Lenny Duck Tribute
On Tuesday 24th of May Lenny Duck passed away. He was in his 80's. Since 1962 Lenny Duck, ferry master, steered the Elvina, the only ferry on the Church Point run then, through fair weather and foul. Prior to the advent of water taxis Lenny would bring mums expecting to the mainland, rush to the aid of others needing emergency medical facilities and even run many home after hours. One story relates how he used to ferry home a girl working at a Newport restaurant, as long as she brought dessert! He was a backbone of the Offshore Community, a friend to all with a modest nature and a deep appreciation of how the seasons fill the landscape and the waterways. A new ferry, named the L.Duck in his honour by the community, has arrived at Church Point Ferry Services. Everyone is invited to attend an ash scattering on Pittwater on Saturday the 4th of June, and afterwards at Church Point. For those requiring transport please contact Penny on penny@churchpointferryservice.com.
Ode to Lenny Duck thanks to Lynne and Michael Clay and Pittwater Offshore News on Park Bench Philosopher's page.
More at Church Point Ferry Service: http://www.churchpointferryservice.com/page11.php
Below: The Lenny Duck. Penny of Church Point Ferry Services said, Friday morning (27.5.2011), "It's here!"

Copyright Pittwater Online News, 2011.
All Rights Reserved.
Ode to Lenny...
by Lynne and Michael Clay,
long time residents of Elvina Bay
“Through rain, hail, lightning, sunshine, bushfire smoke, moorings too close together –
From southerly busters, howling nor-easters, hot summer nor’ westers that sear the inside of your nostrils and threaten bushfires with every gust, to the bitterly cold winter westerlies that dry out your lips and hands till they split…. The weeks of rain where you got soaked tying up the ferry and collecting fares-
Seeing children grow up, and their children grow up. Seeing the smiles of grateful people as you pick them up in all weathers and at all hours - To the melodious "Thanks Lenny" as you drop them off and your cheery "See you in the morning time" reply.
Here’s to a very special man – a man who wore shorts right through winter, and to days when there weren’t any outboard motors of tinnies, no electricity, a monthly garbage service, when we all tied our putt putts to Church Point Wharf and parked our cars between the Pasadena and the Blacklers boatshed (now the mini- market)
To the sounds of the World War II air raid siren at the old Fire shed… which still make the hair stand up on the back of my neck!
And do you remember Denis Ryan playing the double bass and the bagpipes as he travelled around the bays on the back of the ferries? Or when the Elvina had no wheel-house and you had to drive with the front window down because the spray on the window made it hard to see- needless to say you and the passengers got wet, but never a complaint-
You have seen all these things and more - the Island and the Bays come from a few holiday houses to almost saturation point. Here’s to the Beaver, Wagstaff, Church Point, Curlew, and Elvina and here’s to you. Our heartfelt thanks for being such a thoughtful considerate and helpful friend over the thirty plus years we have known you."