Community News - April 2014
April 20 - 26, 2014: Issue 159
Rosemary Cuttings Sought For ANZAC Day
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is appealing for local residents with rosemary bushes to donate cuttings for this year’s ANZAC Day commemorations.
Veteran’s charity Legacy is seeking assistance to help meet demand for the thousands of veterans, family members and spectators expected to participate in the annual ANZAC Day dawn service and parade through the Sydney CBD.
Cuttings can be delivered to the Pittwater Electorate Office on Tuesday 22 April or Wednesday 23 April for collection by Legacy representatives.
“Any assistance our community can provide with this humble tradition will be appreciated,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Rosemary is synonymous with ANZAC Day and increasing participation rates means plenty is needed.
“Teams of Legacy volunteers will be distributing sprigs of the aromatic bush during ANZAC Day to be worn as symbols of remembrance and respect for our diggers.
“ANZAC Day is our country’s most sacred occasion and it’s vital its significance is never forgotten.
“It would be fantastic if our community could assist Legacy in this small but meaningful way,” Rob Stokes said.

On Monday night Pittwater Camera Club held the judging for the annual Reg Angus Trophy for Nature Photographer of the Year 2014. Val Fenbrow, a well respected judge and photographer picked the winning image from a selection of images taken around the world.
This years winner was John Taylor whose winning photograph was taken near Narrabeen Lagoon. John's shot was of a cockatoo trying to get a Ringtail Possum and her two babies out of their nesting tree. The cockatoo eventually won and the possum and family left, but not before John got his winning shot.
Regular readers will recall that John won last year with his excellent photograph Yellow Breasted Robin preening in the early morning light.
SHOROC Awarded for Advocacy and Planning as Councillors Plan for Future
SHOROC and its partner councils – Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah – have been recognised as a leader of regional partnerships as councillors have come together again to plan for the future of the region.
SHOROC won a Highly Commended Award at the Local Government Managers Australia NSW 2013 Management Excellence Awards in the Category ‘Partnerships for Growth’.
At a recent SHOROC Forum the Chief Executive of the NSW Office of Local Government Mr Ross Woodward also stated that the NSW Government sees SHOROC and its partner councils “as leaders in local government, showing how regional collaboration can work”.
SHOROC President and Pittwater Mayor, Cr Jacqueline Townsend says the recognition acknowledges the hard work and collaborative efforts of partner councils for improved transport and health infrastructure.
“We developed Shaping Our Future in 2010 as the first integrated regional strategy and we’re now realising significant results. For the first time in decades major infrastructure funding is being directed at this region including major public transport and road upgrades and of course the Northern Beaches Hospital.
“We’re now looking to the future and how we can make our region even better. Collaboration continues with councillors and senior staff from all four councils coming together last week to identify future priorities.
“The SHOROC Forum gave councillors and staff the opportunity to workshop and identify priorities for the region and also hear from the NSW Government about local government reform and in particular how local and state government can work better.
The Hon Jonathan O’Dea MP, Member for Davidson spoke about the importance of looking at the region as a whole, beyond council boundaries. Mr Ross Woodward, Chief Executive Office of Local Government outlined the work being undertaken in the Local Government Review.
“With a strong track record in regional coordination and collaboration, SHOROC and its partner councils are highly regarded as a strong and progressive organisation.
“The LGMA award and recognition by the Office of Local Government demonstrates the benefits for this region that the collaboration between councils can bring. Priorities identified by the councillors at the Forum will be incorporated in the SHOROC Corporate Plan and we look forward to even greater results in the future,” said Cr Townsend.
The Local Government Management Excellence Awards is an annual program that recognises councils that demonstrate excellence and innovation. This year, Local Government Professionals Australia, NSW received record-breaking nominations across ten categories.
Legacy’s special role. Remember Veterans’ families this ANZAC Day.
This ANZAC Day, Legacy is reminding people to think about the families of veterans who have lost their lives or health as well as our fallen veterans.
As Australian troops withdraw from Afghanistan, Legacy is focused on the years ahead and the role it will play. For families of veterans, the battle goes on.
Across Australia, Legacy is supporting 94,000 Widows and 1900 children and people with a disability, the families of veterans who have died during or after service.
Legacy recognises many veterans are suffering from mental health issues, including Post Traumatic Stress, which is recognised as being as debilitating to a person’s life as paraplegia.
For the families continuing on after the loss of a partner or parent, and for those living with a veteran with mental or physical illness, life changes forever.
Legacy believes that with assistance, they can find a way forward to live lives which are fulfilling and where they are contributing members of society.
Legacy has played a special role in the lives of veterans’ families by providing caring and compassionate service including advocacy so Widows receive benefits to which they are entitled, helping them access medical, dental and counseling services and financial and legal advice and preventing social isolation.
Assisting children is a major priority and Legacy steps in to provide financial assistance for education, including after school activities and organising camps for children, sometimes with their parents, sometimes without, and opportunities for personal development.
“We want people to recognise that while the war in Afghanistan is finishing, the struggles for many of these families aren’t,” said Legacy Northern Beaches Chairman Tim Becker.
“They need our ongoing understanding, compassion and support and all at Legacy are here to assist them, for however long we are needed.
“We are still supporting Widows of World War I veterans so anticipate that in 90 years time we will still be supporting wives of today’s veterans. Legacy is here for the long term.”
Anyone interested in volunteering for Legacy, becoming a Legatee or to make a donation, phone 9248 9000 or contact Legatee Becker on 8976 3500.

2014 Blues Hogs for Homeless Raffle
In 2012, rugby league legend and NSW Blues warrior Brad Fittler said that as a father it made him feel sick to his core that there were nearly 4000 homeless children under the age of 12 in the state of his origin, the state that he loves so much, the state that he has shed blood for; NSW.
This prompted ‘Freddy’ to contact Father Chris Riley and his ‘Youth off the Streets’ team to say that he wanted to create a fundraising event to help such a worthwhile organisation.
Drawn at the announcement of the VB NSW Blues Team, Tuesday May 20, 2014.
See more at HERE
Tenders for Elanora Heights Upgrade
Tenders will soon be called for the upgrade to the Elanora Heights shopping centre in Kalang Road.
The Council voted at its meeting this week to adopt an amended masterplan for the upgrade, based on feedback from residents and business-owners.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the changes were aimed at making parking easier for shoppers and creating a more pedestrian-friendly centre.
Up to 43 parking spaces will become available as a result of the upgrade, with the length of the central median strip reduced and an additional pedestrian crossing created.
A proposal to relocate the bus stop to the opposite side of Kalang Road to create more parking spaces will be referred to the Pittwater Traffic Committee for final endorsement.
Pedestrians will have a widened footpath of 5 metres along the eastern side of Kalang Road. The roundabout at St Andrews Gate will also be retained following community feedback.
Mayor Townsend said the changes to the proposed upgrade had been made in consultation with local businesses and residents and tenders for the work would now be called.
“We expect to advertise tenders by June, with the work to be done in two stages as funding becomes available,” she said.
Stage 1 of the work – landscaping the centre, creating the median strip and widening the footpath – is expected to start by August this year.
Stage 2 – ‘gateway’ entrances to each end of the shopping centre– will begin once funding becomes available.
To view the masterplan in detail
Avalon Surf Club Restaurant Tender Opens
Pittwater Council will shortly open tenders for the restaurant and café in the new Avalon surf club building.
Diners at the restaurant and café will enjoy sweeping views of Avalon Beach when the new clubhouse opens in June.
Commercial & Property Manager Paul Reid said tenders wouldopen on 15 April and close on 20 May.
“We expect a lot of interest from experienced restaurateurs who want to take advantage of a premium location and an iconic brand-new building,” he said.
Mr Reid said prospective tenderers could tour the new building on either 22 or 23 April as part of the tender process.
“Tenders are for a lease period of five years, with an option for a further five years after that.”
“The Council is open to alternative proposals for a lease however.”
The restaurant is on the top floor of the building and the café on the bottom floor, with the café able to serve seated customers as well as takeaways.
Tender documents are available at or from the Pittwater Council customer service centre at 1 Park Street Mona Vale for a non-refundable fee of $100.
Tenders must be submitted via the tenders box at 1 Park Street by 11am on Tuesday 20 May.
Pittwater Household Chemical Cleanout
Pittwater Council and the NSW Department of Environment and Heritage will host a free Household Chemical CleanOut collection for the Pittwater area on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 April.
The collection will take place at Mona Vale Beach Car Park, Surfview Road Mona Vale, between 9am and 3.30pm on both days.
Mayor JacquiTownsend said the free collection provided residents with a convenient and safe way to dispose of unwanted or out-of-date chemicals, ensuring toxic waste did not enter waterways or bushland.
“Our natural environment is one of our biggest assets, and we are committed to protecting it.”
“Chemicals, paints and other toxins are hazardous to have around the home and pose risks to our children, pets and wildlife especially if not disposed of correctly,” added Cr Townsend.
Residents can drop off paint and paint-related products, pesticides and herbicides, poisons, solvents and household cleaners, motor oils, fuels and fluids, car batteries, gas bottles, fire extinguishers, pool chemicals, acids and alkalis, hobby chemicals and florescent tubes.
Only household quantities will be accepted ie. a maximum of 20 kg or 20 litres and must be brought to the collection point by vehicle. Walk-ins will not be accepted.
Residents are reminded to take care when transporting chemicals to the CleanOut Day. Ensure all lids are on tightly, items are secure in your vehicle and do not roll around.
Please note residents may experience minimal delays during the drop-off period.
For further information on the safe disposal of chemicals please call the Environment Line on 131 555 or visit the CleanOut website
Free Business Seminars
Northern beaches businesses are invited to two free seminars to learn more about shopfront visual merchandising and designing your business.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the two events formed part of the Enliven Pittwater program, created to support local businesses and generate vibrancy across Pittwater’s village centres.
The first session - Shopfront Showcase & Visual Merchandising - will be held on Tuesday 29 April from 6pm to 8pm at the Inch Café, Mona Vale.
The session will be presented by Kerry Little, the head teacher of Visual Merchandising at the Sydney Institute.
Regional Economic Development Coordinator Paul William-Smith said the seminar will include hands-on expert advice, tricks of the trade, as well as valuable information on displaying products that grab customers’ attention.
Mr William-Smith said the second seminar - Designing Your Business- is on Thursday 8 May from 8am to 10am at Mona Vale Memorial Hall, Mona Vale.
“This session will be presented by Mark Stewart NSW & ACT Business Adviser with Enterprise Connect, in collaboration with the Creative Industries Innovation Centre at the Department of Industry.
“The seminar is relevant for new and existing businesses looking for ideas to help define and shape the way they do business, sustain customer relationships and profits.
“Mark’s session gives advice to help guide businesses in a climate that can often be fast-paced and turbulent,” he said.
Mr William-Smith said that with close to 9000 businesses in Pittwater and more than 35,000 across the SHOROC region, the sessions would appeal to small and medium business owners in the retail sector, construction, accommodation and food services.
He said business-owners were encouraged to bring along questions, network with other businesses and learn the latest from industry experts.
To reserve a place, or for more information or call Paul William-Smith on 9942 2233.
2014 Royal Motor Yacht Club Marine Art Exhibition
The Commodore and Directors of the RMYC wish to advise that the Marine Art Exhibition has been cancelled due to major renovations throughout the Club between April and July 2014.
We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.
We will endeavour to hold the Exhibition in 2015, however this will depend on room availability, obtaining a new sponsor and other major functions on the calendar.
For further information on any events at the Club, please refer to our website at
We look forward to seeing you at the Royal Motor Yacht Club soon.
Steve Euers
Acting General Manager
Maintenance of the RMYC pool is now complete and ready for the coming winter season.
Pack Your Trunks – Destination Warringah Exhibition
Warringah Council Library is hosting a fascinating exhibition of local holiday snapshots and memorabilia as part of its exhibition ‘Pack Your Trunks – Destination Warringah’.
The exhibition is part of this year’s National Trust’s National Heritage Festival which has the theme ‘Journeys’, celebrating Australians as a nation of travellers.
“‘Pack Your Trunks – Destination Warringah’ highlights the area’s history as a tourist destination and summer holiday playground for the rest of Sydney,” said Warringah Mayor, Michael Regan.
Tina Graham from Warringah Council Library Local Studies Unit said: “In the early part of last century, Warringah was a place of guest houses, hotels, holiday homes and camping grounds. The exhibition is designed to remember these days and celebrate this chapter in the area’s history.”
Orlando House at Cromer, for example, was once a distinguished family home. It was used by the army during WWII, left unoccupied and then reborn as a holiday guesthouse.
The exhibition will include photographs and collector’s pieces to show some famous and infamous spots throughout the Warringah area as they were in the early 1900s. The collection has been put together with donations from locals and memorabilia from the Powerhouse Museum.
Pack Your Trunks – Destination Warringah- Mon-Fri 17th April to 2nd May 2014 - not including public holidays, 10am-2pm. FREE. VENUE : Warringah Creative Space, 105 Abbott Rd, North Curl Curl
THE BIG TOW - By Palm Beach Longboarding Club Inc
THE BIG TOW stay tuned it's on more information will follow regarding how to enter this event & more importantly raise the awareness of prostate screening....
Also attached a picture of the raffle ticket prizes available for this event, tickets will be available at our next comp at Palm Beach on the 6th April 2014.
So if you are not a club member & would like tickets please contact David Haines to receive your tickets........ Cheers Dig Deep people
Entry forms are available for down load on Palm Beach Longboarding Club Inc web site under NEWS LETTER button (The Big Tow) pdf form click on it to download. More
THE BIG TOW! By Adam Digby
A community attempt at a world record to raise awareness and de-stygmatise the importance of prostate screening, and helping out a family in our 'hood. The attempt is for the most number of surfers towed behind a boat. We're aiming for 50, on Sunday morning the 27th of April, 2014. Palm Beach, NSW, Australia.
THE BIG TOW! from adam digby on Vimeo.
Help Build Avalon Beach SLSC - Buy A Brick
If you would like to donate to the Avalon Beach SLSC building fund please go to the Building Tab on their website menu above, click Donate Now and select “Avalon Beach” and “Donation” in the drop down menus displayed. All donors who “Buy a brick” will be acknowledged by the club in a number of ways. We thank you for contributing to our future.
Community Heritage Grants
The National Library of Australia is calling for applications for the 2014 Community Heritage Grants.
The grants of up to $15,000 are available to community groups around the country to help preserve and manage locally held, nationally significant cultural heritage collections of documents and objects for future generations. Applications, which should be submitted online, close on Friday 2 May 2014 at 5pm (AEST).
Information, guidelines and application forms are available
Dick Smith Foods Big Charity Breakthrough - NBI Respite, Recreation, Support
Hurrah, the lovely people at Dick Smith Foods have made NBI one of their charities to participate in their Big Charity Breakthrough . All we need now is lots of votes from all our friends to get a share of the $1million.
It's easy to vote, Just take a photograph of any Dick Smith Foods product(s) in your pantry and text* or email it together with your nomination for NBI as the charity you wish to support. You can also include your name and it will be added to their website so you know your vote has been recorded. (* It does sound strange, but believe it or not you can put an email address on the phone number field for texting and it will get through to Dick Smith Foods!) If you get some other people in the photo we get more votes so get all your friends involved too!
Buy a Ticket for $100 - You Could Win a Hanse Yacht worth $250,000
Team Windcraft have just announced their second yacht raffle this time in support of SWD. The prize is a Hanse 345 yacht ready to sail away with 12 months Club Marine insurance.
There are just 5000 tickets on sale at $100 - closing date 31st August. All proceeds from the raffle go to Sailors with disABILITIES.
You can buy a ticket online today.
You can also help us by spreading the word. Word of mouth is very powerful - please tell everyone you know about the raffle in person or via Facebook/twitter.
Here is a link to download a flier which you can print and put up at work or sporting clubs.
Thanks for your help and good luck in the raffle!
Buy Tickets
THE MAGOO CHARITY CLASSIC 17TH AND 18TH MAY 2014 - submitted by magoo charity team
The Central Coast Malibu Boardriders Club (CCMB) organises and runs one of the largest charity longboarding surf competitions on the Central Coast of NSW. This contest attracts over 150 of the best longboard surfers in Australia.
The Magoo Charity Classic caters for surfers of all ages and abilities, with 10 divisions from under 18 to over 60 in age, including Women’s, Open 9′, Open 8′, Loggers and Old Malibu.This year we have a new division combining the logs and old mal. Come along and enjoy the FUN!
The Magoo Charity Classic is an event that stands by itself in the history of surfing. Over the last 15 years the event has raised over $300,000 for cancer research and care. In 1999, Barry ‘Magoo’ McGuigan turned 70 and the CCMB surprised him with one of the BIGGEST charity surf contests in Australia.
Starting on Saturday 17th May, and finals on Sunday 18th of May 2014. The event celebrates fun, friendship, family and surfing, catering for all ages.
Contest Director: David Hayes – 0418 249 552. Email
Register and see more see HERE
Easter on the water: Operation Lights On
Roads and Maritime Services will conduct a safety campaign on vessel navigation lights over the Easter long weekend.
The campaign – Operation Lights On – aimed to improve safety on the water by ensuring boaters were aware of night lighting requirements on vessels.
Maritime Boating Safety Officers will conduct random checks of recreational vessels – powered, sail and paddle craft– which are being operated at night from Good Friday up to and including Easter Monday.
When night falls it is a completely different world on the water and while cars have headlights to light up the way ahead, vessels use a system of lights to show others their location and direction.
Vessels that operate from sunset to sunrise, whether at anchor or underway, must carry and exhibit the correct lights.
When fog, glare, smoke or darkness restrict your visibility, you must slow down to keep a safe speed. A safe speed is one at which you can stop and avoid a collision, while taking into account the circumstances and conditions at the time.
You wouldn’t drive on a dark road without headlights. The same applies to dark waterways - be bright.
Every type of craft – dependent on vessel size and class – needs lights in order to be visible at night.
If you anchor at night, you need to display an ‘all round white light’ where it can be seen. You should go slowly and look and listen at all times for unlit hazards such as logs, moored boats and sand banks.
Navigation lights should be positioned so they are not obscured by the vessel’s superstructure or interfered with by the deck lights. The masthead or all round white light must be fitted, if practical, on the centre line – bow to stern – of the vessel.
Lifejacket legislation compliance as well as ensuring vessels are navigating on the correct side of the channel – the right side – will also be monitored by BSO during the campaign.
For more information on night navigation lighting, go
ALRC seeks input into Proposals for Reforms to address Serious Invasions of Privacy
The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) today released a Discussion Paper, Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era (DP 80, 2014). The Terms of Reference for this Inquiry ask the ALRC to consider the detailed legal design of a statutory cause of action and, in addition, other innovative ways the law might prevent or redress serious invasions of privacy.
The ALRC is seeking feedback from the community on 47 proposals for reform outlined in the Discussion Paper including a new Commonwealth Act that would provide for a statutory cause of action for serious invasions of privacy.
ALRC Commissioner for the Inquiry, Professor Barbara McDonald, said “Privacy is fundamental to enabling individuals to live dignified, fulfilling, safe and autonomous lives. It underpins many other freedoms of the individual, but it is a right that must be balanced with other fundamental values such as freedom of expression and with other aspects of modern society from which we all benefit. The design of a new cause of action reflects the balancing of these competing interests in carving out a level of protection of privacy that would see Australia meet its commitment to international norms/standards.
New technologies are constantly adding new ways to collect and use information about people’s activities, and to intrude into someone’s private life, challenging the usefulness of some existing laws. The ALRC proposals reflect the need to provide people across all of Australia with the same level of protection for their privacy and competing freedoms.”
The ALRC invites individuals and organisations to make submissions in response to the proposals contained in the Discussion Paper, or to any of the research, argument and analysis provided. This community input will help inform the development of final recommendations for reform that will be contained in our Final Report, due to be delivered to the Attorney-General by 30 June 2014.
The Discussion Paper is available free of charge from the ALRC website and is also available as an ebook. The ALRC prefers submissions via the ALRC online submission Written submissions can be posted to the Executive Director, ALRC, GPO Box 3708, Sydney NSW 2001 or emailed to
Closing date for submissions is Monday 12 May 2014. Due to the very tight timeframe late submissions cannot be accepted.
For more information about the ALRC Inquiry, go

Hawkesbury River Railway Bridge 125th Anniversary Celebrations Saturday, May 3
Come and celebrate the world's last great engineering feat of the 19th century, which transformed Dangar Island into the largest construction site in the Southern Hemisphere and inspired Henry Parkes' dream of Federation by completing a continuous railway line between Adelaide and Brisbane.
An incredible story of how the American contractors used cutting edge technology of the time to sink the deepest pier foundations in the world, build the world's largest pontoon on the island to float the spans into place, endure a near disaster when they nearly lost one span into the river, fight an Aussie union backlash of strikes and false media reports and eventually suffer engineering problems that forced a new bridge to be built. A wonderful tale of how for 3 years in the harshest conditions imaginable, a temporary tightknit community of 300 workers and their families sprung up on Dangar Island, and how the Americans provided entertainment for them in their little 'Utopia'.
Our celebrations on the weekend of May 3rd-4th include:
* An exhibition in the Dangar Island Community hall from 10am to 4pm on both days. Featuring never before seen photos and memorabilia, including some very special items on loan from the Powerhouse Museum.
* Special Bridge Birthday cruises on The Riverboat Postman with expert commentary, morning tea and lunch provided. Includes a drop off at Dangar Island to view the exhibition. Departing Brooklyn Public Wharf at 11am, tickets are $44 with concessions, including a $100 family ticket. Book direct on 0400 600 111. More info at
* Banksia Ferry Charters are offering shorter cruises to the bridge site, including commentary, aboard the historic ferry Banksia for just $7.50 per head. Departing Dangar Island Public Wharf at 11am and 1pm with further cruises if required. For bookings and further info ring 0448 101 010. Website:
* Walk the Island History Trail to discover more amazing facts and how the island looked between 1886 and 1889.
* Special events for children, including story telling stations and a bridge drawing competition.
* Colonial music in the Island Park.
* Lunch and liquid refreshments at the Dangar Island Bowling Club
Tell your friends about this exciting event and come and enjoy all that Dangar Island has to offer!
For any further information please contact Peter Wolfe (99857800) or Dave Reynolds (0415833958 and 99858836).
Pittwater Artists Trail - 2014 Artists Open Studios
We've received a copy of the new Artists Trail Open Studios Brochure this week - Great News. This lists all the open times you may view an artists works during the year outside of the Artist Trail weekends.
The 2014 Brochures are available at Mona Vale & Avalon libraries, Pittwater Council, Pittwater Community Centres as well as a variety of cafes and businesses throughout Pittwater.
Waratah Park Working Bee - 27th Apr 2014, 9am - 1pm
Waratah Park, "Home of Skippy the Bush Kanagaroo" TV series represents an important part of history of our local area. It is 12 hectares of bushland, environment culture and rare flora and fauna species. Currently the park is closed to the public and all animals have been removed from the park.
Waratah Park has no help whatsoever other than the small group from a small group from Duffy's Forest Residence Association, who go into the park one Sunday a month to clean-up, remove weeds, bush regenerate and remove green waste.
We are looking for volunteers to come to the park and assist. Any help whether large or small would be appreciated!
The park is still a great place but we need to take care of it. If we don't, this historical Australian icon could be lost to the people of Pittwater and Sydney.
What to bring: A hat, a pair of Gloves, a bottle of Water, your Gardening Tools, Mowers, Whipper Snippers, BushSaws, ChainSaws and pruning cutters.
What to wear: Protective Clothing that covers your arms and legs and a strong pair of Shoes/Boots.If using mechanical equipment the usual protective equipment must be worn!
Venue: Waratah Park, 13 Namba Road, Duffy's Forest
Contact: Peter Staff email or Ph:9487 1471 or DFRA Jenny Harris Ph: 9450 1206 or Mob: 0408 512 060
Website: All details are on DFRA website:
Bushcare Dates - April 2014
Bushcare at Warriewood - The Warriewood bushcare group managed by Pittwater Council needs more volunteers on 4th Wednesday morning of the month – Can you help? Please contact Mary Johnsen at 9999 2020.
Sun April 20
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Elanora Rd 8:30-11:30am
Wed April 23
W’wood Bch 8-11am
Sat April 26
Pindari Res 8-11am
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Kywong Res 8:30-11:30am
Sun April 27
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winnererremy Bay 9-12pm
For further information on bushcare and/or to confirm if your group is working please contact Pittwater Council's Bushcare Officer. Bushcare is a great way to help your local bushland and make new friends! Bushcare Officer: Helena Dewis 9970 1367
Pittwater Council's COOEE Newsletter April - 2014
May 3rd: Pittwater Place, knitting, craft, Bric-a-brac, books 9am – 3pm
May 9th: Stall, ANZ Avalon Parade, Avalon. Baking, craft, knitting, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
May 10th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm
May 16th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
June 7th: Stall, Pittwater Place, Knitting, craft, Bric-a-brac, books 9am – 3pm
June 14th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm
June 20th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
Turimetta to Warriewood Ocean Swim - May 4th, 2014
It's a beautiful swim south-north around Turimetta Headland, between North Narrabeen and Warriewood. A top time of year to do this kind of swim, too. Fall-back course is a triangular circuit off Warriewood beach, if conditions force a change.
More information...
Organiser - Warriewood SLSC. Distance - 2.2km + 200m Sprint/Dash (You can enter the Dash only if you also complete the main swim). Venue - Warriewood Beach, Sydney northern beaches, registration and swim HQ at surf club, main swim start at Turimetta Beach, just over the hill. Come to the surf club first.
Time/Date - Sunday, May 4, 2014, 10am race start. Registration - race day - 8:30am-9:45am. Entry fee - $30 ($40 on race day), or both swim and Dash $40 ($50 on race day)
Online entries close - 3pm, Saturday, May 3, 2014
Conditions - Warriewood is best known as the temperamental starting beach of the Mona Vale Mighty Marathon. It can be tempestuous, indeed, often offering a difficult break. Planned course starts at Turimetta, around the headland from Warriewood, which also could be bumpy if conditions come from the south. But in that case, it will be a fun ride with the swell around the headland and into the beach. It's a majestic bluff, that headland, and swimming beneath it is an experience. Coming in at Warriewood also will be fun.
Mimimum age - 15. Categories - 10 year age groups, Male and Female
More info - Download hard copy entry form HERE
Australians to have their say on teacher education - Thursday 17 April 2014 - Media Release
Australians will be able to have their say on putting students first and creating excellence in teacher education with a public consultation process beginning today. Minister for Education, the Hon Christopher Pyne said lifting the quality, professionalism and status of the teaching profession is at the heart of the Government’s Students First policy.
“This Government knows there is nothing more important to a child’s education than having great teachers,” Mr Pyne said.
“That’s why teacher quality is one of the four pillars of our Students First policy and the reason for establishing this expert Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group.”
The public consultation process will include meetings with representatives from a range of education bodies including teacher employers, the Australian Council of Deans of Education, Universities Australia and the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership.
The Advisory Group will seek submissions from interested parties in response to the Issues Paper.
The Advisory Group will also conduct a benchmark study of world’s best practice in teacher education programmes.
“Strengthening the curriculum also forms part of our Students First policy, but just as important as having a robust curriculum is having teachers who can deliver it effectively.”
“These consultations will help the advisory group put together strong, evidence-based recommendations for improving teacher education.
“This is part of our commitment to creating a world-class education system that puts students first and helps young Australians achieve educational excellence and great jobs.
“I encourage people to contribute to the public consultation process.”
“All submissions will help inform the next steps the Government takes to ensure teacher education programmes better prepare new teachers with the practical skills needed for the classroom.”
Submissions will be accepted from Thursday 17 April 2014 until 5:30pm (AEST) on Friday 13 June 2014.
Any interested party is eligible to make a submission, as an individual or on behalf of an organisation (where authorised to do so).
Under the Students First approach, the Australian Government will work with the states and territories to focus on four key areas that will make a difference to students:
• teacher quality
• school autonomy
• engaging parents in education
• strengthening the curriculum
To find out more, and to read the Issues Paper, go
PBSC Marathon 2014 by Alex Seltsikas Published on Apr 15, 2014
Palm Beach Sailing Club (NSW, Australia) - Annual marathon - 2014. From Palm Beach to Brisbane Waters and back again - 3 hours just flew past! Awesome fun.

