January 10 - 16, 2016: Issue 246
Early Cricket in Pittwater: A small Insight Into the Noble Game from 1880's on
Above: Section of Mona Vale's village Park showing the Cricket Pitch - from Panorama of Mona Vale, New South Wales, ca. 1930 [/ EB Studios National Library of Australia PIC P865/125 circa between 1917 and 1946] section made larger to show detail.
While researching and delving through old records to compile a small historical insight into Pittwater's Reserves , some delightful information that caused a giggle, regarding cricket pitch use and/or maintenance in Pittwater, was found to add to the Mona Vale's Village Greens - a Map of the Historic Crown Lands Ethos Realised, page:
From Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings:
42. Mona Vale Cricket Club, 29/10/34, requesting (a) that materials be sent out for the repairing of the Mona Vale Park fence; (b) that six tiles be supplied to replace broken tiles on the roof of the lavatories; (c) inquiring whether Mr. A. Hodgins of Bungan Street, Mona Vale, may use the park for the grazing of his horses from Monday to Friday each week during the cricket season. Council's decisions:- (a) that material be sent out immediately; (b) they be informed that Mr. G. Sheppard was furnished with the six tiles trio months ago; (c) that the proposal be not approved.
This small item, along with another just as small insight run in an earlier History page, was read as a sign to delve a little deeper - 'tis the season too after all, even if Summer drenching skies deem it opportune to make the pitch far too green and the outfields sodden.
The earlier evidence of Pittwater's embracing of societal highs was proceeded by wishing cricketers to be able to get here by road rather than track:
A Meeting of the residents of Pittwater was held on Saturday evening at the Bolton Hotel, for the purpose of urging the Government to-make the road from the Lagoon to Newport. Mr. Crawford, who was voted to the chair, explained tho object of the meeting, and drew attention to tho state of the road, which in some parts was almost impassable. He stated that he was convinced it was only necessary to bring the matter under the notice of the Minister for Works to get the work done. After several speeches had been made, the following gentlemen were appointed to form a deputation to wait upon the Minister:-Messrs. Mc Koowa, Dr. Tibbitta, J. Riley, B. James, and F. Smith. NEWS OF THE DAY. (1883, March 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13531240
The track the wonderful weaving way to Newport remained for a little longer though - many would still remember dirt sanded roads here into the early 1980's. This did not deter cricket in Pittwater, with the Boltons (also spelt Boulton in early records )mentioned again and what sounds like a paddock for a ground:
A team from the newly formed Mossman's Bay Club journeyed to Newport on Saturday, to play the Newport C.C. The ground is about 300 yards from the ocean beach, and with very little trouble could be made into a splendid ground. Matting was laid upon it, but the long grass prevented it from setting evenly, and this made the ball cut many capers. Mr. Forester captained Newport, and Mr. Jackson the Mossman's Bay team. Newport won the toss, and went in to bat, but through the excellent bowling of Jackson and Oatley weredisposed of for 21, Jackson securing six wickets for 9 runs, and Oatley three for 11. Mossman's Bay replied with 115 (Jackson 62 and Clarke 25), W. Boulton and J. Boulton being the most successful bowlers. In their second attempt the Newport fared very little better as they were all disposed of for 34 (J. Boulton 14 not out), Oatley and Clarke bowling throughout this innings, the former securing seven wickets and thelatter three, Mossman's Bay thus won by an innings and 60 runs. CRICKET. (1892, May 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13843733
Another report of the same match which claims a completely different score - but defeat for the Newport Cricket Club nonetheless, and another spelling for one of the bowler's surnames:
A team from the 'Mossman's Bay club visited Newport on Saturday, and played a match with the Newport cricket club. The party consisted of the Messrs. Jackshon, who captained the team, and Comrie, H. Smith, Oatley, Taylor, Cannon, Teder, Harnett, Hodgson, Clarke, and Shearer. After a very pleasant drive via Manly and Narrabeen, the party reached Newport at 11.30. The match was commenced at 12.30, and ended in a very decided victory for the visitors by an innings and 60 runs. Jackshon with good cricket put on 62 runs, and was materially assisted in the bowling by Oatley.
The final match for the Bode Cricket Cup was begun on Saturday by the Wollongong and Mount Keira teams. The results Were s Mount Keira, first innings,111 ; Wollongong, one wicket for 11. Antill, a new man, got the top score for Keira, 46. Considerable interest is taken in the match. The Burraga and Judds Club tried conclusions on the former's wicket last Saturday, and the local men won on the first innings by 73 runs. Judds scored 57,and four wickets for 26 runs ; Burraga, 130 runs. For the latter L. Poidevin played a good innings for 73 not out. At a meeting of the members of the Glammis Cricket Club the matter of averages was discussed. It was found. that Thomas Harper hod secured the best batting average, and T. Humphries came next, iFor bowling M. Lenehan and Owen M'Guigan were awarded the first and second trophies. Mr. T. Kenewell will receive a trophy for tho best all-round fielding. The semi-final matches for the Kerr Cup- and Union medals between Waverley Gladstone and Clyde, and Redfern Cambridge and Belmore, respectively, which were to have been played on the Agricultural Ground on Saturday were not continued, the ground having been given over for footballers' use. Cricket. (1892, May 14). Australian Town and Country Journal(Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 39. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71237875

MANLY PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC. The annual picnic in connection with Manly Presbyterian Sunday school was held on Wednesday, at Mona Vale, Pittwater The party were conveyed to the ground in four drags supplied by M Houreux of Rock Lily Cricket baseball and other games were engaged in until dinner time and in the afternoon races were run by the different classes for prizes supplied by the teachers and friends the arrangements were under the management of Mr A G Kebblewhite, president, who was assisted by Mrs Milne and Mrs Kebblewhite and Miss Morley, Davidson, ..., and Lawson, teachers MANLY PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC. (1895, November 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14024193
The grounds opposite Rock Lily Hotel - circa 1901-1907

Above: Billy tea being served to the English women's cricket team at the surf-bathing picnic, Palm Beach, Sydney, December 1935. Women's Cricket Association tour of Australia, 1934-1935 Courtesy National Library of Australia; nla.pic-vn3257378. Left to right: Richards, unidentified tea-server, Valentine, Hide, Liebert.
Below: Surf-bathing picnic at Palm Beach, Sydney, English and Australian cricket team, December 1935 Part of Women's Cricket Association tour of Australia, 1934-1935 [picture] Left to right: Mrs Waldron (Australian), Betty Archdale, M. Peden (Australian), Mrs Littlejohn (Australian), Valentine, Lady Walder, Liebert, Hide, Green, Spear. nla.pic-vn3257347

Junior Cricket Season 2014/15 at Hitchcock Park, Avalon - picture by A J Guesdon, 25.10.2014.
Early Cricket in Pittwater: A small Insight Into the Noble Game from 1880's on - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2016.