August 17 - 23, 2014: Issue 176
'imagine' Art Competition

'imagine' Art Competition
Talented, expressive, vibrant and highly skilled young artists…. ‘imagine’ that! That’s precisely the case in Pittwater where primary and senior school students were invited to submit artworks that responded to the theme of “imagine”.
Winners of the competition, which received 27 entries, were being announced on Wednesday August 13th, 2014 and will be on exhibition in the library foyer and on screens in the library, as well as on Enliven Pittwater’s Facebook page from Monday 11 – Sunday 24 August.
Deputy Mayor for Pittwater Kylie Ferguson said the competition acknowledges the enormous talent and creativity among our young Pittwater community and also celebrates the arrival of permanent art installation imag_ne outside Mona Vale Library.
“I can only describe the works as inspirational and charming,” Cr Ferguson said.
“Being involved in the competition has been a pure delight; and it’s so wonderful to reflect upon the artistic nature of the Pittwater community and recognise the young talent we have here.”
“Art is a wonderful tool for children, allowing them to express their imaginations, connect with adults and simply have fun,” she added.
Taking home first prize for the Individual award (primary) is Kiera Brigstocke for her work Summertime; winner of the Individual award (secondary) is Zoe Brigstocke for her work Anyone for tennis?; and the group/school award was won by Luke and Orlando Moore for their pencil and pen on paper/card, Slugs.
Highly commended acknowledgements have been given to; primary students Amber Knights for Cloud Stories, Riley Brigstocke for The Flying Fox and Orlando Moore for Eyes Closed Portrait; and high school student Tom Kusturin for his untitled work.
“It’s important we celebrate Pittwater’s cultural and artist characteristic, and there’s no better way to do that than through our talented youth,” says Cr Ferguson.
The selection panel, made up of Cr Kylie Ferguson, artist Emma Anna (of imag_ne artwork) and Zoe Johnson, Arts and Cultural Officer at Pittwater Council, agreed the judging was a tough task due to the vibrancy and quality of all entries.
Artist Emma Anna sang high praise of all the submissions and the excellent technique.
“All the entries were literally ‘amazing’,” she said.
All judges said it was a delight and privilege to be involved.
Each category award winner will receive a $100 gift voucher at Berkelouw Books, Mona Vale and runners up will receive a book, gifted by the store.
Emma Anna’s 4.2 metre long public artwork imag_ne was initially on display in Mona Vale for four months in 2013 and after great public demand, Council commissioned a permanent sculpture that was installed in July this year.
Primary School
Winner – Keira Brigstocke, Summertime - Bilgola Plateau Public School
Highly commended – Amber Knights, Cloud stories - Bilgola Plateau Public School
Highly commended – Orlando Moore, Eyes closed portrait - Newport Public School
Highly commended – Riley Brigstocke, The Flying Fox - Bilgola Plateau Public School
High school
Winner – Zoe Brigstock, Anyone for tennis - St Lukes Grammar School
Highly commended – Tom Kusturin, untitled - Freshwater Senior Campus
Winner – Luke and Orlando Moore, Slugs, pencil and pen on paper/card
Find out more about Enliven Pittwater at:

Riley, Zoe and Keira Brigstocke.
imagine - Art Competition Entrants
Zoe Brigstocke, 'Anyone for tennis?'
Luke and Orlando Moore, 'Slugs'
Brooklyn Cate, 'Girl in tower'
Benjamin Higgins, 'Cow in red field'
Alexis Proctor, 'Monster Face'
Amber Knights, 'Cloud Stories'
Asher Ginsburg, 'The Great Surfer'
Ries Diaz Bauste, 'Blue Crayon comes alive'
Luca Bianchinotti, 'Dragon Attack'
Hannah Higgins, 'Imagine my words'
Jack Alexander, 'Candy Muncher'
Keira Brigstocke, 'Summertime'
Lewis Wilson, 'Dragon Hunting'
Luke and Orlando Moore, 'The STICK insect'
Luke Moore, 'I am a bee'
Luke Moore, 'My origami creations'
Orlando Moore, 'Eyes closed portrait'
Orlando Moore, 'Hear me roar!'
Patrick Crighton, 'Snowman from above'
Luke and Orlando Moore, 'Soft world'
Taya Knights, 'Rock Gnome'
Thomas Howell, 'imagine'
Peri Carroll, 'Harry Potter's dragon'
Riley Brigstocke, 'The Flying Fox'
Will Matthews, 'Wolf'
Tom Kusturin, 'untitled'