SHOROC Congratulates The Hon Mike Baird MP as New NSW Premier April 17, 2014
SHOROC President Cr Jacqueline Townsend warmly congratulates The Hon Mike Baird MP on his appointment as NSW Premier on behalf of the SHOROC and its partner councils – Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah.
“The appointment of Mike Baird as Leader Liberal Party and NSW Premier is positive news for NSW and the Northern Beaches.
Cr Townsend says that as the Member for Manly, The Hon Mike Baird has worked closely with SHOROC together with the other local MPs and been a great advocate to ensure the region’s transport and health infrastructure needs are addressed.
“SHOROC has been working in partnership with both state and federal MPs to realise major infrastructure funding for this region including significant public transport and road upgrades and of course the Northern Beaches Hospital.
“On behalf of SHOROC I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate The Hon Gladys Berejiklian MP on her appointment as Deputy Leader NSW Liberal Party. Ms Berejiklian has been outstanding in working closely with us as Minister for Transport to deliver public transport and road upgrades.
“For the first time in decades the NSW Government is investing in our area.”
“We look forward to working closely with the new Premier to deliver the Bus Rapid Transit system, road upgrades and of course the new hospital this region needs,” Cr Townsend said.

ROCK’N FOR ROKI – a very special fundraiser
Sat 10th May, 12pm – 8pm, Mona Vale Hotel upstairs.
Finally New Tricks are doing a daytime gig, and not just any gig either but one that you can bring the kids to. Gourmet food & activities and entertainment for the littlies included in the ticket price, plus you get to hear 8 amazing bands of all genres from gentle acoustic (Chris Rutherford & The Lounge Lizards), to jazz/Latin/cocktail (The Lionel Robinson Agenda), to rock covers that everyone knows and can dance to (New Tricks & Free N Easy), and for the younger set there’s Hailstone (a bunch of young talented lads who will blow you away), The Chronics (these guys have done several albums) and The Titty Twisters (the ultimate party band). New Tricks will be on at approx. 3pm, but come anytime you can make it because it’s all about Roki!
All this is to raise money for little Roki Mills so he can get the treatment he so desperately needs overseas. He’s been over to India with his family once already and the improvement has been remarkable, but he needs at least two more treatments in India and each trip costs the family in excess of $40,000 – that’s a LOT of money, but if it were your child you’d be doing the same thing wouldn’t you? And you’d want people to help if they could, wouldn’t you? Of course you would, and that’s why I know you’ll try to attend and help a beautiful family do all that they can to give their child his best chance of leading a full life.
Read more about Roki here: and buy your tickets online now!!! $30 per adult, $10 for kids under 16, or buy a family pack of 2 adults and 2 kids for $60. You can also buy tickets at the door on the day but tickets are selling fast so I’d recommend you get them online so you don’t miss out.
New Tricks have done a few fundraisers but this one by far is the one that’s touched our hearts the most – please come and help Roki. And please pass this email onto your friends, especially those that live on the Northern Beaches.
Sheree & New Tricks.
Restoring the Mitchell Library - from NSW State Library (Mitchell Library)
We have listened carefully to feedback since our December 2013 announcement of plans to renew the Mitchell Library building, and have been working on a revised plan to address them fully.
Under that plan, researchers and readers will continue to read and work with our rich collections in the Mitchell Library Reading Room supported by our expert librarians at a dedicated service desk.
The current special collections area inside the Mitchell Library Reading Room will be extended for researchers and readers to access the Library’s original materials, related reference books and the card catalogues for manuscripts and Mitchell printed books.
The revised plan for the ground floor of the Mitchell building including the Mitchell Library Reading Room will restore the heritage features of that floor as shown on the plan.
See plan at: HERE
Sydney Library Is Everyman's University. Australian Diary 11 - Published on 14 Apr 2014 by NFSA
Made By The National Film Board 1947. Directed by Jack S Allan. A tour of the the Public Library of New South Wales - The Mitchell Library. With one of the largest collections of publicly available literature in the world, The Mitchell Library holds rare manuscripts and volumes on all kinds of subject matter. The collection is available to all, free of charge and meticulously cared for by librarians and conservators.
Calling all fashionistas - our RESULTS Sydney Northern Beaches group and Blue Illusion in Mona Vale are holding a fashion parade on May 3, 2-5pm, with 20% of proceeds of all sales going to RESULTS!

Address : 3/5 Bungan St Mona Vale 2103
RFS Photo Comp.
What do NSW Rural Fire Service volunteers mean for your community? The NSW RFS and Ausgrid are pleased to announce a community photo competition which aims to visually showcase the work of our volunteers.
The competition theme is “NSW RFS Volunteers – part of our community”.
Your picture could show volunteers fighting fires, like this photo of the Howes Swamp Fire at Putty Road, taken by Ku-ring-gai brigade member Anthony Macvean last October. It could be an image of crews conducting community education sessions or taking part in other local events.
There are three categories – NSW RFS Members, Community and People’s Choice Award, with prizes for each provided by Ausgrid.
The winners of the NSW RFS Members and Community awards will be announced during National Volunteer Week, starting 12 May. Other short listed entries will be featured on the NSW RFS Facebook page.
Photos should feature at least one NSW RFS volunteer.Entries close 12 May, 2014.
Full details about the competition and prizes are available on theNSW RFS website.
Avalon Craft Cottage Annual Mothers' Day stall at Centro Warriewood.
We open at Warriewood on Monday 28th April, and will be there all week up to and including Sunday 4th May….. just in time for some serious Mothers' Day shopping.
The stall will, as usual, be in the big corner outside K-Mart and will be open during normal business hours for the centre, including Thursday night. Now… don't let the 'Mothers' Day' tag put you off coming for a look…….Yes, we will have lots of beautiful gifts & cards for Mum, but as always there will be a huge variety of other wonderful handcrafted items.
We now have two great woodworkers in the group, so wonderful bowls, boxes & platters on show, plus colourful (& quirky) pottery, jewellery, silk scarves, gorgeous embroidered baby wear & blankets, hand-knitted shawls. baby blankets & little baby jackets, baby toys, patchwork quilts, pot holders, knitted tea cosies, and a huge range of hand crafted cards. AND… the knitting……..! the girls have all been clicking and clacking away madly, so we have a great variety of scarves, gloves, bed socks and hats, and we now have pure wool, hand knitted socks in all sizes.
So… you can see……something for everyone. So… do please come along…..and please, spread the word or bring your friends with you.
Check our Facebook page for up to date information and photos……and be an Avalon Craft Cottage Facebook friend.
Maureen Darcy-Smith

Pet of the Week
To meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or Visit to see all our dogs.

ASIC seeks feedback on its services
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has released an online survey as part of its ongoing commitment to improving the way in which they communicate with the small business community, as well as the services they provide this community.
Through the survey, ASIC aims to:
Identify what small business knows and does not know about its role and the services it provides;
Assess the usefulness of education tools developed over the last 12 months to help small business better understand their compliance obligations; and
Gather feedback on how ASIC can better support the small business community, including owners and operators, advisers and other government agencies.
You are invited to participate in the survey, it's online from Monday 7 April until Monday 26 May and will take approximately five minutes to complete. There's no requirement for participants to identify themselves. Every response will help inform ASIC's work, shape their priorities and improve their services.
From the pages of the past:
Coo-wee or Coo-ee ? ORIGINAL BUSH CALL By C. G. C. Christie, for S.M. Herald.
It is popularly believed that the Australian blackfellows' call, 'coo-ee,' was heard for the first time by Ensign Francis Barrallier in 1802, when he reached the junction of the Wollondilly and Nattai rivers whilst attempting to find a southern route over the Blue Mountains. But a small party from H.M.S. Sirius, under Captain Collins, Captain Johnson, and Surgeon White, recorded having heard and used this Strange call thirteen years, earlier on an expedition which set out from the north side of Port Jackson to find an overland path to Pittwater.
After a long and fatiguing trip of nine hours they arrived at Pittwater on June 7, 1789. When they came upon some natives they called to them 'in their own manner, coo- wee,' which, says the record, signifies 'come here.' This spelling and pronunciation recorded by the Sirius party are unusual to us now, but it seems to be a more correct form when it is recalled that in aboriginal words and speech, the blackfellows' tongues were much given to a pronounced use of consonants, especially labials, before the sounds equivalent to our double vowels. We get, too, many words in which the ' wee ' sound is very pronounced, such as Weeroona, Wee Waa,-and Warrawee. Coo-wee or Coo-ee?. (1942, January 10).The Scrutineer and Berrima District Press (NSW : 1892 - 1948), p. 2. Retrieved from

Above: Picture No: a3461013 Opp. p. 90. `View in Broken Bay New South Wales.March 1788' (Lion Island in distance), Courtesy Mitchell Library
Source: “A Voyage to New South Wales”, December 1786 – May 1792, by William Bradley William Bradley Journal: (Safe 1/14) Mitchell Library, State Library of
Green Army request for tender now open
The Australian Government is calling for tender applications from organisations wanting to become a Service Provider for the Green Army Programme.
Service Providers will have the opportunity to make a real difference by helping to deliver environmental projects in communities and providing training and skills to young Australians right across the country.
The Green Army will be Australia's largest-ever team supporting environmental action across the country, building to 15,000 young Australians by 2018.
The Green Army provides opportunities for young Australians aged 17-24 to gain training and experience in environmental and heritage conservation fields and explore careers in conservation management, while participating in projects that generate real benefits for the Australian environment.
Service Providers will deliver the program across the nation and be responsible for managing work health and safety, training, paying allowances and overseeing project management.
Under the Programme, participants will be paid an allowance generally higher than the rate of Newstart and Youth Allowance. Protections under the existing relevant state and territory legislation will be maintained to help ensure the safety of all involved.
Service Providers will ensure that participants develop valuable skills that will assist their transition into the workforce.
Organisations interested in becoming a Green Army Service Provider should submit a tender application through AusTender by 4pm Canberra time 7 May 2014.
The Request for Tender for Service Providers is available online
LGNSW submission calls on NSW Government to act now on council-supported Local Government reform
In its submission, Local Government NSW (LGNSW) has called on the O'Farrell Government to act swiftly on the many recommendations in the Independent Local Government Review Panel's final report that have strong support from councils.
LGNSW has now lodged its submission on the Revitalising Local Government report, outlining in detail recommendations for action and support for a number of key recommended areas.
In the past month, President of LGNSW, Cr Keith Rhoades AFSM, met with nearly 450 council representatives and staff from 123 councils and five Regional Organisations of Councils (ROCS) to canvass their views on the Revitalising Local Government report.
"There is strong support among councils for many of the suggested reforms within theRevitalising Local Government report, and we want to see those recommendations implemented as quickly as possible," said President Rhoades.
"The first recommendation we would like enacted is a review of the NSW rating system, including current inequitable rate exemptions, which reduce council revenue by millions of dollars each year."
"The concept of establishing a State borrowing facility for Local Government has garnered support across the state from councils; so too has the recommendation for a whole-of-government review of the regulatory, compliance and reporting burdens placed on councils."
"While Local Government NSW remains firm in its opposition to forced council mergers, we would like to see professional and financial support offered to those councils that would like to voluntarily amalgamate, as the report as suggested."
"Further, it would be reasonable to implement the legislative and administrative measures necessary to enable the careful piloting of Joint Organisations in a variety of Local Government settings at the earliest opportunity."
"Given the NSW Government election is to be held in less than a year, it may be tempting for the O'Farrell Government to park the report for the time being. This temptation needs to be resisted to ensure momentum is not lost."
"We have come so far, it is essential that the conversation with councils continues, and progress is made on the variety of reforms where there is widespread agreement on necessary change."
"The sheer numbers of elected representatives and staff that turned out for our 14 Leaders Forums in March and April make it clear that councils are engaged and willing to make improvements to the sector, for the benefit of their communities."
"We urge the O'Farrell Government to respond quickly to the Revitalising Local Governmentreport, and not hold back on the many recommendations that have majority agreement. We need action now," said President Rhoades.
For more information and to view LGNSW's submission on theRevitalising Local Government report, visit
Pittwater Food and Wine Fair 2014
Sunday 4 May 2014, 10am to 4pm
Pittwater Council is hosting our fifth Food and Wine Fair at Winnererremy Bay. Bring your picnic rug and enjoy the live music at the beautiful scenic setting adjacent to the waterways of Pittwater.
There will be wine tastings and wine sales together with a wide variety of hot food available on the day. There will be general stallholders selling picnic wares, jams, olive oils, breads and confectionary.
Parking will be available for a small fee at Pittwater High School or ride your bike and use our free bike racks.
Venue: Winnererremy Bay Foreshore Reserve - Mona Street, Mona Vale Enquiries: Please call Nikki Griffith 9970 1355 or 0417 426 925 or email
First Prize - Degustation lunch experience for 4 people at Elizabeth's Restaurant at Mount Pleasant in the Hunter Valley with a private winery tour and tastings (value of $400);
Second Prize - 2 night stay at Currawong in a cabin for up to 4 people (conditions apply - valid May to October 2014 excluding school holidays);
Third Prize - Hamper of Cooks Lot wines and goodies including Lizottes vouchers - 2 free show only vouchers;
Fourth Prize - Lizottes Dinner show for 2 people + Cooks Lot wines.
Fifth Prize - Facepainting Birthday package to the value of $280 provided by Karen Langlands Face Painting
Stallholder expressions of interest
Expressions of interest are now open for wineries, hot food and general (food only) stallholders. Provision of your current Public Liability Insurance is mandatory
- Only hot food stallholders will have access to power ($50 extra charge)
- Site allocations are space only - you are required to provide your own equipment
- costs and inclusions are detailed on the form
See all forms and more information at: HERE
Australian War Memorial - Centenary of the First World War
From 2014, the world will be commemorating 100 years since the start of the First World War. For Australians this is a momentous occasion. The First World War touched the lives of nearly every Australian the impacts are still prevalent today. For these reasons it is essential to commemorate, remember, and learn from those who sacrificed their lives during those four years, 1914 – 1918.
What the Memorial is doing for the Centenary
The Australian War Memorial will be commemorating the centenary of the First World War through a major redevelopment of its First World War galleries and a variety of new public programs and events. Currently, the Memorial’s First World War galleries are under construction and are not open to the public. For updates on the gallery changes please visit Our stories or the New First World War galleries.
A temporary First World War exhibition, titled Anzac Voices, has now opened in the Memorial’s Temporary Exhibition gallery. Anzac Voicesfollows the stories and lives of several soldiers throughout the First World War, told through their diaries, belongings, and letters.
A number of other projects are also underdevelopment and will be revealed on this page in the coming months. These include:
• A new search function for the website, Anzac Connections
• A travelling exhibition
• Roll of Honour soundscapes
• Commemorative Crosses
Keep in touch with the Memorial’s upcoming Centenary commemorations by signing up for our email newsletter, following us on Twitter, and liking us on Facebook.
See more at:
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 20/4/2014: click on Logo. Also has an Extensive Local Directory.
To contact Julian:
Southern Cross Wildlife Care - Critter of the Month - April 2014 - curated by Lynleigh Greig
Nobody knows how long poor little Nelson the Seagull had been suffering with a fishing hook inside him.

This X-ray clearly shows the fishing hook in his digestive tract.

