February 17 - 23, 2013: Issue 98
Newport Wharf
What today we know as the Newport Wharf at the end of Queen’s parade (west) below current Newport Arms hotel began as a pier circa 1879 which was built by Charles Edward Jeannerett in anticipation of developing then heavily wooded and pristine Newport. Although seemingly nameless for this period, it would have been described in terms by those who were eye witnesses early and by advertising material for contractors by real estate developer George Pile, real estate speculator, agent and auctioneer, who was contracted to aid in this venture:
January 1880: TO CONTRACTORS – TENDERS are wanted for clearing roads and about forty acres of land at the new Pittwater Marine Township. Apply Mills and Pile, 112, Pitt Street. Advertising. (1880, January 19). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13450418
But our steamer, the good ship Florrie, owned by Mr. Jeannerett, is in waiting, lying alongside a jetty at the head of the bay, so we immediately embarked for our destination, Barrenjoey, a distance of about eight miles. On the opposite side of the bay is New Port, the property of Messrs. Mills and Pile and Mr. Jeannerett, who are erecting an hotel, for the accommodation of visitors to the bay. It will have a fine situation; and when the place becomes more widely known, as it deserves to be, the hotel will doubtless be largely availed of. LAYING the FOUNDATION-STONE of a NEW LIGHTHOUSE at BARRENJOEY. (1880, April 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13458288
Although Piles and Jeannerett did not officially own land here until February 1880, as some sources state, they clearly had rights enough from late 1879, and their words as gentlemen who were already contributing much to the development of Sydney both as standing to represent Canterbury and local MP’s or Councillors (Pile was defeated at elections he stood for in November, 1880, only getting 493 votes; two representatives, William Piggott and William Henson were voted in, getting 2,513 (42.11%) and 1,380 (23.12%) respectively). Jeannerett was an alderman of Hunter's Hill and mayor in 1870-71, 1877-78 and 1890. From 1886 he represented Bourke ward in the Sydney City Council. As a magistrate he administered 'strict justice and sound common sense' in the Water Police Court. He was defeated for Central Cumberland in 1875, he represented Carcoar in the Legislative Assembly in 1887-89 and 1891-94 as a free trader. (1.)
Department of Public Works: (Contracts and Tenders;) Sydney May 21st 1880: Road, Manly to Pittwater-Contracts 1 and 1L . Advertising. (1880, May 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13460485
They purchased land from the then released Basset-Darley Estate:
At Pittwater the Bassett Darley estate was sold in two parts. In 1880 Charles Edward Jeanneret and George Pile paid 732 [pounds sterling] for 118 acres on which to establish the New Marine Township of Newport, (49) while the remaining land, apart from a one acre lot purchased by the Church of England, was bought by John William Cliff for 8000 [pounds sterling] in 1886. (50)
(49) Land Titles Office, Old System Deeds Book 201, No. 916; Book 224, No. 576.
(50) Land Titles Office, Old System Deeds Book 340, No. 647. (2.)
Alan Sharpe, Manly to Palm Beach – Pictorial Memories, records: Bassett Darley Estate at Newport/Mona Vale Comprised 700 acres (283 ha) granted to Robert Campbell Junior in 1814 and extending over the southern half of present-day Newport and the northern half of Mona Vale. (3.)
Soon what was called Newport Hotel a few years before it had a licence, featured in advertisements for forthcoming sales for the by then named ‘Marine Township of Newport’. A similar notice appeared in all major capital city newspapers:
We have received from Messrs. Mills, Pile, and Gilchrist, (who have published it for the proprietors) an interesting pamphlet descriptive and illustrative of the beauties and attractions of Newport, Pittwater, and the celebrated Hawkesbury lakes. The work consists of about eight pages of letter-press and nine carefully lithographed drawings, depicting the more important scenes and places of interest in the locality. The description is capably written, and the illustrations, lithographed by Messrs. S. T. Leigh and Co., from water colour drawing- by Mr. H. Brees, are very creditably executed, and give excellent ideas of the places represented. Appended is a plan and local sketch of the new marine township of Newport, and altogether the publication is one which will commend itself highly to all interested in one of the most picturesque spots on the New South Welsh coast. NEW'S OF THE DAY. (1880, August 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13466890
You can see the list of H Brees drawings of Newport used in these lithographs at the National Library of Australia HERE
Lane Cove and Pittwater. (BY OUR TRAVELLING REPORTER.): Another trip I took very recently, via Manly to Pittwater, or rather Newport, as I suppose it will in future be known by. I was fortunate enough to be included in a party of four, and, like the previous one, found this journey an extremely pleasant one. Taking a couple of conveyances from Manly, we drove on a very well made road 'some 14 miles or so, passing enroute through a very large shallow lagoon, connected with the ocean by a narrow outlet. I was informed that it was the duty of some official to so " manipulate" the sandbank at the latter place as to keep the crossing place as safe as possible, by allowing free outlet for the water. It is to be hoped that this gentle-'man does not neglect his work, as I understand it is a matter that requires constant attention.
