals all deserve the opportunity to find their forever home and I am so proud that over 11,000 of them are now happily part of their new families”.
The Doggie Rescue calendar forms the main fundraiser for this well respected charity, and with all proceeds going straight back to the organisation, it means that many, many more lives will be saved. If all the calendars find their way into homes around Australia, that represents more than 1200 dogs provided with food, shelter and basic veterinary costs.
There are literally thousands of heartbreaking stories behind these animals, but it is the heartwarming result of every new adoption that provides the drive that keeps Monika and her dedicated volunteers going;
“Doggie Rescue was created to provide a viable NO KILL alternative in Sydney and to educate the public on their lifelong responsibilities when owning a dog. Dogs are not an impulse purchase and people need to become educated about where their new addition has come from. Rescue dogs are very special, most adoptees tell us that in actual fact, the rescue dog has saved them! There is nothing like the love and dedication of a rescued animal. ”
The 2016 DoggieRescue calendar costs just $15 and makes the perfect Christmas gift for friends and family. It is available online at or can be purchased by calling 9486 3133 or by visiting the shelter at Ingleside.
The Doggie Rescue calendar will be launched to coincide with Halloween, with a big scary celebration at Doggiewood, Ingleside on 31st October from 10am to 3pm.
Kids dress the part, whether creepy or sweet, and come to DoggieRescue to TRICK or TREAT. Enjoy some spook-tacular fun and lots, lots more - come and see what Halloween has in store! Refuse this invitation if you dare and you will miss out on a Halloween SCARE!!!
We have over 200 dead dogs walking ( DR doggies rescued from death!! ) and more cats and kittens than you think . We need your support so if you cannot join us please spread the word and buy a calendar by following this link….
Movember and Surfing Australia Team Up
Image Credit: Movember
October 6th, 2015
As upper lips begin to twitch in anticipation of the approaching hairy season and people across the country ready themselves for the onslaught of Movember moustaches, Surfing Australia is ready to Mo, today announcing a new partnership with the Movember Foundation.
The Movember Foundation’s quest to change the face of men’s health ties in perfectly with Surfing Australia’s purpose of creating a healthier and happier Australia through experiencing the joy of surfing for life.
Surfing Australia and Movember are challenging the surfing community and all Aussies to get involved as Mo Bros or Mo Sistas - encouraging men to grow and women to support a moustache this Movember.
Men can get involved by growing any style of moustache they see fit over the 30 days of the month. Some might even like to give the ‘Michael Peterson’ a go, as showcased by the legendary surfing cult figure during the height of his powers in the 1970’s.
Movember and Surfing Australia will work together across digital platforms including,, both social media and newsletters as well as at Surfing Australia events.
Movember Foundation’s Paul Villanti, Executive Director of Programs, said the partnership was a great opportunity for men and women in the surfing community to get involved at a grassroots level and make a difference to the health of men across the country.
“Australians love the surf and the beach and a partnership with Surfing Australia will see more Mo’s than ever hit the sand and the waves this Movember,” said Villanti.
Surfing Australia’s CEO Andrew Stark said: “We are very proud to be partnering with Movember Foundation to help drive awareness for such an important national men’s health issue. We look forward to working with the team at Movember and towards achieving some fantastic Mo’s and excellent fundraising results for such an important health issue.”
Join the movement – sign up at to grow, give and support the moustache for the 30 days of Movember.
About the Movember Foundation
The Movember Foundation is a global men’s health charity. The Foundation raises funds that deliver innovative, breakthrough programs that allow men to live happier, healthier and longer lives. Millions have joined the men’s health movement, raising $680 million and funding over 1,000 projects, focusing on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health and physical inactivity.
For more information of the Movember Foundation’s programs and funding and to sign up for this year’s Movember, visit
The 15th Anniversary of "The Royal Motor Yacht Club of Broken Bay Timber Boat Festival’’: Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st of November 2015: 10.00am to 4.00pm
The Timber Boat Division at the Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay are sprucing up their wooden boats in readiness for their very popular annual Timber Boat Festival. This year the event will be held on Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st November and attracts around 1,500 boat lovers each year.
A wonderful collection of wooden boats, power and sail, large and small. Classics from Halvorsen, Williams, Herreschoff, Chris Craft, Milcraft and Riva and more will be on display. Many of these boats are old favourites returning but there will be a number of first timers as well. Some resourceful boat lovers have converted commercial trawlers into homes away from home. Others have built their boats themselves.
You will be cordially invited on board any boat which takes your interest, with all boat owners showing off their pride and joy. Have you ever thought about buying, building or renovating a boat yourself? Come along and talk with experienced boat owners and gain the benefit of their passion and their considerable, collective boating skills and knowledge.
Many boats are immaculately painted and varnished with beautifully oiled planked decks. Some display finely decorated and upholstered cabins while others are kind of homely and comfortable just the way their owners like them. Most are an ongoing work in progress. So much of the craftsmanship is just inspirational.
The displays will include interactive demonstrations of electronic navigation equipment, marine antennae for TV and internet, fender systems, rowing dinghies, stainless steel fittings, boat cleaning products, the revolutionary new jet bow thrusters, traditional British Seagull outboard motors and much more.
This festival is not just about looking at boats. The Royal Motor Yacht Club has an excellent bar and bistro where they make the most wonderful array of fine foods from real Aussie hamburgers to full sit down meals at very reasonable prices. There is a children’s menu and the ice cream bar is always a favourite.
The Royal Motor Yacht Club would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support in our 15th anniversary year.
Entry to the Timber Boat Festival is $5.00 for adults with children under 12 free and the show is open between 10am and 4pm on both days.
Contact Timber Boat Festival Shuttle Bus on 0417 558 535. (10.00am to 4.00pm)
Find out more at:
Avalon Car Boot Sale
Join Pittwater Council's car boot jumble sale on Saturday 24 October, 2015.
Don’t send your unwanted goods to landfill… sell them at Pittwater Council’s community car boot sale!
Council is hosting a community car boot sale at Dunbar Park Avalon on Saturday 24 October from 8am-2pm. This community event is a great way for residents to sell their pre-loved households goods, which is a positive alternative to sending unwanted belongings to landfill and it also helps prevent illegal dumping.
Registrations: Open to all Pittwater residents. Sites will be allocated to cars, station wagons, vans and a limited number of trailers.
Booking: Please fill out the online stall holder application form
Stall holder fees: $30 per car, $45 for car and trailer site (limited spaces available) all proceeds will be forwarded by Council to a local charity organisation
Have your say on Waterway
Pittwater Council is inviting the community to have its say on the Pittwater waterway.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said to ensure that the waterway continues to have a vibrant and sustainable future Council has initiated a Pittwater Waterway Review.
Mayor Townsend said the Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a distinguishing feature of our region’s identity.
“It is a focus for leisure, tourism and business and an extremely important environmental asset.
“However, the waterway is under pressure from a range of competing demands including growth in boat ownership and vessel size. There is also an increase in demand for moorings, marinas and boat infrastructure such as pump out facilities, dinghy storage, parking and foreshore access.
“We are keen to hear from businesses connected to the waterway such as marine operators, cafés and restaurants, tourism-related companies, recreational users of the waterway, offshore residents, as well as the broader community. It is essential that we provide a sustainable balance between economic growth and employment connected to the waterway and its environmental protection including water quality and marine life,” she said.
Residents and businesses are invited to complete the survey which covers key issues facing the waterway and questions such as the ways you currently use the waterway.
“Feedback from the community will help inform the development of a discussion paper about the management of the waterway,” added Mayor Townsend.
To complete the survey visit by 30 October.

Creative Creatures Film Festival 2016
Theme 2016
New image or reference to be included in your 3 minute edit is to relate to: “recycling” (plus one only of the previous year items of rabbit, wave or apple)
NOTE: All films must be created specifically for this festival rather than appropriating existing material
To enter please fill in the registration form and pay the registration fee of $30.00
Your registration code will be sent to you on receipt of payment.
Your entry must be delivered to the Avalon Beach Bowling Club on or by January 23, 2016. (look for the recycling bin!)
The final will be held Sunday February 21 at Avalon Beach Bowling Club. There will be a massive even bigger tent if rain is heaven sent and films are shown on a 20 metre square LED screen in rain, hale or shine!
Gates open 1pm - Films start 5pm “Willbe” trophy Presentation 7pm
Submit your entry as a .Mov file on usb or cd and deliver to:
Katy Young c/o Avalon Beach Bowling Club by January 23 2016
What you could win!
Entrants 16+ Years
First prize – $1,000.00, Second prize – $750.00, Third prize – $500.00
Entrants 5 – 15 Years
First prize – $500.00, Second prize – $350.00, Third prize – $250.00
Once again our celebrity judges will be stellar and like the first year, of the highest calibre.
More information at: www.creativecreaturesfilmfestival.2016
RFB Open Day 2015
Brigade: Ingleside - Location: Inglside Station, King Road near Powder Works Road, Inglside 2101
Date: Saturday, 17 October 2015

Locals Raising Funds for Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary
The Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary in Borneo is quite desperate for money (they are a small non profit group) so our fundraise in Nov is at Bayview and we hope you'll come ? We are hoping that you'll support us with some promotion of the ? It's end of Nov so we have some time BUT need to get organised now.
We are also looking for auction items, so if you have any brilliant ideas we'd love to hear from you. You can also Google up the sanctuary online. Jimmy Smits
started it many decades ago and has devoted his life towards rescuing
and rehabilitating Orangutans. Sadly, time is running out for our magnificent cousins so please help us HELP them.
Many of us are working together to raise funds for these dwindling Orangutans. We live in DY & Bayview and Nth Narrabeen etc and we are committed to protecting & rehabilitating these wonderful but threatened species....our cousins.
The BAYVIEW location is where we have raised funds for other wildlife groups and the owners Sue & Peter Glasson, are THE most aware and compassionate people who open their home & their beautiful views of Pittwater for all to share. Their home was on the ABC's Gardening Australia' program early this year with the incredible Costa.
The funds will go DIRECTLY to the Sintang Sanctuary which is small but effective. The CEO Jimmy Smits has devoted his life to saving Orangutans and works closely with the local community. The money will largely go towards building more enclosures, a fenced rehab site, food, vet expenses , rescuing MORE Orangutans and educating the community. Smits also has an idea about a native seed that MAY replace damn palm oil and further palm oil plantations, that destroys the rainforest. NO rainforest means NO Orangutans.
We will issue receipts to everyone who wants one. There are also online donations available.
For the wild ones
Lindy Stacker M 0409 404570
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 11/10/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Natalie Isaacs to speak at Zonta “Empowering Women” Dinner
Thursday 15 October 2015
Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc. and Mackellar Z Club will host the Zonta “Empowering Women” Dinner Thursday 15 October 2015 at Dee Why RSL Club. Guest speaker at the dinner will be Natalie Isaacs Joint CEO of “1 Million Women”.
Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc., and Mackellar Z Club, are part of the worldwide service organisation Zonta International. These local clubs support women in need on the Northern Beaches by giving education grants to women, assisting high school students to stay at school, supporting the local Womens’ Refuge and Manly Womens’ Shelter amongst other projects.
The “Empowering Women” Dinner focuses on the empowerment of women in many areas with specific focus on domestic violence and the “Zonta Says No” campaign.
Our guest speaker, Natalie Isaacs, will talk about the empowering of women in her organisation “I Million Women” and discuss approaches and ideas on empowering women generally. Natalie is the founder and joint CEO of “1 Million Women”, the Australian movement of women who take practical action to fight dangerous climate change by changing the way they live. In 2013, in acknowledgement of the empowering of women in this area, the United Nations selected “1 Million Women” as one of six women-led grassroots climate action programs - selected from hundreds around the world - to be highlighted as ‘lighthouse activities’ for the planet.
Bookings are essential. Cost is $60 a head and $40 for school students. Contact Chris on or 0449 703 318.
Find out more at:
Critter of the Month- October 2015:
Diamond pythons are typically placid in nature and reluctant to bite. They are mostly arboreal (tree-dwelling) but have been seen on roof-tops, curled up under trees or draped over fence-tops. They prey on rodents, lizards, birds and mammals such as possums. They are constrictors.

They are often seen on the ground which surprises people – given that they are tree snakes. They come to ground to prey on frogs, skinks and fish. Gorgeous little creatures!

