Community News September 2015
September 20 - 26, 2015: Issue 232
Articles This Week
Flags Raised For New Patrol Season by SLS NSW
Pittwater Wins Sustainability Award by Pittwater Council and Keep NSW Beautiful
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Sailors at 2015 New York YC Invitational Cup (Sept. 12-19) - Sept. 20 in Australia
Spring Equinox 2015: A Wonderful Time To Walk Among Australia’s Bush Flowers - interview with Ian White, Founder of Australian Bush Flower Essences on his recent visit to the ruins of Saint Hildegard von Bingen, first recorded European to have used Flower Essences and what Australian Bush Flowers are out now and why a walk in the bush is so therapeutic
Reflections by George Repin: DELPHI
Park Bench Philosopher: My eighth year by Sam Capell Newport SLSC Nipper shares great fun - Winner of Mona Vale Library's History Week Short Story Competition
Maria Regina Primary School Waltzing at Dance Fever in Homebush by Joanne Seve
Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Race Welcomes First Timers by Lisa Ratcliff
Wave Warriors 2015-2016 Season: Champion Ironman Zane Holmes’ new challenge this summer - Nippers from Newport and Curl Curl SLS Clubs to take part in the opening Medibank Wave Warriors Junior Challenge series event
Byron Bay Writers Festival 2015 by Robyn McWilliam
Pictures: Church Point Ferry Service Scenic Cruises: A Breath of Fresh Offshore Air
Aquatics: Avalon Beach RSL Fishing Club Wins 2015 3 Way Fishing Competition
2016 Festival of Sails’ Cruising Beauty by Lisa Ratcliff
Held over:
Start Sailing! The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Open House Sunday 27 September, 2015
Profile: Peter Carter This year at Avalon Beach SLSC’s Annual General Meeting the prestigious award of Life Membership was conferred on the Club’s Vice President Peter Carter. Pete has provided sustained and outstanding service to the club over the 36 years he has been a member. Peter joined the club as a 4 year old Nipper and after gaining his SRC, Bronze and IRB Drivers became Junior Club Captain and was awarded the Junior member of the Year in the 92/93 season. Pete has been rowing for the Club since the mid 90's and has won Gold at State and Nationals and races as part of Avalon Beach SLSC's IRB Team during Winter. This week, to celebrate the commencement of the Patrol Season on September 19th, 2015, we share a small insight into one of our community’s assets – Peter Carte
History: Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways Bilgola Beach - The Cabbage Tree Gardens and Camping Grounds - Includes Bilgola - The Story Of A Politician, A Pilot and An Epicure by Tony Dawson and Anne Spencer Pittwater reserves adjoin our beaches where small green spaces have been set aside so people may picnic, swing, play
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month September 2015 - Ann Howard - A Carefree War, The Hidden History of Australian WWII Child Evacuees: Published by Pittwater’s Big Sky Publishing, with a Foreword by Les Murray, one of the 100 Australian Living Treasures, and written by Hawkesbury Historian Ann Howard, this is a great new book which will be of interest to many people and illustrates to us all once again there are many ‘hidden histories’ within Australia that need to be listened to and recorded. This month we run some information on a great new work that belongs in every Australian home and an extract from this book.
Dog Day by the Bay
20th Sep 2015: 10am - 3pm
An annual day out of fun and learning for dogs and their owners
This year, Pittwater Council will host their popular Dog Day by the Bay at Rowland Reserve Bayview on Sunday 20 September 2015.
Dog Day by the Bay will again be including agility demonstrations, education talks, competitions with great prizes to win, including the very popular Canine Fancy Dress Parade and children’s activities in kids’ corner.
All proceeds donated to the Animal Welfare League
Mark your calendar now!
Wildlife Adventures Talk with John Young
26th Sep 2015: 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Come and join us for an afternoon of epic Wildlife Adventures with John Young.
As a cinematographer and naturalist John Young has been filming and photographing Australia's wildlife for over 20 years. His principle area of interest is Australian birdlife and he's one of Australia's leading authorities on the subject. Over the last 20 years, he's been involved with numerous projects for television, film, books, periodicals, university studies and conservation.
In May 2013, after an incredible 15 years of searching, John rediscovered the endangered Night Parrot which was thought to be extinct. John was the first person to obtain film and photographs of a living specimen. Further research is currently being performed to learn more about the biology of this mysterious bird.
Where: Mona Vale Memorial Hall (next to Mona Vale Library)
Cost: Free!
Bookings Essential! Online In person: Coastal Environment Centre, Lake Park Road, North Narrabeen Phone: 1300 000 232 (Reception - Option 1)
Headland Grass Restoration - Community Planting Day
27th Sep 2015: 1pm - 4pm
Come and get your hands "dirty"!
Please help protect the endangered native grasslands of our coastal headlands.
Fill your nostrils with salty air, enjoy the superb view and assist us to replant the native grass community. Tools, equipment and a delicious afternoon tea will be provided.
Please wear comfortable clothes and closed shoes and bring a hat and water bottle.
Meet: South Bilgola Headland lookout on the coastal walkway. Parking available at the Serpentine parking area or Allen Avenue.
This project is being supported through the Sydney Coastal Council's Salty Communities Grant for the "Biodiversity Restoration of Bilgola Creek Catchment" during 2015 and 2016.
For further information please call 9970 1363 or 9970 1390.
Native Bee Workshops: Two sessions on offer - morning or afternoon
10th Oct 2015: 9am - 4pm
Do you want to learn more about native bees? Pittwater Council will be holding workshops on native bees and how to keep them. Native bees are a fantastic part of our natural environment and are very seldom seen. Learn about how these communities of native bees live, breed and forage for food. Find out how and what they pollinate in your garden and what you need to do, grow and avoid in your garden to ensure a healthy hive. Can you tell the difference between a fruit fly and a Stingless bee?
Tim Heard a native bee expert will be presenting his very popular workshop on keeping native bees. You will learn how to identify and keep native bees as well as how to extract honey from the hives.
Two sessions of the same workshop are being held. Please choose either Session 1 - 9am to 12noon or Session 2 - 1 to 3pm.
Where: Coastal Environment Centre
Cost: $20 (this includes a copy of Tim Heard latest publication)
Bookings Essential! Online In person: Coastal Environment Centre, Lake Park Road, North Narrabeen Phone: 1300 000 232 (Reception - Option 1)
Avalon Car Boot Sale
Join Pittwater Council's car boot jumble sale on Saturday 24 October, 2015.
Don’t send your unwanted goods to landfill… sell them at Pittwater Council’s community car boot sale!
Council is hosting a community car boot sale at Dunbar Park Avalon on Saturday 24 October from 8am-2pm. This community event is a great way for residents to sell their pre-loved households goods, which is a positive alternative to sending unwanted belongings to landfill and it also helps prevent illegal dumping.
Registrations: Open to all Pittwater residents. Sites will be allocated to cars, station wagons, vans and a limited number of trailers.
Booking: Please fill out the online stall holder application form
Stall holder fees: $30 per car, $45 for car and trailer site (limited spaces available) all proceeds will be forwarded by Council to a local charity organisation
Have your say on Waterway
14 Sep 2015
Pittwater Council is inviting the community to have its say on the Pittwater waterway.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said to ensure that the waterway continues to have a vibrant and sustainable future Council has initiated a Pittwater Waterway Review.
Mayor Townsend said the Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a distinguishing feature of our region’s identity.
“It is a focus for leisure, tourism and business and an extremely important environmental asset.
“However, the waterway is under pressure from a range of competing demands including growth in boat ownership and vessel size.
“There is also an increase in demand for moorings, marinas and boat infrastructure such as pump out facilities, dinghy storage, parking and foreshore access.
“We are keen to hear from businesses connected to the waterway such as marine operators, cafés and restaurants, tourism-related companies, recreational users of the waterway, offshore residents, as well as the broader community.
“It is essential that we provide a sustainable balance between economic growth and employment connected to the waterway and its environmental protection including water quality and marine life,” she said.
Residents and businesses are invited to complete the survey which covers key issues facing the waterway and questions such as the ways you currently use the waterway.
“Feedback from the community will help inform the development of a discussion paper about the management of the waterway,” added Mayor Townsend.
To complete the survey visit by 30 October.
Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store
Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe.
Keep up to date on their Facebook page

Bilgola Plateau Public School Celebrating 50 Years: 16 October 2015 4:00pm - 8:00pm
Bilgola Plateau Public School is fabulous and fifty! The amazing school on the hill will celebrate its 50th Anniversary with a Twilight Celebration on Friday 16 October. The 50th Anniversary Twilight Celebration will begin at 4:00pm and conclude at 8:00pm.
During the celebration current and past Bilgola Plateau Public School community members are encouraged to explore the school via the 50 th Anniversary Student Art Exhibition Trail, visit our newly created museum and view our Bilgola Plateau Public School Movie and BilgolaFest student movie offerings. Food vans will be onsite with delicious dinner options and lots of rides are on offer to entertain the children.
The official 50th Anniversary Ceremony will occur at 5:30pm. During the ceremony we will cut the cake, reveal the contents of the time capsule buried in 1988 during Bicentenary celebrations and enjoy performances from our talented students. Our choir will sing a school song medley and our dance groups and bands will take you back in time by dancing and performing some sixties hits. All three bands will play along with a premiere performance of the Bilgola Plateau Public School Reunion Band. All past band members are encouraged to bring their instrument to the Twilight Celebration and join in a mass band performance. Please email the school at if you are a past Bilgola Plateau Public School Band member and you are interested in joining the Reunion Band performance.
If you are a past Bilgola Plateau Public School student please come and help us celebrate 50 years of being amazing. Please spread the word to your school mates!

Poison canister warning
17th September 2015
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority is warning members of the public of the potential dangers posed by toxic canisters that have been reported washing up on Australian beaches. Since February 2012, emergency services have received reports from the public of small unlabelled canisters washing up along the coast in the Torres Strait, Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Tasmania.
In the last few months reports have been received of canisters washing up in the Western Cape York region and in Yeppoon in Central Queensland. The canisters contain a rat poison known as ‘aluminium phosphide’, a white to grey solid which is hazardous to humans. When the canister is opened, the powder reacts with moisture in the air to release phosphine gas, which is also highly toxic to humans. The gas has a strong odour that can smell like garlic, rotting fish or urine, but it can quickly dull the sense of smell. Exposure can cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, dizziness, tightness of the chest, diarrhoea, fluid in the lungs, liver/kidney damage, and in severe cases death. The gas is also flammable and can spontaneously ignite causing burns or small explosions.
Most aluminium phosphide is imported into Australia from China and Africa, and the unused nature of the canisters suggests they have come from an unreported shipping cargo loss sometime before February 2012.
Queensland and New South Wales Fire and Emergency services have dealt with over 40 canisters washed up since 2012. AMSA will continue to monitor the situation and provide technical advice to local hazmat and emergency response services. The canisters are silver in colour and approximately 22 centimetres tall. They have a tapered top with a screw in lid. Although most canisters are airtight, there have been examples where the seals were broken, presenting a serious danger.
Canisters should not be moved or opened and any sightings should be reported to emergency services on 000.
Fit For the FutureIssue 232
Emails received this week state there has been community discussions as the October deadline of IPART to deliver its results on Council assessments draws nearer.
On Friday September 18th, 2015, Pittwater Council reiterated that -
Pittwater Council’s position is that it:
• Recognises recent community engagement results that show our community rejects a single council combining Manly, Warringah and Pittwater (Option 3); and strongly supports No Mergers (Option 1).
• Remains committed to a strong, independent Pittwater Council providing local representation and delivery of local services to the people of Pittwater on the existing boundaries.
• Council is opposed to any proposed merger of Manly, Warringah and Pittwater into one Council.
Meanwhile those at the ‘coalface’ also stated on Thursday this week:
The current NSW Government is undertaking a process called 'Fit For The Future' through which it aims to amalgamate many of our local councils. The process has been quite mercurial, very opaque and whilst there have been promises not to force amalgamations all the legal red tape that would be needed to be removed to force amalgamations is being dealt with by them prior to releasing their plans after the evaluation of Council submissions to IPART.
The impacts of amalgamations would be far reaching. Similar situations in Canada, NZ, WA, Qld and Vic have delivered higher rates, lower levels of service and public amenity, broken community cultures and no financial improvement.
There is little or no media coverage about the amalgamation plans as most local press is owned by one big government aligning publisher. As such grass roots is the only way to disseminate timely accurate information - is a great source of what is going on.
Flags Being Raised For Summer Surf Club Season
17 September 2015
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today applauded Pittwater’s volunteer surf life savers ahead of the start of the official 2015/16 patrol season.
Red and yellow flags will be raised by Pittwater’s 12 surf life saving clubs this weekend and teams of volunteers will be on hand to ensure local beaches remain safe and enjoyable.
"This is the most exciting time of the year,” Rob Stokes said today.
“When the red and yellow flags are being raised we know summer is just around the corner.
“Surf clubs are an integral part of our community and their achievements are only possible because of the generosity and support of local volunteers.
“Pittwater’s beaches have an impeccable safety record – but there’s an enormous amount of work that happens behind the scenes.
“Without our surf club volunteers our local beaches simply wouldn’t have the same appeal.
"This is also a really important time of the year for all beachgoers to be reminded of the potential dangers associated with the surf.
"Conditions in the surf are constantly changing – so it's vital we all follow the directions of surf life savers and keep an eye out for others.
"Thank you to all our incredible surf life savers and best of luck for the season," Rob Stokes said.
Funding Opportunity For Local War Memorials
17 September 2015
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is encouraging local veteran’s associations, community groups and councils to apply for funds to protect and improve local war memorials
The NSW Government’s Community War Memorial Fund is offering grants up to $10,000 to restore and maintain community war memorials including cenotaphs, sculptures, remembrance gardens and honour rolls.
Applications will be assessed by a committee of representatives from Veterans’ Affairs, RSL NSW, Government Architect’s Office and the Office of Environment and Heritage.
“War memorials tell an important story and serve as lasting tributes to all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice,” Rob Stokes said today.
“These sacred monuments join communities and generations together, ensure our past is not overlooked or forgotten and provide important opportunities for reflection and appreciation.
“It’s vital these memorials are properly cared for and maintained - but this often requires considerable funds.
“Applications for the latest round of grants are now open and will be accepted until Remembrance Day – November 11, 2015.
“Further details on the eligibility requirements, and information on how to apply, is available by visiting or by contacting Veterans’ Affairs on 9228 4710.
“I encourage all eligible groups in our community to explore this important opportunity,” Rob Stokes said.

Palm Beach Sailing Club - 2015/2016 Sailing Season Now Open
Palm Beach Sailing Club is open to all classes of off the beach multihulls, last year we had everything from Wetas to Rotomoulded boats to F18's A class various 14s a couple of unidentified bitsers, Nacras and Hobies. All results are reported on Yardstick.
The club fleet sails Saturdays from Sandy Point, Palm Beach around 12ish and besides regular races there are social events and regattas - you can find out more on their website or contact members through their Facebook page.
Fro more information visit:
Above - from the Beware the Bullets Regatta 2014 in slow-motion

“Bringing the paddling community together”: Reef to Reef 2015 and Inaugural Paddle Round the Reef
Sunday, 20 September 2015
Hosted by Newport SLSC
This year Newport SLSC are hosting the inaugural Around the Reef 3.3 km paddle from Mona Vale Basin, around Newport Reef to Newport Beach. All craft categories + nipper age groups with fibreglass boards.
Reef 2 Reef - 10km Ocean Fun Paddle
Course: Long Reef to Newport Reef (reversible pending wind direction)
Start: Fisherman’s Beach, Long Reef
Finish: Newport Beach
Presentation: Newport Surf Life Saving Club
Check In: 10am – 12pm - Briefing: 12: 15pm - Start: 12:30pm
"Around the Reef Paddle" paddle from Mona Vale Basin,around Newport Reef to Newport Beach - 3.3km
All craft categories + nipper age groups with fibreglass boards. Nipper Parents with Bronze Medallion support paddlers FREE
There will be a Post event presentation and paddler prize draw, BBQ and bar open at Newport Surf Club. All entrants are eligible and winners must be present to claim
Online Entry Fees: R2R $60 per craft | Around the reef $45 per craft | Around the reef nipper $25 per craft | Around the reef bronze support $0 per craft
Entry on the day: additional $10 per person
Register here:
Entries close: 4pm, Saturday 19 September 2015
Prize Pool
3 nights accommodation at Reflections Coolangatta
Fanatic Carbon 80 adjustable SUP paddle
Fanatic Carbon 35 Diamond adjustable SUP paddle
Juniper skin care basket worth $600
Nature’s Way Super Foods gift basket worth $500
3 $100 vouchers from WindSurfnSnow
1 $250 gift voucher from Bennett
5 towels from Bennett (worth $25)
5 paddle travel covers from Bennett (worth $95)
Fat Whale Fins merchandise
5 consultations (worth $95 each) from Back to Health Physiotherapy plus a half hour massage valued at $50
2 cases of wine from The Newport Arms

RFB Open Day 2015
Brigade: Ingleside
Location: Inglside Station, King Road near Powder Works Road, Inglside 2101
Date: Saturday, 17 October 2015
18th September, 2015
SHOROC and its partner councils – Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah – have been awarded a $200,000 NSW Government grant to help businesses measure their waste, reduce their waste bills, increase recycling and reduce their impact on the environment.
The Recycling at Work project funds waste assessments for small and medium sized businesses and produces tailored action plans to assist businesses reduce waste and increase recycling. Businesses are assessed by an experienced waste management consultant and eligible businesses can access funding to cover up to half the costs of equipment to enhance their recycling capacity.
SHOROC President and Mayor of Mosman, Cr Peter Abelson says the program will provide free advice and support on how businesses can reduce waste and lower costs by identifying recycling opportunities.
“There are 34,500 businesses in the SHOROC region, some of which could benefit from an independent waste assessment that will help them save money on waste disposal costs and reduce the amount of waste that they send to landfill,” Cr Abelson said.
The program will kick off in Pittwater. Businesses are invited to register for a FREE waste assessment or find out more by emailing or calling 9905 0095.
A. Prince Consulting, who has a proven track record in delivering results to businesses has been engaged to conduct assessments of 200 small to medium businesses.
NSW businesses send more than 2.5 million tonnes of waste to landfill each year and more than 70 per cent of this is valuable material, such as food, wood, textiles and plastics that could be recycled.Small to medium sized businesses generate around 45 per cent of business waste. Reducing their waste makes good business sense and saves valuable water, energy and raw materials. The NSW Government is targeting a 70 per cent recycling rate for business waste by 2021.
To date more than 6,500 businesses across NSW have benefited from the free waste assessment and implemented Waste Reduction Action Plans.
This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy and is part of SHOROC’s Too Good to Waste strategy.
Mona Vale Library History Week writing competition
Our recent History Week writing competition attracted many entries.
The standard of all entries was commendable and the judges had a difficult time choosing the winners.
The awards ceremony was held on Tuesday 8 September, where the winners and highly commended participants were awarded in each category.
We would like to extend congratulations to the following winners:
Primary Category
Winner - Samuel Capell (Sacred Heart Mona Vale)
Highly Commended - Sophie Hambling ( Bilgola Plateau Public)
Highly commended - Mattie Stoyle (St Joseph’s Narrabeen)
Secondary Category
Winner - Wonita Gallagher-Kruger (Pittwater High)
Highly commended - Caitlin Magyar (Northern Beaches)
Highly commended - Ljubica Perisic (Mackellar Girls)
Adult Category
Winner - Meg Dunn
Highly commended - Stephen Bradbury
Highly commended - Liam Kenny
Sam’s story runs this week in Park Bench Philosophers

