February 14 - 20, 2016: Issue 251
Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Paddon Family of Clareville (or Clairville)
On the Pittwater - Second Royal Motor Yacht Clubhouse at Newport in background
The Paddon family are another of Australia's great people of the sea and quieter waterways. They represent generations of those who lived by and on the waters. Among their ranks are World and Australian Champions in rowing and local Champions in both the Northern Rivers District and here on Pittwater.
What is told through the various articles selected here to glimmer lives filled with great rowing successes is that these men and their sons all met over and over during the first generations of establishing amateur rowing in Australia. Their sons seemed to inspire their fathers to return to the water, or son met son in rowing championships, not just for local and Australian ones, but for the World's Sculling Championship. The Harry Pearce - James Paddon, and then sons H. R 'Bobby' Pearce and Evans Paddon.
In Pittwater similar matches played out between William 'Billy' Paddon and George Towns, another legend, and their sons. There was a lifelong fraternity between these champions and others they raced against, many of them becoming support crew of the victor in overseas jaunts to wrest titles on unfamiliar waters and testing conditions.
This code of rowing also included women earlier than many other sports arenas Australians may venture into without acrimony being levelled at them during eras when women's and girls roles were quite constrictive, and restricted. This celebration of women being able to do too was not only a nod towards the girls coming out of universities but went back further to when women also worked alongside their men in isolated communities and if they worked on the water, they knew how to row, to have some independence, despite an obvious harking to the 'genteel' ethos of 'gentleman's rowing'. See: Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Williams Family
The rowers still had to have a decent education to venture into these ranks, brains mixed with fitness, so their parents, even if following a trade associated with the sea, such as fisherman, had their priorities and one of these was to ensure an education that would allow a professional career, even if said sons and daughters decided to stay by and on the water.
These matches and regattas were attended by tens of thousands of people who would travel to the Northern Rivers venues, to Grafton, as easily as they'd go to the Parramatta River or come to Pittwater. Longevity in a rowing capacity as well as life is shown through the many family members stories, proving there's many benefits to keeping fit in body, mind and soul through getting on the water for fun and as a vocation.
The gentleman who established Paddons on the water in Pittwater was Clareville fisherman and champion rower William Thomas ("Billy") Paddon, the eldest son of Captain Thomas William Paddon, born in Parkham, Devon, England on 10th June, 1841, who first came to Sydney from Auckland as crew on board the "Kate Waters" in 1864. (1.)
He is noted by local historians as a Founding Father of Evans Head, noted in some articles as 'the first white man to settle at Evans Head'. As with all pioneer families in then isolated places, and as is the ethos in rural areas still, you looked after each other and built acommunity with your bare hands, literally, and with good intentions realised.
Thomas William Paddon was attracted to the area due to gold, literally, appearing on the beach before his eyes, and if only half this report several years on is true, his sons continuing to mine the 'black sands' years later, you can understand why people came and stayed:
(By H .J.B.)
To have advanced in the brief space of little more than a decade from an obscure and almost outof the way beach, little known to the public, to the status of one of the North Coast's most popular seaside holiday resorts, is the unique record of Evans Head, at which, on Boxing Day, there were ovei14,000 visitors and campers, many of whom remained throughout the holidays.
Although it is not generally known/it was the quest for gold that first attracted white men to the Evans Head district and it was the success of a party of New Zealanders that directed the attention of Captain Paddon, the district's first settler, to the area.
The exact value of the precious metal won from the elusive black sands that still exist beneath the ever moving sand drifts and sand dunes of the adjacent beaches will never be known, for values were kept jealously guarded secret, but it is reliably stated that McAuley's Lead, Chinamen beach (worked by over 300 Chinese miners), New Zealanders beach, and other similarly situated areas yielded many thousands of pounds worth of gold, probably £100,000 worth.
At that time gold-was sold for the standard price of £3 17s 10d a fine oz., but the McAuley's Lead gold, which was won from sand dunes three miles inland, was of superfine quality and realised £4 2s 6d, while the Mobb's lead, Friday's lead, McGarrie's find and beach gold was disposed of for about £3 an ounce.
On one occasion a southerly gale brought thousands of tons of gold bearing black sand to the beach. It was hastily wheeled in barrows, by the late Mr. Paddon and others, to safety dumps above high water level. But the glittering wealth of the new found El Dorado which was piled up overnight moved on almost as dramatically as it appeared.
After a lapse of only 24 hours and before the eager prospectors had concluded mutual congratulations upon their good fortune the gale recurred with even greater fury and quickly transformed , the face of the beach, much to the bitter disappointment of the beachcombers.
The sand won, when treated, yielded over 12 ozs. to the ton, then valued at approximately £3 an ounce.
From casual tests recently made at random along the line of the lead it is evident that the area was never worked out and that much recoverable gold remains. At the present record values it should return an attractive profit over working expenses without involving prospectors in heavy initial expenses for " machinery and plant.
Other metals know to exist in recoverable quantities in the area are tin, platinum, ilmenite, zircon and rutile.
The question has frequently been asked, "From where does this beach gold come ?"
The generally accepted theory is that ages ago most of the Evans Head gold formed part of the fabulously rich reefs of Solferino, Lionsville, Pretty Gully, Tooloom and other Upper Clarence1 River gold fields, the discovery of which in 1871 attracted many thousands of prospectors to the area from all over Australia and abroad.
For thousands of years the elements, by the process of natural erosion, have worn the reefs and hills with the result that the released reef metal has been carried into the ocean by flood waters and washed by tidal action and ocean currents to be deposited on the beaches north of the Clarence.
Well known as the founder of Evans Head settlement, Captain Paddon not only played his part as a gallant and intrepid North Coast pioneer, but is inseparably associated with that indefatigable band of shipping pioneers who provided the only means of communication between the isolated outposts of North Coast settlement and the metropolis, by means of primitive sailing vessels which negotiated the dangerous river bars in some apparently miraculous manner without the aid of engines, pilots, or tug boats.
Born in England in 1841, the late Captain Paddon sailed a windjammer from England to Australia at an early age, and at the close of the Maori War temporarily deserted the deck for the pick, to plunge into en adventurous life of gold mining in a new rush on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand....WHEN THE SEAS SPILLED. (1939, January 31). Northern Star(Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article95478009
Evans Head and Reef were named
His sons William (Billy) and James (Jim) also gave the name 'Evans' to their sons, for James it was the first name of his future champion rower son and for William his eldest had a third name of 'Evans'.
Captain Paddon married Ellen Toovey in Lismore in 1876 and they had seven sons and two daughters. As is often the case, a little about his filled with activity life is listed in a short obituary:
Richmond River residents were profoundly moved on Monday morning when the news went round that Captain Thos. Paddon, of ''Peppercombe,'' Iron Gates, Evans River, had passed to his long rest after months of acute suffering from dyspepsia. The deceased gentleman was born in England and would have been 73 years of age on 10th June next. As a lad he took to the sea, and, after a turn at the herring fisheries, joined the mercantile marine, and saw life on the high seas and in many foreign ports. His experiences on foreign going ships were many and varied, and his stories of thrilling and sensational episodes afloat have entertained many a longshoresman who has won the Captain's confidence, and has had the privilege of hearing him recount tales of the old "windjammer" days. As a young man he landed in New Zealand during the time of the famous rush to the West Coast gold diggings, and had as mates men whose names were afterwards inseparably bound up with pioneering shipping on the North Coast-the late Capt. Ben Alley and Capt. Tulloch, whose ship, the Saucy Jack, was familiar to old hands on the Richmond during the timber days. Capt. Paddon, after quitting New Zealand, over 40 years ago, came to New South Wales, and joined the firm of B. B. Nicoll, then trading to the Richmond Capt. Paddon had, at different times, command of the schooners Rob Roy and Wallace and Bruce, and on his very first trip, when coming north, light laden with ballast, had a narrow escape of foundering in a terrific gale off the South Solitaries. The little vessel, however, weathered the storm, but it was one of the closest calls that the old "shellback" ever had.
After his marriage, to a sister of Mr. E. Toovey, of Coraki, Capt. Paddon retired from the sea, and took up a selection at East Wardell, near the beach. He was not there long, however, before he was attracted to the gold-bearing terrace at Evans River. That was close upon 37 years ago, and, ever since, the Captain has resided in that neighbourhood. He met with much success in the gold mining venture, and eventually established a hotel at Evans Head, which he successfully conducted for a number of years. The hotel, however, was destroyed by fire, after he sold out, and was never rebuilt, for on quitting that business the deceased moved to Iron Gates, and entered largely into oyster culture upon scientific lines. In this venture he met with astonishing success, and today his leases there rank amongst the most valuable in Australia. Practically the whole of the available foreshores of Evans River have been given over to the cultivation and propagation of the luscious bivalve, and the quality of the Evans River article ranks second to none on the Sydney market.
Until stricken down by his last illness, Capt. Paddon was a man of restless energy and activity, and, despite his great age, chafed under the restrictions which ill-health placed upon him towards the close of his long and active life. His was a marvellous constitution, and old hands to this day speak of his endurance in the early days, when with a hundred-weight of flour on his back and bulky parcels in either hand he would walk from Woodburn to the head of Evans River, and thence transport his rations to their destination at the Heads by pulling boat. Notwithstanding the arduous life he lived, a kindly heart beat beneath a tuff and rugged exterior, and many will have cause to regret the passing hence of one who as a pioneer and a producer, had filled an important niche in North Coast history. He leaves one daughter, Mrs. J Hansen of Woodburn, and seven sons - William, Richard, Henry, John, James, Frederick and George who reside either at Iluka or at Evans River. As is well known Mr Jim Paddon left by the Maeltan yesterday for London, in order to meet Barry for the World Sculling Championship. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon at Woodburn. DEATH OF CAPTAIN THOMAS PADDON. (1914, April 30).Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article72298293
William Thomas ("Billy") Paddon was born in 1877. His name features among athletic events in the Evans Head region, running, rowing, anything and everything way after his marriage. The Paddon family clearly had a strong community ethos and a love of Australia with numerous instances of them either contributing to community or arranging events to support Australian clubs or institutions. The oysters his father's leases produced were famous, being sent to Sydney and fetching good prices.
During a short stay at Broadwater — with which I shall deal in another article — Mr. Jeffries, of Coraki', suggested a trip to Paddon's. Now, it cannot be wondered at that few outside have heard of Paddon's, seeing that so few have heard of it even at Broadwater. Paddon's is the great oyster ground, some twelve miles or more southward along the beach. Mr. Jeffries' horse somehow had gone away during the night — all horses stray away at Broadwater— and a borrowed one was obtained, but as he was a superannuated police horse with a very bad character and a ferocious eye, credited, too, with the demolition of a buggy a few weeks before and other unseemly conduct, Mr. Jeffries thought it advisable not to avail himself of this versatile animal's services in the little sulky. His height especially, 17 ½ hands, presented a formidable barrier to his engagement — being out of all proportion to the frail vehicle which he was to convey. I was accordingly obliged to go alone. Through a sandy road in the scrub, and I emerge on the shore of the mud-resounding sea. The beach is hard, and I walk along it, and though there may be many more pleasurable walks there is nothing to surpass the hard sea beach when the tide is out. I think, of course, of the great Homeric line of the polfloisboio thlasses, and bring to mind the many translations of the hexameter line into Latin, French, Italian, &c., but Archbishop M'Hale's translation into Irish surpasses them all, and throws the Greek almost into the shade. It is a lovely walk, and I arrive at Paddon's at last. Strange as it may seem, Paddon's is an hotel licensed, and there is no other house of any kind nearer than Broadwater, which is 12 or 14 miles away. Paddon's hotel is situated at the entrance of Evans or Little River, as it is called, into the ocean. And it is with this river that the proposed Tocumbil drain to which I have referred is to be connected. A more wretchedly miserable night than I passed here it would be scarce possible to conceive — raining heavily without intercession during the whole night. In the morning I got some information about that classic dainty, the oyster, and its cultivation Paddon, who is an authority, speaks of it as a great industry if attended to. His oyster-beds run up the Evans river for four miles or more. The spat or spawn, he tells me, comes directly from the ocean, generally with the north-east winds about the month of August. This spot is the principal one of the year, and it comes in the shape of little black specks, which are the shape and about the size of a pin's head. The north-east wind, as I have said, drives the spot, which has no power of resistance or remaining in the ocean, into the numerous inlets along the coast, and it generally adheres to the first thing it comes in contact with, or to the material which is prepared to catch it. This material may consist or anything which presents a clean surface— stones, palings, bottles, slates, wood, shingles, even old dead shells. It is essential that these be placed between low water mark and half-tide. Oysters take 3 years to fructify, that is, 18 months after they have been put on the prepared substance by the ocean: As nothing will answer but steel picks for their removal, care must be taken that no other metal is used. When removed they are planted on the deepwater-beds, on shell or rock bottoms, where they remain until they become marketable. The last process consists in dredging, culling and bagging, j13y his method of oyster cultivation Paddon has hundreds of millions of young oysters. His narrative was peculiarly interesting. Even the old dead 'shells, he says, are utilized, and 18 young ones can be got from each in twelve months. II was somewhat pleased with my visit to Paddon's, 'though I cannot help acknowledging that, to my 'mind his oysters were extravagantly dear. The bottle of oysters obtainable in Parramatta-street for one shilling would cost a half-crown at least at Paddon's. Picnickers occasionally call there for a dish of the appetizing dainty, and it is from this source as well as the despatch of large quantities to Sydney that he derives his income. Truly, a romantic spot is Paddon's, and well worth a visit from Broadwater, from which place one finds the only practicable route. THE RICHMOND RIVER. (1894, November 24). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 21. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article115549529
This item shows William's participating at rowing events on the Pittwater, when a mature man, were backed up by decades of experience:
Coraki Annual Regatta.
The above regatta was held on Monday last in perfect weather. The attendance numbered some 800 people, which was not nearly up to the patronage recorded in former years, though a first-class programme was put forward, and everything done to provide a good day's sport. Excursion boats ran from both up and down river centres, but their carrying capacity was not greatly taxed, the support accorded from those quarters being mosigre. The Government steamer Wollombi and the N.C.S.N. Co's. Irvington' had been generously
placed at the disposal of the; committee for following the events, 'the latter being principally, used as an officials' boat. Fair patronage was accorded throughout the day to the steamers following the events, and for the chief event of the day, the All-comers' Outrigger Punt Race, both steamers were well filled with' interested crowds, and they were fully repaid, for the race Was well worth witnessing, the result being quite open almost to the finish. The winner turned up in G. Day, who performed very, creditably last year, and is a vastly improved sculler.W. Paddon filled second place, and further demonstrated his determination as a rower, though a cramped style retards him from making full use of his strength. W. Dolby, who was third, made his maiden effort in a light, boat, and performed very creditably, rowing consistently throughout.. C. Clark won the Farmers' and Dairymen's race very easily in a punt built by himself, and which appeared to be a very fast boat. Both the Club races were won by Ballina men, H. M'Kinnon and G- Nolan winning the Double Sculls und H M'Kinnon the Single Sculls. The Junior Double Sculls provided the most exciting race of the day, and the final showed that our coming men are of the right material, and possess plenty of grit. The fair sex were disappointed that the ladies' race fell through, owing to there being only one entry. The officials carried out their duties with satisfaction to all concerned, and the following gentlemen filled the positions named :….Coraki Annual Regatta. (1903, June 12). The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article127882335
William Thomas Paddon married Anna May Bale (born 1871) c1893, meaning he was 16 and Anna (Anne in some records) was 22. The marriage was registered in Ballina (BDM NSW 1945/1893).
Their children, all registered at Casino, and born at Ballina, are listed as (BDM NSW Reg No Name): 9866/1894 Violet P; 31399/1895Eric A W; 2337/1897 Phillip Ernest Evans; 2308/1898 William Thomas Valentine; 24498/1899 Catherine E M; 30790/1901 Annie M; 31343/1904 Gladys I; 22849/1906 Albert Edward
Eric and Annie were lost as infants (BDM NSW 5942/1896 1079/1902). Tragically William had also lost a sister named 'Ann' during his early years who was not remembered in her father's Obituary, but can be remembered here:
Death. — On Monday morning last, Ann, a four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Paddon, of Evans River, died at Mr. E. Toovey's residence, Coraki, whither she had been taken for medical attention. Dr.M'Donogh attended the patient who was suffering from croup and an ulcerated throat, but the complaint had reached too acute a stage to be combatted, and death eusued. The remains were interred in the Church of England cemetery the same day, the Rev. F. J. Beeman officiating at the grave. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. (1899, April 28). The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126299247
The names by which William and Anna's remaining six children were known are indicated by an In Memoriam Notice for their grandfather and mother (RRH 27.4.1915 and RRH 1.12.1939) - Pearl, Phil, Tom, Nellie, Gladys, and Bert.
William Paddon was involved in a number of ventures at Evans Head before moving to Iluka. In 1895, he was mining alluvial gold at McAulays Lead (Morley, 1981). He obtained a colonial wine licence in 1899 (Adv 18.7.1899). He obtained the lease over the land that is now the Evans Head Caravan Park in 1903 (Stubbs, 2007). The lease had been relinquished by his father in 1897.
An example of this off the water venture:
THE BRIGHTON OF THE NORTH EVANS HEAD. W. PADDON begs to notify that he has now completed the erection of a Spacious BOARDING HOUSE at the above favorite seaside holiday resort, and is now prepared to accommodate visitors in first-class style on most reasonable terms. Good Supply of Fish and Oysters always on hand. Fishing lines, tackling, baits, etc., and pleasure boats for hire. Choice Assortment of best brands of WINES, Cordials, and Aeruted Waters always on sale. Letters or telegrams receive prompt attention. Advertising. (1906, December 28). The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article127711478
In 1907, he acquired a new boat for schnapper fishing (Adv 20.8.1907). By 1910, he was working black sands at Chinamans Beach for gold. In 1911, William and Harry Paddon announced that they would make Iluka their base for fishing (CRE 11.7.1911). His boat was then the "IXL" (CRE 29.6.1911). William Paddon introduced the use of fish traps to Iluka and these were in general use by five years later (CRE 22.6.1915).
Also of note, considering his later involvement with the founding of the Avalon Beach SLSC:
Evans River Life-Saving Club
On Saturday evening, the 15th inst., a pleasant function took place at 'Ventnor,' Mr. James Paddon's establishment, at Evans Head. An attendance of nearly 40 ladies and gentlemen spoke well for the interest taken in affairs of the club. Mr.A. C. Barry occupied the chair, and made
the presentation of bronze medallions, which formed the chief business of the evening. Earlier in the summer, Mr. Wearne, of Casino, had examined four of the club's members who had qualified themselves for positions in the Royal Life-Saving Society as bronze medallists. Each of the four had passed. In the course of his remarks Mr. Barry said that rather less than 12 months 'ago he had had the pleasure of presenting proficiency certificates to various members of the club, and it was with still greater pleasure; that he presided at this more important function. He was sure those present would heartily congratulate the four members who had successfully Passed the harder test. He understood that the club intended nominating some of the members for the silver medal test next summer, and hoped the club would meet with the same success as hitherto.
