Mrs. Stelzer came to prominence in what is described as an era of radio ‘aunts’, ‘uncles’ and ‘fairy godmothers’ who formed commercial radio clubs, usually headed by popular station personalities. They were at their height during the Great Depression, when radio was a means not just of escape, but of help and support.
A music teacher, Eunice Minnie Stelzer joined 2GB, where her husband worked, shortly after its formation in 1926. In 1929 she began hosting an afternoon session for women that drew letters from listeners confiding their worries and seeking advice. Stelzer organised local suburban branches to assist her to answer the letters that poured in, and in September 1929 announced her intention to form a club to gather together the branches. Two hundred and fifty women attended the meeting at 2GB’s headquarters in Bligh Street that spawned the 2GB Happiness Club. Its motto was ‘Others First’, its signature verse was ‘Pull Together’. So popular and widespread was this lady that people named their own children after her:
Sets a FashionIN the talkie world Shirley Temple has probably inspired many mothers to christen their children after her, but radio, too can claim to have started a fashion in names. Mrs. Stelzer, of 2GB's Happiness Club, has heard from at least twenty of her listeners that they have christened their children "Eunice" after her. It is a tribute which proves the affection which listeners feel towards her.
New Radio Aunt
WITH Auntie Val's departure for America this month 2GB introduces a new radio aunt to the air-Auntie Dot.
Actually she is Dorothy Wood, 2GB's popular and versatile "keeper of the records"-18,000 of them, Dorothy Wood can play anything from a mouth-organ to a grand organ, but at the present moment she is busy searching for light and happy songs to please the Bluebirds whom Auntie Val is leaving in her care.MRS. CROOKS will Make Radio Debut on 2GB. (
1936, June 27).
The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 47. Retrieved from
PHOTO: MRS. W. J. STELZER, One of the lady announcers of broadcasting station 2GB,Sydney. RADIO: Studio News and Personalities. (1932, January 6).Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 41. Retrieved from
2 0 p m -Women's session Mrs W J Stelzer, housekeeping and shopping arts and crafts STATION 2GB. (1930, October 24). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Issued with membership badges, women chatted about the club on the train and offered their homes to form branches, the first in Campsie. Another 63 branches, each officially opened by Stelzer on 2GB and featuring its own colours, followed across Sydney and beyond. In time branches were formed in Nez Zealand and even Exeter. Afternoon teas, ‘musicales’ and ‘conversaziones’ were held at David Jones and Mark Foys.
Thousands of pounds raised from parties and concerts were donated to hospitals and homes. Members visited the sick and collected clothes for the poor. Mrs Stelzer became the darling of Australia’s radio magazines, particularly when she wrote to Marconi in 1932 to congratulate him on the part he had played in the development of broadcasting. She was one of the personalities featured in Macquarie Network catalogues, as advertisers used the ‘intimate appeal’ of clubs to sell clothes, cosmetics, domestic appliances, furniture and food.
Mrs. Stelzer and her members were unstoppable, throwing themselves into the war effort and announcing plans to establish comfortable holiday homes for aged and needy couples. Stelzer donated land in Newport, on Sydney’s northern beaches. In 1940 the Minister for the Army, Percy Spender, turned the soil at the site known as ‘Eurobodalla’. In 1948 the 2GB Happiness Club had over 20,000 members and was producing its own magazine. But by now the club was, if anything, too big and unwieldy for the station to manage, and in 1949 ‘2GB’ was dropped from its title.
The club continued, having raised £158,858 for charity by 1950. Awarded Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation medal in 1953, Stelzer died in 1962. The Happiness Club, now known as the Eurobodalla Homes Charitable Organisation, remains staffed by volunteers and still bears the motto ‘Others First’. Mrs Stelzer’s daughter, Joyce Moorhouse, who worked at 2GB for fifty years, died in 2005.
At the Gum Blossom Cafe last Tuesday afternoon, a party was given in honour of Miss Molly McSullea, whose marriage will take place shortly. The hostesses were the Friday voluntary workers of the Blinded Soldiers' Cafe, where the guest of honour was also a voluntary helper. A posy of flowers and several pieces of cut glass and china were presented to the bride-elect, and Mrs. McSullea received a shoulder posy. Those present were Mesdames A. Mack, Arthur Rutter, H. Crawford, F. Pollard, I. Cansdell, G. Moore, Misses N. Dunkley, U. Chandler, M.Banford, R. Goodman, Anne Fraser, K. Munsey, M. Madden, Madge Reynolds, Mary Sides, and Eunice Seltzer.
Two hundred and fifty members of the 2GB Happiness Club gathered at David Jones yesterday afternoon, when the first party of the year was held In honour of Mrs. G. Griffith (president of the Campsie branch)and Mrs. E. Evans (president of the Croydon Park branch). The guests of honour were presented with silver club badges-the first to be presented in Australia. In addition, they received other presentations from the members of their branches. The presentations were made by Mrs. W. J. Stelzer (founder of the club). During the afternoon musical items were contributed by Mesdames Jessop, Donaldson, McDonald, Goodall, the Misses Stewart, Evans, and Pickard. This afternoon two hundred members of the Boys' Club, which is conducted in conjunction with the Happiness Club, will visit Mascot Aerodrome, and the two winners of a recent essay competition will be taken for a flight. NEAR AND FAR. (
1932, January 14).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
The story goes back further then what we see today. Eunice Minnie was born at Darlinghurst, Sydney, the only daughter of Alfred Sydney Carpenter, a native-born gentleman, and his wife Phoebe, née Parker. Her two brothers, Unni William Carpenter (born 1895) and Alfred Sydney Carpenter (born 1896) both served in WWI.
