September 6 - 12, 2015: Issue 230
Father's Day 2015: A Short Insight Into Dad's Day Being Established in Australia

Red roses (Rosa x cultivar),opening buds, in a garden, France. SLPC Photo.
Fathers Day – Origins and Establishment in Australia
Last Sunday the usual ‘E.T. phone home’ telephone call was made – home being wherever my parents are, and they were out, at a Spring Fair, so the mobile was where they could be reached…
“Hi Dad – it’s Me.”
“Yes, Hello Me.” Laughs…
Laughs as 'Me' is one of several children who has bellowed since knee high whenever a parental call rings through the house – “which child is that?” – “it’s me!”… “Me who?” – “ME!!!!!”
Luckily voices mature and the difference between individual intonations can be discerned.
Back to the Spring Fair…
“Can you hear it? It’s lovely here, heaps of people – hold on, I’ll put your mother on…”
“Wait a moment Dad – what do you want for Father’s Day?”
“Would that be the purple nothing or do you want the green nothing this year dad?”
“The purple nothing.”
“Fine. Heaps of the Purple nothing for you it is.”
He always gets a cheeky card and a lottery ticket (plus other goodies) - and sorry Dad if you’re up at your usual just past dawn, checking the Issue for typos and seeing you’re getting the same old purple/green nothing again -
He always gets a lottery ticket because 1. He won the lottery in getting ‘me’ or, in obverse, children are a lottery and you never know what you’re going to get! And 2. He may win the lottery and gain back some of the squillions that started with the Women’s Hospital fees at birth and are added to today with the champagne he’ll insist on providing for lunch as well as that meal itself.
All this hunting around for purple nothings makes you think about Father’s Day itself though; When and where did Father’s Day spring from and when did we here in Australia begin giving over a day to mark the pater familias? Australian men are known for being men’s men and for just ‘getting on with it’ and although mateship abounds and children now frequently run and jump all over dad or wrestle with their first ever best mate, being a father was once held to be a position of authority where one held oneself slightly aloof from such cuddling and coddling so youngsters could attain a bit of backbone through example. In rural settings children helped, in suburban settings dad was gone before they rose and they were in bed before he came home.
Begun in America in 1908, months after Mothers Day, Father’s Day being celebrated as a tribute to year round dedication and love and sacrifice, took longer to be established than Mother’s Day in Australia.
We already had a “Mothering Day’ that went back a few centuries, lapsed, and then was easily revived in this newest form quite quickly:
The effort which is being made to introduce the observance of the second Sunday in May as mothers' day—a custom widely recognised in the United States—met with some success yesterday.
The wearing of a white flower, which was suggested as an appropriate symbol of truth and purity, though not greatly in evidence, was noticeable here and there; but the chief feature which seemed to direct attention to the idea was the pulpit references. In city and suburban churches preachers spoke of the reverence due to mothers, and in some instances brief addresses were given to the young people to emphasize what the world owed to the influence of good and virtuous maternal parents. MOTHERS DAY. (1909, May 10). The Register(Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), p. 7. Retrieved from
Mothers' Day
Mothers' Day was originated by Miss Anna Jarvis, of Philadelphia, who, while laying a wreath of flowers on her mother's grave, conceived the idea 'that it would be better to wear a white flower in honour of a living mother than to wait and pay tribute at her grave later on. It was in 1908, the third anniversary of her mother's death, that she decorated the pulpit and platform of her church and handed every person a white flower as they entered. In three years the idea had grown all over the Eastern States of U.S.A. The movement grew, and in May 1913 the Congress of the United States declared in favour of Mothers' Day becoming a national day. Since then the commemoration of Mothers' Day on the second Sunday in May has spread throughout the civilised world. The thousands' of white flannel flower emblems' to be worn throughout the State on Mothers' Day this year will represent practical help , to re-open wards and aid the thousands of mothers and babies cared for at the Benevolent Society's Royal Hospital for Women, Renwick Babies Hospital, 'Scarba' Home, 'Rest-awhile' and : Food Relief Department. The Government has granted the Society sole rights for the emblems, and all sellers are honorary helpers.Mothers' Day. (1948, May 6). The North Western Courier(Narrabri, NSW : 1913 - 1955), p. 4. Retrieved from
Every other man I encountered in the streets of New York to-day (Sunday, May 9), wore the white carnation in his buttonhole in honour of "Mothers' Day." Almost every woman carried a huge carnation bouquet. The adornment was not confined to the young. Elderly mothers and fathers in the Fifth-avenue church parade were decked out with white blooms in memory of their own mothers. In the florists' shops the only demand was for white carnations. Sermons in the churches were mostly about mother- hood.