Locals Raising Funds for Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary
The Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary in Borneo is quite desperate for money (they are a small non profit group) so our fundraise in Nov is at Bayview and we hope you'll come ? We are hoping that you'll support us with some promotion of the ? It's end of Nov so we have some time BUT need to get organised now.
We are also looking for auction items, so if you have any brilliant ideas we'd love to hear from you. You can also Google up the sanctuary online. Jimmy Smits
started it many decades ago and has devoted his life towards rescuing
and rehabilitating Orangutans. Sadly, time is running out for our magnificent cousins so please help us HELP them.
Many of us are working together to raise funds for these dwindling Orangutans. We live in DY & Bayview and Nth Narrabeen etc and we are committed to protecting & rehabilitating these wonderful but threatened species....our cousins.
The BAYVIEW location is where we have raised funds for other wildlife groups and the owners Sue & Peter Glasson, are THE most aware and compassionate people who open their home & their beautiful views of Pittwater for all to share. Their home was on the ABC's Gardening Australia' program early this year with the incredible Costa.
The funds will go DIRECTLY to the Sintang Sanctuary which is small but effective. The CEO Jimmy Smits has devoted his life to saving Orangutans and works closely with the local community. The money will largely go towards building more enclosures, a fenced rehab site, food, vet expenses , rescuing MORE Orangutans and educating the community. Smits also has an idea about a native seed that MAY replace damn palm oil and further palm oil plantations, that destroys the rainforest. NO rainforest means NO Orangutans.
We will issue receipts to everyone who wants one. There are also online donations available.
For the wild ones
Lindy Stacker M 0409 404570
Donating $1 From Every Beer - Modus Operandi Brewing Co.
Friday September 25th
A good customer of ours and a great local bloke has just finished a trip around Aussie in a classic VW bug... now he is trying to get an inspirational book of his journey published (which is bloody expensive we found out!) with proceeds going to cancer support... this is where we and you come in!
On Fri 25th Sep from 6pm, we are donating $1 from every beer sold to his cause. His bug and himself will be here in all their glory - and let me tell you - he is great for a good yarn!
Good on ya Mick!
Learn more about his journey here:
Modus Operandi Brewing Co.
14 Harkeith St, Mona Vale NSW 2103
(02) 8407 9864
Leadership Masterclass 2015
The SLSA Leaders’ Masterclass was recently conducted at the Westpac Life Saver Helicopter Base, La Perouse from Thursday 3 September – Sunday 6 September 2015. The aim of the Masterclass is to provide an opportunity for existing leaders within Surf Life Saving to participate in a high-level leadership development program.
22 Surf Life Saving members involved in committee roles from around Australia attended the four-day program designed to assist participants in identifying the challenges of leading a Club in the 21st century and the societal issues that will impact on Surf Life Saving at the Club, State and National levels.
The Masterclass participants were afforded the opportunity to listen to guest speakers deliver personal stories and perspectives as leaders including Westpac Life Saver Helicopter CEO Steve Leahy, NSW Rural Fire Service Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons and National Rugby League COO Suzanne Young.
The essence of the program could be summed up on the Saturday when the group had the privilege of witnessing ‘leadership in action’ as a real-life rescue was conducted nearby the Helicopter Base with multiple emergency services working in tandem to assist a member of the public. For many, it was the first time they have been on the other side of a rescue situation and to witness the actions of the emergency service personnel provided a context to higher-level leadership.
Overall, the participants were impressive, sharing their experiences and ideas relating to leadership and societal issues in Surf Life Saving.
BlindWiki: Unveiling the unseen in Sydney
14 September 2015: University of Sydney
Art project invites people who are visually impaired to create a sensory map of our city.
When travelling in a foreign city or an unfamiliar place most of us rely on online maps and guide books to experience a new location – but what about those who are blind or have low vision?
BlindWiki serves as a window for the rest of society to become aware of the challenges and joys unique to people who are blind or visually impaired
Antoni Abad, artist and creator
In collaboration with The Cervantes Institute, The University of Sydney and the Spanish Embassy, artist Antoni Abad is bringing the BlindWiki art project to Sydney to work with people who are vision impaired in creating a mobile-friendly interactive sensory map of the city.
The community-based art project calls on people who are blind or visually impaired to share their experiences of navigating Sydney via their smartphones. These messages then populate a geo-located auditory map which becomes a guide for others who walk in their footsteps.
Spanish media artist Antoni Abad said BlindWiki, which has been trialled in Rome and Barcelona, is as much about storytelling as it is about navigation and obstacles.
“The app creates a sensory map by allowing users to instantly record and publish audio messages of their sensations of public places, the smells, sounds and experiences that might go unnoticed by sighted people,” said Mr Abad.
Professor Luis Salvador-Carulla from the University of Sydney’s Centre for Disability Research and Policy said the University is pleased to be the launch point for the Sydney BlindWiki.
“It’s an exciting project for the University as we see ourselves as very much part of the city of Sydney and welcome people from all places and backgrounds to our campus,” said Professor Salvador-Carulla.
“We hope students and our local community will embrace the project as the initial participants are the starting point through which BlindWiki will spread through Sydney.”
Since 2004 Antoni Abad’s creative enterprise has been inviting groups of people to express their experiences and opinions through mobile phone technology. Participants transform their devices into digital megaphones, amplifying the voices of individuals and groups who are often overlooked or misrepresented in the mainstream media.
BlindWiki is the latest and most technologically advanced of his projects.
BlindWiki in Sydney is the result of collaboration between Instituto Cervantes in Sydney, the Spanish Embassy and the Programme for the Internationalisation of Spanish Culture under the Mobility grants awarded by Acción Cultural Española. It is supported by the University of Sydney’s Centre for Disability Research and Policy, and the Department of Media and Communications.
Call for participants
Volunteers who are blind, vision impaired or friends, family or colleagues of people who are blind or vision impaired, as well as researchers are invited to help develop the BlindWiki project and populate the app.
Creative workshops will be conducted by Antoni Abad at the University of Sydney over three weeks from 5-7.00pm on 23 September to 9 October. Attendance at two workshops is all that is needed to participate in this art project and add your voice to BlindWiki.
Participants will populate the app with their own experiences of the University’s Camperdown Campus and will also have the opportunity to participate in an exploratory excursion into the city.
Introductory workshop:
Date: Wednesday 23 September
Time: 5 – 7.00pm
Venue: Seminar Room 226, John Woolley Building, University of Sydney, Camperdown Campus. Entrance off Manning Road
Registration and more information:
Paula Llull, Project Manager
Email: or Phone: 0406 940 085
Save Our Strata Homes
Petition: Say no to widespread forced sale and evictions of thousands of strata apartment owners in NSW: Stop proposed law now
Draft changes to NSW strata law will:
• remove security of tenure from all NSW strata apartment owners
• lead to massive forced sales and eviction of strata home-owners
• cause widespread social dislocation and tear communities apart
• force strata home-owners into the rental market
• remove affordable housing from NSW •
• affect thousands of strata schemes in NSW •
• sell out NSW housing stock to developers
Under draft legislation due to come before the New South Wales Parliament (Strata Schemes Development Bill 2015), if 75% of owners in a strata block want to sell the block to a developer, the remaining owners will be forced to sell. Currently 100% of strata lot owners have to agree to any replacement and redevelopment. The proposed legislation would remove security of tenure from every strata owner in New South Wales.
Like this petition and share it on
See the details of the proposed reform here
If this reform is passed, it will lead to compulsory evictions of a huge number of homeowners in New South Wales. This would wreak havoc on people's lives and tear apart communities, with the devastation particularly hitting less wealthy members of the community who cannot afford to buy freestanding houses. Under the proposed legislation, an owners’ corporation would not need to demonstrate that a strata building is old or poorly maintained in order to force a sale. The only requirement would be an agreement of 75% of the owners.
One strata owner-occupier says: "Like many owner-occupiers of a strata unit in NSW, I have spent most of my working life trying to pay off my mortgage in a block of 12 units with one majority owner. If this proposed legislation is passed, I will lose my home. I don't believe the compensation I receive will allow me to buy back into the out-of-control housing market and I don't have funds to pay stamp duty on a new purchase. I am devastated by the idea of being forced back into the runaway market or being thrown out into rental accommodation. I and thousands of strata unit owners stand to lose everything we have worked for solely to line the pockets of developers. I believe that the people of NSW have to stand up and fight this legislation to save our homes. If we don't, we will see our State sold out to developers and we will be reduced to pawns in the hands of big business and government."
Sign the petition to demand that the NSW State Government strikes down this amendment now and that the opposition parties work together to block this amendment.
State Government policies are driving ever-increasing urban consolidation and more and more people in New South Wales live in strata apartments. This is the future of our cities. A home purchase is the largest commitment most people will ever make in their lives and many people work their whole lives to pay off their mortgage. Why should a strata owner have less security of tenure for this investment than the owner of a freestanding house?
How can land tenure be changed retrospectively? Every existing strata owner in New South Wales bought into a strata block with their security of tenure guaranteed by the existing legislation. To take this security away retrospectively is an attack on all community values of fairness, equity, decency and the rule of law. This proposed legislation attacks every core value of Australian life. If the proposed legislation is brought into law, this will destroy the social fabric of Australian life as we have known it.
Sign the petition to let the NSW Government know that this proposed assault on the basic rights of residents is unconscionable and must be struck down.
How would this proposed legislation affect you?
Any scenario you care to imagine leads to lives torn apart. A huge number of people who have spent their working lives to buy into the Australian dream will suddenly find they have been sold out to greedy developers. Scenario 1: A young couple, first-home buyers, spent years saving their deposit and finally bought an apartment in 2015. Nine months later, the owners’ corporation votes to sell the block, despite the objection of 25% of owners. This young couple are now forced back into rental accommodation. It will take them another 3 years to save the stamp duty to buy another apartment, but in the meantime the prices keep rising and they watch their goal slip away.
Scenario 2: An elderly widow is determined to live independently in her own home for as long as possible. Thrown out of her home by a forced sale, agreed by 75% of her strata owners’ corporation, she sees everything they worked for crumble around her. On a fixed income there is no way she can save money to pay stamp duty to buy another unit. Frail and vulnerable, she cannot throw herself into the frenzy of the competitive housing market and is driven into an aged care facility far away from family and her established community.
Scenario 3: A middle-aged couple, empty nesters, decided to downsize and move out of the family home into a smaller apartment. Six months later, the owners’ corporation sells their new apartment out from under them and they find themselves in rented accommodation for the first time in decades. After one year of struggling through auction after auction, they finally decide to buy a much smaller unit. Six months after that purchase, once again they face compulsory eviction by a sale to a developer. What do they do now? They already spent the small nest-egg they had put away on stamp duty for the second apartment. What options do they have?
Why? Who benefits? What would this reform serve? How would the community benefit from the proposed scheme? Why would a government cut away the rights of a vast number of home-owners of NSW with such an assault? The State government argues that this reform is good for NSW as it will lead to renewal of ageing housing stock. In fact, this reform would net massive profits for developers at the expense of ordinary home owners and massive social dislocation. The burden of this reform will fall disproportionately on home-owners in lower socio-economic groups, young families and the elderly.
The State Government has no mandate to make such a devastating change to property law in NSW. This legislation was due to come before parliament in 2014. At a time when ICAC was exposing widespread corruption in the Liberal Party by politicians funded by developers, the Baird government delayed the reforms until after the state election. See Property Observer’s analysis of how the State Government’s reform serves the interests of developers:
What would this mean in practice? First home-owners would be driven out of the market: Older, cheaper housing stock is often the only option for first-home buyers entering the market. This reform would replace affordable housing stock with new apartment blocks out of reach of first-home buyers.
The reform would transfer the bulk of strata apartments from owner-occupiers to investors. If a large number of owner-occupiers are forced out of their homes and demolition of existing stock increases dramatically, pressure on an already out-of-control housing market will inevitably increase prices and make it even harder to buy into the market. Compensation for those forcibly evicted would not necessarily allow them to buy into a rising market.
A large percentage of NSW housing would be lost to foreign ownership: Under Australian law overseas investors are not permitted to buy existing Australian housing stock, but they can buy a new dwelling. Wide-scale demolition of existing housing stock and its replacement by new buildings would open up a huge swathe of housing stock that is currently protected from international buyers. This would sell out NSW housing to foreign investors.
What would the legislative change mean for the rental market? As owners displaced by forced evictions scramble to find housing, pressure on an already tight market will increase, forcing prices to rise. As older apartment blocks are torn down and replaced with new apartments, landlords will demand higher rents and affordable housing will vanish from our cities and towns. Homelessness, already at crisis levels in our cities, will increase.
If NSW falls, other states will follow If the NSW government succumbs to the pressure of the property developers’ lobby and passes this clause in the legislation, other states will surely follow in their footsteps. This is not just an issue for residents of New South Wales.
Sign the petition to demand that the NSW government strikes out the collective sale and renewal reform from the proposed legislation. Demand that strata owners retain security of tenure for their apartments. Petition here
ACCC releases Issues Paper on price increases proposed by Australia Post
On 28 August 2015, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission announced that it had received a draft proposal by Australia Post to increase the prices of its ordinary letter service.
Australia Post is proposing to introduce a basic postage rate of $1 for letters delivered at a new timetable, which allows an extra two business days for delivery to occur.
The ACCC is now releasing an Issues paper to identify issues on which the ACCC is seeking stakeholder views.
“Based on Australia Post’s proposal a $1 basic postage rate will significantly reduce the losses on Australia Post’s stamped letters by 2016-17. Further, Australia Post’s monopoly letter services (stamped and bulk business mail) are forecast to reverse their previous loss making state by 2016-17, ” ACCC Chairman Rod Sims said.
"This would be a turnaround in a short period with the price increase. However, stamped letters would continue to face losses and there is uncertainty around the longer-term rate of decline in letter volumes and a risk Australia Post’s overall monopoly letter services could return to net losses,” Mr Sims said.
The ACCC’s assessment of Australia Post’s pricing proposal will focus on:
• the method by which Australia Post allocates costs between its services
• Australia Post’s forecasts of letter demand and revenues
• the forecast improved financial performance of its monopoly letter business
• productivity improvements leading to operational cost savings expected from implementing a slower letter delivery timetable
The Australian Government recently regulated to allow the introduction of a two-speed letter service by Australia Post, which will distinguish between letters delivered at a priority and regular timetable.
The ACCC does not have the role of approving the proposed price increase. Rather, the ACCC is required to assess the proposed price increase in accordance with the Competition and Consumer Act (2010) and then notify Australia Post as to whether it objects to the proposed price increase.
In addition to the ACCC’s assessment, Australia Post must give written notice to the Minister for Communications of its intent to vary its rates of postage. Australia Post may increase the basic postage rate only if the Minister does not disapprove the proposed increase to the BPR within 30 days of receiving notification from Australia Post.
The ACCC is seeking submissions by 15 October 2015 and will publish its response to Australia Post’s draft proposal in November 2015.
The ACCC’s Issues Paper and details of how to make a submission are available at: Australia Post - letter pricing 2015.

Pittwater Photographer Turns To Crowd Funding After Drone Flies Away
It's a sad story, but will hopefully have a happy ending. About a month ago Mackerel Beach resident Nat Bromhead was flying his beloved drone over over a glassy-calm Pittwater one Sunday morning.
But something went wrong, an in-flight anomaly, the drone flew away never to be seen again.
It was fitted with a GoPro camera and that went too. So no photos, no drone, and a very unhappy photographer.
Nat Bromhead has been a mad-keen photographer as long as he can remember.
He has also been a proud 'Mackerelite' for life, first taken to the family beach shack as a baby in 1970.
Like much of Mackerel Beach that family shack has remain much unchanged. It is now used as Nat's home office where he runs his freelance editing and photography business.
A former newspaper journalist and photographer, Nat has won a number of awards and over the years honed his skills to a professional level.
"I simply love taking photos - always have and always will," he said.
"My drowned drone took my photography (literally) to another level."
Unhappy with the prospect of no more aerial images of Pittwater, Nat has launched an innovative campaign on crowd funding website IndieGoGo to help fund a new drone.
"Over the next month I'm selling acrylic and canvas images of my Pittwater collection to raise money for a new drone," he said.
"People can see the images on my Facebook or Instagram and order their favourite print online."
The Pittwater Photography Facebook page can be found
The IndieGoGo campaign is at
Mental Health Month NSW
Mental Health Month NSW is part of a national mental health promotion campaign held throughout October each year. The timing of the campaign centres on World Mental Health Day, which happens each year on October 10.
The 2015 Mental Health Month theme is:
The main message of this campaign is to encourage all individuals to think about how mental health exists in their daily life & promote the need for all individuals to make mental health a priority in their daily lives. When we make our mental health a priority, we are practicing self- care which is an important part of our daily living to ensure the maintenance of a balanced wellbeing.
Mona Vale Library are running a series of events throughout October for Mental Health Month - more details next Issue

Pensioner and Senior Pittwater Ferry Passengers – GREAT NEWS!
September 10, 2015
Thanks to all the letters and emails to Rob Stokes, Opal, Transport for NSW and Andrew Constance, the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Transport for NSW will continue with the capped fare of $2.50 per day for Transport on NSW buses, trains and ferries.
You will continue to need your green resident’s card, and you will need to get a Gold Opal card.
This does not mean that we are getting the Opal system on the ferries. There is no plan by Transport for NSW to roll out this system onto the private ferry operators at this stage.
The fine detail has not as yet been worked out, but the in principle agreement has been made.
Dear Resident,
From 1 January 2016, the Pensioner Excursion Ticket will no longer be sold, so you will be unable to buy it to travel on this ferry. However, from 1 January 2016, the Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card will be accepted on this private ferry service.
In addition to the Private Ferry Pass issued by your ferry service, you will need to show your Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card to the ferry attendant when you board. As the Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal fares are capped at $2.50 per day, you won’t pay any more to travel than you did with a Pensioner Excursion Ticket. If you haven’t got your Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card yet, apply now at or call 13 67 25 (13 OPAL). You’ll need your NSW Seniors, Pensioner Concession or NSW War Widow/ers card handy to complete your application.
Yours sincerely,
Transport for NSW
Newport Beach Arts Market
The NEWPORT BEACH ARTS MARKET is the launch event for the annual Newport Sculpture Trail, with the market’s theme “inspired by the sea”.
In 2015 the beach arts market will take place in the heart of Newport from 6 to 9pm on Friday the 13th of November.
For the event, we are looking for street performing artists and market stallholders offering arts, crafts, homewares or services “inspired by the sea”.
We are also offering an opportunity for schools, artist collectives and other community groups to participate in the launch event by creating light sculpture installations to showcase their organisations and work at the launch event for free. Read more here.
For performing artist enquiries call 0415 662 918 or
For market stallholder information and application forms click here
Celebrate Cycling at Narrabeen Lagoon
Warringah and Pittwater Councils will be providing free bike checks and handing out a range of goodies on the Narrabeen Lagoon Trail as part of NSW Bike Week Celebrations.
Bike Week, hosted by Transport for NSW in partnership with Roads and Maritime Services, is an annual event encouraging cycling as a healthy, enjoyable and low-cost way of getting around.
Whether you are on a bike or travelling by foot around Narrabeen Lagoon, everyone is encouraged to drop into the Share the Path marquee
Council staff will be on hand to offer:
• free bike checks
• tips and etiquette for walkers and cyclers on how to use shared paths safely
• free bike information, drink bottles and other goodies.
The Councils’ marquee will be at the following locations from 9am – 1pm:
• Sunday 20 September – Narrabeen Street (Lagoon end).
This is the first time the event will be held at the new Narrabeen Lagoon Trail since it was opened in February, providing 8.4km of shared pathways, including 2km of new boardwalk.
For more information about Bike Week, contact Warringah Council’s Road Safety Officer on 9942 2447 or Pittwater Council’s Road Safety Officer on 9970 1196 or visit
South Maroubra Start Season With NSW Award
Wednesday 16 September 2015 – SLS NSW
South Maroubra lifesavers have been awarded the NSW Rescue of the Month for July/August after rescuing a rock fisherman who fell onto rocks at Malabar Headland on 9 August 2015.
On Sunday 9 August at 10:30am, South Maroubra clubbies and a Maroubra lifeguard rescued a rock fisherman from Malabar Headland who had fallen and broken his leg.
On this morning, South Maroubra surf lifesavers were preparing for the new season gear inspection and were informed that a fisherman had fallen off a rock ledge.
As the location of the fisherman was unknown at the time, South Maroubra’s IRB was launched by Christopher Maloney, Michael Fernandez and Damien Woods. Once in the water, the male was located at Malabar Headland without a lifejacket and his condition was unknown due to the lack of visibility.
Damien and a Maroubra lifeguard who was following entered the water and reached the fisherman via the rocks. Once the pair reached the rock ledge, Michael and Christopher returned to shore and grabbed the first aid kit and oxy-viva, and made their way back to the fisherman on foot.
Back at the scene, Damien and the lifeguard provided some initial first aid by splinting the leg and looking after the male as he was in shock after falling four metres. Michael and Christopher arrived at the scene after running 15 minutes around to the headland. They carefully made their way down to the rocks and administered oxygen and first aid to the male.
Christopher, Damien and Michael stayed with the patient until the NSW Ambulance Rescue Helicopter arrived and winched the fisherman to a nearby reserve. He was stablised and subsequently driven by paramedics to hospital.
The three surf lifesavers demonstrated advanced skills to successfully treat the fisherman. Their prompt response and teamwork ensured the best possible outcome for the patient.
The SLSNSW Rescue of the Month aims to recognise excellence in lifesaving. Each month a ‘Rescue of the Month’ is awarded at State level for the most outstanding rescue performance for that period. Monthly winners have the chance to win the Australian Rescue of the Month and become finalists for the SLSNSW Rescue of the Year which is presented at the annual Awards of Excellence.

Greater transparency in local rezoning decisions
September 2nd, 2015: Ministerial Media Release; The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning
Planning Minister Rob Stokes today announced the government will replace the Pre-Gateway review process with a simpler, faster and clearer rezoning assessment.
The current process, known as the Pre-Gateway review, allows a review where a council refused or failed to respond to an application to amend local planning rules.
Reforms for the new rezoning review process include:
.Strengthening the test for the review of an existing zoning to ensure rezonings only proceed where they exhibit clear strategic merit;
.Review requests to the Department of Planning will be referred to Joint Regional Planning Panels or the Planning Assessment Commission within three days;
.Ensuring the council is aware a rezoning request has been sent to the Department within five days of receipt;
.Increasing the independence of the process by the Panel or the Commission, carrying out the assessment and determine the rezoning; and
.Making the Panel or Commission the Relevant Planning Authority where a council refuses a request to act as the Relevant Planning Authority, or does not respond to that request within 42 days.
“We’ve listened to community concerns about unexpected rezonings undermining confidence in local planning. That’s why we will reform the process of reviewing a council’s decision with a presumption against rezoning unless there is a compelling reason for change,” Mr Stokes said.
“While it’s appropriate that council decisions can be tested before an independent panel, this opportunity needs to be transparent and balanced.
“We need a planning system that supports sustainable growth in a timely, independent and orderly process, which is exactly what this reformed rezoning review is designed to achieve.
“These reforms will stop the revolving door of planning proposals going back and forth between councils and the community by strengthening the test for a review, making the process faster, simpler and clearer.”
To view the report, go to
View the proposed changes to the pre-Gateway review (PDF: 921.41 kb) and read the FAQs for more information.
Comments can be made by
or writing to the Executive Director, Regions, Department of Planning and Environment, GPO Box 39, Sydney, NSW 2001.
Comments on the proposed changes are invited up to 14 October 2015.

Natalie Isaacs to speak at Zonta “Empowering Women” Dinner
Thursday 15 October 2015
Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc. and Mackellar Z Club will host the Zonta “Empowering Women” Dinner Thursday 15 October 2015 at Dee Why RSL Club. Guest speaker at the dinner will be Natalie Isaacs Joint CEO of “1 Million Women”.
Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc., and Mackellar Z Club, are part of the worldwide service organisation Zonta International. These local clubs support women in need on the Northern Beaches by giving education grants to women, assisting high school students to stay at school, supporting the local Womens’ Refuge and Manly Womens’ Shelter amongst other projects.
The “Empowering Women” Dinner focuses on the empowerment of women in many areas with specific focus on domestic violence and the “Zonta Says No” campaign.
Our guest speaker, Natalie Isaacs, will talk about the empowering of women in her organisation “I Million Women” and discuss approaches and ideas on empowering women generally. Natalie is the founder and joint CEO of “1 Million Women”, the Australian movement of women who take practical action to fight dangerous climate change by changing the way they live. In 2013, in acknowledgement of the empowering of women in this area, the United Nations selected “1 Million Women” as one of six women-led grassroots climate action programs - selected from hundreds around the world - to be highlighted as ‘lighthouse activities’ for the planet.
Bookings are essential. Cost is $60 a head and $40 for school students. Contact Chris on or 0449 703 318.
Find out more at:
Pittwater Bike Plan
Project summary
Pittwater Council is working on a new Bike Plan which will encourage an active Pittwater, where cycling is supported as a travel choice around our town centres and villages. It will also identify other important cycle linkages to destinations like beaches and parks.
We are looking for input from all types of cyclists, from commuters to retirees and families, to help develop the plan to nurture a bike-friendly community.
Community survey
Feedback via the survey will help us develop a cycling vision for Pittwater. It will identify aims for the Bike Plan and projects that can be implemented in the local area. By providing your input we can get a clearer understanding of bike usage and behaviour in Pittwater.
Please complete the survey, which will take approximately 10 minutes. To be in the running to win one of five gift vouchers from a local bike shop, please include your contact details.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Open House 2015
Sunday, September 27 at 10:00am
Ever wanted to know or learn more about our Sailing programs for children or adults or are you already a sailor but wish to sharpen your skills or knowledge?
Come and visit the Club in the new Jack Gale Centre to learn all about what The Alfred's can offer you.
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - RPAYC
Mitala Street, Newport, New South Wales, Australia 2106.
Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 3 years / F
BREED: Chihuahua x Mini Foxy
Lilly is a shy girl who warms up if you are gentle and patient. She is very smart and learns a routine quickly. She is very social with other dogs and is very loyal. She has a short coat and weighs 3.6kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. Her adoption cost is $400.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
Spring Flower Show
Mona Vale Garden Club 44th Spring Flower Show
26th Sep 2015: 10:30am - 4pm
The Mona Vale Garden Club presents its annual Spring Flower Show. All profits to Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary.
Flowers, potted plants, vegetables, herbs and floral art exhibits.
Plants, craft, cakes & white elephant goods for sale.
Raffles and refreshments.
Cost: Adults $2, children no charge.
Venue: Ted Blackwood Hall, cnr Jacksons & Boondah Roads, Warriewood
Contact: Cheryl Wunsch 9971 7875
Boomerang Bags: sewing the seeds of change
Our workshops are still continuing every Tuesday at the Avalon Rec Centre from 11am until 5pm. Please come down and find out more about how it all works.
You do not need to be a sewer to be involved. We have many non sewing jobs.
For those who cannot make the Tuesday workshop but would like to help we have several options. For sewers we can drop off some "ready to sew" bags to be done in your own time. For non sewers contact us for more information on how you can help from home.
We also have some items for sale . You can buy a beautiful "Bought to Support" version of Boomerang Bags ( $10) and a lovely ceramic reusable coffee mug ($15.00). So start reducing your plastic use now. Contact us for more information.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.

For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Sun Sep 20
Angophora Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Reserve 9-12pm
Mon Sep 21
Bilgola Beach 9-12pm
Thu Sep 24
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat Sep 26
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Sun Sep 27
Bungan Beach 9-12pm
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Sat Oct 3
Algona Reserve 9-12pm
Elizabeth Park 9- -12pm
Mona Vale Basin 8:30-11:30am
Nth Newport Bch 8:30-11:30am
Sun Oct 4
Avalon Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Warriewood Wetlands 9-12pm
Mon Oct 5
Rocky Point 9-12pm
Tue Oct 6
Browns Bay Reserve 9-12pm
Fri Oct 9
Norma Park 9-12pm
Plateau Park 8:30-11:30am
Sat Oct 10

Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Pt/Lovett Bay 10-1pm
Porters Res 8-11am
Sun Oct 11
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Wed Oct 14
Avalon Golf Course 3-5:30pm
Sat Oct 17
Toongari Reserve 9-12pm
Old Wharf Reserve 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Irrawong Reserve 1-4pm
Pathilda Reserve 9-12pm
Sun Oct 18
Angophora Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Reserve 9-12pm
Mon Oct 19
Bilgola Beach 9-12pm
Thu Oct 22
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat Oct 24
Nth Newport Bch 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30- 11:30am
Sun Oct 25
Bungan Beach 9-12pm
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Lock Crowther Regatta 2015 – RMYC Multihull Division
Lock Crowther was regarded as a world class Australian pioneer of multihull yacht design. We recognise his dedication to the development of the modern multihull and name a Regatta in his honour.
The Lock Crowther Regatta has been hosted by the RMYC since 1996 and offers multihull owners both exciting racing and cruising programs.
Once again the regatta will be held over the October long weekend on the beautiful waters of Pittwater and Broken Bay, NSW - starting with an optional Blue Water Classic ocean race on Friday 2 October 2015 for Safety Category 4 equipped boats with 4 inshore races to be sailed over Saturday and Sunday 3-4 October 2015.
And for the second year running, "off the beach" multihulls are invited to attend!
For the tenth year running APC Logistics, a major Australian-based international freight forwarding company, has signed on as principal and title sponsor of the 2015 event. We acknowledge and thank them warmly for their ongoing, generous support.
Here's an outline of what we have arranged for the weekend:
• Five races over three days • Exciting prize pool on offer
• First class marina facilities • PHS, OMR & VYC handicap formats
• Launching area for trailable boats • Family entertainment facilities including swimming pool
• Trailer storage area • Courtesy bus to shops/chandlery
• Friday evening welcome BBQ • Breakfast and take-away lunch available
• Free skipper's regatta shirt • "off the beach" entries welcome
All this for only $150 entry fee unchanged from last year!
Don't miss it!
Please click HERE for the 2015 Notice of Race, online Entry Form and regatta shirt ordering information.
The online Entry Form includes help instructions. And you can pay securely online as well as upload a photo and other details of your boat if you wish!
"Off the Beach" boats, please choose the OTB Regatta Entry Form.
Sailing Instructions will be available for download towards the end of September 2015