Her father's father, her grandfather, Unni William Carpenter, was a gentleman of high ideals, which may have influenced her own upbringing and future projects:
The death is announced of Mr. U. W. Carpenter, J.P, a resident of Sydney of 46 years' standing. The late Mr.Carpenter was born in Gloucestershire, England, in 1822,and after spending his early days in America came out to this colony 1855. He at once took up his residence at Darlinghurst-in which district he remained until the time of his death. By profession Mr. Carpenter was a builder and contractor, chiefly carrying on the plastering work and in many instances the whole of the finishing trades of a building. In this respect he was associated with the erection of the first portion of the Sydney University buildings, the Sydney Town Hall, the Colonial Secretary's Office, the Lands Office, the Exhibition Building(Prince Alfred Park), the Museum, the Masonic Hall, Lincoln's Inn-chambers (subsequently the Mines Department), the Liverpool Asylum, Commercial-chambers, Bond-street, Roberts's Hotel, Market and George streets, and many other public and private buildings in the colony.
Mr. Carpenter was well known in religious and philanthropic movements.
On his arrival in Sydney he became connected with what is now known as the Bourke-street Congregational Church, but at that time there was no such building. Services were then held in the old court house opposite the present court-house at Darlinghurst. The minister was the late Rev. W. Slatyer and Mr. Carpenter was one of the first deacons of that congregation. He was also superintendent of the Sunday school. He then became associated with the Pitt-street Congregational Church, and some 35 years ago was elected deacon of that congregation, which position he held up to the time of his death, being senior deacon. For many years he was superintendent of the old Wentworth-lane Mission Sabbath School, then a branch school of the Pitt-street Church. Subsequently he became a trustee of the Mission-hall in Sussex-street, which is also, connected with the same church. In charitable and philanthropic work the deceased gentleman took a very active interest. He was a regular attendant at the meetings of the Aborigines' Protection Board, and was vice-president of the Benevolent Asylum. For many years he was closely associated with the progress of the Randwick Asylum. He was also a staunch advocate of the temperance cause, and for 34 years was an active member of the No. 1 Dayspring Sons of Temperance Lodge.
For many years the late Mr. Carpenter was prominently connected with the Masonic body, and at one time occupied the position of Grand Junior Warden in the Grand Lodge of New South Wales, prior to the amalgamation of the different constitutions. He was also one of the board of directors of the New Masonic Hall Company, in Castlereagh-street. For some years he was closely connected with Lodge N. 1, Social Mother, U.G.I.N.S.W. He also represented in this colony the Grand Lodge of Michigan, in the United States of America. Mr. Carpenter was one of the oldest members of the Builders and Contractors' Association, and at one time he held the posi-tion of president. He was one of the first to concede to his employees the benefit of the eight-hours system, and also the Saturday afternoon holiday. The deceased gentleman in 1878 was elected an alderman of the city, and for several years represented Cook Ward in the City Council. In politics Mr. Carpenter was a stanch free trader, and on one occasion was a candidate for Parliamentary honours for the Bligh Division. He was defeated, and was shortly afterwards elected returning officer for that division, which position he held up to the time of his death. He was also a Justice of the Peace, and before the appointment of the present stipendiary magistrates he adjudicated, with others, in the police courts of the city. Mr. Carpenter's chief sport was the game of bowls. For years he was an active member of the City Bowling Club, and as a bowler he was no novice. He represented the colony in several intercolonial bowling matches played in Melbourne and Sydney. Yesterday the flags at the City Club were lowered to half-mast in connection with his death. For several, years failing health compelled Mr. Carpenter to refrain from taking a part in the active affairs of life. During the last four years he suffered from chronic bronchitis, which was the immediate cause of his death. After viewing the procession on Commonwealth Day the deceased gentleman returned to his home and was not able to go out again. He died yesterday morning in the presence of his family, which consists of one son, two daughters, 22 grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. Mrs. Carpenter died some three years age. The funeral will take place on Wednesday afternoon. DEATH OF MR. U. W. CARPENTER, J.P. (
1901, February 5).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
CARPENTER-February 4th, 1901, at Lincoln, 53 West street, Darlinghurst, Unni William Carpenter, J.P., aged 79 years. Family Notices. (1901, February 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
CARPENTER - The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. CORKRANE are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved FATHER, Unni William Carpenter; to move from Lincoln, 53 West-street, Darlinghurst, TOMORROW (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at 2.30, for the Waverley Cemetery. CHARLES KINSELA, Funeral Director Tel., 992 116 Osford St.
CARPENTER-The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. WEST are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved FATHER, Unni William Carpenter; tomove from Lincoln, 53 West-street, Darlinghurst, TO- MORROW (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at 2.30, for the Waverley Cemetery. CHARLES KINSELA.
