August 2 - 8, 2015: Issue 225
Ian Crutch Newport SLSC Made Life Member at 2015 AGM

Ian Crutch Newport SLSC Made Life Member at 2015 AGM
The Club's AGM was held on bright Sunday afternoon at the Club rooms when the 2015/2016 Management Committee was elected.
Life Member, Col Maclean spoke on the success of our competitors in the past sea-son. Life Member Gary Cook congratulated Sandy Menzies on her first year as President.
Congratulations to Sandy who was again elected President of Newport Surf Club after a highly successful 2014/2015 season.
Ian Crutch
Hard working club member Ian Crutch was a made a Life Member of the club at the AGM. You would have to say there could not be a more hard working member of Newport Surf Club
Ian joined the Newport Surf Club as an Associate in 1993 taking on the role of Age Manager for his eldest daughter’s age group for a few years then in 1995 he took on the role of Age Manager for the U6 age group with his youngest daughter’s group going on the be the Age Manager for this group right through to U14s and the completion of their Surf Rescue Certificate.
Ian gained his Bronze Medallion in April 1998, and has been patrolling ever since, obtaining both his 10-year and 15-year SLSA Patrol Service Awards. He has been a very keen patrolling member and has been recognised over the years with being in the ‘Top Ten’ patrollers as well as obtaining ‘100% Patrol Attendance’.
His long term dedication and commitment also saw Ian recognised under the Australian Honours system with a ‘National Medal’.
His passion to enhance Youth Development in the Club led him to take on the role of Youth Development Officer in the 2001/02 season where he started a successful Rookies Program. He finished in the role of Youth Development Officer in the 2005/06 season; however he continued to drive this Program.
His tireless work with the Club’s Younger members with the Rookie program, has included the weekend Camps away at the Basin in Pittwater as well as intensive SLSA training. The Club has one of the best retention rates for young members and much of this is due to Ian’s efforts.
In its early years, Ian was also a keen helper in the Club’s Special Needs Nipper Program, where he assisted for a number of years.
In 2003/04 Ian was awarded the Michael Hill Memorial Trophy – ‘Clubman of the Year’ Award, one of the Club’s most prestigious awards.
In 2006/07 Ian became a Bronze Medallion Trainer and a Level 1 Surf Official. He continues with these roles.
Ian has also spent a number of years organising and participating as a Water Safety person at Junior Carnivals, and Officiating at Board-riding events.
In 2007 Ian was recognised as a Newport SLSC ‘Outstanding Service Member’ and quite rightly was in 2011 further recognised as a ‘Distinguished Service Member’.
From 2008/09 season until 2010/11 season, Ian more than admirably filled the role Chief Instructor and has assisted numerous Club members to achieve their Bronze Medallions to be highly qualified and well equipped Patrol Members.
In the 2009/10 season, Ian commenced Bronze Medallion Training Program with Loreto Normanhurst, which has seen some 25 to 30 students a year obtain their award through the club, with a number staying on to do further awards and participate in club activities.
Ian, for too many years to recall, has also been instrumental in co-ordinating the provision of support at the end of the ‘Pub to Pub’ Fun Run, which sees more than club 30 members provide cut fruit, water, Marshalling and First Aid to the participants at the finish line. This event has raised many thousands of dollars in fundraising for the club.
This club owes a number of members’ significant thanks and gratitude for their tireless work in putting the club in the state that it is today and Ian Crutch is one of these members who is always the first to say “I will do that….”
Sandy Menzies President with new Life Member Ian Crutch
Report by John Guthrie