Carl Gow and Frank
Gonsalves Boatshed, Palm Beach
Any research into the life and times of the Gow and Gonsalves
families of Palm Beach indicates a matter of fact down to earth honesty, a love
of the simple things in life, and of serving others. Records indicated numerous
rescues of vessels and people in peril, rescues that were carried out by younger
and older generations in launches and even in surf boats. As year round
permanent residents and founding members of Palm Beach SLSC, who were quite
happy to row the surf boat to Newcastle for carnivals, a fishermen’s legacy of
knowing the seasons and their tides and weather, of being kept healthy while
rowing open whalers to catch fish, or a heritage of lightkeepers who kept an
open door, established this boatshed as yet another community meeting place long
before the Palm Beach RSL eventuated. Anecdotes from relatives and scant reports
found all point to a few handfuls of Palm Beach families looking out for each
other and any visitors who came to the waters off Palm Beach or in its
Situated at the north end of Snapperman Beach, Carl Beeston Gow
returned from WWI a quiet hero and was, as Peter Verrills described him, “a man
full of knowledge”. His father Robert, stationed at Barrenjoey Lighthouse as a
relieving lightkeeper, welcomed home his son mid –winter 1919.
Carl Gow and a fellow veteran took over this property from a man
named Ellis who in turn had taken it over from James Booth, Church Point
gentleman who was a consummate builder employed by the Barrenjoey Company from
the outset and who is reported to have built the first jetty to land prospective land buyers at the Barrenjoey end of the peninsula from 1911 on. Some sources state they paid a whopping £500 - the proprietors apparently wanted at least £1900.00 but settled for what they could get.:
Barrenjoey Company, Ltd, has been registered with a capital of £6000, In 120 shares of £50 each, the object being to purchase 410 acres of the Bassett Darley subdivision. The first directors are Messrs H. Wolstenholme, E T Jones, J T Ralston, J Young, and H R Nolan. NOTES AND COMMENTS. (1911, June 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
Snapperman Beach in 1912. Item FL2703455 courtesy State Records NSW
They applied to install a jetty and a swimming area was later netted against sharks around this, which Warringah Shire council required them to maintain and make available for students to use.
Attention is directed to the notification in the "Government Gazette" of this date of applications made for Special Leases, as hereunder mentioned. Any objections lodged in writing at this office on or before 13th December, 1911, or before the Local Land Board shall have concluded its inquiry at the hearing of the respective applications for such Special Leases, will be duly considered; and any objections lodged after that period will not be entertained.
Applicant: THE BARRANJOEY COMPANY, Limited (S.L.), 11.7, Metropolitan). Locality: Pittwater, Parish of Narrabeen, County of Cumberland. Area: 32 perches; for wharf. Advertising (1911, November 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
The 'wharf' was situated at what we today call the Gonsalves Jetty, earlier a James Booth enterprise and Carl Gow's Jetty after that.
Observation Point, Palm Beach, Newport Digital Order Number: a106120 circa 1912, Broadhurst Image, courtesy State Library of NSW.
EXTENSION OF TERMS OF SPECIAL LEASES. County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, below high-water mark, Pitt water, portion Sp. L. 1912 4 ; Ms. 3,922 Sy. Area, 1 rood 20 perches.
1917 -1176 Barranjoey Co., Ltd., 14 Castlereagh-st., Sydney. No. of Application – 1912 – 4, Metropolitan Bathing Place – from 1 Jan. 1917 to 31 Dec. 1921
Special Lease 1912 4, Metropolitan. Barrenjoey Company, Limited.—The lease shall be subject to subsections 1, 3, 4, G to 0, 11, and 13 of Regulation No. 10G (notified 20th April, 1917), and to the following special conditions:—

(a) The lessees shall permit children attending any school in Warringah Shire, and in charge of teachers, to have the free use of the baths without payment on one day in each week between the hours of 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., such children to provide their own towels and bathing costumes. (b) The lessees shall have not less than three life-buoys readily available at all times. (c) The lessees shall be responsible for the proper conduct and cleanliness of the baths, and shall compel bathers to wear suitable bathing costumes, (d) The lessees shall, after determination of the lease by forfeiture, effluxion of time, or otherwise, and within such time as may be given, remove the structure or all or any material from the lanel at their own cost, and without compensation, if required by the Minister in writing to do so. ) The lessees shall, within six months from the date of notification in the Government Gazette of the granting of the extension of the term of the lease, enclose the land with a shark-proof fence, and maintain such fence in efficient repair throughout the currency of the lease. (e) A breach of any of the conditions, or the occurrence of any indecent or disorderly conduct, will render the lease liable to forfeiture. EXTENSION OF TERMS OF SPECIAL LEASES. (1917, November 2). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 5968. Retrieved from
They then had to convey people to the site of their first subdivision:
TO LIVERY STABLE PROPRIETORS, MOTOR CARS and TAXI CAR PROP.-TENDERS are invited for the Conveyance of about 100 to 150 people on January 26 next, from Manly Pier to Bayview, Pittwater, and return, leaving at 10 a.m., arriving at Bayview Wharf at 12; return at 5 p.m. Subsidy, 2s per head each way. Tenders will be received up to December 4.The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted THE BARRENJOEY CO., Ltd., 1 Moore-street. Advertising. (
1911, December 1).
The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from
Messrs. Raine and Horne have three new sales announced, one ls the Bellagio Estate at Woy Woy on December 30, another is at Barrenjoey on January 26, and at the Hawkesbury River on January 27. The same month a very large estate is to be offered at Bellevue' Hill. REAL ESTATE. NOTES OF THE WEEK. (1911, December 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Warringah Shire.
There are only some five or six shires that adjoin the municipalities in the neighbourhood of the metropolis, and of these Warringah Shire seems to be one which is rapidly progressing in importance. The opening up of the various seaside resorts has been the means of bringing it into great prominence. It has a long line of sea beaches extending from Curl Curl Lagoon (Manly) to Broken Bay, and includes the now important places known as Brookvale, Freshwater, Narrabeen, Bay View, Newport, and Mona Vale, besides a number of others which at present are not quite so attractive, but their future is to come. At holiday time the various places are crowded with visitors, and each place has its attractions for week-enders. The council is a very progressive one, and at every meeting business is transacted which indicates that the councillors are live men, and study the growing wants of the district.
At last meeting important business was transacted which included a decision to hold a conference for the purpose of devising a suitable scheme to place before the Minister in support of the proposed railway line from the Milson's Point line to the coast, at which all the adjoining areas are to be asked to co-operate. The engineer is to report on cost of erecting four jetties on the Narrabeen Lake. On completion of the tram to Narrabeen it is proposed to further advertise the shire. A letter was received from the Chief Secretary's Department, stating that the Narrabeen Lake would be further closed against net fishing for a further term of six months. A proposal is before the council to erect additional lights at Freshwater. Council is taking steps to procure a postal delivery in Freshwater district.
The Barrenjoey Company has presented plans of a new subdivision at Barrenjoey-this being only one of a series that are to be presented. The council is presided over by Cr. A. Ralston, president, and the administration is in the able hands or Mr, P. Carew, J.P., shire cleric. Warringah Shire. (
1911, December 8).
The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
This first subdivision at 'Barrenjoey' was named for the same as this was the recognisable place with Station Beach and the lighthouse by then well known. As stated on the 1900 sale map the southern bay of the beach was and still is named 'Cabbage Tree Boat Harbour' after the Livisitonia Australis, or Cabbage Tree Palm which still grow in Horderns Reserve and along the gullies at this end of the beach. During these years our local newspapers and magazines were filled with stories of Palm Beach in Florida - Palm Beach fashions, Palm Beach society doings and Palm Beach exclusivity as well as being a place to relax filled many a column. A land boom in Florida in 1910 that enriched some developers seemingly overnight would have been known about by the men of the Barrenjoey Company.
A Brochure issued advertising the estate states the Cabbage Tree Palms were the source and inspiration that gave 'their name to the beach and are one of its greatest features' and would be 'strictly preserved by the Vendors as reserves for All time', but Floridas' inspiration also shows up in the naming of the third street made for the estate in 'Florida Road' and this, coupled with the newly named 'Palm Beach' would have inferred the vendors were aiming to create an exclusive location.
The subsequent naming of streets to access these blocks of land didn't stray too far from this original premise with 'Palm Beach Road', 'Ocean Road' and 'Pacific Road' and eventually 'Beach Road' chosen to emphasise the concept of this place as, primarily, a holiday resort or place. Even 'Sunrise Road' and then 'Northview Road' were not about stamping their own names on the maps but selling the great 'restful sea breezes' of a place far removed from the dust, dirt and smoke of town.

