Community News - May 2014
May 25 - 31, 2014: Issue 164
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 164: Jim Somerville, New Rehabilitation Unit opened at Mona Vale Hospital, Pittwater Schools Celebrate Timor Leste's Return to Independence Day, Magoo Classic Raise Over 30k for Cancer Care
Narrabeen Lagoon and Northern N.S.W.'s Environment Champion Jim Somerville - A Tribute
$12 Million Addition to Mona Vale Hospital - New Beachside Rehabilitation Unit Opened This Week
Pittwater Parish Schools Celebrate Timor Leste's Return to Independence Day by Tamara Sloper Harding
Reflections by George Repin: NAPIER (Ahuriri, Maori) NEW ZEALAND
Aquatics: Port Jackson Pleasure Fleets – 3 and 4 By LANYARD (1907) - 24-footers, the Advent of Sailing Schnapper Boats in Races to and from Barrenjoey
A HISTORY OF PITTWATER - PART 4: WEST HEAD FORTRESS by John Illinsgworth: The Avalon Tattoo, the only annual Tattoo in NSW, will bring the best of school bands and Pipe Bands to Dunbar Park on Saturday June 14th, 2014 in an event for our younger people and those who love great music - this year it is the turn of Army for the Right of Entry and theirs is the key theme - as in years past, we run a few insights into local Army connections over the next four weeks
Profile of the Week: May 2014 - Pittwater Gentlemen - Rick Millar - almost 40 years of sharing his passion for surf boats has put many a young rower on a life path to success - this week, a few insights from a legendary coach and Life Member of Avalon Beach SLSC
History: May 2014 - Pittwater Communications how did our mails arrive - how did the telegraph and then telephone system come about - what routes on what roads were run by our early coach drivers and ferry captains - we explore the origination of communication in Pittwater - This week: Communications with Pittwater - Ferries To Pittwater
Artist of the Month: May 2014 - Vicki Ratcliff - Mona Vale lady with a keen focus on translating the natural world working in oils and watercolours - May is the first of two open weekends held by creators in many mediums on the Pittwater Artists Trail - this month we feature one brilliant local painter as inspiration to visit their Open Studios on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th
Sunday 25th May – Come Celebrate the National Sorry Day 2014
A time for all Australians to reflect on the profound grief and trauma experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, particularly members of the Stolen Generation. It is also an opportunity to celebrate their strength and resilience, and to reaffirm our shared commitment to healing and reconciliation.
Free Event: 3pm – 5.30pm
All Welcome - free BBQ and afternoon tea. Entertainment - Scout Hall, Bilarong Reserve Wakehurst Parkway, North Narrabeen. More details: 02 9999 3045
All events in 2014 Guringai Festival - “Wellness and Wellbeing for all People”
Resources for all ages to learn more about our wonderful aboriginal Histories and Culture at:

Palm Beach Markets held at Governor Phillip Park 25th May 2014 - 9am - 3pm
Come and browse the numerous stalls at the Palm Beach markets. You will find fashion, jewellery, shoes, food, furniture, hats and lots more.
This will be the last Palm Beach Market until Spring - September 28th.
SUCCESS! - 120-122 Mona Vale Road Re-zoning
An important area of bushland will now be saved along Mona Vale Rd, following a recent decision to rezone land at 120-122 Mona Vale Rd. This land is to the south of Mona Vale Rd, above Boundary Rd, on the escarpment above Mona Vale. The land was previously zoned non-urban but the owner applied to have it rezoned for residential development of about 70 houses, with lots of varying sizes.
While most of the land is cleared, the topmost corner is bushland in good condition. The southern boundary lies along the upper reaches of Narrabeen Creek, bordered by more valuable bushland. Now Lot 122 and a 25m wide creekline corridor in Lot 120 will be acquired by Pittwater Council and added to Ingleside Chase Reserve.
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association, the Northern Beaches Roadkill Prevention Association and Katandra Bushland Sanctuary had campaigned for months to have No 122 zoned for full environmental protection zoning, as this would enable fauna to safely reach a future fauna bridge, to be built at this point across Mona Vale Rd when it is widened. At present fauna attempting to pass between Katandra Bushland Sanctuary and Ingleside Chase Reserve confront a roadkill hotspot.
Fauna corridors allowing movement across the landscape between areas of bushland are important in wildlife conservation. Such corridors will form a vital part of planning for future development in Ingleside, linking Ku-ring-gai and Garigal National Parks with the bushland on the escarpment.
Image: Swamp Wallaby M. Macrae

Pittwater Sailors Excelling Overseas
The 30th Delta Lloyd Regatta is being held from 20-24 May, 2014 in Medemblik, The Netherlands, with racing being held for nine Olympic classes, three Paralympic classes and two exhibition events. In 2014 it brings together 351 entries from 51 nations. Racing is scheduled to start from 11.00 each day.
The Delta Lloyd Regatta is the second event in the EUROSAF Champions Sailing Cup 2014. Pittwater Sailors are competing and their races, in the Nacra, were held over today (their time) and will race for medals today.
You can keep up to date on all the day’s news, results and photos by going to
Results to 24.5.2014 (our time)
2 FRA FRA077 CAMMAS Franck de TURCKHEIM Sophie
Image by Sander van der Borch Photography — at Delta Lloyd Regatta.
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Forum - Guringai Heritage and Shared History
At this Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Forum you will learn from Neil Evers and Julie Janson about proposals to erect dual signage. They will show examples of interpretive walks and dual signage that acknowledge Aboriginal archaeology, shared
history and use of the natural environment.
Clair Jackson will show recent local Aboriginal artwork. Jenny Harris will talk about the proposal for adaptive re-use of Waratah Park in relation to Gai-mariagal Aboriginal Owned National Park.
When: Monday 26 May, 7pm start
Where: Narrabeen Tramshed, 1935a Pittwater Road, Narrabeen.
Entry is free but book your tickets now as Friends forums always attract a big crowd. Phone 9905 2135 or email Judith

Throw in the opportunity to get involved with the many sports and community activities and it makes where we live simply amazing. It’s why we love it. However, many of us have to commute to be able to reap the rewards of where we live at the weekends.
But here’s are a couple of opportunities to work the lifestyle you love!
Home Grown Brands Australia, as it’s name would suggest is an organically grown, Australian owned Company, based in Warriwood, which over the last 33 Years has become a leader in Watersports products. You’d recognise most of the brands: Adrenalin Wetsuits, Redback Surfboards, iconic Surfoplane Surfmats, (the oldest surviving Australian surf brand), to name a few.
Those that work with this locally owned business, live and breathe the Northern Beaches.
The growth of our range has created an awesome opportunity in our Purchasing Department. This exciting role requires someone with a passion for sporting and water sport products and a high desire for results.
It involves managing our Asian vendors along with the follow up of purchase orders, on time dispatch of goods from suppliers, pre-production sample tracking, pre-shipment and inbound checks for quality, shipment document handling, update system information for shipping and arrivals, warehouse transfer tracking. The position may require travel further than ‘The Mall’, with visits overseas to our vendors.
Direct experience is not essential as training is provided, however good analytical skills, high attention to detail, strong skills in MS Excel and MS Office programs with strong attitude for outcome are vital.
Innovation, development is key to our culture.
Resumes to:
Get to sell products you use and enjoy
This Sales role is for an enthusiastic experienced sales person with a passion for outdoors and watersports. The role entails managing accounts in a specific category with responsibility for development of existing customers and building new customers.
You will be dealing with an exciting range of innovative products and growing watersport brands.
Applicants must demonstrate achieved sales results, an ability to develop strong customer relationships with the capacity to analyse results. Excellent skills in Excel, Word and Email essential.
The position will involve making visits to existing clients throughout Australia at least one week a month and making phone sales calls when not on the road. A friendly, team oriented company where training and development is a key part of our philosophy.
Resumes to:
Cyprus 50th Anniversary
The 25th of May marks the 50 year anniversary of Australian Police Peacekeeping in Cyprus.
Here are the thoughts and memories of some of the first Australian men to serve their country by policing a troubled nation, thousands of kilometres from home.

Mermaids of Palm Beach Currawong Day 2014
We popped in to see Beryl Driver last Sunday to drop in a few Birthday treats – Beryl is now 81 years young. The Mermaids are thrilled that Currawong Day was such a success this year – it’s 16th year at the beautiful western sanctuary - raising $3500.00 for Variety, the Children’s Charity this year.
Details of their 2014 Raffle on this page >
Community Streamwatch Program
If you’d like to nurture your environmental know-how then Pittwater Council’s Coastal Environment Centre (CEC) is giving locals a great opportunity to boost their skills in understanding freshwater ecosystems.
Council is joining forces with Streamwatch to offer an exciting citizen science project, observing and collecting data from our local waterways.
The session will begin with an information day on Sunday 22 June at the Coastal Environment Centre from midday to 2:30pm.
As part of the Streamwatch group, locals can learn about freshwater ecosystems, assist with data collection and network with other groups from across Sydney.
Streamwatch groups will meet once a month at sites around Pittwater.
Volunteers would be involved in water quality testing, data recording and Macro Invertebrate (water bug) sampling.
Anyone with an interest in the local freshwater waterways should not miss out!
To register, visit
Note from Jervis and Bridget Sparks
Maleny, where Bridget and I live, has been crowned Australia’s most generous town. Townsfolk give an average of 0.27% of their income to charity. That comes to $100 from each person to charity. Bridget and I estimate that we donate $1,000 per year.
Tales from Barrenjoey to be Digtised
Also – we have had many inquiries during recent months for copies of Tales from Barrenjoey – which sold out and is out of print. After speaking with Jervis we are going to undertake digitising this book so it may be purchased as an e-book in time for Spring 2014!
The Red Light of Barrenjoey is still available through our company – Green Wing Press – details on the Books page.
A.J.G. – Ed.
Mona Vale Library Calling for WW1 Photos and Memorabilia for Exhibition
If you have a collection of WW1 photographs and/or memorabilia, then Mona Vale Library would love to hear from you!
The library is putting together a special exhibition, due to be opened in September, to commemorate 100 years since the start of the First World War during History Week.
Library staff are looking for any photos or memorabilia from those years that relate to Pittwater residents and the Pittwater area.
Library Manager Cathy Howie said there’s no need to hand over your precious items for good – the staff will simply borrow them (and take great care of your historical items) or copy and return them to you.
So perhaps it’s time to see what historical treasures are tucked away at home – or perhaps people can ask parents and grandparents if they have photos that can be shared with others.
For more information call Sharelle Ravenscroft on 9970 1600.
Enliven Pittwater Artist Residency Teaser Published on 18 May 2014
Artist: Imogen Cranna
A look into the process behind creating the sound installation, 'play' for Enliven Pittwater.
The Artist Residency is taking place at Eramboo Artist Environment and the installation will take place in July this year.
Old Mal Day
See one of Australia's largest collections of old mals and memorabilia on display.
At Bennett Surfboards
180 Harbord Rd, Brookvale, New South Wales, Australia 2100

Consultation on draft POEO (Waste) Regulation 2014 - Have Your Say
The Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2005 (Waste Regulation) contains provisions relating to the waste levy, waste tracking, management requirements for certain waste types, payment schemes for councils, consumer packaging recycling and other miscellaneous provisions.
Following an extensive review of the Waste Regulation, the EPA is proposing a number of amendments to the Waste Regulation and Schedule 1 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997. Some amendments are also proposed for the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2009.
The EPA has released a Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement and draft Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014. The new Waste Regulation will come into force on 1 September 2014. The EPA welcomes your views and encourages you to provide written comments by Friday 6 June 2014.
A summary of the timeframe for the Waste Regulation review process and stakeholder engagement is provided and invisted online submissions HERE
Johnson Brothers Mitre10 - Trade Day 2014
Annual Trade Day with an afternoon of never to be repeated prices, giveaways and more
Thursday, June 26 at 12:00pm - 6:00pm: 51 Bassett Street Mona Vale, NSW, Australia
Pittwater's Delivery Program & Budget Now On Exhibition
Pittwater Council this week voted to place on exhibition Council’s Delivery Program for the coming four years and the upcoming budget, fees and charges for 2014-2015.
The Delivery Program and Budget 2014-2018 will be on exhibition for public comment from 6 May until 2 June, 2014.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the Delivery Program for the next four years aims to deliver improved roads and footpaths, more drainage, improvements to public buildings and other community facilities such as wharves and sportsfields, plus an increased protection for Pittwater’s environment.
“We’re undertaking two significant capital projects over the coming financial year, with the construction of the bridge, road and footpath at MacPherson Street, Warriewood and the upgrade of Palm Beach Wharf,” added Cr Townsend.
General Manager, Mark Ferguson said “Council will also be embarking on an Asset Renewal Program for Council and Community Buildings, including work at Mona Vale Surf Club, and RFS Buildings at Coal & Candle Creek and Lovett Bay.”
Mr Ferguson acknowledged community feedback in relation to the planning process saying many aspects of community’s needs were reflected in the program with a focus on footpath connectivity, enhancing our natural environment, continued customer service and invigoration of our commercial and business centres.
He said pleasingly Council’s budget processes for the period 2014-2018 projected a positive outcome for the coming financial year.
Residents will also have an opportunity to provide final feedback on the Delivery Program and Budget 2014-2018 at a public meeting being held on Tuesday 13 May from 6.30pm at the Coastal Environment Centre, North Narrabeen. To RSVP for the meeting call 9970 1224.
The Delivery Program and Budget 2014-2018 is on exhibition for comment between Tuesday 6 May and Monday 2 June. The documents are available on the Council’s website or at Council offices and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Pittwater's Public Space Strategy on Public Exhibition
Residents are to have their say in how Pittwater’s public space will be managed through Pittwater Council’s Draft Public Space and Recreation Strategy.
The last two years has seen an assessment of every public space in Pittwater – from small parks, nature strips and golf courses, to bushland, bowling clubs, bushwalking trails and other spaces in our village centres.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend is encouraging all residents to take part in the public exhibition.
“We value the feedback from our community so we can discover exactly what people want for our beautiful environment,” said Cr Townsend.
“Many great ideas have surfaced from what is essentially the vision of our residents so the more opinions, suggestions and ideas we gather, the better!”
The draft policy is a result of a review of each piece of public space, as well as consultation with residents, sporting organisations and local community groups. The review sought feedback in relation to what specific needs locals envisage for our future.
The Draft Public Space and Recreation Strategy is on public exhibition from 9 May until 6 June.
“Public input will help shape a final version of the Strategy that will be presented to Council for approval later this year,” said Cr Townsend.
Pittwater residents can view the strategy and have their say by visiting and completing an online form.
They can also send comments via email with ‘Public Space Strategy’ in the subject line. Alternatively, you can write to Council at Public Space Strategy, Pittwater Council, PO Box 882 Mona Vale NSW 1600.
Local Artists Invited to Submit Designs for Mona Vale Cemetery
If you’re an artist looking for a unique opportunity, then Pittwater Council is calling for proposals for a commission opportunity at Mona Vale General Cemetery.
The designs of four artists will be chosen to be rendered into bronze plates, which will adorn four new granite memorial walls at the cemetery.
Council’s Cemetery Officer Nadine Phipps said four new granite memorial walls have recently been installed at the cemetery, catering for the memorialisation and placement of cremated ash remains.
“The exterior of the walls will feature individual plaques for people to honour a loved one with a permanent memorial,” said Ms Phipps.
“We are inviting the local artistic community to help to beautify the wall by submitting drawings for the decorative panels - the idea being to depict a scene from life in the Pittwater area.”
Ms Phipps said there are four identical memorial walls, each comprising three faces with a central panel on each face. The central panels are where the successful artists’ designs will be rendered in bronze.
“Each wall will showcase three of the chosen artist’s designs, which will be selected through an assessment process,” Ms Phipps added.
A payment of $1000 will be paid to each successful artist.
For more information call 9970 1341. For submission guidelines please visit
Submissions close Friday 30 May.

NAVA Grant Writing for Artists

Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 26/5/2014: click on Logo.
To contact Julian:
Bushcare Dates - May to June 2014
Bushcare at Warriewood - The Warriewood bushcare group managed by Pittwater Council needs more volunteers on 4th Wednesday morning of the month – Can you help? Please contact Mary Johnsen at 9999 2020.
Sun May 25
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Win Bay 9-12pm
Wed May 28
W’wood Bch 8-11am
Bushcare Dates June 2014
Sun June 1
Avalon Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Woorarra Ave Planting Day 9-12pm
Mon June 2
Rocky Point 9-12pm
Browns Bay Res 9-12pm
Fri June 6
Norma Park 9-12pm
Sat June 7
Algona Res 9-12pm
Plateau Park 8:30-11:30am
Elizabeth Park 9-12pm
Sun June 8
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
W’wood Wetlands 9-12pm
Fri June 13
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Sat June 14
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Pt 10-1pm
Woodlands Res 9-12pm
Sun June 15
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Elanora Rd 9-12pm
Elanora Bushcare Planting Day 9-12pm
Thu June 19
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat June 21
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun June 22
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Win Bay 9-12pm
Wed June 25
W’wood Beach 8-11am
Sat June 28
Pindari Res 8-11am
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Kywong Res 8:30-11:30am
For further information on bushcare and/or to confirm if your group is working please contact Pittwater Council's Bushcare Officer. Bushcare is a great way to help your local bushland and make new friends! Bushcare Officer: Helena Dewis 9970 1367
Pittwater Council's COOEE Newsletter May - 2014