Sydney Water, Hunter Water & WaterNSW price reviews
What's this about?
This year the Independent Pricing & Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is undertaking reviews of prices charged by Sydney Water, Hunter Water and WaterNSW (for its Greater Sydney customers) for their monopoly water and (where applicable) sewerage services.
IPART has released Issues Papers for these reviews, which provide relevant background information and identify key issues. This follows the receipt of the utilities’ pricing proposals on 30 June 2015.
Have your say
View the online public consultation or Issues Papers on the IPART website to submit your feedback.
IPART will hold a public hearing for Sydney Water and WaterNSW reviews on 10 November 2015 in Sydney.
A public hearing for Hunter Water will be held on 2 November 2015 in Newcastle.
Please check the IPART website for further information.
Online Consultation
Date: Sep. 7 - Oct. 5, 2015: Time: 10:00am — 11:59pm
Climate and Water Outlook, September–November 2015
Bureau of Meteorology
The monthly Climate and Water Outlook video covers rainfall, streamflow and temperature for the next three months. The next video will be available on 24 September 2015. For more detail, please go to
Please note our ENSO Tracker is updated every two weeks. Checkhere to see its current status.
For an e-alert each month for the next video, please subscribe to Climate Outlooks at
You can also follow the Bureau of Meteorology on Facebook, and on Twitter at @BOM_au.
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is October 4th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
Marine Litter Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) - from United Nations
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in cooperation with the Open University of the Netherlands, will soon launch a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Marine Litter. The MOOC has been created in order to stimulate leadership and offers opportunities for actionable and change oriented learning related to marine litter within the framework of the Global Partnership on Marine Litter.
The MOOC will enhance capacity of students through action oriented learning on how they can apply successful and inspiring activities to combat marine pollution. It will be offered through a series of lectures, case studies and videos, along with additional study materials.
The MOOC is will be available in two tracks:
Leadership Track: 8 hours of learning introducing the student to the basic characteristics and concepts of the marine litter issue and various strategies to prevent and reduce marine litter; and
Expert Track: 32 additional hours and a final assignment for professionals and students who want to acquire more in-depth knowledge, insights and skills relating to prevention of marine litter.
Providers: UNEP, Global Partnership on Marine Litter (GPML), Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA); and Open University.
Course dates: 14 October – 22 December 2015.
• The environmental impact and societal relevance of marine litter problems;
• Technical solutions, including alternatives and recycling;
• The governance of marine litter;
• Sources, processes, modelling and monitoring of marine litter;
• Designing and selecting effective strategies for marine litter;
• Awareness raising, education and outreach, and capacity building;
• Implementation of policies, laws, and market-based instruments;
• Skills to develop an action plan to reduce marine litter pollution.
Features - Free!
First MOOC focusing on marine litter; Case studies from around the world; Expert faculty and distinguished visiting lecturers; Courses taught at a BSc level; Open to all without restrictions; FREE of charge.
Registration website
Marine litter is a global problem that affects every ocean of the world. Litter is an environmental, human health and socio-economic problem that is a symptom of a highly disposable society.
With worldwide growth in the amount of solid litter thrown away every day and slow rates of degradation, the amount of litter present in the marine environment is increasing. This course seeks to inspire students to take action and leadership in the arena of marine litter through stimulating interaction with all stakeholder groups.
The MOOC on marine litter teaches students through action oriented learning how they can apply successful and inspiring activities to their own local context, regardless of their profession or location. The course presents different options and tools to combat marine pollution such as the use of effective and legitimate tools like the Honolulu Strategy.
The course provides examples and case studies that will inspire leadership at all levels, thereby increasing awareness of and stimulating creative solutions to marine litter problems. Moreover, this course will benefit policymakers, practitioners, and managers who wish to connect with other professionals in order to enhance their knowledge of marine litter issues.
The MOOC is available in two tracks: a leadership track and an expert track. It will start in October 2015 with the Leadership Track taking place over a course of 2 weeks. Those students who wish to remain in the course will continue to the Expert Track, which will be completed by mid-December 2015 (total of 8 weeks).
A certificate of participation can be obtained by students after their completion of both the Leadership Track and the Expert Track. Students will also receive free access to all course materials on a 24 hour online platform. Interested in knowing more about the MOOC before enrolling? Leave your E-mail address here and we will send more information via E-Mail.
September 13 - 19, 2015: Issue 231
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 231: Dolphins in Pittwater's estuary, Avalon Bulldogs Massive 2015 Season, 10th Lion Island Challenge coming up, Birds and Beautiful Flowers - Spring 2015
SHOROC Councils and OzHarvest to the Food Rescue in Australian First - Local businesses encouraged to get involved and can call OzHarvest on 1800 108 006 to donate their surplus food to feed those in need
Youth For Soibada by Tamara Sloper Harding - New members are very welcome
Avalon Beach SLSC Membership now Open for 2015/16: Nippers, New Members Welcome + Lion Island Challenge by Roger Sayers
The John Street Heroes by Warwick Dalzell - The introduction to a little volume Mr. Dalzell published online a few years ago - It is set in the North of Ireland and talks about life there during the Second World War
Pictures: Spring Bush Flowers by Bea Pierce
Park Bench Philosopher: Plover Appreciation Day September 16th - great competition with great prizes! - for young and slightly older
Baby Birds Spring 2015 - Rainbow Lorikeets in our Yard - for Children
DIY Ideas: Grow your Own Salad - a fun guide for youngsters to create their own salad garden for this Spring and Summer
Aquatics: Global Marine Technology Trends 2030 Report Released this Week: Understanding the world’s oceans more essential than ever to secure the future of our planet - read in full online here
Held over:
Start Sailing! The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Open House Sunday 27 September, 2015
Profile: Cedric Williams Shipwright of Bayview shares a few insights into a lifetime on the water
History: Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways Bilgola Beach - The Cabbage Tree Gardens and Camping Grounds - Includes Bilgola - The Story Of A Politician, A Pilot and An Epicure by Tony Dawson and Anne Spencer Pittwater reserves adjoin our beaches where small green spaces have been set aside so people may picnic, swing, play
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month September 2015 - Ann Howard - A Carefree War, The Hidden History of Australian WWII Child Evacuees: Published by Pittwater’s Big Sky Publishing, with a Foreword by Les Murray, one of the 100 Australian Living Treasures, and written by Hawkesbury Historian Ann Howard, this is a great new book which will be of interest to many people and illustrates to us all once again there are many ‘hidden histories’ within Australia that need to be listened to and recorded. This month we run some information on a great new work that belongs in every Australian home and an extract from this book.

Pensioner and Senior Pittwater Ferry Passengers – GREAT NEWS!
September 10, 2015
Thanks to all the letters and emails to Rob Stokes, Opal, Transport for NSW and Andrew Constance, the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Transport for NSW will continue with the capped fare of $2.50 per day for Transport on NSW buses, trains and ferries.
You will continue to need your green resident’s card, and you will need to get a Gold Opal card.
This does not mean that we are getting the Opal system on the ferries. There is no plan by Transport for NSW to roll out this system onto the private ferry operators at this stage.
The fine detail has not as yet been worked out, but the in principle agreement has been made.
Dear Resident,
From 1 January 2016, the Pensioner Excursion Ticket will no longer be sold, so you will be unable to buy it to travel on this ferry. However, from 1 January 2016, the Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card will be accepted on this private ferry service.
In addition to the Private Ferry Pass issued by your ferry service, you will need to show your Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card to the ferry attendant when you board. As the Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal fares are capped at $2.50 per day, you won’t pay any more to travel than you did with a Pensioner Excursion Ticket. If you haven’t got your Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card yet, apply now at or call 13 67 25 (13 OPAL). You’ll need your NSW Seniors, Pensioner Concession or NSW War Widow/ers card handy to complete your application.
Yours sincerely,
Transport for NSW
Lifeguards Gear Up For New Season
Thursday 10 September 2015 - SLS NSW
The new Surf Life Saving NSW Northern Operations Centre at Port Macquarie was put through its paces on Friday as Australian Lifeguard Service (ALS) Supervisors from around the state gather for the 2015/16 pre-season induction.
Officially opened in late June, the multi-purpose building provides a secure facility from which lifeguards and volunteer lifesavers can train, store and maintain vital lifesaving and rescue equipment, while also delivering first aid and CPR training to the community.
Friday’s induction is the first time ALS personnel have used the new facility, and the building’s modernity and central location have already impressed lifeguards.
“Port Macquarie is ideally located for our team members to attend, and this new building is certainly well equipped to meet all our needs,” ALS NSW Lifeguard Operations Coordinator Oliver Munson said.
“Induction day is obviously one of the season’s busiest days and it is an important process for our supervisors ahead of what promises to be another busy year on our beaches. As we move deeper into spring the warmer weather is going to encourage people to visit our state’s many picturesque beaches and we certainly want to be prepared to do our job which is to keep people safe.”
Lifeguard Supervisors from Tweed Heads to Bega will be in attendance for the annual induction.
“It’s an opportunity for lifeguards to be inducted into the new season procedures, undertake fitness testing, hand out all the equipment and organise all the paper work for the new season.
"Lifeguard Supervisors rarely get the chance to meet those from outside their area so there will certainly be a lot of knowledge and experiences shared in that room,” Mr Munson concluded.
In coming week’s lifeguards in other Council areas will conduct their annual proficiency and induction days where the Supervisors will put the lessons learned in Port Macquarie to good use.
During the 2015/16 season ALS Lifeguards will patrol 84 beaches, 2 resorts, and one lake throughout NSW.
Throughout the September school holidays lifeguards will be on duty in the following Local Government Areas;
• Tweed Shire
• Byron Shire
• Ballina Shire
• Richmond Valley
• Clarence Valley
• Bellingen Valley
• Kempsey Shire
• Great Lakes
• Port Stephens
• Pittwater
Additional contracts will commence later this year.
Jess Hill Wins Three Awards
Local girl Jess Hill, daughter of our wonderful and very accurate Astrologer Lynda Hill, has won three awards for her excellence in journalism this week.
Jess has devoted a year to investigating and reporting on domestic violence - Over 12 months, on average, one woman is killed every week as a result of intimate partner violence in Australia. Children who witness domestic violence are also irreparably scarred.
Jess Hill wins three Our Watch Awards
September 11 2015
By Hannah Grant, Media Relations Officer, Our Watch
Jess Hill took home three Our Watch Awards last night - a massive achievement.
She won The Our Watch Gold Award, All Media: Best series or special for The Monthly and Background Briefing, Radio National ABC, “Series on Family Violence” and All Media: Best longform for The Monthly, “Home Truths: The costs and causes of domestic violence.”
See Jess Hill's award-winning work below:
Home truths: The costs and causes of domestic violence
How funding changes in NSW locked women out of domestic violence refuges
We had a quick chat to her after the ceremony last night and this is what she said:
"I was completely surprised to win three Our Watch Awards last night. First of all there were so many amazing nominees, I know that sounds really patronising but it's true.
"I've been working in my own little silo for so long, reaching out to most of the people in the room tonight, but otherwise quite isolated, so to think people were even reading what I was writing let alone getting an award for it is quite amazing.
"The good news is there's a lot of doggedness from journalists across the board who are interested in keeping the issue in the headlines.
"Media have an enormous role in preventing violence against women. There was one event in particular that made this stand out. There's a Magistrate down in Victoria who has been leading training on domestic violence with other Magistrates, her name is Anne Goldsbrough. She was the only one - judge, police, lawyers, anyone - to recognise that Greg Anderson posed a threat to Luke Batty and believed Rosie Batty when she told her about that.
"I interviewed her for the Monthly long essay and we talked at length about this. Anne said that she actually hands out my essay to other Magistrates to read because she wants them to understand the issue better. We can affect the way that decision makers are dealing with this issue that's enormously important. We can get to men and change attitudes and hopefully encourage people to be good bystanders and recognise red flags. The most important thing is getting people to understand the dynamics of domestic violence.
When the Monthly asked me to write the piece, I didn't know what to write about - I thought 'man beating up wife' - there's not much there, it's pretty straight forward. But then when I understood it's about power and control and that this is expressed in so many horrible ways, I got completely obsessed by it.
This is also when I realised that so much work needed to be done at a cultural level - that it wasn't just about guys that can't control their anger, that it's actually about how society informs men on how to behave in believing they are entitled to control someone and that's something that really made me sink my teeth in.
This year there's been a large amount of reporting on violence against women and there's some great work that was even nominated for an Our Watch Award, like my colleague on Background Briefing, Hagar Cohen's informed documentary, and the Guardian's work on domestic violence has been absolutely incredible."
About the Our Watch Awards:
Our Watch developed a new national media awards scheme, administered by the Walkley Foundation, to recognise and reward exemplary reporting of violence against women, in particular reporting that highlights the causes of violence and what we as a society can do to ‘stop it before it starts’. The Our Watch Awards is an initiative under the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022 and is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.
Find out more information about the Awards, as administered by The Walkley Foundation. For more information on Our Watch.
Launched in July 2013, Our Watch is a not-for-profit independent organisation. We are a joint initiative of the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments.
Our Watch's seven Board members are:
• Ms Natasha Stott Despoja AM (Chair)
• Professor Muriel Bamblett AM
• Professor Rosemary Calder AM
• Mr Alan Cransberg
• Emeritus Professor Anne Edwards AO
• Dr Phil Lambert PSM
• Mr Chalie King
If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit
In an emergency, call 000.
For more information about a service in your state or local area download the DAISY Appin the App Store or Google Play.

2015 Sydney North Volunteer of the Year awards: The Centre for Volunteering
September 10, 2015
The overall winner of the Sydney North 2015 Volunteer of the Year is 19 year-old Angelica Grigorian of Dee Why, with other major awards going to volunteers from Gordon, Mosman and North Narrabeen.
Angelica Grigorian won the Sydney North NSW 2015 Volunteer of the Year
Award for her dedication to The Cerebral Palsy Alliance and helping people with special needs.
“Angelica has been helping a 14-year old girl with cerebral palsy complete her gym work once a week. As a result, her friend can now walk to the gym with Angelica rather than use a wheelchair, which is a huge achievement for both of them,”
“Angelica also manages a team at a local soccer program for kids with a disability, which she fits in around studying for her Bachelor of Health Science at the University of Sydney.”
The Centre for Volunteering
The Centre for Volunteering is the peak body in NSW promoting and supporting volunteering and community participation. We connect people and organisations in order to enrich our community. We achieve this through referral, training, resource development, information and education services to help people get involved in their communities, and enhance the capacity and skills of not-for-profit organisations, corporations and government to become involved in the community.
Find out more here:
Above: From Left to right: Sydney North Student Volunteer of the Year: Christina Ashcroft of Gordon (Killara High School), Anglican Retirement’s Gowrie Village, Senior Volunteer of the Year (65+ years) Frank Wyld of North Narrabeen Taronga Conservation Society Australia – Taronga Zoo, Volunteer Team of the Year The Cerebral Palsy Alliance Dental Team, Overall Winner Volunteer of the Year Sydney North: Angelica Grigorian of Dee Why (aged 19) The Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Adult Volunteer of the Year (25 – 64 years) Anne O’Hagan of Mosman, The Cerebral Palsy Alliance, CEO of The Centre for Volunteering, Gemma Rygate
Below: Senior Volunteer of the Year (65+ years) Frank Wyld of North Narrabeen who Volunteers with Taronga Conservation Society Australia – Taronga Zoo

Palm Beach Sailing Club - 2015/2016 Sailing Season Now Open
Palm Beach Sailing Club is open to all classes of off the beach multihulls, last year we had everything from Wetas to Rotomoulded boats to F18's A class various 14s a couple of unidentified bitsers, Nacras and Hobies. All results are reported on Yardstick.
The club fleet sails Saturdays from Sandy Point, Palm Beach around 12ish and besides regular races there are social events and regattas - you can find out more on their website or contact members through their Facebook page.
Fro more information visit:
Above - from the Beware the Bullets Regatta 2014 in slow-motion

“Bringing the paddling community together”: Reef to Reef 2015 and Inaugural Paddle Round the Reef
Sunday, 20 September 2015
Hosted by Newport SLSC
This year Newport SLSC are hosting the inaugural Around the Reef 3.3 km paddle from Mona Vale Basin, around Newport Reef to Newport Beach. All craft categories + nipper age groups with fibreglass boards.
Reef 2 Reef - 10km Ocean Fun Paddle
Course: Long Reef to Newport Reef (reversible pending wind direction)
Start: Fisherman’s Beach, Long Reef
Finish: Newport Beach
Presentation: Newport Surf Life Saving Club
Check In: 10am – 12pm - Briefing: 12: 15pm - Start: 12:30pm
"Around the Reef Paddle" paddle from Mona Vale Basin,around Newport Reef to Newport Beach - 3.3km
All craft categories + nipper age groups with fibreglass boards. Nipper Parents with Bronze Medallion support paddlers FREE
There will be a Post event presentation and paddler prize draw, BBQ and bar open at Newport Surf Club. All entrants are eligible and winners must be present to claim
Online Entry Fees: R2R $60 per craft | Around the reef $45 per craft | Around the reef nipper $25 per craft | Around the reef bronze support $0 per craft
Entry on the day: additional $10 per person
Register here:
Entries close: 4pm, Saturday 19 September 2015
Prize Pool
3 nights accommodation at Reflections Coolangatta
Fanatic Carbon 80 adjustable SUP paddle
Fanatic Carbon 35 Diamond adjustable SUP paddle
Juniper skin care basket worth $600
Nature’s Way Super Foods gift basket worth $500
3 $100 vouchers from WindSurfnSnow
1 $250 gift voucher from Bennett
5 towels from Bennett (worth $25)
5 paddle travel covers from Bennett (worth $95)
Fat Whale Fins merchandise
5 consultations (worth $95 each) from Back to Health Physiotherapy plus a half hour massage valued at $50
2 cases of wine from The Newport Arms

Readiness Training continues - Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade
Saturday September 12th, 2015
This week’s duty crew continued the Brigades readiness training with both tankers participating.
Initially portable pump work around the station, the training then moved to interface assessment work around the Angophora Reserve in Bilgola Plateau and later the Attunga Reserve in Newport.
We also visited the well set up Community "Get Ready" display at Terrey Hills station. General work covered station & equipment maintenance, washing the tanker, updating welfare kits and rolling all the hose used last weekend!

Open Days 2015
Brigade: Ingleside
Location: Inglside Station, King Road near Powder Works Road, Inglside 2101
Date: Saturday, 17 October 2015
Start Time: 10:00 AM - Finish Time: 3:00 PM
Brigade: Scotland Island
Location: Scotland Island Station, Pitt View Street near Florence Street, Scotland Island 2105
Date: Sunday 13 September 2015
Start Time: 9:00 AM - Finish Time: 5:00 PM
Scotland Island Fire Shed: RFS Open Day & Get Ready Day
Sunday, September 13 at 9:00am
We have planned a range of activities starting with a fire shed dinner on Saturday 12th September. Activities on Sunday the 13th September will include:
• Pump and hose activities
• Live fire / fire extinguisher demonstrations
• Bush fire plan preparation and review
• Advice about improving bushfire safety for island houses
• Smoke alarm demonstrations
• Review and update of the emergency access and evacuation map
• BBQ morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
Get Ready for Bushfire Season

Enjoy a great evening of music with one of Australia's superstar vocalists and help Rotary support palliative care. The Northern Beaches Spring Concert, on Wednesday 16 September at 7.30pm, will feature the region's premiere symphony orchestra, the Northern Beaches Orchestra, and the internationally acclaimed Australian vocalist, Peter Cousens.
Held in the plush Grand Theatre at United Cinemas Warriewood, the program, "Music of the Night", is an evening of beautiful hits from musical theatre.
Proceeds from this exciting community event will go to the Palliative Care Centre at Mona Vale Hospital and other projects of Upper Northern Beaches Rotary Club. Deluxe seats $60, regular seats $50 (concessions $45). Tickets at or at the Warriewood Cinema box office (9913 2800).
Donating $1 From Every Beer - Modus Operandi Brewing Co.
Friday September 25th
A good customer of ours and a great local bloke has just finished a trip around Aussie in a classic VW bug... now he is trying to get an inspirational book of his journey published (which is bloody expensive we found out!) with proceeds going to cancer support... this is where we and you come in!
On Fri 25th Sep from 6pm, we are donating $1 from every beer sold to his cause. His bug and himself will be here in all their glory - and let me tell you - he is great for a good yarn!
Good on ya Mick!
Learn more about his journey here:
Modus Operandi Brewing Co.
14 Harkeith St, Mona Vale NSW 2103
(02) 8407 9864