Responsible Fishing to Reduce Wildlife Injuries (extract from NSW Department of Industries):
1. Avoid using unattended lines and check your crab traps and nets regularly.
2. Using crab traps and nets when fishing towards an estuary’s headwaters has a higher risk of interacting with platypus. Consider moving gear further downstream.
3. Avoid bird feeding and nesting areas.
4. Avoid using stainless steel hooks which take years to break down in the environment.
5. Collect and dispose of any discarded fishing line, hooks, other gear or rubbish.
6. Cut discarded fishing line into small pieces to avoid entanglement in case birds and other animals scavenge rubbish bins.
7. Don’t leave ANYTHING behind. Even plastic bags can prove fatal when sea turtles mistake them for natural jellyfish prey.
Feedback Sought on Careel Bay Masterplan
An updated masterplan for Careel Bay is on public exhibition for comment until Wednesday 21 May.
The masterplan is aimed at improving access and recreational space as well as stabilising and protecting the Careel Bay foreshore.
Reserves & Recreation Manager Les Munn said the masterplan would be open for comments from the public from Saturday 22 March to Wednesday 21 May.
“We are keen to hear from local residents and people who use the area for recreation, such as boat owners.”
Among the improvements suggested are:
• Stabilising the foreshore by creating a seawall that blends into the surrounding area.
• Creating access onto the beach and surrounding waterway
• Infilling of land to provide space for recreation and dinghy storage, including ramp access for dinghies
• Separate pedestrian access via a footpath to George Street and improved pedestrian safety. The masterplan will allow two-way vehicle access.
Mr Munn said the Council would write to local residents in the area explaining the proposed improvements and inviting them to a meeting to discuss the masterplan.
The draft masterplan can be viewed online and at Pittwater Council customer service centres and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Mr Munn said once the masterplan was adopted by the Council, work was expected to take place in two stages.
“Stage 1 will be the construction of a dinghy storage facility and associated landscaping through a Better Boating Program grant from the state government. The remainder of the work will be subject to future funding.”
Don't Miss the Boat at the Council Sale!
The public can put in bids for small boats and dinghies that Pittwater Council is selling at its depot on Saturday 3 May.
The dinghies and other watercraft have been abandoned by their owners and removed from the foreshore by the Council.
Despite efforts to track down owners, the craft have remained unclaimed and under the law the Council is now allowed to sell them.
The boats can be viewed on the morning of Saturday 3 May between 8.30am and 10am at Pittwater Council’s Depot at 1 Boondah Road Warriewood. Sealed bids in even dollar amounts must be placed in the specially marked box by 10am on the day.
Bids will be announced from 10.30am and the highest offer accepted. The winning bidder must be on site at the time of the announcement. Payment is required on the day and can be made by cash, cheque or credit card. All items are sold in their current condition and must be taken away by 12 noon on the day.
Commercial & Property Manager Paul Reid said that for a small annual fee, the Council provided storage locations for residents or visitors wishing to keep small boats or kayaks near the water.
“There are 14 storage facility locations at Avalon, Bayview, Clareville, Church Point, Newport and Palm Beach. Details of these locations can be found on our,” he said.
For enquiries about storage facilities or the sale contact Tanya Carmont on 9970 1353 during business hours.
Budding Writers' Bonanza
To celebrate Library & Information Week, budding writers and literary lovers are being offered a series of free workshops and seminars at Mona Vale Library all on the one day -Wednesday 21 May.
Event organiser Heather Thomson said there would be something for everyone during the day.
“We will be starting at 10.15am with a talk by Pittwater local Owen Ravenscroft on self-publishing,” said Ms Thomson.
“A writers’ workshop with detective fiction writer Charles Boag follows at 11.30am. Charles will speak about his own journey on becoming a published author.”
Ms Thomson said the library was encouraging residents to be part of a big reading group on the day.
“We will be discussing the novel Jasper Jones by the young Australian author Craig Silvey,” said Ms Thomson.
“The book has been described as one with unforgettable characters, offering a page-turning pace and outrageously good dialogue,” she said.
Ms Thomson said for residents interested in being a part of the reading group on the day, there are some copies of the novel available at the library, to read beforehand.
“For our young residents there will also be a story time where pre-schoolers can listen to the book Too many elephants in this house by Ursula Dubosarky from 10am.
“There will also be a series of iPad and e-book training workshops running during the day,” added Ms Thomson.
Places at each session are limited, so book now by calling 9970 1600. More information about the workshops and sessions are available at
Government welcomes Generation Success commitment to help young job seekers find work - Wednesday 16 April 2014Joint Media Release
Assistant Minister for Employment Luke Hartsuyker and the Parliamentary Secretary for Education Senator Scott Ryan today endorsed the commitment by major Australian businesses to help address youth unemployment.
Mr Hartsuyker and Senator Ryan joined the Prime Minister at a breakfast and roundtable in Sydney to support the Generation Success initiative.
Generation Success is a partnership between Woolworths and News Corp focusing on giving young people the chance to work.
“Generation Success shows the power of employers to create opportunities for young job seekers, especially those who may have struggled to get a job. The initiative has already signed up other big employers to identify ways to engage with young job seekers and provide them with a pathway to employment,” Mr Hartsuyker said.
“For young people, getting that first job opens the door to a lifetime of career opportunities. This includes financial and emotional rewards which allows them to make a positive contribution to society.
“At today’s roundtable we saw young people—who have only recently started their working lives—deliver outstanding presentations about the barriers they face, their hopes for the future and the kind of opportunities they’re looking for.”
The Australian Government is introducing new incentives to support young people to find and keep a job. These include:
• introducing, from 1 July, the Job Commitment Bonus, under which young, long-term unemployed people can receive bonuses of up to $6500 if they find work and stay off welfare for two years
• delivering the Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job scheme from 1 July, which gives long-term job seekers up to $6000 if they move to a regional area for work or $3000 if they move to a metropolitan area.
• cutting red tape out of the Job Services Australia system so that local providers can spend more time helping people find work
“All these initiatives aim to break down the barriers which prevent young job seekers from getting off welfare and into work,” Mr Hartsuyker said.
“It is incumbent upon governments to get the policy settings right, but in the end it is business that will deliver job opportunities for young job seekers,” Mr Hartsuyker said.
Senator Ryan said all companies associated with Generation Success were to be applauded.
“We too often forget that a first job is just that – a starting point for young Australians to acquire those job skills that help them throughout their working lives.
“The companies involved in Generation Success provide thousands of Australians with their first job opportunities every year, and they are to be congratulated for prioritising this critical aspect of their commitment to our community.”
Mr Hartsuyker and Senator Ryan congratulated all the companies who have signed up to Generation Success for their leadership and commitment to young people. The companies include Leighton Holdings, National Australia Bank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Toll Group, Spotless, Telstra, Foxtel and Lend Lease and Rio Tinto.
For more information please
Swimming History in Pictures
Head to Mona Vale Library during April and step back in time as you view a pictorial history of the Narrabeen Lakes Amateur Swimming Club.
The club, formerly known as Narrabeen Ladies Amateur Swimming Club, celebrates 80 years this April and will have a host of photos and memorabilia available for viewing at the library.
Formed in 1933, members of the ladies club swam in Narrabeen Lake until the opening of Narrabeen Rock pool in 1934.
Events Librarian Catherine Buddin said the celebrations fall at the same time as the Heritage Festival, with the theme this year being “Journeys”.
“The swimming club has certainly had an interesting ‘journey’, morphing from an all-women’s club in the early 30s to include men and boys from 1987.
“In 2011 the club formally changed their name to the Narrabeen Lakes Amateur Swimming Club to reflect the changing nature of their members and to promote themselves as a fun family club,” said Ms Buddin.
“The club has gathered a vast array of images that depict the journey of swimming over the last 80 years.
“During the exhibition there will be members of the swimming club available to chat to residents about the history of the club and how to become involved.
Mona Vale Library’s local studies librarian will also be on hand to talk about the local studies unit at the library, which can assist students and researchers with many aspects of local history.
The exhibition will be open from 10am to 6 pm on week days; 10am to 2pm on Saturdays; and 1pm to 5pm on Sundays during April. Mona Vale Library is located at 1 Park Street, Mona Vale.
An evening with Bettina Arndt - on Tuesday 22 April, from 6.30pm at Newport Community Centre
Bettina Arndt is one of Australia’s first sex therapists, a social commentator and has been working in the media most of her life. Bettina now spends most of her time on the speaking circuit, travelling across the country keeping audiences enthralled with her stories. She writes for many of Australia’s leading newspapers and magazines and appears regularly on television and radio.
She’s also involved in an exciting new venture, working as a dating coach providing advice to men and women about online dating. As part of her coaching role, Bettina helps with writing profiles which in-turn increases the chances of meeting the right match.
Her books include:
The Sex Diaries: Why Women Go Off Sex and Other Bedroom Battles
Taking Sides: Men, Women and the Shifting Social Agenda
What Men Want in Bed.
Bettina will have books available for sale at the event.
Cost - $10, no concession. Bookings essential, call 9970 1600, payment required within three days of booking.
Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) FREE Community Talk,MONDAY 19 May, 2.30pm
Bookings essential 9970 1600
The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS) is one of the largest and most comprehensive aero-medical organisations in the world. Using the latest in aviation, medical and communications technology, it delivers extensive primary health care and 24-hour emergency service to those who live, work and travel throughout Australia.
The RFDS is a not-for-profit organisation. Today, the RFDS has a fleet of 60 aircraft operating from 21 bases located across the nation and provides medical assistance to over 270,000 people every year – that’s one patient every two minutes in remote and rural Australia! Covering 90% of Australia - no patient is more than two hours away from the help of the Flying Doctor.
Big discussion on “Jasper Jones” by Craig Silvey, as part of a Writers’ Day on Wednesday 21 May
People are encouraged to read the book beforehand, there are various copies in the library and come and discuss it. More details of the day’s program to follow and bookings will be essential.
Federal Government Media Releases this week:
Building and Construction Industry (Fair and Lawful Building Sites) Code 2014 released
SNIPPET: The Government has today published an advance release of the Building and Construction Industry (Fair and Lawful Building Sites) Code 2014 , designed to restore the rule of law and fairness to Australia's construction sector. Thenew code will come into effect when the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Bill 2014 commences as an Act. Under the Fair and Lawful Building Sites Code 2014 , contractors that choose to be eligible for Commonwealth-funded building work will need to comply with the new code.
SNIPPET: Easter is always a busy time on our roads, and with theEaster and Anzac Day holidays falling close together this year, we all need to take extra care as responsible drivers. On the eve of the Easter break, the latest in a series of national surveys on road safety issues has revealed an increased awareness of driver distraction as a factor contributing to crashes. Have a pleasant and safe Easter break.
Mental health support for drought-affected communities | The Hon Kevin Andrews MP
SNIPPET: Drought-affected communities in Queensland and New South Wales will have increased access to free counselling under a $10.7 million Australian Government investment in targeted social and community support. The Australian Government understands that some farmers, farm families and rural communities are doing it tough because of the prolonged severe drought and this can affect their mental health and wellbeing, Mr Andrews said. The providers will also work with other government and non-government services, such as the Rural Financial Counselling Service, health services, emergency relief and other community support organisations, to provide a full range of support to these communities.
Government welcomes Generation Success commitment to help young job seekers find work
SNIPPET: Assistant Minister for Employment Luke Hartsuyker and the Parliamentary Secretary for Education Senator Scott Ryan today endorsed the commitment by major Australian businesses to help address youth unemployment. Generation Success shows the power of employers to create opportunities for young job seekers, especially those who may have struggled to get a job. Mr Hartsuyker and Senator Ryan congratulated all the companies who have signed up to Generation Success for their leadership and commitment to young people.
Australian Government helps Landcare celebrate 25 years - media release 16 April 2014
SNIPPET: Minister for the Environment. Media releaseAustralian Government helps Landcare celebrate 25 years. 'It's fantastic to see the Australian Government supporting this year of celebration as we mark 25 years of Landcare as a national program.
Drop in number and rate of young people under youth justice supervision (AIHW)
SNIPPET: AIHW Board AIHW senior staff Annual report Capability statement Collaboration Customer care charter FOI - freedom of information Indexed list of files Conferences & events Organisation chart Presentations Privacy of data Public consultation Strategic Directions 2011-2014 Tenders . Health Health prevention Indigenous Australians Injury. The number and rate of young people under youth justice supervision has dropped in recent years, but Indigenous young people continue to be over-represented, according to a report released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).
$80,000 boost delivered in New England through Community Development Grants Programme
SNIPPET: Federal Member for New England. The Australian Government has delivered $80,000 towards the Werris Creek Community Shed Facility project in New England through the Community Development Grants Programme. Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Jamie Briggs and Federal Member for New England, Minister for Agriculture, Barnaby Joyce today announced that the funding had been delivered towards the important community project.
Seven inspirational women in running for national RIRDC Rural Women's Award
SNIPPET: Seven of Australia's leading rural women are in the running to be announced as the national winner of the 2014 RIRDC Rural Women's Award. The national winner will be announced on 24 September at the 2014 RIRDC Rural Women's Award National Celebratory Dinner, to be held at Parliament House in Canberra. The RIRDC Rural Women's Award is Australia's pre-eminent award for rural women.
Marine Park tourism operators open for business after cyclone Ita - GBRMPA
SNIPPET: Tourism operators are already back out on the water after major tourism infrastructure in the northern part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park was spared widespread damage from category four cyclone Ita. The Great Barrier Reef is a hive of activity. There are a range of tourism experiences on offer.
Coal fuelled China long before industrial revolution - ANSTO
SNIPPET: ANSTO's Head of Institute for Environmental Research, Professor John Dodson, reveals insights into the history of burning coal in China. And perhaps it always did: it seems coal was routinely burned 3500 years ago in what is now China - the earliest evidence we have for the practice,' - NewScientist. Research recently reported in NewScientist by ANSTO's Head of Institute for Environmental Research, Professor John Dodson, reveals insights into the history of burning coal in China.
Research leads to food and sport deals | CSIRO
SNIPPET: Big ideas start here. CSIRO expertise is organised into 11 research areas. CSIRO expertise is organised into 11 research areas.
Two Australian films to premiere at Festival de Cannes
SNIPPET: Funding for audience-engaging features of any genre. - Australian Festivals & Events. The 67th Festival de Cannes has announced that two Australian feature films have been invited in Official Selection at the prestigious film festival next month.
Taskforce responsible for leading $2 billion drug intercept home from Middle East
SNIPPET: Taskforce responsible for leading $2 billion drug intercept home from Middle East. The 25-member Royal Australian Navy counter terrorism taskforce, Combined Taskforce 150 (CTF150), returned to Australia today after a successful five month Middle East deployment, which resulted in the interdiction of significant amounts of drugs headed to fund violent and extremist organisations.
Australian Navy ship provides emergency assistance to French Fishing Vessel
SNIPPET: Australian Navy ship provides emergency assistance to French Fishing Vessel. While patrolling in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa, Royal Australian Navy ship HMAS Darwin provided emergency medical assistance for a heart attack victim on a French fishing vessel. The French Fishing Vessel (FV) C
April 13 - 19, 2014: Issue 158
Rosemary Cuttings Sought For ANZAC Day
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is appealing for local residents with rosemary bushes to donate cuttings for this year’s ANZAC Day commemorations.
Veteran’s charity Legacy is seeking assistance to help meet demand for the thousands of veterans, family members and spectators expected to participate in the annual ANZAC Day dawn service and parade through the Sydney CBD.
Cuttings can be delivered to the Pittwater Electorate Office on Tuesday 22 April or Wednesday 23 April for collection by Legacy representatives.
“Any assistance our community can provide with this humble tradition will be appreciated,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Rosemary is synonymous with ANZAC Day and increasing participation rates means plenty is needed.
“Teams of Legacy volunteers will be distributing sprigs of the aromatic bush during ANZAC Day to be worn as symbols of remembrance and respect for our diggers.
“ANZAC Day is our country’s most sacred occasion and it’s vital its significance is never forgotten.
“It would be fantastic if our community could assist Legacy in this small but meaningful way,” Rob Stokes said.
Information Evening at Avalon c/- Brian Friend
Well done to the Avalon Bulldogs last night under the guidance of Lisa Matthews who organised a Drug and Alcohol Awareness seminar. Dr.Themi showed graphic photos of what can happen and what you can do to save a friend.
S/C Chris Miller & his mate Jake spoke of the 'one hit' legislation, alcohol problems on the Peninsular and the fines regarding fake ID's at hotels and liquor outlets. In excess of 60 people from Avalon JRLFC, Avalon Beach SLSC, Avalon Soccer and Newport Rugby attended. A very positive reaction to problems in our area.
RFS Photo Comp.
What do NSW Rural Fire Service volunteers mean for your community? The NSW RFS and Ausgrid are pleased to announce a community photo competition which aims to visually showcase the work of our volunteers.
The competition theme is “NSW RFS Volunteers – part of our community”.
Your picture could show volunteers fighting fires, like this photo of the Howes Swamp Fire at Putty Road, taken by Ku-ring-gai brigade member Anthony Macvean last October. It could be an image of crews conducting community education sessions or taking part in other local events.
There are three categories – NSW RFS Members, Community and People’s Choice Award, with prizes for each provided by Ausgrid.
The winners of the NSW RFS Members and Community awards will be announced during National Volunteer Week, starting 12 May. Other short listed entries will be featured on the NSW RFS Facebook page.
Photos should feature at least one NSW RFS volunteer.Entries close 12 May, 2014.
Full details about the competition and prizes are available on theNSW RFS website.
Avalon Craft Cottage Annual Mothers' Day stall at Centro Warriewood.
We open at Warriewood on Monday 28th April, and will be there all week up to and including Sunday 4th May….. just in time for some serious Mothers' Day shopping.
The stall will, as usual, be in the big corner outside K-Mart and will be open during normal business hours for the centre, including Thursday night. Now… don't let the 'Mothers' Day' tag put you off coming for a look…….Yes, we will have lots of beautiful gifts & cards for Mum, but as always there will be a huge variety of other wonderful handcrafted items.
We now have two great woodworkers in the group, so wonderful bowls, boxes & platters on show, plus colourful (& quirky) pottery, jewellery, silk scarves, gorgeous embroidered baby wear & blankets, hand-knitted shawls. baby blankets & little baby jackets, baby toys, patchwork quilts, pot holders, knitted tea cosies, and a huge range of hand crafted cards. AND… the knitting……..! the girls have all been clicking and clacking away madly, so we have a great variety of scarves, gloves, bed socks and hats, and we now have pure wool, hand knitted socks in all sizes.
So… you can see……something for everyone. So… do please come along…..and please, spread the word or bring your friends with you.
Check our Facebook page for up to date information and photos……and be an Avalon Craft Cottage Facebook friend.
Maureen Darcy-Smith
2014 Royal Motor Yacht Club Marine Art Exhibition
The Commodore and Directors of the RMYC wish to advise that the Marine Art Exhibition has been cancelled due to major renovations throughout the Club between April and July 2014.
We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.
We will endeavour to hold the Exhibition in 2015, however this will depend on room availability, obtaining a new sponsor and other major functions on the calendar.
For further information on any events at the Club, please refer to our website
We look forward to seeing you at the Royal Motor Yacht Club soon.
Steve Euers
Acting General Manager
Maintenance of the RMYC pool is now complete and ready for the coming winter season.
NUSHIP Canberra sails into Sydney - Published on 11 Apr 2014 by RAN Media
NUSHIP Canberra made history last month when she sailed into Sydney Harbour for the first time. The first of two Landing Helicopter Dock ships being built for the Navy, Canberra's visit to Sydney was part of the contractor sea trials and testing program. This program proves systems and equipment prior to the ship being delivered to Defence.
The ship conducted a planned commercial docking in Sydney for a hull clean and final paint. As Canberra docked down, her size and scale was readily apparent.
The Sydney-based ship's company took the opportunity to conduct important familiarisation and induction training while the ship was in her future homeport. The ship's four Duty Watch teams carried out security and damage control training in preparation for taking responsibility for the ship.
Canberra has now departed Sydney to continue contractor sea trials. These trials will include a set of propulsion, speed and endurance trials on the way back to Melbourne.
Canberra is returning to Williamstown to prepare for the final phase of Contractor sea trials involving communications and combat systems.
On Good Friday at 10am, We Were There, A Way of the Cross will be performed at Maria Regina Catholic Church, Avalon.
It is a play directed and narrated by John Ayliffe, based on the Way of the Cross of Blessed Pope John Paul II who will be canonized on Divine Mercy Sunday this year.
We Were There has been performed at 10am on Good Friday at Maria Regina Church for almost two decades now and has become a significant part of the spiritual life of the community.
Some members of families of Maria Regina Catholic Primary School are involved in the play, including Graham Sloper (Pilate), Adrian Harding (Barabbas), Therese Kelly (Maid Servant) and Joanne Seve (Mary).
Everyone is warmly invited to attend the service

Calling all artists!
The City of Sydney’s public art program, City Art, is seeking artists for an incredible project in Surry Hills. The project is a site-specific artwork to be integrated into the southern end of the Crown Street Village Centre. Visit the City Art website for artist briefs and application details.
Photography courtesy City of Sydney
Snowy Winter Longboard Festival - Supported by Adrenalin
When: Saturday 7 - Monday 9 June 2014

Pet of the Week
To meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or Visit to see all our dogs.
ASIC seeks feedback on its services 7 Apr 2014
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has released an online survey as part of its ongoing commitment to improving the way in which they communicate with the small business community, as well as the services they provide this community.
Through the survey, ASIC aims to:
Identify what small business knows and does not know about its role and the services it provides;
Assess the usefulness of education tools developed over the last 12 months to help small business better understand their compliance obligations; and
Gather feedback on how ASIC can better support the small business community, including owners and operators, advisers and other government agencies.
You are invited to participate in the survey, it's online from Monday 7 April until Monday 26 May and will take approximately five minutes to complete. There's no requirement for participants to identify themselves. Every response will help inform ASIC's work, shape their priorities and improve their services.

From the pages of the past
LOSS OF A HALF-DECKER. A Perilous Adventure. On Wednesday last Mr. R. J. Banks and his son, a boy of 11, left Sydney for the Hawkesbury in the half-deck boat Tennyson. At the time of sailing the wind was S.W., but when off Hole-in-the-Wall it came due South, and Mr. Banks attempted to jibe, but in doing so the standing part of the main sheet got round the rudder-head, and the block of the hawse got jammed, and before Mr. Banks could free it the boat filled and sank. Mr. Banks took the boy on his back and swam towards the shore, but the breakers prevented his landing, and noticing the ketch Maggie Riley standing towards the place where the boat went down, he turned and swam back towards the vessel. Fortunately, a box which had got loose from the boat floated towards him, and Mr. Banks put his son on it, pushing the box before him until picked up by a boat from the ketch. Subsequently a small craft belonging to Mr. W. Farmer, of Newport, took them on board and landed them at Newport, where they caught the coach for Manly. On two previous occasions Mr. Banks has saved persons from sinking vessels by swimming to shore with them on his back. He was an hour and a half in the water on this occasion. LOSS OF A HALF-DECKER. (1896, July 12). Sunday Times(Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 3. Retrieved from
LATE MR. ROY RILEY. WAGSTAFFE POINT, Tuesday. Mr. Roy Riley, who died at his home at Wagstaffe Point recently, was descended from one of the oldest pioneer families of Brisbane Water. More than 100 years ago his grandfather acquired Shell Island, near Woy Woy, and now known as Riley's Island. The property has remained In the family since. In the early days bananas were grown on the island, and shipped to Sydney, and the plants continued to bear well until destroyed by the gale which overwhelmed the steamer Maitland 37 years ago. The father of the deceased (Capt. W Riley), the late Mr. Thomas Riley, built several ketches at his yard on the banks of Kincumber Creek, the best remembered being the Maggie Riley and Jessie Riley. LATE MR. ROY RILEY. (1935, September 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from
Picture: Ettalong from Wagstaffe Pt.Digital Order Number: a106345 ca. 1900-1927, Wagstaffe [i.e. Wagstaff] Pt., Woy Woy, N.S.W. Sydney & Ashfield : Broadhurst Post Card Publishers – courtesy State Library of NSW
Buy a Ticket for $100 - You Could Win a Hanse Yacht worth $250,000
Team Windcraft have just announced their second yacht raffle this time in support of SWD. The prize is a Hanse 345 yacht ready to sail away with 12 months Club Marine insurance.
There are just 5000 tickets on sale at $100 - closing date 31st August. All proceeds from the raffle go to Sailors with disABILITIES.
You can buy a ticket online today.
You can also help us by spreading the word. Word of mouth is very powerful - please tell everyone you know about the raffle in person or via Facebook/twitter.
Here is a link to download a flier which you can print and put up at work or sporting clubs.
Thanks for your help and good luck in the raffle!
Buy Tickets
Help Build Avalon Beach SLSC - Buy A Brick
If you would like to donate to the Avalon Beach SLSC building fund please go to the Building Tab on their website menu above, click Donate Now and select “Avalon Beach” and “Donation” in the drop down menus displayed. All donors who “Buy a brick” will be acknowledged by the club in a number of ways. We thank you for contributing to our future.
Green Army request for tender now open
The Australian Government is calling for tender applications from organisations wanting to become a Service Provider for the Green Army Programme.
Service Providers will have the opportunity to make a real difference by helping to deliver environmental projects in communities and providing training and skills to young Australians right across the country.
The Green Army will be Australia's largest-ever team supporting environmental action across the country, building to 15,000 young Australians by 2018.
The Green Army provides opportunities for young Australians aged 17-24 to gain training and experience in environmental and heritage conservation fields and explore careers in conservation management, while participating in projects that generate real benefits for the Australian environment.
Service Providers will deliver the program across the nation and be responsible for managing work health and safety, training, paying allowances and overseeing project management.
Under the Programme, participants will be paid an allowance generally higher than the rate of Newstart and Youth Allowance. Protections under the existing relevant state and territory legislation will be maintained to help ensure the safety of all involved.
Service Providers will ensure that participants develop valuable skills that will assist their transition into the workforce.
Organisations interested in becoming a Green Army Service Provider should submit a tender application through AusTender by 4pm Canberra time 7 May 2014.
The Request for Tender for Service Providers is available online
Artists & Craftsmen of Pittwater are returning to Mona Vale to hold their first show for 2014, to be held in the Mona Vale Memorial Hall.
This time we will be featuring Modern Abstract Art in line with the current trends in interior design. Modern streamlined interiors today often only require statements of colour and harmony in Art to complete the decor. Our Artists are working on pieces to suite apartment living and contemporary interiors.
We will also have something for the children this time . Kids Corner. We will have an activity table with drawings and coloured pencils where the children can choose a design and colour it in to take home for Easter, or keep for Mum or Nanna as a Mothers Day present. This activity is free.
Our Craftsmen have lots to choose from. Hand made jewellery, paper tole, hand knitted scarves and toys, patchwork quilts and cushions, hand made dresses for little girls, mosaics, silk scarves, hand made cards, decorative art, folk art designs painted on wood, fabric toys, embroidery, appliqué, painted porcelain, cushions, screen printing, Pet Portraits, quilling,embroidered & hand knitted baby clothes.
Great choices for Easter and Mothers Day. As well as our feature of Modern Abstracts there will also be Water Colours, Oils and Acrylic Paintings for Sale.
We also have an opening for a Ceramic Artist to join our group and exhibit at future shows. Enquires welcome during the show.
ARTISTS & CRAFTSMEN OF PITTWATER EASTER SALE - Mona Vale Memorial Hall (next to library) Park Street, Mona Vale. - Thurs. 17th Good Friday 18th Easter Saturday 19th. April. 9am-4pm
Petitioning The Minister for Roads the Hon. Duncan Gay - Install fauna protection devices when widening Mona Vale Road and whenever major highways are upgraded - Petition by Roadkill Prevention Committee
This petition will be delivered to: Minister for Roads and Maritime Services, The Minister for Roads the Hon. Duncan Gay