Advertisement for above stating 'harbour side wharf': Advertising. (1912, January 6). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 21. Retrieved from

Barrenjoey - Palm Beach Estate - Pittwater - Barranjoey Rd 1912 - part of brochure. Item: c052700024, courtesy State Library of NSW

Barrenjoey - Palm Beach Estate - Pittwater - Barranjoey Rd 1912 - part of brochure. Item: c052700025, courtesy State Library of NSW

Above this Jetty the first General
Stores, known as 'Booth's Store'. A biography from a gentleman who once
holidayed here in the summer of 1919/1920 points to Carl Gow having taken over
the jetty and store by that season:
DISTRICT COURT. (Before Judge Backhouse.)
CONTRACTOR'S CLAIM. Alfred Wrigley Ellis, of Palm Beach, near
Barrenjoey, sued Bernard Stiles, of Yarrandi, Church-street, Newtown,
medical practitioner, and P. M. Stiles, his wife, for money alleged to be due
under a contract. The claim,£68 19s 1d, was for time and money lost owing to the
stopping by the defendants of their contract with the plaintiff for the erection
of a cottage at Palm Beach. The defendants paid £18 15s into court, and denied
further liability. Mr. A. R. J. Watt, instructed by Messrs. John M’Laughlin and
Son, appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Clive Teece, instructed by Mr. J. T.
Ralston, for the defendants. His Honor returned a verdict for the plaintiff for
the amount paid into court. DISTRICT COURT. (1918, March 13).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
"The Jetty, Palm Beach" places the spectator
on a high grassy bank, with trees, below which stretches a sandy shore and a
breadth of dimpling water. The warm, purplish haze which hangs over the further
coast is very tenderly suggested, and the eye dwells upon it both with pleasure
and instruction. THE LISTER EXHIBITION. (1917, May 8). The
Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Macleay River Wharf, oil foot of Bathurst street, every MONDAY, 10 a.m.; and
THURSDAY 5a.m. Cargo received daily. _Tel., Citv 1018. Advertising.
(1918, November 22). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1.
Retrieved from
The first general store was at Palm
Beach, on the Pittwater side near the jetty, as early as 1914, and was known as
Booth's store. Later it became Ellis' store, and then after the last war two
returned Diggers, Mr. Fred Howlett and his partner, Gowe, took it over.
Their general supplies came by ship from Sydney by the Erringhi and the
Kallawatta, and meat and bread came by launch from Newport. They made their own
ice-cream in those days, and froze it in old fashioned freezers with coarse
salt. It was just as popular as the well known brands are today. It was not
until 1929 that Howlett's store was established on the beachside of Palm Beach.
Before that there was no road through from Pittwater, and the top road was used
by residents. Palm Beach setting for smartest sea and sun togs. (1946,
January 12). The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 22. Retrieved
PALM BEACH.-Furnished Cottages to Let and For Sale.- Gow and Howlett, Store. Phone. 24. Advertising. (1921, April 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
Prior to the first World War transport to the
Peninsular and Palm Beach in particular was, to say the least, difficult.
Proceeding from Circular Quay one took a ferry to Manly, then a horse-drawn
streetcar to Narrabeen where a ferry crossing was made of the lake. A sulky
continued the journey to Church Point and finally one took another row-boat
ferry to Palm Beach.
At the time we were there, the Summer of
1919/20, transport had improved to the extent that we were able to travel by
launch from Newport to Palm Beach where a small wharf had been built at Gow's
boat-shed, immediately south of Observation Point. From there we proceeded by
row-boat to the old Customs Jetty.
At that time Palm Beach Telephone Exchange had
only 14 subscribers, and the Barrenjoey Lighthouse was still lit by a kerosene
lamp consuming 4 gallons of kerosene each night.
I'm not sure how my parents came to choose a
Barrenjoey custom house for a holiday but I have a vague recollection that it
was through their friends Ma and Pa Shimmels who was superintendant of Prison
Farm Homes for Juvenilles at Mittagong. Retrieved from; and
from: Woodley’s
Henry Francis Gonsalves was born at Watsons Bay in 1868
to John Gonsalves (1843-1882) and Mary Barry. In 1894 Woollahra was seeking to
become a separate shire. Amongst those recorded as signing a petition for this
was one Henry Francis Gonsalves - Henry Gonsalves
Toogood-st. Advertising. (1894, September 8). Freeman's Journal (Sydney,
NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 10. Retrieved from
In 1896 he married Caroline Emily Walter, born at Waterloo, also
in 1868. In 1900 the same gentleman applied was an assignee of an official
Re Henry Mealing and Henry Francis
Gonsalves. The bankrupt Mealing was examined at some length by the official
assignee, after which the matter was adjourned until September 5.
BANKRUPTCY COURT. (1900, August 23). The Sydney Morning Herald
(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
Three years later he had a new business with
the same Henry Mealing, registered in NSW State Records as:
H MEALING & COMPANY - Eastern Markets
Woolloomooloo; registered 26 Jun 1903; MEALING, Henry; GONSALVES, Henry
Verrills kindly fills in the gaps here:
I was born in Waratah street, Palm Beach. My
granny Gonsalves delivered me. Dad was away in the Army and so mum lived with
her parents in their home while he was away. When the Gonsalves first arrived
they settled on what we call today ‘Portuguese Beach’; they were coming here for
around three years before they moved in permanently here. They’d row around
every Summer because old Goni was a fisherman and Mrs Gonsalves was a Walter
from the Newcastle ferry family from Stockton, how they met I don’t know, but he
probably went up and down the coast fishing, and they settled over on Portuguese
Beach. They were a Portuguese family, the Gonsalves, and that’s how it has got
its name; Portuguese. The authorities eventually got them off out of there and
they then bought land in Waratah street also. She set up a dairy there and grew
veggies and everything to supply the weekenders with milk and veggies, and all
the golf course here; they had that as agistment for their stock. In some of the
old photos you’ll see cows wandering around on it. The Gonsalves and Verrills
have all inter-married, and then the Goddards.