Narrabeen Lagoon Trail – Green Globe Finalist
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Warringah Council’s Narrabeen Lagoon Trail has been selected as one of 43 finalists in this year’s prestigious Green Globe Awards.
The Trail, which circumnavigates Sydney’s largest coastal lagoon, is a finalist in the ‘Built Environment Sustainability – Infrastructure’ category.
Mayor of Warringah, Michael Regan said, ‘We are incredibly honoured that the Narrabeen Lagoon Trail has been recognised for a Green Globe Award, known as the leading environmental awards for NSW’.
‘Last year the Warringah Creative Space won the same category and I think this again proves that Warringah is a leader in sustainable development,’ added the Mayor.
‘The Narrabeen Lagoon Trail is one of the greatest recreational facilities on the northern beaches and I hope it will be considered for the Premier’s Award.’
The 8.4km trail opened in February after four years of construction. Warringah Council spent $11m on the project which was built along the sensitive foreshore of the State Park.
It has already won a Greenspace Award from the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects and the Parks and Leisure Australia Award of Excellence.
The Gleen Globe awards, now in their 16th year, celebrate innovative environmental achievements and resource-saving measures from businesses, government and community groups.
Finalists were chosen by an independent panel of leading environmental experts in the fields of energy, water, waste, sustainability and environmental research and academia. Robin Mellon, Green Globe Award Judging Panel Chair describes the high calibre of this year’s nominations.
‘It’s remarkable to see the sustained effort from not only NSW's largest corporates but also councils, small and medium businesses and community groups in the Green Globe Award nominations this year. Nominees are now addressing sustainability across more areas of their business than ever before, with many looking at long-term visions, social and shared value, and holistic initiatives, rather than simply their short-term goals,’ said Mr Mellon.
The winners will be announced at the Green Globe Awards Ceremony on Thursday, 15 October at the Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney. The Premier’s Award for Environmental Excellence, the best-of-the-best, will be announced at the event.
To read more about the Narrabeen Lagoon Trail
To read a summary of all 43 finalists
Wall to Wall: Ride for Remembrance 2015
NSW Police: Published on 11 Sep 2015
More than a thousand NSW Police officers will join their colleagues from across the country to honour fallen officers during an annual commemorative charity motorbike ride this weekend.
The Wall to Wall: Ride for Remembrance is an annual police memorial ride from across Australia to Canberra, which aims to commemorate the service and sacrifice of fallen Australian police, raise much-needed funds in support of fallen officers’ families and promote motorcycle safety.
NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione led the officers from Sydney to the National Police Memorial in Canberra (Saturday 12 September 2015), where the NSW contingent will meet more than 2000 riders who have travelled from every police jurisdiction across Australia.
Sydney commemorations began with a ceremony at the NSW Police Wall of Remembrance at The Domain at 8am, providing an opportunity for the family and friends of fallen NSW police to collectively pay their respects.
Queensland Police Commissioner Ian Stewart also led a contingent of Queensland Police officers who departed Brisbane on Wednesday (9 September 2015), and joined Commissioner Scipione for the commemorations in The Domain.
Commissioner Scipione said the ride is a special commemorative event, developed by mates to honour fallen colleagues.
“Wall to Wall began following a conversation between two police officers, and keen motorcyclists, who wished to pay homage to their fallen mates,” Commissioner Scipione said.
“It’s grown each year since its inception and offers an opportunity for the Australian policing family to come together to honour the sacrifice of fallen colleagues and reflect on the dedicated service of all officers.
“The annual event, now in its sixth year, not only commemorates the sacrifice and continued service of our officers to the community, but also raises much needed funds for charity,” Commissioner Scipione said.
“The ride begins at various locations across the Australia – each a sacred place of remembrance and reflection for police – where we collect a Wall to Wall baton to deliver to the National Police Memorial.”
During the ceremony in Canberra, the batons are presented by Commissioners (or delegate) of each of the nine policing jurisdictions, and the names on the inner scrolls are read out to honour officers who have lost their lives in the past year.
“Each year it is certainly our hope to remove a blank scroll from the baton and we are very thankful our NSW scroll will be blank this year,” Commissioner Scipione said.
“We will, however, take pause to remember the 252 officers who have lost their lives in service to the community throughout the 153 year history of the NSW Police Force.”
All funds raised during the Wall to Wall ride by the NSW contingent will go toward NSW Police Legacy.
NSW Police Legacy provides care and support to more than 20,000 serving and retired police officers and their families during times of tragedy and need.
For more information about NSW Police Legacy,
Save Our Strata Homes
Petition: Say no to widespread forced sale and evictions of thousands of strata apartment owners in NSW: Stop proposed law now
Draft changes to NSW strata law will:
• remove security of tenure from all NSW strata apartment owners
• lead to massive forced sales and eviction of strata home-owners
• cause widespread social dislocation and tear communities apart
• force strata home-owners into the rental market
• remove affordable housing from NSW •
• affect thousands of strata schemes in NSW •
• sell out NSW housing stock to developers
Under draft legislation due to come before the New South Wales Parliament (Strata Schemes Development Bill 2015), if 75% of owners in a strata block want to sell the block to a developer, the remaining owners will be forced to sell. Currently 100% of strata lot owners have to agree to any replacement and redevelopment. The proposed legislation would remove security of tenure from every strata owner in New South Wales.
Like this petition and share it on
See the details of the proposed reform here
If this reform is passed, it will lead to compulsory evictions of a huge number of homeowners in New South Wales. This would wreak havoc on people's lives and tear apart communities, with the devastation particularly hitting less wealthy members of the community who cannot afford to buy freestanding houses. Under the proposed legislation, an owners’ corporation would not need to demonstrate that a strata building is old or poorly maintained in order to force a sale. The only requirement would be an agreement of 75% of the owners.
One strata owner-occupier says: "Like many owner-occupiers of a strata unit in NSW, I have spent most of my working life trying to pay off my mortgage in a block of 12 units with one majority owner. If this proposed legislation is passed, I will lose my home. I don't believe the compensation I receive will allow me to buy back into the out-of-control housing market and I don't have funds to pay stamp duty on a new purchase. I am devastated by the idea of being forced back into the runaway market or being thrown out into rental accommodation. I and thousands of strata unit owners stand to lose everything we have worked for solely to line the pockets of developers. I believe that the people of NSW have to stand up and fight this legislation to save our homes. If we don't, we will see our State sold out to developers and we will be reduced to pawns in the hands of big business and government."
Sign the petition to demand that the NSW State Government strikes down this amendment now and that the opposition parties work together to block this amendment.
State Government policies are driving ever-increasing urban consolidation and more and more people in New South Wales live in strata apartments. This is the future of our cities. A home purchase is the largest commitment most people will ever make in their lives and many people work their whole lives to pay off their mortgage. Why should a strata owner have less security of tenure for this investment than the owner of a freestanding house?
How can land tenure be changed retrospectively? Every existing strata owner in New South Wales bought into a strata block with their security of tenure guaranteed by the existing legislation. To take this security away retrospectively is an attack on all community values of fairness, equity, decency and the rule of law. This proposed legislation attacks every core value of Australian life. If the proposed legislation is brought into law, this will destroy the social fabric of Australian life as we have known it.
Sign the petition to let the NSW Government know that this proposed assault on the basic rights of residents is unconscionable and must be struck down.
How would this proposed legislation affect you?
Any scenario you care to imagine leads to lives torn apart. A huge number of people who have spent their working lives to buy into the Australian dream will suddenly find they have been sold out to greedy developers. Scenario 1: A young couple, first-home buyers, spent years saving their deposit and finally bought an apartment in 2015. Nine months later, the owners’ corporation votes to sell the block, despite the objection of 25% of owners. This young couple are now forced back into rental accommodation. It will take them another 3 years to save the stamp duty to buy another apartment, but in the meantime the prices keep rising and they watch their goal slip away.
Scenario 2: An elderly widow is determined to live independently in her own home for as long as possible. Thrown out of her home by a forced sale, agreed by 75% of her strata owners’ corporation, she sees everything they worked for crumble around her. On a fixed income there is no way she can save money to pay stamp duty to buy another unit. Frail and vulnerable, she cannot throw herself into the frenzy of the competitive housing market and is driven into an aged care facility far away from family and her established community.
Scenario 3: A middle-aged couple, empty nesters, decided to downsize and move out of the family home into a smaller apartment. Six months later, the owners’ corporation sells their new apartment out from under them and they find themselves in rented accommodation for the first time in decades. After one year of struggling through auction after auction, they finally decide to buy a much smaller unit. Six months after that purchase, once again they face compulsory eviction by a sale to a developer. What do they do now? They already spent the small nest-egg they had put away on stamp duty for the second apartment. What options do they have?
Why? Who benefits? What would this reform serve? How would the community benefit from the proposed scheme? Why would a government cut away the rights of a vast number of home-owners of NSW with such an assault? The State government argues that this reform is good for NSW as it will lead to renewal of ageing housing stock. In fact, this reform would net massive profits for developers at the expense of ordinary home owners and massive social dislocation. The burden of this reform will fall disproportionately on home-owners in lower socio-economic groups, young families and the elderly.
The State Government has no mandate to make such a devastating change to property law in NSW. This legislation was due to come before parliament in 2014. At a time when ICAC was exposing widespread corruption in the Liberal Party by politicians funded by developers, the Baird government delayed the reforms until after the state election. See Property Observer’s analysis of how the State Government’s reform serves the interests of developers:
What would this mean in practice? First home-owners would be driven out of the market: Older, cheaper housing stock is often the only option for first-home buyers entering the market. This reform would replace affordable housing stock with new apartment blocks out of reach of first-home buyers.
The reform would transfer the bulk of strata apartments from owner-occupiers to investors. If a large number of owner-occupiers are forced out of their homes and demolition of existing stock increases dramatically, pressure on an already out-of-control housing market will inevitably increase prices and make it even harder to buy into the market. Compensation for those forcibly evicted would not necessarily allow them to buy into a rising market.
A large percentage of NSW housing would be lost to foreign ownership: Under Australian law overseas investors are not permitted to buy existing Australian housing stock, but they can buy a new dwelling. Wide-scale demolition of existing housing stock and its replacement by new buildings would open up a huge swathe of housing stock that is currently protected from international buyers. This would sell out NSW housing to foreign investors.
What would the legislative change mean for the rental market? As owners displaced by forced evictions scramble to find housing, pressure on an already tight market will increase, forcing prices to rise. As older apartment blocks are torn down and replaced with new apartments, landlords will demand higher rents and affordable housing will vanish from our cities and towns. Homelessness, already at crisis levels in our cities, will increase.
If NSW falls, other states will follow If the NSW government succumbs to the pressure of the property developers’ lobby and passes this clause in the legislation, other states will surely follow in their footsteps. This is not just an issue for residents of New South Wales.
Sign the petition to demand that the NSW government strikes out the collective sale and renewal reform from the proposed legislation. Demand that strata owners retain security of tenure for their apartments. Petition here
ACCC releases Issues Paper on price increases proposed by Australia Post
7 September 2015
On 28 August 2015, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission announced that it had received a draft proposal by Australia Post to increase the prices of its ordinary letter service.
Australia Post is proposing to introduce a basic postage rate of $1 for letters delivered at a new timetable, which allows an extra two business days for delivery to occur.
The ACCC is now releasing an Issues paper to identify issues on which the ACCC is seeking stakeholder views.
“Based on Australia Post’s proposal a $1 basic postage rate will significantly reduce the losses on Australia Post’s stamped letters by 2016-17. Further, Australia Post’s monopoly letter services (stamped and bulk business mail) are forecast to reverse their previous loss making state by 2016-17, ” ACCC Chairman Rod Sims said.
"This would be a turnaround in a short period with the price increase. However, stamped letters would continue to face losses and there is uncertainty around the longer-term rate of decline in letter volumes and a risk Australia Post’s overall monopoly letter services could return to net losses,” Mr Sims said.
The ACCC’s assessment of Australia Post’s pricing proposal will focus on:
• the method by which Australia Post allocates costs between its services
• Australia Post’s forecasts of letter demand and revenues
• the forecast improved financial performance of its monopoly letter business
• productivity improvements leading to operational cost savings expected from implementing a slower letter delivery timetable
The Australian Government recently regulated to allow the introduction of a two-speed letter service by Australia Post, which will distinguish between letters delivered at a priority and regular timetable.
The ACCC does not have the role of approving the proposed price increase. Rather, the ACCC is required to assess the proposed price increase in accordance with the Competition and Consumer Act (2010) and then notify Australia Post as to whether it objects to the proposed price increase.
In addition to the ACCC’s assessment, Australia Post must give written notice to the Minister for Communications of its intent to vary its rates of postage. Australia Post may increase the basic postage rate only if the Minister does not disapprove the proposed increase to the BPR within 30 days of receiving notification from Australia Post.
The ACCC is seeking submissions by 15 October 2015 and will publish its response to Australia Post’s draft proposal in November 2015.
The ACCC’s Issues Paper and details of how to make a submission are available at: Australia Post - letter pricing 2015.

Pittwater Photographer Turns To Crowd Funding After Drone Flies Away
It's a sad story, but will hopefully have a happy ending. About a month ago Mackerel Beach resident Nat Bromhead was flying his beloved drone over over a glassy-calm Pittwater one Sunday morning.
But something went wrong, an in-flight anomaly, the drone flew away never to be seen again.
It was fitted with a GoPro camera and that went too. So no photos, no drone, and a very unhappy photographer.
Nat Bromhead has been a mad-keen photographer as long as he can remember.
He has also been a proud 'Mackerelite' for life, first taken to the family beach shack as a baby in 1970.
Like much of Mackerel Beach that family shack has remain much unchanged. It is now used as Nat's home office where he runs his freelance editing and photography business.
A former newspaper journalist and photographer, Nat has won a number of awards and over the years honed his skills to a professional level.
"I simply love taking photos - always have and always will," he said.
"My drowned drone took my photography (literally) to another level."
Unhappy with the prospect of no more aerial images of Pittwater, Nat has launched an innovative campaign on crowd funding website IndieGoGo to help fund a new drone.
"Over the next month I'm selling acrylic and canvas images of my Pittwater collection to raise money for a new drone," he said.
"People can see the images on my Facebook or Instagram and order their favourite print online."
The Pittwater Photography Facebook page can be found
The IndieGoGo campaign is at
Pittwater Council's Rabbit Control Programs
Wild rabbit Control using Pindone poison baits will take place at the sites listed below from Monday 31 August to Friday 18 September 2015. Advisory signs will be displayed at the entrances to all affected reserves. If the baiting program needs to be extended due to wet weather, on-site signs and Council's website will display the new finish date.
The first week will consist of a free-baiting period (poison free) using plain, undyed oats. During the second and third weeks baits consisting of green-dyed oats laced with Pindone poison will be laid in furrows at the reserves listed below. The poison baits are laid in the afternoon and any uneaten baits removed early the following morning. The sites are checked regularly for carcasses. Please report to Council any dead rabbits found during the baiting period at the sites listed on this page.
Pindone poison is an anticoagulant considered low level of hazard to humans and domestic animals when used according to the label. However, children should be supervised and pets kept away from the affected reserves for the duration of the program. Dogs should also be kept on leash in areas surrounding the participating reserves. In case of accidental poisoning with Pindone, persons should contact the Poisons Information Centre on 131126 and go to the closest hospital emergency department. Animals should be taken to the closest vet immediately.
Please contact Council on (02) 9970 1111 with any queries.
Wild Rabbit Pindone Baiting Sites include:
• Careel Bay Playing Fields
• Hitchcock Park - Careel Bay
• Avalon Golf Course
• Boondah Playing Fields - Warriewood
• Porters Reserve - Newport
• Kitchener Park - Mona Vale
• Narrabeen Indoor Sports Centre - Warriewood
• Ausgrid - Samuel Street - Mona Vale
Important note to pet rabbit owners & rabbit breeders: Please seek advice from your veterinary surgeon regarding annual vaccination against rabbit Calicivirus. Generally the vaccination should take place prior to February each year to ensure that there is sufficient time for immunity to build-up in your rabbit prior to any release of the biological agent by public authorities.
For further Information
• Contact a Bushland Management Officer on 9970 1111
• Refer to Council's Feral Rabbit information page.
Get Your Bronze Medallion at Whale Beach SLSC
Do you know anyone who is interested in obtaining their Bronze Medallion?!
If any of your friends or family are interested then all they have to do is send a quick email to our Chief Training Officer - Georgia Roberts - at - Easy!!
The first Bronze course begins on the 27th of September and there will be more courses throughout the season!

Lock Crowther Regatta 2015 – RMYC Multihull Division
Lock Crowther was regarded as a world class Australian pioneer of multihull yacht design. We recognise his dedication to the development of the modern multihull and name a Regatta in his honour.
The Lock Crowther Regatta has been hosted by the RMYC since 1996 and offers multihull owners both exciting racing and cruising programs.
Once again the regatta will be held over the October long weekend on the beautiful waters of Pittwater and Broken Bay, NSW - starting with an optional Blue Water Classic ocean race on Friday 2 October 2015 for Safety Category 4 equipped boats with 4 inshore races to be sailed over Saturday and Sunday 3-4 October 2015.
And for the second year running, "off the beach" multihulls are invited to attend!
For the tenth year running APC Logistics, a major Australian-based international freight forwarding company, has signed on as principal and title sponsor of the 2015 event. We acknowledge and thank them warmly for their ongoing, generous support.
Here's an outline of what we have arranged for the weekend:
• Five races over three days • Exciting prize pool on offer
• First class marina facilities • PHS, OMR & VYC handicap formats
• Launching area for trailable boats • Family entertainment facilities including swimming pool
• Trailer storage area • Courtesy bus to shops/chandlery
• Friday evening welcome BBQ • Breakfast and take-away lunch available
• Free skipper's regatta shirt • "off the beach" entries welcome
All this for only $150 entry fee unchanged from last year!
Don't miss it!
Please click HERE for the 2015 Notice of Race, online Entry Form and regatta shirt ordering information.
The online Entry Form includes help instructions. And you can pay securely online as well as upload a photo and other details of your boat if you wish!
"Off the Beach" boats, please choose the OTB Regatta Entry Form.
Sailing Instructions will be available for download towards the end of September 2015
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Bushcare’s Major Day Out - Nth Narrabeen Head 8:30-12pm
Wed Sep 16
Avalon Golf Course 3-5:30pm
Sat Sep 19
Toongari Reserve 9-12pm
Old Wharf Reserve 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Reserve 9-12pm
Irrawong Reserve 1-4pm
Sun Sep 20
Angophora Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Reserve 9-12pm
Mon Sep 21
Bilgola Beach 9-12pm
Thu Sep 24
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat Sep 26
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Sun Sep 27
Bungan Beach 9-12pm
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 6/9/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Critter of the Month- September 2015: Don’t Beam Me Up, Scotty!

Marine Litter Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) - from United Nations
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in cooperation with the Open University of the Netherlands, will soon launch a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Marine Litter. The MOOC has been created in order to stimulate leadership and offers opportunities for actionable and change oriented learning related to marine litter within the framework of the Global Partnership on Marine Litter.
The MOOC will enhance capacity of students through action oriented learning on how they can apply successful and inspiring activities to combat marine pollution. It will be offered through a series of lectures, case studies and videos, along with additional study materials.
The MOOC is will be available in two tracks:
Leadership Track: 8 hours of learning introducing the student to the basic characteristics and concepts of the marine litter issue and various strategies to prevent and reduce marine litter; and
Expert Track: 32 additional hours and a final assignment for professionals and students who want to acquire more in-depth knowledge, insights and skills relating to prevention of marine litter.
Providers: UNEP, Global Partnership on Marine Litter (GPML), Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA); and Open University.
Course dates: 14 October – 22 December 2015.
• The environmental impact and societal relevance of marine litter problems;
• Technical solutions, including alternatives and recycling;
• The governance of marine litter;
• Sources, processes, modelling and monitoring of marine litter;
• Designing and selecting effective strategies for marine litter;
• Awareness raising, education and outreach, and capacity building;
• Implementation of policies, laws, and market-based instruments;
• Skills to develop an action plan to reduce marine litter pollution.
Features - Free!
First MOOC focusing on marine litter; Case studies from around the world; Expert faculty and distinguished visiting lecturers; Courses taught at a BSc level; Open to all without restrictions; FREE of charge.
Registration website
Marine litter is a global problem that affects every ocean of the world. Litter is an environmental, human health and socio-economic problem that is a symptom of a highly disposable society.
With worldwide growth in the amount of solid litter thrown away every day and slow rates of degradation, the amount of litter present in the marine environment is increasing. This course seeks to inspire students to take action and leadership in the arena of marine litter through stimulating interaction with all stakeholder groups.
The MOOC on marine litter teaches students through action oriented learning how they can apply successful and inspiring activities to their own local context, regardless of their profession or location. The course presents different options and tools to combat marine pollution such as the use of effective and legitimate tools like the Honolulu Strategy.
The course provides examples and case studies that will inspire leadership at all levels, thereby increasing awareness of and stimulating creative solutions to marine litter problems. Moreover, this course will benefit policymakers, practitioners, and managers who wish to connect with other professionals in order to enhance their knowledge of marine litter issues.
The MOOC is available in two tracks: a leadership track and an expert track. It will start in October 2015 with the Leadership Track taking place over a course of 2 weeks. Those students who wish to remain in the course will continue to the Expert Track, which will be completed by mid-December 2015 (total of 8 weeks).
A certificate of participation can be obtained by students after their completion of both the Leadership Track and the Expert Track. Students will also receive free access to all course materials on a 24 hour online platform. Interested in knowing more about the MOOC before enrolling? Leave your E-mail address here and we will send more information via E-Mail.
Celebrate Cycling at Narrabeen Lagoon
Warringah and Pittwater Councils will be providing free bike checks and handing out a range of goodies on the Narrabeen Lagoon Trail as part of NSW Bike Week Celebrations.
Bike Week, hosted by Transport for NSW in partnership with Roads and Maritime Services, is an annual event encouraging cycling as a healthy, enjoyable and low-cost way of getting around.
Whether you are on a bike or travelling by foot around Narrabeen Lagoon, everyone is encouraged to drop into the Share the Path marquee
Council staff will be on hand to offer:
• free bike checks
• tips and etiquette for walkers and cyclers on how to use shared paths safely
• free bike information, drink bottles and other goodies.
The Councils’ marquee will be at the following locations from 9am – 1pm:
• Sunday 13 September – Bilarong Reserve
• Saturday 19 September – Bilarong Reserve
• Sunday 20 September – Narrabeen Street (Lagoon end).
This is the first time the event will be held at the new Narrabeen Lagoon Trail since it was opened in February, providing 8.4km of shared pathways, including 2km of new boardwalk.
For more information about Bike Week, contact Warringah Council’s Road Safety Officer on 9942 2447 or Pittwater Council’s Road Safety Officer on 9970 1196 or visit
Canine capers coming soon
08 Sep 2015
Pittwater Council will host the annual Dog Day by the Bay at Rowland Reserve Bayview on Sunday 20 September from 10am.
The event, now in its 15th year, attracts over 3000 visitors and their dogs with a mix of fun competitions, demonstrations and talks on educational topics relevant to dog owners.
Event organiser Sasha Lucius said we’re pleased to have behavioural expert Dr Kersti Seksel join us. She will offer tips on dealing with aggressive pets, behavioural problems, excessive barking and the importance of training," said Ms Lucius.
“Experts will be available on the day to offer free advice to help you solve your pet’s issues,” said Ms Lucius.
Other highlights include the return of popular MCs Brian and Kaye from Pet Talk People who will keep everyone entertained throughout the day.
The popular PETstock 2015 Pittwater Dog of the Year photo competition will also be announced at midday, with a $500 gift voucher from PETstock presented to the winner.
There will also be plenty to keep the kids entertained in the kids’ corner with a free jumping castle and face painting.
“Dog Day by the Bay is an opportunity for dogs to learn obedience techniques and other skills, as well as compete in fun competitions such as the ever popular doggy dash,” she said.
Dog Day by the Bay runs from 10am to 3pm with activities including agility demonstrations, education talks, children’s activities and competitions including the canine fancy dress parade and best dog trick.
A variety of food and drink stalls will also be at the event and proceeds raised will be donated to local branch of the Animal Welfare League. Entry and parking are free.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to visit the PETstock stand and make a monetary contribution of their choosing and receive a MARS Pet Care product (i.e. food and treats) in return.
"100% of contributions will support PETstock’s charity foundation, PETstock Assist, and help pets in need,” added Ms Lucius.
For more information email

SLS Sydney Northern Beaches Golf Day Fundraiser: September 18
Bill Buckle is offering a VW Polo valued at $15,990 for a verified hole in one.
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches is holding its Annual Golf Day at Bayview Golf Club on Friday 18th September 2015. The day is held to financially assist our representatives who are contesting the New South Wales SLS Interbranch Championships on 12th & 13th December 2015 at Cape Hawke.
Registration is $100 per person and includes breakfast from 7am, a steak and salad lunch, and of course the green fees.
The event is a drop out Ambrose with an 8am shotgun start.
Imagine if a local golfer can hit a hole-in-one at the Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches Golf Day at Bayview Golf Club on September 18 - he'll win a VW Polo, courtesy of Bill Buckle Auto Group.
''It kind of adds a bit of excitement to the day, the hole in one.'' says Andrew Brown, Dealer Principal of Bill Buckle Group at Brookvale.
"I gives everyone the opportunity to have a crack and everyone is in it, particularly as we have picked a par 3 that we've got on the course.''
The car is valued at $15,990. ''It's probably a million in one but, hey, everyone gets to have a go,'' Andrew said.

Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc. Making A Difference
Saturday 12th September, 0215
We have just completed another successful afternoon sewing and stuffing 100 breast care cushions. Many thanks to all who came along.
These cushions will be a great comfort to local women after breast surgery. A service project of our Zonta Club on the Northern Beaches.
Top: Successful sewing day - image courtesy Zonta Club of NB's
Newport Beach Arts Market
The NEWPORT BEACH ARTS MARKET is the launch event for the annual Newport Sculpture Trail, with the market’s theme “inspired by the sea”.
In 2015 the beach arts market will take place in the heart of Newport from 6 to 9pm on Friday the 13th of November.
For the event, we are looking for street performing artists and market stallholders offering arts, crafts, homewares or services “inspired by the sea”.
We are also offering an opportunity for schools, artist collectives and other community groups to participate in the launch event by creating light sculpture installations to showcase their organisations and work at the launch event for free. Read more here.
For performing artist enquiries call 0415 662 918 or
For market stallholder information and application forms click here

Greater transparency in local rezoning decisions
September 2nd, 2015: Ministerial Media Release; The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning
Planning Minister Rob Stokes today announced the government will replace the Pre-Gateway review process with a simpler, faster and clearer rezoning assessment.
The current process, known as the Pre-Gateway review, allows a review where a council refused or failed to respond to an application to amend local planning rules.
Reforms for the new rezoning review process include:
.Strengthening the test for the review of an existing zoning to ensure rezonings only proceed where they exhibit clear strategic merit;
.Review requests to the Department of Planning will be referred to Joint Regional Planning Panels or the Planning Assessment Commission within three days;
.Ensuring the council is aware a rezoning request has been sent to the Department within five days of receipt;
.Increasing the independence of the process by the Panel or the Commission, carrying out the assessment and determine the rezoning; and
.Making the Panel or Commission the Relevant Planning Authority where a council refuses a request to act as the Relevant Planning Authority, or does not respond to that request within 42 days.
“We’ve listened to community concerns about unexpected rezonings undermining confidence in local planning. That’s why we will reform the process of reviewing a council’s decision with a presumption against rezoning unless there is a compelling reason for change,” Mr Stokes said.
“While it’s appropriate that council decisions can be tested before an independent panel, this opportunity needs to be transparent and balanced.
“We need a planning system that supports sustainable growth in a timely, independent and orderly process, which is exactly what this reformed rezoning review is designed to achieve.
“These reforms will stop the revolving door of planning proposals going back and forth between councils and the community by strengthening the test for a review, making the process faster, simpler and clearer.”
To view the report, go to
View the proposed changes to the pre-Gateway review (PDF: 921.41 kb) and read the FAQs for more information.
Comments can be made by
or writing to the Executive Director, Regions, Department of Planning and Environment, GPO Box 39, Sydney, NSW 2001.
Comments on the proposed changes are invited up to 14 October 2015.
Major Investment In Pittwater’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Network
3 September 2015
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced over $500,000 to improve Pittwater’s bicycle and pedestrian network ahead of the introduction of the Northern Beaches Bus Rapid Transit System.
The NSW Government has allocated $595,000 towards the construction of four new pedestrian and bicycle links at Mona Vale, Warriewood, Narrabeen and Collaroy.
Local councils will undertake community consultation and planning for the new links which will help commuters connect with future BRT hubs along Pittwater Road.
“This is a major investment in our local bicycle and pedestrian network,” Rob Stokes said today.
“The introduction of the BRT is bringing with it a range of vital infrastructure improvements.
“Connecting residents with new commuter hubs will be a key aspect of this innovative transport system.
“Improving local pedestrian and bicycle networks is essential to help ensure the BRT is as accessible and convenient as possible.
“One of the major aims of the BRT is to get people out of their cars, off the road and onto public transport.
“A reliable, convenient and high-frequency transport system will be extra attractive for daily commuters,” Rob Stokes said.
Pittwater's bike & pedestrian network gets a boost
04 Sep 2015
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said she was pleased by the state government’s announcement to provide financial assistance to improve Pittwater’s bicycle and pedestrian network.
Mayor Townsend said Council will receive $595,000, which will go towards the construction of bike and pedestrian links in Warriewood to support the roll out of the Northern Beaches Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System.
“Mona Vale is also a focus for Council as we are already well under way in its planning process for Mona Vale town centre, having carried out extensive community consultation with residents over the last 18 months,” she said.
“We have commenced engagement on a Pittwater Bike Plan and will undertake parking, pedestrian and traffic studies for Mona Vale that will guide Council on the most appropriate location and design for further active transport infrastructure and networks.
“We are keen to see Pittwater’s active travel network designed and implemented in an integrated and holistic way, ensuring its long term success as a travel option of choice for our community.
“The infrastructure will be created in a way that will connect residents with the new BRT commuter hubs, which we hope will encourage more people out of their cars and onto public transport,” added Mayor Townsend.
Residents can still have their say on Pittwater’s Bike Plan by completing an online survey at 30 September.
Greater Sydney Commission takes shape
08.09.2015: Ministerial Media Release; The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning
Planning Minister Rob Stokes today revealed the structure of the Greater Sydney Commission, delivering the soon to be established organisation with responsibility for metropolitan planning in a partnership between state and local government.
Mr Stokes said that for too long Sydney’s urban planning has operated in silos of councils and government departments, without effective joined-up coordination for the infrastructure our city and suburbs need.
The Greater Sydney Commission will be comprised of 13 appointees, including:
The Chair;
Environment Commissioner, Economic Commissioner; Social Commissioner;
Six District Commissioners, nominated by their councils; and
Three key government heads: Planning, Transport and Treasury.
“The Greater Sydney Commission will be responsible for delivery plans for each of Sydney’s six districts,” Mr Stokes said.
“The six districts will all be represented by a member chosen by their elected local government officials, which will give councils the opportunity to play a major role in the planning decisions that shape their broader districts.
“The appointment of independent Commissioners to represent the economy, environment and community will ensure that we receive expert advice on how to keep Sydney sustainable as it changes over the next decade.”
The Commission will also be charged with conducting regular reviews of Council’s Local Environmental Plans and will act as the decision maker on rezoning proposals currently undertaken by the Minister.
For more information go to
Next steps
Legislation to establish the Commission will be introduced to Parliament shortly.
Recruitment for the CEO and independent Commissioners will also take place.
The Commission will be formally established later in 2015.
Greater Sydney Commission Structure Welcomed as State and Local Government Partnership
September 9, 2015 - SHOROC has today welcomed the NSW Government’s announcement of the structure of the Greater Sydney Commission, applauding the primary objective of a stronger partnership between state and local government for metropolitan planning.
“It is positive to see that the structure of the Commission appears to set up a formal partnership model between state and local government and that local government will be responsible for selection of the six District Commissioners,” said SHOROC President and Mayor of Mosman Cr Peter Abelson.
The councils of northern Sydney are ahead of the game and fully prepared to work with the Commission.
SHOROC and NSROC have been holding regular meetings of the Mayors and GMs of northern Sydney for the past two years to partner with the NSW Government in developing our northern Sydney district plan.
The meeting of Mayors and GMs of northern Sydney put forward a model on the Greater Sydney Commission in March 2015 which aligns with the Commission structure announced.
“Positively the structure aligns with the model put forward to the government by the meeting of the Mayors and GMs of northern Sydney in our submission on the Greater Sydney Commission in March, including that this group select the District Commissioner to represent our region.”
Under this model, the meetings of Mayors and GMs of northern Sydney will work closely with the Commission in developing and delivering the northern Sydney district plan.
“It will be important for us to review the foreshadowed legislation to fully understand the Commission structure including how it and the government will work with local government”.
A key to success will be the true integration of infrastructure and land use planning.
The NSW Government has announced the Greater Sydney Commission will have 13 appointees, including:
an independent Chair, who will report to the Minister for Planning
three independent Commissioners – Environment, Economic and Social
six District Commissioners, nominated by Sydney councils to advocate their needs
three key government heads from the Department of Planning and Environment, Transport for NSW and NSW Treasury.
“We look forward to reviewing the legislation and to working with the NSW Government and the Commission once established to plan for the future of our region and Sydney as a whole,” said Mayor Abelson.
Community left out of the equation
Tuesday, 8 September, 2015: Media Release by Better Planning network (BPN)
The Minister for Planning has announced the structure of the Greater Sydney Commission.
The Commission, chaired by a Ministerial appointment and supported by nine Commissioners, and three Department Secretaries, will take responsibility for the implementation of Sydney’s metropolitan strategy and local district plans.
The announcement fundamentally shifts planning in NSW away from communities to government appointed panels, who are required to meet pre-set objectives for the State.
‘This paradigm shift abandons any hope that planning will return to local communities’, said Jeanette Brokman for Better Planning Network.
‘The proposed Greater Sydney Commission has no community representation and instead uses a top down bureaucratic approach for planning in NSW’, added Ms Brokman.
While the introduction of an Environment Commissioner, and Social Commissioner as part of a thirteen person Commission is applauded, the objectives and proposed Commission structure limits the ability for the new Commissioners to make amendments to a pre-determined strategy.
Rather the structure reinforces government decisions, with key planning decisions made outside the democratic process. The announcement also appears to align to the government’s proposed Council amalgamation agenda.
Given the Minister’s announcement only last week to fast-track Pre-Gateway reviews, these announcements show that the Baird Government is seeking to bypass community input, and instead is putting into place a system to fast-track development.
Further, the decision to table the exposure bill into Parliament, without first providing the opportunity for public comment, flies in the face of best practice consultation.