The presentation of the medallions was then made to three of the gentlemen, Viz., Mr .W. Paddon (captain of club),Mr. John Toovey and Mr. L. Woolacott. The fourth, Mr. James Paddon, was unavoidably absent, owing to his having to row at Maclean regatta.Master Thomas Paddon, the 12 year old son of Mr. W. Paddon, was also presented with the Royal Society's certificate of proficiency, and Mr. W. Paddon himself received a framed certificate of instructorship. The presentations having been made, the captain of the club, on behalf of the members and the ladies and gentlemen present, thanked Mr. Barry for his kind wishes, and asked the company to endorse, by hearty acclamation, his appreciation of the services of Mr. Barry as Chairman. Mr. Toovey supported Mr. W. Paddon in his motion, and the company responded heartily. All present now sat down to a fine supper, which had been prepared under the direction of Mrs. James Paddon. The evening was brought to a close by some dainty selections played by Mr. Freeman's phonograph.Evans River Life-Saving Club. (1911, April 28). The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126479660
William Paddon made an "after auction purchase" of the allotment of land on the corner of Charles and Young Streets, Iluka in 1911 (CRE 16.9.1911) and had a cottage erected there in the same year. In the following year, William Paddon was appointed to the Clarence River Navigation Committee (CRE 17.12.1912).
1914 was a big year for William 'Billy' Paddon. He travelled to England to assist his brother James prepare for a challenge for the Rowing World Championship, he was appointed a Justice of the Peace and placed an order for a new fishing boat with 24 h.p. engine.
His brother, who later went on to win and win and win, just missed out on this row on the Thames and William became the subject of a few articles of speculation thereafter. An excerpt example of these:
Then comes the question concerning the 'pilot.' Did Paddon make a serious error in selecting his brother William to steer his course in the rare ? Judged from a purely technical standpoint, I think it was a mistake.
But on other standpoints I think there was a certain amount of wisdom in the decision. William Paddon had been in England less than a month before the race. Therefore it is obvious to the most casual reader that he could not possibly have made himself absolutely and thoroughly -familiar with the innumerable peculiarities, of the tideway. He did his best, but even at that I think Paddon was at a disadvantage. He had the most favorable station up to Hammersmith, but did not make as much use of it as might have been expected. He kept too near the Surrey shore in the vicinity of Harrod's. Consequently, when he wanted to make the shoot for Hammersmith Bridge, he had to make a slight detour as he approached the pier. I doubt whether any English professional waterman would have allowed Paddon to be so far cramped for room as that. From the bottom of Harrod's Wharf Barry had been washing Paddon's left scull. This caused the Australian some discomfort, and it was not until they were at Hammersmith Bridge that Paddon made an effort to drive Barry into' his own water. That was how the near approach to a foul arose. Barry, however, ought to have been compelled to go over to his station much earlier. Fortunately no foul actually occurred, but had such been the case it is difficult to conceive how Mr. G. E. B. Kennedy, the amateur ex-champion, who umpired, could have done any other than award the race to Paddon.. That would have been a very undesirable result, so far as both parties were concerned.
The only advantage to be gained by having William as 'pilot' was his knowledge of his brother's temperament, and the manner in which' James rows his races.' Was that sufficient to counterbalance the disadvantage- alluded to? I doubt it. There are some in
England who interpreted the action of the Australian party as a reflection upon the honesty and straight forwardness of the English watermen ; that they were suspicious of an English pilot steering Paddon such a course that would favor Barry. There, are too many good judges following the race who would detect any such tactics to make it worth the while of any responsible English waterman descending to such depths. Also, they value their reputation most highly. Although Paddon was beaten, he and his supporters have the satisfaction of knowing that they did everything they considered to be for their best interests, even if they exposed themselves to criticism. Their independence aroused a certain amount of admiration. Whenever Barry wins on the Thames we always hear a .great deal about the peculiarity of the water, and his superior knowledge of the tideway. Undoubtedly Barry knows the Thames championship curse most thoroughly, and that must obviously be a valuable asset to him in his races. Generally speaking, however, Colonial scullers have about three months on the Thames before .racing. The question, then, arises. 'Is that long. enough?'' It is long enough to obtain a good elementary knowledge of the vagaries of the Thames, -but I am inclined to agree with Paddon, that. Australians would have a better chance if they could have six months' training on the tideway....- Then, again, …. How Close Paddon Went to Winning the World's Championship. (1914, November 4). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article120285556
In 1915 William Paddon and his brother Richard launched a new boat was launched at Iluka in 1915:
On Wednesday afternoon Iluka Bay was the scene of great festivities, the occasion being the launching of the new schnapper boat, built to the order of Paddon Bros. Long before the time for launching, crowds began to gather. The weather and tide was everything that could be desired. At 4 o'clock everything was in readiness, and the chocks were taken away, the boat gliding down the bank into the calm waters of Iluka Bay. Before the boat entered the water, Gladys, youngest daughter of Mr. William Paddon, broke a bottle of champagne over the bows of the new vessel, naming her the X.L.C.R., amid great cheering. After the launching the company was invited to a luncheon, the following toasts being honoured: "The King," "The Owners',' "The Builder," "The Visitors," "The Ladies."
In proposing the toast of the owners, Messrs. William and Richard Paddon and Sons," Mr. Russell congratulated them on the progress they had made and wished them every success in their enterprising efforts to advance the fishing industry at Iluka.
Messrs. Paddon responded and spoke in 1high terms of the splendid workmanship done by the builder, Mr. Gus Green (Sydney),assisted by Mr. Tierney Wallace (Iluka).The following are the dimensions: Overhaul, 48ft long; beam, 12ft 8ins. She is to be fitted .with a 24h.p. crude oil engine, Nate pattern, Decel type, and a 28-inch propeller. The hull is built of oregon pine, with kauri for decking; spotted gum keel and ribs, fore and aft mast, and expected to draw about four feet. The engine will be installed by Mr.Boden, of Maclean, and the owners expect to have the new craft in commission in about a fortnight's time.Jn the evening a social was held in the Criterion Hall, where dancing was indulged in until midnight. The sum of £2 5s was collected in the hall for the Australia Day Fund. Cheers were called for Paddon Bros, at the conclusion of the dance. LAUNCHING OF THE X.L.C.R. (1915, July 24). Daily Examiner(Grafton, NSW : 1915 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article194808002
There is an exhibit on the "XLCR" in the Iluka History Group Virtual Museum.
The first marriage solemnised in the Iluka Church of England was that of William's daughter, Pearlie, with William Brown in 1916 (RRH 29.9.l916). In attendance were Nellie, Gladys, Phil, and Tom Paddon. The ceremony description states this was not only the first marriage celebrated in St. John's but that the couple were moving to Sydney afterwrads, William Brown being from Haberfield:
Wedding at Iluka. BROWN — PADDON.
A very pretty but quiet wedding was celebrated on Thursday at the Church of England, Iluka, when Rev. Martin united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Pearlie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Paddon, of Iluka, and William, the only son of Mrs.. W. Brown, of Haberfield, Sydney. The church was tastefully decorated by the bride's friends. The bride was led to the altar by her father, and was attired in a beautiful dress of white crepe de chene over silk bodice(cut shield effect), showing a silk shadow lace blouse with trimmings of seed pearls and beaded garniture, tho customary wreath of orange blossoms and veil being worn, and she carried a shower bouquet. She also wore a ruby and pearl necklace, and carried an ivory bound Bible, being gifts of the bridegroom. The bride was attended by Misses Nellie Paddon (sister of the bride) and Iris Eggins (niece of the bride), as bridesmaids, and Miss Gladys Paddon as trainbearer. Miss Nellie Paddon wore a. pale pink silk zephyr, cut pinafore style, showing vest blouse of ninon and lace, trimmed with kiltings, hat to match. Miss Iris Eggins was attired in pale blue silk zephyr, the same design as former bridesmaid- Miss Gladys Paddon wore cream silk The bridesmaids and trainbearer wore gold brooches, tho gifts of the bridegroom, and carried shower bouquets. Master Phil. Paddon acted as best man, and Master Thomas Paddon was groomsman. During the ceremony, Mr. Craig rendered the solo, 'Because,' Mrs. Craig officiating at the organ. Mrs. Paddon(mother of the bride) wore a wine colored crepe de chene, Mrs Brown (mother of bridegroom) being attired in black silk. The guests assembled at the residence of the bride’s parents, where a sumptuous breakfast was served, the following toasts being honored: — 'The King,' by Rev. Martin; and 'Bride and Bridegroom,' by Rev. Martin- In proposing tho latter toast, the Rev. Martin mentioned that this was the first wedding to be solemnised in the Iluka Church, and he would present the newly married couple with a prayer book to mark the occasion. 'The Bridesmaids' was proposed by Mr. Sid. Kemp; 'Parents of Bride and' Bridegroom ' by Mr. W. Craig; ' Ladies' by Mr. J. Moore. After the breakfast the happy couple left per car to Maclean, thence on to Sydney, where they will make their future home. The bride's travelling dress was fawn gaberdine coat and skirt, with hat to match. The happy couple were the recipients of useful and costly presents, including substantial cheques from the bride and bridegroom 's parents, also a full set of table linen from the celebrated linen manufacturing firm of Moore's, Ltd., Belfast, Ireland, Mr. Joseph Herbert Moore, formerly of Evans River, being the donor.Wedding at Iluka. (1916, September 29). The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article125937526
William Paddon is reported to be the President of the Iluka Branch of the Primary Producers Union in 1918 (RRH 12.11.1918).
William and Anna's daughter, Miss E Paddon, was married in the Iluka Church of England in 1919 (RRH 18.11.1919). The BDM NSW record (BDM NSW 13610/1919) gives the bride as Catherine E U Paddon, the groom as Clarence J Busch, and the place of registration as Maclean. Mr. Busch and his business partner, Sid Kemp, were also fishermen. Their first boat was the "IXL."
Their second son, William Thomas Valentine Paddon, enlisted at Grafton on 15 December 1917 and was placed in New South Wales Reinforcement 4, in artillery. He was 19 years and 1 months of age, occupation 'Fisherman". The Unit embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board SS Feldmarschall on 19 June 1918. The Unit embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board SS Feldmarschall on 19 June 1918. Most of those in his unit were from Sydney. He served as a Gunner with the Australian Field Artillery and returned to Australia, discharged 16th of June, 1919.
William T V Paddon returned to the Northern Rivers area, and went into a solitary life in Light-keeping. A letter with a return address of Cape Byron Lighthouse, requesting information from 1929:
And another request for same dating from 1964 wherein can be read they were stolen form his wallet in Jerseyville in 1920:
William T V Paddon also served in WWII: PADDON THOMAS VALENTINE : Service Number - N380405 : Date of birth - 13 Jan 1898 : Place of birth - WOODBURN NSW : Place of enlistment - BERMAGUI SOUTH NSW : Next of Kin - PADDON AMELIA - retrieved from National Archives of Australia.
His uncle, son of Captain Thomas Paddon and brother to his father, George Edward Paddon, enlisted in Brisbane at aged 22 on the 3rd of September 1915, listing his brother John as next of kin and his occupation as 'Oysterman'. He was placed in the 9th Battalion of the A.I.F. and sent to Boulogne, France where was wounded on the 22nd of August 1916, and died of those wounds on the 3rd of September, 1916 a Lt. Corporal. He was buried in the Eastern Boulogne Cemetery. The 3rd of September may not be a good day in Paddon family archives.
In 1920, William sold his land and cottage on the corner of Charles and Young Streets to the Education Department. The property became a residence for the Headmaster of the State School. (1.)
Soon afterwards the Paddons with youngest children, Bert and Gladys, moved to Sydney, as seen in this article announcing their eldest son's marriage ceremony:
The Methodist Church, Jerseyville, Macleay River, was filled with a very interested congregation on Wednesday afternoon April 5, the occasion, being the marriage of Mr. Phil Paddon(eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Paddon of Newport, and late of Iluka, Clarence River) and Miss Annie (Tibbie) Arthur, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Arthur of Jerseyville. The church had been prettily decorated by friends of the bride and as the bride entered the church with her father, the congregation sang "The Voice that Breathed, o'er Eden."
Mrs. R. Paddon (aunt of the bridegroom) presiding at the organ.
Rev.' W. H. Butler was the, officiating clergyman. The bride was daintly dressed in a frock of white georgette and crepe-de –chine, which was very prettily trimmed with the finest white beads. She also wore the customary wreath and veil with a coronet- of orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of white roses, asparagus and maiden-hair fern, with white ribbon streamers. The chief bridesmaid, Miss Amelia Arthur, was dressed in a pretty dress of mastic crepe de chine and georgette and wore a drop pendant, the gift of the bridegroom, and also carried a bouquet of cream roses and asparagus fern with cream ribbon streamers, which, as well as the bride's bouqnet was the gift of Miss Plowman (an intimate friend of the bride's family).
Little Doris Bullock (cousin of the bride) was the flower girl and wore a pretty little frock of georgette. She also wore a gold bangle, the gift of the bridegroom, and carried a basket, of flowers with pink streamers attached, and as the bride and groom left the church to the strains of the "Wedding March” she strewed rose leaves their way. The' bridegroom was accompanied by Mr. Don McMillan as best man. The wedding breakfast was served at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur presided over by the Rev. W. H- Butler. The usual toasts were proposed, and honoured. At 4 o'clock' the happy couple left for Kempsey, en'route for Sydney, amid showers of confetti and good wishes of their many friends; the bride wearing a very becoming dress of brown crepe de chine, with hat ' to" match. The bridegroom 's gift to the bride was handsome set of furs. The bridegroom is a nephew of James Paddon; who has just won the world's sculling championship in New Zealand. PADDON--ARTHUR. (1922, April 25). Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1915 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article195590215
From their earliest times in Pittwater the Paddon family brought their rowing in races on the northern rivers with them
Wild Afternoon at Pittwater. REGATTA IN A RAIN STORM. Sailing Spoilt — Brilliant Rowing Finishes
Though the morning opened up fine, with a glorious sunshine, and the wind being of moderate strength from the nor-west, conditions altered remarkably before noon, and the annual Pittwater regatta on the magnificent waters of Broken Bay was spoilt. Even the spectators on the flagship Newcastle received a drenching.
The spectacular side of the sailing events was entirely spoilt. There were many withdrawals, while capsizes, particularly among the open boats from Birchgrove and Lane Cove, were frequent President Oscar Curtis had the pleasure of winning his own cup — the Bona Cup— with Bona. Mr. Curtis was at the helm, and he scored a meritorious win over Aoma by a narrow margin of a few feet. There were some brilliant rowing finishes, particularly in the men's double sculls, four crews finishing within a length. Lieutenant Palmer, of the Bisley team, who arrived during the morning from America by the Maunganui, sailed his father's new yacht, Brand V., but was unplaced.
Old Buffers' Race, 1/2 mile: A. Price, 65 years, scr, 1; G. Boulton, 67, 25 sec,2; R. O. Cummings, 63, 40sec, 3. Won by two lengths, with a. length between second and third.
Boys' single Sculls, 1/2 mile: J. Jones,8sec, 1; Jack Loveridge, 2 6 sec, 2; K.H. Robinson, 30sec, 3. Won by a foot, -with a length, between second and third. Men's Single Sculls, 1 mile: First heat, W. Oliver, Gsec, 1; C. R. Richardson, 7sec, 2; c. Singlaton, scr, S. Second heat,C. Williams, 10sec, 1; F.Cooper, 7sec, 2; B. Paddon, 20sec, 3.Final, Singleton, 1; Paddon, 2; Williams, 3. Won by a length. Men'sDouble Sculls, all comers; C. Williams and C. Holding, 7sec, 1; V. Fox and B. Paddon, 22sec, 2; W. Warner and A. Erickson, 12sec, 3. Won by three feet, with two feet between second and third. W. Oliver and B. Oliver were only 2ft away fourth.
Maiden Fours: North Shore (R H. Bolton 9.13, J. O. Littlewood 11.7 G. Moor 11.7. D. K. Smith 9.13, L P..Dadswell, cox), 1; University, 2.
Mixed Double Sculls 1 mile: Mrs.J. Wilson and C. Singleton, 6sec, 1. Miss D. Williams and H. Erickson,5sec. 2; Miss A. Loveridge and E. Erickson 30sec 3, Won by half a length, with a quarter of a length between second and third.
Gladstone skiffs, single sculls, for N.S.W. A.R.A.: D. Watt (Glebe), 8-10,cup valued at £10 10s, 1; T. G Blanchflower (North Shore), 11-9. £2 2s, ;; J.A. Goulding (Sydney), ]0.0, £1. 3. Won by two lengths, with four lengths between second and third.
Surf boat race: North Steyne. £7, 1; Manly, £3 10s, 2; Deewhy, £2, 3. Won by two lengths, with two lengths between second and third.
Ladies' single sculls, all comers: Miss B. Hastie, 24sec, £3 and trophy, 1; Mrs. P. Allan, scr, 2; Miss H. Lipscombe 28sec, 3,
Gladstone skiffs, single sculls, local residents: C. Williams, scr, 1; C. R. Erickson, Esec, 2. Won easily.
Ladies' double sculls, three-quarters of a mile: Mrs. P. Allan and Mrs. Shalvey, scr, 1; Mrs. L. Nilsen and Miss A.W. Loveridge, 28sec, 2. Won by a length. Senior Fours: North Shore 1, Sydney 2. University 3. Wild Afternoon at Pittwater. (1924, December 28). Truth(Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article168716407
William Paddon's association and experience with the early life saving movement on the north coast at the Evans Head River meant he and his son Bert were keen supporters of the same for Avalon Beach, and were at the founding meeting of Sunday 8th of March, 1925:

DOWN AT AVALON. Three clubs — Collaroy, North Narrabeen, and Newport — made Avalon Beach their rendezvous last Sunday for the purpose of giving instruction to the new local club. Mr. Ramsay Sharpe was in charge of the teams, who were welcomed by Mr. Small, Dr. Hanson, Mr. Fox, and other residents of Avalon. An interested spectator of the general proceedings was Mr. Ruskin Rowe, one of the pioneers of Freshwater Club and now a member of Bondi. With a view of stimulating interest Mr. Rowe has offered a prize of £2/2/to the first Avalon member qualifying for the bronze proficiency medallion of the S.L.S.A. Picture: MR. H. RAMSAY SHARPE, vice-president and enthusiastic worker for the S.L.S.A. BONDI FOR SURF CHAMPIONSHIPS COOK'S HILL NEXT SATURDAY. (1926, January 10). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 7 Section: Social and Magazine Section. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article128124019
ONE OF THE MOST SUPERB COASTAL VIEWS IN THE WORLD. Travelling along the road from Manly to Barrenjoey one sees a succession of magnificent views, which world travellers declare are unsurpassed in any part 'of the globe. This favoured area forms pail of the Warringah Shire. In the foreground of the picture is Avalon Beach. Our Glorious Beaches: Some Carnival Snapshots. (1927, February 2). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169144794
After a wonderful wedding, seeing a surf club begin for Avalon and settling into Pittwater rowing events a tragedy occurs and Mrs. W Paddon passes away at the relatively young age of 54:
PADDON.-The Relatives and Friends of Mr. WILLIAM THOMAS PADDON and FAMILY, of Newport, N.S.W., are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of his beloved WIFE and their MOTHER, Anna May Paddon; to leave T. Dixon's Parlours THIS DAY.THURSDAY, at 2 o'clock, for Church of England Cemetery, Botany. T. DIXON, Undertaker, Corner Oxford and Crown streets, Sydney. Family Notices. (1925, December 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16258702
DEATH. PADDON. At the Coast Hospital, Sydney, on the 2nd December, 1925, Anna May, third daughter of the late Philip and Catherine Bale, South Woodburn, dearly beloved wife of William Thomas Paddon, Clareville, Pittwater. Family Notices. (1926, March 2).Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article93624652
In Pittwater William's main trade was fishing, something he did successfully as this item, possibly from a letter back home, tells. The son may be either W T V Paddon (Tom) or Bert - Bert did become a Fisherman of Pittwater:
Jewfish. — A few nights ago Mr. W. Paddon, of Clareville, netted in one haul 213 jewfish averaging 26lbs., and a week previously 159 averaging 27lbs. These were all caught on the ocean beach at Tuggerah Lakes and at Palm Beach, and the skilful handler of the nets had associated with him only two others — his son and Mr. W. Goddard. Over a ton of jewfish in one haul will take some beating! LOCAL AND GENERAL. (1927, September 13). The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126812109
Bert Paddons fishing boat - courtesy Geoff Searl, Avalon Beach Historical Society
Clareville Public Wharf was often known as Padden's (Paddon's) Wharf as local fisherman Bert Padden would offload his catch here.
