November 29 - December 5, 2015: Issue 242
Elanora - A Beautiful View from Which to Catch the Sea Breeze - Some Early Notes and Pictures

Ingleside House and the Narrabeen Powder Works in 1887. No title. (1937, April 7). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 15. Retrieved from
Below - sections from above Sydney Mail Picture 'blown up' to show details

Elanora - A Beautiful View from Which to Catch the Sea Breeze - Some Early Notes and Pictures
A few years ago while squinting at darkened old magazine and newspaper photos of Ingleside during our first round of Pittwater Fields of Dreams and the Powder Mill that would never be, and the Cellinite experiments in sandstone and cliff faces that certainly changed the landscape over 100 years before we saw it, peering at the tree thickened hills ranging slightly towards the south was part of our perusal - at the place now known as 'Elanora' and then as a bit of Narrabeen before becoming 'Elanora Heights'.
'What was over there then?' we naturally wondered...
The Country Club certainly warrants a 'Pittwater Field of Dreams' page all of its own - just prior to this being established though, those deciding Elanora should be the next great place to live, and keen to sell off the bush in generous chunks of land as blocks to build on, happily for us all invested in taking a few pictures to sell this dream by.
The name Elanora Heights is stated by some sources to be derived from an Aboriginal word meaning "home by the sea" or "home by the water" and the word Heights meaning "Up high". Elanora is a word that appears throughout Australia, many holiday and boarding houses places being named 'Elanora' in Victoria and Queensland during the same era it emerged as a name for this place in Pittwater during land sales. There is a suburb in Queensland that is similarly named.
Eleanor as a name also has a place in Old French with variants stemming from the 12th century of 'Eleanora, Eleanore, Elenora, Elinor, Elnora' - in this context the name has a meaning of 'Light, Torch, Bright' - so people may also conjecture that the early history and associations of people who passed this way, including some of the Frenchmen such as Lix and Houreaux leaving lingers of their culture in their wake (see Yabbying in Warriewood's Creeks) - or even Von Bieren who may once have lit up the hills above the valley with light, or even a reference to the stunning light that does fill this place and its vista seawards, may also have inspired this naming.
There is no direct link to any language of the original aboriginal people who inhabited this particular place and the name given, few of those words survive and this isn't among them.

Above: New South Wales. Department of Lands. Parish of Narrabeen, County of Cumberland [cartographic material] : Metropolitan Land District, Eastern Division N.S.W.1886. MAP G8971.G46 svar (Copy 1).
Elanora, the place of Pittwater, was aimed at country folk first, as an investment, and still, even in 1924 and 1929, the advertisements were speaking of a train track all the way to Pittwater and a harbour bridge almost a decade before the advent of the coathanger:
LINGHAM & GILFORD. - MANLY'S . Leading Real Estate Agents for sound investments .WE WISH. TO PLACE BEFORE. YOU ELANORA ESTATE (NARRABEEN)An Estate where large profits are certain. - Narrabeen- Is fast becoming another Manly . Further particulars from our AGENT who knows The Estate— W. J. THOMAS, Narrabri. Advertising. (1924, July 3). The North Western Courier(Narrabri, NSW : 1913 - 1955), p. 3. Retrieved from
We wish to draw attention to a notice in our business columns advertising the Elanora Estate, Narrabeen, near Manly. Land in this locality has proved itself to be far ahead of any other part of the metropolis for sound investment, and with the advent of the North Shore Bridge, the Spit Bridge, and the Gordon to Narrabeen railway, which will run right past the estate, will undoubtedly make Narrabeen, with its picturesque lake, good surfing beach, and panoramic scenery, one of the most popular and valuable suburbs of Sydney. Messrs Lingham and Gilford, land and estate agents, Manly, are the city agents. Mr F. H. Hewitt is the local agent. ELANORA ESTATE. (1924, August 5).Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 - 1954) , p. 2. Retrieved from
The first sales after the 1924 call for investors and more proof that, back in the 'old days', developers had to provide all the initial roads infrastructure, not just contribute a portion of sales thereto:
ELANORA ESTATE - 300 Allotments for Sale
Elanora Estate, Narrabeen, is a portion of 640 acres purchased last year by a company composed of wealthy and mostly retired gentlemen for the purpose of subdividing into building allotments.
