October 19 - 25, 2014: Issue 185
The Disco-Ordinate Twangs Present A Proposal for A Whale Sanctuary:
For All Points South (and North) of the 45th Meridian and East to West of the First Longitude and any other Longitudes after that…
The Thirty-third Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) begins Monday 20th of October in Hobart and runs until Friday 31st October.
The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) was established by international convention in 1982 with the objective of conserving Antarctic marine life. This was in response to increasing commercial interest in Antarctic krill resources, a keystone component of the Antarctic ecosystem and a history of over-exploitation of several other marine resources in the Southern Ocean. - From www.ccamlr.org/en/organisation/about-ccamlr
At present around 20,000 whales are currently making their return journey at the end of their migration season. Next Spring/Summer their Odyssey may not be so easy…
Although in many ways we may privately consider each of our Issues ‘one more from the benches’ by late Sunday afternoon when we doff our heads to all horizons, thankful that one more from the benches has found its way out, we are conscious too that we may speak for others relegated to the benches, whose songs may not be so easily translatable, but are just as valid in singing far more beautiful songs.
And so, this week, and on the eve of another step towards maintaining and pursuing what is good in all of us, when direct consideration of how we may shift the world towards definite and definitive illumination is on the dish on the table, we share a few verses from the Discordanant Twangs that present their notions on the rights of whalish sentient beings:
We have a band, The Discordanant Twangs,
That fortunately only plays here,
Since the neighbours beg them to desist,
And call the police when they persist,
Twanging in loud discord –a-nance
We don’t mind their ruckus so much,
And allow them to linger in this office’s front room
Devising their tunes
Enthreaded with discordanance….
Since this is only a striving to attune,
And not what pervades another discordant twang...knelled on the invisible rim of a Whale Sanctuary proposal...marrying our future to Life
That Version is a Discordant Twang…
And reminds us, like all discordant twangs, of;
Notes of Discord and Accord.
Our Investigation Identifies Two x Notes of Discord:
1st: is all that jars in the World: murder, rape, poisons – in fact is comprised of all that rings alarm bells as much as clearly being Notes of Discord.
2nd: is what is true and what is false, ergo: Clangers – and the second supports and resonates from, the first; is a testing tuning fork.
On the opposite Pole – are Notes of Accord
The first people associate, when is a Note of Accord, with a lullaby; a sleeping and endless Harmony. And yes, this is apt, but stems from 10x when examined closer – 10x = the always awake. 10 x Entwined With, so that dolphins leap at your laughter and sun sparks out from behind dark clouds. 10 x the Caring too. Brimming, like water sparkling in the bays.
Its second Springs from The Font, The Word, The Giver….a fully realised YOU.
Whale Sanctuary
Dragged on a Beach, dragged from their ocean home...
A Note of Discord. A Clanger.
A Culture of Thousands Years Old.
Still looking up to the same skies, same stars, same gods – the Mystics of the Pure – the True.
Every Culture has its Epitomes of its Highest Ideals.
And this chicanes into Point Two, the 2nd: and what are they saying now, from those same skies and stars > they are saying, still, ‘Look closer, lean keener with your Heart, Hear the Song we really Read',
And then that Song itself Sung, only in 10x.
Ten Times.
This is A Song of Life - not dirge for death.
And brings/tells and Tolls a Resolution of Healing the Clangers
Tabled as:
Whale Sanctuary – The Practicalities
With those that live here, and over there too, and must extend to the whole range of their waters, immediately describing what waters should constitute the Whale Sanctuary. Just as it is in your home.
And Remember that Fluke shots are now called for:
And the SEASONS OF: Birth of New Fodder (?), only is whale ‘meat’, aka ‘flesh’, and In Turth; Part of a generation: our ‘war on whales, whose first response of aggression towards the landing of our craft was…..YES, you too (U2) missed that one …because it hasn’t happened yet…
And brings/tells and Tolls a Resolution of Healing the Clangers
Tabled as:
Whale Sanctuary – The Practicalities
With those that live here, and over there too, and must extend to the whole range of their waters, immediately describing what waters should constitute the Whale Sanctuary. Just as it is in your home.
