June 7 - 13, 2015: Issue 217
Peninsula Schools Embrace Environmental Message

Amanda Marechal with students from Pittwater High School
Peninsula Schools Embrace Environmental Message
05 Jun 2015
The environmental messages of marine debris and protecting the Green Sea Turtle is a recent hot topic for 197 students from 13 peninsula schools.
Pittwater Council has worked with the Peninsula Community of Schools and not-for-profit organisation ‘Take 3’ to deliver Project Green Sea turtle, made possible with assistance from NSW EPA’s (Environmental Protection Authority) Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy,
Pittwater Council’s Mayor Jacqui Townsend said this was just one of the projects Pittwater Council has been able to provide with the funding from the EPA’s waste levy.
“This year students of Pittwater’s schools have also had the opportunity to visit Kimbriki Resource and Recovery Centre, where they have learnt more about eco gardening and waste reduction.
“These education opportunities are vital for our young people as it equips them with the knowledge and tools to become environmentally aware individuals.
Highlights of the Green Sea Turtle program included an excursion to Taronga Zoo where students had a personal experience with turtles at the Wildlife Clinic. Students then participated in different activities and workshops conducted by Take 3.
Sharon Smithies, Peninsula Community of Schools Coordinator said the experience then carried into the classroom where those involved developed a way to communicate to the school and the local community, issues regarding marine debris and what they can do to help.
“These projects were presented to the school community and their families on World Environment Day, Friday 5 June at Pittwater Council’s Coastal Environment Centre,” added Ms Smithies.
The program was facilitated by 'Take 3' a not-for-profit organisation that raises awareness of marine debris by encouraging each visitor to the beach, waterway or...anywhere to simply take three pieces of rubbish with them when they leave.
Learn more about the Take 3 initiative and how you can make a difference to our marine environment, visit www.take3.org.au
The 'Take 3' message is simple: take 3 pieces of rubbish with you when you leave the beach, waterway or... anywhere and you have made a difference.
Marine debris, particularly plastic, has a disastrous impact in our oceans on marine life and, ultimately, us. We can greatly reduce the amount of marine debris in our oceans by preventing it from getting there in the first place! Take 3 encourage people to Refuse disposable plastic, Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle and Respond by picking up rubbish.

Green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas and his total internal reflection by Brocken Inaglory
Images courtesy Take 3 and Pittwater Council