Tourism paper on exhibition
Pittwater Council agreed at its recent meeting to place the draft Tourism in Pittwater paper on exhibition for public comment.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the overall aim of the draft tourism paper is to identify current and future tourism opportunities for Pittwater, along with possible challenges.
Mayor Townsend said we are very much aware of the contribution and value of tourism to the Pittwater businesses and our overall economy.
“Tourism is vital for creating job opportunities, with approximately 10 percent of our local workforce employed directly in tourism and hospitality, which is above the national average,” she said.
Economic Development Coordinator Paul William-Smith said that the data reveals the importance of tourism to Pittwater, with over 600,000 people visiting per annum and some 460,000 visitor nights recorded.
Mr William-Smith said the draft tourism paper was developed with input from businesses, chambers of commerce, government agencies along with the broader community.
“An online survey and a series of focus groups were conducted, along with one-on-one interviews with a broad spectrum of local owner operators including yacht and kayak hirers and café owners,” he said.
“Tourism to our area is growing; especially the day visitors who want to experience the lifestyle and unique natural environment, eat at our superb cafes and restaurants, and shop in a vibrant village atmosphere,” said Mr William-Smith.
“The draft paper also highlights the opportunities associated with developing our night time economy, with the potential to further enhance the visitor experience in our town and village centres.
Mr William-Smith said the draft tourism paper offers a useful tool for investors, operators and the broader community in developing their own business planning.
“It also confirms the desire to preserve the natural environment that makes Pittwater so unique, by promoting tourism that is sustainable.”
The draft document Tourism in Pittwater is on public exhibition from 20 August to 20 September 2015. To view the document visit
Learner drivers supervisors workshop
15th Sep 2015: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
A free workshop for parents/carers who supervise learner drivers
The next workshop for parents and supervisors of learner drivers will be held on Tuesday 15 September 2015 at the Mona Vale Library between 6.30pm - 8.30pm.
We hold several free workshops for parents/carers who supervise Learner drivers as part of our Road Safety initiatives.
The workshop covers the following information:
How to complete the learner drivers log book;
the process of gaining a P1 (red P) driving licence and beyond;
the use of licensed driving instructors;
practical tips for teaching and supervising a learner driver with up-to date information on the requirements for Learner Drivers; and
any questions or uncertainties.
Refreshments provided, Learner drivers welcome to come along. Book now as places are limited. To book your place for the next learner drive workshop, contact the road safety officer on 9970 1196 or by email at
Applications Open for Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation Grants
Environment Minister Mark Speakman has invited community organisations and councils to apply for a share of the NSW Government’s $5.3 million Restoration and Rehabilitation Grants Program. Mr Speakman said the Environmental Trust Grants Program aimed to help community organisations, local councils and other groups run projects that would prevent or reduce environmental degradation at a local level.
“These grants will help communities and organisations conduct important environmental work in relation to vulnerable ecosystems,” Mr Speakman said.
“The government has set aside $5.3 million for this year’s grants program for projects working to conserve and restore our natural environment.
“There is $2 million available to community and not-for-profit organisations, $2 million for government entities and a further $1.3 million is available for owners and managers of NSW State Heritage Register listed properties.”
Applications for grants of $5,000 to $100,000 close on Friday, 18 September 2015. Grants are available for projects where work is carried out over a period of up to three years. To apply or for more details visit:
Natalie Isaacs to speak at Zonta “Empowering Women” Dinner
Thursday 15 October 2015
Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc. and Mackellar Z Club will host the Zonta “Empowering Women” Dinner Thursday 15 October 2015 at Dee Why RSL Club. Guest speaker at the dinner will be Natalie Isaacs Joint CEO of “1 Million Women”.
Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc., and Mackellar Z Club, are part of the worldwide service organisation Zonta International. These local clubs support women in need on the Northern Beaches by giving education grants to women, assisting high school students to stay at school, supporting the local Womens’ Refuge and Manly Womens’ Shelter amongst other projects.
The “Empowering Women” Dinner focuses on the empowerment of women in many areas with specific focus on domestic violence and the “Zonta Says No” campaign.
Our guest speaker, Natalie Isaacs, will talk about the empowering of women in her organisation “I Million Women” and discuss approaches and ideas on empowering women generally. Natalie is the founder and joint CEO of “1 Million Women”, the Australian movement of women who take practical action to fight dangerous climate change by changing the way they live. In 2013, in acknowledgement of the empowering of women in this area, the United Nations selected “1 Million Women” as one of six women-led grassroots climate action programs - selected from hundreds around the world - to be highlighted as ‘lighthouse activities’ for the planet.
Bookings are essential. Cost is $60 a head and $40 for school students. Contact Chris on or 0449 703 318.
Find out more at:
Pittwater Waterway Review
The Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a distinguishing feature of our region’s identity. The waterway is a major focus for business, tourism and leisure activities, within a highly valued natural environment. It also serves as an important connection for Pittwater’s off-shore communities.
In recent years the waterway has experienced unprecedented pressure from a range of competing demands and activities, including increased recreational and business uses, increase in number and size of boats, along with increased access and use of the foreshore.
To achieve Pittwater’s vision of a vibrant sustainable future, Council has initiated the Pittwater Waterway Review to identify and prepare appropriate strategies to meet the competing demands impacting on the waterway. The review is in its early stages with Council currently seeking members of the community and interested stakeholders who may wish to get involved. Please contact Council’s Strategic Planning team on 9970 1684.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Project summary
Pittwater Council is working on a new Bike Plan which will encourage an active Pittwater, where cycling is supported as a travel choice around our town centres and villages. It will also identify other important cycle linkages to destinations like beaches and parks.
We are looking for input from all types of cyclists, from commuters to retirees and families, to help develop the plan to nurture a bike-friendly community.
Community survey
Feedback via the survey will help us develop a cycling vision for Pittwater. It will identify aims for the Bike Plan and projects that can be implemented in the local area. By providing your input we can get a clearer understanding of bike usage and behaviour in Pittwater.
Please complete the survey, which will take approximately 10 minutes. To be in the running to win one of five gift vouchers from a local bike shop, please include your contact details.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Open House 2015
Sunday, September 27 at 10:00am
Ever wanted to know or learn more about our Sailing programs for children or adults or are you already a sailor but wish to sharpen your skills or knowledge?
Come and visit the Club in the new Jack Gale Centre to learn all about what The Alfred's can offer you.
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - RPAYC
Mitala Street, Newport, New South Wales, Australia 2106
Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 8 years / M
BREED: Maltese x Shihtzu
Benny is a sweet affectionate boy. He is social with other dogs and just loves a nurse. He walks well on loose lead. Benny always makes eye contact with you. Benny came with terribly infected painful ears and conjunctivitis. His ears and eyes are so much better now. He has a non-shedding coat and weighs 7.6kg. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. His adoption cost is $350. For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
Spring Flower Show
Mona Vale Garden Club 44th Spring Flower Show
26th Sep 2015: 10:30am - 4pm
The Mona Vale Garden Club presents its annual Spring Flower Show. All profits to Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary.
Flowers, potted plants, vegetables, herbs and floral art exhibits.
Plants, craft, cakes & white elephant goods for sale.
Raffles and refreshments.
Cost: Adults $2, children no charge.
Venue: Ted Blackwood Hall, cnr Jacksons & Boondah Roads, Warriewood
Contact: Cheryl Wunsch 9971 7875
Boomerang Bags: sewing the seeds of change
Our workshops are still continuing every Tuesday at the Avalon Rec Centre from 11am until 5pm. Please come down and find out more about how it all works.
You do not need to be a sewer to be involved. We have many non sewing jobs.
For those who cannot make the Tuesday workshop but would like to help we have several options. For sewers we can drop off some "ready to sew" bags to be done in your own time. For non sewers contact us for more information on how you can help from home.
We also have some items for sale . You can buy a beautiful "Bought to Support" version of Boomerang Bags ( $10) and a lovely ceramic reusable coffee mug ($15.00). So start reducing your plastic use now. Contact us for more information.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.

Music from the Heart
A concert for the Manly Arts Festival given by the Odawara Doctors’ Choir and the Manly Warringah Choir
Conductors: Hiroko Yamada and Carlos Alvarado
Accompanists: Yumi Tabata and Angela Ferguson
Guest Artist: Noriko Shimada (Contrabassoon)
The Odawara Doctors’ Choir and Manly Warringah Choir will present a program of songs reflective of love and the spirit. Each choir will sing its own repertoire and the two choirs will join forces for two songs – one from each repertoire.
The concert will be held at the Cardinal Cerretti Chapel, Darley Road Manly, in the grounds of the International Management College at 5.00pm on Sunday September 20th.
Odawara Doctors’ Choir
The Odawara Doctors’ Choir was founded in 2008 in Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Most of the members are medical personnel including doctors, pharmacists, nurses, nursing school staff, dentists and secretariat staff.
The choir holds its concert annually – The Choir has featured an international cellist, Mari Fujiwara, and a
psychiatrist and musician, Osamu Kitayama as some of the guest artists to make their concerts richer. The choir participates in chorus festivals such as Odawara Citizens’ Choir Festival and Kanagawa Prefectural Chorus Festival.
The choir has also held charity concerts, in 2011 in Paris and in 2013 at Honen-in Temple in Kyoto. The choir was selected to perform at a Christmas charity concert held by the Japan Medical Association in December, 2014. The conductor of Odawara Doctors’ Choir is Hiroko Yamada and the accompanist is Yumi Tabata.
The members of Odawara Doctors’ Choir practise singing for their patients and community to feel closer to them through music.
Odawara Doctors’ Choir appreciates the opportunity to sing with The Manly-Warringah Choir in Manly where Tokimeki International School, Odawara-Manly youth exchange program has been held for 25 years.
Manly-Warringah Choir
Members of the Manly Warringah Choir are a diverse group of people. Some members have been in choirs all their adult lives, have powerful voices and can read music at sight. Others have taken up singing later in life, and are still developing musical and vocal skills.
The one thing they all share is a love of choral music, and of performing it for local audiences. Choir membership in 2015 numbers around 100, with between 70 and 90 members taking part in each concert.
The Choir’s Conductor for over ten years, Dr Carlos Alvarado, is an experienced and accomplished musician, having been trained at The Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow and Berlin. His particular expertise is in melding the singing of such a variety of voices and abilities to make memorable performances.
2015 is the 40th anniversary year of choir’s foundation.
Noriko Shimada: Guest Artist
After graduating from the State University for Music and Arts in Tokyo, Noriko Shimada moved to Hannover, Germany to continue her studies with Klaus Thunemann. She completed her Konzert exam (Soloist's Diploma) performing André Jolivet's bassoon concerto.
Noriko worked as a member of the Ensemble Modern, a contemporary music group in Germany over 10 years. She joined the Sydney Symphony Orchestra as Principal Contrabassoon in 2002. She also teaches the fagottino, a small bassoon designed especially for young children. Member of Australasian Double Reed Society.

Sydney Water, Hunter Water & WaterNSW price reviews
What's this about?
This year the Independent Pricing & Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) is undertaking reviews of prices charged by Sydney Water, Hunter Water and WaterNSW (for its Greater Sydney customers) for their monopoly water and (where applicable) sewerage services.
IPART has released Issues Papers for these reviews, which provide relevant background information and identify key issues. This follows the receipt of the utilities’ pricing proposals on 30 June 2015.
Have your say
View the online public consultation or Issues Papers on the IPART website to submit your feedback.
IPART will hold a public hearing for Sydney Water and WaterNSW reviews on 10 November 2015 in Sydney.
A public hearing for Hunter Water will be held on 2 November 2015 in Newcastle.
Please check the IPART website for further information.
Online Consultation
Date: Sep. 7 - Oct. 5, 2015: Time: 10:00am — 11:59pm
Climate and Water Outlook, September–November 2015
Bureau of Meteorology
The monthly Climate and Water Outlook video covers rainfall, streamflow and temperature for the next three months. The next video will be available on 24 September 2015. For more detail, please go to
Please note our ENSO Tracker is updated every two weeks. Checkhere to see its current status.
For an e-alert each month for the next video, please subscribe to Climate Outlooks at
You can also follow the Bureau of Meteorology on Facebook, and on Twitter at @BOM_au.
George Bass surf boat marathon 2016
Entries are now open for the 2016 George Bass Surf Marathon. Head to to download the entry form!
Special early bird prices are on offer until 30 September 2015
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is October 4th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
September 6 - 12, 2015: Issue 230
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 230: Avalon Bulldogs Junior Teams WIN!! Their Grand Finals: 3 More Games Today, Whale Beach SLSC Open Day and Bronze Medallion Invitation 2015/16, Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Opens 2015/16 Sailing Season:149th Gala, Clover
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club 2015 Opening of Sailing Season – 149th Celebration
Park Bench Philosopher: Father's Day 2015: A Short Insight Into Dad's Day Being Established in Australia
Buy A Brick Build My Future Fundraiser: Pittwater’s Sister Village by Tamara Sloper Harding
Reflections by George Repin: IVAN MEŠTROVIĆ - Sculptor
Start Sailing! The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Open House Sunday 27 September, 2015
Pictures: some images from the RPAYC's Open the 2015-16 Sailing Season Day
Aquatics: Plastic in seabirds: New Study states 99 per cent of the world’s seabirds to eat plastic by 2050 by CSIRO
Pittwater Artists Trail: Meet the Makers Spring Weekend - by Vicki Ratcliff: September 5th & 6th: Studios open from 10am until 5pm
Food: Artichoke – The Flower Vegetable that Crops in Spring
DIY Ideas: Father’s Day 2015 and Early Spring 2015 Garden Care: some great specials in Johnson Brothers Mitre 10's Father's Day catalogue and some easy early Spring garden care to make your yards thrive
Profile: Ann Howard Hawkesbury River Historian who has written a wonderful new book on Australian evacuees within Australia during WWII, shares a few insights on her own evacuation from London, and getting kicked out of Goldsmiths for being too wild!
History: Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways - Clareville and Taylor's Point Wharves Pittwater reserves also adjoin and incorporate wharves and jetties where small green reserves have been set aside adjacent to, or as part of the original setting aside of areas for landing and taking passengers.
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month September 2015 - Ann Howard - A Carefree War, The Hidden History of Australian WWII Child Evacuees: Published by Pittwater’s Big Sky Publishing, with a Foreword by Les Murray, one of the 100 Australian Living Treasures, and written by Hawkesbury Historian Ann Howard, this is a great new book which will be of interest to many people and illustrates to us all once again there are many ‘hidden histories’ within Australia that need to be listened to and recorded. This month we run some information on a great new work that belongs in every Australian home and an extract from this book.

SLS Sydney Northern Beaches Golf Day Fundraiser: September 18
Bill Buckle is offering a VW Polo valued at $15,990 for a verified hole in one.
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches is holding its Annual Golf Day at Bayview Golf Club on Friday 18th September 2015. The day is held to financially assist our representatives who are contesting the New South Wales SLS Interbranch Championships on 12th & 13th December 2015 at Cape Hawke.
Registration is $100 per person and includes breakfast from 7am, a steak and salad lunch, and of course the green fees.
The event is a drop out Ambrose with an 8am shotgun start.
Imagine if a local golfer can hit a hole-in-one at the Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches Golf Day at Bayview Golf Club on September 18 - he'll win a VW Polo, courtesy of Bill Buckle Auto Group.
''It kind of adds a bit of excitement to the day, the hole in one.'' says Andrew Brown, Dealer Principal of Bill Buckle Group at Brookvale.
"I gives everyone the opportunity to have a crack and everyone is in it, particularly as we have picked a par 3 that we've got on the course.''
The car is valued at $15,990. ''It's probably a million in one but, hey, everyone gets to have a go,'' Andrew said.
RU OK? Day - September 10th, 2015
find out more here
Major Investment In Pittwater’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Network
3 September 2015
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced over $500,000 to improve Pittwater’s bicycle and pedestrian network ahead of the introduction of the Northern Beaches Bus Rapid Transit System.
The NSW Government has allocated $595,000 towards the construction of four new pedestrian and bicycle links at Mona Vale, Warriewood, Narrabeen and Collaroy.
Local councils will undertake community consultation and planning for the new links which will help commuters connect with future BRT hubs along Pittwater Road.
“This is a major investment in our local bicycle and pedestrian network,” Rob Stokes said today.
“The introduction of the BRT is bringing with it a range of vital infrastructure improvements.
“Connecting residents with new commuter hubs will be a key aspect of this innovative transport system.
“Improving local pedestrian and bicycle networks is essential to help ensure the BRT is as accessible and convenient as possible.
“One of the major aims of the BRT is to get people out of their cars, off the road and onto public transport.
“A reliable, convenient and high-frequency transport system will be extra attractive for daily commuters,” Rob Stokes said.
Pittwater's bike & pedestrian network gets a boost
04 Sep 2015
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said she was pleased by the state government’s announcement to provide financial assistance to improve Pittwater’s bicycle and pedestrian network.
Mayor Townsend said Council will receive $595,000, which will go towards the construction of bike and pedestrian links in Warriewood to support the roll out of the Northern Beaches Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System.
“Mona Vale is also a focus for Council as we are already well under way in its planning process for Mona Vale town centre, having carried out extensive community consultation with residents over the last 18 months,” she said.
“We have commenced engagement on a Pittwater Bike Plan and will undertake parking, pedestrian and traffic studies for Mona Vale that will guide Council on the most appropriate location and design for further active transport infrastructure and networks.
“We are keen to see Pittwater’s active travel network designed and implemented in an integrated and holistic way, ensuring its long term success as a travel option of choice for our community.
“The infrastructure will be created in a way that will connect residents with the new BRT commuter hubs, which we hope will encourage more people out of their cars and onto public transport,” added Mayor Townsend.
Residents can still have their say on Pittwater’s Bike Plan by completing an online survey at before 30 September.

Pittwater Photographer Turns To Crowd Funding After Drone Flies Away
It's a sad story, but will hopefully have a happy ending. About a month ago Mackerel Beach resident Nat Bromhead was flying his beloved drone over over a glassy-calm Pittwater one Sunday morning.
But something went wrong, an in-flight anomaly, the drone flew away never to be seen again.
It was fitted with a GoPro camera and that went too. So no photos, no drone, and a very unhappy photographer.
Nat Bromhead has been a mad-keen photographer as long as he can remember.
He has also been a proud 'Mackerelite' for life, first taken to the family beach shack as a baby in 1970.
Like much of Mackerel Beach that family shack has remain much unchanged. It is now used as Nat's home office where he runs his freelance editing and photography business.
A former newspaper journalist and photographer, Nat has won a number of awards and over the years honed his skills to a professional level.
"I simply love taking photos - always have and always will," he said.
"My drowned drone took my photography (literally) to another level."
Unhappy with the prospect of no more aerial images of Pittwater, Nat has launched an innovative campaign on crowd funding website IndieGoGo to help fund a new drone.
"Over the next month I'm selling acrylic and canvas images of my Pittwater collection to raise money for a new drone," he said.
"People can see the images on my Facebook or Instagram and order their favourite print online."
The Pittwater Photography Facebook page can be found
The IndieGoGo campaign is at
Letter to the Editor from Assistant Minister for Health Fiona Nash
Assistant Minister for Health, Fiona Nash is urging parents to talk to their children about the dangers of the drug ice.
3 September 2015
I write to urge parents to talk to their children about the dangers of the drug ice.
I’ve travelled the length and breadth of Australia holding community consultations on this drug, hearing from mums and dads, health care workers, police, and the people caught in the clutches of this drug.
Recently, the Prime Minister and I received independent research on the effectiveness of the Federal Coalition Government’s TV and social media advertising campaign and it reinforced something very important: parents are a huge influence on children’s attitudes to drugs such as ice.
The research, commissioned by the Department of Health, surveyed more than 3805 people – 2126 youths and 1679 parents. It reported 61 per cent of youth said discussions with parents were a ‘big influence’ on their thinking about drugs.
I’ve two sons myself and I know that as parents, we can’t control everything. But we do get the chance to have important conversations with our children; to help convince them never to try this addictive drug, which literally breaks down neural pathways in the brain. We are still by far the biggest influence in our children’s lives.
The research shows the ice ads have been extremely effective - 51 per cent of “at risk” youth who saw the ads now saying they’ll avoid ice – but as I’ve always said, government can’t do this on its own.
We’ve launched the second round of our advertising campaign, but we need parents to get involved too. The simple act of talking with your child and educating them about the dangers of a drug which often contains ingredients including acetone as you’d find in nail polish, lithium as you’d find in batteries, and ammonia, could one day help them say no.
For more information about ice and drugs, please visit the National Drugs Campaign website
Fiona Nash, Minister Responsible for Drug and Alcohol Policy; Nationals Senator for NSW
Greater transparency in local rezoning decisions
September 2nd, 2015: Ministerial Media Release; The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning
Planning Minister Rob Stokes today announced the government will replace the Pre-Gateway review process with a simpler, faster and clearer rezoning assessment.
The current process, known as the Pre-Gateway review, allows a review where a council refused or failed to respond to an application to amend local planning rules.
Reforms for the new rezoning review process include:
.Strengthening the test for the review of an existing zoning to ensure rezonings only proceed where they exhibit clear strategic merit;
.Review requests to the Department of Planning will be referred to Joint Regional Planning Panels or the Planning Assessment Commission within three days;
.Ensuring the council is aware a rezoning request has been sent to the Department within five days of receipt;
.Increasing the independence of the process by the Panel or the Commission, carrying out the assessment and determine the rezoning; and
.Making the Panel or Commission the Relevant Planning Authority where a council refuses a request to act as the Relevant Planning Authority, or does not respond to that request within 42 days.
“We’ve listened to community concerns about unexpected rezonings undermining confidence in local planning. That’s why we will reform the process of reviewing a council’s decision with a presumption against rezoning unless there is a compelling reason for change,” Mr Stokes said.
“While it’s appropriate that council decisions can be tested before an independent panel, this opportunity needs to be transparent and balanced.
“We need a planning system that supports sustainable growth in a timely, independent and orderly process, which is exactly what this reformed rezoning review is designed to achieve.
“These reforms will stop the revolving door of planning proposals going back and forth between councils and the community by strengthening the test for a review, making the process faster, simpler and clearer.”
To view the report, go to
View the proposed changes to the pre-Gateway review (PDF: 921.41 kb) and read the FAQs for more information.
Comments can be made by
or writing to the Executive Director, Regions, Department of Planning and Environment, GPO Box 39, Sydney, NSW 2001.
Comments on the proposed changes are invited up to 14 October 2015.
Premier Netball League prep heats up
September 1st, 2015: Netball NSW
With teams having already held their first trial selections, the anticipation is quickly heating up with the approach of the inaugural Netball NSW Premier League in 2016.
The Netball NSW Premier League (NNSWPL) is a new competition aimed at attracting the best current and emerging talent within NSW. Its purpose is to offer a local, elite platform for players, coaches, officials and administrators, and provide bridging opportunities into the Australian Netball League (ANL) and subsequent ANZ Championship.
The NNSWPL will be contested across two Divisions – Opens and Under 20s – with a Pre-Season tournament scheduled in March 2016, followed by a 14-week regular season beginning in mid-April, and a three-week Finals Series.
Through a robust application process, overseen by the NNSWPL Commission, eight successful Franchises have been granted an initial two-year NNSWPL Licence.
GWS Fury, Central Coast Heart, ERNA Hawks, Manly Sapphires, North Shore United, Panthers, UTS St George Sparks and Sutherland Stingrays will participate in the 2016-2017 seasons, and have begun confirming who will be at helm as NSW netball enters a new chapter.
Manly Warringah Sapphires Team Announced
September 4th, 2015: Manly Warringah Netball Association
We are very pleased to announce the inaugural Sapphires Opens team that will participate in the Official Netball NSW NNSWPL competition commencing next year.
Manly Sapphires
Former Sydney Netball Academy Head Coach Jen Wright has been announced to lead the Sapphires’ Open team, while Virginia Welsh will take the reins of the Under 20 side.
Manly Netball Association has confirmed both Assistant Coaches and Managers will be announced the week commencing Monday 7 September.
Congratulations to all players:
Follow the teams on Manly Warringah Sapphires Facebook page