Caroline E Gonsalves (nee Walter) wife of Henry F Gonsalves,
married 1896, holding Peter Verrills.

Gonsalves family home in Waratah
Street, Palm Beach. From Verrills family album.
In 1908, at
Woollahra, Francis Joseph Gonsalves was born. Francis J (Frank) was the sixth of
seven sons and five daughters. Francis Joseph junior married Mary Jane Delaney
in 1941. His sons were Frank and Carl. Of Frank seniors sons, Henry (Tim) and
Sydney (Sid) Frederick, Harold (Midge) Edward appear with Carl among Palm Beach
SLSC's earliest records:
PBSLSC -The First Shed:
Left; Merle Loxton,
Laurie Gallagher,
Tim Gonsalves and Sydney Gonsalves. H.R. Ayres and Harold 'Midge' Gonsalves.
Curlewis, Len Palmer, M Ormsby.

back of photo reads (Carl Gow is at right and back with blond little boy on his lap):

A few of
their adventures as members of PBSLSC:
A GREAT PULL Palm Beach Surfers
Reach Newcastle . NEWCASTLE, Saturday.— A feat probably unequalled in surfing
annals was accomplished today by the Palm 'Beach Surf Life Saving Club boat
crew, comprising A. Goddard (captain), the brothers H. S. and L.
Gonsalves, and J. Coltman. The crew rowed from Palm Beach to Newcastle in
order to take part in the club's surf carnival today. Starting from Palm Beach
at 9 a.m. on Friday they rowed 30 miles, and were towed five miles from the
Newcastle side of Norah Head by the steamer Currembene. There they were met by
the Newcastle surf boat, and pulled ashore amid great enthusiasm. A GREAT
PULL. (1924, February 17). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 -
1930), p. 7. Retrieved from
Arthur Goddard, father of Jimmy Goddard, was the
'sweep' of this boat crew and boat captain of the club.
Surf Boat Race Newport (G D Banks, Robertson, A M
Stainer, 0 Brennan, and G S Meillon), 1,Palm Beach (A Dellitt, A Goddard, H Gonsalves, H.E. Gonsalves and H T Holt), 2. SURF
CARNIVALS. (1925, January 2). The Sydney
Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10.
Retrieved from
PALM BEACH OFFICIALS, The annual general meeting of the Palm Beach Club
resulted in the following officials being elected for the present season :
Patron, Mr. Thomas Peters; president, Mr. R T. McKay; captain, Mr. Adrian
Curlewis; vice-captain, Mr. J. Ralston; hon. secretary, Mr. K. Scott; hon.
treasurer, Mr. N. H. Erwin: hon solicitor, Mr. G. Reichenbach; hon instructor,
Mr. A. Dellit; boat captain.
Mr. A. Goddard ; committee, Messrs. L. Gallagher, K.
Hunter, S. Gonsalves, W. Rayner. H. T. Holt, and H. E. Gonsalves;
delegates to Surf Life-saving Association, Messrs. Goddard and Scott. Palm Beach
is the only life-saving club that pays a 'life-saver to guard the beach on week
days, when members of the club are unable to be on duty. SURF BOAT
RACING. (1925, November 22). Sunday Times(Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p.
10 Section: Social and Magazine Section. Retrieved from
surf boat containing the members of the Palm Beach crew-the three Gonsalves
brothers, Goddard, and Gow-who will compete at the surf carnival, arrived at
Newcastle shortly after noon to-day, after an exciting trip up the coast.
Leaving Palm Beach at 4 a.m. yesterday, they were expected, at Newcastle before
dusk last night, but a message arrived later that they bad landed at Terrigal to
spend the night. Upon landing, the captain (A. Goddard) said that soon after
starting they had to face a strong nor'-'easter, and after a hard row they
decided to land at McMaster’s Beach. As they turned the boat shorewards he was
knocked overboard by a huge wave, and the next wave washed him further from the
boat. “I was very glad," he said, "when they turned towards me, and eventually
hauled me aboard, as the place has a bad reputation for sharks."

