August 2 - 8, 2015: Issue 225
Pittwater students take Hollywood by 'storm': Pittwater Council’s Coastal Environment Centre

Pittwater students take Hollywood by 'storm'
31 Jul 2015
Pittwater Council’s Coastal Environment Centre has been working closely with local schools to engage and educate them on stormwater education.
The project ‘Nothing but Rain down the Drain’ was carried out during term two and involved students attending a number of workshops about stormwater pollution.
Natural Environment & Education Manager Mark Beharrell said the program involved almost 240 students from Maria Regina Catholic School, Elanora Heights Public School and Narrabeen Lakes Public School, which all participate in the Peninsula Community of Schools Program.
“The goal of the education program was to engage and give students a thorough understanding of stormwater issues,” Mr Beharrell said.
“Some of the students were then invited to create a two-minute eco movie on the topic that Council could then use to help educate the broader community.
“We hope the eco-movies will lead to increased awareness of what goes into our drainage system and reduce pollution,” added Mr Beharrell
The education component involved Council staff running a series of stormwater incursions at the participating schools, looking at how water moves through our catchment and what it takes with it.
Students were then taken to their local waterway where they conducted both chemical and biological investigations, preparing students with the facts they needed to complete their eco movies.
Mr Beharrell praised all students participating in the stormwater investigations and the movie-making workshops; and especially recognised the contributions of those who were intricately involved in making the productions—from script writing to storyboard creation to starring in the production.
“The mini eco-film project was a great success and the videos created are outstanding,” Mr Beharrell said.
The three videos can be viewed online at Council’s YouTube channel
The unique project was an initiative of Pittwater Council staff who felt the films were an engaging way to educate our youth and broader community. Each of the films was produced by Pittwater Council in conjunction with local production company Contently.
The project was funded by the NSW Government Greater Sydney Local Lands Services and supported of the Peninsula Community of Schools.
Mr Beharrell reminds residents that everyone can play a part in preventing harmful substances entering the drains.
For further information about stormwater pollution visit:
Stormwater Selfie
Pittwater Council - Published on 29 Jul 2015
Narrabeen Lakes Public School produced this mini eco films about stormwater pollution with Pittwater Council staff from the Coastal Environment Centre.
Stormwater Tonight
Pittwater Council: Published on 29 Jul 2015
Elanora Heights Public School produced this mini eco films about stormwater pollution with Pittwater Council staff from the Coastal Environment Centre
Maria Regina Catholic Primary School - Mini Eco Film
Pittwater Council: Published on 30 Jul 2015
Maria Regina Catholic Primary School at Avalon produced this mini eco films about stormwater pollution with Pittwater Council staff from the Coastal Environment Centre