From Warringah Shire Council Minutes: 20. Land Board Office, 27/9/33, inquiring whether Council has any objection to the granting of W.T.Padden's application for an addition to the Permissive Occupancy near Clareville wharf. Resolved, - That no objection be taken.
William T V Paddon married in 1928, no family member is recorded as being present:
WEDDING. Paddon— Arthur:— On Wednesday afternoon last, February 8, a quiet wedding was solemnised by the Rev. F. E. Blyth of Gladstone, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Arthur, Jerseyville, when Amelia, their third eldest daughter was married to Mr. Thomas V. Paddon, of Solitary Island Lighthouse, late of Byron Bay. Miss Nellie Arthur, sister of the bride was bridesmaid, and Mr. Lionel Robinson was best man. The happy couple left for Sydney that evening where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride was one of Jerseyville's popular girls, and one and all join in wishing this young couple every happiness. Their home for the next two years will be at Solitary Island Lighthouse station. — (Contributed). WEDDING. (1928, February 15). The Macleay Chronicle(Kempsey, NSW : 1899 - 1952), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article174434618
William (Bill) Paddon remarried in 1928. Unfortunately the marriage didn't last as long as his first and seemed to be in trouble after only a few years. A series of sensationaling articles appeared. It seems significant that an In Memoriam appears for his first wife after a decree nisi is granted and when he had begun his third marriage. In one of these articles the poor gentleman is clearly distressed in a photograph snapped. The only good thing about such details is they allow the records to know where he was doing his fishing during these years, and, in one, that Palm Beach lady lawyer and environmentalist, Marie Byles, also looked after divorcees:
IN DIVORCE. (before the Judge In Divorce, Mr. 'Justice Boyce.) :PATERSON v PATERSON. Hilda Valentine Paterson (formerly Smith)v Edwin Paterson. Marriage, December.1920, at Sydney. Issue, desertion. Decree nisi. Miss M. B. Byles for petitioner.
PADDON v PADDON. William Thomas Paddon v Ella Constance Paddon (formerly Patterson). Marriage. June 1928, at Petersham., Issue, desertion, by noncompliance with a restitution order. Decree nisi. Mr. E. N. Rowley, of Messrs Howley, Roseby and Co., for petitioner. IN DIVORCE. (1937, December 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17438774
Fisherman Paddon’s Long Chase For Freedom
IF there is anyone in Australia now ready to subscribe to the dictum that the third time proves it, maybe William Thomas Paddon, fisherman, of Avalon Beach, the North Coast (at times), and Moruya (at present) is that man.
HIS three charges against his wife have been adultery, desertion straight out, and desertion by her alleged failure to comply with a decree for restitution. It was on the third charge that he won his decree. Paddon, then a widower, made the lady his wife in June, 1928.They set up their home at Avalon Beach, in the Pittwater area. They got on well, too, he told the judge last April; that was, until he returned in September, 1931, from a fishing trip up the North Coast,
Came the Pittwater Regatta in February, 1932. Paddon said that he invited her to go with him. She wouldn't. He went alone, and when he returned, he said, he found the house empty and his wife gone. Next move was to him. On June, 13. … he Issued a petition against his wife, naming a man named Bottle, but he did not go on with it.
In September, 1936, he took out a petition charging desertion; but he dropped that in a futile attempt to get his wife to return. Last April he was in court again to get her back by legal means. The house at Avalon was ready for her, he said. Accordingly, he moved a third time for a divorce. On this the judge at the beginning observed, 'having tried adultery, then desertion, he thought he would try restitution.' Still, he admitted that some of the time he was away up the North Coast fishing, and is down at Moruya now. Nevertheless, the house was there for her— he said so. But saying so himself without corroboration was not enough. The judge wished to hear someone else, so he informed Mr. Rowley (Messrs. Rowley, Roseby and Co.).
'This man deserves no consideration at all,' said the judge. 'His wife was ordered to come back to him, but what does he do? He closes up the house and leaves to go up the Coast.' However, in answer to that, Mr. Rowley protested that he did that only after the time had expired for her to return. There was some little argument, and the judge intimated that it should be stood over generally. The judge wanted evidence from Avalon— and said so. Accordingly, the further hearing was adjourned, and it might have meant waiting until Judge Boyce returns eight months hence from a trip to England. A day later, however, Paddon was back again. Evidence was produced to show that Mrs. Paddon had two keys to enter the Avalon home; that she could have got in had she wished: and that she did not return. On top of that, Mr. Rowley said that she told him that no order of the Court would force her to return, and when she was warned that her husband could get a decree, she said: 'That will do me.' After more discussion, the judge said: 'Apparently this woman desires to be rid of Paddon as much as he desires to get rid of her. 'And with that he granted Paddon a decree nisi. Photo PADDON (partly obscured) and his counsel (nearest camera). BALLINA HUSBAND GETS DECREE. (1937, December 19).Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 27. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169598138
William remarried, possibly soon after the six months for decree nisi's then elapsed (From BDM). His address is later listed as at Church Point: 13372/1938 PADDON, WILLIAM THOMAS BUIST, FANNY ELIZABETH SYDNEY
Fanny Buist (nee Smith) was the widow of Charles Alfred Buist, who had passed away in March 1926. The Buist family had been part of building Pittwater from early on. Charles had the Buist Hall and accommodation house at Bayview, the venue for raising funds for Manly Cottage Hospital, and where people repaired to at the official opening of the Bayview Wharf in 1900
Charles and Fanny had two sons and three daughters, Arthur, Irene, Dolce and June. Eldest son, also named Charles Alfred, died when serving overseas on September 28th, 1915 as a member of the Australian Army Medical Corps. He was interred at Malta in the Pieta Military Cemetery.
June was a keen rower and appears in notices from the early 1930's on. It seems these two met through rowing, and had almost 20 years together before Mr. W Paddon passed away. This is one of a few Clareville-Bayview love matches made through the love of being on the water and rowing. Sophie Iris Fox and Cedric Moreton Williams married in 1935 and another happy union between Cedric's sister Kathleen Brooks Williams and Sophie's eldest brother, Vincent Henry Fox was made in 1940.
Perhaps all those Ladies and Gentleman's Double Sculls races set the right tone and atmosphere for such things to occur. Elizabeth Hird recalls her father, Cedric Moreton Williams, the backbone of the Pittwater Aquatic Club, 'wouldn't allow anyone in without a tie on' - men had to be gentlemen and women ladies, clearly aiming high in more than just rowing prowess!
The In Memoriam his children and relatives of his first wife ran, for the first time since Anna's passing:
IN MEMORIAM. PADDON. — In ever cherished memory of Anna May Paddon, wife of William Thomas Paddon, who died at the Coast Hospital, Sydney, 2nd December, 1925.Remembered by her children — Phil, Tom, Bert, Pearl, Nellie, Gladys; also by her brothers and sisters— Philip Anthony (Tony) Bale, Henry Valentine Bale,- Mrs. Alice Elizabeth Barrow, Florence Gertrude Bale, George Edward Bale. Family Notices. (1939, December 1). The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article125940671
And an earlier item from the days when people's private lives were published that may shed some light on what the short-lived marriage may have been like:
IN DIVORCE. (Before Mr. Justice Gordon and juries.) PATERSON v PATERSON.
The petitioner in this suit, Rowland Percival Paterson, master printer, sued for a dissolution of his marriage with Ella Constance Paterson (formerly Patterson), alleging mis-conduct with one Reuben Joseph Carr Townshend, a sea captain, who was joined as co-respondent, and from whom the petitioner claimed £1000 damages. The petitioner and respondent were married according to the rites of the Church of England at Leichhardt in March, 1898. Although the respondent filed a defence she did not appear to support it at the trial. The co-respondent was present, but intimated that he did not intend to defend the suit. Mr. Young and Mr. Shield (instructed by Mr. J. W. Abigail) appeared for the petitioner. The jury returned a verdict for the petitioner, finding all the issues proved, and assessed damages at £750. A decree nisi was pronounced, returnable in six months, and the customary order made as to payment of damages. IN DIVORCE. (1919, October 9). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15855634
Entries and handicaps for the open rowing events at the Pittwater Regatta on Saturday next are:
Old Buffers' Single Scull Handicap.-W. Gray, 20s; H Price, scr. Boys' Single Scull Handicap (l8 years and under)-William Hibbs, 15s; E. H. T. Robinson, 9a; Jim Loveridge, scr. Single Sculls (All-comers' Handicap).-First heat:I H. Price, 20s; W. Ellis, 14s; F. Roberts, 10s; J. Wilson, scr. Second heat: B. Paddon, 22s; J. Erickson, 14s; F. Roberts, 10s; F. Gallard, 5s; J. Toyer,scr. Gladstone Skiff Handicap.-H. Price, 25s; J. Loveridge, 20s; C. Holding, 15s; C. R. Dickson,10s; F. Smith, 4s; F. C. Erickson, 4s; J. Erickson, 2s; C. Williams, scr.Ladies' Single Sculls All-comers' Handicap.- Mrs. E.E. Hawkins, 21s; Mrs. C. A. Notting, 20s; Miss H. Lipscombe, 18s; Mrs. P. Allen, scr.
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Double Sculls Handicap (all-comers).-Miss E. Kuhlmorgan and J. Erickson, 16s; Miss H. L. Lipscombe and H. Price, 14s; Mrs. E. E. Hawkins and F. Roberts, 10s; Mrs. P. Allen and W. G. McDonald, scr. Double Sculls Handicap (all-comers). B. Paddon and V. Fox, 25s; H. Price and J. Erickson, 15s: N. Roberts and F. Roberts, 10s; J. Toyer and W. Ellis, scr. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1926, December 30). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16343847
PRO. sculling looks like regaining pre-war popularity with ex-world's champion George Towns as president, W. T. Paddon as chairman and Cedric Williams of Pittwater, as secretary. WILL George Towns, Jnr.. develop into a sculler as great as his father? He has his maiden race at Pittwater next Saturday and has been a allowed 58secs, start. SNAPS AT SPORTS . (1932, October 2). Truth(Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169141073
The Pittwater Club also went to Parramatta to race in other regattas. This one is notable due to the meeting of two sons of former greats in Fisher and Paddon which began a rematch between their fathers - interesting also as A J Fisher won easily:
SCULLING. Parramatta River Club. A. J. FISHER WINS.
Parramatta River Sculling Club held Its first handicap event on Parramatta River on Saturday over a mile and a half course, from Henley to Putney. The scullers were assisted over the course by the light north-east breeze, and 14 completed the course.
A. J. Fisher (Drummoyne), who has figured prominently In amateur events In recent years, had an easy victory in his first race with the professional club. With a handicap of 15 seconds, he had little trouble in overhauling the other competitors, to whom he conceded handicaps up to lm 2ts. and he won easily by '10 lengths.
Results:- A. J. Fisher (Drummoyne), 15s, 1: H. Erickson(Pittwater), 65s, 2; B, Paddon (Pittwater). 45s. 3; G. Hanlen (Pittwater). 42s. 4. Won by 10 lengths, three lengths separating second and third. SCULLING. (1932, November 21). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28029866

THE Pittwater Aquatic Club decided a number of events for pros, at Newport yesterday. Outrigger Handicap for Men. — First Event: B. Paddon (Pittwater), 45sec, 1; A. J. Fisher(Parramatta). scr., 2; J. Watson (Parramatta), 65sec, 3. Won by a quarter of a Second Event: G. Hanlon (Pittwater). 40sec, 1; C. Stuart Robertson (Parramatta) by five lengths. Women's championship of Pittwater.—First Event' Queenie Smith 1, J. Gilroy 2.Second Event: J. Neilsen 1, C. Kelly 2. Third Event: M. Hickson 1, J. Buist 2.The finals will be decided next Saturday. W Paddon and W. Fisher senr. met for the first time for twenty years at Pittwater yesterday. A challenge race was arranged to take place next Saturday over a mile and a half for £5 aside. SCULLING. (1932, November 27). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169136503
SCULLING. Pittwater Finals.
Finals of the men's best and best handicap and the women's Gladstone skiff championship will be rowed today on the Bayview course.
Entries and handicaps are: Men's Single Sculls (best and best boats).-A. J Fisher (Drummoyne), scr.; C. Williams (Bayview)5s: J. Erickson (Newport). 33; G. Hanlen (Mona Vale), 40; F. Kerr (Narrabeen), 43; B. Paddon(Clareville). 45: G. Towns. Jun. (Gladesville). J Watson (Abbotsford), 65; W. Paddon (Clareville). 90.
Women's Gladstone Skiff Championship.-Misses Q. Smith. J. Neilson. M. Hickson. J. Gilroy.
In conjunction with these races a challenge race will be rowed between two veteran scullers, W. Paddon and W. Fisher in best and best boats over a course of one and a half miles .Twenty years have elapsed since these noted performers met, and no doubt the presence of their sons in competition against one another last Saturday Inspired old rivalry. Veteran George Towns has been Invited to start the race, which will be rowed under the control of the New South Wales
Professional Rowing and Sculling League.
The secretary of the league advises that Parramatta and Pittwater Clubs between them will be sending upwards to 20 scullers to compete In the Shoalhaven Rivers' regatta set down for New Year's Day. SCULLING. (1932, December 3). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28030174
The result of this meet-up of old friends and competitors for both Fisher and Paddon father and son?
SCULLING. Pittwater Aquatic Club.
Pittwater Aquatic Club decided three sculling ,events on the Newport-Bayview course on Saturday The men's events were rowed over a course from Church Point to Bayview, a distance of a mile and a half and me women a event over a half-mile course from Newport to Bayview. A special match race between W Paddon and W Fisher, in best and best boats resulted in a win for the former by a quarter of a length after a great race. It Is 20 years since the pair previously met on the Parramatta River.
Results - Final men best and best handicap single sculls-B Paddon (Clareville) 45s 1 J Watson (Abbotsford) 65s 2, A J Fisher (Drummoyne) scr 3 Won by two lengths.
Women a Gladstone skiff championship Miss M Hickson 1 Miss 3 Neilson 2 Miss Q Smith 3 Won by five lengths Match race course mile and a half; W Paddon (Newport). 1, W Fisher (Drummoyne). 2 Won by a quarter of a length. SCULLING. (1932, December 5). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16935391
SCULLING. (1932, December 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved From http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16940179
On Saturday, at the twenty-sixth annual Pittwater Regatta, proceedings will open with a review of sailing and power driven craft by the president of the regatta…
ROWING New South Wales Amateur Rowing Association Clubs the G Mackenzie heavyweight Junior fours 3pm the P C Daly lightweight Junior fours 3 30 the C Rosevear senior fours, 4 30 women s unclassified four oared championship of Pittwater 3 50 lightweight four oared championship of Pittwater 5pm Gladstone and 14ft skiffs the W T Paddon Gladstone skiffs handicap 11 45 a m men s double sculls handicap 1pm… PITTWATER REGATTA. (1932, December 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16941676
1933: The Year Pittwater Gentlemen Forward Professional and Amateur Rowing
In 1932 the item that appears above regarding George Towns, Bill Paddon and Cedric Williams activities to take the sport forward, and 20 rowers going to the Shoalhaven as part of a Rowers League developed further and is now known as the N.S.W. Professional Sculling, and Rowing League.
This was not the first time a code for Professional sculling and rowing had been attempted. In 1911 George Town had also been among an august body of then champions who wished to clean up the bad image of Professional rowing by introducing a Professional Scullers League which would oversee races that were for money and implement a range of penalties on those who did not follow the amateur and gentleman's creed. This first 'league' did not include the word 'Professional' in it's title, but was simple the ' NSW Sculling and Rowing League', inaugurated in October 1913. (3.)
They were still the best rowers and sportspeople there were around - the results and times speak for that, and considering the craft they were using, some 'heavy' boats were just that! - to be able to fund their travels to other regattas, or the building of new craft - or put bread and dripping on the table was clearly a part common sense answer to hard times and ensuring the best standards were kept up.
This was one in a long series of steps towards what would become in the future Olympians being able to earn something in professional arenas to put towards appearing in the amateur spheres when representing their country.
That this new phase, post WWI, when so much took so long to recover from, and during the Depression, was revived through the work of these local men, and in one sense came out of Pittwater is not as well known.
After forming this means to take the sport forward one of the places they went to was, of course, William Paddon's home grounds, probably not the first time son Bert rowed there, and from he met his wife:
Northern Rivers, can thank the N.S.W. Professional Sculling, and Rowing League for the visit of the present Sydney team, comprising manager, trainer and six rowers. A period of some thirteen years has elapsed since an official team from the city visited these centres, bearing this in mind, and owing, to the fact that professional sculling in Sydney and Shoalhaven districts has once again been definitely established, the League felt that it was its duty to endeavour to revive the Northern centre which, in the olden days produced, so many famous scullers. In order to stimulate the various centres interest, the League this year Inaugurated five championships of N.S.W.; viz., Best and Best Open, 3 1-8 miles; Best and Best Lightweight, 1 ½ miles; Gladstone Open, 1 ¼ miles; Lightweight Open, 1 mile(lightweight: under 10-7 stripped) ; and Heavy Boat; 16ft:; 1 mile. These events are to be competed for annually and will be allotted to affiliated centres in rotation and in accordance with the ability of Clubs in those centres which can offer substantial prize money for these and other events.
The holders for the titles for this year are:—
Open Champion -Best and Best, 3 .1-8 miles-A. , J. Fisher ; (Drummoyne) Lightweight champion : Best and Best, — C.' Williams (Pittwater). Open Gladstone, 1 ¼ miles— J. Erickson (Pittwater). Lightweight Gladstone, 1 mile — C. Williams (Pittwater). Heavy Boat, 16ft. ' Skiff, 1 mile — -J. Erickson (Pittwater). The Winners of these yearly events are open to challenge by the challenger offering to race for not less than £50 and a deposit must, be made through the Secretary of the League with each challenge. Beautiful trophies in the form of exact replica-models of the boats used in each class have been allotted and are being greatly admired where displayed - in the various centres.
They are the work of Charles Stuart Murray, who is famed for this class of production in Sydney, and can only be won outright –with three successive wins. A description of these models appears in another paragraph.
The League in no way interferes in the affairs of affiliated clubs other than as regards the championships enumerated above, the promulgation of one club's activities to another, and the furtherance of the sport generally — a long felt want by clubs throughout N.S.W. Its' ambition is to see a series or cycle of regattas hold in the various Northern towns so that local and city scullers may participate and journey from one regatta to the other.
For Northern Rivers scullers' information, Shoalhaven hold their annual regatta at New Year, followed by Parramatta and Pittwater during January - February. At the former and latter events this year a total of £200 was expended, together with trophies to the value of £150. Sydney clubs sincerely hope that the various Northern Rivers clubs will get together in the near future with the view of sending a team to visit Southern regattas in the coming season. Pittwater will doubtless, enlarge on this year's wonderful effort with a four day, regatta to be held about next February. They want to hear from the clubs up this way, 'and will welcome suggestions.'
The manager of the present Sydney team advises that the members of the touring party have been rowing competitively since last October practically every week, and have covered per lorry since Xmas approximately 1500 miles between here, Sydney and Shoalhaven River. They will return home this week to prepare for Pittwater 's grand closing day of Shorts on June 3rd, and on that date Jack Erickson will complete a heavy season when he has accepted a challenge for the Heavy Boat Championship (16ft.skiff) N.S.W. from R. Wilson, of Greenwell Point, Shoalhaven River. They may have won laurels, but all will agree these chaps need a spell.