Gold: Barry Fear (NSW)
Silver: Tyler Ellis (ACT)
Bronze: John Richardson (VIC)
Gold: Jason Mayweather (QLD)
Silver: Lachlan Kavanagh (QLD)
Bronze: Scott Elsworth (NSW)
Gold: Gavin Thorneycroft (VIC)
Silver: Daniel Michel (NSW)
Bronze: Wendy Evans (NSW)
Gold: Jean-Paul La Fontaine (QLD)
Silver: Caleb Crowden (SA)
Bronze: Phil Bates (NSW)
Junior Gold: Aaryan Shah (NSW)
Silver: Max Macourt (QLD)
Bronze: Lochlon Thomas (QLD)
BC1 - Junior
Gold: Mathew Osborne (NSW)
Silver: Joanne Vaz (NSW)
Bronze: Nathan Ford (QLD)
BC3 - Junior
Gold: Lily Kelly (TAS)
Silver: Siobhan Daley (NSW)
Bronze: Brittany Wilson (TAS)
Referee Award for Sportsmanship
Lily Kelly (TAS)
President's Award
Aaryan Shah (NSW)
Damian Caesar Memorial Shield for Best and Fairest
Gavin Thorneycroft (VIC)
State Shield
June 7th: Stall, Pittwater Place, Knitting, craft, Bric-a-brac, books 9am – 3pm
June 14th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm
June 20th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
Knit Woolies for Orphaned Animals
Every day WIRES volunteers are taking orphaned young marsupials youngsters like brushtail possums, swamp wallaby joeys, wombats, gliders, bandicoots, ringtail possums and many others, in their care. But they need a safe, warm environment similar to their mothers pouch, that they would normally be if they weren't in care.
The inner liner is changed frequently often after each feed which can mean up to 6 pouches being needed or just one joey every 24 hours. Many WIRES carers have multiple joeys in care at any given time and the number of pouches used each day can climb very quickly. On average a carer will often have 20-30 pouches in the wash at any given time.
The size of the pouches needed, changes depending on both the age of the joey and the species. In all cases the regular washing required means the life span of each pouch is limited and the need for pouches is ongoing.
You can help, the sewing and knitting required is fairly basic and there is a factsheet available to explain sizes and material requirements. The main requirement is the inner linings must be 100% cotton and the outer knitted pouches must be pure wool. Synthetic materials do not breathe and are not appropriate.
If you'd like to help you can download the fact sheet at
The 21st Blue Mountains Winter Magic FestivalSaturday 21st June 2014
Katoomba, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia.
The Winter Magic Festival is a free, annual community event, celebrated around the Winter solstice in Katoomba in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia.
The Winter Solstice in 2014 is June 21st, 8:51pm AEST.
Winter Magic is the Blue Mountains highest profile and most anticipated annual event. The Blue Mountains is NSW inaugural City of the Arts and Katoomba is the heart of that city. It is the weekend when artists, musicians, dancers, drummers, choirs, stalls and community take over one of Australia's most famous towns.
During the event, the main street of Katoomba is closed to motor traffic and open to pedestrian traffic. This allows the whole town to become a performance space. The streets are lined with market stalls and everybody who attends is encouraged to dress in costume.
Unlike many Festivals run by Chambers of Commerce and Councils, this event is run by community. It has a strong local focus and very wide general appeal. The setting is a town sitting on a narrow ridge and bound north and south by a World Heritage listed National Park.
The festival itself is free, however some activities charge a fee.
New to the festival last year... The Winter Magic Festival brings so many people to Katoomba and we on the committee felt that we also needed to lighten our footprint in the mountains and so, we have created a 3 year sustainability plan.
Check out the sustainability page to see what we're up to...
The theme for 2014 is...... PHOENIX DREAMING
See all details at:
From the pages of the past - The Sofala
The British four masted barque Sofala, 73 days out from Caleta Coloss in ballast, bound to Sydney for orders, was spoken north of Barrenjoey at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon by the ship Craigmore, which reached Sydney last evening. THE SOFALA ON THE COAST. (1907, May 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from
SOFALA - built by Russell & Co Port Glasgow, Yard No 295, Port of Registry: Liverpool. Propulsion: Sail 4 masts. Launched: Monday, 21/03/1892, Built: 1892, Ship Type: Steel 4 Masted Barque. Tonnage: 2301 grt, Length: 277.5 feet, Breadth: 42.0 feet, Draught: 24.5 feet , Owner History: Gilbert M. Steeves & Co, Liverpool, Status: Foundered - 28/09/1911.
O.N. 99399. Built at the Company's Cartside yard at Greenock. 1911 sold to J. Edgar & Co. Liverpool
Foundered 28 September 1911 on voyage Montevideo to Sydney due to a severe leak. Crew saved by the Norwegian barque Ingeborg.
Federal Government Media Releases this week:
Funding for Artists in the Black Legal Advice Program
SNIPPET: I am pleased to announce that the Australian Government will provide $240,000 to ensure the continuation of the Artists in the Black program delivered by the Arts Law Centre of Australia. The Artists in the Black program provides free, culturally appropriate and specialised legal resources and assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, art organisations and communities to protect their artistic and creative practices, their intellectual property and their cultural heritage. I am proud of this Government's commitment to a fair go under the law and I am confident this new funding will ensure these important legal services provided through the Artists in the Black program are available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and their communities.
Applications open for largest-ever investment in long day care professional development
SNIPPET: From today, long day care services across Australia can apply to share in the largest-ever investment in the professional development of their educators. Ms Ley said all long day care services were eligible to apply, with additional support for early childhood teachers, as well as services located in regional, rural and remote communities, to help tackle skills shortages in both areas. This a much fairer and more equitable option than the dodgy Labor union slush fund it replaced as it will benefit all long day care workers, not just a select few.
New icebreaker is a strong boost for Antarctic research and good news for the Tasmanian economy - media release 19 May 2014
SNIPPET: Minister for the Environment. As part of a significant Budget commitment to Antarctic research and operations, the Federal Government is proceeding with the procurement of a new icebreaker to be crewed and based in Hobart. 'Modern, sophisticated research and transport systems are critical to Australia continuing to lead a world-class Antarctic programme into the future and to maintain our position as a leading Antarctic nation.'.
First research paper from KOOKABURRA - ANSTO
SNIPPET: The first research paper from our new KOOKABURRA Ultra-Small-Angle Neutron Scattering instrument has been accepted for publication in American Mineralogist.The work on natural and synthetic sulfide ores, including some from Olympic Dam, was performed as part of KOOKABURRA's commissioning, prior to entering user service.
Sir John Arthur Brabham, AO, OBE | Prime Minister of Australia
SNIPPET: Australia has lost a legend. With his pioneering spirit Sir Jack Brabham personified many great Australian characteristics. Always willing to have a go, Sir Jackwas named Australian of the Year in 1966, a National Treasure in 2012 and was the first driver in history to be knighted for his services to motorsport.
New national ballistics system for police to target firearm crime
SNIPPET: Federal Minister for Justice Michael Keenan today launched law enforcement's new weapon against criminals who use gunsthe Australian Ballistics Information Network (ABIN). New South Wales Minister for Police and Emergency Services Stuart Ayres said firearm related crime in Australia, and particularly in New South Wales required a national law enforcement response. A national ballistic matching system will increase the capability of all Australian police agencies to investigate firearm-related crime.
New book puts spotlight on families, policy and the law - Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)
SNIPPET: The Australian Institute of Family Studies today released a new collection of essays on family policy and the law to inform government, legal professionals, service providers and the community about changes in these areas in recent years. AIFS Director, Professor Alan Hayes said the essays highlight some of the challenges for future directions in policy and the law relating to the protection and wellbeing of children and their families. When it comes to addressing the needs of Australian families, both policy and the law are framed in the context of the realities that change is a constant, difference is the norm and complexity is a simple fact of life, Professor Hayes said.
Spinning the medical webs of the future
SNIPPET: A Macquarie University scientist, Dr Douglas Little, has been awarded the 2014 National Measurement Institute (NMI) Prize for ground-breaking measurement techniques developed to assess the potential of spider webs to be used for in vivo (in body) medical devices. While this sounds a little like science fiction, Dr Little's research opens the potential of using spider silks in future bio-inspired materials, for example as bio-compatible scaffolding' for new skin tissue, Mr Baldwin said. The NMI Prize and the Barry Inglis Medal are awarded annually by Australia's National Measurement Institute (NMI) to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding achievement in measurement research and excellence in practical measurements in Australia.
ACCC releases March 2014 quarterly report | ACCC
SNIPPET: The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has published its March 2014 quarterly report, ACCCount, which highlights some of the agency's key activities in early 2014. The ACCC is gathering information that will provide a benchmark to allow the ACCC to compare prices charged to consumers both before and after the carbon tax is removed, ACCC acting Chairman Dr Michael Schaper said. The ACCC regulatory arm released its final decision on the review of the declaration of the domestic transmission capacity service (DTCS) in March.
Australian Securities and Investments Commission - 14-106MR ASIC updates public comment guide
SNIPPET: Log in / Sign up. ASIC has updated information on the circumstances where it will make a public comment on investigations and enforcement actions. ASIC will also issue a release or advisory on the outcome of these actions.
AFP receives top diversity award - Australian Federal Police
SNIPPET: The Australian Federal Police (AFP) was named the highest-ranking public sector employer in advocating lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) employees at the annual Equity and Diversity Awards. AFP National Manager Human Resources Shane Connelly said the AFP has a strong commitment to increasing the representation and understanding of people from the LGBTI community. The AFP is a foundation member of Pride In Diversity, which is Australia's first and only not-for-profit workplace program designed specifically to assist Australian employers with the inclusion of LGBTI employees.
2013 National Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce Census released |Department of Education
SNIPPET: Tips for searching this site. The 2013 National Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce Census report is now available. More information about the 2013 National Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce Census is available.
Palliative care is everyone’s business – let’s work together
National Palliative Care Week begins today (25-31 May 2014) and the focus this year is to celebrate everyone who works in palliative care and the quality care they provide to people with a life limiting illness, their families and carers.
These people – the nurses, GPs, specialists, allied health professionals, volunteers and family carers– are our unsung heroes, supporting people through one the most difficult moments in their lives with respect, dignity and care.
The aim of palliative care is to improve the quality of life for people living with a life limiting illness, by providing care that recognises their many and individual needs, including physical, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual. Importantly, palliative care also supports the person’s family and carers during their illness and in bereavement.
Palliative care is an issue that will affect all of us at some point in our lives, whether as a patient, carer, family member, neighbour or friend. To ensure that we all have quality care at the end of life, and are able to live and die well, we all need to take responsibility for making this happen.
During National Palliative Care Week, we’re asking everyone in the community to work together to ensure everyone who needs it receives the best possible palliative care. One way to do this is by having a conversation with your loved ones about how we would like to spend the end of our lives.
Professor Patsy Yates, President of Palliative Care Australia, said ‘We encourage everyone to think about the care we would want to receive towards the end of life and to have conversations with those closest to us about these preferences. Decisions such as where we would like to be, the type of care we want, who we would like to see and who can make decisions on our behalf if we’re unable to do so.
Palliative Care Australia is asking people to share their palliative care stories during National Palliative Care Week. Whether you are a health professional, volunteer, carer, or receiving palliative care, share your stories online using #YODO and #NPCW14.
Further information on National Palliative Care Week is available
Sale online HERE
Take advantage of the 3,500 extra public transport services that will be operating. Major roads in the CBD, Circular Quay, The Rocks and Walsh Bay will be closed from 7pm until midnight on Friday 23 May, and from 5pm until midnight on Saturday 24 May and Sunday 25 May, including parts of George Street, Macquarie Street, Alfred Street, Harrington Street, Argyle Street and Hickson Road.
George Street will be closed between Essex Street and Lower Fort Street on Friday and Sunday nights, and between Market Street and Lower Fort Street on Saturday night. Parking restrictions will also be in place between 3pm and midnight on all three nights. Vehicles left in these special event clearways will be towed and a fee applies.
Travelling by train and bus are the best option as there will be plenty of services running and ferries are expected to fill up quickly. Anyone who plans to catch the ferry should make sure they have a back-up option in case services are full.
There will also be extra buses on key corridors in and out of the city. On all three nights, additional bus services will be leaving the CBD between 8:30pm and midnight. Also on Saturday and Sunday nights, extra services into the city start running from 3:30pm.
Plan your trip at, or download a train or bus app from the App Store or Google Play, or call 131500.
Also keep up-to-date with important announcements and the latest information during the event by following the @VividSydney Twitter account.
Middle Head Heritage Festival On TodayNSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
Heritage Festival Open Day is on this Sunday 25 May 2014 at Middle Head, Sydney Harbour National Park with tours, music and entertainment between 10am and 2pm.
The Open Day will showcase the extensive five year restoration project which has been carried out at Middle Head, a nationally significant historic site which once formed part of Sydney Harbour's defences. Take part in one of the free guided tours and learn about the history of the tunnels and fortifications, some of which have been closed since the 1960’s.
There will be free WilderQuest events for the kids, including Bush Explorer activities; Build-a-Bag, an interactive bag stamping activity, or kids can grab an ipads and navigate the award winning WilderQuest App to explore the sights and sounds of our natural landscapes and ecosystems.
Families will be entertained by The Great Big Storybook, a colourful comedy show based on a famous Aboriginal legend Tiddalik the Frog and there will be guided tours where you can learn about Bush Tucker.
The Foundation for National Parks will be hosting a gold coin donation sausage sizzle, so roll out your picnic rug, be entertained by music from the Outback Bush Band, enjoy the cultural performances of Tribal Warrior and soak up the amazing sweeping views of the beautiful Sydney Harbour.
Tours, music and entertainment will operate between 10am and 2pm on the day so come along and join us in celebrating our rich cultural heritage.
See: HeritageFestival
Photo: Outer Middle head fort in Mosman, New South Wales. Remains of mounting for leftside gun of two RML 10 inch 25 ton guns by Adam.J.W.C
Prize Winner of 2013-14 Pittwater Ocean Series Graham Fairburn
The winner of Pittwater Ocean Series prize was Graham Fairburn who won a trip for two to Byron Bay to compete in the Byron Bay ocean swim. He took his father with him. They stayed at the Bay Royal Apartments in Byron Bay and the air travel was provided by Travel View Avalon.
The Pittwater Ocean Swim Series includes the Bilgola, Newport, Avalon, Mona Vale and Whale Beach clubs. We had the generous support of Pittwater Council which contributed $5,000 towards the series.
It has been decided at a recent meeting to hold the Pittwater Ocean Swim Series again next season. Swimmers only have to compete in three of the five swims to go in the draw for the Byron Bay prize.
The ocean swims are major fund raisers for each club and funds go towards essential life saving equipment. The Series attracts swimmers from all parts of the metropolitan area as well as interstate and overseas promoting the Pittwater region.
Grham's comment
"Big thank you for the terrific weekend- we had a fantastic time, the accommodation was just superb and the swim was lots of fun"
Northern Sydney Area Tenants' Service
We are a new service of Marrickville Legal Centre and funded by NSW Fair Trading. We provide free tenant advice, assistance, and advocacy to private and social housing residents in the local government areas of Hornsby, Hunters Hill, Ku-ring-gai, Lane Cove, Manly, Mosman, North Sydney, Pittwater, Ryde, Warringah, and Willoughby.
Northern Sydney Area Tenants Service
Suite 501A Level 5 282 Victoria Ave Chatswood 2067
tel: 8198 8650 fax: 8198 8666
Doggy Do's and Don'ts with Steve Austin
Is your dog a scally-wag? Does he run away from you when you call his name, or repeatedly get his head stuck in the kitchen rubbish bin? Or perhaps he is a bully to other dogs? If your pooch needs a ‘talking to’, then it’s time to meet dog trainer extraordinaire Steve Austin.
Pittwater Council has engaged elite dog trainer Steve Austin to help with your issues. Steve will be available Sunday 22 June for a FREE session at Rowland Reserve from 9am-12. It’ll be a fun and informative morning where he can answer all your doggy-related questions; particularly when it comes to obedience.
Steve realised at the age of 13 he had a special way with dogs as he trained his dog Sooty to entertain crowds outside the pub.
These days Steve is often invited to lecture and help at zoos around the world. He’s also a regular at American Law Enforcement Agencies and was asked to train dogs in bomb detection at the Mount Everest Kennel Club in Kathmandu. Steve also trained the first ever truffle detector dogs.
Most recently Steve was chosen to head the NSW Emergency Volunteer Canine Fire and Rescue Unit. This unit - the first of its kind in Australia will be deployed to help with recovery efforts during tsunamis, earthquakes, fires and floods.
The main focus of the session will be on dog training, dog park etiquette, obedience and social skills. No bookings required, just turn up with your four-legged friends and let the fun begin!
For more
Old Netball Bibs needed – C/- Manly Warringah Netball Association
We have had a request from an ex Manly player originally from Fiji for any old playing bibs for teams in Fiji.
They have teams in impoverished areas coming off the court and swapping bibs with the next team going on to play.
They need bibs not patches. Does anyone have any old sets, even some they’ve made themselves?
Please email
Pittwater Golf Centre by Pittwater Golf Centre - Published on 20 May 2014
Pittwater Golf Centre has something for the WHOLE family! Whether you want to practise your swing, have a lesson with one of our golf pros, browse our golf pro shop, enjoy some mini golf fun or just soak up the sunshine with a cup of coffee - we have it ALL!

Winter Time House Fires- c/- Fire and Rescue NSW
A reminder that a large amount of house fires occur during Winter and this season, just as we prepare our properties against Bushfires in Summer, requires a Home Fire Safety Audit.
Yesterday, as part of Open Day 2014, Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons joined Commissioner Greg Mullins and Minister Jillian Skinner at FRNSW Crows Nest Station for the 2014 Winter Fire Safety Launch. With the majority of home fires occurring over winter, and nearly half in the kitchen, everyone needs working smoke alarms, to undertake a home safety audit, take precautions and have an escape plan. Home fires aren't just in the cities, they happen right across the state and in many rural areas help can be some time away.
During winter, firefighters will respond to around 102 house in NSW each week. Don't leave your fire safety to chance this winter - visit and make your home fire safety checklist today. Click on this link for more details – the key topics are listed below:
Home fire safety audit
The Home Fire Safety Audit is an easy-to-use online self-assessment tool that allow members of NSW community to assess home fire awareness and identify fire risks throughout the home.
Winter fire safety checklist
Statistics reveal that almost half of all home fires are started in the kitchen and 43% of all fire fatalities occur in winter. We recommend this simple safety checklist to help keep homes fire safe this winter.
Kitchen and appliance fire safety
Every year cooking appliances and equipment, including microwave ovens, are involved in causing many house fires. Learn how to be safe in the kitchen and with appliances.
Wheat filled heat packs (wheat bags or wheat packs)
Wheat bags can help pain, but they also have the potential to cause burns and fire if improperly used.
Portable outdoor gas heaters
Portable outdoor gas heaters are known to cause fires if they are incorrectly stored, not properly maintained and placed too close to awnings or other combustible materials.
Picture: FRNSW Commissioner Greg Mullins and NSW Rural Fire Service Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons with Minister Jillian Skinner launched the annual winter fire safety campaign.

Southern Cross Wildlife Care Fundraiser
Fund Raising Auction at Joan Pearson's place, 4pm, 28 June. 3 course meal plus drinks with a presentation by Dr Ralph on wildlife treatment. SCWC merchandise will also be on sale. Come along and meet other friendly folk and learn something new. Cost is $75.00 each, booking essential. Call Joan on 9960 2229
Last Paradise Sydney Launch next week!
"Last Paradise" is the untold story of extreme sports innovation from its comical beginnings to the cutting edge of what it is today. In 45 years of stunning original footage we join the original pioneers as they discover paradises which have long since gone. But through the same story we discover a science to recreate it."
Sydney Dates:
26th May - Collaroy
29th May - Avalon
1st June - Avoca
2nd June - Cremorne Orpheum - Hosted by Barton Lynch
4th June - Randwick Ritz
Get your tix here:

New Equipment for SLS Central CoastC/- Surf Life Saving NSW
Surf Life Saving Central Coast has received over $100,000 through the Community Building Partnership Program to go towards vital surf life saving equipment.
Read the full story here:
Photo: The new rescue assets being officially christened by the new Minister for the Central Coast - Rob Stokes, Chris Holstein MP, SLSCC CEO Chris Parker, SLSCC President Stuart Harvey, SLSCC Director of Lifesaving Brett Beswick & SLSCC Director Peter James

Deep Creek Riparian Ecosystem Catchment Project
Pittwater Council has been successful in securing grant funding for the Deep Creek Riparian Ecosystem Catchment Project. The grant funding is from Greater Sydney Local Land Services and will support bush regeneration, habitat creation and riparian restoration within Deep Creek, Bilarong Reserve and the Elanora Bushcare site. The project is funded for a 12 month period, and will link with Council bush regeneration maintenance and hazard reduction work already being undertaken at the site. The project aims to reduce threats to biodiversity and enhance the condition, connectivity and resilience of habitats and landscapes.
Part of the project is to increase community awareness of environmental issues and management strategies to protect and care for this significant coastal area. Council will be undertaking community event days with planting at various locations within the project site, including the Elanora Road Bushcare site.
Council will also hold native plant giveaways for local residents to encourage the planting of locally native species on private properties. Please join us at any of these project events to help preserve and protect the Deep Creek Catchment! For more information please contact the Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367 or email
Project Events
Woorarra Avenue Planting Day
When: Sunday 1 June, 9am to 12pm. Where: Meet at Woorarra Avenue opposite Allawah Avenue, Elanora Heights
Elanora Road Planting Day
When: Sunday 15 June, 9am to 12pm Where: Meet adjacent the driveway of 15 Elanora Road, Elanora Heights

Kenya Care Wear Update
KCW hosted an Entrepreneurship seminar in Mathare slum this week for two days. Leslie Mosher from Uganda provided valuable life skills in creative thinking, problem solving and identifying business opportunities. We all came away with ideas for new business from the resources already around us. What a blessing.
Find out more about Kenya Care Wear

Pet of the Week
To meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or Visit to see all our dogs.
Discovering ANZACS
Want to be in a Star Trek Movie?
Star Wars: Force for Change is a brand new initiative Disney and Abram's production company Bad Robot is doing in partnership with UNICEF and their program, UNICEF Inonvation Labs and Programs.
People who donate $10 or more to this new initiative will be entered into a random drawing for a chance to win a role in Star Wars: Episode VII. The winner will be flown to London's Pinewood Studios where the majority of the film be shot, and be guaranteed inclusion in a scene of the new film.
Other incentives to donate to Star Wars: Force for Change include t-shirts, posters, film art, and accessories. For a higher-level donation, fans could even secure an advance screening of the film in the donator's hometown. The window for donations to enter into this contest closes on July 18 at 11:59 p.m. PT.
NSW Rural Fire Service - Ausgrid NSW RFS Volunteers - Part Of Our Community - Photo Competition Winners
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Ausgrid NSW RFS Volunteers - Part Of Our Community photo competition.
The winners are:
- James Manning, Arcadia brigade, winner of the People’s Choice Award
- Grant Beck, Grose Vale/Hawkesbury RAFT, winner of the NSW RFS Members category
- Jeff Walsh, winner of the Community category.
James Manning's photograph of volunteer firefighter Mel Byrne was a clear favourite amongst the People's Choice voters.
Thank you to everyone who entered and voted in the competition.

