September 7 - 13, 2014: Issue 179
First Week of Spring 2014
Official Opening of the New Clubhouse - Avalon Beach SLSC - Sunday 31st of August, 2014
Pittwater Online News Public Galleries of Avalon Beach SLSC's new clubhouse Official Opening Day are HERE for members and family.

Norma Watt and Roland Luke

Ken Davidson and Hylton Sawtell

Pittwater Councillor Kay Millar, Wilga and Harvey Rose, Councillors Ian White and Julie Hegarty.


Orange Sea Sponges washing up on Station Beach - Barrenjoey

Barrenjoey Birds - Saturday 6th of September, 2014

Australian Pelican

Silver- eyed Seagull

Young Bush Turkey on lawn beside Station Beach

White Bellied Sea Eagle

Sulphur-crested Cockatoos

Pittwater Outriggers Club Members Training - Station Beach, Barrenjoey - Saturday 6th of September, 2014

Pittwater Outriggers Club members train out of numerous venues; Bayview Yacht Racing Club, Roland Reserve, Palm Beach or Long Reef boat Ramp. They have approximately 65 registered members and are always looking for new keen paddlers of all ages - they have a beginners day on Sundays 9am from Bayview for all skill ability and ages.
Two members from this club are competing in the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic in October 2014 - to raise funds for the CURE BRAIN CANCER Foundation - see Front Page for details on how you can support them in their efforts. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and brain cancer kills more children in Australia than any other disease.
Pittwater Outriggers Club Facebook page
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club 2014-15 Sailing Season Opening Day - Saturday 6th of September, 2014

John Cameron - Commodore Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, Russell Murphy - Commodore RPAYC (2008-2011), Richard Hudson - Commodore RPAYC (1994-1996) and Malcolm Levy - Commodore Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron.

Front: Clem Cormack and Jackie Palmer. Back: Ron Palmer - Rear Commodore Yacht Racing, Norm Weaver - Rear Commodore Activities, Jim Cormack - Rear Commodore - Cruising.

Heidi Lambeth - Lejen Marine, with Julie Gordon

Pictures by A J Guesdon, 2014