And Remember that Fluke shots are now called for:
And the SEASONS OF: Birth of New Fodder (?), only is whale ‘meat’, aka ‘flesh’, and In Turth; Part of a generation: our ‘war on whales, whose first response of aggression towards the landing of our craft was…..YES, you too (U2) missed that one …because it hasn’t happened yet…
and definitely never will.
And Becomes Naming these too:
A) The Types/Species of Whales LEFT, and Estimated Numbers now returned to thousands of whale families
Over 50% of the world's cetaceans are found in Australian waters. According to recent estimates at least 45 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises visit or live permanently in Australia, including nine baleen whales and 36 toothed whales species.
And Becomes Naming these too:
A) The Types/Species of Whales LEFT, and Estimated Numbers now returned to thousands of whale families
Over 50% of the world's cetaceans are found in Australian waters. According to recent estimates at least 45 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises visit or live permanently in Australia, including nine baleen whales and 36 toothed whales species.
Largest to Smallest and Oldest to most recently EVOLVED, Constitute the Species found in Australian waters and the waters that entwine with our waters and their currents of seasons, which we may identify by species name, if not by personal name...yet:
Baleen whales, Sei whale, Bryde's whale, Pygmy right whale, Blue whale, Antarctic minke whale, Humpback whale, Dwarf minke whale (subspecies), Fin whale, Southern right whale, Toothed whales: Sperm whale, Long-finned pilot whale, Pygmy sperm whale, Short-finned pilot whale, Dwarf sperm whale, Melon-headed whale, Gray's beaked whale, Rough-toothed dolphin, Andrews' beaked whale, Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin, True's beaked whale, Dusky dolphin, Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale, Hourglass dolphin, Cuvier's beaked whale, Risso's dolphin, Hector's beaked whale, Coastal bottlenose (Indo-Pacific) dolphin, Shepherd's beaked whale, Pantropical spotted dolphin, Arnoux's beaked whale, Spinner dolphin, Longman's beaked whale, Striped dolphin, Blainville's beaked whale, Common dolphin, Strap-toothed beaked whale, Fraser's dolphin, Southern bottlenose whale, Southern right whale dolphin, Killer whale, Australian snubfin dolphin, Pygmy killer whale, Spectacled porpoise, False killer whale, Bottlenose dolphin - From: www.wildaboutwhales.com.au/Whale-Facts/Whales-in-Australia
B) The Sanctuary Itself – the Meridians – What Waters Proposed should incorporate every portion of waters that a whale singular or plural calls 'home'
And Who’s What
And who’s on 3rd.
C)(which is actually the 3rd) – How to respond to the notes of Discord (what works for us in addressing):
1. Check the Accord 1st (to) Define (impactness of tooth or other hard ‘set’ting, the degree of discord – its Knot) – and remind self of ‘civilisation’ – only 10x civilisation – to cast off such knots. ERGO: PUT IT IN LAW.
2. Discord Mark II: the response to is in 'straightening the spine' as a physical exercise, practice and mindfulness:
Straightening the Spine
Straightening the spine is good for thee, and Thee. No Twang – or break in Transmission
Straightening the spine – no ducking to or bending to the Twang – (as) resonance of through you at same time knells what is Truer (t) Tone (t)
And Creates Room For: straightening the spine, untwanging the twang to become the thang-thing
Of ‘th’ and that - : from “dh” and ‘th’ ; are signal parts of words from ancient songs from when we too were beginning to speak and speak and spoke in whale song – are today's reminders, in 'words', from when we too spoke in True Word; ‘that which creates what is spoken as it is spoken due to Being of Creation.
Thus: the Rims of the Ranges (Rangers) – appears – only is of waters and tides, both Aquatic and Seasonal
The Tune that sounds with the twang (concurrently)
To Re-Instate the frolicsome tides
One more from the benches – the uproarious Uproar In The Background. Pointing to, and at, the Discordant Twangs.
NB: (Not) the Band (the Discordanant Twangs)
History of the Band in one verse only:
1) Comprises many from many lands on many instruments – a contemporary orchestra of you like, with rock and roll and hiccups alike your first opera too; a cacophony of sound that often achieves harmonies beyond its earthly bounds.