May 11 - 17, 2014: Issue 162
Articles This Week
Beneteau Cup 2014 Pittwater Winning Families by Lisa Ratcliff
Doug Menzies of Newport SLSC Elected SNB Branch President
Palm Beach Mermaids in 30th Variety The Children’s Charity Bash 2014 – Brisbane to Busby’s Bore - the ladies have their 2014 Raffle organised - from Beryl, Elyse and Viktorija
Reflections by George Repin: DID YOU LISTEN? DID YOU ASK?
Powerful and Precious by Lynleigh Grieg
Newport Surf Racing Academy Supports Wheelchair Event
Mona Vale Training Grounds - From Lancers on Horses to Lasses on Transport Courses - The Avalon Tattoo, the only annual Tattoo in NSW, will bring the best of school bands and Pipe Bands to Dunbar Park on Saturday June 14th, 2014 in an event for our younger people and those who love great music - this year it is the turn of Army for the Right of Entry and theirs is the key theme - as in years past, we run a few insights into local Army connections over the next four weeks, opening with a rest place built by community for the youngsters and wives of A.I.F. soldiers in 1918
Aquatics: Port Jackson Pleasure Fleets - Parts 1 and 2; Ancient and Modern - by Lanyard - 1907 - during our investigations of wonderful old vessels we came across this 12 part series by a regular visitor to Pittwater which ran from October through to December of 1907 - this is not the only articles published 'by Lanyard' - and these we shall get to too - for now - revel in the 'gone to sea' history of yesteryear!
Pictures: Peninsula Catholic Primary Schools Cross Country Carnival by Joanne Seve - students qualify to represent the Peninsula at the Broken Bay Cross Country Championships
Pittwater Artist Trails Year Round Open Studios: The Pittwater Artists Trail hold two open weekends throughout the year – in May and in October this year, the first of these popular weekends running this May 17-18. Throughout the year some of the artists on the Trail have Open Studio Days as well as taking part in the Trail Weekends - a little on each of these creators, their mediums and their open days
Artist of the Month: May 2014 - Vicki Ratcliff - Mona Vale lady with a keen focus on translating the natural world working in oils and watercolours - May is the first of two open weekends held by creators in many mediums on the Pittwater Artists Trail - this month we feature one brilliant local painter as inspiration to visit their Open Studios on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th
Profile of the Week: May 2014 - Pittwater Gentlemen - Tony Edwards - a long connection with Bayview, long summers in Palm Beach while creating Captain Goodvibes, this thinking man's cartoonist is also a wonderful artist with current workings focusing on Broken Bay!
History: May 2014 - Pittwater Communications how did our mails arrive - how did the telegraph and then telephone system come about - what routes on what roads were run by our early coach drivers and ferry captains - we explore the origination of communication in Pittwater - This week: From Telegraphs to Telephones - For All Ships at Sea and Those On Land
NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK Monday May 12th to Sunday 18th
2014 marks 25 years of National Volunteer Week. A week when we take time to celebrate the volunteers who empower and support resilient communities through their work.
Thank you to all the volunteers who work in support of families, Indigenous communities, young people, aged people, veterans and service people, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Thank you to the volunteers who make all our recreational and sporting activities possible, who keep our beaches and their visitors safe. Thank you to all the volunteers who protect life and property during bushfires and those who come to our aid during storm events.
Thank you to all the volunteers who aren’t even seen, who give their time, their energy, their selves to care for our native animals, who work at making our schools better as members of Parents Committees, toil in bushcare to help restore a truer green, and thanks to all those who are chauffeurs that help fulfill other’s dreams.
For more information go to
The NSW Volunteer of the Year Award 2014
Please put these dates in your calendar:
Nominations Open Monday, 12 May 2014
Individual Volunteer Nominations Close Sunday, 31 August 2014
Team Nominations Close Sunday, 31 August 2014
Corporate and Excellence in Volunteer Management Nominations Close Friday, 31 October 2014
Regional Award Ceremonies: September – October 2014
State Award Ceremony: Friday, 5 December 2013
Sydney North - Pittwater
The Award recognises Youth, Student, Adult and Senior volunteers, volunteer teams, corporate volunteers, corporate volunteer teams and not-for-profit organisations.
The four major categories of award are:
Student – Full-time students in Primary, Secondary, Vocational or Tertiary study
Youth- 24 years and under
Adult – 25 to 64 years
Senior – 65 years +
The winners of each of these categories will be eligible for the award of Volunteer of the Year in their region and will go on to the State finals in their category.
This award recognises the work of a number of volunteers who have worked together on a particular project or program for NFPs, community groups, and other entities that engage volunteers in a safe and legal manner such as schools. To be eligible to be nominated for this award, team members must work together on a common project (not a group of individuals working for an organisation). In 2014 the Team Award will be awarded at both State and Regional levels.
This award is open to volunteers who are sponsored by their employers and are released from employment to carry out volunteer activities. Nominations for this award will relate to volunteers who carried out their volunteering as part of an employee or corporate volunteering program. This is awarded at a State level only.
This award is open to a group of volunteers who have worked together on a particular project or program and are sponsored by their employers and are released from employment to carry out volunteer activities. Nominations for this award will relate to a volunteer team that has carried out their volunteering as part of an employee or corporate volunteering program. This is awarded at a State level only.
This award is open to not-for-profit organisations in NSW who have demonstrated excellence in Volunteer Management. The Award aims to highlight a sometimes under-acknowledged, but vitally important aspect of volunteering. This is awarded at a State level only.
Nominate here:
GETTING A BIG WAVE - By SURFINGVISIONS [swell chasers] - Published on May 7, 2014
Nathan Bartlett's BOMB - shot somewhere on the coast of NSW - Australia.
Filmer: Tim Bonython - Sony F5 & FS700 - May 5th 2014
Microsoft warns of vulnerability being targeted in Internet Explorer: SSO Alert Priority High
Security Update for Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP (KB2964358) at:
Microsoft issued a security advisory this week warning about a critical vulnerability affecting all versions of Internet Explorer.The vulnerability is known to be targeted by cyber criminals. You should take action to ensure you will not be affected.
The vulnerability could be exploited if an attacker can gain access to your computer, or if you visit a malicious website using one of the affected versions of Internet Explorer.
Update: Microsoft releases update for critical Internet Explorer vulnerability:SSO Alert Priority High - 02 May 2014
Microsoft has released a security patch for all versions of Internet Explorer, fixing a critical vulnerability highlighted earlier this week. The vulnerability is known to be targeted by cyber criminals. If you use Internet Explorer, you should ensure you have applied this update as soon as possible.
Most Internet Explorer users should receive the update automatically. You can check this by going to Tools > About Internet Explorer, and selecting the ‘Install new versions automatically’ check box.
The vulnerability could be exploited if an attacker can gain access to your computer, or if you visit a malicious website using one of the affected versions of Internet Explorer.
It is also worthwhile considering installing more than one internet browser on your computer. If a vulnerability is identified in one browser, you then have the option to use another temporarily.
A more simple alternative solution is to download and install a different browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox until this issue is resolved.
In a surprising reversal of policy, Microsoft has decided to issue a patch for Windows XP-based users of their Internet Explorer Web browser, Reuters reports. The flaw was slated to go un-patched for Windows XP, which would have left the versions of Internet Explorer that are compatible with the dated OS vulnerable to the flaw. This would have amounted to and affected almost half of Internet users worldwide. Microsoft reportedly stated as recently as Wednesday that the bug would be left untreated for XP. We include a direct link to this download above for your use and recommend you do so immediately and please let your friends who still use these programs know as well.
“We decided to fix it, fix it fast, and fix it for all our customers,” Microsoft spokeswoman Adrienne Hall said in a statement.
This comes after Windows XP users were warned by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to stop using Internet Explorer because of the threat posed by the vulnerability. The DHS recommended using alternative Web browsers instead, like Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.
Microsoft described the security hole as “a remote code execution vulnerability” which “could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code in the context of the current user within Internet Explorer.” Internet security firm FireEye stated today in an official blog post that hackers were using the flaw to target government, energy, defense, and financial industries. However, attacks on the latter two sectors had already been observed by FireEye.
The zero-day bug threatened Internet Explorer versions 6 through 11, though workarounds have been available for Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11. However, those versions of the browser aren’t compatible with Windows XP. The last version of Internet Explorer that was compatible with Windows XP was IE 8, according to Microsoft’s IE system requirements pages. IE 8′s “lifecycle start date” was June 17, 2009.
Microsoft ceased supporting Windows XP on April 8.However, should additional threats like this emerge, we hope to see Microsoft take similar steps to protect Windows XP users from such dangers until they choose to update their Programs.
RFS Photo Comp.
What do NSW Rural Fire Service volunteers mean for your community? The NSW RFS and Ausgrid are pleased to announce a community photo competition which aims to visually showcase the work of our volunteers.
The competition theme is “NSW RFS Volunteers – part of our community”.
Your picture could show volunteers fighting fires, like this photo of the Howes Swamp Fire at Putty Road, taken by Ku-ring-gai brigade member Anthony Macvean last October. It could be an image of crews conducting community education sessions or taking part in other local events.
There are three categories – NSW RFS Members, Community and People’s Choice Award, with prizes for each provided by Ausgrid.
The winners of the NSW RFS Members and Community awardswill be announced during National Volunteer Week, starting 12 May. Other short listed entries will be featured on the NSW RFS Facebook page.
Photos should feature at least one NSW RFS volunteer.Entries close 12 May, 2014.
Full details about the competition and prizes are available on theNSW RFS website.

Owen Ravenscroft’s Sink or Swim Highly Commended
Avalon gentleman Owen Ravenscroft’s novel, 'Sink or Swim', was 'Highly Commended' in the April 2014 announced 2013 FAW National Literary Awards Christina Stead Prize for Fiction.
Owen told us during the week he is “Thrilled to be runner up to Hannah Kent's 'Burial Rites'!”
Owen was one of our Summer 2014 Profiles and we have read the book and enjoyed it immensely – highly recommended! – see more here.
Black Swan Bodysurfing at Dee Why Beach – by Australian Museum Published on 5 May 2014
A Black Swan (Cygnus atratus) body surfing at Dee Why Beach, Sydney, Australia, in April 2014. Video taken by Dr Penny Berents, Senior Fellow at the Australian Museum.
More information HERE:
Club Palm Beach (Palm Beach RSL) – Drop Off Old Mobile phones Please
Sarah-Jayne is a year 11 student at Barrenjoey high, and as part of her biology assignment, has been given the opportunity to meet Jane Goodall at Taronga Zoo in May this year. BUT to be a part of this experience, she has to collect old mobile phones that will be recycled, helping to save the gorillas environment by stopping mining for Coltan, a metallic ore used in mobile phones.
Help Sarah Jayne and this amazing cause by dropping your old, unwanted mobile phones into the club.
Thank you for your help.
Deep Creek Riparian Ecosystem Catchment Project
Pittwater Council has been successful in securing grant funding for the Deep Creek Riparian Ecosystem Catchment Project. The grant funding is from Greater Sydney Local Land Services and will support bush regeneration, habitat creation and riparian restoration within Deep Creek, Bilarong Reserve and the Elanora Bushcare site. The project is funded for a 12 month period, and will link with Council bush regeneration maintenance and hazard reduction work already being undertaken at the site. The project aims to reduce threats to biodiversity and enhance the condition, connectivity and resilience of habitats and landscapes.
Part of the project is to increase community awareness of environmental issues and management strategies to protect and care for this significant coastal area. Council will be undertaking community event days with planting at various locations within the project site, including the Elanora Road Bushcare site.
Council will also hold native plant giveaways for local residents to encourage the planting of locally native species on private properties. Please join us at any of these project events to help preserve and protect the Deep Creek Catchment! For more information please contact the Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367 or email
Project Events
Free Native Plants for Elanora Residents
When: Saturday 24 May, 10am to 1pm. Where: Elanora Road Shopping Village (opposite IGA), Kalang Road, Elanora Heights
Woorarra Avenue Planting Day
When: Sunday 1 June, 9am to 12pm. Where: Meet at Woorarra Avenue opposite Allawah Avenue, Elanora Heights
Elanora Road Planting Day
When: Sunday 15 June, 9am to 12pm Where: Meet adjacent the driveway of 15 Elanora Road, Elanora Heights
Emissions Reduction Fund draft legislation released- Media release, 9 May 2014 - The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for the Environment
The Australian Government is a step closer to replacing the destructive carbon tax with an effective, practical and simple approach to reduce emissions, with the release today of draft legislation to implement the Emissions Reduction Fund.
The Emissions Reduction Fund is the centrepiece of the Coalition Government's Direct Action Plan to reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions by five per cent below 2000 levels by 2020. It builds on the Carbon Farming Initiative, with expanded coverage and streamlined processes to promote economy-wide participation.
The Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Amendment Bill 2014 will expand the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 and, along with minor consequential amendments to other related Acts, will allow crediting of emissions reductions across the Australian economy.
The Bill will enable the Clean Energy Regulator to conduct competitive auctions, and to enter into contracts to purchase emissions reductions from successful bidders at lowest cost. It also includes arrangements to transition projects and methods from the Carbon Farming Initiative into the Emissions Reduction Fund.
The Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) will provide real incentives for emissions reduction opportunities, through a market mechanism to achieve abatement at the lowest cost.
The carbon tax was a $7.6 billion hit on the Australia economy in its first year of operation, yet there was no meaningful reduction in emissions. The carbon tax truly is a policy failure.
Every day the carbon tax remains in place means higher power bills for families, more jobs at risk and more damage to Australia's international competitiveness.
Australians voted for the removal of the carbon tax and for the implementation of a climate change policy that actually reduces emissions. Through the ERF, we will achieve our emissions reduction target without a tax on families and small business.
The release of the draft legislation follows an extensive consultation period, including the release of the Green and White Papers on the Emissions Reduction Fund. The Government is continuing to consult closely with business and the community and is now calling for public submissions on the draft legislation. Further information is available at
The Government expects to introduce the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Amendment Bill 2014 into the Parliament in the Winter Sittings.
Remember These Numbers – C/- Australian Federal Police
If there's something strange in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call? No, not them... call the police!
000 "Triple Zero" in an emergency (or 112 from a mobile phone).
131 444 to request non-urgent police assistance - 1800 333 000 (Crime Stoppers) to provide information about a crime.
131 AFP (131 237) for assistance or to report suspicious activity at an airport.

National Library of Australia - The quest for slang
We are looking to compile a list of Australian slang phrases still in use today and would like your help! We have some examples but would love if you would contribute ones you know here:
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 12/4/2014: click on Logo.
To contact Julian:

Sydney Film Festival 2014
Joined by Lord Mayor Clover Moore, the fantastic Sydney Film Festival announced their 2014 program this week.! Find out more:

National Trust Heritage Festival
Migration, immigration, travel stories, cultural studies, Journeys can be interpreted in all different ways. The Theme of this year’s National Trust Heritage Festival is “Journeys” – a celebration of our passage from various points of origin to the Australia of today.
Events on the Northern Beaches include:
Join Northern Beaches Creative Leisure & Learning as we access various modes of transport for a fun day, travelling from the northern beaches. After a journey by bus, ferry, train & light rail, we will then walk around Pyrmont Bay, Darling Harbour & Walsh Bay. Along the way, we will view the Welcome Wall which stands in honour of all those who have migrated from countries around the world to live in Australia. Another highlight will be the Walsh Bay Sculpture Walk.
Date: Monday 26th May.
Cost: $10. Bookings essential. Phone 9913 1474
Join Pittwater Community Arts for a fun evening of song, verse, photography, film and historic footage as we take a light-hearted look at transport around Pittwater. From the explorations of Governor Philip in the early days of the colony to the present day, the fascinating history of Pittwater is revealed in the stories of its people, places & pastimes. Listen to stories about the journeys made by people who have made Pittwater their home and hear from some who provide a means of transport around Pittwater.
Venue: Loquat Valley School, 1977 Pittwater Rd. Bayview.
Date: Saturday 31st May, 7pm for 7.30pm
Cost: $10. Bookings essential. Phone 9913 1474