Last year the first subdivision was opened to the public for purchase. This subdivision contained 127 allotments, which were sold 'within six weeks of the date of opening. The prices ranged from £1 .to £3/3/ a' foot. The majority of purchasers are people living in and around this district, and every, block sold was inspected before purchase. The company have now opened up a second subdivision, which contains about 300 allotments, the prices ranging- from 25/- to 50/- a foot. An amount of approximately, £10,000 has been expended on the subdivisions, by way of clearing and road-making,: surveying, etc. .
Every allotment has a frontage to a properly constructed 66ft. road, and' practically every allotment has permanent panoramic outlooks of lake and ocean.
FINE FRONTAGES.' The surveyors' in laying-out this estate have taken great care not to repeat the mistakes which were made in the majority of our present-day suburbs; Every allotment has an area of over 5000 feet, and has a frontage of '50 feet. There are no narrow roads or- laneways, and this should be an inducement to any person desirous, of becoming a land-owner. ELANORA ESTATE. (1925, February 1). Sunday Times(Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 7 Section: Social and Magazine Section. Retrieved from
And an announcement of the making of 'Sydney's first Country Club':
One of the most interesting projects now afoot is that for the establishment of the Elanora Country Club, on the heights above the Narrabeen Lakes, on Sydney’s twelve-mile zone. Workmen are encamped on 200 acres of the ground, clearing it for the purposes of the club, and invitations to membership are about to be issued.
The clubhouse design, which has been drawn up be Messrs. Robertson and Marks, a Sydney firm of architects, is imposing and graceful. It will stand at approximately the same height as Pymble, yet will be within a few minutes car drive of the surf. Residential accommodation is to be provided at the clubhouse for both men and women members, and the membership will include a umber of well-known country people. Golf, polo, croquet, tennis and bowls are planned as features of the recreational life of the club, and there will be important social functions in the evenings. The club, it is considered, will be an ideal meeting place for city and country people, and the grounds will provide facilities for various sports fixtures, not only local but interstate and international in their character. ELANORA COUNTRY CLUB. (1927, August 15). Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954) , p. 3. Retrieved from
This item is cause for wondering as, after the original clubhouse burned down in 1937, some articles pointed out that this structure had once been a convalescent home owned by a lady who also owned Bay View House, Cook's River - another hospital then called, using terms we wouldn't employ nowadays - a 'Private Lunatic Asylum' - more on that below.
During the week a representative of the 'Sunday Times' was afforded the opportunity of seeing the beautiful Elanora Heights Estate, at Narrabeen. There can be little doubt that there is no other, land so ideally situated, within reasonable access of Sydney, which is so desirable.
The property has been purchased by Land Properties and Investments, Ltd. It consists of 518 acres of land, Torrens Title, and commands delightful views of the ocean and the lake. The company is offering £100,000 shares to the public, with a security of land valued to produce, on subdivision, £300.000.Here are some reasons why you should buy shares in Land Properties and Investments Ltd :
1. No promoters' shares have been or will be issued, and no cash paid to intermediary parties.
2. The company is already registered, and 25, 000 shares were underwritten before the prospectus was issued.
3. The company is already the possessor of a valuable property of 518 acres of land, Torrens Title, known as the Elanora Heights Estate. This was purchased for £70.000. and is independently valued to yield a net return of approximately £130,000.
4. The strength of the directorate lends increased value to the proposition. Not only does the value of the present property represent to the shareholder a tangible asset — land valued to return £230 for every £100 invested — but assurance is thus given that this first operation will be followed by other profitable operations, in all of which shareholders will benefit.