Celebrate Cycling at Narrabeen Lagoon
01 Sep 2015
Warringah and Pittwater Councils will be providing free bike checks and handing out a range of goodies on the Narrabeen Lagoon Trail as part of NSW Bike Week Celebrations.
Bike Week, hosted by Transport for NSW in partnership with Roads and Maritime Services, is an annual event encouraging cycling as a healthy, enjoyable and low-cost way of getting around.
Whether you are on a bike or travelling by foot around Narrabeen Lagoon, everyone is encouraged to drop into the Share the Path marquee
Council staff will be on hand to offer:
• free bike checks
• tips and etiquette for walkers and cyclers on how to use shared paths safely
• free bike information, drink bottles and other goodies.
The Councils’ marquee will be at the following locations from 9am – 1pm:
• Saturday 12 September – Middle Creek Reserve
• Sunday 13 September – Bilarong Reserve
• Saturday 19 September – Bilarong Reserve
• Sunday 20 September – Narrabeen Street (Lagoon end).
This is the first time the event will be held at the new Narrabeen Lagoon Trail since it was opened in February, providing 8.4km of shared pathways, including 2km of new boardwalk.
For more information about Bike Week, contact Warringah Council’s Road Safety Officer on 9942 2447 or Pittwater Council’s Road Safety Officer on 9970 1196 or visit
World Health Organisation International Day of Older Persons: October 1
C/- ASCCA September Newsletter
2015 Theme: Sustainability and Age Inclusiveness in the Urban Environment
This year is the 25th Anniversary of the International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) and the focus will be, “On the impact older people have on the new urban environment as well as the effect it in turn has on them”. The theme is in line with the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) to be held in 2016.
It is expected that by 2030 six out of every ten people in the world will reside in urban areas and this will result in the number of older persons in urban areas of developing countries making up a quarter of their total population. The overall number of people over 60 living in cities may grow to over 900 million by 2050.
It is hoped these trends will offer older people opportunities for a better quality of life. If cities are well planned, more accessible and safer and can incorporate age friendly public facilities; social inclusion is more likely to raise the standards of living for them. Well planned cities are also more likely to provide income generating and educational opportunities which will improve the self esteem of these older people and reduce their dependency.
This is why ASCCA is so involved in its mission to assist clubs to educate seniors in using computer technology to enrich their lives and make them more self-reliant.
We work to bridge the generation gap and assist seniors to benefit the community through their collective experience and knowledge. We know how much we seniors still have to give to society.
At ASCCA we endorse the World Health Organisation’s words:
Populations around the world are rapidly ageing. This is a cause for celebration.
Older people are a wonderful resource for their families, communities and in the formal or informal workforce. They are a repository of knowledge. They can help us avoid making the same mistakes again.
Pittwater Council's Rabbit Control Programs
Wild rabbit Control using Pindone poison baits will take place at the sites listed below from Monday 31 August to Friday 18 September 2015. Advisory signs will be displayed at the entrances to all affected reserves. If the baiting program needs to be extended due to wet weather, on-site signs and Council's website will display the new finish date.
The first week will consist of a free-baiting period (poison free) using plain, undyed oats. During the second and third weeks baits consisting of green-dyed oats laced with Pindone poison will be laid in furrows at the reserves listed below. The poison baits are laid in the afternoon and any uneaten baits removed early the following morning. The sites are checked regularly for carcasses. Please report to Council any dead rabbits found during the baiting period at the sites listed on this page.
Pindone poison is an anticoagulant considered low level of hazard to humans and domestic animals when used according to the label. However, children should be supervised and pets kept away from the affected reserves for the duration of the program. Dogs should also be kept on leash in areas surrounding the participating reserves. In case of accidental poisoning with Pindone, persons should contact the Poisons Information Centre on 131126 and go to the closest hospital emergency department. Animals should be taken to the closest vet immediately.
Please contact Council on (02) 9970 1111 with any queries.
Wild Rabbit Pindone Baiting Sites include:
• Careel Bay Playing Fields
• Hitchcock Park - Careel Bay
• Avalon Golf Course
• Boondah Playing Fields - Warriewood
• Porters Reserve - Newport
• Kitchener Park - Mona Vale
• Narrabeen Indoor Sports Centre - Warriewood
• Ausgrid - Samuel Street - Mona Vale
Important note to pet rabbit owners & rabbit breeders: Please seek advice from your veterinary surgeon regarding annual vaccination against rabbit Calicivirus. Generally the vaccination should take place prior to February each year to ensure that there is sufficient time for immunity to build-up in your rabbit prior to any release of the biological agent by public authorities.
For further Information
• Contact a Bushland Management Officer on 9970 1111
• Refer to Council's Feral Rabbit information page.
Spring into the library this September
Visitors of all ages will be kept entertained at Mona Vale Library next month with a host of activities and events planned for September.
Fun starts on Tuesday 8 September with the new Interactive Baby Play program, running from 9.30-10am for babies aged 6-12 months. The program will be facilitated by Tammie West from Playgroups NSW.
During History week, residents are invited to take part in a guided walk to discover both European and Indigenous heritage of Angophora Reserve, Avalon.
The free walk will be led by Karen Smith from the Aboriginal Heritage Office on Wednesday 9 September from 10am. Participants are asked to meet at the entrance of Angophora Reserve, Palmgrove Road, Avalon.
To keep young hands and minds busy the library will host a Lego Robotics Workshop for children aged 10 years and over. The event will take place on Saturday 12 September from 10.30am until noon.
Workshop facilitator Mark Boyle, said the session combined Lego® compatibility with Meet Edison robots, which are both affordable and compatible.
There are two events planned during the school holidays. The first being a children’s storytelling with Stefanie Godinho – for children aged three and over.
Stefanie will captivate children with a special storytelling of Lily & the Magic Wall on Wednesday 13 September 10 until 11am. This fun event includes a live appearance from Lily the dog, face painting and cupcakes. Books will be available for purchase, with $1 from every sale going to the International Brothers & Sisters House.
Youngsters aged 10 and over will enjoy the Kids Party Confidential event with comedian Sean Murphy. Murphy shares many humorous anecdotes from kids’ parties and embarrassing tales.
This show dishes the dirt on how to survive festivities for people who can’t drink yet. The kid laugh thinking it’s fiction, parents cry knowing it’s all true and everyone learns how to tie a serious balloon sword! This event is on Wednesday 30 September from 11am.
Details on these and other events at Mona Vale Library
Bookings are essential, please call 9970 1600 and reserve your seat today.
Get Your Bronze Medallion at Whale Beach SLSC
Do you know anyone who is interested in obtaining their Bronze Medallion?!
If any of your friends or family are interested then all they have to do is send a quick email to our Chief Training Officer - Georgia Roberts - at - Easy!!
The first Bronze course begins on the 27th of September and there will be more courses throughout the season!

Lock Crowther Regatta 2015 – RMYC Multihull Division
Lock Crowther was regarded as a world class Australian pioneer of multihull yacht design. We recognise his dedication to the development of the modern multihull and name a Regatta in his honour.
The Lock Crowther Regatta has been hosted by the RMYC since 1996 and offers multihull owners both exciting racing and cruising programs.
Once again the regatta will be held over the October long weekend on the beautiful waters of Pittwater and Broken Bay, NSW - starting with an optional Blue Water Classic ocean race on Friday 2 October 2015 for Safety Category 4 equipped boats with 4 inshore races to be sailed over Saturday and Sunday 3-4 October 2015.
And for the second year running, "off the beach" multihulls are invited to attend!
For the tenth year running APC Logistics, a major Australian-based international freight forwarding company, has signed on as principal and title sponsor of the 2015 event. We acknowledge and thank them warmly for their ongoing, generous support.
Here's an outline of what we have arranged for the weekend:
• Five races over three days • Exciting prize pool on offer
• First class marina facilities • PHS, OMR & VYC handicap formats
• Launching area for trailable boats • Family entertainment facilities including swimming pool
• Trailer storage area • Courtesy bus to shops/chandlery
• Friday evening welcome BBQ • Breakfast and take-away lunch available
• Free skipper's regatta shirt • "off the beach" entries welcome
All this for only $150 entry fee unchanged from last year!
Don't miss it!
Please click HERE for the 2015 Notice of Race, online Entry Form and regatta shirt ordering information.
The online Entry Form includes help instructions. And you can pay securely online as well as upload a photo and other details of your boat if you wish!
"Off the Beach" boats, please choose the OTB Regatta Entry Form.
Sailing Instructions will be available for download towards the end of September 2015
Forest Art and Craft Exhibition 2015
Over 500 artworks will be on display when the Forest Community Arts Centre opens its doors to the public for the annual Forest Art and Craft Exhibition.
In this past year hundreds of pieces of art have been created by talented artists and crafts people at The Forest Community Arts Centre.
Paintings in pastels, oils, watercolour and mixed media will be on display, plus numerous crafts including quilting, ceramics and folk art - with many pieces available to purchase.
Many artists have been involved in creating works for this annual exhibition since 1979.
The teacher’s love to create, but they also really enjoy passing on their skills and seeing their students build confidence through a class and through this opportunity to exhibit their work.
There will be artworks from Jeanette Maxwell, Val Kemsley and Bernard Devaux, who are all part of the Forest Community Art Centre group, plus amazing pieces from Artability classes, run for students with disabilities.
Everyone is encouraged to attend and nominate their favourite piece in the People’s Choice Award – as well as buying something for their wall or mantelpiece.
Forest Art and Craft Exhibition
Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 Sep, 10am – 4pm
Forest Community Arts Centre: 6 Darley Street, Forestville
Free entry
Renewable energy and efficiency for your home, 8 September, Manly
Get the lowdown on how you can save money on your energy bills (and at the same time reduce your dependence on coal and gas).
The Renewable Energy and Efficiency Forum will outline the most up-to-date methods and technologies available for reducing energy use in the home and for keeping houses warmer in winter and cooler in summer. It will be practical and innovative!
The speakers are leaders in their field:
• James Bramwell from Energy Freedom
• Michael Mobbs, a sustainability consultant who has made his own inner-city houseindependent of water, sewage and power supplies
• Christina Kirsch from ClearSky Investments
Regardless of your home's age or design, there are ways to use the latest technology to improve your efficiency, take advantage of rooftop solar, and get coal seam gas out!
The speakers’ presentations will be followed by a Q & A session.
WHEN: Tuesday September 8, 7pm - 9pm
WHERE: Manly Council Chambers, 1 Belgrave St, Manly
Entry by donation. Refreshments provided.
Thank you to Manly City Council and the Manly Environment Centre for their support of this event.
Pablo Brait: Community Organiser - Nature Conservation Council of NSW, proud partner of the Our Land, Our Water, Our Future Campaign
Ph. 0421 011 182 -
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 6/9/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Live captioning: let's talk ... register now
20 July 2015
Captioning gives deaf and hearing-impaired citizens access to television programs. But live captioning comes with its challenges, so what is the most effective and sustainable way to caption live or part-live programs?
Join a range of citizen, industry and government stakeholders as the ACMA hosts the latest Citizen conversation series on live captioning. This free event will feature a hearing loop, Auslan interpreters and captioners.
Event details: Tuesday 15 September 2015, 9.00 am – 3.30 pm(registration opens at 8.30 am).
Where: ACMA Sydney office, Level 5, The Bay Centre, 65 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont
RSVP: Space is limited, so register now to secure your place. Registrations close Monday 7 September 2015.
Please note that this event will be filmed.
More information
For more information about this event, please A draft program with information about speakers and panellists is available here.
Please note: One registration per individual.
If you are viewing this page on our mobile site, you will need to switch to the full site to access the registration form.
Live captioning: let's talk – register here
Critter of the Month- September 2015: Don’t Beam Me Up, Scotty!

Scotland Island Fire Shed: RFS Open Day & Get Ready Day
Sunday, September 13 at 9:00am
We have planned a range of activities starting with a fire shed dinner on Saturday 12th September. Activities on Sunday the 13th September will include:
• Pump and hose activities
• Live fire / fire extinguisher demonstrations
• Bush fire plan preparation and review
• Advice about improving bushfire safety for island houses
• Smoke alarm demonstrations
• Review and update of the emergency access and evacuation map
• BBQ morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
Get Ready for Bushfire Season

Shenhua want to put a massive coal mine at Breeza on the Liverpool Plains. The person who decides whether or not to grant the licence is Resources Minister and Member for Lane Cove Anthony Roberts.
The Liverpool Plains farmers are fighting back and plan on stopping this mine from being built.
Join us next weekend in Lane Cove to hear from the Liverpool Plains farmers leading the charge (including the Liverpool Plains Youth) and find out what you can do to support them as they work to protect our best farmland, our koalas and our groundwater supplies.
WHEN: September 12, 2015 at 3pm - 5pm
WHERE: Cove Room, Lane Cove Civic Centre, 48 Longueville Rd, Lane Cove, NSW 2066
Tourism paper on exhibition
Pittwater Council agreed at its recent meeting to place the draft Tourism in Pittwater paper on exhibition for public comment.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the overall aim of the draft tourism paper is to identify current and future tourism opportunities for Pittwater, along with possible challenges.
Mayor Townsend said we are very much aware of the contribution and value of tourism to the Pittwater businesses and our overall economy.
“Tourism is vital for creating job opportunities, with approximately 10 percent of our local workforce employed directly in tourism and hospitality, which is above the national average,” she said.
Economic Development Coordinator Paul William-Smith said that the data reveals the importance of tourism to Pittwater, with over 600,000 people visiting per annum and some 460,000 visitor nights recorded.
Mr William-Smith said the draft tourism paper was developed with input from businesses, chambers of commerce, government agencies along with the broader community.
“An online survey and a series of focus groups were conducted, along with one-on-one interviews with a broad spectrum of local owner operators including yacht and kayak hirers and café owners,” he said.
“Tourism to our area is growing; especially the day visitors who want to experience the lifestyle and unique natural environment, eat at our superb cafes and restaurants, and shop in a vibrant village atmosphere,” said Mr William-Smith.
“The draft paper also highlights the opportunities associated with developing our night time economy, with the potential to further enhance the visitor experience in our town and village centres.
Mr William-Smith said the draft tourism paper offers a useful tool for investors, operators and the broader community in developing their own business planning.
“It also confirms the desire to preserve the natural environment that makes Pittwater so unique, by promoting tourism that is sustainable.”
The draft document Tourism in Pittwater is on public exhibition from 20 August to 20 September 2015. To view the document visit
Learner drivers supervisors workshop
15th Sep 2015: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
A free workshop for parents/carers who supervise learner drivers
The next workshop for parents and supervisors of learner drivers will be held on Tuesday 15 September 2015 at the Mona Vale Library between 6.30pm - 8.30pm.
We hold several free workshops for parents/carers who supervise Learner drivers as part of our Road Safety initiatives.
The workshop covers the following information:
How to complete the learner drivers log book;
the process of gaining a P1 (red P) driving licence and beyond;
the use of licensed driving instructors;
practical tips for teaching and supervising a learner driver with up-to date information on the requirements for Learner Drivers; and
any questions or uncertainties.
Refreshments provided, Learner drivers welcome to come along. Book now as places are limited. To book your place for the next learner drive workshop, contact the road safety officer on 9970 1196 or by email at
Dinghy Sale
12th Sep 2015: 8am - 10am
Recovered watercraft for sale. Interested in purchasing a pre-loved dinghy?
Dinghies and other watercraft can be viewed from 8am at Rowland Reserve, Bayview with bids announced from 10am. Sealed bids must be placed in the specially marked box with the highest offer accepted.
Applications Open for Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation Grants
Wednesday, 26 August 2015 - Environment Minister Mark Speakman has invited community organisations and councils to apply for a share of the NSW Government’s $5.3 million Restoration and Rehabilitation Grants Program. Mr Speakman said the Environmental Trust Grants Program aimed to help community organisations, local councils and other groups run projects that would prevent or reduce environmental degradation at a local level.
“These grants will help communities and organisations conduct important environmental work in relation to vulnerable ecosystems,” Mr Speakman said.
“The government has set aside $5.3 million for this year’s grants program for projects working to conserve and restore our natural environment.
“There is $2 million available to community and not-for-profit organisations, $2 million for government entities and a further $1.3 million is available for owners and managers of NSW State Heritage Register listed properties.”
Applications for grants of $5,000 to $100,000 close on Friday, 18 September 2015. Grants are available for projects where work is carried out over a period of up to three years. To apply or for more details visit:
Pittwater Waterway Review
The Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a distinguishing feature of our region’s identity. The waterway is a major focus for business, tourism and leisure activities, within a highly valued natural environment. It also serves as an important connection for Pittwater’s off-shore communities.
In recent years the waterway has experienced unprecedented pressure from a range of competing demands and activities, including increased recreational and business uses, increase in number and size of boats, along with increased access and use of the foreshore.
To achieve Pittwater’s vision of a vibrant sustainable future, Council has initiated the Pittwater Waterway Review to identify and prepare appropriate strategies to meet the competing demands impacting on the waterway. The review is in its early stages with Council currently seeking members of the community and interested stakeholders who may wish to get involved. Please contact Council’s Strategic Planning team on 9970 1684.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Project summary
Pittwater Council is working on a new Bike Plan which will encourage an active Pittwater, where cycling is supported as a travel choice around our town centres and villages. It will also identify other important cycle linkages to destinations like beaches and parks.
We are looking for input from all types of cyclists, from commuters to retirees and families, to help develop the plan to nurture a bike-friendly community.
Community survey
Feedback via the survey will help us develop a cycling vision for Pittwater. It will identify aims for the Bike Plan and projects that can be implemented in the local area. By providing your input we can get a clearer understanding of bike usage and behaviour in Pittwater.
Please complete the survey, which will take approximately 10 minutes. To be in the running to win one of five gift vouchers from a local bike shop, please include your contact details.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Climate and Water Outlook, September–November 2015
Bureau of Meteorology: Published on 26 Aug 2015
The monthly Climate and Water Outlook video covers rainfall, streamflow and temperature for the next three months. The next video will be available on 24 September 2015. For more detail, please go to
Please note our ENSO Tracker is updated every two weeks. Checkhere to see its current status.
For an e-alert each month for the next video, please subscribe to Climate Outlooks at
You can also follow the Bureau of Meteorology on Facebook, and on Twitter at @BOM_au.
Natalie Isaacs to speak at Zonta “Empowering Women” Dinner
Thursday 15 October 2015
Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc. and Mackellar Z Club will host the Zonta “Empowering Women” Dinner Thursday 15 October 2015 at Dee Why RSL Club. Guest speaker at the dinner will be Natalie Isaacs Joint CEO of “1 Million Women”.
Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc., and Mackellar Z Club, are part of the worldwide service organisation Zonta International. These local clubs support women in need on the Northern Beaches by giving education grants to women, assisting high school students to stay at school, supporting the local Womens’ Refuge and Manly Womens’ Shelter amongst other projects.
The “Empowering Women” Dinner focuses on the empowerment of women in many areas with specific focus on domestic violence and the “Zonta Says No” campaign.
Our guest speaker, Natalie Isaacs, will talk about the empowering of women in her organisation “I Million Women” and discuss approaches and ideas on empowering women generally. Natalie is the founder and joint CEO of “1 Million Women”, the Australian movement of women who take practical action to fight dangerous climate change by changing the way they live. In 2013, in acknowledgement of the empowering of women in this area, the United Nations selected “1 Million Women” as one of six women-led grassroots climate action programs - selected from hundreds around the world - to be highlighted as ‘lighthouse activities’ for the planet.
Bookings are essential. Cost is $60 a head and $40 for school students. Contact Chris on or 0449 703 318.
Find out more at:
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Open House 2015
Sunday, September 27 at 10:00am
Ever wanted to know or learn more about our Sailing programs for children or adults or are you already a sailor but wish to sharpen your skills or knowledge?
Come and visit the Club in the new Jack Gale Centre to learn all about what The Alfred's can offer you.
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - RPAYC
Mitala Street, Newport, New South Wales, Australia 2106
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Avalon Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Warriewood Wetlands 9-12pm
Mon Sep 7
Rocky Point 9-12pm
Tue Sep 8
Browns Bay 9-12pm
Fri Sep 11
Norma Park 9-12pm
Plateau Park 8:30-11:30am
Sat Sep 12
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Pt/ Lovett Bay 10-1pm
Porters Reserve 8-11am
Sun Sep 13
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Bushcare’s Major Day Out - Nth Narrabeen Head 8:30-12pm
Wed Sep 16
Avalon Golf Course 3-5:30pm
Sat Sep 19
Toongari Reserve 9-12pm
Old Wharf Reserve 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Reserve 9-12pm
Irrawong Reserve 1-4pm
Sun Sep 20
Angophora Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Reserve 9-12pm
Mon Sep 21
Bilgola Beach 9-12pm
Thu Sep 24
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat Sep 26
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Sun Sep 27
Bungan Beach 9-12pm
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Reserve 8:30-11:30am
Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 8 months / M
BREED: Jack Russell x
Chip is a very energetic smart boy. He is friendly and affectionate with people and loves kids. He walks reasonably well on lead. He knows sit, stay, hi5, touch and looks you in the eyes. He can get mouthy when he is wound up so would suit older children. He loves cuddles and belly rubs especially after a meal. He travels well in the car and is calm. He has a short coat and weighs 7.4kg. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. His adoption cost is $350.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
Spring Flower Show
Mona Vale Garden Club 44th Spring Flower Show
26th Sep 2015: 10:30am - 4pm
The Mona Vale Garden Club presents its annual Spring Flower Show. All profits to Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary.
Flowers, potted plants, vegetables, herbs and floral art exhibits.
Plants, craft, cakes & white elephant goods for sale.
Raffles and refreshments.
Cost: Adults $2, children no charge.
Venue: Ted Blackwood Hall, cnr Jacksons & Boondah Roads, Warriewood
Contact: Cheryl Wunsch 9971 7875
Boomerang Bags: sewing the seeds of change
Our workshops are still continuing every Tuesday at the Avalon Rec Centre from 11am until 5pm. Please come down and find out more about how it all works.
You do not need to be a sewer to be involved. We have many non sewing jobs.
For those who cannot make the Tuesday workshop but would like to help we have several options. For sewers we can drop off some "ready to sew" bags to be done in your own time. For non sewers contact us for more information on how you can help from home.
We also have some items for sale . You can buy a beautiful "Bought to Support" version of Boomerang Bags ( $10) and a lovely ceramic reusable coffee mug ($15.00). So start reducing your plastic use now. Contact us for more information.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.