ALRC seeks input into Proposals for Reforms to address Serious Invasions of Privacy
The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) today released a Discussion Paper, Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era (DP 80, 2014). The Terms of Reference for this Inquiry ask the ALRC to consider the detailed legal design of a statutory cause of action and, in addition, other innovative ways the law might prevent or redress serious invasions of privacy.
The ALRC is seeking feedback from the community on 47 proposals for reform outlined in the Discussion Paper including a new Commonwealth Act that would provide for a statutory cause of action for serious invasions of privacy.
ALRC Commissioner for the Inquiry, Professor Barbara McDonald, said “Privacy is fundamental to enabling individuals to live dignified, fulfilling, safe and autonomous lives. It underpins many other freedoms of the individual, but it is a right that must be balanced with other fundamental values such as freedom of expression and with other aspects of modern society from which we all benefit. The design of a new cause of action reflects the balancing of these competing interests in carving out a level of protection of privacy that would see Australia meet its commitment to international norms/standards.
New technologies are constantly adding new ways to collect and use information about people’s activities, and to intrude into someone’s private life, challenging the usefulness of some existing laws. The ALRC proposals reflect the need to provide people across all of Australia with the same level of protection for their privacy and competing freedoms.”
The ALRC invites individuals and organisations to make submissions in response to the proposals contained in the Discussion Paper, or to any of the research, argument and analysis provided. This community input will help inform the development of final recommendations for reform that will be contained in our Final Report, due to be delivered to the Attorney-General by 30 June 2014.
The Discussion Paper is available free of charge from the ALRC website and is also available as an ebook. The ALRC prefers submissions via the ALRC online submission Written submissions can be posted to the Executive Director, ALRC, GPO Box 3708, Sydney NSW 2001 or emailed to
Closing date for submissions is Monday 12 May 2014. Due to the very tight timeframe late submissions cannot be accepted.
For more information about the ALRC Inquiry, go
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 14/4/2014: click on Logo. Also has an Extensive Local Directory.
To contact Julian:
World Environment Day Awards – Entries Open
To celebrate the United Nations World Environment Day (Thursday 5 June), the United Nations Association of Australia is inviting Award nominations from Local Government, individuals, organisations and community groups whose work serves to protect, manage or restore our natural heritage.
The prestigious national World Environment Day Awards recognise innovative and outstanding environmental programs and initiatives from across Australia, and the important work of Australian environmental leaders.
Category details, entry criteria and the nomination information are available on the UNAA website (see fact box).
There are two Local Government Awards:
• Best Specific Environmental Initiative
• Excellence in Overall Environmental Management.
These two Awards seek to recognise the work of Local Government organisations that have implemented outstanding specific conservation initiatives, or are leaders in overall environmental management. These
Awards recognise the essential role that councils play in sustainable development, particularly in regards to local action for environmental sustainability and collaboration with local businesses and community groups to achieve positive outcomes for the environment. Nominations for the UNAA World Environment Day Awards are NOW OPEN. Entries close AT 5pm Thursday, 17 April.
See categories and entry forms at HERE:
Pittwater Submission on Local Government Reform
Pittwater Council has rejected the concept of forced council amalgamations - but is supporting further reform of the local government sector.
This was the conclusion reached by the Council at its meeting this week after considering three detailed reports on local government reform, including Pittwater’s submission on an overhaul of the Local Government Act proposed by the NSW Government.
The Act was last reviewed in 1993, making it more than 20 years old.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the Council supported the need for the state government to review the Local Government Act at the same time that it was reviewing planning legislation across NSW.
“Changes across planning and local government need to be done in a holistic way,” she said.
She said Pittwater had consistently shown itself to be financially strong and able to negotiate funding partnerships with other councils and the state government.
““Any reforms to local government in NSW must focus on regional cooperation and service sharing.”
Mayor Townsend said the Council had submitted a detailed proposal concerning changes to the Local Government Act.
Among the changes the Council has asked for in the Act are stronger requirements for councils to consult their communities about projects or issues affecting them; an overhaul of the local government election process; abolition of the statutory requirement for print-based advertising; clearer descriptions of uses for public land and joint decision-making by the General Manager and Mayor on senior management roles.
To read the Council reports on local government reform and click on the link to the 7 April meeting agenda.
PDF Version HERE (453 kb)
Mapping marine debris around Australia - by CSIRO - Published on 10 Apr 2014
Scientist Dr Denise Hardesty talks about the Earthwatch Marine Debris Research Program, a three year survey of marine debris in Australian waters, cofounded by Shell, that will inform waste management policies and practices to protect ecosystems and wildlife.
The full report shall be published later in 2014. So far is availableHere
From these pages: Below is a state by state breakdown of beaches with the highest and lowest rates of marine debris.
NSW - Highest: Shelley Beach, Manly. Lowest: Red Rock Beach
Legacy’s special role. Remember Veterans’ families this ANZAC Day.
This ANZAC Day, Legacy is reminding people to think about the families of veterans who have lost their lives or health as well as our fallen veterans.
As Australian troops withdraw from Afghanistan, Legacy is focused on the years ahead and the role it will play. For families of veterans, the battle goes on.
Across Australia, Legacy is supporting 94,000 Widows and 1900 children and people with a disability, the families of veterans who have died during or after service.
Legacy recognises many veterans are suffering from mental health issues, including Post Traumatic Stress, which is recognised as being as debilitating to a person’s life as paraplegia.
For the families continuing on after the loss of a partner or parent, and for those living with a veteran with mental or physical illness, life changes forever.
Legacy believes that with assistance, they can find a way forward to live lives which are fulfilling and where they are contributing members of society.
Legacy has played a special role in the lives of veterans’ families by providing caring and compassionate service including advocacy so Widows receive benefits to which they are entitled, helping them access medical, dental and counseling services and financial and legal advice and preventing social isolation.
Assisting children is a major priority and Legacy steps in to provide financial assistance for education, including after school activities and organising camps for children, sometimes with their parents, sometimes without, and opportunities for personal development.
“We want people to recognise that while the war in Afghanistan is finishing, the struggles for many of these families aren’t,” said Legacy Northern Beaches Chairman Tim Becker.
“They need our ongoing understanding, compassion and support and all at Legacy are here to assist them, for however long we are needed.
“We are still supporting Widows of World War I veterans so anticipate that in 90 years time we will still be supporting wives of today’s veterans. Legacy is here for the long term.”
Anyone interested in volunteering for Legacy, becoming a Legatee or to make a donation, phone 9248 9000 or contact Legatee Becker on 8976 3500.
Australian Sailing Team: 2014 ISAF SWC Mallorca
ISAF Sailing World Cup in Palma, Mallorca. The Australian Sailing Team scored one gold and two bronze medals on the final day of racing. Interviews with Tom Burton (1st - Laser), Darren Bundock (3rd - Nacra 17) and Mat Belcher (3rd - 470).
3rd: Nina Curtis and Darren Photo from the prize giving of the Princess Sofia Regatta. Photo by Victor Kovalenko.
Tenders for Elanora Heights Upgrade - 10 Apr 2014
Tenders will soon be called for the upgrade to the Elanora Heights shopping centre in Kalang Road.
The Council voted at its meeting this week to adopt an amended masterplan for the upgrade, based on feedback from residents and business-owners.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the changes were aimed at making parking easier for shoppers and creating a more pedestrian-friendly centre.
Up to 43 parking spaces will become available as a result of the upgrade, with the length of the central median strip reduced and an additional pedestrian crossing created.
A proposal to relocate the bus stop to the opposite side of Kalang Road to create more parking spaces will be referred to the Pittwater Traffic Committee for final endorsement.
Pedestrians will have a widened footpath of 5 metres along the eastern side of Kalang Road. The roundabout at St Andrews Gate will also be retained following community feedback.
Mayor Townsend said the changes to the proposed upgrade had been made in consultation with local businesses and residents and tenders for the work would now be called.
“We expect to advertise tenders by June, with the work to be done in two stages as funding becomes available,” she said.
Stage 1 of the work – landscaping the centre, creating the median strip and widening the footpath – is expected to start by August this year.
Stage 2 – ‘gateway’ entrances to each end of the shopping centre– will begin once funding becomes available.
To view the masterplan in detail
Avalon Surf Club Restaurant Tender Opens
Pittwater Council will shortly open tenders for the restaurant and café in the new Avalon surf club building.
Diners at the restaurant and café will enjoy sweeping views of Avalon Beach when the new clubhouse opens in June.
Commercial & Property Manager Paul Reid said tenders wouldopen on 15 April and close on 20 May.
“We expect a lot of interest from experienced restaurateurs who want to take advantage of a premium location and an iconic brand-new building,” he said.
Mr Reid said prospective tenderers could tour the new building on either 22 or 23 April as part of the tender process.
“Tenders are for a lease period of five years, with an option for a further five years after that.”
“The Council is open to alternative proposals for a lease however.”
The restaurant is on the top floor of the building and the café on the bottom floor, with the café able to serve seated customers as well as takeaways.
Tender documents are available at or from the Pittwater Council customer service centre at 1 Park Street Mona Vale for a non-refundable fee of $100.
Tenders must be submitted via the tenders box at 1 Park Street by 11am on Tuesday 20 May.
NSW Government Boating & Waterway Survey
Pittwater is one of several key areas being surveyed by the NSW government on boating and waterway use.
Roads & Maritime Services (RMS) is surveying Pittwater residents to form part of a study into recreational boating and its effect on waterways.
According to RMS, ‘an estimated 2 million people per year go boating along the NSW coastline and on lakes, rivers and estuaries.’
The RMS also anticipates a 2.9% increase in boat ownership each year in the future.
The survey focusses on the condition of waterways and safety, with data obtained to for the base for ‘regional boating plans’ by the state government.
Pittwater is one of eleven areas being surveyed by the government. Others include Lake Macquarie, the Tweed-Clarence River and the Taree Great Lakes region, as well as council areas bordering Sydney Harbour.
The survey can be completed online The closing date is 13 April.
For more information about the survey call 1800 810 680 or
Pittwater Household Chemical Cleanout
Pittwater Council and the NSW Department of Environment and Heritage will host a free Household Chemical CleanOut collection for the Pittwater area on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 April.
The collection will take place at Mona Vale Beach Car Park, Surfview Road Mona Vale, between 9am and 3.30pm on both days.
Mayor JacquiTownsend said the free collection provided residents with a convenient and safe way to dispose of unwanted or out-of-date chemicals, ensuring toxic waste did not enter waterways or bushland.
“Our natural environment is one of our biggest assets, and we are committed to protecting it.”
“Chemicals, paints and other toxins are hazardous to have around the home and pose risks to our children, pets and wildlife especially if not disposed of correctly,” added Cr Townsend.
Residents can drop off paint and paint-related products, pesticides and herbicides, poisons, solvents and household cleaners, motor oils, fuels and fluids, car batteries, gas bottles, fire extinguishers, pool chemicals, acids and alkalis, hobby chemicals and florescent tubes.
Only household quantities will be accepted ie. a maximum of 20 kg or 20 litres and must be brought to the collection point by vehicle. Walk-ins will not be accepted.
Residents are reminded to take care when transporting chemicals to the CleanOut Day. Ensure all lids are on tightly, items are secure in your vehicle and do not roll around.
Please note residents may experience minimal delays during the drop-off period.
For further information on the safe disposal of chemicals please call the Environment Line on 131 555 or visit the CleanOut website
Free Business Seminars
Northern beaches businesses are invited to two free seminars to learn more about shopfront visual merchandising and designing your business.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the two events formed part of the Enliven Pittwater program, created to support local businesses and generate vibrancy across Pittwater’s village centres.
The first session - Shopfront Showcase & Visual Merchandising - will be held on Tuesday 29 April from 6pm to 8pm at the Inch Café, Mona Vale.
The session will be presented by Kerry Little, the head teacher of Visual Merchandising at the Sydney Institute.
Regional Economic Development Coordinator Paul William-Smith said the seminar will include hands-on expert advice, tricks of the trade, as well as valuable information on displaying products that grab customers’ attention.
Mr William-Smith said the second seminar - Designing Your Business- is on Thursday 8 May from 8am to 10am at Mona Vale Memorial Hall, Mona Vale.
“This session will be presented by Mark Stewart NSW & ACT Business Adviser with Enterprise Connect, in collaboration with the Creative Industries Innovation Centre at the Department of Industry.
“The seminar is relevant for new and existing businesses looking for ideas to help define and shape the way they do business, sustain customer relationships and profits.
“Mark’s session gives advice to help guide businesses in a climate that can often be fast-paced and turbulent,” he said.
Mr William-Smith said that with close to 9000 businesses in Pittwater and more than 35,000 across the SHOROC region, the sessions would appeal to small and medium business owners in the retail sector, construction, accommodation and food services.
He said business-owners were encouraged to bring along questions, network with other businesses and learn the latest from industry experts.
To reserve a place, or for more information or call Paul William-Smith on 9942 2233.
Pack Your Trunks – Destination Warringah Exhibition
Warringah Council Library is hosting a fascinating exhibition of local holiday snapshots and memorabilia as part of its exhibition ‘Pack Your Trunks – Destination Warringah’.
The exhibition is part of this year’s National Trust’s National Heritage Festival which has the theme ‘Journeys’, celebrating Australians as a nation of travellers.
“‘Pack Your Trunks – Destination Warringah’ highlights the area’s history as a tourist destination and summer holiday playground for the rest of Sydney,” said Warringah Mayor, Michael Regan.
Tina Graham from Warringah Council Library Local Studies Unit said: “In the early part of last century, Warringah was a place of guest houses, hotels, holiday homes and camping grounds. The exhibition is designed to remember these days and celebrate this chapter in the area’s history.”
Orlando House at Cromer, for example, was once a distinguished family home. It was used by the army during WWII, left unoccupied and then reborn as a holiday guesthouse.
The exhibition will include photographs and collector’s pieces to show some famous and infamous spots throughout the Warringah area as they were in the early 1900s. The collection has been put together with donations from locals and memorabilia from the Powerhouse Museum.
Pack Your Trunks – Destination Warringah- Mon-Fri 17th April to 2nd May 2014 - not including public holidays, 10am-2pm. FREE. VENUE : Warringah Creative Space, 105 Abbott Rd, North Curl Curl
THE BIG TOW - By Palm Beach Longboarding Club Inc
THE BIG TOW stay tuned it's on more information will follow regarding how to enter this event & more importantly raise the awareness of prostate screening....
Also attached a picture of the raffle ticket prizes available for this event, tickets will be available at our next comp at Palm Beach on the 6th April 2014.
So if you are not a club member & would like tickets please contact David Haines to receive your tickets........ Cheers Dig Deep people
Entry forms are available for down load on Palm Beach Longboarding Club Inc web site under NEWS LETTER button (The Big Tow) pdf form click on it to download. More
THE BIG TOW! By Adam Digby
A community attempt at a world record to raise awareness and de-stygmatise the importance of prostate screening, and helping out a family in our 'hood. The attempt is for the most number of surfers towed behind a boat. We're aiming for 50, on Sunday morning the 27th of April, 2014. Palm Beach, NSW, Australia.
THE BIG TOW! from adam digby on Vimeo.
Dick Smith Foods Big Charity Breakthrough - NBI Respite, Recreation, Support
Hurrah, the lovely people at Dick Smith Foods have made NBI one of their charities to participate in their Big Charity Breakthrough . All we need now is lots of votes from all our friends to get a share of the $1million.
It's easy to vote, Just take a photograph of any Dick Smith Foods product(s) in your pantry and text* or email it together with your nomination for NBI as the charity you wish to support. You can also include your name and it will be added to their website so you know your vote has been recorded. (* It does sound strange, but believe it or not you can put an email address on the phone number field for texting and it will get through to Dick Smith Foods!) If you get some other people in the photo we get more votes so get all your friends involved too!
National Family History Month August 2014 C/- Royal Australian Historical Society
A message from Shauna Hicks, Voluntary National Family History Month Coordinator on behalf of Australasian Federation of Family History Organisations:
National Family History Month August 2014.
There are many ways that small and large organisations can become involved in National Family History Month. You can hold a special event to celebrate during the month; invite a guest speaker to your August meeting; or advertise the month in your society newsletters and magazines; have a history walk or have a library open day.
All genealogy and family history societies who add an event to the NFHM web calendar and promote their event as part of NFHM will be eligible to enter the draw for some fantastic prizes donated by our sponsors. This year we also have prizes for individuals as well as a category for online events.
Visit their website to add your genealogy or family history event.
THE MAGOO CHARITY CLASSIC 17TH AND 18TH MAY 2014 - submitted by magoo charity team
The Central Coast Malibu Boardriders Club (CCMB) organises and runs one of the largest charity longboarding surf competitions on the Central Coast of NSW. This contest attracts over 150 of the best longboard surfers in Australia.
The Magoo Charity Classic caters for surfers of all ages and abilities, with 10 divisions from under 18 to over 60 in age, including Women’s, Open 9′, Open 8′, Loggers and Old Malibu.This year we have a new division combining the logs and old mal. Come along and enjoy the FUN!
The Magoo Charity Classic is an event that stands by itself in the history of surfing. Over the last 15 years the event has raised over $300,000 for cancer research and care. In 1999, Barry ‘Magoo’ McGuigan turned 70 and the CCMB surprised him with one of the BIGGEST charity surf contests in Australia.
Starting on Saturday 17th May, and finals on Sunday 18th of May 2014. The event celebrates fun, friendship, family and surfing, catering for all ages.
Contest Director: David Hayes – 0418 249 552. Email
Register and see more see HERE
Easter on the water: Operation Lights On
Roads and Maritime Services will conduct a safety campaign on vessel navigation lights over the Easter long weekend.
The campaign – Operation Lights On – aimed to improve safety on the water by ensuring boaters were aware of night lighting requirements on vessels.
Maritime Boating Safety Officers will conduct random checks of recreational vessels – powered, sail and paddle craft– which are being operated at night from Good Friday up to and including Easter Monday.
When night falls it is a completely different world on the water and while cars have headlights to light up the way ahead, vessels use a system of lights to show others their location and direction.
Vessels that operate from sunset to sunrise, whether at anchor or underway, must carry and exhibit the correct lights.
When fog, glare, smoke or darkness restrict your visibility, you must slow down to keep a safe speed. A safe speed is one at which you can stop and avoid a collision, while taking into account the circumstances and conditions at the time.
You wouldn’t drive on a dark road without headlights. The same applies to dark waterways - be bright.
Every type of craft – dependent on vessel size and class – needs lights in order to be visible at night.
If you anchor at night, you need to display an ‘all round white light’ where it can be seen. You should go slowly and look and listen at all times for unlit hazards such as logs, moored boats and sand banks.
Navigation lights should be positioned so they are not obscured by the vessel’s superstructure or interfered with by the deck lights. The masthead or all round white light must be fitted, if practical, on the centre line – bow to stern – of the vessel.
Lifejacket legislation compliance as well as ensuring vessels are navigating on the correct side of the channel – the right side – will also be monitored by BSO during the campaign.
For more information on night navigation lighting, go
NSW State Government News
Next phase of ‘One Punch’ campaign begins – April 10, 2014 – NSW Government
This phase includes:
50 Citylight billboard panels courtesy of JC Decaux.
100 panels in 7/11 stores courtesy of ADSHEL.
A Pump TV advertsement for 300 screens at petrol stations courtesy of Val Morgan.
Pub/clubs TV screens across 70 venues courtesy of Ooh Media.
NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell said the latest phase, combined with television and radio advertisements and billboards on the back of taxis, would help make an impact on the violent culture that is sadly common in today’s society.
“The Danny Green ad sends a powerful message that drug and alcohol-fuelled violence can ruin lives and it’s great to see even more companies come on board to start the change,” he said.
“If we are to deliver cultural change, we need people to take responsibility for their actions.”
To address drug and alcohol-fuelled violence, the government is introducing a range of measures such as: mandatory sentencing for violent assaults causing death; CBD lockouts; and increasing police numbers and powers.
NSW gains $500 million in foreign investment - 11th April 2014
NSW’s network of international trade and investment offices has secured $500 million in foreign investment for the state during this financial year, according to the NSW Government’s latest Trade and Investment Report (April 2014).
Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner released the report on the eve of his trade mission to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Singapore as part of the government’s ongoing efforts to grow trade and investment links with NSW’s key markets.
Mr Stoner said the government was actively targeting key overseas markets to attract more international investment, facilitate exports, create jobs and grow the economy.
“Our international trade and investment offices in the USA, Japan, China, India and the UAE have all played a significant role in driving jobs and investment growth for this state,” he said.
“As an example, recently our UAE office worked with Dubai-based telecommunications firm Pacific Controls to establish a presence in Sydney – a $50 million investment that will generate up to 80 jobs for the local economy.”

Hawkesbury River Railway Bridge 125th Anniversary Celebrations Saturday, May 3
Come and celebrate the world's last great engineering feat of the 19th century, which transformed Dangar Island into the largest construction site in the Southern Hemisphere and inspired Henry Parkes' dream of Federation by completing a continuous railway line between Adelaide and Brisbane.
An incredible story of how the American contractors used cutting edge technology of the time to sink the deepest pier foundations in the world, build the world's largest pontoon on the island to float the spans into place, endure a near disaster when they nearly lost one span into the river, fight an Aussie union backlash of strikes and false media reports and eventually suffer engineering problems that forced a new bridge to be built. A wonderful tale of how for 3 years in the harshest conditions imaginable, a temporary tightknit community of 300 workers and their families sprung up on Dangar Island, and how the Americans provided entertainment for them in their little 'Utopia'.
Our celebrations on the weekend of May 3rd-4th include:
* An exhibition in the Dangar Island Community hall from 10am to 4pm on both days. Featuring never before seen photos and memorabilia, including some very special items on loan from the Powerhouse Museum.
* Special Bridge Birthday cruises on The Riverboat Postman with expert commentary, morning tea and lunch provided. Includes a drop off at Dangar Island to view the exhibition. Departing Brooklyn Public Wharf at 11am, tickets are $44 with concessions, including a $100 family ticket. Book direct on 0400 600 111. More info at
* Banksia Ferry Charters are offering shorter cruises to the bridge site, including commentary, aboard the historic ferry Banksia for just $7.50 per head. Departing Dangar Island Public Wharf at 11am and 1pm with further cruises if required. For bookings and further info ring 0448 101 010. Website:
* Walk the Island History Trail to discover more amazing facts and how the island looked between 1886 and 1889.
* Special events for children, including story telling stations and a bridge drawing competition.
* Colonial music in the Island Park.
* Lunch and liquid refreshments at the Dangar Island Bowling Club
Tell your friends about this exciting event and come and enjoy all that Dangar Island has to offer!
For any further information please contact Peter Wolfe (99857800) or Dave Reynolds (0415833958 and 99858836).
National Cyber Security Awareness Week 2014 now to be Called Stay Smart Online
Leonie Smith, an Ambassador for the National Cyber Security Awareness Week/StaySmart Online 2 to 6 June 2014, is the Cyber Safety Lady
Free Talks On Sydney’s Northern Beaches
If you would like to hold a talk at your school in the Manly, Warringah, Pittwater area contact Leonie as she is holding FREE cyber safety talks at no cost to parents or the school within these council areas. Leonie works with the Dee Why/Manly local area police command, the talks are sponsored by Rotary and Warringah Council. See More Here: andHere for 2014
If you would like to hold a talk at your school in the Manly, Warringah, Pittwater area contact Leonie Smith or Police Youth Liaison Officer Robyn Jennings via email. - Parents talks also available
The 2014 Awareness Week has had a name change, and will now be known as Stay Smart Online Week. It will be the seventh consecutive Awareness Week conducted by the Australian Government in partnership with industry, community and consumer organisations and all levels of government. The aim of Awareness Week is to help Australians using the internet – whether at home, the workplace or school – understand the simple steps they can take to protect their personal and financial information online.
This year’s theme - ‘On The Go’ - reflects the importance of staying safe and secure online while using mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets, which are used to stay connected for social networking, banking, shopping, and navigating the internet. With more than 1,500 partners (including around 700 schools) coming together for the 2014 Awareness Week, the message of online security will again be heard around Australia through a range of events, including seminars, webinars, media, social media, and other distribution channels.
The internet has increasingly become part of our daily life. It provides a way for us to socialise, shop, transact and do business, which means we are sharing more and more personal and financial information online. In doing so we potentially expose ourselves to number of online risks which we need to be aware of and properly manage. That is why it is important that we better understand how to stay safe and secure on the internet.
Under the Australian Government's Stay Smart Online Program a range of initiatives, including National Stay Smart Online Awareness Week, help Australians understand online security and safety and the measures they can take to protect their personal and financial information.
See More on Australian Government's Stay Smart Online WeekHERE – including FREE downloads for Schools, individuals, alerts etc.
Pittwater Artists Trail - 2014 Artists Open Studios
We've received a copy of the new Artists Trail Open Studios Brochure this week - Great News. This lists all the open times you may view an artists works during the year outside of the Artist Trail weekends.
The 2014 Brochures are available at Mona Vale & Avalon libraries, Pittwater Council, Pittwater Community Centres as well as a variety of cafes and businesses throughout Pittwater.
TEDxSydney at the beach, brought to you by NewportNet
On Saturday April 26th, the doors of NewportNet, the Northern Beaches first Co-working space will open to the local community to experience live video coverage of TEDxSydney at the Sydney Opera House. Sold out each year since inception, despite the requirements to apply to attend, TEDxSydney has become the leading pipeline for the propagation of Australian ideas, creativity, innovation and culture in Australia and to the rest of the world. TEDxSydney fosters a sense of community and provides a cultural focus and impetus for conversation and debate.
As one of TEDxSydney’s first satellite Event organisers for 2014,NewportNet is welcoming the local community to experience thought provoking ideas, compelling stories and breathtaking musical and stage performances live on two big screens, free of charge.A full day event, TEDxSydney will include talks from Nikon-Walkley, award winning photographer Barat Ali Batoor, New York Times winning author Adam Alter, brain imaging scientist Richard Banati, mathematician Clio Creswell, Punchbowl Boys High School Principal Jihad Dib, ex Nsw State Coroner Mary Jerram, best selling author David Kilcullen, lighting architect Mark Major, entrepreneur and Skateistan founder Oliver Percovich, neuroscientist Cyndi Shannon Weickert, autistic artist Tim Sharp (and mum Judy), environmental campaigner Barry Traill, Neuro-ethicist Nicole Vincent, disability advocate and comedian Stella Young and Mark Zusak, author of the New York Times best selling novel “the Book Thief”.
We want to make this a community event and will provide morning tea as well as some music, drinks and nibbles during the afternoon session. Entry is free but entry is by ticket only. Tickets are available online at
We’d like to invite some local success stories to give a 10-15mins talk about where and how their business started and the hurdles they encountered to lead to their success.
This is going to be an exciting FREE event for the Northern Beaches. See below links for more information.
Alan Jones is the contact point for people who’d like to either sponsor the event or give a 15min talk about their journey to a successful business. 01414 987 069
Waratah Park Working Bee - 27th Apr 2014, 9am - 1pm
Waratah Park, "Home of Skippy the Bush Kanagaroo" TV series represents an important part of history of our local area. It is 12 hectares of bushland, environment culture and rare flora and fauna species. Currently the park is closed to the public and all animals have been removed from the park.
Waratah Park has no help whatsoever other than the small group from a small group from Duffy's Forest Residence Association, who go into the park one Sunday a month to clean-up, remove weeds, bush regenerate and remove green waste.
We are looking for volunteers to come to the park and assist. Any help whether large or small would be appreciated!
The park is still a great place but we need to take care of it. If we don't, this historical Australian icon could be lost to the people of Pittwater and Sydney.
What to bring: A hat, a pair of Gloves, a bottle of Water, your Gardening Tools, Mowers, Whipper Snippers, BushSaws, ChainSaws and pruning cutters.
What to wear: Protective Clothing that covers your arms and legs and a strong pair of Shoes/Boots.If using mechanical equipment the usual protective equipment must be worn!
Venue: Waratah Park, 13 Namba Road, Duffy's Forest
Contact: Peter Staff email or Ph:9487 1471 or DFRA Jenny Harris Ph: 9450 1206 or Mob: 0408 512 060
Website: All details are on DFRA website:
Bushcare Dates - April 2014
Bushcare at Warriewood - The Warriewood bushcare group managed by Pittwater Council needs more volunteers on 4th Wednesday morning of the month – Can you help? Please contact Mary Johnsen at 9999 2020.
Sun April 13
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Pk 10-12:30pm
Thu April 17
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat April 19
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun April 20
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Elanora Rd 8:30-11:30am
Wed April 23
W’wood Bch 8-11am
Sat April 26
Pindari Res 8-11am
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Kywong Res 8:30-11:30am
Sun April 27
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winnererremy Bay 9-12pm
For further information on bushcare and/or to confirm if your group is working please contact Pittwater Council's Bushcare Officer. Bushcare is a great way to help your local bushland and make new friends! Bushcare Officer: Helena Dewis 9970 1367
Pittwater Council's COOEE Newsletter April - 2014
Newport Recreation Centre will come alive with artistic exhibitions, demonstrations holiday workshops and talks during April. Pittwater Council is hosting two exhibitions from Friday 11 April until Thursday 17 April, as an Enliven Pittwater initiative.
Local artist and recipient of the Pittwater Community Arts Young Emerging Artist Grant, Henry Curchod presents a new body of work depicting the life cycle of flowers. The opening night of the exhibition will be on Friday 11 April from 6pm to 9pm.
Also opening on Friday 11 April at the Newport Community Centre is an exhibition of works from 19 members of the Pittwater Artists Trail.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor Jacqui Townsend said it was exciting to see the collaboration between Enliven Pittwater, local artists and arts organisation coming together to offer a variety of events.
“The objective of ARTivity Week is to offer an engaging art experience to our community and at the same time provide development opportunities for local artists.
“As well as providing an exhibition space, there will be workshops and professional development talks by Arts Law. Participants will learn about artist’s rights and gain practical insight into copyright and contracts,” said Cr Townsend.
“Families can join in with the Be Centre holding creative workshops on Tuesday 15 April. The workshops are a supportive and playful environment where children can roll up their sleeves and get creative,” she said.
For detailed information on the program during ARTivity week and Enliven Pittwater,
Artivity is a series of art events happening in April at Newport Community Centre. From Friday 11–Thursday 17 April Henry Curchod, named Pittwater’s Young Emerging Artist, presents his work on the life cycle of flowers. Also on at the centre is the Pittwater Artist Trail exhibition with 19 artists exhibiting. The opening night for both events is Friday 11 April from 6-9pm.
Ms Hewitt said all the activities on offer could be found on the free Enliven Pittwater app or at
April 11th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
April 12th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm.
May 3rd: Pittwater Place, knitting, craft, Bric-a-brac, books 9am – 3pm
May 9th: Stall, ANZ Avalon Parade, Avalon. Baking, craft, knitting, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
May 10th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm
May 16th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
June 7th: Stall, Pittwater Place, Knitting, craft, Bric-a-brac, books 9am – 3pm
June 14th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm
June 20th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
Turimetta to Warriewood Ocean Swim - May 4th, 2014
It's a beautiful swim south-north around Turimetta Headland, between North Narrabeen and Warriewood. A top time of year to do this kind of swim, too. Fall-back course is a triangular circuit off Warriewood beach, if conditions force a change.
More information...
Organiser - Warriewood SLSC. Distance - 2.2km + 200m Sprint/Dash (You can enter the Dash only if you also complete the main swim). Venue - Warriewood Beach, Sydney northern beaches, registration and swim HQ at surf club, main swim start at Turimetta Beach, just over the hill. Come to the surf club first.
Time/Date - Sunday, May 4, 2014, 10am race start. Registration - race day - 8:30am-9:45am. Entry fee - $30 ($40 on race day), or both swim and Dash $40 ($50 on race day)
Online entries close - 3pm, Saturday, May 3, 2014
Conditions - Warriewood is best known as the temperamental starting beach of the Mona Vale Mighty Marathon. It can be tempestuous, indeed, often offering a difficult break. Planned course starts at Turimetta, around the headland from Warriewood, which also could be bumpy if conditions come from the south. But in that case, it will be a fun ride with the swell around the headland and into the beach. It's a majestic bluff, that headland, and swimming beneath it is an experience. Coming in at Warriewood also will be fun.
Mimimum age - 15. Categories - 10 year age groups, Male and Female
More info - Download hard copy entry form HERE
Swimming History in Pictures
Head to Mona Vale Library during April and step back in time as you view a pictorial history of the Narrabeen Lakes Amateur Swimming Club.
The club, formerly known as Narrabeen Ladies Amateur Swimming Club, celebrates 80 years this April and will have a host of photos and memorabilia available for viewing at the library.
Formed in 1933, members of the ladies club swam in Narrabeen Lake until the opening of Narrabeen Rock pool in 1934.
Events Librarian Catherine Buddin said the celebrations fall at the same time as the Heritage Festival, with the theme this year being “Journeys”.
“The swimming club has certainly had an interesting ‘journey’, morphing from an all-women’s club in the early 30s to include men and boys from 1987.
“In 2011 the club formally changed their name to the Narrabeen Lakes Amateur Swimming Club to reflect the changing nature of their members and to promote themselves as a fun family club,” said Ms Buddin.
“The club has gathered a vast array of images that depict the journey of swimming over the last 80 years.
“During the exhibition there will be members of the swimming club available to chat to residents about the history of the club and how to become involved.
Mona Vale Library’s local studies librarian will also be on hand to talk about the local studies unit at the library, which can assist students and researchers with many aspects of local history.
The exhibition will be open from 10am to 6 pm on week days; 10am to 2pm on Saturdays; and 1pm to 5pm on Sundays during April. Mona Vale Library is located at 1 Park Street, Mona Vale.
An evening with Bettina Arndt - on Tuesday 22 April, from 6.30pm at Newport Community Centre
Bettina Arndt is one of Australia’s first sex therapists, a social commentator and has been working in the media most of her life. Bettina now spends most of her time on the speaking circuit, travelling across the country keeping audiences enthralled with her stories. She writes for many of Australia’s leading newspapers and magazines and appears regularly on television and radio.
She’s also involved in an exciting new venture, working as a dating coach providing advice to men and women about online dating. As part of her coaching role, Bettina helps with writing profiles which in-turn increases the chances of meeting the right match.
Her books include:
The Sex Diaries: Why Women Go Off Sex and Other Bedroom Battles
Taking Sides: Men, Women and the Shifting Social Agenda
What Men Want in Bed.
Bettina will have books available for sale at the event.
Cost - $10, no concession. Bookings essential, call 9970 1600, payment required within three days of booking.
Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) FREE Community Talk,MONDAY 19 May, 2.30pm
Bookings essential 9970 1600
The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS) is one of the largest and most comprehensive aero-medical organisations in the world. Using the latest in aviation, medical and communications technology, it delivers extensive primary health care and 24-hour emergency service to those who live, work and travel throughout Australia.
The RFDS is a not-for-profit organisation. Today, the RFDS has a fleet of 60 aircraft operating from 21 bases located across the nation and provides medical assistance to over 270,000 people every year – that’s one patient every two minutes in remote and rural Australia! Covering 90% of Australia - no patient is more than two hours away from the help of the Flying Doctor.
Big discussion on “Jasper Jones” by Craig Silvey, as part of a Writers’ Day on Wednesday 21 May
People are encouraged to read the book beforehand, there are various copies in the library and come and discuss it. More details of the day’s program to follow and bookings will be essential.
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government.
The NSW Government Gazette contains:
New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on the N.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
April 6 - 12, 2014: Issue 157
Sunday 6th April 2 pm.
8 Lentara Rd Bayview.
Come along to Coomalong(where possums meet) enjoy the exotic surroundings overlooking Pittwater, whilst helping our native animals.
All funds raised go directly towards treating and rehabilitating our precious wildlife. Our resident veterinarian Dr Howard Ralph will give a brief presentation highlighting the many various species he treats with varying problems. We can assure you Howard's images are touching and inspirational.
ALL WELCOME ADMISSION $30 adults - Kids Free
Yummy cakes & afternoon tea / Coffee / Juice for the kids included.
Contact Lindy 0409 404570
See Issue 155: Champion of All Australian Wildlife Dr Howard Ralph Supported by Annual SCWC High Tea, Sunday April 6th at Coomalong by Lindy Stacker and Lynleigh Grieg
Australian Sailing Team: 2014 ISAF SWC Mallorca - Update 2 - Published on 5 Apr 2014
ISAF Sailing World Cup in Palma, Mallorca. In this update we hear from Nina Curtis (Nacra 17) and Will Ryan (470).

