November 9 - 15, 2014: Issue 188
The HMAS Sydney Stops RMS Emden – 100 Years Ago Today

Showing cables system – communications sought to destroy
The above map shows the Indian Ocean cable system, of which Cocos Island is the centre. It also indicates the alternative lines by which the business is now being carried on while the ravages of the Germans at Cocos Island are being repaired. The dotted lines are the more recently laid cables.
The Cocos or Keeling Islands are a group of coral islands in the Indian Ocean, mainly composing one atoll between 12 deg. 4 min. and 12 deg. 13 mm. south and 96 deg. 40mm. to 90 deg. 57 min. east. They be-long to the British, and since 1886 have been annexed to the Straits Settlements. There are some large coconut plantations on them.
The Keeling Atoll (Cocos Islands), where the wrecked Emden lies, consists of a coral reef in the form of a ring, enclosing a lagoon on all sides except at the northern end, where there are two open spaces, through one of which ships can enter. The
reef varies in width from 250 yards to 500yards. Its surface is level, or very slightly inclined toward the lagoon, and at high tide the sea breaks entirely over it. The islets on the reef are first formed between200 and 300 yards from its outer edge, through the accumulation of a pile of fragments thrown together by some unusually strong gale. Their ordinary width is under a quarter of a mile, and their length varies from a few yards to several miles. The highest parts of the islets (excepting hillocks of blown sand, some of which are30 ft. high) average from 6 ft. to 10 ft. above high watermark. The islands to lee-ward are broader, than those to windward, some of them being as much as 300 yards in width, but they are very low. DURATION OF THE WAR. (1914, November 11). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), p. 7. Retrieved from
The HMAS Sydney Stops RMS Emden – 100 Years ago today
'Britishers do no kick when the enemy's down' - Captain John Collings Taswell Glossop
One hundred years ago today in the early hours of November 9th, 1914, Australia’s newly built and commissioned Royal Navy encountered her first at sea battle.
Previously we have shared stories on the lead into the establishment of our Navy and the First Fleet Review. One of the ships built for this new Navy was the HMAS Sydney, a Chatham class light cruiser of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Sydney was laid down by the London and Glasgow Engineering and Iron Shipbuilding Company at Glasgow, Scotland, on 11 February 1911. The ship was launched on 29 August 1912 by the wife of Admiral Sir Reginald Henderson. Sydney was completed on 26 June 1913, and commissioned into the RAN that day. The ship cost approximately 385,000 pounds to build.
HMAS Sydney's launching on 29 August 1912.
Sydney arrived in Albany, Western Australia on 19 September 1913, after completing her maiden voyage. The cruiser operated of eastern Australia until March 1914, when she sailed to Singapore to meet the two new Australian submarinesAE1 and AE2. The three vessels reached Sydney in May, and the cruiser was reassigned to patrols along the eastern coast.
When World War I started, Sydney was north-bound to join Admiral George Patey and the battlecruiser HMAS Australia. The ships were quickly assigned to protect the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force, which was used to capture German colonial assets in the region; Sydney participated in operations against Rabaul and Anguar Island in September. In October, Sydney and sister ship HMAS Melbourne left Patey's squadron for Sydney, where they joined the escort of the first convoy delivering Australian and New Zealand soldiers to Egypt. (1)
The Battle of Cocos was a single-ship action that occurred on November 9th 1914, after the Australian light cruiser HMAS Sydney responded to an attack on a communications station at Direction Island by the German light cruiser RMS Emden.
Following the retreat of the German East Asia Squadron from south-east Asia, the RMS Emden remained behind to function as a commerce raider with devastating success. During a two-month period late in 1914, the German cruiser captured or sank 25 civilian vessels, shelled Madras, and destroyed two Allied warships at Penang. Stopping this ship became high on the wish list of many:
THE EMDEN. UNCONFIRMED REPORT, Fremantle, Tuesday.—According to a rumor which came by steamer to-day, the German cruiser Emden, which had been interfering with shipping in the Bay of Bengal, was captured a few days ago by a British cruiser, assisted by a Japanese warship. It is stated that the German capitulated after one shot had been fired- .;Melbourne; Tuesday.—The Minister for Defence said he had received no word of the capture of the Emden, and if it had happened he certainly would have heard of it. THE EMDEN. (1914, October 1). Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 - 1954) , p. 2. Retrieved from
The Emden has sunk four small British steamers and captured another. The Portuguese Royalists failed in their effort to prevent the Government assisting Great Britain against Germany. Preparations for war are actively proceeding throughout- Portugal. EMDEN AGAIN. (1914, October 23). Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
The new P. and O. liner Khyber made its first appearance in Sydney Harbour on Friday, and the story of the trip is interesting, as the German cruiser Emden figured in it. The Khyber did not sight the German mystery ship, but she was not far off her at times, and on arrival at Colombo those aboard the Khyber witnessed a sight that will be long remembered. "There were 71 ships in all sheltering or waiting at Colombo," said one of the ship's company. "They had the Emden scare very badly, and the effect on some of the crews was such that wholesale desertions had taken place."
At Colombo the Khyber loaded a record cargo of tea for Australasian ports, comprising 1000 tons, of which 12,000 packages were for Sydney. A captain of one of the boats sunk by the Emden was met with. It appears that the vessel left Colombo at 0o'clock one evening, and was sunk before midnight, thus showing that the cruiser was not far away from Colombo, it was estimated that she was within 40 miles of the port, as the searchlight reflector was clearly seen on the sky line from the town. That a scare existed can easily be imagined, ns a wireless signal was sent from the Emden to Colombo, "Will see you later; have observed the Highflyer." The visit has not yet been paid; but for all that the Emden is actively engaged in other directions, despite the fact that seven cruisers have been looking for her.
Up to the time the Khyber left live ships had gone to the bottom. The officers of British ships who were sent ashore by the cruiser state that the commander of the German vessel possesses a sporting instinct, and treats all his prisoners well. Ono account given in the shipping office at Colombo is as follows:- ,
"When our ship, which was bound for Singapore from Bombay, had been a couple of days out, we fell in with the Emden. She came up to us under easy steam, and sent a shot across our boys. Then a party, in charge of a young officer, came aboard, and had a look at our papers. He said, 'The captain's compliments, and will you leave in a quarter of an hour? We are to engage in shot drill.' We complied with the order, and leapt into three boats.