Telegraphic reports from other States tell of similar enthusiasm. In Chicago a congress and exposition of mother-hood are projected later in the week at which medals will be offered to mothers of large families and mothers whose families by their subsequent careers have demonstrated the worth of their upbringing.
The whole nation, in fact, is on a wave of revolt against the new ideas of progressive womankind, and is bent on acclaiming motherhood and motherliness. The keynote of the sentiment which inspires the day is sounded in this editorial utterance : — "It is not mawkish, effusive sentimentality which has created this commemoration of one of the fundamental facts of human existence. It is affection deep as life itself. The silent display of that single flower today is all that is needed for outward observance. The rest lies deep in man's own heart, along with all that his home means to him, and that he does not talk about."
Yet the celebration is not unanimous.
A few ultra-progressive American women openly scoff at the display. MOTHERS DAY. (1909, July 5). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
SYDNEY, Monday.— Mothers' Day was observed in Sydney yesterday by a large section of the community. MOTHERS' DAY. (1915, May 11). The Richmond River Express and Casino Kyogle Advertiser (NSW : 1904 - 1929), p. 5. Retrieved from
Although this simple expression (shown below) did appear in Australian newspapers soon after it had been inaugurated in the US of A, there were many discussions and calls for such a tribute, and a shifting of when and how, before the first weekend of official Spring became our annual celebrating of Father’s Day.
Let us wear a white carnation
For the dear old mother's sake;
She's the best of God's creation,
And as good as He can make;
But the fathers, plain and prosy,
Should be recognised some way.
For their lives are not so rosy,
But, like dogs, they need their day.
Not the sly dads or the fly dads,
Who when rocky grows the road,
Duties flouting,' take an outing,
And let mother bear the load;
They deserve no compensation
But a cowhide or a goad.
Let us give some recognition
To the dads who, year by yea^.
Keep their posts with grim decision,
Loss of job their greatest fear.
They are working uncomplaining
In the mill and market-place,
Just a modest living gaining,
As they keep their steady pace.
Not the club dads or the dub dads.
But the dads who, day by day,
Keep on working, never shirking,
And at night take home their pay.
They deserve some recognition.
Not one day, but every day.
—A. F. Dyer in the New York Times.
FATHERS' DAY. (1909, June 26). The World's News (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 1955), p. 20. Retrieved from
And just one insight into why it took so long to be established points out in dour and disdainful terms:
The first Sunday in June of each year is to be called in the United States Father's day. But is it really necessary to proclaim in so formal a fashion father's decline from his former high estate” asks the New York Post. ''Until our own era his supremacy was taken as a matter of course. There was no Fathers' Day fin Greece or Rome. The head of a household needed no rose in his buttonhole to tell him that he was what he was. Grant that his abuse of power justified the abdication which in our time has been forced upon him, is it generous to compel him to label himself one day in every year? Why should he be dragged from that obscurity which was once the shelter of his wife and daughter into the fierce light that now beats upon them? It may very well be true that he needs encouragement. But surely his spirit is not yet so broken as to make him welcome attentions more suited to the hospital than the counting room. Besides, the wearing of a rose is now superfluous. The income tax law will provide all the identification that the ordinary father will require.” "FATHERS' DAY.". (1913, December 4). Darling Downs Gazette(Qld. : 1881 - 1922), p. 5. Retrieved from
Debates about why persisted. This was republished in a few papers, and although it presents what may seem to us some laughable notions, there is also an indication of a shift in thinking and behaviour and perhaps a reflection of other articles which questioned the good parenting that was not going on in some quarters and Prohibition in Australia, which, Australians being Australians, caused many to take up much more drinking in a country that had literally had a pub on every corner almost from its founding, and give credence and more work for the Temperance Movement:
Present Day Fathers.
Is it because fathers of the present day are clean shaven and do not wear frock coats that they have less control over their children than the fathers of thirty or more years ago is the question prompted by a contribution to the Birmingham Post.
The fashions 'of that time made for a show of gravity, wisdom, ripeness, responsibility, says the writer. Hirsute countenances made a show of strength where often there was nothing strong except the growth of hair. Then consider the clothing of our fathers — what squareness, what weight, what respectable grandeur. There is a fashion in fathers as well as in the clothes they wear, and for better or worse the parental attitude has changed. Freedom of intercourse' may help to' work wonders with our children, but at a price. In unbending to meet the mind of the child, in our fellowship with its childish whims and sports, we may have to suffer many shocks and 'jolts to our paternal dignity. We were brought up to respect and honour our father, but it was easy for us to do. The question is; are we justified in looking for respect and honour from our off-spring? We can be highly respected citizens at a trifling cost and we can have our share of honour from outside the family circle without in the slightest degree raising our own inward estimate of ourselves. But have we earned what we mean by respect and honour from the young, the innocent, the dependent, the helpless? Are we such big, wise, real adults, such great men as our fathers seemed to be, aye, and were, to all intents and purposes, in the eyes of youth? The answer is in the negative. Present Day Fathers. (1927, May 12). Wellington Times (NSW : 1899 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
Present Day Fathers.