New $1.8 million Balgowlah Trade Training Centre opened - Wednesday 2 April 2014 Media Release: Senator the Hon Scott Ryan, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education
Students at two Sydney high schools will now have access to high quality vocational training through a new Australian Government funded $1.8 million Trade Training Centre at Balgowlah.
Opening the Trade Training Centre, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education, Senator Scott Ryan said the project included construction and equipment for an outdoor work area, four store rooms and a theory room.
“This state-of-the-art Balgowlah Trade Training Centre will deliver qualifications in construction to address skills shortages in the trades of carpentry and joinery,” Senator Ryan said.
“Students at the lead school, Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus, and Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus will benefit by having access to these facilities.
“Ensuring we have a skilled workforce and launching students into great careers are goals that are clearly shared by the two partner schools, employers within the region, and other stakeholders who have worked together to improve training opportunities for local students.
“Through our Students First approach, we are building a world-class education system to equip all students to succeed in an increasingly competitive world.”
Under Students First, the Government will work with the states and territories in 2014 on four key areas that will make a difference:
teacher quality
principal autonomy
engaging parents in education
strengthening the curriculum.
For further information on Students First,
2014 Royal Motor Yacht Club Marine Art Exhibition
The Commodore and Directors of the RMYC wish to advise that the Marine Art Exhibition has been cancelled due to major renovations throughout the Club between April and July 2014.
We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.
We will endeavour to hold the Exhibition in 2015, however this will depend on room availability, obtaining a new sponsor and other major functions on the calendar.
For further information on any events at the Club, please refer to our website
We look forward to seeing you at the Royal Motor Yacht Club soon.
Steve Euers
Acting General Manager
Maintenance of the RMYC pool is now complete and ready for the coming winter season.
On Good Friday at 10am, We Were There, A Way of the Cross will be performed at Maria Regina Catholic Church, Avalon.
It is a play directed and narrated by John Ayliffe, based on the Way of the Cross of Blessed Pope John Paul II who will be canonized on Divine Mercy Sunday this year.
We Were There has been performed at 10am on Good Friday at Maria Regina Church for almost two decades now and has become a significant part of the spiritual life of the community.
Some members of families of Maria Regina Catholic Primary School are involved in the play, including Graham Sloper (Pilate), Adrian Harding (Barabbas), Therese Kelly (Maid Servant) and Joanne Seve (Mary).
Everyone is warmly invited to attend the service

Snowy Winter Longboard Festival - Supported by Adrenalin
When: Saturday 7 - Monday 9 June 2014
From the pages of the past - ACCIDENT TO MR. HENRY LAWSON.
Shortly after 10 o'clock on Saturday morning a fisherman named Sly, while walking along the cliffs at Manly, noticed a man lying near the water's edge. Sly climbed down a path which is used by fishermen, and found that the man was Mr. Henry Lawson, poet and story-writer.
He was quickly carried to the top of the cliffs, and Dr. Hall, who was summoned, found that Mr. Lawson was suffering from a broken ankle, a lacerated wound over the right eye, besides other injuries. It was ascertained that Mr. Lawson had fallen over the cliffs, which at that place are about 80 or 90ft. high. He was conveyed to Sydney. ACCIDENT TO MR. HENRY LAWSON. (1902, December 8).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
Henry Lawson, circa 1902.
Transport for NSW today announced the release of a new safety video to encourage rowers and ferry masters to use shared waterways safely.
Maritime Management Centre General Manager, Howard Glenn said the aim of the Row Safe video is to educate rowing crews and avoid taking unnecessary risks making waterways safer for everyone.
“It’s great to see people active and out on the water, but it’s important to be aware of the etiquette and laws so that vessels of all sizes can share the waterways safely,” Mr Glenn said.
“For rowers, the essential rules are to be seen, keep a proper look out and keep to the right.”
The need for the video stems from ongoing compliance issues with rowers on the Parramatta River and in Port Jackson. Boating Safety Officers have reported the cause of issues is often the newer or inexperienced members of the rowing community.
“Most of the issues that occur on the water can easily be avoided with some basic courtesy and an understanding of the rules,” Mr Glenn said. “Through discussions with the Rowing Steering Committee within Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), members wanted an instructional video for all new school and rowing club members to watch.
“Rowing is a sport with a rich history that demands fitness and coordination, but like all other vessels on the waterways, the crew on a rowing vessel must obey some fundamental rules for safe navigation,” Mr Glenn said.
The video, called Row Safe, has been developed with consultation between boating safety officers, RMS, the Maritime Management Centre and other key stakeholders, and focuses on:
•Rowing safety
•Rules of the waterways
•Waterway courtesy
•Keeping to the right
•What to do when a ferry is approaching or departing a wharf
•Appropriate lighting and visibility of rowing vessels
•Rower’s and ferry aspect (what a real time view looks like)
The video also focuses on the responsibilities and guidelines for support and coaching boats that operate adjacent to rowing crews.
“At the recent NSW Schoolboy Head of the River event held on Sunday 9 March, the video was promoted to students, highlighting the importance of the safety initiative to these young rowers,” Mr Glenn said.
The video will be available through the NSW Maritime YouTube channel and a copy of the DVD will be sent to Sydney schools involved in rowing as well as Sydney rowing clubs.
Row Safe is an extension of a broader Maritime Policy Agenda campaign to promote safe and responsible use of non-powered craft such as paddle and oared vessels.
For further information or to obtain a copy of the video please contact the Maritime Management Centre via email

Pet of the Week
To meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or Visit to see all our dogs.
Pittwater Probus Club - Tuesday 8th April 2014
Guest Speaker: Bill Sherman
Our April Speaker is recently joined Member Bill Sherman whose subject is “Guns of the Wild West”.
The second half of the 19th Century was a period of huge expansion in the United States of America. It must have been an exciting time to have lived in the US, but violence and bloodshed were always very close at hand – Civil War, Indian Wars, the slaughter of millions of Buffalo, Cattle Drives and Gold Rushes with their Boom Towns and the opening up of huge areas of land for farming and settlement, once the Indians who owned it had been resettled, by settlers heading West by wagon train and later by rail. They all happened in a 40 – 50 year period.
It so happened that a number of developments that improved the implements of this violence – guns – were also perfected in the same period!
Bill’s hobby is shooting these guns in competition and he has represented Australia in the US three times in recent years. Bill will talk about these firearms, how they were improved in this period and the impact these improvements had on American of this time. It wasn’t all like Hollywood has shown us!
Our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 10am in the Mona Vale Golf Club.
Next Probus Excursion - The Jewish Museum
148 Darlinghurst Rd, Darlinghurst - Monday 14th April meet at 10AM

Local Member of Parliament celebrates the launch of Iconic Northern Beaches book at Jonah’s Whale Beach
One of Sydney’s most iconic venues, Jonah’s at Whale Beach, celebrated the launch of Icons book on Saturday 22nd March by the local Federal Member, Bronwyn Bishop. The only Relais & Chateaux hotel in Sydney offers breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean, 11 Ocean Retreat Rooms, an award winning restaurant offering contemporary Australian cuisine and an extensive wine list with over 1300 wines.
This beautifully crafted book replete with spectacular photography has been written by local authors John and Terri Ayliffe.
The book is a celebration of an iconic part of Sydney – the far Northern Beaches. Pittwater continues to be a haven for artists, writers, historians, photographers and film makers, many of whom have visited Jonah’s over its 85 years. “Every picture in this book tells a special story - this book owes so much to the locals” says Mr Ayliffe.
Not only did Bronwyn Bishop launch the book with typical enthusiasm and knowledge regarding the history of the Pittwater region, but she was also supported by the State Member for Pittwater, Mr. Rob Stokes, who also demonstrated to the assembled crowd his knowledge of the true icons of the Pittwater region and some of the great history associated with the area in general.
Jonah’s will be giving copies of the book to libraries, hospitals and schools to promote further interest in the history and beauty of the region. Copies of the book also will be available to guests of Jonah’s.
Guests enjoyed a Jonah’s styled morning tea created by Executive Chef Peter Ridland on the outer Terrace Balcony whilst overlooking Whale Beach.
This book is the fourth published book by John Ayliffe who has called Pittwater his ‘home’ for four decades now.
Buy a Ticket for $100 - You Could Win a Hanse Yacht worth $250,000
Team Windcraft have just announced their second yacht raffle this time in support of SWD. The prize is a Hanse 345 yacht ready to sail away with 12 months Club Marine insurance.
There are just 5000 tickets on sale at $100 - closing date 31st August. All proceeds from the raffle go to Sailors with disABILITIES.
You can buy a ticket online today.
You can also help us by spreading the word. Word of mouth is very powerful - please tell everyone you know about the raffle in person or via Facebook/twitter.
Here is a link to download a flier which you can print and put up at work or sporting clubs.
Thanks for your help and good luck in the raffle!
Buy Tickets
Green Army request for tender now open - Media release, 31 March 2014
The Australian Government is calling for tender applications from organisations wanting to become a Service Provider for the Green Army Programme.
Service Providers will have the opportunity to make a real difference by helping to deliver environmental projects in communities and providing training and skills to young Australians right across the country.
The Green Army will be Australia's largest-ever team supporting environmental action across the country, building to 15,000 young Australians by 2018.
The Green Army provides opportunities for young Australians aged 17-24 to gain training and experience in environmental and heritage conservation fields and explore careers in conservation management, while participating in projects that generate real benefits for the Australian environment.
Service Providers will deliver the program across the nation and be responsible for managing work health and safety, training, paying allowances and overseeing project management.
Under the Programme, participants will be paid an allowance generally higher than the rate of Newstart and Youth Allowance. Protections under the existing relevant state and territory legislation will be maintained to help ensure the safety of all involved.
Service Providers will ensure that participants develop valuable skills that will assist their transition into the workforce.
Organisations interested in becoming a Green Army Service Provider should submit a tender application through AusTender by 4pm Canberra time 7 May 2014.
The Request for Tender for Service Providers is available online
Artists & Craftsmen of Pittwater are returning to Mona Vale to hold their first show for 2014, to be held in the Mona Vale Memorial Hall.
This time we will be featuring Modern Abstract Art in line with the current trends in interior design. Modern streamlined interiors today often only require statements of colour and harmony in Art to complete the decor. Our Artists are working on pieces to suite apartment living and contemporary interiors.
We will also have something for the children this time . Kids Corner. We will have an activity table with drawings and coloured pencils where the children can choose a design and colour it in to take home for Easter, or keep for Mum or Nanna as a Mothers Day present. This activity is free.
Our Craftsmen have lots to choose from. Hand made jewellery, paper tole, hand knitted scarves and toys, patchwork quilts and cushions, hand made dresses for little girls, mosaics, silk scarves, hand made cards, decorative art, folk art designs painted on wood, fabric toys, embroidery, appliqué, painted porcelain, cushions, screen printing, Pet Portraits, quilling,embroidered & hand knitted baby clothes.
Great choices for Easter and Mothers Day. As well as our feature of Modern Abstracts there will also be Water Colours, Oils and Acrylic Paintings for Sale.
We also have an opening for a Ceramic Artist to join our group and exhibit at future shows. Enquires welcome during the show.
ARTISTS & CRAFTSMEN OF PITTWATER EASTER SALE - Mona Vale Memorial Hall (next to library) Park Street, Mona Vale. - Thurs. 17th Good Friday 18th Easter Saturday 19th. April. 9am-4pm
Petitioning The Minister for Roads the Hon. Duncan Gay - Install fauna protection devices when widening Mona Vale Road and whenever major highways are upgraded - Petition by Roadkill Prevention Committee
This petition will be delivered to: Minister for Roads and Maritime Services, The Minister for Roads the Hon. Duncan Gay

ALRC seeks input into Proposals for Reforms to address Serious Invasions of Privacy - Published on 31 March 2014.
The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) today released a Discussion Paper, Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era (DP 80, 2014). The Terms of Reference for this Inquiry ask the ALRC to consider the detailed legal design of a statutory cause of action and, in addition, other innovative ways the law might prevent or redress serious invasions of privacy.
The ALRC is seeking feedback from the community on 47 proposals for reform outlined in the Discussion Paper including a new Commonwealth Act that would provide for a statutory cause of action for serious invasions of privacy.
ALRC Commissioner for the Inquiry, Professor Barbara McDonald, said “Privacy is fundamental to enabling individuals to live dignified, fulfilling, safe and autonomous lives. It underpins many other freedoms of the individual, but it is a right that must be balanced with other fundamental values such as freedom of expression and with other aspects of modern society from which we all benefit. The design of a new cause of action reflects the balancing of these competing interests in carving out a level of protection of privacy that would see Australia meet its commitment to international norms/standards.
New technologies are constantly adding new ways to collect and use information about people’s activities, and to intrude into someone’s private life, challenging the usefulness of some existing laws. The ALRC proposals reflect the need to provide people across all of Australia with the same level of protection for their privacy and competing freedoms.”
The ALRC invites individuals and organisations to make submissions in response to the proposals contained in the Discussion Paper, or to any of the research, argument and analysis provided. This community input will help inform the development of final recommendations for reform that will be contained in our Final Report, due to be delivered to the Attorney-General by 30 June 2014.
The Discussion Paper is available free of charge from the ALRC website and is also available as an ebook. The ALRC prefers submissions via the ALRC online submission Written submissions can be posted to the Executive Director, ALRC, GPO Box 3708, Sydney NSW 2001 or emailed to
Closing date for submissions is Monday 12 May 2014. Due to the very tight timeframe late submissions cannot be accepted.
For more information about the ALRC Inquiry, go
World Environment Day Awards – Entries Open
To celebrate the United Nations World Environment Day (Thursday 5 June), the United Nations Association of Australia is inviting Award nominations from Local Government, individuals, organisations and community groups whose work serves to protect, manage or restore our natural heritage.
The prestigious national World Environment Day Awards recognise innovative and outstanding environmental programs and initiatives from across Australia, and the important work of Australian environmental leaders.
Category details, entry criteria and the nomination information are available on the UNAA website (see fact box).
There are two Local Government Awards:
• Best Specific Environmental Initiative
• Excellence in Overall Environmental Management.
These two Awards seek to recognise the work of Local Government organisations that have implemented outstanding specific conservation initiatives, or are leaders in overall environmental management. These
Awards recognise the essential role that councils play in sustainable development, particularly in regards to local action for environmental sustainability and collaboration with local businesses and community groups to achieve positive outcomes for the environment. Nominations for the UNAA World Environment Day Awards are NOW OPEN. Entries close AT 5pm Thursday, 17 April.
See categories and entry forms at HERE:

