October 23 - 29, 2011: Issue 29

Reflections of a Modern Man, Andrew Holder
The modern man does a lot of running: running a business, running meetings, running up bills, running up hills, running late, running the bath for the babies, running amok, running on empty, running around like a headless chook, running the gauntlet, running to the shops or
running the kids to school.
In his book Reflections of a Modern Man, Andrew Holder looks at the
parallels between raising a business and managing a family. Sharing his own experiences in both arenas, he delivers a book that is full of handy tips and tricks to keep your cool and your sense of humour.
Reflections of a Modern Man is one man’s user-friendly guide to navigating the long and winding road of career and family, showing that just one regular guy can perform both roles successfully if he just remembers to breathe, smile and focus on what’s already wonderful.
$24.95 Available At: http://andrewholder.com.au/store.html
Sell out for PBL Work/Life balance seminar
by Franziska Iseli-Hall,
PBL member, small business marketing strategist and founder of Basic Bananas
It was a beautiful, fresh spring morning on the Northern Beaches: the sun was shining, the sky was blue, the birds were singing … it was a great day to hold the Pittwater Business Limited breakfast seminar.
More than 140 PBL members and guests met at Bayview Golf Club to network, connect and learn on October 19. Guests included representatives from business consultants, driving schools, graphic and web designers, accountants, electricians, lawyers, HR specialists, florists, photographers and many other diverse Pittwater enterprises, small and large.
The Honourable Bronwyn Bishop MP, Federal Member for Mackellar, Mr Rob Stokes MP, Member for Pittwater, the Mayor of Pittwater, Cr Harvey Rose, the Mayor of Warringah, Michael Regan, Pittwater Councillors Jacqueline Townsend and Julie Hegarty and the General Manager of Pittwater Council, Mr Mark Ferguson, were in attendance.
Andrew Holder, CEO of TDA Interiors, parent to four young children and owner of five successful businesses spoke about the work/life balance and the trick of managing your business and spending quality time with your family. “Did you know that there are 2.4 million cities in the world and Australia has four of the most liveable cities in the top ten?” Andrew asked. “Sydney is close to top of the list so then why should we have a work/life balance issue?”
The thing is, he said, that it’s not all about money. It’s about combining work, family and fun. “My life is pretty much one entity, I don’t have a life balance issue,” Andrew said. “If you treat the whole thing as one, there is no issue.”
Other important key factors in achieving a balance were to choose the right people and partners for all areas of your life, to plan a beautiful future with your loved ones and to celebrate successes.
“Choosing the right profession and doing what you love most is all important,” he said.
A key point Andrew shared with his PBL audience was that his personal success with work/life balance was due to the fact he would break things down into manageable chunks.
For more eye-opening insights from Andrew Holder, check out his recently published book Reflections of a Modern Man. Visit his website: www.andrewholder.com.au for more information.
To see some fantastic photos of the October 19 breakfast please go to http://www.luminere.com.au/PBL/pbl-191011-lowres.zip. All photos were taken by Orlando Luminere from Luminere Imaging – Thank you Orlando!