November 3 - 9, 2013: Issue 135
Pittwater Regattas of 1907 and 1908
Where the road dips down it is nestled there,
With its headlands green as a mermaid's hair;
And the sun a-gleam on its sapphire sea
Where the spray leaps high and the waves break free.
Hear the wild gulls call from their rocky ledge,
Where the she-oaks sway to the water's edge;
And the air is cooled by the evening breeze
As the sun sinks low o'er the mangrove trees.
With its golden beach where the wet sands gleam
On the brink where the billows swirl and cream;
When the lilac shadows of twilight fall
I am winging there at a whip-bird's call!
Dorothea Dowling.
CHARM OF NEWPORT. (1935, March 14). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11 Supplement: Women's Supplement. Retrieved from
Pittwater in 1888, when the first organised regatta occurred on our estuary, and the few decades that led to the 1907 official inaugural Pittwater Regatta, was still trying to get decent roads to bring visitors to the area, ensure a tramway went ahead and the supporting services, from a Telegraph and Postal Office at Newport to places to accommodate visitors, attracted more and more to the watering place.
Establishing the mail routes and a Newport Telegraph Office warrants pages solely to these steps forward and begins before 1888. They are an indication of those then living in our area wanting an 'opening up' of what was still mainly a rural destination. Being on the farm or a fisherman was a prevailing blessing but residents were keen to see Pittwater established as a premier resort. With an already established Maritime heritage, a small local race between the Crouch brothers (James 'Jim' and Edward 'Eddie' sons of Harry) of Queensland, (from one of the premier families there in all sports related events; cricket and tennis champions as well as champion sailors among their kin), and John Roche and W D M Taylor, who built boats together at Bay View (as it was named then), was the spark that started a watery fire. William 'Don' M Taylor was the eldest son of Patrick T Taylor, and brother to Patrick Gordon Taylor:
Newport Telegraph Office.
Last Saturday the new telegraphic office at Newport was formally opened by Mr. Cracknell, the chief superintendent, in the presence of a large assemblage of residents and visitors. Mr. Cracknel! delivered a. short address, and formally declared the office opened and communication established with the rest of the world. He asked the visitors to join with him in thanking Messrs. Shorter and Boulton for the efforts they had made in bringing about this desirable result. A large number of ladies and gentlemen then adjourned to Bulfin's Newport Hotel, where dinner was provided for those who had taken a prominent part in the proceedings. This opportunity was taken to present the Christmas prizes at the Newport public school, which has been open for about nine months, and is under the supervision of Miss Giles. Various prominent residents had contributed to the prizes, amongst which was a watch, donated by Mr. Aitken to the most efficient pupil. After the prizes had been distributed, an address, signed by the Misses Bulfin and Miss M. Scott, on behalf of their fellow pupils, was presented to Miss Giles. The address was accompanied by a gold-bracelet and a smelling-bottle. The presentation was suitably acknowledged by Miss Giles, after which the proceedings terminated. Newport Telegraph Office. (1888, December 27). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 8. Retrieved from
PITTWATER. How this pleasant picturesque watering-places is advancing is well indicated by the opening of a telegraph station there the Saturday before Christmas, ' Our bachelor' and myself intended to be present at the ceremony. We were prevented by the temporary suspension of the vehicular traffic between Manly and there, owing to the supply not being equal to the demand. The extra demand on that day from visitors to Newport and holiday parties taxed the resources of the Manly coach proprietors; but by the exercise of a little patience and with the loss of a little time all were accommodated. The road between the lagoon at Manly and Dee Why Lagoon has been stripped of many of its charms. Formerly it was like a woody winding line odoriferous as a flower garden at dewy eve or early morn ; now it isrsme and treeless, here and there shorn of most of its glory by bush vandals and land jobbers. There are four public-house between Manly and Newport, two of which, I believe, have been built since the unemployed were set to work at Frenchs Forest and Narrabeen. How the tenants and owners of the houses can make a living is a mystery. Perhaps their owners are far-seeing men, who have speculated in anticipation of the Pittwater tramway (the bill for which was lately passed) being constructed.
When we arrived at Pittwater harbour the day was declining, but the gala remained in all its glitter. Mr. Cracknell, who performed the opening ceremony had departed with some others for Sydney ; but the notabilities of the locality were in no hurry to leave, having their gondolas at hand to convey them home. A few years have made a great change in Pittwater. The western shore of the harbour is all under cultivation. Fruit trees of all kinds flourish there, and some vegetables can be produced a fortnight earlier than around Sydney. Fish is abundant in the harbour. We assisted at three hauls of the net of our host, Mr. Bulfin. 'Our bachelor' and another gentleman donned fishing garb for the occasion, put their shoulders to the wheel, or rather to the ropes and towed very well indeed for amateurs. Our labours were attended with but moderate success. There is much inquiry for land in Pittwater now, the prospect of the tramway thither doubtless stimulating it. Scotland Island, in the middle of the harbour, area about 150 acres, has been sold to a Melbourne company for £2,500.There is some speculation as to what they are going to do with it. The impression prevails that it is to be utilized for a marine public resort. It was also said down there that a that a well-known gentleman on the North Shore intends building a large marine hotel on the eastern shore of the harbour, between Stokes's Point and the new wharf. It is a very eligible site if trade could be commanded; but that, no doubt, would come to a well-conducted house. A place there would be easy of access from the harbour, the new wharf affording facilities for landing found nowhere else in the Pittwater peninsula. The largest excursion steamers can come alongside it in all weathers, there being a depth of over 18 feet at low water. The romantic marine retreat of the late lamented Mr. Dalley on Cabbagetree beach, underlying Bilgola head on the Pacific shore, has been purchased by Mr. Jackson. Mr. J. M. Taylor, our bachelor (so designated from having obtained his B.A. degree as an evening student at the University the morning of our visit), was delighted with Pittwater. As a holiday retreat he would prefer it to the mountains principally because 'There is a society where none intrudes By the deep sea, and music in its roar.' C. B. PITTWATER. (1889, January 12). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 17. Retrieved from
NEWPORT PROGRESS ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of the Newport Progress Association took place on Saturday night at Greig's Newport Hotel. Mr T Waterhouse, the president, occupied the chair. The annual report showed that improvements had been made in the district during the year-dangerous parts of the roads had been fenced and culverts built. In reply to a letter sent to the Works Department asking among other things that the culvert in Gladstone-street should be made wider, the department said the improvements were small, and might well be carried out by those interested. The sub-committee brought up its report upon the establishment of a polling booth at Newport, and it was decided that a petition be presented to Sir John See asking that this might be done. Mr Hanslow gave notice of his intention to propose a motion dealing with a water supply for Newport. The election of officers resulted as follows: -President, Mr Joseph Waterhouse ; vice-president, Mr William Bulfin; hon. secretary and treasurer, Mr. Stuart Greig; council, Messrs H. Bolton, J Baker, F Hanslow, W Bolton. A vote of thanks was passed to the retiring officers and special mention was made of the services rendered by Mr Greig, who had been hon. secretary to the association for the last eight years. NEWPORT PROGRESS ASSOCIATION. (1904, February 10).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
The departure of the Crouch family and their speedy boats the Spider and Manly for Gladstone, will cause a gap in the sailing world. The Crouch's are champions at the game, and will be very much missed by their friends. One of the number is the successful skipper of the Violet, but Charley will come along when Harry Chapman's craft is engaged in racing. Cigarettes. (1906, February 15). Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1901 - 1936), p. 25. Retrieved from
W D M Taylor on Corella - from Sydney Morning Herald, December 24th, 1924
The Pittwater Regatta came into being as the result of a private match, In December 1905 between the Crouch brothers, of Queensland, and W. D. M. Taylor, who sailed the Corella, owned by Lord Forster, and Mr. John Roche, for 21 years honorary secretary for the regatta. An unusual course was chosen, being from Pittwater, where the flagship was moored on Saturday, around Lion Isle and back, a distance of l8 miles. The Crouch brothers won. Local residents became enthusiastic as the result of this match, and the first regatta was held in February, 1906. It catered for local sailing and rowing boats, but there were only six starters for the first motor launch race. PITTWATER. (1928, January 2). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
PITTWATER (N.S.W.) REGATTA IS CHIEF WATER EVENT. WHAT IT MEANS TO AQUATICS Some Interesting Details of History of Great Water Carnival
THE Pittwater Regatta means the bringing together of a variety of maritime interests In the field of amateur sport which is hardly approached by any similar water' festival held throughout the world. Similarly as Cowes week 'typifies the acme of excellence , in yachting in Great Britain so also does the Pittwater Regatta consummate a valuable achievement in the realm of Australia's sporting activities, and its story is well worth the telling.
Obviously the descendant of the man who sowed the first acorn and found a great oak tree growing must have been as much mystified as those of our generation today who review the progress made in aquatic sport as Is typified by this meeting at Pittwater; in fact, this event was really the outcome of a sporting 'fluke,' a happening(which like the acorn) led to great and important things. It was In the year 1906 that the Crouch brothers, having taken all before them in Queensland decided to come south and contest events at Pittwater.
They won here easily, and so keen was the interest of John Roche(who as everybody knows is one of the finest exponents and enthusiasts of the yachting world) and W. D. Taylor (right), that these two 'ticklers of the tiller' launched a challenge against the two Queenslanders. The course, was over 20 miles, and the racing order was In 15-foot skiffs. For the first ten miles the boats ran sprit to sprit, but on the last run home the Crouch brothers showed their supremacy by winning the duel; So great an interest, however, was shown in the contest that it was decided to perpetuate the meeting as an annual regatta, and thus it was that the Pittwater carnival came into existence.
Next Saturday's list of events is most comprehensive, including as It does not only sailing contests, but trials of strength between mechanically-driven craft, and those propelled manually by men, women and boys. Quite a representative list. In regard to Mischief Memorial event, a little story may be told; After the regatta of 1928, Mr. Stanley Spain got into difficulties off Narrabeen in his craft 'Mischief.' The affair created quite a sensation at the time as this yachtsman, was marooned for many hours on Lion Island. Though terrifying at - the time, everything ended happily, and the occurrence Is to-day commemorated by the 'Mischief Memorial' item on the programme. When discussing the Pittwater Regatta it necessarily involves the personality of Mr. John Roche, who, for the past 25 years, has been responsible for the arrangements of, and the successful issue of, this popular meeting. Owing to medical advice he has relinquished his hitherto active duties in the carnival, relegating his captaincy to Mr. J. H. Titchen, but his presence will not be missing on Saturday, as he is still, although behind the scenes, very much on the surface. It may be added that on the occasion of the 21st celebration of the regatta, Mr. Roche was presented with a wallet of notes and an address by the then Governor-General, Lord Stonehaven, and that was three years ago.
THE true significance of the importance of the Pittwater (N.S.W.) regatta, which will be held on Saturday next, is oft-times adumbrated by the plethora of events and the ramifications which characterise this annual meeting of all that is best in the aquatic world of sport in the Commonwealth. PITTWATER (N.S.W.) REGATTA IS CHIEF WATER EVENT. (1930, December 24). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 9. Retrieved from
MR. W. D. M. TAYLOR. Mr. W. D. M. Taylor, a director of the firm of Messrs. P. T. Taylor, Ltd., merchants, of York-street, city, died in a private hospital on Saturday, aged 49 years. He was a son of the late Mr. P. T. Taylor, M.L.C, and was educated at the Church of England Grammar School, North Sydney. Mr. Taylor, who is survived by a widow and two sons, one of whom was a distinguished athlete at North Sydney Church of England Grammar School some years ago, was an enthusiastic yachtsman, and was regarded as one of the best skippers on the harbour. He attended a navigation school, and obtained a master mariner's ticket so that he could carry out deep-water cruises. For 28 years he was a member of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, was also a member of the committee, and was a member of the Union Club. When Lord Forster was Governor-General Mr. Taylor sailed with his Excellency on the Governor-General's yacht Corella. Mr. Taylor owned the yacht Triton. The funeral will take place this morning, following a short service at 10 30 at the chapel of the North Sydney Church of England Grammar School The remains will be cremated at Rookwood. MR. W. D. M. TAYLOR. (1933, September 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Some of Sydney's White Wings: A few of the newer yachts which race under the pennant of the Sydney Amateur Sailing Club. Reading from left to right, the craft are: Top row; Wiaji Wiaji, Sundowner, and Gumleaf II, Middle row Vagabond and Snowdrop. Bottom row; Wiatangi,, Triton (formerly Native), and Mischief. Some of Sydney's White Wings. (1920, February 17). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from
P G Taylor sailed the Triton in Pittwater Regattas after his brothers passing.
Mr. John Roche, who died at the War Memorial Hospital yesterday, was widely known in yachting and sailing circles. He was associated with the Pittwater regatta from its inception, being honorary secretary for 24 years up to 1931. He had always taken a keen interest in aquatic sports, and in 1906 participated in a challenge skiff race at Pittwater. From this race grew the annual regatta, the first of which was held in 1907. He was a member of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, being for a time a committeeman, and of the Sydney Amateur Sailing Club. He was keenly interested in the organization of sailing and yachting events, and took an active part in the arrangement of the Anniversary Regatta over a number of years. He is survived by Mrs. Roche. MR. J. ROCHE. (1936, October 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from
Back Row (left to right). Messrs. A. L. Davis, John Williams, F. S. Adams, T. L. Mulhall. Front Row. Messrs. S. J. Keegan, John Roche (hon. sec), Mrs. Greig, and Mr. W. Bolton.-The officials in this group officiated at the first Pittwater regatta 19 years ago, and were 'on deck' on Saturday. PITTWATER REGATTA PIONEERS. (1926, January 1). Arrow(Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 13. Retrieved from
The above photo was taken on the SS Archer, flagship for the 1925 Pittwater Regatta. See clearer image below.
1907 Regatta
The 1907 first 'official' Pittwater Regatta, although also a means to attract spenders to Pittwater, also attracted a return of the Crouch family. Rowing was huge in Pittwater, and Sydney, and had been for decades, and the Pittwater Aquatic Club were an integral part of arrangements, and rowing an added attraction for those who thrived in aquatic sports:
Residents of Pittwater and Newport have arranged a regatta for tomorrow. The programme is a long one, and comprises sailing races for local boats, 14ft to. 18ft, local fishing boats, all-comers 16ft skiffs handicap,14ft to 24ft sailing race, sailing race for youths 18 years and under; single-scull race youths 18 years and under, single-scull races for ladies and youths, double sculls for gentlemen, double sculls for ladies, ladies and gents, double sculls, motor boat handicap, old buffers' handicap (50 years and over). Numerous entries have been received, and Miss Gladys Lloyd and Mr. John Roche (the hon secretaries)anticipate a good day's sport. AQUATICS. (1907, March 15). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
SAILING. The Pittwater Regatta will be held on the 16th instant The programme comprises fifteen rowing, sailing, and motor events The prize money totals £55 10s, besides a number of trophies. There are three sailing events, open to all-comers, viz , Handicap for 16ft skiffs, under P.J.S.S.C. rules, prizes £7, £2, and £1;handicap for 14ft to 24ft boats (jib and mainsail only), prizes £5, £2, and trophy; and an all boats handicap (jib and mainsail only, to be sailed by youths under 18), prizes £2 and £1.There is also a licensed fishing boat handicap-jib and mainsail) for Broken Bay, Hawkesbury, Cowan, and Brisbane Water boats, for prizes of £6, £1, and trophy. The rowing portion includes three races for ladies, and one for ladies and gentlemen, these, as well as other events, being for local residents only Entries for all comers races will close on the 12th, the local events closing on the 9th. Miss Gladys Lloyd and Mr John Roche are the hon. secs, their address being Post Office, Bay View, Pittwater. The flagship will be the steamer Woy Woy. SAILING. (1907, March 9). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 7. Retrieved from
The postponed Pittwater regatta will be held tomorrow. The hon. secretaries (Miss Gladys Roche, and. Mr. J. Roche), and the committee have done a lot of work. Nearly a hundred entries have been received for the various rowing, sailing and motor boat races. 'The first event is timed to start at 11 am and is for local boats 14ft to 18ft, for which fifteen entries have been received. For the all comers sailing skiff race the following are the handicaps :,Native (H. Rodrick), scr; Dart (J. Sharp), 3min Rainbow (J. Hanson), 8min; Mat (W. Riddle), 9min; Rio (A. Robey), 13min; Myrtle (J. Crouch); 16min. The entries for the ladies single sculls are:â Mrs. Wilmot, Mrs. Jackson, Miss G. Lloyd, and Miss L. Arter. The other events also include three in which ladies may join, and the sailing races cater for all-classes of local craft. The steamer will be the flagship. Special coaches and motor 'buses ' will leave Manly for Bay View wharf at 9.15, 10.15, and 11.15, returning immediately after the last race is completed. SAILING. (1907, March 22). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
Gladys Isobel Llloyd was the fifth daughter of William Fredrick Lloyd of Manly and Bayview. Gladys was a keen rower and took part in the first ladies double sculling championship of New South Wales. Bayview was also the base for the Pittwater Aquatic Club, out of which came many champions. There is more on Gladys and her family under Incidentals.
Pittwater REGATTA The Pittwater regatta, which was postponed last Saturday, will be held today. The programme comprises five sailing, nine rowing, and one motor launch event, and as the entries are as numerous as the races are varied, a good day's sport is practically assured. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1907, March 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from
The S.S. Woy Woy, circa 1910. Courtesy Brisbane Water Historical Society.
NEWPORT and BAYVIEW.S.S. WOY WOY leaves Bums, Philip, and Co.'s Wharf EVERY THURSDAY, 7 a.m. Cargo received daily. FARE, Return or single, 2s 1d, T., S047. BURNS, PHILP, and CO.,. Advertising. (1906, March 19). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
THE WOY WOY. The Hawkesbury Steam Navigation Co., Limited, have purchased the s.s. Woy Woy, to replace the s.s. Hawkesbury in the cargo trade on the river. The latter vessel having been recently placed in commission as a passenger and tourist boat, is now running tourist trips in connection with the railway. The round trip, via Windsor, is made once a week. The Woy Woy is well known on the river, having been running frequently under charter to the trading companies. She was owned by Mr C. Stephenson, and was running in the Gosford trade for some seven or eight years. Mr Stephenson is building a new vessel, a little larger than the Woy Woy for his trade, and expects to have her completed by the end of she year, in the meantime the Woy Woy is to run the Gosford trade, by special arrangement with the H.S.N. Co. It is believed that the Woy Woy, whose speed is equal to that of the Hawkesbury, will give satisfaction to ths settlers on the river, as she will be able to land her cargoes in time for the early market, and has good carrying capacity. The Hawkesbury, as a tourist boat, is becoming more popular every day, and as the summer season approaches the number of tourists increases. This should certainly have a beneficial influence on the river districts, and increase the popularity of this beautiful tourist resort. It should bring about increased values in land on the river, and increased settlement. We are also informed that should the Company meet with the same encouragement and support in the future as in the past, a larger and faster cargo boat will be provided to meet the increased requirements of the trade. THE WOY WOY. (1910, September 17). Windsor and Richmond Gazette (NSW : 1888 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
And who won the skiff race this second time? - James Crouch!
In the 16ft Skiff Race at the Pittwater Regatta on Saturday, the limit boat (Myrtle), 16min (J Crouch), was the winner, beating Mat, 9min (W. Riddle), by a minute. SAILING. (1907, March 25). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
And towards end of year the next Regatta is announced:
The Pittwater regatta, to be held on February 1, is attracting interest not only locally but among the aquatic community. The chief event will be the champion race for 16-foot boats and for this a trophy of 10 guineas has been given by the patron, Mr N. H. Murray, while the committee have added £20. The conditions are -Trophy to be won straight out, all boats sailing under P J S S rules. SAILING. (1907, October 31). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Mr N. H. Murray represents the millenniums all community has been based on family, how sport connects many and provides a common ground to support and further the building of community interests. The publican has also been a means of raising the 'bar' for our society when used as part of the community and for the community. The eldest son of William Bulfin, one time proprietor of the Newport Hotel, married the daughter of Joseph Wallace, and sought to become a publican in his own right in Glebe. A keen cyclist, he brought groups out to Pittwater as well as getting involved in cricket. While involved in cricket he also met a gentleman who was already a keen and skilled yachtsman who points to the RPAYC's member connections between John Roche and Norman Murray, the Newport Hotel, and the popularity of Pittwater as a sailing destination for city-side residents:
BULFIN -WALLACE.-December 3, 1902, at St. Barnabas' Church, George-street West, by the Rev. W.A. Charlton, William George, eldest son of William Bulfin, of Newport, to Amy E., eldest daughter of Joseph Wallace, of Glebe. Family Notices. (1903, January 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
TRANSFERS OF PUBLICANS' LICENSES. At the Central Licensing Court yesterday the following transfers of publicans' licenses were granted: -Patrick Griffin to William George Bulfin, University Hotel, Broadway, Glebe; TRANSFERS OF PUBLICANS' LICENSES. (1905, April 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
At the annual meeting of the Glebe Kia-Ora Club the following officers were elected: Patron, Mr. N. H. Murray; president, Dr. Sydney Jones; vice-presidents, Messrs. Davis, Benjamin, Dr. Magnus, C. F. W. Lloyd, Alderman Nosworthy, Robinson, Dr. Bohrsmann; captain, Mr. W. Bullivant; vice-captain, Mr. J. Cullen; secretary and treasurer, Mr. W. Cullen; selection committee, Messrs. W. Bullivant, A. Munro, J. Cullen. CRICKET. (1906, August 17). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
CRICKET. At the annual meeting of the Glebe Kia-Ora club, the secretary's report showed that the last season had been a most successful one. The club played 10 competition matches, of which 8 were won and 2 lost. The club was third in the Balmain and District C Grade Competition. The honors for the batting fell to F.. Hutchinson 23. J. Hogue 20, J. Cullen 19.2, W. Cullen 17.12; while J. Hogue 5.30, W. Bullivant 6.34, and W. Cullen 9.91 were the best three bowlers. The office bearers elected for the coming year were: Patron, Mr. N. H. Murray, president. Mr. A. Cullen; vice-presidents. Dr. Burton, Messrs. P. C. Lucas, Hon. J. A. Hogue, M.L.A., W. Bulfin, I. R. Cohen; captain, Mr. J. Cullen; vice-captain, Mr. W. Sullivan; secretary, Mr. W. Cullen; treasurer, Mr.; D. R. Cullen; selection committee, Messrs. J. Cullen, W. Bullivant, A. Lloyd; general committee, Messrs. W. Bullivant. A. Lloyd, J. Cullen. C. N. Berry, W. Cullen; delegates to Moore Park Association. Messrs. G. A. Parker, E. Poulton. It was decided to join the Moore Park Cricket Association. The bat presented by Mr. N. H. Murray was won by Mr. F. Hutchinson. CRICKET. (1907, August 17). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 16. Retrieved from
FUNERALS BULFIN. - The Friends of Mrs. WILLIAM BULFIN and FAMILY, of Newport, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of her late beloved HUSBAND and their FATHER, William Bulfin, which will leave his son's residence, University Hotel, Broadway, Glebe, THIS AFTERNOON, at 1.30, for C. of E. Cemetery Rookwood. Family Notices. (1910, May 28). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 24. Retrieved from
BULFIN -The friends of Mrs MAY BULFIN and her family, of Newport, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their late beloved HUSBAND and FATHER Edmund Robert (Ted), to leave his brother's residence, University Hotel, Broadway, Glebe, at AM This (Saturday Morning, for Rookwood C'mt). Family Notices. (1912, February 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
Norman H Murray also had a keen interest in all aquatic adventures, had a strong connection with Pittwater as a yachtsman, fellow member with John Roche of RPAYC, and worked as a solicitor. A few insights into another supporter of all things Pittwater:
His late Majesty King Edward VII. was, when Prince of Wales, patron of the Prince Alfred Yacht Club. On hearing the news of his death the commodore Mr. Norman H. Murray, wired to the Private Secretary of his Majesty King George v. as follows: "Kindly convey to his Majesty our deepest sympathy and our assurance of our loyal devotion to the throne."