"Our captain and the chief engineer were taken aboard the cruiser, while the rest of us were sent to a collier, which was with the cruiser. 1 can't tell you the name of the collier, it was painted out, and in charge of Germans. But she WRS a British ship, and had 1OOO tons of coal aboard. This is the reason why the Kindon did not bother to take our coal-there was enough on the captured collier to Inst for some time. Inside a week wo were all sent back to Colombo on another steamer, on which there were five crews. The Tumorie. was the Inst victim of this bunch. She was sent out of sight at 12 o'clock at night, and w-o bad au exhibition of German marksmanship. 1 do not know-how the Emden will shape when she does meet a warship. If they do not shoot any better than they did at the Tumorie, the other fellow' will have a soft snap.
"It was a fine night, and the electric lights were playing on the Tumeric, so that every-body could see the result of the shooting. The target was less than 200 yards off, and the first shot went clean over the ship. Then they fired four more, and not one of these found the water-line, being at least nine or ten feet from the water. In the sixth shot the projectile hit the Tumeric below the, water-line, about No. 4 hatch. It must have madea big hole in her, us she went down in about nine minutes. One fellow timed the sinking at Sr minutes.
"The Emden chaps were up to date in the matter of nows, and tried to put a few yarns into us about the victories of the. Germans on land. The Tumeric sailors could not stand this, and there was an argument on the collier. However, the officer in charge of the guard soon stopped it, and for the rest of the time we were comfortable. The party which boarded the Tumeric did not bother much about ship's papers or cargo. All that they took were the newspapers, and, as the steamer was only six hours out from Colombo, you can see they were lucky. They got the latest news-and you do get news in the Colombo papers these days. When the party was sent from the Emden to join the others in the steamer, which was to take them to Colombo, one of the cruiser's officers said, in good English, 'A pleasant run borne; we will probably meet again, and if we do go to Colombo, it won't be like our visit to Madras.''
"The Khyber left Colombo with navigating lights but, and secured ports, making an uneventful run to Fremantle. At the West Australian port, a number of passengers joined the vessel, and a shipment of 200,000 sovereigns was received for Sydney. The weather all along the Australian coast until Friday morning was intensely cold, and the officers of the ship, on arrival that morning were surprised at the high temperature in port, as compared with the chilly conditions of but three hours before.
The vessel brought to Sydney from London a shipment of steel rails, fish plates, and angles, comprising 1000 tons, for the New South Wales Government. There arc also extensive shipments of general merchandise the largest cargo received from London since the outbreak of the war. THE EMDEN. (1914, October 29). Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), p. 2. Retrieved from
In early November, Emden's commanding officer, Karl von Müller, decided to attack the communications station at Direction Island, in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, in order to hamper Allied communications and frustrate all searches for his ship. Around the same time, the first convoy of Australian and New Zealand soldiers bound for Europe sailed from Albany, Western Australia, with HMAS Sydney, under the command of John Glossop, and the three warships, HMAS Melbourne, HMS Minotaur and HIJMS Ibuki escorting.
In October 1914, Albany in Western Australia was the gathering point for all ships carrying the AIF and NZEF, later to become collectively known as the ‘ANZACs’. Merchant ships carrying troops from New Zealand, Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria departed from Albany on 1 November 1914, together with the three cruisers – HMA Ships Melbourne and Sydney and the HMS Minotaur. They were joined at sea two days later by two ships carrying troops from South Australia and Western Australia, along with the Japanese cruiser, HIJMS Ibuki.
During the night of 8–9 November, Emden reached the Cocos/Keeling islands, and sent a shore party to disable the wireless and cable transmission station on Direction Island. The station was able to transmit a distress call before it was shut down and this was received by the nearby convoy, with HMAS Sydney being ordered to investigate.
On November 9th the more powerful HMAS Sydney fired upon the RMS Emden and her effectiveness came to an end:
Emden ! "Emden," how many times has that been on the lips of everybody in Urana and Oaklands ? To repeat or attempt to write them would use up the entire stock of pencils at both town schools. A great wave of enthusiasm swept over the town yesterday morning when Mrs. Macknight received a message from Corowa to the effect that the Emden had been engaged by H. M. A. S. Sydney, defeated and reduced to a total wreck. Flags were soon seen .flying on some of business places. On the mail arriving—the news was confirmed that the young Australian Navy—had had its first encounter at sea and come off remarkably well. The Emden has accounted for the disappearing of 21 hulls from off the sea. Emden!. (1914, November 13). The Urana Independent and Clear Hills Standard (NSW : 1913 - 1921), p. 2. Retrieved from
1914 reports from those aboard her and those who were there to witness this first RAN battle, beginning with her Captain's, best illustrate what happened and also communicate a certain gentlemanly quality and compassion that prevailed throughout the Great War:
A report was received to-night by the naval authorities from Captain Glossop, R.N., of H.M.A.S. Sydney, dated Colombo, November 15,dealing with the destruction of the Emden. It runs as follows:
"I have the honour to report that at 6.30 a.m. on Monday, November 9, a wireless message from Cocos was heard, 'Strange warship at entrance.' I was ordered to ' raise steam for full speed at 7 a.m., and proceeded thither. I then worked up to 20 knots, and at 9.15 a.m. sighted land ahead, and almost Immediately the smoke of a ship, which proved to be the Emden coming out towards me at a great rate. At 9.40 a.m. Uro was opened, the Emden firing the first shot. I kept my distance as much as possible to obtain the advantage of my guns. Her fire was very accurate and rapid to begin with, but seemed to slacken very quickly, all casualties occurring in this ship almost Immediately. My fore-most finder was, dismounted quite early. First the foremost funnel of her went; secondly the foremast, and she was badly on fire aft. Then the second funnel went, and lastly the third-funnel, and I saw she was making for the beach on North Keeling Island, where she grounded at 11.26 a.m. I gave her two more broadsides, and left her to pursue a merchant ship which had come up during the action. Although I had guns on this merchant ship at odd times during the action, I had not fired and as she was making off fast, I pursued and overtook her at 12.10, firing a gun across her bows and hoisting the international code signals to stop, which she did.