Later, on there appeared to be no chance of reaching Newcastle
before dark, they decided to land at Terrigal. A start was again made at 6
o'clock this morning, and after rowing a few miles, they were picked up by the
North Coast steamer Urana, and arrived off Newcastle about noon. The visitors
wore welcomed by the president of the Newcastle Surf Club (Dr. Idris Morgan),and
entertained at lunch In the Surf Club's pavilion. BOAT TRIP. (1926,
February 13). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15.
Retrieved from
A few minutes before 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon the eight-metre
yacht Brand V., owned and sailed by Mr. J. R. Palmer, was dismasted off
Barrenjoey Beach. She was engaged In the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club's annual
race for the Basin Cup, in which at the time of her mishap she had a good chance
of success. Standing along the coast fairly well in-shore, close-hauled on the
starboard tack in afresh north-easter, her topmast forestay or some other part
of her for'ard gear carried away, and In an instant her mast snapped off short,
just above the lower crosstrees. The upper part of her mainsail and mast, her
jib, and most of her rigging, fell in a tangled mess to leeward, fortunately
without injuring anyone, and she was left drifting helplessly on a lee
Her ground tackle was not sufficiently good to enable her to anchor until
assistance came, and her crew of five set a small Jib, Jury rigged on the 25ft
stump of the mast, with a view to making for Barrenjoey and shelter. She was,
however, unable to go about under this rig, and making considerable leeway she
was In danger of going ashore.
The members of the Palm Beach Surf Club observed her plight,
and about half an hour after the accident the surf boat, manned by Messrs. H.
Hattersloy, Gonsalves, P. Tress, H. P. Tattersall, and A. Wolstenholme, put to
sea, and taking her in tow, endeavoured to lift her up to windward, assisting
her in going about. Later she towed her towards the steamer Gosford when she
came to assist. Meanwhile the lighthouse-keeper at Barrenjoey had
communicated with Goddard's boat-shed at Palm Beach, and a launch was
despatched. Her position was also observed by some of the other competitors,
and Morna, returning to Sydney, made out of her course for the club steamer
Gosford, which at the time was some two or three miles to the south-east.
Hoisting an ensign upside down and the signal NC (want Immediate assistance),
she conveyed the information that Brand was in sore straits. The Gosford
immediately proceeded to the scene, and relieving the surf boat of its unwieldly
burden, took the disabled yacht in tow about 80 minutes after the accident,
finally dropping her at her moorings In Careening Cove. The launch from Palm
Beach stood by until Brand was safely in tow. Included In Brand's crew was a
15-year-oldlad, Jack Morris, who took a prominent part in hauling the heavy
tow-line aboard and making it fast. YACHT IN TROUBLE. (1931, January
19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved
Under both Gow and the Gonsalves the boatshed and
it's trawlers came to the rescue of many
on Pittwater and at sea. A sample of these:
Men's Struggle To Save Yachts.
SYDNEY, Saturday.— In mountainous seas which raged off Palm Beach yesterday
and last night gallant work was performed by W J and A Goddard and S. Gonsalves
in rescuing two fine yachts which had broken adrift from their moorings. It
was not until after midnight that they completed their job. According to eye
witnesses it was often touch and go whether they would meet with disaster
themselves. In addition to the two yachts a launch broke its moorings and
eventually piled up on the sands. Several small boats were swamped in the storm.
Men's Struggle To Save Yachts. (1934, February 3). The
Mail(Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Trawlers Rescue Disabled Tug In Heavy Seas. When heavy seas were tossing
the disabled tug Kiola less than half a mile off Palm Beach yesterday, two motor
trawlers went to her rescue and towed her to safety. The Kiola developed engine
trouble while towing a punt from Brooklyn to Sydney and her crew flew a distress
The trawlers Mary Jane, skippered by Mr. F. Gonsalve, and Caroline
H., under Mr. B. Parker, passing nearby, went to her aid.
They took the Kiola in tow and after breaking two ropes brought
her into the smooth water of Broken Bay. Trawlers Rescue Disabled Tug In
Heavy Seas. (1947, September 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW :
1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from

Above and Below: Gow's Store in its early days courtesy Peter

Barrenjoey Road, Pittwater Park prior to being resumed and named as such and Ferry Wharf - Gows Jetty with Pool area shown circa 1917. Gow-Gonsalves-Verrills family photo
The Gow/Gonsalves lands here - from Historical Land Resources Viewer:

NSW Records and Archives photographs from June 1925 show:
Palm Beach Snapperman Beach Observation Point end circa June 1925. FL3839467 NSW State Records. NRS-4481-3-[7/15991]-St10027. Title; Government Printing Office d1_15936 - View from road to Barrenjoey, Lion Island on left - [From NSW Government Printer series: Palm Beach views]. Contents Date Range; 01-01-1925 to 31-12-1925, courtesy NSW State Records
Photo: NRS-4481-3-[7/15991]-St10026. Title, 'Government Printing Office d1_15935 - From road to Barrenjoey, Palm Beach - [From NSW Government Printer series: Palm Beach views]'. Contents Date Range. 01-01-1925 to 31-12-1925, courtesy NSW State Records
FL3839441 NRS-4481-3-[7/15991]-St10025. Title; Government Printing Office d1_15933 - Palm Beach and Pittwater - [From NSW Government Printer series: Palm Beach views] (Snapperman Beach from Observation Point). Contents Date Range; 01-01-1925 to 31-12-1925 courtesy NSW State Records
Palm Beach - made in 1926, by Sydney Long (1871–1955)
line-etching, printed in brown ink with plate-tone, from one copper plate Reproduced with the kind permission of the Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia. intaglio , line-etching, printed in brown ink with plate- one, from one copper plate on thin smooth dark cream laid Van Gelder Zonen paper
17.5 (h) x 35.2 (w) cm 7/60 , published state , edition of 60 , watermark centre, 'VAN GELDER ZONEN [runs vertically]'
Signed lower right below plate-mark in black pencil, 'Sydney Long'. Titled lower centre below plate-mark in black pencil 'Palm. Beach.' Inscribed with edition details lower left below plate-mark in black pencil, '7/60'.
Reference: Mendelssohn (1979), 75; Paul (1928), 6
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra NGA 1977.9.80
The Stephen Collection, purchased 1976.
Reproduced with the kind permission of the Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia
By National Gallery of Australia's Emma Kindred:
'The wooden boathouse, originally used as a shed for sail making, sits out from the curve of the sandy shoreline in Long’s composition, with a ramp leading down to shallow ripples at the water’s edge. Long sketched the scene sitting on the sand looking towards the mouth of Pittwater as it opens out to the Tasman Sea, opposite West Head and Resolute Beach. The view encompasses the dense shrubbery of Barrenjoey Headland, which divides the opposing sides of the peninsula. Long did not invert his drawing before etching the plate, and consequently the image is in reverse. By the 1920s, Palm Beach was a haven for popular sports such as fishing, sailing, golf and rowing. Prosperous Sydneysiders maintained second homes or stayed in guesthouses that were dotted around the beach. The Palm Beach Surf Lifesaving Club was established on the beachfront in 1921, and the boathouse that faces north, away from the beach on the Pittwater shoreline, was also built around this time. A copy of Palm Beach was first exhibited in 1926 at the ‘Sixth annual exhibition of the Australian Painter–Etchers’ Society’, Sydney, June–July (43). An artist’s proof is held by the Art Gallery of New South Wales."