George Bass surf boat marathon 2016
Entries are now open for the 2016 George Bass Surf Marathon. Head to to download the entry form!
Special early bird prices are on offer until 30 September 2015

New Stamps to be Issued This Week
Australia Post celebrates Queen Elizabeth II – the longest-reigning British monarch
2nd September 2015
Australia Post celebrates Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with the release of a new stamp issue when she becomes the longest-reigning British monarch on 9 September.
Australia Post Philatelic Manager Michael Zsolt says, "The new stamp release celebrates the Queen's reign through formal portraits taken by leading British society photographers".
"We are pleased to mark this historic milestone and to honour Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We encourage stamp collectors and followers of royal and special events to put their orders in early to avoid disappointment," Mr Zsolt added.
Princess Elizabeth, at the age of 25, acceded to the throne on 6 February 1952, following the death of her father. The coronation of the new Queen took place more than a year later, on 2 June 1953, at which she was formally crowned Queen of the United Kingdom.
The Queen's great-great grandmother, Queen Victoria, previously had the honour of being the longest-reigning British sovereign, serving for 63 years and 216 days, from 1837 to 1901.
Sonia Young of the Australia Post Design Studio designed the stamps, using portrait photographs of key milestone events of the Queen's reign. The stamps feature:
• Accession – The photograph in this stamp design is from the first official sitting of the new monarch, taking place on 26 February 1952. Photograph: Dorothy Wilding, Australia Post, National Philatelic Collection.
• Coronation – This portrait was photographed on 2 June 1953 on the royal family's return to Buckingham Palace after the coronation service in Westminster Abbey. Photograph: Cecil Beaton, Victoria & Albert Museum, London.
• Silver Jubilee – This portrait was photographed on 1 January 1975, in the period leading up to Her Majesty's silver jubilee in 1977. Photograph: Peter Grugeon, Camera Press London.
• Golden Jubilee – The photograph in this stamp design was taken on 1 February 2002, as part of the golden jubilee series. Photograph: John Swannell, Camera Press London.
• Diamond Jubilee – This portrait was created on 14 December 2011 to mark the diamond jubilee (2012) of the Queen's accession to the throne. Photograph: John Swannell, Camera Press London.
The stamp issue comprises three domestic base-rate (70c) and two international-rate ($2.75) stamps. The products associated with this stamp issue are a minisheet, first day cover, stamp pack, sheetlet of five x $2.75 self-adhesive stamps, prestige booklet, two postal and numismatic covers and a set of five maxicards.
The Long May She Reign stamp issue is available from 9 September 2015 at participating Post Offices, via mail order on 1800 331 794 and online at while stocks last.
The Dogs that Saved Macquarie Island
2nd September 2015
The vital role played by dogs in eradicating rabbits and rodents from Macquarie Island is being commemorated in a special stamp seriesreleased Wednesday 9th of September.
The seven year project hailed a conservation achievement of world significance, relied heavily on the persistence and dedication of the hunters and dog handlers from the Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service.
It’s estimated the 15 detector dogs, including springer spaniels, Labradors, terriers and a terrier-cross, covered more than 90,000 kilometres in their efforts to locate any surviving individual pests.
The Dogs that Saved Macquarie Island stamp issue is available from 9 September 2015 at participating Post Offices, via mail order on 1800 331 794 and online at while stocks last.
This set of stamps contains all four (2 x 70c, 2 x $1.40) gummed stamps from the The Dogs that Saved Macquarie Island stamp issue.
August 30 - September 5, 2015: Issue 229
Articles This Week
Pictures: Avalon Bulldogs A Grade Rugby League Team WON their Grand Final Yesterday (August 29): with potentially 8 teams playing Grand Finals this year, we share some action from the Semis played last Sunday and last night's news
Surf Life Saving New South Wales – Awards of Excellence 2015: Lifesavers Celebrate Night of Nights by SLS NSW
SeaLink Magnetic Island Race Week 2015 (August 27 - Sept. 1): RPAYC/RMYC Sailors Doing Well by Tracey Johnstone
Clean water for the children of Salau School in Soibada! by Tamara Sloper Harding, Chairperson, Pittwater Friends of Soibada Inc: PFOS is looking for a self-funded volunteer able to travel to Soibada, to assist with the water project in October -
Pittwater Artists Trail: Meet the Makers Spring Weekend - by Vicki Ratcliff: September 5th & 6th: Studios open from 10am until 5pm
Aquatics: Rare Nautilus Sighted For the First Time in Three Decades off of Ndrova Island in Papua New Guinea by James Urton, University of Washington
DIY Ideas: Father’s Day 2015 and Early Spring 2015 Garden Care: some great specials in Johnson Brothers Mitre 10's Father's Day catalogue and some easy early Spring garden care to make your yards thrive
Profile: Jane Rosenson is Principal Harpist for the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra, which, in a typical year, gives 175 performances of more than a dozen operas. Jane records too, and works include those with the Jeff Duff Orchestra, rock group Silverchair, the White Light CD and Dreamlines with Kirsten Williams, Sydney Symphony Associate Concertmaster. This year Vignettes with Emma Sholl, flautist, Sydney Symphony has been released, contributing 15 wonderful pieces of pure delight that reinstate music is a dynamic discipline that is ever evolving.
History: Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways - Hordern or Wiltshire Parks to McKay Reserve – From Beach to Estuary: some 'for Spring Inspirations' insights on the early days of Pittwater Reserves - first - go north dear hiker!
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month August 2015 - Lisa Wilkes-Hunter: Inspired by a childhood full of adventures and encouraged by a creative and talented family, my passion for art started early in life.
I am stirred by the power, colour, mystery and contrasts of the natural world and whilst I often use living energy - animals, people, the ocean, plants and trees as subject matter, I also include inert objects as a medium - eggs, sand, drift wood and recycled things (pages from my grandfather, Richard Wilkes-Hunter 's books), as a background to create a dreamlike, textured, collage effect.
Scotland Island Fire Shed: RFS Open Day & Get Ready Day
Sunday, September 13 at 9:00am
We have planned a range of activities starting with a fire shed dinner on Saturday 12th September. Activities on Sunday the 13th September will include:
• Pump and hose activities
• Live fire / fire extinguisher demonstrations
• Bush fire plan preparation and review
• Advice about improving bushfire safety for island houses
• Smoke alarm demonstrations
• Review and update of the emergency access and evacuation map
• BBQ morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea
Get Ready for Bushfire Season

Narrabeen Football Club Premier League Champions for 2015
NARRABEEN are champions of the MWFA Premier League for the first time in their 50 year club history after beating Wakehurst 4-2.
Daniel Ott (2), Jakub Sklenar and Adam Foti were on the score sheet at Narrabeen Sports High, with three points ensuring the "Beenies" can't be caught with two rounds remaining.
Skipper Mark Femia, who has been with the club five winters, is still coming to terms with the achievement.
"It has been an amazing journey, we had big plans, so to execute them with a great bunch of lads is such a great feeling,'' he said.
"We have been building every year, and I said in pre-season I felt we had the squad to win the league.
"The likes of Ollie Skelding, Josh Lawson, Rocco Papalia and David Guzzo have strengthened was what already a quality team.
"We can't wait to play in the NSW Champion of Champions later on, but now our focus is doing the double."
Other games saw Brookvale and Manly Vale finish 2-2, St Augustine's stay in fourth spot after a 1-0 win against CC Strikers, Pittwater RSL FC beat Dee Why 3-1 and Seaforth and Mosman shared the spoils in a 2-2 draw.
Manly Warringah Football Association: MWFA Awards night 2015
PLAYERS, coaches and supporters of peninsula football made their way to Dee Why RSL on Saturday, August 22nd for the inaugural MWFA Premier League and Amateur League Division One awards night.
Football Federation Australia media identity Dave Mason was the master of ceremonies, with a host of gongs handed out from just after 7pm.
Mosman's Sam Byrne was the big winner on the evening, snaring the coveted Lorna Gale Premier League Player of the Year trophy.
Other winners included Coach of the Year (Narrabeen's Joe Santarosa), Goalkeeper of the Year (Narrabeen's Rocco Papalia) and Rookie of the Year (Wakehurst's John Bushnell).
Manly Vale striker Tyson Masters took home the Golden Boot ahead of Narrabeen's Jakub Sklenar.
St Augustine's veteran Peter Robertson almost raised the roof when he announced as Club Person of 2015.
Manly Warringah Football Association general manager Jeremy Toivonen was chuffed with how the night panned out.
"“From where I sit and the feedback I have received, the night was a resounding success,'' he said. “The MWFA will no doubt look to make it a regular fixture on the calendar on an annual basis.”
In the major Amateur League division one awards, Avalon's Louis Renaud was a popular choice as stand out player of the competition.
Manly Allambie's Johannis Van Leeuwen was the obvious selection for Coach of the Year after guiding his team to promotion.
Mosman's Daniel Godward was the golden boot winner.
The Manly Warringah Football Association was established in 1947 and has remained the sole focal point for the development of Football on Sydney’s Northern Beaches.
The community based Association consists of 17 member clubs throughout the Mosman, Manly, Warringah and Pittwater LGAs. It has the responsibility of administering the game of Football to 16 000 male and female players from the age of under 6 to over 35.
Find out more:
Congratulations to Grand Finalists - Narrabeen Youth Club Netball Players
Nine teams from Narrabeen Youth Club's Netball players are off to the Grand Finals next weekend - while other teams won minor Premieres positions yesterday - Congratulations to all and for those playing next week - go girls!
Further inspiration below:

Sydney to host Victory Ceremony for Diamonds
NSW Premier, the Honourable Mike Baird MP will host a public reception to celebrate the newly crowned world champion Australian Diamonds on Wednesday 2 September at 1.00pm at Martin Place, Sydney.
The Diamonds, who claimed a third consecutive Netball World Cup title with a three-goal victory over the New Zealand Silver Ferns in front of a world record crowd of 16,849, will be honoured on stage with a victory ceremony.
We invite you to attend the free reception at Martin Place and help us relive the Netball World Cup victory.
“It’s an honour to be invited by NSW Premier, the Honourable Mike Baird MP to Sydney to celebrate the Australian Diamonds’ Netball World Cup victory with our friends, family and fans,” Diamonds coach Lisa Alexander said.
“Our supporters played such a big role in our World Cup triumph so the public reception will be a chance for us to acknowledge and share this memorable victory with them.”
Victory Ceremony Event Details
WHEN: Wednesday 2 September, 1.00pm to 1.30pm.
WHERE: Martin Place stage, Sydney (between Pitt St and Castlereagh St)
Avalon Sailing Club 2015 (ASC) Registration Day
Sunday, August 30 at 9:00am
Come and register for
• Learn to sail group (tell your friends - children only)
• Registration will also open for the Learn To Sail camp aimed at the older children during the September holidays
• Dinghy sailing -for those with limited to extensive experience, adults and kids
• Yacht Racing and cruising
Above: Nearly there! - after a long time coming the deck is almost complete and we will start the season with somewhere to rig the centreboards! Too many to mention, but a huge thanks to all those who have contributed.
Pittwater Council's Rabbit Control Programs
Wild rabbit Control using Pindone poison baits will take place at the sites listed below from Monday 31 August to Friday 18 September 2015. Advisory signs will be displayed at the entrances to all affected reserves. If the baiting program needs to be extended due to wet weather, on-site signs and Council's website will display the new finish date.
The first week will consist of a free-baiting period (poison free) using plain, undyed oats. During the second and third weeks baits consisting of green-dyed oats laced with Pindone poison will be laid in furrows at the reserves listed below. The poison baits are laid in the afternoon and any uneaten baits removed early the following morning. The sites are checked regularly for carcasses. Please report to Council any dead rabbits found during the baiting period at the sites listed on this page.
Pindone poison is an anticoagulant considered low level of hazard to humans and domestic animals when used according to the label. However, children should be supervised and pets kept away from the affected reserves for the duration of the program. Dogs should also be kept on leash in areas surrounding the participating reserves. In case of accidental poisoning with Pindone, persons should contact the Poisons Information Centre on 131126 and go to the closest hospital emergency department. Animals should be taken to the closest vet immediately.
Please contact Council on (02) 9970 1111 with any queries.
Wild Rabbit Pindone Baiting Sites include:
• Careel Bay Playing Fields
• Hitchcock Park - Careel Bay
• Avalon Golf Course
• Boondah Playing Fields - Warriewood
• Porters Reserve - Newport
• Kitchener Park - Mona Vale
• Narrabeen Indoor Sports Centre - Warriewood
• Ausgrid - Samuel Street - Mona Vale
Important note to pet rabbit owners & rabbit breeders: Please seek advice from your veterinary surgeon regarding annual vaccination against rabbit Calicivirus. Generally the vaccination should take place prior to February each year to ensure that there is sufficient time for immunity to build-up in your rabbit prior to any release of the biological agent by public authorities.
For further Information
• Contact a Bushland Management Officer on 9970 1111
• Refer to Council's Feral Rabbit information page.
Spring into the library this September
25 Aug 2015
Visitors of all ages will be kept entertained at Mona Vale Library next month with a host of activities and events planned for September.
Fun starts on Tuesday 8 September with the new Interactive Baby Play program, running from 9.30-10am for babies aged 6-12 months. The program will be facilitated by Tammie West from Playgroups NSW.
During History week, residents are invited to take part in a guided walk to discover both European and Indigenous heritage of Angophora Reserve, Avalon.
The free walk will be led by Karen Smith from the Aboriginal Heritage Office on Wednesday 9 September from 10am. Participants are asked to meet at the entrance of Angophora Reserve, Palmgrove Road, Avalon.
To keep young hands and minds busy the library will host a Lego Robotics Workshop for children aged 10 years and over. The event will take place on Saturday 12 September from 10.30am until noon.
Workshop facilitator Mark Boyle, said the session combined Lego® compatibility with Meet Edison robots, which are both affordable and compatible.
There are two events planned during the school holidays. The first being a children’s storytelling with Stefanie Godinho – for children aged three and over.
Stefanie will captivate children with a special storytelling of Lily & the Magic Wall on Wednesday 13 September 10 until 11am. This fun event includes a live appearance from Lily the dog, face painting and cupcakes. Books will be available for purchase, with $1 from every sale going to the International Brothers & Sisters House.
Youngsters aged 10 and over will enjoy the Kids Party Confidential event with comedian Sean Murphy. Murphy shares many humorous anecdotes from kids’ parties and embarrassing tales.
This show dishes the dirt on how to survive festivities for people who can’t drink yet. The kid laugh thinking it’s fiction, parents cry knowing it’s all true and everyone learns how to tie a serious balloon sword! This event is on Wednesday 30 September from 11am.
Details on these and other events at Mona Vale Library
Bookings are essential, please call 9970 1600 and reserve your seat today.
Climate and Water Outlook, September–November 2015
Bureau of Meteorology: Published on 26 Aug 2015
The monthly Climate and Water Outlook video covers rainfall, streamflow and temperature for the next three months. The next video will be available on 24 September 2015. For more detail, please go to
Please note our ENSO Tracker is updated every two weeks. Checkhere to see its current status.
For an e-alert each month for the next video, please subscribe to Climate Outlooks at
You can also follow the Bureau of Meteorology on Facebook, and on Twitter at @BOM_au.
Get Your Bronze Medallion at Whale Beach SLSC
Do you know anyone who is interested in obtaining their Bronze Medallion?!
If any of your friends or family are interested then all they have to do is send a quick email to our Chief Training Officer - Georgia Roberts - at - Easy!!
The first Bronze course begins on the 27th of September and there will be more courses throughout the season!
The ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year Awards
The ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year Awards are the most prestigious awards of recognition in the sport of sailing. There are two categories - male and female - and sailors nominated may represent any discipline of the sport.
A sailor (or crew) nominated for the 2015 Award must have performed an "outstanding achievement in the sport of sailing between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2015".
Nominations must be received by ISAF no later than 19.00 UTC on 2 September 2015. The winners will be announced on Tuesday 10 November 2015 at the Awards Presentation and dinner in Sanya, China. Nominate here:

Lock Crowther Regatta 2015 – RMYC Multihull Division
Lock Crowther was regarded as a world class Australian pioneer of multihull yacht design. We recognise his dedication to the development of the modern multihull and name a Regatta in his honour.
The Lock Crowther Regatta has been hosted by the RMYC since 1996 and offers multihull owners both exciting racing and cruising programs.
Once again the regatta will be held over the October long weekend on the beautiful waters of Pittwater and Broken Bay, NSW - starting with an optional Blue Water Classic ocean race on Friday 2 October 2015 for Safety Category 4 equipped boats with 4 inshore races to be sailed over Saturday and Sunday 3-4 October 2015.
And for the second year running, "off the beach" multihulls are invited to attend!
For the tenth year running APC Logistics, a major Australian-based international freight forwarding company, has signed on as principal and title sponsor of the 2015 event. We acknowledge and thank them warmly for their ongoing, generous support.
Here's an outline of what we have arranged for the weekend:
• Five races over three days • Exciting prize pool on offer
• First class marina facilities • PHS, OMR & VYC handicap formats
• Launching area for trailable boats • Family entertainment facilities including swimming pool
• Trailer storage area • Courtesy bus to shops/chandlery
• Friday evening welcome BBQ • Breakfast and take-away lunch available
• Free skipper's regatta shirt • "off the beach" entries welcome
All this for only $150 entry fee unchanged from last year!
Don't miss it!
Please click HERE for the 2015 Notice of Race, online Entry Form and regatta shirt ordering information.
The online Entry Form includes help instructions. And you can pay securely online as well as upload a photo and other details of your boat if you wish!
"Off the Beach" boats, please choose the OTB Regatta Entry Form.
Sailing Instructions will be available for download towards the end of September 2015
Government fiddles with structures while councils burn
Thursday 27 August 2015 - LGNSW
Councils across NSW are being asked to carry the costs of public transport and school construction, while simultaneously being told they are poor financial managers who should be sacked, a Sydney summit has been told.
The Local Government NSW Finance Summit today heard State Transit demanded $100,000 from Lane Cove Council to run public bus services through a newly rezoned residential area planned for 3,000 additional residents.
Meanwhile the Department of Education had suggested the Council should impose a "betterment tax" on residents to pay for a new school in the same new area.
"The NSW Government is fiddling with structures while Councils burn," LGNSW President Keith Rhoades AFSM said.
"They claim to want strong councils and strong communities but refuse to address the systemic issues that have led us to where we are today.
"Councils have already come a long way in getting their financial houses in order, but while some of the answers are in our hands, other spheres of Government also need to get serious about what they can do to improve Local Government financial sustainability.
"Fix the funding first, then let communities decide whether they need amalgamations."
Some 44 Councils gathered at the Summit to examine how best to achieve financial sustainability, which the sector argues is the critical element of meaningful reform.
LGNSW research has determined that cost shifting to NSW Councils in 2011/12 amounted to $521 million - up from an estimated $380 million in 2005/06 - and the amount was increasing exponentially on a year-to-year basis.
One regional Council told the Summit it was required to pay commercial rental rates for crown land used by the Rural Fire Service - and on one occasion was asked to pay the State Government a $900 fee to check Crown land for contamination before an RFS building could be built.
"We're not putting out the begging bowl - we're calling on the Government to get real and stop asking Councils to do more and more with less," Cr Rhoades said.
"The sector understands that the State Government doesn't want to risk its political capital by putting an end to rate-pegging, but the reality is that rates have not kept pace with the cost of services that Local Government is expected to deliver.
"Combine rate-pegging with cost-shifting and it's no surprise many councils have been forced into deficit, or to run an infrastructure maintenance backlog.
"Yet that's the basis of the flawed $1-million-per-day claim the Government is using to justify its forced amalgamations.
"Talk about an irrational argument.
"You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that combining three struggling councils into one just leaves you with one big struggling council.
"And it's not even a zero sum game, because forced amalgamations are going to cost significantly more than the Government is offering as an incentive.
"The mythical $1 billion support package is just that - a myth - given that more than $600 million is simply access to cheaper loans. It's ratepayers' money we're talking about, not the Government's.
"Loans still need to be paid back ... and so round and round we go."
The Summit heard other examples of cost shifting from the State to Local Government included library funding ($106 million), contributions to emergency funding ($104 million), cost recovery for development applications ($59 million), reimbursement for pensioner rebates ($55 million) and noxious weed management ($11 million).
The Summit was attended by professional staff from 44 city and shire councils, including Bellingen, Blue Mountains, Bombala, Campbelltown, Coffs Harbour, Cooma-Monaro, Cowra, Deniliquin, Dubbo, Fairfield, Gilgandra, Gwydir, Hay, Holroyd, Hunters Hill, Jerilderie, Kempsey, Ku-ring-gai, Lake Macquarie, Lane Cove, Leeton, Leichhardt, Lockhart, Murrumbidgee, Nambucca, North Sydney, Palerang, Penrith, Pittwater, Randwick, Shellharbour, Shoalhaven, Snowy River, Sutherland, Tenterfield, Tumut, Uralla, Urana, Willoughby, Wollondilly, Wollongong, Woollahra, and Young.
Other attendees over the Summit include representatives from the Australian Local Government Association, Infrastructure Tasmania, Mid Coast Water, the Commonwealth Grants Commission, Price Waterhouse Coopers, the Department of Infrastructure and the Office of Local Government.
Renewable energy and efficiency for your home, 8 September, Manly
Get the lowdown on how you can save money on your energy bills (and at the same time reduce your dependence on coal and gas).
The Renewable Energy and Efficiency Forum will outline the most up-to-date methods and technologies available for reducing energy use in the home and for keeping houses warmer in winter and cooler in summer. It will be practical and innovative!
The speakers are leaders in their field:
• James Bramwell from Energy Freedom
• Michael Mobbs, a sustainability consultant who has made his own inner-city houseindependent of water, sewage and power supplies
• Christina Kirsch from ClearSky Investments
Regardless of your home's age or design, there are ways to use the latest technology to improve your efficiency, take advantage of rooftop solar, and get coal seam gas out!
The speakers’ presentations will be followed by a Q & A session.
WHEN: Tuesday September 8, 7pm - 9pm
WHERE: Manly Council Chambers, 1 Belgrave St, Manly
Entry by donation. Refreshments provided.
Thank you to Manly City Council and the Manly Environment Centre for their support of this event.
Pablo Brait: Community Organiser - Nature Conservation Council of NSW, proud partner of the Our Land, Our Water, Our Future Campaign
Ph. 0421 011 182 -
The Warringah Art Prize 2015 General Exhibition Opens
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Featuring more than 80 original paintings, drawings, photography and mixed media pieces, the Warringah Art Prize’s general category will be on display until 6 September at the Warringah Creative Space.
The Warringah Art Prize is the northern beaches most prestigious and longest running art exhibition.
To allow more artists to showcase their work, the exhibition was split into two different periods this year, with the Waste to Art and Youth categories on display from 13-23 August.
‘It’s great to see the exhibition going from strength to strength with a record number of entries and a record prize pool worth $22,000 being distributed amongst the winners this year,’ said Warringah Mayor Michael Regan.
‘We’re excited to support the work of local artists and we invite the community to come and see the display and vote for their favourites to win the People’s Choice awards.’
The exhibition was judged by internationally acclaimed artists, Geoff Harvey and Joshua Yeldham, along with Manly Gallery Director Michael Hedger.
A list of the Winners for the Youth and Waste to Art Categories are available at
General winners werer announced at the opening night for the General category on Thursday 27 August.
General Category
Warringah Council Major Winner - $6,000
Artist: Marie Larraine Weir, Artwork: The Crane Cockatoo Island NSW NO 12
Honourable Mention – Painting - $1,000
Artist: Lisa Woolfe, Artwork: Two Ravens
Honourable Mention – Works on Paper - $1,000
Artist: Jo Regan, Artwork: Oscillate
Honourable Mention – Photography - $1,000
Artist: Gabriela Villalba, Artwork: The Bridge
Emerging Artist - $500 Art supplies/ Framing
Artist: Roanize Kruger, Artwork: Flinders
Warringah Art Prize
General Exhibition: 28 August – 6 September
Hours: Sat-Wed 10am-4pm, Thu-Fri 10am-6pm
Warringah Creative Space, 105 Abbott Road, North Curl Curl
Cost: Free
More information about the Warringah Art Prize Exhibition
NSW Government - Have Your Say on Targeted Earlier Intervention Programs - Online Consultation
What are we doing?
The NSW Department of Family and Community Services is seeking feedback on what's working well and where we can improve in the delivery of targeted earlier intervention services.
Why are we doing it?
Targeted earlier intervention services are our best opportunity to help families so that they do not reach crisis point.
Targeted Earlier Intervention Program Reform is about improving client experience of our services, so families and communities with the greatest needs can access services that maximise positive outcomes. These improvements include:
improving flexibility so services are targeted to individual client needs
better understanding what works so we can prioritise our efforts
enabling local responses to reflect local strengths and challenges.
How can you have your say?
We need your help to redesign the targeted earlier intervention service system.
People working with disadvantaged children, young people, families and communities are especially encouraged to have their say.
You can provide your feedback via their website where you will find a Sector Consultation Paper outlining the scope and aim of reform.
Feedback on the consultation paper closes on 16 October 2015.
Music from the Heart
A concert for the Manly Arts Festival given by the Odawara Doctors’ Choir and the Manly Warringah Choir
Conductors: Hiroko Yamada and Carlos Alvarado
Accompanists: Yumi Tabata and Angela Ferguson
Guest Artist: Noriko Shimada (Contrabassoon)
The Odawara Doctors’ Choir and Manly Warringah Choir will present a program of songs reflective of love and the spirit. Each choir will sing its own repertoire and the two choirs will join forces for two songs – one from each repertoire.
The concert will be held at the Cardinal Cerretti Chapel, Darley Road Manly, in the grounds of the International Management College at 5.00pm on Sunday September 20th.
Odawara Doctors’ Choir
The Odawara Doctors’ Choir was founded in 2008 in Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Most of the members are medical personnel including doctors, pharmacists, nurses, nursing school staff, dentists and secretariat staff.
The choir holds its concert annually – The Choir has featured an international cellist, Mari Fujiwara, and a
psychiatrist and musician, Osamu Kitayama as some of the guest artists to make their concerts richer. The choir participates in chorus festivals such as Odawara Citizens’ Choir Festival and Kanagawa Prefectural Chorus Festival.
The choir has also held charity concerts, in 2011 in Paris and in 2013 at Honen-in Temple in Kyoto. The choir was selected to perform at a Christmas charity concert held by the Japan Medical Association in December, 2014. The conductor of Odawara Doctors’ Choir is Hiroko Yamada and the accompanist is Yumi Tabata.
The members of Odawara Doctors’ Choir practise singing for their patients and community to feel closer to them through music.
Odawara Doctors’ Choir appreciates the opportunity to sing with The Manly-Warringah Choir in Manly where Tokimeki International School, Odawara-Manly youth exchange program has been held for 25 years.
Manly-Warringah Choir
Members of the Manly Warringah Choir are a diverse group of people. Some members have been in choirs all their adult lives, have powerful voices and can read music at sight. Others have taken up singing later in life, and are still developing musical and vocal skills.
The one thing they all share is a love of choral music, and of performing it for local audiences. Choir membership in 2015 numbers around 100, with between 70 and 90 members taking part in each concert.
The Choir’s Conductor for over ten years, Dr Carlos Alvarado, is an experienced and accomplished musician, having been trained at The Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow and Berlin. His particular expertise is in melding the singing of such a variety of voices and abilities to make memorable performances.
2015 is the 40th anniversary year of choir’s foundation.
Noriko Shimada: Guest Artist
After graduating from the State University for Music and Arts in Tokyo, Noriko Shimada moved to Hannover, Germany to continue her studies with Klaus Thunemann. She completed her Konzert exam (Soloist's Diploma) performing André Jolivet's bassoon concerto.
Noriko worked as a member of the Ensemble Modern, a contemporary music group in Germany over 10 years. She joined the Sydney Symphony Orchestra as Principal Contrabassoon in 2002. She also teaches the fagottino, a small bassoon designed especially for young children. Member of Australasian Double Reed Society.
Live captioning: let's talk ... register now
20 July 2015
Captioning gives deaf and hearing-impaired citizens access to television programs. But live captioning comes with its challenges, so what is the most effective and sustainable way to caption live or part-live programs?
Join a range of citizen, industry and government stakeholders as the ACMA hosts the latest Citizen conversation series on live captioning. This free event will feature a hearing loop, Auslan interpreters and captioners.
Event details: Tuesday 15 September 2015, 9.00 am – 3.30 pm(registration opens at 8.30 am).
Where: ACMA Sydney office, Level 5, The Bay Centre, 65 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont
RSVP: Space is limited, so register now to secure your place. Registrations close Monday 7 September 2015.
Please note that this event will be filmed.
More information
For more information about this event, please A draft program with information about speakers and panellists is available here.
Please note: One registration per individual.
If you are viewing this page on our mobile site, you will need to switch to the full site to access the registration form.
Live captioning: let's talk – register here
Spring Flower Show
Mona Vale Garden Club 44th Spring Flower Show
26th Sep 2015: 10:30am - 4pm
The Mona Vale Garden Club presents its annual Spring Flower Show. All profits to Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary.
Flowers, potted plants, vegetables, herbs and floral art exhibits.
Plants, craft, cakes & white elephant goods for sale.
Raffles and refreshments.
Cost: Adults $2, children no charge.
Venue: Ted Blackwood Hall, cnr Jacksons & Boondah Roads, Warriewood
Contact: Cheryl Wunsch 9971 7875
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 21/8/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Great Chairs for sale at Avalon Beach SLSC
We are dropping the price of these chairs as we really need to get rid of them. We are also happy to sell any number (we have to move 94) THEY ARE NOW ONLY $20 EACH.
You couldn't rent them for this price. In great condition. Message us if you want some or would like to have a look at them. Message at
Riviera Owners Invited to Experience the Wonderful Whitsundays
Picture yourself cruising aboard your luxurious Riviera through Queensland’s Whitsundays, creating special memories at idyllic destinations such as Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, secluded island anchorages and wonderful Whitehaven Beach.
It’s the stuff dreams are made of – and Mark Riley and the team at Pittwater-based R Marine Riley are planning to make these dreams come true.
Sydney International Boat Show was this week abuzz with excitement as R Marine Riley formally announced a special Whitsunday Islands Experience, departing Sydney in mid-2016.
This extremely active Riviera dealership has hosted some amazing experiences for Riviera clients from all over the world, all of whom share one thing in common: getting out and enjoying ‘the ultimate boating experience’ aboard their luxurious Riviera and Belize motor yachts.
“This will be an amazing trip,” said dealer principal Mark Riley. “We will also be taking in many of the major highlights of Australia’s east coast, the world-class Riviera factory at Coomera, of course the Great Barrier Reef as well as many of the magnificent Whitsunday islands that are known worldwide for their beauty and pristine turquoise waters.”
The Whitsunday Island Experience open to all Riviera and Belize owners, regardless of experience.
“This is a great opportunity for Riviera and Belize owners to stretch their sea legs with the confidence they are in the company of people with extensive blue-water cruising and weather forecasting experience, as well as a marine engineer who knows their boats intimately,” says Mark.
“We will be enjoying some amazing raft-ups, sunset on the beach parties and, of course, the safety of knowing that if anything goes wrong other boats are only seconds away.”
Mark says the success of past R Marine Riley Experience trips to Lady Musgrave and Frazer islands in Queensland, to Jervis Bay on the NSW south coast and also closer to home trips to northern NSW destinations including Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens and the Myall Lakes has ensured plenty of early interest in the Whitsundays passage.
“Our trips have included everyone from families and couples new to boating through to experienced hands who just love the camaraderie of cruising in company of like-minded people who share their passion for the rich and rewarding boating lifestyle,” he said.
“Cruising the Whitsunday islands is, for many people, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and we invite Riviera and Belize owners to join us on this very special voyage to the by registering as soon as possible.”
If you would like to register for this amazing Whitsunday Islands Experience or for R Marine Riley’s three-week Tasmania Experience departing Sydney at the end of 2015, please contact:
R Marine Riley
The Quays Marina
1856 Pittwater Road
Church Point, NSW, Australia
Phone: + 61 (02) 9979 7000
Fax: + 61 (02) 9997 1288
Mobile: +61 418 250 727