A message has been received by the commodore as follows:- '
"The King sincerely thanks you and members for kind telegram.
"(Signed) Wallington."
MESSAGES FROM THE KING. (1910, May 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
FLEET ARRIVAL PAINTING. A letter has been forwarded to the Lord Mayor by Mr Norman H Murray, suggesting that it would be an excellent idea to commission Mr Percy Spence, artist, to reproduce in oils the arrival in Port Jackson of the Australian fleet, with the idea of presenting it to the King. He thought a meeting desirable, so that the matter could be made public and subscriptions invited. FLEET ARRIVAL PAINTING. (1913, October 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 23. Retrieved from
COMMODORE MURRAY. PROMINENT YACHTSMAN RESIGNS. Mr. Norman H. Murray, commodore of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, has resigned from that position. Mr. Murray has declined to state the reasons for the step ho has taken, but it is known that he did not approve of the decision of the club members to encourage the Tasmanian one-design type of yacht and adopt it as a standard for seven years. Mr. Murray strongly favoured the eight-metre boat, which conforms to an International standard in the old world. COMMODORE MURRAY. (1914, March 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
The sensation of the day in yachting circles is the resignation of Mr. Norman H. Murray, as commodore of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club. Mr. Hurray handed in his paper, on Saturday afternoon, after many yeas as flag office in the Royal Prince Alfred. In the early days of his membership Mr. Murray was an active yachtsman and quickly worked his way to the front, not only as a helmsman, but as sportsman. When the opportunity offered, he was elected rear-commodore, under the late Mr. Sam Hordern, who was commodore and when Mr. Walter Mark, was vice-commodore, also later on when Mr. Alec. Saxton as vice-commodore. While in office as Junior flag officer, Mr. Murray continued to make himself popular, and, quite apart from his prowess on the water, he was found to be an admirable chairman and administrator, with the facility for making smart after-dinner speeches. When the late Hr. Hordern retired from active yachting service, he wrote to Mr. Murray expressing his appreciation of the assistance he had it all times received from his youthful rear-commodore. This letter is retained by Mr. Murray as a cherished memory of Mr. Hordern's term of office. Not many years later, the club offered Mr. Murray the position of commodore. At the time he demurred, remarking that there were many older men in the club who could fill the chair with distinction; but when it was pointed out that It was the unanimous with of the members that he should accept he consented, and up to Saturday last continued to act in the capacity of commodore. His Interest In the sport never waned.
It was during Mr. Murrays term that the distinction of Royal was conferred upon the club, and this is in every way a distinction, as it is well known fact that Sydney is the only port In the Empire where there are two club, boasting of the prefix Royal, the other club being the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, the oldest club of its kind In southern seas. Mr. Murray has lately been taking a leading part In a movement to establish a one-class one-design type of yacht for Sydney Harbor. He secured at considerable expense from Fife, the famous designer, a complete set of plans for an eight-metre yacht. But his own club rejected the scheme, mainly on the ground of expense, and Adopted for seven years the Tasmanian one-class one-design type of vessel. It is generally understood that the action of the club did not meet with the commodore's approval, and to show his disapprobation, he has taken the extreme step of asking to be to relieved of flag office. Another scheme was that of the formation of a naval reserve for yachtsmen. Mr. Murray, who is the only N.S.W. yachtsman to have been elected to the Royal Yacht Squadron, England, of which H.M. the King Is admiral, is also a member of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, and patron of the Sydney Amateur Club. On shore he is a member of the Union and other clubs. When seen by an 'Evening New' reporter, today, Mr. Murray declined to discuss his action, he merely stated, 'I have not taken the step without grave thought.' The present flag officers of the Royal Prince Alfred, are Mr. Arthur Crane, vice-commodore, and Mr. D. Carment, rear-commodore. COMMODORE RESIGNS. (1914, March 23). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 8. Retrieved from
BRITAIN IN WAR TIME, AN AUSTRALIAN'S IMPRESSIONS. Mr. Norman H. Murray, of Messers. M'Lachlan and Murray, solicitors, who has returned to Sydney after an absence of ten months, says that if there was any depression during his visit to England he did not see it. What struck him more than anything else was the tall spirit of confidence and the national determination to see the war through at all costs. While the people of Britain were terribly earnest no thought of defeat disturbed them. They did not seem to be in doubt as to the mighty struggle would end.
Mr. Murray saw many Australians whom he knew at the headquarters of the Australian soldiers in Horseferry-road, London. He helped in the motor drive for convalescent Australians, An Imperial officer, high command, spoke in his presence In terms of admiration of the Australian boys at Salisbury Plain. The Australians had made themselves very popular In England.
Mr, Murray is an ex-commodore of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, but he said that he had few opportunities of doing any yachting In England. Nearly all the privately-owned yachts, he pointed out, had been placed at the service of the Admiralty. Several of the largest and best yachts were lost while assisting In naval work. BRITAIN IN WAR TIME. (1917, February 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
BUS PASSENGER INJURED. Cameron v Greig. Margaret Cumming Cameron sued to recover £1000 from Lawton Greig, who, at the relevant time, traded as the Pittwater Motor Company, for Injuries suffered while a passenger In one of the defendant's motor buses plying between Newport and Narrabeen on Easter Monday last. Plaintiff stated that the bus was crowded on the holiday, and that to steady herself she grasped a stanchion at the back of another passenger. At the bottom of Sheep Station Hill, as a motor car was approaching, the 'bus turned wide. The motor car struck and dislodged some luggage at the side of the car and struck Miss Cameron's left arm, Injuring It, and fracturing a bone of the hand. Plaintiff alleged that the defendant had been guilty of a lack of care and skill required of a common carrier. Defendant denied the alleged negligence, and also that the plaintiff was a passenger as alleged. Mr. Halse Rogers, K.C., and Mr. Moors (Instructed by Messrs.. Norton, Smith, and Co.) appeared for the plaintiff; and Mr. H. B. Bignold and Mr. Esme Bignold (Instructed by Mr. Norman H. Murray) for the defendant. The case is part heard. BANCO JURY CAUSES. (1927, April 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
1908 Regatta
How did farmers, fisher families and those who were already frequenting the area during holiday season raise the capital to launch a Regatta on a grander scale for 1908, outside of their Patron Norman H Murray? - They held a Ball, the traditional method for raising funds!:
With a view of assisting the funds of the Pittwater Regatta committee for next year, a fancy dress ball was held at the Newport Hall on June 28. Mr. S. B. Bond, as hon. sec, had charge of the arrangements. The hall was decorated with the colors of the Pittwater Regatta. The prizes were won by Miss Wheatley ('Lady of 1810'), Miss L. After ('Britannia'), Mr. J. Williams ('Captain Kettle'), and Mr- F. Douglass ('Burmese Gent.')
Among the ladies' present were: Mesdames Byles, Heaton, Echlin, J. Williams, Kulmorgan, J, Booth, Glenn, Blackwood, and the Misses J. Arter, G. Lloyd, E. Kulmorgan, H. Williams, J.. Ferguson. The general committee were Messrs. S. Greig, G. Searl, J. Booth, W. Austin, O- Shadler, S.B. Bond, and A. M. Shadier. SOCIAL ITEMS. (1907, July 6). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 14. Retrieved from
The Pittwater regatta, to be held on February 1, is attracting interest not only locally but among the aquatic community the chief event will be the champion race for 16-foot boats and for this a trophy or 10 guineas has been given by the patron, Mr N H Murray, while the committee hive added £20 The conditions are -Trophy to be won straight out, all boats sailing under P J S S rules. SAILING. (1907, October 31). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
The Pittwater Regatta will be held on Saturday, February 1. A programme of 14 events has been drawn up, the principal item being the champion sailing race for 16ft skiffs, under P. J.S.S.C. rules, the prize money for which is £12 first, £5 second, and £3 third, in addition to a 10-guinea cup presented by Mr. N. H. Murray. Entries will close on Wednesday next, 22nd instant. AQUATICS. (1908, January 18). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
Among the large number of items on the programme of the Pittwater Regatta on February 1 is the 16-footers race, the prize value of which totals £31 10s, the largest ever given in the Commonwealth. Entries close January 22. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1908, January 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
SAILING. PITTWATER REGATTA. The programme for the Pittwater annual regatta on February 1 contains no fewer than 14 important sailing and rowing events. There is a champion 16-footer race, for the winner of which there is a cup valued £10 10s, and £12 added money; handicaps for boats from 14 to 18 feet, and from 14 to 24 feet, a handicap for fishing boats, and a motor launch race. The rowing events include single and double sculling races for men, single and double sculling races for ladies, mixed double sculls, races for youths under 18, boys under 14, girls under 14, and mixed double sculls for boys and girls under 16. SAILING. (1908, January 16). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Entries for the Pittwater - Regatta, to be held on Saturday, February 1, are advertised to close tomorrow with the hon. sec Mr. J. Roche, Bay View. SAILING. (1908, January 24). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
SAILING. Good entries have been received for the Pittwater Regatta to be held on Saturday next. For the champion skiff race the entries are as follows: Dart, Cornstalk, Native, Mat, Meta, Unique, Nereid, Heather, Dauntless, Ayesha, Amanda, Idea, Ibex, Linnet and Romiptto. SAILING. (1908, January 29). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
The Pittwater regatta will be held tomorrow. The flagship Narrara will be moored off Bay View. Numerous entries have been received. Sailing. (1908, January 31). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
The S.S. Narara (sometimes spelt 'Narrara') was an ill-fated vessel:
BARRANJOEY-Arr Dec 8 Hawkesbury, s., at 7 40am, Narrara, s, at 8 30 am Dep. Flirt, ketch, at 9am for Sydney. TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING NEWS. (1902, December 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
A STEAMER BURNED. Sydney, August 24. The steamer Narrara, which runs between Hawkesbury and Sydney, caught fire last night while moored a short distance from Bennett's wharf, Sackville Beach. The flames spread with such rapidity that the crew sleeping on the vessel had just time to save themselves in the garments they had on. The fire had such a hold that the vessel had to be scuttled, and sunk before it was extinguished. She now lies in about 20 ft. of water, not far from where the Hawkesbury was burnt to the water's edge some years ago, and where the same steamer collided with a rock and sank, not long ago, the three mishaps occurring within a stone's throw of each other. The Narrara had only just come out of dock, after undergoing a complete overhaul. MARINE MISHAPS. (1903, August 25). The Advertiser(Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), p. 5. Retrieved from
S.S. Narara, circa 1905, from and courtesy of Eric Mitchell collection.
A STEAMER Founders. CREW ESCAPE IN BOATS. Sydney, May.30. The small wooden steamer Narrara, which traded between Sydney and the Hawkesbury River, foundered in deep water close to the Barrenjoey lighthouse early yesterday morning. The vessel suddenly began to leak badly, and the crew took to the boats, the Narrara shortly afterwards going down. Barrenjoey was reached in safety. The cause of the leak is a mystery as the weather was calm and the steamer, when last surveyed, was found to be in first-class order. A STEAMER FOUNDERS. (1909, May 31). Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1950), p. 5. Retrieved from
The winner of the 1908 Pittwater Regatta:
The champion skiff, Meta, which, as everybody knows, Is owned by the Rev.J. Cosh, added another win to her long list of victories last Saturday, when she secured first prize, £12, in the big race at Pittwater Regatta. SAILING. (1908, February 8). The Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1896 - 1912), p. 11. Retrieved from
AT the last meeting of the Port Jackson Skiff Club Messrs. Williams and Roach (should be spelt Roche) president and secretary of the Pittwater Regatta, handed over to the winners the prizes for the champion skiff race which was sailed for at their regatta as follows -Meta 1 £12 and silver cup presented by Mr Norman Murray and Nereid 2 £5. PORT JACKSON SKIFF CLUB. (1908, February 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from
And to close the year next year's programme and event is published:
The third annual Pittwater Regatta will, beheld on. Saturday, January 16. The long programme includes five sailing, ten rowing, and two motor Boat events. The principal sailing race is. for 16ft skiffs under Port Jackson S.S.C. rules for the valuable cup, presented by Mr. N. H. Murray, and prizes of: £4. £3, £2, and £1. .Entries will be received by Mr. G. J. Atkinson. Manly, or the joint hon. Secretaries (Mrs. Greig, Miss G. Lloyd, and Mr. J. Roche)up. to 10 p.m. on January 9. SAILING. (1908, December 17). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
The reins of government in connection with the annual Pittwater Regatta, to beheld on the 16th proximo, are in the hands of two ladies, Mrs. S. Greig and Miss G. Lloyd, who, with Mr. John Roche, are the Joint hon. secretaries. The principal sailing event on the programme is for 16ft skiffs, which will race under the Port Jackson Skiff Club's rules for the valuable cup presented by Mr. Norman Murray, and prizes amounting to £10. SAILING. (1908, December 19). The Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1896 - 1912), p. 11. Retrieved from
Committee members of the Pittwater Regatta on board SS ARCHER - Mrs Grieg can be seen in spiffy hat, John Roche peeking out behind Mr F. J. S. Young. 1925 Regatta, courtesy Australian National Maritime Museum photo No.: 10666. Archer was flagship in 1923 - the rowing cap worn by man third from left with white pants states 'NSW 1925'

Panorama of Taylors Point, Pittwater, New South Wales, between 1917 and 1946.nla.pic-vn6149433 - EB Studios, courtesy National Libray of Australia.
BOGUS BARONET. Some little time back a man of distinguished appearance settled at Manly, and launched out as a horticulturist. He soon tired of this, however, and blossomed forth as a baronet 'Sir John Marwick' and took up his abode at the Hotel Steyne. His unassuming manner made him immensely popular at the seaside resort, and he soon figured as the donor of a trophy worth £30 for the 'Manly Swimming Club, besides being looked upon as a great acquisition to the community, while, it is averred, many of the fair sex had looked upon him with longing eyes. Fresh from his sojourn at Manly, he paid a visit to Medlow Bath, where, for three weeks, he had a pleasant time, motoring to the popular sights, always paying his way. However, on visiting Melbourne during the week he was button-holed by a detective, who wanted to know his manner of doing things, and not getting a satisfactory answer, made a search of his room. This upset the self-styled baronet, who then confessed that he was not titled, but had been informed that Sir Wm. Marwick had died, and believing that the deceased baronet was his uncle, had styled himself 'Sir John Marwick.' Among his possessions was a letter from a Sydney jeweller. Informing 'Sir John Marwick' that the trophy be had ordered for Manly Swimming Club was nearing completion, and asking for payment of at least portion of the £30 it was to cost. Another letter was addressed to 'Baron John Marwick,' and solicited a donation to the Pittwater regatta. The 'baronet' finally admitted that .he had no means beyond 24s in his possession, which was the balance of £5 he had borrowed in Melbourne. The detective then sent for a Melbourne tobacconist who said that he had supplied the man with cigar cases and cigars on the representation that h was Sir John Warwick. The 'baronet' appeared at Court next day on a charge of having obtained goods by means of false verbal representation. He was sentenced to a month's imprisonment. BOGUS BARONET. (1908, January 26). Sunday Times(Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 12. Retrieved from
The Narara was a wooden carvel screw steamer built in 1900 at Jervis Bay, that was wrecked when it sprang a leak while carrying general cargo between Sydney and the Hawkesbury River and was lost at 2 ml SE off Little Reef Newport near, Barranjoey, New South Wales on the 29 May 1909. The vessel commenced her runs from Sydney Harbour to the Hawkesbury River in January 1900 and continued on this run till the time of her final 1909 sinking. During 1903 the vessel was burned to the water line and sank at its mooring only to be refloated and rebuilt and started back on the same run. The Narara was a wooden vessel, and was built at Jervis Bay In 1900 she was 79 feet 8 inches (24.28 m) long, 18 feet 9 inches (5.72 m) broad, and 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 m) deep her owners were Messrs D.A. Mitchell and T.H. Johnston She has traded regularly between Sydney and the Hawkesbury River ever since she was placed In commission. She was insured for £1,250.
The steamer Narara foundered about a mile and a half off the land, off Little Reef, south of Barranjoey, With Barranjoey Lighthouse, about 1½ mile distant and the vessel foundering in deep water close to Little Reef. Narara (ship). (2013, March 14). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
The Narrara and the schooner Hilda left Broken Bay last night for Sydney. MARITIME MISCELLANY. (1900, February 14). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
MR. P. T. TAYLOR . WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS MAN'S DEATH. Mr P. T Taylor, MLC, governing direct-or P. T. Taylor, Ltd , merchants, died at his residence, Chesterton, Rosemount street, Woollahra, on Thursday night Mr Taylor who was 60 years of age, had been in failing health for the last two years. Mr Taylor was born in Renfrewshire, Scotland, and, after a period of private tutorship, proceeded to the Glasgow High School, where he completed his education. On leaving school he was articled to a firm of accountants in his native city, but before the completion of the indentures ill health led him, at the ago of 19 years to visit Australia. Twelve months on a Liverpool Plains station brought about a restoration ol health, and he entered the office of Alfred Lamb and Co. He next joined the Australian Kerosene Oil and Mineral Company at Joadja Creek, near Mittagong, as an accountant. Soon afterwards he was appointed manager by Mr. T. F. Knox, and, though only 22 years of age at the time, he had under his control between three and four hundred men. In this position he remained two or three years, and shortly afterwards founded the business that bears his name. The late Mr. Taylor was appointed to the directorate of the Sydney Ferries, Ltd., about 25 years ago, and for a considerable portion of that time he was chairman of directors, a position he took when Mr. W. C. Goddard relinquished the post. He had a profound faith in the future of North Sydney, and the strength and remarkable efficiency of that company are largely due to his energy and foresight. Mr. Taylor was also chairman of directors of the New South Wales Fresh Food and Ice Company, Ltd., and a number of other companies, positions which he relinquished comparatively recently owing to ill-health. At the time of his death he was a director of the North Shore Gas Company the Australian Gaslight Company, J. Meloy Ltd., the Newcastle and Hunter River S.S. Company, Ltd., the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, Ltd., the Norwich and London Accident Insurance Association, Toohey's Ltd, and the Royal Sydney Exchange.
Right: P T Taylor on balcony of La Corniche, Mona Vale (where blocks of units are now) in 1911. Picture a3289053h from the Allen Family Album, image courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW.
In April. 1917. Mr. Taylor was appointed a member of the Legislative Council, and during the war he was selected by the Federal Government as a member of the Royal Commission to inquire into the organisation of the Australian navy. Mr. Taylor assisted in the formation of the present State National party which brought together the expelled Labour members and the Liberals of the day. He was one of the first aldermen of Mosman and the second Mayor, a position he held for a number of years. He was, in fact, largely instrumental in bringing about the separation of Mosman from the municipality of Sydney.
One of the heaviest commercial undertakings of his career was that of representing the Sydney Gaslight Company in the famous arbitration case over the company's claim against the Government relating to the resumption of the Kent-street works. A condition of the submission of this matter to arbitration was that there should be no representation by barristers or solicitors on either side. Many intricate questions were involved in the case and the outcome was that the company was awarded compensation totalling £535,000, a sum materially in advance of the Government's original offer.
Mr. Taylor is survived by his wife, two sons and a daughter (Mrs. Greville Bell, of Ceylon - 'Norah J M' )His eldest son, Mr W. D. M. Taylor, is engaged in the business of the firm. Captain P. G. Taylor, M.C.. R.F.C. served in the war, while a third son, Lieutenant Kenneth Taylor., of the R.F.A. was killed in action in France.
The late Mr. Taylor found relief from business cares in farming pursuits, and most of his spare time was spent at 'Moyne Farm," a property he acquired in the Little Hartley Valley some years ago. He as always been interested, too, in the welfare of Pittwater, and was one of the first to appreciate the attractions there He had a week-end retreat at Pittwater for many years and Scotland Island was formerly owned by him. The funeral will take place today, leaving his late residence for the South Head Cemetery at 10 o'clock.