2014 Blues Hogs for Homeless Raffle
In 2012, rugby league legend and NSW Blues warrior Brad Fittler said that as a father it made him feel sick to his core that there were nearly 4000 homeless children under the age of 12 in the state of his origin, the state that he loves so much, the state that he has shed blood for; NSW.
This prompted ‘Freddy’ to contact Father Chris Riley and his ‘Youth off the Streets’ team to say that he wanted to create a fundraising event to help such a worthwhile organisation.
Drawn at the announcement of the VB NSW Blues Team, Tuesday May 20, 2014.
See more at HERE
Pittwater's Delivery Program & Budget Now On Exhibition
Pittwater Council this week voted to place on exhibition Council’s Delivery Program for the coming four years and the upcoming budget, fees and charges for 2014-2015.
The Delivery Program and Budget 2014-2018 will be on exhibition for public comment from 6 May until 2 June, 2014.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the Delivery Program for the next four years aims to deliver improved roads and footpaths, more drainage, improvements to public buildings and other community facilities such as wharves and sportsfields, plus an increased protection for Pittwater’s environment.
“We’re undertaking two significant capital projects over the coming financial year, with the construction of the bridge, road and footpath at MacPherson Street, Warriewood and the upgrade of Palm Beach Wharf,” added Cr Townsend.
General Manager, Mark Ferguson said “Council will also be embarking on an Asset Renewal Program for Council and Community Buildings, including work at Mona Vale Surf Club, and RFS Buildings at Coal & Candle Creek and Lovett Bay.”
Mr Ferguson acknowledged community feedback in relation to the planning process saying many aspects of community’s needs were reflected in the program with a focus on footpath connectivity, enhancing our natural environment, continued customer service and invigoration of our commercial and business centres.
He said pleasingly Council’s budget processes for the period 2014-2018 projected a positive outcome for the coming financial year.
Residents will also have an opportunity to provide final feedback on the Delivery Program and Budget 2014-2018 at a public meeting being held on Tuesday 13 May from 6.30pm at the Coastal Environment Centre, North Narrabeen. To RSVP for the meeting call 9970 1224.
The Delivery Program and Budget 2014-2018 is on exhibition for comment between Tuesday 6 May and Monday 2 June. The documents are available on the Council’s website or at Council offices and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Pittwater Finalist in Arts & Culture Awards
Pittwater Council is a finalist in two categories of the Local Government Arts & Culture Awards.
The Enliven Pittwater project is a finalist in the ‘Places for Arts and Culture’ category of the awards, while Pittwater’s Arts paper has been shortlisted in the ‘Leading Arts and Culture’ category.
Council’s Place Management Manager Melinda Hewitt said she was pleased that the Enliven Pittwater project had been shortlisted.
“Enliven Pittwater was developed as a partnership between business leaders, Council and community members to strengthen the social, cultural and economic dynamic within Pittwater’s town and village centres,” she said.
“As part of the project we have been supporting business through a series of seminars; building cultural vitality by trialling art in public places; and enhancing our villages with a mix of fun events.”
“A key aspect of the project has also been the launch of an Enliven Pittwater App, which showcases businesses, events, specials and Pittwater experiences.“
“We are also pleased that our Arts Paper which forms part of Pittwater’s Social Plan has been recognised.
“The document was developed through extensive consultation with the arts community and local residents, giving us a clearer perspective of the local arts scene including an understanding of audiences and creative professionals,” added Ms Hewitt.
The winners will be announced at NSW Parliament House on 27 May 2014.
Pittwater's Public Space Strategy on Public Exhibition
Residents are to have their say in how Pittwater’s public space will be managed through Pittwater Council’s Draft Public Space and Recreation Strategy.
The last two years has seen an assessment of every public space in Pittwater – from small parks, nature strips and golf courses, to bushland, bowling clubs, bushwalking trails and other spaces in our village centres.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend is encouraging all residents to take part in the public exhibition.
“We value the feedback from our community so we can discover exactly what people want for our beautiful environment,” said Cr Townsend.
“Many great ideas have surfaced from what is essentially the vision of our residents so the more opinions, suggestions and ideas we gather, the better!”
The draft policy is a result of a review of each piece of public space, as well as consultation with residents, sporting organisations and local community groups. The review sought feedback in relation to what specific needs locals envisage for our future.
The Draft Public Space and Recreation Strategy is on public exhibition from 9 May until 6 June.
“Public input will help shape a final version of the Strategy that will be presented to Council for approval later this year,” said Cr Townsend.
Pittwater residents can view the strategy and have their say by visiting and completing an online form.
They can also send comments via email with ‘Public Space Strategy’ in the subject line. Alternatively, you can write to Council at Public Space Strategy, Pittwater Council, PO Box 882 Mona Vale NSW 1600.
Pedestrian Safety Top Priority in Avalon
It’s no secret that the parking situation in the centre of Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon, is quite dangerous for pedestrians due to motorists parking in the middle of the busy road.
Pittwater Council has addressed the situation by improving line markings and placing new signs on Old Barrenjoey Road, to highlight the fact parking is not permitted in the area.
But now further action is needed as Inspector Phil Brooks from the Traffic & Highway Patrol want residents to be reminded of these major points:
• NO parking is permitted in the centre of Old Barrenjoey Road.
• Vehicles parked in the centre of the road can block the line of sight for drivers and they may not see pedestrians crossing the road.
• Visitors to Avalon can park in the following areas –Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Parade, Woolworths car park, and the Avalon RSL and Bowling Green Lane car park.
• Vehicles must park in accordance with the Australian Road Rules and parking signage.
"Traffic and Highway Patrol Officers along with local Police & Council rangers will continue to enforce parking compliance for the benefit of road safety for motorists, cyclists, motorcycle riders, and pedestrians alike," said Inspector Brooks.
This initiative comes on the back of 'Fatality Free Friday', a month of road safety activities in the hope that Friday May 30 is Fatality Free across Australia.
“We’re hopeful that both residents and visitors to Avalon will abide by the rules as they recognise the fact that the entire community will benefit with pedestrian safety,” said Michelle Carter, Pittwater Council Road Safety Officer.
“Knowing that Avalon is a safe pedestrian environment will work towards encouraging more visitors to Avalon’s lively shopping precinct – so it’s a win-win situation with pedestrians and businesses all gaining an advantageous position.”
For more information on road safety issues
Local Artists Invited to Submit Designs for Mona Vale Cemetery
If you’re an artist looking for a unique opportunity, then Pittwater Council is calling for proposals for a commission opportunity at Mona Vale General Cemetery.
The designs of four artists will be chosen to be rendered into bronze plates, which will adorn four new granite memorial walls at the cemetery.
Council’s Cemetery Officer Nadine Phipps said four new granite memorial walls have recently been installed at the cemetery, catering for the memorialisation and placement of cremated ash remains.
“The exterior of the walls will feature individual plaques for people to honour a loved one with a permanent memorial,” said Ms Phipps.
“We are inviting the local artistic community to help to beautify the wall by submitting drawings for the decorative panels - the idea being to depict a scene from life in the Pittwater area.”
Ms Phipps said there are four identical memorial walls, each comprising three faces with a central panel on each face. The central panels are where the successful artists’ designs will be rendered in bronze.
“Each wall will showcase three of the chosen artist’s designs, which will be selected through an assessment process,” Ms Phipps added.
A payment of $1000 will be paid to each successful artist.
For more information call 9970 1341. For submission guidelines please visit
Submissions close Friday 30 May.
Get a Gong for going Green
Pittwater and Warringah Councils are urging local businesses to show off their green credentials in the Sustainability category of the 2014 Northern Beaches Local Business Awards.
The Award, sponsored by both Councils, aims to raise the profile of sustainable business practices on the northern beaches and promote businesses that help make our area more liveable and healthy.
Any business can improve its sustainability with simple measures,” said Regional Economic Development Coordinator, Paul William-Smith. “It could be anything from recycling more waste to lending bicycles to staff,” he said.
Businesses nominating for the Sustainability Award need to demonstrate the integration of sustainability practices to business planning, operations and marketing, such as:
The reduction of energy use, water use and waste sent to landfill
Using environmentally friendly materials, supplier products and services
Installation of environmentally friendly building systems, such as rainwater tanks, insulated walls etc.
Partnerships with community sectors
Providing staff with family friendly conditions
Using ethical business practices
Providing staff and customers with sustainable transport options.
Businesses have until Wednesday 12 June to nominate for the Sustainability Award.
And anyone can vote for a local business in 28 different categoriesuntil Friday 16 May. For more information or to vote,
Winners will be announced on Wednesday 2 July at the Annual Awards Ceremony held at Dee Why RSL Club.
Friends of Mona Vale Cemetery Gardening Group
Pittwater Council is seeking volunteers interested in joining our recently established
Cemetery gardening group, meeting the first and third Tuesday of every month, from 8.30am to 11.30am (weather permitting).
Presently Council staff do not have the resources to tend individual graves and as the years go by relatives who may have tended the grave in the past grow old themselves and are unable to visit. The graves can become quite untidy and weed infested.
Our volunteers carry out gentle weeding on these graves in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Please register your interest and availability by contacting Cemetery Administration on 9970 1341 or email
Wardrobe Girl at Mona Vale Library
Come along to Mona Vale Library on Thursday 15 May and hear first-time author Jennifer Smart share her insights into what it’s like behind the scenes of a great Australian television drama.
Jennifer Smart worked for many years in the film and television industry, including five years on the iconic drama Home and Away as a Director’s Assistant.
Smart has drawn on this extensive experience to produce her first Novel, The Wardrobe Girl, described as offering a fascinating backstage look at Australian TV and the film industry.
Event Librarian Catherine Buddin said the book was entertaining, cleverly written and provided a great escape.
“Touted as Bridget Jones lands on the set of Home and Away, it’s a must read for anyone who enjoys a great laugh-out-loud book,” Ms Buddin said.
Recently reviewed by Monique Mulligan of The Blurb Magazine, Mulligan applauded the debut novel by Smart.
“…..Smart’s strong film and television background coupled with scriptwriting experience makes Smart well-versed on what happens behind-the-scenes of a typical soapie and uses this to her advantage for her first novel,” Ms Mulligan reported.
Jennifer Smart was born in the town of Blayney near Bathurst. After a number of years in Newcastle, Smart moved to Sydney where she went to school on Sydney’s North Shore, before attending Sydney University.
The talk will take place on Thursday 15 May from 6.30pm at Mona Vale Library 1 Park Street, Mona Vale.
Bookings are essential; to book phone 9970 1600. Following the talk there will be book signings and light refreshments. Admission is $8 adult, $6 concession, free admission for students.
Avalon Surf Club Restaurant Tender Opens
Pittwater Council will shortly open tenders for the restaurant and café in the new Avalon surf club building.
Diners at the restaurant and café will enjoy sweeping views of Avalon Beach when the new clubhouse opens in June.
Commercial & Property Manager Paul Reid said tenders wouldopen on 15 April and close on 20 May.
“We expect a lot of interest from experienced restaurateurs who want to take advantage of a premium location and an iconic brand-new building,” he said. “Tenders are for a lease period of five years, with an option for a further five years after that.”
“The Council is open to alternative proposals for a lease however.”
The restaurant is on the top floor of the building and the café on the bottom floor, with the café able to serve seated customers as well as takeaways.
Tender documents are available at or from the Pittwater Council customer service centre at 1 Park Street Mona Vale for a non-refundable fee of $100.
Tenders must be submitted via the tenders box at 1 Park Street by 11am on Tuesday 20 May.
May 16th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
June 7th: Stall, Pittwater Place, Knitting, craft, Bric-a-brac, books 9am – 3pm
June 14th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm
June 20th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
LION ISLAND YACHT RACE 1, 2014 by John Illingsworth (Pittwater Pathways)
Published on 8 May 2014
Aboard 'ENIGMA', Bob Bennett's Farr 40, for RACE 1 of the RPAYC 2014 LION ISLAND SERIES. Fair weather, wind NW to 30 knots. Good sailing, good camaraderie.
Fletcher Tackles Molokai Paddleboard Championships in Aid of Mental Health
Newport Surf Club paddle boarder Fletcher Davies is in training for the Molokai Paddleboard World Championships to be held on the 27 July 2014. It's a 56km race from the Island of Molokai thru the Kai'iwi channel (channel of bones) to the island of Oahu.
He is looking for sponsorship support for the trip and to raise funds for the BeyondBlue Foundation which assists people with mental illness issues such as anxiety and depression.
"I have always been motivated to do the race solo ever since I was young, being told stories by my idol/mentor/coach Nick Carroll. I have had personal experience with close friends of mine suffering depression and to me it is a huge underlying mental illness within young people.
"Firstly I need financial support to get me there as it is a very costly experience. Secondly, I would like to raise as much as I can for the foundation as I do believe it is a very worthy cause," said Fletcher.
"This year I am hoping to be at my best and hopefully beat my result of two years ago when I came second in the Under 29s division and win the stock division. The training involves swimming 2-3 times a week. Plus 3-4 other 12-20km paddles during the week then a longer 4-6hr paddles over the weekend," he added.
You can contribute by directly funding the trip or by donating to the Foundation on Fletcher's website:
Fletcher can be contacted on 0414 158 274 for sponsorship enquiries and he can offer good publicity on social media.
Details of the event are at

SES Warringah-Pittwater Volunteers Training
SES Volunteers trained to operate flood boats or undertake flood rescues need to complete swim testing. This week Swim Test night for Warringah/Pittwater SES was held.
Volunteers need to complete a 'Fit for Task- Swim test' before attending flood rescue technician courses, all volunteers passed tonight.
Thanks to Warringah Aquatic Centre for the use of their pool.
Picture courtesy NSW SES Sydney Northern Region Warringah/Pittwater SES's photo
New Northern Beaches Police Recruits 5 May 2013
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today welcomed the NSW Government’s allocation of an additional 19 graduate police officers to the Northern Beaches Local Area Command.
The new probationary constables are part of the NSW Police Academy’s latest graduating class of 182 officers that will commence work in communities across NSW this week.
“These new officers are great news for our community and a welcome boost for our local policing resources,” Rob Stokes said today.
“We’re exceptionally fortunate to have an outstanding team of police officers on the northern beaches and extra personnel will further strengthen their capabilities.
“There aren’t many jobs more difficult or demanding than policing so it’s encouraging to see so many new officers joining the ranks.
“The allocation of 19 new officers to the northern beaches is the largest to any Local Area Command anywhere in NSW.
“Additional police resources are increasingly important as our community continues to grow.
“The northern beaches has fared exceptionally well in the allocation of new police officers over recent years and I’m delighted this is continuing,” Rob Stokes said.

Have you sometimes thought about visiting the colourful, exciting, and fascinating countries of Latin America? On 18th May you will have an opportunity to participate in the culture at an amazing all day Festival being held in Avalon.
Or maybe you have a Latin heritage and so a visit to this festival will tug at your heart strings and remind you of home?
There will be so much to enjoy: Handcrafts, Latin American food, Music, Folklore, Dance and Latin Rhythm Dance Classes, Children’s shows, Pinatas and lots and lots of fun!
Any proceeds from this event will go to aid indigenous people. The committee are aiming to raise funds to bring NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER Rigoberta Menchu from Guatemala to conference here about the needs of indigenous people in all countries. A donation will also be made to aid Australian Indigenous people.
DATE: SUNDAY - 18th MAY: 10.00 - 6.00 pm at AVALON RECREATION CENTRE (59 Old Barrenjoey Rd. Avalon) ENTRY: $5.00 adults/children free. Contact Juan 9918 7698

Check The Weather Before You Go Boating – C/-Bureau of Meteorology
FACT: During April, we issued 236 marine wind warnings for Australia's coastal waters.
This week saw a strong cold front approaching WA, including gale force wind speeds exceeding 35 knots, and huge swells off Sydney; this is a timely reminder to check the weather before you go boating:
Pittwater Mens Probus Club -Meeting:Tuesday 13th May 2014
Guest Speaker: Geoff Sheppard
Geoff Sheppard has spend a lifetime in the wholesale grocery industry. Geoff will trace the reshaping of relations between retailer and supplier / manufacturer over the past 50 years and how that led to the power change between manufacturers and retailers in the Grocery market in particular. Along the way how technology has reshaped work and information flow with a demonstration of the the sorts of information available to marketers in both sectors. Ladies are welcome to attend our speaker presentations.
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month: Start 10am at Mona Vale Golf Club. Visitors welcome at 10.30 for coffee and guest presentations
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Forum - Guringai Heritage and Shared History
At this Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Forum you will learn from Neil Evers and Julie Janson about proposals to erect dual signage. They will show examples of interpretive walks and dual signage that acknowledge Aboriginal archaeology, shared
history and use of the natural environment.
Clair Jackson will show recent local Aboriginal artwork. Jenny Harris will talk about the proposal for adaptive re-use of Waratah Park in relation to Gai-mariagal Aboriginal Owned National Park.
When: Monday 26 May, 7pm start
Where: Narrabeen Tramshed, 1935a Pittwater Road, Narrabeen.
Entry is free but book your tickets now as Friends forums always attract a big crowd. Phone 9905 2135 or email Judith
Alice Walker Part of Sydney Writers' Festival 2014
Catch internationally celebrated writer Alice Walker, best known for The Color Purple talking about writing, activism and the issues she is most passionate about at Sydney Opera House on May 21. She will be interviewed by Caroline Baum and joined on stage by Archie Roach.See:
The 2014 Sydney Writers Festival runs Monday 19 to Sunday 25 May. Full details of the program on their website HERE

Bowel Care 2014
BowelCare kits for early detection of bowel cancer are now on sale in local pharmacies, with sales running until May 24. Pittwater Rotary has provided volunteer support for this vital project for many years.

Pet of the Week
To meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or Visit to see all our dogs.
Turf Australia and Junior Landcare’s 2014 Perfect Pitch of Green Program Now Open for Entries
In celebration of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Junior Landcare and the representative body for turf growers, Turf Australia, are offering 10 schools or youth groups (including sports clubs that involve young people) natural turf to makeover an area up to 200 square metres, slightly bigger than the goalmouth area of a standard sporting field, and the perfect amount for refreshing an outdoor classroom. The grass can be used to update sports areas, enhance outdoor learning areas, or create more spaces for playing.
Who can apply?
This program is only open to schools, community and youth groups and sporting clubs that are considered “Not for Profit” such as:
Schools including preschools, kindergartens, primary and high schools across Australia.
Youth groups including scouts, girl guides and other community organisations that involve and support young people as a key component of their activities and services.
Sporting clubs that actively involve and support young people in their activities and programs.
To apply, simply download an entry form and explain how natural turf will make a positive difference to your school – applications close on Tuesday, 1st July. See Here for more details
ASIC seeks feedback on its services
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has released an online survey as part of its ongoing commitment to improving the way in which they communicate with the small business community, as well as the services they provide this community.
Through the survey, ASIC aims to:
Identify what small business knows and does not know about its role and the services it provides;
Assess the usefulness of education tools developed over the last 12 months to help small business better understand their compliance obligations; and
Gather feedback on how ASIC can better support the small business community, including owners and operators, advisers and other government agencies.
You are invited to participate in the survey, it's online from Monday 7 April until Monday 26 May and will take approximately five minutes to complete. There's no requirement for participants to identify themselves. Every response will help inform ASIC's work, shape their priorities and improve their services.
AMSA consultation to streamline National System and reduce red tape - 7th May 2014
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority’s Domestic Vessel Division will begin a thorough consultation process with domestic vessel operators, starting in Hervey Bay on Friday. The National System for Domestic Commercial Vessels came into effect on July 1, 2013. AMSA Deputy Chief Executive Officer Mick Kinley said the National System had created one system for qualifications and standards for commercial operators nationwide.
AMSA will run a series of consultation sessions across Australia to improve the system and streamline elements of it to make it easier and cheaper for the industry to comply with domestic vessel safety requirements.
“Since the National System came into effect AMSA has identified areas that could be improved,” Mr Kinley said. “AMSA wants to make it easier and cheaper for the industry to comply with domestic vessel safety requirements.
“This is part of the federal government’s deregulation agenda which seeks to reduce the regulatory burden on business and the community while maintaining standards for safety.”
Australia lacks a common approach to managing maritime safety.
“Each and every state and territory has a different approach to safety management and AMSA wants to improve vessel safety by giving operators the best tools to develop and implement safety management, with less regulation and red tape,” Mr Kinley said.
“The aim is to avoid duplication and AMSA wants feedback from commercial vessel operators.”
Multiple consultation sessions will commence in Hervey Bay on Friday, May 9 at 2pm at the Hervey Bay RSL.
Sessions will then be held in the Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria throughout May and June.
AMSA will hold sessions in 24 locations in seven states, including 15 regional centres, seeking views on how best to simplify domestic commercial vessel rules.
The review comes as a result of a Standing Council on Transport and Infrastructure decision to streamline the national system and make safety simpler in the regulatory environment, with national consistency.
For more information see;
Southern Cross Wildlife Care - Critter of the Month - April 2014 - curated by Lynleigh Greig