A very enthusiastic audience of nearly 100 applauded the new concert from “ Loosely Woven” which was performed by 22 musicians and singers at Avalon Baptist Peace Church last Saturday (29thMar). “ON THE ROAD ” is the concert that Wayne and Loosely Woven are at present taking to several country towns, and also to Canberra.
“Once again, I was floored by Sonia Bennett's rendition of her sweet "Bogong Ranges“
This quote from the review by Paul Cruise suggests the power of these music makers.
Review -
They came back like old friends - familiar and reliable. A selection of favourites from Loosely Woven's most recent shows, "On The Road '14" provided an opportunity for performers and audience to really 'inhabit' these pieces. Topical songs such as John Dengate's "Privatising Power" only gained potency with a second airing and even Bill Staines's "A Place In The Choir" had lost none of its appeal.
Once again, I was floored by Sonia Bennett's rendition of her sweet "Bogong Ranges" ( on this occasion literally, for I fell from the stage after invading it to show her my appreciation! ). And in her bluesy "Next Right To Nimbin", guitarist Greg Thompson and trumpeter Cathy Kirk found a suitably voluptuous groove to ride.
Cathy Kirk
Indeed, Cathy and her mother Jan have settled nicely into the fold, subbing very capably for missing members of the ensemble on recorders and piano respectively. Jan added a lovely xylophone solo to Roy Orbison's "Crying" while Cathy bossed the hall with her reprise of the Bob Marley charmer "Three Little Birds". She and Samantha O'Brien made a formidable horn/woodwind section; similarly, violinists Stephen Malloch and Kazu Milne were positively symbiotic on this their first pairing in a Loosely Woven context.
Kazu Milne
As one strand of the fabric told me, " when you're involved with music, you organise your activities around it." To find such dedication in a group comprising mostly amateurs is especially impressive given the ongoing problems with their rehearsal space. Loosely Woven they may be, but they've developed into a cohesive, resilient unit which exists purely to delight and edify - now that's what I call 'friendship'!
Avalon Amnesty Group were delighted to receive donations to help Amnesty in Human Rights work and signatures on petitions to aid prisoners of conscience in Egypt.
We thank Avalon Baptist Church for their generous support in hosting Loosely Woven concerts and for the help they thus give Amnesty in the mission of promoting global peace and justice. And we thank the Church also for the hard work and provision of a delicious free lunch for the audience.
We also give heartfelt thanks to Wayne and Loosely Woven for their great music, and for their continuing work in raising money to help those who suffer injustice around the world.
Kath Moody (Avalon Amnesty Group)
Top: Sonia Bennett and Loosely Woven
No More Whaling in Southern Seas
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled Japan must immediately stop its whaling program in the Antarctic.
The ICJ's 16-judge panel ruled 12 votes to four in favour of Australia's argument that Japan's whaling program was not in fact designed and carried out for scientific purposes.
The court ruled that Japan must revoke current whaling permits and refrain from issuing any more.
Japan has used the 1946 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, which permits killing for research, to justify killing whales in the Antarctic.
But the court's judges agreed with Australia that the Japanese research - two peer-reviewed papers since 2005, based on results obtained from just nine killed whales - was not proportionate to the number of animals killed.
"In light of the fact the JARPA II [research program] has been going on since 2005, and has involved the killing of about 3,600 minke whales, the scientific output to date appears limited," presiding judge Peter Tomka of Slovakia said.
Greens founder and Sea Shepherd director Bob Brown declared on Twitter that the ICJ's ruling was a "whale of a win".
Sea Shepherd global executive officer and former captain of the Steve Irwin protest ship, Alex Cornelissen, said Australia's advocacy was an important factor in the outcome.
SCRIBD: IJC summary of its judgement on whaling in the Antarctic
Feedback Sought on Careel Bay Masterplan
An updated masterplan for Careel Bay is on public exhibition for comment until Wednesday 21 May.
The masterplan is aimed at improving access and recreational space as well as stabilising and protecting the Careel Bay foreshore.
Reserves & Recreation Manager Les Munn said the masterplan would be open for comments from the public from Saturday 22 March to Wednesday 21 May.
“We are keen to hear from local residents and people who use the area for recreation, such as boat owners.”
Among the improvements suggested are:
• Stabilising the foreshore by creating a seawall that blends into the surrounding area.
• Creating access onto the beach and surrounding waterway
• Infilling of land to provide space for recreation and dinghy storage, including ramp access for dinghies
• Separate pedestrian access via a footpath to George Street and improved pedestrian safety. The masterplan will allow two-way vehicle access.
Mr Munn said the Council would write to local residents in the area explaining the proposed improvements and inviting them to a meeting to discuss the masterplan.
The community meeting will be held on Wednesday 9 April in Room 2, Avalon Recreation Centre, 59 Old Barrenjoey Road Avalon between 6pm and 7.30pm. No RSVP is needed to attend this meeting.
The draft masterplan can be viewed online and at Pittwater Council customer service centres and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Mr Munn said once the masterplan was adopted by the Council, work was expected to take place in two stages.
“Stage 1 will be the construction of a dinghy storage facility and associated landscaping through a Better Boating Program grant from the state government. The remainder of the work will be subject to future funding.”
Don't Miss the Boat at the Council Sale!
The public can put in bids for small boats and dinghies that Pittwater Council is selling at its depot on Saturday 3 May.
The dinghies and other watercraft have been abandoned by their owners and removed from the foreshore by the Council.
Despite efforts to track down owners, the craft have remained unclaimed and under the law the Council is now allowed to sell them.
The boats can be viewed on the morning of Saturday 3 May between 8.30am and 10am at Pittwater Council’s Depot at 1 Boondah Road Warriewood. Sealed bids in even dollar amounts must be placed in the specially marked box by 10am on the day.
Bids will be announced from 10.30am and the highest offer accepted. The winning bidder must be on site at the time of the announcement. Payment is required on the day and can be made by cash, cheque or credit card. All items are sold in their current condition and must be taken away by 12 noon on the day.
Commercial & Property Manager Paul Reid said that for a small annual fee, the Council provided storage locations for residents or visitors wishing to keep small boats or kayaks near the water.
“There are 14 storage facility locations at Avalon, Bayview, Clareville, Church Point, Newport and Palm Beach. Details of these locations can be found on our,” he said.
For enquiries about storage facilities or the sale contact Tanya Carmont on 9970 1353 during business hours.
Budding Writers' Bonanza
To celebrate Library & Information Week, budding writers and literary lovers are being offered a series of free workshops and seminars at Mona Vale Library all on the one day -Wednesday 21 May.
Event organiser Heather Thomson said there would be something for everyone during the day.
“We will be starting at 10.15am with a talk by Pittwater local Owen Ravenscroft on self-publishing,” said Ms Thomson.
“A writers’ workshop with detective fiction writer Charles Boag follows at 11.30am. Charles will speak about his own journey on becoming a published author.”
Ms Thomson said the library was encouraging residents to be part of a big reading group on the day.
“We will be discussing the novel Jasper Jones by the young Australian author Craig Silvey,” said Ms Thomson.
“The book has been described as one with unforgettable characters, offering a page-turning pace and outrageously good dialogue,” she said.
Ms Thomson said for residents interested in being a part of the reading group on the day, there are some copies of the novel available at the library, to read beforehand.
“For our young residents there will also be a story time where pre-schoolers can listen to the book Too many elephants in this house by Ursula Dubosarky from 10am.
“There will also be a series of iPad and e-book training workshops running during the day,” added Ms Thomson.
Places at each session are limited, so book now by calling 9970 1600. More information about the workshops and sessions are available at
Northern Beaches Mums Easter Market
Following the great success of their first market at the end of last year, three Northern Beaches Mums are going bigger and better this time.
Last year Karen, Julie & Beth launched their first ‘Northern Beaches Mums Market’ aimed at supporting local mums in business whilst entertaining the kids and raising funds for a local charity.
The event showcased 27 stall holders plus camel rides, bouncy castle & crocodile encounters to name but a few. $750 was raised for Ingleside Rural Fire Service following the devastating fires through a sausage sizzle and small silent auction.
This year, their ‘Easter’ Market has moved to the bigger venue at Avalon Recreation Centre which will accommodate at least a further 10 stalls (as they had a long wait list of stall holders last year!).
There is an outdoor courtyard area where children will once again be able to hold a baby crocodile, have their face painted, do craft activities, take part in an Easter colouring competition and Easter egg hunt, whilst parents can shop or enjoy a hot dog whilst listening to some live acoustic music.
There will even be some guest appearances from The Easter Bunny and Dora the Explorer!
The fundraising focus at this market will be a local cause to many people’s hearts. Money will be raised for ‘Rallying for Ruby’, a local toddler battling an aggressive brain tumour. There will be a sausage sizzle plus silent auction with an amazing range of prizes donated from a generous selection of local businesses. The mums fundraising aim is to at least double the amount from the last market, so why not join them, have some fun, support local mums and ‘Rallying for Ruby’, and maybe bring home a prize or bargain at Avalon Recreation Centre, Sunday 6th April, 10am-3pm.
THE BIG TOW - By Palm Beach Longboarding Club Inc
THE BIG TOW stay tuned it's on more information will follow regarding how to enter this event & more importantly raise the awareness of prostate screening....
Also attached a picture of the raffle ticket prizes available for this event, tickets will be available at our next comp at Palm Beach on the 6th April 2014.
So if you are not a club member & would like tickets please contact David Haines to receive your tickets........ Cheers Dig Deep people
Entry forms are available for down load on Palm Beach Longboarding Club Inc web site under NEWS LETTER button (The Big Tow) pdf form click on it to download. More
THE BIG TOW! By Adam Digby
A community attempt at a world record to raise awareness and de-stygmatise the importance of prostate screening, and helping out a family in our 'hood. The attempt is for the most number of surfers towed behind a boat. We're aiming for 50, on Sunday morning the 27th of April, 2014. Palm Beach, NSW, Australia.
THE BIG TOW! from adam digby on Vimeo.
Northern Beaches Hospital road upgrade information sessions
Local MPs Brad Hazzard, Mike Baird and Jonathan O’Dea are inviting residents to drop in to an information session and have their say about planned road upgrades near the Northern Beaches Hospital site.
Information sessions:
When: Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 April from 4pm to 8pm.
Where: Frenchs Forest Public School Assembly Hall on Ann Street (pedestrians can access the hall via the pedestrian gate next to Sorlie Place).
More via this link
Above: Concept design only, view from North West.
Increased Penalties For Antisocial Behaviour 31 March 2014
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today said increased on-the-spot fines in force from today will assist local Police in cracking down on offensive and anti-social behaviour.
Criminal Infringement Notices for offensive language and offensive behaviour will increase to $500 from today, while the penalty for continued intoxicated and disorderly behaviour, after receiving a move on direction from Police, will increase from $200 to $1,100.
The penalties are part of a broader package of measures being progressively introduced by the NSW Government to crack down of alcohol fuelled violence and antisocial behaviour and send a clear message to perpetrators that such actions will not be tolerated by the Police or the community.
“The message must get through that our community is fed up with drunk, disorderly and disruptive behaviour,” Rob Stokes said today.
“This issue has long been a stain on our community and the situation needs to change.
“Those who break the law now face a very expensive lesson that their actions are unacceptable and won’t be tolerated.
“Everyone should be able to enjoy a night out without being subject to abuse or drunken idiots causing havoc.
“The message is very clear – engage in disorderly or offensive behaviour and you’ll now face a very expensive lesson,” Rob Stokes said.
Dick Smith Foods Big Charity Breakthrough - NBI Respite, Recreation, Support
Hurrah, the lovely people at Dick Smith Foods have made NBI one of their charities to participate in their Big Charity Breakthrough . All we need now is lots of votes from all our friends to get a share of the $1million.
It's easy to vote, Just take a photograph of any Dick Smith Foods product(s) in your pantry and text* or email it together with your nomination for NBI as the charity you wish to support. You can also include your name and it will be added to their website so you know your vote has been recorded. (* It does sound strange, but believe it or not you can put an email address on the phone number field for texting and it will get through to Dick Smith Foods!) If you get some other people in the photo we get more votes so get all your friends involved too!
THE MAGOO CHARITY CLASSIC 17TH AND 18TH MAY 2014 - submitted by magoo charity team
The Central Coast Malibu Boardriders Club (CCMB) organises and runs one of the largest charity longboarding surf competitions on the Central Coast of NSW. This contest attracts over 150 of the best longboard surfers in Australia.
The Magoo Charity Classic caters for surfers of all ages and abilities, with 10 divisions from under 18 to over 60 in age, including Women’s, Open 9′, Open 8′, Loggers and Old Malibu.This year we have a new division combining the logs and old mal. Come along and enjoy the FUN!
The Magoo Charity Classic is an event that stands by itself in the history of surfing. Over the last 15 years the event has raised over $300,000 for cancer research and care. In 1999, Barry ‘Magoo’ McGuigan turned 70 and the CCMB surprised him with one of the BIGGEST charity surf contests in Australia.
Starting on Saturday 17th May, and finals on Sunday 18th of May 2014. The event celebrates fun, friendship, family and surfing, catering for all ages.
Contest Director: David Hayes – 0418 249 552. Email
Register and see more see HERE
Easter on the water: Operation Lights On - March 27, 2014
Roads and Maritime Services will conduct a safety campaign on vessel navigation lights over the Easter long weekend.
The campaign – Operation Lights On – aimed to improve safety on the water by ensuring boaters were aware of night lighting requirements on vessels.
Maritime Boating Safety Officers will conduct random checks of recreational vessels – powered, sail and paddle craft– which are being operated at night from Good Friday up to and including Easter Monday.
When night falls it is a completely different world on the water and while cars have headlights to light up the way ahead, vessels use a system of lights to show others their location and direction.
Vessels that operate from sunset to sunrise, whether at anchor or underway, must carry and exhibit the correct lights.
When fog, glare, smoke or darkness restrict your visibility, you must slow down to keep a safe speed. A safe speed is one at which you can stop and avoid a collision, while taking into account the circumstances and conditions at the time.
You wouldn’t drive on a dark road without headlights. The same applies to dark waterways - be bright.
Every type of craft – dependent on vessel size and class – needs lights in order to be visible at night.
If you anchor at night, you need to display an ‘all round white light’ where it can be seen. You should go slowly and look and listen at all times for unlit hazards such as logs, moored boats and sand banks.
Navigation lights should be positioned so they are not obscured by the vessel’s superstructure or interfered with by the deck lights. The masthead or all round white light must be fitted, if practical, on the centre line – bow to stern – of the vessel.
Lifejacket legislation compliance as well as ensuring vessels are navigating on the correct side of the channel – the right side – will also be monitored by BSO during the campaign.
For more information on night navigation lighting, go
Farewell Shorebirds!
Follow their journey -
With Australian shorebirds fattening up and getting ready to depart on their annual migration, BirdLife Australia’s national event, ‘Farewell Shorebirds’, is also ready to take flight. With the first webcast ready to go out on 10 April, you can get a feel for the event by watching our teaser video. For more information, to register for the webcasts and to go in the draw for some great prizes, please visit the Farewell Shorebirds website.

Please be advised of the significant risk that is posed by canisters of Aluminium Phosphide that are washing ashore along the East Coast of Australia. To date canisters have been located in Queensland, Batemans Bay and as of this afternoon (27.3.2014) on Cronulla Beach.
There is a real risk, due to the extent of the Northern Region Coastline, that these items may be located on Beaches & in Waterways.
If located the item; Should NOT BE HANDLED
Contact NSW FIRE & RESCUE immediately.
The substance is very TOXIC - Can produce PHOSPHINE GAS and CAN BE LETHAL.
Help Build Avalon Beach SLSC - Buy A Brick
If you would like to donate to the Avalon Beach SLSC building fund please go to the Building Tab on their website menu above, click Donate Now and select “Avalon Beach” and “Donation” in the drop down menus displayed. All donors who “Buy a brick” will be acknowledged by the club in a number of ways. We thank you for contributing to our future.
Cold call phone scam targets Telstra customers: SSO Alert Priority High
2 April, 2014
Scammers using a well-known type of phone scam (also commonly described as cold calling or tech support scams) are currently targeting Telstra customers.
Scammers are contacting people at home, telling them that they are putting Telstra’s infrastructure at risk, and that because their computer has been hacked or infected their internet may be disconnected.
The scammers claim to be able to fix the issue on the spot, and of course, will seek a fee for the service as well as insisting that ‘software’ be downloaded to your computer giving them remote control access to your computer.
Stay Smart Online has previously published Alerts about this type of scam, including ‘tech support scams’ targeting Microsoft customers, the changing tactics of cold call scammers, as well as some of the other types of phone scams used.
These cold caller type of scams are particularly dangerous. The scammers are speaking with you directly and can be extremely insistent and clever in pressuring you to comply.
SCAMwatch has released the following information about this current approach to Telstra’s customers:
If the victim resists or questions the scammer, they up the ante. Scammers have reportedly threatened to sue people for putting Telstra’s infrastructure at risk. When the person has requested proof that they are a Telstra representative, scammers have given out a fake number for Telstra which, when the consumer calls, puts them back on the line with the scammer. These scammers are also well-versed at creating a sense of urgency to incite fear and anxiety that your device has been compromised and must be fixed immediately.
If you provide your credit card details and give remote access to your computer, the scammer may not only take more than the stated ‘fee’, but also infect your computer to gain access to your personal information and commit other acts of fraud.
Scammers often pose as well-known and reputable businesses to try and convince you that they are the real deal, with Telstra a popular target. Scammers pretending to be from Telstra have been known to switch consumers to another service provider that the consumer did not knowingly agree to. Scammers don’t just fish for your details over the phone; they also send phishing emails pretending to be from Telstra or BigPond to try to get you to hand over your account details, or to click on a link or open a document infected with malware. The ‘Yellow Pages’ directory scam has also targeted Australian small businesses, with scammers deceiving them to sign up to an online business directory service that falsely claims to be affiliated with Sensis and Telstra.
Watch out – scammers know how to press your buttons when they get you on the phone. If you receive a call out of the blue from someone claiming to represent Telstra and they ask for access to your computer, just hang up.
How this scam works
You receive a phone call out of the blue from someone claiming to be a representative of Telstra or Telstra BigPond®. They may sound like the real deal, claiming to be from ‘Telstra Technical Support’ and using technical jargon.
The caller claims that you need to take immediate action to avoid your internet connection being terminated or disconnected, as your computer has been hacked or infected with malware and is threatening Telstra’s internet infrastructure.
In order to fix the problem, the caller will claim that you will need to pay them a service fee (typically around $10) to have a specialist look at your computer. They will also ask you to download a software program so that they can gain remote access to your computer and run a scan.
The scammer may initially sound professional and knowledgeable; however, they will be very persistent and may become abusive if you do not do what they ask. They may even threaten to sue you for putting Telstra’s internet infrastructure at risk.
If you provide your financial details or give remote access, you might find a lot more money taken out of your bank account than you agreed to, with some victims reporting losing over $5,000 from multiple withdrawals. Your computer may also be infected with malicious software, giving scammers access to your personal details stored on the device (including bank account information).
Note: you do not have to be a Telstra customer to be called by these scammers. You do not even have to own a computer!
Protect yourself
If you receive a phone call out of the blue from someone claiming to be a representative of Telstra and their call relates to a problem with your internet connection, just hang up.
If you have doubts about the identity of any caller who claims to represent a business, organisation or government department, contact the body directly. Do not rely on contact details provided by the person – find them through an independent source such as a phone book or online search.
Remember that you can still receive scam calls even if you have a private number or have listed your number on the Australian Government’s Do Not Call Register. Scammers can obtain your number fraudulently or from anywhere it has been publicly listed such as in a phone book.
Do not let scammers press your buttons – scammers use detailed scripts to convince you that they are the real deal and create a high pressure situation to make a decision on the spot.
Always keep your computer security up to date with anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and a goodfirewall. Only buy computer and anti-virus software from a reputable source.
Never give your personal, credit card or online account details over the phone unless you made the call and the phone number came from a trusted source.
Never give a stranger remote access to your computer, even if they claim to be from a reputable business.
If you think your computer’s security has been compromised, use your security software to run a viruscheck. If you still have doubts, contact your anti-virus software provider or a computer specialist.
If you think you have provided your account details to a scammer, contact your bank or financial institution immediately.
Hobie Alter tribute
- C/ -, Monday, 31 March 2014
San Juan Capistrano, CA - March 30, 2014
Hobart “Hobie” Alter, who started out shaping surfboards, and ended up shaping a culture, passed away peacefully at his Palm Desert home on March 29 surrounded by his loving family. Born on October 31, 1933 in Ontario, California, he was 80 at the time of his passing.
The recently published biography “Hobie: Master of Water, Wind and Waves”reveals the story of this true Renaissance man. The son of a second-generation orange farmer, Hobie flourished spending time at his family’s Laguna Beach summer home. And it was here in the family’s garage back in 1950 where he began his somewhat accidental career by combining his two loves, wood shop and water, crafting handmade 9 foot balsawood surfboards for his friends. Business was good, and his father had grown tired of the sawdust, so in 1954 Hobie would open the area’s first surf shop in Dana Point. But as demand continued to grow, balsawood was becoming scarce, and even with Hobie’s creative assembly line, the wooden board building process was cumbersome. This is where Hobie’s extraordinary gift for self-taught, “outside the box” engineering rose to the challenge. Through a top-secret trial and error process, and along with friend and employee Gordon “Grubby” Clark, Hobie pioneered the development of the foam surfboard. With the lighter and more responsive boards, and his gift for design and commitment to uncompromising quality, Hobie quickly became the number one surfboard brand in the world. The list of legendary surfers and shapers that worked or rode for Hobie is a virtual Hall of Fame and his success is seen as the launch point for California’s iconic surf industry. Hobie himself was a top surfing competitor.
Having success with surfing, Hobie turned his attention to his other water-based passion, and after another series of tireless design testing, Hobie unveiled his namesake “Hobie Cat” which is credited with bringing high-performance sailing from the yacht club to the masses. “The Cat that Can Fly” could be launched off any beach and soon became one of the world’s top selling sailboats. But his curious mind and constant tinkering didn’t stop there. A few of his other inventions include creating the “Hobie Hawk” a high-performance remote controlled glider (another of his lifetime passions). He also designed the hugely successful Hobie Super Surfer skateboard, sculpted a revolutionary 33-foot mono-hull sailboat, pioneered a “Float Cat” for fly-fishing and built the “Katie Sue” (named for his mother Katie and his wife Susan), an awe-inspiring 60-foot power catamaran from scratch.
As the result of this serial innovation, the name Hobie has come to mean a great deal to the world. But it is the integrity of the person behind the name that has meant so much more to family and friends. A humble man of incomparable character, he made it clear that the one thing of which he was most proud, was his family. His sister recently recalled that their father taught Hobie early on to always tell the truth, no matter the consequence, and that any deal worth doing could be done with a handshake. It was a lesson that Hobie incorporated into every aspect of his personal and professional life, and one that he passed on to his own children as well as those that interacted with him in his various enterprises. He was incredibly giving of his love, his time, his resources and his expertise. Always the first to do whatever was necessary to help those in need. Yet he never wanted any accolades or recognition. His kindness, sage counsel and generosity literally transformed countless lives. But as he was quick to say, “A lot of people helped me along the way, I’m just trying to return the favor”.
In discussing the future with friends as a young man Hobie declared that he wanted to make a living without having to wear hard-soled shoes or work east of California’s Pacific Coast Highway. By “Making people a toy and giving them a game to play with it” he was able to realize this dream. And in the process, he introduced the world to an outdoor lifestyle and collection of products that made things just a bit more fun for all of us. Hobie’s passing will leave an incredible void in the world of surfing, sailing and watersports. But as with any great author, actor or artist, the legacy of his work, and the strong wake of his innovations will live on forever. And for his family and friends, the lessons he taught, the quiet, moral and ethical example he set and the lingering warmth of his abiding love will comfort them as long as they live.
With his loving wife Susan at his side, Hobie lived life as an adventure spending years on the lakes and ski slopes of McCall, Idaho, navigating the Katie Sue through the channels near their home in Orcas Island, Washington and hitting the links at Ironwood Country Club in Palm Desert, California. In addition to Susan, he is survived by his sisters Carolyn and Lillian, his daughter Paula and her partner Ian, son Hobie Jr. and his wife Stephanie, son Jeff and his wife Laurie, grandchildren Cortnie and husband Dylan, Brittany, Scotty, Cody, Ashlyn, Tyler, Noelle and Justin, great-granddaughter Serena, and many close friends that were always made to feel like they were immediate family.
Hobie received the Waterman Achievement award from the Surfing Industry Manufacturers Association in 1993, was inducted into the Huntington Beach Surfing Walk of Fame in 1997 and admitted as an inaugural member of the National Sailing Hall of Fame in 2011 alongside Dennis Connor and Ted Turner.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 8/4/2014: click on Logo. Also has an Extensive Local Directory.
To contact Julian:
National Cyber Security Awareness Week 2014 now to be Called Stay Smart Online
Leonie Smith, an Ambassador for the National Cyber Security Awareness Week/StaySmart Online 2 to 6 June 2014, is the Cyber Safety Lady
Free Talks On Sydney’s Northern Beaches
If you would like to hold a talk at your school in the Manly, Warringah, Pittwater area contact Leonie as she is holding FREE cyber safety talks at no cost to parents or the school within these council areas. Leonie works with the Dee Why/Manly local area police command, the talks are sponsored by Rotary and Warringah Council. See More Here: and Here for 2014
If you would like to hold a talk at your school in the Manly, Warringah, Pittwater area contact Leonie Smith or Police Youth Liaison Officer Robyn Jennings via email. - Parents talks also available
The 2014 Awareness Week has had a name change, and will now be known as Stay Smart Online Week. It will be the seventh consecutive Awareness Week conducted by the Australian Government in partnership with industry, community and consumer organisations and all levels of government. The aim of Awareness Week is to help Australians using the internet – whether at home, the workplace or school – understand the simple steps they can take to protect their personal and financial information online.
This year’s theme - ‘On The Go’ - reflects the importance of staying safe and secure online while using mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets, which are used to stay connected for social networking, banking, shopping, and navigating the internet. With more than 1,500 partners (including around 700 schools) coming together for the 2014 Awareness Week, the message of online security will again be heard around Australia through a range of events, including seminars, webinars, media, social media, and other distribution channels.
The internet has increasingly become part of our daily life. It provides a way for us to socialise, shop, transact and do business, which means we are sharing more and more personal and financial information online. In doing so we potentially expose ourselves to number of online risks which we need to be aware of and properly manage. That is why it is important that we better understand how to stay safe and secure on the internet.
Under the Australian Government's Stay Smart Online Program a range of initiatives, including National Stay Smart Online Awareness Week, help Australians understand online security and safety and the measures they can take to protect their personal and financial information.
See More on Australian Government's Stay Smart Online WeekHERE – including FREE downloads for Schools, individuals, alerts etc.
Pittwater Artists Trail - 2014 Artists Open Studios
We've received a copy of the new Artists Trail Open Studios Brochure this week - Great News. This lists all the open times you may view an artists works during the year outside of the Artist Trail weekends.
The 2014 Brochures are available at Mona Vale & Avalon libraries, Pittwater Council, Pittwater Community Centres as well as a variety of cafes and businesses throughout Pittwater.
TEDxSydney at the beach, brought to you by NewportNet
On Saturday April 26th, the doors of NewportNet, the Northern Beaches first Co-working space will open to the local community to experience live video coverage of TEDxSydney at the Sydney Opera House. Sold out each year since inception, despite the requirements to apply to attend, TEDxSydney has become the leading pipeline for the propagation of Australian ideas, creativity, innovation and culture in Australia and to the rest of the world. TEDxSydney fosters a sense of community and provides a cultural focus and impetus for conversation and debate.
As one of TEDxSydney’s first satellite Event organisers for 2014,NewportNet is welcoming the local community to experience thought provoking ideas, compelling stories and breathtaking musical and stage performances live on two big screens, free of charge.A full day event, TEDxSydney will include talks from Nikon-Walkley, award winning photographer Barat Ali Batoor, New York Times winning author Adam Alter, brain imaging scientist Richard Banati, mathematician Clio Creswell, Punchbowl Boys High School Principal Jihad Dib, ex Nsw State Coroner Mary Jerram, best selling author David Kilcullen, lighting architect Mark Major, entrepreneur and Skateistan founder Oliver Percovich, neuroscientist Cyndi Shannon Weickert, autistic artist Tim Sharp (and mum Judy), environmental campaigner Barry Traill, Neuro-ethicist Nicole Vincent, disability advocate and comedian Stella Young and Mark Zusak, author of the New York Times best selling novel “the Book Thief”.
We want to make this a community event and will provide morning tea as well as some music, drinks and nibbles during the afternoon session. Entry is free but entry is by ticket only. Tickets are available online at
We’d like to invite some local success stories to give a 10-15mins talk about where and how their business started and the hurdles they encountered to lead to their success.
This is going to be an exciting FREE event for the Northern Beaches. See below links for more information.
Alan Jones is the contact point for people who’d like to either sponsor the event or give a 15min talk about their journey to a successful business. 01414 987 069
Waratah Park Working Bee - 27th Apr 2014, 9am - 1pm
Waratah Park, "Home of Skippy the Bush Kanagaroo" TV series represents an important part of history of our local area. It is 12 hectares of bushland, environment culture and rare flora and fauna species. Currently the park is closed to the public and all animals have been removed from the park.
Waratah Park has no help whatsoever other than the small group from a small group from Duffy's Forest Residence Association, who go into the park one Sunday a month to clean-up, remove weeds, bush regenerate and remove green waste.
We are looking for volunteers to come to the park and assist. Any help whether large or small would be appreciated!
The park is still a great place but we need to take care of it. If we don't, this historical Australian icon could be lost to the people of Pittwater and Sydney.
What to bring: A hat, a pair of Gloves, a bottle of Water, your Gardening Tools, Mowers, Whipper Snippers, BushSaws, ChainSaws and pruning cutters.
What to wear: Protective Clothing that covers your arms and legs and a strong pair of Shoes/Boots.If using mechanical equipment the usual protective equipment must be worn!
Venue: Waratah Park, 13 Namba Road, Duffy's Forest
Contact: Peter Staff email or Ph:9487 1471 or DFRA Jenny Harris Ph: 9450 1206 or Mob: 0408 512 060
Website: All details are on DFRA website:
Bushcare Dates - April 2014
Bushcare at Warriewood - The Warriewood bushcare group managed by Pittwater Council needs more volunteers on 4th Wednesday morning of the month – Can you help? Please contact Mary Johnsen at 9999 2020.
Sun April 6
Avalon Dunes 8:30-11:30am
W’wood Wetlands 8-11am
Mon April 7
Rocky Pt 9-12pm
Browns Bay Res 9-12pm
Fri April 11
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Sat April 12
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Pt 10-1pm
Woodlands Res 9-12pm
Sun April 13
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Pk 10-12:30pm
Thu April 17
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat April 19
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun April 20
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Elanora Rd 8:30-11:30am
Wed April 23
W’wood Bch 8-11am
Sat April 26
Pindari Res 8-11am
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Kywong Res 8:30-11:30am
Sun April 27
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winnererremy Bay 9-12pm
For further information on bushcare and/or to confirm if your group is working please contact Pittwater Council's Bushcare Officer. Bushcare is a great way to help your local bushland and make new friends! Bushcare Officer: Helena Dewis 9970 1367
Pittwater Council's COOEE Newsletter April - 2014
Newport Recreation Centre will come alive with artistic exhibitions, demonstrations holiday workshops and talks during April. Pittwater Council is hosting two exhibitions from Friday 11 April until Thursday 17 April, as an Enliven Pittwater initiative.
Local artist and recipient of the Pittwater Community Arts Young Emerging Artist Grant, Henry Curchod presents a new body of work depicting the life cycle of flowers. The opening night of the exhibition will be on Friday 11 April from 6pm to 9pm.
Also opening on Friday 11 April at the Newport Community Centre is an exhibition of works from 19 members of the Pittwater Artists Trail.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor Jacqui Townsend said it was exciting to see the collaboration between Enliven Pittwater, local artists and arts organisation coming together to offer a variety of events.
“The objective of ARTivity Week is to offer an engaging art experience to our community and at the same time provide development opportunities for local artists.
“As well as providing an exhibition space, there will be workshops and professional development talks by Arts Law. Participants will learn about artist’s rights and gain practical insight into copyright and contracts,” said Cr Townsend.
“Families can join in with the Be Centre holding creative workshops on Tuesday 15 April. The workshops are a supportive and playful environment where children can roll up their sleeves and get creative,” she said.
For detailed information on the program during ARTivity week and Enliven Pittwater,
Artivity is a series of art events happening in April at Newport Community Centre. From Friday 11–Thursday 17 April Henry Curchod, named Pittwater’s Young Emerging Artist, presents his work on the life cycle of flowers. Also on at the centre is the Pittwater Artist Trail exhibition with 19 artists exhibiting. The opening night for both events is Friday 11 April from 6-9pm.
Ms Hewitt said all the activities on offer could be found on the free Enliven Pittwater app or at
April 11th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
April 12th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm.
May 3rd: Pittwater Place, knitting, craft, Bric-a-brac, books 9am – 3pm
May 9th: Stall, ANZ Avalon Parade, Avalon. Baking, craft, knitting, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
May 10th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm
May 16th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
June 7th: Stall, Pittwater Place, Knitting, craft, Bric-a-brac, books 9am – 3pm
June 14th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm
June 20th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
Turimetta to Warriewood Ocean Swim - May 4th, 2014
It's a beautiful swim south-north around Turimetta Headland, between North Narrabeen and Warriewood. A top time of year to do this kind of swim, too. Fall-back course is a triangular circuit off Warriewood beach, if conditions force a change.
More information...
Organiser - Warriewood SLSC. Distance - 2.2km + 200m Sprint/Dash (You can enter the Dash only if you also complete the main swim). Venue - Warriewood Beach, Sydney northern beaches, registration and swim HQ at surf club, main swim start at Turimetta Beach, just over the hill. Come to the surf club first.
Time/Date - Sunday, May 4, 2014, 10am race start. Registration - race day - 8:30am-9:45am. Entry fee - $30 ($40 on race day), or both swim and Dash $40 ($50 on race day)
Online entries close - 3pm, Saturday, May 3, 2014
Conditions - Warriewood is best known as the temperamental starting beach of the Mona Vale Mighty Marathon. It can be tempestuous, indeed, often offering a difficult break. Planned course starts at Turimetta, around the headland from Warriewood, which also could be bumpy if conditions come from the south. But in that case, it will be a fun ride with the swell around the headland and into the beach. It's a majestic bluff, that headland, and swimming beneath it is an experience. Coming in at Warriewood also will be fun.
Mimimum age - 15. Categories - 10 year age groups, Male and Female
More info - Download hard copy entry form HERE
Swimming History in Pictures
Head to Mona Vale Library during April and step back in time as you view a pictorial history of the Narrabeen Lakes Amateur Swimming Club.
The club, formerly known as Narrabeen Ladies Amateur Swimming Club, celebrates 80 years this April and will have a host of photos and memorabilia available for viewing at the library.
Formed in 1933, members of the ladies club swam in Narrabeen Lake until the opening of Narrabeen Rock pool in 1934.
Events Librarian Catherine Buddin said the celebrations fall at the same time as the Heritage Festival, with the theme this year being “Journeys”.
“The swimming club has certainly had an interesting ‘journey’, morphing from an all-women’s club in the early 30s to include men and boys from 1987.
“In 2011 the club formally changed their name to the Narrabeen Lakes Amateur Swimming Club to reflect the changing nature of their members and to promote themselves as a fun family club,” said Ms Buddin.
“The club has gathered a vast array of images that depict the journey of swimming over the last 80 years.
“During the exhibition there will be members of the swimming club available to chat to residents about the history of the club and how to become involved.
Mona Vale Library’s local studies librarian will also be on hand to talk about the local studies unit at the library, which can assist students and researchers with many aspects of local history.
The exhibition will be open from 10am to 6 pm on week days; 10am to 2pm on Saturdays; and 1pm to 5pm on Sundays during April. Mona Vale Library is located at 1 Park Street, Mona Vale.
An evening with Bettina Arndt - on Tuesday 22 April, from 6.30pm at Newport Community Centre
Bettina Arndt is one of Australia’s first sex therapists, a social commentator and has been working in the media most of her life. Bettina now spends most of her time on the speaking circuit, travelling across the country keeping audiences enthralled with her stories. She writes for many of Australia’s leading newspapers and magazines and appears regularly on television and radio.
She’s also involved in an exciting new venture, working as a dating coach providing advice to men and women about online dating. As part of her coaching role, Bettina helps with writing profiles which in-turn increases the chances of meeting the right match.
Her books include:
The Sex Diaries: Why Women Go Off Sex and Other Bedroom Battles
Taking Sides: Men, Women and the Shifting Social Agenda
What Men Want in Bed.
Bettina will have books available for sale at the event.
Cost - $10, no concession. Bookings essential, call 9970 1600, payment required within three days of booking.
Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) FREE Community Talk,MONDAY 19 May, 2.30pm
Bookings essential 9970 1600
The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS) is one of the largest and most comprehensive aero-medical organisations in the world. Using the latest in aviation, medical and communications technology, it delivers extensive primary health care and 24-hour emergency service to those who live, work and travel throughout Australia.
The RFDS is a not-for-profit organisation. Today, the RFDS has a fleet of 60 aircraft operating from 21 bases located across the nation and provides medical assistance to over 270,000 people every year – that’s one patient every two minutes in remote and rural Australia! Covering 90% of Australia - no patient is more than two hours away from the help of the Flying Doctor.
Big discussion on “Jasper Jones” by Craig Silvey, as part of a Writers’ Day on Wednesday 21 May
People are encouraged to read the book beforehand, there are various copies in the library and come and discuss it. More details of the day’s program to follow and bookings will be essential.
Pittwater Food and Wine Fair 2014
Sunday 4 May 2014, 10am to 4pm
Pittwater Council is hosting our fifth Food and Wine Fair at Winnererremy Bay. Bring your picnic rug and enjoy the live music at the beautiful scenic setting adjacent to the waterways of Pittwater.
There will be wine tastings and wine sales together with a wide variety of hot food available on the day. There will be general stallholders selling picnic wares, jams, olive oils, breads and confectionary.
Parking will be available for a small fee at Pittwater High School or ride your bike and use our free bike racks.
Venue: Winnererremy Bay Foreshore Reserve - Mona Street, Mona Vale Enquiries: Please call Nikki Griffith 9970 1355 or 0417 426 925 or email
First Prize - Degustation lunch experience for 4 people at Elizabeth's Restaurant at Mount Pleasant in the Hunter Valley with a private winery tour and tastings (value of $400);
Second Prize - 2 night stay at Currawong in a cabin for up to 4 people (conditions apply - valid May to October 2014 excluding school holidays);
Third Prize - Hamper of Cooks Lot wines and goodies including Lizottes vouchers - 2 free show only vouchers;
Fourth Prize - Lizottes Dinner show for 2 people + Cooks Lot wines.
Fifth Prize - Facepainting Birthday package to the value of $280 provided by Karen Langlands Face Painting
Stallholder expressions of interest
Expressions of interest are now open for wineries, hot food and general (food only) stallholders. Provision of your current Public Liability Insurance is mandatory
- Only hot food stallholders will have access to power ($50 extra charge)
- Site allocations are space only - you are required to provide your own equipment
- costs and inclusions are detailed on the form
See all forms and more information at: HERE
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government.
The NSW Government Gazette contains:
New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on the N.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
Federal Government Media Releases this week:
2014 Resilient Australia Awards
SNIPPET: Minister for Justice Michael Keenan today announced applications are now being received for the 2014 Resilient Australia Awards. These awards provide a rare opportunity to highlight the work being done across the nation to improve disaster resilience, Mr Keenan said. We live in a lucky country and we are very lucky to be Australians, but we also live in a uniquely challenging environment subject to significant natural disasters, Mr Keenan said.
SNIPPET: Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. The first monthly Joint Ministerial Forum to oversee implementation of the Regional Resettlement Arrangement (RRA) was held in Port Moresby on 2 April between Papua New Guinean Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration, the Hon Rimbink Pato, and Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, the Hon Scott Morrison MP. Ministers noted the recent successful visit to Papua New Guinea by Prime Minister Abbott, the longest visit by an Australian Prime Minister for twenty five years, during which Mr Abbott announced Australia's commitment to support Papua New Guinea's preparations to host the APEC Summit in 2018, and Australia's willingness to increase the Australian police presence in Papua New Guinea.
Improving the way we deliver our science | CSIRO
SNIPPET: Big ideas start here. These changes are aimed at making it easier to do business with CSIRO and easier for staff to deliver science that makes a difference to people, industry and the planet. Changes are aimed at making it easier to do business with CSIRO and easier for staff to deliver science that makes a difference.
Boost for IOT Budget bottom line
SNIPPET: For the first time residents on Christmas and Cocos Islands will have direct access to the full detail of federal funding for their community with the release of the Indian Ocean Territories (IOT) Budget. The IOT have received a boost of some $7.4 million to the 2013-14 Budget bottom line, following the mid-financial year review. The Australian Government will publish the 2014-15 Budget forecast for the IOT following the release of the federal budget in May.
Clarification of the RPNGC request for assistance - Australian Federal Police
SNIPPET: The Australian Federal Police (AFP) wishes to clarify reporting today about requests for assistance from the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) regarding their investigation into the death of an Iranian national on Manus Island on 17 February 2014. The RPNGC thanked the AFP for the advice. The AFP has not been requested by the RPNGC for any further support in this matter, however any requests for assistance from the RPNGC will be considered.
SNIPPET: Today I announce the appointment of the Honourable Mike Rann as Australia's next Ambassador to Italy, subject to receiving agreement from the Italian Government, with non-resident accreditation to Albania, Libya and San Marino. Italy is a significant trade partner for Australia. Since then, Australia and San Marino have enjoyed a productive relationship.
Tasmanians to get Better Access to Palliative Care
SNIPPET: More Tasmanians will be able to access end of life care in their own home under a first of its kind initiative launched by the Assistant Minister for Health, Senator Fiona Nash. PDF printable version of Tasmanians to get Better Access to Palliative Care (PDF 260 KB). The new Hospice @ Home packages, launched under the Better Access to Palliative Care (BAPC) Programme, offer more personal control and choice of treatment for people with life-limiting illness and who are nearing the end of their lives.
UNCOVER Summit opens new world for mining
SNIPPET: The hunt has begun to discover Australia's next resources hotspots, Bob Baldwin, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry said today. This Summit provides the ideal opportunity for new levels of collaboration and co-operation to explore the resource opportunities below the 80% of Australia that is covered', and their potential to contribute to Australia's future wealth, Mr Baldwin said. This is why we are encouraging new investment in the resources industry, including by the introduction of the Exploration Development Incentive, which will encourage smaller mining companies to undertake new exploration and make new discoveries.
More than $500,000 for Indigenous cultural projects
SNIPPET: I am delighted to announce that 14 Indigenous arts, culture and languages activities have received funding through the Australian Government's Indigenous culture, languages and visual arts programs. The 2013-14 strategic projects funding of more than $500,000 will be provided through the Indigenous Culture Support (ICS), Indigenous Languages Support (ILS) and Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support (IVAIS) programs. Whether developing professional skills in the drive to achieve excellence, working with leading jewellers, building international markets or recording digital biographies in traditional languages, each of these activities will contribute to sustaining culturally vibrant Indigenous communities and will further add to the richness of Australia's world-class arts and cultural sector.
March 30 - April 5, 2014: Issue 156
SLSA's President's Medal Awarded to Gary Cook - courtesy SLSA
Gary Cook [pictured] has achieved a lot in surf lifesaving but he rates his latest award - SLSA's President's Medal - as very, very special.
"It's something I am quite chuffed about and it is a great honour,'' says 'Mr Newport'.
There were only three President's Medals advised for the whole of Australia and there are approximately 167,000 SLSA members.
Gary has been a member of his beloved Newport since 1961. And, during those 53 years, he served as President and naturally became a Life Member of the club. He's also a life member of Sydney Northern Beaches Branch and SLSNSW.
Gary is best known these days as a carnival referee and march past coach. Along with Collaroy stalwart Ray Isaacs, they have been coaching Queenscliff's march past team for the past five years.
Gary was seen wearing a Queensie top at a function given for Paul Hammond. "Ray and I were made honorary members,'' Gary explains.
Gary also coaches the Warriewood ladies march past team and helps out with the Mona Vale Juniors. And, of course, he's off to officiate at another Aussies in Scarborough. He'll referee the Masters beach events, be the chief judge for the open sprint and relays and will coordinate the march past event.
That should keep him busy.
Picture by AJG - 2013. Gary Cook Profile