I sent an armed boat, and found her to be the S.S. Buresk, a captured British collier, with 18 Chinese crew, one English steward, one Norwegian cook, and a German prize crew of three officers, one warrant officer, and 12 men. Tile ship unfortuuately was sinking. The Kingston was knocked out and damaged to prevent repairing, so I took all on board, and fired four shells into her and returned to the Emden, passing men swimming in the water, for whom I left two boats I was towing from the Buresk. I then left the Emden and returned and picked up the Buresk's two boats, leaving two sailors at 5 p.m., who had been in the water all day. I returned and sent in one boat to the Emden manned by her own prize crew from the Buresk, and one officer, and staling I would return to their assistance next morning. This I had to do, as it was desirable to find out the condition of the cables and wireless station at Direction Island.
On the passage I was again delayed by rescuing another sailor at 6.30 p.m., and by the time I was again ready and approaching Direction Island it was too late for the night. I lay on and oil all night, and communicated with Direction Island at 8 a.m. on November 10, to And that the Emden's party, consisting of three officers and 40 men, one launch, and two cutters, had seized and provisioned a 70ton schooner, the Ayesha, having four maxims with two belts in each. They left the previous night at 6 o'clock.
Emden's landing party provisioning the commandeered Ayesha prior to making good their escape., schooner Ayesha is in the background
I borrowed a doctor and two assistants and proceeded as fast as possible to the Emden's assistance. I sent an officer on board to see the captain, and In view of the large number of prisoners and wounded, and the lack of accommodation in this ship, and the absolute impossibility of leaving them where they were, he agreed that if I received his officers and men and all the wounded, for such time as they remained in the Sydney they would cause no interference with the ship or fittings, and would be amenable to the ship's discipline. I, therefore, set to work at once to tranship them, a most difficult operation, the ship being on the weather side of the island and the sea alongside very heavy.
The conditions in the Emden are indescribable. I received the last from her at 3 p.m., and then had to go round to the lee side to pick up 24 men who had managed to get ashore from the ship. Darkness came on before this could be accomplished, and the ship again stood off and on all night, resuming operations at 5 a.m. on November 11, a cutter's crew having to land with stretchers to bring wounded round to the embarking point. A German officer, a doctor, died ashore the previous day.
The ship in the meantime ran over to Direction Island to return their doctor and assistants. Sent cables, and was back again at 10 a.m., embarking the remainder of the wounded, and proceeded for Colombo by 10.30a.m., Wednesday, November 11. The total casualties In the Sydney were:-Killed, 3; severely wounded (since died), 1; severely wounded, 4; wounded, 4; slightly wounded, 4.
In the Emden I can only approximately state the killed as seven officers and 108 men, from the captain's statement. I had on board 11 officers, nine warrant officers, and 191 men, of whom three officers and 83 men were wounded, and of this number, one officer and three men have since died of wounds.
The damage done to the Sydney's hull and fittings was surprisingly small. In all about 10 hits seem to have been made. Her engine and boiler rooms and funnels escaped entirely. With such a crowd of wounded and prisoners on board. It was impossible to do anything more than barely look after them. The wounded were in a terrible state, and had to lay about the upper deck and passages, under what, temporary shelter could be rigged, in close tropical weather with heavy rain, and as a consequence, the ship will require most careful and thorough disinfection; and cleaning at Colombo. I was more than thankful to be able to stop and transfer to the Empress of Russia, l8 Chinese of the Buresk and five officers, four warrant officers, and 6'i men, belonging to the Emden, most of whom were wounded. But, notwithstanding, I retained all of the worst cases, as I did not like the transhipment. Indeed, If we had not been fortunately in smooth waters I could not have shifted the men.
"The enemy's shells appeared to fail to burst often. The Emden's steering gear was disabled very early, and loss of speed occurred in consequence. I have great pleasure Instating that the behaviour of the ship's company was excellent in every way, and with such a large proportion of young hands and people under training, it Is all the more gratifying. The engines worked magnificently, and higher results than the trials were obtained. I cannot speak too highly of the medical staff and the arrangements on the subsequent trip, the ship being nothing but a hospital of the)most painful description. THE EMDEN. (1914, December 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Dr. H. S. Olleshead, the medical officer at Cocos Island, thus describes the visit of the Emden to the cable station: "On Monday, November 9, at 6.50,a.m., a four-funnelled cruiser was reported in the entrance of the lagoon, and on going to the roof of my house I noticed that the fore funnel was obviously wind-chute, and the other three were unlike British funnels. The warship steamed in, with an armed launch mounting two maxims, and two cutters, each mounting one maxim, and containing three officers and about 40 men. After slipping the launch and cutters, the cruiser steamed back to the en-trance. The armed party quickly arrived at the jetty, and made a direct line for the office and wireless plant. After rounding us all up in one of the boatsheds under guard with a maxim trained on us, they then went about their work with a will, using huge axes and, sledge hammers. The noise of breaking glass, wood etc., was terrific. The wireless mast was blown up, but did not fall until three charges had been laid. Meanwhile, other parties were making a systematic search of all rooms, taking all firearms, electrical locks, etc. They also blew-up and ignited one store containing spare cable and rope. Every building and store in the place was examined, but practically all personal property was untouched.
"In the meantime their launch had sought the cables, the result of the damage being well known by now, though their methods of cutting cable with hand saws and small axes were very primitive. '
"While they were operating on the cable the Emden was frantically signalling them with flags and hellograph, trying, I concluded to recall them. Eventually the Emden whistled. The party pushed off, and we all rushed to different points of vantage to see her go away, when one man shouted that there was another cruiser coming up. She was belching forth huge masses of jet black smoke, and just occasionally one could, catch a glimpse of her hull . We knew then she was a British ship, and then came the deep boom of a gun, and we all went mad with delight, cheering and shouting from the roofs. Meanwhile, the Emden stood out to sea, not even waiting for the armed patrol, and we, now at the back of the island, saw a sight, the equal of which few will ever have the luck to watch.