Arrived at the embryo township of Newport, we had just time to give a passing glance around before our brief sojourn was over. There is already a small quay where the American pine is landed that the one house-an hotel-is being partly constructed of. The place is very beautiful, and the gentlemen interested therein, Messrs. Mills, Pile, and Jeannerett, deserve well of the Sydney people for their enterprise in making another "extra desirable" resort of the metropolitan citizens. I may mention, concerning the lagoon we had to got through, that a bridge thereon is already on the tapis, that will place Newport within three hours of the General Post-office. And thus, so far; ends, my suburban pilgrimage, which I have as heartily enjoyed as anything of the sort it has been my good fortune to experience. Lane Cove and Pittwater. (1880, August 28). Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 18. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article70947110
Picture of Newport hotel above is dated 10.7.1884 by Robert Hunt and courtesy State Library of NSW
JOHN COLLINS, Proprietor.
for Fishing Parties, Buggies for Excursionists at the Hotel. The steamer Florrie starts from the wharf for Gosford and the Hawkesbury. Splendid ocean Beach. Grand Mountain Scenery. Pending the issue of a license the Hotel will be conducted as an Accommodation House. Coaches leave the Manly Wharf and the Colonnade Hotel, Manly, whenever required. Advertising. (1880, September 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13468589
John Collins is the Pittwater gentleman who brought Samuel Morrison out to Pittwater in 1884 when he was stranded by Boulton's coaches and accommodated him at 'Collin's Retreat', just around the corner from the Newport Hotel, which later became known as 'Bay View House' and Scott's in succession of owners. (4.) John Collins was advertising accommodation at this (Collin's) premises from November 1882. He may have missed out on a licence due to a small problem with him and his wife, Sarah Farrell, being accused of running a sly grog shop from the Collin's Retreat and being found guilty of this in 1883. He was obviously pretty busy when the steamers came in but things may have seemed to be quickly shifting to Mr Collins due to another force in our 1880 community, the hard working and determined William Boulton:
Manly and Newport, via Brady’s, Jenkins, and Boulton's, twice a week; and Newport, Barrenjoey, Blackwall, Kincumber, and Gosford, twice a week. General Post Office, Sydney, 27th August, 1881. CONVEYANCE OF MAILS. (1881, September 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13494936
William Boulton was in possession of a licence by January 1882, advertising soon after and had a renewal early in 1883 (5.):
NEWPORT HOTEL.-WILLIAM BOULTON beg's to inform the public that, having taken the above, he is prepared to offer the best accommodation to pleasure-seekers and others. Choicest Assortment of LIQUORS kept. Coaches run from Manly MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and FRIDAYS, at 8 a.m., for Newport and Gosford ; FRIDAYS for the Hawkesbury River, at 3.30 p.m._
PRIVATE APARTMENTS for ladies or gentlemen. Advertising. (1882, May 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13511809
Renewals of licences were granted to the following -W Boulton Newport Hotel. POLICE. (1883, January 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13526591
Charles Jeanneret, one of the partners in the Parramatta and River Steamers, who had taken over the Florrie’s Government mail contract from Blackwell Rock Davis, shipbuilder who had originally been contracted to build this vessel and run the mails, began allowing other steamer companies to land tourists as soon as he could;
QUEEN'S BIRTH DAY. SELECT and FAMILY EXCURSION to PITTWATER and HAWKESBURY LAKES, and the New Marine Town of NEWPORT. The fast, powerful, and steady Steamship KEMBLA, has been engaged, and will leave the CIRCULAR QUAY, at 9am, returning at 7 p m. At this season of the year the sea is as smooth as a pond, and a delightful trip may confidently be anticipated. Every arrangement will be made to ensure the comfort of each PRIVATE PICNIC PARTY, and the MAGNIFICENT SCENERY of PITTWATER, and the Lower Hawkesbury, will be seen to the best advantage. TICKETS, 5s EACH May be obtained on board, or at the KING-STREET WHARF; MR MADDOCK, George-street. Advertising. (1880, May 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13460203
Left: The Kembla was originally a 325 gross tons, 204 net. Lbd: 185'1" x 22'1" x 11'5". Iron paddle steamship built by J Reid & Co., Glasgow for the Illawarra S N Co., Sydney. Of 2 cylinder LP producing 165 horsepower and capable of 14 knots. Lengthened in 1873 becoming of 449 gross tons, 283 net with Lbd: 209'2" x 22'6" x 11'5". Owned by C J Stevens who formed the Newcastle Steamship Co Ltd. (6.)
One of the most’ successful excursions that has taken place during the season was that which was held yesterday to Pittwater and the Hawkesbury River. The glorious scenery of this matchless river doubtless had the effect of inducing so large a number of persons to assemble on board the good ship Kembla, which was lying at the Circular Quay yesterday morning, ready to convey intending excursionists. At a quarter to 10 precisely the Kembla cast off her moorings and steamed away, having on board at least 800 people. The weather was magnificent, and the trip a most enjoyable one to most of those on board, though some were to be met with suffering from mal de mer. Barrenjuey was rounded about 12, and the glorious scenery which burst upon the view of the excursionists, and which was seen for the first time by most of them, excited universal admiration. At a quarter to one the Kembla was brought up alongside the wharf at Newport, and the majority of her living freight, after getting ashore, dispersed in various directions. Refreshments were to be had in plenty on board the steamer, and about 150 partook of luncheon in the saloon. At four o'clock, when every spot worth visiting had been thoroughly "done" by most of the excursionists, the party re-embarked. The steamer was then headed down the bay, and after a pleasant run of about three-quarters of an hour Mount Elliott was rounded, Captain Skinner having kindly decided to give his passengers an additional treat by a trip into the entrance to the Hawkesbury. This was looked upon as a great treat, and frequent exclamations of delight were heard as each point of interest and beauty was passed. After going up the estuary about five miles, Captain Skinner turned his vessel's head homewards, and after a pleasant passage the Kembla was brought up alongside her wharf in Darling Harbour. No accident of any kind occurred to mar the day's enjoyment, and the almost universal verdict was that tie excursion was about the most successful, in every respect, that has been, held this season. HARBOUR EXCURSIONS. (1880, May 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13460708