5. Each of the Directors has recently doubled his share holdings.'
6. A conservative estimate shows a net profit of at least £130,000.
7. On the property will be situated Sydney's first Country Club.
Mr. E. L. Walter, organising underwriter, will gladly give full particulars of this remarkably attractive investment to any reader of the 'Sunday Times' who calls at the office, National Mutual Building, 350 George street. If you live in the country, write for full descriptive literature of the Elanora Heights Estate. There is money in land such as this is. BEAUTIFUL ELANORA HEIGHTS AT NARRABEEN. (1927, November 27). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 10. Retrieved from
One of the Directors of the above named Land Properties and Investments, Ltd was Thomas Alfred John Playfair ((1890-1966), a committee-member of the Royal Sydney Golf Club, keen golfer, excellent horseman, who led the formation of the above proposed Elanora Country Club and was president 1928-65.
Following the announcement of the plans of Land Properties and Investments, Limited, who own the Elanora Heights Estate of 518 acres above Narrabeen, the greater part of1000 acres to the rear of this estate have been bought up by other interests preparatory to subdivision.
Seventy-seven acres of land to the rear of the Elanora Heights Estate changed hands this year at more than double what had been paid for it two months earlier.
REASONS WHY. The basis for all' this activity is the fact that population is rapidly flowing into the district — the effect which completion of the Sydney Harbor Bridge, and the concreting of the road from the Spit to Narrabeen will have — and further benefits anticipated from Dr. Bradfield's proposed new bridge, road, and railway line over Middle Harbor to Manly and Narrabeen, plus other improvements to communications in the district. Attention is being turned to Warringah Shire as 'Sydney's Second City,' for 'Sydney's Second Million,' and to Elanora Heights as 'The Bellevue Hill of Warringah.'
It certainly looks as though big profits are about to be made Land Properties and Investments, Limited, 350George-street, are inviting the public to participate in them by subscribing to their share issue. The company is able to point to an absence of the risks associated, for instance, with industrial enterprises. The security — the land — is there for all time. No money will be tied up in plant and stocks. Labor costs and overhead expenses are negligible.
A commencement is to made on Boxing Day with the realisation of profits. Forty-four blocks in tho estate are to be offered for sale), and other sales will follow. In the meantime, some shareware still available. Purchasers of land sold by the company on terms will pay the usual interest. Shareholders will therefore benefit by this source of income, while it will be possible to use the same land as collateral security in other operations which the company will undertake from time to time on the shareholders' behalf. Security and profit go together in this move, and those interested may' obtain all details from Mr. E. L. Walter, F.R.G.S., 350 George-street. MAKING BIG PROFITS FROM ELANORA HEIGHTS SALES. (1927, December 4). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 20. Retrieved from
You couldn't have a Land sale then without at least one dispute - never sign anything not filled out in full would be the lesson here:
Elanora Land Dispute
The suit is part heard of Hubert Clarence Paterson against Emma Franklin, in which plaintiff asks for a declaration that he be not bound by an agreement for the purchase of 20 allotments of Elanora Estate, Narrabeen Heights; that the contract be destroyed and his deposit of £500 returned to him. Plaintiff alleged that he entered into negotiations with defendant's agent to buy said allotments at £110 each, with a deposit of £25 per allotment and balance payable in 5 years at 6 per cent he signed a form which had been filled in by the agent, leaving out the sum agreed upon, for the price of the .allotments, and he paid £500 deposit on April 5 last. Subsequently he received what purported to be a copy of the contract, in which the amount agreed upon was stated to be £4445. Plaintiff therefore repudiated the contract and demanded the return of his deposit. Defendent refused and by way of counter claim asked that the plaintiff be ordered to carry out his contract, which he had repudiated without justification, the price agreed upon being £4445. Elanora Land Dispute. (1927, December 14). Construction and Local Government Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1913 - 1930), p. 7. Retrieved from
And those wonderful images - showing that the term 'beautiful' caught on with promoters of sales to the point where a comparison with 'Beautiful View' - or Bellevue' became the norm:
ELANORA Heights, Narrabeen - The Bellevue Hill of the North
General View from Elanora-road, Overlooking Portion of Elanora to be Offered for Sale.