Is it because fathers of the present day are clean shaven and do not wear frock coats that they have less control over their children than the fathers of thirty or more years ago is the question prompted by a contribution to the Birmingham Post.
The fashions 'of that time made for a show of gravity, wisdom, ripeness, responsibility, says the writer. Hirsute countenances made a show of strength where often there was nothing strong except the growth of hair. Then consider the clothing of our fathers — what squareness, what weight, what respectable grandeur. There is a fashion in fathers as well as in the clothes they wear, and for better or worse the parental attitude has changed. Freedom of intercourse' may help to' work wonders with our children, but at a price. In unbending to meet the mind of the child, in our fellowship with its childish whims and sports, we may have to suffer many shocks and 'jolts to our paternal dignity. We were brought up to respect and honour our father, but it was easy for us to do. The question is; are we justified in looking for respect and honour from our off-spring? We can be highly respected citizens at a trifling cost and we can have our share of honour from outside the family circle without in the slightest degree raising our own inward estimate of ourselves. But have we earned what we mean by respect and honour from the young, the innocent, the dependent, the helpless? Are we such big, wise, real adults, such great men as our fathers seemed to be, aye, and were, to all intents and purposes, in the eyes of youth? The answer is in the negative. Present Day Fathers. (1927, May 12). Wellington Times (NSW : 1899 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
During the mid 1920’s periodicals called for letters on people’s thoughts on establishing a Father’s Day observation in Australia, some offering inducements of 10 shillings for first prize and 5 for second for such. Others preceded this invitation with whole hearted support with South Australia (where seat belts were first established) and Tasmanian(where daylight saving first commenced in Australia) and Victoria (where we first established an Australian ‘Federated’ Parliament) leading the way and the first observances springing from the various churches:
From H. M. SKEWES:— I wish to express my warm appreciation of 'Aldyth's' plea for a Fathers' Day. As the daughter of one whose self-sacrificing devotion to duty and the good of others was as strong and --unfailing as that of any one else. I fully share in die sentiments regarding the place of honour to which the father is entitled, -not only as the patient, uncomplaining toiler, and the bearer of the burdens of others, as well as his own, just because it is the place assigned 'to him by his Maker, and from this place he 'is too often thrust, and is far from being held in 'the esteem he should be. In the ideal home the father ought to be the honoured head, while the mother— 'The heart of the home is she,' and equally to be honoured. "FATHERS' DAY.". (1920, June 8). The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), p. 8. Retrieved from
From "A MOTHER," — I was pleased to see "Daughter's" question, "What has dear old dad done, anyway." Dad for the most part has been the stronghold of the family, spending many years of toil and business anxiety for its maintenance and comfort. "Mothers' Day is a splendid institution, but we would be even more pleased and proud to observe a "Fathers’ and Mothers Day" combined, characterized by wearing white for mother and red for father. Such a delightful day would help to fulfil the command, "Honour thy father and thy mother." WHY NOT FATHERS' DAY. (1920, May 15). The Register(Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), p. 11. Retrieved from
From "FATHER":—A correspondent advocates the setting apart of a day to be called "Fathers' Day." I hope the idea will not be adopted. If we desired it, we could not share the sacred halo that surrounds the mother in the home, and I am sure we do not wish to share it in public. I hope that Mothers Day will become a fixed institution in the life of every nation, but let as not overdo it by attempting to share the love, honor, and reverence to which every mother is entitled and thereby probably detract from its importance. VIEWS AND COMMENTS. (1922, May 17). The Advertiser(Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), p. 11. Retrieved from
In addition to Mothers' Day, Fathers' Day, as an institution, has taken firm hold in various portions of the United States of America. Both of these institutions have drawn attention to the value of family life, and have deepened respect for mothers and fathers. Fathers' Day will be celebrated in the Brompton Methodist Church tomorrow. FATHERS' DAY. (1922, June 17). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), p. 12. Retrieved from
From "A SELLER":— Might a miserable, dishonourable hussy of a woman make a suggestion regarding "Fathers' Day?" The downtrodden fathers should select the modest daisy as their emblem — most men are "daisies," you know, and it would be appropriate. An appropriate "hymn" would be: —
What would you give for our father,
You who are wanting to buy?
We wouldn't want millions of sovereigns
Piled up as high as the sky.
All ladies are fond of a bargain,
And should jump at this chance with vim.
If he is put on the market,
What will you give for him?