Bushcare Dates - May 2014
Bushcare at Warriewood - The Warriewood bushcare group managed by Pittwater Council needs more volunteers on 4th Wednesday morning of the month – Can you help? Please contact Mary Johnsen at 9999 2020.
Sun May 11
Bangalley Headland 9-12pm
Catherine Pk 10-12:30pm
W’wood Wetlands 9-12pm
Wed May 14
Floating Landcare Catherine Park 9-12:30pm
Thu May 15
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat May 17
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun May 18
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Elanora Road 8:30-11:30am
Sat May 24
Pindari Res 8-11am
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Kywong Res 8:30-11:30am
Elanora Heights Native Plant Giveaway
Sun May 25
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Win Bay 9-12pm
Wed May 28
W’wood Bch 8-11am
For further information on bushcare and/or to confirm if your group is working please contact Pittwater Council's Bushcare Officer. Bushcare is a great way to help your local bushland and make new friends! Bushcare Officer: Helena Dewis 9970 1367
Pittwater Council's COOEE Newsletter May - 2014
Australians to have their say on teacher education - Media Release
Australians will be able to have their say on putting students first and creating excellence in teacher education with a public consultation process beginning today. Minister for Education, the Hon Christopher Pyne said lifting the quality, professionalism and status of the teaching profession is at the heart of the Government’s Students First policy.
“This Government knows there is nothing more important to a child’s education than having great teachers,” Mr Pyne said.
“That’s why teacher quality is one of the four pillars of our Students First policy and the reason for establishing this expert Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group.”
The public consultation process will include meetings with representatives from a range of education bodies including teacher employers, the Australian Council of Deans of Education, Universities Australia and the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership.
The Advisory Group will seek submissions from interested parties in response to the Issues Paper.
The Advisory Group will also conduct a benchmark study of world’s best practice in teacher education programmes.
“Strengthening the curriculum also forms part of our Students First policy, but just as important as having a robust curriculum is having teachers who can deliver it effectively.”
“These consultations will help the advisory group put together strong, evidence-based recommendations for improving teacher education.
“This is part of our commitment to creating a world-class education system that puts students first and helps young Australians achieve educational excellence and great jobs.
“I encourage people to contribute to the public consultation process.”
“All submissions will help inform the next steps the Government takes to ensure teacher education programmes better prepare new teachers with the practical skills needed for the classroom.”
Submissions will be accepted from Thursday 17 April 2014 until 5:30pm (AEST) on Friday 13 June 2014.
Any interested party is eligible to make a submission, as an individual or on behalf of an organisation (where authorised to do so).
Under the Students First approach, the Australian Government will work with the states and territories to focus on four key areas that will make a difference to students:
• teacher quality
• school autonomy
• engaging parents in education
• strengthening the curriculum
To find out more, and to read the Issues Paper, go
Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) FREE Community Talk, MONDAY 19 May, 2.30pm
Bookings essential 9970 1600
The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS) is one of the largest and most comprehensive aero-medical organisations in the world. Using the latest in aviation, medical and communications technology, it delivers extensive primary health care and 24-hour emergency service to those who live, work and travel throughout Australia.
The RFDS is a not-for-profit organisation. Today, the RFDS has a fleet of 60 aircraft operating from 21 bases located across the nation and provides medical assistance to over 270,000 people every year – that’s one patient every two minutes in remote and rural Australia! Covering 90% of Australia - no patient is more than two hours away from the help of the Flying Doctor.
Big discussion on “Jasper Jones” by Craig Silvey, as part of a Writers’ Day on Wednesday 21 May
People are encouraged to read the book beforehand, there are various copies in the library and come and discuss it. More details of the day’s program to follow and bookings will be essential.
Budding Writers' Bonanza
To celebrate Library & Information Week, budding writers and literary lovers are being offered a series of free workshops and seminars at Mona Vale Library all on the one day -Wednesday 21 May.
Event organiser Heather Thomson said there would be something for everyone during the day.
“We will be starting at 10.15am with a talk by Pittwater local Owen Ravenscroft on self-publishing,” said Ms Thomson.
“A writers’ workshop with detective fiction writer Charles Boag follows at 11.30am. Charles will speak about his own journey on becoming a published author.”
Ms Thomson said the library was encouraging residents to be part of a big reading group on the day.
“We will be discussing the novel Jasper Jones by the young Australian author Craig Silvey,” said Ms Thomson.
“The book has been described as one with unforgettable characters, offering a page-turning pace and outrageously good dialogue,” she said.
Ms Thomson said for residents interested in being a part of the reading group on the day, there are some copies of the novel available at the library, to read beforehand.
“For our young residents there will also be a story time where pre-schoolers can listen to the book Too many elephants in this house by Ursula Dubosarky from 10am.
“There will also be a series of iPad and e-book training workshops running during the day,” added Ms Thomson.
Places at each session are limited, so book now by calling 9970 1600. More information about the workshops and sessions are available at
Australian Taxation Office Joins myGov
SNIPPET: The Government announces today that the Australian Taxation Office's online services are now accessible through myGov. The Australian Taxation Office is the latest addition to the growing number of myGov member services. myGov saves people time and hassle when engaging with government online and we are pleased to welcome the Australian Taxation Office on board.
Identity crime now amongst most common crimes in Australia
SNIPPET: The results of a community survey on identity crime by the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) show that identity crime is now one of the more common crimes in Australia. The report, Identity crime and misuse in Australia , contains the results of a survey of 5,000 Australians on their experiences of identity crime and misuse which found:. The Identity crime and misuse in Australia report is available at
Visit to Papua New Guinea, Media release, 08 May 2014, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, The Hon Julie Bishop MP
SNIPPET: A range of issues will be discussed with PNG Ministers and the business community during my visit to Papua New Guinea from 7-9 May. These findings will help ensure the aid program is better aligned with the priorities of both the Australian and PNG Governments. I look forward to opening an Australian Government and private sector-supported community library on Tatana Island in Port Moresby's Fairfax Harbour.
Preliminary work starts on Australia's new nuclear medicine manufacturing plant - ANSTO
SNIPPET: Australia is set to become a global, high end manufacturer of nuclear medicines used to diagnose cancer and heart disease, with early work now beginning on a brand new, $168 million nuclear medicine facility. 'We are proud to be involved with such an important project, and our team is pleased to have now commenced early work on site.' The ANM Project includes a nuclear medicine manufacturing plant and a waste treatment plant to treat by-products for permanent, safe storage at a national waste repository.
Australia condemns recent terrorist attacks in Nigeria, Media release, 06 May 2014, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, The Hon Julie Bishop MP
SNIPPET: Australia is working closely with Nigeria on counter terrorism to prevent attacks such as the recent bombings that took place in Abuja. Australia joined other members of the United Nations Security Council in April in condemning in the strongest terms the recent attacks committed by Boko Haram. The Australian Government continues to advise Australians to reconsider their need to travel to Nigeria given the high threat of terrorist attack and kidnapping.
$155 million Growth Fund to drive State's future growth
SNIPPET: The Australian Government's $155million Growth Fund will drive the development of new industries in high growth sectors in South Australia. The Growth Fund will help businesses in South Australia take up these opportunities. The Growth Fund includes:.
New antivirals closer with opening of new laboratory | CSIRO
SNIPPET: Big ideas start here. CSIRO expertise is organised into 11 research areas. The new laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, thanks to a long standing collaboration between CSIRO and Deakin University, with input from the University of Georgia, USA.
2014 Mining the North West Conference
SNIPPET: It's great to be here in The Isa and I thank the Mount Isa Chamber of Commerce for the opportunity to speak to you today. Australia's success story as a strong economic achiever is essentially a story of our mining industry. Much of this is in Northern Australia.
SNIPPET: Log in / Sign up. ASIC has welcomed the Senate Inquiry which has allow
May 4 - 10, 2014: Issue 161
Microsoft warns of vulnerability being targeted in Internet Explorer: SSO Alert Priority High
Security Update for Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP (KB2964358) at:
Microsoft issued a security advisory this week warning about a critical vulnerability affecting all versions of Internet Explorer.The vulnerability is known to be targeted by cyber criminals. You should take action to ensure you will not be affected.
The vulnerability could be exploited if an attacker can gain access to your computer, or if you visit a malicious website using one of the affected versions of Internet Explorer.
Update: Microsoft releases update for critical Internet Explorer vulnerability:SSO Alert Priority High - 02 May 2014
Microsoft has released a security patch for all versions of Internet Explorer, fixing a critical vulnerability highlighted earlier this week. The vulnerability is known to be targeted by cyber criminals. If you use Internet Explorer, you should ensure you have applied this update as soon as possible.
Most Internet Explorer users should receive the update automatically. You can check this by going to Tools > About Internet Explorer, and selecting the ‘Install new versions automatically’ check box.
The vulnerability could be exploited if an attacker can gain access to your computer, or if you visit a malicious website using one of the affected versions of Internet Explorer.
It is also worthwhile considering installing more than one internet browser on your computer. If a vulnerability is identified in one browser, you then have the option to use another temporarily.
A more simple alternative solution is to download and install a different browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox until this issue is resolved.
In a surprising reversal of policy, Microsoft has decided to issue a patch for Windows XP-based users of their Internet Explorer Web browser, Reuters reports. The flaw was slated to go un-patched for Windows XP, which would have left the versions of Internet Explorer that are compatible with the dated OS vulnerable to the flaw. This would have amounted to and affected almost half of Internet users worldwide. Microsoft reportedly stated as recently as Wednesday that the bug would be left untreated for XP. We include a direct link to this download above for your use and recommend you do so immediately and please let your friends who still use these programs know as well.
“We decided to fix it, fix it fast, and fix it for all our customers,” Microsoft spokeswoman Adrienne Hall said in a statement.
This comes after Windows XP users were warned by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to stop using Internet Explorer because of the threat posed by the vulnerability. The DHS recommended using alternative Web browsers instead, like Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.
Microsoft described the security hole as “a remote code execution vulnerability” which “could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code in the context of the current user within Internet Explorer.” Internet security firm FireEye stated today in an official blog post that hackers were using the flaw to target government, energy, defense, and financial industries. However, attacks on the latter two sectors had already been observed by FireEye.
The zero-day bug threatened Internet Explorer versions 6 through 11, though workarounds have been available for Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11. However, those versions of the browser aren’t compatible with Windows XP. The last version of Internet Explorer that was compatible with Windows XP was IE 8, according to Microsoft’s IE system requirements pages. IE 8′s “lifecycle start date” was June 17, 2009.
Microsoft ceased supporting Windows XP on April 8.However, should additional threats like this emerge, we hope to see Microsoft take similar steps to protect Windows XP users from such dangers until they choose to update their Programs.
Funding For Improved Community Transport Services - 2 May 2014
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced the NSW Government has secured a 48% increase in Federal Government funding for improved community transport services on the northern beaches.
An additional $316,342 in annual funding has been provided under the Home and Community Care Program to enable Manly Warringah Pittwater Community Transport to provide an extra 10,155 passenger journeys every year.
Manly Warringah Pittwater Community Transport is a not-for-profit charitable organisation which provide transport solutions for elderly, frail and disabled residents across the northern beaches who are unable to access public transport and require additional support to remain independent.
“Community transport provides vital assistance for thousands of residents right throughout the northern beaches,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Supporting residents remain independent is increasingly important and is only possible through government subsidies and the generosity of local volunteers.
“This service is heavily relied upon and is often the only source of transport for many frail and vulnerable members of our community.
“Assisting elderly patients access medical treatments outside our community is one of the service’s most common roles and this is becoming increasingly important.
“This additional funding will provide improved options, extra services and greater reliability.
“This is great news for our community and I look forward to the benefits it will provide,” Rob Stokes said.
Our Profile on Easy Transport - MWP

Easy Transport - Manly-Warringah-Pittwater at Palm Beach wharf - picture by A J Guesdon.
Easy Transport Manly Warringah Pittwater will join thousands of organisations around the nation to mark the 25th anniversary of National Volunteer Week in Australia (12 – 18 May).
This year’s campaign theme “Celebrate the Power of Volunteering” is all about appreciating and understanding the work of volunteers across the nation.
The Easy Transport Manly Warringah Pittwater recognizes the valuable contribution of its 80 volunteers; without them we would not be able to service the community of Manly, Warringah and Pittwater through the provision of Transport Solutions.
Pat Lang, Administration Coordinator (Volunteer Recruitment & Training said: “National Volunteer Week 2014 enables us to dedicate and honour our volunteers through time that they so generously give up to us. On the 25th National Volunteer Week, we join with other organisations to celebrate our exceptionally skilled volunteers who are not only an asset to our company, to the way we provide services and support our community as well. This is their day.”
The National peak body for volunteering, Volunteering Australia’s CEO, Brett Williamson, commended the event to recognise the work of volunteers: “With six million volunteers nationally, we are thrilled to acknowledge their hard work and dedication, through educating the community about the role volunteers play in society and change the way they are perceived. They truly are at the benefit of every organisation.”
The Easy Transport Manly Warringah Pittwater National Volunteer Week event is:
BBQ Lunch with entertainment - Monday 12th May 2014, from 12pm – 2pm
Easy Transport Office, 30 Howard Avenue Dee Why - All Volunteers of Easy Transport
RSVP: Pat Lang, 02 9919 0705 or email
Privacy Awareness Week 2014 – mobilise your privacy
Privacy Awareness Week, an annual initiative of the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA), will commence in the first week of May (4 – 10 May 2014).
It is an opportunity to highlight the importance of privacy, a hot topic that affects individuals, communities and governments throughout Australia and around the world.
This year the Information and Privacy Commission NSW (IPC) will celebrate Privacy Awareness Week under the theme “Mobilise your privacy, stay safe online”.
“Now, more than ever, it is vital that both organisations and individuals are vigilant when it comes to privacy protection, particularly with the increasing use of the internet and smartphones,” said Dr Elizabeth Coombs, NSW Privacy Commissioner. “Many people are also using mobile apps to receive and provide information and services, and there can be privacy implications for both the users and the providers.”
This theme encourages all of us to consider such questions as:
What are my responsibilities when using mobile apps?
Have I checked my privacy settings lately?
What are my rights under NSW privacy law?
Who can help me with this process?
The IPC has released a range of new resources to help protect our privacy, including two fact sheets on mobile apps and understanding the risks.
“Mobile apps: The ABCs of privacy protection encourages us to think before we download apps, and Mobile apps: know the risks is a simple checklist for organisations that use apps to deliver services to the NSW public. It is important to understand what information is collected and how it will be used,” said Dr Coombs.
Other resources cover tips for children’s online safety, and A Guide to privacy laws in NSW offers simple facts about privacy legislation in NSW, how it protects your privacy and what you can do if you think your privacy has been breached.
Dr Coombs is available for interviews during Privacy Awareness Week 2014 to discuss privacy issues including online safety. Please contact Kate Jobling on 0435 961 691 or to make your request.
For more information on the IPC and Privacy Awareness Week activities in NSW, visit
From: Information and Privacy Commission New South Wales
Royal Motor Yacht Club – Broken Bay APPOINTMENT OF GENERAL MANAGER
Steve Euers has now been appointed as Royal Motor Yacht Club General Manager after acting in that capacity since December last year. The Commodore of the RMYC – Broken Bay, Peter Haig and Directors unanimously chose Steve after a thorough look at external candidates and interviews with a quality short-list.
Commodore Haig said this week,
“We felt strongly that this careful and diligent process was the proper course of action to ensure that the Club was in the most capable hands going forward. Steve Euers has a long history of loyal and effective service as a Club employee most recently as our Finance Manager. He has impressed the Board with his suggestions for continuous improvement across the various Club areas of operation and his good relationship with Club members will be enhanced as he embraces the General Manager role under the direction of a supportive Board.”
“There are some exciting changes around the Club which will become evident in the next 12 months including our first floor renovations to be completed next month. “ Mr Haig added.
For further information on any events at the Club, please refer to RMYCBB website at
Club Palm Beach (Palm Beach RSL) – Drop Off Old Mobile phones Please
Sarah-Jayne is a year 11 student at Barrenjoey high, and as part of her biology assignment, has been given the opportunity to meet Jane Goodall at Taronga Zoo in May this year. BUT to be a part of this experience, she has to collect old mobile phones that will be recycled, helping to save the gorillas environment by stopping mining for Coltan, a metallic ore used in mobile phones.
Help Sarah Jayne and this amazing cause by dropping your old, unwanted mobile phones into the club.
Thank you for your help.
Deep Creek Riparian Ecosystem Catchment Project
Pittwater Council has been successful in securing grant funding for the Deep Creek Riparian Ecosystem Catchment Project. The grant funding is from Greater Sydney Local Land Services and will support bush regeneration, habitat creation and riparian restoration within Deep Creek, Bilarong Reserve and the Elanora Bushcare site. The project is funded for a 12 month period, and will link with Council bush regeneration maintenance and hazard reduction work already being undertaken at the site. The project aims to reduce threats to biodiversity and enhance the condition, connectivity and resilience of habitats and landscapes.
Part of the project is to increase community awareness of environmental issues and management strategies to protect and care for this significant coastal area. Council will be undertaking community event days with planting at various locations within the project site, including the Elanora Road Bushcare site.
Council will also hold native plant giveaways for local residents to encourage the planting of locally native species on private properties. Please join us at any of these project events to help preserve and protect the Deep Creek Catchment! For more information please contact the Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367 or email
Project Events
Free Native Plants for Elanora Residents
When: Saturday 24 May, 10am to 1pm. Where: Elanora Road Shopping Village (opposite IGA), Kalang Road, Elanora Heights
Woorarra Avenue Planting Day
When: Sunday 1 June, 9am to 12pm. Where: Meet at Woorarra Avenue opposite Allawah Avenue, Elanora Heights
Elanora Road Planting Day
When: Sunday 15 June, 9am to 12pm Where: Meet adjacent the driveway of 15 Elanora Road, Elanora Heights

Newport Breakers Honour ANZAC Day
Lieutenant Colonel Matt Stevens (CSC) delivering the ode prior to 1st Grade at Newport Breakers. The Last Post was well played by 13 year old Brody Scarub of Pittwater High School. After the service, Newport 1st grade won a hard-fought game against Barker Old Boys (19 -12).
Photo by Cameron Greaves – more pictures from and by the Community form this week’s Pictorial
President of Vietnam Veterans Northern Features in ANZAC Day Tribute on Television's Channel 10
Just on ANZAC Day 2014 services and tributes - President of Vietnam Veterans, Northern; Peter Rumble, sent us a short note during the week to let us know the Profile we ran on him was of benefit to a Channel 10 reporter when they put together an insight into this local gentleman as part of their own ANZAC Day coverage.
It's great to see the record-keeping capacity of Pittwater Online News being used as a resource by all other media; use of our materials empowers and informs our broader media as well as our community, reinstating one of the primary reasons to keep going what is basically a simple Community Noticeboard - that of Collating and Keeping Records and keeping them permanently accessible while giving everyone a voice.
All communities are comprised of wonderful individuals whose stories should be shared, not only so our children inherit an insight into where they came from, from the voices of those whose stories they are, but also to celebrate how what is inside us creates the world we live in.
Pete's piece 'A Day with A Digger' on Channel 10 can be seenHERE

Wayne Edwards, Gary Everitt, Len Brown, Russel Marsh, Bryan Webster Vice President PBRSL Sub Branch, Peter Rumble, President Vietnam Veterans (Northern) - 2011 Vietnam Veterans Day at Palm Beach - Picture by A J Guesdon.
Royal Australian Historical Society RAHS SMALL GRANTS PROGRAMS
Applications for the 2014 Arts NSW Cultural Grants Program and 2014 Heritage Grants program were uploaded onto the RAHS Grants website page this week:
If you have any queries then please contact Maryanne Byrne, RAHS Grants Officer, at
For those of you who missed the recent Grants webinar, there will be a free Grants workshop at History House on 9 May. It will be hosted by Suzanne Holohan, RAHS Executive Officer, and participants will have an opportunity to discuss their proposed projects and ask questions. Sample budgets, project plans and outputs will be included in the workshop handouts. More details are available on the RAHS Events page
Port Macquarie Historical Society recently launched 'The Curious Case of Thomas Dick'. It was one of the events at the recent RAHS Port Macquarie Regional Seminar. This publication was supported by an Arts NSW Cultural Grant.
There will be an interview with the author Tony Dawson, former editor of the Manly Warringah Pittwater Historical Society Newsletter in the June edition of History. Details of this book feature in our Books Page for May 2014
PBSC Fish and Chip Run 2014 - May 3rd, by Trevor Gourlay
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 4/4/2014: click on Logo. Also has an Extensive Local Directory:Issue includes: Woody Point YC AGM and Auction for Paul Burchall, Great Offshore Shave Pictures by June Lahm and more!
To contact Julian:

National Trust Heritage Festival
Migration, immigration, travel stories, cultural studies, Journeys can be interpreted in all different ways. The Theme of this year’s National Trust Heritage Festival is “Journeys” – a celebration of our passage from various points of origin to the Australia of today.
Events on the Northern Beaches include:
Join Northern Beaches Creative Leisure & Learning as we access various modes of transport for a fun day, travelling from the northern beaches. After a journey by bus, ferry, train & light rail, we will then walk around Pyrmont Bay, Darling Harbour & Walsh Bay. Along the way, we will view the Welcome Wall which stands in honour of all those who have migrated from countries around the world to live in Australia. Another highlight will be the Walsh Bay Sculpture Walk.
Date: Monday 26th May.
Cost: $10. Bookings essential. Phone 9913 1474
Join Pittwater Community Arts for a fun evening of song, verse, photography, film and historic footage as we take a light-hearted look at transport around Pittwater. From the explorations of Governor Philip in the early days of the colony to the present day, the fascinating history of Pittwater is revealed in the stories of its people, places & pastimes. Listen to stories about the journeys made by people who have made Pittwater their home and hear from some who provide a means of transport around Pittwater.
Venue: Loquat Valley School, 1977 Pittwater Rd. Bayview.
Date: Saturday 31st May, 7pm for 7.30pm
Cost: $10. Bookings essential. Phone 9913 1474

2014 Blues Hogs for Homeless Raffle
In 2012, rugby league legend and NSW Blues warrior Brad Fittler said that as a father it made him feel sick to his core that there were nearly 4000 homeless children under the age of 12 in the state of his origin, the state that he loves so much, the state that he has shed blood for; NSW.
This prompted ‘Freddy’ to contact Father Chris Riley and his ‘Youth off the Streets’ team to say that he wanted to create a fundraising event to help such a worthwhile organisation.
Drawn at the announcement of the VB NSW Blues Team, Tuesday May 20, 2014.
See more at HERE
Delivery Plan and Budget
The draft delivery plan & budget for 2014-2015 will be presented at the Council meeting on 5 May, after which it will go on exhibition for public comment. Around $29 million worth of capital works is planned, including upgrades to community centres, new roads, footpaths and bridges. See details on our website - MAY 5, 2014
Mona Vale Library and the Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE Free Course for Single Parents
Mona Vale Library and the Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE are giving single parents the chance to develop their job-seeking skills with a free course at Mona Vale Library.
The course is available to those receiving the parenting payment and will run for six weeks each Monday from 12 May to 16 June from 10am to 1pm.
Library Manager Cathy Howie said the course offered eligible participants the chance to receive mentoring and receive useful tips in seeking and securing a job.
“The course is full of practical advice aimed at getting people back into the workforce and giving them the confidence to apply for jobs.”
Ms Howie said the course contained the following topics:
• Goal setting – working towards your dream job
• Resume & cover letter writing
• Personal presentation and grooming
• Interview skills
• Healthy relationships/nutritious family eating.
For bookings and for more information call Sue on 0435 835 963 or email
Mona Vale Library is at 1 Park Street Mona Vale.
Friends of Mona Vale Cemetery Gardening Group
Pittwater Council is seeking volunteers interested in joining our recently established
Cemetery gardening group, meeting the first and third Tuesday of every month, from 8.30am to 11.30am (weather permitting).
Presently Council staff do not have the resources to tend individual graves and as the years go by relatives who may have tended the grave in the past grow old themselves and are unable to visit. The graves can become quite untidy and weed infested.
Our volunteers carry out gentle weeding on these graves in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Please register your interest and availability by contacting Cemetery Administration on 9970 1341 or email
Wardrobe Girl at Mona Vale Library
Come along to Mona Vale Library on Thursday 15 May and hear first-time author Jennifer Smart share her insights into what it’s like behind the scenes of a great Australian television drama.
Jennifer Smart worked for many years in the film and television industry, including five years on the iconic drama Home and Away as a Director’s Assistant.
Smart has drawn on this extensive experience to produce her first Novel, The Wardrobe Girl, described as offering a fascinating backstage look at Australian TV and the film industry.
Event Librarian Catherine Buddin said the book was entertaining, cleverly written and provided a great escape.
“Touted as Bridget Jones lands on the set of Home and Away, it’s a must read for anyone who enjoys a great laugh-out-loud book,” Ms Buddin said.
Recently reviewed by Monique Mulligan of The Blurb Magazine, Mulligan applauded the debut novel by Smart.
“…..Smart’s strong film and television background coupled with scriptwriting experience makes Smart well-versed on what happens behind-the-scenes of a typical soapie and uses this to her advantage for her first novel,” Ms Mulligan reported.
Jennifer Smart was born in the town of Blayney near Bathurst. After a number of years in Newcastle, Smart moved to Sydney where she went to school on Sydney’s North Shore, before attending Sydney University.
The talk will take place on Thursday 15 May from 6.30pm at Mona Vale Library 1 Park Street, Mona Vale.
Bookings are essential; to book phone 9970 1600. Following the talk there will be book signings and light refreshments. Admission is $8 adult, $6 concession, free admission for students.
Avalon Surf Club Restaurant Tender Opens
Pittwater Council will shortly open tenders for the restaurant and café in the new Avalon surf club building.
Diners at the restaurant and café will enjoy sweeping views of Avalon Beach when the new clubhouse opens in June.
Commercial & Property Manager Paul Reid said tenders wouldopen on 15 April and close on 20 May.
“We expect a lot of interest from experienced restaurateurs who want to take advantage of a premium location and an iconic brand-new building,” he said. “Tenders are for a lease period of five years, with an option for a further five years after that.”
“The Council is open to alternative proposals for a lease however.”
The restaurant is on the top floor of the building and the café on the bottom floor, with the café able to serve seated customers as well as takeaways.
Tender documents are available at or from the Pittwater Council customer service centre at 1 Park Street Mona Vale for a non-refundable fee of $100.
Tenders must be submitted via the tenders box at 1 Park Street by 11am on Tuesday 20 May.
May 9th: Stall, ANZ Avalon Parade, Avalon. Baking, craft, knitting, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
May 10th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm
May 16th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
June 7th: Stall, Pittwater Place, Knitting, craft, Bric-a-brac, books 9am – 3pm
June 14th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen 8am – 4pm
June 20th: Stall, hospital foyer, knitting, craft, baking, Bric-a-brac 9am – 3pm
Feedback Sought on Careel Bay Masterplan
An updated masterplan for Careel Bay is on public exhibition for comment until Wednesday 21 May.
The masterplan is aimed at improving access and recreational space as well as stabilising and protecting the Careel Bay foreshore.
Reserves & Recreation Manager Les Munn said the masterplan would be open for comments from the public from Saturday 22 March to Wednesday 21 May.
“We are keen to hear from local residents and people who use the area for recreation, such as boat owners.”
Among the improvements suggested are:
• Stabilising the foreshore by creating a seawall that blends into the surrounding area.
• Creating access onto the beach and surrounding waterway
• Infilling of land to provide space for recreation and dinghy storage, including ramp access for dinghies
• Separate pedestrian access via a footpath to George Street and improved pedestrian safety. The masterplan will allow two-way vehicle access.
Mr Munn said the Council would write to local residents in the area explaining the proposed improvements and inviting them to a meeting to discuss the masterplan.
The draft masterplan can be viewed online and at Pittwater Council customer service centres and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Mr Munn said once the masterplan was adopted by the Council, work was expected to take place in two stages.
“Stage 1 will be the construction of a dinghy storage facility and associated landscaping through a Better Boating Program grant from the state government. The remainder of the work will be subject to future funding.”
Study asks if recovery tales help those with anorexia - 30 April 2014
Many mental health organisations, including those treating people with anorexia nervosa, feature testimonials on their websites from survivors and sufferers who describe the road to recovery. But how helpful are recovery stories to dealing with anorexia?
"While anecdotally it is well known that people with anorexia often read memoirs of survival we do not know of any academic research into whether those stories are always helpful. If they are helpful then when and why they are helpful are the next questions we'd like to answer," said Lisa Dawson, a PhD candidate at the University of Sydney's School of Psychology.
"While our study is squarely aimed at people with anorexia nervosa it may have implications for the treatment of other mental health issues."
Dawson is currently leading a study into how useful reading a variety of survival accounts is to people with anorexia. The five survival stories come from recent research Dawson did into the crucial stages of recovery for people who survive chronic anorexia, the mental illness with the highest mortality rate.
"In the study we identified an interplay of factors which helped people recover. Crucial elements were having an insight into their illness - perceiving their experiences as an illness and recognising the people who also understood the illness and could support them," said Dawson.
"Sadly many people had to hit 'rock bottom' - to be so mentally and physically exhausted by the illness that, perhaps paradoxically, they could find the strength and motivation to confront it. Their stories were inspiring, outlining the difficult journey of recovery but also providing hope."
The stages of recovery people with anorexia progress through may mean that early in the illness survival accounts may be unhelpful or even damaging.
"As odd as it sounds to people unfamiliar with this illness it can include an element of competition, of wanting to be the 'best' anorexic. This sentiment is reflected in the existence of disturbing pro-anorexia and 'thinspiration' websites which provide encouragement to people with anorexia," said Dawson.
"For those people survival accounts may be irrelevant or an inspiration in the worst sense." June Alexander struggled with anorexia for decades before recovering and her account is one of those being used in this research. "Reading other people's stories of recovery spurred me on the way to freedom. They showed me I was not alone, not mad and that it is possible to recover," said Alexander.
People who have anorexia nervosa or an eating disorder similar to anorexia nervosa can take part in the study which is conducted online. All aspects of the study, including results, are strictly confidential.
Participation involves completing a brief questionnaire online to assess your eligibility for the study. If eligible, the study involves completing questionnaires online on two or three occasions, two weeks apart.
To enquire about taking part
Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) FREE Community Talk, MONDAY 19 May, 2.30pm
Bookings essential 9970 1600
The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS) is one of the largest and most comprehensive aero-medical organisations in the world. Using the latest in aviation, medical and communications technology, it delivers extensive primary health care and 24-hour emergency service to those who live, work and travel throughout Australia.
The RFDS is a not-for-profit organisation. Today, the RFDS has a fleet of 60 aircraft operating from 21 bases located across the nation and provides medical assistance to over 270,000 people every year – that’s one patient every two minutes in remote and rural Australia! Covering 90% of Australia - no patient is more than two hours away from the help of the Flying Doctor.
Big discussion on “Jasper Jones” by Craig Silvey, as part of a Writers’ Day on Wednesday 21 May
People are encouraged to read the book beforehand, there are various copies in the library and come and discuss it. More details of the day’s program to follow and bookings will be essential.
Budding Writers' Bonanza
To celebrate Library & Information Week, budding writers and literary lovers are being offered a series of free workshops and seminars at Mona Vale Library all on the one day -Wednesday 21 May.
Event organiser Heather Thomson said there would be something for everyone during the day.
“We will be starting at 10.15am with a talk by Pittwater local Owen Ravenscroft on self-publishing,” said Ms Thomson.
“A writers’ workshop with detective fiction writer Charles Boag follows at 11.30am. Charles will speak about his own journey on becoming a published author.”
Ms Thomson said the library was encouraging residents to be part of a big reading group on the day.
“We will be discussing the novel Jasper Jones by the young Australian author Craig Silvey,” said Ms Thomson.
“The book has been described as one with unforgettable characters, offering a page-turning pace and outrageously good dialogue,” she said.
Ms Thomson said for residents interested in being a part of the reading group on the day, there are some copies of the novel available at the library, to read beforehand.
“For our young residents there will also be a story time where pre-schoolers can listen to the book Too many elephants in this house by Ursula Dubosarky from 10am.
“There will also be a series of iPad and e-book training workshops running during the day,” added Ms Thomson.
Places at each session are limited, so book now by calling 9970 1600. More information about the workshops and sessions are available at
Bob Carr Author Talk - Friday, June 13, 2014 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Hear the former Foreign Minister and NSW Premier discuss his fascinating and funny tell-all book, Diary of a Foreign Minister.Wine and cheese will be served.
Bookings essential: on 9942 2449, $10.00: Warringah Mall Library, Shop 650, 2nd Floor, Warringah Mall, Brookvale New South Wales

Northern Beaches attractions feature at this year’s St Ives Show - Country style fun comes to the city
The St Ives Show will be held at the St Ives Showground on the weekend of May 17 and 18, 2014 featuring some great attractions from the peninsula.
Popular Northern Beaches band, GrooveFarm, will take to the stage between 5.30pm and 7.45pm to entertain you with their mix of jazz, blues and funky music – it will be a real blast before the skies light up with the spectacular, free, fireworks display by All Occasions Pyrotechnics at 8pm on the Saturday evening. Many of the GrooveFarm band members perform with international artists such as INXS, Leo Sayer, The Allniters, Wendy Matthews and so many more great names in the entertainment business.
Pittwater High School, one of the few schools in Sydney to offer agriculture classes, will be displaying some of their animals and produce at the show. In March 2013, the students won their first ever Supreme Champion ribbon for one of their sheep at the Castle Hill Show. The winning 90kg ewe, ‘Apples’, was raised by the students who regularly take part in competitions at agricultural events such as the Royal Easter Show.
The Sydney Northern Beaches Woodturners Inc (SNBW) will be demonstrating on a lathe how to turn various items. If you’re fascinated by the craft and interested in learning how to do it yourself or, if you’d like to buy a piece of their work, you’ll find out at the SNBW stand.
Everyone loves big, gentle, draught horses and you can get up close to them at theNorthern Beaches Harness & Trail Riding Club’s display of these magnificent giants; parents and kids can also enjoy a ride in a hay cart pulled by a Clydesdale.
The Annual Horse Show competitions will be held on both Saturday and Sunday this year. See a range of horse breeds including Clydesdales heavy horses, brumbies, miniature ponies, miniature horses, Australian Stock Horses and many others at St Ives Show. Competitors from the Manly-Warringah, Pittwater and Ku-ring-gai areas compete in classes at their local show alongside competitors from throughout NSW.
There’s so much to see and do for all the family – from cute baby animals, to pony, camel and carnival rides, to testing your extreme adventure skills on the Base Zero climbing wall. You’ll experience this nation’s country heritage in shows like Australia’s Living History; you’ll also see kelpies rounding up sheep and a master blacksmith at work.
You can enjoy the talents of the kids and their families who make up the Mt Druitt Indigenous Choir on the main stage at 2.30pm on Saturday. Besides singing, they perform dance items and indigenous actions with each song that interact with the audience using clapsticks and digeridoos. While they hail from Mt Druitt, they perform around New South Wales and appeared at the 2013 Dee Why Beach Carols. The choir members will be singing in the Dharug Language taking as their theme, 7 Indigenous Wonders, exploring in song and dance the positive traditions of Aboriginal life like dreaming, spirit, food, kinship and language.
St Ives Show, presented by the Northern Suburbs Agricultural and Horticultural Society, showcases the best competition entries in apiculture, arts, crafts, horses, horticulture, cooking and baking and photography. Come along and see who you think is ‘best in show’.
And there’s more; musical entertainment by local school bands; tap- ballet - modern dancing displays by local dance studios; plenty of food and refreshments available to buy and places to sit and have a picnic. Don’t miss your chance to visit the entertaining and inspirational St Ives Show.
For more information about the expo and performance and activity times, visit; or call 0408 253 563.
St Ives Showground, Mona Vale Road, St Ives- (between north St Ives and Terrey Hills): May 17 and 18, 2014, 9am – 9pm, Saturday and 9am – 4pm, Sunday Children $5.00; adults the same price as the kids. Free parking available at the ground.
File photo of the Pittwater High prizewinners 2013 washing their sheep
Help Build Avalon Beach SLSC - Buy A Brick
If you would like to donate to the Avalon Beach SLSC building fund please go to the Building Tab on their website menu above, click Donate Now and select “Avalon Beach” and “Donation” in the drop down menus displayed. All donors who “Buy a brick” will be acknowledged by the club in a number of ways. We thank you for contributing to our future.
THE MAGOO CHARITY CLASSIC 17TH AND 18TH MAY 2014 - submitted by magoo charity team
The Central Coast Malibu Boardriders Club (CCMB) organises and runs one of the largest charity longboarding surf competitions on the Central Coast of NSW. This contest attracts over 150 of the best longboard surfers in Australia.
The Magoo Charity Classic caters for surfers of all ages and abilities, with 10 divisions from under 18 to over 60 in age, including Women’s, Open 9′, Open 8′, Loggers and Old Malibu.This year we have a new division combining the logs and old mal. Come along and enjoy the FUN!
The Magoo Charity Classic is an event that stands by itself in the history of surfing. Over the last 15 years the event has raised over $300,000 for cancer research and care. In 1999, Barry ‘Magoo’ McGuigan turned 70 and the CCMB surprised him with one of the BIGGEST charity surf contests in Australia.
Starting on Saturday 17th May, and finals on Sunday 18th of May 2014. The event celebrates fun, friendship, family and surfing, catering for all ages.
Contest Director: David Hayes – 0418 249 552. Email
Register and see more see HERE
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is June 1st 2014.
The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
ALRC seeks input into Proposals for Reforms to address Serious Invasions of Privacy
The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) today released a Discussion Paper, Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era (DP 80, 2014). The Terms of Reference for this Inquiry ask the ALRC to consider the detailed legal design of a statutory cause of action and, in addition, other innovative ways the law might prevent or redress serious invasions of privacy.
The ALRC is seeking feedback from the community on 47 proposals for reform outlined in the Discussion Paper including a new Commonwealth Act that would provide for a statutory cause of action for serious invasions of privacy.
ALRC Commissioner for the Inquiry, Professor Barbara McDonald, said “Privacy is fundamental to enabling individuals to live dignified, fulfilling, safe and autonomous lives. It underpins many other freedoms of the individual, but it is a right that must be balanced with other fundamental values such as freedom of expression and with other aspects of modern society from which we all benefit. The design of a new cause of action reflects the balancing of these competing interests in carving out a level of protection of privacy that would see Australia meet its commitment to international norms/standards.
New technologies are constantly adding new ways to collect and use information about people’s activities, and to intrude into someone’s private life, challenging the usefulness of some existing laws. The ALRC proposals reflect the need to provide people across all of Australia with the same level of protection for their privacy and competing freedoms.”
The ALRC invites individuals and organisations to make submissions in response to the proposals contained in the Discussion Paper, or to any of the research, argument and analysis provided. This community input will help inform the development of final recommendations for reform that will be contained in our Final Report, due to be delivered to the Attorney-General by 30 June 2014.
The Discussion Paper is available free of charge from the ALRC website and is also available as an ebook. The ALRC prefers submissions via the ALRC online submission Written submissions can be posted to the Executive Director, ALRC, GPO Box 3708, Sydney NSW 2001 or emailed to
Closing date for submissions is Monday 12 May 2014. Due to the very tight timeframe late submissions cannot be accepted.
For more information about the ALRC Inquiry, go
Shark Cull Season ends – Memorial Service at Manly – C/- Surfrider Foundation Australia
To mark the end of the shark culling season across Australia a protest/memorial service for all the animals who have died due to these Government policies will be held at Manly South Steyne this Sunday 4th May 10am-12pm.
Join us at Manly South Steyne for a paddle out and sand castle monument building session/protest to make a statement that we love our marine animals and want them protected!