2) Discordnant Differences stem from: a) the occasional ‘off’ note among the Jam and its Jamming, b) discordanance that is Inner, as in, inside a person – who then, while a Twang, joins with the Jam with their instrument of sound.
Back In the Whale Sanctuary:
And so becomes Whale verses that bridge into prose (of details)
That are then actually incorporating ALL Whale Song in verses ever Ever and after After.
To Realise A;
D) Frolic-some Ocean – Tides turned – and sparkling, like brimful and low tideful – to the bays and headlands – BAYS; ergo
D) Frolic-some Ocean – Tides turned – and sparkling, like brimful and low tideful – to the bays and headlands – BAYS; ergo
Bring Another Your Sanctuary - cease this war on whales!
By A J Guesdon - October, 2014
A More Apt and Appropriate Song
Cool Change Little River Band by Earthstudy - 2008.
Whale habitat in Australian waters
Australian waters support a large number of whale species. These waters provide important habitat that support whales through the stages of their life cycle including calving, feeding, resting and migration. The following maps show the important habitat for some of the iconic species found in our waters including the humpback, southern right, blue and sperm whales.
Japan defies IWC ruling on ‘scientific whaling’
Tokyo announces new round of culls in the Southern Ocean despite a majority ‘no’ vote at International Whaling Commission- The 65th meeting of the world’s whale conservation body voted by 35 to 20 with five abstentions in favour of a resolution by New Zealand, requiring members to put future scientific whaling programmes to the International Whaling Commission's (IWC) scientific committee and the biennial commission itself for guidance.
Had Japan respected the vote, it would have extended until 2016 a one year moratorium that Tokyo declared after the International Court of Justice judged it in breach of IWC rules on scientific whaling.
But Japanese diplomats at the summit in Slovenia said that they would not be bound by the resolution because they took a different interpretation of the ICJ ruling, and would proceed with the new round of research whaling in the Southern Ocean that they had already declared. - The Guardian.com, Thursday 18 September 2014
Tokyo cancelled its 2014-15 Antarctic hunt after the court ruling, but has said it intends to resume "research whaling" in 2015-16 and will file a new "plan" by the end of this year. - ABC - September 19, 2014, at:www.abc.net.au/environment/articles/2014/09/19/4091014.htm
South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary proposal ruined by whale killers
July 2012: As we were holding a scared circle surrounded by banners, filled with handprints of support from all over the world, the news came through that the results for the sanctuary were 38 votes Yes, 2 abstains and 21 voting against.
Without a 3 quarter majority the sanctuary, and all the hard work and combined efforts of The Buenos Aires Group and global NGOs, is once again blocked by nations insisting on exploiting our oceans and whales.
However, we CAN shift the focus to the positive, and look at the fact that only one country is needed to side with the Sanctuary next year for it to be granted. Antigua & Barbuda, Benin, Cambodia, China, Republic of Ghana, Grenada, Iceland, Japan, Kiribati, Korea, Laos, Mongolia, Nauru, Norway, Palau, Russian Federation, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Tanzania, Togo, Tuvalu. Any single country from this list has the power to tip the vote in favour of the whales and the South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary, who will it be?
September 2014: Japan and other whaling nations prevailed in their opposition to the creation of a sanctuary in the South Atlantic. That proposal needed 75 percent of votes to pass but got only two-thirds.
Find out more at: http://whalesanctuary.org/sanctuary.php.jpg?timestamp=1413590168506)
Antarctic species need protection
23 Sep 2014
The AOA said that if the marine ecosystem in Antarctica changes much more the effects would resonate throughout the whole planet
The Antarctic Ocean Alliance (AOA) has launched a new report detailing specific species that would benefit from designated marine protected areas.
Entitled 33 Species We Love and Must Protect, the report calls for a commitment to preservation through enhanced protection.
“We have hoped for action on marine protection in Antarctica’s waters, but there have been three years of inactivity,” said Mark Epstein, executive director, Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition.
Mr Epstein said that the inactivity was largely caused by Russian and Ukrainian opposition which has been stalling the situation since 2012.
He said that the report reveals that species such as orcas, leopard seals, albatross and penguins and lesser known ones such as copepods, bone-eating worms and the core of the southern ocean food chain, krill, cannot afford another year of inactivity.