PRINCE OF WALËS' BIRTHDAY.-EXCURSION to NEWPORT, BROKEN BAY. The fast and favourite steamship ILLAWARRA will leave the I. S. N. Company's Wharf next TUESDAY, 9th November, at 1130 a.m. Tickets, 5s ;children, half-price. At MADDOCK'S, or on the Wharf; Brass band engaged. Advertising. (1880, November 5). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13478150
EXCURSION to NEWPORT, PITTWATER, and BROKEN BAY. The favourite steamship HUNTER will leave the Illawarra Company's Wharf, Erskine-street, at 10a.m. on SATURDAY next, for NEWPORT WHARF, BROKENBAY. Brass Band engaged. RETURN FARE, 5s; CHILDREN HALF-PRICE. Luncheon obtainable on board. NEW YEAR'S DAY. NEWPORT. PITTWATER. THE BEST PICNIC LAND KNOWN. THE TERMINUS OF THE HAWKESBURY. THE HEAD OF PITTWATER NAVIGATION. ONLY 10 MILES FROM MANLY. GO BY STEAMER and COME BACK BY ROAD, or to MANLY and BACK BY ROAD. COACHES by FARRELL, BOLTON, and FRASA. MAKE YOUR OWN ARRANGEMENTS IN TIME. SAME FARE AS STEAMERS. NEWPORT, NEWPORT, PITTWATER. NEW YEAR'S DAY. The ILLAWARRA CO.'S STEAMSHIP HUNTER will leave the COMPANY'S WHARF, on NEW YEAR'S DAY, 9.30 a.m , DIRECT FOR NEWPORT, RETURNING in the Evening. See Newspaper Reports on the KAMARUKA Boxing DayTrip. Advertising. (1880, December 30: Thursday). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13480589
By 1880, in lithographs for the New Marine Township of Newport, the pier/quay was named ‘Victoria Wharf' published for the next phase of Mr Jeannerett’s ventures, probably due to a visit by Queen Victoria’s sons, Princes Albert and George (later King George), who were sent as naval cadets on HMS Bacchante for a three year world tour of the then British Empire.
They visited Newport in 1881 and an excursion they were taken on up the Hawkesbury River departed from Newport wharf:
On the 1st August a party from Government House and the Detached Squadron made an excursion up the Hawkesbury and fortunately the weather was so fine that every lovely scene on the river appeared to the best advantage. The Royal Princes were of the party.
At an early hour those engaging in the excursion left Man-of war Stairs, and proceeded in the steam launch Nea to Manly, whence they were conveyed by Mr Boulton's coaches to Newport. There they were received by Mr Jeannerett on board the steam launch Pelican.
Barrenjuey was passed about 11 o'clock, the boat then proceeded up the river. The day being beautifully clear, the scenery of the Hawkesbury was seen to the best advantage and was very much admired. Wiseman's Ferry was reached about 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
The Pelican stopped at the wharf for a few minutes, and on-the Princes appearing the residents assembled, and an address of loyal welcome was read and presented to them by the master of the Public school, on behalf of the inhabitants of the village.
The school children sang the National Anthem and those assembled then gave three hearty cheers for the Queen and the Princes. Prince Edward acknowledged the compliment in a few appropriate words.
The Pelican resumed her journey, and went up the river as far as Sackville Reach, at which spot the party disembarked and drove thence to Windsor, returning from Windsor to Sydney by special train at night.
The Princes slept at Government House on August 1, and on Tuesday took part in tho ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the pedestal for the statue of her Majesty the Queen which will be placed in the circular reserve at the top of King street, near St James s Church.
THE ROYAL PRINCES IN SYDNEY. (1881, August 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13492318
Wreck of the S.S. Collaroy, 1881 / photographer unknown. 1881. Image No: a1528938, courtesy State Library of NSW
Other reports of this trip from Manly state the Princes being amazed at the sight of the steamer Collaroy, beached at Long Reef, which later gave it's name to this area and stretch of sand. This steamer regularly made her way to Pittwater. On the way to escorting the Princes to the Hawkesbury Mr Jeanneret made sure to stop and gather his host from the lighthouse ground breaking ceremony:
At Barrenjoey Mr. A. T. Black and friends were invited on board the Pelican and the boat then proceeded up the river. THE DETACHED SQUADRON. (1881, August 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13491533
OUR SAILOR PRINCES: PRINCE ALBERT VICTOR. PRINCE GEORGE OF WALES. PRINCE ALBERT VICTOR. PRINCE GEORGE OF WALES. OUR SAILOR PRINCES. (1881, May 7). The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil (Melbourne, Vic. : 1873 - 1889), p. 145. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article60622448
To be Registered, and the Liability of the Shareholders Limited under the Companies' Act.
The above Company is proposed to be formed for the purpose of establishing a regular and efficient Steamship Service between Sydney, Pittwater, and various places upon the Hawkesbury River.
It is proposed that the Company purchase the steamers and wharfage rights of Mr. C. E. Jeanneret and Messrs. Melvey and Ford, who are now conducting the passenger and goods traffic between Sydney, Pittwater, and the Hawkesbury River.
The purchase will also include the goodwill of the business carried on by Mr. Jeanneret and that of Messrs. Melvey and Ford. The steamer Amy will be sold to the Company by Mr. Jeanneret and the Moramara by Messrs. Melvey and Ford.
The wharfage rights of the vendors consist of- '
1. The occupation by lease of a wharf at Peat's Ferry at, present held by Mr. Jeanneret.
2. The lease of a wharf in course of construction at Peat's Ferry held by Messrs. Melvey and Ford.
3. A "Wharf at Flat Rock Point upon the Hawkesbury River, held by Mr. Jeanneret, from the Crown.
4. Freehold land at Newport with Wharf, known as Victoria wharf.
5. The wharfage right of Mr. C. E, Jeanneret for the unexpired residue of the term of two years over portion of No. 4 Jetty, Circular Quay, Sydney, for the purpose of embarking passengers and their goods.