Pittwater Park the view south circa 1930-1939

Palm Beach Ferry wharf and Pittwater Park circa 1938 from beside Barrenjoey House. Crowley Family records state Mr Crowley was allowed to form a vegetable garden in the land behind Barrenjoey House and did so for a few years, which is the aspect from which this image has been taken. The Norfolk pines are already in place.

Gow's-Gonsalve's Boatshed circa 1930 or 1940 - Verrills Family photos
Gows and Gonsalves boatshed taken from Carls originals courtesy Peter Verrills, circa 1939-1940
WWI Veteran Mr Gow also had other dealings, along with the Gonsalves, over the original Palm Beach Jetty, now a wharf, with Warringah Council. Their records chart its changes:
C.B.Gow 20/12/29. Asking if Council has any, objection to the granting of a permissive occupancy to C.B. Gow for a business boatshed at Palm Beach. - Referred to Work's Committee (Crs.Parr,Austin.)
'31. C.B. Gow, applying for permission to wall and fill in an area about 30' x 20' between his boat shed and garage on the foreshore at Palm Beach. Referred to Works Committee. 19/11/1934
(b) that the carrying out of the drainage of Barrenjoey Road "between Milton's corner and Gow’sbe 'proceeded with; 27/3/1933
A. Dangar-Browne & 9 others, 21/9/35, submitting an emphatic protest against the proposal to use Goddard's wharf Palm Beach at Palm Beach in lieu of the public wharf, and setting out reasons for the protest. 18a. C.B.Gow, 23/9/35, regarding condition of wharf, and stating he is prepared to repair and maintain it in a state of good repair for period of 12 months for the sum of £20, the money to be paid at the end of the 12 months. Resolved, - That the offer of Mr. C. B. Gow be accepted, (Crs. Austin, Hewitt) 1/10/1935
C.B. Gow, 25/3/38, requesting permission to take over the old wharf at Palm beach stating he is prepared to reconstruct it to the engineer's satisfaction and take over the lease from the Lands Department. 29a. A .Dangar Burne, suggesting that the old wharf be allowed to remain for the convenience of boating men. Resolved, - That Mr. Gow be informed the Council proposes to terminate the occupancy of the site of the wharf, and will Permit him to take it over provided that the public will have uninterrupted use of the wharf and he complies with whatever conditions the Lands Department may lay down. (Crs. Hitchcock, Savage)
Lands Department, 7/12/38, replying that it offers no objection to the leasing of the old wharf at Palm Beach to Mr. C.B. Gow, provided he undertakes to repair and keep it in good order and allow the public free use of it at all times. Resolved, - That the Council agree to the lease to Mr. Gow, provided he first places the wharf in good order to the Shire Engineer’s satisfaction. 20/12/1938
Reporting that the old structure of Palm Beach Wharf Beach should be demolished: Resolved - That Mr. C.B. Gow be given two months in which to complete the restoration work to the Shire engineer’s satisfaction. (Crs. Latham, Savage) 24/1/1939
Reporting that Mr. Gow has ceased his improvement operations on the old public wharf at Palm Beach: Resolved, That Mr. Gow be required to finish the whole of the work within two months. (Crs. Butcher, Campbell) 11/7/1949
Gow & Gonsalves, 12/7/52, drawing attention to the state of the Council's wharf adjacent to Gow's boatshed and suggesting that it be repaired or demolished, but if the Council is not prepared to do this, stating that they are prepared to take over the structure. Resolved: that this wharf be demolished (Crs. McKay and Berry).
C. B. Gow, 18/9/52, regarding the old wharf at Palm Beach, contending that it would be more expedient to re-build the old wharf than to demolish it, pointing out that a wharf has been at this site for about 40 years, and is greatly used by local residents; and stating that he would be prepared to build and maintain a new wharf or pull the old one down. 22. Resolved, - That he be informed that Council adheres to its previous decision, and the Engineer be instructed to demolish this wharf at. the earliest possible Opportunity.- (Crs. McKay, Berry)
CARRIED. (b) Cr. Berry moved, Cr. McKay seconding, that the decision of 21/7/52 to demolish Mr. C.B. Gow's wharf at Palm Beach be rescinded, and he be allowed to rebuild the wharf at his own expense and that the Council be relieved of any legal Wharves responsibility as to the management of this wharf. Cr. Horn moved as an amendment, Cr. Quinlan seconding, that this matter be referred to the Finance & General Purposes Committee, with a report by the Shire Engineer and Legal Officer, and in the meantime Mr. Gow be asked to confer with the Engineer and submit a proposal as to what he is prepared to do to reinstate the wharf to good condition., and the terms under which he desires to be allowed to use the wharf. The amendment was carried, and on becoming the motion, was again carried. (c) Cr. McKay moved, Cr. Berry seconding 30/3/1953
Carl Gow and the Gonsalves were those who were called out to rescue others years after they first started doing so - even once the Broken Bay water Police was established this continued with an 'all one team' ethos:
LAUNCH SAFE. The 38ft. Launch Christina, which reached Newcastle
yesterday afternoon after having been missing for two days, was close to
disaster off Norah Head. One anchor
failed to hold and she drifted towards the rocks. The launch was running before
a strong southerly and the crew ran her under the headland and dropped anchor.
The anchor dragged till the launch was within 800yards of the rocks. "It was an
anxious time for both of-us," said William Jenkins, of Palm Beach, owner of
"One anchor had been lost and we were preparing to drop the large main
anchor when the hook caught." Christina was running under jury rig towards
Newcastle yesterday morning when Mr. F. Gonsalves, fisherman, of Palm
Beach, took her in tow. She reached port yesterday afternoon. The launch left
Palm Beach for Newcastle at 7 a.m. on Monday. Jenkins's companion was Barry
Hewlett, also of Palm Beach. Jenkins said the timing chain of the magneto broke