What to do if a Snake enters your Home or Property:
1. Do not panic
2. Keep people, children and pets away from the snake
3. If the snake is outside, keep an eye on it and call for advice
4. If the snake is in a room, close the door to that room and call Sydney Wildlife
Snakes have every right to be here and should be treated with respect.
Do NOT attempt to kill ANY snake!!! It is illegal and dangerous. Generally, a snake will only become defensive if it is threatened. Leave them and they will tend to move off of their own accord. Or call Sydney Wildlife to have the animal relocated.
Australia Day Awards 2016
Nominate someone you know for their outstanding contribution to the Pittwater community. Entries in the Australia Day Awards are now open.
There are three award categories; the Pittwater Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year (under 26 years) and Sportsperson of the Year.
Nominations close Friday 27 November 2015. Winners will be announced at an Australia Day Awards function in January.
Online nomination form
Printable nomination form
At: www.pittwater.australia_day_awards
Run a marathon in Japan
If you have ever held a burning desire to run in a marathon in Japan – now’s the time! Mona Vale Library is seeking two Pittwater residents to run in the 2016 Senshu International City Marathon.
Pittwater Council’s friendship with the Tadaoka Town Government in Japan provides local runners with a chance to participate in the marathon in Tadaoka on 21 February 2016.
It’s an exciting opportunity for entrants who must be Pittwater residents, aged 18 and over.
Mona Vale Library Services Manager, Cathy Howie said the exchange visit was a great chance for local runners to experience Japanese culture.
Last year’s participant from Avalon, Lachlan Arnold, couldn’t speak more highly of the warm and hospitable welcome he and his fellow participant, Lisa Tyndall received.
“The people of Tadaoka, from Mayor Wada to all of the people who cheered us on were so welcoming and treated us with the highest level of respect and kindness,” said Mr Arnold.
Mrs Howie said entrants would have their airfare from Sydney to Osaka paid for, along with the costs of accommodation. The period entrants would be away is from 18-23 February 2016.
Participants are expected to have run at least one marathon before and to be Australian citizens.
Those interested can pick up an application pack (with the selection criteria) from Mona Vale Library or download one form the
Please express your interest by email by Friday 6 November 2015. For more information: Heather Thomson: 9970 1614
Imagine Mona Vale - Engagement Summary for Mona Vale Place Plan
Pittwater Council is pleased to share Imagine Mona Vale,Engagement Summary for Mona Vale Place Plan. (PDF – 9.64MB)
This engagement summary documents the ideas, inspiration and activations that have been generated for Mona Vale town centre over an 18 month period in consultation with the community and stakeholders. It summarises key elements of the Mona Vale place planning process undertaken between January 2014 and June 2015.
Imagine Mona Vale - Engagement Summary follows on from Mona Vale Snapshot. Mona Vale Snapshot is a scoping document, which provides baseline information about how Mona Vale town centre is operating and offers an explanation of the place planning process that is being applied to Mona Vale.
Feedback has been grouped into themes presented through the recent Urban Talks Series and community engagement activities. These themes have provided the framework for capturing key ideas about place planning. Sometimes overlapping, these themes are the fundamental components of what makes a successful, prosperous place.
Some of the key activations undertaken over this 18 month period were:
• Village Economies Summit and Mona Vale Long Lunch
• Q&A panels
• Workshops and open house
• Staff workshops
• Place making events
• Place audits
• Web and social media
For more details download the Engagement Summary document or visit our website.
Newport Public School FeteOctober 17
The Newport school fete is one fun family day not to be missedSaturday 17th October 10-3pm!
Rides, Live Entertainment, Haunted House, Side Show Alley, Tombola, Food stalls, Dunking Machine, Raffles, Auctions, a Photo Comp, Books and Plant stalls, Show bags, Craft corner and more...hope to see you there.
Thank you to our major sponsors LJ Hooker Newport Winning Appliances

Bus Rapid Transit Interchange at Mona Vale
Mona Vale Residents Association
September 22 , 2015
Investigative Drilling is currently being undertaken in Beeby Park Mona Vale and Village Park Mona Vale by Transport NSW. They are looking at potential sites to build the bus rapid transit interchange. A number of sights are being looked at around the MV CBD.
MVRA contact Transport NSW this week and found out there are 5-6 sites under investigation around Mona Vale.
The state owned Bus depot in Darley Strett is also being looked at as a potential transport hub. This is a site that the Mona Vale Residents Association think should be seriously considered as it will not have an impact on green open space and will be far better for traffic movements.
We are now seeking a meeting regarding this matter with Transport NSW. It is disappointing that communication with the community had completely been ignored.
Pictures courtesy Mark Horton

Mona Vale Library values mental health this month
2 October, 2015
Mona Vale Library is profiling a number of free events during October for Mental Health Month.
Mental Health Month NSW is part of a national mental health promotion campaign held throughout October each year.
The timing of the campaign centres on World Mental Health Day, which happens each year on 10 October.
This year’s theme is ‘Value Your Mind’ and the events the library has planned – help you do just that.
There’s a range of mental health and wellbeing topics which will provide food for thought as well as access to a wide range of resources.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said this was another fine example of Mona Vale Library being a social hub for our community.
“Local residents are invited to come along to a variety of events ranging from laughter yoga to Bridge and all things in between,” added Cr Townsend.
Choose from one or all of the following events during October:
The Body in Emotional Balance - Monday 12 October, 10.30am – 12noon
David Hall will hold an experiential talk on the Feldenkrais Method and explore how it can be used to enhance wellbeing and emotional health.
Author talk - Thursday 15 October 6.30pm - -8pm
Sophie Hardcastle will discuss her book Running Like China, a memoir which describes her struggle with Bipolar Disorder and her quest to change the lives of young people living with mental illness. Come early to enjoy the refreshments
Bridge - Friday 16 October, 10.30am – 12 noon
Cath Whiddon speaking about Bridge - the world’s most popular mind sport! Start learning and playing this fascinating game.
Literary lunch - Thursday 22 October 12 noon – 1.30pm
Bettina Deda, Interior stylist and author of Downsizing with Style, will talk about how empty nesters can maintain wellbeing whilst downsizing with style and function.
Wellbeing Walk - Wednesday 28 October 10am – 12 noon
Sonja Elwood will lead you on a relaxing walk through Warriewood Wetlands, where you’ll see them come alive with wildlife and spring flowering plants.
Bookings are open for all our FREE events – book now as spaces are limited! Ph: 9970 1600
For full details on all these events visit the library’s website
Learn more about Mental Health Month at:
Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store
Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe.
Keep up to date on their Facebook page

Bilgola Plateau Public School Celebrating 50 Years: 16 October 2015 4:00pm - 8:00pm
Bilgola Plateau Public School is fabulous and fifty! The amazing school on the hill will celebrate its 50th Anniversary with a Twilight Celebration on Friday 16 October. The 50th Anniversary Twilight Celebration will begin at 4:00pm and conclude at 8:00pm.
During the celebration current and past Bilgola Plateau Public School community members are encouraged to explore the school via the 50 th Anniversary Student Art Exhibition Trail, visit our newly created museum and view our Bilgola Plateau Public School Movie and BilgolaFest student movie offerings. Food vans will be onsite with delicious dinner options and lots of rides are on offer to entertain the children.
The official 50th Anniversary Ceremony will occur at 5:30pm. During the ceremony we will cut the cake, reveal the contents of the time capsule buried in 1988 during Bicentenary celebrations and enjoy performances from our talented students. Our choir will sing a school song medley and our dance groups and bands will take you back in time by dancing and performing some sixties hits. All three bands will play along with a premiere performance of the Bilgola Plateau Public School Reunion Band. All past band members are encouraged to bring their instrument to the Twilight Celebration and join in a mass band performance. Please email the school at if you are a past Bilgola Plateau Public School Band member and you are interested in joining the Reunion Band performance.
If you are a past Bilgola Plateau Public School student please come and help us celebrate 50 years of being amazing. Please spread the word to your school mates!
Folia - local artist Michelle Ball Exhibition
Painter Michelle Ball, stylist Vanessa Colyer Tay and photographer Sam Mcadam-Cooper join forces for Folia, their first show.
By day all three work in the magazine world and this exhibition was born from their mutual passion for the Australian bush.
Meet the artists at the opening on Thursday, October 22, at 6pm.
The Shop Gallery, 112 Glebe Point Road, Glebe NSW.
Open 10am-6pm until October 30
For more information email:
Michelle Ball
Michelle grew up in Sydney, on the edge of coastal bush land. She studied art and filmmaking at Central, School of Art, Perth, WA, while spending time in Margaret River and on the Abrohlis Islands.
Shortly after, Michelle spent ten years living in New York where she worked as an Art Director and studied watercolour in her spare time.
She now lives with her family, on the edge of Ku ring gai Chase National Park and has become a passionate bush regenerator who studies and paints the landscape that surround her.
Currently, she is working towards a show called FOLIA exploring as she walks the bush tracks on Pittwaters Western foreshores, searching for images that share her emotions. With images of regrowth she intends to give the viewer a feeling of hope and optimism in a burnt out landscape.
“My intention is to continue drawing and painting details of what I see everyday, creating a poetic invitation that use nature to tell a story.”
Newport Beach Arts Market
The NEWPORT BEACH ARTS MARKET is the launch event for the annual Newport Sculpture Trail, with the market’s theme “inspired by the sea”.
In 2015 the beach arts market will take place in the heart of Newport from 6 to 9pm on Friday the 13th of November.
For the event, we are looking for street performing artists and market stallholders offering arts, crafts, homewares or services “inspired by the sea”.
We are also offering an opportunity for schools, artist collectives and other community groups to participate in the launch event by creating light sculpture installations to showcase their organisations and work at the launch event for free. Read more here.
For performing artist enquiries call 0415 662 918 or
For market stallholder information and application forms click here

Greater transparency in local rezoning decisions
September 2nd, 2015: Ministerial Media Release; The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning
Planning Minister Rob Stokes today announced the government will replace the Pre-Gateway review process with a simpler, faster and clearer rezoning assessment.
The current process, known as the Pre-Gateway review, allows a review where a council refused or failed to respond to an application to amend local planning rules.
Reforms for the new rezoning review process include:
.Strengthening the test for the review of an existing zoning to ensure rezonings only proceed where they exhibit clear strategic merit;
.Review requests to the Department of Planning will be referred to Joint Regional Planning Panels or the Planning Assessment Commission within three days;
.Ensuring the council is aware a rezoning request has been sent to the Department within five days of receipt;
.Increasing the independence of the process by the Panel or the Commission, carrying out the assessment and determine the rezoning; and
.Making the Panel or Commission the Relevant Planning Authority where a council refuses a request to act as the Relevant Planning Authority, or does not respond to that request within 42 days.
“We’ve listened to community concerns about unexpected rezonings undermining confidence in local planning. That’s why we will reform the process of reviewing a council’s decision with a presumption against rezoning unless there is a compelling reason for change,” Mr Stokes said.
“While it’s appropriate that council decisions can be tested before an independent panel, this opportunity needs to be transparent and balanced.
“We need a planning system that supports sustainable growth in a timely, independent and orderly process, which is exactly what this reformed rezoning review is designed to achieve.
“These reforms will stop the revolving door of planning proposals going back and forth between councils and the community by strengthening the test for a review, making the process faster, simpler and clearer.”
To view the report, go to
View the proposed changes to the pre-Gateway review (PDF: 921.41 kb) and read the FAQs for more information.
Comments can be made by
or writing to the Executive Director, Regions, Department of Planning and Environment, GPO Box 39, Sydney, NSW 2001.
Comments on the proposed changes are invited up to 14 October 2015.
07 October 2015
The Australia Council is calling for nominations to recognise the outstanding achievements and significant contributions made by individuals to the arts across seven art forms at the 2016 Australia Council Awards.
These prestigious national awards pay tribute to the remarkable accomplishments of leading Australian artists to our arts and cultural landscape in the fields of music, literature, community arts and cultural development, visual arts, theatre, dance, and emerging and experimental arts.
Australia Council Chief Executive Officer Tony Grybowski said the awards were the highest accolade the Council could bestow, and recognising the contributions made by eminent artists in their respective art forms was an important part of the Council’s mandate to invest in and champion Australian arts and artists.
“The awards are an acknowledgement of the significant achievements and contribution an artist has made to the vibrancy of Australian arts,” Mr Grybowski said.
“Previous recipients include some of Australia’s most esteemed artists who are highly respected by their peers and audiences.
“These awards give us the opportunity to reflect on their considerable body of work and the impact they have had on the arts in Australia and internationally.”
Nominations are being sought for the following categories:
• Australia Council Award for Lifetime Achievement in Literature
• Australia Council Don Banks Music Award
• Australia Council Visual Arts Award
• Australia Council Award for Outstanding Achievement in Emerging & Experimental Arts
• Australia Council Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dance
• Australia Council Award for Outstanding Achievement in Theatre
• Ros Bower Award (Community Arts and Cultural Development)
• Kirk Robson Award (Community Arts and Cultural Development)
Nominations close on Thursday, 12 November and the winners will be announced at a ceremony in March.
For more information go to:
The Australia Council Award for Lifetime Achievement in Literature, formerly the Writers’ Emeritus Award, acknowledges the achievements of eminent literary writers over the age of 60 who have made an outstanding and lifelong contribution to Australian literature. Past winners include Thomas Keneally (2015), Frank Moorhouse AM (2013), Herb Wharton (2012), the late Christopher Koch (2007) and Ruby Langford Ginibi (2005).
The Australia Council Don Banks Music Award honours a distinguished artist aged over 50 who has made an outstanding and sustained contribution to music in Australia. It is named in honour of Don Banks, acclaimed Australian composer, performer and the first Chair of the Council’s Music Board. Past winners include Archie Roach (2015) Mike Nock (2014), Kev Carmody (2013), Jon Rose (2012), Belinda Webster (2011) and Warren Fahey (2010).
The Australia Council Visual Arts Award acknowledges the exceptional achievements of an Australian visual artist who has made an outstanding contribution to the development of Australian art. Past winners include Judy Watson (2015), Fiona Foley (2014), Tracey Moffatt (2012), and Fiona Hall (2011).
The Ros Bower Award is given to artists with a proven record of high achievement in community arts and cultural development, driven by the principles of equality, respect, and diversity. It is named in honour of Ros Bower, a journalist, television producer, community arts pioneer and founding Director of Council’s first Community Arts Board.
The Kirk Robson Award recognises outstanding leadership from young artists and arts professionals working in community arts and cultural development, particularly in reconciliation and social justice. It was established to honour the memory of Kirk Robson, recipient of the Council’s Young and Emerging Artists Initiative. Past winners of the Ros Bower and Kirk Robson awards include Tony Doyle, Lockie McDonald, Alyson Evans and Alysha Hermann.
The Australia Council Award for Emerging & Experimental Arts
The Australia Council Award for Dance
The Australia Council Award for Theatre
These three awards were first presented in 2015 to recognise the outstanding achievements and considerable contribution of artists in these three art forms. The inaugural awards were given to Stelarc for Emerging and Experimental Arts, Garry Stewart for Dance and Bruce Gladwin for Theatre
Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 1 year
BREED: Schnauzer x Terrier
Rex is a lively but affectionate boy. He is social with other dogs. Very active on a walk to start with but calms down after 5 mins and is very affectionate. He enjoys cuddles and can be picked up by strangers. He licks walkers faces. He has a scruffy terrier coat and weighs 9-10kg. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. His adoption cost is $350.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
Boomerang Bags: sewing the seeds of change
Our workshops are still continuing every Tuesday at the Avalon Rec Centre from 11am until 5pm. Please come down and find out more about how it all works.
You do not need to be a sewer to be involved. We have many non sewing jobs.
For those who cannot make the Tuesday workshop but would like to help we have several options. For sewers we can drop off some "ready to sew" bags to be done in your own time. For non sewers contact us for more information on how you can help from home.
We also have some items for sale . You can buy a beautiful "Bought to Support" version of Boomerang Bags ( $10) and a lovely ceramic reusable coffee mug ($15.00). So start reducing your plastic use now. Contact us for more information.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.