In addition to the above properties a Cottage and Water Tank at the Basin, Pittwater, as now held under licence from the Crown will be transferred to the Company.
The Vendors can also arrange with the Company for storage and wharfage of goods if required, at a fixed rate.
The capital of the Company will be £10,000 divided into 10,000 shares of £1 each. Of these 4000 will be allotted as fully paid up to the vendors, Messrs. C. E. Jeanneret and Messrs. Melvey and Ford, and the balance of 6000 shares will be offered to the public upon the following terms of… Advertising. (1885, August 29). Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article70983085
At Right: Gosford move by Parramatta Steamer Co: Advertising. (1885, October 3). Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 42. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article70984606
Soon after the lead up 'blurbs' the first official notices for sale of Newport lots appeared:
IT IS NEAR a beautiful OCEAN BEACH, at the head of a lovely- bay, between romantic headlands. It has extensive frontage to the deep waters of PITTWATER LAKE. THE LINE of STEAMERS for-BRISBANE WATER and the Hawkesbury start from the NEWPORT WHARF. THE SCENERY is beautiful in the extreme, the views from the adjacent mountains are most extensive, the vegetation superb. IT WILL he the head centre of YACHTING and FISHING PARTIES. AS A PROOF of its prospects, it may be mentioned that although the HOTEL (now an accommodation house only, until a license is got for it) has only been occupied ONE MONTH, yet the tenant has made APPLICATION for 12 additional rooms, and offered to contribute to the cost of the same. THE PROPRIETORS have so high an opinion of the FUTURE of NEWPORT, that they have decided to sell only a portion thereof, and hold the remainder for some years to come. ATTEND THE SALE. LIBERAL TERMS. LITHOGRAPHS NOW READY. Advertising. (1880, November 5). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13478153
FOR SALE AT THE ROOM'S, 114, PITT-STREET, some FINE BUSINESS SITES in the TOWNSHIP OF NEWPORT, suitable for Hotels and Shops. A good business will be done there before long, Newport being the true PORT OF THE HAWKESBURY. The terms will be £5 deposit on each lot, and the balance 20s per month. Advertising. (1880, November 24). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13483571
This newer version was obviously built to accommodate a rise in steamers bring 'excursionists' to Pittwater, many of whom were offloaded at Newport Wharf for the hotel luncheon - the following gives a description of its specifications. William Boulton was now the gentleman who would transfer the licence of the Newport Hotel to succeeding licencees - in 1886 he purchased the hotel and held onto this until it was sold by his relatives, years after he passed away, in 1919:
Department of Lands,
Sydney. 19th September, 1884.
NOTICE is hereby given that applications have been made by the parties hereunder mentioned for permission to erect jetties in front of their property, particularized in the annexed description; and all persons interested are invited to state within one month from this date, their objections, if any, to the proposed erection of the jetties.
William Boulton.
County of Cumberland, at Pittwater, Newport, parish of Narrabeen : Commencing on the high-water mark of Pitt water, at a point bearing south 55 degrees east (magnetic), and distant 40 feet from the south-west corner of applicant's property j and bounded thence on the north-west by a line bearing south 30 degrees west 66 feet; thence on the south-west by a line at right angles bearing southeasterly 25 feet; thence on the south-east by a line parallel to the first mentioned boundary bearing north-easterly to the aforesaid high-water mark ; and thence on the north-east by that high-water mark north-westerly, to the point of commencement.
APPLICATIONS TO ERECT JETTIES ON PILES. (1884, September 26). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), , p. 6439. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article221676545
Newport was named the Land of Lemons and Oranges at this time due to a prevalence of farms and farmers (Heron Cove: Pittwater Waters History Month, Nov. 2011). With the numerous vessels now pulling into the wharf and offloading seemingly thousands of people each week, improvements and making this an official public wharf, not just named as the 'Newport Hotel Wharf' was asked for:
MESSRS, BURNS AND CULLEN, members for St Leonards, brought under the notice of the Minister for Works yesterday the movement at Pittwater for the erection of a public wharf at Newport. They presented an influentially-signed petition in favour of the erection of a wharf at Sunnyside, and stated that another petition, praying that the wharf be erected at the foot of Queen's-parade, in the same quarter, had been sent to the Minister for Lands. Mr. Bruce Smith promised to make the necessary inquiries as to the necessity for the wharf, and to let the deputation know the result. The Sydney Morning Herald. (1889, May 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13725373
Perhaps this 'public' wharf was called for due to this Notice:
To avoid misunderstanding and inconvenience, it is hereby notified that, by agreement with the lessee of the Newport Hotel, and Jetty connected therewith, for a term of years, the Hunter River New Steam Navigation Company has the SOLE and EXCLUSIVE RIGHT (excepting only the regular small vessels) of calling at the said Newport jetty to land and embark passengers on such days as the said Company choose to run excursion trips with their steamships.
THOS. H. HODGES, - Lessee of Newport Hotel and Jetty.
F. J. THOMAS, Manager H.R.N.S.N. Co. 15th December, 1890.
Newcastle to Port Stephens, Boxing Day, 26th Dec.
Sydney to Newport, Boxing Day. 26th Dec.
to Hawkesbury Bridge, &c., .Saturday Afternoon, 27th Dec.
to Newport. New Year's Day, 1st Jan.
to Hawkesbury Bridge, &c., New Year's Day, 1st Jan.
to Newport, Sunday, 11th Jan.