"The Emden started firing, and we could see the shells falling all around the Sydney, cutting tunnels through the clouds of smoke, and raising huge spouts of water as they fell. For a time the Emden seemed untouched, a regular picture, with no smoke at all issuing from her funnels She was using best Welsh coal, and firing unceasingly from all her starboard guns. One could see nothing but a huge mass of smoke where the Sydney was, but we know what was inside that smoke and very shortly had ample evidence of it First a funnel, then the foremast, went over the side, and a few seconds afterwards the stern burst into flames. She seemed to be in the middle of an inferno. The armed party had by now returned, and, rounded us up again, hoisting (I should say planting) the German flag in front of the quarters, and proclaiming martial law. After watching for some time, the first lieutenant (I expect he saw it was hopeless, though the German sailors were convinced the Emden would return),said he, was going to 'pinch' the schooner Ayesha, and get on board his ship somehow.
If the Emden didn't return before sunset, and if a British ship came he would resist them-as this was now 'German territory'. So he commandeered provisions for two months, most of our drinking water, lots of our clothes, blankets, etc, and departed after sunset. The German officers were all nice men, and could talk good English. The men also behaved themselves well. The next day much to the delight of all, the H M.A S. Sydney arrived.
"The Emden was almost high and dry on the southern barrier of Keeling Island, perforated like the top of a pepper-pot from stem to stern. She had one mast left, also two very poor apologies for funnels, which were supporting one another in a very sorry way. On board it was a truly awful sight, pieces of humanity scattered around, everything torn and twisted, with the stern gutted by fire. The wounded did not amount to more than 40, but the list of nearly 200 killed tells its own tale. I heard that on going into action ' The Boys '(i.e., 30 lads, I believe, training on board),were chaffed about being very nervous, etc., but from what I can hear they were the pride of the ship when it was all over, doing their work as coolly and cheerfully as the rest." THE LAST OF THE EMDEN. (1914, December 21). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Sydney's crew assembled on her foc'sle shortly after the engagement with Emden.
This one is interesting due to omitting the names of the other ships at sea in this convoy - a wartime safety measure - as much as for all the details it contains
How The Australians Fared In Their Baptism of Fire
On Sunday, November 1, at 5.30 a.m., the convoy and the escorting cruisers, — — , ___ ,and the Sydney left Albany for Colombo. During the first four days very heavy rolling was experienced. On the Tuesday the cruiser ____ ,the ___ , and two transports were sighted, and joined up with us. About an hour and a half later the ? developed an engine-room defect, and had to be ordered back to Fremantle. The convoy now consisted of 30 transports and four cruisers as escort. On November 7 the cruiser in charge informed her charges that she had received orders for another service, and that thereafter the convoy would be in charge of the ___ . Nothing of moment happened until we reached Cocos or Keeling Islands, roughly half-way between Albany and Colombo. As we neared that group orders were given to show no lights at all, as it was feared that if an attack were to be made at all it would be somewhere about here. It was on Sunday night, November 8, that we passed the islands nearly 60 miles away on our port beam. At 7.15 a.m. the ___ received a signal from the wireless operator at Cocos, to the effect that an enemy cruiser was lying at the entrance to the harbor. The Sydney was given orders to immediately raise steam for full speed and proceed to Cocos.
This the Sydney did. All hands were sent to breakfast early, and the ship cleared for action. At 9.15 a.m. the lookout reported from the foretop: 'Three-funnelled cruiser off the starboard bow, Sir.'
After that, events happened in such fashion as to be best appreciated by the following table of times : —
9.38 : The Emden opened up with a ranging shot, and the Sydney replied almost immediately.
9.39 : The Sydney opened fire.
10.4 : The Emden's foremost funnel shot away.
10.20 : Explosion on the Emden by the mainmast.
10.34 : The Emden's foremast shot away.
10.41 : The Emden's second funnel shot away.
10.42 : Explosion on the Emden, which was now completely hid in steam and smoke.
11.8 : The Emden's third funnel shot away, and she steered for the beach.
11.11 : The Emden aground.
11.15 : The Sydney ceased fire. Total time taken in action, 1 hour 36 minutes.
On signalling the enemy from the foretop, 'General Quarters' was sounded off, and everything cleared away. At first it was hard to tell who it was, and only two masts and the top of three funnels could be seen. Every man on board said : 'I hope it is the Emden. We'll give her 25 Knots ; sneu nave to steam raster than that to get away from the Australian ocean flyer, Sydney.'
On sighting her, our course was altered in her direction, and she soon came into sight, as we were doing a good 25 knots. As soon as the whole of the enemy's cruiser could be seen, we all recognised her as the Emden. Cheer after cheer was given, when the men were told that it was really the Emden. 'Now for it !' they said. 'For 109 years we have been waiting for this, and now we are going to show what, we can do.' As soon as the Emden saw us, she steamed towards us, working up to full speed as she Came. We then altered course to starboard, so as to get more guns to bear. The Emden altered to port, and so we gradually closed in on each other. The Emden fired the- first shot; by opening fire with a ranging gun. Immediately we saw the flash, our forecastle gun also had a ranging shot. Then the battle began. The first broadside was fired at a range of 7500yds. Both cruisers edged in towards one another, firing broadsides all the time. The Emden did the better firing for the first six broadsides. Onboard the ' Sydney the gun layer of one gun was laid out and a signalman slightly wounded. Seven out of nine of the third gun, starboard, were wounded. The officer and all three of his men in the after control were laid out, one man being shot clean off the control.