For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Wed Oct 14
Avalon Golf Course 3-5:30pm
Sat Oct 17
Toongari Reserve 9-12pm
Old Wharf Reserve 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Irrawong Reserve 1-4pm
Pathilda Reserve 9-12pm
Sun Oct 18
Angophora Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Reserve 9-12pm
Mon Oct 19
Bilgola Beach 9-12pm
Thu Oct 22
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat Oct 24
Nth Newport Bch 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30- 11:30am
Sun Oct 25
Bungan Beach 9-12pm
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is October 4th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
October 4 - 10, 2015: Issue 234
Articles This Week
NO Amalgamation Chant Becomes Louder in Pittwater: Rally at Local MP's Office
ASC, BYRA, and RPAYC Youth Sailors at 2015 Yachting NSW Youth Championships This Long Weekend - Day 1 and Day 2 Reports by Lisa Ratcliff
Hawaii Champion To Compete in Pittwater Ocean Swim Series 2015/16 by John Guthrie
National Bird Week October 19-25 and the 2015 the Aussie Back Yard Bird Count: Australia's First Bird Counts - a 115 Year Legacy - with a small insight into our first zoos
Surf Lifesavers Make The Most Of Development Camp by Surf Life Saving NSW
Collector's Corner: Commanderie St. John: An Ancient Wine - From 1927 with Lineage to Cyprus in 1210/92 and Methods of Production to Greece in 800 B.C.
Reflections by George Repin: GALLERY OF PHOTOGRAPHS III
Pictures: Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay Mutihull Division Hosts the 2015 Lock Crowther Regatta on Pittwater
Aquatics: Darren Bundock and Nina Curtis Win Silver Medal at 2015 Nacra 17 European Championship in Barcelona
Food: Cafe Edelweiss and The German Butchery at Mona Vale: Hidden Gems of Authentic German finesse
DIY Ideas: BOM Forecasts for Hot Dry Summer Weather - Keeping Your Garden and Home Cool in Hot Weather
Profile: Meet the Four New Presidents and A New Club Captain in our Sydney-Northern Beaches Branch by SLS SNB: Andy Cross (South Narrabeen SLSC) Richard Cole (Avalon Beach SLSC) Frank Traugott (North Steyne SLSC), Peter Kinsey (Long Reef SLSC) and New Club Captain: Alex Tyrrell (Palm Beach SLSC)
History: Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways Bilgola Beach - The Cabbage Tree Gardens and Camping Grounds - Includes Bilgola - The Story Of A Politician, A Pilot and An Epicure by Tony Dawson and Anne Spencer Pittwater reserves adjoin our beaches where small green spaces have been set aside so people may picnic, swing, play
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month October 2015 - Nat Bromhead: Pittwater Photography - Award winning photo-journalist with a passion for beautiful Pittwater shares a few glorious images and a story about a drone that flew away...and didn't come back!
Daylight Saving began today – it may be later than you think!
4 Oct 2015 - Daylight Saving Time Starts
Sunday, 4 October 2015, 2:00:00 AM clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, 4 October 2015, 3:00:00 AM local daylight time instead
Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later on 4 Oct 2015 than the day before. There will be more light in the evening

2015 Surf Life Saving Australia National Awards of Excellence
Newport, Warriewood, Palm Beach, North Narrabeen and Avalon Beach SLSC Members are Nominees in the lists published this week by Surf Life Saving Australia for the 2015 Surf Life Saving Australia National Awards of Excellence:
SLSA Athlete of the Year - Georgia Miller, Newport slsc
SLSA Coach of the Year - Trent Herring
Meritorious Awards
Name Club
Elena Damianopoulos Floreat SLSC
Avan Christie Evans Head/Casino SLSC
Bruce Kelly North Narrabeen SLSC
Richard Garney Cronulla SLSC
Lucas Toms South Marboura
Graham Toms South Marboura
Craig Zulian Towradgi SLSC
Adriaan Van der Wallen Palm Beach SLSC
Emma Jackson Kurrawa SLSC
Desleigh Jones Dicky Beach SLCS
Bev Tilbury Warriewood SLSC
Russell Lamb Warriewood SLSC
Jen Spencer Warriewood SLSC
Kerry McEwan Avalon Beach SLSC
Kate Munro Avalon Beach SLSC
Donna Wishart Avalon Beach SLSC
Danny Smyth ALS WA
Pete Geal ALS WA
Janek Ferrandi ALS WA
Wesfarmers Lifesaving Team Albany SLSC
North Bondi SLSC
Redhead SLSC
Macksville-Scotts Head SLSC
A number of dedicated volunteers will be finalists in the National Recognition Awards. Hear their stories, share your own, catch up with old friends and enjoy the company of fellow surf lifesavers. We are all working towards saving lives, creating great Australians and building better communities now and in the future.
Date: Saturday 24 October, 2015
When: 5:00pm for a 6:00pm start
Where: Awards Ceremony: Sydney City Recital Hall, 2-12 Angel Pl Sydney NSW 2000
Cocktail Function: Sunroom (Level 3) The Ivy, 330 George Street Sydney NSW 2000
Cost: $120 per person (inc GST)
Dress: Cocktail including a splash of red or yellow
RSVP: Friday 16 October, 2015
Tickets at:
Hungover? You’re Over
30 Sep 2015
Over the long weekend, revellers are being asked to embrace the “Walk of Shame.”
The “Hungover? You’re Over” campaign evolved in response to a significant proportion of drink drive offences occurring the morning after a big night out and encourages drinkers to plan their next day transport arrangements ahead of time.
A hangover occurs as our body tries to reset all the changes alcohol has caused it to undergo, however a hangover is not a sign that the alcohol has gone from our bloodstream, the symptoms are just part of the withdrawal process.
Physical “morning after” symptoms include headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, tremors, shaking and sweating. However disturbed sleep, fatigue, anxiety, irritability and decreased concentration, mean that your performance on the road is likely to be less than legal.
Superintendent Dave Darcy, of NSW Police explained “If you have a Blood Alcohol Concentration of just 0.05, you will double your chances of a crash, combine this with the fatigue of a late night and being hungover and your chances are even higher.”
The NSW Police conduct random breath testing at all times of the day and night. Double demerits also apply over the long weekend, so considering the mid-range drink drive penalty is 6 months loss of licence and a possible $2,200 fine; it would be wiser to call a cab.
Tag a friend who’s had a big night out on the “Hungover? You’re Over” Facebook Page, and get them to embrace the Walk of Shame and visit where you can calculate how long you should leave before getting behind the wheel.
Almost 15,000 drivers in NSW have blown over the legal blood alcohol limit between 5am and 1pm over the past 5 years, (NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research) people know they mustn’t drink and drive but just don’t appreciate how long it takes to be alcohol free.
Manly, Pittwater and Warringah Councils are working with the Northern Sydney Local Health District and Northern Beaches Liquor Accord to spread the message and offer simple advice.
• Plan your next day activities carefully
• Use public transport to get around or arrange for a friend or family member to give you a lift…as long as they weren’t drinking with you the night before!
• Take time to recover from your hangover
• Embrace the Walk of Shame.
Australia Day Awards 2016
Nominate someone you know for their outstanding contribution to the Pittwater community. Entries in the Australia Day Awards are now open.
There are three award categories; the Pittwater Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year (under 26 years) and Sportsperson of the Year.
Nominations close Friday 27 November 2015. Winners will be announced at an Australia Day Awards function in January.
Online nomination form
Printable nomination form
At: www.pittwater.australia_day_awards
Run a marathon in Japan
30 Sep 2015
If you have ever held a burning desire to run in a marathon in Japan – now’s the time! Mona Vale Library is seeking two Pittwater residents to run in the 2016 Senshu International City Marathon.
Pittwater Council’s friendship with the Tadaoka Town Government in Japan provides local runners with a chance to participate in the marathon in Tadaoka on 21 February 2016.
It’s an exciting opportunity for entrants who must be Pittwater residents, aged 18 and over.
Mona Vale Library Services Manager, Cathy Howie said the exchange visit was a great chance for local runners to experience Japanese culture.
Last year’s participant from Avalon, Lachlan Arnold, couldn’t speak more highly of the warm and hospitable welcome he and his fellow participant, Lisa Tyndall received.
“The people of Tadaoka, from Mayor Wada to all of the people who cheered us on were so welcoming and treated us with the highest level of respect and kindness,” said Mr Arnold.
Mrs Howie said entrants would have their airfare from Sydney to Osaka paid for, along with the costs of accommodation. The period entrants would be away is from 18-23 February 2016.
Participants are expected to have run at least one marathon before and to be Australian citizens.
Those interested can pick up an application pack (with the selection criteria) from Mona Vale Library or download one form the
Please express your interest by email by Friday 6 November 2015. For more information: Heather Thomson: 9970 1614
Imagine Mona Vale - Engagement Summary for Mona Vale Place Plan
Pittwater Council is pleased to share Imagine Mona Vale,Engagement Summary for Mona Vale Place Plan. (PDF – 9.64MB)
This engagement summary documents the ideas, inspiration and activations that have been generated for Mona Vale town centre over an 18 month period in consultation with the community and stakeholders. It summarises key elements of the Mona Vale place planning process undertaken between January 2014 and June 2015.
Imagine Mona Vale - Engagement Summary follows on from Mona Vale Snapshot. Mona Vale Snapshot is a scoping document, which provides baseline information about how Mona Vale town centre is operating and offers an explanation of the place planning process that is being applied to Mona Vale.
Feedback has been grouped into themes presented through the recent Urban Talks Series and community engagement activities. These themes have provided the framework for capturing key ideas about place planning. Sometimes overlapping, these themes are the fundamental components of what makes a successful, prosperous place.
Some of the key activations undertaken over this 18 month period were:
• Village Economies Summit and Mona Vale Long Lunch
• Q&A panels
• Workshops and open house
• Staff workshops
• Place making events
• Place audits
• Web and social media
For more details download the Engagement Summary document or visit our website.
The Lion Island Challenge
Avalon Beach SLSC is again proud to announce that it is hosting The Lion Island Challenge ski race, on Saturday October 10th.
This year’s race marks the 10th anniversary of this iconic event which attracts ski paddlers from all over the world.
Registration is now open

Lifesavers Gear Up For Hot Weekend
Friday 2 October 2015 – SLS NSW
With the mercury set to spike at over 30 degrees for much of this long weekend, lifesavers are urging everyone to safely beat the heat as they prepare for what promises to be a busy time on NSW beaches.
Already parts of the state are tipped to reach up to 38 degrees and huge crowds are expected to make the most of the last weekend of the school holidays by cooling off on the coast.
With the arrival of summer-like temperatures on our beaches, so too is the possible influx of the dreaded bluebottle after reports of the marine stingers washing up on Sydney beaches this week. If you do suffer a sting it’s important to seek treatment – lifesavers and lifeguards are very approachable and are trained to deliver first aid for the often painful stings.
The recommended treatment for a bluebottle sting is warm to hot water, not vinegar, and people who suffer severe or anaphylactic reactions are warned to take extra care.
NSW Life Saving Manager Andy Kent is urging the public to take some simple steps to protect themselves as they prepare to enjoy the long weekend.
“The hot weather throws up a whole set of new challenges for people attending the beach. It’s incredibly important that the public keep themselves hydrated and well protected from the sun to avoid all the problems that heat stress and heat exhaustion can cause,” Mr Kent said.
“In addition we encourage everyone to swim between the red and yellow flags at a patrolled location, and while we’re not anticipating a big surf it’s still important to assess the environment before heading out as conditions can change rapidly.
“Our volunteers are expecting a busy weekend and are ready to react to any situation but they need your help to ensure that everyone enjoys the beach safely,” he concluded.
Top Ways To Stay Safe At The Beach:
• Always swim between the red and yellow patrol flags, and assess the conditions before heading out
• Sun protection is essential – reapply sunscreen regularly, cover up with clothing, a hat and sunglasses and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
• Never swim under the influence of alcohol or drugs or swim at night
• Plan ahead. Swim with a group of friends where possible so you can look out for each other, and always let others know your plans
• Ask a lifesaver or lifeguard for advice about the unique challenges and conditions at the beach you are visiting
• When rock fishing always make sure you are dressed appropriately, and plan ahead by carrying a phone, and letting people know your plans
• In an emergency, dial Triple Zero Police
• Visit or download the Beachsafe app for information on patrolled beaches and conditions
Special Ferry Arrangements For Offshore Residents
1 October 2015
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced that special ferry arrangements have been secured for Pittwater’s offshore residents once paper-based Pensioner Excursion Tickets are phased out early next year.
The NSW Government has confirmed that eligible offshore residents who are registered with the Church Point or Palm Beach Ferry Service will be able to use a Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal Card to travel to and from their homes, and right across Sydney’s public transport network, for a maximum charge of $2.50 per day.
Although Pittwater’s private ferry services are not part of the Opal Network, special arrangements have been negotiated to ensure eligible offshore residents are not disadvantaged once paper tickets cease to be available in January 2016.
“This is a really significant outcome for offshore residents,” Rob Stokes said today.
“There are plenty of new advantages with the Opal Card - but it’s really important that we’ve also been able to secure the existing arrangements.
“Pittwater is a unique community with unique transport requirements and I’m delighted these are being accommodated.
“From 1 January eligible offshore residents will simply have to present their Gold Opal Card and Private Ferry Pass when boarding. Once they disembark they can then tap on at the nearest bus stop and continue travelling all day – all for just $2.50.
“Ordering a Gold Opal Card is very simple and can be done online at or over the phone by calling 13 67 25.
“Thank you to everyone involved in helping secure this important outcome,” Rob Stokes said.