Annual NSWRFS Internal Bravery and Awards Ceremony, 2014
On the 4th May each year, also known as St Florian's Day (the Patron Saint of fire fighters), the dedication and commitment of members, either as individuals or as teams, is formally recognised. 23 Awards were presented today ranging from acts of bravery through to years of tireless and selfless dedication. For details, follow this link
Congratulations to volunteer, Deputy Captain Josh Sheedy from Belrose RFS Brigade. He was awarded a Commendation by the Fire & Rescue NSW Commissioner today for his actions at the Fuel Tanker fire in Mona Vale last year.
Photo Courtesy Ingleside RFS
Newport Surf Racing Academy Supports Wheelchair Event - 28 April 2014
Fresh from their success at the recent Australian Surf Life Saving Championship the Newport Surf Club's Surf Racing Academy has entered three teams (Newport Flying Fish, Newport Makos and Newport Tuna) in the Fresh Tracks annual Team Wheelathon, wheelchair marathon race, to be held this Sunday 4 May.
Fresh Tracks is a charity that supports the ongoing rehabilitation of people who have suffered brain injuries. It is a four hour team event, where teams race around the track in race wheelchairs.
"The academy thought it was the perfect type of event for our guys to do during the off season and also to help out a very worthwhile local charity. Plus we all need to try and keep fit over winter. We have teams of men and women from our Newport water competitors and our Makos open men's boat crew will be competing," said spokesperson Tom Kellaway from Newport Surf Club.
Money raised at the Team Wheelathon will go to young people with an Acquired Brain Injury. These young people often do not have insurance and once they leave the rehabilitation hospitals receive very little follow up.
The organisers are aiming to change this through a Return2Sports scholarship where they work alongside an exercise therapist from the Royal Rehab Centre to achieve their sporting goals (which could be as simple as walking the last 10 meters of the City2Surf).
Narrabeen Academy of Sport and Recreation 10am to 2.30pm
See: and
Have you ever tried pushing yourself in a wheelchair? Help support young people with a brain injury and test our your skills in a wheelchair. When tired swap with your team mates. The winning team is the one that does the most laps.
Fletcher Tackles Molokai Paddleboard Championships in Aid of Mental Health
Newport Surf Club paddle boarder Fletcher Davies is in training for the Molokai Paddleboard World Championships to be held on the 27 July 2014. It's a 56km race from the Island of Molokai thru the Kai'iwi channel (channel of bones) to the island of Oahu.
He is looking for sponsorship support for the trip and to raise funds for the BeyondBlue Foundation which assists people with mental illness issues such as anxiety and depression.
"I have always been motivated to do the race solo ever since I was young, being told stories by my idol/mentor/coach Nick Carroll. I have had personal experience with close friends of mine suffering depression and to me it is a huge underlying mental illness within young people.
"Firstly I need financial support to get me there as it is a very costly experience. Secondly, I would like to raise as much as I can for the foundation as I do believe it is a very worthy cause," said Fletcher.
"This year I am hoping to be at my best and hopefully beat my result of two years ago when I came second in the Under 29s division and win the stock division. The training involves swimming 2-3 times a week. Plus 3-4 other 12-20km paddles during the week then a longer 4-6hr paddles over the weekend," he added.
You can contribute by directly funding the trip or by donating to the Foundation on Fletcher's website:
Fletcher can be contacted on 0414 158 274 for sponsorship enquiries and he can offer good publicity on social media.
Details of the event are at
Pittwater Animal Hospital Celebrating 50 years!
They are having an Open Day today, Sunday 4 May from 10am to 2pm. There will be farm animals, a reptile man, face painting, a sausage sizzle and much more!
Located cnr. of Pittwater Road & Arnott Crescent, Warriewood.
Scam of the month warning: Energy bills - Published on 30 Apr 2014
SCAMwatch is warning consumers to be on the lookout for energy billing scams currently doing the rounds

Have you sometimes thought about visiting the colourful, exciting, and fascinating countries of Latin America? On 18th May you will have an opportunity to participate in the culture at an amazing all day Festival being held in Avalon.
Or maybe you have a Latin heritage and so a visit to this festival will tug at your heart strings and remind you of home?
There will be so much to enjoy: Handcrafts, Latin American food, Music, Folklore, Dance and Latin Rhythm Dance Classes, Children’s shows, Pinatas and lots and lots of fun!
Any proceeds from this event will go to aid indigenous people. The committee are aiming to raise funds to bring NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER Rigoberta Menchu from Guatemala to conference here about the needs of indigenous people in all countries. A donation will also be made to aid Australian Indigenous people.
DATE: SUNDAY - 18th MAY: 10.00 - 6.00 pm at AVALON RECREATION CENTRE (59 Old Barrenjoey Rd. Avalon) ENTRY: $5.00 adults/children free. Contact Juan 9918 7698

ROCK’N FOR ROKI – a very special fundraiser
Sat 10th May, 12pm – 8pm, Mona Vale Hotel upstairs.
Finally New Tricks are doing a daytime gig, and not just any gig either but one that you can bring the kids to. Gourmet food & activities and entertainment for the littlies included in the ticket price, plus you get to hear 8 amazing bands of all genres from gentle acoustic (Chris Rutherford & The Lounge Lizards), to jazz/Latin/cocktail (The Lionel Robinson Agenda), to rock covers that everyone knows and can dance to (New Tricks & Free N Easy), and for the younger set there’s Hailstone (a bunch of young talented lads who will blow you away), The Chronics (these guys have done several albums) and The Titty Twisters (the ultimate party band). New Tricks will be on at approx. 3pm, but come anytime you can make it because it’s all about Roki!
All this is to raise money for little Roki Mills so he can get the treatment he so desperately needs overseas. He’s been over to India with his family once already and the improvement has been remarkable, but he needs at least two more treatments in India and each trip costs the family in excess of $40,000 – that’s a LOT of money, but if it were your child you’d be doing the same thing wouldn’t you? And you’d want people to help if they could, wouldn’t you? Of course you would, and that’s why I know you’ll try to attend and help a beautiful family do all that they can to give their child his best chance of leading a full life.
Read more about Roki here: and buy your tickets online now!!! $30 per adult, $10 for kids under 16, or buy a family pack of 2 adults and 2 kids for $60. You can also buy tickets at the door on the day but tickets are selling fast so I’d recommend you get them online so you don’t miss out.
New Tricks have done a few fundraisers but this one by far is the one that’s touched our hearts the most – please come and help Roki. And please pass this email onto your friends, especially those that live on the Northern Beaches.
Sheree & New Tricks.
If You Hit A Native Bird or Animal - Please Stop and Get it to a Vet
Last Sunday morning a walk to the shop for milk turned into a bit more. A young magpie, just hit by a car that didn't stop, struggling on the side of the road with a broken wing and other bad injuries, shivering with shock, needed to be picked up and taken to one of our local vets.
If you hit one of our other residents - please stop and check and if it is still alive, and if so, get it to a vet. Animals with pouches may have young ones still alive in them which will die if you don't do something.
Sticking to the speed limit for Barrenjoey and Pittwater roads - 60km an hour, will also decrease the incidences of injuries and deaths caused by careless drivers.
If you hit and injure an animal (apart from a bird), you arerequired by law to do whatever you reasonably can to ease its pain. If it's not a wild animal then the injury must be reported to the police or the animal's owner.
The witness who took this beautiful intelligent creature to the vet at Newport informs us she is quite happy to begin taking photos of those hitting and abandoning native animals on the stretch of road outside her home, frequently used as a race track, and will forward these to authorities.
We can only hope legislation is amended soon to include all feathered beauties and that those vets who look after them may be able to receive some kind of funding for their work.
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Forum - Guringai Heritage and Shared History
At this Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Forum you will learn from Neil Evers and Julie Janson about proposals to erect dual signage. They will show examples of interpretive walks and dual signage that acknowledge Aboriginal archaeology, shared
history and use of the natural environment.
Clair Jackson will show recent local Aboriginal artwork. Jenny Harris will talk about the proposal for adaptive re-use of Waratah Park in relation to Gai-mariagal Aboriginal Owned National Park.
When: Monday 26 May, 7pm start
Where: Narrabeen Tramshed, 1935a Pittwater Road, Narrabeen.
Entry is free but book your tickets now as Friends forums always attract a big crowd. Phone 9905 2135 or email Judith
Alice Walker Part of Sydney Writers' Festival 2014
Catch internationally celebrated writer Alice Walker, best known for The Color Purple talking about writing, activism and the issues she is most passionate about at Sydney Opera House on May 21. She will be interviewed by Caroline Baum and joined on stage by Archie Roach.See:
The 2014 Sydney Writers Festival runs Monday 19 to Sunday 25 May. Full details of the program on their website HERE

Mona Vale resident Elizabeth Postle has taken out a Local Achievement Award as part of the 2014 NSW Seniors Week.
Elizabeth was nominated by her daughter and friends for her contribution to raising awareness of and support to carers of people with Alzheimer's.
A registered nurse and midwife – a position she has held for 45 years - Elizabeth has written a book called A Healing Hug for Alzheimer’s Caregivers.
Elizabeth says she wrote the book to help carers with practical coping techniques, to ensure they have quality time with their loved ones as well as managing the inevitable stress and grief that comes with being a carer.
“I felt compelled to write the book to help others deal with the disease and when it occurs, their bereavement,” she said.
With an eye to new generations dealing with the impact of Alzheimer's, Elizabeth has also set up a website known to share her and others knowledge and experience.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said she was delighted that Elizabeth had received recognition for her work and her dedication to helping others.
“Dealing with Alzheimer's and other dementia-related disease is going to be an increasing challenge for governments and communities everywhere,” the Mayor said.
“The resources that Elizabeth has created are all helping to lessen the feeling of isolation for carers.”
Elizabeth Postle Image courtesy Peninsula Bridge Club
RFS Photo Comp.
What do NSW Rural Fire Service volunteers mean for your community? The NSW RFS and Ausgrid are pleased to announce a community photo competition which aims to visually showcase the work of our volunteers.
The competition theme is “NSW RFS Volunteers – part of our community”.
Your picture could show volunteers fighting fires, like this photo of the Howes Swamp Fire at Putty Road, taken by Ku-ring-gai brigade member Anthony Macvean last October. It could be an image of crews conducting community education sessions or taking part in other local events.
There are three categories – NSW RFS Members, Community and People’s Choice Award, with prizes for each provided by Ausgrid.
The winners of the NSW RFS Members and Community awards will be announced during National Volunteer Week, starting 12 May. Other short listed entries will be featured on the NSW RFS Facebook page.
Photos should feature at least one NSW RFS volunteer.Entries close 12 May, 2014.
Full details about the competition and prizes are available on theNSW RFS website.
Bowel Care 2014
BowelCare kits for early detection of bowel cancer are now on sale in local pharmacies, with sales running until May 24. Pittwater Rotary has provided volunteer support for this vital project for many years.

Pet of the Week
To meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or Visit to see all our dogs.
Turf Australia and Junior Landcare’s 2014 Perfect Pitch of Green Program Now Open for Entries
In celebration of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Junior Landcare and the representative body for turf growers, Turf Australia, are offering 10 schools or youth groups (including sports clubs that involve young people) natural turf to makeover an area up to 200 square metres, slightly bigger than the goalmouth area of a standard sporting field, and the perfect amount for refreshing an outdoor classroom. The grass can be used to update sports areas, enhance outdoor learning areas, or create more spaces for playing.
Who can apply?
This program is only open to schools, community and youth groups and sporting clubs that are considered “Not for Profit” such as:
Schools including preschools, kindergartens, primary and high schools across Australia.
Youth groups including scouts, girl guides and other community organisations that involve and support young people as a key component of their activities and services.
Sporting clubs that actively involve and support young people in their activities and programs.
To apply, simply download an entry form and explain how natural turf will make a positive difference to your school – applications close on Tuesday, 1st July. See Here for more details
ASIC seeks feedback on its services
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has released an online survey as part of its ongoing commitment to improving the way in which they communicate with the small business community, as well as the services they provide this community.
Through the survey, ASIC aims to:
Identify what small business knows and does not know about its role and the services it provides;
Assess the usefulness of education tools developed over the last 12 months to help small business better understand their compliance obligations; and
Gather feedback on how ASIC can better support the small business community, including owners and operators, advisers and other government agencies.
You are invited to participate in the survey, it's online from Monday 7 April until Monday 26 May and will take approximately five minutes to complete. There's no requirement for participants to identify themselves. Every response will help inform ASIC's work, shape their priorities and improve their services.
Green Army request for tender now open
The Australian Government is calling for tender applications from organisations wanting to become a Service Provider for the Green Army Programme.
Service Providers will have the opportunity to make a real difference by helping to deliver environmental projects in communities and providing training and skills to young Australians right across the country.
The Green Army will be Australia's largest-ever team supporting environmental action across the country, building to 15,000 young Australians by 2018.
The Green Army provides opportunities for young Australians aged 17-24 to gain training and experience in environmental and heritage conservation fields and explore careers in conservation management, while participating in projects that generate real benefits for the Australian environment.
Service Providers will deliver the program across the nation and be responsible for managing work health and safety, training, paying allowances and overseeing project management.
Under the Programme, participants will be paid an allowance generally higher than the rate of Newstart and Youth Allowance. Protections under the existing relevant state and territory legislation will be maintained to help ensure the safety of all involved.
Service Providers will ensure that participants develop valuable skills that will assist their transition into the workforce.
Organisations interested in becoming a Green Army Service Provider should submit a tender application through AusTender by 4pm Canberra time 7 May 2014.
The Request for Tender for Service Providers is available online
Australia Post commemorates the Australian Red Cross centenary - 01 May 2014
Australia Post is commemorating the centenary of Red Cross in Australia with the release of a new domestic base-rate (70c) stamp.
Australia Post Philatelic Manager, Mr Michael Zsolt said "We are pleased to be able to support Australian Red Cross with the release of this commemorative stamp issue in this centenary year."
"We trust that the stamp will remind all Australians of the important humanitarian contribution of the organisation over the last 100 years," Mr Zsolt said.
"We are honoured that Australia Post has recognised the work of Australian Red Cross in this way. During our Centenary we are proudly celebrating 100 years of people helping people, and thanking generations of Australians for their service to the nation in times of war, disaster and personal crisis," said Robert Tickner, Chief Executive Officer of Australian Red Cross.
"There are a wide variety of activities planned around the country. We encourage all Australians to actively participate and celebrate with Red Cross in our centenary year," Mr Tickner said.
Red Cross in Australia was established in 1914 and is now part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the largest humanitarian movement in the world. The movement comprises millions of volunteers worldwide and prides itself on being independent of government and without political, religious or cultural bias.
Australian Red Cross relies heavily on public donations and corporate partnerships to support its vital everyday work. It is supported by more than 30,000 trained volunteers who work tirelessly to help families and communities whose lives have been touched by disaster and tragedy.
The Australian Red Cross Centenary stamp design is based on the official centenary logo of the Australian Red Cross and on an historic poster from World War II. The designer of the stamp is Lisa Christensen of the Australia Post Design Studio.
A commemorative postal and numismatic cover is available with this stamp issue. The striking cover houses a $1 Perth Mint coin featuring the Australian Red Cross logo in colour.
The associated products also available with this stamp issue include a first day cover, sheetlet pack, maxicard, sheetlet of 10 x 70c stamps and a roll of 200 x 70c self-adhesive stamps. The Australian Red Cross Centenary stamp issue is available from 6 May 2014 at participating Australia Post retail outlets, via mail order on 1800 331 794 and online at while stocks last.
Southern Cross Wildlife Care - Critter of the Month - April 2014 - curated by Lynleigh Greig