Evidently our captain thought that the Emden had had her part of the sport, and it was our turn now. The Emden's next broadside fell short, and ours knocked her first funnel over. The Emden's next broadside went over us, and ours hit her right along her battery. Goodness knows what damage it did. We could see the flame from the explosion, and that was all. The next broadside from the Emden brought us bad luck. She fired five guns. Four of her shots fell short, but one came over the bridge, carrying away the signalman's halyards, through the range-finder, knocking it over, blew off the range-finder man's leg, through the hammocks lining the upper bridge, then the upper bridge screen and the ship's awning which was lashed round it, cutting it like a knife, hit the deck of the lower bridge, and shot through the bridge screen. After that nothing hit us for several minutes. Then? one hit us amidships, went through two bulkheads into the First Lieutenant's cabin, hit the deck, and then shot through the ship's side. Then the Sydney had some luck. The Emden's foremast suddenly disappeared, and at the same time she caught fire by the mainmast. The fire burned furiously for a time, and then eased. The Emden's shots still fell short and over. ' The Captain of the Sydney was responsible for this. When he saw a broadside from the Emden fall just short of us, he. would alter course and edge a bit nearer to her. The Emden naturally raised her gun-sights, and her next broadside whistled overhead. When theEmden's shots went over, we altered out a bit. The Emden lowered her gun-sights, and the next shots fell short. The next thing to happen was the Emden’s second funnel. It disappeared, and a dense cloud of steam arose, and you could see the ship. We all thought the Emden was done for, and started to man the boats for the rescue work, when the Emden fired again.
A rush was made back to the guns, and we fired another broadside, which pushed her third funnel over. As soon as the -third funnel disappeared the Emden's speed decreased. She was already heading landwards. As soon as we had put ? a few more shots into her she headed straight for the shore. One. gun only on her starboard side was firing, the remainder being out of action. About a minute before the Emden beached herself she ceased firing altogether. After she had beached, we poured three broadsides, consisting of 15 shots, into her, and left her to go and chase the merchant collier which had been lying off watching the battle, to see who was going to win. When she saw the Emden beach to save herself from sinking, the collier started to runaway, but she didn't get far. During the action we got 29.3 knots out of the Sydney, and we kept this going. The Captain gave the order to 'Go as fast as you can,' and we opened right out. The Sydney was built only for 25 knots, but you never know what you can do till you're pushed. As we did not want to go too far away, a shot was dropped across the collier's bows, and she soon pulled up. On reaching her a boat was, lowered by the Sydney and an armed party sent on board. The vessel turned out to be the s.s. Buresk, a collier filled with Welsh coal, and chartered by the Admiralty for Hong Kong. The Emden captured her 260 miles west of Colombo. A Chinese crew who had previously been captured from another merchant ship were put on board her, and made to do the stoking and assist the Emden's prize crew in working the ship. On getting on board we were informed by the Chinese that the vessel was sinking. They were all panic-stricken, and wanted to leave the ship and go on board the Australian man-of-war. We ? sent these off in a boat, and then made the German officers and men prisoners.
Emden, beached on North Keeling Island, courtesy State Library of Victoria
The collier was flying a German naval ensign. We ordered her to strike her colors. Immediately they had hauled down the.. German flag they burnt it in the galley fire so that we shouldn't get it. The foremost holds were filling fast with water, otherwise they were empty. The after-holds had almost 4000 tons of coal in them. Orders were received from the Sydney to abandon ship, as the collier was sinking fast. This we did after taking books and papers. As. soon as we got away clear in the boats, four shots were put into her, and she caught fire and rapidly sank lower in the water. As soon as the prisoners and armed party were back on board we turned round and went to the Emden. On nearing her we saw she still flew the German ensign at the- main masthead, so we made a signal by flags: 'Do you surrender ?' The Emden made back by Morse flag: 'What signal ?' 'No signal-books.' The Sydney then made by Morse flag, 'Do you surrender?'
No reply was received from the Emden, so we then made, 'Can you receive signal ?'There was no reply, so we signalled again, 'Will you surrender ?'Neither was there any reply to this, so we opened fire on her, ordering our gunlayers to aim at the foot of the mainmast. As we turned round to fire with the other battery, a white flag was waved and. a man went aloft to haul down the German flag. As soon as it was done they burned it, so that it should not be captured.
As soon as the Emden surrendered, we put to sea and steamed about all night. The reason we did not start rescue work straight away was in case she had made a signal for help during the action, and at the time we did not know where the Konigsberg was, so we decided not to be caught napping. With the break of daylight we steamed towards the wireless station, as we had received information from' one of the prisoners that an armed party had been landed to destroy the wireless and cable stations before they sighted us. An armed party from the Sydney consisting of 35 men and two officers in charge was sent away in two boats. The leading boat flew the white rag as a flag of truce. On nearing the pier a white handkerchief was waved back to the boats, and they went toward the landing place. As they came alongside cheer after cheer rang out, and immediately the party had landed everybody wanted to shake hands with them. 'As soon as we could make ourselves understood, we asked them where the Emden's party was, and they told us that they had left during the night. They also informed us that the Emden's party was 40 strong, with four maxim guns. The Germans planned to let us almost land, then open fire on us from the end of the pier with the maxims and so wipe us all out. They expected us to attack them over night, but evidently our captain knew the Germans' thoughts. That was why he waited for daylight.
There were about ten Australians on the island, and they couldn't do enough for us. They said they thought we were the Minotaur, until we got close enough for them to see our Australian ensign at the foremast. They said the fight was bosker. They could see it when we came up their end of the island.
After making inquiries as to the state of the wireless and cable station, we returned to the boat. Whilst we were on the island (which was for about 40 minutes) they brought us drinks and cigarettes in galore. Cocoanuts were also brought up to us by the niggers, and cool drinks by the Chinese boys. The captain wanted the superintendent, doctor, and wireless operator to come on board, so we got these people into the boat, and as we shoved off the remainder gave us a cheer, and sang 'For they are jolly good fellows,' and gave us the coo-ee. We laid on our oars and returned the cheers.