“This year provides another opportunity for global leaders to live up to their promises. This report helps to put in perspective exactly why we are trying to achieve this, these species, along with thousands of others, are at risk.”
If the marine ecosystem in Antarctica changes much more, he warned that the effects would resonate throughout the whole planet because the continent is where all of the world’s oceans converge.
Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resource (CCAMLR) is a consensus based body made up of 24 countries and the European Union. It will have the opportunity once again to create two large southern ocean fully protected marine protected areas (MPAs) when it convenes for its 33rd meeting in Tasmania in October 2014.
- See more at: http://www.worldfishing.net/news101/industry-news/antarctic-species-need-protection#sthash.az7yArTB.dpuf
- 33 Species We Love and Must Protect at http://antarcticocean.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/33-Species.pdf
And remember:
Fitting Out Brig Phillis. An Enterprising Citizen.
Though ill luck, followed Mr. Edward Lane's whaling venture in the steamer Jenny Lind, that gentleman is in no wise deterred by misfortune. Some time agohe bought the staunch little brig Phillis at Adelaide, and decided to put her after the "big fish" with a full whaling equipment. This in itself is a big deal, but Mr.Lane has, in Captain Charlie Young a man whose motto is "a dead whale or a stove boat."After seeing the old Hobart whaling brigs Velocity, Louisa, Maid of Erin, &c., it can be justly said that Mr. Lane has selected a vessel admirably adapted for a whaler, and as she now lies at Mr. Drake's picturesque dock at Balmain, she will prove an interesting study to the marine artist. The first things to catch the eye on nearing the brig are her great white davits rigged outboard. The Phillis is to carry four boats, two a-side, and they are nearly all new craft from the yard of a well-known builder; the boats used in the Jenny Lind's cruises are also to be utilised, but they rather give the idea of heaviness. As she lies at the dock and although en dishabille, the brig looks trim enough to go anywhere. She was built at a time when ships were meant to last, and her white cabin aft sets her off to much advantage. Her spars aloft have all been cleared and painted, new running and standing rigging has been supplied by Mr. Flowerdew, and from the mizzen top swings the cutting in gear for the blubber in prospectu. Away aloft at the topgallant crosstrees on each mast is the ''crow's nest." This, it may be explained, consists of a couple of stout iron hoops secured to the mast, and a foothold for the lookout is afforded by the stays underneath.
Whale habitat in Australian waters
Australian waters support a large number of whale species. These waters provide important habitat that support whales through the stages of their life cycle including calving, feeding, resting and migration. The following maps show the important habitat for some of the iconic species found in our waters including the humpback, southern right, blue and sperm whales.
Japan defies IWC ruling on ‘scientific whaling’
Tokyo announces new round of culls in the Southern Ocean despite a majority ‘no’ vote at International Whaling Commission- The 65th meeting of the world’s whale conservation body voted by 35 to 20 with five abstentions in favour of a resolution by New Zealand, requiring members to put future scientific whaling programmes to the International Whaling Commission's (IWC) scientific committee and the biennial commission itself for guidance.
Had Japan respected the vote, it would have extended until 2016 a one year moratorium that Tokyo declared after the International Court of Justice judged it in breach of IWC rules on scientific whaling.
But Japanese diplomats at the summit in Slovenia said that they would not be bound by the resolution because they took a different interpretation of the ICJ ruling, and would proceed with the new round of research whaling in the Southern Ocean that they had already declared. - The Guardian.com, Thursday 18 September 2014
Tokyo cancelled its 2014-15 Antarctic hunt after the court ruling, but has said it intends to resume "research whaling" in 2015-16 and will file a new "plan" by the end of this year. - ABC - September 19, 2014, at:www.abc.net.au/environment/articles/2014/09/19/4091014.htm
South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary proposal ruined by whale killers
July 2012: As we were holding a scared circle surrounded by banners, filled with handprints of support from all over the world, the news came through that the results for the sanctuary were 38 votes Yes, 2 abstains and 21 voting against.
Without a 3 quarter majority the sanctuary, and all the hard work and combined efforts of The Buenos Aires Group and global NGOs, is once again blocked by nations insisting on exploiting our oceans and whales.