To the right is Long Reef and to the left Narrabeen Head. Township of Narrabeen is in centre foreshore.
The beautiful Elanora Heights, with an elevation varying between that of Killara and Pymble, and within two miles by good road to Narrabeen Beach, is to be laid out as a Model Suburb, upon the modern system of town .planning. It is aptly called the 'Bellevue Hill of the North,' but its residences will command finer views and outlook hardly excelled anywhere in the world. Special attention of prospective purchasers is drawn to the unique protection to be offered to home-seekers by the building covenant, protecting the class of building, area of blocks, and shopping centres, whilst the recreation areas are being taken over by the Warringah Shire Council, who have in mind their beautification and the building of cricket, tennis, and other sporting grounds. The new golf links of the Elanora Country Club adjoins the Estate, and experts predict that it will become the championship course of New South Wales.
THE town-planning of Elanora is being done with meticulous care. Domestic, services include electric lighting and power, whilst the Beacon Hill water scheme will make City water available on the Estate. The proposed railway service along the ocean front is now being surveyed. If will cross the City Bridge and bring the Estate within 15 miles of the General Post Office. It is interesting to note that motor transport and concrete and bitumen roads have brought this Bellevue Hill of the North closer to Sydney by time than Bellevue Hill and Edgecliff were little more than thirty years ago, when the only means of transport was horse-drawn vehicles, occupying 35 minutes from Edgecliff Post Office and substantially longer from Bellevue Hill to the city— and distance can only lie measured by lime.
GENERAL VIEW OF THE NORTHERN NINE HOLES— NUMBERS 10 TO 18—Taken from the 18th Tee, Elanora Country Club Golf Course.
THE plateau, which is mostly sandy loam, has immense possibilities for modern bungalows and gardens in an ideal setting, and now these heights are opened up by well –constructed roads they make a delightful spot to view the panoramas of lakes and the irregular coast line from South Head to Broken Bay. The road access is good the whole way from North Sydney. Good motor bus and tram services are already established to Narrabeen, which is only one mile by an excellent road from the Estate, and less than two miles from the Golf Links. The first subdivision of choice residential sites is to take place on the ground, Saturday 9th March, at 3p.m. Messrs Richardson and Wrench, Ltd., Sydney, and Robey, Hanson, and Strong. Ltd.. Manly, are the auctioneers in conjunction, from whom lithographs and further information may be obtained.
General view of first nine holes in course of construction, showing land cleared and ploughed.
Overlooking Narrabeen Lakes and Sydney. South Head is in the centre-distance.
ELANORA Heights, Narrabeen. (1929, February 6). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 21. Retrieved from
But wait, there's more!:
Elanora Heights, Narrabeen - The Bellevue Hill of the North
This unique sub-division overlooks the township of Narrabeen, the Lakes, and Lagoons, and from its elevated site commands an unsurpassed panoramic view of the Pacific and the glorious stretch of coastline from South Head to Broken Bay, which is - fast becoming the seaside playground of the City of Sydney. The first sub-division of Elanora Heights is being offered at auction sale, on the ground, on SATURDAY, 9th MARCH, by RICHARDSON AND WRENCH, LTD., Put-Street, Sydney, in conjunction with ROBEY, HANSON, & STRONG,LTD., The Corso, Manly.