„ * „ Anniversary Day, 26th Jan. Advertising (1890, December 20). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), , p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article113746346
The steamers, loaded with visitors, kept coming, sometimes all at once:
SS Maitland, 1884, at Maitland wharf! Image no: BCP 05329, courtesy State Library of NSW.
The Maitland left the wharf in Darling Harbour crowded with passengers bound for Newport and- Peat's Ferry. THE HAWKESBURY TRIP. (1890, January 28 TUESDAY). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13757590
Captain Knowles, of the Namoi, in concert with the Gwydir, landed his passengers at the jetty at Newport, and gave them a run on shore for about three hours, which was most thoroughly enjoyed. The Namoi was the first steamer to arrive in port, followed closely by the s.s. Gwydir and immediately in the latter's wake came the S.S. Balmain.
The excursionists speaking the highest of praise in all cases of the attendance they received on board, from the respective commanders downwards. It is pleasing to relate that no accident ocourred throughout, the weather fine, the sea smooth, and a most enjoyable day was spent. OCEAN EXCURSIONS. (1890, April 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13766008
Left: SS Balmain: Wooden paddlewheel steam ship, 177 tons, 120.00 x 20.00 x 7.30 (feet), passenger capacity: 580. Launched 1883. Many of these vessels, with capacity for hundreds of people, sometimes thousands, could not fit all of the people who wanted to come on board. Some reports from 1890 state up to 300 people were left in town on the wharves because they could not fit safely on. See Pittwater Steamers Part I
Left: SS Namoi.
Upon arriving at Newport the Sydney visitors were enabled to spend several hours ashore, picnicking, fishing, gathering flowers, or enjoying a stroll along the cool avenues which branch off in many directions from Hodge's Newport Hotel.THE HAWKESBURY RIVER. (1890, November 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13798013
There is a lapse of almost nine years between the first appeal by the communities representatives to the Department of Public Works and the tenders for and construction of a public wharf at Newport that's more then a pier. One of the reasons is contained in this:
At a meeting at Newport on Saturday a resolution was passed stating that the time had arrived when Manly and Pittwater should be connected with North Shore by railway. Mr. Burns, M L A , said that between January and May of this year one Sydney company had booked as many as 5000 passengers to Pittwater on excursion days by one line of steamers. The present population of Manly was about 4500, Whilst the population of North Shore that would contribute traffic totaled 18,000. At present the passenger traffic to Manly amounted to upwards of 800,000 per annum and this would be largely increased by an efficient railway service.
A well attended meeting in advocacy of a line of railway from North shore to Manly and Pittwater was held at Newport on Saturday afternoon. Resolutions were passed all stating that the time had arrived when such a line should be built, and an executive committee was appointed to co-operate with tho North Sydney, Manly, and Pittwater Railway League in agitating the claims of the districts to railway communication. The meeting was attended by Mr. Burns and Mr. Cullen, M.L.A The Sydney Morning Herald. (1890, June 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13799842
As the tram service, rather then a train connection, took a few years longer and only ever ran to Narrabeen, what seemed like a good solution never came to pass. Mr Jeannerett passed away on 23rd of August 1898, ill for some months prior to then. Almost nine years after the first appeal to 'modify' what was still called the Newport Hotel Wharf:
The following tenders were opened by the Tender Board of the Public Works Department yesterday :- construction of a wharf and approach at Newport, Pittwater, 4 tenders, G. Lawson lowest, £496, 13s 3d PUBLIC TENDERS. (1898, July 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14148762
PUBLIC TENDERS. Tenders have been accepted for the following Public works - Miscellaneous -Wharf and approach at Newport, Pittwater, G Lawson (Camden Haven), £496, 13s 3d. PUBLIC TENDERS. (1898, August 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14135457
George Lawson was the Macleay River resident and third son of Christopher Lawson. Both are listed as shipwrights at Frederickton, Murwillumbah. George Lawson, who married Emily Ann Cheers in 1871, went on to have 11 children. He was renowned as a wharf and bridge builder from at least 1895 and many of the major and minor wharves on our eastern coast were built by him, as a contractor, during the years from 1895-1904. Soon after winning the contract to build a public wharf at Newport where the pier had once been, he moved his family to Ewenton, the rambling historical residence in Balmain and is recorded as living there until 1905. One of his daughter's had her wedding reception here (at right from): SOCIAL. (1902, May 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14461102
Harbour and River Works -Repairs to wharf and approach at Careel, Pittwater, George Lawson, Balmain, schedule works. PUBLIC WORKS TENDERS. (1899, April 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14209738
Erection of wharf at Gladstone, Macleay River, G. and T. Lawson, £449. Public Works Tenders. (1891, January 10). Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 42. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71247840
Harbours and River Works: -Construction of a wharf and approach at Blackwall, Brisbane Waters George Lawson, Balmain. Est £391. PUBLIC WORKS TENDERS. (1901, March 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14352625
The Following tenders have been accepted: Construction of timber beam bridge over Teven Crook, on road, Alstonville Booyong road to Teven Junction, George Lawson,' Balmain East, £597. No title. (1904, February 27). Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article61402254
TWEED RIVER – MURWILLUMBAH Mr George Lawson aged 66 years, well known in the Northern Rivers District as a bridge and jetty contractor, died today. TWEED RIVER NEWS. (1914, February 23). Northern Star(Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article72290851
George Lawson, 68, farmer, of Dungay, died last week. Deceased, who had been ill about four months, leaves a widow and an adult family of 11 children. Lawson was a native of the Macleay River, and resided there for about 35 years. PERSONAL. (1914, February 26). Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article61625285
Hawkesbury River at Newport, N.S.W. by John Henry Harvey 1855-1938. [ca. 1880-ca. 1935]Image H91.300/505, courtesy State Library of Victoria
Fortunately, by 1906, Pittwater wharves were overseen by the brand new Warringah Shire Council and road improvements in Newport, new water troughs beside new water pumps, and the widening and grading with blue metal, some contracted out to George Boulton in 1907, begin appearing in their initial Minutes records. The lands around the Newport wharf, as with other reserves, were still owned by the State Government for which the new council paid rates. The water rights were also owned by State Government up to high tide mark and this initially restricted development or improvements for structures from these lands and into these waters for which they were responsible. Warringah Councillors, contacted regularly by Newport Progress and Scotland Island Community Groups for improvements to dirt roads, or by proprietors, underline community involvement from the first instance.