WHY NOT "FATHERS' DAY". (1923, May 18). The Register(Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), p. 7. Retrieved from
These two seem to indicate the beginnings of what would become International Men’s Day and may indicate why November in some states was first chosen as the day to celebrate Father's Day in post WWI Australia and incorporating the 11/11th or Remembrance Day:
The finale to a week of Jubilation was provided at the City Park yesterday afternoon in the way of a demonstration organised by the recently-formed Soldiers' Fathers and Mothers Association Designated Fathers' and Mothers' Day, it was only fitting that the parents of heroes should have their opportunity to publicly demonstrate. They chose to call the people together to listen to patriotic music and to sing the old hymns of praise to the Almighty. It was a happy Idea, for the boys will declare that the hardest part of the past four years' business has been for their parents at home. Many a father and mother on Monday night offered up a silent prayer at the end of it all. An ideal afternoon induced another large gathering to assemble around the flag and flower bedecked band rotunda. About an hour and a half the crowd spent very pleasantly, and few put in an appearance without a white flower in the lapelle of their coat to signify their love and honour for the parents of brave men who have achieved glorious things. The Railway Band occupied the rotunda, and were responsible for splendid music. Opening with the National Anthem, "All People that on Earth do Dwell," Kiplinars "Recessional," "La Marseilles," and "0 God, Our Help in Ages Past" were sung by the gathering, led by a choir seated in front of the rotunda. Interspersed with them were--March, "New Colonial;" overture, "Miralda;" selection, "Trooping the Colours;" sacred selection, “Hoesnna;" song, "Land of Hope and Glory;" and selection, "In This Hour of Softened Splendour," played by the band, under the baton of Mr. L. Corrick. Cheers followed the National Anthem, played at the close. The president of the association (Mr.J. C. Newton) addressed the gathering briefly towards the close. He thanked the people for the support given to the association in attending the function. The object was practically to complete the week's celebrations by singing hymns and listening to patriotic music, so that the fathers and mothers might join together In singing sonsgs of thanksgiving to God. He explained that the aims of the association were to help the soldiers, but where a husband had gone to the war the association would be only too pleased to assist his family, and also the widows and mothers of soldiers or nurses. Their motto was "Carry on,' and they would endeavour to carry on to relieve suffering and sorrow. Their sphere was to cover the whole of humanity where difficulties existed. The City Band, under the conductorship of Mr. Chester Edwards, visited the General Hospital yesterday afternoon and played many patriotic and stirring airs. Mr. Hardwicke Weedon vice chairmen of the board of management, was present, and on behalf of the medical stall and patients conveyed thanks to the members of the band for their consideration after having passed through a strenuous week of playing in the city. FATHERS' AND MOTHERS' DAY. (1918, November 18).Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), p. 6 Edition: DAILY. Retrieved from
The father and son movement originated in Providence, Rhode island, on the evening of May 26, 1909, in the form of a father and son supper, organized by Mr B M Russell, the boys' work secretary of the YMCA, who thought fathers should be better acquainted with their sons The event spread to other associations, and was given prominence during the men in religion movement Churches throughout USA began to adopt the plan of bringing fathers and sons together in special services social and athletic activities In 1913 the Cleveland YMCA wrote to some 500 mayors, urging them to make a new year’s proclamation in the community interests of fathers and sons In 1917 the international committee of the Y M C A adopted the suggestion of promoting a national father and son day the success of which prompted a father and son week in 1918, associating the movement with Lincoln s birthday )Later a joint committee of representatives of the International Sunday School Association and the Y M CA was appointed for Canada and U.S.A, and the movement was recommended to the whole Christian Church, the suggested date, November 6-12 bringing Armistice Day into the period The movement seeks to advance all community interests pertaining to fatherhood and sonhood, and recognises an obligation to help maintain world peace The Australia fathers' day is observed in October or November in the same spirit with which mothers' day is enshrined and a red flower is the emblem A fathers day service was held last evening in the Memorial Church in the presence of a great congregation Mr Humphrey Bishop being the soloist The Rev C Bernard Cockett, M-A explained the objects of the movement and preached on 'Reunion in Eternity'. FATHERS' DAY SERVICE. (1923, October 22). The Mercury(Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
From "SCARLET LEAVES": — Everyone seems to want a Fathers' Sunday. South Australia has led the way in many directions, and surely she will gladly lead the way in this. All good mothers had fathers, and most of them probably had good ones, and all fathers will gladly welcome the heartfelt prayers and sympathy of the community. Fathers are bearing heavy burdens just now, and many who would have been fathers have laid down their lives for the rest of us, that our homes might be in peace. In token of this could we not have a Fathers' Sunday while the red poinsettia and red salvia are filling our gardens with beauty, and when we can get the red vine leaves and virginia creeper to decorate our churches? It is only some curious oversight that did not arrange to have Fathers' included when Mothers' Sunday was instituted. With apologies to all fathers for the omission, let us rectify the mistake. FATHERS' DAY. (1923, May 22). The Register(Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), p. 10. Retrieved from