The team visiting the Richmond comprised: — Jack Erickson (Open Gladstone and Heavy -Boat Championship N.S.W.).Cedric Williams, Secretary League and Pittwater Club (Lightweight Champion Best and Best N.S.W., and Lightweight Gladstone N.S.W.). Bert Paddon (son of W. Paddon).George Towns (son of retired world's champion). V. Fox. J. Watson (Secretary; Parramatta Club).NEW SOUTH WALES PROFESSIONAL SCULLING AND ROWING LEAGUE. (1933, April 25). The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article127170531
OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP FOR GLADSTONE SKIFFS. The start of the race to decide the New South Wales title at the Pittwater Aquatic Club's regatta. From left: M. Regan (2nd), C. Mudie (3rd), and J. Erickson (1st). OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP FOR GLADSTONE SKIFFS. (1933, February 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28031440
Mr. K. Hanson of Pittwater, manager of the visiting team of scullers and representative of the N.S.W. Professional Sculling League brought along with him for public display in Coraki two very remarkable models, enclosed in handsome cases, of polished wood and glass. It appears that there are five of these trophies which are to be competed for annually the various regatta centres of .N.S.W.— one for the open Gladstone, another, for heavy ; boats; a' third – for open best and best boats, a fourth for lightweight Gladstone, and- the fifth lightweight best and best,;' and in - each instance the model faithfully represents the type of boat used in the race for which the trophy is offered; - The models are true to scale, and their construction evidently called for remarkable'' skill and the most .meticulous care of an acknowledged master of the craft of boat building. Mr. C. S. Murray, of Pittwater, designed and fashioned the whole of the models, and how he was able to give such an artistic finish while employing timbers of various paper-like thinness baffles those able to realise the difficulties with which he was confronted. There is a 'fiver, we are informed for anyone who can find even one missing detail. The outriggers, swivel sliding seats …. sculls; and every possible feature of each craft represented has-been faithfully 'reproduced, and on a scale, so small' as to be almost unbelievable... REMARKABLE TROPHIES. (1933, April 25). The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article127170543
A model Cedric M or C S Murray built of a Gladstone Skiff - courtesy of Cedric V Williams, who hold this trophy of his father's.

Group of scullers at Woodburn including the visiting rowers, Mr. Jim Paddon (ex-world's champion), Mrs. J. Paddon, Mr. P. S. Malone (president of the Woodburn Club), Mr. Hanson (manager of the visiting team), J.Watson (secretary of the Parramatta Club), and Mr. Fox, trainer, (one of the visiting team). - 2nd from left, is Cedric Williams standing next to Mrs. James Paddon, Vince Fox is there too beside his father (2nd from right)
Mr. Hanson stressed the point that this team was sent out by the New South Wales Professional Rowing and Sculling League. That league was purely a body formed from affiliated clubs to control championships and matters pertaining thereto over the whole. State and in no way –interferes in the domestic matters of the clubs of which it is formed. The area covered by the League so far extends from the North Coast as far South as the Shoalhaven River.
Next year Mr. Hanson hopes that with the affiliation of the Richmond and Clarence Rivers Clubs with the League, one of the major championships will be rowed on the North Coast. Wherever this big event will be held the clubs and the.public in general could rest assured that all the champions, together with remainder of the best rowers in the State, will compete.
Last February the Pittwater Club distributed over £100 in cash as well as trophies to the same value and Mr. Hanson stated that if any of the Far North rowers go down to compete in those races next year they will be very well looked after and will have the satisfaction of knowing that they are competing against the very best men in the State.
The results of the Woodburn events were : Handicap (three quarters mile).: First heat, J. Erickson (scr.) 1 ; other starters, J. Watson 14 sees., G. Towns junr. 20,' G. Gifford 28, F. Leighton 26. Time 5 mins, 57 sees. Second heat : Starters, P. Howard 2 secs., B. Paddon 10, C. Williams 4. T. Loader 35, F. Day 35. Won by C. Williams in 5 mins. 30 secs. Third heat : starters, T. Norton 11 sees., P. Malone 40, W. Levett 40, L. Everingham 38. Won by Everingham in 5 mins. 52 sees. Final : Won by Williams with Erickson second and Everingham third. Time 6 mins. 35 3-5 sees. SCULLERS ON TOUR. (1933, April 25). Northern Star(Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article94213448
Some of these names are well known in the early rowing annals of Pittwater.
If this is the 'K Hanson' who was the son of one of the founding members of Avalon Beach Surf Life Saving Club and was an early member himself, then he was a teenager. Kenneth Hanson's war records state his full 5 feet 10 1/2 inches and would almost reach James Paddons over 6 feet (4th from left) . Also in that back row, 2nd from left, is Cedric Williams standing next to Mrs. James Paddon, Vince Fox is there too beside his father (2nd from right). Bert Paddon is in this picture too, but the quality is not clear enough to pick either him of 'K. Hanson' out.
It is the Hanson sons involvement with rowing on Pittwater and rowing as part of serving in a surf boat that begins to emerge from here though. This was another kind of building community in Pittwater and for Pittwater's visitors that takes these still water champions on the western side of Pittwater to its eastern extremities and the sometimes rough sea.
Geoff Searl, President of Avalon Beach Historical Society shared this story when the Avalon Beach SLSC celebrated its 90th year in 2015:
Three sons were born to Sydney dentist, Arthur Cecil Hanson and his wife Mildred Blanche Faviell. Arthur George Hanson (known as ‘Tom’ to most) was first born at Hunters Hill in 1911. Geoffrey Faviell Hanson followed in 1914 and Kenneth John Hanson completed the family. (Ken was born January 27th, 1918)
Prior to 1920 Arthur bought a block of land on the corner of Avalon Parade and Ruskin Rowe on which he built a two-room cottage. It consisted of a bedroom and a kitchen/dining room but both were surrounded on 3 sides by a generous open verandah where later children of the families spread their mattresses and camp beds. He called the cottage ‘Keilor’ after the north-west suburb of Melbourne from where Blanche’s family hailed.
The family spent considerable time at ‘Keilor’ travelling down from Hunters Hill and later Killara in Arthur’s bull-nosed Hupmobile.
The 3 boys loved the water and decided to join the surf club. In the photo taken in 1925 of the meeting on the steps of ‘Avalon’ which resulted in the formation of the Avalon Beach SLSC, Dr Hanson is standing on the steps alongside A .J. Small, the owner and developer of Avalon Beach.
A.G. (Tom) and Geoff were in the same successful Bronze Medallion squad on 7 April 1935 (the Club’s 2nd squad). The 3rd brother Ken obtained his Bronze Medallion with the Club’s 3rd squad on 29 March 1936. Geoff gained the Club’s 2nd Instructor’s Certificate with the 4th squad which passed on 31 January 1937. Geoff became Club Captain one year later and it is recorded that he held a card night at the home which raised 6 pounds which went to the new boat under construction (launched on 4 December 1938). Geoff served as Hon. Treasurer in 1939 and rowed competitively in the new boat under the new Boat Captain and Sweep, Gordon Brown.
In November 1939 Tom Hanson was among several members who left to join the AIF. The last of the Club’s Active Members to leave was Ken Hanson when he joined the RAAF in January 1941.
Dr Hanson died in 1935 and so never knew of the death of his youngest son Ken who perished when his Liberator bomber was shot down over Celebes (Sulawesi) in 1945. - Geoff Searl, 'The Hanson Boys' - 2015. See: Avalon Beach SLSC 90th Anniversary Exhibition and Celebrations, Pittwater Online News, Issue 211, 2015
'The boat shot (our first) is from 1938 and although the nameplate reads ‘Avalon’ it was most probably the original “Akubra” which Wally Simmonds obtained from his old club Queenscliff. The crew include Geoff Hanson (starboard side midships) brother Tom Hanson (sweep), Ted Sanders (Sanders Lane fame) on the port side in the hat and Peter Paterson (almost obscuring the sweep).' - Geoff Searl, February 2016
Just while on early Avalon Beach SLSC Surf Boats, rowers and those who served from this club in WWII, since the rowing on Pittwater clearly added to the rowing on the ocean to save lives:
AVALON S.L.S.C. are building an addition to their club premises — a brick constructed boat-shed. DIFFERENT SWIMMING STYLES TO SUIT VARIOUS PHYSIQUES. (1936, December 24). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 17. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article135654054
WAL SIMMONS, Avalon club president, has got more propaganda points than Dr. Goebels. and more driving force than Goering. He wants it too, for the 2nd A.I.F. has robbed his club of many stalwarts. Apart from Stan Wickham, killed in an R. A.F. reconnaissance over the North Sea, Avalon's contribution to war includes the club captain. A. Ibbotson: secretary Clem Russell: Tom Harrison and A.I Cunningham, all members of the 2nd A.I.F. BOOMPS-A-DAISY AT NORTH STEYNE. (1940, January 7).Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169109055
'Tom Harrison' may be Tom Hanson:
The Honour Roll in the Avalon Beach SLSC Clubhouse - * Indicates those who died in the service of their country.
Studio portrait of 403585 Flying Officer (FO) Kenneth John Hanson, 21 Squadron, of Killara, NSW. FO Hanson was a clerk at the Commonwealth Oil Refineries prior to enlisting on February 3rd, 1941. He trained under the Empire Air Training Scheme in Canada and England during 1941 and 1942, was promoted to the rank of Flying Officer in April 1943 and Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt) in January 1945. On 27 July 1945 Flt Lt Hanson was piloting Liberator (B24-L) A72-92 on a low level photography mission over the Celebes, East Indies. Eleven others were on board. A72-92 was attacked by Japanese anti-aircraft fire and crashed killing nine crew members, including Flt Lt Hanson. Three survived but were captured by the Japanese and executed. Flt Lt Hanson was 27 years of age. By Falk StudioSydney, Date made circa 1943. Information and Image No.: P08405.001, courtesy AWM.
What compounds this tragic loss of a wonderful young man is the fact that he had become engaged to the young widow of another Flight Officer in January of 1945. The marriage did not occur.
Studio portrait of NX144 Major Arthur George Hanson, 2/1 Field Regiment, of Killara, NSW. He enlisted in the 7th Field Artilllery as a gunner in 1929, and was appointed a Lieutenant in the Australian Field Artillery in March 1934. Lieutenant Hanson was seconded into the Royal Australian Artillery in 1939 with the rank of Captain. In 1941 he was promoted to the rank of Major and mentioned in despatches in December. In December 1943 he awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during operations in the Gona-Sanananda area" of New Guinea. In May 1945 he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) and appointed to command 2/1 Field Regiment. Lt Col Hanson was discharged on 7 December 1945 and in November 1946 was awarded a Bar to the Distinguished Service Order "for inspiring leadership and untiring devotion to duty whilst commanding 2/1 Field Regiment in the Wewak-Mt Tazaki - Mt Shiborangu areas, New Guinea".
In 1949 he was placed on the Regimental Reserve list, appointed Colonel in May 1956, and Brigadier in 1957. From March 1957 to April 1959, Brigadier Hanson was aide-de-camp (ADC) to the Queen. Brigadier Hanson DSO and Bar died in Sydney in 1999. His youngest brother 403585 Flight Lieutenant Kenneth John Hanson, 21 Squadron RAAF, was killed in action on 27 July 1945 during air operations over The Netherlands, East Indies. Circa 1941, AWM Information and Image No.: P08405.002
A brother of Dr. Hanson, Ernest Oswald Hanson, also became a resident in Avalon> It is from this gentleman that we glimmer how long the Hanson family have loved the seas off the Northern Beaches:
Sir-Referring to your letters on early surfing in Australia my father Albert G Hanson of Concord always claimed that he was the pioneer of surf-bathing In Australia when George Thornton (one-time Major of Sydney) he, myself a brother and young sister surfed off the ocean beach in Manly in 1876. We wore webbing bathing trunks The following year we went to England returning in 1885 when we again lived in Manly and immediately started surf-bathing. Others followed suit when protests were made to the council about people bathing in a state of semi nudity The police informed my father that they had been instructed to prosecute anyone bathing between six in the morning and six at night As we always bathed between five and six this did not affect us but aroused public indignation and as a result of meetings the council later approved of surfbathing in a neck -to-knee costume, Yours faithfully, E. O. HANSON. Avalon Beach, Sept. 14. FIRST SURF BATHING. (1939, September 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17641238
And that the Hanson family gave more to the community than just time and energy to make the beach safer - from Warringah Shore Council Meeting Records:
48.: E. O. Hanson, 15/8/37, requesting that the lane leading from Avalon Parade to Seaview Avenue, which was recently transferred to the Council, be cleared as a means of access, and also as a fire break.: Resolved, - That. funds be voted ...attention to this request, as recommended by the Overseer. (Crs. Hitchcock, Hettt)
A Surf Boat drama that almost happened, on dry and...
Avalon club's membership has suffered severely mainly through enlistment, and It is now reduced to two seniors the president Mr W Simmons and captain Last night the club notified the Surf Life saving Association that it possesses a practically new surf boat which it desires to sell.
The proposal drew strong criticism from Mr G Lindsay of the North Narrabeen club who said that the association last year assisted the club to purchase the boat which he regarded as absolutely essential to enable the club’s work of efficiently safeguarding surfbathers to be performed.
Mr Simmons in reply said that the matter of keeping the boat was not the difficulty facing the club but that of maintenance of it In efficient condition This had Impelled the club to decide to sell it, bank the money and when the war was over buy another boat The Avalon club had appealed to other clubs to assist it by providing patrols for the beach once a month
The association appointed a sub committee to confer with the club with a view to finding means of assisting it to maintain Its efficient patrolling of the beach and if possible to retain Its boat. SURF LIFE-SAVING. (1940, December 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17701507
As indicated above through Geoff Searl's records, Mr. Simmonds procured the boat, and obviously felt he had the right to dispose of it too, as within weeks she was gone:
From the hitherto silent, soothing surf of Avalon to the Council Meeting of the Surf Life Saving Association on Tuesday night came the splash of troubled seas.
SOMEONE was rocking the boat— the surf life-saving boat at Avalon.
Avalon, let it be said, has contributed so nobly to the British cause that the club membership has been diluted. Having hints that Avalon crew was divided within itself almost to the point of beach warfare, the Surf Association despatched its district supervisor, MR. R. CROOK, to Avalon to do some reconnoitering — to keep the boat, the crew, the club, and beautiful beach off the rocks of dissension, If need be.
As to the boat, the Association's investigator found it was non est: it was gone. Wally Simmons, Pooh-Bah of the Avalon Club, and a great old worker for the Association, had sold the boat for £75. This, in defiance of Club Captain R. Ray, and some members, who declared that there were at least enough civilian members of the club left to man the boat and beat the barnacles. On the other hand, Wally Simmons couldn't see the light by this particular Ray. In his experience and imagination he could see the boat, already creaking in its clinkers, deteriorating till it was worthless. So he sold it to another club for £75, which he promptly deposited in a trust account to await the return of members from active service, and of popularity to the beach.
The honesty of purpose in Mr. Simmons' action was never questioned, but in handling a boat he was a reincarnated Governor Bligh, according to some of the Avalon surf life savers. Mr. Crook's report was adopted, and it was decided graciously. Mr. Roy Doyle, the peacemaker, was in the chain to call a meeting of the fractious factions to collectively bury the hatchet in the shimmering sands. CANDID COMMENT. (1941, January 12). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169765536
Avalon Beach was Patrolled by volunteers during WWII - Life Members Doug Crane and Reginald Charles Wood, who were on the beach during this time, were more than capable youngsters and would have made do or even built something to work if needed.
Doug Crane, a Naval Architect, with a boat he made, then kept at Avalon Beach SLSC.
BOAT LAUNCHING: Avalon Surf Club's boat will be launched next Sunday, at 3 p.m. The ceremony was to have been held yesterday, but bad weather forced postponement. RECORD SWIM. (1947, December 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18051665

Above: Doug Crane (left - back oar) and his mates circa 1947-48. Photo courtesy the Crane Family.
Mr. T. F. Moran, honorary secretary of the Surf Life Saving Association, said 1,841 surfers were given first aid at Cronulla alone during the 1950-51 season. At Clovelly 525 were given first aid, and at Avalon, 300. Men Who Make Our Beaches Safe. (1952, January 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18258410
** ( we have not changed the incorrect spelling of Walter Simmonds name - NB: younger readers, it's good to ask people to spell their names out as we all only have one and it don't want to get it wrong: typos will always slip through but getting it wrong through not checking is not good!):
WALLY SIMMONDS combines his job as secretary of Avalon club with that of honorary editor of the surf magazine. Swimming Shorts. (1937, October 21). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article127623336
Right To Work
Sir,-In your "Today's Strike Point" ("Herald," July 5) you say everything but the one vital freedom due to every man and everybody seems reluctant to put it in black and white.
It is: The Right of Men to WORK as well as to Strike.
Avalon Beach. A. J. SIMMONDS. Right To Work. (1949, July 6). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18121404
Back to the Estaury
Back to the Pittwater Estuary and our early rowers determination to progress the sport in all its vessels and Pittwater herself.
The idea for ensuring a code and prizes and championships through a NSW Professional Sculling and Rowing League worked. People from north began to visit Pittwater and were well treated guests who clearly enjoyed themselves:
Shoalhaven Rowing Club: TRIP TO PITTWATER, REGATTA (By one-of the Party). - .
Shoalhaven rowers on Thursday morning last possessed remarkable optimism when a portion of them left Pyree in blinding rain, accompanied, 'by a gale from the east, at about 5.30a.m., to pick up the balance in Nowra to catch the 6.55, a.m. train. When the party assembled it included Messrs. H. Haiser (representing the Shoalhaven Club), H. Regan, G. Campbell. Tom Peel, Frank Evan (rowers), with Artie Smith as manager. Shortly after passing Wollongong both the rain and wind eased, and it was thought a break was imminent; when the central was reached the weather was fine; . Upon stepping from the train 'Blue' Jones (one-time of Nowra) was waiting for a party, and anxiously inquired where the Shoalhavenites were bound for. Shortly-after lunch rain again came down in torrents. The ferry was taken for Manly. Proceeding down the harbor, the coastal steamer Cobargo was met, carrying live stock, and it was evident the ship had had a bad time in the gale, by the number of dead pigs that were visible on the deck. Arriving at Manly it was still raining and blowing, making things most unpleasant. Two of the party considered it wise to purchase an umbrella each, 'which may frighten' the weather. Others of the party wanted some training oil, and a chemist's shop was entered. Several questions were exchanged, and the chemist inquired did any of the party know his uncle, Mr. Jack Fraser, late Town Clerk of Nowra. Being a little ahead of schedule time, we had to wait a few minutes, but eventually Mr. C. Williams, secretary of Pittwater Club, arrived in his car and conveyed the party to Pittwater a distance of about 12 miles, passing through such towns as Dee Why, Narrabeen, Collaroy, Mona Vale; etc. Being in close proximity to the ocean, the rain and wind was very fierce. Duly arriving at Pittwater about 3.15 p.m. we were made very comfortable at Mrs. Jones' and Mrs. McFee's boarding house. Mrs.McFee was not known by any of the party, but in the course of conversation it was learnt that Mrs. McFee had last year lost her husband, Mr. Sam McFee, who was a native of Pyree and a personal friend of Mr. Harry Haiser.