During Autumn, Spring, and Winter the steamers, with Pittwater SS Phoenix among them, kept coming, for decades - the other importnat use of the wharf, which is still current - was that of being able to transport children safely to school - see: : The Newport School 1888 to 2016 and To School and Home on the Ferries - Australia's First School Launch was in Pittwater
HOLIDAY: Excursions to Hawkesbury River and Pittwater rill be run by the Newcastle and H.R.S.S. Co.,limited. The Namoi will go to Cowan Bay, and Also about five miles up Cowan Creek, and the Archer to Newport, each leaving the Market-street wharf at,10a.m. EXCURSIONS FOR THE DAY. (1902, October 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14505760
Woy Woy for Hawkesbury River, Newport, and Pittwater, from Russell’s Wharf, + Kallawatta, for Hawkesbury River, Newport, Pittwater, and Mangrove PROJECTED DEPARTURES.—May 19. (1911, May 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15210325
HAWKESBURY RIVER. BAYVIEW, PALM BEACH, PITTWATER, NEWPORT, ETC. S.S. CHARLOTTE FENWICK leaves Monday, 6 p.m. Thursday', 5 p.m. From Macleay Shipping Co.'s Wharf, Barker-street, off Bathurst-street Tel.. City 1018. HAWKESBURY S.N. CO.-S.S. ERRINGHI. Every Tuesday and Friday, from Albion Wharf. All Ports, including Bay View, Palm Beach, Pittwater, Newport, etc Cargo received daily. Tel.. City 1838. HAWKESBURY RIVER and PITTWATER, all Wharves and Branches.-Kallawatta, 4 p.m. Today. Cargo received early, Bathurst-st 'Ph., City 7Q5 Advertising. (1919, September 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15853818
Warringah Shire Council began excercising control over the much used wharf, doing what it could as it could: Hays & Miles, launch Proprietors, Newport, again complaining of unfair treatment by Agar Bros. Resolved, - (councillors Quirk, Campbell) That, with a view to the Council exercising more direct control over the Newport Wharf the proprietors of each ferry service be requested to submit timetable.15/3/20
Newport Wharf 4. Resolved, - (Crs. Simpson, Hope) That £7 extra be voted vote for the lavatories to be built on Newport Wharf 27th Sept. 1926
Government Tourist Bureau. 2/5/27. Advising that it has no funds for the subsidising of public conveniences at Newport Wharf. Received.
20. Chas. Johnson,. 20/11/28. (1) Reporting that a dangerous hole exists in the planking on Newport Wharf, also reporting that one of the wooden girders on the outside of the wharf has gone, and (3) requesting that the promised improvement of the road to the wharf be carried out before Christmas. To be furnished with a copy of the Overseer's report on the matter. . .
2. Land Board Office. 12.3.30. Inquiring whether there are any objections to the granting of J. H. Wheat's Special application for a Special Lease below highwater-mark close to Newport Wharf. Referred. to Works Committee.
Newport - "Government Public Wharf, photo taken June 1925. Image d-15925-H, 'Govt. Public Wharf - Newport. Courtesy State library of NSW

During the 1930's, with people camping in every possible reserve and Warringah Council reducing or waiving completely some fees for these people on their request, with the drop in 'excursionists' coming to spend their shillings in Pittwater, wharfage fees and all associated funds dwindled. Those with a bit of get up and go to start and expand new businesses were supported. One of these used Newport Wharf (7. all from Warringah Shire Council Minutes):
56. Pittwater Shell & Lime Co. Ltd., 11/9/35, stating the Company is prepared to contribute one half of the cost of repairing the Newport wharf up to a maximum of £75, provided the Company may have the free use of it during usual working Wharf hours, and provided the Council has no objection to the Company establishing a lime burning works in the Brookvale district; suggesting the Council's Engineer confer with the Company's Engineer on the matter. Resolved, - That the Shire Engineer confer with the Company's Engineer on the matter, and if he is satisfied with the terms, this Council join with the Company on a 50/50 basis, up to a inc.l sum of £75, in repairing the wharf, (Crs. Hughes, Campbell)
57. Pittwater Shell & Lime Co.Ltd., re proposed operations of Company at. Newport wharf, and requesting permission to instal submerged hoppers between the end of the wharf Newport the main approach thereto; (b) to erect a bin 20' xl0' x 15' on the shore and between the causeway and the public lavatories; and (c) to run two beams from the approach to the end of the wharf. Already dealt with. 10/12/1935
Pittwater Shell &Lime Co. Ltd., 6/3/36, applying for permission to connect the water service from the main on the Newport road at Newport, extending along Queens Parade, and connecting with the bin adjacent to Newport wharf. Resolved - That permission be granted.