CARPENTER. - The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. ALFRED SYDNEY CARPENTER are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved FATHER, Unni William Carpenter, to move from Lincoln, 53 West-street, Darlinghurst, TO-MORROW (Wednesday) AFTERNOON,at 2.30, for Waverley Cemetery. Charles Kinsela. Family Notices. (
1901, February 5).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
The funeral of the late Mr. Unni W. Carpenter took place yesterday afternoon. The remains were taken from the residence of the deceased, 53 West-street, Darlinghurst, to the Waverley Cemetery. The cortege was a very long one and amongst those present were noticed Sir Arthur Renwick, Messrs. S. T. Whiddon and H. Chapman, Ms. L. A. , Mr DC M'Lachlan (Under Secretary for Minis), Professor Burraclough Dr Norrio, Dr Fox, Inspector J Robinson Captain Moseley and Mr. C W. Carpenter (Boys Brigade), Messrs Milne, Ives, F. Hill-way. J Wilson, C. Brown, C Anderson, J. Falser, W.G. Parish, F. W. H. Pearce, L. P. Iredale, O. West, W. Lane, R. Lee, George Ardill, S. Barton, A. Allen,G. Roberts, W. Sommers, S. Cameron, Simeon Brown, C. Campbell, G. M'Intosh, Benjamin Davis,R. Lyons, C. Drew, P. Corteso, D. Hickoy, W.M'Crae, H. H. Bartlett, J. Hooper, W. Sulway, J. Brogan, G. Walker, P. Allpress, A. J. Wyatt, A. M'Conochie, J. Dowling, A .Jones, J. Townsend, R. Williams, J. Mc Intosh, Robert Simes, J. Everett,J. M. Mahon, T. Riddle, D. O'Brien, T.Stewart, R. Corkrane, A. O. West, A. S. Carpenter, D. Brown, and J. White. Wreathswere sent by the following -Minister, deacons and members of the Pitt-street Congregational Church, the ladies committee of the Boys' Brigade, the boys of the bngade, the council of the Aborigines' Protection Association, the committee of the Sydney night Refuge and Reformatory, the president and members of the Master Builders Association of New South Wales, the president of the BenevolentAsylum,the officers of the Benevolent Asylum, the directors of the Benevolent Asylum. the matron and nursing staff of the Benevolent Aslyum, the president and members of the Sydney Bowling Club, the teachers of the Crown-street Girls' School, the sisters of the Mission Settlement, Mr and Mrs Henry Chapman, Mr. and Mrs B. Davis, Miss Perry, Mr Hosie, Mr and Miss Orr, Mr Brogan, Mr Sulway, Mr and Mrs. Downing, Mr W. G .Parish, Mrs Everett,Mrs Wright, Mr. B. Palmer, Mr and Mrs. Whymark, Mrs J. Lane, Mr D. C. M'Lachlan, Mr. and Mrs Petrie, Mr and Mrs H. H. Bartlett, Mr and Mrs P Cortese, Mrs. Mariott, Miss West, Mr. and Mrs W. H. Brown Mr. and Mrs C. Anderson, Mr S. T. Whiddon, M. L. A. , Mr and Mrs A Martin, Mr and Mrs Hurwood, Mr and Mrs M'Grath and from the servants at Lincoln. A large number of letters and telegrams of condolence were received from various parts of the colonies The service at the grave was conducted by the Rev. E. Tremayne Dunstan. The wreaths were mainly supplied by the following florists -Miss Goodenough, Miss Bermingham, Mrs Jones, Miss Balkin, Searl and Sons ,Jean and Co , Messrs J.Milligan, P. Talarico, Coffil, and Pearce and son. FUNERAL OF THE LATE MR. U. W. CARPENTER. (
1901, February 7).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Educated in the sphere of music Eunice soon brought her talents to benefit others:
Sydney College of MusicThe following are the results of the annual examinations in connection with the Sydney College of Music, held in November last :
PIANOFORTE. Advanced Grade. — Honors: Effie Purser, Laura E. Platten, Florence Taylor. …
Intermediate Grade.— Honors : Emily Jamison, Baby Drewe Bracegirdle, Violet Elizabeth Marshall, Isabel EllenGranffer, Sistina Pedrotta, Elsie Lovejoy, Edith Dora. ,Banclaad, Edith Kate Parkes, Bertha Thompson, ... Pass : May Nosworthy, Jessie Welch, Ada Windeler, Eessie Frost, Kitty Windelsr, Ethel Isabel Chapman, Ida A. Fisher, Eunice Minnie Carpenter. Sydney College of Music. (
1896, December 14).
Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from
Under the conductorship of Miss Ruby H. Guest, the Austral Mandoline and Banjo Orchestral Society gave its first concert in St. James' Hall, Phillip-street, on Wednesday evening. Apart from the study of music, the society was formed to assist in the cause of charity and other deserving objects. The joint secretaries are Messrs. P. W. Allpress and Wm. Downs Johnstone.Thti concerted numbers on the programme were the much-played 'La Serenata,' of Braga, Ksrry Mills' 'Georgia Camp Meeting,' and a Scotch selection, by the orchestra; and a banjo,. mandoline, and harp ensemble, entitled, 'The Das-key's Jubilee,' by Cecil Falkstone. Instrumental selections were contributed by Mrs. A.Ward* Miss Beatrice Melba Hall, Mrs. Hart, Miss Minnie Austin, Miss Muriel Brown, Miss E. Harrison, Mr. Robert Norris, Mr. J. H. Wood,and Mr. Eric Speare. Little Gwennie and Gladys' Walsh, pupils of Miss Minnie Hooper sang and danced very prettily. Songs were rendered by Mr. S. W. Gordon and Miss Mabel Ford, and selections from popularoperas, by Miss Ruby H. Guest, Mr. G. Rivers-Ailpress was heard in Raff's 'Cavatina,' Mr. N.J. Gehde playing the accompaniment. The popular violinist received due recognition. Miss Eunice Carpenter assisted at the piano. The inaugural concert of the society was very successful. AUSTRAL ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY. (1904, December 8).
Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from
In April 1905 Eunice Minnie Carpenter married William Jacob Stelzner:
STELZER-CARPENTER -April 20 at the Congregational Church, Pitt street Sydney, by the Rev N V Hennessy, William J Stelzer, eldest son of P Stelzer, of Sandringham, to Eunice Minnie only daughter of Mr and Mrs Alfred Sydney Carpenter, of Darlinghurst. Family Notices. (1905, May 27). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
A wedding was celebrated at the Pitt-street Congregational Church on Thursday, April 20, when Miss Eunice Minnie Carpenter, A.L.C.M., only daughter of Mr Alfred Carpenter, of Lincoln, West-street, Darlinghurst, was married to Mr W J Stelzer, of Sandringham. The church was decorated by friends of the bride, and the ceremony was performed by Rev N M Hennessey The bride wore ivory white crepe de chine, trimmed with honiton lace and chiffon, and an embroidered veil over a coronet of orange blossoms She carried a shower bouquet, and wore a gold antique cross, set with sapphires, and a pearl pendant, the gifts of the bridegroom. She was attended by two brides-maids, Miss Lucie Woodward (cousin), In pale blue bilk muslin and a blue felt hat, and Miss Hetty Stelzer (sister of the bridegroom), In pale blue, and a white picture hat, both wore gold laurel wreath brooches, set with emeralds, and carried pink bouquets, the gifts of the bridegroom. Mr W. E Jackson acted as groomsman. Later a reception was held at tho ABC rooms Pitt-street where Mr and Mrs Stelzer received the congratulations of their friends numbering about 100. the brides travelling dress was grey check tweed, and emerald green velvet, and hat to match. SOCIAL. (
1905, April 29).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
There was a fashionable assemblage in the Pitt-street Congregational Church on the afternoon of the 20th instant, the occasion being the marriage of Eunice, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carpenter, of 'Lincoln' West-street, Darlinghurst, to Mr. W. J.Stelzer, of Sandringham. The church was decorated with evergreens and flowers by girl friends. The bride was given away by her father, and was attended by two bridesmaids — Miss Lucie Woodward (cousin of the bride) and Miss Hetty Stelzer (sister of the bridegroom). Mr. W. E. Jackson; of 'Redlands' Darlinghurst, was best man. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. N. N. Hennessey. The reception was held in the A.B.C. banquet room, where Mr. and Mrs. Stelzer received the congratulations of about 150 invited guests. The bride was attired in ivory white crepe-de-chine, prettily picked out with Honiton lace and chiffon. Miss Woodward (chief bridesmaid) wore a pale blue silk muslin over glace, with a blue felt picture hat and black feathers. Miss Stelzer was attired in pale blue, relieved with lace, and a white picture hat. SOCIAL ITEMS. (
1905, April 29).
Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 10. Retrieved from
W J Stelzner, on 20th of April 1903, registered a firm H GROUT & COMPANY with partners, Harry James Grout and Jim Merrill. They were Jewellery manufacturers and importers of jewellery at 150-158, The Strand Arcade and various Sydney outlets.
A few years later their first daughter was born:
STELZER -March 14, at Mozart, Connemara Street, Bexley, to Will and Eunice Stelzer- a daughter. Family Notices. (1906, March 31). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from - Mercia
STELZER.-July 13, at Mozart, Connomarra-street, Bexley, to William and Eunice Stelzer-a daughter. Family Notices. (1907, August 3). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from - Eunice Anne Phoebe
STELZER.—October 21, at Rocky Glen, Wollongong-road, Arncliffe, to William and Eunice Stelzer—a daughter. Family Notices. (1911, November 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from Erica J
STELZER.-August 1, at Wiawera, Wetherill-street, Narrabeen, to William and Eunice Stelzer-a daughter (Joyce Mavis.) Family Notices. (1915, August 14). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Lorna Rosalind Stelzer - Born in Rockdale, New South Wales, Australia on 13 Jun 1918
Due to Mrs. Stelzner's lifetime of doing for others interest in her activities, extended to her family, allows us to glimmer these girls on the eve of Mercia's marriage:
A study by Hall of Miss Mercia Stelzer (1), of 'Mozart,' Collaroy, whose marriage to Mr. Douglas Frazer Shepherd, of Lindfield, will take place at St. James' Church on November 11. The following day they will be sailing, per s.s. Otranto, for an extended honeymoon abroad. The bridesmaids will be the Misses Eunice Stelzer (2), Erica Stelzer (3), Sadie Beardmore (4), Evelyn Mellor (5), and Millie Greer (6).— Photos by Mellor Studios. No title. (
1927, November 6).
Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 15. Retrieved from
Shepherd — Stelzer
Spring flowers in all their delightful shades and colors were used, to decorate St. James' Church, Kingstreet, on Friday evening, November 11, in honor of the marriage of Miss Mercia Eunice Stelzer, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stelzer, of 'Mozart,' Collaroy, with Mr. Douglas Frazer Shepherd, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs- J. Shepherd, of Randwick. The Rev. H. H. Perrotel was the officiating clergyman. Entering the church on her father's arm, the bride made a charming picture in her lovely period wedding gown of heavy ivory satin and Belgian silk –Chantilly lace. The long satin train was ornamented with pearls and diamante, and the lovely cut tulle yell, which was held in place by a coronet of orange blossoms, enveloped the whole ensemble. She carried a shower bouquet iu tones of palest pink and white, tied with satin streamers. Five bridesmaids — Misses Eunice Stelzer, Erica Stelzer (sisters of the bride),….
After the ceremony a reception was held at the Cavalier, where Mrs. W. J. Stelzer received her guests, wearing a smart gown of cyclamen mariette trimmed with silver headed fringe and diamente, which she covered with a black silk Chantilly lace coat. She added a silver turban toque, and carried a handsome posy. :When leaving the reception the bride chose a smart frock of mauve crepe de'Chine, and hat to tone. The honeymoon is being spent abroad, Mr. and Mrs Shepherd leaving Sydney yesterday per the Otranto, for an extended tour. The MARRIAGE MIRROR. (
1927, November 13).