When observances did begin they were put to good use in caring for others
On behalf of the old men at Lidcombe, Mrs. J. Heyden is anxious to make Fathers' Day as big a success as was Mothers' Day at Newington. Donations of mufflers, bed socks, cigarettes, pipes, tobacco, coffee essence, condensed milk, and next Friday cakes, jam sandwiches, sweets, etc., may be left at Feminist Club, Culwulla Chambers, Castlereagh-street, of at Florists, 5 Norton-street, Leichhardt.FATHERS' DAY. (1924, June 1). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 2. Retrieved from
Somebody has suggested that we ought to have a Fathers’ Day. As with mothers, there are fathers and fathers. You have the father who never goes out at night and the father who is never in at night. But does the father get a fair deal?. Is he not often regarded as a sort of walking cashbox that has no right ever to be empty? The strain of raising the necessary finances for the home, and of so winning his own advancement as to be able to' give his own family a good start, makes him almost a negligible quantity in the home. Many men find that the “struggle for life” in business or profession means constant day and night work. Does the father make no sacrifice ? I heard of one father who was never well dressed until he was able to take over his son’s cast-off suits. Does the father get a fair deal? Is he not often held up to the child as a sort of bogey? “You behave, Tommy, or I’ll tell your father on you,” or “You just wait until father gets home and see what, you’ll get,” and so on ad. lib. ; And when father does tan the kiddies’ hides mother tells him in front of them he is a cruel brute. A friend of mine told me the story of an acquaintance of his who tried to bring up his lad in the way he should go. Mother always interfered and the lad soon learned that there was safety behind mother. The time came when the mother wanted father to use his influence, but it was too late. A boy’s life was ruined because father was not allowed to carry out Solomon’s now ‘unfashionable advice.'
Still it would be nice to have a Fathers’ Day. Some men would enjoy the novel experience of sitting in church and receiving a metaphorical pat on the back. And it wouldn’t be hard to wear a virtuous look and try to forget that the “quid” which, ought to have been spent on the kiddies’ boots “went west.” FATHERS’ DAY. (1925, May 22). Pinnaroo and Border Times(SA. : 1911 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
There were more debates about when:
FATHERS' DAY. The second Sunday in June has been set aside as "Fathers' Day," in order to bring a little cheer to the old men at Lidcombe Asylum. Mrs. J. Heyden, of Leichhardt, is appealing for donations of pipes, tobacco, mufflers, mittens, Balaclava caps, bed-socks, puzzles, games, cakes, and sweets; and gifts may be left at Mr. F. J. Moore's boot repairing depot, opposite Fountain, Parramatta.FATHERS' DAY. (1925, June 5). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 2. Retrieved from
As decided at the annual conference in 1927, the first Sunday in November will be kept as Father's Day – The Land
Fathers' Day
At the Annual Conference of the Country Women's Association it was decided to observe the first Sunday in November as Fathers' Day, and members of the Association were requested to wear a Red Rose on that day as the symbol of love. Fathers' Day. (1928, November 2). Manilla Express (NSW : 1899 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
The shift from November and other months towards September and recognition by those who accept advertising in newspapers that those who pay for such want their support of what is now a beneficial commercial observance became more apparent - the want to celebrate fathers who were alive as much as some obscure link with the first week of Spring ('fonts'/sprins as such as father's anciently were described), shifted the emphasis away from fathers we had lost to fathers we still had and kept Remembrance Day for respecting and honouring those we should always remember:
"Father's Day" in U.S. A. is now an established- annual event, rapidly rivaling "Mothers' Day"' It is one day of the year, so father says, when he receives some of the appreciation due to him. In Melbourne there was a move to have such a pay and it was an outstanding success. With the improvement in general conditions, Melbourne apparently feels that now is the time to establish "Fathers' Day" permanently,' and September 1 has been selected as the day. Brisbane retail drapers and mercers are supporting the Idea wholeheartedly, and showcards, stickers, . &c., calling attention to the significance of "Fathers' Day" is being featured in the various departments, supplemented in many instances by window displays. All these will convey suggestions for giving father some little gift on this particular day. Why should not 100,000 dads wake up to find themselves famous— for a day—and in their own family circles on Sunday, September 1. "FATHERS' DAY"--SEPTEMBER 1. (1935, August 27). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 17 Edition: CITY FINAL LAST MINUTE NEWS. Retrieved from
And even:
A discussion as to who was responsible for Inventing Fathers Day took place before the President of the Industrial Commission to-day, when Its Inquiry Into Chain Stores was continued.
