January 11 - 17, 2015: Issue 197
Polo by the Sea - in Pittwater

Very exciting stuff - photo by A J Guesdon, 2015.
An ancient game was played in Pittwater yesterday and drew a large crowd of residents as well as those who were visiting. The smell of horses on a green field is something Pittwater has had since her early days of settlement and thanks to the rain not falling until way after the finish of play, no muddy patches have appeared on Hitchcock park.
In between 'chukkas', at half time, guests and locals alike walked over the field treading on divots, or 'divot stomping', while younger children, who were obviously really really wanting to, could get closer to the umpire's beautiful horse.
We share some of the images from Saturday 10th of January in this week's Pictorial and have put a Photo Album up for those who want more, HERE

Newport's Pool to Peak - Pittwater's Ocean Swim Series

President of Newport SLSC Sandy Menzies, Mayor of Pittwater, Cr. Jacqueline Townsend and Cr. Ian White - on the beach last Sunday
Newport SLSC's annual Pool to Peak Ocean Swim ran smoothly last Sunday with 618 finishers. Jackson Borg, aged 16, came 1st in the 2 kilometre swim with a time of 23:58 secs, while Laura Crockart, 19 years old, was done in 24 minutes and 4 seconds.
Cormac Guthrie, 15 years old, had the 800 metre swim completed in 9 minutes, 36 seconds, with Joshua Stevens on his heels and finished in 9 minutes, 41 seconds.
Water safety was overseen by a great crew of Brett Budd, Richard Andjekovic and Gary Cook, ably supported by scores of Newport surf club members from set-up to pack-up and all that needed doing in between.
The Bilgola SLSC, which was postponed in December due to safety concerns over conditions, is TBA for re-scheduling, while Avalon Beach SLSC's is off and racing this morning - well worth a look if you're not diving in.
Mona Vale's turn comes on 18th of January, and the Palm Beach to Whale Beach (The Big Swim) on 25 January. Entries for the swims are available on www.oceanswims.com

Stop Trashing Pittwater

Prior to changes by Pittwater Council regarding collection of general 'clean-up' collections a regulation sized refuse placed outside our home was missed and by the time the collectors returned it had grown into a small garbage tip.
Last week another resident, who had booked the still twice yearly service, found their own small pile growing overnight to the point where they had to take it to Kimbriki themselves, in a hired truck, at a cost of several hundred dollars for disposal. A case of 'passing the buck' doesn't quite cover their experience.
On Friday evening the pictures here were taken outside clothing bins, run by charities, where signs clearly ask people not to use them, or misuse them in this case. Despite countless reminders that these costs to get rid of rubbish amount to thousands for these charities each year, taking away vital funds from people who need assistance, it has become more than apparent we have among us people who need a good .... up the .... full stop.
If you too are tired of finding rubbish everywhere, on our beaches, beside our footpaths, if you are fed up cleaning up after those who can't be bothered taking responsibility for their own mess, best practice is to take some details down when you spot these fools and report them to Council.

Summer's Buzzing - 2015

Pittwater Online News is Published 6 a.m. Every Sunday Morning and is By, For and About Pittwater - and all that adjoins her green hills and blue waters.