Please be advised of the significant risk that is posed by canisters of Aluminium Phosphide that are washing ashore along the East Coast of Australia. To date canisters have been located in Queensland, Batemans Bay and as of this afternoon (27.3.2014) on Cronulla Beach.
There is a real risk, due to the extent of the Northern Region Coastline, that these items may be located on Beaches & in Waterways.
If located the item; Should NOT BE HANDLED
Contact NSW FIRE & RESCUE immediately.
The substance is very TOXIC - Can produce PHOSPHINE GAS and CAN BE LETHAL.

Concern Building Over Spot Rezonings - 28 March 2014
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes has used a Private Members Statement in the NSW Parliament to call for an overhaul the assessment process for spot rezoning applications. Mr Stokes' comments follow the rejection of a controversial rezoning application for two key areas of the Warriewood Valley which sought to override the community's newly established planning controls and see densities permitted more than 300% greater than the agreed limit.
"Spot rezonings erode public confidence and permit an unwelcome element of surprise into our planning system,” Rob Stokes said today. "Planning should involve as little uncertainty and unpredictability as possible.
"The entire Gateway process has becoming enormously controversial and is widely viewed as an avenue through which developers can have multiple attempts to progress their proposals.
"If a rezoning proposal is rejected as completely inconsistent with up to date rules then it shouldn't have multiple lives or multiple attempts at revival.
"Spot rezonings should only be used in rare cases where there are unique circumstances or clear community support.
"The Warriewood Valley Strategic Review provides a textbook example of upfront community engagement and forward planning and there shouldn't be multiple opportunities for developers to ride roughshod over its controls and limitations.
"This is yet another example why Labor and the Greens should stop blocking reforms to our State’s planning system,” Rob Stokes said.
Read HANSARD - Rob Stokes Spot Rezoning HERE
Artists & Craftsmen of Pittwater are returning to Mona Vale to hold their first show for 2014, to be held in the Mona Vale Memorial Hall.
This time we will be featuring Modern Abstract Art in line with the current trends in interior design. Modern streamlined interiors today often only require statements of colour and harmony in Art to complete the decor. Our Artists are working on pieces to suite apartment living and contemporary interiors.
We will also have something for the children this time . Kids Corner. We will have an activity table with drawings and coloured pencils where the children can choose a design and colour it in to take home for Easter, or keep for Mum or Nanna as a Mothers Day present. This activity is free.
Our Craftsmen have lots to choose from. Hand made jewellery, paper tole, hand knitted scarves and toys, patchwork quilts and cushions, hand made dresses for little girls, mosaics, silk scarves, hand made cards, decorative art, folk art designs painted on wood, fabric toys, embroidery, appliqué, painted porcelain, cushions, screen printing, Pet Portraits, quilling,embroidered & hand knitted baby clothes.
Great choices for Easter and Mothers Day. As well as our feature of Modern Abstracts there will also be Water Colours, Oils and Acrylic Paintings for Sale.
We also have an opening for a Ceramic Artist to join our group and exhibit at future shows. Enquires welcome during the show.
ARTISTS & CRAFTSMEN OF PITTWATER EASTER SALE - Mona Vale Memorial Hall (next to library) Park Street, Mona Vale. - Thurs. 17th Good Friday 18th Easter Saturday 19th. April. 9am-4pm
SHOROC Shortlisted for Local Government Award for Advocacy and Planning

SHOROC Mayors & local NSW MPs working together for our region. L-R: The Hon. Mike Baird MP, The Hon. Jonathan O’Dea MP, Manly Mayor Jean Hay AM, The Hon. Brad Hazzard MP, Warringah Mayor Michael Regan, Pittwater Mayor and SHOROC President Jacqueline Townsend, Mosman Mayor Peter Abelson, The Hon. Rob Stokes MP
SHOROC and its partner councils – Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah – have been shortlisted as a finalist in the Local Government Managers Australia, NSW 2013 Management Excellence Awards in the Category ‘Partnerships for Growth’ Award.
Titled Stronger region – a united voice getting results: Regional plan and advocacy campaign for transport and health infrastructure, the SHOROC submission was based around the Shaping Our Future strategy and the associated advocacy campaign.
SHOROC President and Pittwater Mayor, Cr Jacqueline Townsend says to be shortlisted is testament to the hard work and collaborative efforts of the partner councils for improved transport and health infrastructure for the Northern Beaches and Mosman.
“In 2010 we developed Shaping Our Future as the first ever integrated region strategy to improve public transport, roads and health infrastructure for the Northern Beaches and Mosman.
“We’re getting results and it is great to see that the collaboration, hard work and commitment by our four partner councils being recognised.
Based on this strategy SHOROC worked with our local MPs and coordinated an advocacy campaign for investment in a regional Bus Rapid Transit system, major road upgrades, and improved health services including a new Northern Beaches Hospital while upgrading Mona Vale Hospital.
“The cornerstone of SHOROC’s advocacy campaign has been collaboration across the councils, other levels of government, business and the community.
“We are now realising significant results and thanks to our local MPs and this partnership for the first time in decades major infrastructure funding is being directed at this region including:
$7.5 million allocated for road upgrades in past year, with major works foreshadowed
Bus Rapid Transit system in planning
$29 million initial funding for the Northern Beaches Hospital and construction tender underway
“We have provided leadership, a united voice and worked in partnership with the NSW and Commonwealth governments, community and business. I’m proud and excited about what we are achieving for our region and congratulate everyone involved in bringing the strategy to fruition,” said Cr Townsend.
Easter on the water: Operation Lights On - March 27, 2014
Roads and Maritime Services will conduct a safety campaign on vessel navigation lights over the Easter long weekend.
The campaign – Operation Lights On – aimed to improve safety on the water by ensuring boaters were aware of night lighting requirements on vessels.
Maritime Boating Safety Officers will conduct random checks of recreational vessels – powered, sail and paddle craft– which are being operated at night from Good Friday up to and including Easter Monday.
When night falls it is a completely different world on the water and while cars have headlights to light up the way ahead, vessels use a system of lights to show others their location and direction.
Vessels that operate from sunset to sunrise, whether at anchor or underway, must carry and exhibit the correct lights.
When fog, glare, smoke or darkness restrict your visibility, you must slow down to keep a safe speed. A safe speed is one at which you can stop and avoid a collision, while taking into account the circumstances and conditions at the time.
You wouldn’t drive on a dark road without headlights. The same applies to dark waterways - be bright.
Every type of craft – dependent on vessel size and class – needs lights in order to be visible at night.
If you anchor at night, you need to display an ‘all round white light’ where it can be seen. You should go slowly and look and listen at all times for unlit hazards such as logs, moored boats and sand banks.
Navigation lights should be positioned so they are not obscured by the vessel’s superstructure or interfered with by the deck lights. The masthead or all round white light must be fitted, if practical, on the centre line – bow to stern – of the vessel.
Lifejacket legislation compliance as well as ensuring vessels are navigating on the correct side of the channel – the right side – will also be monitored by BSO during the campaign.
For more information on night navigation lighting, go
Hesperbot malware targets Australian banking customers with mobile app: SSO Alert Priority High - 27 Mar 2014
People should be aware that Hesperbot, a type of malware (Trojan) is being used to steal banking details of Australians following similar campaigns in 2013 that targeted banking and financial institutions in Turkey, the Czech Republic, Portugal and the UK. Security vendor Eset suggests Australia is currently one of the top three countries targeted.
The malware has capabilities that include joining your computer to a botnet, key logging, capturing screenshots, capturing video, setting up a remote proxy, and attempting to lure Android, Blackberry and Symbian device users to download a fake banking app designed to steal your banking credentials.
Hesperbot malware is also capable of updating itself, downloading additional malicious modules from its command and control server (which controls the botnet) and sending any data it has stolen back to the controllers.
In Australia the malicious banking app component (or ‘security update’) is currently being presented as ‘NetCode Smartphone Security’. You might mistakenly download this after seeing a pop up notification, caused by the malware, advising that you need to install this ‘security update’ or ‘app’, in order to use your online banking.
Hesperbot is spread by phishing emails. Previous Hesperbot phishing campaigns have used fake postal tracking notification emails and invoices—both scammer favourites—to distribute the malware as an attachment.
What should you do?
Do not install this app or ‘security update’.
Make sure your genuine security software is up to date on your computer.
Only download security software from a reputable source that you know and trust.
Be suspicious of unsolicited emails. Do not open suspicious emails, or click their links or attachments. Simply delete the message.
Banks do not issue ‘security updates’ that need to be installed on your computer to use their online banking services.
Most banks will redirect to you the relevant mobile app store for any updates for their apps.
Only download security updates for your computer directly from the software manufacturer’s website or via your computer’s existing software update options.
Only download apps for your mobile devices from a reputable source, such as the device's app store or the software manufacturer’s website.
More information
You can read a recent news report about Hesperbot malware, and a more technical white paper (PDF) describing the Hesperbot malware in detail is available from ESET, the security company who first identified it.
More information on avoiding scams and hoaxes and managing spam.
Northern Beaches Mums Easter Marketour Profile of the Week
Following the great success of their first market at the end of last year, three Northern Beaches Mums are going bigger and better this time.
Last year Karen, Julie & Beth launched their first ‘Northern Beaches Mums Market’ aimed at supporting local mums in business whilst entertaining the kids and raising funds for a local charity.
The event showcased 27 stall holders plus camel rides, bouncy castle & crocodile encounters to name but a few. $750 was raised for Ingleside Rural Fire Service following the devastating fires through a sausage sizzle and small silent auction.
This year, their ‘Easter’ Market has moved to the bigger venue at Avalon Recreation Centre which will accommodate at least a further 10 stalls (as they had a long wait list of stall holders last year!).
There is an outdoor courtyard area where children will once again be able to hold a baby crocodile, have their face painted, do craft activities, take part in an Easter colouring competition and Easter egg hunt, whilst parents can shop or enjoy a hot dog whilst listening to some live acoustic music.
There will even be some guest appearances from The Easter Bunny and Dora the Explorer!
The fundraising focus at this market will be a local cause to many people’s hearts. Money will be raised for ‘Rallying for Ruby’, a local toddler battling an aggressive brain tumour. There will be a sausage sizzle plus silent auction with an amazing range of prizes donated from a generous selection of local businesses. The mums fundraising aim is to at least double the amount from the last market, so why not join them, have some fun, support local mums and ‘Rallying for Ruby’, and maybe bring home a prize or bargain at Avalon Recreation Centre, Sunday 6th April, 10am-3pm.
Transport for NSW today announced the release of a new safety video to encourage rowers and ferry masters to use shared waterways safely.
Maritime Management Centre General Manager, Howard Glenn said the aim of the Row Safe video is to educate rowing crews and avoid taking unnecessary risks making waterways safer for everyone.
“It’s great to see people active and out on the water, but it’s important to be aware of the etiquette and laws so that vessels of all sizes can share the waterways safely,” Mr Glenn said.
“For rowers, the essential rules are to be seen, keep a proper look out and keep to the right.”
The need for the video stems from ongoing compliance issues with rowers on the Parramatta River and in Port Jackson. Boating Safety Officers have reported the cause of issues is often the newer or inexperienced members of the rowing community.
“Most of the issues that occur on the water can easily be avoided with some basic courtesy and an understanding of the rules,” Mr Glenn said. “Through discussions with the Rowing Steering Committee within Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), members wanted an instructional video for all new school and rowing club members to watch.
“Rowing is a sport with a rich history that demands fitness and coordination, but like all other vessels on the waterways, the crew on a rowing vessel must obey some fundamental rules for safe navigation,” Mr Glenn said.
The video, called Row Safe, has been developed with consultation between boating safety officers, RMS, the Maritime Management Centre and other key stakeholders, and focuses on:
•Rowing safety
•Rules of the waterways
•Waterway courtesy
•Keeping to the right
•What to do when a ferry is approaching or departing a wharf
•Appropriate lighting and visibility of rowing vessels
•Rower’s and ferry aspect (what a real time view looks like)
The video also focuses on the responsibilities and guidelines for support and coaching boats that operate adjacent to rowing crews.
“At the recent NSW Schoolboy Head of the River event held on Sunday 9 March, the video was promoted to students, highlighting the importance of the safety initiative to these young rowers,” Mr Glenn said.
The video will be available through the NSW Maritime YouTube channel and a copy of the DVD will be sent to Sydney schools involved in rowing as well as Sydney rowing clubs.
Row Safe is an extension of a broader Maritime Policy Agenda campaign to promote safe and responsible use of non-powered craft such as paddle and oared vessels.
For further information or to obtain a copy of the video please contact the Maritime Management Centre via email
Petitioning The Minister for Roads the Hon. Duncan Gay - Install fauna protection devices when widening Mona Vale Road and whenever major highways are upgraded - Petition by Roadkill Prevention Committee
This petition will be delivered to: Minister for Roads and Maritime Services, The Minister for Roads the Hon. Duncan Gay