Edgar Barton Coles, Director of G. J. Coles, Ltd., mentioned that, store managers received bulletins drawing attention to events to come such as centenary celebrations and Fathers' Day.' When the President Inquired who Invented Fathers' Day, the secretary of the shop Assistants Union, Mr. F. O'Dea, said they were worked up by the retailers. Witness declared, however, that stores catering for men's wear and hairdressers were responsible. Witness agreed with the president that the object of the day was to sell more goods. STOP PRESS. (1936, October 28). The Maitland Daily Mercury(NSW : 1894 - 1939), p. 7. Retrieved from
But the tide changed and whether this was sent in by someone with a fiscal interest in promoting the day, or a genuine gent who had brought up children by himself, it echoes similar growing sentiment to shower he who is known for giving red roses with some thornless petals of love
Why Not Fathers' Day ?
(To the Editor.)
Sir,-I was listening to a sermon the other night by one of our esteemed ministers of religion.
It was "Mothers' Day," and this reverend gent was expatiating on what mothers had done for their children in the face of great odds, minus a deficient husband. He quoted children who had developed Into great men, and these included poets, statesmen, musicians, etc.
Now cannot we "put the boot on to the other foot," and ask what about the fathers?
Some fathers have produced many great men, and they have possessed a deficient wife. Why not have a "Fathers' Day," once a year, just to hear what our reverend friends have to 'say regarding us? I am - etc
Brisbane. Why Not Fathers' Day?. (1935, May 22). Daily Standard(Brisbane, Qld. : 1912 - 1936), p. 4. Retrieved from
Fathers' Day finds World-Wide favor
To America belongs the distinction of having originated both Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day. A pretty story lies behind the inspiration of Mothers' Day, a symbolism which found world -wide recognition in a night. Fathers' Day may not have originated in such romantic circumstances, but it, too, has found universal appeal.
Both occasions are commercialised by traders, but the sentiment which motivated the movements in the first place has never been allowed to be submerged. From America it has radiated to almost every country in the world. Fathers' Day has been designated an occasion to teach citizens that dads are more than mere biologic incidents and are, therefore, entitled to due recognition on their one holiday. Probably in the United States to a greater degree than anywhere else in the world is Fathers' Day paid the respect that its founders felt it would achieve, but support and sentiment are steadily increasing in other countries, notably in Australia, where, despite the event being still in its infancy, it has found an exceptional response. It is abundantly clear that this year's observance will be on a far bigger scale than previously. It has been determined that Dad should have his day so that next Sunday fathers of all creeds and sizes, blonde or brunette, rich or poor, will be lavished the affections and gifts of families in the city and in country hamlets from east to west and north to south of the continent.FATHERS' DAY. (1936, September 2). The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950), p. 10 Edition: FINAL EXTRA. Retrieved from
The first Sunday in September is coming to be recognised as Fathers’ Day, as the second Sunday is May is looked upon as Mothers' Day. On Mothers' Day we wear a white flower, and on Fathers' Day we are asked to wear a red flower. The occasion will be remembered at the Methodist Church on Sunday, when a special Father and Son service will be held at night. Fathers and sons are given a special invitation to this service. The subject of Rev. A. E. Brawn's address will be "Fatherhood, Human and Divine." LOCAL AND GENERAL. (1937, September 3). Coffs Harbour Advocate (NSW : 1907 - 1942; 1946 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
Fathers' Day On September 4
Fathers' Day will be held this year on Sunday, September 4. During the past few years it has become the practice to give a small taken of esteem to fathers on Fathers' Day, and, with this in mind, most of the Adelaide shops have made special provision for such gifts. Many shops have special gift envelopes, which can be presented with ties, socks and other small gifts. Fathers' Day On September 4. (1938, August 24). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from
Growing Movement
An anniversary of wide recognition in many parts of the world, Fathers’ Day, will be observed in Tasmania on Sunday next. Essentially a gesture on the part of the younger people to the love and influence of the home, the days set apart for the honoring of fathers and mothers are now regarded as an occasion for the sending of small gifts and remembrances.
Mothers' Day, which is observed annually in May, was inaugurated in modest fashion, but it is now a strong movement in the Commonwealth. Fathers' Day is a more recent development, but it is firmly established in the United Stales, and it has grown substantially in Britain and Australia. Recently, it has also become of much wider influence in Now Zealand.
The demand for small gifts and for other forms of affection appropriate to the day will be catered for by the trading community. Special displays are being arranged by stores and shops and, In addition to the wide range of gifts which is being prepared, special wrappings are to be available.