After getting our visitors on board, the captain had a yarn with, the superintendent, and thanked the wireless operator for reporting the Emden so smartly. After doing this the captain went back on the bridge and left the operator talking to one of the officers. The superintendent had previously got back into his boat, and had shoved off. Just then the ship began to go ahead. The officer offered to ask the captain to stop the ship, but the operator said 'Never mind : ' good-bye,' took a header over the side and- swam to his boat, laughing. On arrival off the Emden. we lowered two cutters, and pulled towards her, flying the Red Cross flag. The Emden was flying the International signal, 'Require immediate assistance.' The boats had a terrible job to get alongside her, as the reef caused heavy rollers in shore. All day Tuesday, November 10, up till 5 p.m., we had our boats going backwards and forwards, getting the wounded first, and then the prisoners. '
The forepart of the ship from the breakwater to the bow was in a fairly good condition, the worst damage being the hole in the bows caused through running up on the beach. The conning tower still stood, and all the fittings inside were in good condition, except the floor, which had been blown up by a shell that' had exploded underneath. The upper bridge and chart-house had been blown away, absolutely nothing remaining of them.
Of the lower bridge all that could be seen was the deck, and that was twisted about in places. Below this again, it was all a twisted mass of steel and iron. On the mess deck forward everything appeared to be whole, but it was upside down. The sick bay right forward was hardly damaged. As one walked along the port battery one could see where the guns had once been. Nothing remained of them but bent and twisted mountings. The 'whole length of the deck the bodies lay as they had fallen, some whole, some half burnt, others practically incinerat&3.In the centre part . of the ship where the engine room 'casings should have been, was amass of bent and torn angle iron and gratings. It was impossible to see into the engine room or the stokehold owing to the awful wreckage. Nor could one walk along the starboard battery owing to the big, gaping holes in the deck. The guns on this side were also missing. They had either been completely blown out of the ship or else they must have fallen through to the bottom, as the gun mountings were missing as well.
The foremast was hanging over the side, and the foretopmast had been blown right off. The three funnels were lying one across the other over the port side, and one had to bend down to get past them. From the main mast to right aft the ship was simply a shell. Her inside had been scooped out by the shells penetrating the sides and bursting inside. The officers' quarters were conspicuous by their absence. It was a straight drop from the quarter deck to the bottom of the ship. When the fire broke out it stripped her of everything aft. All the woodwork of her decks had been burnt off. Lying under the joinings of her iron plates were English sovereigns, half-sovereigns, and florins, together with plenty of German mark pieces. There were also to be seen burnt bundles of bank books. Some of the Emden's survivors told us that- a' very large amount of English money had been thrown over the side.
BODIES HORRIBLY BURNED. The two quarterdeck guns were burnt and blistered terribly. The rear parts had been completely blown off, whilst the sights were beyond recognition. The bodies of the guns crews were lying about just as they' had fallen down. They were all burnt to cinders. It was a pitiful sight. One German officer pointed to what had once been' an officer, with the words 'My friend there — he officer.'
The two protruding shin bones showed that the feet had been blown away. One arm was altogether missing and the hand of the other. He had evidently, fallen there wounded, and being unable to get away, had been slowly burnt to death. The captain of the Emden, the Kaiser's nephew, a signalman, and a seaman who were in the conning tower, escaped scathless. They were rendered unconscious -for a time through
the ,fumes of a lyddite shell, but otherwise suffered no ill. Only three of the men who were stationed on the upper deck came out of the action alive, and only one of those uninjured. The Emden's total losses were 180 killed and 50 wounded; 135 men were uninjured, and of the ten officers who were saved four were more or less seriously wounded. The Sydney's losses were two dead, five seriously wounded, and eight with minor injuries. This list includes the one wounded officer. Two of our seriously wounded died and were buried at sea. The same fate fell to one German officer.
At 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 10 we left the Emden and went round to the west side of the island to pick up 20 of the enemy's crew who had been blown overboard during the action and had managed to swim to the shore. Four of this number had broken arms and legs. As soon as we arrived off a spot that offered facilities for landing a boat's crew, the whaleboat was launched, carrying an officer and six hands. , As they had to go a long way through, dense bush before they arrived at the place where the wounded men had taken refuge, and. therefore were not expected to get back before midnight, we left them and steamed slowly out to sea until midnight, when we turned and steamed towards the wireless station. On arriving there we sent the doctor off, as he was wanted ashore, and could no longer lend us his services. During the time he was on board he worked like any two ordinary men. We were all very sorry to lose him, and the captain thanked him on the quarterdeck for the invaluable services he hadrendered. So soon as he was clear we steamed off to pick 'up our landing party. The four wounded men I have already mentioned werein an a-wful state when they arrived on board. One man was in a particularly filthy condition. As soon as they were taken safely onboard we. steamed off to Colombo. During the night messages of congratulation were received from H.M.A.S. ___ , H.M.S. ___ , and ___ , and armed merchant cruisers ____and ___.At 11.30 p.m. on Thursday, November 12, the Empress of Asia passed us on her way to Cocos Islands. We gave her a report and some orders to carry out, and told her tobe prepared for a shocking sight. At half -past 8- the following morning the Empress of Russia came close to us. We stopped, and sent a Chinese crew from the Buresk on board her, and also 30 of the wounded Germans and nine officers. The captain of theEmden and the German Prince, who is a Lieutenant, were retained on board the Sydney. The Empress of Russia sent us 100 blankets and some medical stores. At noon both ships got under way and headed for Colombo.
The damage to the Sydney Is slight. The after control is completely smashed up, but that is the worst. The upper bridge is slightly strained. There is one shot hole in our starboard side, two in the port, and one big hole in the forecastle. The deck was chopped up a bitby bursting shrapnel, and our mainmast has got a slice out of it. We also require a new rangefinder, and. a new range-finder man.
The Emden was off Cocos Island, not for the purpose of stopping the convoy (she did not know where it was), but for the. express purpose of capturing the Orient liner Osterley. The Emden's crew said they had heard that the Osterley had £5,000,000 on board, which the Germans wanted.
As the Sydney and Empress of Russia, with the wounded on board, neared Colombo, they passed a large number of- merchant ships, all of whom made signals of congratulation. When 30 miles off Colombo, the convoy was caught up, and we were asked to steam through their lines with our crew on deck. Our captain consented to do this, providing there were no cheers, the reason given being consideration for the wounded. He said : 'Britishers do no kick when the enemy's down.'