Avalon Craft Cottage at Dee Why
Only a matter of a few days now until the Avalon Craft Cottage members will be at Dee Why Grand for one week only from Monday 12th October To Sunday 18th.... and open during all business hours for the Centre, including Thursday night and Friday night.
The stall will be situated along the base of the escalator in the food court (same floor as Aldi, Harris Farm etc) so very easy to find.... and right outside the lift as well.
This will be a slightly different display for the Craft Cottage members, with about a dozen or so of our very talented knitters & sewers getting together to present their beautiful wares.... so, no pottery or woodwork this time... but plenty of other gorgeous items to enthuse & tempt you.
There will be dozens of colourful summer scarves, in both silk or cotton; a large variety of gorgeous baby wear..... embroidered singlets, bootees, sleep suits, cotton cardigans & jumpers, and pretty shawls; A great range of Australiana gift items.... tea towels, appliqued hand towels, baby bibs, silk pictures, embroidered book marks, and greeting cards ; brilliant patchwork quilts; and a small display of Christmas items including beautiful hand-crafted cards and really pretty little dresses & t-shirts for that special little girl in your life.
Now is the time to start thinking of Christmas shopping ....and nothing beats a beautiful handcrafted gift, made locally by our very talented craftspeople.
Hope to see you there.
Maureen Darcy-Smith, Publicity Officer
Roads, wildlife links and development
Monday, 9 November 2015 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lakeview room The Tramshed Arts & Community Centre , 1395A Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
Mona Vale Road is to be upgraded from Terrey Hills to Mona Vale. Ingleside is to be developed for housing.
How can we make sure our bushland, birds and animals will be able to survive a widened Mona Vale Road and a developed Ingleside?
What is the latest on road crossings and corridors? What are the special habitat needs of local endangered species?
Come and hear leading researchers:
• Prof Daryl Jones, Griffith University, a Road ecologist with experience in fauna over and underpasses
• Dr Bradley Law and expert on endangered eastern pygmy possums and other native fauna.
Free. RSVP by November 3rd, 2015
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association
FoNLC – Next Forum: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Our Catchment - looking back, looking forward 7pm Monday November 23, 2015 Narrabeen Lakes Public School Hall. 1299 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
Looking Back: Jim Boyce from Manly Warringah Pittwater Historical Society has a fascinating take on looking at historical developments and a talent for telling stories. What major world events shaped the way developments occurred in this catchment? What resources have people sought in this area over time?
Looking Forward: Brent Jacobs is from The Institute of Sustainable Futures. He will alert us to issues we need to be considering as we plan for the future in the light of the impact of Climate Change. Free entry but book your tickets now. Phone: 9905 2135 Email: Judith Bennett
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment
Australian Open of Surfing to Stay In Manly
NSW Premier Mike Baird; newly crowned World Surf League Junior Champion Isabella Nichols; and former World Champions Mark ‘Occy’ Occhilupo and Damien Hardman all dropped in on Manly Beach on Thursday (24 September) to officially confirm the return of the Australian Open of Surfing for 2016.
The great news is that the Australian Open of Surfing organisers have guaranteed the hugely popular event will stay in Manly for at least three more years!
Last year, crowds of more than 200,000 converged on Manly to watch the surfing, skating and cultural festival, enjoying what has become a flagship event.
A very valuable promotional platform for Manly as a world-class tourist destination, the Australian Open of Surfing represents a multi-million dollar injection to our local economy, too.
The 2016 Australian Open of Surfing will be held from 27 February to 6 March 2016.
Jean Hay AM, Mayor of Manly
Reading Between The Lines - Letters from Conflicts Sought
C/- National Archives of Australia: October 1, 2015
The written word is a powerful thing. Have you written or received correspondence during a war?
Sydney Jewish Museum's special event ‘Reading Between The Lines’ will celebrate the power of the written word during times of conflict, in honour of their current exhibition ‘Signs of Life- Letters and Postcards from the Holocaust’.
The Sydney Jewish Museum invites anyone with correspondence written or received during war time (WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan or Iraq) to submit their letters.
A series will be selected and the contributors will be asked to read an extract from their letter in front of a Museum audience at the ‘Reading Between the Lines’ event on Sunday 1 November.
To participate or to get further information, please contact Aviva Wolff at the Sydney Jewish Museum: (02) 8036 0107
Palm Beach Longboarding Club Inc Old Mal – Old Log Rally 2015
IT'S ON – THE PALMY OLD MAL LOG RALLY: if your nine foot plus and single we want you there on the 7th November 2015 so get your entry form for the 2015 Palmy Old Mal Log Rally in. Go to thePalm Beach Longboarders Inc for more details.
The Palmy Old Mal/Log Rally kicks off at 6.30am on Saturday 7th November2015 somewhere along the Palm Beach stretch (look for the tents).
To enter, click on "Forms" in the nav bar above, and download the entry form (it's a Word doc) and mail it to us (our address is on the form).
Entries close 3rd November 2015 - first in, best dressed.
Old Mal Rally History
The inaugural Palm Beach Old Mal Rally was held on Saturday March 23, 1996 at Palm Beach, Sydney in conjunction with the council-run Pittwater Festival.
The contest was conceived by the Palm Beach Longboarders Club to promote sportsmanship, competition and traditional surfing. It also aimed to raise funds for The Disabled Surfers Association (DSA) and the club to be actively involved in The Pittwater Festival of 1996.
The contest is about the style and boards used pre-1968 and the judges' aim was to look for classic 60's style of surfing. Manoeuvers such as hang ten, hang five, drop knee turns, soul arch, Standing Island pull-out, stalls, head dips, and of course tube riding were the focus of the day.
ENTRY FORM BELOW Simply click on and 'save as' on your own PC
![]() | PBLB 2015 OMLR Entry Form.pdf Size : 119.493 Kb Type : pdf |
Nesting Birds Season
Just a reminder that Spring is the time all our native animals, furred and feathered, are bringing new life into the world. Careel Bay sandflats and Bayview mudflats are off limits to dogs all year round and especially during nesting season.
Please have some consideration for your fellow creatures – keep your pets out of these areas.
Below: Stone Curlew pictures - taken at Careel Bay - AJG Pic.

Funding to support better parks in Sydney
Hon. Rob Stokes with Member for Camden Chris Patterson
28.09.2015, Ministerial Media Release: The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning
Planning Minister Rob Stokes today welcomed a new 1.5km path in the Australian Botanic Garden, which was funded by a NSW Government grant.
Inspecting the new Botanic Garden trail, Mr Stokes said the new shared pathway for cyclists and pedestrians was funded by a $445,000 Metropolitan Greenspace Program grant. The project is the first section completed in the garden and forms part of the larger 14km Macarthur Regional Recreation Trail being developed.
“Spring is a perfect time to get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful open spaces around Sydney like the Australian Botanic Garden here at Mount Annan,” Mr Stokes said.
“The NSW Government is committed to investing in better parks, playgrounds and open spaces. Our Metropolitan Greenspace Program has provided nearly $8 million over the past four years for such projects, and we will continue to support local community efforts to improve their natural surroundings.
“I want more places like this across Sydney. That’s why I’ve tasked the Greater Sydney Commission, once established, to deliver our new Green Grid and work with councils to fund more projects like this cycleway.”
The next round of Metropolitan Greenspace Program funding is now open and will provide $3 million for open space projects. The program will help build Sydney’s Green Grid, an interconnected network of Sydney’s parks and green spaces.
Member for Camden Chris Patterson said he was pleased to see the new path network taking shape.
“The Australian Botanic Garden holds a special place in our community, and this cycleway is a wonderful addition to help locals and visitors enjoy this terrific open space,” Mr Patterson said.
All 41 metropolitan councils as well as councils on the Central Coast are eligible to apply for the grants.
Applications close Monday, 9 November.
Further information and application forms are available at
The 15th Anniversary of "The Royal Motor Yacht Club of Broken Bay Timber Boat Festival’’: Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st of November 2015: 10.00am to 4.00pm
The Timber Boat Division at the Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay are sprucing up their wooden boats in readiness for their very popular annual Timber Boat Festival. This year the event will be held on Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st November and attracts around 1,500 boat lovers each year.
A wonderful collection of wooden boats, power and sail, large and small. Classics from Halvorsen, Williams, Herreschoff, Chris Craft, Milcraft and Riva and more will be on display. Many of these boats are old favourites returning but there will be a number of first timers as well. Some resourceful boat lovers have converted commercial trawlers into homes away from home. Others have built their boats themselves.
You will be cordially invited on board any boat which takes your interest, with all boat owners showing off their pride and joy. Have you ever thought about buying, building or renovating a boat yourself? Come along and talk with experienced boat owners and gain the benefit of their passion and their considerable, collective boating skills and knowledge.
Many boats are immaculately painted and varnished with beautifully oiled planked decks. Some display finely decorated and upholstered cabins while others are kind of homely and comfortable just the way their owners like them. Most are an ongoing work in progress. So much of the craftsmanship is just inspirational.
The displays will include interactive demonstrations of electronic navigation equipment, marine antennae for TV and internet, fender systems, rowing dinghies, stainless steel fittings, boat cleaning products, the revolutionary new jet bow thrusters, traditional British Seagull outboard motors and much more.
This festival is not just about looking at boats. The Royal Motor Yacht Club has an excellent bar and bistro where they make the most wonderful array of fine foods from real Aussie hamburgers to full sit down meals at very reasonable prices. There is a children’s menu and the ice cream bar is always a favourite.
The Royal Motor Yacht Club would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support in our 15th anniversary year.
* Andrew Moore Marine * Newport Marine Services * Petaluma Australia
Entry to the Timber Boat Festival is $5.00 for adults with children under 12 free and the show is open between 10am and 4pm on both days.
Contact Timber Boat Festival Shuttle Bus on 0417 558 535. (10.00am to 4.00pm)
Find out more at:
Native Bee Workshops: Two sessions on offer - morning or afternoon
10th Oct 2015: 9am - 4pm
Do you want to learn more about native bees? Pittwater Council will be holding workshops on native bees and how to keep them. Native bees are a fantastic part of our natural environment and are very seldom seen. Learn about how these communities of native bees live, breed and forage for food. Find out how and what they pollinate in your garden and what you need to do, grow and avoid in your garden to ensure a healthy hive. Can you tell the difference between a fruit fly and a Stingless bee?
Tim Heard a native bee expert will be presenting his very popular workshop on keeping native bees. You will learn how to identify and keep native bees as well as how to extract honey from the hives.
Two sessions of the same workshop are being held. Please choose either Session 1 - 9am to 12noon or Session 2 - 1 to 3pm.
Where: Coastal Environment Centre
Cost: $20 (this includes a copy of Tim Heard latest publication)
Bookings Essential! Online In person: Coastal Environment Centre, Lake Park Road, North Narrabeen Phone: 1300 000 232 (Reception - Option 1)
Avalon Car Boot Sale
Join Pittwater Council's car boot jumble sale on Saturday 24 October, 2015.
Don’t send your unwanted goods to landfill… sell them at Pittwater Council’s community car boot sale!
Council is hosting a community car boot sale at Dunbar Park Avalon on Saturday 24 October from 8am-2pm. This community event is a great way for residents to sell their pre-loved households goods, which is a positive alternative to sending unwanted belongings to landfill and it also helps prevent illegal dumping.
Registrations: Open to all Pittwater residents. Sites will be allocated to cars, station wagons, vans and a limited number of trailers.
Booking: Please fill out the online stall holder application form
Stall holder fees: $30 per car, $45 for car and trailer site (limited spaces available) all proceeds will be forwarded by Council to a local charity organisation
Have your say on Waterway
Pittwater Council is inviting the community to have its say on the Pittwater waterway.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said to ensure that the waterway continues to have a vibrant and sustainable future Council has initiated a Pittwater Waterway Review.
Mayor Townsend said the Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a distinguishing feature of our region’s identity.
“It is a focus for leisure, tourism and business and an extremely important environmental asset.
“However, the waterway is under pressure from a range of competing demands including growth in boat ownership and vessel size. There is also an increase in demand for moorings, marinas and boat infrastructure such as pump out facilities, dinghy storage, parking and foreshore access.
“We are keen to hear from businesses connected to the waterway such as marine operators, cafés and restaurants, tourism-related companies, recreational users of the waterway, offshore residents, as well as the broader community. It is essential that we provide a sustainable balance between economic growth and employment connected to the waterway and its environmental protection including water quality and marine life,” she said.
Residents and businesses are invited to complete the survey which covers key issues facing the waterway and questions such as the ways you currently use the waterway.
“Feedback from the community will help inform the development of a discussion paper about the management of the waterway,” added Mayor Townsend.
To complete the survey visit by 30 October.