Retaining much of the sentiment of home life, the widespread recognition of days sot apart for tho honoring of fathers and mothers is regarded as a means of at least in part refuting much of the criticism which is levelled at the younger generation. In the past few years many sons and daughters have been keen to express their appreciation by the purchase of small gifts for their parents on these anniversaries, and it is considered there will be even greater interest on the day set apart for the fathers next Sunday. FATHERS' DAY. (1939, August 31). Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
Fortunately the heart and head prevailed and although it took a few more decades to be firmly established, we all get to say 'Happy Father's day' to our own dads and to every gent who is a father in one form or another today. Happy Father's Day to you all - may you all get at least two smooches and three cuddles!
and of course...
Happy Father's Day Dad,
ME! and the other 'Me's too!
In Closing - a poem for all of thee - from some other me - who definitely had a father:
I sing a song of Fathers' Day, a song too seldom sung
By the rising generation, while the generation's young,
A sons too seldom warbled in the newly-wakened West,
A song of songs long overdue in many a natal nest.
Its clarion chords are many, but they oft remain as mute—
Mute through some misunderstanding and the rifting in the lute.
But let misunderstanding like a vapor wilt away,
And whatsoe'er you may forget, forget not Fathers' Day.
Fathers' Day — Fathers' Day,
While you toil and while you play
Give a kindly thought to someone growing old and growing grey.
Though he's passed his primal peak
Some sweet solace for him seek
And remember this day week—
Fathers' Day.
He has steered through many life-storms and has doldrumed many calms
Since he carried you, a baby, in his fond paternal arms.
His steps are staid and slower, but his heart as fondly beats
As when he faced with fortitude what every human meets.
You have crowed upon his shoulder as he carried you on high,
To see the world's processions and its wonderments go by.
While you cooed within your cradle or your toddling steps he'd guide,
He stood between you and the care that threatens far and wide.
Fathers' Day — Fathers' Day,
When the debt you owe you weigh
Did he anything deny you, did he ever say you nay?
'Twixt all dangers staunch he stood
Till he'd steered you through the wood,
So make the day a good
Fathers' Day.
Look around you — look around you, there is plenty at your call
To put within his toil-worn hand or hang upon a wall.
There are souvenirs a-plenty, there are gifts his home to grace
To bring a whisper to his heart, a smile upon his face.
Great or small it doesn't matter, big or little doesn't count,
The spirit that accepts it doesn't measure the amount.
As long as in the offering, sweet love has had its say
The gods that watch for good deeds done, will bless you Fathers' Day.
Fathers' Day — Fathers' Day,
Bind him to you while you may,
Do not let some triviality some good intention slay
When next Sunday morn you greet
Him who bore the burdens' heat
Be you not ashamed to greet
Fathers' Day.
* * * *
Life was never very lengthy, time flits by with every breath
And there are some divisions bit'rer far than mortal death.
The cold night, the callous word, the sneering and the slight,
The dull clouds of suspicion when his life-sky should be bright.
Cast your heart back to the pathways when he took you by the hand,
Recall the leagues of travail that his tenderness has spanned.
Some time when for some good he rose above the common clay,
And let some sweet memento consecrate this Fathers' Day.
Fathers' Day — Fathers' Day,
Let affection filial sway;
It won't be what you purchase and it won't be what you pay,
You are deep within his debt
But there's time a-plenty yet
So see you don't forget
Fathers' Day!
FATHERS' DAY. (1936, August 30). Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from
I sing a song of Fathers' Day, a song too seldom sung
By the rising generation, while the generation's young,
A sons too seldom warbled in the newly-wakened West,
A song of songs long overdue in many a natal nest.
Its clarion chords are many, but they oft remain as mute—
Mute through some misunderstanding and the rifting in the lute.
But let misunderstanding like a vapor wilt away,
And whatsoe'er you may forget, forget not Fathers' Day.
Fathers' Day — Fathers' Day,
While you toil and while you play
Give a kindly thought to someone growing old and growing grey.
Though he's passed his primal peak
Some sweet solace for him seek
And remember this day week—
Fathers' Day.
He has steered through many life-storms and has doldrumed many calms
Since he carried you, a baby, in his fond paternal arms.
His steps are staid and slower, but his heart as fondly beats
As when he faced with fortitude what every human meets.
You have crowed upon his shoulder as he carried you on high,
To see the world's processions and its wonderments go by.
While you cooed within your cradle or your toddling steps he'd guide,
He stood between you and the care that threatens far and wide.
Fathers' Day — Fathers' Day,
When the debt you owe you weigh
Did he anything deny you, did he ever say you nay?
'Twixt all dangers staunch he stood
Till he'd steered you through the wood,
So make the day a good
Fathers' Day.
Look around you — look around you, there is plenty at your call
To put within his toil-worn hand or hang upon a wall.