Help Build Avalon Beach SLSC - Buy A Brick
If you would like to donate to the Avalon Beach SLSC building fund please go to the Building Tab on their website menu above, click Donate Now and select “Avalon Beach” and “Donation” in the drop down menus displayed. All donors who “Buy a brick” will be acknowledged by the club in a number of ways. We thank you for contributing to our future.
SHOROC Welcomes Major Roadwork Planning for Northern Beaches
The SHOROC Mayors of Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah councils have welcomed the NSW Government’s announcement that it is planning major road infrastructure upgrades around the site of the soon-to-be-constructed Northern Beaches Hospital.
SHOROC President and Pittwater Mayor, Cr Jacqueline Townsend says the works being planned for the hospital precinct including for Warringah Road, Wakehurst Parkway, Forest Way and Frenchs Forest Road are vital for the future of the region.
“This is wonderful news. Congratulations to our local MPs in recognising the importance of delivering this road infrastructure for our community,” said Cr Townsend.
In 2013 the NSW Government announced the plans to construct a ‘world-class hospital on Sydney’s Northern Beaches’.
Now the much needed major road works required to address the congestion on Warringah Road and Wakehurst Parkway, plus to enable efficient access to the hospital, are being planned.
“We are working closely with the NSW Government on these major infrastructure projects and these plans demonstrate the benefits that a regional collaborative approach between councils and the state government can bring.”
The road works being planned are major regional infrastructure priorities identified in SHOROC’s regional strategy Shaping Our Future. Priorities identified in the strategy for the east-west Warringah Road corridor are:
grade separation at the intersections of Warringah Road with Wakehurst Parkway and Forest Way, together with upgrades to Wakehurst Parkway to provide flood-free access
Fast public transport links from Dee Why to Chatswood together with park and rides to maximise patronage of public transport.
“We look forward to working with the NSW Government to deliver the road and public transport upgrades this precinct and the whole region needs,” said Mayor Townsend.
For more information:
Roads and Martitime website for more on the proposals
Planning & Infrstructure for maps and details on the concepts being considered and to have your say

Sunday 6th April 2 pm.
8 Lentara Rd Bayview.
Come along to Coomalong(where possums meet) enjoy the exotic surroundings overlooking Pittwater, whilst helping our native animals.
All funds raised go directly towards treating and rehabilitating our precious wildlife. Our resident veterinarian Dr Howard Ralph will give a brief presentation highlighting the many various species he treats with varying problems. We can assure you Howard's images are touching and inspirational.
ALL WELCOME ADMISSION $30 adults - Kids Free
Yummy cakes & afternoon tea / Coffee / Juice for the kids included.
Contact Lindy 0409 404570
See Issue 155: Champion of All Australian Wildlife Dr Howard Ralph Supported by Annual SCWC High Tea, Sunday April 6th at Coomalong by Lindy Stacker and Lynleigh Grieg
Today the Northern Beaches Health Service / Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Health Service General Manager, Frank Bazik invited the public to comment on the Environmental Impact Statement for the Northern Community Health Centre.
The construction of the new Northern Community Health Centre will be assessed under a State Significant Development Planning Application and will replace the existing Mona Vale Community Health Centre. The Planning Application seeks approval for the construction of a new purpose-built three storey Community Health Centre and car parking for 45 vehicles.
The new Northern Community Health Centre will provide a range of community health services including:
• Rehabilitation and Aged Care Community Services
• Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
• Chronic Disease Clinical Rehabilitation Services (CDCRS)
• Rapid Access Services
• Community Nursing
• Acute Post-Acute Care (APAC)
• Paediatric Occupational Therapy
• Paediatric Speech Pathology
• Child and Family Health Services
• Adult Mental Health Services
• Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
• Community Drug and Alcohol Services
• Adult and Paediatric Oral Health Services.
The planning assessment process for this State Significant Development project gives the local community the opportunity to provide feedback via formal submissions to the Department of Planning and Infrastructure.
The Department of Planning and Infrastructure will manage the formal consultation process with information displayed on their website at and at Pittwater Council’s office in Mona Vale. The public exhibition period is open between 5th March and 4th April 2014. Any responses received during the public exhibition period will be taken into consideration.
Reports assessing built form, transport, parking and access, construction noise and vibration and the visual amenity of the new Northern Community Health Centre have also been included in the Environmental Impact Statement to manage and minimise potential impacts arising from the development.
For more information about the new Northern Community Health Centre please visit our project website You can email us or call on 9978 5410.
Northern Beaches Health Service Redevelopment Project Team

Pet of the Week
To meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or Visit to see all our dogs.
Print Post changes - effective 2 June 2014
From 2 June 2014, we will introduce a second delivery timetable for Print Post.
Print Post is one of our bulk mail services that offers a discount to businesses that send a high volume of catalogues, newsletters and similar items, if specific criteria are met.
The current Print Post delivery timetable remains and will be renamed Print Post Priority. A second delivery timetable will be added, called Print Post Regular.
You will need to change the way you prepare and present your Print Post articles when changes come into effect from 2 June 2014.
The timetable you choose will determine the changes you need to make. If you choose the Print Post Priority timetable, your flysheets/envelopes will need a 'Priority' indicator added to the postage paid imprint, and you will need to have the correct Priority tray and ULD labels. There will also be changes to lodgement documentation and lodgement times.
From 2 June 2014, there will also be price changes for both timetables.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/4/2014: click on Logo. Also has an Extensive Local Directory.
To contact Julian:
World Environment Day Awards – Entries Open
To celebrate the United Nations World Environment Day (Thursday 5 June), the United Nations Association of Australia is inviting Award nominations from Local Government, individuals, organisations and community groups whose work serves to protect, manage or restore our natural heritage.
The prestigious national World Environment Day Awards recognise innovative and outstanding environmental programs and initiatives from across Australia, and the important work of Australian environmental leaders.
Category details, entry criteria and the nomination information are available on the UNAA website (see fact box).
There are two Local Government Awards:
• Best Specific Environmental Initiative
• Excellence in Overall Environmental Management.
These two Awards seek to recognise the work of Local Government organisations that have implemented outstanding specific conservation initiatives, or are leaders in overall environmental management. These
Awards recognise the essential role that councils play in sustainable development, particularly in regards to local action for environmental sustainability and collaboration with local businesses and community groups to achieve positive outcomes for the environment. Nominations for the UNAA World Environment Day Awards are NOW OPEN. Entries close AT 5pm Thursday, 17 April.
See categories and entry forms at HERE:
Pittwater Artists Trail - 2014 Artists Open Studios
We've received a copy of the new Artists Trail Open Studios Brochure this week - Great News. This lists all the open times you may view an artists works during the year outside of the Artist Trail weekends.
The 2014 Brochures are available at Mona Vale & Avalon libraries, Pittwater Council, Pittwater Community Centres as well as a variety of cafes and businesses throughout Pittwater.
Southern Cross Wildlife Care - Critter of the Month - April 2014 - curated by Lynleigh Greig
Nobody knows how long poor little Nelson the Seagull had been suffering with a fishing hook inside him.

This X-ray clearly shows the fishing hook in his digestive tract.

Responsible Fishing to Reduce Wildlife Injuries (extract from NSW Department of Industries):
1. Avoid using unattended lines and check your crab traps and nets regularly.
2. Using crab traps and nets when fishing towards an estuary’s headwaters has a higher risk of interacting with platypus. Consider moving gear further downstream.
3. Avoid bird feeding and nesting areas.
4. Avoid using stainless steel hooks which take years to break down in the environment.
5. Collect and dispose of any discarded fishing line, hooks, other gear or rubbish.
6. Cut discarded fishing line into small pieces to avoid entanglement in case birds and other animals scavenge rubbish bins.
7. Don’t leave ANYTHING behind. Even plastic bags can prove fatal when sea turtles mistake them for natural jellyfish prey.
Turimetta to Warriewood Ocean Swim - May 4th, 2014
It's a beautiful swim south-north around Turimetta Headland, between North Narrabeen and Warriewood. A top time of year to do this kind of swim, too. Fall-back course is a triangular circuit off Warriewood beach, if conditions force a change.
More information...
Organiser - Warriewood SLSC. Distance - 2.2km + 200m Sprint/Dash (You can enter the Dash only if you also complete the main swim). Venue - Warriewood Beach, Sydney northern beaches, registration and swim HQ at surf club, main swim start at Turimetta Beach, just over the hill. Come to the surf club first.
Time/Date - Sunday, May 4, 2014, 10am race start. Registration - race day - 8:30am-9:45am. Entry fee - $30 ($40 on race day), or both swim and Dash $40 ($50 on race day)
Online entries close - 3pm, Saturday, May 3, 2014
Conditions - Warriewood is best known as the temperamental starting beach of the Mona Vale Mighty Marathon. It can be tempestuous, indeed, often offering a difficult break. Planned course starts at Turimetta, around the headland from Warriewood, which also could be bumpy if conditions come from the south. But in that case, it will be a fun ride with the swell around the headland and into the beach. It's a majestic bluff, that headland, and swimming beneath it is an experience. Coming in at Warriewood also will be fun.
Mimimum age - 15. Categories - 10 year age groups, Male and Female
More info - Download hard copy entry form HERE
Waratah Park Working Bee - 27th Apr 2014, 9am - 1pm
Waratah Park, "Home of Skippy the Bush Kanagaroo" TV series represents an important part of history of our local area. It is 12 hectares of bushland, environment culture and rare flora and fauna species. Currently the park is closed to the public and all animals have been removed from the park.
Waratah Park has no help whatsoever other than the small group from a small group from Duffy's Forest Residence Association, who go into the park one Sunday a month to clean-up, remove weeds, bush regenerate and remove green waste.
We are looking for volunteers to come to the park and assist. Any help whether large or small would be appreciated!
The park is still a great place but we need to take care of it. If we don't, this historical Australian icon could be lost to the people of Pittwater and Sydney.
What to bring: A hat, a pair of Gloves, a bottle of Water, your Gardening Tools, Mowers, Whipper Snippers, BushSaws, ChainSaws and pruning cutters.
What to wear: Protective Clothing that covers your arms and legs and a strong pair of Shoes/Boots.If using mechanical equipment the usual protective equipment must be worn!
Venue: Waratah Park, 13 Namba Road, Duffy's Forest
Contact: Peter Staff email or Ph:9487 1471 or DFRA Jenny Harris Ph: 9450 1206 or Mob: 0408 512 060
Website: All details are on DFRA website:
NSW Government News This Week
Child protection reforms passed - 27th March 2014
NSW Parliament has passed child protection legislation to help provide vulnerable children with more stable homes. Minister for Family and Community Services and Minister for Women Pru Goward said the new legislation provided for earlier intervention to keep families together with support.
“It also means courts will have new powers to order parents to undergo treatment or attend services to deal with the issues putting their children at risk,” she said.
The Department of Family and Community Services will also need to consider adoption for children where the court has ordered that the child cannot return to its parents or family until the age of 18.
“Tonight’s passing of the legislation is a step in the right direction for at-risk children and their families across this state,” Ms Goward said.
“The new laws create more tools for courts and caseworkers to provide children with a safe and stable home for life.”
Petroleum Exploration Licence applications frozen – March 26th, 2014
The NSW Government has frozen new Petroleum Exploration Licence Applications (PELAs) until 26 September 2014 to help establish a more comprehensive process. To explore for Coal Seam Gas, a proponent must apply for a Petroleum Exploration Licence.
The government will also audit existing Petroleum Exploration Licences (PELs).
Minister for Resources and Energy Anthony Roberts said the government had already refused five PELAs lodged by Grainger Energy which covered 43,100 square kilometres of the Riverina.
“Grainger Energy has one owner/director, was formed just six days prior to lodging its application, has no history of conducting petroleum exploration activities and has submitted a manifestly deficient application,” he said.
“We have also issued a ‘Show Cause’ notice to Leichhardt Resources as to why its three PELs near Moree, across Nowra and between Bylong and Denham, should not be cancelled.”
Mr Roberts said under the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991, a petroleum title may be cancelled on a number of grounds, including contravention of conditions, failure to use the title area in good faith for the purpose for which the title was granted and for contraventions of the Act.
“The NSW Government will not rule out rejecting further PELAs or cancelling PELs,” he said.
Pittwater businesses now have their own web presence with the creation of
Drama at Manly Dam - courtesy Warringah Council
The BBC want you (aged 15-65) to appear as extras (marines/convicts) in their new series Banished along side Australian superstar David Wenham at ManlyDam.
Beautiful Manly Dam will be the backdrop for a major BBC drama loosely inspired by events in the 18th century when Britain established a penal colony in Australia.
According to the BBC, the series Banished "charts the lives, loves, relationships and battle for survival of a group of convicts, the soldiers who guard them and the men who govern them in the early days of this settlement."
“We are thrilled to have Banished being filmed at Manly Dam. I hope the cast and crew take the opportunity to visit wonderful Warringah while they’re here. This is also a great opportunity for our community, with local trades people being called upon to help out with site and set maintenance and, locals being given the opportunity to work as extras throughout the filming,” said Warringah Mayor, Michael Regan
Access to picnic areas 3 and 4 will be restricted during the filming.
Newport Recreation Centre will come alive with artistic exhibitions, demonstrations holiday workshops and talks during April. Pittwater Council is hosting two exhibitions from Friday 11 April until Thursday 17 April, as an Enliven Pittwater initiative.
Local artist and recipient of the Pittwater Community Arts Young Emerging Artist Grant, Henry Curchod presents a new body of work depicting the life cycle of flowers. The opening night of the exhibition will be on Friday 11 April from 6pm to 9pm.
Also opening on Friday 11 April at the Newport Community Centre is an exhibition of works from 19 members of the Pittwater Artists Trail.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor Jacqui Townsend said it was exciting to see the collaboration between Enliven Pittwater, local artists and arts organisation coming together to offer a variety of events.
“The objective of ARTivity Week is to offer an engaging art experience to our community and at the same time provide development opportunities for local artists.
“As well as providing an exhibition space, there will be workshops and professional development talks by Arts Law. Participants will learn about artist’s rights and gain practical insight into copyright and contracts,” said Cr Townsend.
“Families can join in with the Be Centre holding creative workshops on Tuesday 15 April. The workshops are a supportive and playful environment where children can roll up their sleeves and get creative,” she said.
For detailed information on the program during ARTivity week and Enliven Pittwater,
Artivity is a series of art events happening in April at Newport Community Centre. From Friday 11–Thursday 17 April Henry Curchod, named Pittwater’s Young Emerging Artist, presents his work on the life cycle of flowers. Also on at the centre is the Pittwater Artist Trail exhibition with 19 artists exhibiting. The opening night for both events is Friday 11 April from 6-9pm.
Ms Hewitt said all the activities on offer could be found on the free Enliven Pittwater app or at
Bushcare Dates - April 2014
Bushcare at Warriewood - The Warriewood bushcare group managed by Pittwater Council needs more volunteers on 4th Wednesday morning of the month – Can you help? Please contact Mary Johnsen at 9999 2020.
Fri April 4
Norma Pk 9-12pm
Sat April 5
Algona Res 9-12pm
Plateau Pk 8:30-11:30am
Elizabeth Pk 9-12pm
Sun April 6
Avalon Dunes 8:30-11:30am
W’wood Wetlands 8-11am
Mon April 7
Rocky Pt 9-12pm
Browns Bay Res 9-12pm
Fri April 11
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Sat April 12
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Pt 10-1pm
Woodlands Res 9-12pm
Sun April 13
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Pk 10-12:30pm
Thu April 17
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat April 19
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun April 20
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Elanora Rd 8:30-11:30am
Wed April 23
W’wood Bch 8-11am
Sat April 26
Pindari Res 8-11am
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Kywong Res 8:30-11:30am
Sun April 27
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winnererremy Bay 9-12pm
For further information on bushcare and/or to confirm if your group is working please contact Pittwater Council's Bushcare Officer. Bushcare is a great way to help your local bushland and make new friends! Bushcare Officer: Helena Dewis 9970 1367
Pittwater Council's COOEE Newsletter April - 2014
The Australian National Maritime Museum now has a speakers program - March News from ANMM
The Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM) at Darling Harbour now has a speakers program where volunteer guides are available to speak to clubs.
The presentations available cover some important events in Australian Maritime history including
- the collision of the Voyager and the Melbourne
- the successful raid by the Krait on Japanese shipping in Singapore
- the first Australian naval victory of the Sydney and the Emden
- the story of the AE2 submarine in the Dardenelles
- an interesting story about alcohol at sea
We also have available an overview of the ANMM and a virtual tour of the destroyer Vampire where photos and video clips will bring the ship to life and explain what life was like aboard an Australian warship.
Please contact Ron Ray or Noel Phelan if you would like a speaker at your club.
For more information: or

Petitioning The Hon. Andrew Stoner M.P.
Approve and sign a 21-year lease on the Warringah Surf Rescue (Surfcom ) Building to Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches Inc.
The Warringah Surf Rescue Building houses our Communications Centre (Surfcom). Our Surfcom provides support to volunteer lifesavers patrolling beaches between North Palm Beach (Sydney) and Pambula ( Far South Coast) especially during emergency situations and rescues. We are the back-up for the SLSNSW State Operations Centre which can communicate with all 129 Surf Life Saving Clubs throughout NSW.
Our ongoing operations from the Warringah Surf Rescue Building is of State-wide significance and importance.
Volunteer lifesavers built the Warringah Surf Rescue building and have occupied it continuously as a rescue base for the past 45 year. Our primary role is helping save lives along our coastline.
Warringah Council is seeking commercial use of the building due to its location and had developed plans for a 60 seat cafe/restaurant.
We seek the Deputy Premier's support by signing our lease to secure our future within the building.
For more information:
April 5th: Stall, Pittwater Place, knitting, craft, Bric-a-brac, books 9am – 3pm
April 11th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
April 12th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm.
May 3rd: Pittwater Place, knitting, craft, Bric-a-brac, books 9am – 3pm
May 9th: Stall, ANZ Avalon Parade, Avalon. Baking, craft, knitting, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
May 10th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm
May 16th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
June 7th: Stall, Pittwater Place, Knitting, craft, Bric-a-brac, books 9am – 3pm
June 14th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm
June 20th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
Swimming History in Pictures
Head to Mona Vale Library during April and step back in time as you view a pictorial history of the Narrabeen Lakes Amateur Swimming Club.
The club, formerly known as Narrabeen Ladies Amateur Swimming Club, celebrates 80 years this April and will have a host of photos and memorabilia available for viewing at the library.
Formed in 1933, members of the ladies club swam in Narrabeen Lake until the opening of Narrabeen Rock pool in 1934.
Events Librarian Catherine Buddin said the celebrations fall at the same time as the Heritage Festival, with the theme this year being “Journeys”.
“The swimming club has certainly had an interesting ‘journey’, morphing from an all-women’s club in the early 30s to include men and boys from 1987.
“In 2011 the club formally changed their name to the Narrabeen Lakes Amateur Swimming Club to reflect the changing nature of their members and to promote themselves as a fun family club,” said Ms Buddin.
“The club has gathered a vast array of images that depict the journey of swimming over the last 80 years.
“During the exhibition there will be members of the swimming club available to chat to residents about the history of the club and how to become involved.
Mona Vale Library’s local studies librarian will also be on hand to talk about the local studies unit at the library, which can assist students and researchers with many aspects of local history.
The exhibition will be open from 10am to 6 pm on week days; 10am to 2pm on Saturdays; and 1pm to 5pm on Sundays during April. Mona Vale Library is located at 1 Park Street, Mona Vale.
An evening with Bettina Arndt - on Tuesday 22 April, from 6.30pm at Newport Community Centre
Bettina Arndt is one of Australia’s first sex therapists, a social commentator and has been working in the media most of her life. Bettina now spends most of her time on the speaking circuit, travelling across the country keeping audiences enthralled with her stories. She writes for many of Australia’s leading newspapers and magazines and appears regularly on television and radio.
She’s also involved in an exciting new venture, working as a dating coach providing advice to men and women about online dating. As part of her coaching role, Bettina helps with writing profiles which in-turn increases the chances of meeting the right match.
Her books include:
The Sex Diaries: Why Women Go Off Sex and Other Bedroom Battles
Taking Sides: Men, Women and the Shifting Social Agenda
What Men Want in Bed.
Bettina will have books available for sale at the event.
Cost - $10, no concession. Bookings essential, call 9970 1600, payment required within three days of booking.
Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) FREE Community Talk,MONDAY 19 May, 2.30pm
Bookings essential 9970 1600
The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS) is one of the largest and most comprehensive aero-medical organisations in the world. Using the latest in aviation, medical and communications technology, it delivers extensive primary health care and 24-hour emergency service to those who live, work and travel throughout Australia.
The RFDS is a not-for-profit organisation. Today, the RFDS has a fleet of 60 aircraft operating from 21 bases located across the nation and provides medical assistance to over 270,000 people every year – that’s one patient every two minutes in remote and rural Australia! Covering 90% of Australia - no patient is more than two hours away from the help of the Flying Doctor.
Big discussion on “Jasper Jones” by Craig Silvey, as part of a Writers’ Day on Wednesday 21 May
People are encouraged to read the book beforehand, there are various copies in the library and come and discuss it. More details of the day’s program to follow and bookings will be essential.
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is April 6th, 2014.
The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
Pittwater Food and Wine Fair 2014
Sunday 4 May 2014, 10am to 4pm
Pittwater Council is hosting our fifth Food and Wine Fair at Winnererremy Bay. Bring your picnic rug and enjoy the live music at the beautiful scenic setting adjacent to the waterways of Pittwater.
There will be wine tastings and wine sales together with a wide variety of hot food available on the day. There will be general stallholders selling picnic wares, jams, olive oils, breads and confectionary.
Parking will be available for a small fee at Pittwater High School or ride your bike and use our free bike racks.
Venue: Winnererremy Bay Foreshore Reserve - Mona Street, Mona Vale Enquiries: Please call Nikki Griffith 9970 1355 or 0417 426 925 or email
First Prize - Degustation lunch experience for 4 people at Elizabeth's Restaurant at Mount Pleasant in the Hunter Valley with a private winery tour and tastings (value of $400);
Second Prize - 2 night stay at Currawong in a cabin for up to 4 people (conditions apply - valid May to October 2014 excluding school holidays);
Third Prize - Hamper of Cooks Lot wines and goodies including Lizottes vouchers - 2 free show only vouchers;
Fourth Prize - Lizottes Dinner show for 2 people + Cooks Lot wines.
Fifth Prize - Facepainting Birthday package to the value of $280 provided by Karen Langlands Face Painting
Stallholder expressions of interest
Expressions of interest are now open for wineries, hot food and general (food only) stallholders. Provision of your current Public Liability Insurance is mandatory
- Only hot food stallholders will have access to power ($50 extra charge)
- Site allocations are space only - you are required to provide your own equipment
- costs and inclusions are detailed on the form
See all forms and more information at: HERE
Feedback Sought on Careel Bay Masterplan
An updated masterplan for Careel Bay is on public exhibition for comment until Wednesday 21 May.
The masterplan is aimed at improving access and recreational space as well as stabilising and protecting the Careel Bay foreshore.
Reserves & Recreation Manager Les Munn said the masterplan would be open for comments from the public from Saturday 22 March to Wednesday 21 May.
“We are keen to hear from local residents and people who use the area for recreation, such as boat owners.”
Among the improvements suggested are:
• Stabilising the foreshore by creating a seawall that blends into the surrounding area.
• Creating access onto the beach and surrounding waterway
• Infilling of land to provide space for recreation and dinghy storage, including ramp access for dinghies
• Separate pedestrian access via a footpath to George Street and improved pedestrian safety. The masterplan will allow two-way vehicle access.
Mr Munn said the Council would write to local residents in the area explaining the proposed improvements and inviting them to a meeting to discuss the masterplan.
The community meeting will be held on Wednesday 9 April in Room 2, Avalon Recreation Centre, 59 Old Barrenjoey Road Avalon between 6pm and 7.30pm. No RSVP is needed to attend this meeting.
The draft masterplan can be viewed online and at Pittwater Council customer service centres and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Mr Munn said once the masterplan was adopted by the Council, work was expected to take place in two stages.
“Stage 1 will be the construction of a dinghy storage facility and associated landscaping through a Better Boating Program grant from the state government. The remainder of the work will be subject to future funding.”
LGNSW call on Australian Government to guarantee regional airline access to Sydney Airport: it's vital for country communities
Local Government NSW (LGNSW) has written to the Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, the Hon Warren Truss MP, calling on the Australian Government to guarantee continued equitable access for regional airlines to Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport, should a second Sydney airport be built.
President of LGNSW, Cr Keith Rhoades AFSM, said Sydney Airport Corporation Limited (SACL) has previously attempted to restrict the access of regional airlines to key arrival and departure slots, departure gates, and lounge and maintenance facilities, despite protection measures put in place specifically to ensure their continued use during the airport's privatisation process.
"Discussions about a second Sydney airport are now heating up and we are extremely concerned that regional airlines will be forced out of Kingsford Smith Airport and have written to all Federal and State rural and regional Members of Parliament calling on their support for access to be maintained.
"Country communities and businesses rely on regional airlines having direct access to the main domestic airport in Sydney, particularly as a wide range of services are no longer available outside the capital of NSW.
"Many regional and rural residents travel to Sydney for educational purposes, health and medical services that are dwindling or are no longer available in their communities, and for essential business which support the local economies of townships across the state.
"Sydney Airport access decisions should not be based solely on economics. To reduce this debate down to dollars and cents is a slap in the face of the millions of people that live in country NSW.
"Access to Sydney's key domestic airport is about equity for country commuters, equity to services their metropolitan counterparts take for granted, and equity to an airport that is situated close to Sydney's centre.
"Local Government NSW, our members and the communities they represent will not accept the backhanded solution of forcing regional airlines to land at other airport facilities like Bankstown, Newcastle, Canberra or the prospective second airport in Sydney.
"Many rural and regional commuters already have to travel long distances to get to airports in their region. It's unreasonable and impractical to expect them to disembark at facilities which would require further travel time.
"Even if transport infrastructure were provided, there would still be extra time and costs for country people travelling to Sydney for business, international flight transfers or services that are non-existent in their communities.
"Ensuring a viable, competitive and accessible regional aviation sector also provides Sydney-based professionals, businesses and investors with responsibilities and interests in rural and regional NSW with efficient and readily available flight services.
"Removing regional airline access to Sydney's prime airport facility will ultimately impact country businesses, employment and the social well-being of our regional and rural communities who deserve our support," said President Rhoades.
To view LGNSW's submission to the Legislative Council of NSW State Development Committee regional Aviation Services Inquiry, visit: