March 20 - 26, 2016: Issue 256
Pittwater Asked to Have Its Say On Council Amalgamations AGAIN

Above: Rally for Local Democracy last Sunday - see videos of speakers HERE
There have been a few KPMG Reports that have been released in the past few years around amalgamation debates, commissioned by various sources for the purposes of defining the many components of various 'Options'.
That commissioned by Manly and Pittwater Councils in early 2015 echoed an over two decade old Pittwater experience of finding; ' The wider variation in median house prices across suburbs in a merged Northern Beaches council may generate resistance from ratepayers in regards to cross-subsidising services and infrastructure in other suburbs that are not in close proximity or have few shared interests.'
An interesting 'Community News' document published by Warringah Councillor Vincent De Luca OAM outlines the other old, and remaining, and clearly recurring, objection that caused a second and quite valid reason for secession - inappropriate developments and in some cases, blatant overdevelopment, and a spending of residents rates on what could be construed as propaganda that may not benefit those paying for it. Mr. De Luca states $68 million a year could be saved by letting Warrigah go greener to the north and more metro to the south, with over two and a half million of this saved through 'Media and Marketing' alone.
That would be a 'regional art centre' in Pittwater, and a few thousand more trees being planted by volunteer bushcarers and getting rid of more in reserve weeds, a music festival, and a food festival, and a youth shed, and a men's shed... or two and a half new surf clubs.
As Local Government disappears by increments of 'this is what you must address now' to become what is shaping up to be regional government, and residents are fed up with having said 'No' in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 and being ignored, applause has been generated for Mosman Council who have announced they will follow Woollahra's lead to challenge the state government's proposed merger for it as the government has used the wrong part of the Local Government Act to hold inquiries into forced amalgamations.
Before Pittwater residents get too fed up their council is asking they make a submission on their views regarding the push for having something the same here again via the 'Boundary Review' website. Community comment on Warringahs proposal for a mega council 'option' is open until 8 April 2016. You can lodge a submission HERE
For the following two Saturdays Pittwater Council will also have community information stalls in the village centres including Avalon, Elanora Heights, Mona Vale, Newport and Warriewood as well as at Mona Vale Library and Avalon Recreation Centre.

FREE Buses to public inquiry meetings in Manly (22 March) and Dee Why (23 March) about MEGA council proposed by Warringah Council
Buses will depart Mona Vale Surf Club at 4:30-4:45pm and return at 10:15pm. The public inquiry meetings run from 6pm to 10pm.
If you have trouble booking a seat on the bus, please call Pittwater Council Customer Service on 9970 1111. Register HERE
Registrations to attend/speak at the public inquiry meetings must be made direct via Boundaries Commission website or by phone on 1300 813 020.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the parking options and where does the bus depart?
The buses will depart Mona Vale Surf Club and there is plenty of parking available in Surfview Road near the Surf Club.
Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?
Call 9970 1111.
How do you register to attend the public inquiry meetings?
Members of the public who would like to attend are requested toregister on the Boundary Commission website. Registrations to attend a public inquiry will close at 9.00am on the day prior to the public inquiry or earlier if the venue reaches its capacity.
When are the public inquiry meetings into the MEGA council proposed by Warringah Council?
Mona Vale Golf Club Monday, 21 March 2016 6:00pm - 10:00pm Golf Avenue Mona Vale
Manly Golf Club Tuesday, 22 March 2016 6:00pm - 10:00pm 38 Balgowlah Road Manly
Dee Why RSL Club Wednesday, 23 March 2016 6:00pm - 10:00pm 932 Pittwater Rd Dee Why
Where can I find out information about the local government reform process?
The Pittwater community speaks up
We are encouraged to see the strong support our community is showing against the Warringah proposal for a mega council. Over the past week we have seen hundreds of people rise up and already make submissions against the Warringah proposal.
Our community's voice against a mega council is getting louder each day. This is consistent with the feedback we have had since the process began. It is vital even if you have already had your say on the two council proposal - that you again put in a submission on this latest proposal.
The local member has continued his support for the two council model as the model that achieves the best of both - sound financial benefits whilst retaining an appropriate size and scale for local representation and independence.
Let's work together to create a new medium sized council linking areas of similar character, culture and density with appropriate levels of representation and community connectedness. This is what we want for the future of Pittwater.
This new merger proposal will again be conducted by the delegate in the same way as the initial merger proposal. Community comment on the mega council option is open until 8 April 2016.
Lodge a submission HERE
For the following two Saturdays we will also have community information stalls in our village centres including Avalon, Elanora Heights, Mona Vale, Newport and Warriewood as well as our Mona Vale Library and Avalon Recreation Centre.
This merger proposal has been made by Warringah Council to the Minister for Local Government who has referred it to the Chief Executive of the Office of Local Government for examination and report. The Chief Executive has delegated the function of examining and reporting on the proposal to Richard Pearson who will examine and report on the proposal in accordance with the Local Government Act.
UPDATE: The Warringah Council merger proposal was uploaded on Thursday 10th of March to the Council Boundary Review website and can be found at: HERE
Public Inquiry Registration
Members of the public who would like to attend are requested to register using the on-line registration form below or by contacting 1300 813 020 (This service is available 24/7). Members of the public who would like to speak at the inquiry are requested to indicate that they wish to do so when they register to attend.
Members of the public may only speak once at the public inquiry, irrespective of the number of sessions being held, and the order of speaking will be determined by the Delegate. Registrations to attend a public inquiry will close at 9.00am on the day prior to the public inquiry or earlier if the venue reaches its capacity.
Dee Why RSL Club: Wednesday, 23 March 2016
6:00pm - 10:00pm
932 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why
Manly Golf Club: Tuesday, 22 March 2016
6:00pm - 10:00pm
38 Balgowlah Road, Manly
Mona Vale Golf Club: Monday, 21 March 2016
6:00pm - 10:00pm
Golf Avenue, Mona Vale