Sunday Times(Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 16. Retrieved from
As stated above, her brothers both served in WWI - Mrs. W J Stelzner joined the throng of women who did their utmost here during the 1914 Spanish Influenza epidemic which claimed so many lives before, during and after the Great War:
Circular Quay.-Watson's Bay steamers' jetty: Mrs.A. R. Cronin, £1) 7s 6d. Mosman and Cremorne steamers' jetty: Mrs. P. Leahy, £82 Ila lid. Manly steamers' jetty: Mrs. F. Waterston, £27 19s 1d, Neutral Bay steamers' jetty: Mrs. Struck and Miss Christie, £17 3s 2d. Milson's Point steamers' jetty: Mrs.E J Carver, £51 15s 1d. Parramatta River steamers' jetty: Miss A. E. Brighton. £22 6s 2d. Fire Brigade Station, George -street North.-Nurse Page, £17 8s 8d. Grosvenor-Square.-Grosvenor Hotel: Mrs M, Newton, £27 6s 2d. George and Bridge streets, north-east corner.-Mrs.S. W. Mackay, £7 4s lid. Customs-house, Alfred-street.-Mrs. A. J. Gray, £11 8s. Royal Exchange corner.-Miss Creal (Matron Sydney Hospital), £120 6s lOd. Hotel Metropole.-Mrs. John Kain, £40 4s 7d. George and Bridge streets, south-east corner.-Mrs. 0. Dclohcry. £40 Os 3d. Pitt and Hunter streets, "S. M. Herald" corner.Misses Ridge and Marr, £17 Os 4d. Bent and Macquarie streets, Australian Club corner. -Mrs. W. Mortimer, £20 5s 2d. Queen's Square.-Mrs. C. T. Hall, £38 7s 4d. Pitt and Moore streets, north-east corner.-Mrs.M. Dcery, £165 Os Id. Pitt and Hunter streets, south-west corner.-MissG. Cunningham, £22 10s Id. George-street.-Cale Français: Mrs. K. leard, £23 5s 4d. York and Jamieson streets.-Mrs. E, M. Boule, £32 7s 3d. Balmain Ferry Wharf.-Miss Darlington, -£10 Os lOd. Clarence-street.-Grand Central Hotel: Miss M. Dorman, £41 4s Od George-street.-Bank of New South Wales: Mrs. A.Norman, £10 18s 8d Martin-place, Challis House: Mrs. C. D. Paterson, £17 10s Id. George-street.-David Jones and Co.: Miss Morris(Matron United Dental Hospital), £12 Os 4d. George-Street and Martin-place, G.P.O. : Mrs. M, Ireland (Matron Children's Court). £20 18s. George-street and King-street.-Waters' comer; Miss M. Ncwill (Jfatron R.P.A. Hospital), £80 3s led.. Pitt and Rowe streets.-Mrs. W. J. Stelzer, £34 11s 10d Help The Afflicted – Photograph: TAKING TOLL. HOSPITAL SATURDAY COLLECTION. (1914, May 4).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from and OUTDOOR COLLECTION. (1914, May 4). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Eunice continued performing in many charity concerts during World War I, and was thanked by the Belgian consul for her contributions to the Belgian Relief Fund. Her association with the Theosophical Society founded radio-station 2GB may have begun in North Narrabeen, in association with the Schultz family - See previous '
Billabong' and 'Ocean House', Ocean Street, North Narrabeen:
Mr Schultz was a supporter and member of the North Narrabeen Surf Life Saving club:
NEAR AND FAR." At Narrabeen last Saturday, at a concert In the grounds of Mr. Charles Schultz's, week-end home, 500 people were afforded an opportunity of hearing music "culled from the air." It had been transmitted from Mr. Basil Booths wireless station at Clifton Gardens, and received on Mr. Leonard Schutlz's four-valve receiving apparatus. The concert bad been arranged by the Narrabeen Surf and Life Saving Club to augment its funds, and as a result of the efforts about … was added to their funds. The Black Cat Concert Company contributed the second half of the programme, the artists being Norman Honce, 15. Cope, P.AA'alsh, L. Bancroft, M, Bancroft, G. Hynard, J. and A. Roebuck. NEAR AND FAR. (1923, April 3). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
Leonard (1906-1980) was a pioneer among radio in Australia, went on to be senior vice-president of the Radio Engineers association and chief engineer at 2GB. They were all certainly in the same place at the same time where Mr. Seltzer enjoyed angling, with regular successes:
AMONG THE SNAPPER AND SAMSON FISH.'I have done pretty well among the snapper lately,' writes W. J. Stelzer, of Narrabeen. 'Every Sunday for six weeks I have caught one good redfish as well as others. The fish weighed 14lb, 101b, two of 8lb, 6 ½ lb and 6lb. All were taken on fine tackle without sinker, but with live Narrabeen prawns. The know-alls, who use lead, have been puzzled.'
