May 22 - 28 2016: Issue 264

For months now, at dawn, you can smell Autumn close to the ground – that coolness, that smell of the earth and leaves changing is tangible. It’s not quite Chicken and Leek Pie followed by Chocolate self-saucing pudding and a small heap of fresh whipper cream season, nor is it the days when you exist on homemade sorbets – it’s somewhere in between.

Autumn is Nicoise Salad with a twist season here. Thick steaks of wild caught tuna can be bought in that great fish shop at Mona Vale and in season green beans, potatoes, plump tomatoes still available, maybe even some roasted eggplant tossed in for extra taste, are combined for something not too heavy and not too light.
A traditional Nicoise salad usually includes raw red peppers, shallots, artichoke hearts, anchovies, boiled eggs, tomatoes and Nicoise olives and other seasonal raw vegetables, but according to many sources, excludes cooked vegetables, such as green beans and potatoes, those items in variations of salade niçoise served around the world.
The fundamentals can be adjusted though, it’s the combination of tastes that make that ‘yum’ in the mouth and will give you pure vim at dawn. Although many will tell you to use canned tuna it is well worth allowing yourself to have the fresh version, cooked rare to medium or just seared. Anchovies are a love them or leave them option too – we love them, they’re always in.
At the other polarity end of Spring, when many will serve this salad, is Autumn, and that’s a time of year that suits this dish too.
Nicoise Salad with a Caesar Twist
Serves 2
6 (about 300g) baby coliban (chat) potatoes
150g green beans, topped
2 eggs
60ml (1/4 cup) extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
Pinch of sugar
2 (about 250g each) tuna steaks
2 fresh tomatoes (we used vine-ripened)
100g (1/3 cup) kalamata olives
5-7 anchovies
1 cup fresh continental parsley leaves
75 grams freshly grated parmesan cheese
Step 1
Cook the potatoes in a saucepan of boiling water for 10 minutes or until just tender. Pop the eggs in when you turn the potatoes off – the residue heat will cook them so they’re not too hard. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the potatoes to a chopping board. Halve. Add the beans to the pan and let these rest in the residue heat too. This will take away some of their crispness but still keep them bright green and with some crunch. Refresh under cold running water. Drain.

Step 4
Heat a frying pan over medium-high heat. Add tuna and cook for 2-3 minutes each side for medium or until cooked to your liking. Set aside for 5 minutes to rest. Flake the tuna into large pieces or leave as one piece to place on your salad base.

Divide the evenly among serving plates. Place tuna atop salad mix and a few seasoned potatoes to the side. Eat!
Recipe Ideas - Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables
Apricot - January Summer Fruits
Artichoke – The Flower Vegetable that Crops in Spring Australian and Native Cherries (Summer Fruits) - the Duntroon Connection - Marrianne Collinson Campbell Autumn is Apple Season
Cherry - Australian summer Fruit
Chick Pea Burgers with Homemade Hummus
Easter Feast - modern and historic
Edible Weeds Eggs: Five Ways - Savoury
Green Beans - Spring Vegetables
Hogmanay (New Year) Dinner - Australian Style
Make Your Own Treats For Christmas Gifts - Jaffa Rum Balls, White Christmas, Gingerbread People, Spicy Nut Mix, Strawberries Dipped in Christmas, Scottish Shortbread, Spanish Polverones, Melomakarona (Greek Christmas Honey Cookies), Kourabiedes (Greek Butter Biscuits), Italian Lemon Shortbread Squares (Shortbread con crema al limone)
Mandarins Spring Fruits Mandarins Winter Fruits
Mum's Vegetable Soup with Macaroni
Nectarines - end of Summer crop
Packham's Triumph Pears - The Australian Pear
Parsnip - Winter Vegetables Pear - Autumn Fruits
Potato Gnocchi Pumpkin Pumpkin Season 2015
Sage - the 'saving' herb Remembrance Day 2012 Food
Self-Saucing Winter Puddings Silverbeet - Winter Vegetable
Spring Salad Season Spring Strawberries Spring Salads
Summer Lilli Pillis Summer Passionfruit Summer Peaches, Quandongs (Wild Peach) - Marian Rowan Ellis Summer Raspberries Native Ones - Adam Forster
Ten Minute Spring Salads - fresh Spring Fare Tomato
Winter Crops Winter Vegetable Pies Zucchini
Pittwater Restaurants, Cafés and Bistros
Café Edelweiss and the German Butchery at Bassett Street: Mona Vale
Duck Creek Macadamias - Orange Obsessions
Home Grown Food Program in Fruit and Veg Month by Jess Rosman
Laurie Bimson's Marinated Kangaroo Recipe
Lobster Nights at Club Palm Beach
Palm Beach Fish and Chips Tops Scale at 10
Parkview Restaurant: Avalon Beach RSL Club
Prontos Creative Food - Palm Beach Pronto Creative Food Celebrates 30 Years - Palm Beach Success Story for Local Lady
RMYC Function Food at Rotary Club of Pittwater 52nd Changeover Dinner
RMYC Ladies Lunch for July(2012); 'Boosting Your Brain and turning Your Stress Into Success' by Dr. Helena Popovic
Salt Cove On Pittwater at RMYC Broken Bay
The Avalon On The Beach Restaurant and Kiosk Opens in Avalon Beach SLSC clubhouse
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