April 13 - 19, 2014: Issue 158
2014 Guringai Festival - “Wellness and Wellbeing for all People”
About Guringai Festival
Founded in 2001, the Guringai Festival aims to raise awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in the Northern Sydney region. The festival usually starts on Sorry Day 26 May and goes through to the end of NAIDOC Week, the second week in July each year.
The festival involves 11 councils and numerous reconciliation and community groups. Events include workshops, art exhibitions, performances, films and talks.
Events in association with Aboriginal Support Group - Manly Warringah Pittwater
Monday 12th May - Guest speakers Judith Bennett & Jenny Harris will outline the future plans for the Gai-mariagal Aboriginal Owned National Park. Free Event: 7.30pm – 9.30pm
All welcome - this is a free night including light supper - Mona Vale Memorial Hall 1606 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale
Sunday 25th May – Come Celebrate the National Sorry Day 2014
A time for all Australians to reflect on the profound grief and trauma experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, particularly members of the Stolen Generation. It is also an opportunity to celebrate their strength and resilience, and to reaffirm our shared commitment to healing and reconciliation.
Free Event: 3pm – 5.30pm
All Welcome - free BBQ and afternoon tea. Entertainment - Scout Hall, Bilarong Reserve Wakehurst Parkway, North Narrabeen. More details: 02 9999 3045
Monday 26th May - Dual Naming for Pittwater
Neil Evers and Julie Janson will talk about the proposal to erect signage that acknowledges Aboriginal archaeology and shared history. Clair Jackson will show recent local Aboriginal artwork. Jenny Harris will talk about Waratah Park in relation to the Gai-mariagal Aboriginal Owned National Park. Free Event: 7pm – 9.30pm - Narrabeen Tramshed 1395A Pittwater Road Narrabeen. More details: Judith Bennett 02 9905 2135 - In association with: Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment
Free Event: 10am. Avalon Baptist Peace Church - 2 George St Avalon.
A presentation by M/s Ruth Brigden who has worked in the remote community of NUMBULWAR in the NT (near the mouth of the Roper River) for the last 6 years as a missionary for CMS. Ruth dedicated her life there to helping the people of Numbulwar in many different ways. This is a great story not to be missed.
Sunday 8th June - SCREENING of the DOCUMENTARY ‘88’ then Q & A with Director Adrian Wills
Free Event: 10am - Avalon Baptist Peace Church - 2 George St, Avalon
“88” is the documentary exploring the response of the Aboriginal people of Australia to the Bi-Centenary celebrations in 1988. As, lawyer and activist Michael Mansell says “before we go around celebrating and having a birthday for white people, let’s consider the effect on the people who were invaded – and who suffered all the atrocities because of that invasion”. Thus “White Australia has a black history” became the rallying call.
Sunday 15th June - 4 hour Bushwalk in Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment
Free Event: 10am – 2pm - A walk you will remember forever. Start at 27 Morgan Rd, Belrose. Booking details: Conny Harris 02 9451-3231 or 0432 643 295
Wednesday 18th June - Movie “Mystery Road”
An Indigenous detective investigates the murder of a teenage girl in a small town in the Outback. Starring Aaron Pedersen, Hugo Weaving, Jack Thompson. Written & Directed by Ivan Sen. Rated M. Free Event: 9.30am – 12 noon - Collaroy Cinema, 1097 Pittwater Road, Collaroy. More details: 02 9999 3045
Sunday 22nd June - Discovery Walk in Guringai Country
Event: 10am – 2pm. At the Basin Track, West Head led by Laurie Bimson. For the Festival only $25 per person, max 30. (Regular price $80). Booking Essential: GuringaiTours.com.au
Wednesday 25th June - Peninsula CommUNITY of Schools Art Exhibition
Mona Vale Public School. Free Event: 5pm-7pm. Collection of artworks by students reflecting the Guringai Festival Reconciliation and NAIDOC. Further details: Sharon.smithies@det.nsw.edu.au
Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th June - Native Grass Weaving - With Karleen Green
Karleen will teach you the basic skills in traditional grass weaving. Learn how native grasses can be made into beautiful and useful objects. $30 Per Person: from 1-4 pm each day (3 hours with a max 15 - so be quick).
Mona Vale Memorial Hall, 1606 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale. Booking Essential: 02 9999 3045.
Sunday 13th July - 'Oxford Falls Triangle Walk'
Free Event: 10am -1pm. A walk were you will see Aboriginal carvings. So don’t forget your camera. Starting and ending at 27 Morgan Rd, Belrose. Booking details: Conny Harris 02 9451-3231 0432 643 295
Monday 14th July - NAIDOC Information Night
Theme: Serving Country: Centenary & Beyond.
Free Event: 7.30pm – 9.30pm. All welcome - this is a free night including light supper. Mona Vale Memorial Hall 1606 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale
The Aboriginal Support Group - Manly Warringah Pittwater
The Aboriginal Support Group - Manly Warringah Pittwater (ASG) started in 1979 as a treaty organisation and later developed into a group of people committed to supporting Indigenous Australians in their broader struggle for justice. Located on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, members of the ASG share a passion to see right relationships forged between Indigenous and settler Australians. Working in our local area, we seek to change the way non-Aboriginal people understand and relate to Aboriginal Australians. We never speak on behalf of Aboriginal people and are committed to 'be there' for Aboriginal people with effective, informed support. The ASG meets regularly to discuss issues, causes and events, to plan actions, to share friendship and experiences. Work is shared by trusted volunteers.
Together we can make a difference!
ASG Membership Fee....................... $ 25 per year
Membership fees help with Aboriginal Education, Maintaining supportive relations with the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander community and organisations
• Keeping members and the wider community informed about Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander issues and events
• Encouraging awareness of the protection of Indigenous Culture and Heritage
• Production of the newsletter Elimatta
• Maintaining a comprehensive and informative website www.asgmwp.net
• Organising Information Nights with guest speakers, films and discussion
• Supporting the annual Guringai Festival by organising and assisting with events
• Networking with social justice movements especially those concerned with Reconciliation and Indigenous issues and federal politicians and writing letters issues of concern
• Membership of the NSW Reconciliation Council, ANTaR and the Northern Sydney Region
For more information go to ASGMWP.NET

Les McLeod and Ged McMinn danced six traditional dances; The Welcome, Cassowary, Kangaroo and Farewell among these. ASGMWP - Sorry Day 2103