at 1.30 a.m on Monday, when the launch was off Tuggerah. A spare chain fitted
was too large to be of any use.
There was nothing to do then but rig a jury sail and run before a
strong north-easterly back to Palm Beach. The wind held till the launch reached
Cape Three Points. a few miles north of Palm Beach. 1tdropped suddenly and was
replaced by a southerly which drove the launch north again. Jenkins said. he and
Hewlett flashed signals night and day. A ship sent back an answering flash but
nobody went to their assistance. A plane passed them on Monday night and they
flashed Morse signals. The plane dropped low with its landing lights on, but
kept on its way. Hewlett returned to Sydney by train yesterday afternoon. He
said he would return in a few days to take up prawning off Stockton.
LAUNCH SAFE, BUT WAS NEAR ROCKS. (1950, July 13).Newcastle Morning
Herald & Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954) , p. 2. Retrieved from
Adelaide Answers Broken Bay SOS. A man whose 22ftlaunch was drifting help-less on to a
reef in Broken Bay near PalmBeach last night received aid when his radio SOS was
picked up in Adelaide. Mr. John Condie,
44, of Station Street, Beverley Park, was returning to Kogarah Bay, where he
keeps the launch Pudaloo, when it broke down. Mr. Condie said last night: "My launch broke down
about 5.30 p.m., close inshore, opposite the Barranjoey
"I was drifting towards a reef where the Maitland was wrecked. The sea
was rough and was breaking on the reef.
"Another 100 yards and my launch would have been wrecked," Mr. Condie
continued. ' ' !
"Luckily I have a two-way wireless. I tried to contact Sydney radio.
While trying to do so I managed to pick up Adelaide radio. '
"Adelaide took the details and contacted Sydney for me."
Sydney water police communicated with a boatshed at Palm Beach, owned
by Mr. C. B. Gow, who sent out a 35ft fishing trawler to rescue the launch.
The trawler towed the 'launch into Pittwater, Palm Beach, at 8.20 p.m. The paddle
steamer Maitland ran on the reef on the night of May 5, 1898, and 115 passengers
and 11 of the crew were drowned. Adelaide Answers Broken Bay S O S.
(1953, September 14).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 -
1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Then as now, Gows - Gonsalves boatshed hired boats -
then they were Chapman launches, moored and sold vessels,
repaired vessels, and the men also fished. Advertisements from the time are
under both names or separate listings.
Beryl Driver
recalls a lobster tank in the refreshment rooms that were atop the boatshed.
There was also an attempt by Carl Gow to get a licence to serve
BEACH. Hearing was continued of the appeals of Carl Beeston Gow and Alfred
Edward Cooper respectively against the adjudication of the Metropolitan
Licensing Court refusing to grant their respective applications for publican's
licenses for premises at Palm Beach. Both appeals were dismissed, and the
adjudications of the Licensing Court confirmed, with 20 guineas objectors' and
£3/3/ Crown costs in each case. Mr. W. J. Bradley (instructed by Mr. W. H. Drew)
appeared for appellant Gow; Mr. Clancy (instructed by Messrs. H. J. Aspinall and
Son) for the appellant Cooper; Mr. V. H. Treatt (Instructed by Miss M.
B.Byles) for certain objectors; and Mr. C. E. Weigall (Solicitor-General)
1927, February 15).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
of their jetty and the area around it formed much of their correspondence with
then Council Warringah, whose Council Minutes records also give an insight into
some of the activities of other Gonsalves in Palm Beach, Careel Bay and Avalon
C.B.Gow 20/12/29. Asking if Council has any, objection to the granting
of a permissive occupancy to C.B. Gow for a business boatshed at Palm Beach. -
Referred to Work's Committee (Crs.Parr,Austin.)
(b) that the carrying out of the
drainage of Barrenjoey Road "between Milton's corner and Gow’s Park be proceeded
with; 27/3/1933
31. C.B. Gow, applying for permission to wall and fill in an area about
30' x 20' between his boat shed and garage on the foreshore at Palm Beach.
Referred to Works Committee. 19/11/1934
A. Dangar-Browne & 9 others, 21/9/35, submitting an emphatic protest
against the proposal to use Goddard's wharf Palm Beach at Palm Beach in lieu of
the public wharf, and setting out reasons for the protest. 18a. C.B.Gow,
23/9/35, regarding condition of wharf, and stating he is prepared to repair and
maintain it in a state of good repair for period of 12 months for the sum of
£20, the money to be paid at the end of the 12 months. Resolved, - That the
offer of Mr. C. B. Gow be accepted, (Crs. Austin, Hewitt)
C.B. Gow, 25/3/38, requesting permission to take over the old wharf at
Palm beach stating he is prepared to reconstruct it to the engineer's
satisfaction and take over the lease from the Lands Department. 29a. A .Dangar
Burne, suggesting that the old wharf be allowed to remain for the convenience of
boating men. Resolved, - That Mr. Gow be informed the Council proposes to
terminate the occupancy of the site of the wharf, and will Permit him to take it
over provided that the public will have uninterrupted use of the wharf and he
complies with whatever conditions the Lands Department may lay dowm. (Crs.
Hitchcock, Savage)
"Received" 2. Lands Department, 7/12/38, replying that it offers no
objection to the leasing of the old wharf at Palm Beach to Mr. C.B. Gow,
provided he undertakes to repair and keep it in good order and allow the public
free use of it at all times. Resolved, - That the Council agree to the lease
to Mr. Gow, provided he first places the wharf in good order to the Shire
Engineer’s satisfaction. 20/12/1938
Reporting that the old structure of Palm Beach Wharf Beach should be
demolished: Resolved - That Mr. C.B. Gow be given two months in which to
complete the restoration work to the Shire engineer’s satisfaction. (Crs.
Latham, Savage) 24/1/1939
Reporting that Mr. Gow has ceased his improvement operations on the
old public wharf at Palm Beach: Resolved, That Mr. Gow be required to finish
the whole of the work within two months. (Crs. Butcher, Campbell)