Mr. Stelzer last Sunday landed eight Samson fish, six of them being 1ft 8in long, each. He rightly regards them as fine fighters, which is not surprising, as they are related to the kingfish. He noticed the fish were after a red bream he was landing, and after trying different stunts to induce them to take a baited hook, he struck a winning method. About three inches above a single hook he Jammed a small bullet, and allowed the bait to run to the bottom. Then he pulled it up quickly for about six feet, and lowered it slowly, repeating the operation till something happened. Samson fish, being inquisitive, take notice of such proceedings, and the eight that took the bait are proof of the fact. As the Samson fish attains a length of three feet, Mr. Stelzer may be assured that it he has a 124 Bilktwirt 800 yards' long, and everything goes favorably, he may land one of that length in four hours. The ...has larger even, a blunter head and a wider mouth than the kingfish, and its jaws shut together with the strength of a steel trap. ROD AND LINE. (
1923, January 28). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 9. Retrieved from
SPORT WITH PRAWNS. Mr. W. J. Stelzer, of Collaroy, writes that prawns are showing freely in Deewhy and for those who like a novel and profitable kind of marine sport. 'Prawns,' he says, 'are about the quickest-moving crustaceans of which we have exeprience, and yet they are easily caught. The essentials are first, a quarter inch mesh landing net on a handle about three feet long. The circular net is not so effective for working the sandy places as one about two feet wide, with a straight, fiat edge. A round net is only good for swimming prawns. The one preferred is good for both the swimming crustaceans, and those that burrow into the sand. Swimming prawns are only available in quantity, three or four days in the year when breeding, according to my observation. The next essential is a good acetylene or petrol lamp. No other lights will penetrate the …
knee deep and look for prawns, the majority of which will be lying on the bottom confused by the light. Some will swim on the surface towards it, and are easy to catch. The only points to remember are that prawns must be caught head on quite calmly and smoothly so as not to touch the 6 to 14 inches of feelers that trail behind them. 'When a prawn is swimming these soft, trailing alarms are necessarily trailed backwards. Directly the trailers are touched it seems to be automatic for the prawns to jump, and then it is 'goodbye,' because human eyesight is not quick enough to follow the subsequent manoeuvres. Lift the net when the prawn is in the centre of it, and shako it down into the pocket of the net, where it will 'stay put.' The net should have a 'depth of about 30 to 36 inches, with a pocket about 6 inches in 'diameter at the bottom. My net can carry about three pounds of prawns in the pocket without fear of any coming to its mouth again.' I want mostly to tell how to catch the chap that lies so tantalisingly on the bottom sand. You see it lying on the sand, or swimming. If swimming, keep the light on him till he settles. Now quietly put your net upright along his body from the side about a foot, not more, away. Bo sure your net is on the sand. Then stand on one leg and bring the other up to the net and try to kick him. He will jump away sideways from your foot and enter the net, which you quickly lift.' ...It may be added that many children clad in bathing costumes catch prawns over sandy bottoms with their hands. I have also done it frequently. Watch the prawn settle. It will work down into the sand, covering it tail first and eyes last. The feelers (antennae)are never covered. They lie on the surface behind the crustacean, just as Mr. Stelzer describes. When the eyes disappear, put the hand over the head from the front and grab a handful of sand. The prawn will be init. Rinse the sand away and bag the catch. It is great fun. Don't bother about little prawns. The large ones are easier to catch. ROD AND LINE. (
1924, December 14).
Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 21. Retrieved from
What began as a 'just one week' foray into the world of radio quickly became a career for the mother of five and afforded Eunice an opportunity to do what her nature led her to - honour and serve others. Her husband also worked a 2GB for many years:
2GB — 5.30 : Children's session, announcements, news, market reports, music, violin solos (Leonard Brewer), songs (W. J. Stelzer), pianoforte solos (Dorothy Spark), songs (Mr. Brown),songs (Maesmore Morris).Of Note in same article, as this was definite ‘Radio Days’ – was a very early article and photo on:
BAIRD'S NOCTOVISION TRANSMITTER. In television the subject sits with a brilliant light on his face. In noctovision the apparatus and the subject are in total darkness, and the transmission through space is accomplished with the infra-red rays. In the photograph Sir Oliver Lodge is sitting before the transmitter, Baird standing beside it, during a demonstration before members of the British Association. Sydney Broadcasting Programmes. (
1928, January 4).
Sydney Mail(NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 33. Retrieved from
MANY are the wonders of wireless, that can annihilate distance and unite the antipodes; yet the simpler comforts which it provides may be likewise of inestimable value. The woman in the home may be ignorant of the international worth of wireless, but this does not hinder her from appreciating the benefits she herself derives from it. Radio talks for women must have exercised an incalculable influence for good since they were first instituted, for they have brought to the domestic woman's own hearth knowledge and interests which would never have reached her otherwise. To what extent many Sydney women have appreciated this was demonstrated last week, when nearly 500 assembled at an 'at home' in Mark Foy's theatre on the fourth anniversary of the inauguration by Mrs. Dorothy Jordan of wireless talks for women. The party was arranged by Mrs. W. J. Stelzer, of Station 2GB, and the presentation of some crystal ware was made to the guest of honour by Mrs. Albert Littlejohn. Various women's organisation were represented, among the officials being Mrs. Osborne Wilson, Mrs. A. V. Roberts, Mrs. A. E. Bennett, Miss May Mitchell, Miss Allan, Miss Hurst, and Miss Frost. Women's World. (
1930, July 30).
Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 20. Retrieved from
Sydney Woman's Movement that has become World - wide !
This month Mrs. Stelzer's 2GB Happiness Club celebrates its sixth anniversary with over 11,000 members. Ten years ago, a club for suburban women, with husbands to look after and children to rear, was unthought of, but in less than six years of its founding by an Australian woman such a movement is promising to become world-wide.