Sir Joseph Carruthers moved, and it was agreed by the Legislative Council yesterday, -"That the House place on record its deep sense of the loss sustained by the death of Mr P. T. Taylor, and tenders its condolences to the relatives of the deceased." The mover said that Mr Taylor was a man was too little known to members of the House, by reason of the fact that he had taken no active part In their debated, but they all appreciated the high reputation associated with his name. Mr Taylor's high business probity was an example to others in this country. Mr R. J. Black, in seconding the motion, said he looked upon Mr Taylor's death not only as a loss to the House but to the general community. MR. P. T. TAYLOR. (1922, November 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
OBITUARY. LATE MR. P. T. TAYLOR. On Saturday morning, after an impressive service, conducted by the Rev. E. Ferguson, the funeral of Mr. Patrick Thomson Taylor, M.L.C., moved from his home, Chesterford, Rosemount-avenue, Edgecliff, to South Head Cemetery. Business and political circles of Sydney were represented by a large following of mourners, amongst whom were Mr. W.D. M. Taylor (eldest son), Captain P. G. Taylor (youngest son), and Mr. W. R. Sayers(brother-in-law), Messrs. A. W. Allen, R. J. Black, M.L.C., G. E. Browne, P. E. Browne, W. H. Brett, W. N. Cuthbertson, G. J. Cohen, C. H. Crammond, S. H. Cary, W. E. Clapin(Usher of the Black Rod, representing the President and Officers of the Legislative Council), E. Covell, F. Cutts, E. R. Dibbs, F. Dodds, F. Dodds, jnr., John Duncan, R. M.Farran, R. Fletcher, C. U. B. Gurnett, John Givins, W. J. Gallott, J. M. D. Goddard, Sir Thomas Hughes, M.L.C., Messrs. A. M. Hems-ley, J. Higgins, W. A. Holman, C. H. G.Henty, G. A. Hodson, R. C. Holmes Hunt, J. W. Jones, E. O. Jones, F. A. Kidd, Peter M'Donald, W. A. M'Kenzie, H. D. M'lntosh, M.L.C., H. M'Donald, S. Murray, H. Maxwell, G. S. Mackellar, H. L. Macdonald, H. H. Massie (representing the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney), G. Merivale (representing Messrs. Gibbs, Bright, and Co.), A. G. Milson, James Moir, T. O. Moriand, R. M. Moore, J.Meloy, H. R. Martin, J. W. Nicholls, R. W.Nelson, B. B. O'Conor, M.L.C., S. Partridge,W. Redmond, R. B. Randall, John Roche, E.V. Saddington, G. P. Sayers, C. J. Saunders, Dr. Spillar-Brandon, Messrs. G. E. S. Sande-man, D. Sheehan, J. T. Sheehan, F. Shercliffe, H. J. Thompson, F. J. Thomas, C. H. Tailby, Venour Nathan, F. E. Williams, Andrew Wilson, Robert Wood, J. W. Watt, F. Walker, F. N. Yarwood. There were also present representatives of the following companies, among others: P. T. Taylor, Limited, Australian Gaslight Company, Ltd., NorthShore Gas Company, Ltd., Sydney Ferries, Ltd., N.S.W. Fresh Food and Ice Company, Ltd., Newcastle and Hunter River Steamship Company, Ltd. Amongst the many wreaths were those bearing the cards of the deceased's family, the crew of the yacht Corella, the Pittwater Regatta Committee, Royal Exchange, and the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company. OBITUARY. (1922, November 20). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Gladys Isobel Lloyd - a few snippets:
On the 9th September, at the Congregational Church, Pitt street, Sydney, by the Rev. John Graham, William Frederick, second son of William Fairclough Lloyd, of Sydney, to Margaret Henrietta, eldest daughter of Richard Brooks, Sara Cottage, Penrith. Family Notices. (1871, September 16). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
MR. W. F. LLOYD. MR William Frederick Lloyd, whose death took place at his home in Pittwater last week, was a well-known resident of Manly and outlying districts for a quarter of a century. Born in Sydney eighty years ago (1848), he was for many years in the service of Mr F Lassetter, of George-street. He was one of the senior officers, when he retired to start a business for himself, as a commercial broker. His father, for a considerable period, was superintendent of the Government Dock at Cockatoo. The late Mr Lloyd, was a nephew of the late Mr George Alfred Lloyd of Elizabeth Bay The deceased was a keen cricketer in his younger days and always a most enthusiastic fisherman. MR. W. F. LLOYD. (1927, May 24). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
This opinion will be endorsed by W. F. Lloyd, of Manly, who found over-ripe Stilton cheese a marvellously seductive bait for two or three reasons. The trouble with most anglers is where to keep the cheese with the gorgonzola flavor. Most anglers' wives have a set on barley about the house. Mr. Ewyny solves the problem by mixing the stuff up and keeping it in preserving bottles. 'When he loses its tenacity, he adds a little flour. ROD AND LINE. (1923, January 14). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 12. Retrieved from
The first ladies double sculling championship of New South Wales held here is to be started on the Parramatta River tomorrow afternoon. Ladies from various parts of the Stateâ Sydney, Manly, Port Macquarie, Newcastle, and Port Hacking-r-are to compete for the honour. The three preliminary heats, in which ten crews will take part, will be rowed tomorrow over a course a mile and a half in length, on the Parramatta River, starting at Abbotsford and finishing at the Mortlake Picnic Ground. The prizes are £20, £1, and £3 for the final, which is to be rowed on the ex-championâs day, Saturday next. Most of the crews; assembled at Mortlake yesterday, and drew for the boats, ex-champion Peter Kemp drawing for each of the crews. The boats to be used are equal 16ft pleasure boats, provided by the committee. Several of _the crews got afloat and did a preliminary spurt, and the majority of- them showed plenty of dash, more,, in fact, than was expected from thefair scullers, who comprise the cream o£ the districts they represent. The various heats are as follow: âFirst heat: Misses Gertie and Kitty Lewis(North Sydney), Misses Ruth and Daisy Bailey(Abbotsford), Mrs. Woodbridge and Mrs. Hyde(Stockton, Newcastle). Second heat: Misses Edith and Nellie Counsel! (Glebe Point), Misses V. and A. Granger(Manly), Mrs. Greenwood and Miss Hughes(Mayfield, Newcastle). Third heat: Misses Gladys and Hilda Lloyd (Manly), Misses Ruby and Jessie Bouchier(Port Hacking), Misses Edith and Mabel Herbert (Port Macquarie), Mrs. S. Green and Mrs. Young (Darlinghurst). .First and second in each heat are to start in the final. Each of the crews have big reputations, and some of the finest racing of the week should be seen to-morrow. In addition to the ladies races, the famous ex-champions will parade in their colours during the afternoon, as a preliminary to their great race on Saturday. Two steamers, the Greyhound and Lady Maning, will follow to-morrow's contests, and, as advertised in another column, these will leave Fort Macquarie at 2.30 p.m. Mortlake Picnic Grounds, from where the whole of the racing may be viewed, have been placed at the committee's disposal, and may be reached by the Sydney Ferries' fleet from Circular Quay, or by train to Burwood. Particulars of the Sydney Ferries' timetable appear elsewhere. LADIES DOUBLE CHAMPIONSHIP. (1906, July 31). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 6. Retrieved from
The Lloyd girls came last in their heat but clearly had a passion for rowing. Peter Kemp was one of seven Australians who each won the World Sculling Championship (Professional) between 1876 and 1907. Born on the banks of the Hawkesbury River near Windsor, New South Wales, on 15 November 1853 he was born to row that river. In 1873 he and his brother Thomas won a double sculls race of four miles in a time of thirty-three minutes. Peter Kemp (rower). (2013, September 7). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
OBITUARY. MR. J. SEARLE. Cricketers of other days, and many prominent in the game at the present time, at-tended the funeral of Mr. James Searle at Manly Cemetery yesterday afternoon. The Rev. R. H. Doust (Methodist) con-ducted a service at the home, and also officiated at the grave, where he was assisted by the Rev. W. G. Willard. The Rev. A. E. Rook (Anglican), in an address at the close of the burial service, said it was men like Mr. Searle who kept sport clean and helped to maintain cricket in the foremost place in the popular mind. He was noted for his fine sporting spirit and the high standard he set for players. The present generation of players owed a lot to his example.
The relatives present at the home or the cemetery were Mrs. Searle (widow), Messrs. Clifford J. Searle and James L. Searle (sons),Mrs. S. Wiseman and Mrs. W. Gibson (daughters), Messrs. Fred Searle (brother), Clifford Searle and James Searle (grandsons), E. L. Sanders, U. L. A. Lloyd Snelson, F. D. Sanders, E. R. Tulloch, G. Searle, H. Searle, Arthur Searle, and Frank Searle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Blakey, Mrs. E. E. Sanders, Mrs. T. Snelson, Mrs. J. W. Booth, Mrs. E. R. Tulloch, Mr. and Mrs. Hope, Messrs. A. Blakey, jun., W. Lloyd, F. Lloyd, L. Lloyd, S. Wiseman, W. Gibson, and F. Page.
The New South Wales Cricket Association was represented by Messrs. Sydney Smith (president),N. I. Blue (vice-president), E. A. Tyler (hon. treasurer), H. L. Heydon (secretary), A. H. Vincent, G. L. Garnsey, W. McDowell, A. Buckle, and R. Parker. Mr. F. Cush represented the Board of Control.
