2013 in Pittwater - A Year in Pictures

Adrian Curlewis - Twilight Masters Carnival and Open Carnival - Palm Beach SLSC

ArtSpot Exhibition

Pittwater to Coffs Ocean Race

Avalon Soccer Club Members Raising Funds for Vanuatu Visitors Tour by washing....cars.

Birdland Adventures - Wetlands and their verges

Sailability Pittwater - late Summer fun

NRL Stars Descend on Hitchcock Park to raise funds for the Sunnyfield Association

RPAYC Club Marine Sail Expo

Adrenalin Grom Comp.


Newport SLSC Launch the Surf Racing Academy

Southern Cross Wildlife Care Fundraiser at 'Coomalong' - Bayview

Kimbriki recycled Ned Kelly art exhorts all to do the same - recycle!

Anzac Day in Pittwater

Mona Vale Hospital -NO land being sold off community assured

Mothers Day 2013 - Flower Panels

Duck Bath ! - littlies loved this one

Songs for Soibada III

Sorry Day 2013

RMYC Marine Art Exhibition

No Amalgamation of Councils!

Sunset Ceremony - Avalon Tattoo
Monday, 3 June 2013, Media Release from Robyn Parker MP - Minister for the Environment and Minister for Heritage
New mountain biking tracks, camping and tourism opportunities are some of the exciting options being proposed in plans now on exhibition for Garigal, Ku-ring-gai Chase and Marramarra National Parks. Environment Minister Robyn Parker today called for people to have their say on the proposed changes, saying they are part of the government’s commitment to provide more opportunities for people to enjoy national parks and reserves. “There is increasing demand for new and exciting experiences in our national parks, such as opportunities to mountain bike or camp in selected areas,” Ms Parker said. “The first priority in introducing new opportunities is to ensure we can protect the environment and the cultural values of the parks.
“Mountain biking is a rapidly growing, widespread recreational activity in NSW and there is high demand for this recreational activity in our national parks. The proposed 6.5 km, one-way cross-country mountain biking track at Bantry Bay in Garigal National Park, would be designed to provide a sustainable experience, while minimising environmental impacts.
The proposed amendments would also facilitate the reintroduction of camping at Twin Beaches in Marramarra National Park to cater for those wanting a more natural, low impact bush experience close to Sydney, Ms Parker announced. “There is also a proposal in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park to open up opportunities for Barrenjoey Headland and light house buildings to be leased or hired for a variety of uses such as accommodation and hospitality."...

Avalon Active Seniors Art Show 2013

The Barrenjoey Rally

Birdsong Lovesongs as we headed into Spring

Surf Life Saving late Winter Training on Jet Skis

Youth Leading the Way Environment Conference at Narrabeen - CEC

RPAYC Opening of the 2013 Sailing Season

Avalon SLSC Renovations Progressing - first floor slab poured

Kenya Care Wear Launched

BL's Blast Off 2013

Barrenjoey Headland Bushfire - image courtesy Tumbledown Dick 1

Avalon Beach RSL Fishing Club Wins three way Comp

Avalon Beach Historical Society 8th Great Historic Photographic Exhibition - Geoff Searl

New Palliative Care Wing opened at Cora Adcock Facility - Mona Vale Hospital

Whale Beach SLSC - Official Opening of Newly Renovated Clubhouse and 75th Year Celebrations

Barrenjoey Rises - Phoenix Landscape

Lion Island Challenge 2013

RMYC Broken Bay Opening of 87th Boating Season

Avalon Sailing Club celebrates 75 Years

Palm Beach Sailing Club's Beware the Bullets Regatta

Remembrance Day Service at Avalon Beach RSL Club

Pittwater Council's Coastal Ambassador Program wins State Award

Warriewood Launches the Allan Collins Surf Boat - and hosts Round Three of 2013 SLSSNB Boat Premiership

Dr Howard Ralph - Southern Cross Wildlife Care Awarded NSW 2013 Senior Volunteer of the Year

Christmas Carols at Mona Vale, Whale Beach, Narrabeen, Palm Beach, Newport

Pictures by A J Guesdon, 2013.