Bushcare Dates - May 2014
Bushcare at Warriewood - The Warriewood bushcare group managed by Pittwater Council needs more volunteers on 4th Wednesday morning of the month – Can you help? Please contact Mary Johnsen at 9999 2020.
Sun May 4
Avalon Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Pittwater Food & Wine Fair –
Plant Giveaway - Win Bay
Mon May 5
Rocky Point 9-12pm
Browns Bay Res 9-12pm
Fri May 9
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Sat May 10
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Pt 10-1pm
Woodlands Res 9-12pm
Sun May 11
Bangalley Headland 9-12pm
Catherine Pk 10-12:30pm
W’wood Wetlands 9-12pm
Wed May 14
Floating Landcare Catherine Park 9-12:30pm
Thu May 15
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat May 17
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun May 18
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Elanora Road 8:30-11:30am
Sat May 24
Pindari Res 8-11am
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Kywong Res 8:30-11:30am
Elanora Heights Native Plant Giveaway
Sun May 25
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Win Bay 9-12pm
Wed May 28
W’wood Bch 8-11am
For further information on bushcare and/or to confirm if your group is working please contact Pittwater Council's Bushcare Officer. Bushcare is a great way to help your local bushland and make new friends! Bushcare Officer: Helena Dewis 9970 1367
Pittwater Council's COOEE Newsletter May - 2014
Australians to have their say on teacher education - Media Release
Australians will be able to have their say on putting students first and creating excellence in teacher education with a public consultation process beginning today. Minister for Education, the Hon Christopher Pyne said lifting the quality, professionalism and status of the teaching profession is at the heart of the Government’s Students First policy.
“This Government knows there is nothing more important to a child’s education than having great teachers,” Mr Pyne said.
“That’s why teacher quality is one of the four pillars of our Students First policy and the reason for establishing this expert Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group.”
The public consultation process will include meetings with representatives from a range of education bodies including teacher employers, the Australian Council of Deans of Education, Universities Australia and the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership.
The Advisory Group will seek submissions from interested parties in response to the Issues Paper.
The Advisory Group will also conduct a benchmark study of world’s best practice in teacher education programmes.
“Strengthening the curriculum also forms part of our Students First policy, but just as important as having a robust curriculum is having teachers who can deliver it effectively.”
“These consultations will help the advisory group put together strong, evidence-based recommendations for improving teacher education.
“This is part of our commitment to creating a world-class education system that puts students first and helps young Australians achieve educational excellence and great jobs.
“I encourage people to contribute to the public consultation process.”
“All submissions will help inform the next steps the Government takes to ensure teacher education programmes better prepare new teachers with the practical skills needed for the classroom.”
Submissions will be accepted from Thursday 17 April 2014 until 5:30pm (AEST) on Friday 13 June 2014.
Any interested party is eligible to make a submission, as an individual or on behalf of an organisation (where authorised to do so).
Under the Students First approach, the Australian Government will work with the states and territories to focus on four key areas that will make a difference to students:
• teacher quality
• school autonomy
• engaging parents in education
• strengthening the curriculum
To find out more, and to read the Issues Paper, go
Federal Government Media Releases this week:
Release of the National Commission of Audit Report
SNIPPET: The National Commission of Audit report we release today shows that the spending trajectory we inherited from Labor is unsustainable and needs to be addressed. The National Commission of Audit report is not a report by the Government but a report to the Government. The National Commission of Audit report is available online at
Don't pay a scammer for a fake energy bill | ACCC
SNIPPET: The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is warning consumers to watch out for a new phishing email asking you to pay bogus gas or electricity bills. Scammers may claim you have an amount owing for exceeding your energy consumption limit and that you are eligible to use a discounted energy tariff if you pay the bill now. The ACCC has produced a YouTube video warning about energy bill scams
Heartbleed Bug - Changing Your Password Is Recommended | IP Australia
SNIPPET: A vulnerability known as the Heartbleed Bug has been discovered that affects many websites around the world. IP Australia takes its security and that of its customers seriously. Top Provide feedback Customer service charter Our portfolio Information Publication Scheme (IPS) Freedom of information FOI disclosure log IP glossary Forms Copyright notice Accessibility statement Disclaimer Privacy Policy - condensed Site map Patents Trade Marks Designs Plant Breeder's Rights Copyright and other IP.
ACCC issues carbon monitoring report | ACCC
SNIPPET: The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), acting upon a direction from the Treasurer, the Hon. The ACCC expects that after the repeal of the carbon tax businesses will remove any remaining carbon components in prices and that consumers will see the benefit of the repeal as quickly as possible. In accordance with the direction, the ACCC has provided a report to the Treasurer detailing the ACCC's monitoring activities for the March 2014 quarter.
Release of live animal export investigation reports - Department of Agriculture
SNIPPET: The Department of Agriculture has released four compliance investigation reports concerning the handling, unauthorised movement and slaughter of Australian livestock exported to overseas markets. The department considers the findings of these and earlier investigation reports when determining the appropriate response to non compliance with animal welfare recommendations in specific supply chains. The ESCAS investigation reports released today are:.
Screen Australia announces funding for seven one-off documentaries
SNIPPET: Funding for audience-engaging features of any genre. - Australian Festivals & Events. Screen Australia today announced $1.15 million in funding for seven feature length documentaries through its Signature funding program, initiating $2.69 million worth of production.
Multicard Pty Ltd breaches Privacy Act| Office of the Australian Information Commissioner - OAIC
SNIPPET: The Australian Privacy Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim has found Multicard Pty Ltd breached the Privacy Act 1988 by making the personal information of approximately 9,000 Maritime Security Identity Card (MSIC) applicants available online. Multicard failed to take reasonable steps to ensure the security of the personal information it held, and was found to have disclosed personal information other than for a permitted purpose. The Commissioner has requested that the independent auditor engaged by Multicard certify Multicard has implemented the planned remediation steps, and provide to the OAIC the certification and a copy of the independent auditor's report on Multicard's information holdings and security systems by 30 June 2014.
SNIPPET: World-leading soil biologists are preparing to shed new light on the 'secret' life that exists within Australia's agricultural soils. They will gather in Melbourne on May 15 to share new understandings about the biological component of the nation's cropping soils that have been unearthed through the Grains Research and Development Corporation's Soil Biology Initiative (SBI) II. 'Researchers who have been investigating the influence of soil biology on farming systems across Australia's grain growing regions will discuss their findings and what these mean for grain growers and their future farm practices.
Drugs, gun and $2.5 million cash seized in Australia wide operation - Australian Federal Police
SNIPPET: An Australian Federal Police (AFP) investigation has disrupted a criminal syndicate trafficking narcotics across the country, seizing almost 100 kilograms of amphetamine-type substances and various precursor chemicals, drug manufacturing equipment and approximately $2.5 million in cash. 50 kilograms of methamphetamine was seized as part of the Australia-wide operation. $2.5 million in cash was seized as part of the Australia-wide operation.
Lockheed Martin Australia - preferred tenderer for the Centralised Processing Project
SNIPPET: Lockheed Martin Australia - preferred tenderer for the Centralised Processing Project. Lockheed Martin Australia has been selected as the preferred tenderer for the provision of Centralised Processing services to Defence. Defence will now enter into further negotiations with Lockheed Martin Australia to finalise the contract for provision of Centralised Processing services.
Australian forces stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Philippines in humanitarian relief exercise
SNIPPET: Australian forces stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Philippines in humanitarian relief exercise. Australian Defence Force personnel are participating in a major regional exercise in the Philippines focusing on humanitarian and disaster relief. Wing Commander Nicholas Pratt from the Royal Australian Air Force will lead the Australian contingent and said the ADF had been called on to support a number of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief missions throughout the region in recent years.
Latest Australian Total Diet Study released
SNIPPET: Applications to change the Code. Food safety standards information.
Boats are stopping but risk is still there
SNIPPET: Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. Asylum seekers are at risk in the system, regardless of where they may be accommodated. The job will not be completed until claims have been processed, refugees are resettled, detention centres are emptied and those who were unsuccessful have gone home.
Sydney woman gaoled for impersonating an immigration officer
SNIPPET: Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. A Sydney court has issued a reminder to the community that immigration fraud will not be tolerated, after a Sydney woman was sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment for impersonating an immigration officer. 'The offences took place over an eight week period in late 2010, during which the offender pretended to be an immigration compliance officer employed by the department.
Finalists announced in local government awards
SNIPPET: Category finalists have been announced in the National Awards for Local Government, highlighting innovative projects that deliver better outcomes for communities. 'Two finalists have been announced in each of the six award categories, recognising the important role of local government in both urban and regional communities across Australia,' Mr Truss said.
Tenders Called for $39 Million Kapooka Bridge Work
SNIPPET: NSW Minister for Roads and Freight. Tenders are being called for the $39 million realignment of the Olympic Highway at Kapooka. The $39 million Kapooka Bridge work will be jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments.
ACCC proposes to re-authorise newsagents to collectively bargain | ACCC
SNIPPET: The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has issued a draft determination proposing to allow the Australian Newsagents' Federation (ANF) to negotiate on behalf of its members with a range of suppliers. Collective bargaining allows newsagents to pool resources and undertake a more co-ordinated approach to negotiating with suppliers, many of whom are large, well-resourced businesses, ACCC Deputy Chair Michael Schaper said. The ACCC has had regard to the previously authorised collective bargaining arrangements in proposing to grant re-authorisation for ten years.
HMAS Huon Presented Top Fleet Award by the Governor-General
SNIPPET: HMAS Huon Presented Top Fleet Award by the Governor-General. HMAS Huon was today presented with the Royal Australian Navy's most prestigious award for outstanding performance by His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia. The Gloucester Cup was initiated by Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester in 1946 and was first presented in 1947.
Same-day hospital admissions rising more quickly than overnight admissions(AIHW)
SNIPPET: AIHW Board AIHW senior staff Annual report Capability statement Collaboration Customer care charter FOI - freedom of information Indexed list of files Conferences & events Organisation chart Presentations Privacy of data Public consultation Strategic Directions 2011-2014 Tenders . Male health Mental health Mothers & babies National health priority areas Overweight & obesity Palliative care Population health Prisoner health Risk factors Rural health Safety & quality of health care Veterans' health Workforce Youth health & wellbeing Youth justice. Health Health prevention Indigenous Australians Injury.
$11.4 Million for Health and Medical Research | National Health and Medical Research Council
SNIPPET: Australian researchers who have formed community partnerships to improve health outcomes across Australia have received $11.4 million in Federal Government funding. Minister for Health Peter Dutton said the grants further demonstrated the Government's commitment to frontline services, including health and medical research in Australia. 'Jointly funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and various partners, the funding supports 14 new Partnerships for Better Health,' Mr Dutton said.
The Australian Synchrotron in the International Year of Crystallography - ANSTO
SNIPPET: Professor Andrew Peele will visit ANSTO on the 7 May, to discuss some of the outstanding science produced at the Australian Synchrotron.
Study aids development of antifungal agents - ANSTO
SNIPPET: Fungal spore amyloid protein, hydrophobin, is interesting because of its strong water-resistance and highly robust properties. 1 School of Medical Sciences and School of Molecular Bioscience, University of Sydney. 2 School of Chemistry, University of New South Wales, and Harvard Medical School, USA,.
Keynote Address: Infrastructure and Regional Development for the 21st Century
SNIPPET: And thank you to the National Press Club for hosting me today. We are also investing in our rail freight links to our ports. And we are doing it without a mining tax.
Drug data report finds illicit drug arrests and seizures are highest on record
SNIPPET: New evidence released today in the Australian Crime Commission's Illicit Drug Data Report 201213 reveals seizures and arrests of nearly all drug types across the country were at record highs. Minister for Justice Michael Keenan was at Melbourne's Alfred Hospital today to release the report which provides governments, law enforcement agencies and policy makers with a robust picture of the Australian illicit drug market. This gives us a greater understanding of the illicit drug market, which enables us to better protect the community against the threat, harm and destruction that illicit drugs cause.
Inquiry launched into natural disaster funding arrangements
SNIPPET: The Hon JB Hockey MP. Today we have released the terms of reference for a Productivity Commission inquiry into natural disaster funding arrangements. The Australian Government has established this inquiry to analyse the full scope of current Commonwealth and state expenditure on natural disaster mitigation and recovery.
Director Radio announces departure | About the ABC
SNIPPET: Director of ABC Radio Kate Dundas today announced her resignation from the role and intention to leave the ABC in July this year. In 2008 ABC Radio had a combined share of 21.2% and a combined reach of 3.815 million. ABC Managing Director Mark Scott said Kate has been an inspired leader of ABC Radio and a much valued member of the ABC Executive over the last five years.
SNIPPET: Assistant Minister for Defence, Stuart Robert, today launched the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Gap Year program for 2015. The ADF Gap Year program is a proven success, particularly in recruiting women into the ADF, and its reinstatement fulfils another of the Government's key Defence election commitments,' Mr Robert said. The ADF Gap Year program represents an investment in the youth of Australia as part of the Government's commitment to boosting ADF recruitment while also broadening community engagement with the ADF.
Australia condemns violence in South Sudan, Media release, 28 Apr 2014, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, The Hon Julie Bishop MP
SNIPPET: The Australian Government strongly condemns the targeted killing of hundreds of civilians in South Sudan in the last week. Victims were located in a hospital, a mosque, and a church and were reportedly targeted because of their ethnic origins and nationality. With this contribution, Australia has provided over $50 million in humanitarian assistance to South Sudan since 2012.
Rates of newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes remain stable in Australia (AIHW)
SNIPPET: AIHW Board AIHW senior staff Annual report Capability statement Collaboration Customer care charter FOI - freedom of information Indexed list of files Conferences & events Organisation chart Presentations Privacy of data Public consultation Strategic Directions 2011-2014 Tenders . Health Health prevention Indigenous Australians Injury. 'The trend in incidence of type 1 diabetes has remained fairly stable over the period 2000 to 2011, with between 10 and 12 new cases of type 1 diabetes per 100,000 people each year.'.
April 27 - May 3, 2014: Issue 160
National Trust Heritage Festival
Migration, immigration, travel stories, cultural studies, Journeys can be interpreted in all different ways. The Theme of this year’s National Trust Heritage Festival is “Journeys” – a celebration of our passage from various points of origin to the Australia of today.
Events on the Northern Beaches include:
Join Northern Beaches Creative Leisure & Learning as we access various modes of transport for a fun day, travelling from the northern beaches. After a journey by bus, ferry, train & light rail, we will then walk around Pyrmont Bay, Darling Harbour & Walsh Bay. Along the way, we will view the Welcome Wall which stands in honour of all those who have migrated from countries around the world to live in Australia. Another highlight will be the Walsh Bay Sculpture Walk.
Date: Monday 26th May.
Cost: $10. Bookings essential. Phone 9913 1474
Join Pittwater Community Arts for a fun evening of song, verse, photography, film and historic footage as we take a light-hearted look at transport around Pittwater. From the explorations of Governor Philip in the early days of the colony to the present day, the fascinating history of Pittwater is revealed in the stories of its people, places & pastimes. Listen to stories about the journeys made by people who have made Pittwater their home and hear from some who provide a means of transport around Pittwater.
Venue: Loquat Valley School, 1977 Pittwater Rd. Bayview.
Date: Saturday 31st May, 7pm for 7.30pm
Cost: $10. Bookings essential. Phone 9913 1474

2014 Blues Hogs for Homeless Raffle
In 2012, rugby league legend and NSW Blues warrior Brad Fittler said that as a father it made him feel sick to his core that there were nearly 4000 homeless children under the age of 12 in the state of his origin, the state that he loves so much, the state that he has shed blood for; NSW.
This prompted ‘Freddy’ to contact Father Chris Riley and his ‘Youth off the Streets’ team to say that he wanted to create a fundraising event to help such a worthwhile organisation.
Drawn at the announcement of the VB NSW Blues Team, Tuesday May 20, 2014.
See more at HERE
Privacy Awareness Week 2014 – mobilise your privacy - 24 April 2014
Privacy Awareness Week, an annual initiative of the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA), will commence in the first week of May (4 – 10 May 2014).
It is an opportunity to highlight the importance of privacy, a hot topic that affects individuals, communities and governments throughout Australia and around the world.
This year the Information and Privacy Commission NSW (IPC) will celebrate Privacy Awareness Week under the theme “Mobilise your privacy, stay safe online”.
“Now, more than ever, it is vital that both organisations and individuals are vigilant when it comes to privacy protection, particularly with the increasing use of the internet and smartphones,” said Dr Elizabeth Coombs, NSW Privacy Commissioner. “Many people are also using mobile apps to receive and provide information and services, and there can be privacy implications for both the users and the providers.”
This theme encourages all of us to consider such questions as:
What are my responsibilities when using mobile apps?
Have I checked my privacy settings lately?
What are my rights under NSW privacy law?
Who can help me with this process?
The IPC has released a range of new resources to help protect our privacy, including two fact sheets on mobile apps and understanding the risks.
“Mobile apps: The ABCs of privacy protection encourages us to think before we download apps, and Mobile apps: know the risks is a simple checklist for organisations that use apps to deliver services to the NSW public. It is important to understand what information is collected and how it will be used,” said Dr Coombs.
Other resources cover tips for children’s online safety, and A Guide to privacy laws in NSW offers simple facts about privacy legislation in NSW, how it protects your privacy and what you can do if you think your privacy has been breached.
Dr Coombs is available for interviews during Privacy Awareness Week 2014 to discuss privacy issues including online safety. Please contact Kate Jobling on 0435 961 691 or to make your request.
For more information on the IPC and Privacy Awareness Week activities in NSW, visit
From: Information and Privacy Commission New South Wales
Club Palm Beach (Palm Beach RSL) – Drop Off Old Mobile phones Please
Sarah-Jayne is a year 11 student at Barrenjoey high, and as part of her biology assignment, has been given the opportunity to meet Jane Goodall at Taronga Zoo in May this year. BUT to be a part of this experience, she has to collect old mobile phones that will be recycled, helping to save the gorillas environment by stopping mining for Coltan, a metallic ore used in mobile phones.
Help Sarah Jayne and this amazing cause by dropping your old, unwanted mobile phones into the club.
Thank you for your help.
Marine Rescue Sydney – Boat Raffle Drawn by Hon. Bishop
Marine Rescue Sydney, based at Terrey Hills were fortunate to have the Hon. Bronwyn Bishop to draw the winning tickets in our fundraising raffle. Volunteers have been selling tickets for many months and are pleased to announce that we exceeded our target of $12,000 which will go towards much needed upgrading of our radio equipment. Many thanks to Mrs Bishop for her time and interest in Marine Rescue. Winner of the boat is Andrew Montague
Also, needless to say we were extremely busy over the Easter holiday with boating high on many people's agenda.
Thanks again to our volunteers who give up their time and expertise to operate the radio base at Terrey Hills 24/7.
Above: Roger Holt, Andrew Topp, Hon. Bronwyn Bishop, Chris Gillett (Sydney regional controller), Ken Iverson and Marguerite Mason.

Community Supports Big Wave Surfer
Firstly I'd like to say a huge thank you to all my friends and family that made it to my fundraiser! The night went off !! Mainly due to Froggy Freudenstein; you are the man mate !!
I am and have always been a proud Narrabeen boy I can't begin to express my gratitude to what went down last night !!! I want to present this aliaia as a token of my appreciation to Narrabeen.
Pono is a Hawaiian word meaning being in positive alignment and in balance in all things in life, having respect, being respectful, caring about others and being the best you can be.
I want the elder group of Narrabeen board riders and sharks award this as an award to the young person that best displays these traits. Being awarded the Pono award will mean that I will fly you out to Hawaii for a week to share with you my life in Hawaii !!
I learnt and was taught the traits from growing up here in Narrabeen , and have been accepted and become part of the community in haleiwa Hawaii . I want people to dream big, follow their dreams and goals whatever they may be!!
Once again thanks to all ! Bands, Narrabeen Rsl, North Narrabeen Sharks, Narrabeen Boardriders Club so stoked on the turn out, froth and catching up with all the crew.
Ben Wilkinson - April 20
NSW Govt. Reintroducing locally extinct mammals
The NSW Government has announced an innovative new project under Saving our Species to reintroduce at least eight mammal species that are currently extinct in NSW to the State’s national parks. Under the project, locally extinct mammal species could once again call NSW home, including the bilby, numbat and golden bandicoot.
The project will feature new partnerships between conservation organisations and the Office of Environment and Heritage, including the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. Conservation organisations will establish and manage predator-free areas covering thousands of hectares in national parks to give the selected species the best chance of re-establishing viable populations in the wild.
The Office of Environment and Heritage is calling for potential partners to officially register their interest before 10:00 am on Thursday 15 May 2014.
Potential partners will need an established track record in conservation work, extensive experience in threatened species management, scientific credibility and experience in conservation management activities in regional Australia.
Registration of interest
Experienced conservation organisations that wish to enter into a partnership with OEH to reintroduce mammal species that are currently extinct in NSW and manage the species through maintaining predator-free areas in national parks should complete a registration of interest.
NSW Regions: Far North Coast, Mid North Coast, New England,Central Coast, Hunter, Cumberland/Prospect, Nepean, Northern Sydney, Inner West, South East Sydney, South West Sydney, Central West, Orana/Far West, Riverina/Murray, Illawarra, Southern Highlands
See HERE for more details.
Citizen scientists match research tool when counting sharks: Dive guides monitoring sharks on coral reef at similar level to telemetry
Shark data collected by citizen scientists may be as reliable as data collected using automated tools, according to results published April 23, 2014, in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Gabriel Vianna from The University of Western Australia and colleagues.
Shark populations are declining globally, and scientists lack data to estimate the conservation status of populations for many shark species. Citizen science may be a useful and cost-effective means to increase knowledge of shark populations on coral reefs, but scientists do not yet know enough about how data collected by untrained observers compares to results from traditional research methods. To better understand the reliability of datasets collected by citizen science initiatives, researchers in this study compared reef shark sightings counted by experienced dive guides (citizen scientists), with data collected from tagged reef sharks by an automated tracking tool (acoustic telemetry). 62 dive guides collected data during over 2,300 dives using standardized research protocols, including reporting on the dive site, date, species, counts, estimated depth, current, visibility, and number of tourist divers in the group. Both data sets were collected at coral reefs on the Pacific island of Palau over a period of five years.
Scientists found a strong correlation between the number of grey reef sharks observed by dive guides and those identified by telemetry at both daily and monthly intervals. The authors suggest that the same variation in shark abundance was detectable by both citizen scientists and telemetry. Furthermore, the presence of tourist divers didn't correlate with the number or average depth of reef sharks recorded by telemetry, indicating that shark behavior was unaffected by the divers' presence during the study. The guides' data also suggests that the water's current strength and temperature may have impacted the relative abundance of sharks at the monitored sites, which corroborates previous telemetry data. The authors posit that the correlated results demonstrate the potential role citizen science may play in shark conservation in coral reef ecosystems.
Gabriel added, "Our study shows that with a little bit of training and a good sampling design, recreational divers collect very useful data that can be used to monitor shark populations over long periods of time and across large spatial areas. Such programs have relatively small costs when compared with other methods currently used."
1. Gabriel M. S. Vianna, Mark G. Meekan, Tova H. Bornovski, Jessica J. Meeuwig. Acoustic Telemetry Validates a Citizen Science Approach for Monitoring Sharks on Coral Reefs.PLoS ONE, 2014; 9 (4): e95565 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0095565

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park – New Patrol Vessel
Ship ahoy! A new patrol vessel is set to join the fleet of vessels used by our dedicated field staff to monitor and protect the Great Barrier Reef. The Reef Ranger will be based in Cairns but service all parts of the 344,000 square kilometre Marine Park. The maiden voyage will take place in May.