Gow & Gonsalves, 12/7/52, drawing attention to the state of the
Council's wharf adjacent to Gow's boatshed and suggesting that it be repaired or
demolished, but if the Council is not prepared to do this, stating that they are
prepared to take over the structure. Resolved: that this wharf be demolished
(Crs. McKay and Berry).
C. B. Gow, 18/9/52, regarding the old wharf at Palm Beach, contending
that it would be more expedient to re-build the old wharf than to demolish it,
pointing out that a wharf has been at this site for about 40 years, and is
greatly used by local residents; and stating that he would be prepared to build
and maintain a new wharf or pull the old one down. 22. Resolved, - That he
be informed that Council adheres to its previous decision, and the Engineer be
instructed to demolish this wharf at the earliest possible Opportunity.- (Crs.
MCKay, Berry)
CARRIED. (b) Cr. Berry moved, Cr. McKay seconding, that the decision
of 21/7/52 to demolish Mr. C.B. Gow's wharf at Palm Beach be rescinded, and he
be allowed to rebuild the wharf at his own expense and that the Council be
relieved of any legal responsibility as to the management of this wharf. Cr.
Horn moved as an amendment, Cr. Quinlan seconding, that this matter be referred
to the Finance & General Purposes Committee, with a report by the Shire
Engineer and Legal Officer, and in the meantime Mr. Gow be asked to confer with
the Engineer and submit a proposal as to what he is prepared to do to reinstate
the wharf to good condition., and the terms under which he desires to be allowed
to use the wharf. The amendment was carried, and on becoming the motion, was
again carried. (c) Cr. McKay moved, Cr. Berry seconding 30/3/1953
Palm Beach Life Saving Club,
7/11/23, asking for four beach 'Beach inspectors' badges and nominating Austen
Dellitt, Arthur William Goddard, Sidney Gonsalves, and Leonard Ellison
Palmer as Beach Inspectors, and notifying that A. Dellitt has been engaged as
Surf Life Saver and Caretaker on Beach for six months commenicing 7th
November,1923.: .Resolved a (Crs. Hitchcock, Hewitt) That the appointments
requested be made, under seal of Council. 26/11/1923
(Crs. Hitchcock, Hewitt) That J. H. Gonsalves
proposal to subdivide Lot 13, Basset-Darley Estate Palm Beach be not approved.
Resolved; (Crs. Hitchcock, Simpson) That the
Contractor Gonsalves be-paid £50 in respect of his contract for the
construction of sanitary conveniences on Governor Phillip Park.
55. C L. Gonsalves . 4/6/28 Drawing attention to
the spoiling of the access to his property in Barrenjoey Road Palm Beach, by the
raising of the road about 2 feet above the original level. Referred to the
Overseer. 11/6/1928
36. T. Gonsalves . 23.2.30. Requesting
permission to erect six shelters on Governor Phillip Park in the vicinity of his
Store. Referred to the Inspector for report. 10/2/1930
Page 6 of Minutes. of Meeting of Warringah Shire
"Council held on Monday. 19th May, 1930 - 32. H. F. Gonsalves . 1/5/30.
Requesting to be supplied "with four bags of cement for, concreting the floors
of the two lavatories erected by him at the Barrenjoey end of Governor Governor
Phillip Park, also requesting that a few loads of Phillip Park clay or ballast
be put on the road in front of Mr. Tress' cottage. Resolved, - That the
request for cement be not complied with, and that the road be attended to by the
maintenance men: (Crs. Robertson, Austin)
Letter from E. &
L.- The Sanitary Service Contractors, Prose cut tn 614/12/32, reporting that
Miss M. Scott of Newport had not fulfilled her promise to reduce her debt for
sanitary charges. That: legal Proceedings be taken against her for recovery of
the debt.- Crs Barber, Storland) 2. Letter from The Sanitary Contractors,
8/12/32, reporting that H.F. Gonsalves of Palm Beach has not yet settled his
debt for sanitary charges, as demanded by the Council. It was resolved that he
Also be prosecuted. 19/12/1932
July 1933 reports has paid fees for ‘refuse’
T. Gonsalves, 8/6/36, drawing attention to the
bad condition of about 2 chains of the road from the Palm Beach Phillip golf
links northwards. Referred to the Overseer for attention Park or report. (Crs.
Hitchcock, Hewitt) 16/6/1936
19. H. Gonsalves, 5/10/38, requesting
Council to withdraw its recently imposed charge for the parking of cars on the
Palm Beach reserve at Barrenjoey. Resolved - That the letter be "received".
(Crs. Hitchcock, Savage).
By Cr. Hitchcock – Mr. Gonsalves, of Governor
Phillip Park, complains that the Council's man is not collecting the rubbish at
Governor Phillip Park and looking after the lavatories. I understand there was
some arrangement that Mr. Gonsalves should do this himself: Could the Inspector
report on the matter to next meeting? 3/10/1939
Reporting that E.J. Ryan of Brookvale, and
H.F. Gonsalves of Palm Beach, and Mrs. Johansson of North Curl Curl, have
applied for refreshment room licenses; Resolved, - That the licenses be
issued. (Crs. Campbell, Butcher) 31/10/1939
C. H. Gillham, Surveyor, 19/9/41, submitting
plan of proposed subdivision of Mrs. Gonsalves land, part Lot 13, Do. D.P. 7656,
Waratah Road and Barrenjoey Road, Palm Beach. Approved, as recommended by
Engineer. 30/9/1941
on (a) Report by Chief Health Inspector relating to the depositing of bait and
fish on Pittwater Reserve, Palm Beach, and on alterations by G. Stringer to
a building in Nabilla Road, Palm Beach, without authority; (b) building
applications and letters received since the compilation of the last report; and
(c) chemical closets applications. The
whole of, the recommendations in the Committee's report were adopted, viz - (i)
that the Inspector's recommendation that Palm Bch. Messrs, Gow and Gonsalves,
as representative fishermen, be warned regarding the unsatisfactory practices,
and that the Council's Overseer and Wharfinger be directed to forthwith remove
any such tine or receptacles for custody by the Council, and that any, owner
claiming any such receptacle or article be required to pay all reasonable
expenses incurred by the Council in the matter, be adopted; (ii) that the,