ELANORA HEIGHTS subdivision is situated within a 12-mile radius of the G.P.O., with elevations corresponding with those of Killara and Pymble on the North Shore Line. It lies within two miles by good road of Narrabeen Beach, and possesses an easterly aspect, being protected from the bleak westerly winds of winter and the zeal of the afternoon sun in summer. It is confidently believed that in offering this properly for sale .an opportunity is presented similar lo Hint which was offered when, in I lie previous genera I ion. Darling Point. Edgecliff and Bellevue Hill were made available for residential purposes. Everyone knows how the subsequent development of these suburbs has converted them today into the exclusive residential areas of Sydney. Values have now reached a point when they are too high for most people to pay for residential purposes, and it is necessary to seek land with open spaces, which will provide healthy home sites for the people. The sites of the allotments have been designed to give each residence ample breathing space, and building covenants will protect home-builders from the erection of any undesirable buildings on the estate.
One of the beauty spots on the Estate, which will form part of the Recreation Reserve to be set aside for the enjoyment of purchasers.
IN the Elanora Heights subdivision the foundations are therefore laid for the building up of a new garden suburb handy to the city, and endowed with all the natural beauties of which Sydney can boast. Further enhancing its attractions for those seeking to possess healthy home. sites is the establishment of the golf course /by the Elanora Country Club, nine holes of which will be ready for play during April. The Water and Sewerage Board has under construction the Beacon Hill Reservoir scheme, which will be available for the use of residents of the Warringah district no! later than September next. This will ensure a permanent, and ample supply of water within the Warringah Shire boundaries. The electric light main is now being extended from Pittwater-road almost to the boundary of the estate, and the extension from that point will be taken in hand immediately it is required. The vendors are able lo render material assistance to build, particulars being available on? application lo the agents, who will gladly supply lithographs of the estate and any other information.
Elanora Heights, Narrabeen. (1929, February 20). Sydney Mail(NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 44. Retrieved from
A chine is a steep-sided river valley where the river flows to the sea through, typically, soft eroding coastal cliffs of sandstone or clays. The word chine originates from the Saxon "Cinan" meaning a gap or yawn.
Many will recognise this 'Chine' is still part of a Reserve and as much Ingelside's and Warriewood's as it is Elanora's - our streams runneth over!
The sales were successful and yet more were offered with perhaps a hint as to why Old Saxon words became part of sales literature as well as the continuance of that train story, only now, instead of or a s well as, running beside the ocean, all the way, she's a'coming over the hills from Gordon to sweet Narrabeen:
Elanora Heights - LOVELY VIEWS
Within the Elanora Heights area, £15,000 worth of land has been sold, and with the prospect' of the Gordon to Narrabeen railway being soon constructed, the demand is keen. The scenery of this fine region has already been enlarged upon in these columns. It need only be added that much of the charming bushland for which this district is famous still remains, and the surroundings are as attractive as any of those about the shores of Port Jackson. There are hills and valleys and rippling streams in this part of the coastal area, and the commanding position of the land in this estate facilitates home-making under the most delectable conditions. Elanora Estate is situated within the 12 miles radius of the General Post Office. It is within two miles of the fine Narrabeen Beach, and commands a magnificent view of the whole of the coastline from the South Head Lighthouse to Barrenjoey, taking in the Narrabeen Lakes and estuary — one of the most charming of the beauty spots of a district that is rich in beauty. The estate occupies the eastern side of a high promontory, which juts out from the main line of the hills below Gordon-Pittwater-road, overlooking the sea.
The western half of the promontory will be occupied by the Elanora Country Club golf links and properties. The Elanora Heights Estate leans to the eastward and seaward side of the Country Club's properties, and comprises a substantial area of magnificent subdivisional land, which, from its highest point, 550 feet above sea level, slopes down towards the coast. When the harbor bridge has been completed, this estate will be brought within half-an-hour's journey of Sydney by motor car.