After receiving the good wishes of Mrs. Jones and Mrs. McFee, accompanied with the very acceptable cup of tea, the rowers were very anxious despite the extremely boisterous conditions, to try their hands in the Gladstone skiffs. Although this class of skiff was strange to the Shoalhaven rowers, the boys nevertheless were very high in their praise for this kind of boat, and thought Shoalhaven Club should make an effort to purchase a similar class of skiff. An outing had been arranged by the Pittwater Club to take our party around Broken Bay in a 40-mile-per hour speed-boat, but owing to the poor visibility caused through the boisterous conditions the outing was abandoned. Pittwater regatta takes place in Broken Bay and places of note in close proximity re Bay view, Newport and Church Point; also a branch of the Sydney Royal Motor Yacht Club.
In the distance are the Hawkesbury River heads, Barrenjoey lighthouse, Lion Island, and Palm Beach; further in the distance lies Gosford. Within 1 ½ miles radius from where the regatta eventuates lies a fleet of mostly pleasure launches, approximately 150 in number, which makes the scene most picturesque. Mr. C. Williams, with his father and brother, carry on a boat-building business, which discloses good enterprise. Mr. Williams, sen., by the way, was in the days of old a diver in the pearling industry, and was listened to intensely when relating his narratives. Mr. Williams does not care to discuss steamers or motor launches; he prefers sailing vessels. After tea on Thursday night Mr.Artie Smith telephoned home and learnt that the Shoalhaven was in flood, (but the party was relieved to know that the storm was abating. At daylight on Friday morning the weather was beautifully fine and it was considered the purchasing of the umbrellas at Manly had been a wise decision. The party were very keen for regatta operations.
Although Shoalhaven rowers' could not win any Gladstone skiff heats, they put up a good showing. Jack Erickson, who had taken the championship last year in heavy boats, managed to retain his title after a great race! Harry Regan in his heat in the heavy boats put up a great race on Friday, and was first to reach the-judge; on Saturday Harry ran four than the final, but put up a good showing,- having concede' too much handicap. In the doubles in heavy boats Harry Regan and Frank Ryan pulled well to gain second place in their heat, and also put up a good performance in the final, having to concede Paddon and Fox, who ultimately won by 6 seconds. They ran a great second. There were six competitors. About 3.30 p.m. on Friday there was every appearance of a big storm, but only a few drops of rain fell. In the outrigger consolation race, of 11 starters, Parramatta and Pittwater rowers showed true sportsmanship to Shoalhaven. E. Cowell, of Parramatta, lent his outrigger to F. Ryan, and C. Williams lent his outrigger to Tom Peel. - Ryan won this event from Elgood, of Parramatta, with Peel a good fourth.
Bert Paddon did well at the regatta, winning the Sam Bowen cup, doubles with Vin Fox, and mixed doubles with Miss Marshall. W. Fisher, sen., won the Gladstone skiff singles. M. Price, C. Mudie, and J. Hanlon won the outrigger races. There were big fields in both the ladies' and boys' events. Mr. A. .Smith was the representative of the. N.S.W. Professional Sculling and Rowing League, and followed the races in the umpire's launch belonging to Mr. Todd of Circular Quay, who kindly lent his launch for the occasion, which was capable of doing 18 miles per hour. Mr. Fox was umpire, and is well known to Shoalhaven rowers; Mr. W. Paddon was starter. Messrs. Haier and Smith were extended official badges for the regatta.
On Saturday night, when the prize money was being handed over at the Pittwater ball, the duties were performed by Mr. and Mrs. Penniman, vice-presidents of the club, in the absence of the club's president, Sir Clifton Love. President Austin, of Warringah Shire, acted as chairman, and was accompanied by Mrs. Austin and Mr. Artie Smith on the stage. Mr. Smith took the opportunity of extending Shoalhaven 's appreciation to Pittwater and Parramatta rowers for the grand sportsmanship that had been shown to Shoalhaven representatives throughout the regatta, and the wonderful assistance rendered to them by Mr. Williams, the Pittwater secretary. The speaker also referred to the fact that the club was very fortunate in having a course that was not the least affected by the rain, which would not have been the case in Shoalhaven owing to the flooded condition.
At 7 o'clock on Sunday morning the party left Mrs. Jones' and Mrs. McFee 's boarding house (which had been a home away from home) for Manly, per Mr. C. Williams' car, which was extended both ways with the Pittwater Club's compliments to Shoalhaven. The trip on Sunday morning was in marked contrast to that of Thursday, and was a beautiful drive. The party duly arrived home at midday on Sunday, and unanimously voted the trip to Pittwater a glorious event. Shoalhaven Rowing Club. (1934, February 28). The Shoalhaven Telegraph (NSW : 1879 - 1937), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article121627299
A Pittwater Aquatic Club Ball - circa 1933-1938 - John Williams, Cedric M.'s father may be seen at far right, front row of this picture and beside him Cedric is holding Sophie Fox's hand - they were to marry in 1935 - The Pennimans are the couple behind the Trophies (Centre) - photo courtesy Elizabeth Hird (nee Williams).
This wasn't all that went on in 1933 of course - Bert Paddon was clearly coming into his own as a rower. His name appears regularly among the winners listed and finished successful heats and races for the Pittwater Cup for Clareville with fellow Clareville rower Vincent Fox. The 'taking the sport forward' was in full flush in Pittwater - clubs at Mona Vale, Bayview, Narrabeen, Newport, and Clareville vied with each other in regular races or worked as one at regattas they travelled to together.
The Pittwater Cup itself grew in stature with the Parramatta rowers travelling to take part in a Clareville Regatta to vie to win it.
At the Pittwater Club regatta recently B. Paddon, a son of Mr. W. Paddon, won his heat and final of the Gladstone Skiff Handicap, and won off the secs. mark (really scr.) in easy fashion. "The sculling of young Paddon," says that fine magazine 'The Power Boat and Aquatic Monthly,' "was flawless". He is destined to go far in the sport. In the series of heavy boat races which took place a fortnight later, an astonishing happening took place in the mixed double sculls handicap final. Two of the pairs started off 8 secs. and pulled stroke for stroke for the full course. The three heats in a final spurt passed the finishing post dead in a line. It was tho most remarkable finish over seen in Pittwater. The dead heaters were — Miss M. Marshall and B. Paddon 8 secs., Miss M. Hand and C. Moodie 8secs. and Miss Q. Smith and F. Smith scr. AQUATICS. (1933, February 28). The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article127179121
B. Paddon, a nephew of the former world's champion, Jim Paddon, of the Richmond River, proved himself one of the best of the middle-markers, sculling with the Pittwater Aquatic Club. On the Bayview course yesterday he won the mile and a half handicap, defeating the long marker, V. Cox, by three feet. Lightweight champion Cedric Williams, rowing from scratch, put up an excellent showing to gain third place. Results:
PITTWATER AQUATIC CLUB. Women's Gladstone Skiffs, l-mlle.— First heat: J. Cox, 52sec, 1; J. Gilroy, scr., 2. Won by li lengths. Second heat: M. Riddle, 20sec, 1; J. Nilsen. Bsec, 2. Won by 2 lengths. Final: J. Cox, 1; M. Riddle, 2; J. Gilroy, 3.Won by 3 lengths, with 2 lengths between second and third. Best and Best Outriggers, 1 1/2 mile.— B. Paddon, 30sec, 1; V. Cox, 42sec, 2; C. William, scr., 3. Won by 3 feet; 11 lengths between second and third. BROTHERS FIGHT FINISH. (1933, October 1). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169306933
PROFESSIONAL scullers had al busy day yesterday at Pittwater and on the Parramatta. Bert Paddon, a nephew of a former champion of the world, rowed a perfect rate to win the outrigger race at Bayview. Young Paddon is an accomplished sculler, and though his handicap has been considerably reduced, he did not give the opposition a chance.
PITTWATER AQUATIC CLUB First Heat: V. fox -17secs, 1; F. Smith(18sec.i. 2. Won by half a length. Second Heat: A. Fryer I23sec.i, 1; M. Price (12sec.)2. Won by quarter or a length. Third Heat P Erickson (15sec.i, I: c. Williams -5CT.| s' Won by a length, fourth Heat: B. Padden 1, C Williams 2, H. Erickson (Csec). 3. Won by a length. Final: B. Paddon 1, V. Fox 2 Erickson 3. Won by a quarter of a length quarter of a length between second and third SCULLING. (1933, November 12). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169309827
The Pittwater Aquatic Club will hold races for women In Gladstone skills men In best and best boats, and a relay race for the Pittwater Cup at Bayview on Saturday Entries and handicaps are -
Womens Gladstone Skiff Handicap 1m-Misses J Gilroy scr J Nilsen 10s Q Smith 11s M Hickson 11s J Cocks M Riddle J Buist and M Shaw 22s I Nilsen 32s
Men's Best and Best Handicap 1 1/2 m -C Williams scr B Paddon 23s II Erickson 30s V Fox 35s F Kerr 40s M Price 45s C Mudie 60
Relay Race for Pittwater Cup -C Williams F Kerr and B Hickson (Bayview) B Paddon V Fox and C Mudie (Clareville) H Erickson M Price and P Erickson (Newport) PITTWATER AQUATIC CLUB. (1933, November 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17026521
Pittwater Aquatic Club decided a series of races over the Bayview course, which resulted:- Men's Best and Best Handicap (1 ½ m), for Fox trophy.-C. Mudie, 60s, 1; F. Kerr, 40s, 2; H. Erickson. 30s, 3. Won by two lengths. Women's Gladstone Skiff Handicap (1m).-Miss M. Riddle, 22s, 1: Miss J. Gilroy, scr, 2; Miss I. Nilsen, 32s. 3. Won by half a length. Relay Race for Pittwater Cup.-Clareville (B. Paddon, V. Fox. and C. Mudie), 1; Bayview (C. Williams, F, Kerr, and B. Hickson), 2. PITTWATER AQUATIC CLUB. (1933, November 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17027407
FRED KERR proved himself one of the most improved professional scullers on the Pittwater course yesterday. He sculled a perfect race to defeat the lightweight champion, Cedric Williams, by two lengths. Bayview won the Pittwater Cup in the relay, while the previous holders, Clareville, gave a poor display to finish last. Miss J. Gilroy, the Pittwater champion, rowed one of the greatest races of her career. She conceded some long starts over half a mile, and emerged victorious by a length and a half from Miss Riddle.
Outriggers. Best and Best, 11 Miles: F. Kerr,30sec., 1; C. Williams, scr., 2; B. Paddon.23scc., 3; C. Mudie, 38sec., 4. Won by two lengths; eight lengths between second and third. Women's Gladstone Skiffs: Miss J. Gilroy. scr., 1; Miss M. Riddle, 20sec., 2; Miss J. Nilsen, 11sec., 3. Won by a length and a half; quarter of a length between second and third. Relay Race for Pittwater Cup: Bayview F Kerr, C. Williams and B. Hickson, 1; Newport -H. Erickson. T. Erickson, C. Mudie). 2. Clareville, the holders, were last. Won by two lengths. SCULLING. (1933, December 24). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169306091
CEDRIC WILLIAMS, lightweight-champion pro. sculler of the State, who will defend his title on the Shoalhaven tomorrow, showed that he is rowing better than ever. Yesterday at the Pittwater Regatta he ran away with the outrigger event, defeating Bert Padden by four lengths. Miss J. Nilsen showed an all-round improvement to collect the event for women.
Three-quarters of a Mile.— First Heat: P. Kerr, 16sec. 1; J. Smith, 325ec, 2. Second Heat: H. Erickson, 6sec, 1; Cedric Williams, scr., 2. Third Heat: B. Paddon, 15sec, only one to cross the line. Fourth Heat: C. Mudie, 8sec. only one to finish. Final: B. Paddon, 1; H. Erickson, 2. Kerr and Mudie tied for third place. Won by a length and a half.
Women's Gladstone Skis Handicap, half a mile.— First Heat: 3. Nilsen, 12sec, 1; M. Shaw, 26sec. 2. Second Heat: M. Riddle,22sec. 1; J. Gilroy, scr., 2. Won by a length and a half. Final: J. Nilsen, 1; M. Riddle, 2; M. Shaw, 3. Won by a length and a half.
Outriggers, Best and Best, 11 miles. — C. Williams, scr., 1; B. Paddon, 2; F. Kerr, 20sec, 3. Won by four lengths; half a length between second and third. WITH SKILL AND PRECISION this sturdy youth is playing out the lifeline to the bellman in an R. and R. event at the Mona Vale surf carnival yesterday. SCULLING. (1933, December 31). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169312612
SCULLING. The following handicaps have been arranged for races to be decided by the Pittwater Aquatic Club on Saturday:
3 p.m.: Women's Gladstone skiff handicap (lm),Misses J. Gilroy ser.. J. Nllscn 13s, Q. Smith 16s, M. Hickson 18s, J. Cocks 22s,
Men's best and best handicap. 1/2: C. Williams scr., B. Paddon 25s, H. Erickson 27s, F. Kerr27s, V. Fox 32s, M. Price 40s, C. Mudie 40s, J.Hastie (to be handicapped).
Relay race, for Pittwater Cup: Bayview (C. Williams, C. Mudie, B. Hickson); Clareville (B. Paddon, V. Fox, F. Smith) ; Newport (H. Erickson, P. Erickson. M. Price); Narrabeen (F. Kerr, J. Hastie. A. Fryer). SCULLING. (1934, January 24). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17042563
The races decided by the Pittwater Aquatic Club over the Bayview-Church Point course on Saturday resulted -
Women's Gladstone Skin Handicap-Misses Q Smith, 18s, 1, J Cocks 20s, 2 J Nilsen 7s 3Won by half o length, half a length between second and third. Best and Best Handicap (Men) -C Williams, scr , 1, B Paddon, 17s, 2 V Fox, 2js, 3 Won hya quarter of a length, the same distance between second and third. Relay Race - Newport, 1; Bayview, 2; Clareville, 3. SCULLING. (1934, April 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17050422
YOUNG Bert Paddon, who a week ago pulled off the Gladstone Skiff Championship from M. Price, of Pittwater, yesterday bagged another title when he won the outrigger event from the holder, F. Kerr. It was a gruelling race over a mile. Kerr did all the early leading and then Paddon went to the front. Kerr regained the lead 100 yards from the finish, but 50 yards further on Paddon came with a great dash to win by a bare length. PITTWATER AQUATIC CLUB. Outrigger Championship of Pittwater, 1mile: B. Paddon beat F. Kerr, the holder, by a length. SCULLING. (1934, May 20). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169328610
SCULLING. PITTWATER AQUATIC CLUB. Races for men and women were lowed by the Pittwater Aquatic Club over the Bayview course on Saturday Results - Men's Best and Best Boat Handicap Um-T Ken 25s 1, V Fox 35s 2 M Price, 40s, 3 Won by a length.Women's Gladstone Skiff Handicap, lm-Final Misses J Smith 1, J Cocks 2, J Gilroy 3 Won by a length and a quarter. Relay Race -Bayview (C Williams F Kerr, and B Hickson) won on a forfeit from Clareville.
SCULLING. PITTWATER AQUATIC CLUB. Races for men and women were rowed by the Pittwater Aquatic Club over the Bayview course on Saturday Results - Men's Best and Best Boat Handicap 1 1/2 m-F Kerr 25s 1, V Fox 35s 2 M Price, 40s, 3 Won by a length
Women's Gladstone Skiff Handicap, 1m-Final Misses F Smith 1, J Cocks 2, J Gilroy 3 Won by a length and a quarter
Relay Pace -Bayview (C Williams F Kerr,and B Hickson) won on a forfeit from Clareville. SCULLING. (1934, September 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17132726
SCULLING. Clareville Picnic Races.
The Pittwater Aquatic Club will hold a regatta at Clareville on Monday next. The programme is -
Men’s Gladstone Skiff Handicap (1/2 m) - C Williams scratch J Toyer 2s B Paddon 5 F Kerr7 F Elgood 8 E Towns 8 V Fox 10 C Wilson 13 H Robson 13 I Smith 14 H Towns, 18 J Smith 15 B King 17 A Fryer 18 B Hickson 20 J Hanlon 20 A Cobb 24 W Goodsell 24 F Wilson 25 O Rahmote 30 F Timbrell 30A Keys 30
Women’s Gladstone Skiff Handicap (1/2 m) –Misses J Gilroy scratch J Nilsen 12s Q Smith 13M Hickson 16 J Cocks 18 K Heselden 26 N Thurston 30 T Hall 34 D Hammond 3 D Pamplin 36 N Tickner SO
Men’s and Women’s Double Sculls (heavy boats) (1/2 m) -Miss M Marshall and B Paddon scratch Miss I Cocks and E Towns scratch Miss M Williamson and H Robson 3s Miss K Heselden and I Smith 7 Miss Q Smith and F Smith 8 Miss T Hill and F Elgood 9 Miss D Hammond and H Towns 11 Miss M Hickson and B Hickson Jun 12 Miss D Pamplin and G Towns 13 Miss I Hornery and B Shakelton 13 Miss N Tickner and A Fryer 15
Men's Best and Best Boat Handicap (1/2m) –C Williams scratch J Toyer 2s F Kerr 5 B Paddon 7 E Towns 7 F Elgood 7 V Fox in H Towns 14 J Hanlon 14 G Towns 15 N Fox 20
Men's Best and Best Handicap (2/4 m) -C Williams scratch J Toyer 3s F Kerr 7 E Towns 9 F Elgood 9 V Fox 14 H Towns 17 J Hanlon IB G Towns 19 N Fox 30
Relay Race for Parramatta Cup (holders Pittwater) -Pittwater C Williams F Kerr (outriggers) B Hickson and A Fryer (Gladstone skiff)B Paddon V Fox F Smith C Wilson (heavy boats) Parramatta Team to be selected
The racing will start at 10 a m Speed boats will convey visitors from Bayview Newport and Palm Beach to Clareville. SCULLING. (1934, September 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17133988
The Clareville picnic regatta, which was to be held yesterday, has been postponed until October 24, owing to the weather. SCULLING. (1934, October 2). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17142710
The 1935 Regatta is interesting as many locals started appearing with their club listed as 'Broken Bay' and the article run by 'Truth' gives us a picture of William Paddon:
The southerly worked up a choppy sea, and naturally it took a powerful oarsman to master the elements. Bert Goulding was far too skilful for Fred Kerr in-the lightweight championship of the State. Goulding sculled perfectly to win easily. A. Fryer and N. Fox were the outstanding amateurs, while a good performance was that of B. McFee, 10 years of age, who won his heat and gained a third in the final. One of the best races was the mixed double sculls for prpos. J. Wilson and Miss M. Wilson rowed perfectly to win by three-quarters of a length, while a dead-heat resulted for second.
As young as ever he was, alert, keen-eyed, suntanned, ready for anything, Bill Paddon, once one of Australia's greatest watermen, looks on while the boys go through their paces at Pittwater Regatta yesterday. BROKEN BAY GOES GAY FOR BIG REGATTA. (1935, December 29). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169346414
Bert married Alma Kathleen Chapman, daughter of Varney Carl Chapman and Annie Mildred (nee Andrews). Her parents had married at Warialda in 1915. This is a small town in the Northwest Slopes region of New South Wales, in Gwydir Shire. It is situated on the banks of Warialda Creek. The town's name means "Place of Wild Honey."
Varney Carl Chapman was an architect who worked and lived in Inverell, on the Macintyre River on the western slopes of the Northern Tablelands. Her mother passed away while she was still young and her father remarried.