However, we CAN shift the focus to the positive, and look at the fact that only one country is needed to side with the Sanctuary next year for it to be granted. Antigua & Barbuda, Benin, Cambodia, China, Republic of Ghana, Grenada, Iceland, Japan, Kiribati, Korea, Laos, Mongolia, Nauru, Norway, Palau, Russian Federation, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Tanzania, Togo, Tuvalu. Any single country from this list has the power to tip the vote in favour of the whales and the South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary, who will it be?
September 2014: Japan and other whaling nations prevailed in their opposition to the creation of a sanctuary in the South Atlantic. That proposal needed 75 percent of votes to pass but got only two-thirds.
Find out more at: http://whalesanctuary.org/sanctuary.php
Minke Whale courtesy NOAA - one of the species to be targeted by Japan if their 2015-16 'whaling season' proceeds
Antarctic species need protection
23 Sep 2014
The AOA said that if the marine ecosystem in Antarctica changes much more the effects would resonate throughout the whole planet
The Antarctic Ocean Alliance (AOA) has launched a new report detailing specific species that would benefit from designated marine protected areas.
Entitled 33 Species We Love and Must Protect, the report calls for a commitment to preservation through enhanced protection.
“We have hoped for action on marine protection in Antarctica’s waters, but there have been three years of inactivity,” said Mark Epstein, executive director, Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition.
Mr Epstein said that the inactivity was largely caused by Russian and Ukrainian opposition which has been stalling the situation since 2012.
He said that the report reveals that species such as orcas, leopard seals, albatross and penguins and lesser known ones such as copepods, bone-eating worms and the core of the southern ocean food chain, krill, cannot afford another year of inactivity.
“This year provides another opportunity for global leaders to live up to their promises. This report helps to put in perspective exactly why we are trying to achieve this, these species, along with thousands of others, are at risk.”
If the marine ecosystem in Antarctica changes much more, he warned that the effects would resonate throughout the whole planet because the continent is where all of the world’s oceans converge.
Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resource (CCAMLR) is a consensus based body made up of 24 countries and the European Union. It will have the opportunity once again to create two large southern ocean fully protected marine protected areas (MPAs) when it convenes for its 33rd meeting in Tasmania in October 2014.
- See more at: http://www.worldfishing.net/news101/industry-news/antarctic-species-need-protection#sthash.az7yArTB.dpuf
- 33 Species We Love and Must Protect at http://antarcticocean.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/33-Species.pdf
And remember:
Fitting Out Brig Phillis. An Enterprising Citizen.
Though ill luck, followed Mr. Edward Lane's whaling venture in the steamer Jenny Lind, that gentleman is in no wise deterred by misfortune. Some time agohe bought the staunch little brig Phillis at Adelaide, and decided to put her after the "big fish" with a full whaling equipment. This in itself is a big deal, but Mr.Lane has, in Captain Charlie Young a man whose motto is "a dead whale or a stove boat."After seeing the old Hobart whaling brigs Velocity, Louisa, Maid of Erin, &c., it can be justly said that Mr. Lane has selected a vessel admirably adapted for a whaler, and as she now lies at Mr. Drake's picturesque dock at Balmain, she will prove an interesting study to the marine artist. The first things to catch the eye on nearing the brig are her great white davits rigged outboard. The Phillis is to carry four boats, two a-side, and they are nearly all new craft from the yard of a well-known builder; the boats used in the Jenny Lind's cruises are also to be utilised, but they rather give the idea of heaviness. As she lies at the dock and although en dishabille, the brig looks trim enough to go anywhere. She was built at a time when ships were meant to last, and her white cabin aft sets her off to much advantage. Her spars aloft have all been cleared and painted, new running and standing rigging has been supplied by Mr. Flowerdew, and from the mizzen top swings the cutting in gear for the blubber in prospectu. Away aloft at the topgallant crosstrees on each mast is the ''crow's nest." This, it may be explained, consists of a couple of stout iron hoops secured to the mast, and a foothold for the lookout is afforded by the stays underneath.