Other sporting bodies were represented by Messrs.J. J. Cantwell (Victorian Junior Cricket Union),J. D. Durham (president, N.S.W. Junior Cricket Union), and W. J. Perry, J. McDougall, L. P. Cass,W. O'Shea, and H. Batchelor (members); W. Wallach (secretary), H. Cooke, C. Hayman, and E. Wallach (Manly District Cricket Club); Revs. W. G. Willard (president, Western Suburbs Churches'Cricket Association) and A. E. West (vice-presi-dent) and Mr. A. B. S. Chave; Messrs. M. Meade(Balmain Cricket Association), J. Cantwell (Birch-grove Cricket Association), V. Andrews (Canterbury Cricket Association), Alderman W. Mahon(Gladesville Junior Cricket Association), Messrs. J. Chegwin (Randwick District Cricket Club), E.L. Sanders, M.L.A. (Willoughby-Kuring-gai Cricket Association), J. Ryan (representing C. D. Leake, president, Manly and Warringah Junior Cricket Association) and G. Dunlop and J. Carter (vice-presidents), and R. Baker (secretary), H. Callachor,W. J. Perry, and W. Shea (Centennial Park Cricket Association), L. A. W. Pearce (St. George District Cricket Club), G. Williams (Northern District Cricket Club), A. Vincent (North Sydney Cricket Club), W. D. Thompson (Manly and Warringah Junior Umpires' Association), R. Sykes (Moore Park Cricket Association), R. Freeman (Manly Returned Soldiers' Cricket Club), C. F. W. Lloyd (Manly Golf Club), F. Dunshea (Balgowlah Golf Club), and A. Chapman (City Houses Baseball Association).
Alderman Hansen-Norman and Mr. E. McIntosh represented the Manly Council, and Alderman J. Williams the Marrickville Council. Others present were:âMessrs. A. W. Austin (Syd-ney Grammar School), J. H. Wiseman, Keith Smith, L. A. Longworth, G. N. Baker, and R. L. Gard(Thos. Davis and Co.), J. McDowell (McDowell's, Ltd.), E. W. Thompson, V. W. Thompson, C. Gostelow, R. W. Orr, J. H. Mallinson, S. R. Walford, N. J. Mackenzie, G. H. Rogers, O. Foster (Labour Papers. Ltd.), A. W. Noakes, H. N. Clayton, W. J. Warham, W. L. Ross, S. A. Walsh, W. H. Rushton, N. S. Hope, R. J. Winter, S. Lemon, W. Lound, E.A. Robins, G. A. Robertson, J. H. Yeldham, H. Douglas, E. Jensen, W. Renwlck, F. Meares, P. Johnston, S. R. Steele, C. Mungomery, A. Aberdeen(Old Nowra Club), J. Norton, T. Hayes, R. Sykes, J. H. Jones, A. Burns, J. Williams, A. Clayton, A. Penfold, R. Jones, W. Dow, R. Freeman, H. Noakes,J. Quamby, G. Searle, and C. Evans, and Dr. Henry. OBITUARY. (1936, December 30). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
ROWOHL - LLOYD April 30, 1917 - at St Stephen;'s church Phillip-street, by the Rev. John Ferguson, F.G.A., eldest son of the late F.F.J. Rowhol of Glebe Point, to Gladys Isabel, fifth daughter of W.F. Lloyd of Manly and Bayview. Family Notices. (1917, June 30). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Ferdinand and Gladys had a daughter, born in December 1923, who in turn had a daughter. Gladys lived until 1982.
A few extras regarding rowing on Pittwater - Pittwater Aquatic Club's Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Green Family Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Williams Family
THE MIXED DOUBLE SCULLS CHAMPIONSHIP OF N.S.W. In connection with the coming race for the mixed double sculls championship of New South Wales, the latest report to hand is to the effect that Miss J. Riddle and W. Riddle are in good form for their match with Miss Eadith Counsell and A. Haydon to take place on Iron Cove course on Saturday next. If the Middle Harbor combination can repeat their performance put up at Pittwater regatta, they will take a lot of beating. On the other hand, Miss Counsell and Haydon are reported to be doing two rows over the course daily, and appear to be getting good pace. The New South Wales Sculling and Rowing League has drafted rules to govern the race which carries the title, of mixed double scull championship of New South Wales. The race will be under the control of the league officials, Mr. H. A. Judd having been elected referee, and Mr. E. Matterson, starter. The s.s. Drummoyne has been chartered. to follow the race, leaving Fort Macquarie at 3 p.m. sharp. THE MIXED DOUBLE SCULLS CHAMPIONSHIP OF N.S.W. (1914, March 8). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 15. Retrieved from
SCULLING. PITTWATER CLUB. Pittwater Aquatic Club will decide two races on Saturday, a handicap for men tn best, and best boats, and a womenâs Gladstone skiff championship. Entries and handicaps are:
Men's best and best handicap, course, a mile and a half: A. J. Fisher (Drummoyne), scratch; C. Williams (Bayview), 5s; J. Erickson (Newport),13s; C. Stuart-Robertson (Sydney), 30s; M. Erickson (Newport), 33s; G. Haulen (Mona Vale), 42s; F. Kerr (Narrabeen), 43s; M. Price (Newport), B. Paddon (Clareville), 45s; P. Erickson (Newport),G. Towns (Gladesville), J. Watson (Abbotsford),lm 5s; W. Paddon (Clareville), W. Fisher (Drummoyne), lm 30s: T. Hanlen (Mona Vale). 2m 20s; H. Price (Newport); 2m 45s. |
Women's Gladstone skiff championship (1 mlle): Misses Q. Smith, J Gilroy. C. Kelly, J. Neilson, I. Neilson. M. Riddle. J. Buist, M. Hand, M. Marshall. M. Hickson.
The Pittwater club has decided to hold a regatta on Broken Bay in February. Sculling and rowing events will be Included on the programme, and prize money to a value of £125 is expected to attract entries from all parts of the State. Details can be obtained from the hon. secretary, Mr. C.Willams. SCULLING. (1932, November 23). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from
PITTWATER REGATTA. The eighth annual Pittwater Regatta was held at Broken Bay on Saturday. Several close finishes were witnessed in the rowing events. The weather conditions were admirable for the rowing competitors; but the light breeze told against fast sailing. Results : Sailing Events. Boats, 18ft and under (general handicap) Dora Winn (J.' Fay), 1; Kimberley (J. Buchan), 2, Sky-Lark (W. Douglas) 3, Yachts, dingies, Kestrel (J. Marshall). 1; Rahwitti (E. Sayer), 2. Won by 7 minutes. Rowing Events: Boys' Single Sculls (10 years and under).-- C.Bolton, 1; A. Riddle, 2. Won by three lengths and a half. Boys Single Sculls (14 years and under).-L. Young1; C. Miles, 2. Won by five lengths. Youths' Single Sculls.-J. F. Duffy, 1; C. Erickson, 2; C. Miles, 3, Won by four lengths. Ladies' Single Sculls Handicap (all-comers) E. Counsell, 1; Miss J. Riddle 2; Miss G.Lewis, 3. Mixed Double Sculls Handicap.-First heat: Miss J.Hastie and J. Milton (15s) 1; Miss E. Counsell and A. Hayden (scr.) 2; Miss V. Bogg and J.S. Hankins (4s) 3. Won easily. Second heat : Miss McKay and G. Jack (4s), 1; Miss N. Counsell and G. McDeritt 8s beh2; Miss J. Riddle and W Riddle (scr), 3. Won by a length. Men's Double Sculls Handicap.-First heat: J. Neilson and C Whitney (25s), 1; H. Walters and J. Krance (17s), 2; W. Riddle and J. Riddle (scr.) 3. Won by about four lengths. Second heat: J. Duff and A. Ollivier (25s.), 1; G. Godbolt and W. Johnson (30s.), 2; 2; W. Wilcox and W. Oliver (10s), 3 Won by two and a half lengths. Old Buffers Single Sculls Handicap. -J. Wilson (scr), 1; G. Godbolt (20s.). 2; S. Erickson (25s.), 3. Won easily. AQUATICS. (1914, January 5). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from

Grieg's Hotel circa 1905, image a106123h, courtesy State Library of NSW from Sydney & Ashfield : Broadhurst Post Card 'Scenes of Newport' Album.
Pittwater Regattas 1907 and 1908 threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2013.