Kathleen's brother Keith was a rower of course!:
The Wedding Ceremony took place at Manly during the year Bert's father was going through his divorce procedures
Marriage ( from BDM NSW):
Pittwater lost one of her elders in 1953 -
Obituary W. T. PADDON
The death has occurred in Sydney after a long illness of William Thomas Paddon, at the age of 76 years. He was a former resident of Iluka, where he was a successful deep sea fisherman. When professional sculling was a boom sport on the Northern Rivers, Mr. Paddon won the all comers best and best outrigger race at Grafton at the last regatta before World War I. He moved south in later years but still followed the calling of deep sea fishing with Sydney as his headquarters. Married: three times he had a family of six from his first marriage: They were Pearl (deceased)Phiilip, Thomas, Nellie, Gladys and Bert. Mr. Evans Paddon, present world sculling champion, is a nephew and Mr. Frederick Paddon, of Iluka, a brother. Obituary. (1953, April 9). Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1915 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article194083625
PADDON, William Thomas.—March 31, 1953, at private hospital, Newport, late of Bayview Road, Church Point, beloved husband of Beth and loving father of Pearl (deceased), Phillip, Thomas, Nellie. Gladys, and Bert, aged 76 years. At rest. Northern Rivers papers please copy.
PADDON. William Thomas.—March 31, 1953, at private hospital, Newport, late of Bayview Road, Church Point, beloved stepfather of Rene, Dolce, June, and Arthur, aged 76 years. At rest. Family Notices. (1953, April 1). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 30. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27525147
Pittwater lost Albert Edward Paddon in 1983.
The small outline of early rowing shown through the Green, Williams, Fox and Paddon families, joined by the Hanson family members and many others such as the Hasties and Wilsons underline that this passion for boats and skiffs was a whole of community passion that saved lives when it coalesced into skills for surf boats, which furthered the community in furthering the sport during hard financial times, and made the beautiful beaches of the estuary - Bayview, Clareville and more - the places where families gathered for picnics and regattas and when sailing was added, began the establishment of sailing clubs grown from family that have produced some of Australia's best sailors.
You can almost hear their oars dipping in the glassy dawn waters of Clareville still, smell the salt and fish, hear their and their families laughter as they gather on these sheltered beaches for races, friendship, food. They were giants, among men.
Avalon Sailing Club - VJs at Clareville - A Grosvenor SOUTHERN CROSS, Les & Eileen Vaughan FLASH & Harold & June Vaughan DEFIANT pre WWII - Picture courtesy John Vaughan
AVALON SAILING CLUB - Ladies race Whirlwind (Miss I Burgess) 1 Swift (Miss J Jensen) 2 Radar (Miss S Balrc) 3 Won by 20s 2m 35sV S Section H C B (Miss I Gravenor)1 Comet Three (Mass N Spears) 2 Folly (Miss C Hanson) 3 Won by lm 5m. WEEK-END SPORT IN DETAIL. (1950, November 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18186002
AVALON -V J Handicap Aeolus14m (J Waring). 1. Windward, scr(J Lingard), 2, Rival, 8m (K Dyne)3 Won by 6m 50s. 2m 5s V S Comet III (R Toft), 1, Farewell (N Bite). 2 Estrelllla (B Hall) 3Won by 11m 30s 7m 30s. Cowling Wins Nowra Purse. (1952, October 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18285817
References, Extras and Notes
Previous related pages: Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Green Family Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Williams Family Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Fox Family
Butcher Boats: The Fearless Men of Palm Beach SLSC's Surf Boats First Crews - A Tale of Viking Ships, Butcher Boats and Robert Gow’s Tom Thumb 'Canoe'
Related Wharves and Estuary Beaches: Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways Clareville and Taylor's Point Wharves Church Point Wharf Bayview Wharf Newport Wharf
1. PADDON FAMILY OF ILUKA. Iluka History Group. Retrieved from http://www.ilukahistory.org.au/people/paddonfamily.pdf
2. Stanley Wickham, born 4th of January 1876 at Lucknow, NSW, went to school at the Parramatta Marist Brothers where he learnt the game of rugby. He played for the Parramatta Club in 1893 and 1894, then for the powerful Wallaroo side in 1895 and 1896. It was then off to the central west, where he represented Lucknow and played in Country versus City games from 1896 to 1899. In 1900 he was back in Sydney playing for Western Suburbs. He was to log up 87 first-grade games for his club.

3. Professional Scullers' League. FORMED IN SYDNEY.
A large representative gathering of professional scullers past and present, attended a meeting convened by the Kemp Professional Club, and held at Bateman's Hotel, George street, Sydney, on Monday night, for the purpose of deciding what course should be adopted towards forming a professional sculling association. After considerable discussion, the Kemp Club closed its meeting, and a public meeting was continued under the presidency of Mr. R.Coombes. Mr. John Blackman said a great deal of credit was due to the Kemp Club for initiating the movement to form a professional association. There was no reason why professional sculling or rowing should not be under the control of a body in the same way in which amateur oars-men were under the control of the N.S.W. Amateur Rowing Association. The controlling body should be in Sydney, and delegates would be sent from the northern rivers and other rowing centres. In forming a rowing league the matter of finance should be an after consideration. The objects of the league ought to be to control all professional rowing, to be enabled to enforce penalties, the question of expenses in international races, fees for ordinary races, to appoint stakeholders, race officials, adjust appeals, to sanction the holding of races; in fact, govern all departments of professional rowing. It should classify the rowers for the purpose of scratch racing, and to hold single, double, fours, and eight oar events.
Mr. William Beach, retired champion sculler of the world, moved
"That a professional rowing league be now formed."
He remarked that such a body should have been started years ago. Professional rowing should be under the control of a governing body like other branches of sport and he would be pleased to give his support to the formation of a league. In seconding the motion, Mr George Towns, ex-champion of the world, said it was what professional rowers had been in need of for many years back. Mr. John Spencer said when it went out to the world that the motion had been moved by Bill Beach and seconded by George Towns, it would seem that it was one of the greatest things that had ever been done for professional rowing.
"It is my opinion that the movement will receive support from all the rowers on the Northern Rivers," remarked Mr. George Varley, and he would give every assistance possible. Mr. Harry Floyd said such a body would have the effect of dispelling the notion that many of the public had that that things were run "crook" in connection with professional sculling. There was no reason why a £1000 handicap could not be rowed on the Parramatta River in another year or two under the control of a governing body such as it was proposed to form. Others who spoke in favour of the motion, which was carried unanimously, were Messrs. Peter Kemp, Harry Pearce sen., W. Fogwell, Charles Matterson and Alex Bishop. The proposal by Mr. Blackman to form a large and influential committee was adopted, and Messrs. George Towns, George Varley, Charles Matterson, and Peter Kemp were elected hon. secretaries pro. tem. Mr. W. Beach was appointed to act as treasurer. Professional Scullers League. (1911, December 20). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article115282919
The annual meeting was held on 2nd instant, when the following officials were elected: Patron, Captain Storey, of Coraki; president, W. C. Hyslop, J.P.; hon, treas., Harry Goatley; hon. sec., W. R. Blundell; assistant sec., W. Jordan; auditors, Messrs. A. Breaden and V. Saunders; racing board, five members Messsr. J. C. Beer, Harry Pearce, sen., H. A.Judd, A. C. Priddle, H. Goatley.
The annual report stated that the League was brought into existence in October, 1913, at meetings attended by representatives of sculling clubs, and regatta committees, in the various rowing centres, for the forming of a central body to encourage and control professional sculling and rowing. The constitution and racing rules were carefully drafted by sub-committees appointed at the various meetings, and were adopted, after some alteration, at a general meeting of members. During the year five clubs have become affiliated to the League, viz., Coraki, Wardell, Parramatta River Professional Sculling Club, George's River Sculling Club, and Pioneer Ladies' Sculling Club. As this is the first year of the League the number of affiliated clubs is very satisfactory, and several country clubs and regatta committees have signified their intention of becoming affiliated.
The rules have been carefully considered, and will, no doubt, be appreciated both by the scullers and the race promoting bodies throughout the State. The need of a governing body to control professional sculling and rowing has long been felt. The League, which is already on a sound working basis, has been given the support of rowing men in all parts of the State. Ten clubs and regatta committees expressed their intention of affiliating (five have already done so). Future success depends mainly upon the prompt support of the various race promoting bodies, and those interested in the encouragement of this manly sport in different parts of the State. Given the co-operation of all interested, the League should be in a position to do much valuable work in advancing the best interests of the sport. The secretary intends communicating with the secretaries of the various clubs and regatta committees on the Northern Rivers, and we earnestly hope that the committees will give the rules their serious attention and consideration and affiliate with the League to keep the sport up to the standard which it rightly deserves. The League wishes to make it clear that the management expenses are nil, as the work is performed by honorary officers. All money received is used to advance the interests of the sport. N.S.W. SCULLING AND ROWING LEAGUE. (1914, September 15). Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article61635498
Surf Club Dance.
TWO trophies were presented at the second annual ball of the Avalon Surf-Life-saving Club, which was held in Hordern Brothers Florentine ballroom last night. The presentation was made by the wife of the president Mrs. E. Lloyd Sanders, who wore a blue and silver cloque gown. Mr. Alan Rowe was the winner of both cups, one for the open surf championship and the other for the open belt championship. Poinsettias, representing the club colours -green and red - were used in the decorations.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanders included in their party Misses A. Waterfield and Moira Southwell-Keely and Messrs. J.B. Dillon and M. Shipton. Thehonorary secretary, Mr. W. G. Simmons, entertained Misses Daisy Kirk, Tess Bevans, Nell Keogh, Dorothy Smith, and Dorothy Glover, and Messrs. T. Arthur, J. McFarlane, H. Proctor, and A. J. Schrader. The captain, Mr. G. Hanson, included among his guests Misses "Bobbie" Martin, Rosalind Spence, Mary Stacey, Betty Vautin, MarionTenant, Lorna Lawrence, and Rosemary Trivett. From Day to Day in Sydney. (1937, May 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27987799
Is Your Name— 'PADDON’?
PADDON, Pedfield, Padbury, Padook and a number of other surnames with the initial syllable "Pad" are to be found widely scattered ' throughout the British Isles. Naturally a considerable variety of sources have contributed towards the names and even in the single case of Paddon, although there is probably only one really fruitful source, there were undoubtedly a number of others which - made a smaller contribution. The great majority of Paddons. lived by or on a hill with a well-known footpath or small road running across IN The old English word "paed," of course, meant a path. The surname, Pad-man, however, was derived from the old word "pad," meaning a slow paced , horse, and it Is, of course, quite possible that 'a dweller by a hill where horses were grazed would be given the name. Two more romantic sources have also been suggested. The name of Padstow to be found In Cornwall was taken from St. Petroc, one of St. Patrick's missionary bishops who was sent to that county, and tots may have also given the name Paddon. Or again an early Welsh saint bore the name Padarn. He worked In Britain and Ireland and founded a monastery of Vannes in Brittany, and It Is possible that his name might have been handed on as Paddon.
The name has always been strongly represented In Devonshire, and there are a number of old established families in that county bearing It. Lieutenant John Frederick Paddon was the son of a John Paddon of Telgnmouth, Devon. He was appointed a lieutenant on the Royal yacht, Victoria and Albert, and accompanied King Edward the Seventh, when Prince of Wales, on a number of tours in the yacht, and also King George, when Prince of Wales, on a world tour. Lieutenant-Colonel Stanley Paddon Is the present Director-General of the India Store Depot of London. During the South African War he served with the Dragoon Guards, and was later transferred to toe Indian cavalry and created a Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire. Is Your Name. (1935, February 11). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 12 Edition: LATE CITY. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article182795339
IN MEMORIAM. PADDON. — In ever cherished memory of Anna May Paddon, wife of William Thomas Paddon, who died at the Coast Hospital, Sydney, 2nd December, 1925. Remembered by her children — Phil, Tom, Bert, Pearl, Nellie, Gladys; also by her brothers and sisters— Philip Anthony (Tony) Bale, Henry Valentine Bale,- Mrs. Alice Elizabeth Barrow, Florence Gertrude Bale, George Edward Bale.Family Notices. (1939, December 1). The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article125940671
RETALIATION.-Our Newcastle readers will remember the arrival of the brig Brigand at that port from the Isle of Pines, where a part of her crew had been murdered, and her sailing again with a well armed crew, and a great quantity of stores, and some live stock. The following extract from the Wellington Spectator of the 26th June will show their further proceedings: "The Brigand, which proceeded from Wellington to the Isle of Pines, where a part of her crew and passengers were barbarously murdered, had returned there from Sydney well manned and armed, and had severely punished the natives, and taken possession of the Island. It is said Captain Paddon, master of the Brigand, had been declared Governor of the island ; and Mr. Murphy, late police magistrate of this place, the Colonial Secretary. We find the following notice in the Auckland papers 'Captain James Paddon begs to inform masters of whalers and traders that he has an establishment at the Island of Anatam, in long.170.15, and south latitude 20.20, where water and fresh provisions can he had at any time. Anatam, New Hebrides, April, 1844.' " INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS. (1844, August 3). The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article668419
James Paddon
James Paddon was born at Evans Head (N.S.Wales), on November 19, 1886. He is 6ft 31inin height, weighs 16st untrained, and his present weight is 13st 121b. Paddon has only had one match race, viz., that against Alt. Felton last February, when he won the Australian Championship. Prior to that he had engaged in handicap races on the Northern Rivers, and It was on the form that he displayed In these that those behind him were prepared to match the Evans Head giant sculler against anyone in the land at the time (Arnst was in England),Harry Pearce included; and preferred'.
The happenings in connection with the departure of Harry Pearce to England, the challenges by Charlie Towns, James Paddon, and A. D. Felton, and the almost dramatic match-making, wherein the three challengers got together, with races between Felton and Towns, and Felton and Paddon, must all be well known to my readers.
Paddon in one bound- alighted on the top of the ladder, and annexed the Australian Sculling Championship. Then came the questions :
'Would the retired unbeaten champion, Harry Pearce, endeavor to regain the title, or would the redoubtable 'Dick' Arnst be the challenger, or was the New Zealander out of the'' game !
It was not long left in doubt, and Paddon realised that his next opponent would be the ex -world's champion. This was a tax on a new man with a vengeance, but Paddon did not flinch from the ordeal— he had won' the Australian title, and he intended to fight to retain it. There is all the best of sporting qualities in the man who so acts. Many a man would have tried to side-step so redoubtable a man as Arnst, and even forfeited the title. But Paddon, If he goes down, will go down with his colors nailed to the mast.
Of Paddon's one match race it can be said he was impressive— the possibilities for something great .were revealed.
The Australian Sculling Championship Rivals. JAMES PADDON AND DICK ARNST FACING THE CAMERA ON THE PARRAMATTA RIVER. M. C. Kent photo.
THE MEN'S CAREERS. (1913, October 29). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article120485811
JAMES PADDON HOME - The Sculling League's Welcome to the Australian Champion
(By 'ARGUS.')
On Friday morning last Australia's champion, James Paddon, accompanied by his chief supporter, Mr. George Seifert, arrived in Sydney by the first division of the express from Melbourne ; whilst Billy Paddon and Syd Kemp entered an appearance on Sunday morning early in the R.M.S. Medina. James Paddon and Mr. Seifert left the steamer in Melbourne and came overland, because Mr. Seifert wanted to catch the steamer for Wellington (N.Z.), which he 'thought sailed on Saturday, as in the past. But steamers now leave on Fridays, and on arrival he deemed it would. have been too much of a rush to catch the Ulimaroa, supposed to be leaving at noon, so postponed his departure. As the steamer sailed at 3 p.m., he could easily have caught her. Anyway, Mr. and Mrs. Seifert will now sail in the 'Moeraki next Friday. ?On the arrival of Paddon and Mr. Seifert at the Central Station they were ' met by Mrs. Seifert (who has been staying in Sydney for some months past). Mr. George Towns (representing the Towns Bros., and also the N.S.Wales League) and Messrs. R. Coombes- ('The Referee') and W. Hands ('Evening News').The returned travellers looked in splendid health, and both had put on weight on the trip out— a fine and enjoyable one. Paddon appeared to have got younger — he has shaved off his moustache, whilst a sun-burnt face, capped with a straw hat, completed, the contributing factors towards apparent rejuvenescence. After hearty handshakes all round I was able to have a good chat' with the Australian champion. Firstly Paddon quickly made it clear that my remarks re a telegraphed epitome of an interview in West Australia was correct. For example, it was made to appear that Paddon had complained of a wrist slightly strained a couple of days ? before the race, when, as a matter of fact, Paddon was referring to the wrist trouble of two months before the race, which we 'all knew about. Let it be clearly understood James Paddon makes no excuses for his defeat. However, he has every reason to be more or less dissatisfied with certain happenings, particularly with that report cabled out after the race about it-being merely, 'a procession' after Hammersmith. It may have been technically correct, according, to Webster, but the word was not an appropriate one, for the reason that it conveys the impression that it was only a one-man race, although actually Paddon kept the champion hard at it until close home— in fact, there were two men in it,| and the moving picture of the race- (now being; screened in Sydney) shows it. And the selfsame 'movie' reveals the fact that Barry; the tactician, was just as much in the picture as Barry the sculler. Or, perhaps,. I. should say there was a tactician-in-chief, to wit, veteran Tom Green, who once again acted as pilot to Barry. Anyway, the race story as told by Paddon and by the moving picture of the race confirm our champion's complaint about the way the course was not cleared of traffic, particularly above Hammersmith 'Bridge. Asked if he would like another race with Barry, our champion referred me to Mr. Seifert, who said: ‘I think Jim can beat. Barry ; but not under existing conditions. I have asked Barry to row again, two hours before high tide, and the course to be kept clear of traffic for about three-quarters of an hour before the' time of starting, just as is done for the Oxford Cambridge race. With regard to keeping the course clear, it can be done — the Port of London authorities have the power.' Paddon here Joined in and said he would not again visit England unless better arrangements were made to keep traffic off the course just prior to the race. He also said the contest last September gave him' reasonable hope of being able to turn the tables.' In conclusion, James Paddon asked me to oblige by returning thanks on his behalf to all who had helped him before and during the expedition. He particularly desired to thank Mr. Seifert for all he had done — Mr. Seifert had stood behind him and supported him in every way possible, and in the most. generous way imaginable. He could not find words to adequately convey his thanks for all the kindnesses shown him by the Palmerston North sportsman. He also said he had been very well treated during his stay in England. He wished to heartily thank the members of the West End A.R.A., and also the members of Harrod's Club. Then he could not forget the kindness of Mr. W. Lotinga, and he specially thanked Mr. Lotinga for the souvenir cup he had given him as loser. Again, he was indebted to Mr. W. Brown, of Chiswick, and his family, for many acts of courtesy and for the mementoes given to all' the members of the Paddon party. Then he wished to thank the citizens of Hammersmith for their kindness and 'send off' dinner. And there were others, in along list, to whom he was grateful.
The Australian champion leaves for home(via Clarence River),- in the Pulganbar, at 8a.m. to-day.