Parks &. Playgrounds Movement, 28/4/36, requiring certain information regarding hopper near Newport wharf - whether erected with permission of Council, whether under lease, and whether upon a public roadway. "Received"
Land Board 0ffice 23/10/36, inquiring by whose authority certain structures, comprising storage bins, conveyor and mooring piles, have been erected below highwater mark adjoining the
Newport wharf fronting Queens Parade, and if unauthorised, whether the Council has any objection to stops being taken to legalise the occupation. Resolved, - That the Department be informed of the facts, and that the Council has no objection to a Permissive Occupancy being granted. (Crs, Campbell, Hewitt).
T H Wheat requesting permission to improve and extend the boat shed on his lease at Newport wharf in accordance with sketch submitted. (Dealt with in Building Committees report) 27/7/1937
Denver Trading Pty. Ltd., 12/2/40, further re Company's dredging operations in the vicinity of Bayview Park, (a) requesting permission to erect storage bins with conveyor and elevator immediately, it being the Company’s proposal to transfer from Newport wharf the bins owned-by Pittwater Shell and Lime Company, requesting Council's decisions regarding Dredging proposals previously submitted by Company, viz (b) to operate for five years; (c) to enclose a small portion of Bayview Park for the protection of the Company's plant; (d) to reclaim portion of the Park free of cost to the Council, and to enclose a neighbouring portion at a remuneration on a yardage basis to be agreed upon. Same, 16/2/40, on same matter, and stating Company will fill in the area approved by the Shires Engineer without cost to the Council. Resolved, - That the Works Committee again inspect the area and meet representatives of the Company there for the purpose of discussing the whole of the proposals.
Reporting on works in hand or completed during the past fortnight: Resolved, - That the report be "received"; that Wharf repairs be effected to Newport Wharf as a maintenance-job, and that in regard to Bayview wharf, a sign be erected, pending the repairing of the wharf, that persons using the wharf in its present condition do so at their own risk. (Crs. Hitchcock, Nixon) 22/12/1942
Newport Wharf road, June 1925. Courtesy State Librray of NSW. Image No: d1-12322h
During the 1950's another reconstruction of the Newport Wharf, which ended in costing 2600 pounds, more then a fair amount then had to be found by Warringah Council:
Public Works Department, 3/4/52, stating that careful consideration has been given to the Council's application for assistance towards the cost of reconstructing the Newport public wharf at Queen's Pde. Newport, but it is not considered that the circumstances are such as to warrant subsidy of the work by the Government. 22. Resolved: That the letter be received, and the Engineer prepare an estimate of the cost of reconstructing the Newport Wharf, for consideration with the next estimates. (Crs. McKay, Beach).
5/9/55. 26127(B) Scotland Island Progress Association: (1) Thanking Council for the prompt completion of the cargo staging at Church Point; (2)trusting that the matter of clearing the foreshores reserves will be given further consideration when opportunity permits; (3)stating that a suggestion has been made that Council has not assumed full legal ownership of these reserves and strongly recommending that this be done; (4) as the poles adjacent to Newport wharf were removed by order of the Public Works Department recommending that consideration be given to providing mooring facilities similar to those formerly in the area. Resolved - (1) "Received and noted. (2) Referred to the Works Committee. (Crs. McKay/Corkery). (3) Referred to the Legal Officer. (Crs. NcKay/Gwynne). (4) Referred to Maritime Services Board as the appropriate Authority. (Crs. McKay Simonds).
Disembarking at Newport for picnic, circa 1900 (Ferry is the SS Phoenix), 'Newport Wharf '- by Sydney & Ashfield : Broadhurst Post Card Publishers from album: Scenes of Newport, N.S.W, Image No: , curteys State Library of NSW
Maritime Board 15/9/55, replying, in regard to the representations of the Scotland Island Progress Association for moorings near Newport public wharf, that whilst matters relating to the registration and control of mooring sites on navigble waters are administered by-the Board under the provisions of the Mooring Regulations, N.S,W. it is not the Wharf policy of the Board to provide facilities of this type for the mooring of vessels. Resolved, - That a copy of the letter be sent to Scotland Is. Progress Association for comment, and a report be furnished regarding the question of improvements to Newport Wharf. (Crs. Jones, Gwynne)
Scotland Island Progress Association, 29/9/55, replying in connection with representations for reconstruction of the "dolphin" adjacent to Newport Wharf, stating this was used by small craft for temporary mooring only, and contributed to keeping the wharf clear of moored craft that the Association cannot understand why the Public Works department requested the removal of the dolphin nor which authority was responsible for its original construction, and contending that as it is complementary to the public wharf its construction and maintenance might reasonably be assumed to be the responsibility of the authority controlling the wharf and therefore recommending that the Council erect and maintain a dolphin the vicinity of Newport public wharf and restrict it for temporary mooring of small pleasure craft. Resolved, - That this matter be referred to the Works Committee for consideration, following an inspection.- (Crs. McKay, Fisher)
Newport wharf Repairs: on the motion of Cr. McKay end seconded Cr. Hewitt, that the estimate submitted by the Engineer for repairs to the Newport Wharf be approved and that the work be proceeded with immediately.9/4/1956
8/101956: Newport Wharf Reconstruction 2,600.00
Report to Ordinary Meeting, 15th December 1980 2.2 PUBLIC WAITING SHED - NEWPORT PUBLIC WHARF (File: 446/16) Council resolved, on 11/11/1980 (Minute No.1357) that a more detailed report concerning the above proposal be furnished. Mr B. Gray, proprietor of Boatshed Cruises, a floating boat restaurant, wishes to upgrade facilities at the main departure point of the Newport public wharf. The facility proposed includes an all weather public waiting shed and an adjoining booking office. It would be located at the end of Newport Wharf for the benefit of the firm. Mr Gray is prepared to cover construction and maintenance costs of this facility. The applicant has written to the Minister of Tourism, Mr K. Booth, requesting that Boatshed Cruises be granted a Permissive Occupancy lease on the booking office. Mr Gray has proposed construction of a waiting shed and booking office of dimensions 8m long x 4.5m wide on an extension to the north side of the Newport Wharf. Existing timber piles are proposed to support the structure but an investigation by the Engineering Department has revealed that the existing piles should be replaced. An estimated cost of installing four timber piles, together with timber supports decking, roof and cladding is $9,000. The Land Board Office has written to Council advising that an application for Permissive Occupancy has been. received from Boatshed Cruisers and, in consequence, has requested Council's advice as to its concurrence or otherwise to the granting of the Permissive Occupancy. The proposal was considered by Council’s Property Management Panel, which recommended (11/11/1980): "1. That the applicant be advised that Council is unable to accede to the request for the proposed facilities because the facilities which are proposed are of a commercial nature on public land. This is considered unacceptable. 2. Council give consideration to the provision of a waiting shed on Newport Public Wharf in the 1981 Estimates." Statutory Environmental Planning Requirements: The proposed development will require the lodgement of a development application and planning consent of Council under Clause 59 of the Planning Ordinance. Furthermore, the consent of the owner of the land, namely the Lands Department (being Crown land below high water mark), would need to accompany such application. Justification and Merits of Proposal: On the merits of the matter, there is no objection to the erection of a public waiting shed on the public wharf.
