September 20 - 26, 2015: Issue 232
Pittwater Wins Sustainability Award

L- r: Mayor of Pittwater, Cr. Jacqueline Townsend, Gerard Velayuthen, Director, Keep NSW Beautiful, Simonne Johnston, A/ Manager Commercial Property and Projects - Pittwater Council
Pittwater takes out Sustainability Award
18 September 2015
Pittwater Council was winner of a top award at the Keep NSW Beautiful Blue Star Sustainability Awards held on Thursday night in Manly.
The gala presentation at the International College of Management, Sydney saw Council win in the Sustainable Systems category for its Sustainability Assessment Tool.
Pittwater Council Mayor Jacqueline Townsend said she was thrilled that Council had received recognition for this important sustainability initiative.
“Council developed and implemented this robust and practical assessment tool to encourage a culture whereby sustainability is embedded in its everyday operations,” said Mayor Townsend.
“The tool uses quadruple bottom line criteria for all major projects, from the design of a new skate park to helping shape our active transport strategy,” she said.
“It enables project teams to be more active in their consideration of issues that ultimately care for the sustainability of our future.
“I am also particularly pleased that this valuable assessment tool is now being rolled out to other councils to benefit from its use,” Mayor Townsend added.
For more information about environmental sustainability in Pittwater visit

On 17 September MAG&M (Manly Art Gallery and Museum )was awarded a Highly Commended by the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage and received a Blue Star Sustainability Award for Cultural Heritage for its preservation of Manly culture and for the recent artists’ workshop held in conjunction with the Saltwater exhibition of indigenous art.
Above: L to r: MAG&M Senior Curator - Katherine Roberts, Terry Bailey Chief Executive at Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW), and MAG&M Gallery Director - Michael Hedger
Winners of the Blue Star Sustainability Metro Awards announced!
September 18, 2015 - by Keep NSW Beautiful
The first Keep NSW Beautiful Blue Star Sustainability (Metro) Awards were announced on Thursday 17th September 2015 at an elegant dinner at the International College of Management, Sydney in Manly.
The dinner was hosted by writer, comic and Manly local Wendy Harmer, who regaled the crowd with jokes about motherhood, nature, Manly rivalries, and a good-natured ribbing of NSW Minister for Environment Mark Speakman.
Wendy chatted with the award recipients, sharing facts and figures and inspirations with them, and with all of us – reminding us that change is possible, and that keeping our state beautiful is possible, if we just roll up our sleeves and get to work.
The Blue Star Sustainability Awards have grown out of the iconic Sustainable Cities, Clean Beaches and Tidy Towns award programs. The Awards are designed to promote environmental sustainability, litter reduction, and community engagement, connection, and volunteering.
The Blue Star Sustainability Awards have a 2015 approach to environmental sustainability and community health.
This year, in the first year of operation as the Blue Star Sustainability Awards, Keep NSW Beautiful has received a record number of entries – more than in any of the past seven years of awards.
The biggest award of the night was the Overall Metropolitan Sustainability Award, which was awarded to the City of Canada Bay.
The Council was lauded on the night for its environmental strategic plan that is committed to research, setting targets, evaluating outcomes and consulting with its residents at grass roots level.
The City of Canada Bay was awarded a year’s free battery recycling program courtesy of MRI E-Cycle Solutions. They will now also go on to represent New South Wales in the Keep Australia Beautiful National Sustainable Cities Awards.
“I am so impressed with the quality of submissions into the first round of the KNSWB Blue Star Sustainability Awards,” said Keep NSW Beautiful Chief Executive, David Imrie.
“With 100 entries from the greater Sydney metropolitan area, it shows that there is a dedicated population from all over the state – working as individuals, in grassroots groups, within their schools and clubs, as well as within the worlds of business and local government – fiercely committed to creating positive change in their communities.”
Award Category Highly Commended WINNER
Hey Tosser! Litter Action Award - Sponsored by the NSW Environment Protection Authority
Highly Commended: Keep Bondi Beautiful! (Waverley Council) and Hey Tosser – Bin Your Butts (City of Canada Bay Council)
WINNER: No Butts About Holroyd (Holroyd City Council)
Waste Less, Recycle More Award - Sponsored by the NSW Environment Protection Authority
Highly Commended: Resourcewise – Sustainable Business Program (City of Canada Bay Council) and Resource Recovery Field Team (Penrith City Council)
WINNER: WasteLess in the Bay (City of Canada Bay Council)
Going Green Education Award
Highly Commended: There’s No Such Thing as the Dog Poo Fairy (Mosman Municipal Council) and Motto Large Scale Worm Farm Trial (Council of the City of Sydney)
WINNER: Randwick’s Sustainability Education ‘Hub’ at Randwick Community Centre (Randwick City Council
Habitat and Wildlife Guardianship Award
Highly Commended: Rehabilitation of Camden Wetlands Reserve (Camden Council) and Manly Volunteer Penguin Warden Program (Manly Council)
WINNER: ‘Return of the Mermaids’ Project (Warringah Council)
Sustainable Systems Award
Highly Commended: Bathers Way Shared Pathway (City of Newcastle) and Getting the total picture on Randwick’s Energy Savings! (Randwick City Council)
WINNER: Sustainability Assessment Tool (Pittwater Council)
Cultural Heritage Award - Sponsored by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
Highly Commended: Manly Art Gallery & Museum Cultural Programs (Manly Council) and ‘Keeper of the Stone’ – Children’s Heritage Education Award (Holroyd City Council)
WINNER: Inside History Magazine (Council of the City of Sydney)
Environmental Achievement Award
Highly Commended: Leading Randwick’s Sustainability Journey (Randwick City Council) and Alan Lane (Blue Mountains City Council) WINNER: Barbara Roach (Wyong Shire Council)
Young Environmental Achievement Award
Highly Commended: Lake Macquarie City Scouts (Lake Macquarie City Council) and Kate Smellie (Rockdale City Council)
WINNER: Airds High School EnviroMENTALS (Campbelltown City Council)
Beaming winner with Mayor of Manly, Cr. Jean Hay
EnvironMENTALS Sustainability Group is comprised of representatives from the Science, TAS/CAPA, Teaching and Learning faculties, Campbelltown Council, parents and students. The group meets formally approximately twice a term to discuss strategies and create action plans to increase sustainability awareness across the school and in the community. During 2014 we participated in schools National Tree Day, National Recycling Week, came runner up in ABC Recycling Challenge and registered in the International Eco-Schools program.
As part of our action plan a student group of between 6-12 students met weekly during 2014 to work on gardening or recycling projects. The students learnt to recognise weeds, work safely, use composting techniques and applied for grant money to help support their projects.
In 2015 the group has continued to meet weekly and have been supported by the implementation of a TAFE Horticultural course that now runs each week on a Tuesday. Through these programs our Community Vegetable Gardens are now reestablished and plans are under way for the revitalisation of the garden surrounds. - From Airds High School Annual Report, 2014
Community Environmental Achievement Award
Highly Commended: Rotary Club of Strathfield – Graffiti Removal Project (Strathfield Municipal Council) and Killarney Vale Saltmarsh Landcare (Wyong Shire Council)
WINNER: Western Sydney Carpool Project Group (Parramatta City Council)
Overall Metropolitan Sustainability Award
Highly Commended: Randwick City Council and Holroyd City Council and Manly Council
WINNER: City of Canada Bay Council

Overall Metropolitan Sustainability Award: Highly Commended - Manly Council
Front row: host Wendy Harmer, with Manly Council General Manager Henry Wong and Mayor of Manly, Cr. Jean Hay