Creative Creatures Film Festival 2016
Theme 2016
New image or reference to be included in your 3 minute edit is to relate to: “recycling” (plus one only of the previous year items of rabbit, wave or apple)
NOTE: All films must be created specifically for this festival rather than appropriating existing material
To enter please fill in the registration form and pay the registration fee of $30.00
Your registration code will be sent to you on receipt of payment.
Your entry must be delivered to the Avalon Beach Bowling Club on or by January 23, 2016. (look for the recycling bin!)
The final will be held Sunday February 21 at Avalon Beach Bowling Club. There will be a massive even bigger tent if rain is heaven sent and films are shown on a 20 metre square LED screen in rain, hale or shine!
Gates open 1pm - Films start 5pm “Willbe” trophy Presentation 7pm
Submit your entry as a .Mov file on usb or cd and deliver to:
Katy Young c/o Avalon Beach Bowling Club by January 23 2016
What you could win!
Entrants 16+ Years
First prize – $1,000.00
Second prize – $750.00
Third prize – $500.00
Entrants 5 – 15 Years
First prize – $500.00
Second prize – $350.00
Third prize – $250.00
Once again our celebrity judges will be stellar and like the first year, of the highest calibre.
More information at: www.creativecreaturesfilmfestival.2016

RFB Open Day 2015
Brigade: Ingleside - Location: Inglside Station, King Road near Powder Works Road, Inglside 2101
Date: Saturday, 17 October 2015
SHOROC and its partner councils – Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah – have been awarded a $200,000 NSW Government grant to help businesses measure their waste, reduce their waste bills, increase recycling and reduce their impact on the environment.
The Recycling at Work project funds waste assessments for small and medium sized businesses and produces tailored action plans to assist businesses reduce waste and increase recycling. Businesses are assessed by an experienced waste management consultant and eligible businesses can access funding to cover up to half the costs of equipment to enhance their recycling capacity.
SHOROC President and Mayor of Mosman, Cr Peter Abelson says the program will provide free advice and support on how businesses can reduce waste and lower costs by identifying recycling opportunities.
“There are 34,500 businesses in the SHOROC region, some of which could benefit from an independent waste assessment that will help them save money on waste disposal costs and reduce the amount of waste that they send to landfill,” Cr Abelson said.
The program will kick off in Pittwater. Businesses are invited to register for a FREE waste assessment or find out more by emailing or calling 9905 0095.
A. Prince Consulting, who has a proven track record in delivering results to businesses has been engaged to conduct assessments of 200 small to medium businesses.
NSW businesses send more than 2.5 million tonnes of waste to landfill each year and more than 70 per cent of this is valuable material, such as food, wood, textiles and plastics that could be recycled.Small to medium sized businesses generate around 45 per cent of business waste. Reducing their waste makes good business sense and saves valuable water, energy and raw materials. The NSW Government is targeting a 70 per cent recycling rate for business waste by 2021.
To date more than 6,500 businesses across NSW have benefited from the free waste assessment and implemented Waste Reduction Action Plans.
This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy and is part of SHOROC’s Too Good to Waste strategy.

Locals Raising Funds for Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary
The Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary in Borneo is quite desperate for money (they are a small non profit group) so our fundraise in Nov is at Bayview and we hope you'll come ? We are hoping that you'll support us with some promotion of the ? It's end of Nov so we have some time BUT need to get organised now.
We are also looking for auction items, so if you have any brilliant ideas we'd love to hear from you. You can also Google up the sanctuary online. Jimmy Smits
started it many decades ago and has devoted his life towards rescuing
and rehabilitating Orangutans. Sadly, time is running out for our magnificent cousins so please help us HELP them.
Many of us are working together to raise funds for these dwindling Orangutans. We live in DY & Bayview and Nth Narrabeen etc and we are committed to protecting & rehabilitating these wonderful but threatened species....our cousins.
The BAYVIEW location is where we have raised funds for other wildlife groups and the owners Sue & Peter Glasson, are THE most aware and compassionate people who open their home & their beautiful views of Pittwater for all to share. Their home was on the ABC's Gardening Australia' program early this year with the incredible Costa.
The funds will go DIRECTLY to the Sintang Sanctuary which is small but effective. The CEO Jimmy Smits has devoted his life to saving Orangutans and works closely with the local community. The money will largely go towards building more enclosures, a fenced rehab site, food, vet expenses , rescuing MORE Orangutans and educating the community. Smits also has an idea about a native seed that MAY replace damn palm oil and further palm oil plantations, that destroys the rainforest. NO rainforest means NO Orangutans.
We will issue receipts to everyone who wants one. There are also online donations available.
For the wild ones
Lindy Stacker M 0409 404570
ACCC releases Issues Paper on price increases proposed by Australia Post
On 28 August 2015, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission announced that it had received a draft proposal by Australia Post to increase the prices of its ordinary letter service.Australia Post is proposing to introduce a basic postage rate of $1 for letters delivered at a new timetable, which allows an extra two business days for delivery to occur.
The ACCC is now releasing an Issues paper to identify issues on which the ACCC is seeking stakeholder views.
“Based on Australia Post’s proposal a $1 basic postage rate will significantly reduce the losses on Australia Post’s stamped letters by 2016-17. Further, Australia Post’s monopoly letter services (stamped and bulk business mail) are forecast to reverse their previous loss making state by 2016-17, ” ACCC Chairman Rod Sims said.
"This would be a turnaround in a short period with the price increase. However, stamped letters would continue to face losses and there is uncertainty around the longer-term rate of decline in letter volumes and a risk Australia Post’s overall monopoly letter services could return to net losses,” Mr Sims said.
The ACCC’s assessment of Australia Post’s pricing proposal will focus on:
• the method by which Australia Post allocates costs between its services
• Australia Post’s forecasts of letter demand and revenues
• the forecast improved financial performance of its monopoly letter business
• productivity improvements leading to operational cost savings expected from implementing a slower letter delivery timetable
The Australian Government recently regulated to allow the introduction of a two-speed letter service by Australia Post, which will distinguish between letters delivered at a priority and regular timetable. The ACCC does not have the role of approving the proposed price increase. Rather, the ACCC is required to assess the proposed price increase in accordance with the Competition and Consumer Act (2010) and then notify Australia Post as to whether it objects to the proposed price increase.
In addition to the ACCC’s assessment, Australia Post must give written notice to the Minister for Communications of its intent to vary its rates of postage. Australia Post may increase the basic postage rate only if the Minister does not disapprove the proposed increase to the BPR within 30 days of receiving notification from Australia Post.
The ACCC is seeking submissions by 15 October 2015 and will publish its response to Australia Post’s draft proposal in November 2015.
The ACCC’s Issues Paper and details of how to make a submission are available at: Australia Post - letter pricing 2015.

Ingleside RFB Member Completes Breathing Apparatus course - Members Continue Assisting in Hazard Reduction
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: October 3, 2015
Ingleside recently had a volunteer on the Breathing Apparatus course, which also included the Advanced Structural Fire-fighting component. This course runs over 6 full days, including night time training sessions. It's not just bushfire RFS volunteers confront, but many other incidents such as house fires and other areas where we can work in toxic environments such as vehicle & truck fires. Congrats Ben.....
The course is both the general Breathing Apparatus course plus the Advanced Structural Fire-fighting course. So 6 full weekend days of instruction which includes theory and practical components.
On Saturday, October 3rd 2015, Ingleside and Belrose NSWRFS volunteers from Warringah and Pittwater District are assisting the Hills RFS District at Glenorie with a 174Ha Hazard Reduction Burn today. 20 trucks, bulk water and a helicopter involved.
Photos courtesy Ingleside RFB

October Shorebreak Newsletter 2015 - SLS SNB
Avalon Beach SLSC took out the handicap
Drop-Out Ambrose at the annual SLS Sydney Northern Beaches Golf Day at the Bayview Club last month.
As the main fundraiser for the Sydney Northern Branch team to contest the NSW Interbranch Championships at Cape Hawke later in the year, the Bill Buckle Group provided a VW Polo as the big prize if anyone could hit a hole in one.
Alas, it didn’t happen.
Newport had the best scratch score at the event on September 18. Young Sea Eagles prop Jake Trbojevic was a member of that team. ‘’I haven’t been playing golf very long but the Ambrose is a lot of fun,’’ Jake said.
Other prize winners included Collaroy Beach Club, Built Constructions, representing North Curl Curl, Freshwater SLSC and the Mortgage Professionals.
Organiser Bob Langbein thanked all players for their support and made special mention of sponsors Bill Buckle and the North Curl Curl SLSC. They were presented with special certificates. “North Curl Curl’s contribution over the past 10 years has been magnificent. They have provided most teams during that period,’’ said Bob.
Sydney Northern Beaches Branch is pleased to announce that the Bill Buckle Group has come on board as major sponsor of the Branch Open Championships for a further two years.
Northern Beaches Jaguar Landrover have had the naming rights for the past two years. “But as far as a broader appeal for people, this year we are going to align Bill Buckle Subaru,’’ says Dealer Principal Andrew Brown. “In agreeing to sponsor the sport for two more years, it means we will have made a four year commitment.’’
The Branch Open Championships will be held at Palm Beach on February 13.
“The Subaru provides a broader range of product and a broader range to the general community. Therefore, there is that broader appeal, from the Subaru Impreza, Forester, XV and Liberty and into Outback,’’ says Mr Brown.
“What we want to do is put back into the community as well and we find, particularly in this area, that surf life saving is a good cause for us.
“What we get back out of that we’d like to think that there would be some loyalty come back from that and we already know that many of surf lifesavers on the northern beaches are customers of ours. So, in some respects, it is paying back to the community.’’ As part of the annual SNB Golf Day at
Bayview Golf Club on September 18, Bill Buckle put up aVW Polo as a prize if anyone could hit a hole in one. The car went back to the Brookvale showroom.
Apart from the Branch, Mr Brown said Bill Buckle will also be sponsoring the North Curl Curl Nipper Program and Bill Buckle Toyota will be major sponsors of the Freshwater Australia Day carnival.
“This is the first time we’ve been involved in that,’’ he said.
“The fact that a majority of staff are northern beaches people and over 70 per cent of vehicles we sell on the northern beaches, it is only right for us to get more community involved .
“And we are looking to do a lot more in a lot of areas going forward.’’
Picture (above Andrew Brown (left) with SNB Director Lance Barnes, Branch President Doug Menzies and Kevin Green at the Golf Day.
Newport Public School FeteOctober 17
The Newport school fete is one fun family day not to be missedSaturday 17th October 10-3pm!
Rides, Live Entertainment, Haunted House, Side Show Alley, Tombola, Food stalls, Dunking Machine, Raffles, Auctions, a Photo Comp, Books and Plant stalls, Show bags, Craft corner and more...hope to see you there.
Thank you to our major sponsors LJ Hooker Newport Winning Appliances

Statewide safe boating operation heralds new boating season
29 September 2015: RMS
Boaters are urged to check their vessel and equipment are in good operating condition with the first statewide boating education and compliance campaign under way to coincide with the start of the new boating season this weekend.
Roads and Maritime Services General Manager Boating Operations said Operation Boatsafe: Be Prepared would continue through until Monday 5 October.
“Roads and Maritime Services Boating Safety Officers and Boating Education Officers across NSW will be engaging with people on the water and at boat ramps, clubs and other waterside locations to promote safe and responsible boating,” Mr Hunter said.
“Boating is a popular pastime with almost 500,000 people who hold a NSW boat licence, many thousands more who enjoy boating as passengers or crew and almost 240,000 registered vessels.
“With the arrival of spring and the next boating season starting on the October long weekend, now is the time to check the boat, motor and equipment are in good working order as the major causes of breakdown at sea are engine failure, fuel shortage or contamination, mechanical failure and battery failure.
“It is also the time to check all lifejackets, especially inflatable models, to ensure they are in good condition and have been serviced according to the manufacturer’s requirements. People should wear a lifejacket when boating, especially in smaller craft.
“Other boating safety equipment should also be carefully inspected and items like flares, distress beacons and fire extinguishers should be replaced if they have passed their expiry date.
“Now is also the time to pay attention to the condition of boat trailers, with appropriate maintenance or service. Boats kept on moorings should have their moorings serviced at least annually or more frequently if subject to specific mooring conditions.
“Roads and Maritime strongly recommends the service be carried out by a professional mooring contractor.
“Boaters should ensure up-to-date charts and local boating maps are on board for each and every new waterway being explored, and ensure boating lights are in working order regardless of whether a boat trip is only planned for the day time.”
For a complete list of the safety equipment that must be carried on your boat, check your copy of the Boating Handbook (PDF: 1.13MB)

Bus Rapid Transit Interchange at Mona Vale
Mona Vale Residents Association
September 22 , 2015
Investigative Drilling is currently being undertaken in Beeby Park Mona Vale and Village Park Mona Vale by Transport NSW. They are looking at potential sites to build the bus rapid transit interchange. A number of sights are being looked at around the MV CBD.
MVRA contact Transport NSW this week and found out there are 5-6 sites under investigation around Mona Vale.
The state owned Bus depot in Darley Strett is also being looked at as a potential transport hub. This is a site that the Mona Vale Residents Association think should be seriously considered as it will not have an impact on green open space and will be far better for traffic movements.
We are now seeking a meeting regarding this matter with Transport NSW. It is disappointing that communication with the community had completely been ignored.
Pictures courtesy Mark Horton