This review, which has also been publicly exhibited, identifies the Newport Wharf/Hotel precinct as one that has potential to provide additional tourist accommodation close to the existing hotel, wharf and water way, it also recommends that existing waterfront businesses operating with existing use rights, be rezoned 3(b3). Andersons Newport Boat Services is one such business which has been identified for a possible 3(b3) zoning even though It occupies unzoned land below mean high water mark. Therefore, this application is not In conflict with the recommendations of this LEP review. 6/9/1989
13/2/1990: Minor rezonings are also proposed in respect of the Palm Beach Wharf Area, where it is proposed that part of the Existing Foreshore 6(a) Recreation zone should be rezoned to facilitate a bus/ferry interchange and ancillary facilities as recommended in the Pittwater Plan of Management Study. It is also recommended that the existing Neighbourhood Business zone in the Newport Wharf /Hotel locality be extended to facilitate tourist facilities and an expansion of residential flat buildings. However, the Study has not indicated the extent of the proposed zoning changes.
Newport Wharf 1900. C/- Isobel Bennett and Pittwater Historical Images at Mona Vale Library.
1. 'Jeanneret, Charles Edward (1834–1898)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/jeanneret-charles-edward-3852/text6121
2.'Certain lands at Manly Beach and elsewhere' Katherine Wentworth and the Bassett Darley estates. Royal Australian Historical Society. 2005. Retrieved from: http://www.thefreelibrary.com/'Certain+lands+at+Manly+Beach+and+elsewhere'+Katherine+Wentworth+and...-a0140053901
3.Alan Sharpe, Manly to Palm Beach, 1983.
4.Samuel Morrison "Early Pittwater Reminiscences" Manly, Warringah & Pittwater Historical Society, 16th May 1929.
5.Champion, S. and G: Manly, Warringah and Pittwater 1788-1850. Killarney Heights NSW, 1997.
6.Kembla Information retrieved from Flotilla Australia at: http://www.flotilla-australia.com/nhrsn.htm
7. Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Council Meetings 1906 - 1987 Retrieved Online from WLS Library.
SS Kembla Image courtesy Wollongong City Library
HRH Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward, Duke of Clarence, and HRH Prince George Frederick Ernest Albert of Wales as midshipmen in the Royal Navy, 1881 / photographer J. Hubert Newman, Sydney. Image a4447046, courtesy State Library of NSW.
Walk to Beach Newport. 31/12/1908. Courtesy State Records of NSW. Image no: 18526_a024_000053.jpg
SS Pelican (steamer Royal Princes went on) and SS Emu Incidental:
Collision between the Steamers Pelican and Emu.-Yesterday morning as these boats were running their usual trips to and from Parramatta, a slight collision took place. Mr. Brett, the master of the Pelican, has furnished us with the following particulars:-At about9 30 a.m., when rounding Pulpit Point, both kept close in shore; the Pelican was coming down the river, being close in under the point, consequently the other boat could not see her until within a ship's length of her. The Pelican attempted to pass on the port side, but finding she could not do so without doing serious damage, stopped the engine and kept close in along the shore.
The Emu also attempted to pass nearest the point, and not having room to go between the other boat and the rocks, and there not being time to shift the helm sufficiently, both vessels struck with their paddleboxes. The wheels of both vessels were crippled, and a small deck house of the Emu carried away, beyond which we believe the damage to be trifling. One person, who was standing by the rail, was thrown overboard by the shock of the vessels meeting, but he found his way ashore without any injury save a wet jacket. Both vessels were being repaired last evening, and will, we believe, run their trips to-day as usual. Herald, June 7. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. (1855, June 9). The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article702087
Collision of the Emu and Pelican steamers on the Parramatta River [picture] by Walter G Mason. [Sydney : J.R. Clarke, 1857] 1 print : wood engraving ; 13.5 x 21.5 cm. Part of The Australian picture pleasure book : illustrating the scenery, architecture, historical events, natural history, public characters &c., of Australia Sydney : J.R. Clarke, 1857. nla.pic-an7975496 courtesy National Library of Australia

Newport Wharf No. a106119 ca. 1900-1927 Sydney & Ashfield : Broadhurst Post Card Publishers from Album Scenes of Newport, N.S.W., courtesy State library of NSW

Newport Wharf History Threads Collected and Collated by A J Guesdon, 2013.