RU OK? Day - September 10th, 2015
find out more here
Critter of the Month - August 2015

New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information or call John on 9982 5656 / 0409 391 065
Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE

The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
Bike Week 2015
Bike Week - Be Safe Cycle Safe
Cycle down to the Pittwater ‘Share the Path’ marquee to celebrate Bike Week. Have your bike checked, update your cycling road rules knowledge and find out about all the great places to cycle in Pittwater. Free giveaways on the day including water bottles and bike maps. Come to these North Narrabeen venues between 9am - 1pm:
Saturday 12 Sept - Middle Creek
Sunday 13 Sept - Bilarong Reserve
Saturday 19 Sept - Bilarong Reserve
Sunday 20 Sept - Narrabeen St/Berry Reserve
Michelle Carter:
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade Hazard Reduction Works 2015
August 24
Additional photos of the terrain for the Tumble Valley HR over last weekend. Tumble 7 was able to negotiate the difficult and messy track conditions, the crew working hard to contain fire creep with the large amount of fuel on the track.
Photos courtesy Tumbledown RFB

Newport Sculpture Trail 2015: Call For Submissions
On Friday evening 13th November, the heart of Newport shopping village will be transformed once again into a twilight pedestrian piazza for the launch of the annual Newport Sculpture Trail.
Last year, over 2,000 people came into the village for the event, which included an inaugural “beach arts market”, local artists painting the wall panels of the BWS arcade and Newport’s famous eateries.
As for the 2014 launch event, the theme for 2015 will be “inspired by the sea”, but the 2015 launch event promises to be even bigger and better!
This year, we are inviting Northern Beaches schools, artist collectives and community groups to participate by creating light sculpture installations to showcase their work at the launch event.
Below is a sample of the type of light sculptures we had in mind – photos taken at the recent Lismore Lantern Festival.
There will be a maximum of 12 places of approximately 1.5 metres x 1.5 metres allocated at points around the launch event. It is expected that groups will seek their own sponsorship for materials and creation of their installations, and will have an opportunity to fundraise on the evening through coin donations from people who like their installations and want to have their photos taken with it. It is also an ideal opportunity to promote your organisation or group for FREE!
If you are interested in securing a spot for an installation, please email or call Patsy Clayton-Fry 0403 817 341
But do hurry to express your interest as places are limited!
Tourism paper on exhibition
Pittwater Council agreed at its recent meeting to place the draft Tourism in Pittwater paper on exhibition for public comment.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the overall aim of the draft tourism paper is to identify current and future tourism opportunities for Pittwater, along with possible challenges.
Mayor Townsend said we are very much aware of the contribution and value of tourism to the Pittwater businesses and our overall economy.
“Tourism is vital for creating job opportunities, with approximately 10 percent of our local workforce employed directly in tourism and hospitality, which is above the national average,” she said.
Economic Development Coordinator Paul William-Smith said that the data reveals the importance of tourism to Pittwater, with over 600,000 people visiting per annum and some 460,000 visitor nights recorded.
Mr William-Smith said the draft tourism paper was developed with input from businesses, chambers of commerce, government agencies along with the broader community.
“An online survey and a series of focus groups were conducted, along with one-on-one interviews with a broad spectrum of local owner operators including yacht and kayak hirers and café owners,” he said.
“Tourism to our area is growing; especially the day visitors who want to experience the lifestyle and unique natural environment, eat at our superb cafes and restaurants, and shop in a vibrant village atmosphere,” said Mr William-Smith.
“The draft paper also highlights the opportunities associated with developing our night time economy, with the potential to further enhance the visitor experience in our town and village centres.
Mr William-Smith said the draft tourism paper offers a useful tool for investors, operators and the broader community in developing their own business planning.
“It also confirms the desire to preserve the natural environment that makes Pittwater so unique, by promoting tourism that is sustainable.”
The draft document Tourism in Pittwater is on public exhibition from 20 August to 20 September 2015. To view the document visit
Learner drivers supervisors workshop
15th Sep 2015: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
A free workshop for parents/carers who supervise learner drivers
The next workshop for parents and supervisors of learner drivers will be held on Tuesday 15 September 2015 at the Mona Vale Library between 6.30pm - 8.30pm.
We hold several free workshops for parents/carers who supervise Learner drivers as part of our Road Safety initiatives.
The workshop covers the following information:
How to complete the learner drivers log book;
the process of gaining a P1 (red P) driving licence and beyond;
the use of licensed driving instructors;
practical tips for teaching and supervising a learner driver with up-to date information on the requirements for Learner Drivers; and
any questions or uncertainties.
Refreshments provided, Learner drivers welcome to come along. Book now as places are limited. To book your place for the next learner drive workshop, contact the road safety officer on 9970 1196 or by email at
Exhibition of Climate Change Policy
At Pittwater Council’s meeting last week, the Council agreed to place on exhibition for public comment the revised Climate Change Policy from 6 August until 2 September 2015.
The focus of the review brings the current 2009 policy up-to-date to incorporate a risk management approach, with closer alignment to Pittwater 2025: Our Community Strategic Plan.
Pittwater Council supports the Australian Local Government Association which classes climate change as one of its top five priority policy issues.
As such Council has an important local role in helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as implementing measures for climate change adaptation.
Acting General Manager Mark Jones said that a key focus of adaptation to climate change under the revised policy is on building community resilience.
“This requires preparedness for the projected increases to the severity of heatwaves, fires, floods and coastal storms.
“We are at a point in time to move beyond philosophy and acknowledge that we have commenced a focus on embedding climate change resilience into Council actions, and will continue to do so into the future,” said Mr Jones.
A Climate Action Plan Framework has also been developed in support of the revised policy.
Mr Jones said whilst it will take time, using a clear framework enables Council to coordinate its efforts to respond to the pressures of climate change in an ordered manner.
A number of key projects relating to building both Council and community capacity to climate change have already been completed and others are underway.
These include Council’s Climate Change Risk Assessment and plans to carry out community workshops later in the year. The workshops will raise awareness on how to be psychologically prepared for fire, floods and coastal storm events.
The Climate Change Policy No.176 is on exhibition for public comment between 6 August and 2 September 2015 and can be viewed at or at Council’s customer service centres at Mona Vale and Avalon.
Put your prized pooch in the frame!
Is your dog talented, cute or funny? Then the PETstock Pittwater Dog of the Year photo competition is for you and your pooch.
Pittwater residents are invited to submit a photo of their beloved canine companion in the competition and be in the running for a great prize package.
The competition closes 5pm on Friday 4 September, with winners announced at Dog Day by the Bay on Sunday 20 September at Rowland Reserve, Bayview.
Event coordinator Sasha Lucius said to participate all you have to do is to submit your dog’s photo along with a brief description as to why they are worthy of being Pittwater Dog of the Year.
Entry to the competition is for Pittwater residents only, with a reminder that beach shots or dogs in the water will not be eligible.
All photos submitted will be available for viewing at as well as at the Dog Day by the Bay event and via social media.
Dog Day by the Bay is on between 10am and 3pm and includes demonstrations of canine skill and training, education talks and competitions including the ever-popular ‘Canine Fancy Dress Parade’ and ‘Doggy Dash’ competitions.
Other highlights include a new fun obedience and trick challenge led by the Manly and District Dog Training Club.
Ms Lucius said anyone in the audience can participate in this fun competition, again with great prizes on offer.
There will also be a Kids’ Corner where children can enjoy a free jumping castle and face painting, and a number of delicious food stalls on the day.
Proceeds raised will be donated to the local branch of the Animal Welfare League. Entry and parking are free.
Both the 2015 photo competition and the Dog Day by the Bay event are proudly sponsored by PETstock.
For further information about Dog Day by the Bay and how to enter the competition visit
Dinghy Sale
12th Sep 2015: 8am - 10am
Recovered watercraft for sale. Interested in purchasing a pre-loved dinghy?
Dinghies and other watercraft can be viewed from 8am at Rowland Reserve, Bayview with bids announced from 10am. Sealed bids must be placed in the specially marked box with the highest offer accepted.
Applications Open for Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation Grants
Wednesday, 26 August 2015 - Environment Minister Mark Speakman has invited community organisations and councils to apply for a share of the NSW Government’s $5.3 million Restoration and Rehabilitation Grants Program. Mr Speakman said the Environmental Trust Grants Program aimed to help community organisations, local councils and other groups run projects that would prevent or reduce environmental degradation at a local level.
“These grants will help communities and organisations conduct important environmental work in relation to vulnerable ecosystems,” Mr Speakman said.
“The government has set aside $5.3 million for this year’s grants program for projects working to conserve and restore our natural environment.
“There is $2 million available to community and not-for-profit organisations, $2 million for government entities and a further $1.3 million is available for owners and managers of NSW State Heritage Register listed properties.”
Applications for grants of $5,000 to $100,000 close on Friday, 18 September 2015. Grants are available for projects where work is carried out over a period of up to three years. To apply or for more details visit:
NSW Disability Services sector ahead on journey to reform
27 Aug 2015: Media Release - A new independent review of the Industry Development Fund (IDF) initiatives has found that it plays an important role in supporting the disability services sector, particularly ahead of the transition to the National Disability Scheme (NDIS).
The NSW Government invested $22 million towards the IDF, through its key partner, National Disability Services NSW (NDS) to run a wide range of initiatives including, workshops, training opportunities and online learning modules across the disability services support industry.
Organisations now report they are more engaged in reform activities, and have adapted their policies and service practices in line with the positive benefits NDIS reforms will bring to the lives of people with disability in NSW.
Family and Community Service Deputy Secretary, Jim Longley said that NSW continues to build the foundations for the NDIS, and this independent review confirms the importance of IDF initiatives.
“IDF initiatives give organisations the practical tools and resources to prepare for the NDIS transition.”
The independent review, conducted by the Nucleus Group, examined how organisations have benefited from participating in IDF initiatives since its establishment in 2010.
The review found that the IDF is central to promoting the message of change to the sector, and provides NSW disability support organisations with opportunities to engage with a variety of projects on the road to NDIS implementation.
The review also found that IDF initiatives have recognised the diversity of the sector and have been well developed to meet the needs of both small and large organisations.
“The IDF was established to build the capacity and sustainability of services and to revolutionise the way services are accessed by and provided to people with disability. The positive results demonstrated by this review suggest we are on the way to achieving this,” Mr Longley said.
The IDF Review Summary Report can be found on the National Disability Services website and on the Ageing, Disability and Homecare website, here.
Safety first for Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Race
20 August 2015
Staying in touch with the latest in safety technology is paramount to the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club’s sailing committee, particularly when it comes to sending its Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Race fleet offshore at night through major shipping channels.
The Pittwater to Coffs Notice of Race, which is now available online for prospective entries, includes a new requirement that adds the latest in positioning technology to the fleet’s inventory of safety gear.
For the 2016 race to Coffs Harbour starting January 2 off Palm Beach headland, all competing yachts will be required to carry an AIS transponder, technology that is readily available and brings increased benefits, particularly when navigating through busy shipping channels such as off the port of Newcastle on the NSW Hunter coast.
Ragamuffin and OCL 2 - photo by Crosbie Lorimer
AIS, or Automatic Identification System, is a maritime communications device that uses Very High Frequency (VHF) radio broadcasting system to transfer data via a VHF data link. AIS equipped vessels can send and receive identification information plusposition, course, speed, and ship particulars that can be displayed on an electronic chart, computer display or compatible navigation radar.
Skipper and Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Race organising committee member Robert McClelland says AIS gives a very accurate picture of all ships, much more than radar is able to do, “given AIS’s ability to ‘look around corners’ because it’s based on a transmission rather than a point-to-point approach.
“On our plotter screen on my boat we can see all the targets within a 25 nautical mile range, and AIS tells me their speed and direction and this information is updated every few minutes. Using a wireless transmitter means I can see the plotter on my iPad, which is really convenient.”
The Rolex Fastnet Race requires AIS on every boat and the Volvo Ocean Race used the technology heavily during the most recent edition of the round-the-world race. “From a performance point of view the VOR crews were able to keep an eye on each other using AIS,” McClelland points out. “It opens up another avenue for monitoring the fleet that can aid in navigation and decision making.
“There are lots of side benefits other than being able to stay out of the path of a huge ship at night,” he added.
The transponders are easily hardwired into the boat and simple to use. They utilise a boat’s existing VHF antennae, which the Coffs race fleet is required to have. AIS is being introduced for the club’s flagship offshore event as an additional entry requirement and safeguard to complement the requirement for Sat phones and the YellowBrick tracking units.
Owners planning to enter the 2016 race to Coffs can look forward to the same simple and streamlined online entry process, and can choose to enter a monohull and be scored under IRC, ORCi, and PHS handicap systems, a multihull (OMR) or the short-handed division.
So far three keelboats and two multihulls have been nominated for the 226 nautical mile race, including Brian Pozzey’s Frantic which will cruise down from the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron to join the dominant NSW fleet.
Owners of eligible boats considering a first time entry for the opening offshore event of new calendar year are encouraged to have a look at the RPAYC’s Pathway to Coffs information series, designed to walk those new to the idea of ocean racing through the stages. Go to
RPAYC’s sailing office staff are available to answer questions and are more than willing to step owners through the qualification and entry process.
Enter here before Friday December 4, 2015.
All information relating to the Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Race 2016, including a new simplified Notice of Race, is on the regatta website
Club Marine, Australia’s largest provider of pleasure craft insurance, is proud to be the naming rights sponsor of the RPAYC’s Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Race.
Event website
By Lisa Ratcliff /RPAYC media
Pittwater Waterway Review
The Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a distinguishing feature of our region’s identity. The waterway is a major focus for business, tourism and leisure activities, within a highly valued natural environment. It also serves as an important connection for Pittwater’s off-shore communities.
In recent years the waterway has experienced unprecedented pressure from a range of competing demands and activities, including increased recreational and business uses, increase in number and size of boats, along with increased access and use of the foreshore.
To achieve Pittwater’s vision of a vibrant sustainable future, Council has initiated the Pittwater Waterway Review to identify and prepare appropriate strategies to meet the competing demands impacting on the waterway. The review is in its early stages with Council currently seeking members of the community and interested stakeholders who may wish to get involved. Please contact Council’s Strategic Planning team on 9970 1684.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Project summary
Pittwater Council is working on a new Bike Plan which will encourage an active Pittwater, where cycling is supported as a travel choice around our town centres and villages. It will also identify other important cycle linkages to destinations like beaches and parks.
We are looking for input from all types of cyclists, from commuters to retirees and families, to help develop the plan to nurture a bike-friendly community.
Community survey
Feedback via the survey will help us develop a cycling vision for Pittwater. It will identify aims for the Bike Plan and projects that can be implemented in the local area. By providing your input we can get a clearer understanding of bike usage and behaviour in Pittwater.
Please complete the survey, which will take approximately 10 minutes. To be in the running to win one of five gift vouchers from a local bike shop, please include your contact details.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Forest Art and Craft Exhibition 2015
Over 500 artworks will be on display when the Forest Community Arts Centre opens its doors to the public for the annual Forest Art and Craft Exhibition.
In this past year hundreds of pieces of art have been created by talented artists and crafts people at The Forest Community Arts Centre.
Paintings in pastels, oils, watercolour and mixed media will be on display, plus numerous crafts including quilting, ceramics and folk art - with many pieces available to purchase.
Many artists have been involved in creating works for this annual exhibition since 1979.
The teacher’s love to create, but they also really enjoy passing on their skills and seeing their students build confidence through a class and through this opportunity to exhibit their work.
There will be artworks from Jeanette Maxwell, Val Kemsley and Bernard Devaux, who are all part of the Forest Community Art Centre group, plus amazing pieces from Artability classes, run for students with disabilities.
Everyone is encouraged to attend and nominate their favourite piece in the People’s Choice Award – as well as buying something for their wall or mantelpiece.
Forest Art and Craft Exhibition
Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 Sep, 10am – 4pm
Forest Community Arts Centre: 6 Darley Street, Forestville
Free entry
Statement From The National Reform Summit 2015
August 26, 2015 - The National Reform Summit was convened by former federal Labor trade minister Craig Emerson and Nick Cater, director of the Menzies Research Centre. Participants included the ACCI, BCA, ACTU, National Seniors Australia, AiG, COTA Australia, ACOSS and the Australian Youth Affairs Council.
Summary of the statement from the Summit - COTA Australia
Australia is a wealthy country that can have an even more prosperous future shared by everyone.
We believe in sustainable economic growth and the creation of high-quality jobs, with shared prosperity that improves the quality of life for all.
Groups representing Australian business, community and workers came together today to agree actions that will help to realise our shared vision.
These groups are committed to a comprehensive program of economic and social reform.
We agree that active strategies are required of governments, businesses, unions, civil society organisations and individuals to adapt the economy to the creation of the jobs for the future. This will involve reforms to boost Australia's competitiveness, including investment in skills, research and development and infrastructure.
The task of reform is to grow the economy, create jobs and lift living standards. Together economic and social reform will:
Enable governments and businesses to invest in the long term prosperity of the nation
Protect the social safety net
Protect Australia in the face of economic shocks
Ensure sufficient funding for quality services including health and education
Such reform needs to occur against a backdrop of major changes to the global and domestic economic and geopolitical environment.
Rapid economic growth in developing economies that is shifting the centre of economic power and the nature of international trade.
Most developed countries are experiencing rapid demographic transformation, at home our ageing population will place increasing pressure on some government services
Technology and digitization are having a profound impact on business models and how we work
We believe that reform is now urgent. While, Australia has enjoyed almost a quarter century of economic growth and weathered the global financial crisis better than other comparable countries, the nation's economic and social position is slipping:
*Unemployment, particularly youth and long-term unemployment, is too high.
*The terms of trade have declined from their peak and productivity growth is too low to fill the gap in national income.
*Australia's economic growth is below trend and our competitiveness is slipping.
*National measures of literacy and numeracy are slipping relative to other developed economies.
*Levels of poverty are unacceptable
Groups represented at the summit want Australia to take action now so that these challenges are met earlier rather than later - before problems become crises. We believe with action now we can reverse these trends and secure:
*Rising productivity that is shared throughout the community
*Continued access to world-standard healthcare and education;
*Maintenance of an effective social safety net ;
*Further progress on closing the gap in outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people;
*Improved access to quality child care, youth services, aged care and disability services;
*Improved access to affordable and appropriate housing; and
*Protection of our natural environment.
The groups at the National Reform Summit recognise the important role they play in helping to achieve this vision.
We agree that too much of the current debate is consumed by special interest lobbying and single-issue politics at the expense of the broader community interest.
All major political parties need to take action, and reach a bipartisan view on the major challenges we face as a nation. There needs to be a clear, long-term plan, implemented with purpose over the next decade to meet these challenges to help guide the community through the necessary adjustment.
The groups we represent also have a special responsibility to advocate and support economic and social reform.
By coming together we aim to agree on the problems that need to be solved to achieve inclusive economic growth.
For the purposes of the National Reform Summit, four areas of reform have been chosen: lifting productivity growth and workforce participation; tax reform; fiscal policy for a growing economy; and sustainable retirement incomes.
While these policy areas do not cover the field of economic and social reform, they are essential for a strong economy and a fair society.
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Sun August 30
Pittwater YHA Bush Regen Weekend
Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 10 years / F
BREED: English Staffy x
Siska is a sweet gentle girl who is not needy of company yet very affectionate when you are around. We think Siska is hard of hearing and for this reason would benefit from another dog around. She walks on loose lead and pays no attention to cars or passing dogs. She is happy to meet all people. She likes a stroll as well as a jog. She enjoys pats & cuddles. She is simply a pleasure to walk. Siska does not want to live with cats. She has a smooth coat and weighs 17kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. Her adoption cost is $400.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Open House 2015
Sunday, September 27 at 10:00am
Ever wanted to know or learn more about our Sailing programs for children or adults or are you already a sailor but wish to sharpen your skills or knowledge?
Come and visit the Club in the new Jack Gale Centre to learn all about what The Alfred's can offer you.
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - RPAYC
Mitala Street, Newport, New South Wales, Australia 2106
Boomerang Bags: sewing the seeds of change
Our workshops are still continuing every Tuesday at the Avalon Rec Centre from 11am until 5pm. Please come down and find out more about how it all works.
You do not need to be a sewer to be involved. We have many non sewing jobs.
For those who cannot make the Tuesday workshop but would like to help we have several options. For sewers we can drop off some "ready to sew" bags to be done in your own time. For non sewers contact us for more information on how you can help from home.
We also have some items for sale . You can buy a beautiful "Bought to Support" version of Boomerang Bags ( $10) and a lovely ceramic reusable coffee mug ($15.00). So start reducing your plastic use now. Contact us for more information.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.

George Bass surf boat marathon 2016
Entries are now open for the 2016 George Bass Surf Marathon. Head to to download the entry form!
Special early bird prices are on offer until 30 September 2015
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is September 6th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,