There are souvenirs a-plenty, there are gifts his home to grace
To bring a whisper to his heart, a smile upon his face.
Great or small it doesn't matter, big or little doesn't count,
The spirit that accepts it doesn't measure the amount.
As long as in the offering, sweet love has had its say
The gods that watch for good deeds done, will bless you Fathers' Day.
Fathers' Day — Fathers' Day,
Bind him to you while you may,
Do not let some triviality some good intention slay
When next Sunday morn you greet
Him who bore the burdens' heat
Be you not ashamed to greet
Fathers' Day.
* * * *
Life was never very lengthy, time flits by with every breath
And there are some divisions bit'rer far than mortal death.
The cold night, the callous word, the sneering and the slight,
The dull clouds of suspicion when his life-sky should be bright.
Cast your heart back to the pathways when he took you by the hand,
Recall the leagues of travail that his tenderness has spanned.
Some time when for some good he rose above the common clay,
And let some sweet memento consecrate this Fathers' Day.
Fathers' Day — Fathers' Day,
Let affection filial sway;
It won't be what you purchase and it won't be what you pay,
You are deep within his debt
But there's time a-plenty yet
So see you don't forget
Fathers' Day!
FATHERS' DAY. (1936, August 30). Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from
Fathers Day
Grace Golden Clayton may have been inspired by Anna Jarvis' work to establish Mother's Day; two months prior, Jarvis had held a celebration for her dead mother in Grafton, West Virginia, a town about 15 miles (24 km) away from Fairmont.
After the success obtained by Anna Jarvis with the promotion of Mother's Day in Grafton, West Virginia, the first observance of a "Father's Day" was held on July 5, 1908, in Fairmont, West Virginia, in the Williams Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church South, now known as Central United Methodist Church. Grace Golden Clayton was mourning the loss of her father when, on December 1907, the Monongah Mining Disaster in nearby Monongah killed 361 men, 250 of them fathers, leaving around a thousand fatherless children. Clayton suggested her pastor Robert Thomas Webb to honor all those fathers. Clayton's event did not have repercussions outside of Fairmont for several reasons, among them: the city was overwhelmed by other events, the celebration was never promoted outside of the town itself and no proclamation was made in the city council. Also two events overshadowed this event: the celebration of Independence Day July 4, 1908, with 12,000 attendants and several shows including a hot air balloon event, which took over the headlines in the following days, and the death of a 16-year-old girl on July 4. The local church and council were overwhelmed and they did not even think of promoting the event, and it was not celebrated again for many years. The original sermon was not reproduced in press and it was lost. Finally, Clayton was a quiet person, who never promoted the event or even talked to other persons about it.
In 1910, a Father's Day celebration was held in Spokane, Washington, at the YMCA by Sonora Smart Dodd, who was born in Arkansas. Its first celebration was in the Spokane YMCA on June 19, 1910. Her father, the civil war veteran William Jackson Smart, was a single parent who raised his six children there. After hearing a sermon about Jarvis' Mother's Day in 1909 at Central Methodist Episcopal Church, she told her pastor that fathers should have a similar holiday honouring them. Although she initially suggested June 5, her father's birthday, the pastors did not have enough time to prepare their sermons, and the celebration was deferred to the third Sunday of June. Several local clergymen accepted the idea, and on 19 June 1910, the first Father's Day, "sermons honouring fathers were presented throughout the city."
A bill to accord national recognition of the holiday was introduced in Congress in 1913. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson went to Spokane to speak in a Father's Day celebration and wanted to make it official, but Congress resisted, fearing that it would become commercialized. US President Calvin Coolidge recommended in 1924 that the day be observed by the nation, but stopped short of issuing a national proclamation. Two earlier attempts to formally recognize the holiday had been defeated by Congress. In 1957, Maine Senator Margaret Chase Smith wrote a proposal accusing Congress of ignoring fathers for 40 years while honoring mothers, thus "[singling] out just one of our two parents". In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued the first presidential proclamation honoring fathers, designating the third Sunday in June as Father's Day. Six years later, the day was made a permanent national holiday when President Richard Nixon signed it into law in 1972.
In addition to Father's Day, International Men's Day is celebrated in many countries on November 19 for men and boys who are not fathers.
Father's Day. (2015, September 5). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
Above: Rosa 'Just Joey', is an apricot blend hybrid tea rose cultivar, bred by Roger Pawsey and named in honour of his wife, Joanna. The plant was introduced into the United Kingdom by Cants of Colchester rose growers in 1972. 'Just Joey' was inducted into the Rose Hall of Fame as "World's Favourite Rose" in 1994. This one was planted by WAG with HMG; mum and dad to 'me'.
Father's Day 2015: A Short Insight Into Dad's Day Being Established in Australia - For W A G - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2015.