It has an eastern aspect, with northern and southern outlooks, and is well sheltered from the bleak westerlies of the Winter. The situation is healthful to the last degree, and commands some of the finest views to be met with in the coastal areas of N.S.W. The estate has been laid out in such a way that it should become a model suburb. It has been designed by Dobbie and Foxall, the well-known Sydney surveyors, and the greatest care has been taken to provide for convenience of access, shopping and building services, and the general comfort of home-makers. The building covenant provides for the subdivision of the residential blocks into substantial areas, with limitations as tore-subdivision — conditions designed to prevent the erection of an undesirable class of house. A limitation of shopping areas is also a provision that will serve the interests of home-makers within this area. This Dee Why-Collaroy-Narrabeen region is in constantly-increasing demand for land for home-making. Since the beauty and the convenience of the place, with its glorious beaches, fine roads, and delightful surroundings, have been discovered, week-end shacks have been steadily giving way to permanent homes, many of them on an elaborate scale, and hundreds of new buildings are erected every year.
Elanora Heights are in the centre of what is destined to be one of the finest and most popular suburbs of the metropolis, and, with the advent of the railway from Gordon to Narrabeen, values are bound to soar. All particulars may be obtained by intending purchasers from the South British Land and Investment Co., Kembla Buildings, Margaret-street, Sydney. Elanora Heights. (1929, March 24). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 10. Retrieved from
As the green fields and bushland gave way to development, green remained the optimum colour for Resrves set aside the the placement of greens for playing golf on - all with breathtaking views. This picture looks like it has captured school girls in uniform, or...?:
Women players climbing the hill to the fourth tee at the Elanora golf links. PICTURESQUE GOLF LINKS. (1932, September 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
The wooden clubhouse of the Elanora Country Club, Narrabeen, was destroyed by fire yesterday, and only the club records were saved. Trophies valued at about £500 were lost.
The total damage is estimated at £6500,and about 80 club members lost sets of golf sticks. It was thought that the fire originated in the boiler-room, which is used for the water heating system. It started at about 3.25p.m., and in five minutes the old wooden building was a mass of flames. Half an hour later the main building collapsed. Flames rose to a great height, and pine and Moreton Bay fig trees standing around it were set alight.
"I was sitting in the office doing some work," said Miss Joyce H. Bucknell, assistant secretary of the club, "when Mr. Collings, a steward, ran into the office and told me that the clubhouse was on fire. I immediately telephoned the police and fire brigade.
"I endeavoured to save everything in the office, I took out all the books and put them in the garden, and I took the money from the safe."
Miss Joan Oswald-Sealy, secretary of the club, said she arrived a few minutes after the fire began. About 14 members, who were playing on the course, abandoned their game and ran to the clubhouse, but they were unable to save anything. Motor cars standing near the clubhouse were blistered by the heat and some of the car windows were cracked.
The trophies which were lost included the Burdekin cup, Keith Harrison Memorial cups, Pioneer cup, Wylie cup, Searcy cup, the new Coronation cup, and the president's, captain’s, and hole-in-one cups. The building was valued at about £1000, and the fittings were worth about £5000.
When the fire brigades from the Deewhy and Narrabeen stations arrived, under District Officer W. G, White, of Crow's Nest, efforts had to be concentrated on cutting off the fire from the quarters occupied by the secretary and the assistant secretary.
The firemen brought the engines up to tanks alongside the blazing clubhouse, smashed in the tops of the tanks, and successfully saved this wing. In addition to the secretary and the assistant secretary, there were eight others on the clubhouse staff. Many of them, who were quartered in the main building, lost all their possessions.
The club has about 600 members—400 men and 200 women. About 90 per cent, of the members are also members of the Royal Sydney and the Australian clubs.
Although all the fittings of the clubhouse belonged to the club, the building, which was about 25 years old, and which formerly was a hospital, was owned by Mrs. G. E. Wilson, of Bayview House, Tempe.
During the fire concern was felt for three dogs and a kangaroo, which are pets of the secretary, but they suffered no harm.
Last night Miss Oswald-Sealy and Miss Bucknell were unable to occupy their quarters because of the damage done by water and debris. They found temporary accommodation in a small house near the clubhouse.