Mona Vale Library values mental health this month
2 October, 2015
Mona Vale Library is profiling a number of free events during October for Mental Health Month.
Mental Health Month NSW is part of a national mental health promotion campaign held throughout October each year.
The timing of the campaign centres on World Mental Health Day, which happens each year on 10 October.
This year’s theme is ‘Value Your Mind’ and the events the library has planned – help you do just that.
There’s a range of mental health and wellbeing topics which will provide food for thought as well as access to a wide range of resources.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said this was another fine example of Mona Vale Library being a social hub for our community.
“Local residents are invited to come along to a variety of events ranging from laughter yoga to Bridge and all things in between,” added Cr Townsend.
Choose from one or all of the following events during October:
Colouring in for Adults - Tuesday 6 October 10am - 6 pm & Tuesday 20 October
The perfect way to relax, relieve stress and be creative! Can you stay between the lines? Books and pencils will be provided. Location: The Beaton Room
Suicide awareness talk - Wednesday 7 October 12 - 1.30pm
Local Counsellor and Psychotherapist Liz Whyte will give an introductory talk on suicide awareness. A light lunch will be provided.
Laughter Yoga - Thursday 8 October 11 -11.45am
Oxygenate your body and brain: Laughter Yoga with Jackie Curran. Feel the benefits of a complete wellbeing workout.
Location: Mona Vale Village Park or Mona Vale Library (wet weather alternative)
The Body in Emotional Balance - Monday 12 October, 10.30am – 12noon
David Hall will hold an experiential talk on the Feldenkrais Method and explore how it can be used to enhance wellbeing and emotional health.
Author talk - Thursday 15 October 6.30pm - -8pm
Sophie Hardcastle will discuss her book Running Like China, a memoir which describes her struggle with Bipolar Disorder and her quest to change the lives of young people living with mental illness. Come early to enjoy the refreshments
Bridge - Friday 16 October, 10.30am – 12 noon
Cath Whiddon speaking about Bridge - the world’s most popular mind sport! Start learning and playing this fascinating game.
Literary lunch - Thursday 22 October 12 noon – 1.30pm
Bettina Deda, Interior stylist and author of Downsizing with Style, will talk about how empty nesters can maintain wellbeing whilst downsizing with style and function.
Wellbeing Walk - Wednesday 28 October 10am – 12 noon
Sonja Elwood will lead you on a relaxing walk through Warriewood Wetlands, where you’ll see them come alive with wildlife and spring flowering plants.
Bookings are open for all our FREE events – book now as spaces are limited! Ph: 9970 1600
For full details on all these events visit the library’s website
Learn more about Mental Health Month at:
Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store
Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe.
Keep up to date on their Facebook page

Bilgola Plateau Public School Celebrating 50 Years: 16 October 2015 4:00pm - 8:00pm
Bilgola Plateau Public School is fabulous and fifty! The amazing school on the hill will celebrate its 50th Anniversary with a Twilight Celebration on Friday 16 October. The 50th Anniversary Twilight Celebration will begin at 4:00pm and conclude at 8:00pm.
During the celebration current and past Bilgola Plateau Public School community members are encouraged to explore the school via the 50 th Anniversary Student Art Exhibition Trail, visit our newly created museum and view our Bilgola Plateau Public School Movie and BilgolaFest student movie offerings. Food vans will be onsite with delicious dinner options and lots of rides are on offer to entertain the children.
The official 50th Anniversary Ceremony will occur at 5:30pm. During the ceremony we will cut the cake, reveal the contents of the time capsule buried in 1988 during Bicentenary celebrations and enjoy performances from our talented students. Our choir will sing a school song medley and our dance groups and bands will take you back in time by dancing and performing some sixties hits. All three bands will play along with a premiere performance of the Bilgola Plateau Public School Reunion Band. All past band members are encouraged to bring their instrument to the Twilight Celebration and join in a mass band performance. Please email the school at if you are a past Bilgola Plateau Public School Band member and you are interested in joining the Reunion Band performance.
If you are a past Bilgola Plateau Public School student please come and help us celebrate 50 years of being amazing. Please spread the word to your school mates!
Chief Planner for NSW appointed
29.09.2015 - Departmental Media Release: Department of Planning and Environment
The Department of Planning and Environment has today appointed Gary White as the State’s Chief Planner to provide deeper rigour and oversight of strategic planning for the State and assessment of major projects.
Mr White has held various Local and State Government senior planning roles in Queensland for more than 30 years before entering the private sector in 2012 where he became Chief Planner and Strategic Advisor for MacroPlan Dimasi.
A spokesperson said the appointment of a Chief Planner was recognition of the central role the Department plays in setting a course for the future of cities and regional communities.
“The NSW Government has moved the State’s planning system into top gear. Mr White will provide expert oversight on an ambitious program of work as we deliver on the goals and priorities set by the Premier,” a spokesperson said.
“As Chief Planner, Mr White will oversee projects to make the planning system more efficient and to get the best outcomes for local communities as we plan for the communities of tomorrow.
“Mr White will be a tremendous asset for the Department in helping us achieve these important goals for NSW.”
Mr White holds a Bachelor in Regional Town Planning (UQ) and Postgraduate Diploma Business Administration (QUT) and is a Life Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia and Corporate Member of the Property Council of Australia.
He will commence with the Department on 9 November this year
Newport Beach Arts Market
The NEWPORT BEACH ARTS MARKET is the launch event for the annual Newport Sculpture Trail, with the market’s theme “inspired by the sea”.
In 2015 the beach arts market will take place in the heart of Newport from 6 to 9pm on Friday the 13th of November.
For the event, we are looking for street performing artists and market stallholders offering arts, crafts, homewares or services “inspired by the sea”.
We are also offering an opportunity for schools, artist collectives and other community groups to participate in the launch event by creating light sculpture installations to showcase their organisations and work at the launch event for free. Read more here.
For performing artist enquiries call 0415 662 918 or
For market stallholder information and application forms click here

Greater transparency in local rezoning decisions
September 2nd, 2015: Ministerial Media Release; The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning
Planning Minister Rob Stokes today announced the government will replace the Pre-Gateway review process with a simpler, faster and clearer rezoning assessment.
The current process, known as the Pre-Gateway review, allows a review where a council refused or failed to respond to an application to amend local planning rules.
Reforms for the new rezoning review process include:
.Strengthening the test for the review of an existing zoning to ensure rezonings only proceed where they exhibit clear strategic merit;
.Review requests to the Department of Planning will be referred to Joint Regional Planning Panels or the Planning Assessment Commission within three days;
.Ensuring the council is aware a rezoning request has been sent to the Department within five days of receipt;
.Increasing the independence of the process by the Panel or the Commission, carrying out the assessment and determine the rezoning; and
.Making the Panel or Commission the Relevant Planning Authority where a council refuses a request to act as the Relevant Planning Authority, or does not respond to that request within 42 days.
“We’ve listened to community concerns about unexpected rezonings undermining confidence in local planning. That’s why we will reform the process of reviewing a council’s decision with a presumption against rezoning unless there is a compelling reason for change,” Mr Stokes said.
“While it’s appropriate that council decisions can be tested before an independent panel, this opportunity needs to be transparent and balanced.
“We need a planning system that supports sustainable growth in a timely, independent and orderly process, which is exactly what this reformed rezoning review is designed to achieve.
“These reforms will stop the revolving door of planning proposals going back and forth between councils and the community by strengthening the test for a review, making the process faster, simpler and clearer.”
To view the report, go to
View the proposed changes to the pre-Gateway review (PDF: 921.41 kb) and read the FAQs for more information.
Comments can be made by
or writing to the Executive Director, Regions, Department of Planning and Environment, GPO Box 39, Sydney, NSW 2001.
Comments on the proposed changes are invited up to 14 October 2015.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/10/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:

Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 6 months / F
BREED: Mini Foxy x Cattle
Paprika, Peppers, Cinnamon, Basil, Ginger and Chilli are a litter who came to us without Mum. They are lively happy boys and girls who have a real zest for life. Their energy is more like that of a Foxy and need a garden to run in. They have been attending puppy classes and are well socialised. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. Her adoption cost is $400.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
September 27 - October 3, 2015: Issue 233
Articles This Week
Bennett brings it home in Australian Women’s Match Racing Championship Hosted by RPAYC by Lisa Ratcliff
Te Arawa and Quickstep: Designed by Two Generations of Crowthers and Sailed by Three Generations of Geddes - The RMYC Multhull Division's Lock Crowther Regatta runs next weekend - October 2 to 4 - a small insight into two entrants
RPAYC Hosts 2015 Australian Women’s Match Racing Championships: September 25 to 27 by Stephen Collopy
Time Capsule Unearthed at Bilgola Plateau Public School - If you are a past Bilgola Plateau Public School student please come and help us celebrate 50 years of being amazing - The Bilgola Plateau Public School P&C committee
Late entry fee waived for Yachting NSW Youth Championships by Lisa Ratcliff
The Peregrine Falcon by Warwick Dalzell - one of the stories from The John Street Heroes - holiday reading!
Maria Regina Grandparents & Special Friends Day 2015 by Peta Wise
Park Bench Philosopher: Seagull Songs by Agnes Littlejohn (of Manly), Ivy Moore (of Mosman) and Dorothea MacKellar (of Pittwater)
Pictures: BL's Blast Off 2015: The 10th Celebration of Surfing Gromfest
Aquatics: El Niño and La Niña will exacerbate coastal hazards across entire Pacific: Coastal erosion of Australia's beaches could be worse than previously predicted- new study
Held over:
Start Sailing! The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Open House Sunday 27 September, 2015
Profile: Nat Bromhead A Mackerel Beach gentleman since a toddler, Nat Bromhead stuck to what interested him, what keeps his mind moving and worked at it until a love of fishing and a gift for English saw his first byline appear in Bush 'n Beach Fishing Newspaper in 1998. Nat kept working, became a journalist, online editor and photographer for other Queensland-based newspapers and now is an established Editor and photojournalist.
History: Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways Bilgola Beach - The Cabbage Tree Gardens and Camping Grounds - Includes Bilgola - The Story Of A Politician, A Pilot and An Epicure by Tony Dawson and Anne Spencer Pittwater reserves adjoin our beaches where small green spaces have been set aside so people may picnic, swing, play
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month October 2015 - Nat Bromhead: Pittwater Photography - Award winning photo-journalist with a passion for beautiful Pittwater shares a few glorious images and a story about a drone that flew away...and didn't come back!
Congratulations Councillors Jacqueline Townsend and Kylie Ferguson
The Mayoral vote took place on Monday September 21st at the Pittwater Council Meeting
Our Mayor for 2015-2016 is Cr. Jacqueline Townsend. Vote 5-4
Deputy Mayor Cr. Kylie Ferguson. Vote 5-4.
Minutes from Monday’s Meeting may be read HERE

Bus Rapid Transit Interchange at Mona Vale
Mona Vale Residents Association
September 22 , 2015
Investigative Drilling is currently being undertaken in Beeby Park Mona Vale and Village Park Mona Vale by Transport NSW. They are looking at potential sites to build the bus rapid transit interchange. A number of sights are being looked at around the MV CBD.
MVRA contact TRasnport NSW thisa week and found out there are 5-6 sites under investigation around Mona Vale.
The state owned Bus depot in Darley Strett is also being looked at as a potential transport hub. This is a site that the Mona Vale Residents Association think should be seriously considered as it will not have an impact on green open space and will be far better for traffic movements.
We are now seeking a meeting regarding this matter with Transport NSW. It is disappointing that communication with the community had completely been ignored.
Pictures courtesy Mark Horton

Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Open House 2015
Sunday, September 27 at 10:00am
Ever wanted to know or learn more about our Sailing programs for children or adults or are you already a sailor but wish to sharpen your skills or knowledge?
Come and visit the Club in the new Jack Gale Centre to learn all about what The Alfred's can offer you.
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - RPAYC
Mitala Street, Newport, New South Wales, Australia 2106.
Lock Crowther Regatta 2015 – RMYC Multihull Division
Lock Crowther was regarded as a world class Australian pioneer of multihull yacht design. We recognise his dedication to the development of the modern multihull and name a Regatta in his honour.
The Lock Crowther Regatta has been hosted by the RMYC since 1996 and offers multihull owners both exciting racing and cruising programs.
Once again the regatta will be held over the October long weekend on the beautiful waters of Pittwater and Broken Bay, NSW - starting with an optional Blue Water Classic ocean race on Friday 2 October 2015 for Safety Category 4 equipped boats with 4 inshore races to be sailed over Saturday and Sunday 3-4 October 2015.
And for the second year running, "off the beach" multihulls are invited to attend!
For the tenth year running APC Logistics, a major Australian-based international freight forwarding company, has signed on as principal and title sponsor of the 2015 event. We acknowledge and thank them warmly for their ongoing, generous support.
Here's an outline of what we have arranged for the weekend:
• Five races over three days • Exciting prize pool on offer
• First class marina facilities • PHS, OMR & VYC handicap formats
• Launching area for trailable boats • Family entertainment facilities including swimming pool
• Trailer storage area • Courtesy bus to shops/chandlery
• Friday evening welcome BBQ • Breakfast and take-away lunch available
• Free skipper's regatta shirt • "off the beach" entries welcome
All this for only $150 entry fee unchanged from last year!
Don't miss it!
Please click HERE for the 2015 Notice of Race, online Entry Form and regatta shirt ordering information.
The online Entry Form includes help instructions. And you can pay securely online as well as upload a photo and other details of your boat if you wish!
"Off the Beach" boats, please choose the OTB Regatta Entry Form.
Sailing Instructions will be available for download towards the end of September 2015