The N.S. Wales Sculling and Rowing League tendered an official '’welcome home' to James Paddon and party on Monday evening at Goatley's Markets Hotel, Sydney, the guests comprising James Paddon, William Paddon, Syd. Kemp, and bur champion's chief backer, Mr. George Seifert. There was a large company of supporters of rowing, including ex-champions of the world Peter Kemp and George Towns. Mr. W. C. Hyslop (president of the League) was in the chair; supported by a 'fullhouse,' which included Messrs. John Spencer Harold Judd, T. P. Dessaix, Harry Pearce, Arthur, Pearce, Walter Blundell (hon. secretary),H. Goatley (hon. treasurer), C. Matterson, Fred King, A. Bishop, George Ford, R. Green, iun., Milton Kent, A. Dawson, and three other members of the champion's family — Messrs. Fred, Dick, and Jack Paddon. Mr. John Spencer, in proposing the toast of 'James Paddon,' said that every one of his supporters was satisfied with the fine race put?up by the Australian champion. He paid tribute to the ability of Barry, but expressed regret that the champion would not defend his title, anywhere but on the Thames. Ex-champions Geo.' Towns and Peter Kemp supported the toast, the first-named expressing the opinion that the time had arrived, or, at any rate, he
Hoped it would come, when the rules should be amended so as to compel the holder of the title to row over any fair course, within the confines of the country the holder resided in, that the challenger might specify. In reply, Paddon said he had had a great trip. Mr. Seifert and. his trainers had done all in their power to ensure him going to the posts at his fittest. He had done his best — he could do no more. He was prepared to row anyone in Australia if challenges' were forthcoming, and if successful would have another try for world's honors. It was a very happily worded little speech. The health of Mr. Seifert was also warmly received, and the Palmerston North sportsman replied interestingly. 'The Trainers' (responded to by Syd Kemp and Billy Paddon)and 'The Chairman' (responded to by Mr. Hyslop) were amongst the other toasts on the list. The reception was a decided success, being well-handled by the League officials. JAMES PADDON HOWE AGAIN. (1914, November 4). Referee(Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article120285664
JAMES PADDON, Who successfully defended his title of Sculling Champion of the World on the Richmond River on Saturday. World's Sculling Championship : Paddon Again Victorious. (1923, July 25). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article159036333
SCULLING Ex-World Champion Is Richmond River Native: Elder Paddon's Rapid Rise Supremacy
WOODBURN, Thursday.
Mr. JAMES PADDON, a former world's champion, is training his son, Evans Paddon, for his race with George Cook, of Sydney, for the Australian sculling championship and a stake of £200, over the three mile course at Woodburn on Saturday.
Mr. Paddon, who is 53 years of age, was born at Evans Head on November 19, 1885, and has lived at the seaside town ever since. Being a fisherman, he has been associated with punts and rowing boats practically the whole of his life.
As a youth he assisted his father, the late Captain Thomas Paddon, master mariner, with oyster leases. The first race he rowed in public was on April 4, 1911, at Chatsworth Island, Clarence River, for the North Coast amateur championship. This he won and this started him on his sculling career. At the time of his first success Mr. Paddon was 26 years of age, which is much older than the average sculler when he first appears in public. After that first win he won a number of minor amateur races.
It was in 1912 that Paddon decided to turn professional, and in that year took part in the Coraki Hundred handicap. Starting off 42 secs., he filled second place in the final to Jack Casey, who was on 72 secs. In that race, Dick Arnst, another former world's champion was on scratch, but failed to gain a place.
In 1913 Paddon rowed the first match race of his career, and this was for the Australian championship, his opponent being A. D. Felton. The race, rowed on the Parramatta River on February 15, was won by Paddon.It will thus be seen that Paddon must have made wonderful progress to become Australian champion after being only two years in outriggers.
The next match race Paddon had was for the Australian title, his opponent on this occasion being Dick Arnst. Besides the stake money, which was £200 aside on this occasion, instead of the usual £100 aside, this race carried with it the "Referee" cup. This race took place on the Parramatta River on November 1, 1913, and was won by Paddon. It will be noted that the year before Arnst was asked to concede Paddon 42 secs. start in the Coraki Hundred.
The following year Paddon challenged Ernest Barry, of England, who at that time held the world's championship. Paddon left Australia for England in April, 1914, full of confidence that he would bring the title back to Australia. This race was rowed on the Thames on September 7,and was won by Barry. Mr. Paddon considers that this was the most un-fortunate race of his career, and had there been proper control of the course he would have won quite easily. When he had a comfortable lead on his opponent at the two mile, a speedboat rushed up alongside his skiff and practically swamped it. From that onto the finish, he said that he met with a chapter of bad luck, which enabled Barry to overtake him over the last mile and win the race. Returning to Australia, Paddon took no further part in racing during the war.
The first race Paddon had after the war was with W. McDevitt for the Australian championship. This was rowed on the Woodburn course, and although Paddon was a sick man on the day of the race he defeated McDevitt easily and retained the "Referee" cup.
Paddon then challenged Darcy Hadfield, of New Zealand, for the world's championship. Before this Hadfield defeated Dick Arnst, who got the world's title, by default from Barry, of England. This race between Hadfield and Paddon took place on the Wanganui River, New Zealand, on April 18, 1922, and was won by Paddon, with the result that he became world's champion.
Not satisfied with his performance on that occasion Hadfield challenged Paddon to a return match the following year. This race, which was rowed on the Woodburn course, was won easily by Paddon.
In 1924 A. D. Felton challenged Paddon for the world's championship. This being the year of the Brisbane Centenary celebrations, arrangements were made by the committee controlling the celebrations to have the race rowed on the Brisbane River. Paddon was again successful, and the time for the race (17 min. 17 sec.) was a world's record for any championship race.
The next challenge Paddon received was from Major Goodsell. This race was rowed on the Woodburn course and won by Paddon. It will be remembered by followers of the sport in those days, that Goodsell fell out of his skiff at the mile post, and after managing to get in again, which was a marvellous feat, finished the course but the opinion is held that Goodsell would have had no chance with Paddon on that occasion even had he not fallen out of his skiff, as at the time of the accident, Paddon had a commanding lead.
Besides winning the Australian, championship on three occasions, Paddon won the world's championship four times, and he then decided to retire from the sculling game as an un-beaten world's champion.
Two years later, at the age of 41 years, Paddon's backers enticed him into another match with Goodsell. Paddon at the time did not wish to row as he thought that at his age, and being out of the skiff for so long he would not be able to do himself justice. However, he went to Sydney to row, Goodsell on the Parramatta River, and after a hard race, Goodsell won by the barest of margins.
Since then Paddon has done no further rowing, but has trained a number of scullers who have won championship honours, including "Snowy" Burns and his son, Evans.
Picture: Former world champion sculler, Councillor J. Paddon (Evans Head), of Woodburn Shire Council, is train ing his son, Evans Paddon (Aus tralian champion) for the match with George Cook (Sydney), for the title at Woodburn to-morrow. Cook and Evans Paddon are both young and the result of to-mor row's race will have a "big bearing on their future careers.SCULLING Ex-World Champion Is Richmond River Native. (1938, February 25). Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article94578856
The 'Daily Examiner,' after, listening to them all, selected only one for approving comment, and that was Councillor James Paddon, President of Woodburn Shire. Strangely enough, what the' Examiner' says of the chief citizen of our Shire is exactly what his friends have been saying , after seeing how capably, he has been shaping in the fews weeks since taking over the Presidential duties. Herewith the remarks of our contemporary: -A tall, capable leader of one of the deputations to the Minister for Local Government, Mr. Spooner, on Friday, was the ex-world champion sculler, Mr. Jim Paddon, who, as President of Woodburn Shire Council, addressed the Minister on local Government matters in a manner that showed that sculling is not the only thing he can do well. No speaker throughout the long two days of work winch have occupied the Minister and his visitors was more capable or better acquainted with the position of the ratepayers and their needs. - 'Shire President Paddon 's many district friends will be glad to read that tribute. NEWS FROM ALL SOURCES. (1936, January 28). The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126094509
Evans Paddon, 23, son of James Paddon (formerly world's and Australian champion) on Saturday, afternoon defeated the holder, Alf ("Snowy") Burns, 33, for the professional sculling title of Australia. The race was for £100 a side. It was rowed on the Richmond .River at Woodburn, and attracted a crowd officially estimated at 9000..Paddon Ted throughout and defeated Burns by three lengths, covering the three miles in 20mins. 18secs.The race was rowed on smooth water. People arrived at Woodburn from all parts of the coast, while visitors were-present from Sydney and Brisbane. The foreshores of the river were lined by crowds for nearly a mile, while the road beside the river was jammed with traffic — motor cars, lorries, motor bicycles, bicycles and horse-drawn vehicles.
One of the prominent visitors was H Pearce, father of the world's professional champion, Bobby Pearce, who is now living in Canada. Pearce said his son would be willing to meet the winner of the race provided sufficient inducement, was held but to him to come to Australia. A stake of £500 and a similar sum for expenses was mentioned previously by Pearce as the amount necessary to bring Bobby Pearce to this country. It has also been suggested that the race for the world title should be rowed on the Woodburn course. There were three false starts by Paddon' before the pair got away to a splendid start. Paddon immediately sprinted to gain an early advantage, and after the scullers had covered a quarter of a mile Paddon was two lengths ahead. They covered the first mile in the fast time of 5mins. 32secs., where Paddon still held his advantage and seemed determined to keep, his lead. Both men were sculling, perfectly. The mile and a half was put behind in 9mins. 47secs., and the two miles in12mins. 30secs.At one stage of the race Paddon lost some ground by veering slightly from the course, Burns getting within a length and a half of him, while at another point Burns was sculling very close to the bank in an effort to take the water between Paddon and the river bank. These incidents, however, were unimportant, and had not the slightest bearing on the result of the race. The last mile occupied 7mins. 48secs.and was, therefore, appreciably slower than the- first mile of the gruelling journey. Over the last quarter of a mile Burns sprinted, but Paddon was equal to any effort which' Burns had in reserve and instead of Burns gaining on the leader, Paddon actually went ahead and, amid thunderous applause, won the championship by three lengths. The sectional and full times given are official, and were made available by Mr. W. J. Daley, of Cowper, a well-known identity in the sculling world on the Clarence, .who acted as umpire for the race.
Mr. Daley said afterwards that the race had been run cleanly. The Clarence River boat, the Kalipso, carried hundreds of people, while another boat, the Australasia, also had a fair crowd on board. The Woodburn Rowing Club ran an open Gladtsone skiff race and -a race for carvel fours during the day, and these events provided interesting sport for the crowd.
After the race, Burns and his trainer, Eddie Larsen, said they had no excuses to make. "Paddon .was too good for me, " said Burns. "He is only a young man, and should go a long way in sculling." He hoped that Paddon would strive for greater honors, because he had plenty of ability. Burns added that he would not challenge again for the title. He had reached the age where he was not likely to improve. "From the time I learnt to row a boat, I had an ambition to become a champion," said Paddon. "Naturally, I am pleased to have attained my ambition."
Jim Paddon, father of the winner, and a former world's champion, said he had no plan yet mapped out for his son.
Results: —AUSTRALIAN PROFESSIONALTITLE, 3 miles. Evans Paddon (challenger), 12.8, beat Alf ("Snowy") Burns (holder), 11.4, by-three lengths. Time, 29.18.
OPEN GLADSTONE SKIFF HANDICAP, 1 mile. First Heat. — P. See (Grafton), 4secs..1; L. Day (Woodburn), 18 secs., 2; GGifford, 26secs., 3. Time, 9mins. 20 2-5sees.Second Heat.— T. Norton (Woodburn) 22secs., 1; A. Smith (Woodburn), 24secs.,2; W. Levett (Woodburn), 28secs., 3.Time. 10.44.
Third Heat. — G. Cook (Sydney), scr.1; S. G. Philp (Maclean), 2secs., 2; F. Day (Woodburn), 24secs„ 3. Time, 9.50Final.— T. Norton 1, G. Cooke 2, -PSee 3. -Won by a length, with half a mile; insf : "
The new champion — Evans Paddon. SCULLING. (1937, June 21). Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1915 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article19360864
World's Sculling Title Venture
SUFFICIENT funds have been obtained to send Evans Paddon to Toronto in an endeavor to wrest the world’s sculling championship from H. R. Pearce. PADDON came into prominence by defeating Alf Burns for the Australian championship in 1937. In that contest he showed form and match-racing ability of a high order. In his recent defeat of George Cook he rose to even greater heights. Experts consider him well up to the standard of past champions. No definite date has been fixed for the contest, but it will be early in September during the Toronto Exhibition. Other races will be staged in which Cook, who is to accompany Paddon as pacer, will compete. Barry and Phelps from England, and Continental champions, are expected also to compete. Both Paddon and Cook are splendid specimens of Australian manhood, being about 25 years of age, 6ft high, and sculling at about 13 stone. Their physique, together with that of Jim Paddon, hero of many world's sculling championships, who stands 6ft 4in high, and weighs in the vicinity of 17 stone, will make a most imposing trio. Pearce, is also of outstanding physique. It should be a wonderful advertisement for Australia, and a spectacle that should not be missed. Paddon and Cook are to leave Sydney on June 7 for Canada. A further suggestion has been made to include Percy See (Grafton sculler) in the team, to act as pacer and also to compete at the Canadian exhibition. Another £150 is to be raised for his expenses.'
THE Bill Beach Memorial at Cabarita Point on the Parramatta River will be unveiled on Saturday afternoon, June 11, by the Minister for Labor and Industry, Mr. J. M. Dunningham. The memorial is nearing completion. It is an obelisk in grey granite, 17ft8in in height. On the base the record of the great champion will be inscribed, and on the column a bronze plaque of Bill Beach's head will appear. The memorial is eminently fitting for so great a sportsman. During the afternoon two races will be contested, one for amateurs (for the Bill Beach Cup), and one for professionals. Evergreen
Above: H. R. PEARCE, world's sculling champion, who has accepted Paddon's challenge for a title race. PADDON RAISES THE FUNDS. (1938, May 19). Referee(Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 23. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article127507859
SCULLING TITLE TO PEARCE Easily Defeated Paddon TORONTO, Sept. 9
Ten thousand spectators saw Bobby Pearce retain the world sculling title, convincingly beating E. Paddon over a choppy wind-swept course by eight lengths. The champion subsequently told the Associated Press he was planning to come to Australia at Christmas. And may race in the Commonwealth. Winning the toss, Pearce jumped to the lead immediately and held the inside lane throughout. At the half mile Paddon was right behind, but, striking rough water, went off his stroke. Pearce was three lengths ahead when rounding the mile buoy, but on the second mile stretch Paddon, rowing beautifully, gradually cut down his advantage, and was right on Pearce's stern at the turn. However, the champion, stroking a strong 38, pulled away in the final mile and during the last half mile simply paddled to hold a good eight lengths lead. SCULLING TITLE TO PEARCE. (1938, September 12).Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), p. 4 Edition: DAILY.. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article52225343
EVANS PADDON (right) being congratulated by Max Fisher after their professional world title sculling match, rowed on the Parramatta River at Abbotsford, Sydney, last Saturday. The title was previously held by Australian H. R. ("Bobby") Pearce. Evans Paddon is a son of Jim Paddon who held the title about 25 years ago. A WORLD REVIEW SPORTS DIARY. (1948, November 25). Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article39090525
Buist family of Pittwater: A few Snippets
At Newport, which is reached via coach from Manly, C. Buist piloted a party of city fishermen on Saturday on to a good ground.They caught a fine lot of squire and one schnapper. Notes by "Plomb.". (1897, May 15). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 1052. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article163790096
WATER LICENSING COURT. At the weekly sitting of the Water Licensing Court today the following business was transacted : Renewals of colonial wine -licences — Thomas Buist to Chas. Buist (Bay View, Pittwater), WATER LICENSING COURT. (1897, October 20). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article108871387
The Newport Hall, Pittwater, was crowded to the doors on Saturday evening on the occasion of a concert and social by local artists, assisted by visitors from Manly. Miss E. Black played as an overture Paul Vach's 'Capricante,' and also rendered Blumenthal's' Sunshine and Rain.' Mr. W. Merrifield :. Sang 'Huckleberry Doo' and 'I Am Not Particular.' Miss Black pleased her audience by her recitation 'Trouble in the Amen Corner,' and song, 'Three Fishers Went Sailing.' Mr. R. A. Stennett caused much merriment by his Irish selections. Mrs. Greig sang 'The Flight of Ages,' Dr. Erson rendered 'The Holy City' and'The Death of Nelson,' W. C. Buist played a flute solo and caused a deal of laughter by a solo on a fire bellows. A duet was given by Mr. and Mrs. Greig, 'The Sailor Sighs.' Violin solos were played by Mr. H. Graham, and comics by Mr. Wetherall. Mr. W. Reynolds, and Mr. J. Waterhouse. jun. W. A. Buist. besides acting as the accompanist, opened the second' part with a well-played piano selection. The entertainment was a great success, and closed with a social. SOCIAL ITEMS. (1898, October 7). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article114046985
Dinner was provided at Buist's accommodation-house, on the shores of Pittwater, PADDINGTON BICYCLE CLUB. (1899, July 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14229475
MANLY HOSPITAL CONCERT. A concert in aid of the Manly Cottage Hospital, organised by the residents of Bayview and Newport, was held in the Newport Hall on Saturday evening week, under the direction of a committee consisting of Messrs. C. Devlin, Fitzgerald, Booth, Erickson, and Wilcox. The contributors to the programme included Misses Lord, Duffy, Johnson, and Black, Messrs Duffy, Fitzgerald, Booth, and Buist. The financial and artistic success was such that it was decided to give a similar entertainment annually. MANLY HOSPITAL CONCERT. (1899, October 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14237617
BAY VIEW PIER. THE OPENING CEREMONY. The opening of the Bay View Pier took place on Saturday afternoon at Pittwater, in the presence of a large and representative gathering. The ceremony was performed by Mr. Dugald Thomson, M.L A.(member for the district), who was accompanied by Captain Millard and Mr, J.J. Cohen, M. L.A , Dr. Cullen. M.L.C , Messrs W. H. Fletcher (Mayor of Manly, J. M. Purves (Mayor of North Sydney), P T. Taylor, Hopkins, Waterhouse, J. Symonds, Vivian, Devlin, Bennett, Watt and others. The party left Sydney shortly after 9 o'clock in the morning for Manly, whence the journey was made to Bay View by special coaches. The drive was much enjoyed, and at its termination the party boarded a steam launch which was in attendance at the pier, and made a trip round Pittwater as far as Barranjoey and back to the wharf. The new wharf is a substantial structure, and has been erected by the Government for the purpose of landing and shipping passengers and produce. The water journey over, the party adjourned to Buist's Hotel, where luncheon was served. The chair was occupied by Mr. P. T. Taylor. A brief toast list was honoured, which included "The Queen," proposed by the chairman, and enthusiastically honoured , “Parliament" proposed by Mr. Hopkins, and responded to by Dr. Cullen and Captain Millard; " The District," proposed by Mr. J. J. Cohen, supported by Mr. J. M. Purves, and replied to by Messrs. J. Symonds and Waterhouse ; " The Member for the District," by Mr. Vivian, and responded to by Mr. Dugald Thomson; "The Visitors," and " The Press." BAY VIEW PIER. (1900, December 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14374798
A concert was held in aid of the funds of the Manly Cottage Hospital, at Buist's Hall, Bayview, on Saturday evening. Besides local performers, several ladies and gentlemen vocalists came from Manly and Sydney. Mr. Quirk, M.L.A.. presided, and the entertainment was a great success. Mr. Roach was hon. treasurer, and Mr. Devlin hon. secretary. NATIONAL PARK. (1901, October 23). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article112581200
The marriage of Miss Rene Buist, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Buist, of Bayview, Sydney, and late of Butler-street, Albion, Brisbane, to Mr. King Arnold, only son of Mrs. E. S. Arnold, Wooloowin, Brisbane was quietly solemnised at St. Phillip's Church, Sydney, by the Rev. Canon Bellingham, on the17th February. The bride was gowned in an Ivory crepe-de-chine frock, embroidered with pearls, and wore a bridal veil and wreath, lent by the bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Herbert Kirwan (Brisbane). Her shower bouquet and diamond and platinum pendant and diamondbrooch were gifts from the bridegroom. Miss Dolce Buist attended as bridesmaid. A reception, given by the bride's parents, to near relatives only, was held at the Wentworth Hotel after the ceremony, and later Mr. and Mrs. King Arnold left for the Blue Mountains and Jenolan Caves, prior to leaving for New Zealand, where they will in future reside. Family Notices. (1920, March 11). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved February 11, 2016, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15882402
In view of the present activity in regard to rowing and the calling of a public meeting for tonight, to further consider the revival of regattas at Grafton, the history of the sport as given by Mr. Waterhouse to Mr. Olive Miller, publicity officer of the Grafton Regatta Committee, makes interesting reading. There was a time in the history of the Clarence when regattas were the chief sporting attraction, and Grafton, South Grafton, Ulmarra, Lawrence, MacLean, Harwood and Chatsworth held annual fixtures, Iluka came in later, and the sport held its own for many years.