Colonel T. A. J. Playfair, M.L.C., president of the Elanora Country Club, said last night that an emergency meeting of the committee had been called for today, with a view to speeding up the building of a new clubhouse. Work would begin almost immediately.
He stated that the club had arranged an important associates' competition for today. This would be conducted, but it would be necessary for the associates to arrange for their own meals. (Pictures on page 18.) CLUBHOUSE BURNT. (1937, May 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
The Pictures from page 18 this same SMH Edition:
Important records and a considerable sum of money were saved by the assistant-secretary, Miss Joyce Bucknell (right)when a fire broke out at the Elanora Country Club yesterday afternoon. She and the secretary, Miss Oswald-Sealy, are shown sharing an impromptu meal after the fire.
The well known Elanora Country Club was destroyed by fire late yesterday afternoon. This picture shows firemen among the debris. Damage was estimated at £6500. LONDON NEWS-PICTURES BY AIR MAIL—FIRE DESTROYS ELANORA COUNTRY CLUB —BROADBENT BREAKS RECORD. (1937, May 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from
On Mr. Harrison, previously a member at Dobroyd and an excellent golfer on occasion who set a few club records in a few places:
AMATEURS partnered by professionals will pay tribute to the late Keith Harrison at Elanora Country Club on September 6. The occasion will be an open four ball v par competition for the Keith Harrison Memorial Cup. Keith was a former captain of the Killara and Elanora Clubs, a leading amateur and a great friend of the professionals. TALKING OF golf. (1947, August 18). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
The lady who owned the premises and land, and is named as a 'Matron' in other articles we found:
By originating summons the Court was asked to determine certain questions of construction which had arisen in administration of the estate of Mrs. Grace Edith Wilson, who, for many years, conducted Bay View House, a mental hospital at Tempe.
The material questions for the Court were in respect of the interests taken by Dr. W. R. Page, the medical superintendent of Bay View, under Mrs. Wilson's will. Determination of these interests became necessary so that those of the residuary legatees might be clarified.
Mrs. Wilson died in September 1939, leaving a considerable estate, including the hospital property and other assets at Tempe valued at £40,000, and land at Narrabeen valued at £6,000. The Narrabeen land is now occupied by the Elanora Golf Club, but had formerly been used in connection with a convalescent home for hospital patients.
After hearing considerable argument, his Honor held that in addition to the quarter share of the hospital property devised to him, Dr. Page took a quarter share in the assets of the business, less a quarter share of the mortgage on Bay View, and less a similar share of trade debts, the total liabilities under these two headings amounting to about £8,000. He was also entitled to one fourth of the profits of the hospital business from the time of the death of the testatrix to the dale of sale. His Honor also held that the mortgage on the Narrabeen lands had to be borne by the persons entitled to interests in the land under the will. EQUITY. (1946, May 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
The new clubhouse was opened by May 1938, just prior to the anniversary of the fire. We haven't placed these articles or their photos in full here - they are available at their links to Trove:
SYDNEY'S. most luxurious country club, on the heights of Narrabeen, the Elanora Country Club, has been re-built following a fire, and on Saturday the long cream brick building, from which one may see South Head down the coastline on the right, to Barrenjoey on the left, will be officially opened.
A modern and almost nautical scheme of decoration has been followed In the club, where vivid furnishing schemes give contrast to the pastel shaded stone walls and the plain cream ceilings. All the furniture is of unstained wood, and the lighting is Indirect.
Furniture Designed by Woman.
MRS. J. V. HALL-BEST, who has been responsible for the furnishings, has relied on simplicity and colour for her cflepts, and she has designed the tables and chairs so that they harmonise with the fabrics.
Above: A CORNER of the verandah showing the extent of the view. The chairs seen are covered in turquoise blue linen patterned in white, and the tables have tops of coral pink rubber.
Left: THE front facade of the Elanora Country Club, which will be officially opened on Saturday. Note the generous windows from which a superb view of the coastline may be obtained.
Below: MRS. JACK CASSIDY, … captain of the associates of the Elanora Country Club, photographed outside the entrance of the Club.