WHEN Mrs. W. J. Stelzer first commenced broadcasting in the 2GB women's morning session she found that 50 percent of the letters she received were from women suffering from "nerves" of some sort. She learned, also, that this was not the result of overwork, which most of them complained of, but was due to lack of outside interests and social intercourse. They spent too much of their time within the same four walls, seeing the same old things, and thinking the same old thoughts, until their troubles became obsessions. So Mrs. Stelzer, whose belief in happiness is almost a religion, decided to see what radio could do for them. She called a meeting which 250 women listeners attended, and the 2GB Happiness Club was formed.
"These women," says Mrs. Stelzer, "could not realise they were in a groove, that great work outside their homes was waiting for them to do. Women, especially Australian women, do not know their own cleverness."
The motto chosen for the new club was "Others First," and this finds practical application in a good deed each day, a helping hand where needed, and a general attitude of goodwill throughout the day's activities. Social gatherings and charitable work are the big features of the club's work. Today, with 11,000 members, the club has 50 branches in the suburbs of Sydney, one each at Wollongong, Woy Woy, Woonona, and Gosford, and 12 branches in Newcastle.
Money for Charity
Already the Adelaide branch has 2000 members, and a sister club has been founded in Exeter, England, with Lord Malmhead as vice-president, while the B.B.C. has given the club its official blessing.
As for Mrs. Stelzer herself, she is a home-loving little woman of tremendous energy. She works on the principle that however much work she has to do she can always find time for more.
The things she accomplishes in a day are amazing. Already, through the 2GB Charities Board, the club has donated £1245 to charitable institutions such as the Far West Scheme, the Smith Family, the Benevolent Society, and the Food for Babies Fund. It is endowing beds in perpetuity in the Far West Home and Sydney Hospital. Urgently required equipment has been presented to numerous hospitals. The Newcastle branches have donated over £300 to the local hospitals.
The branches, individually, have done wonderful work in assisting local distressed cases. Each branch has a visiting secretary whose duty it is to visit homes and hospitals and report cases of distress. Arising out of this work, the club has constantly attended an old, married couple, supplying them with coal, warm blankets, food, and clothing over the past two years.
So the work goes on. Recently the Manly branch decided that it was time a district of 36,000 people should have a maternity home. The branch set to work to inaugurate a £5000 fund, and already the money raised can be assessed in hundreds. A feature of the appeal is the Manly Mothers' Book, which everyone making a donation is asked to sign as a tribute to his or her own mother. "Others First" is a big ideal for any club to live up to, but Mrs. Stelzer, by her constant example, has infused her own enthusiasm into the members, and there is probably no woman so loved and honored by so many women as Mrs.W. J. Stelzer, the president-foundress of the 2GB Happiness Club. MRS. STELZER, the Queen of Happiness. HAPPINESS CLUB that is Helping OTHERS FIRST. (
1935, November 2).
The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 26. Retrieved from
Organised for the average suburban woman, the 2GB Happiness Club now has 17,000 members, and has distributed more than £30,000 to charity. The growth and influence of the Club is one of the romances of radio.
SOME years ago Mrs. W. J. Stelzer, who was in charge of a women's radio session at 2GB, decided to form a small club of women listeners. Members entertain old-age pensioners and visit people who are lonely and ill in hospitals and homes, taking with them small gifts that are always a welcome reminder that the patients are not forgotten. For the coming Christmas, each of the fifty branches of the club is collecting groceries and toys, to be made into bundles for distribution in various districts. Each branch also will have a children's Christmas tree and party.
Immediately Mrs. Stelzer heard of the fire which destroyed Private Walteshule's home at Terry Hills last week and left the soldier's family homeless and penniless, she requested the Chatswood branch to investigate the case. Within an hour, a member visited the family. She made a report to the branch which organised a dance, the proceeds of which were to help the homeless family.
ONE unusual activity among club members is the effort to obtain an invalid chair and crutches for every branch. These are lent to people who cannot afford to buy them, when they are convalescing from an illness or accident. Many people who have lost a limb have been helped by the Happiness Club, which has provided them with artificial limbs.
The aim of the club is to prove the old saying: "It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can do only a little."
In the last financial year, the balance sheet showed that £5711 had been sent to charities during the year. In the St. George District Hos-pital, seven beds are maintained by the local branch. £400 has been contributed towards the building of a maternity division at the Manly District Hospital. Other hospitals have been provided with clocks and equipment. Nurses' quarters have been furnished and waiting rooms redecorated.
Gifted with imagination, rare organising ability and unending energy, Mrs. Stelzer commands the unquestioning loyalty of tile enormous club membership. She recently won the Table Setting Contest for the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, when in three penny votes she received £156 for tnt funds. For the Lord Mayor's Patriotic Appeal Day, Happiness Club members arranged six stalls in Martin Place, and provided hundreds of collectors in the city and suburbs. Mrs. Stelzer's ambition is to make the club a nation-wide movement, so that the average women of every city and town in Australia may have the opportunity to meet together in the work of helping others.
Above: MRS. SABIN, president of the Manly branch of the Happiness Club, investigating a case at Manly, where the branch is supplying timber to rebuild this shack. THIS CLUB BRINGS REAL HAPPINESS... (
1939, December 9).
The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 50. Retrieved from
It was during this period of obvious popularity that the notion for a holiday place for older people arose:
Happiness Club's Splendid Plan
As a 150th Anniversary Celebrations gesture the 2GB Happiness Club is to tackle the problem of the alleviation of unhappiness in old age. Mrs. W. J. Stelzer says that no better tribute to the pioneers could be paid than by seeing that the old people of today were cared for. FOR this reason the club has inaugurated, at the suggestion of one of its members, a building fund, the purpose of which will be to build a holiday home for old folks.
"This home will either be by the seaside or in the country," says Mrs. Stelzer, "but in easy reach of the city, and old couples will be able to spend a few weeks there under the kind care of sympathetic people.
