October 21 -27, 2012: Issue 81

Review of For The Love of Grace by Pam Bayfield
In her latest book, Pam Bayfield has created a memorable figure in Grace Pemberton. A woman of warmth and passion, Grace has love to give all those whose lives link in with hers. These include her husband, Charles, whom she has known since her teens, and her lover, Ralph Cooper, who is a senior partner in Charles’ firm.
Grace is a resourceful woman who is able to cope with the trials and tribulations of a dangerous voyage from England; the difficulties of establishing herself in Sydney Town and finally the opening and running of a café in Manly.
Pam Bayfield skilfully tells the story of this loving and courageous woman in the various stages of her life and at the same time takes the reader back to the early years in the colony from 1850 to 1890 with her careful reconstruction of Historical detail.
A really good read.
FOR THE LOVE OF GRACE – A Story of Love and Betrayal.
Elanora author, Pam Bayfield has outdone herself this time. This is Pam's 9th book and it is a historical novel called For the Love of Grace. She began her research by reading about the sinking of the Dunbar and then the Catherine Adamson, both not far from Sydney Heads. When she read that half the lives were lost on the latter vessel she began wondering if she could imagine characters coming to Sydney on that ship, amongst the survivors.
Grace Pemberton, her husband Charles and their two young children made the long, arduous journey from England to old Sydney Town for Charles to join a law firm in the year 1857. Grace suffers the whole way and wonders why she agreed to make this treacherous journey. With the ship about to crash onto rocks in a severe storm half the crew and passengers are saved and the others left to die. Spending time in the Quarantine Station confirms that she is pregnant which explains her seasickness to some extent. The family settles in a poorer part of The Rocks, renting a house from Charles's employer. She meets her neighbour, Nora Mitchell and her large family who become an intricate part of their lives.
Grace is then pursued by Ralph Cooper, Charles's boss who has fallen hopelessly in love with her. Grace does everything to quell his ardour as Ralph is in a loveless marriage and he never gives up trying to win her heart. Eventually Grace and Charles grow apart and this throws Grace into Ralph's clutches and she finally succumbs. Their actions have dire consequences for the next generation. The story follows the twists and turns of Grace's life in the colony and she ends up living in Manly, running a café.
For the Love of Grace covers the period from the 1850s to the 1890s in the Rocks, Manly with journeys to the fledgling suburb of Newport to visit the newly built Newport Hotel.
Purchase at Humphries in Manly, Dymocks at Warringah Mall, Bookoccino at Avalon and Berkelouw Books at Mona Vale or ONLINE.
Launch of For The Love Of Grace by Pam Bayfield
The Newport Mirage opposite the Newport Arms was chosen as the venue for the launch of Pam Bayfield’s ninth book, For The Love Of Grace, as the heroine in this Historical fiction work visits this historic hotel in the course of the story. Venturing into fiction has been an adventure thoroughly enjoyed by Elanora lady Pam Bayfield who is well known for her biographies. A growing legion of fans, some who had already delved into this latest work, stated this newest story successfully launches Pam into this genre.
Her editor, one of our own popular Contributors, Robyn McWilliam, was MC for the seventy plus people who attended the launch and lovely lunch and kindly shares her opening address here:
How many of you have consciously asked how to fill those retirement years?
Well for Pam Bayfield who has brought you here today for the launch of her ninth book – it seems after years of teaching she’s filling hers with writing books.
This morning I was looking at the last chapter of From Ochre To Azure Blue - her autobiography published ten years ago. Pam helped her husband Garnet in his business, attended a few other courses then embarked on writing her mother’s life story.
Some time after that Pam appeared in my Creative Writing class at Narrabeen at what is now the Northern Beaches Community College. She showed me her initial writing effort. My response was you’ve got a lot of facts but I’ve no idea what sort of woman your mother was. Writing someone’s life is about getting the personality onto the page.
Well I think Pam has forgiven me as she stayed in classes for a year learning the craft. And she has gone on to write many books about her family and other people’s inspiring life stories. Come With Me, Joan Fisher’s experiences as a nurse during WWII sold a record 200 books at the launch. Pam and Joan also hit the trail talking and selling books at a number of venues.
Pam is tireless and loves to have a project on the go. Early on she learned a good cover can sell a book. Not to mention her marketing skills. Pam has successfully launched and sold all her books.
Self-published books today can be just as professionally presented as those of mainstream publishers. And Pam has a couple of her books on Amazon as ebooks accessing a world market.
The way stories are shared is changing. But as humans it seems we have an innate need for stories: to empathise with, to relate to or just be entertained. And as you get older – reading is a way of keeping your brain active. So there’s health benefits too.
So back to Pam’s new story. Imagine surviving a ship wreck off the heads. What was it like living in early Sydney Town and Manly? Through her imagined character, Grace, a somewhat racy story is revealed in this novel.
Make sure you secure a copy of For The Love Of Grace today so you can enjoy reading or buy it as a gift. It’s only money. Be a part of this author’s book journey!
Now let me introduce my friend, colleague and most prolific past student, Pam Bayfield.

L to R: Margaret, Kris, Bev, Norma in the Atrium of the Newport Mirage.

Ladies from the NSW Society of Women Writers.

Paula and Julien Vanslambrouck(Challenging Lives - the memoirs of Paula and Julien Vanslambrouck) with Joan Fisher (Come With Me).

Looking after the sales table and also in period costume were Catherine Smith and Steve Retford.