The troops all stood to attention when we passed, without cheering.' As we entered Colombo harbor the new troops also stood to attention, - but one of the Australian transports broke the order and cheered us again and again. They also saluted us -with the 'Coo-ee.' About four ships sent their congratulations by signal. Our signalman eventually got tired of hoisting the reply, which was 'Thank you.' The Sydney and convoy arrived at Colombo on Sunday, November 15. DRAMATIC STORY OF EMDEN'S END. (1914, December 13).Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 9. Retrieved from
The Emden
Writing to a Melbourne friend an officer on H.M.A.S. Sydney throws interesting sidelights on the Sydney-Emden fight. The following extracts are from his letter : —
" H.M.A.S. Sydney, at sea, 14-11-14..—Just a line to let you know I am O.C.—/The monotonous trip which we all expected, steaming at the miserable pace of 10 knots ... proved one of excitement and experience. You will doubtless see the skipper's report of the action, so it is scarcely worth my while mentioning it other than to say the Emden put
up a jolly good fight, and while the engagement lasted, some two and a half hours, it was an exciting and, anxious time. We covered the 60 miles to the Cocos Islands in under 2£ hours. At one time we were doing all out 26£ knots, exceeding the speed she did on her trials.
" She opened the ball, and we responded simultaneously at about12,000 yards. She came at us, her object apparently being to torpedo us, at which game she has hitherto proved herself excellent. We were hit in all about 11 times, but fortunately only about three shells burst. There were some miraculous escapes. |
" Our shells played up the very devil. The second salvo—so the rescued tell us—dug up her quarterdeck and blew 14 men into the 'water. About the fourth fairly scuttled her fore and aft, killing 60 or more. She was beached to save her sinking. Shortly after her rudder was shot away, but even then her colors were flying. We eventually left her like so much scrap-iron with the breakers going right over her.
" The sights which we had to gaze on afterwards were terrible indeed, but the German is to be admired. The way the wounded bore their suffering is marvellous. You can imagine slightly what we have had to put up with since we rescued about 184, including 60 or more badly wounded.
" The heat has been cruel, and we have had drizzling rain. There were rid awnings. Our wardroom was turned into a sick bay, and we got our meals the best way we could. .We slept under the same conditions—all the officers turned their bedding and blankets over to the wounded. Thank - goodness, to-day the conditions are slightly better than those of yesterday morning. We are able to move about and get a little air. We. Are now steaming 18 knots and expect to reach Colombo about 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.
"The Australians kept their end up well. They all proved as keen as mustard, and I may say particularly the boys forming a part of the crew. There is one thing, the Australian Navy has certainly assisted to make history in putting out of action the notorious Emden, the ship that so many cruisers have searched so many thousands of weary miles to find, and unsuccessfully. We are quite well, merry and bright." THE EMDEN. (1914, December 10). Western Champion(Parkes, NSW : 1898 - 1934), p. 15. Retrieved from
Ultimately the Emden's Mission was a failure as the two ends of a communication cable of the Perth to Cocos link that was cut by a German party was recovered and repaired, re-establishing communication with the outside world within a few hours. 10 November 1914, picture courtesy of the Australian War Museum.
The list of those killed and wounded, who should be named in the lead into Remembrance Day 2014:
Complete details of the casualties sustained on board the Australian cruiser Sydney during the engagement with the Emden were made available by the Naval authorities last night. The list shows that in addition to the three men reported killed in the first message, a fourth (R. A. Sharpe, A.B.) has since died as a result of his wounds. In the appended list the numbers are those shown on the official register, and, except where otherwise stated, the ratings belong to the Royal Australian Navy exclusively:-
Petty Officer THOMAS LYNCH, R.N., O.N. 176,583, Next of Kin-wife, Margaret Lynch, Lower Millroad, Middleton, County Cork.
Able Seaman ALBERT HOY, R.N.. O.N. 216,421. Next of Kin-Friend, Mrs. Mary K. Nicholson,108 Rokeby street, West Ham, Stratford.
Ordinary Seaman ROBERT W. BELL, O.N. 1,964. Next of Kin-Mother, Mary Bell, 1 Waverly street, Richmond, Melbourne,
Able Seaman REGINALD A. SHARPE, R.N., O.N. 239,494. Next of Kin-Friend, Miss B Browne, Woodfield, Ashton, Surrey.
Able Seaman Richard HORNE, O.N. 1,543. Next of Kin-Brother, James Horne, Federal Palace Hotel, Melbourne.
Able Seaman THOMAS GASCOIGNE, O.N. 2,050. Next of Kin-Mother, Sarah Gascoigne, Terranga Point, Warner Estate, Wyong.
Able Seaman JOHN BUTCHER, O.N. 1,932. Next of Kin-Mother, Catherine Butcher, Water street, Semaphore, South Australia.
Ordinary Seaman WILLIAM MELDRUM, O.N. 3,650. Next of Kin-Mother, Maud Meldrum, 144 Bennett street, East Perth.
LIEUTENANT GODFREY HAMPDEN, R.N. Next of Kin-Mother, Catherine Emma Hampden, the Old Mansion, Eweline Wallingford, Oxford.
Able Seaman JOSEPH KINNIBURGH, O.N. 2,907. Next of Kin- Mother, Elizabeth Kinniburgh, Nichols street, Mildura, Victoria.
Able Seaman BERTIE GREEN, O.N. 2,511. Next of Kin-Mother, Jessie Annie Green, Lower Ferntree Gully.
Able Seaman ALBERT CROSBY, O.N. 2,855. Next of Kin-Mother, Beatrice E. Crosby, 37 Hamburg Street, South Richmond, Melbourne,
Petty Officer MARK V. HARVEY, R.N., O.N. 180,996. Next of Kin- wife, Lily E. Harvey, Aveton, Gifford, near Kingsbridge, Devon.
Able Seaman AUTHUR HOOPER, O.N. 1,677. Next of Kin-Brother, Willie Charles Hooper, San-down, Parramatta, N.S.W.,
Ordinary Seaman, 2nd Class, TOM WILLIAMSON O.N. 2,329. Next of Kin- Guardian, Mr. A. Brahe, "Enmore," St. Kilda street, Elsternwick.