"Later we may even be able to extend our activities, and provide a home where old couples can spend their twilight days together under expert medical care.
"The younger people are apt to think that old people don't need holidays, or if they do that there are homes which provide for them," said Mrs. Stelzer.
"Even sadder still." continues Mrs. Stelzer, in illustration of her point, "is the case of an old lady who came to me for assistance. Her husband had been taken ill and had been sent to a home.
"She could not join him there, yet was badly in need of a rest and holiday, which I helped her arrange. When she returned it was to find that her husband had passed away in her absence.
"So you see," says Mrs. Stelzer, "it is a definite problem which we are tackling. But that is only the beginning of the problem. Once we have built a home where old folks can holiday we have still to face the problem of old folks separated by circumstances, who are in need of medical care.
"Here again there are no homes or hospitals for couples.
"I know that I am looking far ahead, but once we have established the holiday home, we hope to provide a home of this nature as well. At first it would perhaps be just for a few couples, but, once begun, I am sure that the people of Australia would see that this is a national task."
Already the 2GB Happiness Club has a nucleus for its Building Fund, and once that amount begins to grow, Mrs. Stelzer hopes to take the first steps in procuring the land for the home she is planning. In order to raise funds the club will hold a fete and musicale at the lower hall of the Sydney Town Hall on Friday. March 18. One of the big features of this all-day fete will be a parade of youthful beauty, from whom three judges will choose the perfect specimen of youth and beauty. This, however, does not complete the 2GB Happiness Club's programme for the 150th Anniversary year. The club will continue to work towards establishing a maternity annexe at Manly, and the Individual Clubs will assist local charities as they have done in the past as well as such charities as he central executive
decides upon. Photo: MRS. W. J. STELZER, president of the 2GB Happiness Club. HOLIDAY Home FOR Old FOLKS. (
1938, February 5).
The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 47. Retrieved from
And where may the name for the what we now know as Eurobadalla have been inspired?;
MRS. STELZER IS BACK AGAIN. Having spent her holiday on a motoring tour of Coastal New South Wales with her husband, Mrs. W. J. Stelzer has returned to take control of 2GB Happiness Club activities once again. During the trip, which covered 1500 miles. Mr. and Mrs. Stelzer visited a number of remote spots on the coast and really had a most enjoyable time. Now, Mrs. Stelzer will be devoting much of her time to activities connected with war comforts and benefits for soldiers. MRS. STELZER IS BACK AGAIN. (
1940, January 17).
The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 8. Retrieved from
It is good to remmeber that by 1940 Eunice was 60 years of age and kept working. Although the picture in the article dayted 1938 above was one the same one used for a decade, the picture at right here is from a 1940 article.
By the end of this same year the plans inspired to alleviate the distress of older people began to manifest physical fruit:
Happiness club to open home for aged couples - Radio group's fine social service
The first step towards holiday homes for aged couples will be taken on Saturday, October 19, when the 2GB Happiness Club will officially open a site at Newport. Mrs. W. J. Stelzer, president-founder of the club, which has 18,000 members, has worked for the organisation of the homes.
THROUGH the help of radio listeners and club members a block of 2 ½ acres was bought at Newport, and it has been called Eurobodalla, a native word meaning "Land Between Two Waters."
"The idea for such a holiday home arose from our work among the older people," Mrs. Stelzer explained. "We discovered that there were no places where old couples, frequently confined to separate homes, could spend a couple of weeks together. Such a holiday we believe would not only bring joy to their twilight years, but even new health and vigor.
"War work has, of course, taken precedence over everything, otherwise we might be further advanced with our scheme.
"Nevertheless, we feel that with the land purchased, fenced, and a recreation hall built we can now move on with renewed confidence to our objective, though its completion must wait until peace comes again.
"In the meantime, the club branches will be able to picnic and hold meetings and serve afternoon tea to passers-by in the week-ends, thus adding to the funds without interfering with our war effort."
Even those who know Mrs. Stelzer best are amazed by the amount of work she, as president of the Happiness Club, is able to accomplish. Hundreds of Individual calls for help are answered by her in person. All the activities of the 50 branches have to be supervised, and there are few charities that have not received her co-operation and assistance. Since the war began the club has knitted 3000 pairs of socks, and has Provided 3000 armbands for the military. Each big day held in Sydney has found members of the Happiness Club conducting stalls and chocolate wheels and selling badges.
War effort
IN the Lord Mayor's Patriotic Day the club was responsible for raising £1000, and the individual branches through their own efforts added considerably to that sum. At present Mrs. Stelzer is taking part in the annual table-setting contest arranged to assist the funds of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Each day members are on duty collecting votes. Recently an appeal from Father Dunlea's Boys' Town brought the 2GB Happiness Club into action on its behalf.
The boys were given a day's picnic and the larder and linen chest were restocked. The Red Cross. Lady Gowrie's War Appeal, and the V.W.CA, are other movements the club has assisted during the year. Happiness club to open home for aged couples. (
1940, October 19).
The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 34. Retrieved from
Although the above article states a date for the official opening, and conflicts with at least two sources on who provided the land for the establishment of Eurobodalla - a quick glance at photographs of Newport during the years of World War II establishes defence
anti-tank trenches dug at the top of Newport hill and all materials (building) and of any other kind being directed towards supporting the war effort.
This did not stop the Happiness Club ladies from continuing their efforts on behalf of this project, it simply delayed final construction of the cottages until after post-war scarcity had abated. There is also traceable evidence that Mr. and Mrs. Stelzer's large family were amply provided for, as well as :