The most successful regattas were those promoted by public enterprise, and these culminated in several big efforts at Grafton, especially in 1874, when a race in best boats for the sculling championship of Australia was included in the programme and drew an enormous attendance. The race was won by Michael Rush who was in business at Maclean,-and who contributed £50 to the £200 prize money. Other competitors were F. Trickett second, E. C. Laycock third, W. Hickey, R. Green and S. Newby, the last-named hailing from the Richmond River, and carried his shell overland from that centre. Grafton promoted another big regatta in 1883, when the nominations for the outrigger race included Laycock, Rush, Trickett, Largan, Perkins, Beach, Donald McDonald, C. Messenger, N. McDonald, A. Campbell and Albert Baker. Largan and Perkins were two English scullers who came to Australia to engage our local men, but their trip was not very successful from a match-winning point of view. Messenger also came from England, but had been in the colonies for some years previously. A feature of the big race was that contestants were handicapped, by distance, and started from stakes driven in the shallow water, the necessary lengths apart at the upper end of Susan Island. The competitors backed their shells up to their respective stakes; and all started off at gun-fire. The race was won by. Donald McDonald, who, although born at Ballarat (Victoria) learned his sculling at Maclean, and for his inches was probably the best man that ever sat in a boat. While the big regattas were promoted by the public, club regattas also proved very attractive in those days, competition coming from Grafton, South Grafton and Maclean clubs. - About the 90 's four-oar rowing became popular, although a couple of events of this Character had been rowed on the river previously. A Sydney crew met a Grafton combination in what were termed strongest' gigs at the big regatta in 1874, and won, while later on at a' regatta at Grafton, Laycock, Pearce, Solomon and Lyons defeated Rush, McDonald, Mc-Kinnon and J. McMillan for a prize of£100. Early in the 90 's the Grafton Club had a- clinker-four built by Edwards, of Melbourne, and South Grafton soon followed suit with a similar craft built by Fred Morrow, of the south side. Much interest centered in this class of rowing, and in a final trial of strength South Grafton defeated Grafton in a race that created a good deal of excitement, but becoming holder they challenged a Sydney crew at a regatta at Grafton, and were defeated. The South Grafton crew comprised, J. Quinn, J. Dixon, W. Roberts and R. Logan, and they were usually coxwained by Arthur McPatrick, whose brother, Frank, also had a start in the boat at times.
SEARLE'S DÉBUT. Another big regatta held at the top-end of the river, took place at Mountain View, when the redoubtable Hanlan put in an appearance, but did not compete. The gathering was also noteworthy from the fact that it was the first appearance at this end of the river of the sensational lad from the Lower Clarence, the late Harry Searle, who afterwards became champion sculler of the world. Hanlan and Searle had had a trial of strength during training operations a few days previous to the regatta, when the Canadian discovered that he had met more than his match. On regatta day he rowed up towards the starting point, and whence saw the competitors coming downstream he turned his boat round and sculled down the course past the judge on the flagship. Many thought he had won-the race, but later it was announced that Hanlan had not rowed the full course, and that Searle was the real winner. Coming back to Grafton that night Hanlan remarked to the writer, "I want one of Searle in mine." Grafton and South Grafton had some real good oarsmen in those days. Ab. Chapman was perhaps Grafton's best in club skiffs, but Noonan and some others whose names escape me were also good men. Jack Rush, a son of Mick Rush, was the best' man in 'riggers, and became amateur champion of the Clarence in that class of boat. On the South side W. Roberts and R. Logan were perhaps the best scullers, while Maclean could always manage to send along worthy representatives.
The formation of Water Brigades at several centres on the river created additional interest in the sport, and the introduction of "butcher" boats has led to championship contests for big stakes. The term “butcher" boats was derived from Newcastle, where in the days of the windjammers the butchers of the coal city kept this class of boat in readiness with a crew, and when a vessel was sighted at sea it was a. race between the various crews to board the boat first, and get orders for the supply of meat to the vessel while in port. Now races in "butcher" boats are an attractive item at all regattas on the Clarence
This sport held such sway in the sixties and seventies that there were even clash fixtures sometimes between Grafton and Ulmarra, and also between Maclean and Harwood. It is on record that Donald McDonald and J. McMillan won a double-scull race at a regatta held at Maclean on the same day that a regatta was held at Harwood. After winning at Maclean the pair rowed to Harwood, and the pair won the pair-oar race there. Immediately after finishing they rowed back to Maclean to row a third race, but news, of their victory preceding them, they were protested against and were not allowed to start.
Chatsworth at one time drew a big crowd to its annual regatta, when Searle, the Kenneys and the Fischers were shining lights. In late, years the youth of the district have taken up "butcher" boat rowing; And at the present time, hold the championship of the river for this class of rowing. Some good regattas were held at Ulmarra until comparatively a, few years ago, when some exciting contests took place. It was over this course that the great "butcher" boat race took place, when Searle Brothers defeated the Towns crew. The last public regatta, held at Grafton followed a similar gathering at Ulmarra. There were about 15 'rigger men at the down-river regatta and they presented a fine sight as the rowed in their shells up to Grafton. Here the big event was won by Bill Paddon, but the real struggle in the race was between Jim Paddon and Alf. Felton. Jim beat his opponent and went on to become champion of Australia.
A couple of sailing races generally found a place Clarence regattas, but of late years the white wings have faded away,' and sculling and rowing now predominate.
OLD-TIME SCULLERS. The Clarence has produced so many first-class. scullers .'.that it would take a large volume to contain all their exploits, and of necessity in this comparatively brief resume, mention only can be made or the most prominent,' And what a. quartette one must lead off With Henry Earnest Searle ' was born at Grafton, but his parents shortly afterwards removed to the Northe Arm, and it was there that Harry learned most of bis sculling. After defeating all local opposition, .he went to Sydney to and one after the other, Parramatta River oars quietly went down before the Clarence lad. No others being left lie' tackled the champion, Peter Hemp, and easily beat him over the championship course He then went to England, and on the Thames defeated O 'Connor ' for the championship of the world. He was taken ill on the journey back to ' Australia, and landed at Melbourne, where he died a few days later, to the regret of the whole Australian sporting public. His remains were brought to Maclean, and were accorded the largest funeral ever seen on the Lower Clarence.
Searle died in December,- 1889, and in writing of his death, the Melbourne "Daily Telegraph" said: "Noble as Searle may have been in the moment of his triumph, he was nobler far as he lay back calm and uncomplaining to face death. Life must have been, sweet to him. He had cherished, a not ignoble ambition, and had succeeded beyond all expectation. He had an unsullied reputation — a future full, of .promise lay before, him, and if he had murmured, if he had cried passionately that he would not die, who could have wondered, But he bowed his head meekly, was neither boastful nor craven. The lad who; takes Searle as his ideal will not do badly. Followed as Searle, pursued them, our Australian sports, are bracing, and beget the courage from which springs success in life and quiet confidence in death.'"
Elias C. Laycock was - born at Sydney in 1854, but did no sculling until lie came to South Grafton. On .his first public appearance he rowed third to Rush and Trickett in the race for the championship of Australia in July, 1874. On 24th May following, he defeated. --Rush and Salomon in the allcomers.', race at Grafton. Subsequent triumphs,' (both at home and abroad, will' doubtless be still remembered by those who take an interest in the sport. He is still alive and hearty, residing at Cronulla, near Sydney.
Michael Rush learned his sculling by pulling a butcher 's boat, about the Lower Clarence, and eventually he became champion of Australia. He did not possess the science of many of his opponents, (but what he lacked in skill was compensated for by a powerful frame and strong muscular development. He failed to beat E. Trickett for – the championship of the world, in which he used the old fixed seat as against the sliding seat' -used by his opponent. He did a great deal of sculling; and just when it was thought that his career, was about over, he brilliantly won the Punch Trophy on the Parramatta, defeating Pearce, Laycock, McDonald, Beach and Trickett. Donald McDonald did as much sculling as any man on the river, and was. wonderfully successful. He was only a small man, but his stamina was wonderful. He met all classes both on the Clarence and Parramatta, and a list of his engagements would fill columns of newspapers. He was the undoubted champion of the Lower 'Clarence until Searle made his appearance, and advancing age compelled his retirement shortly afterwards. Among other scullers of note may be mentioned Neil Matterson, who came from Ramornie; Neil McDonald, brother of Donald, born at Cart's Creek; Jack Mitchell, of Shark, Creek; John Searle, brother of Harry, .who is still with us, and any local regatta without him as timekeeper would be a misnomer; Albert Baker who did practically all his rowing on the Lower Clarence. Then away further back we bad Pros. Conlon, McMillan, M. McMahon, H. Gregory (whom we had with us at Bridge. Week). Frank Hughes, Myles Black, M. Driscoll, G. Buseli, and many- others whose names escape me at present. OLD TIMES. (1933, September 21). Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1915 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article195627049
Grafton Regatta Pictures - SOUTHGATE BUTCHER BOAT CREW.
From left to -right: E. Ellem, E. Doust, A.. Bender, C. Ellem (stroke) and C. Paine (cox).' Winners of the Open 'Butcher B0at Handicap, and second in the Maiden Buteher Boat Handicap at Grafton. They were also first in the Second Division of the Open Butcher' Boat Handicap and second in the final of the same event at the Maclean Regatta.
E. J. PADDON (Evans Head),Winner of the Best and Best Outrigger Handicap at Grafton, and third in the Best and Best Outrigger Handicap' at Maclean. He is a son of James Paddon, ex sculling champion of the world. Grafton Regatta Pictures. (1934, April 7). Daily Examiner(Grafton, NSW : 1915 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article194785472
Butcher Boat Race Included.
Races for amateurs, professionals, service boats, Navy League Sea Cadets, Sea Scouts, and the mercantile marine, are provided for on the programme of the 100th Anniversary Regatta, which will beheld on Sydney Harbour on January 27, 1936.
The amateur events will be the same as last year, but the all comers single sculls handicap In best boats, has been replaced by a butcher boat scratch race. It is anticipated that crews from the northern rivers will compete. It is many years since the butcher boat has been seen in Sydney. The boat is 27 feet long, with a beam of 4ft 10in, and ls rowed with four pairs of sculls. The name "butcher boat" was derived, it is understood, from the fact that the butchers used these boats to meet the ships on arrival at the heads to canvass for orders. Trained crews manned the boats, and when a ship was sighted they would race to her, the first boat to arrive Invariably securing the order. In more recent years the boats have been used on the rivers as flood boats, and to ensure that trained crews are available for this service, races are contested frequently. The boats will be available for local crews also, and it is expected that good racing will result in the heats and final. ANNIVERSARY REGATTA. (1935, December 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27995525
Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Paddon Family of Clairville (Clareville) - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2015.
Previous History Pages:
Marie Byles Lucy Gullett Kookoomgiligai Frank Hurley Archpriest JJ Therry Sir Patrick Gordon Taylor Bowen Bungaree W. Bradley 1788 Journal Midholme Loggan Rock Cabin La Corniche La Corniche II Lion Island Bungan Beach Botham Beach Scarred Trees Castles in the Sand Dame Nellie Melba lunches at Bilgola Spring, 1914 First to Fly in Australia at North Narrabeen Mona Vale Golf Club's Annual Balls Governor Phillip camps on Resolute Beach Ruth Bedford Jean Curlewis Mollie Horseman Charlotte Boutin May Moore Neville W Cayley Leon Houreux Frederick Wymark Sir Adrian Curlewis Bilgola Heron Cove Mullet Creek Shark Point Woodley's Cottage A Tent at The Basin Collin's Retreat-Bay View House-Scott's Hotel Bilgola Cottage and House The First Pittwater Regatta Women Cricketers Picnic Filmed In Pittwater Governor Phillip's Barrenjoey Cairn Waradiel Season The Church at Church Point Governor Phillip's Exploration of Broken Bay, 2 â 9 March 1788 Petroglyths: Aboriginal Rock Art on the Northern Beaches Avalon Headland Landmarks Steamers Part I Pittwater Aquatic Club Part I Woody Point Yacht Club Royal Motor Yacht Club Part I Dorothea Mackellar Elaine Haxton Neva Carr Glynn Margaret Mulvey Jean Mary Daly Walter Oswald Watt Wilfrid Kingsford Smith John William Cherry George Scotty Allan McCarrs Creek Narrabeen Creek Careel Creek Currawong Beach Creek Bushrangers at Pittwater Smuggling at Broken Bay An Illicit Still at McCarr's Creek The Murder of David Foley Mona Vale Outrages Avalon Camping Ground Bayview Koala Sanctuary Ingleside Powder Works Palm Beach Golf Course Avalon Sailing Club Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club Palm Beach SLSC Part I - The Sheds Warriewood SLSC Whale Beach SLSC Flagstaff Hill Mount Loftus Pill Hill Sheep Station Hill S.S. Florrie S.S. Phoenix and General Gordon Paddlewheeler MV Reliance The Elvina Florida House Careel House Ocean House and Billabong Melrose-The Green Frog The Small Yacht Cruising Club of Pittwater Canoe and I Go With The Mosquito Fleet - 1896 Pittwater Regattas Part I - Dates and Flagships to 1950 Shark Incidents In Pittwater The Kalori Church Point Wharf Bayview Wharf Newport Wharf Palm Beach Jetty - Gow's Wharf Max Watt Sir Francis Anderson Mark Foy John Roche Albert Verrills Broken Bay Customs Station At Barrenjoey Broken Bay Water Police Broken Bay Marine Rescue - Volunteer Coastal Patrol Pittwater Fire-Boats Prospector Powder Hulk at Towler's Bay Naval Visits to Pittwater 1788-1952 Pittwater's Torpedo Wharf and Range Naval Sea Cadets in Pittwater S.S. Charlotte Fenwick S.S. Erringhi P.S. Namoi S.Y. Ena I, II and III Barrenjoey Headland - The Lessees Barrenjoey Lighthouse - The Construction Barrenjoey Broken Bay Shipwrecks Up To 1900 Barrenjoey Light Keepers Douglas Adrian Ross Newport SLSC 1909 - 1938 Part I Overview North Narrabeen SLSC - The Formative Years Bilgola SLSC - the First 10 years North Palm Beach SLSC A History of Pittwater Parts 1 and 4 Pittwater Regattas - 1907 and 1908 Pittwater Regattas - 1921 - The Year that Opened and Closed with a Regatta on Pittwater Pittwater Regatta Banishes Depression - 1933 The 1937 Pittwater Regatta - A Fashionable Affair Careel Bay Jetty-Wharf-Boatshed Gow-Gonsalves Boatshed -Snapperman Beach Camping at Narrabeen - A Trickle then a Flood Pittwater's Parallel Estuary - The Cowan 'Creek' RMYC Broken Bay Boathouse and Boatshed Barrenjoey Boat House The Bona - Classic Wooden Racing Yacht Mona Vale Hospital Golden Jubilee - A Few Insights on 50 Years as a Community Hospital Far West Children's Health Scheme - the Formation Years The First Scotland Island Cup, Trophy and Race and the Gentleman who loved Elvina Bay Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay NSW - Cruiser Division History - A History of the oldest division in the Royal Motor Yacht Club Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay Early Motor Boats and Yachts, their Builders and Ocean Races to Broken Bay, the Hawkesbury and Pittwater The Mail Route to Pittwater and Beyond The Wild Coachmen of Pittwater - A Long and Sometimes Bumpy Ride on Tracks Instead of Roads The Fearless Men of Palm Beach SLSC's Surf Boats First Crews - A Tale of Viking Ships, Butcher Boats and Robert Gow's Tom Thumb 'Canoe' Furlough House Narrabeen - Restful Sea Breezes For Children and Their Mothers From Telegraphs to Telephones - For All Ships at Sea and Those On Land Mona Vale Training Grounds - From Lancers on Horses to Lasses on Transport Courses Fred Verrills; Builder of Bridges and Roads within Australia during WWII, Builder of Palm Beach Afterwards Communications with Pittwater Ferries To Pittwater A History of Pittwater - Part 4: West Head Fortress Pittwater's Lone Rangers - 120 Years of Ku-Ring-Gai Chase and the Men of Flowers Inspired by Eccleston Du Faur Early Pittwater Launches and Ferries Runs Avalon Beach SLSC - The First Clubhouse Avalon Beach SLSC The Second and Third Clubhouses From Beneath the Floorboards at Hyde Park Barracks Bungaree Was Flamboyant Andrew Thompson - 'Long Harry' Albert Thomas Black John Collins of Avalon Narrabeen Prawning Times - A Seasonal Tide of Returnings Oystering in the Pittwater Estuary - Oyster Kings and Pearl Kings and When Not to Harvest Oysters Yabbying In Warriewood Creeks Eeling in Warriewood's Creeks (Includes A Short History of community involvement in favour of environmental issues/campaigns in and around Narrabeen Lagoon - 1974 to present by David James OAM) Eunice Minnie Stelzer - Pittwater Matriarchs Maria Louisa Therry - Pittwater Matriarchs Katherine Mary Roche - Pittwater Matriarchs Sarah A. Biddy Lewis and Martha Catherine Bens Pittwater Matriarchs Pittwater's New Cycle Track of 1901 Manly to Newport The Rock Lily Hotel Barrenjoey House The Pasadena Jonah's St Michael's Arch The First Royal Visitor to Australia: the Incident at Clontarf March 12th, 1868 Pittwater: Lovely Arm of the Hawkesbury By NOEL GRIFFITHS - includes RMYC Wharf and Clareville Wharf of 1938 + An Insight into Public Relations in Australia George Mulhall First Champion of Australia in Rowing - First Light-Keeper at Barranjuey Headland Captain Francis Hixson - Superintendent of Pilots, Lights, and Harbours and Father of the Naval Brigade The Marquise of Scotland Island The First Boat Builders of Pittwater I: the Short Life and Long Voyages of Scotland Island Schooner the Geordy Boat Builders of Pittwater II: from cargo schooners and coasters to sailing skiffs and motorised launches The Currawong: Classic Yacht The Riddles of The Spit and Bayview/Church Point: sailors, boat makers, road pavers and winning rowers VP Day Commemorative Service 2015 – at Avalon Beach RSL Cenotaph: 70th Anniversary Captain T. Watson and his Captain Cook Statues: A Tribute to Kindness Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways; Hordern or Wiltshire Parks to McKay Reserve – From Beach to Estuary Pittwater Reserves, The Green Ways: Clareville Wharf and Taylor's Point Jetty Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways Bilgola Beach - The Cabbage Tree Gardens and Camping Grounds - Includes Bilgola - The Story Of A Politician, A Pilot and An Epicure by Tony Dawson and Anne Spencer Pittwater Reserves - The Green Ways: Mona Vale's Village Greens a Map of the Historic Crown Lands Ethos Realised in The Village, Kitchener and Beeby Parks Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways; Bungan Beach and Bungan Head Reserves: A Headland Garden Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Green Family Elanora - Some Early Notes and Pictures The Stewart Towers On Barrenjoey Headland Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Williams Family Early Cricket in Pittwater: A small Insight Into the Noble Game from 1880's On The Pacific Club's 2016 Carnival in Rio Fundraiser for Palm Beach SLSC Marks the 79th Year of Support Bert Payne Park, Newport: Named for A Man with Community Spirit