Ceuncil require G. Stringer to demolish all:unauthorised-work 'Within 14
aaye,and that failing Building compliance with this requirement, legal
proceedings be immediately 2/2/1943
Governor Phillip Park: Church of England
Boys' Society, 13/4/43 stating they desire to hold a camp at Palm Beach
from 7th to 12th May, and would grant permission for tents to be erected
adjacent to the property of Mr. Gonsalves, as arrangements have been made to use
Mr. Gonsalves' room as a dining and sleeping room; stating that the maximum
number at the camp will be .in the vicinity of 100. Resolved - That the
request be granted on the condition that sanitary and other arrangements are
satisfactory to the Chief. Health Inspector. (Ors. Batho, Williams)
Mrs. H.M. Gonsalves, 8/3/45, complaining of the
bad condition of the road fronting her business premises at Palm Beach.
Resolved, - That maintenance attention be given. 27/4/1945
H. Gonsalves, telegram, 28/8/45, to effect
that owing to state of northern end of Barrenjoey Road tradesmen refuse to
deliver goods and children play in the stagnant waters. Resolved, - That the
Engineer submit a report and estimate for constructing a road right through to
the jetty. (Crs. Batho, McLean) 28/8/1945
Governor Phillip Park: By Cr. Forster - Can
any information be given me as to when the road outside Gonsalves Cafe and Store
at the end of Palm Beach Park camping area will be attended to? The
President replied that he would refer this request to the Engineer for report.
Mrs. L. Gonsalves, 27/4/1948, requesting the
lopping or removal of a big tree on the footpath in front of her house in
Alexander Road, Careel Bay. Referred to the Works Committee, Roads and the
Engineer to report on the request to the Committee. (Crs. Walsham
Gow & Gonsalves, 12/7/52, drawing attention
to the state of the Council's wharf adjacent to Gow's boatshed and suggesting
that it be repaired or demolished, but If the Council is not prepared to do
this, stating that they are prepared to take over the structure. Resolved; -
That this wharf be demolished. (Crs. McKay, Berry)
H. M. Gonsalves, 11/12/56, stating that
owing to the illness of herself and her husband they desire to discontinue their
catering business at Avalon Beach Reserve, and requesting permission to
transfer the licence therefore. resolved - That this be referred to the Parks
and Reserves Committee for consideration, and a recommendation as to a policy in
such matters. (Crs. Berry, Job)
request has been received from the owners of Gonsalves Boatshed Pty Ltd, 1151
Barrenjoey Road, Palm Beach for the closure and sale to them of an area of
unformed road reserve adjoining their property. A plan of the area is attached
and the hatched portion is the subject land. The land in question comprises road
that gave access to the original Palm Beach Public Wharf. When the existing
public wharf was built, the owners of the boatshed were given permissive
occupancy over the old wharf. The boat repair/hire business is conducted from
their land and the permissive occupancy. It can be seen from the plan that part
of the unmade road dissects their land from the permissive occupancy. The matter
has been considered at length by the Property Management Panel which also
carried out a site inspection. Although there are no plans for the use of the
unformed road area between lots lOA and 9A, the Panel feels that it would be
unwise to dispose of valuable Pittwater foreshore land in any circumstances. It
will be noted that the area of unformed road to the east is in fact inside the
seawall and is actually beach. The boatshed owners are in fact, currently using
this as part of their operation. It is felt that in this circumstance, it would
be reasona6le to give them a lease for that particular section. RECOMMENDATION
That the Property Management Panel's recommendation be adopted, viz:- "That the
applicants be advised that Council does not favour the road closure, but is
however, prepared to give them a five year lease over the foreshore section of
unformed roadway at an annual rental of $10 per square metre." COMMITTEE'S
RECOMMENDATION AND COUNCIL'S DECISION (12/6/1984) That this matter be referred
back to the Property Management Panel in order that they may interview the
applicant to discuss the future use of the land and that the 'A' Riding
Councillors be notified when the interview will take place, and the matter then
be referred back to Council. (Crs Beckman/Grace) 'PAGE Minutes Special Meeting -
Warringah Shire A 89 12th June;1984 Shire Clerk President.
2)Rezoning of Gonsalves Boatshed (Palm Beach),
Palm Beach Marine (Palm Beach), Careel Boat Services (Careel Bay), Princes
Street Marina (Newport), Blue Binds Marine (Newport), Newport Anchorage
(Newport), Anderson's Boatshed (Newport), and Sirsi Marina (Newport) to
3(b3)(Waterfront Business "B3"). 13/2/1990
Gows-Gonsalves boatshed was the meeting place
for the local community residents. People recall Melbourne Cup day, Christmas
drinks and annual fundraisers:

Gilbert (in middle) atop Carl Gow's/Gonsalves Boatshed, 1949. Annual
fundraisers were held in the park near the ferry wharf to raise funds to support
the Randwick Hospital with the Carl Gow/Gonsalves Boatshed put into use as the
'Beer House'. This became an annual event: HOSPITAL
BENEFIT AT PALM BEACH. The Randwick Auxiliary Hospital will benefit
from a deep sea fishing and sporting day at Palm Beach tomorrow. Professional
fishermen operating from Palm Beach and private owners are providing the
trawlers. HOSPITAL BENEFIT AT PALM BEACH. (1950, March
18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5.
Retrieved from
Carl Gonsalves, son of
Frank J (Jnr.) passed away in 2009. A very popular Palm Beach gentleman and
founding member of the Palm Beach Yacht Club, owner of the ketch 'Van
Dieman', he too was known for making his boatshed available for gatherings
after sailing with PBYC. His children Carl and Caressa still live at Palm Beach
and Carl now runs the boatshed.

Gonsalves Boatshed aerial - courtesy Beryl Driver OAM

Carl Gonsalves, son of Carl and Caressa Gonsalves, current proprietor, in 2013. (sorry Carl, running it again!)