...joins OSWALD-SEALY, the assistant secretary of the Elanora'* Country Club, photographed in the main lounge room.
In the dining-room, which will seats 40 members, the chairs and tables are of unstained ash and scarlet leather and ... blue linen are tisoU for the Chair coverings. ...On the wide glassed-in verandah which overlooks the ocean, a marine effect has been achieved by the rough corni linen fabric which is Used for «onie of the cline chairs On those a large design of a fish blowing bubbles featured, and in contrast are the coveritiginf Turquoise hint, patterned in a .... of white waves. The trips of the tables are covered In coral rubber, and have little rubber feet to prevent noise and scratching. …. WOMEN have equal rights with men in this club, and not only have they their own locker rooms, but their own verandah, patio, cocktail bar, and lounge. The lounge, one of the most attractive rooms in the club, has comfortable blue sofas and untist'ial chairs of natural beechwood, marie with wooden backs, and padded seats covered by roughly woven coral pink linen, patterned in white. Coral pink Venetian blinds and fables topped in pink rubber complete the scheme.
In the women's locker-room, a scarlet ....THE main lounge-room, for all members, contains the illuminated trophy cupboard, which Colonel T. A. Playfair will officially open on Saturday. As there is no foundation stone to be laid, this will serve as the opening ceremony of the club. Chairs in this room are coloured in brown linen patterned In white. The huge brick fireplace, panelled in dark brown wood, matches the fireplace at the end of the dining-room, which is separated from the main lounge by wide glass doors. When all the doors are open a huge dancing space is available. The men also have their own lounge-room, furnished in green, and their cocktail bar. Upstairs there is accommodation for 20 members, and the soundproof ceilings will be a great advantage. Highlights of the large and airy kitchen are the two built-in refrigerators, the electric washing-up machine, and the giant-sized griller. NEW COUNTRY CLUB AT ELANORA. (1938, May 5).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 22. Retrieved from
As it turns out, the members of the Elanora Country Club celebrated the opening of the new clubhouse by playing golf prior to a cocktail or two - :
CLUBHOUSE OPENED. Cocktail Party at Elanora
Photo: PARTY IN SPACIOUS RECEPTION ROOMS OF NEW CLUB. 'Left: MRS. T. A. J. PLAYFAIR, wife of the president, and MRS. T. G. MURRAY, MRS. GEOFFREY GREGORY, and MRS ALAN COPELAND, who were guests at the opening of the Elanora Country Club on Saturday afternoon
The spacious verandahs and reception rooms of the new Elanora Country Club, overlooking the Narrabeen Lakes and a wide expanse of coastline, were crowded with members and their friends on Saturday afternoon, when a cocktail party was held to mark the official opening of the club-house. The party followed the playing of the mixed foursomes competition, and many of the guests took part In the play and came straight In to enjoy cocktails The majority wore tweeds in the gay and large checks which are so popular this season, or tailored spoiling frocks, with knitted cardigans...
Over the open fireplace were arranged big bowls of tawny tinted zinnias and gladioli varying from white to scarlet colourings Similar flowers were used to decorate the long buffet table in the banquet hall, where miniature hot pies were served....
Colonel T. A. J. Playfair, the president of the club, and Mrs. Playfair had a busy time receiving the large number of guests Mrs. Playfair's Highland tweed suit in brown tail-ings featured lapels bound with leather, and she added a sporty blown felt hat....FOR WOMEN PARTY IN SPACIOUS RECEPTION ROOMS OF NEW CLUB. (1938, May 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from

Above and Below: 54 aerial views of Sydney golf courses] / Hall & Co., ca. 193-? [Contents] Numbers 21-22. Ellanora [i.e. Elanora] Images No.: a2802022h and a2802021h courtesy State Library of NSW

Elanora - A Beautiful View from Which to Catch the Sea Breeze - Some Early Notes and Pictures - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2015