Ordinary Signalman, 2nd Class, THOMAS STEVENSON. O.N. 1,871. Next of Kin-Father, Joseph Benjamin Stevenson, "Hockynie," Australia street, Goulburn,
In connection with the destruction of the German raider Emden, the following message was sent by the Minister for Defence(Senator Pearce) to the captain of H.M.A.S. Sydney (Captain J. C. T. Glossop), dated November 12:
I wish to record deep appreciation of Government of prompt action of the senior naval officer in despatching Sydney to deal with the Emden, also congratulations of Government and Naval Board to the captain, officers, and men of Sydney for distinction won for Royal Australian Navy and Commonwealth by the distinguished services they have rendered in this action."
On November 14 the Minister for Defence(Senator Pearce) sent the- following message to the Vice- admiral commanding the Australian fleet (Sir George Patey) -
'On behalf of Government and people of Commonwealth, Minister of Defence desires to congratulate Vice Admiral commanding on the success of The Sydney, a vessel so lately under your command and credit for whose efficiency is so largely due to having been in your company since commissioning. The Minister also desires to wish you, and all under your command, the best of good fortune and success in your operations. The Naval Board and all Australian Navy desire to be especially associated with this message.
' In New Zealand House of Representatives, Prime Minister recently said that New Zealand people had not yet had opportunity of appreciating value or work done by Royal Australian Navy. If they knew inner history of recent months they would thank God that there had been an Australian navy in present crises. He knew if it had not been for Royal Australian Navy, New Zealands fortified towns might have been smashed and destroyed. Next session resolution would be passed thanking people of Australia for protection afforded by their navy.
The following message has been received from Prime Minster, New Zealand - Decide to extend heartiest congratulations on brilliant feat per-formed by Sydney in destroying Emden which, since outbreak of war has done so much harm to British shipping. While not only appreciating to the full protection afforded to British communities in the Pacific by Australian section of Imperial Navy, we are all proud of splendid services rendered to Empire by your fine ships and their gallant seamen.
Other messages received from Governor (New Zealand) and Minister for Defence (New Zealand) and many others"
The follow reply to his message was received by Senator Pearce next day
"With reference to your telegram, November 14,the kind message contained in are much appreciated by myself and all under my command. We also note, with great satisfaction the appreciation by New Zealand of the Australian Navy The success of the Sydney is most satisfactory.
Australians have every reason to congratulate themselves on their foresight in having provided themselves with a navy strong enough to have dealt with the situation.
The Naval Board caused the following message to be sent to HMAS Sydney on November 14.
Following messages congratulations for Sydney -
Secretary of State for the Colonies -'Please convey to your Government my hearty congratulations complete success achieved by Sydney in putting an end to career achieved by Emden.
From Governor General, Australia -'Delighted to hear good news regarding Emden Please express my hearty congratulations to commanding officer and men of Sydney.'
From First lord of the Admiralty -'Warmest congratulations on brilliant entry of Royal Australian Navy to the war, and the signal service rendered to allied force and peaceful commerce by destruction of Emden. '
From Vice Admiral Commanding-*V.A.C congratulates Sydney on very good performance
From Encounter - Hearty congratulations, regret your losses but hope wounded are progressing favourably.
Messages also from Governors, Western Australia South Australia New Zealand Bengal, Madras, High Commissioner for Western Pacific, senior naval officer New Zealand. Consul-Generals France, Japan, Prime Minister, Canada, Prime Minister New Zealand, Minister for Defence, New Zealand, Lord Denman Lord Mayors of Sydney, Melbourne Sir John Madden, majors of Hobart, Nelson, Dunedin, Chambers of Commerce, Hobart, Bundaberg, Toronto, Ipswich (Q), merchants, Liverpool, Kingston (Jamaica),Bank of Australasia. London, Union Club Sydney, Melbourne Club, Canadian Club, Winnipeg, and numerous private individuals.
A reply came from the Sydney on the same day, as follows -
Captain officers of Sydney deeply appreciate congratulations of Governor General of Australia, Government, and Naval Board, and numerous bodies mentioned in your telegram The Royal Australian Navy is proud to have been able in a small way to follow the great example or our British sea traditions in this its first engagement.
PERTH, Monday-The Governor (Sir Harry Barron) suggests a shilling subscription to purchase a piece of plate for the officers' mess of the warship Sydney, and personal mementoes of the Emden engagement to members of the Sydney's crew. SINKING THE EMDEN. (1914, November 17). The Argus(Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), p. 7. Retrieved from

HMAS Sydney entering Sydney Harbour for the first time as part of the Australian Fleet Unit, 4 October 1913.
Previously: International Fleet Review 2013
Royal Motor Yacht Club - Broken Bay Grand Opening of the 2012-2013 Boating Season - IFR 2013 Announced
First Naval Exercises by New South Wales Colonial Ships –The Wolverene at Broken Bay - It may not surprise many of you that the first ever Naval Exercises carried out by colonial vessels began from Broken Bay – where else? In the lead up to the International Fleet Review in Sydney Harbour, October 3-11 2013, celebrating the entry of our own Royal Australian Navy fleet into Sydney Harbour 100 years ago, we will share a few articles on the lead up events to this original great day for New South Wales and Australia. First though - Colonial Naval Ships Exercises; 1885...
From Colonial Navy Brigades in Second Hand Ships to Where the Australian Navy was Born – The Practical Verses of William Rooke Cresswell’s Charter - International Fleet Review 2013 precursors - Article II
The Arrival of the Australia's Navy in Sydney Harbour - 4th of October, 1913 - International Fleet Review 2013 precursors - Article III
The Australian Fleet Celebrations of October 1913 - A Week of Welcomes- International Fleet Review 2013 precursors - Article IV
International Fleet Review Pictorial from RAN Fleet Entance on 4th of October 2013 to Sydney Harbour by Brian Friend OAM - retired Water Policeman
The HMAS Sydney Stops RMS Emden – 100 Years ago today - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2014.