Oswald Brierly - Whalers off Twofold Bay, New South Wales, 1867
Those who knew the Phillis in her old days of passengers and cargo would hardly recognise her on deck. The house and galley abaft the foremast have gone to make room for the try works, and the fore- hold has also been closed up. In the mainhold just for'ard of the mizzen-mast a blubber-room has been built and tightly floored so as to allow the cutting-in process to proceed in all weathers. Just forward of this are stowed some seventy 400-gallons, which are at the outset of the voyage to be filled with water. When oil is got it will be stored in these tanks by means of a hose, the water being previously pumped out. In the hold forward and aft is stored firewood for the try works. Generally the fittings of the Phillis are most complete, and she is undoubtedly the first properly equipped whaler sailing from this port for many years. Her old fo'c'sle below has been considerably enlarged, and now it contains no less than sixteen bunks. It is a cosy little compartment, and with the deadlights in the deck above should prove as comfortable as the deck house of the more modern type of vessel. Some distance forward of the fo'c'sle scuttle the try works are to be built, and here the unusual sight of a bricklayer aboard ship will be seen. The try pots are now aboard, and, by a singular coincidence, the first mate of the Phillis, Mr. Franklin Wescott, was in the Hobart whaler, Sapphire, when the same iron cauldrons were doing good service, once putting through as much as 180 tons in 19 months.
Mr. Wescott, who is an old Tasmanian whaler, has served in many of the old Hobart fleet, and the mention of the names of the Islander, Derwent, Flying Childers, Hunter, Waterwitch, Maid of Erin, Aladdin, and other noted Hobart whale catchers brought him out with many an anecdote of historic catches and "gams" (friendly reunions of whalers at sea) that strongly called to mind Herman Melville's experience in the South Seas in the crank old Julie. The second mate, Mr. J. Gallagher, is also an old Hobart whaler, and Mr. T. Allen, the third mate, claims the little southern island colony for his port of registry too. One cannot look for luxury aboard a whaleman, but the cabin accommodation on the Phillis is miles ahead of that of many vessels three times her tonnage, the only drawback being that her bunks are all too short and will require the ship carpenter's attention. One of the cabins has been utilised as a spirit room, and in another the well-known whaler's slop-chest has its abode, containing dungaree, oilskins, boots, shirts, &c., to replenish Jack's store during the cruise. The harpooners, boat steerers, carpenter, and cook have had a comfortable little cabin made for them on the starboard side of the cabin proper; and here as in the fo'c'sle due regard has been paid to light and ventilation. The galley is to be fitted just forward of the poop on the port side. The boats will carry each four or five rowing hands, a steersman, and harpooner.
To Captain Young we are indebted for the following details of a boat's outfit: She will carry three lances, five harpoons, a bomb-gun, two tubs of line, each containing 180 fathoms, a breaker of water, biscuit, a hatchet, and also a supply of blue lights, the latter being less susceptible to wet than rockets. Altogether there will be four bomb-guns aboard the Phillis, each being of the kind that may be fired from the shoulder, the fixed swivel gun in the boats being at a great disadvantage should anything like a sea be rising.
The work of converting the Phillis into a whale man is in the hands of Mr. D. Drake, of Balmain, and so far he has made a capital job of it, putting into it the best of material and labor, and Captain Young, who takes a commendable pride in his brig, is a most strict and constant supervisor of all the work. The skipper admits that so far Mr. Drake has given him the utmost satisfaction, and the Phillis is of a class of vessel that can be made to last for ages, so solidly is she built. Captain Young has a crew of over twenty all told, the majority of them being what he calls "green hands," but he has the highest opinion of the native youth as a whaler, and when a few successful voyages have been made there should be no difficulty in obtaining strong young fellows able to "put some beef on to an oar" on a reasonable "lay." As for Captain Young himself, his record as a whaler in all Australian seas stamps him as the right man in the right place. His constant and energetic work in fitting out the vessel shows that his heart is in his business, and Mr. Lane will it is to be hoped have the pleasure of learning that the Phillis returns from her first cruise, and from many others after- wards, what all whalers love to call "a full ship."
WHALING INDUSTRY. (1895, March 22). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article108066624
WHALING INDUSTRY. (1895, March 22). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article108066624