Stop the supply – you're a parent not a mate
23 Sep 2015
A strong message is being sent to parents and guardians across the northern beaches to ‘Stop the supply of alcohol to minors’.
The Northern Beaches Community Drug Action Team (CDAT) is launching their Stop the Supply campaign, which raises awareness about secondary supply of alcohol to underage young people.
The Northern Beaches CDAT is a unified group of government and non-government agencies who work together to identify local problems and issues to improve the community’s health and wellbeing.
Pittwater Council Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the Stop the Supply campaign informs our community members about the laws and dangers of supplying alcohol to young people (also known as secondary supply).
Mayor Townsend said the education campaign aims to empower parents, friends and sporting organisations to say ‘no’ to secondary supply of alcohol.
“The message from Northern Beaches CDAT is a strong one – supplying alcohol to minors is against the law.
“Parents, and coaches are not ‘mates’ and the consequences of supplying alcohol to minors may cost them $1,100 or up to $11,000 and/or 12 months imprisonment,” Mayor Townsend reiterated.
Northern Sydney Local Health District Health Promotion Officer, Melissa Palermo said research shows that excessive alcohol can cause major problems for our community; however the risks are exacerbated for our young people.
“In fact, growing evidence indicates that the brain keeps developing up to the age of 25 and is adversely affected by excessive alcohol consumption,” added Ms Palermo.
Ms Palermo reminded parents and guardians that the National Alcohol Guidelines state that children under the age of 15 are at the greatest risk of harm from drinking, and for those aged between 15 and 17, the safest option is for them to delay drinking for as long as possible.
Updates of the campaign will be posted on the Stop the Supply Facebook page. More information can be found on the
Palm Beach Longboarding Club Inc Old Mal – Old Log Rally 2015
IT'S ON – THE PALMY OLD MAL LOG RALLY: if your nine foot plus and single we want you there on the 7th November 2015 so get your entry form for the 2015 Palmy Old Mal Log Rally in. Go to thePalm Beach Longboarders Inc for more details.
The Palmy Old Mal/Log Rally kicks off at 6.30am on Saturday 7th November2015 somewhere along the Palm Beach stretch (look for the tents).
To enter, click on "Forms" in the nav bar above, and download the entry form (it's a Word doc) and mail it to us (our address is on the form).
Entries close 3rd November 2015 - first in, best dressed.
Old Mal Rally History
The inaugural Palm Beach Old Mal Rally was held on Saturday March 23, 1996 at Palm Beach, Sydney in conjunction with the council-run Pittwater Festival.
The contest was conceived by the Palm Beach Longboarders Club to promote sportsmanship, competition and traditional surfing. It also aimed to raise funds for The Disabled Surfers Association (DSA) and the club to be actively involved in The Pittwater Festival of 1996.
The contest is about the style and boards used pre-1968 and the judges' aim was to look for classic 60's style of surfing. Manoeuvers such as hang ten, hang five, drop knee turns, soul arch, Standing Island pull-out, stalls, head dips, and of course tube riding were the focus of the day.
ENTRY FORM BELOW Simply click on and 'save as' on your own PC
![]() | PBLB 2015 OMLR Entry Form.pdf Size : 119.493 Kb Type : pdf |
Nesting Birds Season
Just a reminder that Spring is the time all our native animals, furred and feathered, are bringing new life into the world. Careel Bay sandflats and Bayview mudflats are off limits to dogs all year round and especially during nesting season.
Please have some consideration for your fellow creatures – keep your pets out of these areas.
Below: Stone Curlew pictures - taken at Careel Bay - AJG Pic.

Sun Protection For Newport Beach Reserve Playground
25 September 2015
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced NSW Government funding for the installation of sun protection sails at Newport Beach Reserve.
Pittwater Council has been allocated $25,000 to help introduce a sun protection structure over the popular beachside playground.
The funding is part of the NSW Government’s Cancer Institute Evidence to Practice Program which is providing almost $1 million for improved sun protection infrastructure in parks, recreation areas and sporting grounds across NSW.
“This will be a great addition to one of our community’s most popular playgrounds,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Everyone enjoys getting out in the sun - but we must be vigilant about the dangers this presents.
“Shade sails are a really important way to ensure our local playgrounds are as safe and enjoyable as possible.
“Newport Beach Reserve is used by thousands of local families every year and over summer it becomes an absolute haven for children.
“This project will vastly improve the reserve’s playground and help make it even more attractive and enjoyable.
“I look forward to the project getting underway and the improved opportunities it provides,” Rob Stokes said.

This Week's Swell Carries Away South Narrabeen Beach
A new report came to hand this week of a study just published by Sydney University and the Unversity of New South Wales; Coastal vulnerability across the Pacific dominated by El Niño/Southern Oscillation.
The projected upsurge of severe El Niño and La Niña events will lead to extreme coastal flooding and erosion in populated regions across the Pacific including Australia, according to a new multi-agency study.
The impact of these storms is not presently included in most studies on future coastal vulnerability, which look primarily at sea level rise. New research data, from 48 beaches across three continents and five countries bordering the Pacific Ocean, suggest the predicted increase will exacerbate coastal erosion irrespective of sea level rise affecting the region.
A co-author of the paper, Professor Andrew Short from the University of Sydney, says forecast increases in the strength of El Niño and La Niña weather events driven by global climate change means coastal erosion on many Australian beaches could be worse than currently predicted based on sea level rise alone.
The study, Coastal vulnerability across the Pacific dominated by El Niño/Southern Oscillation, involving 13 institutions, including the US Geological Survey, UNSW Australia, University of Sydney, and the University of Waikato (New Zealand) was published in the journalNature Geoscience on Monday.
More, as well as link to study, in this week's Aquatics page
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association (PNHA) 21st AGM
Afternoon Tea at PNHA's 21st AGM at Katandra Bushland Sanctuary, September 20.
David Palmer 's presentation on the prospects for wildlife corridors between bushland areas in a landscape cut by a widened Mona Vale Rd and a residential Ingleside was supported by Jayden Walsh's account of his search for the Spotted-tailed Quoll and observations of birds in the Warriewood/Ingleside area.
Headland Grass Restoration - Community Planting Day
27th Sep 2015: 1pm - 4pm
Come and get your hands "dirty"!
Please help protect the endangered native grasslands of our coastal headlands.
Fill your nostrils with salty air, enjoy the superb view and assist us to replant the native grass community. Tools, equipment and a delicious afternoon tea will be provided.
Please wear comfortable clothes and closed shoes and bring a hat and water bottle.
Meet: South Bilgola Headland lookout on the coastal walkway. Parking available at the Serpentine parking area or Allen Avenue.
This project is being supported through the Sydney Coastal Council's Salty Communities Grant for the "Biodiversity Restoration of Bilgola Creek Catchment" during 2015 and 2016.
For further information please call 9970 1363 or 9970 1390.
Native Bee Workshops: Two sessions on offer - morning or afternoon
10th Oct 2015: 9am - 4pm
Do you want to learn more about native bees? Pittwater Council will be holding workshops on native bees and how to keep them. Native bees are a fantastic part of our natural environment and are very seldom seen. Learn about how these communities of native bees live, breed and forage for food. Find out how and what they pollinate in your garden and what you need to do, grow and avoid in your garden to ensure a healthy hive. Can you tell the difference between a fruit fly and a Stingless bee?
Tim Heard a native bee expert will be presenting his very popular workshop on keeping native bees. You will learn how to identify and keep native bees as well as how to extract honey from the hives.
Two sessions of the same workshop are being held. Please choose either Session 1 - 9am to 12noon or Session 2 - 1 to 3pm.
Where: Coastal Environment Centre
Cost: $20 (this includes a copy of Tim Heard latest publication)
Bookings Essential! Online In person: Coastal Environment Centre, Lake Park Road, North Narrabeen Phone: 1300 000 232 (Reception - Option 1)
Avalon Car Boot Sale
Join Pittwater Council's car boot jumble sale on Saturday 24 October, 2015.
Don’t send your unwanted goods to landfill… sell them at Pittwater Council’s community car boot sale!
Council is hosting a community car boot sale at Dunbar Park Avalon on Saturday 24 October from 8am-2pm. This community event is a great way for residents to sell their pre-loved households goods, which is a positive alternative to sending unwanted belongings to landfill and it also helps prevent illegal dumping.
Registrations: Open to all Pittwater residents. Sites will be allocated to cars, station wagons, vans and a limited number of trailers.
Booking: Please fill out the online stall holder application form
Stall holder fees: $30 per car, $45 for car and trailer site (limited spaces available) all proceeds will be forwarded by Council to a local charity organisation
Have your say on Waterway
Pittwater Council is inviting the community to have its say on the Pittwater waterway.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said to ensure that the waterway continues to have a vibrant and sustainable future Council has initiated a Pittwater Waterway Review.
Mayor Townsend said the Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a distinguishing feature of our region’s identity.
“It is a focus for leisure, tourism and business and an extremely important environmental asset.
“However, the waterway is under pressure from a range of competing demands including growth in boat ownership and vessel size. There is also an increase in demand for moorings, marinas and boat infrastructure such as pump out facilities, dinghy storage, parking and foreshore access.
“We are keen to hear from businesses connected to the waterway such as marine operators, cafés and restaurants, tourism-related companies, recreational users of the waterway, offshore residents, as well as the broader community. It is essential that we provide a sustainable balance between economic growth and employment connected to the waterway and its environmental protection including water quality and marine life,” she said.
Residents and businesses are invited to complete the survey which covers key issues facing the waterway and questions such as the ways you currently use the waterway.
“Feedback from the community will help inform the development of a discussion paper about the management of the waterway,” added Mayor Townsend.
To complete the survey visit by 30 October.

Creative Creatures Film Festival 2016
Theme 2016
New image or reference to be included in your 3 minute edit is to relate to: “recycling” (plus one only of the previous year items of rabbit, wave or apple)
NOTE: All films must be created specifically for this festival rather than appropriating existing material
To enter please fill in the registration form and pay the registration fee of $30.00
Your registration code will be sent to you on receipt of payment.
Your entry must be delivered to the Avalon Beach Bowling Club on or by January 23, 2016. (look for the recycling bin!)
The final will be held Sunday February 21 at Avalon Beach Bowling Club. There will be a massive even bigger tent if rain is heaven sent and films are shown on a 20 metre square LED screen in rain, hale or shine!
Gates open 1pm - Films start 5pm “Willbe” trophy Presentation 7pm
Submit your entry as a .Mov file on usb or cd and deliver to:
Katy Young c/o Avalon Beach Bowling Club by January 23 2016
What you could win!
Entrants 16+ Years
First prize – $1,000.00
Second prize – $750.00
Third prize – $500.00
Entrants 5 – 15 Years
First prize – $500.00
Second prize – $350.00
Third prize – $250.00
Once again our celebrity judges will be stellar and like the first year, of the highest calibre.
More information at: www.creativecreaturesfilmfestival.2016

RFB Open Day 2015
Brigade: Ingleside - Location: Inglside Station, King Road near Powder Works Road, Inglside 2101
Date: Saturday, 17 October 2015
SHOROC and its partner councils – Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah – have been awarded a $200,000 NSW Government grant to help businesses measure their waste, reduce their waste bills, increase recycling and reduce their impact on the environment.
The Recycling at Work project funds waste assessments for small and medium sized businesses and produces tailored action plans to assist businesses reduce waste and increase recycling. Businesses are assessed by an experienced waste management consultant and eligible businesses can access funding to cover up to half the costs of equipment to enhance their recycling capacity.
SHOROC President and Mayor of Mosman, Cr Peter Abelson says the program will provide free advice and support on how businesses can reduce waste and lower costs by identifying recycling opportunities.
“There are 34,500 businesses in the SHOROC region, some of which could benefit from an independent waste assessment that will help them save money on waste disposal costs and reduce the amount of waste that they send to landfill,” Cr Abelson said.
The program will kick off in Pittwater. Businesses are invited to register for a FREE waste assessment or find out more by emailing or calling 9905 0095.
A. Prince Consulting, who has a proven track record in delivering results to businesses has been engaged to conduct assessments of 200 small to medium businesses.
NSW businesses send more than 2.5 million tonnes of waste to landfill each year and more than 70 per cent of this is valuable material, such as food, wood, textiles and plastics that could be recycled.Small to medium sized businesses generate around 45 per cent of business waste. Reducing their waste makes good business sense and saves valuable water, energy and raw materials. The NSW Government is targeting a 70 per cent recycling rate for business waste by 2021.
To date more than 6,500 businesses across NSW have benefited from the free waste assessment and implemented Waste Reduction Action Plans.
This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy and is part of SHOROC’s Too Good to Waste strategy.

