September 15 - 21, 2013: Issue 128
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Annual Fashion Show Fundraiser
The Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary held their third Fashion Show at the Newport Bowling Club on Tuesday 10th of September.
The Annual Fashion show is more about fun and social networking but the Auxiliary does expect to raise about $1500 from this year’s event.
Besides the fashion show compered by Deborah Brown, the Auxiliary had raffle prizes and a spread of delicious treats for morning tea which was enjoyed by a large number of guests.
Bright colours were once again the feature of the fashions that were expertly displayed by local models. Perfect for the breezy Summer days ahead with deep orange and classic black making a come back.
This is the third year Donna-Lou has supported this great event and an indication of the kniche these clothes have created with Pittwater ladies for being great in quality and style as well as comfortable.
The Funds this year’s Fashion Parade and Morning Tea raised will be used to purchase medical equipment for the hospital and a range of items to assist patients and staff.
Text from Waveney Perman, Hon. Secretary, Mona Vale District Hospital Auxiliary
Volunteer Photography gallery here
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Profile

Models: Wendy Matchett, Roberta Brose, Chris Wyton, Norma Moran, Pam Richardson. Photo by Michael Mannington, 2013.