Locals Raising Funds for Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary
The Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary in Borneo is quite desperate for money (they are a small non profit group) so our fundraise in Nov is at Bayview and we hope you'll come ? We are hoping that you'll support us with some promotion of the ? It's end of Nov so we have some time BUT need to get organised now.
We are also looking for auction items, so if you have any brilliant ideas we'd love to hear from you. You can also Google up the sanctuary online. Jimmy Smits
started it many decades ago and has devoted his life towards rescuing
and rehabilitating Orangutans. Sadly, time is running out for our magnificent cousins so please help us HELP them.
Many of us are working together to raise funds for these dwindling Orangutans. We live in DY & Bayview and Nth Narrabeen etc and we are committed to protecting & rehabilitating these wonderful but threatened species....our cousins.
The BAYVIEW location is where we have raised funds for other wildlife groups and the owners Sue & Peter Glasson, are THE most aware and compassionate people who open their home & their beautiful views of Pittwater for all to share. Their home was on the ABC's Gardening Australia' program early this year with the incredible Costa.
The funds will go DIRECTLY to the Sintang Sanctuary which is small but effective. The CEO Jimmy Smits has devoted his life to saving Orangutans and works closely with the local community. The money will largely go towards building more enclosures, a fenced rehab site, food, vet expenses , rescuing MORE Orangutans and educating the community. Smits also has an idea about a native seed that MAY replace damn palm oil and further palm oil plantations, that destroys the rainforest. NO rainforest means NO Orangutans.
We will issue receipts to everyone who wants one. There are also online donations available.
For the wild ones
Lindy Stacker M 0409 404570
ACCC releases Issues Paper on price increases proposed by Australia Post
On 28 August 2015, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission announced that it had received a draft proposal by Australia Post to increase the prices of its ordinary letter service.Australia Post is proposing to introduce a basic postage rate of $1 for letters delivered at a new timetable, which allows an extra two business days for delivery to occur.
The ACCC is now releasing an Issues paper to identify issues on which the ACCC is seeking stakeholder views.
“Based on Australia Post’s proposal a $1 basic postage rate will significantly reduce the losses on Australia Post’s stamped letters by 2016-17. Further, Australia Post’s monopoly letter services (stamped and bulk business mail) are forecast to reverse their previous loss making state by 2016-17, ” ACCC Chairman Rod Sims said.
"This would be a turnaround in a short period with the price increase. However, stamped letters would continue to face losses and there is uncertainty around the longer-term rate of decline in letter volumes and a risk Australia Post’s overall monopoly letter services could return to net losses,” Mr Sims said.
The ACCC’s assessment of Australia Post’s pricing proposal will focus on:
• the method by which Australia Post allocates costs between its services
• Australia Post’s forecasts of letter demand and revenues
• the forecast improved financial performance of its monopoly letter business
• productivity improvements leading to operational cost savings expected from implementing a slower letter delivery timetable
The Australian Government recently regulated to allow the introduction of a two-speed letter service by Australia Post, which will distinguish between letters delivered at a priority and regular timetable. The ACCC does not have the role of approving the proposed price increase. Rather, the ACCC is required to assess the proposed price increase in accordance with the Competition and Consumer Act (2010) and then notify Australia Post as to whether it objects to the proposed price increase.
In addition to the ACCC’s assessment, Australia Post must give written notice to the Minister for Communications of its intent to vary its rates of postage. Australia Post may increase the basic postage rate only if the Minister does not disapprove the proposed increase to the BPR within 30 days of receiving notification from Australia Post.
The ACCC is seeking submissions by 15 October 2015 and will publish its response to Australia Post’s draft proposal in November 2015.
The ACCC’s Issues Paper and details of how to make a submission are available at: Australia Post - letter pricing 2015.
Natalie Isaacs to speak at Zonta “Empowering Women” Dinner
Thursday 15 October 2015
Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc. and Mackellar Z Club will host the Zonta “Empowering Women” Dinner Thursday 15 October 2015 at Dee Why RSL Club. Guest speaker at the dinner will be Natalie Isaacs Joint CEO of “1 Million Women”.
Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc., and Mackellar Z Club, are part of the worldwide service organisation Zonta International. These local clubs support women in need on the Northern Beaches by giving education grants to women, assisting high school students to stay at school, supporting the local Womens’ Refuge and Manly Womens’ Shelter amongst other projects.
The “Empowering Women” Dinner focuses on the empowerment of women in many areas with specific focus on domestic violence and the “Zonta Says No” campaign.
Our guest speaker, Natalie Isaacs, will talk about the empowering of women in her organisation “I Million Women” and discuss approaches and ideas on empowering women generally. Natalie is the founder and joint CEO of “1 Million Women”, the Australian movement of women who take practical action to fight dangerous climate change by changing the way they live. In 2013, in acknowledgement of the empowering of women in this area, the United Nations selected “1 Million Women” as one of six women-led grassroots climate action programs - selected from hundreds around the world - to be highlighted as ‘lighthouse activities’ for the planet.
Bookings are essential. Cost is $60 a head and $40 for school students. Contact Chris on or 0449 703 318.
Find out more at:
Critter of the Month- September 2015: Don’t Beam Me Up, Scotty!

George Bass surf boat marathon 2016
Entries are now open for the 2016 George Bass Surf Marathon. Head to to download the entry form!
Special early bird prices are on offer until 30 September 2015
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information or call John on 9982 5656 / 0409 391 065
Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store
Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe.
Keep up to date on their Facebook page

Bilgola Plateau Public School Celebrating 50 Years: 16 October 2015 4:00pm - 8:00pm
Bilgola Plateau Public School is fabulous and fifty! The amazing school on the hill will celebrate its 50th Anniversary with a Twilight Celebration on Friday 16 October. The 50th Anniversary Twilight Celebration will begin at 4:00pm and conclude at 8:00pm.
During the celebration current and past Bilgola Plateau Public School community members are encouraged to explore the school via the 50 th Anniversary Student Art Exhibition Trail, visit our newly created museum and view our Bilgola Plateau Public School Movie and BilgolaFest student movie offerings. Food vans will be onsite with delicious dinner options and lots of rides are on offer to entertain the children.
The official 50th Anniversary Ceremony will occur at 5:30pm. During the ceremony we will cut the cake, reveal the contents of the time capsule buried in 1988 during Bicentenary celebrations and enjoy performances from our talented students. Our choir will sing a school song medley and our dance groups and bands will take you back in time by dancing and performing some sixties hits. All three bands will play along with a premiere performance of the Bilgola Plateau Public School Reunion Band. All past band members are encouraged to bring their instrument to the Twilight Celebration and join in a mass band performance. Please email the school at if you are a past Bilgola Plateau Public School Band member and you are interested in joining the Reunion Band performance.
If you are a past Bilgola Plateau Public School student please come and help us celebrate 50 years of being amazing. Please spread the word to your school mates!

Poison canister warning
17th September 2015
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority is warning members of the public of the potential dangers posed by toxic canisters that have been reported washing up on Australian beaches. Since February 2012, emergency services have received reports from the public of small unlabelled canisters washing up along the coast in the Torres Strait, Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Tasmania.
In the last few months reports have been received of canisters washing up in the Western Cape York region and in Yeppoon in Central Queensland. The canisters contain a rat poison known as ‘aluminium phosphide’, a white to grey solid which is hazardous to humans. When the canister is opened, the powder reacts with moisture in the air to release phosphine gas, which is also highly toxic to humans. The gas has a strong odour that can smell like garlic, rotting fish or urine, but it can quickly dull the sense of smell. Exposure can cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, dizziness, tightness of the chest, diarrhoea, fluid in the lungs, liver/kidney damage, and in severe cases death. The gas is also flammable and can spontaneously ignite causing burns or small explosions.
Most aluminium phosphide is imported into Australia from China and Africa, and the unused nature of the canisters suggests they have come from an unreported shipping cargo loss sometime before February 2012.
Queensland and New South Wales Fire and Emergency services have dealt with over 40 canisters washed up since 2012. AMSA will continue to monitor the situation and provide technical advice to local hazmat and emergency response services. The canisters are silver in colour and approximately 22 centimetres tall. They have a tapered top with a screw in lid. Although most canisters are airtight, there have been examples where the seals were broken, presenting a serious danger.
Canisters should not be moved or opened and any sightings should be reported to emergency services on 000.
Mental Health Month NSW
Mental Health Month NSW is part of a national mental health promotion campaign held throughout October each year. The timing of the campaign centres on World Mental Health Day, which happens each year on October 10.
The 2015 Mental Health Month theme is:
The main message of this campaign is to encourage all individuals to think about how mental health exists in their daily life & promote the need for all individuals to make mental health a priority in their daily lives. When we make our mental health a priority, we are practicing self- care which is an important part of our daily living to ensure the maintenance of a balanced wellbeing.
Mona Vale Library are running a series of events throughout October for Mental Health Month - more details next Issue
Newport Beach Arts Market
The NEWPORT BEACH ARTS MARKET is the launch event for the annual Newport Sculpture Trail, with the market’s theme “inspired by the sea”.
In 2015 the beach arts market will take place in the heart of Newport from 6 to 9pm on Friday the 13th of November.
For the event, we are looking for street performing artists and market stallholders offering arts, crafts, homewares or services “inspired by the sea”.
We are also offering an opportunity for schools, artist collectives and other community groups to participate in the launch event by creating light sculpture installations to showcase their organisations and work at the launch event for free. Read more here.
For performing artist enquiries call 0415 662 918 or
For market stallholder information and application forms click here

Greater transparency in local rezoning decisions
September 2nd, 2015: Ministerial Media Release; The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning
Planning Minister Rob Stokes today announced the government will replace the Pre-Gateway review process with a simpler, faster and clearer rezoning assessment.
The current process, known as the Pre-Gateway review, allows a review where a council refused or failed to respond to an application to amend local planning rules.
Reforms for the new rezoning review process include:
.Strengthening the test for the review of an existing zoning to ensure rezonings only proceed where they exhibit clear strategic merit;
.Review requests to the Department of Planning will be referred to Joint Regional Planning Panels or the Planning Assessment Commission within three days;
.Ensuring the council is aware a rezoning request has been sent to the Department within five days of receipt;
.Increasing the independence of the process by the Panel or the Commission, carrying out the assessment and determine the rezoning; and
.Making the Panel or Commission the Relevant Planning Authority where a council refuses a request to act as the Relevant Planning Authority, or does not respond to that request within 42 days.
“We’ve listened to community concerns about unexpected rezonings undermining confidence in local planning. That’s why we will reform the process of reviewing a council’s decision with a presumption against rezoning unless there is a compelling reason for change,” Mr Stokes said.
“While it’s appropriate that council decisions can be tested before an independent panel, this opportunity needs to be transparent and balanced.
“We need a planning system that supports sustainable growth in a timely, independent and orderly process, which is exactly what this reformed rezoning review is designed to achieve.
“These reforms will stop the revolving door of planning proposals going back and forth between councils and the community by strengthening the test for a review, making the process faster, simpler and clearer.”
To view the report, go to
View the proposed changes to the pre-Gateway review (PDF: 921.41 kb) and read the FAQs for more information.
Comments can be made by
or writing to the Executive Director, Regions, Department of Planning and Environment, GPO Box 39, Sydney, NSW 2001.
Comments on the proposed changes are invited up to 14 October 2015.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 6/9/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:

Pittwater Bike Plan
Project summary
Pittwater Council is working on a new Bike Plan which will encourage an active Pittwater, where cycling is supported as a travel choice around our town centres and villages. It will also identify other important cycle linkages to destinations like beaches and parks.
We are looking for input from all types of cyclists, from commuters to retirees and families, to help develop the plan to nurture a bike-friendly community.
Community survey
Feedback via the survey will help us develop a cycling vision for Pittwater. It will identify aims for the Bike Plan and projects that can be implemented in the local area. By providing your input we can get a clearer understanding of bike usage and behaviour in Pittwater.
Please complete the survey, which will take approximately 10 minutes. To be in the running to win one of five gift vouchers from a local bike shop, please include your contact details.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 1 year / M
BREED: Jack Russell x
Digby is a lively happy boy. He enjoys his walks and ignores passing cars and other dogs. He also loves a jog. Digby can be picked up by strangers and he is very affectionate. He knows sit. Digby needs his humans around and would best suit home based workers. He has a scruffy coat and weighs 7.3kg. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. His adoption cost is $350.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
Boomerang Bags: sewing the seeds of change
Our workshops are still continuing every Tuesday at the Avalon Rec Centre from 11am until 5pm. Please come down and find out more about how it all works.
You do not need to be a sewer to be involved. We have many non sewing jobs.
For those who cannot make the Tuesday workshop but would like to help we have several options. For sewers we can drop off some "ready to sew" bags to be done in your own time. For non sewers contact us for more information on how you can help from home.
We also have some items for sale . You can buy a beautiful "Bought to Support" version of Boomerang Bags ( $10) and a lovely ceramic reusable coffee mug ($15.00). So start reducing your plastic use now. Contact us for more information.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.

For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Bungan Beach 9-12pm
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Sat Oct 3
Algona Reserve 9-12pm
Elizabeth Park 9- -12pm
Mona Vale Basin 8:30-11:30am
Nth Newport Bch 8:30-11:30am
Sun Oct 4
Avalon Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Warriewood Wetlands 9-12pm
Mon Oct 5
Rocky Point 9-12pm
Tue Oct 6
Browns Bay Reserve 9-12pm
Fri Oct 9
Norma Park 9-12pm
Plateau Park 8:30-11:30am
Sat Oct 10
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Pt/Lovett Bay 10-1pm
Porters Res 8-11am
Sun Oct 11
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Wed Oct 14
Avalon Golf Course 3-5:30pm
Sat Oct 17
Toongari Reserve 9-12pm
Old Wharf Reserve 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Irrawong Reserve 1-4pm
Pathilda Reserve 9-12pm
Sun Oct 18
Angophora Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Reserve 9-12pm
Mon Oct 19
Bilgola Beach 9-12pm
Thu Oct 22
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat Oct 24
Nth Newport Bch 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30- 11:30am
Sun Oct 25
Bungan Beach 9-12pm
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Sydney Water, Hunter Water & WaterNSW price reviews
What's this about?
This year the Independent Pricing & Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is undertaking reviews of prices charged by Sydney Water, Hunter Water and WaterNSW (for its Greater Sydney customers) for their monopoly water and (where applicable) sewerage services.
IPART has released Issues Papers for these reviews, which provide relevant background information and identify key issues. This follows the receipt of the utilities’ pricing proposals on 30 June 2015.
Have your say
View the online public consultation or Issues Papers on the IPART website to submit your feedback.
IPART will hold a public hearing for Sydney Water and WaterNSW reviews on 10 November 2015 in Sydney.
A public hearing for Hunter Water will be held on 2 November 2015 in Newcastle.
Please check the IPART website for further information.
Online Consultation
Date: Sep. 7 - Oct. 5, 2015: Time: 10:00am — 11:59pm
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is October 4th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.